Uploaded by Andrea Na

Advanced System Design Interview Course

What Is This Course About?
Here is an overview of what to expect from this course.
We'll cover the following
• What to expect
• Part 1: System design case studies
• Part 2: System design patterns
One common challenge senior engineers face is the lack of experience in
designing scalable systems. The reason because it is not easy to get an
opportunity to work on a large project, especially from the ground up. Most
of the time, software engineers get to work on a small part of a bigger
system. For these reasons, most engineers feel less prepared for system
design interviews, as they lack the adequate knowledge required for
designing large systems. This course is created to help developers learn key
system design skills that will help them in interviews and in their
professional careers.
One way to improve software designing skills is to understand the
architecture of famous systems. This is equivalent to learning from others
who have worked on designing large systems. In our experience, if a
developer has a good understanding of the architecture of a complex system,
it becomes pretty easy for them to gain knowledge from other systems even
in a different domain. This is true because most system design techniques
can easily be adapted and applied to other distributed systems.
One way to learn system design is to read the technical papers of famous
systems. Unfortunately, reading a paper is generally believed hard, and
keeping the system design interview in mind, we are not interested in a lot of
details mentioned in the papers. This course extracts out the most relevant
details about the system architecture that the creators had in mind while
designing the system. Keeping system design interviews in mind, we will
focus on the various tradeoffs that the original developers had considered
and what prompted them to choose a certain design given their constraints.
Furthermore, systems grow over time; thus, original designs are revised,
adapted, and enhanced to cater to emerging requirements. This means
reading original papers is not enough. This course will cover criticism on
the original design and the architectural changes that followed to overcome
design limitations and satisfy growing needs.
What to expect #
The course has two parts: System Design Case Studies and System Design
Part 1: System design case studies #
In the first part, we will go through the architecture of a carefully chosen set
of distributed systems:
1. Key-value store: Dynamo
2. No-SQL wide column stores: Cassandra and BigTable
3. Distributed messaging and streaming system: Kafka
4. Distributed file storage systems: GFS and HDFS
5. Distributed coordination and locking service: Chubby (similar to
Part 2: System design patterns #
In the second part of this course, we will describe a set of design problems
(and their solutions) that are common to distributed systems. We call these
techniques ‘System Design Patterns,’ as they can be applied to all kinds of
distributed systems and are very handy, especially in a system design
interview. A few examples of such patterns are:
Write-ahead logging
Bloom filters
Split Brain
Happy learning!
Dynamo: Introduction
Dynamo: How to Design a Key-value Store?
Dynamo: Introduction
Let’s explore Dynamo and its use cases.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• What is Dynamo?
• Background
• Design goals
• Dynamo’s use cases
• System APIs
Goal #
Design a distributed key-value store that is highly available (i.e., reliable),
highly scalable, and completely decentralized.
What is Dynamo? #
Dynamo is a highly available key-value store developed by Amazon for
their internal use. Many Amazon services, such as shopping cart, bestseller
lists, sales rank, product catalog, etc., need only primary-key access to data. A
multi-table relational database system would be an overkill for such services
and would also limit scalability and availability. Dynamo provides a flexible
design to let applications choose their desired level of availability and
Background #
Dynamo – not to be confused with DynamoDB, which was inspired by
Dynamo’s design – is a distributed key-value storage system that provides an
“always-on” (or highly available) experience at a massive scale. In CAP
832/5998984290631680) terms, Dynamo falls within the category of AP
systems (i.e., available and partition tolerant) and is designed for high
availability and partition tolerance at the expense of strong consistency.
The primary motivation for designing Dynamo as a highly available system
was the observation that the availability of a system directly correlates to the
number of customers served. Therefore, the main goal is that the system,
even when it is imperfect, should be available to the customer as it brings
more customer satisfaction. On the other hand, inconsistencies can be
resolved in the background, and most of the time they will not be noticeable
by the customer. Derived from this core principle, Dynamo is aggressively
optimized for availability.
The Dynamo design was highly influential as it inspired many NoSQL
databases, like Cassandra (https://cassandra.apache.org/), Riak
(https://riak.com/), and Voldemort (http://www.projectvoldemort.com/voldemort/) – not to mention Amazon’s own DynamoDB
Design goals #
As stated above, the main goal of Dynamo is to be highly available. Here is
the summary of its other design goals:
Scalable: The system should be highly scalable. We should be able to
throw a machine into the system to see proportional improvement.
Decentralized: To avoid single points of failure and performance
bottlenecks, there should not be any central/leader process.
Eventually Consistent: Data can be optimistically replicated to
become eventually consistent. This means that instead of incurring
write-time costs to ensure data correctness throughout the system (i.e.,
strong consistency), inconsistencies can be resolved at some other time
(e.g., during reads). Eventual consistency is used to achieve high
Distributed and decentralized key-value store
High-level view of a distributed key-value store
Dynamo’s use cases #
By default, Dynamo is an eventually consistent database. Therefore, any
application where strong consistency is not a concern can utilize Dynamo.
Though Dynamo can support strong consistency, it comes with a
performance impact. Hence, if strong consistency is a requirement for an
application, then Dynamo might not be a good option.
Dynamo is used at Amazon to manage services that have very highreliability requirements and need tight control over the trade-offs between
availability, consistency, cost-effectiveness, and performance. Amazon’s
platform has a very diverse set of applications with different storage
requirements. Many applications chose Dynamo because of its flexibility for
selecting the appropriate trade-offs to achieve high availability and
guaranteed performance in the most cost-effective manner.
Many services on Amazon’s platform require only primary-key access to a
data store. For such services, the common pattern of using a relational
database would lead to inefficiencies and limit scalability and availability.
Dynamo provides a simple primary-key only interface to meet the
requirements of these applications.
System APIs #
The Dynamo clients use put() and get() operations to write and read data
corresponding to a specified key. This key uniquely identifies an object.
get(key) : The get operation finds the nodes where the object
associated with the given key is located and returns either a single
object or a list of objects with conflicting versions along with a context .
The context contains encoded metadata about the object that is
meaningless to the caller and includes information such as the version
of the object (more on this below).
put(key, context, object) : The put operation finds the nodes where
the object associated with the given key should be stored and writes the
given object to the disk. The context is a value that is returned with a
get operation and then sent back with the put operation. The context
is always stored along with the object and is used like a cookie to verify
the validity of the object supplied in the put request.
Dynamo treats both the object and the key as an arbitrary array of bytes
(typically less than 1 MB). It applies the MD5 hashing algorithm on the key to
generate a 128-bit identifier which is used to determine the storage nodes
that are responsible for serving the key.
What Is This Course About?
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of Dynamo’s architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Introduction: Dynamo’s architecture
• Data distribution
• Data replication and consistency
• Handling temporary failures
• Inter-node communication and failure detection
• High availability
• Con ict resolution and handling permanent failures
At a high level, Dynamo is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) that is replicated
across the cluster for high availability and fault tolerance.
Introduction: Dynamo’s architecture #
Dynamo’s architecture can be summarized as follows (we will discuss all of
these concepts in detail in the following lessons):
Data distribution #
Dynamo uses Consistent Hashing to distribute its data among nodes.
Consistent hashing also makes it easy to add or remove nodes from a
Dynamo cluster.
Data replication and consistency #
Data is replicated optimistically, i.e., Dynamo provides eventual
Handling temporary failures #
To handle temporary failures, Dynamo replicates data to a sloppy quorum
of other nodes in the system instead of a strict majority quorum.
Inter-node communication and failure
detection #
Dynamo’s nodes use gossip protocol to keep track of the cluster state.
High availability #
Dynamo makes the system “always writeable” (or highly available) by using
hinted handoff.
Conflict resolution and handling permanent
failures #
Since there are no write-time guarantees that nodes agree on values,
Dynamo resolves potential conflicts using other mechanisms:
Use vector clocks to keep track of value history and reconcile divergent
histories at read time.
In the background, dynamo uses an anti-entropy mechanism like
Merkle trees to handle permanent failures.
Let’s discuss each of these concepts one by one.
Dynamo: Introduction
Data Partitioning
Data Partitioning
Let’s learn how Dynamo distributes its data across a set of
We'll cover the following
• What is data partitioning?
• Consistent hashing: Dynamo’s data distribution
• Virtual nodes
• Advantages of Vnodes
What is data partitioning? #
The act of distributing data across a set of nodes is called data partitioning.
There are two challenges when we try to distribute data:
1. How do we know on which node a particular piece of data will be
2. When we add or remove nodes, how do we know what data will be
moved from existing nodes to the new nodes? Furthermore, how can we
minimize data movement when nodes join or leave?
A naive approach will be to use a suitable hash function that maps the data
key to a number. Then, find the server by applying modulo on this number
and the total number of servers. For example:
key = "California"
hash(key) = 17
Naive approach
17 % total-servers => 17 % 5 = 2
Data partitioning through simple hashing
The scheme described in the above diagram solves the problem of finding a
server for storing/retrieving the data. But when we add or remove a server,
we have to remap all the keys and move the data based on the new server
count, which will be a complete mess!
Dynamo uses consistent hashing to solve these problems. The consistent
hashing algorithm helps Dynamo map rows to physical nodes and also
ensures that only a small set of keys move when servers are added or
Consistent hashing: Dynamo’s data
distribution #
Consistent hashing represents the data managed by a cluster as a ring. Each
node in the ring is assigned a range of data. Dynamo uses the consistent
hashing algorithm to determine what row is stored to what node. Here is an
example of the consistent hashing ring:
Server 4
Hash range = 1-100
Number of Nodes = 4
Number range per node = 100/4
Data range (76-100)
Data range (1-25)
Server 3
All data in the range 1-25 is stored
at Server 1 and so on.
Server 1
Data range (26-50)
Data range (51-75)
Server 2
Consistent Hashing ring
With consistent hashing, the ring is divided into smaller predefined ranges.
Each node is assigned one of these ranges. In Dynamo’s terminology, the start
of the range is called a token. This means that each node will be assigned
one token. The range assigned to each node is computed as follows:
Range start: Token value
Range end:
Next token value - 1
Here are the tokens and data ranges of the four nodes described in the above
Range Start Range End
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
Whenever Dynamo is serving a put() or a get() request, the first step it
performs is to apply the MD5 hashing algorithm to the key. The output of this
hashing algorithm determines within which range the data lies and hence,
on which node the data will be stored. As we saw above, each node in
Dynamo is supposed to store data for a fixed range. Hence, the hash
generated from the data key tells us the node where the data will be stored.
Here is an example showing how data gets distributed across the Consistent
Hashing ring:
Apply hash function to the key
Server 4
Hash function
Data range (76-100)
Data range (1-25)
Server 3
Server 1
Data range (51-75)
Data range (26-50)
Server 2
Distributing data on the consistent hashing ring
The consistent hashing scheme described above works great when a node is
added or removed from the ring; as only the next node is affected in these
scenarios. For example, when a node is removed, the next node becomes
responsible for all of the keys stored on the outgoing node. However, this
scheme can result in non-uniform data and load distribution. Dynamo solves
these issues with the help of Virtual nodes.
Virtual nodes #
Adding and removing nodes in any distributed system is quite common.
Existing nodes can die and may need to be decommissioned. Similarly, new
nodes may be added to an existing cluster to meet growing demands.
Dynamo efficiently handles these scenarios through the use of virtual nodes
(or Vnodes).
As we saw above, the basic Consistent Hashing algorithm assigns a single
token (or a consecutive hash range) to each physical node. This was a static
division of ranges that requires calculating tokens based on a given number
of nodes. This scheme made adding or replacing a node an expensive
operation, as, in this case, we would like to rebalance and distribute the data
to all other nodes, resulting in moving a lot of data. Here are a few potential
issues associated with a manual and fixed division of the ranges:
Adding or removing nodes: Adding or removing nodes will result in
recomputing the tokens causing a significant administrative overhead
for a large cluster.
Hotspots: Since each node is assigned one large range, if the data is not
evenly distributed, some nodes can become hotspots.
Node rebuilding: Since each node’s data is replicated on a fixed
number of nodes (discussed later), when we need to rebuild a node, only
its replica nodes can provide the data. This puts a lot of pressure on the
replica nodes and can lead to service degradation.
To handle these issues, Dynamo introduced a new scheme for distributing
the tokens to physical nodes. Instead of assigning a single token to a node,
the hash range is divided into multiple smaller ranges, and each physical
node is assigned multiple of these smaller ranges. Each of these subranges is
called a Vnode. With Vnodes, instead of a node being responsible for just one
token, it is responsible for many tokens (or subranges).
Server 4
Server 3
Server 4
Server 3
Server 1
Server 2
Server 1
Server 2
Without Vnodes
With Vnodes
Comparing Consistent Hashing ring with and without Vnodes
Practically, Vnodes are randomly distributed across the cluster and are
generally non-contiguous so that no two neighboring Vnodes are assigned to
the same physical node. Furthermore, nodes do carry replicas of other nodes
for fault-tolerance. Also, since there can be heterogeneous machines in the
clusters, some servers might hold more Vnodes than others. The figure
below shows how physical nodes A, B, C, D, & E are using Vnodes of the
Consistent Hash ring. Each physical node is assigned a set of Vnodes and
each Vnode is replicated once.
1 3 5
13 15
2 4
14 16
10 12
2 4
13 15
1 3 5
12 14 16
Server A
Server B
Server C
Server D
Server E
Mapping Vnodes to physical nodes on a Consistent Hashing ring
Advantages of Vnodes #
Vnodes give the following advantages:
1. Vnodes help spread the load more evenly across the physical nodes on
the cluster by dividing the hash ranges into smaller subranges. This
speeds up the rebalancing process after adding or removing nodes.
When a new node is added, it receives many Vnodes from the existing
nodes to maintain a balanced cluster. Similarly, when a node needs to
be rebuilt, instead of getting data from a fixed number of replicas, many
nodes participate in the rebuild process.
2. Vnodes make it easier to maintain a cluster containing
heterogeneous machines. This means, with Vnodes, we can assign a
high number of ranges to a powerful server and a lower number of
ranges to a less powerful server.
3. Since Vnodes help assign smaller ranges to each physical node, the
probability of hotspots is much less than the basic Consistent Hashing
scheme which uses one big range per node.
High-level Architecture
Let’s learn how Dynamo replicates its data and handles
temporary failures through replication.
We'll cover the following
• What is optimistic replication?
• Preference List
• Sloppy quorum and handling of temporary failures
• Hinted handoff
What is optimistic replication? #
To ensure high availability and durability, Dynamo replicates each data item
on multiple N nodes in the system where the value N is equivalent to the
replication factor and is configurable per instance of Dynamo. Each key is
assigned to a coordinator node (the node that falls first in the hash range),
which first stores the data locally and then replicates it to N
− 1 clockwise
successor nodes on the ring. This results in each node owning the region on
the ring between it and its N th predecessor. This replication is done
asynchronously (in the background), and Dynamo provides an eventually
consistent model. This replication technique is called optimistic
replication, which means that replicas are not guaranteed to be identical at
all times.
Key "K"
Server 6
Replication factor = 3
Server 1
Server 5
Server 4
Server 2
Server 1, 2, & 3 store data
for keys in the range
between server 6 & 1
Server 3
Server 2, 3, & 4 store data for keys in
the range between server 1 & 2
Replication in consistent hashing
Each node in Dynamo serves as a replica for a different range of data. As
Dynamo stores N copies of data spread across different nodes, if one node is
down, other replicas can respond to queries for that range of data. If a client
cannot contact the coordinator node, it sends the request to a node holding a
Preference List #
The list of nodes responsible for storing a particular key is called the
preference list. Dynamo is designed so that every node in the system can
determine which nodes should be in this list for any specific key (discussed
later). This list contains more than N nodes to account for failure and skip
virtual nodes on the ring so that the list only contains distinct physical nodes.
Sloppy quorum and handling of
temporary failures #
Following traditional quorum approaches, any distributed system becomes
unavailable during server failures or network partitions and would have
reduced availability even under simple failure conditions. To increase the
availability, Dynamo does not enforce strict quorum requirements, and
instead uses something called sloppy quorum. With this approach, all
read/write operations are performed on the first N healthy nodes from the
preference list, which may not always be the first N nodes encountered
while moving clockwise on the consistent hashing ring.
Consider the example of Dynamo configuration given in the figure below
with N
= 3. In this example, if
Server 1 is temporarily down or
unreachable during a write operation, its data will now be stored on Server
4 . Thus, Dynamo transfers the replica stored on the failing node (i.e., Server
1 ) to the next node of the consistent hash ring that does not have the replica
(i.e., Server 4 ). This is done to avoid unavailability caused by a short-term
machine or network failure and to maintain desired availability and
durability guarantees. The replica sent to Server 4 will have a hint in its
metadata that suggests which node was the intended recipient of the replica
(in this case, Server 1 ). Nodes that receive hinted replicas will keep them in
a separate local database that is scanned periodically. Upon detecting that
Server 1 has recovered, Server 4 will attempt to deliver the replica to
Server 1 . Once the transfer succeeds, Server 4 may delete the object from
its local store without decreasing the total number of replicas in the system.
