i The content of this handouts is a compilation of work coming from the following authors who were acknowledge using proper citation to wit: Brady, N.C., and R.R. Weil. 2001. The nature and properties of soils (13th ed.) Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Carating, R.1997. The Survey and Classification of Andisols. SRDC Technical Information Series No. 6. Soils Research and Development Center-JICA, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Castillo, RL. 2007. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review. Daquiado, N. n.d. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, CMU, Bukidnon Fanning, D.S., and M.C.B. Fanning. 1989. Soil morphology, genesis, and classification. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Hodges, S. 2011. Soil Fertility Basics. Soil Science Extension. North Carolina State University. Kenny, A. 2013. Recent Advances in Microbiology. Lasquites, J. n.d. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, USeP, Tagum City LEA Reviewer in Soil Science. 2003. Visayas State University, Baybay City Leyte. Lynn, I. et.al. 2013. Land Use Capability Survey Handbook. Salibay, MA. 2010. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, USeP, Tagum City UPLB, 2007. Lecture Review Materials for LEA. College of Agriculture, UPLB, Laguna, Philippines University Code Student’s Handbook This material is used for instructional purpose only and is not intended for sale. Should it be distributed to person other than those enrolled in this subject or should it be dispensed for commercial purpose, the ESSU and the faculty who compiled this material will not be responsible for any claims of the original authors. ii OVERVIEW OF THE HANDOUTS You are provided with handouts in Soils 1 (Principles of Soil Science) which cover subjects/topics for the entire semester. This is good for 90 hours or 36 regular sessions at 2.5 hours per meeting. However, in the absence of face-to-face interactions, this self-paced learning material will be distributed by your professor so you can have advanced reading and perform the expected tasks for the entire semester. Just remember, that any problem that you will meet, meaning any part of this handouts that you can hardly understand, you can ask the same to your professor using messenger or any other forms of social media which will be created for this subject. He is very much willing to answer your queries to facilitate the teaching and learning processes. This handouts contain six (6) units which cover the following topics: 1) definition and composition of soils, 2) soil formation and development, 3) physical properties of soils, 4) chemical properties of soils, 5) biological properties of soils and organic matter, 6) nature, properties and management of soils COURSE GUIDE Course: Soils 1 Semester: 2nd Class Schedule: Course Description: Principles of Soil Science School Year: 2020-2021 Nature, Properties and Management of Soils SCHEDULE Week 1-3 Week 4-6 TOPICS VMGO of the University and the College of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Topical Outline, Course Policies, Requirements and Quality Policy I. Definition and Composition of Soil A. Soil defined, edaphological and pedological B. Field of specialization in soil science C. Composition of the Soil 1. Air 2. Water 3. Organic matter 4. Mineral matter D. Composition of the mineral matter 1. The three major fractions: sand, silt and clay 2. The clay fraction: crystalline and non-crystalline components E. Elemental composition of the Earth’s crust F. The essential nutrient elements 1. Macro and micronutrients 2. Criteria of Essentiality 3. Ionic forms of nutrients II. Soil Formation and Development A. Soil forming rocks and minerals 1. Rocks and minerals: definition 2. Classes of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic 3. Mode of formation of igneous rock: intrusive, extrusive 4. Other points of differences of igneous rock: texture, color, acidity 5. Examples of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous iii SCHEDULE Week 7-10 TOPIC III. rocks 6. Primary vs secondary minerals and examples of each class B. Weathering 1. Definition 2. Physical weathering: exfoliation and cracking due to temperature changes, crystal growth, abrasion, movement of earth’s crust, prying action of roots 3. Chemical weathering: hydrolysis, hydration, oxidation, carbonation, solution C. Soil formation 1. Factors of soil formation: climate, organisms, relief, parent material, time D. Soil development 1. Pedogenic processes: addition, losses, translocation in the soil body E. The soil profile Physical Properties of Soils A. Definition of physical properties 1. Texture, structure, bulk density, particle density, porosity, water holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity, consistency and color B. Soil texture 1. The twelve textural grades 2. Properties of sand, silt and clay: size ranges, shapes, chemical composition, specific-surface area 3. Significance of soil texture on soil fertility, crop suitability, porosity/aeration, water relation, tillage 4. Soil texture determination: feel method, hydrometer method, pipette method C. Soil structure 1. Types: platy, prismatic and columnar, blocky, and subangular blocky, granular and crumby, structureless 2. Cementing agents: OM, lime, microbial gums, fine clay 3. Soil management related to soil structure D. Soil densities 1. Definition and formulas for B.D., P.D. and % porosity 2. Factors affecting B.D. 3. Sample problems E. Soil water 1. Importance of water 2. Properties of water 3. Forces affecting soil water retention and movement: cohesion, adhesion, osmotic pressure, capillary forces 4. Soil moisture tension concepts, unit of expression 5. Soil moisture availability: field capacity, hygroscopic coefficient, permanent wilting point 6. Soil moisture measurements F. Soil consistency and color iv SCHEDULE Week 11-14 IV. Week 15-16 V. TOPIC Chemical Properties of Soils A. Soil Colloids 1. Definition 2. Classification and examples: organic and inorganic B. Silicate Clays 1. Basic structural units: tetrahedron 2. Properties of silicate clays: expansion and contraction (type), bonding, crystal size, specific surface area, shape 3. Sources of negative charges C. Organic colloids 1. Sources of negative charges D. Factors affecting strength of absorption of ions in soil colloids E. Cation exchange capacity F. Base saturation and exchangeable sodium percentage G. Soil pH 1. Definition and significance 2. Sources of soil acidity 3. Kinds of acidity: active and reserve acidity 4. Buffering capacity 5. Effects of nutrients availability H. Liming 1. Definition and examples of lime 2. Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV) 3. Sample problems I. Soil salinity and sodicity Soil Organisms and Organic Matter A. Kinds of organisms: microorganisms and macro organisms B. Bacterial: Characteristics and classification 1. Oxygen requirements-aerobic, anaerobic, facultative Energy and carbon requirements-antotrophic (hototrophic and chemoautotrophic) and heterotrophic 2. Temperature adaptation-psychrophyllic, mesophyllic, thermophyllic C. Actinomycetes: characteristics and similarity and difference from bacteria and fungi D. Fungi: characteristics and unique adaptation to soil conditions E. Other organisms: viruses, protozoa, algal, worms, insects, rodents F. Beneficial activities of soil organisms 1. Decomposition of organic matter 2. Transformation of soil nutrients 3. Promoting soil aggregation through by-products of their activities 4. Nitrogen fixation (rhizobia) and phosphorus solubilization (mycorrhiza) G. Composition of organic matter: carbohydrates, proteins, lignins, fats, waxes, tannins H. Organic matter decomposition and end products v SCHEDULE Week 17-18 VI. TOPIC 1. Aerobic (oxidative) decomposition 2. Anaerobic (fermentation) decomposition I. Transformation of nitrogen 1. Mineralization, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, immobilization, ammonia volatilization, leaching l. Effects of inorganic matter on soil properties Nature, Properties and Management of Soils A. Definition B. Essential Nutrient 1. Criteria of Essentiality 2. Available forms & functions of nutrients in plants 3. Methods of assessing soil fertility status 4. Fertilizer nutrients: their properties and usage 5. Fertilizer computation 6. Causes of decline in soil fertility Course Requirements: Term Examinations Other Requirements Quizzes Sets of Exercises 40% 60% 30% 30% Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the semester, the students must be able to: 1. Appreciate the VMGO, Core Values, Quality Policy and Grading System of the University. 2. Present a unified view of the soil as a medium for plant growth and as a natural resource; 3. Develop skills in problem solving requiring numerical data obtained from physical, chemical and biological experiments involving the soil; 4. Recognize and diagnose soil problems associated with plant growth; 5. Apply the principles of soil management in the control of soil fertility, soil pH and soil erosion; and 6. Interpret soil survey report. Required Output Laboratory Exercises (individual) Series of Worksheets/Exercises Vegetable Garden (at home) vi Unit 1 –DEFINITION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL Introduction A thin portion of the earth’s crust which is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials is known as soils. To a great degree, soil quality determines the nature of plant ecosystems and the capacity of land to support animal life and society. However, as human society becomes increasingly urbanized, fewer people have intimate contact with the soil, and individuals tend to lose sight of the many ways in which they depend upon soils for their prosperity and survival. Indeed, the earth is very unique as it is covered with life sustaining air and water. These two resources are becoming scarce, as the population increases without increasing the land area. Recent land-use is focusing now on commercial and residential leaving agricultural prime lands converted to other uses; hence, food production is not sustained. A lot of human activities and calamities are also threats to these resources; hence great care is needed to preserve its quality if people want to live. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, the students should be able to: 1. Describe soils 2. Enumerate various field of specializations in soil science 3. Explain the function of soils in our ecosystem 4. Illustrate the four components of soils 5. List down the elemental composition of the earth’s crust 6. Classify the nutrient elements and its ionic forms absorbed by the plants Activities 1. Examine the pictures below, and then write an essay focused on the importance of soil to crop production and man’s survival. 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said “A Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself”. What does it mean? 1 Analysis 1. What do soils contribute to your family and the entire ecosystem? 2. What do you think soils are composed of? 3. Why plants are growing luxuriantly in some areas but stunted or dying in other places? 4. How did you utilize the vacant lots in your front yard, backyard or in your community? What will you suggest? Abstraction In any ecosystem, whether your backyard, a farm, a forest, or a watershed, soils perform significant ecological functions. They act as the principal medium for plant growth, regulate water supplies, recycle raw materials and waste products, and serve as a major engineering medium for human-built structures. They are also home to many kinds of living organisms. Soil is thus a major ecosystem in its own right. The soil of the world is extremely diverse, each type of soil being characterized by a unique set of soil horizons. A typical surface soil in good condition for plant growth consists about half solid material (mostly mineral, but with a crucial organic component too) and half pore spaces filled with varying proportions of water and air. These components interact to influence a myriad of complex soil functions, a good understanding of which is essential for wise management of our terrestrial ecosystem. A. SOIL DEFINED: EDAPHOLOGICAL AND PEDOLOGICAL Soil – a dynamic natural body composed of mineral and organic materials and living forms in which plants grow. It refers to the collection of natural bodies occupying parts of the earth’s surface that supports plants and have properties due to the integrated effect of climate and living matter acting upon parent material, as conditioned by relief, over periods of time. Two approaches in studying soils: a. Pedological approach - (Greek: pedon, soil or earth) is the study of soils as they occur in nature with principal interest on the characterization and differentiation of their properties and with only minor emphasis on their practical use. In short, the study for their taxonomic classification is a pedological approach. b. Edaphological approach – (Greek: edaphos, soil or ground) is the study of soil with emphasis on their practical use, particularly the relationship of soil properties to plant growth. The study of soil fertility is edaphological approach. 2 B. FIELD OF SPECIALIZATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE 1. Soil fertility – this refers to the study of quality of soils to provide optimum level of nutrients for plant growth. 2. Soil physics – this study the characteristics, processes, or reactions of a soil caused by physical forces 3. Soil chemistry – is the study of interaction of solid, liquid, and gaseous phases or components of soil 4. Soil microbiology – this specializes on the study of soil biochemical reaction carried out primarily by microorganisms 5. Soil mineralogy – this has something to do with the structural chemistry of the solid components of soil 6. Soil genesis, morphology and classification – deals with the structural characteristics, mode of origin, and systematic arrangement of soils. 7. Land Use – deals with the utilization or allocation of lands for general or broad purposes such as agriculture, forestry, settlement and military reservations. C. FUNCTIONS OF SOILS 1. Medium for plant growth – it is clear that the soil mass provides physical support, anchoring the root system so that the plant does not fall over. It provides ventilation allowing CO2 to escape and O2 to enter the root zone via the network of soil pores. It absorbs water and holds it where it can be used by plant roots. It moderates temperature fluctuations, allowing roots to function normally. Soil supply plants with inorganic, mineral nutrients in the form of dissolved ions. The plant takes these elements out of the soil solution and incorporates most of them into the thousands of different organic compounds that constitute plant tissue. A fundamental role of soil in supporting plant growth is to provide a continuing supply of dissolved mineral nutrients in amounts and in relative proportions appropriate for plant growth. 2. Regulator of water supplies – we must recognize that nearly every drop of water in our rivers, lakes, estuaries, and aquifers has either traveled through the soil or flowed over its surface. If the soil allows the rain to soak in, some of the water may be stored in the soil and used by the trees and other plants while some may seep slowly down through the soil layers to the groundwater, eventually entering the river over a period of months or years as base flows. If the water is contaminated, as it soaks through the upper layers of soil it is purified and cleansed by soil processes that remove many impurities and kill potential disease organisms. Clearly, the nature and management of soils in a watershed will have a major influence on the purity and amount of water findings its way to aquatic system. 3. Recycler of raw materials – what a world be like without the recycling functions performed by soils? Without reuse of nutrients, plants and animals would have run out of nourishment long ago. The world would be covered with a layer, possibly hundreds of meters high, of plant and animal wastes and corpses. Obviously, recycling must be a vital process in ecosystems. Whether forests, farms, or cities. The soil system plays a pivotal role in the major geochemical cycle. Soils have the capacity to assimilate great quantities of organic wastes to form, turning it into beneficial humus, converting the mineral nutrients in the wastes to forms that can be utilized by plants and animals, and returning the carbon to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, where it becomes part again of living organisms through plant photosynthesis. Some soils can accumulate large amounts of carbon as soil organic matter, thus having major impact on such global changes as the much-discussed greenhouse effect. 3 4. Habitat for soil organisms – soil is not a mere pile of broken rock and dead debris. A handful of soil is a home to billions of organisms, belonging to thousands of species. Even with this small quantity of soil, there are likely exist predators, prey, producers, consumers and parasites. How is it possible for such diversity of organisms to live and interact in such a small space? One explanation is the tremendous range of niches and habitats in even a uniform-appearing soil. Some pores of the soil will be filled with water where organisms such as roundworms, diatoms and rotifers swim. Tiny insects and mites may be only millimeters from areas of anoxic conditions. Different areas may be enriched with organic materials; some places may be highly acidic, some more basic. Temperature, too, may vary widely. Hidden from view in the world’s soil are communities of living organisms every bit as complex and intrinsically valuable as their counterparts that roam the savannas, forests, and oceans of the earth. Soils harbor much of the earth’s genetic diversity. Soils like air and water are important components of the larger ecosystem. Yet only now is soil quality taking its place, with air quality and water quality, in discussion of environmental protection. 