Grade 3 DLP English

Date: ____________
Identifies and use final consonant sound /f/ and /p/.
II. Subject Matter:
Words with Final Consonant Sound /F/ and /P/
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp. 62-65
PELC 1.1 p.1
pictures, real objects, charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Teacher says the following words. Have the pupils write the final sound of each word on
their show-me card.
eyes play
miss kiss
2. Review:
Show F to the class.
Show P to the class.
What is the name of this letter? What is its sound?
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Present a set of pictures. Let us see if you can match each picture with the sentence that
tells something about it.
This is a ship.
This is a loaf of bread
This is a leaf.
This is a cup.
2. Listening Activity:
Teacher reads these sentences.
1. The cup is on the table.
2. She gives me a loaf of bread.
3. They ride on a ship.
4. The deaf man is sitting beside Perla.
In sentence number 1, what is the final sound of the underlined word?
In sentence 2, 3 and 4?
3. Speaking:
a. Say the words listed on the chart.
half, chief, calf
top, chop, cup
roof, deaf, loaf
shop, ship, top
What sound did you hear at the end of each word in column A? B? What is the sound
of /f/ and /p/?
b. Ask the pupils to give other words with final sound /f/ and /p/.
C. Application:
1. Underline the word with final /f/ sound and encircle the word with a final /p/ sound.
a. There was enough beef for the troop.
b. One half cup of milk is enough for me.
c. Write a brief paragraph.
D. Writing Activity:
Copy the following words by following the correct letter form. (Teacher will teach the pupils
the up and down strokes in writing big letter F and P, and small letter f and p.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and copy the words with a final /f/ sound and /p/ sound. Write in column A
the /f/ sound and in column B the /p/ sound.
The children are playing in the yard. They shout, run and jump. They crawl underneath a bushy
clump. Then they saw a deaf man holding a loaf of bread. Suddenly, the deaf man falls down. The
children helped him.
/f/ sound
/p/ sound
V. Assignment:
Write the 5 words with final /f/ sound and 5 words with /p/ sound and use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
 Identifies the final consonant sound /ck/
 Pronounces correctly words with final consonant sound /ck/
II. Subject Matter:
Final consonant sound /ck/
PELC 1.1 p.13
paragraph, pictures, real objects
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Let the pupils read the words and td the pupils to underline the final consonant sound /ch/
used in each word.
church crush branch
flash crunch brush
flesh rush
2. Review:
Direction: Read the poem and all the words with /st/ sound the words with /dz/ sound. /st/
sound in the first column and /dz/ sound in the second column.
I saw a candy
It tastes very sweet
I saw a boy
On the edge of the bridge
II. I saw a waste near the paste
I saw a badge
It is very large
3. Motivation:
(Use a cassette) Let the pupils hear the sound.
Ask: What sound do you hear?
a. tik, tak, tik, tak
b. quak, quak, quak
c. broom-broom-broom
III. Presentation:
1. Reading Activity
Let the pupils read the rhyme in the chart.
"I keep a duck at home. It often stays in the pond. It never clucks. It always quacks. It greets
me every three o'clock."
Ask: What are the words in the rhyme that have a final consonant /ck/ sound? What is the sound
2. Speaking Activity:
Write the ff. sentences on the board. (Let pupils read)
1. The duck swims in the pond everyday.
2. Mother washes clothes every nine o'clock in the morning.
3. The children ride on a truck.
C. Application:
1. Let the pupils copy the words with final consonant /ck/ sound.
took pack luck
stick pick
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the paragraph. Encircle the words with final consonant /ck/ sound.
At six o'clock in the morning. I ride on a truck. I pick a pack of paper. I put it on a sack and hang
it on a stick at the back of the truck.
V. Assignment:
Give five (5) words with final /ck/ sound and use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
Identifies the final consonant sound /s/ and /z/
Pronounces words with final consonant /s/ and /z/
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant sound /s/ and /z/
PELC 1.1 p.13
cut-outs, flashcards, pictures
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Distribute cut-outs showing /s/ & /z/. Raise letter s if you hear the word beginning with
/s/ sound and raise z if the word begins with /z/ sound.
2. Review:
Let's play a game. (Teacher reads the words on the board/chart). If you hear a word
beginning with /s/ sound, boys will stand up. If you hear a word with /z/ sound, girls with
stand up.
soap Sally zoom
sack senate
3. Motivation:
Let the pupils to look inside and outside the room.
a. Ask: What can you see inside our room? Outside our room?
B. 1. Presentation:
Show pictures ending with /s/. Tell them to listen carefully,
Say: I'm going to say the names of these things in the picture.
Ask: What is the final sound?
Let the pupils produce /s/ by groups, rows and individual pupils.
Let them repeat the words after the teacher.
Show pictures ending in /z/ sound.
Ask: What is the final sound?
2. Discussion
1. Tell the children to listen where the /s/ is heard.
apples ducks chicks
maps books
Where did you hear the /s/ sound?
C. 1. Listening Activity:
Flash the letter symbol. Tell the children to identify the final sound of the word by raising
their flaglets.
red flaglet
- /s/ sound
blue flaglet
- /z/ sound
2. Reading and Speaking Activity:
Present a poem. Let them read orally by groups, rows and by individual pupils.
Direction: Underline the words with final /s/ sound.
Rise and Shine (chart)
D. Skills Development:
Read and draw a ring around the word with /z/ sound.
eyes size
nose docks tops
socks cups hands
E. Generalization:
1. Give words with final /s/ sound.
2. Give words with final /z/ sound.
F. Application:
Present words on the board/chart. I'm going to read the words. Write the words with final
sound /s/ in col. A and write the words with final sound /z/ in col. B.
nose books
eyes keys
fruits caps
IV. Evaluation:
Read the words inside the circle. Classify each word according to its final sound. Write all the
words with the /s/ sound inside the square and words with the /z/ sound inside the triangle.
V. Assignment:
Write five (5) words with /s/ sounds and five (5) words with /z/ sound:
Date: ____________
Identifies and produce correctly the final /ch/.
Love of animals/kindness to animals
II. Subject Matter:
Words with Final Consonant Sound /ch/
Story: “A Silk Thread Home”
PELC 1.1 p.13; Building English Skills Bk. 1 pp. 102-104
pictures, flashcards, chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Game – Picking Fruits
Pick a fruit and read the word printed on it.
2. Review:
- Teacher pronounces the word.
- Clap you hands once if you hear the final consonant /st/.
- Clap you hands twice if you hear the final consonant /dz/.
waste hedge edge badge
3. Motivation:
Present a picture of a spider.
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. What do you call the home of the spider?
3. What is the spiders’ home made of?
4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Match the word with the picture. (use a pocket chart)
a. web
b. glass jar
c. shell
B. Presentation:
A. Today, we are going to read a story about the life of the spider.
B. Stating the Motive Question
Do you like to know how spiders make their home?
C. 1. Guided Oral Reading
Teacher will give the comprehension questions one after the other and tell the pupils
to look for the answer.
a. What did the children do with the spider they found? (page 102 — third paragraph)
b. What did the spider do in its new home? (page 103 - fourth paragraph)
c. What will happen to the eggs in the egg case? (page 104 - third paragraph)
C. Generalization:
How do we pronounce words with final consonant /ch/?
D. Application:
A. Divide the class into 2 groups. Distribute set of words in each group. Match the word on the
flashcard with the words on the pocket chart
IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences and underline the words with final /ch/.
1. The children throw and catch the ball.
2. The first batch of boys sit on the chairs.
3. We watch TV shows in the afternoon.
V. Assignment:
Use the following words in a sentence.
1. church
2. branch
3. match
4. watch
5. bench
Date: ____________
Identifies the produces correctly the final consonant sounds in words listened to.
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant Sound /st/ and dz/
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp. 62-65
PELC 1.1 p.1
pictures, cut-outs of a flower, flashcards, pocket chart, 2 boxes
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Show different pictures of fruits. Let the pupils go infront and get one. Read the word
written on it and then put it in the pocket chart.
2. Review:
Let us see if you can match each picture with the sentence that tells something about it.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Guessing game. Present set of pictures. The teacher will describe each picture, then the
pupils will guess what is it all about. Whoever the first one who can guess will get the
1. It is something built over a river.
2. It is a sticky material for putting pieces of paper together.
3. Candy wrapper is something which can be thrown as a ___________
2. Presentation:
a. Show the following words on the blackboard or in the pocket chart. Read the words in the
first column and in the second column. Have the class read.
C. Exercises:
1. Arrange the letters in the boxes and read the complete sentence.
1. Nena gives me
2. Throw your in the trashcan.
3. Candies and ice cream sweet.
D. Writing Activity:
Write 5 sentences using the following words. The phrases bellow will help you.
1. paste
1. is sticky material putting pieces of paper together.
2. hedge
2. Santan makes a beautiful
3. taste
3. a way of finding our if food is sweet
E. Generalization:
Words with consonant cluster ste are sounded as /st/.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and underline the word with /st/ sound and /dz/ sound and classify the words
according to its final sound.
Nena went to town to buy a new paste and ice cream that taste sweet. She saw a waste near the
long bridge. She sat at the edge of the bench and met the policemen with a big badge on his pocket.
V. Assignment:
Write sentences using the following words.
1. hedge
2. baste
3. badge
4. pledge
5. haste
Date: ____________
Identifies and pronounces words with initial consonant cluster sl, sm, sn and sp.
Conservation of Natural Resources
II. Subject Matter:
Initial Consonant Cluster sl, sm, sn, sp
PELC 1.2 , 1.1, 1 p.13
Building English Skills for Grade III Bk. 1 pp. 70-71
Flashcards, cut-outs of flowers and butterflies
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Free Communication:
Asking and answering questions about the environment.
- Have you been to the forest?
- What do you see in the forest?
2. Pronunciation Drill::
Words with final f and gh sound.
Say the words after me.
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Have you heard about the landslide in Cherry Hills subdivision? What do you think was
the cause of the tragedy?
Today let us read how to protect our forest from landslides.
2. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues.
Find out the meaning of the underlined words with the way they are used in the sentences
a. Proper waste disposal prevents water, air and land pollution.
b. People who live near the mountain left their houses because of the landslide.
3. Giving the motive question.
How should we take care of our forest?
4. Recall of the standards for oral reading.
5. Reading of the paragraph by the teacher.
"Protect Forest and Plants" T.M. pp.9
6. Comprehension Check-Up
Let the pupils read and answer the questions.
a. What things can we get from the forest?
b. In what way do the dead leaves of trees help in preventing the flow of the water?
C. Generalization:
What initial consonant clusters did you learn today? What is the sound of sl? sm? sn? sp?
D. Practice:
Listen to each word: All group I will stand up if the word has sl sound, Group II sm sound,
Group III sn sound and Group IV sp sound.
1. slam
4. speak
2. smask
5. slush
3. snow
E. Application:
Identify the initial consonant cluster of the following words by putting the butterflies beside
the flower.
Ask pupils to give words beginning with the following consonant clusters.
sm sn sl
F. Infusion of Values:
What lesson did we learn from the following consonant clusters?
IV. Evaluation:
Observe the correct capitalization and punctuation.
1. Small plants and animals can be found in the forest.
2. Snake crawls in the bushes.
3. Mother bought special flavored ice cream.
V. Assignment:
Write five words with initial consonant clusters. Use each in a sentence.
Date: ____________
Identifies word with initial consonant blends /bl/ and /br/.
Kindness to animals
II. Subject Matter:
Initial Consonant blends /bl/and /br/
PELC 1.2 p.13
Skills Development Book in English Grade III p. 78
picture, chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pronounce the words on flashcards correctly
2. Review:
Do you have a pet dog in your home?
What is the color of it?
How do you take care of it?
3. Read the following paragraph. “A Puppy Named Bravo” T.M. p.11
4. Comprehension Check-up
Read and answer the questions.
a. Who is Bravo?
b. Where did it come from?
c. What are the colors of the dog?
B. Presentation:
a. Let the pupils identify, read and underline the words with consonant blends in the paragraph.
b. Reading by group, pair and individual
C. Generalization:
What do you call the group of consonants found at the beginning of each word?
D. Practice:
Listen to each word. Stand up if you hear the /bl/ consonant blend and sit down if you hear
the /br/ consonant blend.
1. blackboard
3. brain
5. brat
2. brittle
4. blade
E. Application:
1. Reading of sentences with consonant blends /bl/ and /br/.
2. Encircle the words with consonant blends /bl/ and /br/.
a. Lapu-lapu is one of our brave Filipino heroes.
b. Did you see the light blink?
c. She brushes her long hair.
F. Infusion Value:
If you were Blessy, would you take care of the dog, too? What did Blessy show?
IV. Evaluation:
Say the name of each picture. Ring the correct consonant blend.
V. Assignment:
Say the first word to yourself, then choose the word which has the beginning sound as the first
word. Write the letter of the correct answer.
______ 1. bless
a. brown
b. blower
c. brain
______ 2. brick
a. brittle
b. blind
c. blow
______ 3. bladder
a. blood
b. break
c. brush
______ 4. bright
a. blame
b. blue
c. bridge
______ 5. blend
a. black
b. brook
c. brain
Date: ____________
Identifies words with initial consonant blends /gr/ and /gl/
Caring of plants
II. Subject Matter:
Initial consonant Blends /gl/ and /gr/
PELC 1.2 p.13
Skills Development Book in English Grade III p. 181
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pronounce the words on flashcards correctly
2. Review:
Write /pl/ and /fl/ at the beginning of the words.
__ ower
____ ane
___ ute
3. Motivation:
Do you have plants grow in your backyard?
Do you take care of them?
B. Discussion :
a. Let the pupils identify, read and underline the words with consonant blends in paragraph.
b. Reading by group, pair and individual.
What similarities do you see from the words?
C. Generalization:
What do you call the group of consonants found at the beginning of each word?
D. Practice:
1. Listen to each word. Clap your hand once if it has /gl/ sound. Clap your hands twice if it has
/gr/ sound.
1. glad
4. grow
2. gray
5. glisten
3. glean
E. Infusion of Value:
Why are plants important to us? Do you love plants, too?
What do we do to show our love for plants?
IV. Evaluation:
Give the name of each picture and write in the boxes.
V. Assignment:
Copy the sentences and encircle the words having /gl/ and /gr/ blends.
1. Pechay grows from seeds.
2. The seeds are growing in the ground
3. The grass is green.
4. Put the seed in the glass.
5. The lights are glowing.
Date: ____________
Identifies words with initial consonant cluster pr and pl.
Self-confidence and faith in God
II. Subject Matter:
Initial Consonant Blends pr and pl
PELC p.13; Building English Skills 3; Bk. 2 pp. 70-85
Flashcards and pictures of different words like pray, praise, play, place, etc.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Have the pupils pronounce these words on flashcards correctly.
2. Review:
Let’s gather firewood and cook rice. Let each pupil get firewood with word having initial
consonant cluster and place it under the proper plot.
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
a. Have you tired joining a contest?
b. Why did you join the contest?
Today we shall read a short paragraph about a girl who is excited to join the contest
2. Teachers read the paragraph while pupils listen attentively.
3. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Who joined the contest?
2. What did she do in order to win?
4. Skills Development:
What have you noticed with the following words?
C. Generalization:
What do you call the group of consonants found at the beginning of each word?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Group Practice
Read the sentences and choose the words initial consonant blends.
1. A good child prays everyday.
2. Children love to play on the playground
3. The glass is brittle.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct word and complete each sentence. Write only the word on the blank.
1. The farmer ________ on the field everyday.
2. Children were very happy to get their _______.
V. Assignment:
Make a list of words with initial consonant pr and pl.
1. _____________
1. _____________
2. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
4. _____________
5. _____________
5. _____________
Date: ____________
Recognize and produce the initial consonant cluster qu and squ.
Appreciation of heavenly bodies
II. Subject Matter:
Initial Consonant cluster /qu/ and /squ/
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp. 156-161
picture of sky with stars and moon
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pre-Communication:
The teacher will show a picture of stars and moon.
Ask: How do the moon and the stars look at night?
How does the sun look during the day?
2. Review:
Let us read the following group of words with initial consonants /bl/ and /cl/
blow blouse
black bleep
clasp clear
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
What things do you see in the sky? Say something about it?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Listen as I say each sentence. Be able to answer the question about it.
a. The shooting star fell down and made a hole in the ground?
1. A piece of star in the sky.
2. A very bright star in the sky.
3. A small star that stays on the ground.
3. a. Tell the pupils to listen to the way a little boy sees the moon and stars on a cold dark
night and the sun during the day. Read the poem aloud as the pupil read along silently
from their books.
4. Comprehension Check-up:
What was the child’s wish?
C. Skills Development:
a. Write the following letters on the blackboard as presented below.
- Tell the pupils that the sound /kw/ and /skw/ are presented by the letters qua ns squ.
- Write qu beside /kw/ and squ beside /skw/ on the blackboard.
D. Generalization:
What letters represented the sound /kw/? /skw/?
E. Application:
Write words having initial consonant cluster qu and squ.
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences. Copy the words having an initial cluster qu and squ.
1. The opposite of slow is quick.
2. Squash is rich in vitamin A.
3. The queen gave a beautiful gown to her maid.
V. Assignment:
Write five words with initial consonant clusters qu and five words with qu and squ. Use it in a
Date: ____________
Identifies words with consonant clusters /spl/ and /spr/
Care of plants
II. Subject Matter:
Initial Consonant Clusters /spl/ and /spr/
Skills Development Book in English Grade III p. 18
PELC 1.2 p.13
flashcards, cut-outs, pictures, chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pronounce the words on flashcards correctly.
2. Review:
Lets go hunting. Display the cut outs of animals on the board. Catch the animal and read
the word on it.
3. Motivation:
Do you have plants?
How do you take care of them?
Today were are going to read a paragraph about Janna’s Orchids.
4. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What does Janna love very much?
b. What does she use to water plants?
B. Presentation:
a. Let the pupils read, identify underline the words with consonant cluster /spl/ and /spr/ in the
b. Reading by group, by pair and by individual.
sprinkler split
c. What similarities do you see in the words?
C. Generalization:
What do you call the group of consonants found at the beginning of each word?
D. Practice:
Listen to each word. Show the side of your fan /spr/ if the word has it and side with /spl/ if
the word has it.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences and write the words having /spr/ or /spl/ initial consonant clusters.
1. Love is a many splendor thing.
2. Drinking "sprite" is one of the things that teenagers love most.
3. Spring is one of the four seasons in other countries.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 words with initial consonant clusters of /spr/ and /spl/.
Date: ____________
Identify initial consonant clusters str and scr
Love of nature
II. Subject Matter:
Initial consonant cluster str and scr
PELC 1.2 p.13;
Building English Skills 3 p. 10; Lesson Plan in English III pp. 6-10
flashcards, pictures, cut-outs of fruits, chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Say each word after me.
snail smell snap
snake smile sneeze
2. Review:
Write the initial consonant cluster spr and spl in the boxes to complete the words.
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Have you been to the farm?
What do you see in the farm?
2. Presentation:
a. Today, we shall read a short paragraph about a boy who lives in a farm. Teacher reads the
paragraph while pupils listen attentively:
3. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Who lives in the farm?
2. What does he do every morning?
3. When does he scream?
4. Skills Development:
- Read and underline the words with initial str, scr consonant cluster in the paragraph.
- What consonant cluster do you see at the beginning of the underlined word in the
sentence? What sound did you hear at the beginning of each word?
C. Generalization:
What initial consonant clusters did you learn today? What is the sound of str?
D. Application:
Read the following sentences. Supply the appropriate word in the blank. Choose your answer
in the box.
1. She lives in Rosario _________.
2. Make your line __________.
3. Windows with _______ prevent insect to come in.
IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the jumbled letters and write them in the boxes to form the words.
Eresma - shout
Sterte - where we walk and where vehicles run
Srtahghi- not bent
csrene - something that protects
trsaem - a small body of water
V. Assignment:
Make a list of words with initial consonant str and scr.
Date: ____________
Recognize words using spelling patterns as clues; consonant clusters and blends in initial and
final position.
II. Subject Matter:
Consonant Clusters and Blends in Initial and Final Position
PELCA. 1.1.2; Building English Skills Bk. 2, pp.130
pictures, flashcards
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
2. Review:
1. How do you pronounce vowel digraphs?
2. Give examples of words with vowel digraphs.
B. Speaking Activity:
a. How can you make a new classmate feel at home?
b. Is it good to have plenty of friends?
C. Reading Activity:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in the parenthesis:
a. Minyani came and whispered something to her teacher.
Whisper is to say it (loudly, softly, honestly, happily).
b. The teacher smiled happily and nodded her (head, hand, finger).
2. Reading the story "Minyani," pages 130135.
3. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Who was Minyani?
2. How did Minyani show she was a good pupil?
3. What did the class prepare for the PTA meeting?
D. Skills Development:
Write 5 —10 words on the board with initial and final consonant clusters. The words must be
taken from the story. Let the pupils read and let them observe how the letters are arranged.
E. Writing Activity:
Write legibly and neatly. Observe correct letter form, capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
1. shorts
3. small
2. fruits
4. dress
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct consonant clusters.
1. The teacher stood in -- --ont the room and tell them to keep quiet.
2. The malong is worn on -- --ecial occasions.
3. Mother told her children to -- --quietly inside the house because father is sleeping.
V. Assignment:
List down three words for each consonant clusters.
cl--------------------------- tch
str ------thr-----------
Date: ____________
 Recognizes words using spelling patterns CVC e as in cake. Read words with spelling pattern CVC
e correctly. Writes words with CVC e pattern correctly.
II. Subject Matter:
Recognizing the Words Using Spelling Pattern CVC e
PELC 1.1 p.1 PELC 1 p. 13; Ref: English 2- Textbook p. 122
picture, flashcard
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Warm Up
Have the children sing the ABC song
2. Drill
Reading of words with /ey/ sound
away pray
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Show picture of a cake
Ask: In what occasions do you usually see a cake?
2. Presentation:
a. Today we shall learn how to say some new words
b. Present the following words in the chart
cake take
bake make came
C. Speaking Activity:
1. Discussion / Analysis
- Which letter among these words are consonant vowels?
- What did you notice about the spelling pattern in these words?
- What sound did you hear from these words?
- What letter gives the /ey/ sound?
2. Generalization
In the words cake, name, bake and game, what pattern is used?
What sound is produced in these words?
D. Reading Activity:
Read the following words and encircle the words with /ey/ sound following the CVC e
1. late
some home plant
2. some
game wall
3. rice
house tide
E. Writing Activity:
Write on the board the correct spelling of the words that the teacher will say.
1. bake
4. same
2. mate
5. came
3. rake
6. game
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the words that
good hass
shine safe
grass world grow
the /ey/ sound following the CVC e pattern
V. Assignment:
Write 5 words with CVC e pattern.
Date: ____________
 Identifies final consonant clusters and blends /rt/rd/ & /ld/
II. Subject Matter:
Final consonant clusters and blends /rt/rd/&/ld/
Reference: Skills Development Book in English pages 5- 6.
Materials: pictures, cut -outs, flash card & chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Enough, tough, laugh, paragraph
2. Review
What sounds did you hear at the end of the word?
B. 1. Presentation:
a. Motivation:
Show real pieces of jewelry. Where do we place the earrings? ring ? necklace ?
Tell the pupils that they are going to read a short story about a buried treasure.
b. Unlocking of difficulties
Using concrete object & pictures
1. buried
2. treasure
3. dig
2. Guided Reading/During Reading:
The pupils read the story and answer the question after each paragraph.
“The Buried Treasure” T.M. p. 20
a. Comprehension Check - up
Answer the question in complete sentences.
1. What was the buried treasure?
2. How did they find the gold?
3. What did they use to make their work easier?
3. Post - Reading [Recognizing words with final consonant clusters] From the story read,
underline the words ending with consonant Clusters. Read all words. What are the consonant
clusters in these words? Where are they written?
Group these words according to their final consonant clusters
C. Generalization:
Where do you find the consonant blend in each word? What consonant group are found at the
end of the words called? What is the sound of /rt/? /rd/? /ld/?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Have the pupils make a list of words with final consonant clusters and blends /rt/rd/rl/
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the picture that suits the sentence. "Write the word with final consonant cluster /rt/, /rd/,
1. The _______ sees to it that building is safe.
2. Karen stepped on my toe and it got _________.
3. Mother used a _________to tie curtains.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 words ending with /rt/, /rd/, /Id/ & use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
 Identify the final consonant cluster and blend ending in /nt/, /nk/, /ng/ & /nd/
Be contented
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant Blends in /nt/, /nk/, /n /nd/
Reference: PELC 1.A.1.3 New Reading Learning & Living p. 81
Materials: Flash cards, cut-outs, & charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Say the words after me
2. Review:
Listen and identify the consonant blends in each word.
B. 1. Presentation:
a. Motivation
Show picture of a pig.
What can you say about the pig?
Tell the pupils that they are going to read a story about a pig.
2. Guided Reading/During Reading
a. The pupils read the story. Answer the questions after reading the story.
The Pink Pig
b. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions in complete sentences
1. Who lived in a high fence?
2. What was the boy doing?
3. Why did the other pigs like Piggy?
3. Post — Reading
Underline the word in the story with final consonant clusters /nt/, /nk/, /nd/ & /ng/
C. Generalization:
Where do you find the consonant blends in each word? What consonant group are formed at
the end of the words called? What is the sound of /nt/? /nk/? /nd/? /ng/?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Let the pupils picked out the fruits from the tree with final consonant cluster then place on the
chalkboard according to their respective column
Call a pupil to read the word & use it in a sentence.
Individual, group reading and then by whole class.
E. Writing Activity:
Listen as I say the phrases, write the word final consonant blends in each phrase.
1. round blue eyes
2. loud sound of the bell
3. on the river bank
IV. Evaluation:
Write the final consonant cluster Intl, /nk/, /nd/ & /ng/.
1. Ki - a man who rules a country and whose position is handed down from father to son.
2. la - the solid part of the earth's surface
3. be - to be curved in this way
V. Assignment:
Copy the following sentences. Underline the words with consonant blend then use the words in
your own sentences.
1. The tail is long.
2. The eye of a fish is round.
3. We deposit money in a bank.
4. The boy went to the river.
5. It is fun to swim in the hot spring.
Date: ____________
 Identify the final consonant cluster and blends /ft/, /lk/, /lp/.
Eat nutritious Food
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant and Blends /lt/, /lk/, & /lp/
Reference: PELC 1.A.1.3
Materials: Flash cards, picture, & charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
drink round blink
bring brand around
rent sink
long ring
2. Review:
What words have final consonant blend /ng/? /nd/? /nk/? & /nt/?
B. 1. Motivation
Show a picture of children eating their breakfast.
What are the children doing? What time do they eat?
2. Presentation
Teacher reads the dialog as pupils listen.
In the Classroom (illustrated on the chart)
C. Comprehension Check-up/Discussion:
a. Answer the following questions
1. What is the dialog about?
2. What did Ana and Liza eat during breakfast?
3. What did mother buy for Ana?
D. Generalization:
Where are clusters /lp/, /lt/, & /lk/ found in the words?
E. Practice Exercises:
a. Oral Practice. Flash the words.
b. Use the following words in sentences.
belt silk
F. Application:
Write down 5 words ending in /lt/, /lk/ & /lp/
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the following phrases. Pick out the word with final consonant blends /lp/, /lt/ & /lk/
1. a little salt
2. help the poor children
3. felt the warm air
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph using words with final consonant /lt/, /lp/, & /lk/.
Date: ____________
 Identify final consonant clusters and blends /ch/ & /sh/
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant Cluster and Blends /ch/ & /sh/
References: PELC 1.A.1.3
Materials: Flash cards & charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Say each word after me.
2. Review:
Listen carefully as I say each word. Clap once if the consonant blend is /it/, twice if /lk/ &
thrice if /lp/
bulk belt
scalp walk
B. 1. Motivation
What things do you love to do? Things you don't want to do?
2. Presentation
Teacher reads the verses as pupils listen.
Not Everybody Does the Same Thing (chart)
C. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answer the following questions orally. How do some people differ as mentioned in the
What do they have in common?
What do you do everyday?
What doesn't she do?
What doesn't he do?
D. Generalization:
Where do you find the consonant group? What are they called? What is the sound of /ch/? /sh/?
E. Practice Exercises:
a. Oral Practice
Show words on the chalkboard. Let the pupils read the words.
wash march
hush batch
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the rhyme. Pick the words with final consonant dusters /ch/ and /sh/
The children march to the church
Let's have lunch at the beach
Better wash your brush
Don't rush, I have no cash yet.