Server 6
Replication factor = 3
Server 1
Server 5
Hinted Replica
When server 1 is down,
server 4 will accepts the
writes that are supposed to
go to server 1
Server 4
Server 2
Server 3
Sloppy quorum
Hinted handoff #
The interesting trick described above to increase availability is known as
hinted handoff, i.e., when a node is unreachable, another node can accept
writes on its behalf. The write is then kept in a local buffer and sent out
once the destination node is reachable again. This makes Dynamo “always
writeable.” Thus, even in the extreme case where only a single node is alive,
write requests will still get accepted and eventually processed.
The main problem is that since a sloppy quorum is not a strict majority, the
data can and will diverge, i.e., it is possible for two concurrent writes to the
same key to be accepted by non-overlapping sets of nodes. This means that
multiple conflicting values against the same key can exist in the system, and
we can get stale or conflicting data while reading. Dynamo allows this and
resolves these conflicts using Vector Clocks.
Data Partitioning
Vector Clocks and Con icting Data
Vector Clocks and Con icting Data
Let’s learn how Dynamo uses vector clocks to keep track of
data history and reconcile divergent histories at read time.
We'll cover the following
• What is clock skew?
• What is a vector clock?
• Con ict-free replicated data types (CRDTs)
• Last-write-wins (LWW)
As described in the previous lesson
832/4935298205614080), sloppy quorum means multiple conflicting values
against the same key can exist in the system and must be resolved somehow.
Let’s understand how this can happen.
What is clock skew? #
On a single machine, all we need to know about is the absolute or wall clock
time: suppose we perform a write to key k with timestamp t1 and then
perform another write to k with timestamp t2 . Since t2 > t1 , the second
write must have been newer than the first write, and therefore the database
can safely overwrite the original value.
In a distributed system, this assumption does not hold. The problem is clock
skew, i.e., different clocks tend to run at different rates, so we cannot
assume that time t on node a happened before time t + 1 on node b . The
most practical techniques that help with synchronizing clocks, like NTP, still
do not guarantee that every clock in a distributed system is synchronized at
all times. So, without special hardware like GPS units and atomic clocks, just
using wall clock timestamps is not enough.
What is a vector clock? #
Instead of employing tight synchronization mechanics, Dynamo uses
something called vector clock in order to capture causality between
different versions of the same object. A vector clock is effectively a (node,
counter) pair. One vector clock is associated with every version of every
object stored in Dynamo. One can determine whether two versions of an
object are on parallel branches or have a causal ordering by examining their
vector clocks. If the counters on the first object’s clock are less-than-or-equal
to all of the nodes in the second clock, then the first is an ancestor of the
second and can be forgotten. Otherwise, the two changes are considered to
be in conflict and require reconciliation. Dynamo resolves these conflicts at
read-time. Let’s understands this with an example:
1. Server A serves a write to key k1 , with value foo . It assigns it a
version of [A:1] . This write gets replicated to server B .
2. Server A serves a write to key k1 , with value bar . It assigns it a
version of [A:2] . This write also gets replicated to server B .
3. A network partition occurs. A and B cannot talk to each other.
4. Server A serves a write to key k1 , with value baz . It assigns it a
version of [A:3] . It cannot replicate it to server B , but it gets stored in
a hinted handoff buffer on another server.
5. Server B sees a write to key k1 , with value bax . It assigns it a version
of [B:1] . It cannot replicate it to server A , but it gets stored in a hinted
handoff buffer on another server.
6. The network heals. Server A and B can talk to each other again.
7. Either server gets a read request for key k1 . It sees the same key with
different versions [A:3] and [A:2][B:1] , but it does not know which
one is newer. It returns both and tells the client to figure out the version
and write the newer version back into the system.
Write handled by A
Server A
Server B
k1=foo ([A:1])
Write handled by A
k1=bar ([A:2])
Network partition
Write handled by A
Write handled by B
k1=baz ([A:3])
k1=bax ([A:2], [B:1])
Network repaired
Conflict - both values will be
returned to the client
k1=baz ([A:3])
Client reads and reconciles
k1=bax ([A:2], [B:1])
Write handled by A
k1=baz ([A:4])
Con ict resolution using vector clocks
As we saw in the above example, most of the time, new versions subsume
the previous version(s), and the system itself can determine the correct
version (e.g., [A:2] is newer than [A:1] ). However, version branching may
happen in the presence of failures combined with concurrent updates,
resulting in conflicting versions of an object. In these cases, the system
cannot reconcile the multiple versions of the same object, and the client
must perform the reconciliation to collapse multiple branches of data
evolution back into one (this process is called semantic reconciliation). A
typical example of a collapse operation is “merging” different versions of a
customer’s shopping cart. Using this reconciliation mechanism, an add
operation (i.e., adding an item to the cart) is never lost. However, deleted
items can resurface.
Resolving conflicts is similar to how Git works. If Git can merge
different versions into one, merging is done automatically. If not,
the client (i.e., the developer) has to reconcile conflicts manually.
Dynamo truncates vector clocks (oldest first) when they grow too large. If
Dynamo ends up deleting older vector clocks that are required to reconcile
an object’s state, Dynamo would not be able to achieve eventual consistency.
Dynamo’s authors note that this is a potential problem but do not specify
how this may be addressed. They do mention that this problem has not yet
surfaced in any of their production systems.
Conflict-free replicated data types
(CRDTs) #
A more straightforward way to handle conflicts is through the use of CRDTs.
To make use of CRDTs, we need to model our data in such a way that
concurrent changes can be applied to the data in any order and will produce
the same end result. This way, the system does not need to worry about any
ordering guarantees. Amazon’s shopping cart is an excellent example of
CRDT. When a user adds two items (A & B) to the cart, these two operations
of adding A & B can be done on any node and with any order, as the end
result is the two items are added to the cart. (Removing from the shopping
cart is modeled as a negative add.) The idea that any two nodes that have
received the same set of updates will see the same end result is called strong
eventual consistency. Riak has a few built-in CRDTs
Last-write-wins (LWW) #
Unfortunately, it is not easy to model the data as CRDTs. In many cases, it
involves too much effort. Therefore, vector clocks with client-side resolution
are considered good enough.
Instead of vector clocks, Dynamo also offers ways to resolve the conflicts
automatically on the server-side. Dynamo (and Apache Cassandra) often uses
a simple conflict resolution policy: last-write-wins (LWW), based on the
wall-clock timestamp. LWW can easily end up losing data. For example, if
two conflicting writes happen simultaneously, it is equivalent to flipping a
coin on which write to throw away.
The Life of Dynamo’s put() & get() Op…
The Life of Dynamo’s put() & get() Operations
Let’s learn how Dynamo handles get() and put() requests.
We'll cover the following
• Strategies for choosing the coordinator node
• Consistency protocol
• ‘put()’ process
• ‘get()’ process
• Request handling through state machine
Strategies for choosing the
coordinator node #
Dynamo clients can use one of the two strategies to choose a node for their
get() and put() requests:
Clients can route their requests through a generic load balancer.
Clients can use a partition-aware client library that routes the requests
to the appropriate coordinator nodes with lower latency.
In the first case, the load balancer decides which way the request would be
routed, while in the second strategy, the client selects the node to contact.
Both approaches are beneficial in their own ways.
In the first strategy, the client is unaware of the Dynamo ring, which helps
scalability and makes Dynamo’s architecture loosely coupled. However, in
this case, since the load balancer can forward the request to any node in the
ring, it is possible that the node it selects is not part of the preference list.
This will result in an extra hop, as the request will then be forwarded to one
of the nodes in the preference list by the intermediate node.
The second strategy helps in achieving lower latency, as in this case, the
client maintains a copy of the ring and forwards the request to an
appropriate node from the preference list. Because of this option, Dynamo is
also called a zero-hop DHT, as the client can directly contact the node that
holds the required data. However, in this case, Dynamo does not have much
control over the load distribution and request handling.
Coordinator node
Coordinator node
Intermediate node
Client connecting through the Load Balancer
Client connecting directly to the Coordinator node
How clients connect to Dynamo
Consistency protocol #
Dynamo uses a consistency protocol similar to quorum systems. If R/W is
the minimum number of nodes that must participate in a successful
read/write operation respectively:
Then R + W
> N yields a quorum-like system
A Common (N , R, W ) configuration used by Dynamo is (3, 2, 2).
(3, 3, 1): fast W , slow R, not very durable
(3, 1, 3): fast R, slow W , durable
In this model, the latency of a get() (or put() ) operation depends
upon the slowest of the replicas. For this reason, R and W are usually
configured to be less than N to provide better latency.
In general, low values of W and R increase the risk of inconsistency, as
write requests are deemed successful and returned to the clients even if
a majority of replicas have not processed them. This also introduces a
vulnerability window for durability when a write request is successfully
returned to the client even though it has been persisted at only a small
number of nodes.
For both Read and Write operations, the requests are forwarded to the
first ‘N ’ healthy nodes.
‘put()’ process #
Dynamo’s put() request will go through the following steps:
1. The coordinator generates a new data version and vector clock
2. Saves new data locally.
3. Sends the write request to N
− 1 highest-ranked healthy nodes from
the preference list.
4. The put() operation is considered successful after receiving W
‘get()’ process #
Dynamo’s get() request will go through the following steps:
1. The coordinator requests the data version from N
− 1 highest-ranked
healthy nodes from the preference list.
2. Waits until R − 1 replies.
3. Coordinator handles causal data versions through a vector clock.
4. Returns all relevant data versions to the caller.
Request handling through state
machine #
Each client request results in creating a state machine on the node that
received the client request. The state machine contains all the logic for
identifying the nodes responsible for a key, sending the requests, waiting for
responses, potentially doing retries, processing the replies, and packaging
the response for the client. Each state machine instance handles exactly one
client request. For example, a read operation implements the following state
1. Send read requests to the nodes.
2. Wait for the minimum number of required responses.
3. If too few replies were received within a given time limit, fail the
4. Otherwise, gather all the data versions and determine the ones to be
5. If versioning is enabled, perform syntactic reconciliation and generate
an opaque write context that contains the vector clock that subsumes all
the remaining versions.
After the read response has been returned to the caller, the state machine
waits for a short period to receive any outstanding responses. If stale
versions were returned in any of the responses, the coordinator updates
those nodes with the latest version. This process is called Read Repair
because it repairs replicas that have missed a recent update.
As stated above, put() requests are coordinated by one of the top N nodes
in the preference list. Although it is always desirable to have the first node
among the top N to coordinate the writes, thereby serializing all writes at a
single location, this approach has led to uneven load distribution for
Dynamo. This is because the request load is not uniformly distributed across
objects. To counter this, any of the top N nodes in the preference list is
allowed to coordinate the writes. In particular, since each write operation
usually follows a read operation, the coordinator for a write operation is
chosen to be the node that replied fastest to the previous read operation,
which is stored in the request’s context information. This optimization
enables Dynamo to pick the node that has the data that was read by the
preceding read operation, thereby increasing the chances of getting “readyour-writes” consistency.
Vector Clocks and Con icting Data
Anti-entropy Through Merkle Trees
Anti-entropy Through Merkle Trees
Let's understand how Dynamo uses Merkle trees for anti-entropy
We'll cover the following
• What are Merkle trees?
• Merits and demerits of Merkle trees
As we know, Dynamo uses vector clocks to remove conflicts while serving
read requests. Now, if a replica falls significantly behind others, it might take
a very long time to resolve conflicts using just vector clocks. It would be nice
to be able to automatically resolve some conflicts in the background. To do
this, we need to quickly compare two copies of a range of data residing on
different replicas and figure out exactly which parts are different.
What are Merkle trees? #
A replica can contain a lot of data. Naively splitting up the entire data range
for checksums is not very feasible; there is simply too much data to be
transferred. Therefore, Dynamo uses Merkle trees to compare replicas of a
range. A Merkle tree is a binary tree of hashes, where each internal node is
the hash of its two children, and each leaf node is a hash of a portion of the
original data.
H1234 = Hash(H12 + H34)
H34 = Hash(H3 + H4)
H12 = Hash(H1 + H2)
H1 = Hash(Data Part1)
H2 = Hash(Data Part2)
H3 = Hash(Data Part3)
H4 = Hash(Data Part4)
Data part1
Data part2
Data part3
Data part4
Merkle tree
Comparing Merkle trees is conceptually simple:
1. Compare the root hashes of both trees.
2. If they are equal, stop.
3. Recurse on the left and right children.
Ultimately, this means that replicas know precisely which parts of the range
are different, and the amount of data exchanged is minimized.
Merits and demerits of Merkle trees #
The principal advantage of using a Merkle tree is that each branch of the tree
can be checked independently without requiring nodes to download the
entire tree or the whole data set. Hence, Merkle trees minimize the amount
of data that needs to be transferred for synchronization and reduce the
number of disk reads performed during the anti-entropy process.
The disadvantage of using Merkle trees is that many key ranges can change
when a node joins or leaves, and as a result, the trees need to be
The Life of Dynamo’s put() & get() Op…
Gossip Protocol
Gossip Protocol
Let's explore how Dynamo uses gossip protocol to keep track of
the cluster state.
We'll cover the following
• What is gossip protocol?
• External discovery through seed nodes
What is gossip protocol? #
In a Dynamo cluster, since we do not have any central node that keeps track
of all nodes to know if a node is down or not, how does a node know every
other node’s current state? The simplest way to do this is to have every node
maintain heartbeats with every other node. When a node goes down, it will
stop sending out heartbeats, and everyone else will find out immediately. But
then O(N 2 ) messages get sent every tick (N being the number of nodes),
which is a ridiculously high amount and not feasible in any sizable cluster.
Dynamo uses gossip protocol that enables each node to keep track of state
information about the other nodes in the cluster, like which nodes are
reachable, what key ranges they are responsible for, and so on (this is
basically a copy of the hash ring). Nodes share state information with each
other to stay in sync. Gossip protocol is a peer-to-peer communication
mechanism in which nodes periodically exchange state information about
themselves and other nodes they know about. Each node initiates a gossip
round every second to exchange state information about itself and other
nodes with one other random node. This means that any new event will
eventually propagate through the system, and all nodes quickly learn about
all other nodes in a cluster.
Every second each server exchanges information with one randomly selected server
[1, 2, 3, 5]
Server 5
[2, 4]
[1, 3, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 5]
Every second each server exchanges information about all the servers it knows about
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 5
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Gossip protocol
External discovery through seed
nodes #
As we know, Dynamo nodes use gossip protocol to find the current state of
the ring. This can result in a logical partition of the cluster in a particular
scenario. Let’s understand this with an example:
An administrator joins node A to the ring and then joins node B to the ring.
Nodes A and B consider themselves part of the ring, yet neither would be
immediately aware of each other. To prevent these logical partitions,
Dynamo introduced the concept of seed nodes. Seed nodes are fully
functional nodes and can be obtained either from a static configuration or a
configuration service. This way, all nodes are aware of seed nodes. Each
node communicates with seed nodes through gossip protocol to reconcile
membership changes; therefore, logical partitions are highly unlikely.
Anti-entropy Through Merkle Trees
Dynamo Characteristics and Criticism
Dynamo Characteristics and Criticism
Let's explore the characteristics and the criticism of
Dynamo's architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Responsibilities of a Dynamo’s node
• Characteristics of Dynamo
• Criticism on Dynamo
• Datastores developed on the principles of Dynamo
Responsibilities of a Dynamo’s node #
Because Dynamo is completely decentralized and does not rely on a
central/leader server (unlike GFS, for example), each node serves three
1. Managing get() and put() requests: A node may act as a coordinator
and manage all operations for a particular key or may forward the
request to the appropriate node.
2. Keeping track of membership and detecting failures: Every node
uses gossip protocol to keep track of other nodes in the system and their
associated hash ranges.
3. Local persistent storage: Each node is responsible for being either the
primary or replica store for keys that hash to a specific range of values.
These (key, value) pairs are stored within that node using various
storage systems depending on application needs. A few examples of
such storage systems are:
BerkeleyDB Transactional Data Store
MySQL (for large objects)
An in-memory buffer (for best performance) backed by persistent
Characteristics of Dynamo #
Here are a few reasons behind Dynamo’s popularity:
Distributed: Dynamo can run on a large number of machines.
Decentralized: Dynamo is decentralized; there is no need for any
central coordinator to oversee operations. All nodes are identical and
can perform all functions of Dynamo.
Scalable: By adding more nodes to the cluster, Dynamo can easily be
scaled horizontally. No manual intervention or rebalancing is required.