5. Engineering medium – “Terra firma, solid ground” we usually think of the soil as being firm and solid, a good base on which to build roads and all kinds of structures. Indeed, most structures rest on the soil, and many construction projects require excavation into the soil. However, designs for roadbeds or building foundation that work well in one location on one type of soil may be inadequate for another location with different soils. D. COMPOSITION OF SOILS The four (4) major components of soils are air, water, mineral matter and organic matter. The relative proportions of these four components greatly influence the behavior and productivity of soils. It should be noted that about half of the soil volume consists of solid material (mineral and organic), while the other half consists of pore spaces filled with air or water. Of the solid material, typically most is mineral matter derived from rocks of the earth’s crust. Only about 5% of the volume in this ideal soil consists of organic matter. 1. Air (25%) – the gases are found in the pores and is composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (20%), carbon dioxide and other gases (2%). It provides oxygen for respiration of plant roots, thus, there must be enough aeration at the root zone for easy exchange of CO 2 and O2 between the soil pores and the aboveground atmosphere. Otherwise, CO 2 could build to high level which can be toxic to plant roots. 2. Water (25%) – is also in the pores that contain dissolved nutrients. It is sometimes called soil water, soil moisture or soil solution. It serves as solvent of nutrient compounds and at the same time carries nutrients to the proximity of roots where they can be absorbed. The soil water also serves as weathering agent of minerals to constantly renew the nutrient supply in the soil. Soil water is also needed by plants in large amounts for their metabolic functions. The dissolved CO 2 in soil water forms carbonic acid which is a solvent that can release nutrients from minerals. 3. Organic matter (5%) – consists of decayed plant and animal bodies which is the chief source of nitrogen, and is, in fact, an indication of the nitrogen status of the soils. It also contributes P, S and micronutrients although in small quantities compared to mineral sources. OM enables the soil to store 4 cations. The most pronounced effect of organic matter on soil is the formation and stabilization of aggregates which, in turn give the soil greater permeability and porosity. 4. Mineral matter (45%) - these are inorganic materials derived from rocks; distinct minerals found in nature include quartz and feldspars. It is the major source of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, and Cl. It is composed of sand, silt and clay fractions which determine several other physical properties of soil such as texture, porosity, water-holding capacity, permeability to water or hydraulic conductivity and ease of tillage or workability. Air, 25% Water, 25% Mineral Matter, 45% Organic Matter, 5% The ideal composition of soils is indicated in the illustration above. However, the proportion of these components varies with the kind of soil: a. In paddy soils, the pore spaces are nearly completely filled with water b. In organic soils, the organic matter exceeds 20% c. Most soils are classified as mineral soils, that is, they contain less than 20% organic matter d. The CO2 in soil air is typically higher in concentration than that above ground because of the accumulation from CO 2 evolution from organic matter decomposition, plant root respiration, and reaction products of carbonate materials. E. COMPOSITION OF THE MINERAL MATTER Mineral matter has three major fractions. a. Sand b. Silt c. Clay The clay fraction consists of: a. Crystalline components b. Non-crystalline components 5 F. ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH’S CRUST Soil has an innate elemental composition depending on the parent rocks from the earth’s crust mantle. Earth’s crust is about 16 km depth. It has the following elemental composition and its oxide forms: Element % by weight Oxide % by weight O 46.60 SiO2 59.07 Si 27.70 Al2O3 15.22 Al 8.10 Fe2O3 3.10 Fe 5.00 FeO 3.10 Ca 3.60 Cao 5.10 Mg 2.10 MgO 3.45 Na 2.80 Na2O 3.71 K 2.60 K2O 3.11 Ti 0.50 TiO2 1.03 P2O5 0.30 H 0.14 MnO 0.11 P 0.11 Mn 0.09 S 0.03 G. THE ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT ELEMENTS The following are the essential nutrient elements that must be present in the soil since these are needed by the plants for its growth and development. Macronutrients are nutrient elements needed by the plants in large quantities while micronutrients are nutrient elements needed in small quantities. Ionic forms of the elements are the ones absorbed by the roots of the plants. IONIC FORMS OF THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENS TAKEN UP FROM THE SOIL Nutrient Elements Chemical Symbol Ionic Forms Absorbed by Plants MACRONUTRIENTS Nitrogen N NO3-, NH4+ Phosphorus P H2PO4-, HPO42Potassium K K+ Calcium Ca Ca2+ Magnesium Mg Mg2+ Sulfur S SO42MICRONUTRIENTS Manganese Iron Boron Zinc Copper Molybdenum Chloride Mn Fe B Zn Cu Mo Cl Mn2+ Fe2+ BO32Zn2+ Cu2+ MoO42Cl6 The above nutrient elements were considered essentials considering the following criteria: 1.) A plant is unable to complete its life cycle in the absence of the mineral element. 2.) The function of the element is not replaceable by another mineral element. 3.) The element is directly involved in plant metabolism. Application Written 1. As a society, is our dependence on soils likely to increase or decrease in the decades ahead? Explain. 2. Discuss how a soil as a natural body differs from soils used as material in building a roadbed? 3. What are the five main roles of soil in an ecosystem? For each of these ecological roles, take sample pictures within your community. 4. Think back over your activities during the past week. List as many incidents as you can in which you came into direct or indirect contact with the soil. 5. What happens to the four (4) components of soil in a highly compact soil? 6. Explain in your own words how the soil’s nutrient supply is held in different forms, much the way that a person’s financial assets might be held in different forms. 7. List the essential nutrient elements that plants derive mainly from the soil. 8. Are all elements contained in plant essential nutrients? Explain Practical a. Establish a VEGETABLE GARDEN in your frontyard or backyard. If no vacant lot is available, do container gardening. b. For checking by your professor (home visit after the midterm exam as your major requirement) 7 Unit 2 –SOIL FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT Introduction On Earth, the rock at the surface, coming in contact with water, air, and living things, was transformed into something new, into many different kinds of soils. The parent materials from which soils develop vary widely around the world and from one location to another only a few meters apart. Knowledge of these materials, their sources or origins, mechanisms for their weathering and means of transport and deposition are essential to understanding soil genesis. Learning Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. After studying this unit, the students are expected to: Trace the origin of soils Classify the different types of rocks Differentiate physical and chemical weathering Discuss the factors that affect soil formation Describe the four basic processes of soil formation Illustrate the soil profile and its horizons Activity 1. From the illustrations below, tell something how soils are developed? a. From Rocks to Soils b. From Decayed Plant Residues to Soils 8 Analysis 1. How soils are formed out of rocks? What are the processes involved? 2. How decayed plant and animal residues are turned into soil (humus)? Abstraction Soil formation is stimulated by climate and living organisms acting on parent materials over periods of time and under the modifying influence of topography. These five major factors of soil formation determine the kinds of soil that will develop at a given site. When all of these factors are the same at two locations, the kind of soil at these locations should be the same. Soil genesis starts when layers or horizons not present in the parent material begin to appear in the soil profile. Organic matter accumulation in the upper horizons, the downward movement of soluble ions, the synthesis and downward movement of clays, and the development of specific soil particle groupings in both the upper and lower horizons are signs that the process of soil formation is under way. The four general processes of soil formation and the five major factors influencing these processes provide us with an invaluable logical framework in site selection and in predicting the nature of soil bodies likely to be found in particular site. Conversely, analysis of the horizon properties of a soil profile can tell us much about the nature of the climate, biological, and geological conditions (past and present) at the site. A. SOIL FORMING ROCKS AND MINERALS 1. Rocks - is an aggregate of one or more minerals. The rock exposed at the earth’s surface has crumbled and decayed to produce a layer of unconsolidated debris overlying the hard unweathered rock. Unconsolidated layer is called regolith (A,B and C horizons). Saprolite is the underlying rock that has weathered in place to the degree that is loose enough to be dug with a spade. Solum (true soil) – consist of A and B horizons 2. Classes and Examples of Rocks a. Igneous Rocks–formed from molten magma, a hot fluid mass or rock melt. Examples of igneous rocks and its mineral compositions: : Granite (quartz, K-feldspar, biotite) Diorite (plagioclase, amphibole, quartz) Rhyolite (K-feldspar, quartz, biotite) Gabbro (pyroxene, plagioclase, olivine) Andesite (plagioclase, amphibole, quartz) Basalt (pyroxene, plagioclase, olivine) Obsidian (volcanic glass) Volcanic tuff (fragmented volcanic rocks) 9 b. Sedimentary Rocks – this is formed when weathering products from old rocks are compacted or cemented Examples: Sandstone (with sand sediments) Siltstone (with silt sediments) Shale or mudstones (with clay sediments) Conglomerate (with rounded fragments) Limestone (with lime sediments) Gypsum Chert c. Metamorphic Rocks –formed by the metamorphism or change in form of igneous or sedimentary rocks by heat or pressure. Examples: (Igneous or sedimentary) (metamorphic) Granite Gneiss Basalt Schists Sandstone Quartzite Limestone Marble Shale Slate Conglomerate Meta-conglomerate 3. Some Pictures of Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks a. Igneous rocks 10 b. Sedimentary rocks Conglomerate Limestone Sandstone Gypsum c. Metamorphic rocks Schist Quartzite 11 Slate Marble Gneiss 4. Mode of Formation of Igneous Rock: Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous rocks (the original rocks) – are formed from the molten magma as a result of cooling and solidification. 12 5. Different Types of Igneous Rock Types of Igneous Rock 1. Intrusive – form at depth in the earth crust, then intruded to the surface, it is cooled slowly, thus forming coarse grained minerals. This is sometimes referred to as plutonic rocks. 2. Extrusive – spewed out over the earth surface and cooled fast like in volcanic eruption thus forming fine-grained minerals. This is sometimes known as effusive rocks. This kind of igneous rock is very common in the Philippines. Pyroclastic rocks. Extrusive rocks texture is referred to as pyroclastic. This texture results from a very explosive eruption, which sends not only lava flying through the air, but also fragment of the volcano itself. All airborne volcanic fragments are referred to as pyroclasts. Based on size and shape, pyroclasts are categorized into: ash the smallest particle, lapilli slightly larger than ash, and blocks or bombs the biggest ones. 6. Primary vs. Secondary Minerals and Examples of each Class Minerals – is a naturally occurring inorganic substance with fairly definite chemical composition and specific physical properties. Important physical properties 1. Hardness- resistance to scratching measured using Moh’s scale Example: talc =1; diamond = 10 2. Cleavage – smooth surface of breakage 3. Fracture – rough surface of breakage 4. Specific gravity – ratio of weight substance to that an equal volume of water 5. Color – wavelength of light absorbed by the mineral 6. Streak – color of finely powdered minerals 7. Luster – reflection of ordinary light (e.g.gold) 8. Tenacity - resistance to breakage or bending Two groups of Minerals: 1. Primary Minerals – formed at temperatures and/or pressure higher than normally encountered at the earth’s surface (one atmosphere and <100 oC). Usually, these are components of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Examples: a. Quartz (SiO2) – very resistant to weathering and it constitute 50% to 90% of the sand and silt fraction of the soil. It is colorless when pure, hardness of 7.0 (Moh’s scale) and a density of 2.65 g/cm 3. 13 b. Feldspar – aluminosilicates, hardness of 6.0 and density of 2.63 g/cm3 i. Orthoclase – potassium bearing feldspar ii. Albite – sodium bearing feldspar iii. Anorthite –calcium bearing feldspar c. Micas – these minerals have excellent cleavage. These are very soft minerals with hardness of 2.0 to 2.5 i. Muscovite - colorless flakes ii. Biotite – dark colored, flake-like 14 d. Pyroxenes and Amphiboles – these are ferromagnesian with hardness of 5.0 to 6.0 and with distinct cleavage. i. Hornblende ii. Augite e. Apatite – calcium phosphate minerals with hardness of 5.0 i. Carbonatoapatite ii. Sulfatoapatite iii. Hydroxyapatite iv. Chloroapatite v. Flouroapatite f. Carbonate group – carbonates of Ca and Mg with hardness of 3.0 to 4.0 and a density of 2.72 to 2.85 g/cm3 i. Calcite CaCO3 ii. Dolomite Ca.Mg(CO3)2 2. Secondary Minerals – formed under conditions of temperature and pressure found at the earth’s surface by the weathering of preexisting minerals. Examples: a. Iron group – oxides of Fe in several states of hydration. It imparts red color to the soils and largely found in highly weathered soils. This is common in old/infertile and acidic soils. i. Hematite Fe2O3 ii. Limonite Fe2O3.2H2O b. Aluminum group – oxides of Al in several states of hydration. Also found in highly weathered, old/infertile and acidic soils. i. Corundum Al2O3 ii. Boehmite AlOOH iii. Gibbsite Al2O3.3H2O c. Gypsum – source of Ca and S. It can be used as soil ameliorant or as a retarder in cement. It has a hardness of 2.0 and has a molecular formula of CaSO4.2H2O. d. Clay group – hydrated aluminosilicates, usually come from micas and feldspars. This is colloidal in nature. 15 i. Kaolin group – kaolinite, dikite, nacrite, anauxite ii. Montmorillonite group – montmorillonite, beidellite, vermiculite, nontronite iii. Hydrous mica group -illite B. WEATHERING 1. Definition Weathering is the process by which all rocks at the earth's surface get broken down. Weathering occurs by chemical (decomposition) and mechanical processes (disintegration). This combines the process of destruction and synthesis. Original rocks and minerals are destroyed by both physical disintegration and chemical decomposition. Physical disintegration breaks down rocks into smaller rocks and eventually into sand and silt particles that are commonly made up of individual minerals. The minerals decomposed chemically, release soluble materials and synthesize new minerals, some of which are resistant end products. New minerals are formed either from minor chemical alterations or by complete chemical breakdown of the original ones. During the chemical changes, particle size continues to decrease, and constituents continue to dissolve in the aqueous weathering solution. 2. Types of Weathering a. Physical weathering- rocks get broken into pieces but its chemical composition remains unchanged. Processes of Physical Weathering 1) Freeze / thaw weathering - occurs when temperature freezes at night and rises during the day. Water expands when frozen which forces rocks to open. 2) Biological weathering – this happens when roots of plants grow into cracks of rocks eventually at time goes by it forces cracks to open and disintegrate. 