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Effective Delegation in Nursing Practice

Delegation is a complex process in professional
practice, requiring sophisticated clinical
judgment and final accountability for patients’
The process of transferring the responsibility for
a specific task to another member and
empowering that individual to accomplish the
task effectively
Used properly, it can enhance the effect on
patient care.
In 2005, ANA and NCSBN both defined
delegation as the process for a nurse to direct
another person to perform nursing tasks and
NCSBN describes this as the nurse
transferring authority while ANA calls this a
transfer of responsibility.
Both mean that a registered nurse (RN) can
direct another individual to do something that
that person would not normally be allowed to
Two-way process
The delegator is
accountable for:
 The act of delegation.
 Supervising the
performance of the
delegated task.
 Assessment and
follow-up evaluation.
 Any intervention or
corrective actions that
may be required to
ensure safe and
effective care.
The delegatee is
accountable for:
 His / her own actions.
 Accepting delegation
within the parameters
of his / her training
and education.
 Communicating the
information to the
 Completing the task.
Five rights of delegation
The right task
Right circumstances
Right person
Right direction and communication
Right supervision
Elements in Delegation
Authority: the right to act or empower.
 Accountability: being responsible and
answerable for your own actions
 Responsibility: the obligation to act.
 Autonomy: the freedom to act
It’s a step by step process
How to delegate effectively?
Encourage great communication and continuous learning
Provide coaching
Encourage staff to share their special interests and time availability
Build trusting relationships
Avoid difficult tasks on staff
Try to delegate projects that spark interest
Try to delegate projects or tasks that pave the way for career
Try to delegate very structured assignments to a less skilled staff
member, provide support - so as to build confidence and competence
Why Delegate?
Improve Quality
 Even Distribution of work
 Saves Time
 Develops People’s Skill and Ability
 Helps in Succession
Benefits of Delegation
Why Not? (Barriers to Delegation)
 Its too hard
 Nobody else has anytime either
 Fear of mistakes
 Fear of surrendering authority
 Insecurity
 Nobody can do it as good as I can
 In actuality, the reasons why “delegator” say they
can’t (or won’t) delegate is really a mirror of
 One reason that has not been mentioned … they,
themselves don’t know how to delegate effectively.
Lack of experience
Lack of competence
Avoidance of responsibility
Overload of work
Confusion in responsibilities
and authorities
Improper Delegation
Delegating at the wrong time, wrong person
and wrong reason
Delegating beyond the capability of the person
Delegating decision making without providing
adequate information
Delegation is a management
strategy that, when used
effectively, can ensure the
accomplishment of costeffective health care services.