Additionally, Dynamo achieves linear scalability and proven faulttolerance on commodity hardware.
Highly Available: Dynamo is fault-tolerant, and the data remains
available even if one or several nodes or data centers go down.
Fault-tolerant and reliable: Since data is replicated to multiple nodes,
fault-tolerance is pretty high.
Tunable consistency: With Dynamo, applications can adjust the tradeoff between availability and consistency of data, typically by configuring
replication factor and consistency level settings.
Durable: Dynamo stores data permanently.
Eventually Consistent: Dynamo accepts the trade-off of strong
consistency in favor of high availability.
Criticism on Dynamo #
The following list contains criticism on Dynamo’s design:
Each Dynamo node contains the entire Dynamo routing table. This is
likely to affect the scalability of the system as this routing table will
grow larger and larger as nodes are added to the system.
Dynamo seems to imply that it strives for symmetry, where every node
in the system has the same set of roles and responsibilities, but later, it
specifies some nodes as seeds. Seeds are special nodes that are
externally discoverable. These are used to help prevent logical
partitions in the Dynamo ring. This seems like it may violate Dynamo’s
symmetry principle.
Although security was not a concern as Dynamo was built for internal
use only, DHTs can be susceptible to several different types of
attacks. While Amazon can assume a trusted environment, sometimes a
buggy software can act in a manner quite similar to a malicious actor.
Dynamo’s design can be described as a “leaky abstraction,” where
client applications are often asked to manage inconsistency, and the
user experience is not 100% seamless. For example, inconsistencies in
the shopping cart items may lead users to think that the website is
buggy or unreliable.
Datastores developed on the
principles of Dynamo #
Dynamo is not open-source and was built for services running within
Amazon. Two of the most famous datastores built on the principles of
Dynamo are Riak (https://riak.com/) and Cassandra
(https://cassandra.apache.org/). Riak is a distributed NoSQL key-value data
store that is highly available, scalable, fault-tolerant, and easy to operate.
Cassandra is a distributed, decentralized, scalable, and highly available
NoSQL wide-column database. Here is how they adopted different
algorithms offered by Dynamo:
Consistent Hashing with virtual nodes
Hinted Handoff
Anti-entropy with Merkle trees
(manual repair)
Vector Clocks
Gossip-based protocol
Gossip Protocol
Summary: Dynamo
Summary: Dynamo
Here is a quick summary of Dynamo for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• References and further reading
Summary #
the thought
being that the clients have more semantic information on the object and
may be able to reconcile it
Consistent Hashing
Incremental Scalability
High availability for
Vector clocks with reconcili-
Version size is decoupled
ation during reads
from update rates.
Handling temporary
Sloppy Quorum and Hinted
Provides high availability
and durability guarantee
when some of the replicas
are not available
Recovering from perma-
Anti-entropy using Merkle
Synchronizes divergent
nent failures
replicas on the background
Membership and failure
Gossip-based membership
Preserves symmetry and
protocol and failure
avoid centralized
System design patterns #
References and further reading #
Dynamo Characteristics and Criticism
Quiz: Dynamo
Cassandra: How to Design a Widecolumn NoSQL Database?
Cassandra: Introduction
Let’s explore Cassandra and its use cases.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• Background
• What is Cassandra?
• Cassandra use cases
Goal #
Design a distributed and scalable system that can store a huge amount of
structured data, which is indexed by a row key where each row can have an
unbounded number of columns.
Background #
Cassandra is an open-source Apache project. It was originally developed at
Facebook in 2007 for their inbox search feature. The Apache Cassandra
architecture is designed to provide scalability, availability, and reliability
to store large amounts of data. Cassandra combines the distributed nature of
Amazon’s Dynamo which is a key-value store and the data model of
Google’s BigTable which is a column-based data store. With Cassandra’s
decentralized architecture, there is no single point of failure in a cluster,
and its performance can scale linearly with the addition of nodes.
What is Cassandra? #
Cassandra is a distributed, decentralized, scalable, and highly available
NoSQL database. In terms of CAP theorem
832/5998984290631680), Cassandra is typically classified as an AP (i.e.,
available and partition tolerant) system which means that availability and
partition tolerance are generally considered more important than the
consistency. Cassandra can be tuned with replication-factor and consistency
levels to meet strong consistency requirements, but this comes with a
performance cost. In other words, data can be highly available with low
consistency guarantees, or it can be highly consistent with lower availability.
Cassandra uses peer-to-peer architecture, with each node connected to all
other nodes. Each Cassandra node performs all database operations and can
serve client requests without the need for any leader node.
Disclaimer: All of the following lessons are Cassandra version agnostic
and try to explore the general design and architectural layout of
different Cassandra components and operations.
Cassandra use cases #
By default, Cassandra is not a strongly consistent database (it is eventually
consistent), hence, any application where consistency is not a concern can
utilize Cassandra. Though Cassandra can support strong consistency, it
comes with a performance impact. Cassandra is optimized for high
throughput and faster writes, and can be used for collecting big data for
performing real-time analysis. Here are some of its top use cases:
Storing key-value data with high availability - Reddit and Digg use
Cassandra as a persistent store for their data. Cassandra’s ability to scale
linearly without any downtime makes it very suitable for their growth
Time series data model - Due to its data model and log-structured
storage engine, Cassandra benefits from high-performing write
operations. This also makes Cassandra well suited for storing and
analyzing sequentially captured metrics (i.e., measurements from
sensors, application logs, etc.). Such usages take advantage of the fact
that columns in a row are determined by the application, not a
predefined schema. Each row in a table can contain a different number
of columns, and there is no requirement for the column names to
Write-heavy applications - Cassandra is especially suited for writeintensive applications such as time-series streaming services, sensor
logs, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
Mock Interview: Dynamo
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of Cassandra’s
We'll cover the following
• Cassandra common terms
• High-level architecture
• Data partitioning
• Cassandra keys
• Clustering keys
• Partitioner
• Coordinator node
Cassandra common terms #
Before digging deep into Cassandra’s architecture, let’s first go through some
of its common terms:
Column: A column is a key-value pair and is the most basic unit of data
Column key: Uniquely identifies a column in a row.
Column value: Stores one value or a collection of values.
Row: A row is a container for columns referenced by primary key. Cassandra
does not store a column that has a null value; this saves a lot of space.
Cassandra row
Column key (or column name)
Primary key
Row Key
Column value (or cell)
Components of a Cassandra row
Table: A table is a container of rows.
Keyspace: Keyspace is a container for tables that span over one or more
Cassandra nodes.
Cluster: Container of Keyspaces is called a cluster.
Node: Node refers to a computer system running an instance of Cassandra. A
node can be a physical host, a machine instance in the cloud, or even a
Docker container.
NoSQL: Cassandra is a NoSQL database which means we cannot have joins
between tables, there are no foreign keys , and while querying, we cannot
add any column in the where clause other than the primary key. These
constraints should be kept in mind before deciding to use Cassandra.
High-level architecture #
Data partitioning #
Cassandra uses consistent hashing for data partitioning. Please take a look
at Dynamo’s data partitioning
832/6501426287607808); all consistent hashing details described in it applies
to Cassandra too.
Let’s look into mechanisms that Cassandra applies to uniquely identify rows.
Cassandra keys #
The Primary key uniquely identifies each row of a table. In Cassandra
primary key has two parts:
Primary key
= Partition key + Clustering key
Decides how data is
distributed across nodes
Decides how data is
stored within a node
Parts of a primary key
The partition key decides which node stores the data, and the clustering key
decides how the data is stored within a node. Let’s take the example of a
table with PRIMARY KEY ( city_id , employee_id ). This primary key has two
parts represented by the two columns:
1. city_id is the partition key. This means that the data will be
partitioned by the city_id field, that is, all rows with the same
city_id will reside on the same node.
2. employee_id is the clustering key. This means that within each node,
the data is stored in sorted order according to the employee_id column.
Clustering keys #
As described above, clustering keys define how the data is stored within a
node. We can have multiple clustering keys; all columns listed after the
partition key are called clustering columns. Clustering columns specify the
order that the data is arranged on a node.
Partition key
Clustering key
Rest of
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Clustering key
Partitioner #
On a node, data is
ordered by the
clustering key.
Partitioner is the component responsible for determining how data is
distributed on the Consistent Hash ring. When Cassandra inserts some data
into a cluster, the partitioner performs the first step, which is to apply a
hashing algorithm to the partition key. The output of this hashing algorithm
determines within which range the data lies and hence, on which node the
data will be stored.
Apply hash function to the key
Server 4
Hash function
Data range (76-100)
Data range (1-25)
Server 3
Server 1
Data range (51-75)
Data range (26-50)
Server 2
Distributing data on the Consistent Hashing ring
By default, Cassandra uses the Murmur3 hashing function. Murmur3 will
always produce the same hash for a given partition key. This means that we
can always find the node where a specific row is stored. Cassandra does
allow custom hashing functions, however, once a cluster is initialized with a
particular partitioner, it cannot be changed later. In Cassandra’s default
configuration, a token is a 64-bit integer. This gives a possible range for
tokens from −263 to 263
− 1.
All Cassandra nodes learn about the token assignments of other nodes
through gossip (discussed later). This means any node can handle a request
for any other node’s range. The node receiving the request is called the
coordinator, and any node can act in this role. If a key does not belong to
the coordinator’s range, it forwards the request to the replicas responsible
for that range.
Coordinator node #
A client may connect to any node in the cluster to initiate a read or write
query. This node is known as the coordinator node. The coordinator
identifies the nodes responsible for the data that is being written or read and
forwards the queries to them.
Coordinator node
Client connecting to the coordinator node
As of now, we discussed the core concepts of Cassandra. Let’s dig deeper into
some of its advanced distributed concepts.
Let's explore Cassandra's replication strategy.
We'll cover the following
• Replication factor
• Replication strategy
• Simple replication strategy
• Network topology strategy
Each node in Cassandra serves as a replica for a different range of data.
Cassandra stores multiple copies of data and spreads them across various
replicas, so that if one node is down, other replicas can respond to queries
for that range of data. This process of replicating the data on to different
nodes depends upon two factors:
Replication factor
Replication strategy
Replication Factor
Replication Strategy
Decides how many replicas the
system will have
Decides which nodes will be
responsible for the replicas
Replication factor #
The replication factor is the number of nodes that will receive the copy of the
same data. This means, if a cluster has a replication factor of 3, each row will
be stored on three different nodes. Each keyspace in Cassandra can have a
different replication factor.
Replication strategy #
The node that owns the range in which the hash of the partition key falls will
be the first replica; all the additional replicas are placed on the consecutive
nodes. Cassandra places the subsequent replicas on the next node in a
clockwise manner. There are two replication strategies in Cassandra:
Simple replication strategy #
This strategy is used only for a single data center cluster. Under this strategy,
Cassandra places the first replica on a node determined by the partitioner
and the subsequent replicas on the next node in a clockwise manner.
Replication Factor = 3
Coordinator node
Replica node
Simple replication with 3 replicas
Network topology strategy #
This strategy is used for multiple data-centers. Under this strategy, we can
specify different replication factors for different data-centers. This enables
us to specify how many replicas will be placed in each data center.
Additional replicas are always placed on the next nodes in a clockwise
Different Replication Factor
Replication Factor = 3
Replication Factor = 2
Coordinator node
Remote Coordinator
Replica node
Datacenter 1
Replica node
Datacenter 2
Network topology strategy for replication
High-level Architecture
Cassandra Consistency Levels
Cassandra Consistency Levels
Let's explore how Cassandra manages data consistency.
We'll cover the following
• What are Cassandra’s consistency levels?
• Write consistency levels
• Hinted handoff
• Read consistency levels
• Snitch
What are Cassandra’s consistency
levels? #
Cassandra’s consistency level is defined as the minimum number of
Cassandra nodes that must fulfill a read or write operation before the
operation can be considered successful. Cassandra allows us to specify
different consistency levels for read and write operations. Also, Cassandra
has tunable consistency, i.e., we can increase or decrease the consistency
levels for each request.
There is always a tradeoff between consistency and performance. A higher
consistency level means that more nodes need to respond to a read or write
query, giving the user more assurance that the values present on each
replica are the same.
Write consistency levels #
For write operations, the consistency level specifies how many replica nodes
must respond for the write to be reported as successful to the client. The
consistency level is specified per query by the client. Because Cassandra is
eventually consistent, updates to other replica nodes may continue in the
background. Here are different write consistency levels that Cassandra
One or Two or Three: The data must be written to at least the specified
number of replica nodes before a write is considered successful.
Quorum: The data must be written to at least a quorum (or majority) of
replica nodes. Quorum is defined as f loor(RF /2 + 1), where RF
represents the replication factor. For example, in a cluster with a
replication factor of five, if three nodes return success, the write is
considered successful.
All: Ensures that the data is written to all replica nodes. This
consistency level provides the highest consistency but lowest
availability as writes will fail if any replica is down.
Local_Quoram: Ensures that the data is written to a quorum of nodes in
the same datacenter as the coordinator. It does not wait for the response
from the other data-centers.
Each_Quorum: Ensures that the data is written to a quorum of nodes in
each datacenter.
Any: The data must be written to at least one node. In the extreme case,
when all replica nodes for the given partition key are down, the write
can still succeed after a hinted handoff (discussed below) has been
written. ‘Any’ consistency level provides the lowest latency and highest
availability, however, it comes with the lowest consistency. If all replica
nodes are down at write time, an ‘Any’ write is not readable until the
replica nodes for that partition have recovered and the latest data is
written on them.
How does Cassandra perform a write operation? For a write, the
coordinator node contacts all replicas, as determined by the replication
factor, and considers the write successful when a number of replicas equal
to the consistency level acknowledge the write.
Hinted handoff #
Depending upon the consistency level, Cassandra can still serve write
requests even when nodes are down. For example, if we have the replication
factor of three and the client is writing with a quorum consistency level. This
means that if one of the nodes is down, Cassandra can still write on the
remaining two nodes to fulfill the consistency level, hence, making the write
Replication Factor = 3
Server 1
Coordinator node
Server 2
Server 6
Stores a hint for Server 4
Server 5
Server 3
Server 4
Replica node
Hinted handoff
Now when the node which was down comes online again, how should we
write data to it? Cassandra accomplishes this through hinted handoff.
When a node is down or does not respond to a write request, the coordinator
node writes a hint in a text file on the local disk. This hint contains the data
itself along with information about which node the data belongs to. When
the coordinator node discovers from the Gossiper (will be discussed later)
that a node for which it holds hints has recovered, it forwards the write
requests for each hint to the target. Furthermore, each node every ten
minutes checks to see if the failing node, for which it is holding any hints,
has recovered.
With consistency level ‘Any,’ if all the replica nodes are down, the
coordinator node will write the hints for all the nodes and report success to
the client. However, this data will not reappear in any subsequent reads
until one of the replica nodes comes back online, and the coordinator node
successfully forwards the write requests to it. This is assuming that the
coordinator node is up when the replica node comes back. This also means
that we can lose our data if the coordinator node dies and never comes back.
For this reason, we should avoid using the ‘Any’ consistency level.
If a node is offline for some time, the hints can build up considerably on
other nodes. Now, when the failed node comes back online, other nodes tend
to flood that node with write requests. This can cause issues on the node, as
it is already trying to come back after a failure. To address this problem,
Cassandra limits the storage of hints to a configurable time window. It is also
possible to disable hinted handoff entirely.
Cassandra, by default, stores hints for three hours. After three hours, older
hints will be removed, which means, if now the failed node recovers, it will
have stale data. Cassandra can fix this stale data while serving a read
request. Cassandra can issue a Read Repair when it sees stale data; we will
go through this while discussing the read path.
One thing to remember: When the cluster cannot meet the consistency level
specified by the client, Cassandra fails the write request and does not store a
Read consistency levels #
The consistency level for read queries specifies how many replica nodes
must respond to a read request before returning the data. For example, for a
read request with a consistency level of quorum and replication factor of
three, the coordinator waits for successful replies from at least two nodes.
Cassandra has the same consistency levels for read requests as that of write
operations except Each_Quorum (because it is very expensive).
To achieve strong consistency in Cassandra: R + W
> RF gives us strong
consistency. In this equation, R, W , and RF are the read replica count, the
write replica count, and the replication factor, respectively. All client reads
will see the most recent write in this scenario, and we will have strong
Snitch: The Snitch is an application that determines the proximity of nodes
within the ring and also tells which nodes are faster. Cassandra nodes use
this information to route read/write requests efficiently. We will discuss this
in detail later.
Snitch provides information
about the fastest server
Coordinator node
Fastest server
If read consistency is ONE, the coordinator node will
send the request only to the fastest node
Coordinator node forwards the read request to the fastest server
How does Cassandra perform a read operation? The coordinator always
sends the read request to the fastest node. For example, for Quorum=2, the
coordinator sends the request to the fastest node and the digest of the data
from the second-fastest node. The digest is a checksum of the data and is
used to save network bandwidth.