Lets finish the search for the missing brooch.
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph using words with final consonant clusters /ch/ /sh/.
Date: ____________
 Identifies final consonant cluster and blends /ty/, /ly/, and /ry/
II. Subject Matter:
Final Consonant clusters and Blends /ty/, /ly/ & /ry/
Reference: PELC 1.A.1.3
Materials: picture, flashcards, & chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Listen as I say the phrases, identify the final consonant blend in each phrase. Raise your
right hand if you hear the final consonant blend /ch/ and stamp your feet if you hear the final
consonant blend /sh/
1. time for lunch
2. (wrap the sandwich
3. gather fresh fruit
B. 1. Motivation
Show a picture of a family preparing to go to church. Where do you think the family is
going early in the day?
2. Presentation:
Teacher read the story as pupils listen.
“What a Beautiful Day” T.M. p.25
C. Comprehension check-up/Discussion
a. Answer the following questions orally
1. Why did Mr. Curry and his family wake up early?
2. What did they do before taking breakfast?
D. Generalization:
Where are the final consonant blends found? What do you call /ly/? /ty/? & /ry/?
E. Practice Exercises:
a. Oral Practice
Show other words on the chalkboard. Let the pupils read the words.
family pretty
ugly dirty
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. Choose from the words inside the box.
1. ___________ boys are being disliked.
2. The _________ went to the city.
3. Paolo read many books in the _________.
V. Assignment:
Use the following words in sentences,
1. pretty
2. sorry
3. hurry
4. holy
5. party
Date: ____________
 Identify the words that rhyme in the poem read. Read the words that rhyme Copy the words
that rhyme
II. Subject Matter:
Rhyming Words in a Poem Read
References: PELC 2, page 13; Building English Skills Bk. 1, pp.31-32; REX Lesson Plan 3, pp.64
Phil. Journal of Education, March 2002, pp.457
Materials: Concrete objects like dolls, leaves etc., Cassette recorder
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Let the pupils read the poem written on the board.
A reader needs no magic car
A book transport him near or far
A reader by the printed page
Is carried into another age.
2. Motivation:
Ask the pupils about their favorite games.
Show pictures and ask the pupils what games they played.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties: The teacher can use pictures to unlock the following words.
1. Branch
3. Bicycle
2. Cakes
4. Games
B. Listening Activity:
Listening Activity: Listen to the tape played. "Children Like to Play." T.M. p.27
Ask the following questions:
1. Where do children like to hide?
2. What do girls love to play with?
3. What do boys love to play with?
C. Speaking Activity:
Let the pupils tell something about the pictures shown.
1. Children playing yoyo.
2. Children playing chinese garter.
D. Reading Activity:
1. Let the pupils read the poem "Games" on pp.31-32 BES. Bk. 12.
a. What are the games played by the children in the poem?
b. What games are played by the girls?
c. What games are played by boys?
E. Writing Activity:
Present another poem and let the pupils copy the words that rhyme in the poem.
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the words that rhyme in the following poem.
Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To get a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
V. Assignment:
1. Copy an English song with rhyming words.
2. Bring song hits or song book.
Date: ____________
 Identify words that rhyme in a song Sing a poem to the tune of a familiar melody Copy a
familiar song with rhyming words
II. Subject Matter:
Rhyming Words in a Song
Reference: PELC 2.2.1, pp.1’ Building English Skills, Bk. 1 pp.16
Materials: Songs written in a Manila Paper Song hits, Songbook
Songs give music o the soul. Songs make as alive.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Tell the pupils to clap their hands twice if the pair of words rhyme and once if it does not:
1. clay - play
2. bend - dance
3. day - way
2. Motivation:
What things do you see in the sky? Say something about it.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Listen to the following sentences. Be able to answer the questions about it. Choose your
answer from the items listed below each sentence.
1. The falling star came down and made a hole in the ground. What is a falling star?
a. a piece of star that falls in the sky
b. a very bright star in the sky
c. a small star that stays on the ground
d. a blue whirling star
4. Listening Skills:
1. Speaking Activity:
Let the children choose a line from the songs in their songhits or songbook.
Let them sing the line with rhyming words. (This can be done thru rap, rock, modern, etc.).
2. Reading Activity:
a. Present the chart with the song "Catch a Falling Star" to the pupils.
3. Writing Activity
From their assignment, let the pupils rewrite the song with rhyming words and
underline the words that rhyme.
C. Generalization:
What are rhyming words?
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Underline and number the rhyming words in the song. The first one has been done for
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairytale
You can take the future even if you fail.
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream.
V. Assignment:
Copy the song and underline the words that rhyme.
When the visions around you
Bring tear in your eyes
And all that surround you
Are secrets and lies.
I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore?
Date: ____________
 Identify words that rhyme in a poem Answer wh- questions based on a poem read.
self-confidence and faith in God
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying Rhyming Words
Reference: Lesson Plan in English III p. 1101/Skills Development in English 3 pp. 7-8
Materials: Song written in a Manila Paper Song hits, Songbook
Valuing preparedness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Read the groups of words with final consonant.
in his heart
on the board
with a pear
2. Motivation:
Can you see the wind?
When can you tell that the wind is blowing?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
What does the wind to when it
a. circles, round the hill
b. whistles
c. tumbles up the sky
B. Listening Activity:
Listen to the poem “Before and Now” T.M. p.29
Ask the following questions
1. What could the speaker see years ago?
2. Where the dewdrops?
3. What did he/she feels
C. Speaking Activity:
Finish the little poem by telling the word that rhyme with last word of the first line.
1. Fireman! Fireman! Get out of your cell! There goes the alarm – Ding-Dong - ________.
2. Come let us sing
As we ride on the __________.
D. Reading Activity:
1. Read the poem “The Wind” T.M. p. 30
2. Ask:
a. Who is the writer of the poem talking to?
b. What does the wind do according to her?
c. Does she love the wind? Why?
3. Generalization: What are rhyming words?
4. Value Infusion: What should the family do when a storm is coming?
E. Writing Activity:
Let the pupils copy the words that rhyme in the poem. “Tools” T.M. p. 30
IV. Evaluation:
Choose which in the sets of words does not rhyme the rest.
1. pay
2. fence chance dance
3. book look cool
4. part
5. tool
pool food
V. Assignment:
Write 3 words that rhyme with each of the ff.
1. face
4. round
2. wish
5. jar
3. box
Date: ____________
 Recite short verses 1-2 stanza poem with correct intonation and stress Copy the poem
correctly from a model
II. Subject Matter:
Short Verses - Two Stanza Poems
ELC 2.1 pp.15
Before and Now reading Marvels
Work, text in Reading for Grade III
Pictures with clean and beautiful surrounding, pictures of a dirty place
Save Mother Earth
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Let the pupils read the rhyme written on the board. “Little Miss Muffet” T.M. p. 30
2. Review:
Direction: Fill in the blank with correct word that rhymes with the underline word.
1. Rain, rain go away
Come again another
(week, month, day)
2. Mother, Mother I am sick
Call the doctor very
(quick, fast, well)
3. Motivation:
How many of you have been to Manila? Will you compare the surroundings in the city
with that of your place? What can you say about the air in the city compared with the air in
the countryside?
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher will read the poem while children listen. “BEFORE and NOW” T.M. p. 31
2. Discussion:
1. What did the speaker see years ago?
2. Where were the dew drops?
3. What did she feel?
3. Skills Development:
Let the pupils the poem with correct intonation, stress and pronunciation.
4. Generalization:
How are you going to recite a poem or verse?
C. Practice Exercises:
1. Read the poem with correct intonation and stress. “To Mother Earth” T.M. p. 31
2. Reading the poem individually by the pupils, then by group. Observe correct intonation and
IV. Evaluation:
Let the pupils recite another poem with correct intonation, stress and pronunciation.
Water! There was no water on the land.
Water! He ran and scooped it with his hand.
Water at last was gushing,
Praise to Kabunian, his King!
V. Assignment:
Copy a short poem or verse in your notebook. Be ready to read or recite in class.
Date: ____________
 Recognize words that rhyme in poem heard Recite poem with gestures
II. Subject Matter:
Reciting Poem with Gestures
References: Building English Skills Bk.1, pp.1418 PELC 1.1
Materials: Picture of a Traffic Policeman, flashcards
The Traffic Policeman
Obeying Traffic Rules
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Read the following words that rhyme
store - door
day - way
wide - side
say - pay
jelly – belly
sweet - tweet
2. Review:
What are rhyming words?
3. Motivation:
Show picture of a busy road with a traffic policeman.
What did you see in the picture? What does the policeman do in the road?
4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Develop the meaning of gestures through context clues like: The boys take off his hat as a
gesture of respect.
B. Speaking Activity:
1. Use KWL Chart. (What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I Have Learned).
Ask the pupils to giver their idea about a traffic policeman, and what they want to know
about him. “KNOW WHAT LEARN” T.M. p.32
C. Reading Activity:
1. Read the poem orally. “The Traffic Policeman” T.M. 32
2. Discussion:
1. Why does the writer love to stay at a busy corner?
2. Why is the traffic policeman like a clown?
3. Why does the writer want to grow up fast?
3. Skills Development:
a. Teacher shows the correct gesture about the poem read.
b. Group the pupils into four. Each group will perform the correct gesture or will recite the
poem with correct gesture.
4. Generalization:
What should be observed when reciting a poem?
D. Writing Activity:
Ask the pupils to copy the words that rhyme in the poem?
IV. Evaluation:
Birds at play Five little birds
Perched on a branch
One flew away The other stayed
One hopped upward
Another jumped backward
The blue one titled back
The black bird fell down
But on the other branch.
V. Assignment:
Think of an appropriate gesture for each line below and be ready to show in class.
1. Little boy blue come blow your horn
2. Jack and Jill went up the hill
3. I frightened little mouse under the chair.
Date: ____________
 Read orally well-liked short verses Memorize short verses
II. Subject Matter:
Memorizing Short Verses
References: PELC, III - E 1.3 Bible
Materials: Short verses written on a chart Values: Golden Rule
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Phonetic drill
2. Review:
What are the pointers to be remembered in reciting a poem?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Show a bible to the class and introduce the following words. Show sample of verses,
psalms and proverbs.
1. verse
4. enemy
2. psalm
5. bible
3. proverb
4. Motivation:
How many of you read the bible? What can you see or read in a bible?
B. Listening Skills:
Let the pupils listen to some verses found in the bible. Ask them their ideas about the verse
they heard.
1. Come to me all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.
2. How rich and deep are the wisdom and the knowledge of God!
Romans 11:33
C. Speaking Activity:
a. Introduce this verse to the pupils, Luke 6:27
"Love your enemy and be good to everyone who hates you!"
b. Ask: Have you experience to have an enemy at home or in school?
Is it good to have an enemy? Why?
How do you feel if you have an enemy?
D. Reading Activity:
1. Let the pupils read the verse written on the chart.
"Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and he shall strengthen thy heart." "Wait, I say, on the
Lord." Psalm 27:14
E. Skills Development:
Memorizing the verse. Example: Matthew 7:1 "Don't judge others, and God will not judge you."
Luke 6:33. "If you are kind only to someone who is kind to you, will God be pleasant with you
for that?"
Do this: 1. Read the verse.
2. Reading by lines
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the following verses. Select the verse you like best and memorize.
1. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew
2. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit and bad tree cannot produce god fruit. Luke 6:43.
V. Assignment:
Copy and memorize verses in the bible.
Date: ____________
 Identify words that rhyme in a 3-4 stanza poem Read the words that rhyme in a poem. Copy
words that rhyme in a 3-4 stanza poem
II. Subject Matter:
Rhyming Words
References: Building English Skills, Bk.1, pp.101 PELC 2, pp.13
Materials: pictures, charts, flashcards
Caring of Animals
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Read the group of words with spelling pattern of CVCe
bake fate
fame tame
2. Review:
Show to the pupils the poem "The Traffic Policeman".
Tell them to identify the rhyming words used in the poem.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Show pictures to unlock the following words.
honeybees dome
wooden pen
silk thread web
4. Motivation:
Show pictures of different animals to the pupils.
Ask: What animals do you see in the pictures?
Do you have the same kind of animals at home?
B. Speaking Activity:
1. Use K W L Chart
Ask pupils to give their ideas about animals found at home and what they want to know
about it.
C. Reading Activity:
1. Read the poem orally.
2. Discussion:
a. What are the animals mentioned in the poem?
b. Do they have the same homes?
c. What animals live in the nest? In hives? In wooden pen?
3. Skill Development:
a. What are the rhyming words in the poem?
D. Writing Activity:
a. Watch words that rhyme
1. kill
2. by
3. dress grand
4. stand mess
5. and
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the words that rhyme in poem below
“How Animals Move” T.M. p.34
V. Assignment:
Copy a poem with rhyming words in any English book or magazines.
Date: ____________
 Read orally or commit memorize well-liked lines of a poem read Memorize well-liked lines
in a poem-Copy accurately well-liked lines in a poem
II. Subject Matter:
Reading Orally or Memorizing Well-Liked Lines of a Poem
References: Building English Skills, Bk.1 pp.7576 PELC 1.6
Materials: Pictures, a model sari-sari store
Politeness, Being courteous to others.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Pronunciation Drill
branches knives
2. Review:
Ask the pupils to recite a verse they like best.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Show pictures to unlock the following words.
a. shelves
d. lunches
b. leaves
e. bunches
c. counters
4. Motivation:
Have you dream of owning a store? Do you want to have you own store? What will you
sell in your store?
B. Reading Activity:
1. Motive Question:
What kind of store does the girl in the poem dream?
2. First reading to be done by the teacher,
3. Second reading will be group or by rows.
4. Comprehension check up:
a. Give the title of the poem
b. How does a store look like?
c. What things are sold in the store?
5. Generalization:
1. How many lines are there in the poem we read?
2. What lines do you like best? Why?
C. Skills Development:
Memorizing well-liked lines in the poem.
1. Read orally well-liked lines (at least 2-3 lines)
2. Ask the pupils to recite their well-liked lines in a poem?
D. Writing Activity:
Copy accurately the lines you liked best in your Writing notebook.
E. Practice Exercises:
Recall the poems that we have studies or you have learned in your other Grade, recite in
class you well=liked lines
IV. Evaluation:
Recite at least 2-3 lines of your favorite poem.
V. Assignment:
Memorize the whole poem "My Store" and be ready to recite it in the class.
Date: ____________
 Use context clues to get meaning of unfamiliar words.
 Name some good traits of Filipinos.
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding Words through Context Clues
References: PELC 2.2; Building English Bk. 1&2
Respect to Filipino Culture
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Spelling
2. Motivation
Are you fond of reading magazines and books?
What do you usually do if you don't understand the meaning of a certain words?
B. Listening Activity:
Andres loves to read books. He likes to read stories about pirates and cowboys. He also likes
to read books about machines, wild animals and heavenly bodies. Andres curls up in a big sofa
when he reads a book.
Who loves to read books?
What are the stories he likes to read?
C. Speaking:
Use word association technique to draw concept of the word ...Filipino...
1. Are you a Filipino?
2. Are proud to be a Filipino?
D. Reading:
Read silently the selection and be able to answer the question that follows.
Christmas in the Philippines is a time for gift giving, gift receiving and merriment. Christmas
means a lot of things to a lot of people. For the little children, it means toys and goodies. For the
teenagers, it means gift for the people they love and remembrances from those who love them.
And for parents, Christmas is a time for a get-together…..see T.M. p. 36
IV. Evaluation:
Read the selection and answer the questions that follows.
Filipinos are helpful. They are ready to help one another especially in time of need. They help one
another in activities like planting and harvesting farm crops, building a house, and making boats.
Filipinos love and respect the members of their families………. see T.M. p. 37
Encircle the word that is being defined
1. Filipino helps in building a house for their love ones. (this word refers to a dwelling place)
2. Filipino show deep reverence for a Supreme Being. (this refers to respect and esteem.)
V. Assignment:
List other Filipino traditions.
Date: ____________
 Identify words that rhyme in a paragraph. Read accurately selection with rhyming words Copy
the words that rhyme in a paragraph.
II. Subject Matter:
Rhyming Words in a Paragraph
References: PELC 2, pp.1
Materials: Magazines
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Pronunciation Drill
stand - land
damp - lamp
danger - manager fever - lever
polar - collar
liter - later
2. Motivation:
Who among you have witnessed the Ati-atihan festival? Do you know of some festivals
being celebrated in our country?
B. Listening Activity:
Let the pupils listen to the paragraph.
The most colorful religious celebration in Cebu is the "Sinulog" festival. The week long
celebration is held in January every year…..see T.M. p. 37
a. What is all about the paragraph?
b. Where this Sinulog Festival was held?
c. How do they celebrate their Sinulog Festival?
C. Speaking:
Let the pupils share their experiences about other festival they had attended or watched. (It
can be presented by group or individual.)
D. Reading:
Read orally the paragraph and answer the questions that follows.
The farmers of Panay performs the "Bongad" to ensure a rich harvest. During the planting
season, they put a comb and some coconuts on an altar as offering the spirits. They also put
together young branches of "bunga with ikmo" for old people to chew.
a. Why farmers of Panay perform the 'Bongad'.
b. How do they make offerings to the spirits?
E. Writing:
Match the words with the same final sounds.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follows.
Melly and her family spent their vacation in Kalibo, Aklan. They were able to witnessed the Atiatihan Festival. It was………see T.M. p. 38
Answer the following
1. How did Melly and her family spend their vacation?
a. by going swimming
b. by joining the ati-atihan festival
c. by having a picnic
V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph about your fiesta celebration.
Date: ____________
 Talk about other and things using the rising and rising-falling intonation patterns.
II. Subject Matter:
Rising-falling Intonation Patterns Using Can or Can't.
References: PELC 2.1, p.13
Building English Skills 3, Book 1 pp.115-116; pp.44-47
Materials: picture of different animals, flashcards
III. Procedure:
A. 1. Free Communication:
Guessing Game — What Am I Doing
Call a pupil to act and the pupils will guess what he/she is doing.
2. Pronunciation Drill::
Let us read the following group of words with initial consonants /gr/, /gl/, and /br/
grace glow bread
great glad
grave glory branch
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Show a picture of different animals.
Ask: What can a horse do?
What can bird do?
2. Read the sentences aloud as a the pupils read along silently.
a. Can a worm fly like a bird?
b. Can a monkey swing by its tail?
C. Generalization:
Which sentences are spoken with rising intonation? With rising-falling intonation?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Read the question and answer orally with correct intonation.
a. Can a monkey swing on branches? (Yes, it can.)
b. Can an elephant carry heavy loads? (Yes, it can.)
c. Can a bird walk like a dog? (No, it can't.)
E. Application:
1. Pupils asks a question and others will answer. Row 1 will ask questions and Row 11 will
answer. Observe proper intonation.
Can you dance? No, I can't.
Can you sing? Yes, I can.
F. Infusion of Value:
What shall we do with our pets?
How should we treat them?
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher will distribute arrows to the pupils. Put (T) before the sentence which has rising
intonation and (4') before the sentence with rising-falling intonation.
1. Can a horse gallop?
Yes, it can.
2. Can a turtle run fast? No, it can't.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 examples of question and answers using the rising and rising-falling intonation pattern.
Date: ____________
 Recognize the rising and falling intonation in questions and answers heard.
II. Subject Matter:
Rising-Falling Patterns Using Do and Don't
References: PELC 1.3 p.13
Skills Development Book in English Grade III p.102
pictures, chart
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Free communication: Guessing Game The teacher give the riddle and let the pupils guess
the answer.
I have a crown
But I'm not a king
With a thousand eyes,
I don't see anything
I am (a guava, a pineapple, a guyabano)
2. Review on giving short answer using do and don't.
Ask each question and call on pupils to answer.
a. Do you go to market every Saturday?
b. Do you go to school on time?
c. Do you help your Mother clean the house?
3. Motivation:
Show a picture of the girls working in a shoestore.
Ask questions
Do they work in a hospital? NO, they don't. Do they sell shoes? Yes, they do.
B. Presentation:
1. Read the following story.
“Ailyn and Monica” T.M. p. 40
2. Skills development
a. Read and answer the question.
Do Ailyn and Monica live in Candelaria, Zambales?
b. What happens to our voice at the end of question? (rises) And at the end of the answer.
(the voice rises and then falls)
C. Generalization:
What happens to your voice when the questions begins with do?
What happens to your voice when it is statement?
D. Practice Exercises:
Ask and answer questions using pictures.
Read questions and answers orally using the proper rising/falling intonations.
E. Application:
A. Write yes if the voice rises at the end of the sentences and no if the voice falls at the end of
the sentence.
______ 1. Do you like to read stories?
______ 2. Kristeen likes to play computer.
______ 3. Do you eat vegetables?
F. Infusion of Value:
Do you help your parents earn a living? What do you do?
IV. Evaluation:
Put a check () for a rising intonation and cross ( x ) for falling intonation.
______ 1. Do you walk to school everyday?
______ 2. Nina loves texting.
______ 3. Do you have many friends?
V. Assignment:
Read each question. Write an answer for each.
1. Do you go to church on Sundays?
2. Do birds fly?
3. Do dogs climb trees?
4. Do you drink milk everyday?
5. Do boys and girls dance?
Date: ____________
 Recognize the rising and falling intonation.
II. Subject Matter:
Rising and Falling Intonation Patterns and short Answers.
Reference: PELC 2.1. p.13
Materials: picture of rare animals, charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Teacher read the words with final sound /ought / and /fight/ as the pupils listen attentively
then let the pupils read the words.
fight right
night sight
2. Review
Read the following sentences. (Teacher models the correct intonation)
1. Can a horse gallop? Yes, it can.
2. Can a turtle run fast? No, it can't.
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation
Do you know that there are many kinds of animals in the Philippines? Can you name
some of these animals?
2. Unlocking of difficulties
Show the pupils a picture of a deer, porcupine and a mouse. Using the picture, unlock the
meaning of the following words and phrases.
- anthers
- tusk
3. Raising of Motive Question
What kind of Philippine Animals did the boy see at the zoo?
4. Comprehension Check-up
Answering the motive question What does a mouse deer look like? What did father say
about the animals in our forest today?
C. Discussion:
Read the following sentences
1. Does porcupine eats an ant?
2. Does a mouse deer rans fast?
Answers the following
1. How does each sentence begin in nos. 1 and 2?
2. What word comes after does?
D. Generalization:
When do we use does in asking questions?
E. Practice:
Answers the questions using do or does
1. Do cats walk on rooftops?
2. Do flies fishes?
3. Does a frog walk?
F. Application:
Read the following with correct intonation.
1. Do anteater climb tress? Yes, they do.
2. Does a tamaraw look like a carabao? Yes, it does.
3. Does a goat eat plants? Yes, it does.
G. Infusion of Value:
How do we protect the animals?
IV. Evaluation:
Write the correct intonation patterns for the following:
1. Do children play at recess time? Yes, they do.
2. Does Lito study hard? Yes, he does.
3. Do pupils come to school regularly? Yes, they do.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 questions beginning with do or does. Ask your classmate to answer your questions.
Date: ____________
 Recognize the rising and falling intonation.
 Talk about animals and their homes.
 Answer sentences on poem read.
II. Subject Matter:
Rising and Falling Patterns d id Short
Reference: PELC 2.1. p.13; BES Book 1, pp. 100-101
Materials: flashcards & picture of some animals like bees, butterflies, etc.
Love and concern for animals or pets.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
a. Show a picture of animals' come and ask the pupils to match the picture with the animal
and read the word after each picture.
2. Review:
Giving short answer to can questions.
1. Can you jump?
2. Can you prepare food for your family?
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation
Have some pictures of animals shown. Look at these pictures. What animals do you see?
2. Unlocking of difficulties
Read the following sentences and choose the meaning of the underlined word from those
in the parenthesis.
1. The cat can live in cardboard boxes. (hives, caves, wooden pen, made of cartons)
2. Most birds build their nests on trees. (homes of pigs, home of the birds, home of the
3. First reading of the poem by the teacher while pupils read along silently.
4. Comprehension Check-up
a. What are animals mentioned in the poem?
b. What animals make their homes in cardboard boxes? In hats?
5. Second Reading by the teacher, then by the pupils.
6. Skills Development
Read these questions with correct intonation and answers it.
a. Where do lions live?
b. Which animal lives on a barn?
C. Generalization:
D. Practice Exercises:
Individual Practice
Write the name of animals opposite the ff. list of their homes.
1. small hill
2. lady's hat
3. leaf's cocoon
E. Application:
Copy and put check for a rising intonation and X cross for a falling intonation.
1. Where do you live?
2. Can you recite a poem?
3. What is your name?
F. Infusion of Value:
How will you take care your pets at home?
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the sentences. Put R on the blank before the number on the questions has a rising
intonation. F if it haws a falling intonation then answer it.
1. Where do animals live?
2. Do honeybees make their own homes?
3. Is the spider an insect?
V. Assignment:
Write 3-5 sentences about your pets at home.
Date: ____________
 Read orally conversation/dialogue observing proper intonation. Use courteous expressions when
turning down an invitation. Recognize the rising and falling intonation in questions and answers
II. Subject Matter:
Oral Conversation/Dialog with Courteous Expressions
Reference: BES Bk 1 p.33
Spoken English for Filipinos p.121 Carmelita A. Conchingco - Ballesteros
Materials: flashcards & charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Final consonant sound
watch them patch
2. Review:
Give the meaning of underlined word in each sentences.
1. The cake is big enormous.
2. The tree is low and easy to climb.
3. Motivation:
Do you have friend? Have you tries inviting him?
Site an occasion.
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
Arrange the jumbled letters and write the words form.
a. nde wkee
a Saturday or Sunday
b. aprodn
to excuse or forgive
2. Giving a motive question.
Why did Carlo refuse the invitation?
3. Recalling the standard for oral reading.
4. Oral reading of the dialogue
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Comprehension check-up
a. Do you think Carlo do on Sunday?
b. Do you think Carlo will accept the invitation next time?
D. Generalization:
What courteous expressions should one use when turning down an invitation?
E. Practice Exercises:
Read the dialog on page 33 BES bk 1 with proper intonation Pick out the sentences with
rising and falling intonations from the dialogue.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the conversation.
Pick out the courteous expressions and read it.
Talking With a City Mayor
Good morning Mr. Lim, what makes a mayor leader?
Mr. Lim: Let me see. ..A mayor is like a ship designer. IF the ship design is poor, the ship
Can you design a city, Sir?
Mr. Lim: Oh, yes a city without design has no order.
Mr. Lim:
What if a mayor does not draw. He or she thinks of the design and asks other people
to do with the drawing.
Thank you for the information Mr. Lim.
V. Assignment:
Create a dialogue using expression may I invite you to a birthday party or I'm sorry.
Date: ____________
 Uses courteous expression when turning down or accepting an invitation.
II. Subject Matter:
Using Courteous Expression Turning Down/ Accepting Invitation
Reference: PELC 3.3.1 p. 13
Basic and Beyond Languages 3 p.12
Materials: Charts, dialogue
Valuing hard work to excel in class
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading of the following expression with correct intonation.
a. Please come again
b. How are you
c. May I help you
2. Review:
What kind of expressions should be used in inviting someone?
3. Discussion:
Who celebrated her birthday?
Who are invited?
Who accepted the invitation? What did she say?
4. Generalization:
What courteous should one use in turning down or accepting invitation.
B. Speaking Activity:
What will you say with the following situations:
1. Cora was invited to a meeting of the Sangguniang Kabataan. She got sick, so she was not able
to come. What will she say to her friends?
2. Marlon was invited to a wedding anniversary of the parents of his friend Rudy. He wants to
come to the party. What will he say to him?
C. Writing Activity:
Read the following dialogue. Provide the missing line with the appropriate expressions used
in accepting/turning down invitations.
Seming: It is a wedding party of my Aunt tomorrow. May I invite you to a party at our place.
Eduardo: _______________________________
Would you like to join our trip to Baguio on Sunday afternoon?
IV. Evaluation:
Use courteous expression in turning down or accepting invitations in the following situations.
1. You are invited to attend the house blessing of your friend.
2. You are invited by you good friend to see his new born puppy.
V. Assignment:
Copy in any English books a dialogue showing how to use courteous expressions when turning
down or accepting invitations.
Date: ____________
 Uses courteous expressions in appropriate situations such as inviting someone. Read accurately
oral conversation. Provide courteous expressions in appropriate situations.
