NAME: STACY RUTTO COURSE: TMC 6130 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT Deploying a multi-container application to Azure Kubernetes Services Deploy Kubernetes to Azure, using CLI: i. Get the latest available Kubernetes version in your preferred in eastus region ii. Create a Resource Group iii. Create AKS using the latest version available az aks create --resource-group akshandsonlab --name stacycluster --enable-addons monitoring --kubernetes-version $version --generate-ssh-keys --location eastus --nodecount 2 Deploy Azure Container Registry(ACR): az acr create --resource-group akshandsonlab --name stacyacr --sku Standard --location eastus Authenticate with Azure Container Registry from Azure Kubernetes Service : az aks update -n stacycluster -g akshandsonlab --attach-acr stacyacr Create Azure SQL server and Database: SQL server az sql server create -l eastus -g akshandsonlab -n stacyrdb -u sqladmin -p P2ssw0rd1234 Database az sql db create -g akshandsonlab -s stacyrdb -n mhcdb --service-objective S0 List of resources in the resource group Click on “Set server Firewall” and enable “Allow Azure services …” option.