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Excel Skills Course Material: Functions, Analysis, Display

Module One: Fundamental Excel Skills
Merge: Go to Alignment and Press Merge and Center
’Comma Style: Remove $ but keep in Accounting Mode
=COUNT (counts the number of cells in a range)
=COUNTA: to count the non-numerical AND numerical values in a range
(counts the cells that aren’t empty)
=SUM (summation of values)
Format Painter: copy style and format of a row
Revenue = Volume* Unit Price
Material Cost: Material Cost*Number Sold* Number per Box
Fixed Cost: =SUM (Advertising + Overhead)
FN--F4: Shortcut for Absolute Referencing
Income Before Tax: Total Revenue - (Total Variable Cost + Total Fixed Cost)
COUNTIF (range, “argument”) to count the number of cells that meet a
criterion EX. # of locations that include an extra hydration.
“>0”- to show that there is a number on the range
Budget Summary:
Include the number of items
Sales volume, selling price (in this section make different columns for each company or service, for example, in the Ocean Ziploc
assignment we had both online and in-store columns for each segment)
Revenue: use the sales volume*selling price
Variable cost: given in the table and is a separate chart. In this chart
Material: Number of items(fixed)*Material cost(letter is fixed)*sales volume(number is fixed)
Direct labor: Drag material equation to the rest of the cells.
Total variable cost: SUM(material + Direct labor)
Summary: Use all the sales volumes from all the budget sheets
Module Two: Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis
AVERAGE: this is how you find the MEAN
MODE.SNGL: finds the most frequently occurring mode
Freeze a row: if you want to freeze rows 1-3, select A4 | view ribbon | freeze panes
STDEV: standard deviation. He used STDEV.S.
COUNTIF: (#rejected: # of cells in range that fail to meet criteria) | COUNTIF(A4:A6,”.>=265”) | must put “”
SUMIF: (rejection cost: find total rejection costs given individual production costs in an adjacent column) | =SUMIF(B4:B6,”>=265”,A4 :A6) | if
B is the Temp Test (values det P/F) and A is the production cost per unit
RANK.EQ: (number, ref, order) rank of the cell in this row among the range | (H1,$H$1:$H$4,1) |1 is ascending, 0 is descending
- Order: 0- descending (highest to lowest), 1 ascending (lowest to highest)
Ref is fixed completely
When it comes to order if we see < its descending and if its > its ascending
COUNTIFS: more than one criteria | how many cells are 2100<x<2110: (A4:A6,”>2100”,A4:A6,”<2110”)
LARGE (SMALL): returns largest cell in range | ($A$4:$A$:,k) where k=is the rank (ex. k=2 is second largest value)
LARGE (array,k) Array means column and k is rank
SMALL (array k) Array is fixed and k is rank
“*” is a wildcard (example finding BLU)
RAND Functions
=RAND() gives # in [0,1) | RANDBETWEEN(1,5) will be integer (no deci)
Example: Rand in [25,200): RAND()*175+25
Example: For a REAL NUMBER (deci) between bottom and top: =lo+(hi-lo)*RAND()
Purchase Amount ($250-350): (350-250)*RAND()+250 is a random value between $250 and $350
ROUND: if you want ^ to have two deci, then ROUND((150*RAND()+250,2),2)
Generate A Real number (continuous number) between Bottom and Top
(High -Low)*RAND()+Low
Round A number
ROUND((high-low)*RAND()+low, 2)
Count if: =COUNTIF(range, criteria(this should be in quotation marks “” with an = to the statement but it could also be a cell!, if it is a cell it
doesn’t not need an = sign, if it is a number use >,>=,<,<= or =)
Countifs: =COUNTIF(range, criteria(this should be in quotation marks, if it is a statement put an = sign, if it is a number use >,>=,<, <= or =),
range, criteria 2)
Sum if: =SUMIF(range, criteria(this should be in quotation marks, if it is a statement put an = sign, if it is a number use > or <),second
range(numbers correlated to what you are trying to find))
Rank: =RANK(first cell(should be , Range(fixed),0 or 1(0 ranks highest value and 1 ranks the smallest value)
Module Three: Effective Data Display
Change bars into shape: Copy and paste any shape you create where the bar is
Thicken bar and decrease white space: FDS, 3, gap width
Add line on vertical axis: select vertical axis text, format axis, 1, solid line
Change domain or range: FDS, select axis, 4, bounds
Two outputs that have very different ranges (secondary scale): chart design, change chart type, combo, chart design-format, chart area
drop down: select what you want as the secondary axis (smaller range), FDS, select secondary bars, secondary axis
Sparklines : Go to Insert and Press Sparklines it is used to make small lines and graphs on cells
Chart Design: Chart Elements
HLC: date and HLC in that order
Reformat date axis: format axis, axis options, 4, axis type: date axis, number
O-HLC (Candlestick): the white up bars should be green and the black down bars should be red
VHLC: lots of zeros to x million: format axis, axis options, 4, display units “millions”
VC-COMBO: date, volume, close | show volume on primary and closing price on secondary axis
Module Four: Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis
AND: all statements are true (=AND(1 st statement, 2nd statement, etc)
OR: one or more statements are true(=OR(1 st statement, 2nd statement, etc)
NOT: =NOT(cell that is false) -> TRUE and NOT (cell that is true) -> FALSE
Conditional formatting: Home, Conditional Formatting, Classic: ‘format only cells that contain...”
IF= If all statements are true then the function is this or that (=IF(three statements in total, statement, result 1, result 2, *only three statements
are allowed inside function, try to use another if statement inside for more arguments)
Try to separate if statements if there is more than 1!
How to put a drop down menu: Data ribbon→Data validation→List→add items (use commas for each separate item)
Make new rules (use custom when it comes to highlighting a line)
Module Five: Retrieving Data for Computation, Analysis, and Reference
Index: =INDEX((all the graphs given or if it’s one graph just place that here), (=MATCH(cell, range or chart),(add more matches if n eeded))
VLOOKUP: =VLOOKUP(cell, chart, column of chart that contains that information, FALSE or TRUE)
Only use true if it’s an approximation
Label charts!
If you made an error in naming your chart go to formula ribbon→Define name→select the name and press the “-“(minus sign on
HLOOKUP: =HLOOKUP(cell, chart, row of chart that contains the information needed, FALSE or TRUE)