epul of tim IMdbpyarw Inla Mntn liivertity COLLIan Or NaINEEING AND TECHMOLOGY a r tnvert of ller tkal arl tle tronh Trngeetg VISION Tarlac Btnte Urivm uily is ervisloned to be a premler Urtveruty n thn Aala Parihc, I8ION Tarlac ate Unlverally tormmita to pronote arnd uslan tJe offerng of (quality and relrvant prograna In higher and advariced edEatn e r i y equtnble nCCAMs lo educallon for peopla ernpowerment, r ofesaloral developnern, and glotbal competitlvenes, Towarla tWs end, TA sl all 1. Provlde higlh quallty Instructlon Uwougli qualinnd, competent ard adnquuatnly raned facully inernber and uppnt slal, 2. Ue a premier researth Inattution by enlhanclng researcly urder lakings In thhe Nelds of lnchrodogy nrnd winres nrd stuerigthering oAlnborntirn wUi locAl and international Instlutios, J. De a champlon In community development by strengthening partrvership wilth putlie nnd prlvnte orgarizatiors ard innduals, MISSION PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE 1. FIve yearn rom now, gradiuates from the lectroneafngineering Program nt TSU_ Wll be able to Integrato Uhe requlred techintcal krowledge of lecuonlcs Englneerlng principles that ill allow then o e Immedlately compelitive In Industry or In graduate work while providing the best opportunlty for ncheving their full fpotental 2. I l be able to joln establiahed prlvate or govermiment agencles ln Uhe Phillpplrneo or abroad and gradually dbtaln leadership posldons 1, Program/Student Outcomasand Relationshlp to Program Educational Objactives Program Educatona oblective Program/8udent Outcome of thus program, students will be able to: Upon sucesshul completion (o)apply knowledga of mathematica ond Clence to Solveenginecring problcmA_ (b)_deslgn and conduct cperlmenu,as well as to analyze and Interpret datn nceds withln reallstc constralnts suh as economic, design a system, component, or process to meet desired and Aistalnability, In accordance wth (c)environmental, soclal, poliucal, ethical, health and safety, manufocturabillty, standards unctlon on mulbdisciplinary teams (d eldentily, formulate and solve englneeringproblems Oapply prolcsslonal and cthical icsponSIbIIIY 9communicate cffectively sosletalcontest hIdentiy the impact of engneering roluions In a olobal, economic, envlronmental, and 0recognize the need for, ond an abilly to cngage In life-long learning apply knowledge ofcontemporary ISSUes for enginecring pacUe KRuse techniaues, SkIlS, And modem.cnginecring toola necessary as a member and leader Ina team, apply knowledge In engineering and management princlples to manage projects and In muludlsclplinary environments m)understand 2. at least one speclallzed neld of Electronlcs Enqineering practce ECEP343 Course Code 3. Course Tide 4. Prerequlslte: ELECTRONICS 2: MICROPROcessOR DIGTTAL ECECP333 5. Co-requlslte none . Credlt &MICROCONTRoLLER SYSTEMS AND DESTaN 3 unlts Lecture/ 3hrs per week 7, Coume Descripttont The course covers concepts Involving microprocessor/ mlcrocontroller systems architecture/orpanizatdon Induding miaroprocessor/microcontroller will be Involved with experiments using the In the and programming, Interfacing techniques, memory systems bus standards, controller micro controll ers and the use of microprocessor/ micro laboratory, students development systems and other tools. B, Course Outcomesand Relationships to Program/StudentOutcomes: Program/Sudent Outcomes Course Ouitomes ULk|Um After completdon of the course, the student should be able to;_ 1. Explaln the and concepts behlnd mlcroprocessor systems ther ComponeNS_ 2. Differentate between microprocessors and mlcrocontrollers between microprocessors, and between microcontrollers based on archltecture 3. Develop programs to run on mcroprocessors/ and assembly language micro controller highlevel language via using both cross complladon microcontrollers to 4. Explaln how to Interface microprocessors/ system memory, UO devices, and other System devices 5. Explaln the organlzaton/archltecture of exlstng computer systems (Ex, desktops, workstatons, et 6, Analyze the capabildes of diíiferent processors 7. Program a speciic mlcrocontroller system to accept Input, process data and control physical devicees, _Courne (ode ECEP4 Cour1e Tiule Digiul Eloclronica 2: Nlicruprocauuf and MicrucontrullT SyntemaDaim_ Dute Eiectn lal Sem. 2021-2022 Date Revied June2 pured by AR Taduran epowed Br:_Puze Na MS. Galveu uf 3 9. Course Coverage: Week Course Teachlng and Learning Assessment Activitles Tosks Tople Outcomees Orientation; discussion of course goals and expected Outcomes, discussion of course polides, grading systen. Computer Achitecture ordine Participation Assembly Language Programming Bulding Lecture uang Microcomputer PowerPoint/Preserter/PDF/D oCunent/other application. 