3) Exfoliation or Unloading – this is the process by which rock at the earth's surface is worn away. After a rock that has formed deep in the earth is exposed at the surface, it expands and gradually breaks into sheets. b. Chemical weathering - the chemical composition of the rocks has been altered or changed. Water always plays a part of the process Carbon dioxide dissolves in rain water forming carbonic acid which dissolves limestone rock which is carried away in solution as calcium hydrogen carbonate. Chemical weathering is faster for limestone than sandstone and is speeded up by heat. 16 Processes of Chemical Weathering 1. Hydration – this is the process by which intact water molecules combine with a mineral 5Fe2O3 Hematite + 9H2O water Fe10O15(9H2O) Ferrihydrite 2. Hydrolysis – a process by which water molecule splits into hydrogen and a hydroxyl and the hydrogen replaces a cation from the mineral structure KAlSi3O8 + H2O HAlSi3O8 + K+ + OH- 3. Dissolution – this is aided by small amounts of acid in the water; or soluble ions are retained in the underground water supply CaCO3 + 2[H+(H2)O] CaSO4(2H2O) + 2H2O Ca2+ + CO2 + 3H2O Ca2+ + SO42- + 4H2O OR 4. Carbonation – in this process, weathering is accelerated by the presence of weak acids CO2 + H2O H2CO3 + CaCO3 H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid) Ca2+ + 2HCO3- Then 5. Oxidation-reduction – refers to any chemical reaction in which a compound or radical loses electrons; this is important in decomposing ferromagnesian minerals 4Fe + 3O2 4Fe(2-)O + O2 + 2H2O 2Fe2O3 OR 4Fe(3-)OOH (Goethite) Some Points to Remember Chemical weathering occurs fastest at the sharp edges of rocks as they have a large surface and less volume so the chemical reactions are faster. Gradually the sharp edges become rounded Chemical weathering produces clays on which vegetation can grow. A mixture of dead vegetation, clay, rock fragments of sand and silt size particles produces soil. Common chemical weathering processes are: hydrolysis, dissolution, and oxidation. Chemical weathering tends to weaken rock, thereby making it easier to break. Physical and chemical weathering occurs together. Physical weathering breaks rocks into pieces so more surface is exposed to chemical weathering which breaks it down further. Weathering is controlled largely by climate. The more water available, the more likely that chemical processes can proceed. Additionally, in warm temperatures chemical weathering can proceed even faster. In arid climates, weathering processes occur very slowly because of the lack of water. Mechanical weathering will be the dominant process in arid climates; however, because physical weathering relies on chemical weathering, it will also be quite slow 17 C. SOIL FORMATION Factors of Soil Formation 1. Climate – this is a function of rainfall and temperature Effective Precipitation – depends on timing, topography, and soil type. Higher rainfall increases the rate of weathering and soil development and there will be greater leaching. On the contrary, lower rainfall decreases the rate of weathering and soil development. Temperature –weathering of rocks and minerals and biochemical reaction increases with increasing temperature. Climate also affects vegetation 2. Living Organisms – this refers to the biological portion of the soil and its environment. This includes vegetation, soil organisms, human that are vital to the cycle of life on earth. They incorporate plant and animal residues into the soil, digest them and return CO2 to the atmosphere where it can be recycled through the higher plants. Organisms affect soil development by their mixing activities and addition of organic matter. Animals like earthworms, crawfish, scorpions, gophers through their mixing activities result in the destruction of horizons. Vegetation mainly functions in the addition of organic matter. Grasslands added OM to upper 2 ft. of soil due to fibrous root system of grass plants. Forest added OM to upper 4 inches due to yearly leaf fall to surface of soil. 18 3. Parent Materials – this refers to inorganic (rocks and minerals) and organic material where soils may originate Types of Parent Materials: a. Residual – parent materials (bedrocks that are formed in place (in situ). b. Transported – loose materials like sand silt and clay deposits where soils developed (Colluvium, Alluvium, Floodplain, Glacial, Marine Sediments, Loess, Organic Bogs) Alluvium – parent materials transported by rivers or stream Aeolian - sand transported by wind (dune) silt transported by wind (loess) Colluvium – transported by gravity Lacustrine – transported by lakes Glacial Drift/glacier - all materials transported by ice or as a result of glacial activity Beaches (marine) – materials transported by oceans and seas c. Organic – materials deposited by accumulated organic materials such as peat soils and bogs Organic bogs/peat soils – materials originating from organic materials 4. Topography/Relief – this refers to the soil’s position in the landscape 19 Summit will have minimum erosion and maximum soil development (greatest horizonation). Backslope will be similar to summit unless slope is > 20%. Here soil develops slower because rainfall will runoff this slope position faster and there will be more soil erosion. Shoulder will have the greatest erosion, least water infiltration, greatest runoff and minimal soil development. Footslope will have the deposition of materials from upslope, may be near water table and may have greatest leaching due to water from upslope and rainfall. 5. Time- vegetation and climate act on the parent material and topography over time. The age of a soil is determined by its development and not the actual number of years it has been developing. As to how long it takes for a soil to become old depends on the intensity of the soil forming processes or intensity of the other 4 soil forming factors. All soil forming processes occur over a very long period of time. The time it takes to develop a soil is relative, dependent upon climate, vegetation and human interaction. What happens to a soil with time? • Loss of nutrients (bases) that results in lower pH, hence soil becomes acidic • Increase in concentration of iron, thus, soil becomes redder • Increase in clay content or old soils have more clay • Deeper weathering into the parent material Other Important Terms Catenas. A group of soils are developed from the same parent material but differ on the basis of drainage due to variations in relief. Chronosequence. A sequence of related soils that differ in certain properties primarily as a result of time which acted as a factor of soil-forming processes. Lithosequence. A group of related soils that differ as a result of differences in parent material. 20 Climosequence. A sequence of soil that differ as a result of changes in climatic regimes (temperature and precipitation) Biosequence. A group of related soils that differ primarily due to variation in kinds and number of plants and soil organisms. D. FOUR BASIC PROCESSES OF SOIL FORMATION Soils are formed mainly due to four important processes, namely: transformation, translocation, addition and losses. 1.) Transformation - When soil constituents are chemically or physically modified or destroyed and others are synthesized from precursor materials. 2.) Translocation – This refers to the movement of organic and inorganic materials horizontally or vertically across a pedon. Movement of OM, clay, water, iron, and nutrients in colloidal size (very small particles) are evidence of this. 3.) Additions - Inputs of materials (water, organic matter, air, soil particles, salt) from outside sources (i.e. plant litter). 4.) Losses – A process whereby materials (water, organic matter, CO2, nutrients) are removed from the soil profile by leaching, erosion or plant removal. 21 E. SOIL PROFILE and its HORIZON Soil profile is the vertical section exposing a set of horizons in the wall in a soil pit is termed as soil profile. Soil horizon is a layer of soil approximately parallel to the soil’s surface, differing in properties and characteristics from adjacent layers below or above it. A soil horizon is a layer of soil, revealed in a soil profile, lying approximately parallel to the earth's surface, and possessing relatively homogeneous physical, chemical, and biological properties. Three pedogenic horizons are A, B and C horizons. Regolith is the A, B and C horizon Solum is the A and B horizon which is also the true soil Parent material is the C horizon, the weathered rock or unconsolidated sediments Soil Horizon (Master Horizons) 1. O Horizons – Organic horizon at the soil surface, usually unconsolidated organic material (leaf litter, roots, leaves, etc.), not saturated with water. Types of O Horizon a. Oi Horizon (i) - Fibric material - Recognizable plant and animal part b. Oe Horizon (e) - Hemic materials - Finely fragmented residues intermediately decomposed c. Oa Horizon (a) - Sapric materials - Highly decomposed, smooth, and amorphous residues 22 2. A Horizons Mineral horizon formed at or near the surface where humified organic matter is associated with mineral materials. This is usually darker in color because of the organic matter. The organically enriched A horizon at the soil surface is sometimes referred to as top soil. When a soil is plowed and cultivated, the natural state of the upper 12 to 25 cm is modified. In this case, the topsoil may also be called the plow layer or the furrow slice in a situation where a moldboard plow has turned or “sliced” the upper part of the soil. In cultivated soil, the majority of plant roots can be found in the topsoil. The topsoil contains a large part of the nutrients and water supplies needed by plants. 3. E Horizons Mineral horizon just below the soil surface that has lost its silicate clay, organic matter, aluminum, or iron by downward movement, leaving a concentration of resistant sand and silt particles, and is usually lighter than the above or lower horizons. "E" stands for "eluvial horizon," a soil layer formed by the removal of constituents such as clay or iron. Eluviation describes the process whereby constituents of soil are removed in suspension. 4. B Horizons. A subsurface mineral horizon resulting from (1) the change in situ of soil material, i.e., the obliteration of the original rock structure, or (2) the washing in of material from overlying horizons, i.e., the accumulation of silicate clay, organic matter, aluminum, or iron. Illuviation describes the process of accumulation of materials from overlying horizons. 5. C Horizons. Unconsolidated or weakly consolidated mineral horizon that retains evidence of rock structure, but lacks diagnostic properties of the overlying A, E, and B horizons. This horizon is little affected by pedogenic (i.e. soil forming) processes. Examples include beach sand, windblown silt (or loess), alluvium deposited by rivers, and glacial till deposited by glacial ice. 6. R Horizons continuous (consolidated) hard or very hard bedrock. Subscripts - all B horizons have a subscript, most transition horizons do not. used subscripts and its description are indicated below. Commonly a - sapric - organic soils - well decomposed b - buried soil horizon d - dense - geogenic soil material (compacted by glacier) e - hemic - moderately decomposed organic soil f - frozen soil - permanently frozen, permafrost g - gleyed soil - gray color due to low O2 - reduction of Fe h - accumulation of humus - O.M. other than in the A or O horizons i - fibric - organic - non-decomposed k - accumulation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) m - cementation - hard – indurated n - sodium accumulation p - plowing - only used with A q - silica accumulation - very weathered or old soil r - soft rock - used with C or Cr s - sesquioxides (1.502) (Fe2O3) accumulation of Fe and Al - red color ss – slickensides present –shiny surface on ped face caused from soil rubbing against soil t - clay accumulation - clay films w - color or structure development (Bw) 23 x - fragipan - hard, dense layer that developed with time y - gypsum accumulation (CaSO4) z - salts more soluble than gypsum (KCL - NaCl - NaSO4) Factors that retard soil profile development a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. low rainfall high lime content high clay content steep slopes cold temperature severe erosion low humidity high quartz hard rock high water table constant deposition mixing by animals climate (low rainfall, low humidity, cold temperature) biota (mixing activities of animals or man) Applications 1. What do you think are the common types of rocks present: a. in beach resorts? b. near the riverbanks? c. near the volcano? 2. What are minerals? How do primary minerals differ from secondary minerals? Give examples of each type. 3. What is meant by the statement, “weathering combines the process of destruction and synthesis”? 4. Give examples of physical and chemical weathering. 5. How is water involved in the main types of chemical weathering reactions? 6. Name the five factors affecting soil formation. If one of these factors is missing, do you think weathering will still takes place? 7. How do colluvium, glacial till, and alluvium differ in terms of agency of transport? 8. What is loess, and what are some of its properties as a parent material? 9. Give two examples for each of the four broad processes of soil formation. 10. If both O and A horizons are absent in the soil profile, do you think it is still suited for agricultural production? Why? 11. If you were to dig a 1 meter pit in your backyard, what can you say about its soil profile? Take picture if necessary. . 24 Unit III. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS Introduction Physical properties exert a marked influence on the behavior of soils with regard to plant growth, hydrology, environmental management, and engineering uses. The nature and properties of the individual particles, their size distribution, and their arrangement in soils determine the total volume of nonsolid pore space, as well as the pore sizes, thereby impacting on water and air relationships. These properties of individual particles and their proportionate distribution (soil texture) are subject to little human control in field soils. However, it is possible to exert some control over the arrangement of these particles into aggregates (soil structure) and on the stability of these aggregates. Tillage must be carefully controlled to avoid undue damage to soil tilth, especially when soils are wet. Generally, nature takes good care of soil structure, and humans can learn much about soil management by studying natural systems. Vigorous and diverse plant growth, generous return of organic residues, and minimal physical disturbance are attributes to natural systems worthy of emulations. Particle size, moisture content, and plasticity of the colloidal fraction all help determine the stability of soil in response to leading force from tillage or building foundations. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, the students should be able to: 1. Describe the following physical properties of soils a. Soil texture b. Soil structure c. Soil density d. Soil porosity e. Soil water f. Soil aeration g. Soil consistency h. Soil color i. Soil temperature 2. Explain the importance of these properties on soil fertility and crop suitability 3. Discuss how these properties are being determined or estimated. Activities 1. Using the table below, try to characterize the following soil samples. Areas Area 1 Characteristics Area 2 Area 3 25 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Analysis 1. Why do soils differ in characteristics in our ecosystem? 2. What do you think is the effect of these variations to soil management and crop production? 3. Are the soils in your community suited for crop production? Why? Abstraction Soils have innate characteristics that are observable by man. These observable characteristics are known as the physical properties of soils. Some of these properties can be seen by our naked eye such as color, structure or arrangement of soil aggregates and compactness of the soil. To some extent by rubbing soil samples in between the thumb and forefingers, one can tell the soil texture and consistency. However, these properties are scientifically established using appropriate laboratory facilities All these are important considerations in crop production because it has significant bearing to soil fertility, proper plant species selection, crop rotation, and management of chemical and biological factors which can help assure maintenance of soil physical quality. A. SOIL TEXTURE Soil texture is the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay and the single most important physical property of the soil. Knowing the soil texture alone will provide information about: 1) water flow potential, 2) water holding capacity, 3) fertility potential, 4) suitability for many urban uses like bearing capacity o Critical for understanding soil behavior and management 26 o o Soil texture is not subject to change in the field but can be changed in potting mixes Soil separates include: sand, silt and clay Sand 0.05 – 2.0 mm Visible without microscope, Rounded or angular in shape Sand grains usually quartz if sand looks white or many minerals if sand looks brown, Some sands in soil will be brown, yellow, or red because of Fe and/or Al oxide coatings Feels gritty and non-cohesive – does not stick together in a mass unless it is very wet. Low specific surface area (Sandy Loam – 10-40 m 2/gram) Sand has less nutrients for plants than smaller particles Voids between sand particles promote free drainage and entry of air Holds little water and prone to drought Silt 0.002 – 0.05 mm Not visible without microscope Quartz often dominant mineral in silt since other minerals have weathered away. Does not feel gritty, Floury feel –smooth like silly putty Wet silt does not exhibit stickiness / plasticity / malleability Smaller size allows rapid weathering of non-quartz minerals Smaller particles – retains more water for plants and have slower drainage than sand. Easily washed away by flowing water – highly erosive. Holds more plant nutrients than sand. Silt is responsible for silting over gravel beds in rivers that are needed by fish for spawning. Responsible for the murky color of the water in the river or streams 27 Clay < 0.002 mm Flat plates or tiny flakes Small clay particles are colloids; If suspended in water will not settle Large surface area (150- 2000 m 2/gram) Wet clay is very sticky and is plastic or it can be molded readily into a shape or rod. Easily formed into long ribbons Shrink swell – none to considerable depending on the kind of clay. Pores spaces are very small and convoluted Movement of water and air very slow Water holding capacity is high Tremendous capacity to adsorb water- not all available for plants. Soil strength- shrink/swell affects