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Ranking Intervention Evidence Template-2

Ranking Interventions by the Strength of their Evidence
Group member names:
Group member tasks:
Indicate your ranking of the interventions in the table below with your initials and rank.
Example: MLB (1)
Provide justification for your ranking in 1-2 sentences with your initials.
Group leader tasks:
Identify the groups top two most highly rated interventions.
Write a summary justification for the rankings in 4-6 sentences, using the provided comments
from group members.
Notify group submitter when complete.
Group submitter task:
Ensure participation from all group members.
Review and revise group document for completeness and syntax.
Submit group document and notify group members that assignment was submitted.
Initials (Rank)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Active Rest
Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Mindfulness
Emotional Freedom Therapy
Emotional Intelligence
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Physical Activity
Psychological Detachment
Justification: In 1-2 sentences share your justification below with your initials
Group leader completes following Group’s top two interventions:
Group justification for rankings (4-6 sentences):