II. Subject Matter:
Use Expressions in Inviting Someone
Reference: ELC 3.3.1 p. 12; Basic and Beyond Languages 3 p.12 (Revised Edition)
Materials: Charts, pictures
Be courteous in inviting someone.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Let the pupils read the ff.
Good morning.
How are you?
May I help you?
Please sit down
Thank you. Goodbye
2. Review:
When do we use the rising intonation? Falling intonation/rising and falling intonation?
B. Speaking Activity:
1. Present this dialogue to the pupils. " An Oral Invitation".
2. Discussion
1. Who is helping Vangie and Nellie choose a club to join?
2. Saddy invited Nellie and Vangie to join the English club. What did she say?
3. Vangie and Nellie accepted the invitation. What did they say?
C. Writing Activity:
Let the pupils read the dialogue and write the courteous expressions used in their notebook.
D. Skill Development:
What courteous expressions are you going to use on the following situations:
1. You are going to invite your friend on your birthday. What courteous expressions will you
2. Mile was invited to a wedding party. She go sick so she was not able to attend, what will she
say to her friend?
E. Generalization:
What kind of expressions should be used in inviting someone?
F. Practice Exercises:
Let the pupils read and answer the questions that follow:
Marissa invited her classmates on her birthday party.
Please come on my birthday on June 12, 2002 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to be held in our
residence Pecson Street, Sta. Cruz.
1. Who will celebrate a birthday party?
2. When will be the party?
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the following dialogue. Put a check if the invitation is done in a courteous way
and X if not.
1. Paul: Are you free on Friday afternoon?
Rex: I think I am.
Raul: Go come to our exhibit.
2. Allen: Our club will sponsor a program tomorrow and everyone is welcome Watch it.
Norma: Thank you. I'd love to.
V. Assignment:
Practice saying the courteous expressions you have learned.
Date: ____________
 Use courteous expressions in appropriate situations like asking permissions to leave - Excuse me,
May I go out read orally conversations/ dialogue observing proper intonation
II. Subject Matter:
Using Courteous Expressions a. Asking permission to leave
Reference: ELC 3.2
Materials Charts and dialogue
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading a poem with correct intonation and stress, The Traffic Policeman
2. Review:
What intonation pattern are you going to use?
Are you reading your lesson every night?
B. Speaking and Listening:
a. Show a picture of a boy asking permission from the teacher to go out.
Listen to what he said.
Ma'am, I am not feeling well, can I go out? Or excuse me Ma'am, may I go out?
Ma'am: Yes, you may go.
b. 1. Who went out and leave?
2. What did he say?
C. Reading Activity:
1. Present the dialogue on the chart
2. a. Who is asking permissions to go out?
b. What did he say?
c. What courteous expressions would you say when asking permission to go out?
D. Writing Activity:
Provide or write the courteous expressions on the following situations:
1. Mely wants to go home because she forgot something, What will she say to her teacher?
2. Isko is not feeling well, he wants to leave the class, what will he say?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following dialogue. Provide the missing line with the appropriate expres~on used in
asking permission to leave.
1. Sarah: (Class hours) Ma'am _________ because I'll throw these pieces in the trash can.
2. Jane:
Ma'am _______ may I go? I will give this book to my younger brother.
V. Assignment:
Practice saying the expression used in asking permission to leave.
Date: ____________
 Read orally conversation / dialogue observing proper intonations
II. Subject Matter:
Oral Conversation / Dialogue with Courteous Expressions
Reference: PELC, English in Grade III p. 28, p. 168, p. 237
Materials: Chart, pictures
Using Leisure Time Wisely
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Say each word after me
2. Review:
Identify rhyming words
The Way to be Thrifty
"Turn on the light when you need it
Turn it off when you are through,
That's the way to be thrifty,"
Says my cousin Marry Lou.
3. Motivation:
Have you been in Manila? Were you able to see the beautiful Quiapo church?
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of difficulties
2. Giving the Motive Question
What other places can we see aside from Quiapo Church, hotel, Mc Arthur Bridge in Manila?
3. Recall of standards
4. Oral reading of the dialog
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension check-up
D. Generalization:
What courteous expressions do we use in reading a dialog?
E. Practice Exercises:
Read the dialog again with proper intonation
IV. Evaluation:
Read the dialog acted out and pick out the courteous expressions used and read it correctly.
V. Assignment:
Create a dialog using expressions like; May I invite
Date: ____________
 Read orally conversation/dialog observing proper intonation.
II. Subject Matter:
Oral Conversation/Dialog With Courteous Expression
References: PELC Reading Marvels 2 Melchora D. Bilgera Felicidad P. Quilala
Materials: picture, flashcards & charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Say each word after me.
2. Review:
Identify the rhyming words.
A Reader Needs No Magic Car
A reader needs no magic car.
A book transports him near or far.
A reader by the printed page
Is carried to another age.
3. Motivation:
Do you have relatives abroad?
B. Presentation:
1. Give the meaning of the underlined words as used in the following sentences.
a. Children receive presents during Christmas from their grandparents.
b. Bright children deserve high grades.
c. Heaps of presents are piled under the Christmas tree.
2. Giving the motive question, Why do you think everyone was excited to see Tita Eden?
3. Recall of the standards in oral reading
4. Oral Reading of the dialog
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Comprehension check - up
a. What presents did she give away?
b. How did everybody feel about the presents?
c. Is it good to always expect presents from a balikbayan? Why or why not?
D. Generalization:
What courteous expressions should one use when receiving favors.
E. Practice Exercises:
Read the dialog again with proper intonation.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the dialog on page 29 BES Bk 1 with proper intonation.
Pick- out the sentences with rising and falling intonations from the dialog.
V. Assignment:
Write a short dialog with courteous expressions
Date: ____________
 Recognize the sentences with rising and falling intonations
II. Subject Matter:
Rising-falling pattern using who and where
Reference: PELC p. 13
Materials: Chart, dialog, flashcards
Friendliness & Kindness
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Use the rising and falling intonation is asking questions. Call on pupils to ask questions using
the correct intonation.
a. When do we celebrate Independence Day?
b. What is your birthday?
2. Motivation:
Show a picture of PTCA Meeting.
Ask questions using who and where. Who attended the meeting? Where was the meeting
B. Presentation:
1. Present a dialogue. Read the dialogue with correct intonation and let the pupils read by
groups then by twos. (chart)
2. Discussion:
Give examples of question based from the dialogue:
1. When is it?
2. Where is it?
3. Where is the meeting?
C. Exercises:
1. Listening Activity:
Write the question on the board/chart.
Pupils listen carefully. Ask: what part of the question has falling & rising intonation
a. Who is your best friend?
b. Where do animals live?
2. Writing Activity:
Direction: Copy the questions on the board/chart. ( Set standard for writing)
1. Where is my favorite dress?
2. Where did you buy your new shoes?
3. Who will attend the meeting tomorrow?
D. Generalization:
a. When answering who, where questions, the intonation is falling.
b. When asking questions using who. Where the intonation is rising.
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the story while pupils listen) Write who and where questions about the story.
Place a bar line above the word or rising intonation and a bar line below the word with falling
"Taking Care of Animals"
Victor lives in a far. He lives with his parents in a nipa hut. Victor has an elder sister named Nora.
Victor and Nora help their parents. Father takes care of the carabao. Victor takes care of the dogs and
pigs. Nora takes care of goat. Mother takes care of chickens. The animals are all fat and healthy.
Ex. Who is Curly? Where does Uncle Max Live?
V. Assignment:
Here are some statement that answers questions you would like to ask. Make a question for each
using who and where:
1. I live in Quezon City.
2. Lita Castro is my best friend.
3. The birds live in the farm.
Date: ____________
 Nothing details in poems listened to
Nothing Details
PELC-BEC 4 p.13
Ice Cream Vendor
Developing Reading Power 3 p.69
chart, picture of an ice cream vendor, flashcards
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Flash the following words and ask the pupils to read each word.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties through context clues.
What is the meaning of the underline word?
1. During summer the people love to visit cool places like beaches and farms.
2. The vendor is busy sorting the fruits and vegetables on the fruit stand for the buyers to
3. Motivation:
What do you like to eat during hot season?
B. Presentation:
1. Presentation / Discussion
Show a picture of an ice cream vendor.
Who is in the picture? Now, listen to a poem about him.
2. Motive question. What does an ice cream vendor do?
3. Recall of standards for listening.
4. Listen as the teacher reads the poem, “The Ice Cream Vendor”.
5. Comprehension Check-up.
a. Answering the motive question.
b. Where does the story in this poem take place? When?
C. Practice Exercises:
Present a poem to class and call on a pupil to read it oraaly.
1. Tell the pupils that they will have a game. Set four pupils holding the words what?, who?,
when?, and where? As markers
Direction: I will say words and phrases. When you hear each, go to the questions that it
a. God
d. at night
b. a short prayer
e. during the day
c. in the room
f. the child
D. Infusion Value:
1. How do you feel about the beautiful things around you?
2. Who gave them to you?
E. Generalization:
1. What do we refer to when we ask the questions What? Who? When? Where?
F. Writing Activity:
Copy the poem, “The Ice Cream Vendor”. Observe the correct capitalization and
punctuation. (on the chart)
Listen carefully as the teacher reads the poem, “The Mice” then answer the following questions
by writing the letters only.
1. What are mice?
a. birds
b. insects
c. animals
2. Why do mice look harmless?
a. because they are big
b. because they are little
c. because they hide
Memorize the poem, “The Ice Cream Vendor”.
Date: ____________
 Note details in story listened to
Noting Details
PELC-BELC 4 p.13
Developing Reading Power 3 p.69
President Quezon and the Venison
picture of President Manuel L. Quezon, chart
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Show the words on the blackboard. Say each word and then have the pupils repeat it.
2. Review on answering WH questions
Ask the pupils to answer the following questions.
1. What time do you eat your breakfast?
2. Why should you eat fruits and vegetables?
3. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues.
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. People should obey the laws in order to have a peaceful country.
b. In order to have a productive and successful community, we need to
have a law-abiding citizens.
4. Motivation:
Who is the President of the Philippines? Can you name some of our past
B. Presentation:
1. Presentation:
Show a picture of Manuel L. Quezon. Let the pupils identify him. Ask the pupils what
hey know about him.
2. Motive Question:
What character traits did President Manuel L. Quezon show to the people?
3. Recall of standards for listening.
4. Listen as the teacher reads the story about. “President Quezon and the Venison”
5. Comprehension Check-up
a. Answering the motive question.
b. What did people do to welcome Pres. Quezon?
C. Infusion Value:
Let them answer this question: If you were the host would you do the same thing? Why?
D. Practice Exercise:
Let the pupils listen to the story. And answer the question below.
a. What is the story about?
b. Where is Niña’s pet?
c. What are Puring’s pets?
d. Where does Lea’s pet live?
E. Generalization:
In answering WH questions what will you remember?
F. Writing Activity:
Copy the paragraph and observe the correct capitalization.
Arlene combed her hair and tied it with ribbon. She changed her sleeping clothes with
working clothes. She got a bolo and went to the garden. “Are you going to help me today?”
Father asked. Yes, Father I will help you and Nancy clean the garden.
Listen carefully as I read the story. Be able to answer the questions about it by writing the later of
the correct answer.
1. What is a bee family called?
a. hive
b. workers
c. swarm
d. droves
2. What word tells about the bee family?
a. big
b. happy
c. little
d. angry
Answer the following questions in your notebook.
1. What sounds do you hear early in the morning?
2. Why is it dark at night?
Date: ____________
 Note details in paragraph listened to.
Nothing Details in the Paragraph Listened to
PELC-BELC 4 p.13
pictures of animals, chart
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Punctuation Drill
2. Motivation:
Have you walked alone by the sea? Have you experienced shouting as loud s you can?
B. Presentation:
1. Presentation / Discussion
2. Motive Question
3. Recall of standards for listening.
4. Listening to the selection
5. Comprehension Check-up
1. Who walked alone in the forest?
2. What did he hear in the forest?
3. What did he see in the forest?
C. Generalization:
What information answers the question what? Where? When? Where?
D. Application:
1. Group the class into five, make a word web about Pussy Cat. And answer the question
a. What is the pet of the author?
b. Who has five new babies?
c. Where does the Pussy Cat stay?
d. Why can’t she let anyone come near here corner?
Listen as I read the selection and answer the questions that follows.
Taking Care of Animals pp. 64 of T.M.
1. Who lives on a farm?
2. Where does Jojo live?
3. Who is Jojo’s sister?
Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
Title: “The Fowls” T.M. pp. 64
What animals have two feet and two wings?
What covers their body?
What do they like to eat?
Where do ducks and geese like to stay?
Date: ____________
 Use singular forms of nouns with verbs of being (is,was) correctly
Using Is and Was in Singular Nouns
PELC-BEC 4 p.13
Sample lesson Plan 3 p. 120
cut-outs of fruits, pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
2. Review about nouns
Underline the nouns in the following sentences.
1. Minerva is a healthy girl.
2. Edward is fond of collecting toy guns.
3. Motivation:
Show some pictures of a ball and a dog to the pupils and ask them to tell something
about it.
Example: Janet has a pet dog.
B. Presentation:
1. Presentation / Discussion
Read the following sentences written on the board.
1. Aga is cheerful and healthy.
2. Hadjie is Igorot boy.
2. Discussion:
1. Who is healthy and cheerful in the first sentence?
2. What is the underlined word in the first sentence?
3. Why do you think is was used in the first sentence?
C. Generalization:
When do we use is?
When do we use was?
D. Practice Exercises:
Tell the pupils to pick cut outs of fruits in the basket with the word is and was written on
each fruit. Put the right fruit on the blank to complete each sentence.
1. Tony ____ trying to hit the ball over the field when they played at the park.
2. The baby _____ crying last night.
3. Yesterday the weather _____fine.
Complete the sentences using is and was.
1. Monica ____ watering the plants.
2. The lady _____in charge of cooking our meal last night.
3. My nephew _______ in Grade V now.
Write 3 sentences each using is and was.
Date: ____________
 Use the singular form of nouns with verbs of being (is, was, has)
Using Is and Was and Has in Singular Nouns Copying a Paragraph
PELC-BEC 4.1, 4.4 p.13
Basic and Beyond Language 3, pp. 1-8
Skills Development Book in English 3 pp. 86-87
Chart, pictures of children doing different things
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Naming real objects inside the classroom.
2. Review
Read the paragraph and pick the nouns.
Today is a fine day. The sun is bright. The children play outdoors. Noel and Joy in the
3. Motivation:
Who is your teacher now? Last year? Who is your principal now?
B. Presentation:
Show pictures of children doing different things, then let the pupils read the sentences on the
1. Dina is an industrious girl.
2. Wilma plants trees in the plaza with her classmates
3. Roger was scheduled last week to clean their backyard.
C. Discussion:
When do you use is? Was? Has?
D. Generalization:
We use is in the singular form of nouns.
We use was in singular form of nouns expressing past action.
We use has in the singular form of nouns.
E. Application:
1. Have you gone to a farm? Name some animals found in it.
Using a flannel board, paste drawing of animals one by one as they enumerate them.
Write the verbs of being and let them fill in the blanks with those verbs of being.
a. The meat stall of Mrs. Santos ____________many customers because of fine quality
b. The school ground ________ clean.
F. Infusion Values:
Ask each pupil to write which way he thinks to make his community clean and healthful.
Give them time to draw a simple illustration of a clean and healthy community.
Finish the paragraph by filling the blanks with the correct word in the parenthesis.
Aling Rosa owns a small stall inside the market. He stall is full of customers because it _______
(is, are) complete with things needed in cooking. She ______ (was, has) different kinds of spices in
her stall. There ______ (is, are) a place for canned goods.
Write 4-5 sentences using singular nouns with is, was, has in a paragraph form. Observe correct
punctuation, capitalization, margin and indention.
Date: ____________
 Use the plural form of nouns ending in o.
 Identify the plural of nouns that end in o.
Using the Plural Form of Nouns Ending in o.
BEC 4.2 p. 13, Building English Skills 3; Book 1 pp. 68-70.
pictures, chart.
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Have the pupil pronounce these words on flashcards correctly.
2. Review
Give the plural form of the following words.
a. chair –
b. table –
c. cabinet 3. Motivation:
Show picture of a farmer.
What does a farmer do?
What does a farmer plant? Today we are going to have an imaginary trip to see what
farmers plant in the garden.
B. Presentation:
1. Read the dialog written on the chart.
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Where did the children go? What did they ride on?
b. What kind of vegetables did they find? Fruit trees?
C. Infusion of Values:
Make a word web regarding our farmers. Ask: How can we sow our love and respect to our
D. Discussion:
What are the underlined words in the dialog?
What are the addend to the word potato to make it more than one?
E. Generalization:
What do we add to the nouns that end in o to make it mean more than one?
F. Application:
Prepare a box with different shapes in it. Write the following words at each back:
1. Mango 2. echo 3. hero 4. bolo 5. bamboo IV. EVALUATION:
Fill in the blanks with the correct plural form of the nouns inside the parenthesis.
Mang Carding has an orchard, a small poultry and a piggery in his backyard. He grows fruit
bearing trees like (mango) ___________, (chico) ________. He grows vegetables like (potato)
_________, (tomato) _________. He raised animals like (pogo) _______ and (carabao) ________.
Write 5 nouns ending in o. form the plural of each noun.
Date: ____________
 Use the plural form of nouns ending in y.
Using the Plural Form of Nouns Ending in y.
BEC 4.2 p. 13, Building English Skills 3; Book 1 pp. 68-70
pictures, chart.
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Have the pupil pronounce these words on flashcards correctly.
2. Review
Give the plural form of the following words.
a. Book
b. Flower
c. ball
3. Motivation:
Identify the following objects in the pictures. Ex. Butterfly
B. Presentation:
Have the pupils read the sentences written on the board.
Sunday is the first day of the week
There are seven days a week
One ray of the sun is violet.
The rays of the sun has many colors.
C. Discussion:
What are the nouns in the sentence in group A? in what letter do they end what letter is
added to form their plural?
D. Generalization:
Nouns ending in y with a vowel before y form their plural by adding s. most nouns ending in
y form their plural by changing y to I and add – es.
E. Application:
Group the class into 5. Let them draw lots. Ask them to illustrate the word they pick in their
plural forms.
a. Kidney
b. body
c. sky
d. fairy
e. clay
F. Infusion of Values:
As a class, write a group paragraph describing them what kind of children they are when
they listen as the teacher explain their lessons.
Fill in the blank to complete the sentence. Write on the blank the pupil of the nouns before each
________ are harmful insects.
A community is composed of several ___________.
The sun in our flag has eight __________.
________ can hang on trees by their tails.
Eating _______ everyday can cause tooth decay.
Make a list of plural nouns ending in y. use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
 Use the plural form of nouns ending in f.
Using the Plural Form of Nouns Ending in F.
BEC 4.2 p.13, Building English Skills 3; Book 1 pp. 68-70
pictures, charts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Pronounce the following words on flashcards correctly.
2. Review (Group Game)
Give the floral form of the words.
a. baby
b. butterfly
c. city
3. Motivation:
Identify the following objects in the pictures
B. Presentation:
Have the pupils read the sentences written on the board.
A dwarf is a small being.
Dwarfs are said to live in mounds.
There’s a belief that fairies held good people.
Beliefs of fairies and elves are yet to be proven.
C. Discussion:
In what letter do the nouns in the sentence in group A end? How do these noun form their
plural? Nouns in the sentences in group B also end in f and fe. How do they form their plural?
D. Generalization:
Some nouns form their plural changing f to v and add es.
E. Application:
Divide the class into five groups. Give each group a word which will be written in plural
form in type and will also be drawn in a sheet of bond paper:
Group 1 – proof
Group 2 – scarf
Group 3 – wolf
Group 4 – leaf
F. Infusion of Values:
Tell your experience in practicing accuracy in the performance of your work.
How about in forming the plural forms of nouns, should you also be accurate? Why?
Write the plural form of the noun before each sentence on the blank.
1. Some kings have many ________.
2. The _______ were caught by the police.
3. Do you believe that there are __________?
4. The _________ of those houses are made of galvanized iron.
5. Pigs, horses and cows have ____________.
Make a list of plural of nouns ending in f or fe. Use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
 Note implied details from a story read.
How and Why Questions
Growing in English 3 Reading p. 94-96; Developing Reading Power 3 p.21, 149, 164
charts, flashcards
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Read the words with /ow/ and /aw/ sounds.
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Tell something of the new word. It is suggested by the words around it.
Find the word or phrase that suggests or hints the meaning.
a. I’m in Grade Three now. My former teacher in Grade Two said I should study hard.
b. A dentist fill the cavity in the tooth. If the activity is not filled, food gets into it. Then the
hole gets big.
2. Motivation
Do you visit your dentist? How many times do you visit him?
3. Giving the motive question:
We are going to read a story. Find out why everyone should visit a dentist.
4. Recalling the standards for silent reading.
5. Read the selection silently – If Dr. Dario Is In, What’s Out?
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question.
Why should everyone visit a dentist?
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why did mother Bring Bong to the dentist?
b. Why didn’t the dentist pull his tooth?
c. How can Bong save this teeth? How can one prevent the teeth from getting weak?
D. Generalization:
Details not explicitly stated in the text can be deduced by inference.
F. Practice Exercise:
Have the pupils read the story silently. Then ask them to retell the story “The New Brother”
the way they understood it.
Then answer the following questions by group.
1. Why was mother in the hospital?
2. Why did Rene run upstairs shouting?
3. How would mother feel about Rene’s spelling grade?
Read the story. Choose the correct answer to the questions that follow.
A Bus Ride
At a bus stop, a tired woman crying a big bundle got on the bus and hurriedly looked for a seat.
Finding no vacant seat, she stood on the aisle, one hand holding tightly on one of the seats and the
other clutching her bundle.
Six-year old Mario and his Mother were on the same bus. Before mother could ask. ……TM.
1. What do you think did Mario feel after giving up his seat?
a. very tired
c. sorry
b. happy
d. lonely
2. What do you think did Mother feel about Mario?
a. proud of him
c. ashamed of him
b. angry with him
Read the story carefully, the answer the questions.
Planning for a Picnic
The third grade children were very happy planning for a picnic in the field.
“I will bring a box of chocolate” Ester said.
“I will bring fried chicken” Norma said.
“Mother promised to cook enough rice for all of us.” Ernesto said….TM. pp.72
1. Why can’t Nelly bring anything for the picnic?
2. Why can Carina bring something for Nelly and herself?
3. Why were the third grade children very happy?
Date: ____________
 Use the correct past time expression.
Using Correct Past Time Expression
PELC 6.1 Speaking BEC p.14
pictures, flashcards
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Read the following words with /ed/
ed /t/
ed /d/
2. Review
What new words can you form out of these words?
1. spelling
2. order
3. proper
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. The robber got the money in the bank.
2. There are many beggars who ask for help.
2. Motivation:
Show a picture and let the pupils describe.
3. Giving the motive question:
How did the Beggars of Glee find happiness at last?
4. Setting standards for silent reading.
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Comprehension Check-up
- Why did the carabao leave the master?
- Why did the turkey leave the master?
What happened when the four animals cried out loud by the tent?
D. Generalization:
Prefixes are syllable added at the beginning of the words.
E. Application:
Form new words by adding in-, un-, dis- or im- before each word below. Write its meaning.
Divide the class into 5 rows. Tell them to follow the above instructions:
1. equal = _______ = __________
2. complete = _______ = __________
3. finished = _______ = __________
Make each sentence correct by filling in the blanks with the correct word. Choose the words in
the box?
1. Use “Sir” or “Ma’am”. Don’t be ____________
2. Bad men ________ good men.
3. The sickly girl looks __________.
4. The boy scouts wearing __________ uniform was reprimanded.
5. Gases cannot be seen. They are ___________.
Write five words with prefixes. Underline the prefixes used.
Date: ____________
 Decode words using compound words
Compound Words
PELC B.2b p. 36 Developing Reading Power 3, p. 11 & 79
flashcards, pictures and charts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Short a sound
bad manners
national flag
plastic map
rat eats plants
2. Review
What are nouns? Can you give some examples of nouns?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Arrange the jumbled letters and write them in boxes to form the words
- caused to received the impact of drops of liquid and so be made wet.
- caused to receive the impact of drops of liquid and so be made wet.
C. During Reading:
Read the selection orally as the pupils listen.
“Rushing to the School” TM. pp. 75
D. Post Reading :
1. Answering the motive question.
Tony realized that he should not watch late television show again.
2. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions in complete sentence.
1. Who was late in going to school?
2. Where was the sun when Tony woke up?
3. When did Tony get out of bed?
3. Skills and Development:
Here are some compound words found in the selection.
E. Generalization:
What word is formed when two nouns are put together?
What happens to the meaning of these nouns if they are put together?
F. Practice Exercises:
Pick-out the compound word inside the box to complete each sentence:
1. One must eat ________ before going to school.
2. Answer the exercises in your __________.
3. Please erase the writings on the ________.
G. Writing Activity:
Copy the paragraph then underline the compound words. Observe indention capitalization
and punctuation marks.
The Newsboy
At five o’clock in the afternoon, the train arrives in Naga City. The train carries the
newspapers from Manila. Alfredo, a grade four pupil, sells newspapers after class in the
afternoon. He works for two hours. At several o’clock he goes home. He has time to study his
Underline the compound words in the following sentences.
1. Scarecrows are often seen in the fields.
2. The children made a pineapple pie.
3. There was nobody home when we called on Ralph.
4. The sunset made the sky very red.
5. Mother bought some vitamins at the drugstore.
Make a list of 10 compound words. Choose 5 and use them in sentences.
Date: ____________
 Note explicit details from a story read.
How and Why Questions
Growing in English Reading p. 7, 195-197, 199-216
charts, flashcards
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Read the following words with a short A sound.
bad manner
plastic map
national flag
2. Review
Ask each questions and have the pupils answer.
a. What do birds eat?
b. Who is the Vice President of the Philippines?
c. When do we celebrate Bonifacio Day?
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Read each sentence. Then think of the meaning of the word.
1. The master treated his servant cruelly.
2. The servant complained to the police.
3. The kind lady got a reward for her good needs.
2. Reading standard for silent reading.
3. Motivation:
Have you received a gift? What is it?
4. Giving the motive question.
We are going to read a story. Why did Lyra become happy at last?
5. Reading the selection silently-Lyra and the Cats
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question.
Why did Lyra become happy at last?
2. Comprehension Check-up.
Why did Lyra leave her master?
Why did Big Cat reward her?
Why did Pola go to the forest?
D. Generalization:
In reading, what are you going to do in order to understand what the selection is all about?
E. Application:
1. Let the pupils read the story about “BIBBO”.
2. Give them time to make them understand the story.
3. Ask pupils to retell this story.
Anna wanted to earn some money to by her school materials. Anna had an idea. She collected
small rocks. Decorated them gaily with ribbons, laces and colored buttons. She told these calling
them pet rocks.
Many children and even old people….TM. pp. 78
1. Why does Anna want to earn money?
2. How did Anna make the rock attractive?
3. Why was Anna happy about her pet rock?
Read the paragraph then answer the questions
Rushing to School
The sun was shining through the window when Tony woke up. He jumped out of bed. He pulled
a towel and ran to the bathroom to take a bath. He looked at the wall clock. It was seven-twenty in
the morning.
“Only then minutes more, he said to himself”. So he just splashed water on his face. He ran back
to the bedroom to change his clothes……..TM. pp.78
1. Where was the sun when Tony woke up?
a. just rising
b. shinning through the window
c. low in the east.
2. How did Tony get out of bed?
a. slowly
b. lazily
c. jumped out
Date: ____________
 Copy a paragraph with 4-5 sentences.
Writing Paragraphs
BEC-PELC IV B.3.1 BES Book 2 p.96
pictures showing how to conserve our resources
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Read the following sentences then write the correct punctuation mark each
1. Who is your father?
2. The book is new
3. Francis Miguel is an intelligent boy
2. Review
Write the words that are needed to be written with capital letters.
1. Kristine joy lives in olonggapo city
2. my sister’s name is Sharon
3. Motivation:
Show a picture of our natural resources. What can you see in the picture? (tree)
B. Presentation:
1. Read the paragraph. “Why Forest Are Important”. TM. pp. 79
C. Discussion:
What is the importance of forests, rivers and other natural resources?
D. Generalization:
How do we write a paragraph? When do we use capital letters? What punctuation mark is
used at the end of each sentences?
E. Practice Exercises:
Use the paragraph about “How We Can Keep Our Rivers Clean”. Call on pupils to answer
what the question asks on the blackboard:
1. What is the title of the paragraph?
Where do we write it? How do we write the title?
