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Study Guide Midterm

Study Guide Midterm
Political Science 150
Chapter One: American Political Culture
Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau (Lecture Notes)
Political Efficacy (Textbook/PowerPoint)
Theories of Democracy – Protective, Pluralist, Developmental, Participatory (Lecture Notes)
Chapter Two: The Founding and the Constitution
British Taxation and why (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Colonial Boycotting of British Goods (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Articles of Confederation and what it entailed (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Hamilton’s Plan, Connecticut Compromise, 3/5 Compromise
(Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Federalists vs Anti Federalists (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Chapter Three: Federalism
Federalism – Defined (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Federal vs. Unitary system and examples of both (Textbook/PowerPoint)
Expressed and Implied Powers and sources of both (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Constitutional Foundation for Federal System (Lecture Notes)
The Evolution of Federalism (Lecture Notes)
Chapter Four: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
The 10 Amendments (Lecture Notes)
The 10 Amendments and the branches they limit (Lecture Notes)
Consumer Sovereignty and Free Speech (Lecture Notes)
Free Exercise and Free Establishment Clause – Defined (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Procedural vs. Substantive limits to the Bill of Rights
Pure Speech
Speech Plus
Chapter Five: Public Opinion
Public Opinion Defined (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Values and Attitudes – Defined (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Political Socialization/Agents of Socialization – Defined (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Politically Motivated Reasoning (Lecture Notes)
Motivated Skepticism (Lecture Notes)
Political Ideologies – Liberalism and Conservatism (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Chapter Six: The Media
Echo Chamber Effect (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Downside to Online Media (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Digital Citizenship (Textbook)
Media conglomeration (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Digital Divide (Textbook)
Micro-targeting and Psychographic Marketing (Textbook/Lecture Notes)
Chapter Seven: Political Parties, Participation and Elections
Traditional Political Participation and Digital Activism
Collective Action
Voter Turnout Definition
Why don’t people vote
The Role of Political Parties
Two Party System vs. Multi-Party System
Electoral College – criticisms and alternatives
Elections in the United States