If the digest does not match, it means some replicas do not have the latest
version of the data. In this case, the coordinator reads the data from all the
replicas to determine the latest data. The coordinator then returns the latest
data to the client and initiates a read repair request. The read repair
operation pushes the newer version of data to nodes with the older version.
digest request
a re
Coordinator node
Fastest server
With quorum=2, the coordinator sends a read request to the fastest node server for the
actual data and digest (hash of the data) request to one of the other replicas.
Read repair
While discussing Cassandra’s write path, we saw that the nodes could
become out of sync due to network issues, node failures, corrupted disks, etc.
The read repair operation helps nodes to resync with the latest data. Read
operation is used as an opportunity to repair inconsistent data across
replicas. The latest write-timestamp is used as a marker for the correct
version of data. The read repair operation is performed only in a portion of
the total reads to avoid performance degradation. Read repairs are
opportunistic operations and not a primary operation for anti-entropy.
Read Repair Chance: When the read consistency level is less than ‘All,’
Cassandra performs a read repair probabilistically. By default, Cassandra
tries to read repair 10% of all requests with DC local read repair. In this case,
Cassandra immediately sends a response when the consistency level is met
and performs the read repair asynchronously in the background.
Snitch #
Snitch keeps track of the network topology of Cassandra nodes. It determines
which data-centers and racks nodes belong to. Cassandra uses this
information to route requests efficiently. Here are the two main functions of
a snitch in Cassandra:
Snitch determines the proximity of nodes within the ring and also
monitors the read latencies to avoid reading from nodes that have
slowed down. Each node in Cassandra uses this information to route
requests efficiently.
Cassandra’s replication strategy uses the information provided by the
Snitch to spread the replicas across the cluster intelligently. Cassandra
will do its best by not having more than one replica on the same “rack”.
To understand Snitch’s role, let’s take the example of Cassandra’s read
operation. Let’s assume that the client is performing a read with a quorum
consistency level, and the data is replicated on five nodes. To support
maximum read speed, Cassandra selects a single replica to query for the full
object and asks for the digest of the data from two additional nodes in order
to ensure that the latest version of the data is returned. The Snitch helps to
identify the fastest replica, and Cassandra asks this replica for the full object.
Let's explore how Cassandra uses gossip protocol to keep track
of the state of the system.
We'll cover the following
• How does Cassandra use gossip protocol?
• Node failure detection
How does Cassandra use gossip
protocol? #
Cassandra uses gossip protocol that allows each node to keep track of state
information about the other nodes in the cluster. Nodes share state
information with each other to stay in sync. Gossip protocol is a peer-to-peer
communication mechanism in which nodes periodically exchange state
information about themselves and other nodes they know about. Each node
initiates a gossip round every second to exchange state information about
themselves (and other nodes) with one to three other random nodes. This
way, all nodes quickly learn about all other nodes in a cluster.
Each gossip message has a version associated with it, so that during a gossip
exchange, older information is overwritten with the most current state for a
particular node.
Generation number: In Cassandra, each node stores a generation number
which is incremented every time a node restarts. This generation number is
included in each gossip message exchanged between nodes and is used to
distinguish the current state of a node from its state before a restart. The
generation number remains the same while the node is alive and is
incremented each time the node restarts. The node receiving the gossip
message can compare the generation number it knows and the gossip
message’s generation number. If the generation number in the gossip
message is higher, it knows that the node was restarted.
Seed nodes: To prevent problems in gossip communications, Cassandra
designates a list of nodes as the seeds in a cluster. This is critical for a node
starting up for the first time. By default, a node remembers other nodes it
has gossiped with between subsequent restarts. The seed node designation
has no purpose other than bootstrapping the gossip process for new nodes
joining the cluster. Thus, seed nodes are not a single point of failure, nor do
they have any other special purpose in cluster operations other than the
bootstrapping of nodes.
Every second each server exchanges information with one randomly selected server
[1, 2, 3, 5]
Server 5
[2, 4]
[1, 3, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 5]
Every second each server exchanges information about all the servers it knows about
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 5
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Gossip protocol
Node failure detection #
Accurately detecting failures is a hard problem to solve as we cannot say
with 100% surety that if a system is genuinely down or is just very slow in
responding due to heavy load, network congestion, etc. Mechanisms like
Heartbeating outputs a boolean value telling us if the system is alive or not;
there is no middle ground. Heartbeating uses a fixed timeout, and if there is
no heartbeat from a server, the system, after the timeout, assumes that the
server has crashed. Here the value of the timeout is critical. If we keep the
timeout short, the system will be able to detect failures quickly but with
many false positives due to slow machines or faulty networks. On the other
hand, if we keep the timeout long, the false positives will be reduced, but the
system will not perform efficiently for being slow in detecting failures.
Cassandra uses an adaptive failure detection mechanism as described by Phi
Accrual Failure Detector. This algorithm uses historical heartbeat
information to make the threshold adaptive. A generic Accrual Failure
Detector, instead of telling that the server is alive or not, outputs the
suspicion level about a server; a higher suspicion level means there are
higher chances that the server is down. Using Phi Accrual Failure Detector, if
a node does not respond, its suspicion level is increased and could be
declared dead later. As a node’s suspicion level increases, the system can
gradually decide to stop sending new requests to it. Phi Accrual Failure
Detector makes a distributed system efficient as it takes into account
fluctuations in the network environment and other intermittent server
issues before declaring a system completely dead.
Now that we have discussed Cassandra’s major components, let’s see how
Cassandra performs its read and write operations.
Cassandra Consistency Levels
Anatomy of Cassandra's Write Operat…
Anatomy of Cassandra's Write Operation
Let’s dig deeper into the components involved in Cassandra’s
write path.
We'll cover the following
• Commit log
• MemTable
• SStable
Cassandra stores data both in memory and on disk to provide both high
performance and durability. Every write includes a timestamp. Write path
involves a lot of components, here is the summary of Cassandra’s write path:
1. Each write is appended to a commit log, which is stored on disk.
2. Then it is written to MemTable in memory.
3. Periodically, MemTables are flushed to SSTables on the disk.
4. Periodically, compaction runs to merge SSTables.
Let’s dig deeper into these parts.
Commit log #
When a node receives a write request, it immediately writes the data to a
commit log. The commit log is a write-ahead log and is stored on disk. It is
used as a crash-recovery mechanism to support Cassandra’s durability goals.
A write will not be considered successful on the node until it’s written to the
commit log; this ensures that if a write operation does not make it to the in79
memory store (the MemTable, discussed in a moment), it will still be possible
to recover the data. If we shut down the node or it crashes unexpectedly, the
commit log can ensure that data is not lost. That’s because if the node
restarts, the commit log gets replayed.
Cassandra's write path
MemTable #
After it is written to the commit log, the data is written to a memory-resident
data structure called the MemTable.
Each node has a MemTable in memory for each Cassandra table.
Each MemTable contains data for a specific Cassandra table, and it
resembles that table in memory.
Each MemTable accrues writes and provides reads for data not yet
flushed to disk.
Commit log stores all the writes in sequential order, with each new
write appended to the end, whereas MemTable stores data in the sorted
order of partition key and clustering columns.
After writing data to the Commit Log and MemTable, the node sends an
acknowledgment to the coordinator that the data has been successfully
Partition Key
Clustering Key
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Each new write gets appended to the CommitLog, whereas, MemTable
stores data in sorted order of the partition and clustering keys
Storing data to commit log and MemTable
SStable #
When the number of objects stored in the MemTable reaches a threshold, the
contents of the MemTable are flushed to disk in a file called SSTable. At this
point, a new MemTable is created to store subsequent data. This flushing is a
non-blocking operation; multiple MemTables may exist for a single table, one
current, and the rest waiting to be flushed. Each SStable contains data for a
specific table.
When the MemTable is flushed to SStables, corresponding entries in the
Commit Log are removed.
Why are they called ‘SSTables’? The term ‘SSTables’ is short for ‘Sorted
String Table’ and first appeared in Google’s Bigtable which is also a storage
system. Cassandra borrowed this term even though it does not store data as
strings on the disk.
Once a MemTable is flushed to disk as an SSTable, it is immutable and cannot
be changed by the application. If we are not allowed to update SSTables, how
do we delete or update a column? In Cassandra, each delete or update is
considered a new write operation. We will look into this in detail while
discussing Tombstones.
The current data state of a Cassandra table consists of its MemTables in
memory and SSTables on the disk. Therefore, on reads, Cassandra will read
both SSTables and MemTables to find data values, as the MemTable may
contain values that have not yet been flushed to the disk. The MemTable
works like a write-back cache that Cassandra looks up by key.
Generation number is an index number that is incremented every time a
new SSTable is created for a table and is used to uniquely identify SSTables.
Here is the summary of Cassandra’s write path:
Add to
cache, if row is
present in it
Row Cache
Key Cache
If MemTable is
full, flush it to 4
Append to
If coordinator node, save
hints for failed writes
Anatomy of Cassandra's write path
Anatomy of Cassandra's Read Operati…
Anatomy of Cassandra's Read Operation
Let’s explore Cassandra’s read path.
We'll cover the following
• Caching
• Reading from MemTable
• Reading from SSTable
• Bloom lters
• How are SSTables stored on the disk?
• Partition index summary le
• Reading SSTable through key cache
Let’s dig deeper into the components involved in Cassandra’s read path.
Caching #
To boost read performance, Cassandra provides three optional forms of
1. Row cache: The row cache, caches frequently read (or hot) rows. It
stores a complete data row, which can be returned directly to the client
if requested by a read operation. This can significantly speed up read
access for frequently accessed rows, at the cost of more memory usage.
2. Key cache: Key cache stores a map of recently read partition keys to
their SSTable offsets. This facilitates faster read access into SSTables
stored on disk and improves the read performance but could slow down
the writes, as we have to update the Key cache for every write.
3. Chunk cache: Chunk cache is used to store uncompressed chunks of
data read from SSTable files that are accessed frequently.
Reading from MemTable #
As we know, data is sorted by the partition key and the clustering columns.
Let’s take an example. Here we have two partitions of a table with partition
keys ‘2’ and ‘5’. The clustering columns are the state and city names. When a
read request comes in, the node performs a binary search on the partition
key to find the required partition and then return the row.
Partition Key
Clustering Key
Los Angeles
Partition key = 2
Partition key = 5
Reading data from MemTable
Here is the summary of Cassandra’s read path:
Check MemTable
to see if data is
Return the row, if
it is present in the
Row Cache
Cache the key
for index
Add row to the cache, if
row caching is enabled
Key Cache
Retrieve data
from SSTable
Anatomy of Cassandra's read path
Reading from SSTable #
Bloom filters #
Each SStable has a Bloom filter associated with it, which tells if a particular
key is present in it or not. Bloom filters are used to boost the performance of
read operations. Bloom filters are very fast, non-deterministic algorithms for
testing whether an element is a member of a set. They are non-deterministic
because it is possible to get a false-positive read from a Bloom filter, but
false-negative is not possible. Bloom filters work by mapping the values in a
data set into a bit array and condensing a larger data set into a digest string
using a hash function. The digest, by definition, uses a much smaller amount
of memory than the original data would. The filters are stored in memory
and are used to improve performance by reducing the need for disk access
on key lookups. Disk access is typically much slower than memory access. So,
in a way, a Bloom filter is a special kind of key cache.
Cassandra maintains a Bloom filter for each SSTable. When a query is
performed, the Bloom filter is checked first before accessing the disk.
Because false negatives are not possible, if the filter indicates that the
element does not exist in the set, it certainly does not; but if the filter thinks
that the element is in the set, the disk is accessed to make sure.
How are SSTables stored on the disk? #
Each SSTable consists of two files:
1. Data File: Actual data is stored in a data file. It has partitions and rows
associated with those partitions. The partitions are in sorted order.
2. Partition Index file: Stored on disk, partition index file stores the
sorted partition keys mapped to their SSTable offsets. It enables locating
a partition exactly in an SSTable rather than scanning data.
Partition Key
Byte Offset
Partition Index file
Data file
Reading from an SSTable
Partition index summary file #
Stored in memory, the Partition Index Summary file stores the summary of
the Partition Index file. This is done for performance improvement.
Partition Index Summary file
Partition Index file
Key range
Byte Offset
Partition Key
Byte Offset
Data file
Reading from partition index summary le
If we want to read data for key=12 , here are the steps we need to follow
(also shown in the figure below):
1. In the Partition Index Summary file, find the key range in which the
key=12 lies. This will give us offset (=32) into the Partition Index file.
2. Jump to offset 32 in the Partition Index file to search for the offset of
key=12 . This will give us offset (=3914) into the SSTable file.
3. Jump to SSTable at offset 3914 to read the data for key=12
Partition Index Summary file
Partition Index file
Key range
Byte Offset
Partition Key
Byte Offset
Data file
Reading from partition index summary le
Reading SSTable through key cache #
As the Key Cache stores a map of recently read partition keys to their SSTable
offsets, it is the fastest way to find the required row in the SSTable.
Key cache
Partition Index Summary file
Partition Index file
Byte Offset
Key range
Byte Offset
Partition Key
Byte Offset
Data file
Reading SSTable through key cache
If data is not present in MemTable, we have to look it up in SSTables or other
data structures like partition index, etc. Here is the summary of Cassandra’s
read operation:
1. First, Cassandra checks if the row is present in the Row Cache. If
present, the data is returned, and the request ends.
2. If the row is not present in the Row Cache, bloom filters are checked. If a
bloom filter indicates that the data is present in an SSTable, Cassandra
looks for the required partition in that SSTable.
3. The key cache is checked for the partition key presence. A cache hit
provides an offset for the partition in SSTable. This offset is then used to
retrieve the partition, and the request completes.
4. Cassandra continues to seek the partition in the partition summary and
partition index. These structures also provide the partition offset in an
SSTable which is then used to retrieve the partition and return. The
caches are updated if present with the latest data read.
Read Request
Row Cache
Found in Row
Scan bloom filters
of next SSTable
Bloom filters?
(in RAM)
Key cache?
Data File
Partition Index
Summary file
Partition Index file
Cassandra's read operation work ow
Anatomy of Cassandra's Write Operat…
Let's explore how Cassandra handles compaction.
We'll cover the following
• How does compaction work in Cassandra?
• Compaction strategies
• Sequential writes
How does compaction work in
Cassandra? #
As we have already discussed, SSTables are immutable, which helps
Cassandra achieve such high write speeds. Flushing of MemTable to SStable
is a continuous process. This means we can have a large number of SStables
lying on the disk. While reading, it is tedious to scan all these SStables. So, to
improve the read performance, we need compaction. Compaction in
Cassandra refers to the operation of merging multiple related SSTables into a
single new one. During compaction, the data in SSTables is merged: the keys
are merged, columns are combined, obsolete values are discarded, and a
new index is created.
On compaction, the merged data is sorted, a new index is created over the
sorted data, and this freshly merged, sorted, and indexed data is written to a
single new SSTable.
Compacted SSTable
Compaction: Merge data based on partition key, keep the latest data,
remove deleted (tombstone) rows, and remove old SStables
Compacting two SSTables into one
Compaction will reduce the number of SSTables to consult and therefore
improve read performance.
Compaction will also reclaim space taken by obsolete data in SSTable.
Compaction strategies #
SizeTiered Compaction Strategy: This compaction strategy is suitable for
insert-heavy and general workloads. This is the default compaction strategy
and is triggered when multiple SSTables of a similar size are present.
Leveled Compaction Strategy: This strategy is used to optimize read
performance. This strategy groups SSTables into levels, each of which has a
fixed size limit which is ten times larger than the previous level.
Time Window Compaction Strategy: The Time Window Compaction
Strategy is designed to work on time series data. It compacts SSTables within
a configured time window. This strategy is ideal for time series data which is
immutable after a fixed time interval.
Sequential writes #
Sequential writes are the primary reason that writes perform so well in
Cassandra. No reads or seeks of any kind are required for writing a value to
Cassandra because all writes are ‘append’ operations. This makes the speed
of the disk one key limitation on performance. Compaction is intended to
amortize the reorganization of data, but it uses sequential I/O to do so, which
makes it efficient. If Cassandra naively inserted values where they ultimately
belonged, writing clients would pay for seeks upfront.
Anatomy of Cassandra's Read Operati…
Let's explore how Tombstones work in Cassandra.
We'll cover the following
• What are Tombstones?
• Common problems associated with Tombstones
What are Tombstones? #
An interesting case with Cassandra can be when we delete some data for a
node that is down or unreachable, that node could miss a delete. When that
node comes back online later and a repair occurs, the node could “resurrect”
the data that had been previously deleted by re-sharing it with other nodes.
