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Twelfth Night Study Guide: Act-by-Act Analysis

Twelfth night Act 1 scene 1,2 and 3 Scene 1:
a. How does Shakespeare introduce Orsino in the opening scene?
b. How does Shakespeare make the opening scene dramatically significant?
Scene 2:
a. How does Shakespeare make the conversation between Captain and Viola significant?
b. How does Shakespeare introduce Viola to the audience?
Scene 3:
a. Opening line to Enter Sir Andrew: How does Shakespeare make the scene dramatically significant?
b. From: Maria Exits till the end: How does Shakespeare make the conversation between Sir Toby
and Sir Andrew dramatically significant?
● Twelfth night Act 1 scene 4 and 5
Scene 4:
a. How does Shakespeare make the conversation between Orsino and Viola significant? Scene 5: a.
First part to….. Fool: Good Madonna, why mournest thou. How does Shakespeare make Fool an
important character?
b. From Olivia: oh, you are sick of self love…. Till….fool: pia mater. How does Shakespeare make the
above extract significant?
c. Malvolio: Madam, yong young fellows…. Till… Malvolio exits.. how does Shakespeare make
Malvolio’s character significant? d. Viola: the honourable lady of the house… till… Viola: Good
madam, let me see your face. How does Shakespeare make the conversation between Viola and
Olivia memorable?
e. Last three pages: dramatic significance
● Twelfth night Act 2 scene 1 and 2
Scene 1: f. How does Shakespeare make Sebastian’s dialogues powerful?
Scene 2: g. Dramatic significance of the scene.
● Twelfth night Act 2 scene3, 4 and 5 Scene 3: a. Till Enters Maria… How does Shakespeare make the
conversation between Sir Toby and Sir Andrew amusing?
b. Last three pages: How is Maria a significant character in relation to the plot
c. How does Shakespeare make Malvolio a wise character?
Scene 4: a. How does Shakespeare bring out the theme of love? (till enter Curio and Fool)
b. From exits fool.. till the end of the scene.. How are readers introduced to Orsino’s state of mind in
the scene?
c. Same extract as the above question. How does Shakespeare bring out the relationship between
Orsino and Viola?
Scene 5: a. Malvolio (Picking up the letter)…. Till… he exits… how does the writer make the letter
reading scene an interesting episode?
● Twelfth night Act 3 scene 1,2,3
Scene 1: d. From beginning till Fool exits… How does Shakespeare make the conversation between
Fool and Viola interesting?
e. From: Viola: Cesario is your servant’s name… till …. The end of the scene.. How is the conversation
between Viola and Olivia significant?
Scene 2: f. How does Shakespeare bring out Sir Toby’s character?
Scene 3: g. Dramatic significance of the scene?
h. How does Shakespeare make Antonio an interesting character?
● Twelfth night Act 3 scene 4
Scene 4: a. Till enter Servant: How does Shakespeare make Olivia a very significant character?
2. From: Exeunt OLIVIA and MARIA.. till…. MALVOLIO Go, hang yourselves all! You are idle, shallow
things. I am not of your element. You shall know more hereafter.. How does Shakespeare make the
above extract significant?
3. From: SIR TOBY BELCH Give me. (reads) “Youth, whatsoever thou art, thou art but a scurvy
fellow.” Till…. Enter OLIVIA, with VIOLA How does Shakespeare make the extract important?
4. From: SIR TOBY BELCH That defense thou hast, betake thee to ’t. Of what nature till…… SIR TOBY
BELCH I will do so. Signior Fabian, stay you by this gentleman till my return. How does Shakespeare
make Sir Toby Belch a significant character?
e. From: They draw swords Enter ANTONIO… till he exits: How does Shakespeare make Antonio an
interesting character?
● Twelfth night Act 4 scene 1,2, 3
Scene 1: f. From beginning till Fool exits: How does Shakespeare make fool an important character?
g. From: Exeunt SIR TOBY BELCH, SIR ANDREW, and FABIAN, till the end of the scene: Dramatic
Scene 2: h. Take the whole scene : general question: How does Shakespeare make Fool an important
i. Last three pages: Dramatic significance
Scene 3: j. Dramatic significance of the scene?
k. How does Shakespeare make Sebestian an interesting character?
● Twelfth night Act 5 1. From: FOOL Marry, sir, they praise me and make an ass of me, no.. till….he
exits.. How does Shakespeare make the above extract significant?
2. Enter ANTONIO and OFFICERS… till…… ORSINO Still so cruel? How does Shakespeare
Antonio/Orsino an important character?
3. From: ORSINO What, to perverseness? You, uncivil lady til….. SIR ANDREW He has broke my head
across and has given Sir Toby a blood Dramatic significance
4. From. Exeunt FOOL, FABIAN, SIR TOBY BELCH, and SIR ANDREW, till,,, OLIVIA He shall enlarge
him… How does Shakespeare make the conversation significant?
5. Last four pages: How does Shakespeare make the ending of the play significant?
A few general questions on Twelfth Night: 1. How does Shakespeare make Fool a significant
2. How does Shakespeare bring out similarities and differences between Orsino and Olivia?
3. How does Viola symbolize pure love in the play?
4. How does Shakespeare bring out the theme of:
Love ❖ Suffering ❖ Gender ❖ Folly
5. How is Twelfth night a comedy?