buildings, roads and walls. Chemical adsorption is large 28 General Characteristics Associated with the Soil Separates Characteristics Sand Low Ratings Silt Medium to high Clay High 2. Aeration (exchange of gases) Good Moderate Poor 3. Drainage rate (removal of excess of H2O) High Slow to medium Very slow 4. Compactness compaction) to Low Medium High 5. Ability to store plant nutrients (CEC) Poor Medium to high High 6. Resistance to pH (buffering capacity Low Medium High Low Medium High 1. Water holding capacity (ability to hold water) (susceptible changes 7. Total surface area (TSA) Characteristics and Feel of Soil Separates Soil Separate Diameter range (mm) USDA ISSS Sand 2 - 0.05 2 – 0.05 Silt 0.05 – 0.002 0.02-0.002 Clay <0.002 <0.002 Characteristics and Feed Coarse, gritty, mostly primary minerals (quartz and feldspars), cubic to spherical in shape Smooth, powder, mostly primary minerals (quartz, feldspars), cubit to spherical in shape Sticky and plastic when moist, mostly secondary “clay” minerals very high specific surface area hence the most reactive component of the soil, platelike, or flake-like and are tubular in shape. Changing Soil Texture Soil texture can be changed only by mixing with another soil with a different textural class in small quantities Adding sand to a clay soil creates a cement like substance Find soil with native textural properties you desired– don’t try to make the texture you want. Adding peat or compost to a mineral soil is not considered changing the texture – since it only adds organic matter not sand, silt or clay Over long periods (1000s yrs) pedologic processes alter soil horizon textures. As soils get older sand weathers to silt and silt weathers to clay….therefore old soils have more clay. 29 Clay also translocates down in the soil profile so subsoils generally have more clay than topsoils. Thus ‘Argillic’ horizons form and are zones of clay accumulation Significance of Soil Texture Affects water retention, permeability and movement (infiltration, percolation, drainability, etc.) and soil aeration (sandy soils are more porous) Determines crop suitability (Root crops best planted on loam, while rice paddy is best planted in clay loam to clay) May indicate inherent soil fertility (clay soils are generally more fertile than sandy soils, which are usually K-deficient) Method of Soil Texture Determination 1. Roll Method – making ribbon out of the soil; the length of ribbon indicates clay content 2. Feel Method – rubbing moist soil in between fingers; Grit indicates sand, smoothness indicates silt 3. Mechanical Method – involves particle size analysis. This entails the use of a nest of sieves with different size openings. 4. Sedimentation method – makes use of the principle of Stoke’s Law which states the “the settling velocity of spherical particles in viscous medium is directly proportional to the size of the particles.” Bigger particles settle more quickly. i. Hydrometer Method ii. Pipette method How to determine soil textural classes? After the analysis of soil samples, you can determine soil textural classes using the soil triangle. In essence, there are 12 textural classes which can be determined using the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay. This is simply done by locating the point of intersections based from the percentage of each soil separate. The 12 Textural Classes Coarse: Sand – 85% or more sand content Loamy sand – 75 -85% sand Sandy loam – 43-52% sand Medium: Loam – <52% sand, 28-50% silt, 7-27% clay Silt Loam - >50% silt Silt – 80% silt Clay Loam Sandy clay loam Silty Clay Loam Fine: Sandy Clay Silty Clay Clay 30 USDA Textural Triangle Examples: 1. A soil sample with 58% sand, 32% silt, 10% clay is considered SANDY LOAM (please see red arrows to show the process). 31 2. A soil sample with 48% sand, 8% silt, and 44% clay is SANDY CLAY (please see intersection of three arrows as illustrated below) B. SOIL STRUCTURE Soil Structure is the arrangement of primary soil particles into peds. These are formed in the soil by wetting, drying, freezing and thawing and are held by clay and organic matter The structure influence Water movement Heat transfer Aeration Porosity Types of Soil Structure 1. Spheroidal Granular – porous 2. Platy 3. Blocky Angular Sub-angular 4. Prismatic Columnar Prismatic Crumb – non-porous 32 33 Formation of Soil Structure 1. Binding Agents : soil organic matter, products of microbial decomposition (gums, polysaccharides, etc), Lime, colloidal clays 2. Effect of adsorbed cations Calcium – encourages flocculation of aggregation of soil Sodium – encourages dispersion of soil Factors that Affect Soil Structure: Kind of clay Amount of organic matter Freezing and thawing Wetting and drying Action of burrowing organisms Growth of root systems of plants Aggregate Stability - ability of the soil aggregates to resist breakage upon wetting OM is mainly responsible Soils with high Kaolinite and hydrous oxide clays have high stability Mechanisms of Na and Ca effects (dispersion and flocculation) Soil Management related to soil structure OM for sandy soils – Sandy soils have good drainage and aeration but easily become dry and droughty; OM increases water holding capacity (WHC) Proper tillage or cultivation of clay soils – If plowed when too wet, the soil loses its structure and becomes puddled Cropping system – continuous corn – less water stable aggregates; corn in rotation with grass cover – larger aggregates Mulching or Cover Cropping – protects structure from rain Pore space is very important for providing aeration and paths for water to flow and be stored. Macropores – Pores larger than 0.08 mm. Allow the movement of air, water, and plant roots. Micropores – Pores smaller than 0.08 mm. Usually water filled in field conditions. C. SOIL DENSITY (Bulk and Particle Density) a. Soil Bulk Density - Ratio of the mass of dry soil to the total volume of the soil Determined by dividing the weight of oven-dry soil in grams by its volume in cubic centimeters The variation in bulk density is due largely to the difference in total pore space Bulk density affects engineering properties, water movement, rooting depth of plants Example : Dry weight of soil (ODW) = 160 gram Volume of soil (Vt) = 100 cm 3 Volume of soil solids (Vss) = 60 cm 3 Bulk Density (Pb) = ODW = 160 gram = 1.6 gram/cm 3 Vt 100 cm3 34 b. Soil Particle Density - Particle density is the mass of the soil particles divided by the volume of the soil solid particles alone . Particle density normally is 2.65 g/cm 3 Particle Density (Pp) = ODW = 160 gram = 2.67 gram/cm3 Vss 60 cm3 Range of Values: Pb = 1.0-1.6 (clay, clay loam, silt loam) 1.2– 1.8 (sand, sandy loam) Pp = 2.5 – 2.75 (average = 2.65 g/cm 3) Factors Affecting Bulk Density Organic Matter content – the higher the OM, the lower the Bulk Density Porosity of the soil - the higher the porosity, the lower the Bulk Density Soil depth - deeper horizons has higher bulk density due to lower OM, less aggregation, less root penetration, and compaction due to weight of overlying horizons Soil Texture – sandy soils have higher bulk density because particles lie close together. Fine textured soils (silt loam, clay loam, clay) due to their granulation, because of generally high OM have large pore spaces and hence low bulk density Factors Affecting Particle Density Mineralogy Organic Matter content – the higher the OM, the lower the Bulk Density D. SOIL POROSITY - the volume of the pores divided by the bulk soil volume. It influences air and water movement in the soil. Porosity (E) = {1 – (BD ÷ PD) } x 100 ={1 – (1.6 g/cm3 ÷ 2.67 g/cm3) } x 100 = 40.07% Factors Affecting Porosity Bulk Density and Soil Texture Organic Matter content – the higher the OM, the lower the Bulk Density Bearing Capacity - determined by Soil Texture Ability of the soil to withstand a load Or the average load per unit area that will cause failure by rupture of a supporting soil mass. Soil stabilization - any method that prevents a soil system from moving under a load. Compaction - increase the density - thereby increasing stability - apply large pressure to soil at optimum moisture soils with more than 30% clay have a high Shrink Swell > clay more S.S. Potential (if clay is 2:1) to avoid this problem soil must be compacted and water must be kept out. without the above - Shrink/swell will crack foundations and pavements or move telephone poles. 35 Chemical Soil Stabilization Lime, cement, and pozzolan (high silica volcanic ash) can be used as chemical additives. Lime is most effective on clay soils, and can be used in combination with cement and pozzolan. The use of PENETROMETER - easy and reliable method for determining in-place soil strength. Great for checking building pads, excavations, or potential building sites. Simply measure the penetration and look up soil strength on the strength chart included with the unit. E. SOIL WATER – relationship of water to soil; universal solvent and the agent of translocating solutes to plants and carry nutrients Properties of Water A simple compound with H and O tied by covalent bonds (each H + proton sharing one electron of O). The side of the H atoms tend to be electropositive while the opposite side is electronegative. Thus, water is dipolar (polarity) and the (+) end attracts the (-) of the other water molecules resulting in polymer-like grouping Electronegativity causes water to be attracted to Na +, Ca ++ , K + and make them hydrated Polarity causes dissolution of salts in water because the ionic components have greater affinity for water molecules than for each other (NaCl) as well as it also causes water molecules to be attracted to negatively charged clay surfaces Forces acting on Water a.) Adhesion – force of attraction of water to solid surfaces (soil water to clay particles). Held by strong electrical forces - low energy, little movement- held tight by soil, exists as a film, unavailable to plants, removed from soil by drying in an oven b.) Cohesion – force of attraction of water molecules to water molecules. Held by hydrogen bonding (–when + & - of water molecules are close together), liquid state in water film, major source of water for plants, greater energy than adhesion water Cohesion and Adhesion cause capillary movement of water on soil pores. Capillary Action – The water molecules are attracted to the sides of the solid and spread out in response to that attraction. Capillarity is due to: adhesion of water on the walls of channels surface tension (cohesion) which results in any form of water except that a flat plane at the air liquid interface height is inversely proportional to the radius which means that the capillarity is greater in fine-textured soils than in coarse-textured soils Soil Water Potential – the difference in energy levels between pure water in the reference state and soil water. • The difference in energy levels of water from one site or condition to another determines the direction and rate of water movement. 36 Soil water potential - water is held in soil by “tension” or attraction of water molecules to solid surfaces and to other water molecules Soil water potential = amount of work that must be done per unit quantity of water in order to transport a quantity of water from a pool of pure water to the soil water Total soil water potential = Matric potential + gravitational potential + Osmotic (salts) As the soil dries the matric potential decreases or a larger negative number Tension = - pressure o Gravitational Potential – The force of gravity acting on soil water attracts the water towards the center of the Earth o Submergence Potential – The positive hydrostatic pressure associated with the weight of water in a saturated soil o Matric Potential – The negative pressure due to the attractive force between water and the soil matrix o Osmotic Potential – The potential energy of water as it is reduced by the presence of solutes The tenacity with which water is held in the soils is an expression of soil water potential. Tensiometers – Measure the attraction of water in the soil column by adhesion and cohesion. Preferential Flow – Water travels quickly down large soil pathways, such as connected macropores. This leads to the quick disbursal of pesticides and other toxins into the soil and finally the groundwater. Infiltration – The process by which water enters the soil pore spaces and becomes soil water. Percolation – Once the water is in the soil, it moves through the soil column by percolation. Wetting Front – A sharp boundary demarcating the transport of water through the column Soil Water Energy Concepts: • • • • • • Water in the soil is attracted to the surface of solids and to soil solutes and by gravity, thus plant roots must exert force or work to draw this water The greater the moisture content (the more wet) is the soil, the lower the pressure or force needed to move the water or vis-a vis The pressure is called the Soil Moisture Tension or SMT Water moves from the region of low moisture tension to a region of high moisture tension SMT is high in dry soil as it needs more force to draw the water Water is held more strongly in fine-textured soils (clay loam, clay) than in coarse textured soils (sandy loam, sand) as there are more micropores in fine textured soils Units of Soil Moisture Tension • • • • Cm of height of water Atmosphere, atm (14.7 lbs/inch) bar = atm millibar (1/1000 bar) 37 Soil Water Classification - a way to quantitatively describe the water in the soil. 1. Gravitational Water - exists in macro –pores, has greatest energy (true liquid), moves freely due to gravitational forces • • • • Water between saturation point and field capacity Not retained by the soil or is converted to capillary water when it drains to unsaturated soil layers Water in the macropores after heavy rain or irrigation drains Not available to plants 2. Field Capacity – the water content in the soil after the gravitational water has drained out ( water left around 2-3 days after heavy rain when soil becomes saturated) • • • Air instead of water occupies the macropores. Micropores and capillary pores are still filled with water (Pore space is half air filler and half water filled) SMT at - 1/3 bar or - 0.33 atmosphere Maximum amount of the upper limit of available water 3. Permanent Wilting Point - The time at which plants have removed all of the water from the capillary pores and no more available water remains in the soil. • • • SMT at -15 atmosphere Plants start to wilt due to less available water for absorption and it will not recover even if you apply irrigation Lowest limit of available water 4. Hygroscopic (Coefficient) Water water held at SMT > - 31 atmosphere; water is in vapor form and not available for plant use 5. Available water- water held in the soil (by medium - sized pore spaces) between field capacity and permanent wilting point (AW= FC-PWP). Comprises the soil solution and is a major source of water for plant growth 6. Unavailable water- water content when SMT is greater than -15 atmosphere or PWP Hydrologic Cycle is driven by the energy from the sun through Evaporation and Transpiration • • • • Water is heated by the sun Surface molecules become sufficiently energized to break free of the attractive force binding them together Water molecules evaporate and rise as invisible vapor into the atmosphere Water vapor emitted from plant leaves World Total Water 97.2 % Ocean 2.8 % Fresh 2.15 % glaciers 0.65 % ground water 0.0001 % streams 0.009 % lakes 38 0.008 % seas 0.005 % soil 0.001 % atmosphere Actively growing plants transpire 5 to 10 times as much water as they can hold at once These water particles then collect and form clouds Considerations in Water Management a) Soil Infiltration – nature of pores and water content of soil are major determinants of soil profile Characteristics b) Tillage gives a rough soil surface which controls run-off and it also loosens soil and increases total porosity and thickness of plow layer for greater water storage c) Placement of residue mulches at the end of rainy season conserves water by controlling run-off, increasing infiltration, reducing weed growth and decreasing evaporation F. SOIL AERATION Oxygen availability is controlled by a) Soil macroporosity (as affected by texture and structure) b) Soil water content (as it affects water/air ratio) c) Oxygen consumption by respiration (Including plant roots and microorganisms) Poor aeration occurs when 80% to 90% of the soil pore space is filled with water. a) b) c) d) Results in little air storage in the soil Mainly cuts off pathways of gas exchange with the atmosphere Compaction can also result in a loss of gas exchange with the atmosphere When the soil has an extreme amount of excess water it is water saturated or waterlogged. e) Hydrophytes are plants that have ways of obtaining oxygen in waterlogged soils f) Some grasses use aerenchyma tissues to transport oxygen down the stem to the roots g) Some trees such as mangrove produce aerial roots to obtain oxygen Oxygen in Soil Atmospheric concentrations 78% Nitrogen (N 2) 21% Oxygen (O 2) 0.035% Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) • Soil oxygen varies from about 20% near the surface to less than 5% at depth. • During respiration in soils, oxygen is replaced with carbon dioxide, which could approach toxic levels • When soil oxygen becomes low it results in anaerobic conditions Other Gases in Soil • CO2 and O2 have an inverse relationship in the soils • Water vapor (H2O) is usually close to the saturation level in soils • When soils are water logged, methane (CH 4) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can build up 39 • Under anaerobic conditions ethylene (C2H4) is produced and can be very toxic to plant roots G. SOIL CONSISTENCY – this is the physical