2. What do we do after the title?
3. What is the first sentence? What do we do with the first word?
F. Application:
Dictate the paragraph and let the pupils write each sentence on the board afterwards.
Copy the paragraph “Why Birds Are Important” and check the work of the pupils using the
following checklist.
1. Did you use capital letters where these are needed?
2. Did you indent the first sentence of your paragraph?
3. Did you use periods, commas and question marks correctly?
4. Did you spell the words correctly?
5. Did you have margins on both side of your paper?
Write three to four sentences about your favorite food.
Date: ____________
 Copy a paragraph with three to four sentences.
Copying a Paragraph From a Model
BEC 4.4 p. 13; BES 3.Bk pp. 87-89; BES 3 TM pp. 32-33
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Read the following words with /ey/ sound.
2. Review
Ask pupils to recall the meaning of a paragraph. Show them a copy of story on a manila
paper. Let them point the paragraphs found in the story.
3. Motivation:
You have just learned what a paragraph is. Now let’s learn to write a paragraph correctly
observing correct punctuation, capitalization, indention and margin.
B. Presentation:
1. Reading the paragraph on p.88 of the text.
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Who made paper boats?
b. When did they do with the paper boats?
c. What did they do with the paper boats?
C. Discussion:
a. How does the first sentence begin? Where is it written? How does it end?
Look at the other sentences. How do they start? How do they end? What do
you find on both sides?
D. Generalization:
What are the rules in writing a paragraph?
E. Application:
Let the pupils copy neatly the paragraph on p.69 of the textbook. Call their attention to
observe correct punctuation, capitalization and indention. Have them exchange papers and
critique their work cooperatively.
F. Infusion of Values:
Ask pupils to make a word bank, from PARAGRAPH, giving emphasis on what to observe in
writing a paragraph.
Rewrite the following paragraph correctly. Use one whole sheet of pad paper.
When I grow up I want to be a clown. the circus clown makes children happy I will paint my face
to look funny. I will play tricks, stunts, and wild magics. Do you like to be a clown, too.
Copy a paragraph from the text on a whole sheet of paper. Use the guide for writing a correct
Date: ____________
 Talk about ways of conserving our natural resources.
Conserving Our Natural Resources
References: BEC 4. p. 13; BES 3 Bk.2 pp. 92-93
Materials: pictures, flashcards, charts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Reading the following phrases on the flashcards.
dumping rubbish
plant new trees
keep picnic grounds clean killing birds for fun
2. Review
Guidelines on mechanics in writing a paragraph.
3. Motivation
Show different pictures of animals in the forest, rivers, lakes and seas. Ask the pupils
what the picture is about.
B. Presentation:
Read the paragraph written on the chart.
Helping Conserving Our Resources
We need to protect animals and birds in our forests. We should not kill birds fir fun. We have
to take care of our trees. We should replace cut-down trees. We have to keep our rivers, lakes and
seas clean. Avoid throwing waste and dead animals on these places. The animals, trees, fish,
rivers, lakes and seas are our resources.
Comprehension Check-up
1. What are our natural resources?
2. How can you protect our fishes, trees, animals, lakes, rivers and seas?
3. Why should we need to conserve our natural resources?
C. Discussion:
a. How should we start a sentence? What do we put at the end of a sentence? When do we use
capital letters?
b. Ask the pupils to tell two sentences about the picture shown by the teacher.
D. Generalization:
What are the important things remember in writing a sentence?
E. Infusion of Values:
Create a WORD WEB/SEMANTIC MAPPING on the topic about Natural Resources. Tell
pupils to group themselves into 4 teams, first.
F. Practice Exercises:
Tell pupils to draw an OWL. The show sentences erroneously written. Let the pupils rewrite
them correctly. Then tell them to arrange it as a paragraph observing correct indention,
capitalization and punctuations.
1. - and owl looks like a wise bird quiet and still
2. the owl sits and scares during the day
3. its eyes cannot see during the daylight 3 hours.
G. Application:
Write three to four sentences about the ways on how to take care of o natural resources in a
paragraph form.
Study the pictures on pages 71-74 of textbook Bk. 2. Ask the pupils to write three to four
sentences in a paragraph form show what they can do to protect our fishes, trees, animals, lakes,
rivers and seas. Observe correct margin, punctuation a capitalization.
Write a short paragraph on what you can to protect our resources in your community.
Date: ____________
 Give the main idea of a poem listened to
Giving the Main Idea of a Poem Listened to
References: PELC — BEC 5.1
Building English Skills Bk. 1 pp. 57-58
charts, pictures
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Review
What shall be remembered in reading a poem?
B. Presentation:
Unlocking of difficulties
Use pictures or actual objects.
a. proper foods d. stretch
b. grow
e. fresh air
c. glow
2. Motivation
Show pictures of healthy children. Ask:
a. Describe the children in the pictures.
b. What makes the children healthy?
c. How many hours should you sleep each day?
d. Is it good to eat fruits and vegetables? Why?
C. During Listening:
1. Teacher will read the poem on page 57 and 58 without reading the title.
2. Answer the following:
a. What should children do in order to grow healthy?
b. What kind of food should you eat?
c. How many hours should you sleep each day?
D. Generalization:
What should we remember when we listen to a poem?
E. Exercises:
What should we remember when we listen to a poem?
Read another poem and let the pupils listen. Ask: What is the poem all about?
Sweet fruits and sour fruits can be found anywhere
Plant them, nurture them and we will have more.
Fresh fruits are good for your health and mine, Plant more, eat more and you'll grow tall.
Good sources of vitamins and other nutrients too,
Eat them; share them with all who love you.
F. During Writing:
Present these sentences on the board. Let the pupils observe. Ask: What punctuation marks
are used at the end of the sentence?
1. Little children should eat the right kind of foods.
2. What kind of exercise a child need?
Health makes you happy and alive.
More than money, jobs and position in life. Health allows you to move, to play and work. Health
allows you to thank God in your daily life.
Eat good foods needed by your body
Have enough rest and sleep daily.
Avoid too much time watching TV or playing with computers
Avoid too much time in playing and have sleepless nights
Health will surely stay with you today and the future.
1. What is the poem all about?
a. About watching TV and playing computers.
b. Our health is wealth.
c. Health will make us beautiful an rich.
Practice reading the poem with correct intonation. Be ready to recite it in class
Date: ____________
 Give the main idea of a paragraph listened to
Giving the Main Idea of a Paragraph Listened to
Reference: PELC — BEC 5.2
Materials: charts, pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Review
How do we get the main idea of poem listened to?
3. Checking of assignment
Ask the pupils to recite the poem with correct intonation..
B. Listening and Speaking:
1. Motivation
Show picture of a witch. Let the pupils describe what's in the picture. Ask them their idea
about the witch. Ask them also if they have seen one or if it is just a fantasy or not true.
2. Teacher reads the paragraph while the pupils listen.
Old Impong Berta Lived alone in a little nipa hut. No one earned fir her. She had no
friends and relatives. She was stingy, wicked old woman. The people in their place called her
a witch. That is why the children were afraid of her.
3. Ask
a. Who lived alone in a little nipa hut?
b. What did the people call her? Why?
c. What is the paragraph all about?
C. Reading Activity:
Let the children read the paragraph written on the chart.
Animals help man in many ways. The dog guards his house at night. The carabao t him plow
the field. The carabao pulls the cart that transport the farmers' products over hills and mountains.
The horse pulls the calesa or the caretela. The cow gives him milk, meat and leather for his shoes.
1. a. Who help man in many ways?
b. What dies the carabao do to help transport the farmers product over hills and mountains?
c. Who give milk and meat
2. Skill Development:
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. The usefulness of dogs
b. The usefulness of cows
c. The usefulness of animals to man
D. Writing Activity:
Read and copy the main idea in this paragraph.
Berto is the son of Mr. And Mrs. Santos. He is nine years old. While Mr. and Mrs. Santos are
busy working on the farm, Berto sits under a tree. He watches the clouds sailing in the sky, the
birds and insects flying. Berto does not work at all. They call him Lazy Berto.
a. Lazy Berto
b. The Sick Boy
c. Rich Boy
Read and copy the main idea in the following paragraph:
1. Liza wakes up early in the morning. She cleans the house and waters the plants in the garden. She
helps mother cook the food. Liza prepares the table and eats her breakfast early. She goes to
school everyday.
a. The Lazy Girl
b. The Honest Girl
c. An Industrious Girl
2. Animals need food in order to grow. They need shelter or a place to stay in. They also need love
and care.
a. Where Animals Stay
b. What Animals Need
c. What animals Eat
Copy the paragraph with correct letter formation in your writing notebook and underline the main
idea in the paragraph.
Reference: Building English Skills Bk. 1
Date: ____________
 Give the main idea of a story listened to
Giving the Main Idea of a Story Listened to
PELC - BEC 5.3 Developing Reading Power
charts, flashcards, pictures
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Say each word and have the pupil repeat it.
Animals sounds
Dog — grr, grr — aw aw
Carabao — moo, moo, moo
Goat — meeh, meeh
2. Review
How do we identify the main idea a paragraph listened to?
B. Pre-listening:
1. Motivation
Let the pupils listen to the selected but before reading the short selected ask the following
1. Are there animals that sounds?
2. What animals make sound?
3. What is the reason why make sounds?
C. During Listening:
Let the pupils listen to the selection first then have them after the teacher read the selection.
Reading Activity:
1. Present this selection on chart and let the pupils read.
Penny is cat. It's Anne's pet. Its color is white. It likes to play with Anne. Penny looks
clean and fat. It eats fish, rice and meat. Anne loves Penny, her pet cat.
a. What is Anne's pet?
b. Describe how Penny look like.
c. Do all animals be pets? Why?
3. Skill Development:
a. Ask the pupils if animals are important to human being.
b. How do animals help man?
4. Generalization
1. What should we remember when we listen to a story?
2. What is the main idea of the selection?
Post Reading Activity
1. Read the selection again silently.
2. Write 5 sentences or more that retells the story. Do it in your own word the way you
understand it.
1. Read this selection and write the main idea after reading it.
Taking Care of Animals
Victor lives on a farm. He lives with his parents in a little nipa house. Victor has an older
sister named Nora. Victor and . Nora help their parents. They help take care of their animals.
They have a carabao, a horse, a goat and some chickens….pp 87
2. a. Who help take care of the animals?
b. Who takes care of the horse? Chicken? Goat? Horse?
c. Why are the animals fat and healthy?
Listen to the selection and give the main idea.
The Bees
The bees live in a big family. There are many bees in the family. We cannot count them. The bee
family is called a swarm. The swarm lives in the hive. The hive hangs on tree. Each swarm has a
mother bee. She is called the queen bee. She is the mother of all bees in the swarm. There are two
kinds of bees. The busy bees are called the workers. The lazy bees are called droves. The workers do
not like the droves. They sting the lazy droves. The workers gather nectar from the flowers. They put
the nectar in the hive. The bees make the nectar into the honey. Honey is sweet. It is the food of the
young bees.
The bees live in a big family.
The bees make the honey for the young bees.
The busy bees are called workers.
They sting the lazy drones.
Date: ____________
 Use possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, their and ours
Using Possessive Pronouns Mine, His, Hers, Their, Yours and Ours
Reference: PELC - BEC 5.2.1 p. 20
Building English Skills Bk. 2 pp 106-115
Children’s' reading laboratory Bk III pp. 37-38
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
sake fake
B. Presentation:
1. Reading:
Read the dialogue on pp. 106-107 of the text.
2. Discussion:
a. What is the dialogue all about?
b. What did Nilda answer when she was asked by Ramon on the first dialogue?
c. Nilda asked what Ramon's price was. What did she say?
3. Skill Development
a. This is my bag. This bag is mine.
b. This pair of shoes is yours.
c. This pencil is this.
4. Generalization
When do we use the possessive pronoun mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours?
5. Application
In pairs, tell the pupils to write a dialogue using the possessive pronouns mine, yours,
his, hers, theirs and ours.
Read the sentences. Copy and complete each sentence by using appropriate possessive pronouns.
1. These toys belong to him. It is _____________.
2. That hat belongs to you. It is ____________.
3. That umbrella belongs to Brenda. It is ____________.
Use mine, yours, her, ours, theirs in a sentence.
Date: ____________
 Use pronouns that agree in gender with its antecedent
Using Pronouns that Agree in Gender with its Antecedent
Reference: PELC - BEC 5.1
Building English Skills II, Bk. 2, pp. 122-129
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Reading a poem
Other Children by: Helen Wing
Answer the following question:
1. What is the title of the poem?
2. Who are the children mentioned in the poem? Name their countries.
2. Review
What is a noun? Can you identify the nouns in the poem?
3. Motivation
Do you have a friend from other places?
4. Reading
Read the paragraphs on pp. 123-125 of the text.
5. Discussion
a. What are the places mentioned in the poem?
b. What are the things they love to do?
6. Skill Development
a. What word takes place after the name of Lubo? Boed? Omar? Kalim? Beatriz? And
Patricia? What do you call them?
b. What word takes the place of the name of person?
7. Practice Exercise:
Point out the personal pronoun.
a. We live in a comfortable home.
b. My father is a lawyer. He is bent over his work. His forehead lined in deep thought.
8. Generalization:
What word take the place of the name of person?
9. Application:
a. Ask pupils about the thing they can see on a farm. Lead them to include carabao on their
b. Give them time to create a word/semantic web about the carabao
Change the underlined words with correct personal pronoun.
1. Dante likes to climb the coconut trees. Dante picks young coconut for his sister.
2. Charissa Kate loves to read fairy tales. Charissa Kate enjoys reading.
3. Ian Czar and Ben are brothers. Ian Czar and Ben love to play car racing.
Write a short paragraph about what you and your friends do on weekends. Use I, he, she, they, we
in your sentences.
Date: ____________
 Group similar ideas that fall under a big idea
Similar Ideas that Fall under a Big Idea
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp. 60-64
Pictures of different objects or concrete objects
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with /ow/ and /aw/ sounds.
2. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of the following words through context clues.
3. Motivation:
Show pictures of different objects or concrete objects.
Ask: What can you see in the picture? Or what can you see on the table?
4. Motive question
What kind of boy is Jose? Find out in the paragraph.
B. During Reading:
Reading the short paragraph orally.
Every Saturday morning Jose picks fruits from their trees. He picks guava, mangoes, duhat
and makopa. He sells them in the market.
C. Post Reading:
1. Discussion
What kind of a boy is Jose?
2. Answering the Comprehension Checkup:
1. What does Jose do every Saturday?
2. What kind of fruits does he picks?
3. What does he do with the fruits?
3. Skill Development:
Will you name again the fruits that Jose picks every Saturday morning?
Write the name of the fruits in one column.
What heading or title can we give for these groups? Write fruits above the name of the fruits.
4. Generalization:
What ideas can be group under one big idea?
Group the class into three. Introduce the words to them in the pocket chart. Tell them that each
member of the group will pick the words one by one and place them under their PROPER
Parts of the Body
Write a short paragraph about what you and your friends do on weekends. Use I, he, she, they, we
in your sentences.
Date: ____________
 Distinguish big ideas from small ideas
Distinguishing Big Ideas from small Ideas
References: PELC — BEC 5 p. 14
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp.143-146
Materials: flashcards, manila paper, pentel pen, drawing of big dipper and small dipper
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill Reading of words with final /ch/
batch latch patch
catch much snatch
hatch watch bunch
2. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock the meaning of the following words through pictures.
a. dipper
b. spring
c. brooks
3. Motivation
Show the drawing of the big dipper and the little dipper to the class.
Ask: What does the picture show? Which of them is the big dipper? Little dipper? Where
do we see these big dipper and little dipper?
4. Motive Question
Where do the big dipper or little dipper came from?
B. During Reading:
Silent reading of the story "The Diamond Dipper" see pages 146-153 of Building Skills Bk.2
Post Reading:
1. Discussion:
a. Answering the motive question.
b. Where did the big dipper come from?
c. Answering the comprehension check-up
2. Skill Development:
In the story you have just read, you can say that the big dipper is somewhat similar to the big
ideas or the main ideas. Tell what is the story about. The big idea maybe found in the first or last
3. Generalization:
How do you distinguish big ideas from small ideas?
4. Application:
Divide the class into 3 groups. They will classify the words as phrases whether they are big
ideas or small ideas. Each group will write the answer on ½ manila paper.
5. Enrichment Activity:
Ask pupils to make word bank/word wall on the following big ideas:
a. Vehicle
b. Months of the Year
c. A week
d. Vegetables
e. Fruits
What is the big idea of each selection? Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Raja's people send messages by drums. A drummer beats the drum very fast. Sometimes he beats
them very slowly. The people know what the drums are telling them.
a. The drummer beats the drums.
b. Sending message by drums.
c. The beating of the drums.
2. The mountain people gather some fruits in the forest. They dig roots of wild plant. They go to the
river to catch fish.
a. The wild fruits in the forest
b. Fishing in the river
c. How mountain people gather food
Make a list of 3 big ideas and small ideas.
Date: ____________
 Give an appropriate title for a paragraph read
Appropriate Title for a Paragraph
Building English Skills III pp. 102-105
paragraph written on a piece of cartolina
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Words with initial and final /th/
2. Review
a. Retell the class:
It’s a ball of fire. It shines brightly and it’s very hot. What is it?
b. Show the paragraph on a piece of cartolina.
The sun is like a ball of fire. It shine brightly. It is very hot.
Which sentence in the paragraph give the main idea?
B. Presentation:
1. Skill Development:
a. Ask the pupils to read again the paragraph.
What is the key sentence in the paragraph?
What is the paragraph all about?
2. Generalization:
How will you give title to a paragraph?
What should you remember in giving title to a paragraph?
3. Application:
Show this paragraph.
Plants need sunlight in order to grow People need sunlight to become strong and healthy.
Animals need sunlight, too. Plant and animals as well as people cannot live without sunlight.
a. Cluster the class into groups of 6. retell the paragraph together which will explain
information in their own words. Give preference on what the paragraph is about. Give
the title of the paragraph.
4. Enrichment Activity:
a. Create a word web about water.
b. Write a paragraph about the word web formed on water.
c. Give the best title for the paragraph.
1. Rudy is very helpful. He helps mother doing household work. He helps teachers in the school. He
also helps classmates.
a. A Bright Boy
b. Rudy and his Mother
c. A Helpful Boy
2. Pollution is one of our big problems. C Rivers are dying because people throw the garbage there.
Factories also throw the waste products into it. The air surrounding gives unpleasant odor. It
makes some people sick.
a. problem
b. pollution
c. river
Write a short paragraph about our school.
Date: ____________
 Identify the key sentence in the paragraph read
Key Sentence in the Paragraph Read Reading a Description: The Sun
PELC 5 p. 14
Building English Skills III pp. 162-168
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Reading of words with CVC pattern
2. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of words and phrases by the use of pictures or by means of action.
a. gases
c. distance
b. sun
d. living things
3. Motivation:
When the sun shines brightly, how did we feel? Why? What can you say about the sun?
4. Motive Question:
What is the sun made off?
B. During Reading:
Have the pupils read the description “The Sun” orally.
C. Post Reading:
1. Discussion
a. Answering the motive question: What is the sun made of?
b. Answering
comprehension check-up.
a. What are the characteristics of the gases that make up the sun?
b. What is the size of the sun?
2. Skill Development
Have the pupils read the first paragraph "The Sun".
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the paragraph below and identify the key sentence.
Ronnie is a good pitcher. He is a fast runner too. He is a good athlete.
4. Generalization
How can we identify the key sentence in a paragraph? Where can we find the key
sentence in a paragraph?
5. Application:
Ask the pupils to read the second and fourth paragraph of “The Sun”. What is
the key sentence in the second paragraph? Fourth?
Identify the key sentence in the paragraph.
It is a stormy week. Heavy rain falls and strong wind whistles on the rooftops. The wind sways
the branches of trees and carries their leaves, flowers and seeds far away.
Read paragraph 4 on page 168 of the textbook, Building English Skills Bk. I and write the key,
sentence of the paragraph in your notebook.
Date: ____________
 Write different kinds of sentences with correct punctuation marks
Writing Different Kinds of Sentences with Correct Punctuation Marks
Building English Skills Bk. I page 77
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Spelling
2. Review:
What is a sentence? Give example of sentences.
3. Motivation:
Do you have a pet at home? How do you take cake of your pet?
4. Reading:
Ask pupils to read the short paragraph about Danny’s pet on p. 77.
5. Discussion:
What is Danny’s pet?
How did Danny take good care of his pet?
B. During Writing:
Ask pupils to read the following on the board:
1. Are there birds that live near your home?
2. Do they build their nest in the trees?
3. Can you hear their songs early in the morning?
C. Post Writing:
1. Exercises:
Let the children from four groups. Let them pick the sentence they want to present to the
Tell them that they’ll going to make a dialogue and act it out. Be sure that each sentence
will be the content of the dialogue.
1. Where did you go last night?
2. What is your favorite subject?
3. Return that umbrella at the principal’s office.
2. Generalization:
What are the two kinds of sentences we discussed? How each sentence written?
Copy the sentences following the standards for writing.
1. How much do you get that stuff?
2. Please give me that red carpet.
3. Visit your dentist twice a year.
4. How far is the earth from the sun?
5. Please keep the surroundings clean.
Write sentences asking question, command sentences and request sentences. Use and follow
standards for writing.
Date: ____________
 Sequence events in the story listened to through groups of sentences.
Sequencing Events through Groups of Sentences
References: PELC 6 p. 11 Building English Skills 3 pp. 139-143
Materials: pictures, flashcards, charts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
The teacher reads the sentence and the pupils will answer the questions orally.
1. Every morning, before Emy went to school, she watered the vegetable garden. What did
Emy do first?
2. Tina started by sweeping the ceiling next she cleaned the windows. What did she do last?
a. She cleaned the windows
b. She swept the ceiling
2. Review
Arrange the pictures to show the story of the plant.
3. Motivation
Do you have a flower garden at home? Did you enjoy gardening? Why? Have a field trip
to the school garden. The teacher ask the pupils. What are the things found in the garden?
B. During Listening:
Listen carefully because I will read a story about a "Big Mistake". Find out what Susan's big
mistake. The teacher reads the story on pp. 140-141 Building English Skills 3 Bk.1
C. Post Listening:
1. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why was Susan unhappy one morning?
b. What flowers did Susan bring to school?
c. What did the class say about the orchids?
2. Practice Exercises
a. Read this story orally:
Spider run as quick as flash through the window and cud up to the highest part of the
ceiling. Leopard could not catch him even though he tried and tried. Spider was warm
and dry and safe in the ceiling. He decided to live there.
b. Present these sentences on strips of cartolina.
1. Leopard could not catch him.
2. Spider run as quick as flash.
D. Generalization:
What did we use with the events in the story? (We arrange the events as to its order)
E. Application:
Group pupils into pairs. Read the written paragraph on the board. Tell them to work
cooperatively in sequencing events regarding the paragraph.
Arrange the events in their proper order by writing 1 to 5 on the blank after listening to the story:
Rico heard a puppy's yelp as he walked down the road. He found a dirty young puppy under a
thick bush. Rico knelt on the ground to pick the poor thing up.
_____ He looked around to see where it coming from.
_____ Rico knelt on the ground.
_____ He found a dirty puppy under a bush.
_____ Rico picked up the puppy.
Copy the sentences telling about Rico and the Puppy. Write them as they happened in the story
in paragraph from on a whole sheet of paper.
Date: ____________
 Sequence events in the story listened to through pictures.
Sequencing Events Through Pictures
References: PELC 6 p. 14 Building English Skills 3 pp. 103-105
Materials: pictures, flashcards, charts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Listen carefully as I read the pair of words. Say yes if the two words end with the same
sound and no if they don't.
a. match - hatch
b. catch - batch
c. batch - bats
2. Motivation:
What do you see in the picture? Do you play spiders? Where can you find them?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
With the use of the picture, develop the meaning of the following words.
spider web
B. During Listening:
1. Presentation:
Today I’m going to read a story “A Silk Thread Home” Find out what spiders home is
made of. The teacher reads the story.
C. Post Listening:
1. Comprehension Check-up
a. What did the children do with the spider?
b. What did the spider do in its new home?
c. What happened to the mother spider?
2. Skills Development
1. What happened first?
2. What happened next?
3. Study the pictures after each number. Rearrange them in the order in which they happened in
the story. (Building English Skills 3 pp. 105)
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Look at the pictures. These pictures show the story of a plant. Tell a story about the
pictures: (illustrated on the chart)
Which picture should be first?
Which picture should be second?
Which picture should be the third? fourth? fifth? and the last?
D. Generalization:
How do we sequence events?
Listen carefully as I read the selection. Then be able to arrange the pictures in the correct order
about the story:
Listen carefully as I read the selection. Then be able to arrange the pictures in the correct order
about the story:
I am going to the market, mother said. Can we go too? asked Lina and Shiela. Yes, you may,
mother answered. Mother, Tina and Shiela rode in the jeepney. Tina saw a girl selling plastic bags as
they entered the market. Mother bought meat from the meat shop. Shiela saw all the kinds of fish at
the fish stall. There were many people buying.
Mother, let's buy some watermelon, Tina said. So they went to the fruit stand and bought fruits,
Oh! Almost forgot to buy vegetables, mother said. The two girls and their mother went to the
vegetable shop. Sheila said, I'm thirsty. Can we rest now? So mother took them to a cafeteria and
bought cold halo-halo. It was so delicious.
Draw and show the life cycle of a bird inside the box.
Date: ____________
 Sequence events in the story listened to through guided questions.
Sequencing Events Through Guided Questions.
References: PELC 6 p. 14 Building English Skills 3 Bk. 1 pp. 158-162
Materials: pictures, flashcards, cutouts
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Pronounce the words correctly on the flashcards.
2. Motivation:
Sow a picture c a nurse. Ask the pupils who is in the picture. (nurse)
Do you want to be a nurse? Who is our school nurse? What does she do to the children?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
With the use of pictures and real objects, develop the meaning of the following words:
1. weighing scale (picture)
2. fresh air (gesture or picture)
3. check-up (gesture)
B. During Listening:
1. Today I'm going to read a story about the activities of a nurse in school. Find out why did the
nurse look at the children's eyes, ears, mouth, arms and legs.
C. Post Listening:
1. Comprehension Check-up
1. How did the children greet when they saw Miss Perez?
2. What did Miss Perez do to the children and Miss Abad?
2. Infusion of Values
Tell pupils to show/bring out the different toiletries you assigned to them yesterday.
Ask them to stand one by one and tell the use of each toiletries in their proper grooming?
Let them "Act-out" the different ways of taking care of themselves.
3. Skills Development
Distribute to the pupils by group the different questions you'll going to ask about the
selection. Let them answer the question and sequence the events as it happened in the story.
4. Practice Exercises
1) Group the pupils into 5. Present the questions on strips of cartolina. 2) Distribute the
strips to the 5 groups. 3) Let them read each orally. 4) Show the paragraph. Let them read it.
5) Let the pupils answer the questions. 6) Sequence the answers as based on the paragraph. 7)
Let them post the answers on the board.
D. Generalization:
How do we sequence events?
Listen carefully. The teacher will read the story. Then arrange the sentences as they happen in the
story by answering the questions.
A Trip to the City
One day, Ben went to the city with his father. They rode in a jeepney. They went to S.M. for a
snack and went around the city. It was Ben’s first day in the city. He was surprised to see many things
in the city. Ben asked his father to buy him a toy gun and a pair of shoes. They went to another store.
Ben saw a big toy gun. He loved it very much. His father bought the toy gun.
a. Where did Ben go one day?
b. Where did they ride?
c. What did Ben asked form his father?
d. What did they see when they went to another store?
Read the story of “Lupa, Araw, and Buwan” Building English Skills 3 Bk. 1 pp. 156-162. Write
questions based on the following sentences as they happen in the story.
1. Araw started to go west.
2. Lupa, Araw and Buwan Quarrel
3. Bathala turned Araw into a ball of fire.
Date: ____________
 Identify the simple form of verb/s or –es form of verb in a sentence.
Agreement Between Subject and Verb.
PELC 6.1 Speaking
BEC p.14
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Free communication (Guessing Game)
Ex. Do some actions then, ask: What am I doing? (Pupils tell the action) You are
2. Review:
What are verbs? Give examples of action verbs.
3. Motivation:
We have already learned about verbs. Today, we will use verbs in sentences.
B. During Speaking:
1. Presentation:
Have the pupils read the sentences written on the board/chart.
