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Acknowledgement Page: Gratitude for Academic Support

I use this wonder opportunity to give thanks to my creator of sparing my life all the
praises belong to God Almighty for his gift of life and good health throughout my
studies in the university. All praises to God Almighty for being my helper and
sustainer throughout the course of my study.
Secondly my thanks go to my beloved husband for his encouragement and
financial support throughout my studies may God continue to enlarge your coast.
God bless you abundantly.
Also my appreciation goes to my supervisor, Dr Mahmood Danasabe for taking his
precious time making necessary correction for his understanding and most valuable
contribution to my project may God continue to bless you.
My gratitude goes to my humble coordinator Dr. Ado Kafin Madaki and also my
school’s examiner Dr. A.Y Salihu whose encouragement and support made it
possible of this project.
May God bless you all.