To prevent deleted data from being reintroduced, Cassandra uses a concept
called a tombstone. A tombstone is similar to the idea of a “soft delete” from
the relational database world. When we delete data, Cassandra does not
delete it right away, instead associates a tombstone with it, with a time to
expiry. In other words, a tombstone is a marker that is kept to indicate data
that has been deleted. When we execute a delete operation, the data is not
immediately deleted. Instead, it’s treated as an update operation that places a
tombstone on the value.
Each tombstone has an expiry time associated with it, representing the
amount of time that nodes will wait before removing the data permanently.
By default, each tombstone has an expiry of ten days. The purpose of this
delay is to give a node that is unavailable time to recover. If a node is down
longer than this value, then it should be treated as failed and replaced.
Tombstones are removed as part of compaction. During compaction, any
row with an expired tombstone will not be propagated further.
Common problems associated with
Tombstones #
Tombstones make Cassandra writes actions efficient because the data is not
removed right away when deleted. Instead, it is removed later during
compaction. Having said that, Tombstones cause the following problems:
As a tombstone itself is a record, it takes storage space. Hence, it
should be kept in mind that upon deletion, the application will end up
increasing the data size instead of shrinking it. Furthermore, if there are
a lot of tombstones, the available storage for the application could be
substantially reduced.
When a table accumulates many tombstones, read queries on that table
could become slow and can cause serious performance problems like
timeouts. This is because we have to read much more data until the
actual compaction happens and removes the tombstones.
Summary: Cassandra
Summary: Cassandra
Here is a quick summary of Cassandra for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• Cassandra characteristics
• References and further reading
Summary #
System design patterns #
Cassandra characteristics #
References and further reading #
Quiz: Cassandra
Kafka: How to Design a Distributed Messaging
Messaging Systems: Introduction
This lesson gives a brief overview of messaging systems.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• Background
• What is a messaging system?
• Queue
• Publish-subscribe messaging system
Goal #
Design a distributed messaging system that can reliably transfer a high
throughput of messages between different entities.
Background #
One of the common challenges among distributed systems is handling a
continuous influx of data from multiple sources. Imagine a log aggregation
service that is receiving hundreds of log entries per second from different
sources. The function of this log aggregation service is to store these logs on
disk at a shared server and also build an index so that the logs can be
searched later. A few challenges of this service are:
1. How will the log aggregation service handle a spike of messages? If the
service can handle (or buffer) 500 messages per second, what will
happen if it starts receiving a higher number of messages per second? If
we decide to have multiple instances of the log aggregation service, how
do we divide the work among these instances?
2. How can we receive messages from different types of sources? The
sources producing (or consuming) these logs need to decide upon a
common protocol and data format to send log messages to the log
aggregation service. This leads us to a strongly coupled architecture
between the producer and consumer of the log messages.
3. What will happen to the log messages if the log aggregation service is
down or unresponsive for some time?
To efficiently manage such scenarios, distributed systems depend upon a
messaging system.
What is a messaging system? #
A messaging system is responsible for transferring data among services,
applications, processes, or servers. Such a system helps decouple different
parts of a distributed system by providing an asynchronous way of
transferring messaging between the sender and the receiver. Hence, all
senders (or producers) and receivers (or consumers) focus on the
data/message without worrying about the mechanism used to share the data.
Messaging system
There are two common ways to handle messages: Queuing and PublishSubscribe.
Queue #
In the queuing model, messages are stored sequentially in a queue.
Producers push messages to the rear of the queue, and consumers extract
the messages from the front of the queue.
Producer 1
Consumer 1
Message Queue
Producer 2
Consumer 2
Message queue
A particular message can be consumed by a maximum of one consumer only.
Once a consumer grabs a message, it is removed from the queue such that
the next consumer will get the next message. This is a great model for
distributing message-processing among multiple consumers. But this also
limits the system as multiple consumers cannot read the same message from
the queue.
Consumer 1
Producer 1
Producer 2
Message Queue
Consumer 2
Consumer 3
Message consumption in a message queue
Publish-subscribe messaging system #
In the pub-sub (short for publish-subscribe) model, messages are divided
into topics. A publisher (or a producer) sends a message to a topic that gets
stored in the messaging system under that topic. Subscribers (or the
consumer) subscribe to a topic to receive every message published to that
topic. Unlike the Queuing model, the pub-sub model allows multiple
consumers to get the same message; if two consumers subscribe to the same
topic, they will receive all messages published to that topic.
Consumer 1
Producer 1
Consumer 2
Topic: Sales
Producer 2
Consumer 3
Pub-sub messaging system
The messaging system that stores and maintains the messages is commonly
known as the message broker. It provides a loose coupling between
publishers and subscribers, or producers and consumers of data.
Subscriber 1
Publisher 1
Subscriber 2
Topic: Sales
Publisher 2
Subscriber 3
Message broker
Message broker
The message broker stores published messages in a queue, and subscribers
read them from the queue. Hence, subscribers and publishers do not have to
be synchronized. This loose coupling enables subscribers and publishers to
read and write messages at different rates.
The messaging system’s ability to store messages provides fault-tolerance,
so messages do not get lost between the time they are produced and the time
they are consumed.
To summarize, a message system is deployed in an application stack for the
following reasons:
1. Messaging buffering. To provide a buffering mechanism in front of
processing (i.e., to deal with temporary incoming message spikes that
are greater than what the processing app can deal with). This enables
the system to safely deal with spikes in workloads by temporarily
storing data until it is ready for processing.
2. Guarantee of message delivery. Allows producers to publish messages
with assurance that the message will eventually be delivered if the
consuming application is unable to receive the message when it is
3. Providing abstraction. A messaging system provides an architectural
separation between the consumers of messages and the applications
producing the messages.
4. Enabling scale. Provides a flexible and highly configurable architecture
that enables many producers to deliver messages to multiple
Mock Interview: Cassandra
Kafka: Introduction
Kafka: Introduction
This lesson presents a brief introduction and common use cases
of Kafka.
We'll cover the following
• What is Kafka?
• Background
• Kafka use cases
What is Kafka? #
Apache Kafka is an open-source publish-subscribe-based messaging system
(Kafka can work as a message queue too, more on this later). It is distributed,
durable, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable by design. Fundamentally, it is
a system that takes streams of messages from applications known as
producers, stores them reliably on a central cluster (containing a set of
brokers), and allows those messages to be received by applications (known
as consumers) that process the messages.
Producer 1
Producer 2
Producer 3
Kafka Cluster
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Consumer 2
A high-level view of Kafka
Background #
Kafka was created at LinkedIn around 2010 to track various events, such as
page views, messages from the messaging system, and logs from various
services. Later, it was made open-source and developed into a
comprehensive system which is used for:
1. Reliably storing a huge amount of data.
2. Enabling high throughput of message transfer between different
3. Streaming real-time data.
At a high level, we can call Kafka a distributed Commit Log. A Commit Log
(also known as a Write-Ahead log or a Transactions log) is an append-only
data structure that can persistently store a sequence of records. Records are
always appended to the end of the log, and once added, records cannot be
deleted or modified. Reading from a commit log always happens from left to
right (or old to new).
1st Record
Next Record
10 11
Kafka as a write-ahead log
Kafka stores all of its messages on disk. Since all reads and writes happen in
sequence, Kafka takes advantage of sequential disk reads (more on this
Kafka use cases #
Kafka can be used for collecting big data and real-time analysis. Here are
some of its top use cases:
1. Metrics: Kafka can be used to collect and aggregate monitoring data.
Distributed services can push different operational metrics to Kafka
servers. These metrics can then be pulled from Kafka to produce
aggregated statistics.
2. Log Aggregation: Kafka can be used to collect logs from multiple
sources and make them available in a standard format to multiple
3. Stream processing: Kafka is quite useful for use cases where the
collected data undergoes processing at multiple stages. For example, the
raw data consumed from a topic is transformed, enriched, or aggregated
and pushed to a new topic for further consumption. This way of data
processing is known as stream processing.
4. Commit Log: Kafka can be used as an external commit log for any
distributed system. Distributed services can log their transactions to
Kafka to keep track of what is happening. This transaction data can be
used for replication between nodes and also becomes very useful for
disaster recovery, for example, to help failed nodes to recover their
5. Website activity tracking: One of Kafka’s original use cases was to
build a user activity tracking pipeline. User activities like page clicks,
searches, etc., are published to Kafka into separate topics. These topics
are available for subscription for a range of use cases, including realtime processing, real-time monitoring, or loading into Hadoop
(https://hadoop.apache.org/) or data warehousing systems for offline
processing and reporting.
6. Product suggestions: Imagine an online shopping site like amazon.com
(http://amazon.com/), which offers a feature of ‘similar products’ to
suggest lookalike products that a customer could be interested in
buying. To make this work, we can track every consumer action, like
search queries, product clicks, time spent on any product, etc., and
record these activities in Kafka. Then, a consumer application can read
these messages to find correlated products that can be shown to the
customer in real-time. Alternatively, since all data is persistent in Kafka,
a batch job can run overnight on the ‘similar product’ information
gathered by the system, generating an email for the customer with
product suggestions.
Messaging Systems: Introduction
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of Kafka’s architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Kafka common terms
• Brokers
• Records
• Topics
• Producers
• Consumers
• High-level architecture
• Kafka cluster
• ZooKeeper
Kafka common terms #
Before digging deep into Kafka’s architecture, let’s first go through some of
its common terms.
Brokers #
A Kafka server is also called a broker. Brokers are responsible for reliably
storing data provided by the producers and making it available to the
Records #
A record is a message or an event that gets stored in Kafka. Essentially, it is
the data that travels from producer to consumer through Kafka. A record
contains a key, a value, a timestamp, and optional metadata headers.
Header 1
Header 2
Kafka message
Topics #
Kafka divides its messages into categories called Topics. In simple terms, a
topic is like a table in a database, and the messages are the rows in that table.
Each message that Kafka receives from a producer is associated with a
Consumers can subscribe to a topic to get notified when new messages
are added to that topic.
A topic can have multiple subscribers that read messages from it.
In a Kafka cluster, a topic is identified by its name and must be unique.
Messages in a topic can be read as often as needed — unlike traditional
messaging systems, messages are not deleted after consumption. Instead,
Kafka retains messages for a configurable amount of time or until a storage
size is exceeded. Kafka’s performance is effectively constant with respect to
data size, so storing data for a long time is perfectly fine.
Subscribed to 'Sales'
Publisher 1
Publisher 2
Subscriber 1
Subscriber 2
Subscriber 3
Subscriber 4
Subscriber 5
Subscribed to 'Sales'
and 'Campaigns'
Topic: Inventory
Publisher 3
Topic: Campaigns
Publisher 4
Topic: Sales
Message broker
Subscribed to 'Campaigns'
Kafka topics
Producers #
Producers are applications that publish (or write) records to Kafka.
Consumers #
Consumers are the applications that subscribe to (read and process) data
from Kafka topics. Consumers subscribe to one or more topics and consume
published messages by pulling data from the brokers.
In Kafka, producers and consumers are fully decoupled and agnostic of each
other, which is a key design element to achieve the high scalability that
Kafka is known for. For example, producers never need to wait for
High-level architecture #
At a high level, applications (producers) send messages to a Kafka broker,
and these messages are read by other applications called consumers.
Messages get stored in a topic, and consumers subscribe to the topic to
receive new messages.
Kafka cluster #
Kafka is run as a cluster of one or more servers, where each server is
responsible for running one Kafka broker.
ZooKeeper #
ZooKeeper is a distributed key-value store and is used for coordination and
storing configurations. It is highly optimized for reads. Kafka uses ZooKeeper
to coordinate between Kafka brokers; ZooKeeper maintains metadata
information about the Kafka cluster. We will be looking into this in detail
Kafka Cluster
Consumer 1
Producer 1
Broker 1
Consumer 2
Broker 2
Producer 2
Push messages
Pull messages
Consumer 3
Broker 3
Producer 3
Producer 4
High level architecture of Kafka
Consumer 4
Consumer 5
Kafka: Deep Dive
As of now, we have discussed the core concepts of Kafka. Let
us now throw some light on the work ow of Kafka.
We'll cover the following
• Topic partitions
• Leader
• Follower
• In-sync replicas
• High-water mark
Kafka is simply a collection of topics. As topics can get quite big, they are
split into partitions of a smaller size for better performance and scalability.
Topic partitions #
Kafka topics are partitioned, meaning a topic is spread over a number of
‘fragments’. Each partition can be placed on a separate Kafka broker. When
a new message is published on a topic, it gets appended to one of the topic’s
partitions. The producer controls which partition it publishes messages to
based on the data. For example, a producer can decide that all messages
related to a particular ‘city’ go to the same partition.
Essentially, a partition is an ordered sequence of messages. Producers
continually append new messages to partitions. Kafka guarantees that all
messages inside a partition are stored in the sequence they came in.
Ordering of messages is maintained at the partition level, not across the
Broker 1
Partition 0
Broker 2
Partition 1
Broker 3
Partition 2
10 11
Next Record
A topic having three partitions residing on three brokers
A unique sequence ID called an offset gets assigned to every message
that enters a partition. These numerical offsets are used to identify
every message’s sequential position within a topic’s partition.
Offset sequences are unique only to each partition. This means, to locate
a specific message, we need to know the Topic, Partition, and Offset
Producers can choose to publish a message to any partition. If ordering
within a partition is not needed, a round-robin partition strategy can be
used, so records get distributed evenly across partitions.
Placing each partition on separate Kafka brokers enables multiple
consumers to read from a topic in parallel. That means, different
consumers can concurrently read different partitions present on
separate brokers.
Placing each partition of a topic on a separate broker also enables a
topic to hold more data than the capacity of one server.
Messages once written to partitions are immutable and cannot be
A producer can add a ‘key’ to any message it publishes. Kafka
guarantees that messages with the same key are written to the same
Each broker manages a set of partitions belonging to different topics.
Kafka follows the principle of a dumb broker and smart consumer. This
means that Kafka does not keep track of what records are read by the
consumer. Instead, consumers, themselves, poll Kafka for new messages and
say what records they want to read. This allows them to
increment/decrement the offset they are at as they wish, thus being able to
replay and reprocess messages. Consumers can read messages starting from
a specific offset and are allowed to read from any offset they choose. This
also enables consumers to join the cluster at any point in time.
Every topic can be replicated to multiple Kafka brokers to make the data
fault-tolerant and highly available. Each topic partition has one leader
broker and multiple replica (follower) brokers.
Leader #
A leader is the node responsible for all reads and writes for the given
partition. Every partition has one Kafka broker acting as a leader.
Follower #
To handle single point of failure, Kafka can replicate partitions and
distribute them across multiple broker servers called followers. Each
follower’s responsibility is to replicate the leader’s data to serve as a ‘backup’
partition. This also means that any follower can take over the leadership if
the leader goes down.
In the following diagram, we have two partitions and four brokers. Broker
1 is the leader of Partition 1 and follower of Partition 2 . Consumers
work together in groups to process messages efficiently. More details on
consumer groups later.
Kafka Broker 1
Leader: Partition 1
Follower: Partition 2
Write to leader
Read from leader
Consumer Group 1
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Kafka Broker 2
Kafka Broker 3
Follower: Partition 1
Consumer 3
Follower: Partition 1
Consumer Group 2
Producer 1
Follower: Partition 2
Read from leader
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Read from leader
Kafka Broker 4
Write to leader
Leader: Partition 2
Leader and followers of partitions
Kafka stores the location of the leader of each partition in ZooKeeper. As all
writes/reads happen at/from the leader, producers and consumers directly
talk to ZooKeeper to find a partition leader.
In-sync replicas #
An in-sync replica (ISR) is a broker that has the latest data for a given
partition. A leader is always an in-sync replica. A follower is an in-sync
replica only if it has fully caught up to the partition it is following. In other
words, ISRs cannot be behind on the latest records for a given partition.
Only ISRs are eligible to become partition leaders. Kafka can choose the
minimum number of ISRs required before the data becomes available for
consumers to read.
High-water mark #
To ensure data consistency, the leader broker never returns (or exposes)
messages which have not been replicated to a minimum set of ISRs. For this,
brokers keep track of the high-water mark, which is the highest offset that all
ISRs of a particular partition share. The leader exposes data only up to the
high-water mark offset and propagates the high-water mark offset to all
followers. Let’s understand this with an example.
In the figure below, the leader does not return messages greater than offset
‘4’, as it is the highest offset message that has been replicated to all follower
High-water mark offset is 4
Consumer Group 1
Kafka Broker 1
Consumer 1
Leader: Partition 1
Consumer 2
Consumer 3
Kafka Broker 2
Kafka Broker 3
Follower: Partition 1
Follower: Partition 1
High-water mark offset
If a consumer reads the record with offset ‘7’ from the leader (Broker 1), and
later, if the current leader fails, and one of the followers becomes the leader
before the record is replicated to the followers, the consumer will not be able
to find that message on the new leader. The client, in this case, will
experience a non-repeatable read. Because of this possibility, Kafka brokers
only return records up to the high-water mark.
