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Economic Inequality Worksheet

Name: Aaliyah Gillings
Date: November 1, 2022.
Economic Inequality Stations
Station 1: Make the Month
Go to: https://makethemonthwb.ca/
After doing the Make the Month Simulation, answer the following questions:
1. Did you make the month? Why or why not?
After trying the “Make the Month'' stimulation while playing as a single parent, I am
proud to say I have made the month because I completed the stimulation with a remaining budget
of $162 and moderate stress levels.
2. What was the biggest sacrifice you made?
The biggest sacrifice I made was choosing to flee after I hit a car. I had a very low budget
right before my pay day at the time, and I was afraid of getting caught and losing my reputation
in front of my child.
3. Was there anything that surprised/interested about this activity?
Yes, because I did not know until now that this was how most single parent families
with common regular jobs had to live their lives which motivates me to work harder.
Station 2
Go to https://www.gapminder.org/dollar-street/
1. Firstly, move the sliders so that you They all looked happy, simple and
sophisticated and there were more than one
only have the richest 10-12
person in each family.
families remaining on your page.
Name: Aaliyah Gillings
Date: November 1, 2022.
What do you notice about these
2. The three richest families are from
France, China and Ukraine. Click
on the Chinese family and then
click 'All families in China'. Read a
little about a few of the families in
China. Click on their photo, and
then click on each families photos
again to see expanded text.
One family wishes to save for their future,
another wishes to buy food supplies and the
other wishes to buy a piece of land. Their
main difference is that of collaboration and
that of which they spend their money on. The
few who spend more time with family and
collaborate with each other, have more
income than the other. The richest Chinese
family also has a lot of balance going on in
their life.
What are the main differences in
the lifestyles of these Chinese
families?What can we learn from
the differences between these
3. Return to the main page. Adjust
the sliders so you have only the
10-12 poorest families displayed.
What are the main areas these
families come from? What do the
families have in common?
4. Use the drop down menu on the
top left to navigate to the topics of
toys, locks and food.
Why are toys important to the
development of children? What do
poor children miss out on by not
having access to toys? What do
locks tell us about the society that
different families live in? What are
the main differences in food for
families of different income levels?
They were mainly from Africa, Haiti and
India. They have kids, poor living conditions
(low access to food, water and good shelter)
and they live in fear with yearning to move
out one day, eat good food, sleep in a proper
clean bed, and own a house or land.
Toys are said to be important to the mental
growth of a child as they can fiddle with it
and use it to bring forth a life to their
imagination. When they do not have toys to
play with, poor children will miss out on their
childhood and they will experience things like
sadness, having trouble adjusting to change,
poor self-control, a greater susceptibility to
drugs, pornographies (i.e adult lifestyles.) and
addiction, and more delicate and shallow
social communication with others. Locks are
what the families can use to make themselves
feel more secure in their homes. Low to
almost no income families use whatever they
Name: Aaliyah Gillings
Date: November 1, 2022.
can find to tie or secure their doors. The
middle class uses simple locks while the
upper class uses highly sophisticated locks
made especially for doors. Food is further
broken down into subcategories like meat,
vegetables, fruits, spices etc . Low income
families enjoy simple food of which they can
afford which mainly consist of 1-2
ingredients. The middle class families can
afford more food to eat which includes a
balanced diet. The upper class can afford a
table and balanced full course meals.
5. What was the most
interesting/eye-opening thing you
learnt while exploring Dollar
The wide variety and gaps between the
families around the world. Each photo
captures a bigger picture of the families and is
combined to tell a story about each of them.
Station 3
Watch How Income Inequality Harms Society
What are two things that stood out to you from this video?
The two things that stood out for me was the major difference between richer
countries and poorer countries based on the factual information presented, especially the
statistics which compared the wellbeing of children in each of these 22 countries. The
parents' closeness to their children and problems are much worse than the lower income
The second was the overall main point of the video that made me realize that it is indeed
true that I feel left out because of inequality. As a citizen I feel pressured as I am
influenced by my country's overall income status. Many people would also feel this way
when interacting with others from another country with either lower or higher income
What facts are presented that debunk at least ONE of the theories related to poverty
discussed last week (Conflict, Functionalism etc).
The Functionalism theory is necessary and inevitable for inequality, however,
after watching this video, I realized it is not. This inequality comes consciously at first and after
a period of time, being exposed it becomes subconscious. The new development of technology
Name: Aaliyah Gillings
Date: November 1, 2022.
has made it even faster for people to obtain and analyze the stats of each country which allows
them to compare and contrast which then makes them reflect and a ranking is developed. The
time spent watching could be used to improve the stats of your own nation by making changes in
ways the others have not thought to put in action.