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Patterns, Symmetries, and Sequences

 Different Kinds of Patterns
 Patterns of Visuals.
 Visual patterns are often unpredictable, never quite
repeatable, and often contain fractals
 Patterns of Flow.
 The flow of liquids provides an inexhaustible supply of
nature’s patterns
 Patterns of Movement.
 In the human walk, the feet strike the ground in a
regular rhythm: the left-right-left-right-left rhythm
 Patterns of Rhythm.
 Rhythm is conceivably the most basic pattern in
 Patterns of Texture
 A texture is a quality of a certain object that we sense
through touch.
 Geometric Patterns.
 A geometric pattern is a kind of pattern which
consists of a series of shapes that are typically
 Symmetries
 Types
 Reflection symmetry
 Rotations
 Translations
 Sequence
 refers to an ordered list of numbers called terms, that
may have repeated values. The arrangement of these
terms is set by a definite rule.
 Types of sequence
 Arithmetic sequence - deals with the common
 Geometric sequence- deals with the common
 Harmonic Sequence- deals with the inverse of
the elements of the arithmetic sequence
Fibonacci Sequence- the elements are obtained
by adding the two previous numbers.
 Formula
 Golden Ratio