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
1. What are the subjects in the sentence under group I?
2. What are the subjects in the sentences under group II?
3. Are they singular or plural?
D. Generalization:
What form of verb is used when the subject is singular? When the subject is plural?
E. Application:
Choose a leader form the class. Let him lead his classmates to answer the following by
choosing that should go together with the noun.
1. Marinao
a. know many kinds of animals and birds.
b. knows many kinds of animals and birds.
2. Most birds
a. build their nests in trees.
b. builds their nests in trees.
Select the correct form of verb inside the parenthesis. Write the correct answer in the blank
provided for.
1. He ________ (keep, keeps) the canals clean.
2. A father quail _________(bring, brings) food for the baby quails.
3. They _________ (cry, cries) when they are hungry.
Write 3 sentences using the simple form of verb and 3 sentences using the -s form of verb.
Date: ____________
 Used the correct present time expression
Using Correct Present Time Expression
PELC 6.2 Speaking BEC p.14
pictures, flashcards
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review (group work)
Write the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence in the paragraph.
People Build Our Nation
People with different occupation help build our nation. An engineer _______ (build)
roads and bridges. A doctor _________ (cure) the sick. A teacher ________ (teach) school
children. A lawyer (defend) our rights as Filipino citizens. A policeman __________ (protect)
us from trouble makers.
B. During Speaking:
Read the sentences that ell something about the pictures
- My father works everyday
- Grandmother goes to church every Sunday
- The parrot sing every morning.
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
a. When does parrot work?
b. When does grandmother go to church?
c. When does parrot sing?
2. Giving more examples using the present time expression.
every month
3. Generalization:
When do we use present time expressions? What form of verb is used to express present
time expression?
4. Application:
a. Tell pupils to group themselves into five. Let them draw lots as to number of sentence
they have to act-out and tell whether verb is on the present time.
1. The dogs bark everyday.
2. He rides to school every morning.
3. Cora visit her grandmother every month.
5. Value Infusion:
Let pupils be divided into 4 groups. Let them dramatize the different household chores
they perform at home.
Fill in the blanks with the correct present time expressions. Choose your answer from the words
1. Nene goes to school __________________________.
2. We go swimming in the beach _______________________.
3. My sister eats her lunch _____________________.
4. My mother goes to the market ________________.
5. I eat breakfast ______________.
Write 2 sentences each using the following present time expressions.
every month
every week
every summer
Date: ____________
 Use the correct past time expression.
Helpfulness and Cooperation
II. Subject Matter:
Using Correct Past Time Expression
PELC 6.1 Speaking BEC p.14
pictures, flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill (Picking Fruits)
Have the pupils pick fruits in a tree with words written on them. Ask them to read the
word aloud then give its past tense.
2. Review (Group Game)
Question and answer using the present time expression.
3. Motivation:
Today, we are going to learn the form of verb to be used in talking about actions that
happened in the past.
B. During Speaking:
Read the following sentences after the teacher.
1. Umba and his family lived in a small cave thousand years ago.
2. Mother cooked adobo last night.
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
a. Where did Umba and his family live? What did mother cook? What did they watch?
b. What verb is used in each sentence? When did the action happened? What words tell that
the actions happened in the past?
2. Generalization:
When do we use past time expression in a sentence?
3. Application:
a. Guided Exercises:
Let them raise the red flaglet if they think past time expression is not used in the
sentence and green flaglet if the sentence use a past time expression:
____ 1. We left last week.
____ 2. Last year, the children visited the zoo.
b. Independent Exercises:
Think of five sentences you can write with the following part time expression in
1. yesterday
2. last week
4. Value Infusion:
Dramatize the ways how people helped one another long time ago.
IV. Evaluation:
Write an appropriate past time expression to complete the idea of the sentence.
1. We had our family reunion _____________.
2. ________, the Reyes family went to Baguio.
3. ________, a visitor came to our house.
V. Assignment:
Write a 5-10 sentence paragraph about the lives of our ancestors using the past time expressions.
Date: ____________
 Use the correct future time expression.
Promptness and Use Wise Time
II. Subject Matter:
Using Correct Future Time Expression
PELC 6.1 Speaking BEC p.14
pictures, flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill (Words written on flashcards)
Read then tell when the following occasions happen:
Valentines Day
Holy Week
New Year
2. Review
Question and answer using the past time expression.
3. Motivation:
Your father tells you to invite your friends on your birthday.
 What will you do?
 What will you say to your friends?
B. During Speaking:
Read the sentences on the chart.
1. I will go to Manila next Christmas
2. He will see the doctor tomorrow.
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
a. Give the verb used in each sentence.
b. What word is used before the verb?
2. Generalization:
How do you form sentences using future time expression?
3. Application:
a. Guided Exercises:
I will go - the clothes on Sunday
Mary will clean - to Boracay on Summer
b. Independent Exercises:
Tell them that they will playa game: Set three (3) pupils holding the words
4. Value Infusion:
Group pupils into 5. Give them enough time to list down things which you will do
Tell them to make schedules indicating the time frame when to begin and when to end.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences. Encircle the correct form of verb inside the parenthesis to make the
sentence correct.
1. Father and I (go, will go) to the park tomorrow.
2. John (studies, will study) his lessons everyday.
3. We (get, win get) our prizes next week.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences using the future time expressions.
Date: ____________
 Use the correct form of verb that agrees with the subject in number.
Kindness to animals
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Correct Form of Verb that Agrees with the Subject in Number
PELC 6.1 Speaking, BEC p. 14; Building English Skills III, Bk. 2 p. 112
Pictures of Animals
Sounds they Make
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Free Communication
1. How does the author treat her pet?
2. Do you have pet at home?
2. Review (a verb game)
Let's play a game with t e sentences written on the flashcard One of you will do what the
sentence on the flashcard tells you to d Another one will ask a classmate what you did. The
one who gives correct answer will do the one number.
3. Motivation:
(Talk about animals.) What animals have you seen? Do you know its sounds? Let’s
find out what sounds they make.
4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Use the following words in sentences.
a. gabble - Frightened turkeys gobble
b. hoot - Owl hoots during night time.
B. During Speaking:
Assign a pupil to read the poem orally while the rest of the pupils read silently. "Sounds They
Make", Building Skills III, Bk. 2, p. 112
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
What are the verbs used in the poem? (Answers are written on the board)
A turkey gobbles.
Dogs bark
A hen clucks.
Cats meow
2. Generalization:
What important thing should be remembered when a noun or pronoun is plural in
number? Singular in number?
3. Application:
a. Guided Exercises:
Supply plural subject and singular subject on the blanks.
1. ______ recite/recites poem.
2. ______ draw/draws cartoon characters.
b. Independent Exercises:
Form a sentence using a singular subject with the -s form of the verb and a sentence
using a plural subject with the simple form of the verb.
IV. Evaluation:
Write the correct form of the verb in the blank.
1. Dina and Troy _______ Mrs. Tuazon pictures of their family. (show)
2. They _____ to her while waiting for mother. (talk)
3. She ______ Mr. Santos to the terrace. (usher)
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph about your pets at home. Use the simple form of verb and the -s form of
Date: ____________
 Use verbs correctly
II. Subject Matter:
Using The Correct Form of Verb
PELC 6.1 Speaking BEC p.14
flashcards, cut-outs of fruits
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill (Find your partner)
Distribute cut outs of fruits (divided into halves), then find your partner to complete the
2. Review
Raise your right hand if the future time expression is used in the sentence and hands
down if not.
1. I will go to market tomorrow.
2. Lito watered the plants yesterday.
B. During Speaking:
Read the sentences. Observe the verb used. in each sentence.
1. Jose greets his teacher everyday.
2. He greeted his teacher yesterday.
He will greet his teacher tomorrow.
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
1. Did you notice the use of verbs each sentence?
2. When did the actions happen each sentence?
2. Generalization:
What form of verb should be u~ when the subject is singular? Plural?
3. Application:
a. Guided Exercises:
Give the right verbs as teacher show the strips of car: with sentences in them.
1. Tina _____ fruits everyday.
2. Fahter _____ his bath early everyday.
4. Value Infusion:
Dramatize the situation where the flag is being raised.
IV. Evaluation:
Pick a flashcard inside the box. Tell whether the verb is in the present, past or future tense. Use
the verb in a sentence.
will sing
will write
will play
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences using the correct form of verb.
Date: ____________
 Write the correct spelling of the verbs used in the sentences/paragraphs
Cleanliness and neatness
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Correct Form of Verb
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill (a verb game)
2. Review:
Choose the correct verb for each sentence:
1. In most places today, carpenters (dig, digs) canals for the people.
2. The spider (spin, spins) a web of silk thread.
3. Motivation:
Look at me. What am I doing class?
Example: standing
B. During Speaking:
1. Presentation:
The teacher reads the sentences in the flashcards. Ask the pupils to identify the verbs
used in the sentences. Let the pupils I7vrite them on the blackboard with correct spelling of
the words.
a. The little girl jumps over the window.
b. A caterpillar sleeps in a leaf cocoon.
C. Post Writing:
1. Application:
Divide the pupils into 5 groups. Assign each group to write 3 sentences about the
following verbs.
Group 1 - was
Group 4 - climb
2 - writes
5 - picks
3 - clean
D. Independent Practice:
Read the paragraph and choose the correct verb form for each sentences. Write your answer
on a sheet of paper.
Candy (wakes, wake) up early in the morning. Candy and her mother (cook, cooks) the food.
They (prepare, prepares) them for breakfast. Then, she (wash, washes) the dishes and her younger
sister (feed, feeds) the dog.
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher reads the sentences on -= flashcard. Let the pupils choose the verb u and write them
correctly in their answer sheet.
1. Mark cuts the all grasses in front of their house.
2. Felix waters the plants everyday.
3. Tina and her sister Fe help mother cook food.
V. Assignment:
Use the following verbs in sentences. Write them correctly in your notebook:
1. walk
2. pulls
3. speaks
4. reads
5. drinks
Date: ____________
Infer traits of characters as to what they say
Kindness Politeness
II. Subject Matter:
Inferring Traits of Characters as to What They Say
PELC 7.1
Sample Lesson Plan
charts, pictures
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of assignment
2. Review through a game.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. bundle
b. aisle
4. Motivation:
Have you tried riding on a bus? Did you enjoy your ride? Why and why not?
5. Motive Question
How did Jonny help the woman to find for a seat?
B. Read the story as the pupils listen.
“A Bus Ride”
C. Post Listening:
1. a. What kind of a boy is Johnny?
b. Why do you say so?
c. What did he say to the woman?
How did he say it?
2. Skill Development
Marcela was busy playing with her friends. Suddenly, she saw her teacher coming. She
stood up hurriedly and greeted her teacher. This is what she said, "Good morning Madam,
may I help you carry your things!"
a. Why did Marcela stop playing?
b. What did she say to her teacher?
c. What kind of a person is Marcela?
3. Generalization
How can we tell what kind of person a boy or a girl? (By listening to what she/he says)
4. Exercises:
Arnold went up to the new comer and said "I hope you will like it here in this school.
Arnold is
a. mischievous
b. friendly
c. worried
D. Reading Activity
Read this selection and identify the trait of the character.
Jellie always smile at everyone. She says "Good morning or Good afternoon" to teachers and
classmates. Thank you and you’re welcome are her favorite expressions. Jellie is:
a. polite
b. kind
c. helpful
E. Writing Activities:
Write down in your notebook the trait of your best friend/mother/father/teacher. Follow the
examples given:
1. My friend is Mona. She is kind, beautiful, etc……..
IV. Evaluation:
Teacher reads the story while pupils listen. Identify the traits of character as to what they say.
1. "Father I will help you in your garden." This is what Jose said. When he saw father working in the
garden. "I will water the plants and remove the dry leaves. "Well, that's good Jose, it will be
easier for me to finish all the works in our garden if you would help me now," "Thank you son."
said father.
a. What are Jose's traits?
b. Describe Father's trait.
V. Assignment:
Write adjectives that describe a person.
Date: ____________
Infer traits of characters as to what they do
II. Subject Matter:
Inferring Traits of Characters as to What They Do
PELC 7.1
Building English Skills p. 208 Bk. 2
Princess Urduja of Pangasinan
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Words with ought and aught sound.
Ought and aught have the same sound although they have different spelling.
2. Listen carefully and clap your hand twice if the word I am going to say is spelled as ought
and once if the word is spelled as aught.
a. naughty
b. sought
c. taught
3. Review:
How can we tell what kind of person or a girl is? What adjectives may be used to describe a
person? Give examples.
4. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the following sentences and let pupil give the meaning of the words using context
clues. Give stress to the word being unlocked.
a. "Your Highness, one of the men does not want to land," repeated the soldier. The
soldier reporting to the queen.
b. The uncivilized people of long ago burned books, buildings and houses.
5. Motivation:
Ask the pupils to locate Pangasinan in the map of .the Philippines. Ask them to identify the
places near Pangsinan.
6. Motive Question:
What kind of woman was Princess Urduja?
B. Read the story as the pupils listen.
"The Princess of Pangasinan"
C. Post Listening
1. a. Answering the motive question
b. What did the soldier tell Princess Urduja?
2. Skill Development:
Princess Urduja know there were visitors on her shore. She asked her soldiers to invite them
to a feast. Princess Urduja was
a. proud
b. hospitable
c. kind
3. Generalization:
How can we tell what kind of a person a boy or a girl is? (through his/her action)
D. Reading Activity:
Read this paragraph and tell what kind of girl/boy is being described.
Romeo helps his classmates make their room clean. He helps some of them in their
homework. He helps Mrs. Requiero do some household chores.
a. What does Romeo do to make their room clean?
b. What kind of a boy is· Romeo?
E. Writing Activity:
Copy the following sentences and underline the adjectives that describe person.
1. Anabel always works with her brother to keep their yard clean. She is industrious, helpful
and responsible.
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the traits of character as to what they do.
1. Elena reads and writes well. She gets high grades. She recites poems and sings well. She dances
well too. Elena is
a. ________
b. ________
c. ________
V. Assignment:
Cut pictures of children showing different traits and write the children's trait.
Date: ____________
Use the positive form of adjectives in describing persons, places, animals, ideas and events
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Positive Form of Adjectives
Building English Skills 3 Tx pp. 1;32-139;
Building English Skills TM pp. 51-53;
read flowers, different objects
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Group the following as to persons, places, animals or things.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Using pictures and concrete objects.
1. swing
2. rink
3. pals
3. Motivation Question:
Why is King Ding not happy?
4. Let the pupils read the story. “The Little King” p.126
5. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is not happy? Why?
3. Where did the King love to play?
6. Infusion of Values:
If you are a king or a queen would you play with ordinary people? What character traits
does the king posses?
B. Skills Development:
1. What words describe the King in the story? The tree?
2. Oral Exercises:
Look at this flower. What can you say about its color, size, and smell? Show other things
available and let them describe.
3. Describe the following pictures:
Ex. The ball is round.
4. Generalization:
What do you call words that describe persons, places, animals, ideas and events?
5. Application:
Use the following adjectives in a sentence:
C. Writing Exercises: (Group Games)
1. Read the paragraph and fill each blank with appropriate adjectives. Choose from the words
given: (heavy sweet tiny pretty national white strong small)
The Sampaguita is a _________ flower. It is ______ gut it is _______ . It can stand up
against ________ and ________ rains. It bears __________ flowers throughout the year.
These _______ flowers can be made into _______ necklaces.
IV. Evaluation:
Write sentences to describe the following~ Read your sentences.
1. Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
2. Baguio City
3. carabao
V. Assignment:
Use the following adjectives in a sentence:
1. brave
4. kind
2. clear
5. industrious
Date: ____________
Use the comparative form of adjectives in describing places, persons, ideas, and events.
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Comparative Form of Adjectives
Building English Skills 3 Tx pp. 135-139;
Building English Skills 3 TM pp. 81-89;
Moving On through Language pp. 32-41
pictures, real objects.
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Pronunciation Drill. Words with /st/ and /dz/
2. Review:
Identify the adjectives in the paragraph.
I have a big garden. It is planted with different beautiful plants. I water them everyday.
My plants give me fresh flowers.
3. Motivation
How many of you' watched "Bituin”? Who are the actors and actresses in this telenovela?
B. Read the conversation between Richard and Bonyok:
Comprehension Check-up:
1. Who is tall?
2. Who is taller?
3. Who is stout?
4. Who is stouter?
C. Skill Development:
1. Lets compare Bonyok and Richard:
Who is taller? Richard or Bonyok? Who is stouter than Bonyok?
Who is stronger than Richard?
2. Read:
1. The baby girl is stout. But the baby boy is stouter.
2. Mother is young. But Auntie is younger.
3. Compare yourself with your classmates; Baguio and Manila; Eagle and Maya; Lizard and
4. Infusion of Values:
How should you make comparisons? (Always consider others feeling).
5. Discussion/Abstraction:
Use the -er ending in comparing two persons or things.
Mother is shorter than Father.
A bee is smaller than a butterfly.
D. Generalization:
How do we form the comparative degree of the adjectives?
E. Group Activity:
Look at the pictures carefully. Make a comparison using sentences. (Let them write their
sentences in a ½ Manila paper).
F. Independent Exercises:
Underline the word inside the parenthesis that makes the comparison correct:
1. The banana is (sweeter, sweet) than the santol.
2. The Mabolo tree is (stronger, strong) than the banana plan.
Write sentences comparing the following:
1. ripe mango - green mango
2. elephant - lion
V. Assignment:
Compare the following
1. truck - cart
2. bed - pillow
Date: ____________
Use the Superlative Form of Adjectives in describing persons, animals, places, ideas and events
II. Subject Matter:
Comparing and Describing Using the Superlative Form of Adjectives
Building English Skills 3 Bk.1 pp. 191-198
pictures, flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation drill:
Reading of words with ai sounded as /ey/
2. Review:
Underline the adjective in the following sentences.
a. The healthy boy is Ruben.
b. The small Sampaguita flowers are made into necklace.
3. Motivation:
Teacher shows three real objects to the children.
Example: Three fruits of different sizes: atis, chico, guava. What can you say abut these
fruits? Let us compare them.
B. Lesson Proper:
1. Presentation
a. Teacher compares the fruits.
Example: Chico is bit Guava is bigger than chico Atis is the biggest of the three
2. Generalization:
What are the letters added to the positive form of adjectives when comparing three or
more things.
C. Post Listening
1. Practice Exercise
Give the superlative following adjectives.
a. old
c. rich
b. lucky
d. small
2. Application
Choose the correct adjective in the parenthesis to complete the sentences.
a. Mathematics is (more difficult, most difficult) of all the subjects.
IV. Evaluation:
Compare the following set of things using the superlative form of adjectives. Use the given
adjective to compare the things in making sentences.
1. strong (papaya, star apple, narra)
2. fast (airplane, helicopter, jet plane)
3. sweet (duhat, lanzones, chico)
V. Assignment:
Use the following adjectives in the superlative form in sentences.
1. long
4. busy
2. hard
5. helpful
3. heavy
Date: ____________
Use the Positive, Comparative, Superlative Form of Adjectives in describing persons, places,
animals, ideas and events
Love of Nature
II. Subject Matter:
Comparing Adjectives
Building English Skills 3 pp. 135-139
picture of Solar System
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with /g/ sound
2. Review:
Identify the adjectives in the paragraph
Paula, Madonna and Cora are best friends. They are studying in Luna Elementary School.
They are loving and bright. Paula is bright in class but Madonna is brighter than her. Cora is
the brightest among them.
* What are the adjectives used in the paragraph?
3. Motivation:
What can you see in the sky during the day and night?
B. During Speaking:
1. Presentation:
Read the dialog about the things we could find in the sky. pp. 131
2. Discussion:
Which planets are small? Which planet is big? Which planets is the smallest of all?
Which planet is smaller than Mars? Which planets are bigger than Earth?
3. Generalization:
How do you compare two things? (In comparing two things we add ER t the adjectives)
C. Post Listening
1. Practice Exercise
Use er and est to form the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
1. tall
2. big
2. Application:
Choose the correct adjective form for each sentence.
1. The lion, the tiger, and the elephant are big animals. The elephant is the (big, bigger,
biggest) of the three.
2. The Earth is small. The moon is (small, smaller, smallest) than the Earth.
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the following short paragraph using the correct form of adjective.
1. (sweet, sweeter, sweetest)
Aling Rosing has plenty of fruit trees in her orchard. Mango fruit is ____ . Her guava fruit is
____ than her mango fruit. The lanzones fruit is the __ of them all.
2. (heavy, heavier, heaviest)
Ted's bag was ____ . Lito's bag was ~_ than Ted's bag. Danny's' bag was the ____ of the three
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph using the three forms of adjectives.
Date: ____________
Arrange events in a story read as to space order
Be Kind to Animals
II. Subject Matter:
Arranging Events as to Space Order in a Story Read.
Building English Skills 3 pp. 102-105; TM Bk 3pp. 39-40
picture of spider, spider web, aquarium, terrarium, grasshopper
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with ch sound
church chalk
1. The big church
2. The yellow chalk
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Help the pupils discover the meaning of the following words trough the use of pictures:
3. Motivation:
Show a picture of spider to the pupils. Ask the pupils what is in the picture and let them
tell something about the spider.
4. Motive Question:
How does a spider build its home?
B. During Reading:
1. Recalling the standard for silent reading
2. Silent reading of the story.
C. Post Reading:
1. Discussion:
a. Answering the motive question
b. Answering the comprehension check-up
1. What did the children do with the spider they found?
2. What did the spider do to its new home?
2. Skill Development:
Rearrange the sentences in the order as they happened in the story. Write the letters only.
1. a. Mother spider caught a small grasshopper in its web.
b. Melida saw it first.
c. They put mother spider in the terrarium.
3. Generalization:
What did we do with the events in the story. What is its use?
4. Enrichment Activity:
Group Activity
Divide the class into 4 groups. Let the pupils rewrite the sentences in the order in which
they happened in the story.
5. Application:
Number the sentences 1 to 5 following the order of events in the story.
_______ Icarus and Dredalus ran to the mountain.
_______ The King wanted to put Dredalus in prison.
_______ Icarus fell to the sea.
_______ Dredalus made pairs of wings.
_______ Dredalus and Icarus left the island by flying.
IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the following sentence in the order they happened in the story.
1. So Magellan and his soldiers sailed to Mactan
2. Lapu-Iapu was the king of Mactan when Magellan came to the Philippines.
3. Magellan became angry.
V. Assignment:
Read the story "A Big Mistake" on, page 141-141 of Building English Skill 3. Write the
important events in the story as to space order.
Date: ____________
Arrange events as to time order
II. Subject Matter:
Arranging the events as to time order
Giving the correct order of events in a story read using guided questions.
PELC 1.1 p.14
flashcards, picture of Julian Felipe
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pronounce the words beginning with q and sq on the flashcards.
2. Review:
Show the sentences written on the chart. Number the sentences 1 t 5 following the
order of events in the story.
______ Lapu-Iapu was the king of Mactan when Magellan come to the Philippines.
______ Magellan became angry.
B. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Explain the meaning of the following words through the use of pictures or illustrations.
commissioned released
2. Motivation:
Show the picture of Julian Felipe. Do you know him?
3. Give the motive question. What are the beautiful traits of Julian Felipe?
C. During Reading
Let the pupils read the story about Julian Felipe.
D. Post Reading
1. Answering the motive question
Julian Felipe was brave and musically talented.
2. Comprehension Check-up
1. When did Julian Felipe begin his music lesson?
2. Who asked Julian to compose the country's national anthem?
3. Infusion of Values:
What desirable traits of Julian Felipe are worth imitating?
4. Generalization:
How do we arrange events? (We arrange events as to time order.)
6. Practice Exercise:
1. Arrange the sentences according to time order by writing 1 to 5 on the blank.
______ When he was two months old, he was baptized at the church.
______ Ricardo was born on July 28, 1990.
______ Now, he is already seven years old.
______ He was sent to a nursery class after 5 years.
7. Application:
Below is a situation which is true to every pupil who goes to school promptly. Arrange the
sentences according to time order.
______ Our bell rings at 7: 15 in the morning.
______ I go to school at 6:30 in the morning.
______ At 7:35 in the morning, I'm already inside the room.
______ The flag ceremony is from 7:15 in the morning until 7:30.
______ My recess time is 9:00 in the morning.
IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the events about Juan Luna's life.
Copy the events as to time order.
a. Many years ago, a boy was born in Badoc, a small town in Northern part of Luzon.
b. He went away from his hometown to study in Manila and Spain. There he worked hard until he
learned how to paint.
V. Assignment:
Write in proper time order the things you do every Saturday morning.
Date: ____________
Sequence events as to both space and tine order
II. Subject Matter:
Inferring Traits of Characters as to What They Do
PELC 7.1 p. 14
Fun in English pp. 106-107; Growing in English pp. 154-155
flashcards, picture, chart
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Read the words correctly. Tell what is common to the part of the group of words.
2. Review:
Number the sentences as they happened.
_____ Mrs. Luna cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms.
_____ At noon, she fetched the children from school.
_____ Then she prepared lunch for children.
_____ Very early at six, Mrs. Luna made breakfast for the family.
_____ She washed the dishes and took the children to school.
_____ Finally, she put the children to bed.
_____ The family and the pets have their evening meal.
B. Pre-reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. Her mother patiently explained that they had no money to buy a
new bag.
2. Her mother consoled her and told her that she should be thrifty.
2. Motivation:
Have you seen a group of ants. forming a long line? What season they usually appeared
forming a long line from one end of the line to the other end and back again?
3. Giving the motive question
Why did Teodora shows Jose the line of ants at work?
C. During Reading
Read the story, "A Lesson for Young Jose”.
D. Post Reading
1. Answering the motive question Teodora wanted Jose to look after his future. He should not
spent money for useless things.
2. Comprehension check-up
1. Who are the characters of the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. Infusion of Values
1. What does the story teach you?
2. How should you spend your money?
3. Developmental Activities
Let the pupils read the events and number it as they happened in the story.
_______ Teodora spanked Jose.
_______ Jose cried and invited on wearing a silk shirt for the school program.
_______ Teodora saw a line of ants in the yard.
_______ Teodora was sewing Jose's shirt for a school program.
_______ Jose learned the value thrift from the ants.
_______ Teodora called for Jose.
_______ Teodora explained what the ants were doing.
E. Generalizaion:
What did we do with the events in the story
F. Application:
Sequence the events after reading this list.
_______ March 31, 1521 the first Catholic mass was celebrated.
_______ April 7, 1521 Magellan reached Cebu.
_______ March 16, 1521 Magellan landed in the Philippines.
_______ April 14, 1521 Magellan made a blood compact with Humabon, King of Cebu.
_______ April 27, 1521 Magellan was killed by Lapu-Iapu in Mactan.
IV. Evaluation:
a. Read the paragraph carefully. Copy the events on a sheet of paper and number t-hem from 1 to 6
according to correct sequence.
b. Tell a story following the correct order of the events.
V. Assignment:
Copy and arrange the events in proper sequence.
a. The front legs grow.
b. The eggs are laid in the water.
c. The lungs grow.
d. The legs on both sides of the tail appear.
e. The tail disappears slowly.
f. A tadpole hatches from the egg.
g. The frog is ready to live on the land.
Date: ____________
Number events in a Story read
Asking apology for mistakes done
II. Subject Matter:
Numbering Events
References: BEC PELC 7.2 Reading p.14 Building English Skills Book 1 pp. 140-142,
flashcards, chart
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Raise your S or Z card when Y9u hear the final sound in the following words.
2. Review:
Arrange the sentences' according to time order.
______ When he was two years old, he was baptized at the church.
______ Ricardo was born on July 28, 1990.
______ Now, he is already seven years old.
______ He was sent to a nursery class after five years.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Use the following words in a sentence to develop their meaning.
mistake - Susan commits a big mistake when she cut the flowers in the garden.
b. quickly picked - She quickly picked the f1ow~rs in the garden.
4. Motivation:
What will you do if you destroy your mother's favorite plants? Will you ask an apology?
5. Giving the motive question. What was Susan's big mistake?
B. During Reading:
a. Recall standards in silent reading.
b. Reading the story "Susan's Big Mistake"
C. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive and comprehension questions
a. What was Susan's big mistake?
b. Why was Susan unhappy one day?
2. Generalization:
How do you arrange the events in the story?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises (Group Activity)
1. Read the story "The Story of Lupa, Araw and Buwan"
Ref. Building English Skills, Bk. 1 pp. 158-160
b. Independent Exercises:
Write the correct order of activity before going to school. Write the number 1-5
before the sentence.