state of the soil at various moisture levels when subjected to mechanical stress such as plowing. Consistency is affected by OM, texture and nature of clay. A soil behaves differently at different soil moisture content. It is hard when it is dry, friable when it is moist, sticky and plastic when it is wet and viscous (it flows like liquid) when super saturated. Implications of Soil Consistency a.) At liquid consistency the soil is easily puddled (good for paddy rice culture). But puddling completely destroy aggregation and, hence, destruction of soil structure (very bad if growing upland crops like corn and vegetables) b.) At plastic consistency the soil is plastic, sticky and compact (good for pottery but it has bad effects if soil is cultivated since it is sticky and easily compacted resulting to poor soil structure) c.) At friable consistency is the best for cultivation since it is soft, friable, mellow and soil structure is rejuvenated. d.) At harsh consistency the soil is very hard, which requires very high amount of energy to pull the plow, resulting to cloddy seed bed. H. SOIL COLOR - this represents the color of the spectrum that is absorbed by the soil. Soil color is measured using the Munsell Soil Color Chart. Aspects of Soil Color. a. Hue – this represents the dominant spectral color. Most common soil hues are in the red-to-yellow range, getting their color from iron oxide minerals coating soil particles. b. Value – this refers to the degree of lightness/darkness of a color with a value of 0 being black. c. Chroma – this refers to the strength of purity of dominant spectral color with 0 being neutral gray. 40 Significance of Soil Color a) It is an Indicator of soil productivity. Dark soils are high in organic matter content b) Has no direct effect on plant growth but has an indirect effect on temperature and moisture c) Indicator of climatic condition under which a soil is developed or its parent materials d) Three factors have the greatest influence on soil color which includes organic content, water content and presence and oxidation states of iron and manganese e) Red color indicates unhydrated Fe ions, good drainage and aeration. It is also an indicator of old and infertile soils. f) Yellow color is due to iron oxides g) Gray and whitish color are caused by quartz, kaolin, CaCO 3 and MgCO3, gypsum and other salts. h) Grayish color indicates permanently saturated horizons i) Poorly drained soils are nearly always mottled with various shades of gray, brown and yellow I. SOIL TEMPERATURE a) The temperature of soil affects physical, biological, and chemical processes b) Cold temperatures slow chemical reactions and biological decomposition eventually slows down the production of nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, and calcium c) High temperatures can also inhibit biological activity or kill off microorganisms d) Warm soil temperatures generally induce plant germination and growth e) Seeds of plants that are adapted to open gaps react to warm soil temperatures caused by direct solar radiation f) Seeds of prairie grasses require a cold period to enable them to germinate. This is called vernalization . g) Some plants, such as tulips, require chilling in early winter to develop buds h) Soil microbial activity and organic matter decomposition cease below 5ºC which is known as biological zero i) Clear plastic can be used to raise soil temperatures reducing fungal diseases and control pests, called soil solarization. When soil is heated by fire: Fire breaks down the organic layer and recycles the nutrients into the soil Some seeds with hard coatings need to be heated above 70ºC before they will germinate (some pines) The heat from fire can kill some weed seeds Fire can cause the development of a hydrophobic layer When soil is heated by solar radiation On average only 50% of the solar radiation actually reaches the soil The majority of that energy goes to evaporating water or is reflected back into the atmosphere because of a high albedo Only about 10% of the solar radiation actually heats the soil Applications 1. Is it possible to change the soil texture of your farm? How? 2. You are considering to purchase a farmland in your locality with variable soil textures. The soils in one farm are mostly sandy loams and loamy sands, while those on a second farm are mostly clay loams and clays. List the potential advantages and disadvantages of each farm as suggested by the texture of the soils. 41 3. If the soil samples has 20% sand, 50% silt and 30% clay, what is the soil texture using the soil triangle? 4. As a home gardener, what would be the three best things that you could do to manage the soil structure in your home garden? 5. Is it true that soil with high particle density is associated with poor soil porosity? Why? 6. Using the term adhesion, cohesion, surface tension, atmospheric pressure, and hydrophilic surface, write a brief essay to explain why water rises up from water table in mineral soil. 7. Will you plant pechay in soils with hard consistency? Why? 8. If you were investigating a site for proposed agricultural projects, how could you use soil colors to help predict appropriate nutrient management practices? 42 Unit IV. Chemical Properties of Soils Introduction Soil Chemistry is the study of the interaction of solid and liquid components. The solid component indicates many and varied substances dominated by silicate (inorganic) and carbon (organic) systems. Liquid component refers to the soil solution which consists of water and dissolved ions. Colloidal materials control most of the chemical and physical properties of soils. These materials include five major classes of crystalline silicate clays, other aluminosilicates such as allophane, the oxides of iron and aluminum, and the organic colloids (humus). Due to their extreme small particle size and platelike structures, those colloids posses enormous surface areas, much of which are internal surfaces. Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, the students should be able to: Define colloids Differentiate organic and inorganic colloids Illustrate the basic structural units of silicate clays Explain the influence of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Base Saturation (BS) on nutrient holding capacity of the soils 5. Describe the relationship of soil pH and nutrient availability 6. Discuss the effects of liming on neutralizing soil acidity 1. 2. 3. 4. Activity 1. A picture below depicts the dynamics of nutrients exchange in the soil solution. Describe the role of clay, organic matter and roots of the plants in the movement of nutrient elements. Analysis 1. Why do nutrient elements are adsorbed in the clay and humus particles? 2. Why roots of plants exude considerable amount of H +? 3. How is ion exchange made possible? 43 Abstraction The mineralogical and chemical constitutions of these colloids result in electrostatic charges on or near the surface of the colloidal particles. Negative charges predominate on most silicate clays. Positive charges characterize some colloids, such as the oxides of Fe and Al, especially if the pH is low. The charges on soil colloids attract ions and other substances with opposite chares: cations being attracted to negatively charged sites and anion to the positively charged ones. Cation exchange joins photosynthesis as a fundamental life-supporting process. Without this soil property, terrestrial ecosystems would not be able to retain sufficient nutrients to support natural or introduced vegetation, especially in the event of such disturbances as time harvest, fire, or cultivation. A. SOIL COLLOIDS 1. Definition The chemical properties of the soils include mineral solubility, nutrient availability, soil reaction (pH), cation exchange and buffering capacity. The seat of the chemical reactions in soil is the soil colloid. It is either organic or inorganic with very small particle size (< 0.001 mm or 1 µm), has large surface area and presence of electrical charges (+/-) The electrical charges of the soil affect the attraction and repulsion of the particles towards each other, thereby affecting the physical and chemical properties of the soil. 2. Classification and examples: organic and inorganic a. Organic Colloids – this is represented by humus from decayed plant and animal residues. b. Inorganic Colloids – this refers to clay colloids of various kinds such as layer silicate clays (kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, vermiculite, smectite), oxides of iron and aluminium (Goethite, Hematite, Gibbsite) and amorphous clays (allophane and imogolite) 3. Important Characteristics of Soil Colloids Related to Chemical Reactivity: a. Fineness and large specific surface area b. Presence of electric charges 4. Main Types of Negative Charges: a. Permanent Charge – imperfection in their crystal structure, isomorphous substitution b. pH – dependent charge – neutralization of weakly acidic OH- groups B. SILICATE CLAYS 1. Basic structural units of layer silicate clays 44 a. Silica tetrahedron (4O2 and 1 Si) b. Alumina Octahedron (6 OH- and 1 Al3+ or Mg2+) 2. Properties of silicate clays a. b. c. d. e. Particles are made up of layers Crystalline and have an ordered internal arrangement Expose a large amount of external surface because of their small size Particles carry negative charges Basic structural units are silica tetrahedral and aluminum octahedral sheets. 45 3. Sources of Negative Charges a. Isomorphous substitution - substitution of one ion for another ion of similar size within crystal lattice In 2:1 layer silicates Al3+ for Si4+ in the tetrahedral sheet Mg2+, Fe2+ for Al3+ in the octahedral sheet b. Exposed –ON at broken edges of crystals At high pH, the hydrogen of these exposed hydroxyls, dissociates at the surface of the clay and is left with the negative charge of the oxygen ions This type is called a pH – dependent charge or variable charge 46 4. Types of Silicate Clay Minerals 1:1 Type Silicate Clay Minerals – Kaolinite Consist of one layer of silica tetrahedron and one layer of Alumina Octahedron The layers are held together tightly by H-bond to restricts the expansion and limits the reactive area to external surface Two sheets are held together by O atoms that are mutually shared by Si and Al Has little isomorphous substitution Low colloidal property Highly impermeable – water cannot permeate the layers to cause expansion or contraction with wetting and drying Low CEC (6 – 15 meq/100 g soils) 2:1 (Expanding Type) – Montmorillonite and Vermiculite Consist of one layer of aluminium octahedral sheet sandwiched in between by two silica tetrahedral sheets Layers are held loosely by weak O to O bond and cation – O linkages Exchangeable cations and water molecules are attracted between layers causing the expansion of the layers or lattice when they are wet Flake-like crystals and much smaller than kaolinite Has larger specific surface area due to contribution of internal surfaces Soils with high montmorillonite cracked markedly upon drying and tend to be impermeable when wet Montmorrilonite can hold more water than its volume It has more negative charges Montmorillonite derives its negative charges from the isomorphous substitution of Mg 2+ for Al3+ in the octahedral sheet Vermiculite derives its negative charges from the isomorphous substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ in the tetrahedral sheet 47 Water molecules along with other ions act as bridges holding the unit together rather than apart - Vermiculite swells less than montmorillonite High CEC (80-100 meq/100 g soils) - 2:1 (Non - Expanding Type) – illite Crystals occur as irregular flakes Unit layers are held together by K ions, O-K-O bond is created hence no expansion upon wetting If all or most of K is removed, illite becomes vermiculite 2:1:1 or 2:2 (Non - Expanding Type) – Chlorite 2:1 layers alternate with a hydroxide sheet commonly dominated by a magnesium No water adsorption between the unit layers hence it does not expand in nature C. OXIDE CLAYS – mainly Iron and Aluminum Oxides Common in highly weathered soils (Ultisol and Oxisol) Oxides of Iron includes Goethite, Limonite, Hematite and Magnetite Oxides of Aluminum includes Gibbsite, Boehmite and Alumina Has low CEC and pH dependent High phosphate fixing capacity Has stable aggregates and exhibit low plasticity Infiltration of water is rapid 48 D. AMORPHOUS CLAYS – Allophane and Imogolite These type of clays are common in soils developed from volcanic ash (Andisol) E. ORGANIC COLLOIDS Source of Negative Charges Functional groups of organic colloids such as carboxyl (-COOH), phenolic (OH), alcohols – OH Source of Positive Charges Protonation of exposed hydroxyl groups and NH2 groups in the case of organic colloids Al-OH – H+ = AlOH2+ Remarks: Generally, agriculturally important soils possess net negative charge Negatively charged colloids attract cations which become adsorbed on the surface. In humid regions, (H+, Al3+) > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Na+ while in arid regions, Ca2+, Mg2+ > Na+ , K+ > H+ In general, the order of adsorbability or replacing power of cations commonly found in soils is: (H+, Al3+) > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ = NH4+ > Na+ F. FACTORS AFFECTING THE STRENGTH OF ADSORPTION 1. Charge (Valence) : The higher the valence, the stronger the adsorption 2. Ionic sizes (Radius) : The smaller the size, the stronger the adsorption 3. Hydration of Ion : The smaller the hydrated size, the stronger the adsorption 49 4. Concentration of Solution : The higher the concentration, the stronger the adsorption G. ION EXCHANGE This is a reversible process by which ions are exchanged between solid and liquid phases and between solid phases if in close contact with each other which occurs due to the presence of electrical charges in the soil. A soil with high clay content has higher CEC than sandy soils. Two Types of Ion Exchange a. Cation Exchange – the attraction of cations (positively charged ions) on the surface of colloids and exchanged for ions in the soil solution (NH 4+, Ca2+,Mg2+, Na+, H+, K+) b. Anion Exchange – the attraction of anions (negatively charged ions) on the surface of colloids and exchanged for ions in the soil solution (NO 3-, PO4-, SO4-) Ion Exchange Reaction is instantaneous, reversible, stoichiometric (1 milliequivalent (meq) of one cation is replaced by 1 meq of another cation Concept of Milliequivalent Weight of 1 meq = Atomic Weight Valence x 1000 Examples : Weight of 1 meq of Ca2+ = 40 g___ 2 x 1000 = 0.02 g/meq 50 Ion Valence Molecular weight (g) Weight of 1 meq (g) 2+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 3+ 1+ 40 39 24 23 27 1 0.02 0.039 0.012 0.023 0.009 0.001 Ca K Mg Na Al H Sample Problem: Calculate the weight (g) of Ca2+ needed to replace 1 g of H+? Answer: x g Ca2+ 0.02 g Ca 0.001 g H = 1gH x = 20 g Ca 2+ Cation Exchange Capacity – is the capacity of a soil to adsorb and exchange cations and it is the sum of all exchangeable cations adsorb in a soil expressed in meq/100 g soil or in centimole/kg soil (cmol/kg) Sample Problem: Calculate the CEC of the given soil with the following analysis: Exchangeable Ions K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Na+ Al3+ NH4+ H+ CEC meq/100 g soil 4.5 8.7 12.54 0.89 2.10 1.5 3.5 33.73 meq/100 g soil CEC indicates the fertility of the soil as it reflects the capacity of the soil to retain nutrients. CEC Determination: Ammonium Acetate (NH4OAc) Method The amount of NH4+ is a measure of the CEC 51 Sample Problem: A 100 g soil adsorbed 0.27 g of NH 4+. Calculate its CEC. Solution: 0.27 g NH4+ CEC = 15 meq 1 meq x 100 g soil 0.018 g NH4+ = 100 g soil Since : Atomic Weight of NH4+ = 18 g ( N = 14, H = 1) Weight of 1 meq of NH4+ = 18/1000 = 0.018 g/meq Clay Minerals Humus Vermiculite Montmorillonite Hydrous Mica Kaolinite Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100 g soil) 100 – 300 80 – 150 60 – 100 25 – 40 3 – 15 Factors Affecting CEC: a. b. c. d. Soil Texture : the finer the texture, the higher the CEC Amount and type of clay: higher amount of clay would mean higher CEC; more montmorillonitic type of clay is also associated with higher CEC Amount of OM: higher OM results in higher CEC pH: higher pH, higher CEC H. BASE SATURATION AND EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM PERCENTAGE Base Saturation – is the percentage of CEC that is satisfied by the exchangeable bases (Ca2+,Mg2+, Na+, K+). BS (%) = Meq of exchangeable bases CEC x 100 In the previous problem on CEC, the base saturation of that soil is : BS (%) = (4.5+ 8.7+ 12.54 + 0.89) / 33.73 = 26.63/33.73 (100%) = 78.95% NH4+, H+ and Al 3+ are not base but acids Acidity or alkalinity is governed by the relative concentration of H + and OHBases tend to form hydroxides – KOH-, NaOH, Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2 Al tends to contribute H+ through hydrolysis: Al3+ + HOH = Al (OH) 2+ + H+ 2+ Al(OH) + HOH = Al (OH) 2+ + H+ + Al(OH)2 + HOH = Al (OH) 3 + H+ Generally, as BS increases, pH increases Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP %) - the proportion of the exchange sites occupied by sodium (Na) Meq of Na+ ESP (%) = CEC x 100 52 In the previous problem on CEC, the ESP of that soil is : ESP (%) = 0.89/33.73 (100%) = 2.64% I. Soils with high ESP (> 15%) are considered sodic and need to be reclaimed through the addition of gypsum (CaSO4.2H20) SOIL pH or SOIL REACTION (potential of Hydrogen/potential H +) 1. Definition and Significance Soil pH- refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil due to the relative concentration of H+ and OH- ions. This is one of the most important chemical properties of the soil which affects the availability of nutrient elements in the soil as well as the microbial activities associated with soil fertility. It is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in the soil. Soil pH is defined by the equation: Soil pH = - log H+ where: H+] = concentration of H+ in moles/liter The pH scale covers a range from 0-14. A pH value of 7.0 is neutral (pure water). Values below 7.0 are acid and above 7.0 are basic. Each unit change in pH is associated with tenfold change in the H + concentration. As pH increases, the H+ concentration decreases. pH scale is indicated below. 