High-level Architecture
Consumer Groups
Consumer Groups
Let's explore the role of consumer groups in Kafka.
We'll cover the following
• What is a consumer group?
• Distributing partitions to consumers within a consumer group
What is a consumer group? #
A consumer group is basically a set of one or more consumers working
together in parallel to consume messages from topic partitions. Messages are
equally divided among all the consumers of a group, with no two consumers
receiving the same message.
Distributing partitions to consumers within a
consumer group #
Kafka ensures that only a single consumer reads messages from any
partition within a consumer group. In other words, topic partitions are a
unit of parallelism – only one consumer can work on a partition in a
consumer group at a time. If a consumer stops, Kafka spreads partitions
across the remaining consumers in the same consumer group. Similarly,
every time a consumer is added to or removed from a group, the
consumption is rebalanced within the group.
Consumer Group 1
Kafka Broker 1
Consumer 1
Leader: Partition 1
Consumer 2
Leader: Partition 2
Producer 1
Consumer Group 2
Consumer 1
How Kafka distributes partitions to consumers within a consumer group
Consumers pull messages from topic partitions. Different consumers can be
responsible for different partitions. Kafka can support a large number of
consumers and retain large amounts of data with very little overhead. By
using consumer groups, consumers can be parallelized so that multiple
consumers can read from multiple partitions on a topic, allowing a very high
message processing throughput. The number of partitions impacts
consumers’ maximum parallelism, as there cannot be more consumers than
Kafka stores the current offset per consumer group per topic per partition,
as it would for a single consumer. This means that unique messages are only
sent to a single consumer in a consumer group, and the load is balanced
across consumers as equally as possible.
When the number of consumers exceeds the number of partitions in a topic,
all new consumers wait in idle mode until an existing consumer
unsubscribes from that partition. Similarly, as new consumers join a
consumer group, Kafka initiates a rebalancing if there are more consumers
than partitions. Kafka uses any unused consumers as failovers.
Here is a summary of how Kafka manages the distribution of partitions to
consumers within a consumer group:
Number of consumers in a group = number of partitions: each
consumer consumes one partition.
Number of consumers in a group > number of partitions: some
consumers will be idle.
Number of consumers in a group < number of partitions: some
consumers will consume more partitions than others.
Kafka: Deep Dive
Kafka Work ow
Kafka Work ow
Let's explore different messaging work ows that Kafka offers.
We'll cover the following
• Kafka work ow as pub-sub messaging
• Kafka work ow for consumer group
Kafka provides both pub-sub and queue-based messaging systems in a fast,
reliable, persisted, fault-tolerance, and zero downtime manner. In both
cases, producers simply send the message to a topic, and consumers can
choose any one type of messaging system depending on their need. Let us
follow the steps in the next section, to understand how the consumer can
choose the messaging system of their choice.
Kafka workflow as pub-sub
messaging #
Following is the stepwise workflow of the Pub-Sub Messaging:
Producers publish messages on a topic.
Kafka broker stores messages in the partitions configured for that
particular topic. If the producer did not specify the partition in which
the message should be stored, the broker ensures that the messages are
equally shared between partitions. If the producer sends two messages
and there are two partitions, Kafka will store one message in the first
partition and the second message in the second partition.
Consumer subscribes to a specific topic.
Once the consumer subscribes to a topic, Kafka will provide the current
offset of the topic to the consumer and also saves that offset in the
Consumer will request Kafka at regular intervals for new messages.
Once Kafka receives the messages from producers, it forwards these
messages to the consumer.
Consumer will receive the message and process it.
Once the messages are processed, the consumer will send an
acknowledgment to the Kafka broker.
Upon receiving the acknowledgment, Kafka increments the offset and
updates it in the ZooKeeper. Since offsets are maintained in the
ZooKeeper, the consumer can read the next message correctly, even
during broker outages.
The above flow will repeat until the consumer stops sending the
Consumers can rewind/skip to the desired offset of a topic at any time
and read all the subsequent messages.
Kafka workflow for consumer group #
Instead of a single consumer, a group of consumers from one consumer
group subscribes to a topic, and the messages are shared among them. Let us
check the workflow of this system:
Producers publish messages on a topic.
Kafka stores all messages in the partitions configured for that particular
topic, similar to the earlier scenario.
A single consumer subscribes to a specific topic, assume Topic-01 with
Group ID as Group-1 .
Kafka interacts with the consumer in the same way as pub-sub
messaging until a new consumer subscribes to the same topic, Topic01 , with the same Group ID as Group-1 .
Once the new consumer arrives, Kafka switches its operation to share
mode, such that each message is passed to only one of the subscribers of
the consumer group Group-1 . This message transfer is similar to queuebased messaging, as only one consumer of the group consumes a
message. Contrary to queue-based messaging, messages are not
removed after consumption.
This message transfer can go on until the number of consumers reaches
the number of partitions configured for that particular topic.
Once the number of consumers exceeds the number of partitions, the
new consumer will not receive any message until an existing consumer
unsubscribes. This scenario arises because each consumer in Kafka will
be assigned a minimum of one partition. Once all the partitions are
assigned to the existing consumers, the new consumers will have to
Consumer Groups
Role of ZooKeeper
Role of ZooKeeper
Let's delve into how Kafka interacts with ZooKeeper.
We'll cover the following
• What is ZooKeeper?
• ZooKeeper as the central coordinator
• How do producers or consumers nd out who the leader of a
partition is?
What is ZooKeeper? #
A critical dependency of Apache Kafka is Apache ZooKeeper, which is a
distributed configuration and synchronization service. ZooKeeper serves as
the coordination interface between the Kafka brokers, producers, and
consumers. Kafka stores basic metadata in ZooKeeper, such as information
about brokers, topics, partitions, partition leader/followers, consumer
offsets, etc.
Kafka Cluster
Consumer 1
Producer 1
Broker 1
Consumer 2
Broker 2
Producer 2
Push messages
Pull messages
Consumer 3
Broker 3
Producer 3
Producer 4
Consumer 4
Consumer 5
ZooKeeper as the central coordinator
As we know, Kafka brokers are stateless; they rely on ZooKeeper to maintain
and coordinate brokers, such as notifying consumers and producers of the
arrival of a new broker or failure of an existing broker, as well as routing all
requests to partition leaders.
ZooKeeper is used for storing all sorts of metadata about the Kafka cluster:
It maintains the last offset position of each consumer group per
partition, so that consumers can quickly recover from the last position
in case of a failure (although modern clients store offsets in a separate
Kafka topic).
It tracks the topics, number of partitions assigned to those topics, and
leaders’/followers’ location in each partition.
It also manages the access control lists (ACLs) to different topics in the
cluster. ACLs are used to enforce access or authorization.
How do producers or consumers find out who
the leader of a partition is? #
In the older versions of Kafka, all clients (i.e., producers and consumers)
used to directly talk to ZooKeeper to find the partition leader. Kafka has
moved away from this coupling, and in Kafka’s latest releases, clients fetch
metadata information from Kafka brokers directly; brokers talk to
ZooKeeper to get the latest metadata. In the diagram below, the producer
goes through the following steps before publishing a message:
1. The producer connects to any broker and asks for the leader of
‘Partition 1’.
2. The broker responds with the identification of the leader broker
responsible for ‘Partition 1’.
3. The producer connects to the leader broker to publish the message.
Zookeeper Ensemble
Holds basic metadata
Metadata sync
Metadata sync
Metadata sync
Metadata sync
Kafka Broker 1
Leader: Partition 1
3. Write
Follower: Partition 2
If 'Producer 1' wants to publish
a message to 'Partition 1', first,
it needs to find out which
broker is the partition leader
Kafka Broker 2
Kafka Broker 3
Follower: Partition 1
Follower: Partition 1
1. Metadata request
Producer 1
2. Metadata response
Follower: Partition 2
Kafka Broker 4
Leader: Partition 2
Role of ZooKeeper in Kafka
All the critical information is stored in the ZooKeeper and ZooKeeper
replicates this data across its cluster, therefore, failure of Kafka broker (or
ZooKeeper itself) does not affect the state of the Kafka cluster. Upon
ZooKeeper failure, Kafka will always be able to restore the state once the
ZooKeeper restarts after failure. Zookeeper is also responsible for
coordinating the partition leader election between the Kafka brokers in case
of leader failure.
Kafka Work ow
Controller Broker
Controller Broker
This lesson will explain the role of the controller broker in
We'll cover the following
• What is the controller broker?
• Split brain
• Generation clock
What is the controller broker? #
Within the Kafka cluster, one broker is elected as the Controller. This
Controller broker is responsible for admin operations, such as
creating/deleting a topic, adding partitions, assigning leaders to partitions,
monitoring broker failures, etc. Furthermore, the Controller periodically
checks the health of other brokers in the system. In case it does not receive a
response from a particular broker, it performs a failover to another broker.
It also communicates the result of the partition leader election to other
brokers in the system.
Split brain #
When a controller broker dies, Kafka elects a new controller. One of the
problems is that we cannot truly know if the leader has stopped for good and
has experienced an intermittent failure like a stop-the-world GC pause or a
temporary network disruption. Nevertheless, the cluster has to move on and
pick a new controller. If the original Controller had an intermittent failure,
the cluster would end up having a so-called zombie controller. A zombie
controller can be defined as a controller node that had been previously
deemed dead by the cluster and has come back online. Another broker has
taken its place, but the zombie controller might not know that yet. This
common scenario in distributed systems with two or more active controllers
(or central servers) is called split-brain.
We will have two controllers under split-brain, which will be giving out
potentially conflicting commands in parallel. If something like this happens
in a cluster, it can result in major inconsistencies. How do we handle this
Generation clock #
Split-brain is commonly solved with a generation clock, which is simply a
monotonically increasing number to indicate a server’s generation. In Kafka,
the generation clock is implemented through an epoch number. If the old
leader had an epoch number of ‘1’, the new one would have ‘2’. This epoch is
included in every request that is sent from the Controller to other brokers.
This way, brokers can now easily differentiate the real Controller by simply
trusting the Controller with the highest number. The Controller with the
highest number is undoubtedly the latest one, since the epoch number is
always increasing. This epoch number is stored in ZooKeeper.
Role of ZooKeeper
Kafka Delivery Semantics
Kafka Delivery Semantics
Let's explore what message delivery guarantees Kafka provides
to its clients.
We'll cover the following
• Producer delivery semantics
• Consumer delivery semantics
Producer delivery semantics #
As we know, a producer writes only to the leader broker, and the followers
asynchronously replicate the data. How can a producer know that the data is
successfully stored at the leader or that the followers are keeping up with the
leader? Kafka offers three options to denote the number of brokers that must
receive the record before the producer considers the write as successful:
Async: Producer sends a message to Kafka and does not wait for
acknowledgment from the server. This means that the write is
considered successful the moment the request is sent out. This fire-andforget approach gives the best performance as we can write data to
Kafka at network speed, but no guarantee can be made that the server
has received the record in this case.
Committed to Leader: Producer waits for an acknowledgment from the
leader. This ensures that the data is committed at the leader; it will be
slower than the ‘Async’ option, as the data has to be written on disk on
the leader. Under this scenario, the leader will respond without waiting
for acknowledgments from the followers. In this case, the record will be
lost if the leader crashes immediately after acknowledging the producer
but before the followers have replicated it.
Committed to Leader and Quorum: Producer waits for an
acknowledgment from the leader and the quorum. This means the
leader will wait for the full set of in-sync replicas to acknowledge the
record. This will be the slowest write but guarantees that the record will
not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica remains alive. This is
the strongest available guarantee.
As we can see, the above options enable us to configure our preferred tradeoff between durability and performance.
If we would like to be sure that our records are safely stored in Kafka,
we have to go with the last option – Committed to Leader and Quorum.
If we value latency and throughput more than durability, we can choose
one of the first two options. These options will have a greater chance of
losing messages but will have better speed and throughput.
Consumer delivery semantics #
A consumer can read only those messages that have been written to a set of
in-sync replicas. There are three ways of providing consistency to the
At-most-once (Messages may be lost but are never redelivered): In this
option, a message is delivered a maximum of one time only. Under this
option, the consumer upon receiving a message, commit (or increment)
the offset to the broker. Now, if the consumer crashes before fully
consuming the message, that message will be lost, as when the
consumer restarts, it will receive the next message from the last
committed offset.
At-least-once (Messages are never lost but maybe redelivered): Under
this option, a message might be delivered more than once, but no
message should be lost. This scenario occurs when the consumer
receives a message from Kafka, and it does not immediately commit the
offset. Instead, it waits till it completes the processing. So, if the
consumer crashes after processing the message but before committing
the offset, it has to reread the message upon restart. Since, in this case,
the consumer never committed the offset to the broker, the broker will
redeliver the same message. Thus, duplicate message delivery could
happen in such a scenario.
Exactly-once (each message is delivered once and only once): It is very
hard to achieve this unless the consumer is working with a
transactional system. Under this option, the consumer puts the message
processing and the offset increment in one transaction. This will ensure
that the offset increment will happen only if the whole transaction is
complete. If the consumer crashes while processing, the transaction will
be rolled back, and the offset will not be incremented. When the
consumer restarts, it can reread the message as it failed to process it last
time. This option leads to no data duplication and no data loss but can
lead to decreased throughput.
Controller Broker
Kafka Characteristics
Kafka Characteristics
Let's explore different characteristics of Kafka.
We'll cover the following
• Storing messages to disks
• Record retention in Kafka
• Client quota
• Kafka performance
Storing messages to disks #
Kafka writes its messages to the local disk and does not keep anything in
RAM. Disks storage is important for durability so that the messages will not
disappear if the system dies and restarts. Disks are generally considered to
be slow. However, there is a huge difference in disk performance between
random block access and sequential access. Random block access is slower
because of numerous disk seeks, whereas the sequential nature of writing or
reading, enables disk operations to be thousands of times faster than
random access. Because all writes and reads happen sequentially, Kafka has
a very high throughput.
Writing or reading sequentially from disks are heavily optimized by the OS,
via read-ahead (prefetch large block multiples) and write-behind (group
small logical writes into big physical writes) techniques.
Also, modern operating systems cache the disk in free RAM. This is called
Pagecache (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_cache). Since Kafka stores
messages in a standardized binary format unmodified throughout the whole
flow (producer → broker → consumer), it can make use of the zero-copy
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-copy) optimization. That is when the
operating system copies data from the Pagecache directly to a socket,
effectively bypassing the Kafka broker application entirely.
Kafka has a protocol that groups messages together. This allows network
requests to group messages together and reduces network overhead. The
server, in turn, persists chunks of messages in one go, and consumers fetch
large linear chunks at once.
All of these optimizations allow Kafka to deliver messages at near networkspeed.
Record retention in Kafka #
By default, Kafka retains records until it runs out of disk space. We can set
time-based limits (configurable retention period), size-based limits
(configurable based on size), or compaction (keeps the latest version of
record using the key). For example, we can set a retention policy of three
days, or two weeks, or a month, etc. The records in the topic are available for
consumption until discarded by time, size, or compaction.
Client quota #
It is possible for Kafka producers and consumers to produce/consume very
high volumes of data or generate requests at a very high rate and thus
monopolize broker resources, cause network saturation, and, in general,
deny service to other clients and the brokers themselves. Having quotas
protects against these issues. Quotas become even more important in large
multi-tenant clusters where a small set of badly behaved clients can degrade
the user experience for the well-behaved ones.
In Kafka, quotas are byte-rate thresholds defined per client-ID . A clientID logically identifies an application making a request. A single client-ID
can span multiple producer and consumer instances. The quota is applied
for all instances as a single entity. For example, if a client-ID has a
producer quota of 10 MB/s, that quota is shared across all instances with that
same ID.
The broker does not return an error when a client exceeds its quota but
instead attempts to slow the client down. When the broker calculates that a
client has exceeded its quota, it slows the client down by holding the client’s
response for enough time to keep the client under the quota. This approach
keeps the quota violation transparent to clients. This also prevents clients
from having to implement special back-off and retry behavior.
Kafka performance #
Here are a few reasons behind Kafka’s performance and popularity:
Scalability: Two important features of Kafka contribute to its scalability.
A Kafka cluster can easily expand or shrink (brokers can be added or
removed) while in operation and without an outage.
A Kafka topic can be expanded to contain more partitions. Because a
partition cannot expand across multiple brokers, its capacity is bounded
by broker disk space. Being able to increase the number of partitions
and the number of brokers means there is no limit to how much data a
single topic can store.
Fault-tolerance and reliability: Kafka is designed in such a way that a
broker failure is detectable by ZooKeeper and other brokers in the cluster.