_______ I brush my teeth. I comb my hair.
_______ I take a bath.
_______ I eat my breakfast.
_______ I change my clothes.
IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the jumbled sentences and write the correct steps in playing the game:
"How to Play the Bottle Relay"
_______ Players pour the bottle with water in the empty one and rush back.
_______ The team that has less spilled water will be declared the winner.
_______ Arrange the bottles without water in a corner.
_______ Chose your empty bottle of eight coke.
_______ Group the pupils into four teams.
V. Assignment:
Arrange the events in their proper order. Number the sentences from 1-5.
_______ He puts his bag down and sit on the sofa.
_______ One day Mario came to our house.
_______ He hold the .cat and gently rubbed its furs.
_______ He heard the meowing of the cat under the sofa.
_______ The cat slept on his lap.
Date: ____________
Use the glossary to get the meaning of words
II. Subject Matter:
Locating words in the glossary for meaning
BEC PELC 7.3 p. 14; Fun in ENGLISH III Reading pp. 233-234
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Distribute flashcards with words Pronounce the word correctly and use it in a sentence.
2. Review:
a. Give the different parts of a book.
b. Identify the parts of a book being described:
* Its like a table of contents containing the lessons arranged in alphabetical order.
3. Motivation
Suppose you were asked to look up the meaning of words in a dictionary, what should
you do to finish the task in a short period of time?
B. Presentation:
Present a series of words.
top soil
sub soil
red soil
 Arrange the words in alphabetical order.
 Look up the meaning of the given word in a glossary.
Ref. Science and Health 3 pp. 222-234
Ask: How are words arranged in the glossary?
C. Generalization:
a. What is the use of a glossary?
b. Why do we need to arrange the words in alphabetical order when we look up the meaning
in a glossary?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises: (Group Word)
Look up the meaning of words In column A in the glossary. Match Column A with
Column B (Science and Health 3 pp. 222-224)
2. Independent Exercises:
Arrange the words in alphabetical order. Copy the meaning of each word in the glossary
Ref. Fun in ENGLISH III. pp. 233-234
IV. Evaluation:
1. Arrange the words in alphabetical order.
2. Copy the meaning of each word in a glossary.
V. Assignment:
1. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
2. Copy the meaning of the word in a glossary.
Date: ____________
Write a paragraph from dictation following the correct capitalization, indention and punctuation
Write clearly and neatly
II. Subject Matter:
Writing Paragraph
PELC 7 p. 14
Building English Skills Bk. 1 pp. 77-79
pictures, real objects
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Let the pupils read the sentences and tell what kind of a sentences are the following:
1. Kudol is a Tagbanua boy.
2. Does Kudol live near the sea?
2. Review:
The teacher show some sentences on the flashcards and Jet the pupils identify the
adjectives used in each sentences.
1. The house of Ana is far from our school.
2. Pluto is the farthest planet from the earth.
3. Motivation:
The teacher asks:
 Do you have flowering plants at home?
 What are they?
4. Presentation:
The teacher show a gumamela flower and asks:
 What can you say about the plant?
 What is the color of the flower?
 What is the smell of the flower?
5. Discussion:
 Did you follow the standards in writing a paragraph?
 Are the words used spelled correctly?
B. Practice Exercises:
The teacher dictates the paragraph and call some pupils to write on the board with correct
spelling of al the words used.
C. Post Listening
Pupils write the paragraph as the teacher dictates:
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher dictates the paragraph and let the pupils write in a sheet of paper with correct
spelling of the adjectives used, following the standards in writing a paragraph.
Rain brings much fun with it. The cold clear water invites one to take a bath under it. With the
rain comes paper boats racing along sidewalks or in canals.
At home, rain means playing indoor games like siklot and sungka.
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph about your favorite pet in 3 to 4 sentences.
Date: ____________
Distinguish between facts and fancy
II. Subject Matter:
Differentiating Between Reality and Fantasy
Everyday English Reading pp. 38-40 BEC PELC Listening no..8 p. 14
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Show the following sentences Instruct the pupils to tell whether each sentence is true-to-life
or make-believe.
a. Crocodile can talk.
b. A frog is smaller than a crocodile.
2. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues.
What is the meaning of the underlined words?
1. The children cried-out loud because they saw horrible faces.
2. Mother opened the door softly and tiptoed in order not to awaken the sleeping child.
3. Motivation:
What makes you cry?
4. Presentation:
Show a picture of a princess. Tell the pupils that they're going to listen to a story about a
princess Who Could Not Cry.-
5. Motive Question:
What made the princess cry finally?
6. Recall of Standards for Listening
B. Listening Activity:
Listen as the teacher reads the story about "The Princess Who Could Not Cry."
C. Post Listening Activity:
1. Comprehension check-up
a. Answering the motive question
b. Why were the king and queen troubled?
c. Infusion of values: What lesson can we learn from the story?
2. Skills Development:
a. What situations or events in the story are considered fancy?
b. What situations or events are facts in the story?
D. Generalization:
How can we say if the action or event is fancy? How do we know if an event is a fact?
E. Practice Exercise:
a. Write whether the following sentences are facts or fancy.
1. Onions hunt our eyes and make us cry.
2. The princess laughed when she fell down the stairs.
3. A person can sleep for a hundred years.
b. The teacher will read the story "Why the Ocean is Salty" on pages 59-62. Ask the pupils to
write the factual and fanciful situations or events in the story heard.
F. Application:
Ask the pupils to write three sentences that suggests fanciful situation - and three sentences
suggesting facts.
IV. Evaluation:
Write M if the sentence tells about a fancy or make-believe event. Write T if the sentence describes a true-to-life situation.
1. Flowers attract bees and butterflies
2. A skeleton can run after you.
3. The earth revolve around the sun.
4. A person can live for a thousand years.
5. Cats can bark, too.
V. Assignment:
Write three sentences that tell true-to-Life events. Write three sentences that tell make-believe
Date: ____________
Use in, on and under to show location
Caring for Animals
II. Subject Matter:
Using on, in under to show location
BEC - PELC Listening 8 p. 14; English for All Times p. 172-173
pictures, real objects
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
cr - /kr/
cl - /klclap
2. Review:
Tell whether the following is reality of fantasy.
a. Ice cream melts easily.
b. The children rode on ~he magic carpet and traveled across the sea.
3. Motivation:
What do you do when you are in school? What do you do when you are out of the school?
B. Presentation:
a. Look at the title pictures below. Tell something about it.
Where can you find the basket?
Where can you find the duck?
b. Study the following sentences.
The basket is on the table. The duck is in the water.
c. Discussion:
Where is the basket? Where is the bird?
d. Skill Development:
Read the story “The Baby Pigeon” pp. 143
e. Infusion of Value:
Why should we take good care of the animals around us?
C. Generalization:
When do we use in? When do we use on? When do we use under?
D. Practice Exercise:
Use in, on and under to fill the blanks.
Miss Lopez went to school early. No one else was ______ the room. She set a flower vase
_______ the table. There were fresh flowers ______the vase. She arranged the book ______
the table. She arrange the book ______ the bookshelves too.
IV. Evaluation:
Use in, on, under in answering the following questions.
where are the fruit?
where is the book?
V. Assignment:
Write three sentences for each of the following prepositions on, in, under.
Date: ____________
Use prepositions above and below to show location
Accuracy in following directions
II. Subject Matter:
Using Above and Below to Show Location
Everyday English 4 Reading pp. 31-37; BEC-PELC Speaking No. 8 p.14
pictures, real objects
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
/ch/ sound
2. Review:
Look at the picture below. Use the preposition on, in, under.
The book is ________ the table
The ball is _________ the chair
3. Motivation
What are the things you can see at the upper part of the blackboard? What are the things
you can see at the lower part of the blackboard?
B. Presentation:
a. Present 'the following sentences. Ask the pupils to read it aloud.
1. Write your name above the line of your paper.
2. Write your grade below your name.
b. Ask the pupils to follow the above directions.
c. Discussion:
Where did you write your name? Where did you write your grade? Did you follow the
directions correctly?
d. Infusion of value:
What should we keep in mind in following directions?
C. Skills Development:
What part of the cabinet do we refer to when we say above? What part of the table do we
refer to when we say below? (lower part)
D. Generalization:
When do we use the preposition above? When do we use the preposition below? (BELOW
suggests a lower position and ABOVE suggests a higher position)
E. Practice Exercises:
Ask the pupils to follow the following set of directions.
1. Draw a big mountain.
2. Above the mountain draw big and small clouds.
4. Draw birds flying above the clouds.
5. Draw a wide rice field and trees below the mountain.
6. Below the tees draw different kinds of animals.
7. What picture was formed?
F. Application:
a. Use the correct preposition below and above to complete the sentences.
1. Charlene scores high in her English test. Her score is ____ the passing mark.
2. The wind is cool. Temperature goes down ____ normal.
IV. Evaluation:
Use the correct· preposition in each sentence. Write low or above.
1. Richard lives in the 2nd floor and we lie on the 4th floor. Richard lives our room. Please get the
baby. He's crawling __ the chair.
2. If you are crossing a bridge and you look I you ______, will feel dizzy.
V. Assignment:
Draw three pictures showing above.
Draw three pictures showing below.
Date: ____________
Perceive cause and effect relationship
Obedience and kindness to animlas
II. Subject Matter:
Perceiving Cause-Effect Relationship "The Boys and the Frogs
BEC III 8. p.14, BEC 3 Bk.l pp. 119-124
pictures, flashcards, pocket chart
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Read: Consonant Contrast s - sh
/ sh /
1. I like the seashore.
2. I like the seashell.
2. Unlocking of difficulties (through actions and clues)
darted here and there
3. Motivation
What do you observe on your way home from school?
What insects and animals do you see?
4. Stating the motive question
Why did Carlos often stop by the pond?
5. Recalling standards for silent reading
B. Reading Proper
Reading the selection silently.
C. Post Reading
1. Discussion
a. What did Carlos want to do in the pond?
b. What did he hear as he was ready to throw the first stone?
2. Skill Development
Lead the pupils in answering the questions.
a. Why do you think Carlos ran home as fast as he could?
b. What will happen if we listen to the voice of God?
D. Generalization:
A cause answers the question why. Effect is a happening which results from a cause.
E. Application:
Read the questions. Choose the correct answer by putting a () check before the letter.
1. Why did Carlos often stop by the pond?
a. to take a bath
b. to play with his classmates
c. to watch the frogs
2. Why did Carlos ran home as fast as he could?
a. He was afraid of the voce which he heard.
b. He wanted to go home early.
c. His stomach is aching.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. The circum - Pacific belt is a region where earthquakes often occur. Japan is located within this
belt. It has an average of three earthquakes a day. Why is there always an earthquake in Japan?
a. Japan has a weak foundation.
b. It always rains in Japan.
It is located within the circum Pacific belt.
2. Jean was a one day old colt. When the farmer put her into the pasture with her mother, Jean
was frightened. The sunny green pasture seemed like a big, big world. Why was Jean frightened?
a. Mother was not with her.
b. It was her first time to see the world.
c. Other baby animals were looking at her.
V. Assignment:
Write the effect of a given cause to complete the sentence.
1. Ted wrote a letter to his friend
2. It was raining hard yesterday
3. Marla is studying her lessons everyday
4. Gemma woke up early so
5. Last night, there was a huge, scary shadow on the wall by my bed
Date: ____________
Identify the effect of a given cause
II. Subject Matter:
Cause and Effect Relationship The Wise King
Skills Development Book In English III pp. 127-128
BEC 8.1 p.14
flashcard, charts, picture
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Reading of words with final /s/, /z/, /iz/
2. Unlocking of Difficulties – through picture/demonstration.
a. wise
c. truth
b. perched
d. admiration
3. Motivation
Show a picture of a king. Have you ever known a story about a wise king in the olden
4. Motive Question:
Why is Ling Solomon called a wise king?
B. During Reading:
Silent reading of the story “The Wise King” see pages, 127-128 of Skills Development Book
in English III.
C. Post Listening
1. Discussion
a. Answering the motive question:
Why was King Solomon called a wise king?
b. Answering the comprehension check-up
1. Why did the guests visit King Solomon?
2. Why did the king chase the flower where the bed perched on?
2. Skill Development
The teacher will ask questions about the relationship between cause and effect through the
help of the answers given by the pupils.
1. Why does the real mother wants to save the life of the baby?
2. Why does the other mother agreed to cut the baby into halves?
3. Generalization
Ask: if there is a cause, what do you think will happen next? How do you derive the cause?
4. Application
Read the following sentences. Underline the effect in each sentence.
1. Perla is in bed because she is sick.
2. Joy waters the plants everyday so that it will grow fast.
5. Enrichment Activity
Each sentence below gives a cause and effect. Underline the effect in each sentence.
1. Every people prayed to the sun because they thought that it was God.
2. Foods can cause great damage because it destroys road, bridges and farmlands.
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the statement which is the effect of the situation described.
1. It was a dark cloudy day. The children were on their way to school. Some were walking; others
were waiting for a tricycle. Suddenly it began to rain.
______ a. Everyone began to run for shelter
______ b. Everyone continued to walk
______ c. Some waited for tricycles
2. Ziah doesn’t know how to cook.
______ a. she cooks everyday.
______ b. She studies how to cook
______ c. She put up a restaurant business
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences showing cause and effect relationship. Underline the effect.
Date: ____________
Identify statements/events that show cause and effect relationship.
II. Subject Matter:
Perceiving Cause and Effect Relationship "Why the Ocean is Salty"
Building English Skills 4 (Reading) pages 59-65; BEC (Reading) 8:8.1 page 14
Book, flashcards, picture of the sea
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Pronounce the word correctly: / ie /
2. Review
Is salt important to us? Why?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties - through pictures and action.
a. Village - assemblage of homes smaller than town and larger than a hamlet.
b. stretch - to pull out; to be extended or to reach out.
4. Motivation
Show a picture of a sea and ask:
"Have you ever gone to the sea for a swim? How does the sea water taste? Have you also
wonder2d why the water from the sea is salty? This morning we are going to read a story or a
folktale about why the ocean is salty.
5. Motive Question
What makes the sea/ocean water salty?
B. During Reading
Reading of the folktale silently. “Why the Ocean is Salty”
C. Post Reading
1. Discussion
What makes the ocean water salty?
2. Answering the Comprehension Check-up
a. When and where did the story happened?
b. Who is the important character in the story?
3. Skill Development
Write the following statements on the board
CAUSE: a. Ang-ngalo moved his leg while the people are crossing.
b. The people fell down into the sea.
1. Give the reason why the people fell into the sea.
2. What happened when Ang-ngalo move his leg?
4. Generalization
Let the pupils point out or give the idea that Cause is the reason why something happens.
It answer the question why. Effect is the result when something happens. It is happening
which result from a cause.
5. Enrichment Activity
Underline cause.
1. Mother bought me a new dress because _________________.
2. I will water he plants everyday two that ____________________.
3. May got high in the test because _____________________.
D. Infusion of Values:
If you were Ang-ngalo, are you going to help people? Why?
IV. Evaluation:
Identify each statement. Write C on the blank if it is a cause and E if it is a effect.
______ a. The accident happened fast
b. The man were shocked
a. The men readied the horses and trucks.
b. There was fire.
V. Assignment:
Write down 5 sentences showing cause-effect relationship.
Date: ____________
Identify language clues that signify cause-effect relationship
II. Subject Matter:
Identify clues that signify cause-effect relationship
Building English Skills 3 Bk. 2 pp.86-91
pictures, flashcards, pocket chart
More Nest to Gather
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading the words with gh – in f.
2. Motivation
Have you seen bird’s nests? What do you with them? What are nests for?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties through context clues:
a. The baby birds made more nests.
b. Some birds had no nests in which to lay their eggs.
c. Some birds lay eggs on the cave.
4. Starting the Motive question
Why does father gather balinsasayaw eggs.
5. Setting of standards for Oral Reading
B. Reading Proper:
1. Reading the selection silently.
C. During Writing:
1. Discussion:
a. Answering motive question
Why does father gather balinsasayaw eggs?
b. Answering check-up questions
What does father gather everyday?
Where do balinsasayaw birds lay eggs?
2. Infusion of Value:
Do you love enjoy God's creations?
What should we do with them to preserve them?
3. Skills Development:
Study the following sentences:
1. Jayson is sick so he has been in bed for three days.
2. Amy and Charlie caught cold yesterday because they walked in the rain.
D. Generalization:
What are some words that signify cause and effect relationship?
E. Application:
Fill in the blanks with if, because, so, and to.
1. Ayet was not allowed to go outside _______ he was so lonely.
2. Children should eat good food ________ the brain develops fastest in childhood.
3. Jhonah felt thirsty he wants drink water.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following sentences carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It was Monday morning everybody was busy in school.
a. so
c. because
b. if
d. to
2. ________ recess time everybody wants to have their snacks.
a. so
c. because
b. if
d. to
V. Assignment:
Construct 5sentences using the connections if, because, s and to that shows cause and effect.
Date: ____________
Use because/so to identify statements that show cause and effect
II. Subject Matter:
Using Because/So to Identify Statement that showing cause and effect
BEC 8.2 p.14
pictures, flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Reading words with the pronounced as /thr/
2. Motivation
Show pictures about children who are cleaning their surroundings.
What are the children doing? Do you also clean your surroundings?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Find out the meaning of the underlined words with the way they are used in the
sentences below:
a. The people take the garbage to a garbage dump.
b. Garbage collectors come to collect the garbage of city people.
4. Stating the motive question:
How do people get rid of their garbage’s?
5. Recalling standards for silent reading.
B. Reading Proper:
1. Reading the selection silently.
C. Post Reading:
1. Discussion:
a. Answering the motive question.
How do people get rid of their garbage?
b. Answering comprehension check-up question.
What will happen if people do not rid of their garbages properly?
2. Infusion of Value:
If the people get rid of their garbage properly no one will get hurt or sick. What good
trait do these people show?
3. Skills Development:
Study the following sentences:
a. Ayet finished all her assignment early so she can already watch television.
b. Some people do not have yards to dump their garbage into so they just put their
garbage in plastic bag.
D. Generalization:
What words are used to connect cause and effect relationship? (because and so)
E. Practice:
Underline the cause and twice the effect.
a. Mother has been working continuously the whole day, so she sat down and took a rest.
b. Floods can cause damage because it destroys roads, bridges and farmlands.
F. Application:
Complete these sentences with the correct word' or phrase. Choose from the answers on
the box.
1. Nina and Jayson caught cold yesterday because ___________.
2. My alarm dock did not ring so __________
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with because and so to show cause and effect relationship.
1. Sheryl is in bed ________ she is sick.
2. Plants are dying _______ they are not watered.
3. Janna waters the plants everyday ______ the plants grow fast.
V. Assignment:
Write 2 sentences using because and 2 sentences using so to show cause and effect relationship
Date: ____________
Write utterances on a given situation on a comic strips presented
II. Subject Matter:
Writing utterances on comic strip
BEC 8.2 p.14
comic strips, pictures
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
a. Spelling
Write the correct spelling of the following regular and irregular verbs.
1. planted
2. watered
3. recited
Are you fond of reading comics? What are your favorite comics?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
What is the meaning of the underlined words.
a. Mother cooked delicious food for our snacks yesterday.
b. The juice is refreshing.
B. Presentation:
Show the comic strips: pp. 156
C. Discussion:
What did Nina attend? Why did Nina enjoy herself? Describe the juice. Describe the
cookies. How was the ice cream served? What made the spaghetti great?
D. Skills Development:
1. Present a comic strip of a girl celebrating her birthday with her friends. (Without a
dialogue). Give utterances on the comic strip orally.
Situation on the strip:
A girl is celebrating her birthday and some friends are greeting her and telling something
about the foods her mother prepared them.
E. Infusion of Value:
How do you show your appreciation 'to something? What expressions do you use?
F. Generalization:
What kind of utterances can you see on a comic strip?
G. Practice:
Present a picture of two boys planting vegetables in the school garden. Guide the pupils to
give sentence utterances and non-sentence utterances about it.
H. Application:
Present another picture of two girls eating in the school canteen. Have the pupils give
sentence utterances and no utterances about it.
IV. Evaluation:
Present a comic strip. Have the pupils write some utterances on the comic strip in the form of
dialogue on their paper.
A girl found a wallet while walking in the school campus and seems to be asking some· pupils
she met it.
V. Assignment:
Draw your own comic strip. Write utterances on it.
Date: ____________
Write a paragraph observing correct indention, punctuation marks and capitalization
Neatness and Cleanliness
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a Paragraph
BEC 12
Skills Development Book in ENGLISH III p. 105
chart, pictures
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Listen as I say each sentence. Clap your hands once. If the sentence is true and twice if it
is false.
a. The egg is square.
b. Birds can fly.
2. Review:
Raise your right if what you hear can happen and your left hand if it cant happen.
a. The pupil got 98 in the periodical test.
b. The frog turned into a beautiful carriage.
3. Motivation:
Do you want to listen a story about fairy tale? Do you know what are fairy tale?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the story “Cinderella” pp.157
2. Discussion:
What are the things that could happen in the story? Which are fanciful situation?
3. Skills Development:
How is the first word in the paragraph written? How do we been the sentences in the
C. Generalization:
What should remember in writing paragraph?
a. Indent the first word in the paragraph.
b. Every sentence begins with capital letter.
c. Use period at the end of each sentence.
D. Infusion of Value:
What kind of works do you like to have? (Neat and clean) How can you make your work neat
and clean?
E. Application:
Rewrite the following sentences in a paragraph form using correct punctuation,
capitalization and indention.
Underline the factful once and the fanciful twice.
Junel's dog likes the chase the sticks he throws. He drew a cat on a piece of paper. Then a
cat came out of the paper.
Junel's mother called him to eat dinner.
Two elves joined her on the table. Then Junel's dog saw the elves. It got angry and shouted
Junel's name.
IV. Evaluation:
Given sentences write them in a paragraph form observing correct punctuation marks,
indention and capitalization.
Mang Handring lived in a very small hut. One day an old woman came into his house. She asked
Mang Handring for a glass of water. He let the woman came in and gave her a glass of water. Then
the old woman turned into a beautiful fairy. She made Mang Handring very rich.
V. Assignment:
Write your own paragraph at home. Observed correct punctuation mark, capitalization and
Date: ____________
Identify well liked characters in a story heard
II. Subject Matter:
Well liked Characters in a Story Heard
Reading Power 3 p. 63, 188
charts, pictures
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Words with unsounded letters
Describe. the character traits each picture show. Match the correct character traits in
the flashcard with the picture.
Cora combs her hair well
Danny holds the hand of the old woman in crossing the street.
Joy kisses the hand of grandmother
Mike takes a bath everyday
Agnes a always works with her brother to keep their yard clean.
B. Presentation
1. Unlocking of Difficulties: (through picture)
clutching her bundle
vacant seat
2. Motivation:
Have you ride in a bus? Did you enjoy your ride? Why? Why not?
3. Giving the motive question
I am going to read a story. Listen carefully and find out what kind of a boy is Mario.
4. Recall of standards for listening
5. Listening to the selection "A Bus Ride"
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question What kind of a boy is Mario?
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. Who among the characters you like best? Why?
D. Generalization:
Can you identify your best liked character in a story? How will you show that you like the
E. Practice Exercise:
After listening to the story, you learned to admire Mario and his mother because of their
character traits. In 2-3 sentences describe Mario.
F. Application:
1. Ask pupils to retell the story. “Reyna Sima’s Kingdom” the way they understand it.
2. Ask them to identify the well liked characters and describe them.
3. Ask pupils to fill up the graphic organizer.
Best liked character
Character traits
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection and write a short paragraph about the best like character. Read the
story “Time For Play” pp. 159
V. Assignment:
Select one from among the stories you have read and describe in 2-3 sentences the character
you liked best.
Date: ____________
Impersonate well liked characters in a story heard
II. Subject Matter:
Impersonate Well Liked Characters
BES Book 2 pp. 208-211
map of the Philippines
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Words with /ey/ sound.
B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Read the following sentences and get the meaning of the underlined words using
context clues.
1. The uncivilized people of long ago learned books, building and houses.
2. The king wears robe and site on throne.
2. Motivation:
(Ask the pupils to locate Pangasinan in the map of the Philippines.) Have you read or
heard about the Prin'cessof Pangasinan? Who was she? Would you like to know more about
3. Giving the Motive Question
Today we are going to read a story about "The Princess of Pangasinan". Find out what
kind of woman was Princess Urduja.
4. Recall of standards for silent reading
5. Reading the selection silently.
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question
a. What kind of woman was Princess Urduja?
b. Who are the characters in the story?
c. Who among the characters you like best?
D. Generalization
How will you show your application to the well liked character?
E. Practice Exercise:
Act-out the following situation.
1. Princess Urduja knew there were visitors on her shore. She asked her soldiers to invite them
to a feast.
2. One of the visitor did not want to come to the palace. Princess Urduja was angry.
F. Application:
Listen to the paragraph: …… pp.160
IV. Evaluation:
Listen carefully to the story. Impersonate well liked characters….. see pp.161
V. Assignment:
Select one from among the stories you have read and write a short dialogue based in a story.
Date: ____________
Talk abut ones interest using nouns
Be friendly
II. Subject Matter:
Talking About Oneself
TX BES p.21 PELC III B. 5.p 15
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Say the words correctly
2. Review:
Reciting a rhyme/poem
3. Motivation:
Present the sentences on the board Tx. pp. 21 BEC ……. see pp.162
B. Read the story as the pupils listen.
C. Discussion
a. Answer the following questions.
What is the name of the boy?
Where does he live?
What school grades does he go to?
b. Underline the nouns in the sentences on the board.
c. When you introduce yourself to others, what do you tell him? Why?
D. Practice Exercise:
Let the pupils tell about themselves.
E. Generalization:
What information do you see if you are introducing yourself?
F. Application:
Talk about yourself to the class following the pattern below…. See pp.162
IV. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph about yourself. Use correct capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
Underline the nouns you used in the paragraph.
V. Assignment:
Make three to five sentences about yourself. Use correct capitalization and punctuation mark at
the end of your sentences.
Date: ____________
Talk abut ones interest using the correct form of verb
Appreciation simple way of life
II. Subject Matter:
Talking About ones Interest Using the Correct Form of Verb
BES Bk 2 pp. 2-3, BEC p. 15
picture, charts and flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Pronounce the words correctly on the flashcards.
2. Review:
Underline the nouns in the following sentences and tell whether it's noun is a name of a
person, place or thing.
1. Mary studies her lessons.
2. The boys played ball.
3. Motivation:
Have you tried living on the farm? What are the differences between living, on a farm
and in the city?
B. During Speaking:
The teacher reads first poem. Then reading by the pupils. Reading of the pupils by
stanza…see pp. 163
C. Post Speaking:
1. Discussion:
a. Name the vegetables mentioned in the poem.
b. What are the animals in the poem, too?
c. What can one do on a farm?
2. Practice Exercise:
Talk about your own experiences on what you do when you go to the farm.
3. Application:
Complete the paragraph by filling -,the blanks with the correct form of verb. Choose
from the words below to complete the sentences.
A _______ to the seashore is always _______ for my sister and me. There we _______up
and down in the tumbling waves. We
curious shells as we _______ on the sandy beach. Then we _______ and _______ the bright
sailboats skim over the foamy water. The end of the day _______ all too soon for us.
D. Writing Activity:
Copy the paragraph. Supply the missing verb. Choose from the following words.
My ambition is to write tales. Every night I _______ near the window with my brothers and
sisters. We _______ in breathless rapture as Mother _______ us stories of witches, dwarfs and
fairies. These tales _______me to write stories of make-believe. I _______ to think that
someday my books _______ the hearts of other children _______
with joy.
IV. Evaluation
Talk about what you do when you go to the beach. Use appropriate verbs.
V. Assignment:
Write about what you do when you go hiking.
Date: ____________
Identify important details in the story read
II. Subject Matter:
PELC 5.2.1
Building English Skills Book 1. pp. 53-57
pictures, flashcards and charts
“How Blackie Found A Home”
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
ed / t /
ed / d /
B. Pre Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the words through demonstration
2. Motivation:
Show picture of a boy holding his pet dog. Have the pupils talk about it.
3. Giving the motive question
What did Juan find in the street?
4. Setting standard for silent reading
C. During Reading:
Reading the selection “How Blackie Found A Home” pp. 164
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question
Juan found a little dog in the street.
2. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions in complete sentences.
a. What was the dog looking for?
b. Did it like its new home? Why?
c. Do you think it wanted to go back to its old home? Why?
3. Skill Development:
a. Did the dog stay permanently in Juan's home? If yes, why do you say so?