53 Determination of pH: a.) Colorimetric Method – this entails using litmus paper or organic dyes, however this is less accurate. Ex. blue to red = acid b.) Electrometric Method – this utilizes the pH meter and is considered more accurate method of determining soil pH. pH Acidity Category Extremely Acid Very strongly Acid Strongly Acid Moderately Acid Slightly Acid NEUTRAL Mildly alkaline Moderately alkaline Strongly alkaline Very strongly alkaline Neutrality Alkalinity pH value < 4.5 4.5 – 5.0 5.1 – 5.5 5.6 - 6.0 6.1 – 6.5 6.6 – 7.3 7.4 – 7.8 7.9 – 8.4 8.5 – 9.0 > 9.1 2. Sources of soil acidity a) H+ and Al3+ ions ( Hydrolysis of Al3+ indirectly contributes to soil acidity) b) Carbonic acid (H2CO3) dissociation CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 = 2 H+ + CO32c) Organic Acids from OM decomposition i. Fulvic, humic and other inorganic acids are formed during organic matter decomposition ii. Production of CO2 during organic matter decomposition is responsible for the lowering of pH of calcareous soils in submerged soils d) Mineral weathering e) Acid rain 2 SO2 + O2 2 NO + O2 2 SO3; 2 NO2; SO3 + H2O 2 NO2 + H2O H2SO4 ( Sulfuric Acid) HNO3 + HNO2 Heavy cropping removes (crop removal) basic cations and replaced by H + ions from roots g) Long-term use of acidifying fertilizers (NH 4+ containing fertilizers) due to nitrification process ( conversion of NH4+ to NO3- and release of H+ in the soil) f) Nitrosomonas sp. NH4+ NO2- + 2H+ + H2O + 3/2 O2 Nitrobacter sp. NO2- + ½ O2 (NH4)2 SO4 + 4 O2 NO32 NO3- + 2H2O + 4H+ + SO42- J. Kinds of acidity: active and reserve acidity a. Active Acidity – due to H+ in the soil solution, determined as pH b. Reserve Acidity – H+ and Al ions held on the soil colloids; measure of buffering capacity of the soil 54 K. Buffering capacity – this refers to the resistance of a soil to changes in soil pH. As such, this is an important property of soil because it tends to ensure stability in the soil pH, preventing drastic fluctuations that might be detrimental to plants and soil microorganisms. It likewise influences the amount of amendments, such as lime or sulfur, required to effect a desired change in soil pH. L. Effects of nutrients availability Soil pH is associated to availability of plant nutrients as illustrated below. 55 N Ca and Mg P K S Mo B Fe, Mn and Zn decreases at pH < 5.5 decreases at pH < 6.0 decreases at pH < 6.0 and pH > 7.0 (maximum availability occurs at narrow pH range) decreases at pH < 6.0 decreases at pH < 5.5 decreases at pH < 6.5 decreases at pH < 5.0 and pH > 7.0 decreases at pH > 5.0 (at pH < 5.0, their concentrations are usually toxic) At pH < 5.5, exchangeable Al becomes available At pH 4.0, soil is largely saturated with exchangeable Al Amount of exchangeable bases decreases as acidity increases due to their displacement from exchange sites by H + and subsequent losses through leaching due to the increase in solubility of compounds bearing Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Co The optimum or ideal pH is 6.5 P fixations occurs in extreme soil acidity or soil alkalinity Soil Acidity Fe3+ + 2 H2O + H2PO4(soluble or available ) = 2H+ + Fe(OH)2H2PO4 (strengite; insoluble) Al3+ + 2 H2O + H2PO4(soluble or available ) = 2H+ + Al(OH)2H2PO4 (variscite; insoluble) Soil Alkalinity H2PO4- combines with Ca2+ or Ca-bearing minerals to form insoluble calcium phosphates like dicalcium phosphate dehydrate (CaHPO 4.2H2O), tricalcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) Microbial Activity Related to OM decomposition Fungi – unaffected by pH level Bacteria and Actinomycetes – inhibited at pH 5.5 M. LIMING 1. Definition and examples of lime Lime - any Ca and/or Mg containing compound used to neutralize soil acidity or oxide, hydroxide or carbonates of Ca or Mg, Carbonate Forms CaCO3 - calcitic limestone or calcic lime CaMg(CO3)2 – dolomite or dolomitic lime Oxides and Hydroxide Forms CaO – burned lime Ca(OH)2 – hydrated lime 56 2. Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV) Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE) or Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV) – capacity of the material to neutralize soil acidity relative to that of pure CaCO 3 Lime Material CCE/RNV 2- (CaCO3) 100 2– CaMg(CO3) 109 Ca(OH)2 136 CaO 179 CCE or RNV = (MW CaCO3/ MW material) x 100 Factors affecting the effectivity of lime: a.) Form and kind of lime : Reactivity is in the order : CaO> Ca(OH)2>CaMg(CO3)2> CaCO3 b.) Size particles : the smaller the particles, the more reactive is the lime Lime requirement – the amount of liming material required to raise the pH to a desired level and is determined by required change in pH and texture. The finer the texture, the higher the CEC and greater buffering capacity of the soil Benefits of Lime in the Soil: a. Physical – increased granulation as Calcium favors flocculation but the effect is largely indirect due to favourable effect on organisms which decompose OM b. Chemical – neutralization of H+ ions; increased availability of P, Mo, Ca, K; reduced solubility and toxicity of Fe, Al and Mn c. Biological – promotes activity of microorganisms such as those that decompose OM, mineralize nutrients and fix N symbiotically, but it may encourage potato scab Sources of Alkalinity: 1.) Base- forming cations As the basic cations such as Ca, Mg, K and Na saturates the soil’s exchange complex, the H+ ion concentrations in the soil solution will decrease and the concentration of OH- increases. Alkaline reactions results from the hydrolysis of colloids saturated with basic cations Na + H2O H+ + Na+ + OH2.) Carbonates (CO32-) and bicarbonates (HCO3-) N. SOIL SALINITY AND SODICITY 1.) Sodic soils have > 15% of their cation exchange sites occupied by Na+ ions pH > 8.5 Soil is highly dispersed (Sodium favors dispersion) Reclamation : 57 Replacement of excess Na on the exchange sites by Ca and leaching of Na out of the root zone using Gypsum (cheapest and commonly used) Na Ca Na + CaSO4 = + Na2 SO4 S is usually used when the soil contains free lime in addition to too much Na Addition of OM is also beneficial Deep plowing 2.) Saline soils are soils which concentration of soluble salts is high enough to hamper plant growth Salts are mostly chlorides and sulfates of Na, Ca and Mg pH usually > 8.5; sometimes referred to as white alkali Specific toxicities due to high concentration of Na, Cl, etc. Plant growth is reduced due to osmotic effect Reclamation : Leaching of excess salts out of the root zone (internal and surface drainage and salt disposal dump areas) Retardation of evaporation using surface mulch Use of salt-tolerant crops c. Saline – sodic soils have high levels of soluble salts and exchangeable Na Soil amendment must first be applied before leaching Leaching without the amendment will only convert saline-sodic into sodic soils Technical Description: Electrical Conductivity (EC) (ds/cm) of saturation extract Saline Sodic Saline- Sodic >4 <4 >4 Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) < 15 > 15 > 15 pH Sodium Adsoprtion Ratio (SAR) < 8.5 > 8.5 < 8.5 < 13 > 13 > 13 Applications 1. Describe the colloidal complex, indicate its various components, and explain how it tends to serve as a “bank” for plant nutrients. 2. Contrast the difference in crystalline structure among kaolinite, smectites, fine-grained micas, vermiculites, and chlorites. 3. If you wanted to find a soil high in kaolinite, where would you go? 4. Which of the silicate clay minerals would be most and least desired if one were interested in (1) good foundation for a building, (2) a high cation exchange capacity, (3) an adequate source of potassium, and (4) a soil on which hard clods form after plowing? 5. Soil pH gives a measure of the concentration of H+ ions in the soil solutions. What does it tell you about the concentration of OH- ions? Explain. 6. Describe the role of aluminium and its associated ions in enhancing soil acidity. 7. What is meant by buffering? Why is it important in soils? What are the mechanisms by which it occurs? 8. What is acid rain, and why does it seem to have greater impact on forests than on commercial agriculture? 9. Discuss the significance of soil pH in determining specific nutrients availabilities and toxicities, as well as species composition of natural vegetation in an area. 58 Unit V. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS AND ORGANIC MATTER Introduction The soil is a complex ecosystem with a diverse community of organisms. Soil organisms are vital to the cycle of life on earth. They incorporate plant and animal residues into the soil and digest them, returning carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, where it can be recycled through higher plants. Simultaneously, they create humus, the organic constituent so vital to good physical and chemical soil conditions. During digestion of organic substrates, they release essential plant nutrients in inorganic forms that can be absorbed by the plant roots or be leached from the soil. They also mediate the redox reactions that influence soil color and nutrient cycling. The organisms of the soil must have energy and nutrients if they are to function efficiently. To obtain these, soil organisms break down organic matter, aid in the production of humus, and leave behind compounds that are useful to higher plants. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, the students are expected to: 1. Characterize the different types of soil organisms a) Bacteria b) Actinomycetes c) Fungi d) Virus e) Protozoa f) Algae g) Worms h) Insects i) Rodents 2. Describe the beneficial activities of soil organisms 3. Discuss the process of organic matter decomposition 4. Explain the effects of organic matter on soil properties and plant growth 5. Illustrate the transformation of nitrogen and other elements in the soil. Activity 1. List down the functions of these organisms in the soil. 59 Analysis 1. 2. 3. What do you think will happen to our environment if soil organisms are absent in our ecosystem? Why do peanut, beans and other leguminous plants can effectively utilize atmospheric nitrogen? How does Rhizobia (bacteria) facilitate the process? How does mycorrhiza (fungi) assist the plants to absorb phosphorus in acidic soils? Abstraction Most of the work of the soil community is carried out by creatures whose “jaws” are chemical enzymes that eat away all forms of organic substances left in the soil by their coinhabitants. The diversity of substrates and environmental conditions found in every handful of soil spawns a diversity of adapted organisms that staggers the imagination. The collective vitality, diversity, and balance among these organisms engender a healthy ecosystem and make possible the function of a high-quality soil. A. KINDS OF ORGANISMS: MICROORGANISMS AND MACRO ORGANISMS Soil Microbiology – is the study of soil organisms and their processes. Soil organisms are creatures that spend all or part of their life in the soil environment. These include: Macrofauna – earthworms, millipedes, termits Mesofauna – nematodes to single-celled protozoans Plants (flora) – include the roots of higher plants, macroscopic algae and diatoms 60 Major Roles of Soil Microorganisms Responsible for biochemical changes Agents in the decomposition of plant and animal residues Improve soil structure through aggregation Relative Number and Biomass of Fauna and Flora Micro flora Bacteria Fungi Actinomycetes Algae Fauna Protozoa Nematodes Earthworms, Collembola Mites, other Fauna Major Groups of Soil Microorganisms Bacteria Actinomycetes Fungi Algae Protozoa B. BACTERIA: CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION Bacteria are very small, single-celled prokaryotic organisms without nucleus. They range in size from 0.5 to 5 mm. Bacteria are either autotrophic or heterotrophic. Most common genera include: Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Bacillus, Clostridium and Arthrobacter. Bacteria grow best under neutral to slightly basic conditions 61 Shape of bacteria Coccus – round Bacillus – rodlike Spirillum – spiral Temperature Adaptation Psychrophilic – capable of growing at 0oC Mesophilic – optimum growth is at 25oC to 39oC Thermophilic – microorganism that thrive only at high temperature o (50 C to 72oC) Energy and Carbon Requirements Photoautotrophs – obtain their energy from sunlight and carbon from carbon dioxide. Ex. - Photospirillum – purple bacteria - Cyanobacteria – blue green algae Chemoautotroph – energy is obtain from the oxidation of inorganic constituents as ammonium, sulfur and iron and carbon from carbon dioxide or dissolved carbonates. - Nitrosomonas - Nitrobacter - Thiobacillus Heterotrophs – energy and carbon sources are preformed organic carbon from organic matter. Ex. - Heterotrophic bacteria – Bacillus, pseudomonas - Fungi – Rhizopus, Aspergillus Oxygen Requirements Aerobic – use O2 as the electron acceptor in their metabolism. It can grow only in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic – use substances other than O2 as electron acceptor in their metabolism. Can live in the complete absence of oxygen. Facultative – can use either aerobic or anaerobic metabolism. Can live in the presence or absence of oxygen. Importance of Bacteria a) b) c) d) Help in the remediation of polluted soils Breakdown of hydrocarbon compounds such as gasoline and diesel fuel Responsible for the biological oxidation of inorganic compounds Microbial action controls toxicity and deficiency of some nutrients such as iron and manganese e) Organic matter decomposition is the most significant contribution of the soil fauna and flora to higher plants f) Plant residue decomposition is the process wherein dead leaves, roots and other plant tissues are broken down converting organically held nutrients into mineral forms available for plant uptake and recycle the elements. 62 g) By-products of organic matter decomposition, are utilize by microorganism to synthesize new compounds to stabilize soil structure and contribute to humus formation. Factors affecting the growth of soil bacteria and other soil microorganism a) b) c) d) e) Oxygen requirement Moisture Temperature Amount of organic matter pH C. ACTINOMYCETES: CHARACTERISTICS, SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCE FROM BACTERIA AND FUNGI Actinomycetes – are unicellular aerobic microorganism, which form branched mycelium and reproduced by fragmentation or asexual spore formation. Generally, actinomycetes are aerobic and heterotrophic living in decaying organic matter in the soil. Common genera are Nocardia, Streptomyces, Micromonospora and Thermoactinomyces. They played important role in the decomposition of resistant compounds such as cellulose, chitin and phospholipids to simpler forms. Characteristics: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Branched mycelial structures Intermediate between bacteria and fungi Very fine hyphae (< 1 micron diameter) Heterotrophic Aerobic : some microaerophilic Major Antibiotic Producer – Streptomycin, Erythromycin) Acid Sensitive (Critical pH = 5.5) Population – 105 – 106 CFU/g soil Biomass: 4,000 kg/HFS D. FUNGI: CHARACTERISTICS AND UNIQUE ADAPTATION TO SOIL CONDITIONS Fungi – nucleated, spore-bearing, achloropholous organisms which generally reproduce sexually and asexually, and whose usually filamentous, branched somatic structures are typically surrounded by cell walls containing cellulose or chitin or both. They decompose cellulose, starch, gums and lignin as well as the easily metabolized proteins and sugars. Common genera are Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Mucor and Fusarium Nutrition and Growth Parasites – fungi obtain their food either by infecting living organisms. Saprophyte – attack of dead organic matter. Characteristics of Fungi a) b) c) d) Complex morphology (multicellular; highly branched) Heterotrophic Aerobic Acid-loving (efficient OM decomposers under acidic conditions) 63 e) f) Population – 104 – 105 CFU/g soil Biomass: 8,000 kg/HFS Mycorrhiza – association between fungal hyphae and the roots of higher plants E. OTHER ORGANISMS: RODENTS VIRUSES, PROTOZOA, ALGAE, WORMS, INSECTS, PROTOZOA Characteristics of Protozoa a) Single-celled animals (20-50 microns in diameter) b) Aerobic c) Ingest food through oral openings d) Reproduction : Binary fission; budding e) Population – 103 – 105 CFU/g soil f) Biomass: 100 kg/HFS ALGAE Algae – most important photosynthetic microorganisms in the soil. The blue green algae are prokaryotic and contain chlorophyll, carotenoid and phycocyanin pigments which are diffused throughout the cytoplasm. Characteristics of Algae a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Principally aquatic, love moist habitat Both single – celled and multicellular species are present in the soil Aerobic Photoautotrophs Blue-Green Algae are capable of N2 fixation Excellent host for bacteria due to oxygenating capacity Population – 103 – 105 CFU/g soil Biomass: 250 kg/HFS EARHWORMS a) b) c) Eat detritus, soil organic matter and microorganisms found on these materials Probably, the most significant macroorganism in humid temperate region soils 7000 species worldwide Epigeic – live in the litter layer (Compost worm – Eisenia foetida) Endogeic – live in the