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Sözlük: Asan, Orta, Çətin Sözlər

in·to·na·tion /ˌin(t)əˈnāSH(ə)n/
vil·lage /ˈvilij/
noun – the rise and fall of the
voice in speaking.
noun – a group of houses and
associated buildings, larger than
a hamlet and smaller than a
town, situated in a rural area.
e.g. Intonation is an important
element of spoken language.
e.g. We live in a village.
chim·ney /ˈCHimnē/
palm / pɑm /
tomorrow [ tuh-mawr-oh]
noun: a vertical channel or pipe
that conducts smoke and
combustion gases up from a fire
and typically through the roof of
a building.
noun: the part of the inner
surface of the hand that extends
from the wrist to the bases of the
noun: the day following today
e.g. The chimney is built directly
over the mouth of the pit.
e.g. Tomorrow is supposed to be
e.g. The child’s palm is dirty
because of the mud.
brilliant / ˈbrɪl yənt /
conjunction / kənˈdʒʌŋk ʃən /
essay /ˈɛs eɪ /
adjective: shining brightly;
sparkling; glittering; lustrous:
noun: any member of a small
class of words that functions as
noun: a short literary
composition on a particular
theme/subject, usually in prose
e.g. Conjunction is a part of
e.g. Carl will join the essay
writing contest.
beautiful / ˈbyu tə fəl /
Philippines / ˈfɪl əˌpinz /
adjective: having beauty;
excellent of its kind
Noun: an archipelago of 7083
islands in the Pacific, SE of
China; capital: Manila
e.g. The brilliant lights of the city
are amazing.
e.g. Beautiful photos capture
one’s heart.
e.g. It’s more fun in the
baloney / bəˈloʊ ni /
regretted / rɪˈgrɛt /
opportunity /ˌɒp ərˈtu nɪ ti /
noun: (slang) foolishness;
verb (used with object):
to feel sorrow or remorse for;
an act, fault, disappointment
noun: an appropriate or
favorable time or occasion:
e.g. My brother’s joke is a
bias / ˈbaɪ əs /
e.g. He no sooner spoke than
he regretted it.
alliance / əˈlaɪ əns /
noun a particular tendency,
trend, feeling, or opinion
noun: a formal agreement or treaty
between two or more nations to
cooperate for specific purposes.
e.g. The magazine’s bias toward
art rather than photography is
not fair.
e.g. There was an alliance
between church and state.
e.g. Their meeting afforded an
opportunity to exchange views.
furnace / ˈfɜr nɪs /
noun: a structure or apparatus in
which heat may be generated
e.g. Ko-ngai leaped to the
despotic / dɪˈspɒt ɪk /
Buddhism / ˈbu dɪz əm /
occasion / əˈkeɪ ʒən /
adjective: dictatorial
noun: a religion, originated in
India by Buddha (Gautama)
noun: a particular time,
especially as marked by certain
circumstances or occurrences:
e.g. Shinano was governed by a
despotic leader.
ancient / ˈeɪn ʃənt /
adjective: dating from a
remote period; of great age:
e.g. Buddhism has spread to
parts of Southeast Asia.
e.g. They met on three
distinctive / dɪˈstɪŋk tɪv /
adjective: serving to distinguish;
characteristic; distinguishing:
e.g. The distinctive stripes of the
zebra is incomparable.
e.g. Chinese is the most ancient
written and spoken language.
sympathy / ˈsɪm pə θi /
religiosity / rɪˌlɪdʒ iˈɒs ɪ ti /
philosophical / ˌfɪl əˈsɒf ɪ kəl /
noun: harmony of or agreement in
feeling, as between persons or on
the part of one person with respect
to another.
noun: the quality of being
adjective: versed in or occupied
with philosophy.
e.g. A person’s religiosity must
be respected.
e.g. Filipinos have various
philosophical beliefs.
accent /æk sɛnt/
quatrain / ˈkwɒ treɪn /
noun: prominence of a syllable in
terms of differential loudness, or of
pitch, or length, or of a combination
of these.
noun: a stanza or poem of four
lines, usually with alternate
e.g. I love your accent!
e.g. The poem is consist of
turret / ˈtɜr ɪt, ˈtʌr- /
silhouette / ˌsɪl uˈɛt /
noun: a small tower, usually one
forming part of a larger structure.
noun: the outline or general
shape of something
e.g. When we went abroad, we
stayed in a caravansary.
e.g. In my dream, I saw a turret.
e.g. Silhouette-like figures are
often cut from leather.
folklore / ˈfoʊkˌlɔr, -ˌloʊr /
myth / mɪθ /
noun: the traditional beliefs,
legends, customs, etc., of a
noun: a traditional or legendary
e.g. It’s hard to tell where your
sympathy lies.
