BIO_111L LAB REPORT: Bradford Protein Assay (25 points) The report should include: S2018 Due _______ Title page— separate page; use this format The Effect of Some Particular Variable on Some Particular Process in Some Particular Organism Amanda B. Reckondwith BIO 111 Date 4 pts Introduction— An opening sentence A sentence that presents the hypothesis; make a statement that includes biological reasoning A sentence that correctly presents pertinent information from the Bradford article with the CSE citation. A sentence that correctly presents pertinent information from the Vásquez et al. article with the CSE citation. 3 pts Methods 1-3 sentences about the protocol DO NOT LIST MATERIALS 6 pts Results— follow the specific directions in LabWrite; refer to each figure at least once 12 pts Figures—your report should include Figure 1—include a bar graph comparing decoction and maceration (mean ± SE) Figure 2—include a bar graph comparing part of plant used (roots vs leaves vs stems) (mean ± SE) Table 1—include a table that presents information about the M. columbiana samples, Time from collection and mean protein concentration (mean ± SE) References— Bradford 1976 Vásquez et al., 2013. Snakebites and ethnobotany in the Eastern region of Antioquia, Colombia—The traditional use of plants Cite all articles as the print copy, not the electronic version