4. Generalization:
What helps the reader give a possible ending of a story? Situation in the story helps give
possible outcome of a story.
5. Practice Exercises:
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase from the box.
old, hammer, early morning, tried to cheer up, looked for her
1. Rose is David's best friend. One day, David saw Rose crying? So he _____________
2. Tricia, a three year old girls was lost in a department store. Mother and the children
6. Application:
Read the story and give an appropriate ending. ….. see pp.165
IV. Evaluation:
Read the stories and write the possible ending for each.
1. When mother went the market, Rika put n her working clothes. She got a broom and went to
their dirty yard. When mother arrived from the market the _______________.
2. Paul and his friends were playing baseball. When the pitcher threw the ball, Paul hit it hard. The
ball flew the ball, Paul hit it. Hard. The ball flew far out over the fence, and into the parking lot.
V. Assignment:
What may become of you if you are:
1. Industrious
2. Brilliant
3. Thrifty
Date: ____________
Identify an important details in a fable read.
Be Wise
II. Subject Matter:
PELC 5.2.1
Everyday English IV pp.43-44
pictures, flashcards and charts
“The Fox and the Cow”
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
initial / ch /
final / ch /
2. Review
Read the paragraph. Answer the question that follow.
It was Monday morning. Everybody was busy in school. The principal was
listening over the radio at the office. The announcer said, “Today is declared special public
holiday. What do you think the teacher will do?
a. hold classes
b. dismiss the class
c. stay in school
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the words through pictures
foot of the tree
2. Motivation:
Show pictures of animals that live in the forest.
3. Giving the motive question.
4. Setting standard for oral reading
C. During Reading:
Reading the selection “The Fox and the Cow” pp. 166
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question
The fox saw a crow flyaway with a piece of cheese in its beak and perch on a branch of a
2. Comprehension check-up
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. Where is the story happen?
c. What does the crow holding in its beak?
3. Skill Development:
What do you think happen to Mrs. Crow?
4. Generalization:
What helps the reader give a possible ending of a story?
Situation in the story helps identify possible outcome of a story.
5. Practice Exercises
Read the following situations. Then choose the phrase or sentences that complete each
1. Paolo won in a painting contest. When he received his prize, he ran home. _________
2. Carlo and Lito were making a kite for a contest on Saturday. Before the day of the
contest the kite was completed. Then they tested it. It could fly high. __________.
6. Application:
Dramatize the ending of the fable "The Fox and the Crow"
IV. Evaluation:
Read the fable “The Lion and the Mouse” and give an appropriate ending to it. pp.167
V. Assignment:
Copy a fable and write at least three possible ending to it.
Date: ____________
Give an appropriate ending to a fairy tale read
Keep Promises
II. Subject Matter:
PELC 5.2.1
Stairways to Reading Grade IV pp. 99-103
pictures, flashcards and charts
"The Fox and The Crow"
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
/ pr /
/ pl /
2. Review:
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Lina heard a jeep stopped very suddenly in front of their house. Then there was a loud
cry. She ran to the window to see what happened………see pp.168
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the words by arranging the jumbled letters' and write them in boxes to form the
a. misepro - an agreement to do or not to do something
b. pingwee - an agreement to do or not to do something
2. Motivation:
Show picture of a place and let the pupils talk about it.
3. Giving the motive question
Who help the· princess to get her golden ball?
4. Setting standard for oral reading
C. During Reading:
Read the selection “The Princess and the Frog”….see pp.168
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question
The frog helps the princess to get her golden ball into the pool.
2. Comprehension check-up.
a. What was the princess playing with?
b. Where was she playing?
c. Was the princess able to get the
3. Generalization:
What helps the reader give a possible ending of a story? Situation in the story helps give
a possible outcome of a story.
4. Practice Exercises:
Read the stories and choose the correct ending for each.
1. A policeman uses hand signals and a whistle. He blows the whistle and holds up his head
to stop the vehicles. Then he signals to people on the sidewalk, telling them to
2. Road signs are used in places where there are no policemen. Some of these signs are
"Drive Carefully, School Zone, Bust Stop. Another sign may say "Watch for Children” This
kind of signal helps children to ___________
5. Application:
Role play the ending situation in the story "The Princess and the Frog”.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story and give the appropriate ending.
“The Sleeping Beauty” pp.139
V. Assignment:
Copy a fairytale story and create· at least two possible ending.
Date: ____________
Write a different story ending to stories heard
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a Different Story Ending to Stories Heard/Predict outcomes to a Given Situations
References: Building English Skills III T.M.; Building English Skills Book I pp. 53-57;
BEC p. 15 no. 9
pictures, flashcards
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Phonics Drill:
Words with silent letter
2. Review:
Yesterday, we took up the Princess and the Frog. Now what happened to the frog when
the Princess pitied the Frog?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Though context clues, help the pupils arrived at the meaning of the underlined words
and phrases.
1. Sick persons enjoy bathing in a spring because it's warm.
a. a kind of climate
b. a flow of water from the ground
c. a manner jumping
2. A boy caught a butterfly but it flew out of his hand and stayed in the garden
a. moved though the air
b. had fun
c. escaped
4. Motivation
Showing the drawing of the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. What does the picture
B. During Listening:
Let the pupils listen to the selection first then have them read after the teacher have read
the selection. Present this selection on a chart and let the pupils read. “The Diamond Dipper”
C. Post Listening:
1. Why did the little girl's mother want some water?
2. Where did the little girl think of getting water?
3. Whom did she meet on her way?
2. Infusion of Values:
What character trait was shown by the little girl? How do you show your kindness to
your parents?, old people? animals?
3. Skills Development:
Read the story “The Two Blind Men” pp.171
What is the ending of the story. Write 3 different ending of the story.
4. Practice Exercises:
Give the ending of the story.
Ssshhh! Don't Shout
Marita was always screaming. She screamed at the maids when she wanted anything.
She always talked in a loud voice. ……see pp.172
D. Generalization:
Point out to the pupils that they have to read the selection between the lined to get the
ideas which the author leaves out or units. The author expects the reader to fill in ideas by
making the good guesses based on the given statements. This is called predicting outcomes.
E. Application
Read the paragraph. Write 3 possible ending to the paragraph
1. Cathy and Fanny are going to the PE class. They through it will be held in the gym. Rita
informed them that there is no PE class for that day.
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selections carefully. Write 3 possible ending.
1. The people is the village were happy and contented. They rich fishing grounds. The men in
the village earned their living by catching many fish as they could. They used dynamite. Time
came when people were unhappy and discounted.
2. Dante loves to see children. He teases and quarrels with smaller children. He likes to see
children run away when they see him coming, He is a bully. Dante meets Cesar, a cross-eyed
boys. He wears dirty and rugged clothes. What do you think Dante will do?
V. Assignment:
Read a story and write different ending.
Date: ____________
Write a different story ending to stories read
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a Different Story Ending to Stories Read/Identify ~he Sentence Clue Leading to the
Ending of the Stories Read
References: BEC p. 15, BES 3 TX pp. 9095 TM pp. 33-36
Materials: pictures of a quail and her young ones and a rice field with ripe palay ready for harvest,
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
In each sentence is an underlined word. Choose the word below each sentence that
contains the same end sounds as those in the underlined word.
1. A quail once built her nest in a field or rice.
a. left
c. swift
b. rest
2. She kept the eggs warm for many days.
a. fast
c. slept
b. driff
2. Review:
Read the following paragraphs then answer the questions that follow.
Rony found a kitten in the yard one day. It looked weak and hungry; Rony put some milk
in a bowl.
1. What do you think he did?
a. The kitten got into the bowl
b. The kitten turned away from the bowl
c. The kitten
3. Motivation:
Have the pupils look at the picture of a quail wither young ones in a rice field with ripe
palay. Then left them describe what they see.
B. During Writing:
1. Presentation:
Read the introductory paragraph. Have the pupils read the questions before they read
the story. Then have them read the story. “The Quail and Her Young Ones” pp.173
2. Discussion:
1. Where did the Mother Quail lay her eggs?
2. How many baby quail did she have?
3. Did she like her home in the field of rice? Why?
C. Generalization:
How can you give different endings to a story?
“The Envious Glowworm” pp.174
E. Application:
Give 3, possible endings of the story.
“Air Pollution” pp.174
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story "The Country Mouse”. Write the answer to the questions that follow to given
ending to the story.
1. What do you think happened?
2. Write different endings of the story?
V. Assignment:
Read a story and write different endings.
Date: ____________
Infer what happened before
II. Subject Matter:
Making Inference
Building English Skills Bk. 2 pp. 156-159
Skills Development Book in English 3 pp. 141-142
picture of a cave, a tent; a grass house and a mud house, flashcards and charts
The Story of Houses
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Based words end in ch, sh, ss or x, we add and e before the s ending
2. Review:
Read the paragraph. Make a good guess.
The wave leaped higher and higher. Closer and closer it come to where Kami stood. The
top of the weave come closer to his feet. He looked fearfully at the great wave. Would it carry
him and his sister away just like their boat and house?
What do you think Kami did?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Through the context clues, help the pupils arrive at the meaning pf the underlined words.
1. The Reyes family will no longer move to the province. They have a permanent house in a
a. house built along the· railway
b. a house that can not moved
c. a movable house
2. Motivation:
Look at the pictures of the different houses. Identify these houses as a cave, a tent, a
grass house and a mud house.
3. Giving the motive question:
What do the first house look like?
4. Recalling the standards for silent reading.
C. During Reading:
1. Answering the motive question.
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering comprehension questions:
a. What kind of houses are mentioned in the story?
b. What did the early people use for bUilding their houses?
c. What do people today use for building their houses?
Value Infusion - When you grown up would you build your own house? Why?
2. Skill Development:
What do you think happened before?
a. The early people lived in a cave.
b. The early people lived in a grass house.
3. Generalization:
How can you infer what happen before the event?
To be able to infer an event you have to analyze the details presented in the selection or
4. Application:
Read the sentences carefully then tell what happened before
1. The little birdies were busy feasting on the worms. Mother bird gave them. What
happened before this?
5. Practice Exercises:
Read and tell what happened before each situation. There was a drawing contest in the
school. Mark joined the contest. He drew the most artistic entry. What was Mark doing
before the contest?
a. Mark did lots of practices in drawing
b. Mark did not prepare for the contest
c. Mark did not mind the contest
E. Writing Activities:
Look at the picture of the stages of butterfly. Write sentences about it.
IV. Evaluation:
What happened before the event in the pictures. Choose the correct answer.
a. The boy ate much
b. The boy had a fever
c. The boy has just finished eating
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph and write what happened before.
Leo was awakened by a loud noise. It was he mother who was accidentally wounded by a knife.
He quickly ran to the medicine cabinet and took out the things needed to treat the wound. After
bandaging, he took his mother to the doctor.
Date: ____________
Infer what happened after
Wise judgments
II. Subject Matter:
Making Inferences
Developing Reading Power 3 p. 151
pictures, flashcards and charts
The King’s Little Girl
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Pronunciation Drill
2. Review:
Read the sentences and answer the questions that follow
Myrna put on her pajamas. Then she went to bed and prayed. What happened before?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of the following words
2. Motivation:
Show picture of a king and describe it or talk about it.
3. Giving the motive question:
What is the relationship of the little girl and the king?
Who is the little girl?
4. Recalling the standards for silent reading.
C. During Reading:
Oral reading of the short story
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering comprehension questions:
The little girl is the daughter's king.
2. Comprehension Questions:
a. Who was happily waiting to see the king?
b. What kind of a day was it?
c. What did the girl do?
Value Infusion - How will you treat somebody whom you do not know? What will you do?
Skill Development:
1. The little girl introduced herself to the guard. 'What will happen next?
2. The King got angry to the guard. What will happen next?
4. Generalization:
How can you infer what happened after the event?
5. Practice Exercises:
Read the paragraph and. infer what happened after.
Angelo has been sick for a week. He is not getting any better. A good doctor visits him
everyday but still be is very ill. His mother is always hear him. She’s not happy. The doctor
said that Angelo’s sickness………TM pp. 179
1. What do you think did Mother buy?
2. How did Angel feel about it?
3. How did he story end?
6. Application:
Red the paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Miss Luna was checking the pupils who were absent. There were several empty desks.
“Samuel is absent in our group today, Miss Luna,” Norma said………TM pp. 179
1. What do you think happened?
2. What do you think did Miss Luna do?
3. What would be done to Samuel?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and infer what happened after by answering the questions that follow.
Norma’s fever was very high. She kept tossing in bed. After a while she fell asleep. Then she
began talking in her bed.
“Oh Mother, please buy me a box of chocolate,” she said. Mother heard her, she went to the
store as fast as she could. She was back before Norma wake up. She was holding something.
1. Mother was holding a box of chocolates. What happened next?
a. she was lonely
c. she thanked her mother
b. she was happy
d. she got well
2. What was she likely to do with it?
a. keep it
c. play with it
b. eat it
d. throw it
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph and write the ending of the story.
Letty heard a jeep stopped very suddenly infront of their house. Then there was a loud cry. She
run to the window to see what happened.
There was already a crowd of people. Many more people were running to see what happened.
Someone was crying loudly.
“Call an ambulance quickly,” somebody shouted. What do you think happened next?
Date: ____________
Infer insight from what is read or observed
II. Subject Matter:
Making Inference
Developing Reading Power 3 p. 138
pictures, flashcards and charts
Late to Bed
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Pronunciation Drill
2. Review:
Read the sentences and answer the question.
An ant was busily storing away some grains while the grasshopper is singing, hopping
and chirping all day. What do you think, why is the ant busy storing grains of rice?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Match A and B to get the meaning of each word.
1. sleep soundly
a. to make someone move quickly
2. hurriedly
b. finished
3. through
c. deeply
2. Motivation:
Show picture of children busy studying their lessons. What can you say about the
children in this picture? Should we develop these traits in us? Why?
3. Giving the motive question:
What do you think would happen to Lito?
4. Recalling the standards for oral reading.
C. During Reading:
Oral reading of the story.
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering comprehension questions:
Answering check-up questions:
a. What time did our story happen?
b. What was Lito doing that time?
c. How would Lito feel in school without taking his breakfast?
Value Infusion – How can you avoid being late in going to bed?
3. Skill Development::
What did you learn from the story? Would you also do what Lito did? Why? What will
you do then?
4. Generalization:
What will you do to be able to understand what you have read? To be able to understand
the story, we should note the details, and analyze the details presented in the story.
5. Practice Exercises:
Read the story and answer the questions that follow?
“Country Mouse and City Mouse” TM. pp. 181
1. What character trait did Country . Mouse show when, he said "I'd rather eat simple meals
than be eaten by big cats?
2. Where would you rather live, in the countryside or in the city? Why?
6. Application:
Read the story carefully. Then answer the questions that follow:
“The Story of the Two Mules” TM. pp. 182
1. Why is the first mule very proud of his load?
2. What lessons can we get from the story?
3. If you were the first mule, would you also be proud? Why?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and choose the insights described in each of the following:
A mother continued talking about her son. He was the first to wake up in the morning and the
last to go to bed at night He did not have to be told what to do. He knew just what kind of assistance
I needed in the house and where his father needed in the field.
1. The son showed:
a. helpfulness and cooperativeness
b. helpfulness and initiative
c. helpfulness and restlessness
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph and answer the questions:
People are busy buying gifts for their loved ones. Children go caroling from one house to
another. Beautiful and colorful lanterns decorate the windows of the houses. Multi-colored lights
hang on trees around the house.
1. What is the paragraph about?
2. What lessons can we get from the story?
3. What is likely to happen?
Date: ____________
Infer hidden information from oral text
Be obedient
II. Subject Matter:
Inferring Hidden Information from Oral Text
BES Bk. 1 pp. 119-124
pictures, flashcards, pocket chart
“The Boy and the Torogs”
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Reading the words ending in –ed
2. Review:
Guessing game:
a. The baby is crying. She wants to ____________.
b. Nene is sleeping. She wants to _____________.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words.
1. Joel heard a strange sound in a vacant lot.
2. Father spends his day in the farm.
4. Motivation:
What do you observe on your way home from school? Do you stop by a canal, a pen or a
brook? Are there insects and other animals on there places.
B. Presentation of the Lesson:
1. Stating the motive question:
Why did Carlos often stop by the pond?
2. Recalling the standards for oral reading.
3. Reading the selection orally.
C. Discussion:
1. Answering the motive question:
Why did Carlos often stop by the pond?
2. a. Answering check-up questions?
- What did Carlos want to do in the pond?
- What did he hear as he was ready to throw the first stone?
D. Skills Development:
Listen to the shot paragraph and answer the following questions.
Danica opened her eyes and told herself. “God”. It’s another sunny day. It’s great to have
a nice weather on a weekend. I don’t want to waste every minute of it. I’m going to get up
a. Where is Danica?
b. What time of the day was it?
c. How does Danica feel about the weather?
E. Generalization:
What should one do to be able to infer hidden information from oral text?
F. Application:
Listen to the short story and answer the following questions. Write your ·answer in a
paragraph form. “Mina’s Father” TM. pp. 185
a. What is the work of Mina’s father?
b. Were do you think does Mina’s father work?
c. What will mother likely to after depositing the money?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the story and choose the correct answer. “Not Hungry Anymore” TM. pp. 185
1. Who could have eaten the adobo?
a. Mother
b. Father
c. Nestor
2. What will Mother like to do?
a. Mother would not cook anymore
b. Mother would cook again
c. Mother would just sleep.
V. Assignment:
Read the story and answer the following questions. “Forgetful Lucia” TM. pp. 186
a. What was Lucia looking for?
b. What made mother laugh?
c. Where did she find the scissors?
d. How did this story end.
Date: ____________
Retell what happened before and after a story.
Kindness to animals
II. Subject Matter:
What Happened Before and After in a Story
BEK Bk. 2 pp. 89-91
pictures, flashcards, pocket chart
More Nest to Gather
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: Reading the words with gh-f as in
2. Review:
Read the paragraph on the board. Let's see if you can make good guesses.
The wave leaped higher and. higher. Closer and closer it come to where Kami stood. The
top of the wave came closer to his feet. He looked fearfully at the great wave. Would it carry
him and his sister away just like their boat and house?
Ask: What do you think Kami did? Calion several pupils to give their inferences.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Show the following pictures
4. Motivation:
Have you seen bird's nest? What d you do with these? What are nest for?
B. Presentation of the Lesson:
1. Stating the motive question:
Who Where Kudol and Mayang?
2. Setting of Standard for listening.
3. Teacher reads the selection “More Nest to Gather”.
C. Discussion:
1. Answering motive question:
2. Answering check-up questions:
What do father gather everyday?
Where do Balinsasayaw birds lay eggs?
Why does father father Balinsasayaw eggs?
3. Skill Development:
Tell what do you think happened before the following events:
a. The Balinsasayaw laid their eggs anywhere.
b. They wanted to have more money.
D. Generalization:
What should one do to be able to infer what event happened before another events? After?
E. Practice Exercises:
Write the events that have happened before and after the situation.
It was raining heavily outside. Gemma heard something moaning behind the door. When she
opened it, she saw a puppy.
F. Application:
Read the following paragraph. Tell what happened before or after the situation. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
1. Donna and Cathy were preparing juice in a pitcher. They needed sugar but the bowl of sugar
was to high for them to reach. One of them will __________.
a. call Mother to get the bowl
b. wait for father to arrive
c. get a chair and stand on it to get the sugar
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following paragraphs. Tell what happened before or after each situation.
1. Petra and her playmates near their house. They built a fire by gathering dried leaves and twigs.
The fire is getting bigger. What is likely to happen.
a. The house will get burned.
b. The girls will continuously play.
c. Mother will not know what will happen
2. The little birdies were busy feasting on the worm Mother Bird gave them. What happened before
a. The birdies looked for worms, to
b. Mother bird looked for food.
c. Mother bird took a bath
V. Assignment:
Read the set statements carefully. WI what happened before/after the event.
1. Mother not feeling well. Father was every worried. He doesn't know what to Immediately, they
decided to somewhere else. _________.
2. There was a drawing contest in the school. Hanna joined the contest. She drew the most artistic
entry _________.
Date: ____________
Copy an invitation letter
Be friendly
II. Subject Matter:
Invitation Letter
Basic and Beyond p. 296
flashcards, model letter
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill: (on flashcards)
Have pupils pronounce words with final ing:
2. Review:
How are names of persons and places written?
3. Motivation:
Who among you have friends from other places? How do you keep in touch with them?
What do you send them?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the situation:
Judy is inviting May to her grandfather's resthouse in Batangas.
This is the letter of invitation she will send to May.
34 Derby Street
White Plains, Quezon City
Dear May,
On Friday, March 12, I am going to my granfather’s resthouse in Batangas. I am going to
spend the day there. He asked me to bring some friends along. Immediately, I thought of Liza
and you.
I shall be very pleased if you can come with me. We shall go by our car.
Your friend,
C. Disscusion:
1. Reread the letter.
2. Point and read the different of the letter.
3. Call the pupils attention to proper indention, margin, punctuation and capitalization.
D. Generalization:
What are the five parts of a letter?
When do we write a letter of invitation?
IV. Evaluation:
Copy this letter. Observe capitalization, indention, punctuation and correct spelling.
43 apo street
Quezon City
July 8, 2002
dear mercy
on Sunday, we are going to Tagaytay. Do you want to join us Tita Ana said that we can see that
Taal volcano. i’m sure we will enjoy there.
i hope you will accept our invitation.
your friend
V. Assignment:
Write a letter of invitation to your friend.
Date: ____________
Write a friendly letter
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a Friendly Letter
Building English Skills 2 pp. 214-217
chart containing, forms of letter
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Have the pupils pronounce words with final ing heading, closing, being, writing greeting,
singing, beginning, telling
2. Review:
What are the parts of letter?
B. Pre-Writing:
1. Motivation:
Have you tried writing a letter to your friend? What did you tell him?
2. Recall on the rules to follow in writing a letter.
3. Reading of a friendly letter.
4. Discussion:
1. Look at the letter closely. Can you name the five parts of the letter?
2. Is each part correctly written in place?
3. Does the heading give the necessary facts?
4. Is the first line' of the paragraph indented?
5. Practice Exercises:
Arrange the following in letter form:
Nov. 14, 2002
63 Nino Street
Collat, Masinloc, Zambales
Your Friend,
Dear Jessa,
I really enjoyed going to school because of the very interesting lessons that we have.
I'm very glad to inform you
about the test that was given during the second rating. I almost topped all the subjects.
C. During Writing:
1. Write a friendly letter stating why you are enjoying your lessons in English.
2. Follow rules and standards in letter writings.
D. Post Writing:
1. Evaluation of letter.
2. To what side of the paper is the heading placed?
3. What other pat is written in the left/right side?
4. How do you show your concern to a friend who is away from you?
E. Generalization:
When do we write a friendly letter? What do we write in a letter?
F. Self/Peer Critiquing:
Use standards and rules in letter writing.
IV. Evaluation:
Let us rewrite your friendly letter. Follow the standards and rules in letter writing.
V. Assignment:
Write a letter to your friend telling about the field trip that you have last month.
Date: ____________
Write an excuse letter
Learn how to say sorry for any shortcomings.
II. Subject Matter:
Writing an Excuse Letter
Building English Skills 3 Book I pp. 214-217
chart containing forms of letter
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Have the pupils pronounce the following words correctly.
sorry, can’t, tomorrow, hope, excuse dear, stomachache, school, today
2. Review:
What are the parts of a letter?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Motivation:
Ask who among the pupils have been absent from school. Ask why they were absent.
Ask further what they do to inform their teacher whenever they cannot .go to school Tell
them that they are going to read a letter that one of their classmates wrote when he was sick.
2. Recall on the rules to follow in writing a letter:
3. Reading:
Ask the pupils to read an e.g. of letter of excuse on pp. 214-217
4. Discussion:
Tell why this letter is called a letter of excuse. Read the sentence with the words I'm
sorry. I can't. What do the other sentences tell?
C. During Writing:
Write an excuse letter to your teacher telling her why you failed to attend the parade during
scouting. Follow rules and standard in letter writing.
D. Post Writing:
1. Evaluation of the letter.
2. Where is each part written?
3. To what side of the paper is the heading placed?
4. What about the greetings?
5. What other part is written in the left/right side?
E. Generalization:
When do we write a letter of excuse?
IV. Evaluation:
Let us rewrite your excuse letter. Follow the rules and standards in writing a letter.
V. Assignment:
Write a excuse letter telling why you did not attend the flag ceremony yesterday.
Date: ____________
Identify fanciful and factual situation
Wise judgments
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying Fanciful and Factual Situations
Holt Basic Reading; Special
Happenings, Level 12 Bernard Weiss; pp. 129-138 PELC 3.8 p. 14
pictures, cutouts, charts
The Emperor’s New Clothes
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Identify the elements of the story as setting, events, or characters.
a. The emperor liked to wear new clothes _________
b. The clever crook weave the emperor's cloth _________
2. Motivation:
Have you ever heard of a person who always wants to wear new expensive clothes?
B. Presentation:
1. Today, we are going to read a story about an emperor whose cares are all about clothes. Are
you going to weave one for him? Let's find out.
2. Guided Reading:
One pupil will read orally others will follow silently. (The Emperor’s New Clothes by
Hans Christian Anderson).
3. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What do you call this kind of story?
b. What did the emperor care about most of all?
c. Why did the minister tell that the emperor's clothes was beautiful?
Value Infusion:
a. Why should we always be truthful to ourselves?
b. What does vanity brings to a person's life?
4. Skill Development:
a. What are the situations in the story that shows event that could not happen in real life?
What situations shows event that could happen in real life?
1. The weavers weave the most beautiful silk and the best gold thread into a beautiful cloth.
Can we weave beautiful cloth out of silk and gold thread? Yes, this situation could
happen in real life. This is a fantasy.
5. Generalization:
What do you call the situations that could happen in real life? The situations that could
happen in real life is true to life or reality.
What do you call the situations that could not possibly happen in real life is make-believe
or fantasy.
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided:
Divide the pupils in 4 groups.
- Write a short paragraph about a fanciful situation and tell it to the class.
b. Independent:
Read the sentences. If it can happen in real life write R in the blank before each
number. If it is impossible to happen write F.
______ 1. Some fisherman caught a talking fish.
______ 2. The dog growled fiercely at the strager.
______ 3. Dad towed the car to the gas station when it wouldn't start.
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the situation by drawing a  before the sentence if it is factual and  if it is fanciful.
______ 1. Ziah's dogs saw the thieves. It got angry and ran after them.
______ 2. Lee saw an elephant lifting a little boy with its trunks.
______ 3. Last night I stepped on our cat's paws It growled and bit my toes.
V. Assignment:
Read a make-believe and a true to life story and share it to the class.
Date: ____________
Tell whether an action or event in fantasy or reality
II. Subject Matter:
Telling whether an action or event reality or fantasy
BEC p. 14
Fun in English 4 pp. 180-18' Building English Book 2 p 72-78
flashcards, picture of stars at night
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
foot – put
four – pour
2. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues:
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
1. Only few plants and animals grow in the desert.
2. The boys put up a tent on the forest during their camping.
3. Motivation:
What do you feel when you see t stars in the sky?
B. Presentation:
1. Show a pictures of stars.
2. Giving the motive question.
Did Abu realize his dream of having a permanent place to stay in?
3. Recall of standards for oral reading.
4. Reading of the story "Oasis of Star on pp. 180-183.
5. Comprehension check-up:
1. How was Abu's way of life different from that of other children's?
2. What did Abu mean when he said that he wanted to "find his shimmering stars"? How
did he try to look for these "stars"?
C. Infusion of Values:
What character trait of a Abu helped him get what he wanted?
D. Skills Development:
- Did you find the story believable?
- What action or event in the story is happening in real life? Why?
E. Generalization:
When can you say that a situation is reality and fantasy?
F. Practice Exercise:
Show pictures of a make believe or rue to life situations. Write two examples of situations
expressing reality. Write two examples of situations expressing fantasy.
G. Application:
Tell whether the following sentences a e reality or fantasy.
1. Once you kiss a frog it will turn into a handsome prince.
2. Whoever left a piece of her shoe in the stairs will marry a prince.
3. In summer, the sun shines very hot that it can dry up the springs in the desert.
IV. Evaluation:
Tell whether the following is fantasy or reality.