top 10-30 cm of soil (Pale-pink-red worm – Allolobophora caliginosa) Anecic – live in vertical burrow up to 1 meter. (Introduced Night Crawler Lumbricus terrestris) F. BENEFICIAL ACTIVITIES OF SOIL ORGANISMS 5. Decomposition of organic matter 6. Transformation of soil nutrients 7. Promoting soil aggregation through by-products of their activities 64 8. Nitrogen fixation (rhizobia) and phosphorus solubilization (mycorrhiza) G. PRODUCTION of TOXINS 1.) Types of Toxins Organic ( antibiotics) Inorganic (heavy metals: Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn) 2.) Potential source of toxins Soil microorganisms Plant roots Decomposing organic materials Sewage sludge 3.) Ranking of soil microbial groups in relation to antibiotic production 1st – actinomycetes 2nd – fungi 3rd – bacteria 4.) Mode of action of antibiotics Disruption of cell wall synthesis (Penicillin, Cephalosporin) Disruption of protein synthesis ( Streptomycin, Chloramphenicol) Inhibition of cell membrane function (Polymixin) Inhibition of DNA/RNA function (Rifampicin) 5.) Production of Growth Stimulating Substances Inorganic P solubilization Genera of bacteria capable of solubilizing Calcium phosphates 1. Pseudomonas 2. Mycobacterium 3. Bacillus 4. Micrococcus Genera of fungi capable of solubilizing Calcium phosphates i. Penicillium ii. Fusarium iii. Aspergillus Microbiological means by which inorganic P is solubilized Production of organic acids Nitric acid or sulphuric acid production Flooding resulting in the reduction of Fe in insoluble ferric phosphates Mycorrhizal association (related to organic production) a.) Types of Mycorrhiza - Ectotrophic - Endomycorrhiza Ectotrophic: fungus forms a mantle around root exteriors hyphae enters into spaces between plant cells examples (pine, eucalyptus) Endomycorrhiza: fungus penetrates the cells of the plants examples (orchids, coffee, fruit trees, rice and corn) 65 G. COMPOSITION OF ORGANIC MATTER: CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, LIGNINS, FATS, WAXES, TANNINS Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Refers to the totality of all carbon-containing compounds in the soil derived from either plants or animals Organic constituents of plants: Water (75%) Cellulose (15 – 60%) Hemicellulose (10 – 30%) Lignin (5 – 30%) Water-soluble fractions – amino sugars, amino acids (5-30%) Proteins Fats, oils and waxes (2%) H. ORGANIC MATTER DECOMPOSITION AND END PRODUCTS 3. Aerobic (oxidative) decomposition This is characterized by the presence of oxygen gas, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide, water and energy. Enzyme Oxidation R --- (C, 4H) + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O + energy Protein CO2 + H2O + energy + glycine, cysteine + NH4 + NO3- + SO42- Lignin Phenolic ringed compounds (broken down mainly by fungi) 4. Anaerobic (fermentation) decomposition It is characterized by absence of oxygen gas. Here, the decomposition rate is slow. Energy yield is low for the organism, hence, end products such as CH4 have high energy. bacteria 4C2H5COOH + 2H2O 4CH3COOH + CO2 + 3CH4 proportionate acetate methane bacteria CH3COOH CO2 + CH4 bacteria CO2 +4H2 2H2O + CH4 (broken down mainly by fungi) a. Decomposition of SOM i.Carried out by heterotrophs ii.Reactants are compounds containing C, H and O 2 iii.Products are CO2, H2O and energy 66 b. Environmental factors affecting decomposition: i.Soil pH ii.Moisture iii.Temperature iv.Aeration c. Physical factors affecting decomposition: i.Location of residues (surface vs. incorporated) ii.Particle size (chopped vs. unchopped) d. Chemical factors affecting decomposition: i.C/N ratio: 1. High C/N ratio; slow decomposition 2. Low C/N ratio; rapid decomposition ii.Lignin and polyphenol Compost and Composting Composting – process of creating humus-like organic materials by piling, mixing, and storing of organic materials under conditions favourable for aerobic decomposition Compost – finished product of composting and used as soil conditioner or slow- release fertilizer I. After composting, the C/N ratio of organic materials is reduced to about 1420:1 Pathogenic organisms are destroyed during thermophilic stage (50-75ºC) but heavy metals (inorganic contaminants) are not destroyed TRANSFORMATION OF NITROGEN a. Mineralization – the conversion of an element from an organic form to an inorganic state as a result of microbial decomposition b. Immobilization - the conversion of an element from the inorganic to the organic form in microbial tissues or in plant tissues, thus rendering the element not readily available to other organisms or to plants. c. Ammonification –the conversion of NO3- to NH4+ d. Nitrification –is the biological formation of NO3- or NO2 from compounds containing reduced nitrogen. The most common initial substrate is NH 4- and the final product is NO3-. Two separate and distinct steps are distinguishable in nitrification: The first is initial oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and the further oxidation of nitrate. The micororganism responsible for nitrification are the Chemoautotrophic Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. Both these species are gram-negative non spore forming. Nitrosomonas, which are ellipsoildal or short rods is responsible for the oxidation of NH4+ to NO2- . Nitrobacter, which are short rods, further oxidizes nitrite to nitrate. Nitrosomonas NH4+ + 1 ½ O2 2H+ + H2O + NO2 Nitrobacter NO2- + 1 ½ O2 NO3- + 17.5 Kcal 67 e. Denitrification –The biochemical reduction of nitrate or nitrite to gaseous nitrous oxide (N2O) or N2 and lost to the atmosphere. Denitrification is a process where nitrate is used by the micro-organisms as the terminal hydrogen acceptor in either dissimilation of organic compounds or in the oxidation of inorganic compounds resulting in the production of higher reduced compounds such as NO2, NO, N2O, N2 that are commonly lost to the atmosphere. The respiratory reduction by electron transport phosphorylation can be summarized as follows: NR NiR NOR NOS 2NO3 2NO2 2NO N2O N2 Enzymes: NR: Nitrate reductase NiR: Nitrite reductase NOR: Nitric oxide reductase NOS: Nitrous oxide reductase. f. Volatilization - process which nitrogen fertilizer such as Ammonium Nitrate or Ammonium. Sulfate when applied to the surface of alkaline or calcareous soils, changes immediately to gaseous form which may cause the loss of N as NH 3 gas. Similar reaction can occur on recently limed soils. Volatilization losses can be high under some high temperature and certain moisture conditions. Urea when applied in the soil converts rapidly to NH3 or NH4+ with adequate moisture, temperature and the presence of urease (enzyme). This NH3 can be lost to the atmosphere through volatilization. To avoid losses, incorporate urea when temperatures are low or apply when there is sufficient moisture in the soil. g. Leaching - refers to the downward movement of free water (percolation) out of the root zone carrying the other nutrients in the soil. Nitrates are highly mobile in the soil and move freely with soil water. Most of these nitrates leach through the soil profile…more on deep, sandy soils than on fine-textured soils with moderate drainage and high rainfall. Little Phosphorus is lost by leaching, though it moves freely in sandy than in clay soils, and part of Potassium can be leached in very sandy or organic soils. 68 J. EFFECTS OF ORGANIC MATTER ON SOIL PROPERTIES Effect of OM on Plant Growth a.) As OM decays, growth promoting substances are released (vitamins, amino acids, auxins and gibberellins) that stimulate growth of both higher plant and microorganisms b.) Allelophatic effect: decomposing crop residues left on the soil surface may inhibit the germination and growth of the next crop; eg. Wheat residues inhibit the germination and growth of sorghum c.) Influence of OM on Soil Properties Biological Properties: Provides food for the heterotrophic organisms Improves SOM accumulation Increase microbial activity such as N fixation, decomposition, and nutrient transformation Chemical Properties: Increases in CEC of soils Increases soil buffering capacity Increase micronutrient availability through chelation Reduces Al toxicity by binding Al3+ in non-toxic complexes Adsorb pollutants such as Pb, Cd and Cu Inactivates toxin and pesticides. Physical Properties: Enhances soil aggregation and aggregate stability Gives surface horizons dark brown to black color Reduces bulk density and compaction Helps reduce plasticity, cohesion and stickiness in clayey soil Increase infiltration rate and water holding capacity Application 1. Identify the organisms that play the roles of primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers. 2. Describe some of the ways in which mesofauna play significant roles in soil metabolism even though their biomass and respiratory activity is only a small fraction of the total in the soil. 3. What are the four main types of metabolism carried out by soil organisms relative to their sources of energy and carbon? 4. What role does O2 play in aerobic metabolism? What elements take its place under anaerobic conditions? 5. In what ways is soil improved as a result of earthworm activity? Are there possible detrimental effects as well? 6. Explain and compare the effects of tillage and manure application on the abundance and diversity of soil organisms. 69 Unit VI. NATURE, PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT OF SOILS Introduction As stewards of the land, soil managers must keep nutrient cycles in balance. By doing so, they maintain the soil’s capacity to supply the nutritional needs of the plants. These tools include method of nutrient recycling as well as sources of additional nutrients that can be applied to soils or plants. It is important therefore, that one should learn how to diagnose nutritional disorder of the plants and correct soil fertility problems. Learning Outcomes After completing this unit, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the criteria of the essentiality of soil nutrients 2. Outline the essential elements, its available forms and functions in plant metabolic processes 3. Describe the methods of assessing soil fertility status 4. Demonstrate how to estimate or calculate the quantity of fertilizer to apply 5. Discuss the process of soil erosion Activities 1. Write an essay describing the interplay of physical, chemical and biological properties of soils on crop production? 70 Analysis 1. 2. How do you determine that the nutrient elements are essentials to the plants? How will you estimate the amount of fertilizers needed by the plants? Abstraction The continuous availability of plant nutrients is critical for the sustainability of most ecosystem. The challenge of nutrient management is threefold: 1) to provide adequate nutrient for plants in the system, 2) to simultaneously ensure that inputs are in balance with plant utilization of nutrients, thereby conserving nutrient resources, and 2) to prevent contamination of the environment with unutilized nutrients. The use of fertilizer, both inorganic and organic, should not be done in a simply habitual manner. Rather, soil testing and other diagnostic tools should be used to determine the true need for added nutrients. Adding fertilizers whenever the nutrient-supplying power of the soil is sufficient is likely to be damaging to the environment. C. DEFINITION Plant Nutrition D. Plants use inorganic minerals for nutrition, whether grown in the field or in a container Complex interactions involving weathering of rock minerals, decaying organic matter, animals, and microbes take place to form inorganic minerals in soil. Roots absorb mineral nutrients as ions in soil water. Many factors influence nutrient uptake for plants. Ions can be readily available to roots or could be "tied up" by other elements or the soil itself. Soil too high in pH (alkaline) or too low (acid) makes minerals unavailable to plants. ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT Essential Nutrients and their forms in the soil Plants need 16 essential elements for their growth and development Nine of the elements are termed as MACRONUTRIENTS (major nutrients), and these are needed by plants in large amounts C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S Seven of the elements are needed by plants in smaller amounts and referred to as MICRONUTRIENTS B, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Cl, Mo Most of the essential nutrients except N are derived from minerals while three of the elements are derived from air and water (C,H,O) Elements exist in the soil in two combinations with organic compounds, in the complex structure of minerals of in salts in the soil solution When the organic and inorganic compounds decompose, and the solutes dissociate into their component ions, the nutrients become available for absorption by plants or adsorb on colloid surfaces It is the ionic form of nutrients that are available for plant use. 71 Beneficial Elements 7. Elements that can compensate for toxic effects of other elements or may replace mineral nutrients in some other less specific function such as the maintenance of osmotic pressure. The omission of beneficial nutrients in commercial production could mean that plants are not being grown to their optimum genetic potential but are merely produced at a subsistence level. Cobalt is essential for nitrogen fixation in legumes. It may also inhibit ethylene formation (Samimy, 1978) and extend the life of cut roses (Venkatarayappa et al., 1980). Silicon, deposited in cell walls, has been found to improve heat and drought tolerance and increase resistance to insects and fungal infections. Silicon, acting as a beneficial element, can help compensate for toxic levels of manganese, iron, phosphorus and aluminum as well as zinc deficiency. Criteria of Essentiality Three (3) criteria must be met for an element to be considered essential: 1.) A plant must be unable to complete its life cycle in the absence of the mineral element. 2.) The function of the element must not be replaceable by another mineral element. 3.) The element must be directly involved in plant metabolism. These criteria were set by plant nutritionists, and were arrived through series of experiments in culture solutions as well as field studies. Cobalt, Vanadium, Sodium and Silicon were added as they are essential for specific plants and they are referred to as Beneficial elements 8. Available forms & functions of nutrients in plants The following elements are considered essentials for plant growth and development. Its available forms and their corresponding function in the plants is summarized in the table below. Plant Nutrients, their form of uptake and functions Nutrients Nitrogen Available Forms NO3-, NH4+ Phosphorus H2PO4 -, HPO4-2 Potassium K+ Calcium Ca 2+ Magnesium Mg 2+ Sulfur SO4 –2 Functions in Plants Component of important cell compounds ranging from proteins to chlorophyll and genes Constituent of genes, has a central role in plant energy transfer and protein metabolism Helps in osmotic and ionic regulation, important for many enzymes functions in carbohydrates and protein metabolism Involved in cell division and plays a major role in the maintenance of membrane integrity Component of chlorophyll, and a factor in many enzymatic reactions Constituent of proteins amino acids and vitamins necessary for production of plant oils 72 Nutrients Iron Available Forms Fe 2+ Zinc Zn 2+ Manganese Mn 2+ Copper Cu 2+ Boron H3BO3 Molybdenum MoO2-4 Chlorine Cl- Nickel Ni2+ 9. Functions in Plants Component of many enzymes (including cytochromes, respiratory enzyme) and the ferredoxins involved in functions such as N fixation and photosynthesis Necessary for the correct functioning of a range of important enzyme systems for the synthesis of nucleic acids and the metabolism of auxin (a plant hormone) Component of several enzymes including those involved in photosynthesis Component of a range of important enzymes necessary for proper photosynthesis. Involved in grain production Directly involved in cell differentiation, maturation, division and elongation. When B is limiting, cell division rate is reduced. Required for normal assimilation of N in plants, for the reduction of NO3 to NH4+, Also required for N fixation and for chlorophyll. Essentials for photosynthesis, and for osmoregulations of plants growing on saline soils Constituent of the enzyme urease in legumes Methods of assessing soil fertility status The available nutrient supply of most soils is seldom adequate to support the requirements of crops but it becomes depleted due to crop removal, leaching losses, volatilization (N fertilizer), erosion of topsoil, fixation by clays and immobilization into organic complexes, hence application of fertilizers must be done to supplement the soil of nutrients. The amount of fertilizers that should be added may be determined by one or a combination of soil analysis, field fertilizer experiments, plant tissue analysis, greenhouse tests and evaluation of symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. a) Soil Analysis This is a relatively rapid method of determining the fertilizer need of the crops by taking soil samples properly, chemical analysis and interpretation of analytical results. This is a routine analysis includes the determination of pH, organic matter content (Walkley and Black), available P (Bray2, Olsen and Troug Method), exchangeable K (Ammonium Acetate Method) and lime requirement (Veitch Method). Soil test results are compared with known values of deficiency or sufficiency which are derived from previously calibrated data of correlations between the soil tests and field fertilizer experiments Procedure of Soil Sampling: 1.) The farm for soil fertility evaluation is first delineated on a rough map to group similar areas in terms of visible soil properties and management (soil texture, topography, productivity level, drainage condition, color of topsoil, previous cropping and management and crops grown or to be grown 73 2.) Samples are taken randomly all over the sampling area using an auger, shovel or spade. If shallow rooted plants are to be planted, 0-30 cm depth is made, while 30-60 cm or more depth is made. Samples from several borings (10-15 holes) are mixed in a container that will represent one composite sample. 