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English Vocabulary List: King Lear & More

English (Vocab.)
English Project
* From The Tragedy of King Lear ; by William Shakespeare
1. Redeem: free from consequences.
2. Decay: decline in health.
3. Resign: give up deliberately.
4. Merited: earned through honorable action or good character.
5. Virtue: moral goodness.
* Lament for a Brother / Tears / Could I Only Have Died of Sadness; by AlKhansa
1. Fertile: producing a large amount of something.
* Quake Engineer Returns to Nepal to Learn from Disaster; by Amina khan
and Molly Hennessy-Fiske
1. Perilously: in a dangerous way.
2. Infrastructure: basic physical structures necessary for society to function, such as
roads, building, and bridges.
3. Phenomenon: remarkable or rare occurrence.
4. Terrain: physical feature of land.
5. Debris: wreckage left after a disaster or accident.
6. Console: comfort or soothe.
*from The Epic of Gilgamesh; by Tablets VIII-IX
1. Teeming: abundant; overflowing.
2. Vigor: physical vitality.
3. Extols: praises strongly celebrates.
4. Taboo: banned for religious or social reasons.
5. Repose: rest, as in sleep.
6. Inlaid: set into the surface of ; decorated with.
7. Scapegoat: person who is deliberately blamed for a wrongdoing committed by
someone else.
*After great pain, a formal feeling comes – by Emily Dickinson / * from When
Lilacs last in the dooryard bloom – by Walt Whitman / * The Cypress Broke –
by Mahmoud Darwish
1. Ceremonious: according to formal, accepted ways of doing something.
2. Stupor: extreme fatigue caused by sudden shock or ongoing strain.
3. Secluded: hidden from view.
4. Somber: serious and gloomy.
5. Wreckage: the remains of something that has been destroyed.
6. clarity: the quality of being easily understood.