14 work/AGsigrnment Class Discu5on using 4S CO1 Teams/Zoom/other ordine neeting Ordine quiz using MS teams/otter dassroom Handouts applicatorss Lecture using Ordine Quiz No. 1 PowerPoint/PreserterpOF/Partidpation OCument/other applicaton. Class Discussion using MS Teams/Zoom/other ordine 1/Q Interface Overview of Microcontroller Family; Development & CO2 Research work/Assignment meebng Environment Virtual Learning using 8086 simulator/other Applicaton Online Quiz using MS teams/other dassroom applicators Handouts Qu/z No, 2 Online Participation Lectire using PowerPoint/Preserter/PDF/D Source Code Components; Target System Components and Connecdons; Basic Debugger Operations and Creating 6-7 Ocument/other applicabon. Research work/Assignment dass DisCussion using MSs Teams/Zoom/other online CO1 Programs meeting Online Quiz using MS teams/other Handouts applicabos dassroom Quiz No. 3 Mid Tem Exam Online Exam using MS Mid Tern assessment of student perfornance teams/otheer dassroom applicatons Online Lecture uresenter/PDF/DParicipaoo PowerPoint/Presenter/PDF/D ocument/other application. Class Discussion using MSs Teams/Zoom/other online Creating Programs B a s i c 1/Q and Basic Programming 9-10 meeting CO3,CO4 Online QuizZ using Virtual Leaming using Dale Biecte Conrse le Digital Electronics ECEP343 Microcontroller Systems Desiyn_ 2 Nicroprocsor and MS teams/other Arduino simulator/other lassroom Applicaton applicadons Handoutss lQuiz No. 4 Conurse Code Research work/Assignment IstSam 2021-2022 Date Revsed: June 2 Prepared by AR Taduran ADproned Hrj Pare No MS.Gavez 2of3 Lecture usng Power Pont/Presenter/PDF/D OCUment/other application. Online Participatton Virtual Leaning usng 11-13 COS,co6 rdulno simulator/other Researth Speaker and Relays Interfacing; and One Tume Application work/asignent Programming Class Discusuon using Ms Intemupts and Hardware Timers Teams/Zoom/other online meeing Ordine Qqulz using MS teams/other Virtual Learming using classroon applicatons Arduino simulator/other Applicaton Quiz No. 5 Handouts | Lecure using PowerPoint/Presenter/PDF/D n e oCument/other applicoton. Class Discuss/on using MS 1+17 Seven Segment Display; and Analog CO7 Teams/2oom/other online Interface Research work/Assignment meetng Project Design Online Qulr using Virtual Leamng using MS teams/other Arduino simulotor/other Applicatuon Handouts Quiz No. 65Final Term assessment of student performance classroom applicatiors Final Exam Online Exam usingMS teams/other 18 classroom appllcadon 10.References: Glvone, Donald D., Roesser, Robert P. McGraw-HI An Intoducton, a.b. Miaroprocessor/Miarocomputers: Microcomputer System: The 8086/8088 Famlly, Du, YuCheng, Glbson, Glenn A, Jenma, Inc. C. Computer Organiza don and Design, 3rd Edidon, Patterson and Hennesy, Morgan Kautman, Compary, Inc 2005 11. Final Grade Evaluation: 40% Quizzes 40% Tem Examinaton 10% 10% Seatwork/Redtaton/Attendance Assignments/Research Works 100% Total Passing Grade = 60% Grading System Averdge 9I00 95-98 904 85-89 65-69 60-64 Below 60 Grade 1.00 1.25 00 25 3.00 5.00 12 Course Policdes and Sandards a. Other grounds for a falling grade: Unexcused absences Unexcused absences b. Any form of dheating tem of more than 20% of required number of hours per during warants a term ndl exams score forfelt the student's opportunity to take the exam any other tme. particular eaminadon. in that 13. Syllabus Committee Memberss Engr. Don Loue A Saictores Engr. Aldrin Joar R. Taduran Coure Cod ECEP43 Cae Titls Digitl Elacironics 2 AGcroprocaua and Micucantrolla Systems Daim_ Date EfeeTe Ist Sam. 2021-2022 Dats RevuedJane 2021 Prpred AR Tauuran dppoved B:_ Page Na: MS.Galvez 3of3