Because each topic can be replicated on multiple brokers, the cluster can
recover from broker failures and continue to work without any disruption of
Throughput: By using consumer groups, consumers can be parallelized, so
that multiple consumers can read from multiple partitions on a topic,
allowing a very high message processing throughput.
Low Latency: 99.99% of the time, data is read from disk cache and RAM;
very rarely, it hits the disk.
Kafka Delivery Semantics
Summary: Kafka
Summary: Kafka
Here is a quick summary of Kafka for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• High-water mark
• Leader and follower
• Split-brain
• Segmented log
• References and further reading
Summary #
System design patterns #
High-water mark #
Leader and follower #
Split-brain #
Segmented log #
References and further reading #
Kafka Characteristics
Quiz: Kafka
Chubby: How to Design a Distributed
Locking Service?
Chubby: Introduction
This lesson will introduce Chubby and its use cases.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• What is Chubby?
• Chubby use cases
• Leader/master election
• Naming service (like DNS)
• Storage (small objects that rarely change)
• Distributed locking mechanism
• When not to use Chubby
• Background
• Chubby and Paxos
Goal #
Design a highly available and consistent service that can store small objects
and provide a locking mechanism on those objects.
What is Chubby? #
Chubby is a service that provides a distributed locking mechanism and also
stores small files. Internally, it is implemented as a key/value store that also
provides a locking mechanism on each object stored in it. It is extensively
used in various systems inside Google to provide storage and coordination
services for systems like GFS and BigTable. Apache ZooKeeper is the opensource alternative to Chubby.
In sum, Chubby is a centralized service offering developer-friendly
interfaces (to acquire/release locks and create/read/delete small files).
Moreover, it does all this with just a few extra lines of code to any existing
application without a lot of modification to application logic.
Chubby use cases #
Primarily Chubby was developed to provide a reliable locking service. Over
time, some interesting uses of Chubby have evolved. Following are the top
use cases where Chubby is practically being used:
Leader/master election
Naming service (like DNS)
Storage (small objects that rarely change)
Distributed locking mechanism
Let’s look into these use cases in detail.
Leader/master election #
Any lock service can be seen as a consensus service, as it converts the
problem of reaching consensus to handing out locks. Basically, a set of
distributed applications compete to acquire a lock, and whoever gets the lock
first gets the resource. Similarly, an application can have multiple replicas
running and wants one of them to be chosen as the leader. Chubby can be
used for leader election among a set of replicas, e.g., the leader/master for
GFS and BigTable.
Instance 1
Elected as Master
Instance 2
Instance 3
Chubby Lock
Instance 4
Instance 5
Chubby being used for leader election
Naming service (like DNS) #
It is hard to make faster updates to DNS due to its time-based caching nature,
which means there is generally a potential delay before the latest DNS
mapping is effective. As a result, chubby has replaced DNS inside Google as
the main way to discover servers.
Chubby Lock
Chubby as DNS
Storage (small objects that rarely change) #
Chubby provides a Unix-style interface to reliably store small files that do
not change frequently (complementing the service offered by GFS).
Applications can then use these files for any usage like DNS, configs, etc. GFS
and Bigtable store their metadata in Chubby. Some services use Chubby to
store ACL files.
my data
Client App1
ls/cell/foo: "my data"
Create file
Chubby Lock
Client App2
Get file
Get ls/cell/foo
"my data"
my data
Chubby as a storage service for small objects
Distributed locking mechanism #
lc/cell/foo: "my data"
Chubby provides a developer-friendly interface for coarse-grained
distributed locks (as opposed to fine-grained locks) to synchronize
distributed activities in a distributed environment. All an application needs
is a few code lines, and Chubby service takes care of all the lock management
so that developers can focus on application business logic. In other words,
we can say that Chubby provides mechanisms like semaphores and mutexes
for a distributed environment.
Lock acquired
Chubby Lock
lc/cell/foo: "my data"
[exclusive lock: App1]
Lock denied
Chubby as a distributed locking service
All these use cases are discussed in detail later.
At a high level, Chubby provides a framework for distributed consensus. All
the above-mentioned use cases have emerged from this core service.
When not to use Chubby #
Because of its design choices and proposed usage, Chubby should not be used
Bulk storage is needed.
Data update rate is high.
Locks are acquired/released frequently.
Usage is more like a publish/subscribe model.
Background #
Chubby is neither really a research effort, nor does it claim to introduce any
new algorithms. Instead, chubby describes a certain design and
implementation done at Google in order to provide a way for its clients to
synchronize their activities and agree on basic information about their
environment. More precisely, at Google, it has become primary to implement
the above-mentioned use cases.
Chubby and Paxos #
Paxos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paxos_(computer_science)) plays a
major role inside Chubby. Readers familiar with Distributed Computing
recognize that getting all nodes in a distributed system to agree on anything
(e.g., election of primary among peers) is basically a kind of distributed
consensus problem. Distributed consensus using Asynchronous
Communication is already solved by Paxos protocol, and Chubby actually
uses Paxos underneath to manage the state of the Chubby system at any
point in time.
Local Storage
Local Storage
Local Storage
Local Storage
Local Storage
Chubby uses Paxos to manage its system
Mock Interview: Kafka
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of Chubby’s architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Chubby common terms
• Chubby cell
• Chubby servers
• Chubby client library
• Chubby APIs
• General
• File
• Locking
• Sequencer
Chubby common terms #
Before digging deep into Chubby’s architecture, let’s first go through some of
its common terms:
Chubby cell #
A Chubby Cell basically refers to a Chubby cluster. Most Chubby cells are
confined to a single data center or machine room, though there can be a
Chubby cell whose replicas are separated by thousands of kilometers. A
single Chubby cell has two main components, server and client, that
communicate via remote procedure call (RPC).
Chubby servers #
A chubby cell consists of a small set of servers (typically 5) known as
Using Paxos, one of the servers is chosen as the master who handles all
client requests. If the master fails, another server from replicas becomes
the master.
Each replica maintains a small database to store files/directories/locks.
The master writes directly to its own local database, which gets synced
asynchronously to all the replicas. That’s how Chubby ensures data
reliability and a smooth experience for clients even if the master fails.
For fault tolerance, Chubby replicas are placed on different racks.
Chubby client library #
Client applications use a Chubby library to communicate with the replicas in
the chubby cell using RPC.
Chubby client library connects to Chubby master using RPC
Chubby APIs #
Chubby exports a file system interface similar to POSIX but simpler. It
consists of a strict tree of files and directories in the usual way, with name
components separated by slashes.
File format: /ls/chubby_cell/directory_name/.../file_name
Where /ls refers to the lock service, designating that this is part of the
Chubby system, and chubby_cell is the name of a particular instance of a
Chubby system (the term cell is used in Chubby to denote an instance of the
system). This is followed by a series of directory names culminating in a
file_name .
A special name, /ls/local , will be resolved to the most local cell relative to
the calling application or service.
Chubby was originally designed as a lock service, such that every entity in it
will be a lock. But later, its creators realized that it is useful to associate a
small amount of data with each entity. Hence, each entity in Chubby can be
used for locking or storing a small amount of data or both, i.e., storing small
files with locks.
We can divide Chubby APIs into following groups:
General #
1. Open() : Opens a given named file or directory and returns a handle.
2. Close() : Closes an open handle.
3. Poison() : Allows a client to cancel all Chubby calls made by other
threads without fear of deallocating the memory being accessed by
4. Delete() : Deletes the file or directory.
File #
1. GetContentsAndStat() : Returns (atomically) the whole file contents
and metadata associated with the file. This approach of reading the
whole file is designed to discourage the creation of large files, as it is not
the intended use of Chubby.
2. GetStat() : Returns just the metadata.
3. ReadDir() : Returns the contents of a directory – that is, names and
metadata of all children.
4. SetContents() : Writes the whole contents of a file (atomically).
5. SetACL() : Writes new access control list information
Locking #
1. Acquire() : Acquires a lock on a file.
2. TryAquire() : Tries to acquire a lock on a file; it is a non-blocking
variant of Acquire.
3. Release() : Releases a lock.
Sequencer #
1. GetSequencer() : Get the sequencer of a lock. A sequencer is a string
representation of a lock.
2. SetSequencer() : Associate a sequencer with a handle.
3. CheckSequencer() : Check whether a sequencer is valid.
Chubby does not support operations like append, seek, move files between
directories, or making symbolic or hard links. Files can only be completely
read or completely written/overwritten. This makes it practical only for
storing very small files.
Chubby: Introduction
Design Rationale
Design Rationale
Let's explore the rationale behind Chubby's architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Why was Chubby built as a service?
• Why coarse-grained locks?
• Why advisory locks?
• Why Chubby needs storage?
• Why does Chubby export a Unix-like le system interface?
• High availability and reliability
Before we jump into further details and working of Chubby, it is important to
know the logic behind certain design decisions. These learnings can be
applied to other problems of similar nature.
Why was Chubby built as a service? #
Let’s first understand the reason behind building a service instead of having
a client library that only provides Paxos distributed consensus. A lock
service has some clear advantages over a client library:
Development becomes easy: Sometimes high availability is not
planned in the early phases of development. Systems start as a
prototype with little load and lose availability guarantees. As a service
matures and gains more clients, availability becomes important;
replication and primary election are then added to design. While this
could be done with a library that provides distributed consensus, a lock
server makes it easier to maintain the existing program structure and
communication patterns. For example, electing a leader requires adding
just a few lines of code. This technique is easier than making existing
servers participate in a consensus protocol, especially if compatibility
must be maintained during a transition period.
Lock-based interface is developer-friendly: Programmers are
generally familiar with locks. It is much easier to simply use a lock
service in a distributed system than getting involved in managing Paxos
protocol state locally, e.g., Acquire() , TryAcquire() , Release() .
Provide quorum & replica management: Distributed consensus
algorithms need a quorum to make a decision, so several replicas are
used for high availability. One can view the lock service as a way of
providing a generic electorate that allows a client application to make
decisions correctly when less than a majority of its own members are
up. Without such support from a service, each application needs to have
and manage its own quorum of servers.
Broadcast functionality: Clients and replicas of a replicated service
may wish to know when the service’s master changes; this requires an
event notification mechanism. Such a mechanism is easy to build if
there is a central service in the system.
The arguments above clearly show that building and maintaining a central
locking service abstracts away and takes care of a lot of complex problems
from client applications.
Why coarse-grained locks? #
Chubby locks usage is not expected to be fine-grained in which they might be
held for only a short period (i.e., seconds or less). For example, electing a
leader is not a frequent event. Following are some main reasons why Chubby
decided to only support coarse-grained locks:
Less load on lock server: Coarse-grained locks impose far less load on
the server as the lock acquisition rate is a lot less than the client’s
transaction rate.
Survive server failures: As coarse-grained locks are acquired rarely,
clients are not significantly delayed by the temporary unavailability of
the lock server. With fine-grained locks, even a brief unavailability of a
lock server would cause many clients to stall.
Fewer lock servers are needed: Coarse-grained locks allow many
clients to be adequately served by a modest number of lock servers with
somewhat lower availability.
Why advisory locks? #
Chubby locks are advisory, which means it is up to the application to honor
the lock. Chubby doesn’t make locked objects inaccessible to clients not
holding their locks. It is more like record keeping and allows the lock
requester to discover that lock is held. Holding a specific lock is neither
necessary to access the file, nor prevents others from doing so.
Other types of locks are mandatory locks, which make objects inaccessible to
clients not holding the lock. Chubby gave following reasons for not having
mandatory locks:
To enforce mandatory locking on resources implemented by other
services would require more extensive modification of these services.
Mandatory locks prevent users from accessing a locked file for
debugging or administrative purposes. If a file must be accessed, an
entire application would need to be shut down or rebooted to break the
mandatory lock.
Generally, a good developer practice is to write assertions such as
assert("Lock X is held") , so mandatory locks bring only little benefit
Why Chubby needs storage? #
Chubby’s storage is important as client applications may need to advertise
Chubby’s results with others. For example, an application needs to store
some info to:
Advertise its selected primary (leader election use case)
Resolve aliases to absolute addresses (naming service use case)
Announce the scheme after repartitioning of data.
Not having a separate service for sharing the results reduces the number of
servers that clients depend on. Chubby’s storage requirements are really
simple. i.e., store a small amount of data (KBs) and limited operation support
(i.e., create/delete).
Why does Chubby export a Unix-like
file system interface? #
Recall that Chubby exports a file system interface similar to Unix but
simpler. It consists of a strict tree of files and directories in the usual way,
with name components separated by slashes.
File format: /ls/cell/remainder-path
The main reason why Chubby’s naming structure resembles a file system to
make it available to applications both with its own specialized API, and via
interfaces used by our other file systems, such as the Google File System. This
significantly reduced the effort needed to write basic browsing and
namespace manipulation tools, and reduced the need to educate casual
Chubby users. However, only a very limited number of operations can be
performed on these files, e.g., Create, Delete, etc.
The 'ls' prefix is common to all
Chubby paths and stands for
'lock service'.
The second component (foo) is the
name of the Chubby cell; it's
resolved to one or more Chubby
servers via DNS lookup.
The remainder path
(/bar/myFile) is interpreted
within the Chubby cell.
Breaking down Chubby paths
High availability and reliability #
As proved by CAP theorem
832/5998984290631680), no application can be highly available, strongly
consistent, and high-performing at the same time. Due to the nature of
Chubby’s expected use cases, Chubby compromises on performance in favor
of availability and consistency.
High-level Architecture
How Chubby Works
How Chubby Works
Let’s learn how Chubby works.
We'll cover the following
• Service initialization
• Client initialization
• Leader election example using Chubby
• Sample pseudocode for leader election
Service initialization #
Upon initialization, Chubby performs the following steps:
A master is chosen among Chubby replicas using Paxos.
Current master information is persisted in storage, and all replicas
become aware of the master.
Client initialization #
Upon initialization, a Chubby client performs the following steps:
Client contacts the DNS to know the listed Chubby replicas.
Client calls any Chubby server directly via Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
If that replica is not the master, it will return the address of the current
Once the master is located, the client maintains a session with it and
sends all requests to it until it indicates that it is not the master anymore
or stops responding.
Chubby high-level architecture
Leader election example using Chubby
Let’s take an example of an application that uses Chubby to elect a single
master from a bunch of instances of the same application.
Once the master election starts, all candidates attempt to acquire a Chubby
lock on a file associated with the election. Whoever acquires the lock first
becomes the master. The master writes its identity on the file, so that other
processes know who the current master is.
Instance 1
Instance 2
[locked by App Instance 3]
Instance 3
Chubby leader
Sample pseudocode for leader election #
The pseudocode below shows how easy it is to add leader election logic to
existing applications with just a few additional code lines.
/* Create these files in Chubby manually once.
Usually there are at least 3-5 required for minimum quorum require
ment. */
lock_file_paths = {
Main() {
// Initialize Chubby client library.
chubbyLeader = newChubbyLeader(lock_file_paths)
// Establish client's connection with Chubby service.
// Waiting to become the leader.
// Becomes Leader
Log("Is Leader: " + chubbyLeader.isLeader ())
While(chubbyLeader.renewLeader ()) {
// Do work
// Not leader anymore.
Design Rationale
File, Directories, and Handles
File, Directories, and Handles
Let's explore how Chubby works with les, directories, and
We'll cover the following
• Nodes
• Metadata
• Handles
Chubby file system interface is basically a tree of files and directories, where
each directory contains a list of child files and directories. Each file or
directory is called a node.
Chubby le system
Nodes #
Any node can act as an advisory reader/writer lock.
Nodes may either be ephemeral or permanent.
Ephemeral files are used as temporary files, and act as an indicator to
others that a client is alive.
Ephemeral files are also deleted if no client has them open.
Ephemeral directories are also deleted if they are empty.
Any node can be explicitly deleted.
Metadata #
Metadata for each node includes Access Control Lists (ACLs), four
monotonically increasing 64-bit numbers, and a checksum.
ACLs are used to control reading, writing, and changing the ACL names for
the node.
Node inherits the ACL names of its parent directory on creation.
ACLs themselves are files located in an ACL directory, which is a wellknown part of the cell’s local namespace.
Users are authenticated by a mechanism built into the RPC system.
Monotonically increasing 64-bit numbers: These numbers allow clients to
detect changes easily.
An instance number: This is greater than the instance number of any
previous node with the same name.
A content generation number (files only): This is incremented every
time a file’s contents are written.
A lock generation number: This is incremented when the node’s lock
transitions from free to held.
An ACL generation number: This is incremented when the node’s ACL
names are written.
Checksum: Chubby exposes a 64-bit file-content checksum so clients may tell
whether files differ.
Handles #
Clients open nodes to obtain handles (that are analogous to UNIX file
descriptors). Handles include:
Check digits: Prevent clients from creating or guessing handles, so full
access control checks are performed only when handles are created.
