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EPSS9 LabSyllabus W2020.pdf (1)

LAB SYLLABUS for EPSS 9: Solar System and Planets
Winter Quarter 2020
Lab Location: Geology 4691
David Jewitt
3713 Geology Bldg.
Jewel Abbate (Sections ABC)
5652 Geology Bldg.
Office Hours:
W 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Marina Argueta (Sections EIJ)
4665 Geology Bldg.
Office Hours:
M 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Jordan Bretzfelder (Sections FGH)
3667 Geology Bldg.
Office Hours:
Tu 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Emily Hawkins (Sections DKMN)
6705 Geology Bldg.
Office Hours:
F 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Haotian Xu (Sections PLO)
1815 Geology Bldg.
Office Hours:
W 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Lab course goals: The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the solar system, i.e.
obtain a feel for what we know and don’t know at present. Labs are assigned: 1) as a supplement to
material in lectures, 2) to make sure you are keeping up with the material and understand how to
apply the concepts covered in class, and 3) to help you prepare for quizzes and exams. You should
find some of the labs easy and others more challenging. Working in groups is recommended.
The breakdown of lab this quarter is as follows: (Lab themes subject to change)
Week 1- No lab
Week 2- Lab #1: Useful Math Review & Unit Analysis
Week 3- Lab #2: Moon Phases
Week 4- Lab #3: Meteorites
Week 5- Lab #4: Mission Design
Week 6- Lab #5: Surface Cratering
Week 7- Lab #6: Gas Giants
Week 8- Lab #7: Mars!
Week 9- Lab #8: Exoplanets
Week 10- Review for Final Exam
Lab Grading: 30% of your final course grade is based on the lab section. There are 8 labs. The
breakdown for lab grading is as follows. 5% of your course grade is based on each lab. The
two lowest lab grades will be dropped, with six (6) lab grades counting towards your final
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Each lab grade consists of: (total 5% of course grade each week)
2% attendance and participation each week
3% lab quiz
Lab section attendance is required. All sections meet in room 4691 Geology Bldg.
What to expect in labs:
Each lab will be initiated with a 10-minute quiz based on the previous week’s lab material that will be
graded on accuracy. These quizzes will not be a group effort and are to be done individually. Please
get to your lab on time, as students arriving late will not be given additional time to work on
the quiz!
Lab exercises will not be graded for accuracy and will instead be graded on completion and factored
into the attendance and completion portion of your lab grade. We encourage working with or
consulting with classmates on labs, including checking your methods and, possibly, your answers with
your classmates. However, you will need to write down the methods and the answers in your own
words to ensure that you understand the material yourself. You will keep your lab exercises at the end
of each class to study from for the quiz in the upcoming week. Solutions to lab exercises will be
posted on CCLE after the last discussion on Thursday the end of each week.
Absence Policy: Two lab grades are dropped. As such, make-ups are not allowed. If you obtain a
medical note excusing your absence, submit it to your TA ASAP (not the professor), and ideally you
will make up the lab within the same week it is missed. The reason for this is because some labs
involve materials that will only be present in a given week. You will fail the course if you do not
attend lab.
Policy on Cheating: Representing the ideas, thoughts, or works of another as your own is a serious
offense. In accordance with UCLA policy, cases of student plagiarism and/or cheating will be reported
to the Dean of Students. I encourage you to visit the following website for a thorough explanation of
UCLA’s policies on academic dishonesty: http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/dos/students/integrity/.
Contacting your TA: The best way to contact me is via email. I do my best to respond to messages
within 24–48 hours, Monday through Friday. I am happy to answer short questions about the course
via email, but for more involved conversations you should come see me during office hours. I will not
respond to student emails about quizzes, midterms, and finals 24 hours before they occur.
Accessibility: Please let me know if you have a disability that might affect your performance or
experience in this class. Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should
contact the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) at (310)825-1501 or in person at Murphy Hall
A255. When possible, students should contact the CAE within the first two weeks of the term, as
reasonable notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. For more information visit
Course Extra Credit: The EC assignments for the class are not a requirement and are completely
optional. I highly recommend that you participate in as many of the EC opportunities as you can. It is
your responsibility to pay attention to the deadlines for each assignment. A hard copy of your
response for each assignment is due by 5:00 pm on the dates below (subject to change). No late
work will be accepted under any circumstances and emailed EC is not accepted. Assignments
can be turned in to me anytime (the earlier the better!) during class or my office hours.
EC1: (Camera Obscura) Tuesday February 4
EC2: (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (TGTBTU)): Thursday February 13
EC3: (Bye Bye Planet Pluto (BBPP)): Thursday February 20
EC4: (Moon Phases Observation): Tuesday February 25
EC5: (Griffith Park): Tuesday March 3
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