1. Desert animals could not go without grass and water.
2. The sun came right of the sand like a ball.
3. In summer, all the springs in the desert are dried up by the hot sun.
V. Assignment:
Write three examples of situations that happens in real life. Write three examples of situations
that do not happen in real life
Date: ____________
Retell the part of a story listened to which are real life situations of fancy
Patience and Resourcefulness
II. Subject Matter:
Retelling Real Life and Fanciful Situations From a Story Listened
BEC 12.1 p. 15
English for Grade IV by Soledad Francisco p. 34 Fairy tales stories pp.
pictures, flashcards, pocket chart
The Fox and the Grapes
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
ai / ey /
2. Review:
What fables have you heard?
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words.
a. I am hungry. I want to e something.
(need for food, need for dress need for shelter, need f protection)
b. The hanging plants make the nipa hut attractive. (pants that hang plants that bloom,
plants that wither, plants that flourish)
2. Motivation:
Here is another Aesop's Fable. The fox is the main character of the story. Let's find out
what he did.
3. Giving the motive question:
Was the fox able to get the grapes? Why?
4. Listening Activity:
The teacher reads the story orally let the best reader reads the story orally. Others should
read silently.
C. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive question:
Was the fox able to get t grapes? Why?
2. Comprehension check-up:
a. Why did most animals stay und the trees?
b. What did the fox see in the field?
c. Did he get what he wanted? Why?
3. Infusion Value:
What is the moral lesson of the story?
4. Skills Development:
What part/event in the story do you like best? Why? Is it reality? Is it fancy? Retell it to
the class. Pointers to remember in retelling the story.
a. Use your own words.
b. It should be brief
c. It should be concise
D. Practice Exercise:
1. Listen to the story of the "Fox and Crow"
2. Retell parts which are real life or make believe situations.
E. Application:
Write a paragraph about real life or make believe situations.
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher reads the fairy tale orally while the pupils listen attentively.
Story: “Sleeping Beauty”
Have the pupils retell the part of a story which are real life situations or fanciful situations.
V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph which are real life situations or fanciful situations.
Date: ____________
Distinguish between facts and fancy from the story read
II. Subject Matter:
Distinguish Between Facts and Fancy
Enchanted Gates pp. 195197
Skills Development BEC p. 14
pictures, chart
“The Three Wishes”
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Have the pupils pronounce the following words correctly.
/ph/ = f
/gh/ = f
2. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues and pictures :
1. The woodcutter cut trees in the forest.
2. The fairy has given the woodcutter three magic wishes.
3. Motivation:
If you will be given three wishes, what are you going to wish for?
B. Presentation:
1. Today we are going to read about the woodcutter who was given three wishes of a three
fairy. Let's find out what are the things that he wished for.
2. Guided Reading
A pupil reads the story and everybody listens.
C. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What did the three fairy give to the woodcutter? Why?
2. If you were the woodcutter, what are you going to wish for the three wishes?
3. What is the main problem of the woodcutter and his wife that they
D. Value Infusion:
Why do we need to be contented of the things that we have?
E. Skills Development:
a. Telling whether the sentence is reality of fantasy.
At the end of the woodcutter's nose was the big brown sausage.
Ask: Is it true that a sausage can be placed permanently at one's nose? No, this sentence is
fanciful because it can't happen.
E. Generalization:
What do you call situations that can happen in real life?
What are the situations that cannot happen in real life?
G. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided
The teacher will divide the c1as into groups. Each group will choose t role play the part
of the story· they lik best.
2. Independent:
If the sentence is reality draw a If it is a fantasy draw a 
_____ 1. Robbie pulled out the frozen foods from the refrigerator.
_____ 2. Henry wore is magic coat and he disappeared.
_____ 3. Trina crossed the stream slowly.
IV. Evaluation:
Write R if it is real and M if it is make believe.
_____ 1. Ana's dog like to chase the sticks she throws.
_____ 2. Ana drew a cat on a piece of paper. Then a cat came out of the paper.
_____ 3. Ana's mother called her to eat dinner.
V. Assignment:
Each group will choose a fairy tale that they like best and role play it in the class.
Date: ____________
Write a short story from a given situation
Appreciate the importance of rain
II. Subject Matter:
Writing a Short Story from a Given Situation
BEC 14 p. 14
Building English Skills 3 Book 1 pp. 150-151
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
2. Motivation:
Everyday you look up at the sky to see if the weathers fine.
What should you do when you see dark clouds in the sky?
B. Presentation:
1. Read .the story "It Shines, It Rains" on pp. 150-155 of the textbook
2. Comprehension Check-up
What is the story all about?
What do dark clouds tell us?
What do white clouds tell us?
C. Skills Development:
Let us write a story about what you like about sunny days by answering the following
1. Why do you like / not like sunny days?
2. What do you do during these days?
3. What can other people do on these days?
D. Infusion of Value:
Is rain important to us? Why?
E. Generalization:
What are the things to remember in writing a paragraph/story?
F. Practice Exercises:
Show a picture of a forest. Ask the pupils to write 4-5 sentences about the importance of
forest to human beings, plants and animals.
G. Application:
Is your community clean? What can you do to make them clean? Write a story/paragraph
about what you can do. This can be the title of your paragraph.
IV. Evaluation:
Write a short/paragraph about any of the following topic.
1. My Vegetable Garden
2. My Poulty Project
3. My Favorite Game
V. Assignment:
Write a short story about your vacation.
Date: ____________
Use words that describe persons
II. Subject Matter:
Using Words that Describe Persons
BEC 7 p. 14
Skills Development Book in English 3 p. 173
Chart, pictures
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation:
2. Review:
Tell what of girl/boy is being described
Janel reads and writes well. She gets high grade. She recites poems and sings very well.
She dances well, too.
Janel is (attentive, intelligent, industrious).
3. Motivation:
Do you have a friend?
What kind of a friend is she/he?
Can you describe your friend?
B. Presentation:
Read the paragraph about my best friend.
Rose is a real friend. She is sweet as rose. Her hair is longer than mine. She has dark eyes and
is fair-skinned. She speaks on soft voice and has a sweet smile. She is friendly,< kind and sweet
tempered. She's the only best friend I've ………TM pp.205
C. Comprehension Check-up:
Who. is the girl in the paragraph?
What is the color of her eyes?
How does she speak?
D. Infusion Value:
What character traits does Rose possesses that made her a real friend?
E. Skills Development:
What are the words that describe Rose?
What word best describe her eyes? Her hair? Her voice?
F. Generalization:
What do you call words that describe a person?
G. Practice Exercises:
a. Independent Exercises:
Underline the adjectives used in the following sentences
1. Raul tops our class during exams.
He is bright in our class.
2. Mark Christopher was a healthy boy.
Divide the class into 4 groups.
H. Application:
Show pictures of persons that are familiar to the pupils. Ask them to match the words in the
flashcards that best describe the person in the picture.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the appropriate adjective to complete the following sentences.
1. Ms. Nina Atrero teaches well. She is a _____ teacher.
2. Samantha showed us her father's gift, the _______dress she was wearing.
3. Janna told Mr. Agagas the truth. She was ________.
V. Assignment:
Describe your best like character in a form of a paragraph using adjectives.
Date: ____________
Use words the describe animals
Kindness to animals
II. Subject Matter:
Using Words that Describe Animals
BEC 7 p. 14
Skills Development Book in English 3 pp. 172
chart, pictures
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Free Communication:
Guessing Game:
I am big and black. I have 2 horns. I move slowly when plowing the filed. What am I?
2. Pronunciation:
3. Motivation:
Who have pets at home?
Can you describe your pet?
B. Presentation:
Junaela is fond of pets. She has a new cat that she called Krissha. Look at Krissha well.
C. Comprehension Check-up:
What is Junael's pet?
What is the name of her pet? How does she look?
What is the color of Krissha's ribbon?
D. Infusion of Value:
What can we do for animals?
How can we take care of them?
E. Skills Development:
What are the words that describe Junaela's pet?
Underline all the words that describe Junaela's pet?
F. Generalization:
What do you call words that describe animals?
G. Practice Exercise:
a. Independent Exercises
Underline the adjectives used in the following sentences.
1. The mad dog is barking and barking
2. A cat’s claws are very sharp.
3. A dog growls when it is angry.
H. Application:
Show pictures of different animals.
Ask the pupils to match the adjectives written in the flashcards that best describe the animals in
the pictures.
IV. Evaluation:
Look at the adjectives in the box. Use these to describe the following nouns.
1. The sound that a lion makes _____________.
2. Fried chicken is _______________.
3. The common house lizard has a ______________ body.
sticky roar
V. Assignment:
Make three to four sentences paragraph using words that describe your pet.
Date: ____________
Tell whether an action is a reality or fantasy
II. Subject Matter:
Telling Whether an Action or Event is a Reality or Fantasy
TM III p. 21-22; Every English IV pp. 38-40
pictures of king and queen with princess
The Princess Who Could Not Cry
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Producing the sounds /f/ and /p/ correctly.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the meaning of the following words through context clues.
a. My face is a symbol of reality
b. Superman is only a fantasy.
3. Motivation:
(Show picture of king and queen with princess.)
Ask: What do you call the daughter of a king and queen?
4. Motive Question:
Why were the king and queen troubled?
B. During Reading:
Pupils will read the story orally.
C. Post Reading:
1. Discussion:
a. Answering the motive question.
b. Answering the comprehension check up.
1. What did the king and queen promise to anyone who could make the princess cry?
2. Who finally make the princess cry?
2. Skill Development:
a. What kind of story is "The Princess Who Could Not Cry", a reality or a fantasy? Why?
b. Pick out in the story all sentences that tell reality and all sentences that tell fantasy.
3. Generalization:
How do we know that a certain event in a story is a reality or fantasy?
4. Application:
Tell whether an event or action is reality or fantasy.
a. Ice cream melts easily.
b. Salts adds flavor to the food we eat.
c. A person can sleep for a hundred years.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the short story below. Copy all statement that tell fantasy and all statement that considered
“The Turtle Who Wanted to Fly”
V. Assignment:
Write R if the event can happen in real life and F if it is fantasy.
Trees can give us money.
Some trees bear magic fruits
Crocodile lives in water
The moon sometimes goes down the river to swim
The frog is smaller than a tadpole.
Date: ____________
Distinguish between facts and opinion from story read
Concern, love
II. Subject Matter:
Distinguishing Facts and Opinion from Story Read
Developing Reading Power 3 p. 210
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation:
Pronouncing the words with /iy/ and /I/ sounds
2. Motivation:
What is your favorite pet?
Do you have a pet cat?
Show pictures of cats.
What can you say about them?
B. Presentation:
1. Use the KWL in presenting the lesson
Guide Questions:
1. What do you know about cats?
2. How do they look like?
3. What help/service to they give you?
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. How many kinds of cats are there?
b. Who belong to the cat family?
c. Why do they catch rats and mice?
3. Infusion Value:
How do you show concern to your pets at home?
4. Skills Development:
What are the sentences that' tell facts in the story? What about opinion?
a. There are forty different kinds of cats.
b. They catch rats and mice for their food.
c. The small cushions on their feet help them walk and move quietly.
5. Exercises:
Tell whether the following statement is fact or opinion.
1. Iba is the capital of Zambales.
2. I think, teachers are the most intelligent people in the world.
3. Jose Rizal is our national hero.
6. Generalization:
- statements that is true
Opinion - words, phrases that do not express fact. It states about individual ideas, estimates
likes or dislikes.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story silently.
Lingayen Gulf in Pangasinsn is very beautiful. But beneath its shimmering beauty lies danger. In
the gulf is a whirl pool that can suddenly suck the bodies of swimmers into its depths. Every year a
young girl was drowned in the whirlpool. It is said that the god of this gulf demanded a life each year.
Ever since, the daughter of fisherman refused to stay with him.
Copy all statements that tell facts.
Copy all statements that tell opinion.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 statements that is true and 5 statements that is opinion.
Date: ____________
Identify the irrelevant idea in a passage
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying the Irrelevant Ideas in a Passage
chart, pictures
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Words with initial consonant cluster
2. Review:
What is the main idea in the main paragraph?
Filipinos are helpful. They are ready to help one another especially in times of needs.
They help one another in activities like planting and harvesting from crops, building a house
etc. .. They call this activity as Bayanihan.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. relevant ideas
b. irrelevant ideas
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
What is the difference between relevant idea and irrelevant idea?
2. Presentation:
Let the children read this passage.
"Never let the passed without being finished," the principal said while the teachers
listened attentively. She combed her hair, and asked "What do I mean?"
3. Discussion:
a. What did the principal say?
b. What does she mean?
c. Who were listening attentively?
4. Practice Exercises:
Read and identify the irrelevant idea in this passage.
"I wonder how high the sky is.
What lies beyond the cloud, the oceans deep? Dodong told me that the rains come from the
sky, that's when the sky is covered with dark cloud."
5. Generalization:
How do you identify irrelevant idea in a passage?
6. Application:
Read and give the irrelevant idea in the passage.
a. "We must take care of our plants.
Plants are important to us and to animals," said Mr. Sison. "Now I know the enemies of
plants," said Ruby.
IV. Evaluation:
Read and copy the irrelevant idea in the following passages.
1. They like Luz because she is an honest girl. Honesty is the best policy. This is what she puts in
mind always. Now she is a teacher.
2. "We should be proud of our beautiful country," the teacher said as he asked the pupils to
enumerate the things beautiful in this country. "I'll spend my vacation in the province," Roy said,
his pupil.
V. Assignment:
Read and copy the irrelevant idea in the following passages.
1. Toto remembers Father's reminder about animals. "Be kind to animals," he said. He goes out and
plays with his friends.
2. Give me liberty or give me death! The Filipinos love to hear this passage. Freedom to them is the
most important thing. Marcel is a Filipino.
Date: ____________
Identify the irrelevant ideas in a paragraph.
II. Subject Matter:
Identifying the Irrelevant Ideas in a Paragraph
Developing Reading Power 3
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Words with initial and final th
2. Review:
Give the main idea of this paragraph.
Christmas in the Philippines is a time for gift giving, gift receiving and merriment. Christmas
means a lot of things to a lot of people. For the little children, it means toys and candies. For
the teen-agers, it means gifts for the people they loved and remembrances from those who
loved them. Christmas is a time for get together.
What is the main idea?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Unlock the words using the pictures.
a. paper boats
b. pond
c. colored
B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Show pictures of girls playing with their paper boats.
2. Presentation:
Let the pupils read this paragraph on the chart.
3. Discussion:
a. Who wanted to play paper boat one day?
b. Why can’t they go out and play?
c. What did they do their paper boats?
4. Practice Exercises:
Identify the irrelevant idea in these paragraphs.
1. It was Saturday. Some children were playing in the yard. They were playing school.
Nida, the oldest of the girls, was the teacher. Six other pupils were the pupils. They did
not eat their candies. The children followed their teacher.
5. Generalization:
How do you identify the irrelevant ideas in a paragraph?
6. Application:
Read the paragraph carefully. Pick out the irrelevant ideas.
We are celebrating Book Week.
We invited our parents and friends to join us. We put the books we like best in display. The
school librarian is my teacher.
IV. Evaluation:
Read and copy the irrelevant ideas in the paragraph
1. A moth is an insect that looks like a butterfly. A butterfly eyes the nectar of a flower. It flies at
night. A young moth wanted to go near the light of a candle.
2. I go to school at 6:30 in the morning everyday. Our bell rings at 7: 15 in the morning. The flag
ceremony is from 7: 15 am until 7:30. I'm already inside the room. Y recess time is 9:00 in the
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph and look for the irrelevant idea.
Ruben and Raul were playing near a pond. Jose who lived nearby, was their· friend. They saw a
big brown frog. It was sitting on a stone near the pond. It had two big eyes and big mouth.
Date: ____________
Talk about their favorite persons, places or things.
II. Subject Matter:
Talking About Their Favorite Persons, Places or Things
Supplementary Reading Materials
pictures of a girl
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
I’m __________________.
I’m _____ years old.
I leave in _______________.
I’m in grade _____________.
1. We are a happy family
2. We are four in the family
3. My grandparents are living with us
4. They are now too old.
2. Review:
The following are words that describe persons, places and things. Use them in
3. Motivation:
Call the pupils attention to the picture of a girl holding a picture of her friend Melba.
What do you think is Melba's friend saying about her?
B. Presentation:
Present a paragraph of 4-5 sentences about what Melba's friend Celia is saying about her.
This is my. friend Melba. She is my favorite friend. Melba is eight years old like me. She
studies at Tubao Elementary School. Melba is an intelligent girl. She is beautiful and kind.
C. Discussion:
1. Who is the friend of Melba?
2. What did Celia say about Melba?
3. Is Melba the best friend of Celia? Why?
D. Skill Development:
a. What did Celia say about Melba?
b. Think of your friend. Tell something about your friend in 4-5 sentences. The following
questions serve your guide.
1. What is the name of your friend?
2. How old is he/she?
3. What are his/her character traits that you like most?
E. Generalization:
When talking about others. What are you going to remember?
F. Application:
Tell something about your favorite place in 4-5 sentences.
G. Practice Exercise
Write 4-5 sentences about your best friend. Talk about your favorite pet in 4-5 sentences.
IV. Evaluation:
Talk about your favorite pet in 4-5 sentences.
V. Assignment:
Write 4-5 sentence paragraphs about your favorite food.
Date: ____________
Talk about school celebration in 4-5 sentences
Active participation in school celebration
II. Subject Matter:
Talking About Specific School Celebration
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who celebrated his birthday?
b. Where did he celebrate his birthday?
c. When as Andree’s birthday?
B. Presentation:
1. Reading a paragraph about Nutrition Month.
Month of July is considered as nutrition month. In celebrating this occasion, pupils are
engaged in different activities like cooking, poster making and slogan contest. The
significance of this is to inculcate in the minds of the pupils the importance of having a
healthy and well-nourished citizen.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. When do we celebrate nutrition month?
b. What are the activities of this celebration?
c. What is the importance of celebrating nutrition month?
3. Value Infusion:
Let us all participate in all our school celebration.
4. Skills Development:
What are some of our school celebration?
Ask pupils to share their ideas by grouping them in 4. Let them talk and write
sentences about their chosen topics/celebration to discuss.
Use guide questions that follows:
a. What specific school celebration you like most?
b. When is it celebrated?
c. What are the activities in this celebration?
5. Generalization:
How do we describe a school celebration?
6. Exercises:
Write 4-5 sentences about your last Christmas party?
IV. Evaluation:
Describe about Graduation day in 4-5 sentences.
Use the guide questions:
1. What specific school celebration?
2. When is it celebrated?
3. What are the activities?
4. Why is it celebrated?
V. Assignment:
Write 4-5 sentences about your summer vacation.
Date: ____________
Talk about specific celebration in 4-5 sentences
II. Subject Matter:
Talking About Specific Celebration in 4-5 Sentences
Basic Journalism p. 150
“New Year’s Thoughts”
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
The three sounds of s
2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Match column A to column B
1. reign
a. blood relations
2. kinship
b. abstract emotion
3. firm
c. influence
4. sentiments
d. process of resolving
5. resolution
e. feast of Christmas
3. Motivation:
It's a yearly celebration.
We use fireworks to drive out evils spirits.
We make our resolutions.
B. Presentation:
1. Reading a paragraph. “New Years Thoughts”. TM. pp. 221
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Why do we celebrate New Year?
b. What is the man’s finest sentiment?
c. How do you celebrate New Year?
3. Skills Development:
Let us talk about New Year’s Day
 When do we celebrate New Year’s Day?
 What do we do during media noche?
 What are your New Year’s resolutions?
4. Generalization:
What information do we get from this celebration?
5. Exercises:
Answer the questions and be able to write sentences about specific celebrations
a. What is your favorite celebration?
b. When is it celebrated?
c. How is it celebrated?
IV. Evaluation:
Describe Christmas Day in 4-5 sentences following the guide question: What? When? Why?
V. Assignment:
Write 4-5 sentences about Valentine's Day.
Date: ____________
Draw conclusions using passages as stimuli
II. Subject Matter:
Drawing Conclusions Using Passages as Stimuli
PELC II p. 15; Growing English 3 pp. 187-192
pictures, flashcards
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Produce the sounds /f/ and /P/
2. Review:
Draw conclusions about the picture
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words in each sentence.
1. Electric light is bright and steady.
2. A person who is true and sincere has no trick ways in him.
3. A mosquito is a dark night insect.
2. Motivation:
Show picture of a gold fish. Have you seen a goldfish? What is its color?
3. Motive Question:
What did the Snapper call up Goldfish?
C. During Reading:
Read the story “The Silly Goldfish”
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive questions.
2. Comprehension Check-up.
a. Where did the story happen?
b. Who are the characters?
c. Describe Goldfish. Why do you say so?
E. Application:
Draw conclusions about the following information:
1. Marina did not go to school. The radio announced that typhoon signal number 3 is up.
Therefore, _________
a. There was a typhoon.
b. Marina went to school
2. The man took off his jacket. The sun was shining very brightly. Therefore, __________.
a. The man was very big.
b. The sun was shining very brightly.
c. The weather is cold.
IV. Evaluation:
Pick out the proper ending for each passage. Choose your answer from the box.
1. A dog passed by a clear river. He had a big bone in his mouth. He looked at the river and saw his
image. He barked at the "other dog". Therefore, __________________.
2. The dog went home hungry. he saw a pack of dogs. They were on the way to the market He
joined them. They took meat bones in the market. The bones looked good. Now, he thought,
V. Assignment:
Draw conclusions about the information given:
The policeman uses hands signals and a whistle. He blows the whistle and holds up his hands to
people on the sidewalks telling them to.
a. wait until he sneezes
b. cross the street at once
c. whistle and hold up their hands
Date: ____________
Draw conclusions using picture as stimuli
II. Subject Matter:
Drawing Conclusions Using Picture as a Stimuli
PELC II p. 15; Growing English 2 pp. 190-191
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Read the group of word correctly with correct blending:
went over
out in a flash
read it
on each side
the electronic
one on each side
2. Review:
Choose the best ending for each of the following:
1. Kiram was big enough to throw the net and pull it out of the water even when it was
filled with fish. But he was not big enough to paddle home when his boat was filled with
fish so
a. He did not catch fish.
b. He could go fishing with the men.
c. He went home without fish
B. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Answer the following questions. Select the word listed above:
1. What word means wanting things only for oneself?
2. Which word means a place to live in?
2. Motivation:
Show pictures of an old woman. What can you see in the picture? Have you ever meet an
old woman upon going home?
3. Motive Question::
Why did' he old woman give a sack to Karim?
4. Recalling the standards for silent reading.
C. During Reading:
Read the story “Siano and the Magic Sack"
D. Post Reading:
1. Answering the motive questions:
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who were the two brothers?
b. Why did Kario wish for rice?
c. What did Siano do with the sack?
3. Reading the passages:
1. Kari found an old woman by the roadside, therefore he helped her.
2. Kario is eager to help the poor people in the village therefore, he spent time to give what
he has.
4. Developmental Activities:
Draw conclusions about he picture using “therefore”.
1. Picture of a girl eating a cake
2. Picture of a girl who has stomached
E. Generalization:
What does "therefore" express?
IV. Evaluation:
Connect the following sentences using "therefore". Write the new sentence formed. Punctuate the
sentences correctly.
1. Everybody helped
2. I lost my book
3. the bell ring
I bought a new one.
We fall in line.
We finished early.
V. Assignment:
Answer exercises on page 192, Growing English
Date: ____________
Use the glossary to get the meaning of words
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Glossary for the Meaning of Words
Building English Reading Book I p. 167; Science and Health 3 pp. 222-224
picture of a cave, a tent; a grass house and a mud house, flashcards and charts
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Distribute sets of zigzag puzzle by rows. Arrange the puzzle to complete the object and
give the initial/final sound/
2. Review:
Name the different parts of the book.
3. Motivation:
Open your books and compare the last part of the book.
a. What is the last part of each book?
b. Which book has the glossary?
c. Explain that some books have the glossary while others don’t have.
B. Presentation:
1. Show the example of a glossary.
washed slowly and easily
a. What is a glossary?
b. What information can we get from it?
c. How are the words written and arranged?
C. Generalization:
1. When do we use the glossary?
2. Why do we need to arrange the words in alphabetical order?
D. Practice Exercises:
Look for the meaning of the following words in a glossary. (Science and Health 3)
1. aquarium
2. conserve
3. dust
4. fertilizer
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the meaning of the underlined words in the glossary.
1. Exercise everyday keeps your body healthy.
2. She plays organ in the church.
3. Mario was afraid of lightning.
V. Assignment:
1. Read the story “The Sun” p. 163
2. Select the least 10 words from the glossary and make your own glossary.
Date: ____________
Fill out personal data sheet correctly
II. Subject Matter:
Filling in Personal Data Sheet
PELC II p. 16
improvised personal data sheet
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Read the following sentences, then write the correct punctuation mark after each
1. Who is your father
2. The book is new
3. Mario is an intelligent boy
2. Review:
1. What information do you write in the library card? Borrower's card?
2. The teacher gives improvised borrower's card and fills out the needed information.
3. Motivation:
The teacher asks:
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. Who is your father? Mother?
B. Presentation:
1. The teacher presents a Personal Data Sheet.
C. Discussion:
1. What is shown in the Data Sheet?
2. What information do you remember in a Personal Data Sheet?
3. How will you fill the Personal Data Sheet?
D. Generalization:
What information do you write in the Personal Data Sheet?
E. Practice:
1. Guide the pupils in filling out the needed information in Personal Data Sheet in a sheet of
2. Your classmate Rico is instructed to fill out his Personal Data Sheet. How should it appear?
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher gives the pupils an improvised Personal Data sheet. Have them fill out the needed
V. Assignment:
Make your own Personal Data Sheet by following the improvised Personal Data Sheet.
Date: ____________
Fill out library cards and borrower’s card
Cleanliness and Neatness
II. Subject Matter:
Using Library Card and Borrower’s Card
PELC II p. 16
pictures, enlarge library cards and borrowers card, improvised library cards and
borrower’s card.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Write the correct spelling of the following:
a. meteors
c. delicious
b. amphibian
d. raoring
2. Review:
Give the past form of the following irregular verbs:
a. sing
c. bring
b. see
d. teach
3. Motivation:
The teacher shows a picture of two pupils inside a school library, each holding a
borrower's card.
The teacher asks:
What do you think are they talking about?
B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the dialogue aloud while others read silently.
Amy: This is my borrower's card. I'll use this in borrowing books in the library.
Cely: This is my borrower's card, too. I will also borrow a book.
Amy: I will borrow an English book for my assignment. What kind of book will
you borrow?
Cely: I will borrow a book about fairy tales which I will also use for my home reading report.
C. Discussion:
1. Who are talking in the dialogue?
2. What do they have which they can use in borrowing a book in the library?
3. What kind of book will Amy borrow?
D. Generalization:
What information do you write in the library card and borrower's card?
E. Practice:
1. Guided Practice
Guide the pupils to fill in the needed information in a library card and borrower's card
using a sheet of paper.
2. Independent Practice
The teacher gives the pupil$ improvised library cards and borrower's cards. Have them
fill out the needed information.
IV. Evaluation:
Take the pupils to the school library. Ask the librarian to provide them with the real library cards
and borrower's card. Have each of them borrow a book making use of the borrower's card.
This provides a concrete experience in filling out library cards and borrower's cards.
V. Assignment:
Bring your borrower’s card for checking.
Date: ____________
Get the appropriate meaning of words in a glossary
Taking care of books
II. Subject Matter:
Getting the Appropriate Meaning of Words in a Glossary
BEC – PLEC 7.1
Science and Health 3 pp. 222 – 224
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Group the pupils by row. First group will give a word. Second group will give its
synonyms and third group will give the antonym or vice versa.
2. Review:
a. Checking of 'assignments
b. What is a glossary?
c. What information can we get from a glossary?
B. Presentation:
Conduct a game:
Group the class into pairs using the glossary. First will give the word while the partner will
give the meaning then vice-versa.
C. Infusion Value:
How do we take care books?
D. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided Exercises: Group work
Copy the meaning of each word used in a glossary then use the word in a sentence.
a. clouds
c. measles
e. terrace
b. dust
d. sail
2. Independent Practice:
Write a 5 to 10 sentence paragraph' using the following words.
a. clouds
c. nimbus clouds
e. cirrus clouds
b. cumulus clouds
d. stratus clouds
IV. Evaluation:
Copy the meaning of the following words in a glossary then use them in a sentence. Write the
sentence in a paragraph form.
a. crop rotation
c. erosion
e. humus
b. contour plowing
d. fertilizer
V. Assignment:
Using the Mathematics 3 Textbook, select ten words in the glossary. Use the word in a sentence
based on the given meaning.
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