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Combat Child Marriage: Resolution Proposal

Combat Cultural enforcement of child marriages; Jordan , Brazil, Iraq, and Canada
Sponsors: Canada
Signaturies: Jordan, Brazil, Canada, Iraq
Reminding all nations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 and the Convention on the
Elimination of all forms of Disrimination Against Women in 1984, which sets a minimum age of marriaes
of 18 and obligates states to ensure free and full consent to marriages. Child marriage robs kids of their
childhood and threatens their life and health. Children are most likely to experience domestic violence,
abuse, and forced sexual relations due to unequal power relations.
Acknowledging the seriousness of the issue of child marriage and realizing its harms, to then spread
awareness of the dangers of child marriage in educational environments. Economically stable countries
like Canada can offer financial aid to countries in need, to better fund schools and education.
Governments can start campaigns to educate and rally parents and community members on the moral
and ethical injustice that child marriages is built on. Stressing the fact that Iraq has poor economy,
Canada could engage in providing economic support for Iraq and o and other poorer countries.
Acting on the low employment rates in developing countries such as Iraq and Jordan, it is useful to give
families opportunities for a living like short-term loans. Families ae less likely to view their children as
financial burdens when they have more financial options.
Demands for equal rights between both genders :
more than 650 million women alive today were married as children, while only 83 million boys were
married as children. We can fix this high difference by providing equal education and job
opportunties between both genders.
Encouraging all respected delegations to focus on assessing the motives of child marriage organizations,
aiding with the comprehension of reasons of acts of child marriage abuse therefor assisting in the policy
making of efficient well-grounded principles required to undermine and raise funds against parents who
force marriage
Calls for an increase in awareness and investigation of exploitation cases such as child marriage
Recommends following all rules and laws about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Disrimination Against Women
Urges for financial funding from UN and UN approved organizations
To limit child marriages consider the following;
1. Financial aid for families in need
2. Spread awareness about the situation
3. Offer more job opportunities
4. Finding alternatives for solving struggles that lead to early marriage
5. Better and high quality education