3.) Proper labelling must be made, and it should be air-dried and pulverized prior to analysis in the lab. b.) Field Fertilizer Experiments (Biological test) This method is usually done to determine the optimum amount of fertilizer for a particular crop consisting of treatment plots starting from zero and increasing at regular increments c.) Greenhouse Experiments This is usually primarily exploratory or preliminary approach to determine what nutrients are sufficient in specific soils. It cannot be used to estimate the amount of fertilizer nutrient that should be applied because of highly artificial conditions under which it is being conducted. Also, the volume of soil explored in a pot by plant roots is limited by the size of the pot. Its advantages include that several kinds of soils can be tested simultaneously under similar conditions and that it is cheaper to establish and maintain. d.) Plant Analysis This measures the amount of nutrients that are absorbed by the plants and this method integrates the effect of soil, plant, climate and management variables. Sampling of the plant parts to be analyzed, time of sampling, and sample preparation must be given due attention. Plant parts to be sampled for different crops vary and it depends on the type and age of the crop tissue e.) Observation of Nutrient Deficiency and Toxicity Symptoms Plants exhibit symptoms of deficiency and toxicity and they can be used to assess the need of plants for nutrients. Occurrence of nutrient deficiency occurs due to insufficient amount and supply of soil nutrients, unavailability of forms of the nutrients present, no proper balance among the different nutrients. This method is usually complemented by plant analysis and/or by soil analysis. f.) Soil Test Kit A handy, less costly and rapid procedure of soil nutrient analysis that results in qualitative interpretation of the relative amount of nutrients. This was developed in Department of Soil Science in UPLB, it involves the use of specialized chemicals and dyes wherein the intensity of color developed is referred to as correlated color chart that interprets the relative condition of soil reaction and amounts of N, P,K and lime requirement. It has acceptable precision results to the results of soil testing in the laboratories g.) Leaf Color Chart (LCC) This was developed by IRRI and intended for rice. A handy plastic ruler with strips of four shades of green to simulate the color of rice leaves under field 74 condition. It is cheap, fast and handy field instrument to help farmers visually assess the nitrogen status of the rice plant h.) Microbiological Methods This is used for approximating the degree of deficiency of elements using the growth of the test organism as an indicator. These methods include: Azotobacter Plaque Method- the method is good for P, K and Ca. The organism is grown in a culture medium in which all essential elements are provided, except that being tested. The colony growth will increase with the increase in the amount of nutrients being tested. The growth of colonies in the soil being tested is compared with standards to determine the degree of deficiency Aspergillus Niger Method- the fungus produces black spores which can be used to assay for potassium, magnesium, zinc and copper deficiency. The weight of pad (mycelia) that it produces in a given soil can be related to the amount of nutrient present by using standard soils (soils with known level of nutrient) for comparison 10. Fertilizer nutrients: their properties and usage Fertilizers - are either organic or inorganic compounds that are added to the soil to supply the plants with the nutrient elements that the soil is incapable of supplying. Organic Fertilizer – fertilizers derived from plants and/or animals Inorganic Fertilizer – fertilizers derived from mineral deposits, atmospheric gases, water and other materials Fertilizer Grade (or analysis). This refers to the minimum guarantee of the plant nutrient content in terms of percentage total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P or P2O5) and water-soluble potassium (K or K2O). If Ammonium Sulfate has an analysis of 21% N, it means that for every 100 kg of Ammonium Sulfate, there is 21 kg of available N. Conventional labelling of fertilizer products reports percentage N, P 2O5 and K2O (oxide form). Thus, a fertilizer packages as 14-14-14 (14% N, 14% P2O5 and 14% K2O) actually contains 14% N, 6% P and 12% K). 75 Fertilizer Recommendation. This is the recommended rate of fertilizer application/cropping or year. It is usually expressed as kg N, kg P 2O5, kg K2O per hectare. Fertilizer* % Nutrient Analysis (N-P205-K20) Urea % Conversion Factor (Material to Elemental Nutrients) N P K Mg (46-0-0) 0.45 Complete (14-14-14) 0.14 Ammosul (21-0-0) 0.21 Ammophos (16-20-0) 0.16 0.09 DAP (18-46-0) 0.18 0.20 Muriate of Potash (KCl) (0-0-60) 0.50 Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4) (0-0-53) 0.44 Epsom (MgSO4) 10% Mg 0.10 Kieserite (MgSO4) 17% Mg 0.17 0.06 B Fe Zn 0.12 Solubor 20% Boron 0.20 Inkabor 20% Boron 0.20 FeSO4 20%Fe ZnSO4 20% Zn 0.20 0.19 Other Factors Affecting Fertilizer Recommendation a. Season of the year. Generally, crops require higher rates of fertilizer during dry season that wet season as there is greater solar energy available, more vigorous plant metabolism and therefore high demand of nutrients during dry season. b. Economic value of the crop. High fertilizer rates and cost may be justified for high value crops. For low value crops, the value of returns at high fertilizer rate may not offset the cost. Thus, the value of crop yield must always be pitted against the fertilizer cost. High yield of crops do not always mean high economic returns. c. Nutrient preference of particular type of crops. Different crops have different demands for nutrients; Grain crops demand high for N, legumes for P, and sugar, fiber, tuber and oil crops for K. These are considered in the interpretation of soil tests. Sufficiency level of a nutrient for a certain crop may not be a sufficient level for another crop. d. Soil pH. It affects the behaviour and availability of applied nutrients. Acidic soils have greater P fixing ability; therefore, P fertilizer application must be consider the proportion of P that will be immobilized in the soil e. Soil Moisture conditions. Moisture does not only affect the solubility of applied fertilizers but also the activity of the microorganisms. Under limited availability of moisture, lower fertilizers must be used and since, microbial 76 activity particularly those relating to mineralization of nutrients is inhibited, less native supply of nutrients is expected Fertilizer Use. The use of fertilizers is based on basic principles of plant nutrition, properties of the soil, environmental conditions, target yield and other considerations. Method of Fertilizer Application 1. Broadcast – fertilizer is spread uniformly over the surface of the soil before planting. This is suitable where crops are closely growing such that roots cover. Broadcasting of fertilizers when leaves are wet is not recommended as it may cause burning injury. In topdressing fertilizer is broadcasted on crop after emergence 2. Localized Sidedressing – fertilizer is applied along the side of seed or plant In the row – fertilizer is applied along the bottom of the furrow, slightly covered with soil and then seeds are planted Ring application – fertilizers are applied in band around trees in shallow trench then covered lightly with soil. Distance from the base depends on type of crop and age Hole/Trench/Perforation application – fertilizers are dropped in holes around trees Seed pelleting – done by coating the seeds with the fertilizers by means of adhesives Seedling dippings – done for micronutrients and seedlings are dipped into fertilizer solution to enhance the survival ability of seedlings and lessen the effects of transplanting shock 5. Foliar Application – involves dissolving of solid fertilizer materials in water and applying it as spray to the plant or direct application of liquid fertilizers as foliar sprays. Provides rapid utilization of nutrients by plants; and where soil has a high fixing capacity for the nutrient. This is commonly done for commercial pineapple and banana plantation. There is risk of leaf burning for N fertilizers when too high concentrations are used. It is not suitable for grain crops and other crops with small or narrow leaves. It is Suitable for applying micronutrients since the small dosage needed can be applied uniformly with water serving as carrier. Also, most micronutrients are easily fixed in the soils unless a suitable chelate is used (Zn,Mn, Fe are more efficiently used by plants when applies as sprays). Fertilizer application is made at more frequent intervals particularly for N since high solution concentrations can burn the leaves. It is popular for ornamentals particularly orchids. It is suitable when deficiency is detected early and if quick remedy is desired. Foliar sprays can be mixed with insecticides spray, hence two operations can be accomplished. Timing of Application - depends on climate, soil, nutrient and crop In sandy soils, N is necessarily split as well as K For heavy clays, all of N is sometimes placed at planting. P and K are usually applied at planting as they are less mobile, less subject to leaching and less soluble P is also needed at young age to accelerate root development In alkaline soils, ammonium fertilizer is necessary deep placed to minimize volatilization of ammonia 77 11. Fertilizer computation Recommended Rate Weight of Fertilizer Material = Nutrient Content of the Material Sample Calculation 1: Determine how many bags of Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) will be needed to satisfy the fertilizer recommendation of 90-0-0. Each bag weighs 50 kg. Weight of AS = 90 kg N 0.21 = 428.57 kg AS Bags of AS = 428.57 kg AS = 8.57 bags AS 50 kg/bag Sample Calculation 2: Determine how much Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) and Ammonium Phosphate (1620-0) that will be needed to satisfy the fertilizer recommendation of 90-30-0. In this example, identify first the fertilizer that contains two elements. AP is a source of N and P2O5, 16% and 20%, respectively. Consider first the lowest recommendation. Since, it contains only 30 kg of P2O5, calculate first the P2O5 content. Weight of AP = 30 kg P2O5 0.20 = 150 kg AP Since AP contains both N (16%) and P2O5 (20%), the application of 150 kg AP, able to supply: 24 kg N and 30 kg P2O5. 150 kg AP x 16% N = 24 kg N 150 kg AP x 20% P2O5 = 30 kg P2O5 With the application of 150 kg AP, the recommendation of 90-30-0 becomes: 90- 30-0 - 24 -30-0 66 – 0-0 The remaining 66 kg N, will be satisfied \\ application of AS by the 90- 30-0 24 -30-0 66 – 0 - 0 66 – 0- 0 (AS) 0 – 0- 0 Weight of AS = 66 kg N =314.29 kg AS 0.21 12. Causes of decline in soil fertility a. Crop removal of nutrients. Different plants would remove different amounts of nutrients or bases. If these bases are continually removed from the soil, then the soil would become acidic. b. Leaching of nutrients. The bases which have been replaced by the exchange sites of soils are removed in the drainage water. This process removes the 78 metallic cations which compete with hydrogen and aluminum on the exchange complex. c. Gaseous losses of nutrients. Loss of nutrients in the form of gases would also result to decline in soil fertility. d. Soil erosion losses. Soil erosion is the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice or other geological agents would result to decline in soil fertility. 13. Soil Erosion Process Detachment and subsequent transport of soil materials (including rock fragments) by an agent (water, wind or gravity) to an area of deposition Water is the most important agent of erosion in humid tropical areas, while wind for arid and semi-arid areas Two general types of erosion a.) Geologic or natural erosion –type of erosion at natural rates, unaffected by human activities b.) Accelerated erosion – water or wind erosion at more rapid than normal, usually associated with human activities like shifting cultivation, overgrazing Mechanics of Soil Erosion Process: 1.) Soil detachment by rainfall – process by which rainfall splash soil sediments from the soil surface into the run-off. It requires energy and this is supplied by the kinetic energy of raindrops 2.) Entrainment or transportation of sediments from upslope to downhill direction whether in rills, between rills and in sheet flow 3.) Sediment deposition – process by which sediment settles out under the action of gravity and depends on particle size, being rapid for sand and slow for clay, it is a selective process. Types of Erosion 1. Raindrop erosion – occurs as soil particles are detached due to the impact of raindrops and splashed at a longer distance in the down slope than in the upslope direction 2. Sheet wash erosion – uniform removal of soil in thin layers from sloping lands, resulting from sheet or overland flow occurring in thin layers 3. Rill Erosion – removal of soil by water from small but well-defined channels formed when there is concentration of sheet wash flow 4. Gully Erosion – removal of soil by water from channels formed when rills combine and develop to the extent that they cannot be eliminated by normal tillage operation 5. Stream Bank Erosion – happens when stream banks erode by run-off flowing the side of the stream banks or by scouring and undercutting below the water surface 6. Scour erosion – influenced by the velocity and direction of flow, depth and width of channel and soil texture 7. Wind Erosion – removal of soil due to wind specially when the soil is dry 79 Factors Affecting Soil Erosion 1. Rainfall – Rainfall intensity and not rainfall amount is positively correlated to soil erosion. Erosivity – potential ability of the rain to cause erosion 2. Soil erodibility – refers to the vulnerability or susceptibility or proneness of the soil to erosion due to soil texture, soil structure. 3. Vegetation or Plant Cover – shorter plants growing closely to the ground surface are more effective in dissipating the raindrops as hence reducing erosion 4. Relief (Slope) – slope steepness, slope length affect splash erosion and run-off behaviour 5. Human Activities – shifting cultivation, improper cultivation, indiscriminate lumbering, overgrazing, burning, road construction, urbanization, mining Adverse Effect of Erosion 1. On-site Effect a.) Particle Selectivity b.) Surface Sealing and Hardening c.) Nutrient Loss d.) Loss of Soil depth e.) Secondary changes i. Water and nutrient availability ii. Soil pH and lime requirement iii. Soil temperature iv. Soil tilt 2. Off-site Effects or Erosion ` a.) Eroded materials may bury crops or lower the fertility of the adjacent bottom lands b.) Siltation – affected the drainage canals, irrigation canals, ponds, reservoirs c.) Raise the level of river beds d.) Raised level of the river bed introduces hazards to navigation which limit river traffic Soil and Water Conservation Measures 1.) Mechanical/engineering measures i. Terracing ii. Grassed waterways iii. Pond iv. Check dam 2.) Biological/ Vegetative Measures i. Mulching ii. Cover cropping iii. Strip Cropping iv. Crop Rotation v. Relay Cropping vi. Multiple Cropping vii. Alley Cropping viii. High density planting ix. Agroforestry 80 Application 1. When do we say a particular nutrient element is essential? 2. Tabulate the macro and micro elements needed by the plants, indicate its available forms and functions in the plant. 3. During this pandemic where most of laboratory facilities are not available, what do you think is the best approach to study the fertility status of the soil. 4. Calculate the quantity of fertilizer to apply when the fertilizer recommendations is 9060-30 and the available fertilizers are: Urea (45%), Ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) 5. Why does soil erosion degrades soil quality? REFERENCES University Code Student’s Handbook Brady, N.C., and R.R. Weil. 2001. The nature and properties of soils (13th ed.) Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Carating, R.1997. The Survey and Classification of Andisols. SRDC Technical Information Series No. 6. Soils Research and Development Center-JICA, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Castillo, RL. 2007. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review. Daquiado, N. n.d. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, CMU, Bukidnon Fanning, D.S., and M.C.B. Fanning. 1989. Soil morphology, genesis, and classification. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Hodges, S. 2011. Soil Fertility Basics. Soil Science Extension. North Carolina State University. Kenny, A. 2013. Recent Advances in Microbiology. Lasquites, J. n.d. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, USeP, Tagum City LEA Reviewer in Soil Science. 2003. Visayas State University, Baybay City Leyte. Lynn, I. et.al. 2013. Land Use Capability Survey Handbook. Salibay, MA. 2010. Lecture Handouts in Soil Science for LEA Review, USeP, Tagum City UPLB, 2007. Lecture Review Materials for LEA. College of Agriculture, UPLB, Laguna, Philippines 81 82