/ædˈvɜr tɪs mənt/
noun: a paid announcement, as of
goods for sale, in newspapers or
magazines, on radio or television,
e.g. The news of this event will
receive wide advertisement.
caravansary /kær əˈvæn sə ri /
noun: a large inn or hotel
e.g. Philippines is rich in folklore.
e.g. His account of the event is
pure myth.
paragraph / ˈpær əˌgræf /
coherence / koʊˈhɪər əns/
daughter / ˈdɔ tər /
noun: a distinct portion of written
or printed matter dealing with a
particular idea
noun: logical interconnection;
overall sense or
noun: a female child or person in
relation to her parents.
e.g. Essays are written in
paragraph form.
e.g. In writing, ake sure that your
paragraph has coherence.
e.g. Her daughter is like a
essential / əˈsɛn ʃəl /
curiosity / ˌkyʊər iˈɒs ɪ ti /
glossary /ˈglɒs ə ri/
adjective: absolutely necessary
noun: the desire to learn and
know about anything
e.g. Discipline is essential in an
noun: a list of terms in a special
subject, field, or area of usage, with
accompanying definitions.
e.g. Curiosity kills the cat.
e.g. Glossary is the mini dictionary
of a book.
oxymoron / ɒk sɪˈmɔr ɒn /
puny / ˈpyu ni /
noun: a figure of speech that
produces a seemingly selfcontradictory effect, as in “cruel
adjective: of less than normal
size and strength;
e.g. Oxymoron has figurative
annulment /əˈnəlmənt/ (noun)
- is the declaration that annuls a
e.g. Even though he was puny in
size, he has a very big heart.
fatigue /fəˈtēɡ/
(noun) - is weariness from
Example: The annulment of Example: She collapsed due
weddings of such celebrity to fatigue from overworking.
couples are common these days.
adjective \kə-ˈlō-kwē-əl\ used when people are
speaking in an informal
way:using an informal style.
Example: The new coworker's
rudeness soon began—to use
a colloquial expression.
ghastly /ghast·ly \ˈgast-lē
adjective : terrifyingly horrible
to the senses : frightening
wrought \ˈrȯt\ adjective: carefully formed or
worked into shape
gerund /ˈjerənd/
(noun) - is a verb functioning
as a noun
Example: These vases that
grandma gave me are
wrought and unique.
Example: A gerund is one of
the three classes of words
called verbals.
hygiene /ˈhīˌjēn/
chaos \ˈkā-ˌäs\
bouquet /bōˈkā,bo͞oˈkā/
noun: complete confusion and
disorder : a state in which
(noun) - is a bunch of flowers
behavior and events are not
controlled by anything
Example: My father gave my
mom a bouquet of roses.
(noun) - is the science that
deals with the preservation of
Example: One must maintain
proper hygiene for good health.
Example: There was a chaos in
that place a long time ago that
marked our minds.
luggage \ˈlə-gij\
noun - the bags and suitcases
that a person carries when
Example: Nowadays, every
passenger’s luggage is carefully
scanned for safety purposes.
Example: The movie we’ve
watched yesterday gave me
goosebumps. It was really
plateau /plaˈtō/
noun - an area of relatively level
high ground; a state of little or no
change following a period of
activity or progress.
Example: The peace process
had reached a plateau.
denounce \di-ˈnau̇n(t)s, dē-\
ethereal \i-ˈthir-ē-əl\
verb :to publicly state that
someone or something is bad or
wrong : to criticize (someone or
something) harshly and publicly
adjective:resembling heaven :
seeming to belong to another
Example: Denounce all her
secrets and let’s see what will
Example: He described the
place as ethereal when he went
there for the first time.
shawl \ˈshȯl\
lieutenant /lo͞oˈtenənt/
noun - a piece of cloth that is
used especially by women as a
covering for the head or
(noun) - is a military rank
Example: I bought a shawl to
complement my gown for the
party tomorrow.
(adjective) – including or
involving too many people or
Example: My collection of
stamps is pretty promiscuous.
Example: He accepted his top
lieutenant’s resignation with
deep regret.
(noun) – the creation of word
that imitate natural
Example: Buzz and hiss are
examples of onomatopoeia.
debris /dəˈbrē,ˌdāˈbrē /
(noun) - is the remains of
things broken down or
Example: The bomb hits it,
showering debris from all
effulgence /i-ˈfu̇l-jən(t)s, e-, ˈfəl-\
(verb) – to cause to aggregate noun - radiant splendor
Example: The flocculate clay
particles moved aggregately.
Example: The sun’s
effulgence can be seen
through the open window in
my room.