A sequence number: Enables a master to tell whether a handle was
generated by it or by a previous master.
Mode information (provided at open time): Enables the master to
recreate its state if an old handle is presented to a newly restarted
How Chubby Works
Locks, Sequencers, and Lock-delays
Locks, Sequencers, and Lock-delays
Let's explore how Chubby implements Locks and Sequencers.
We'll cover the following
• Locks
• Sequencer
• Lock-delay
Locks #
Each chubby node can act as a reader-writer lock in one of the following two
Exclusive: One client may hold the lock in exclusive (write) mode.
Shared: Any number of clients may hold the lock in shared (reader)
Sequencer #
With distributed systems, receiving messages out of order is a problem;
Chubby uses sequence numbers to solve this problem. After acquiring a lock
on a file, a client can immediately request a ‘Sequencer,’ which is an opaque
byte string describing the state of the lock:
Sequencer = Name of the lock + Lock mode (exclusive or shared) +
Lock generation number
An application’s master server can generate a sequencer and send it with
any internal order to other servers. Application servers that receive orders
from a primary can check with Chubby if the sequencer is still good and does
not belong to a stale primary (to handle the ‘Brain split’ scenario).
Chubby leader
Application server
Application servers (workers)
Application master generating a sequencer and passing it to worker servers
Lock-delay #
For file servers that do not support sequencers, Chubby provides a lock-delay
period to protect against message delays and server restarts.
If a client releases a lock in the normal way, it is immediately available for
other clients to claim, as one would expect. However, if a lock becomes free
because the holder has failed or become inaccessible, the lock server will
prevent other clients from claiming the lock for a period called the lockdelay.
Clients may specify any lock-delay up to some bound, defaults to one
minute. This limit prevents a faulty client from making a lock (and thus
some resource) unavailable for an arbitrarily long time.
While imperfect, the lock-delay protects unmodified servers and clients
from everyday problems caused by message delays and restarts.
File, Directories, and Handles
Sessions and Events
Sessions and Events
This lesson will explain Chubby sessions and what different
Chubby events are.
We'll cover the following
• What is a Chubby session?
• Session protocol
• What is KeepAlive?
• Session optimization
• Failovers
What is a Chubby session? #
A Chubby session is a relationship between a Chubby cell and a Chubby
It exists for some interval of time and is maintained by periodic
handshakes called KeepAlives.
Client’s handles, locks, and cached data only remain valid provided its
session remains valid.
Session protocol #
Client requests a new session on first contacting the master of Chubby
A session ends if the client ends it explicitly or it has been idle. A session
is considered idle if there are no open handles and calls for a minute.
Each session has an associate lease, which is a time interval during
which the master guarantees to not terminate the session unilaterally.
The end of this interval is called ‘session lease timeout.’
The master advances the ‘session lease timeout’ in the following three
On session creation
When a master failover occurs
When the master responds to a KeepAlive RPC from the client
What is KeepAlive? #
KeepAlive is basically a way for a client to maintain a constant session with
Chubby cell. Following are basic steps of responding to a KeepAlive:
On receiving a KeepAlive (step “1” in the diagram below), the master
typically blocks the RPC (does not allow it to return) until the client’s
previous lease interval is close to expiring.
The master later allows the RPC to return to the client (step “2”) and
thus informs the client of the new lease timeout (lease M2).
The master may extend the timeout by any amount. The default
extension is 12s, but an overloaded master may use higher values to
reduce the number of KeepAlive calls it must process. Note the
difference between the lease timeout of the client and the master (M1
vs. C1 and M2 vs. C2).
The client initiates a new KeepAlive immediately after receiving the
previous reply. Thus, the client ensures that there is almost always a
KeepAlive call blocked at the master.
In the diagram below, thick arrows represent lease sessions, upward arrows
are KeepAlive requests, and downward arrows are KeepAlive responses. We
will discuss this diagram in detail in the next two sections.
old master dies
block RPC
new master elected
no master
lease M2
old master
new master
lease M3
lease M1
lease C3
lease C1
lease C2
grace period
Client maintaining a session with Chubby cell through KeepAlive
Session optimization #
Piggybacking events: KeepAlive reply is used to transmit events and cache
invalidations back to the client.
Local lease: The client maintains a local lease timeout that is a conservative
approximation of the master’s lease timeout.
Jeopardy: If a client’s local lease timeout expires, it becomes unsure whether
the master has terminated its session. The client empties and disables its
cache, and we say that its session is in jeopardy.
Grace period: When a session is in jeopardy, the client waits for an extra
time called the grace period - 45s by default. If the client and master manage
to exchange a successful KeepAlive before the end of client’s grace period,
the client enables its cache once more. Otherwise, the client assumes that the
session has expired.
Failovers #
The failover scenario happens when a master fails or otherwise loses
membership. Following is the summary of things that happen in case of a
master failover:
The failing master discards its in-memory state about sessions, handles,
and locks.
Session lease timer is stopped. This means no lease is expired during the
time when the master failover is happening. This is equivalent to lease
If master election occurs quickly, the clients contact and continue with
the new master before the client’s local lease expires.
If the election is delayed, the clients flush their caches (= jeopardy) and
wait for the “grace period” (45s) while trying to find the new master.
Let’s look at an example of failover in detail.
old master dies
block RPC
new master elected
no master
lease M2
old master
new master
lease M3
lease M1
lease C3
lease C1
lease C2
grace period
Chubby master failover
1. Client has lease M1 (& local lease C1) with master and pending
KeepAlive request.
2. Master starts lease M2 and replies to the KeepAlive request.
3. Client extends the local lease to C2 and makes a new KeepAlive call.
Master dies before replying to the next KeepAlive. So, no new leases can
be assigned. Client’s C2 lease expires, and the client library flushes its
cache and informs the application that it has entered jeopardy. The
grace period starts on the client.
4. Eventually, a new master is elected and initially uses a conservative
approximation M3 of the session lease that its predecessor may have
had for the client. Client sends KeepAlive to new master (4).
5. The first KeepAlive request from the client to the new master is rejected
(5) because it has the wrong master epoch number (described in the
next section).
6. Client retries with another KeepAlive request.
7. Retried KeepAlive succeeds. Client extends its lease to C3 and optionally
informs the application that its session is no longer in jeopardy (session
is in the safe mode now).
8. Client makes a new KeepAlive call, and the normal protocol works from
this point onwards.
9. Because the grace period was long enough to cover the interval between
the end of lease C2 and the beginning of lease C3, the client saw nothing
but a delay. If the grace period was less than that interval, the client
would have abandoned the session and reported the failure to the
Master Election and Chubby Events
This lesson will explain what actions a newly elected master
performs. Additionally, we will look into different Chubby events.
We'll cover the following
• Initializing a newly elected master
• Chubby events
Initializing a newly elected master #
A newly elected master proceeds as follows:
1. Picks epoch number: It first picks up a new client epoch number to
differentiate itself from the previous master. Clients are required to
present the epoch number on every call. The master rejects calls from
clients using older epoch numbers. This ensures that the new master
will not respond to a very old packet that was sent to the previous
2. Responds to master-location requests but does not respond to sessionrelated operations yet.
3. Build in-memory data structures:
It builds in-memory data structures for sessions and locks that are
recorded in the database.
Session leases are extended to the maximum that the previous
master may have been using.
4. Let clients perform KeepAlives but no other session-related
operations at this point.
5. Emits a failover event to each session: This causes clients to flush
their caches (because they may have missed invalidations) and warn
applications that other events may have been lost.
6. Wait: The master waits until each session acknowledges the failover
event or lets its session expire.
7. Allow all operations to proceed.
8. Honor older handles by clients: If a client uses a handle created prior
to the failover, the master recreates the in-memory representation of
the handle and honors the call.
9. Deletes ephemeral files: After some interval (a minute), the master
deletes ephemeral files that have no open file handles. Clients should
refresh handles on ephemeral files during this interval after a failover.
Chubby events #
Chubby supports a simple event mechanism to let its clients subscribe to a
variety of events. Events are delivered to the client asynchronously via
callbacks from the Chubby library. Clients subscribe to a range of events
while creating a handle. Here are examples of such events:
File contents modified
Child node added, removed, or modified
Chubby master failed over
A handle (and its lock) has become invalid.
Lock acquired
Conflicting lock request from another client
Additionally, the client sends the following session events to the application:
Jeopardy: When session lease timeout and grace period begins.
Safe: When a session is known to have survived a communication
Expired: If the session times out
Sessions and Events
Let's learn how Chubby implements its cache.
We'll cover the following
• Chubby cache
• Cache invalidation
Chubby cache #
In Chubby, caching plays an important role, as read requests greatly
outnumber write requests. To reduce read traffic, Chubby clients cache file
contents, node metadata, and information on open handles in a consistent,
write-through cache in the client’s memory. Because of this caching, Chubby
must maintain consistency between a file and a cache as well as between the
different replicas of the file. Chubby clients maintain their cache by a lease
mechanism and flush the cache when the lease expires.
Cache invalidation #
Below is the protocol for invalidating the cache when file data or metadata is
Master receives a request to change file contents or node metadata.
Master blocks modification and sends cache invalidations to all clients
who have cached it. For this, the master must maintain a list of each
client’s cache contents.
For efficiency, the invalidation requests are piggybacked onto KeepAlive
replies from the master.
Clients receive the invalidation signal, flushes the cache, and sends an
acknowledgment to the master with its next KeepAlive call.
Once acknowledgments are received from each active client, the master
proceeds with the modification. The master updates its local database
and sends an update request to the replicas.
After receiving acknowledgments from the majority of replicas in the
cell, the master sends an acknowledgment to the client who initiated the
App Instance
invalidate ls/us/cfg
App Instance
update ls/us/cfg
Chubby leader
invalidate ls/us/cfg
App Instance
Cache invalidation
Question: While the master is waiting for acknowledgments, are other
clients allowed to read the file?
Answer: During the time the master is waiting for the acknowledgments
from clients, the file is treated as ‘uncachable.’ This means that the clients
can still read the file but will not cache it. This approach ensures that reads
always get processed without any delay. This is useful because reads
outnumber writes.
Question: Are clients allowed to cache locks? If yes, how is it used?
Answer: Chubby allows its clients to cache locks, which means the client can
hold locks longer than necessary, hoping that they can be used again by the
same client.
Question: Are clients allowed to cache open handles?
Answer: Chubby allows its clients to cache open handles. This way, if a client
tries to open a file it has opened previously, only the first open() call goes to
the master.
Master Election and Chubby Events
Let's learn how Chubby uses a database for storage.
We'll cover the following
• Backup
• Mirroring
Initially, Chubby used a replicated version of Berkeley DB
to store its data. Later, the Chubby team felt that using Berkeley DB exposes
Chubby to more risks, so they decided to write a simplified custom database
with the following characteristics:
Simple key/value database using write-ahead logging and snapshotting.
Atomic operations only and no general transaction support.
Database log is distributed among replicas using Paxos.
Backup #
For recovery in case of failure, all database transactions are stored in a
transaction log (a write-ahead log). As this transaction log can become very
large over time, every few hours, the master of each Chubby cell writes a
snapshot of its database to a GFS server in a different building. The use of a
separate building ensures both that the backup will survive building
damage, and that the backups introduce no cyclic dependencies in the
system; a GFS cell in the same building potentially might rely on the Chubby
cell for electing its master.
Once a snapshot is taken, the previous transaction log is deleted.
Therefore, at any time, the complete state of the system is determined
by the last snapshot together with the set of transactions from the
transaction log.
Backup databases are used for disaster recovery and to initialize the
database of a newly replaced replica without placing a load on other
Mirroring #
Mirroring is a technique that allows a system to automatically maintain
multiple copies.
Chubby allows a collection of files to be mirrored from one cell to
Mirroring is commonly used to copy configuration files to various
computing clusters distributed around the world.
Mirroring is fast because the files are small.
Event mechanism informs immediately if a file is added, deleted, or
Usually, changes are reflected in dozens of mirrors worldwide under a
Unreachable mirror remains unchanged until connectivity is restored.
Updated files are then identified by comparing their checksums.
A special “global” cell subtree /ls/global/master that is mirrored to
the subtree /ls/cell/replica in every other Chubby cell.
Global cell is special because its replicas are located in widely separated
parts of the world. Global cell is used for:
Chubby’s own access control lists (ACLs).
Various files in which Chubby cells and other systems advertise
their presence to monitoring services.
Pointers to allow clients to locate large data sets such as Bigtable
cells, and many configuration files for other systems.
Scaling Chubby
Scaling Chubby
This lesson will explain different techniques that Chubby uses
for scaling.
We'll cover the following
• Proxies
• Partitioning
• Learnings
Chubby’s clients are individual processes, so Chubby handles more clients
than expected. At Google, 90,000+ clients communicating with a single
Chubby server is one such example. The following techniques have been
used to reduce the communication with the master:
Minimize Request Rate: Create more chubby cells so that clients almost
always use a nearby cell (found with DNS) to avoid reliance on remote
Minimize KeepAlives load: KeepAlives are by far the dominant type of
request; increasing the client lease time (from 12s to 60s) results in less
load on KeepAlive.
Caching: Chubby clients cache file data, metadata, handles, and any
absences of files.
Simplified protocol-conversions: Add servers that translate the
Chubby protocol into a less complicated protocol. Proxies and
partitioning are two such examples that help Chubby scale further and
are discussed below.
Proxies #
A proxy is an additional server that can act on behalf of the actual server.
All reads and keepalives are served from
Replicas can be
used as internal
All writes and first-time
reads go to the master.
Chubby proxies
A Chubby proxy can handle KeepAlives and read requests. If a proxy handles
‘N ’ clients, KeepAlive traffic is reduced by a factor of ‘N .’ All writes and
first-time reads pass through the cache to reach the master. This means that
proxy adds an additional RPC for writes and first-time reads. This is
acceptable as Chubby is a read-heavy service.
Partitioning #
Chubby’s interface (files & directories) was designed such that namespaces
can easily be partitioned between multiple Chubby cells if needed. This
would result in reduced read/write traffic for any partition, for example:
ls/cell/foo and everything in it, can be served by one Chubby cell,
ls/cell/bar and everything in it, can be served by another Chubby cell
There are some scenarios in which partitioning does not improve:
When a directory is deleted, a cross partition call might be required.
Partition does not necessarily reduce the KeepAlive traffic.
Since ACLs can be stored in one partition only, so a cross partition call
might be required to check for ACLs.
Learnings #
Lack of aggressive caching: Initially, clients were not caching the absence
of files or open file handles. An abusive client could write loops that retry
indefinitely when a file is not present or poll a file by opening it and closing
it repeatedly when one might expect they would open the file just once.
Chubby educated its users to make use of aggressive caching for such
Lack of quotas: Chubby was never intended to be used as a storage system
for large amounts of data, so it has no storage quotas. In hindsight, this was
naive. To handle this, Chubby later introduced a limit on file size
Publish/subscribe: There have been several attempts to use Chubby’s event
mechanism as a publish/subscribe system. Chubby is a strongly consistent
system, and the way it maintains a consistent cache makes it a slow and
inefficient choice for publish/subscribe. Chubby developers caught and
stopped such uses early on.
Developers rarely consider availability: Developers generally fail to think
about failure probabilities and wrongly assume that Chubby will always be
available. Chubby educated its clients to plan for short Chubby outages so
that it has little or no effect on their applications.
Summary: Chubby
Summary: Chubby
Here is a quick summary of Chubby for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• References and further reading
Summary #
System design patterns #
References and further reading #
Scaling Chubby
Quiz: Chubby
GFS: How to Design a Distributed File
Storage System?
Google File System: Introduction
Let’s explore Google File System and its use cases.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• What is Google File System (GFS)?
• Background
• GFS use cases
• APIs
Goal #
Design a distributed file system to store huge files (terabyte and larger). The
system should be scalable, reliable, and highly available.
What is Google File System (GFS)? #
GFS is a scalable distributed file system developed by Google for its large
data-intensive applications.
Background #
GFS was built for handling batch processing on large data sets and is
designed for system-to-system interaction, not user-to-system interaction.
Google built GFS keeping the following goals in mind:
Scalable: GFS should run reliably on a very large system built from
commodity hardware.
Fault-tolerant: The design must be sufficiently tolerant of hardware
and software failures to enable application-level services to continue
their operation in the face of any likely combination of failure
Large files: Files stored in GFS will be huge. Multi-GB files are common.
Large sequential and small random reads: The workloads primarily
consist of two kinds of reads: large, streaming reads and small, random
Sequential writes: The workloads also have many large, sequential
writes that append data to files. Typical operation sizes are similar to
those for reads. Once written, files are seldom modified again.
Not optimized for small data: Small, random reads and writes do
occur and are supported, but the system is not optimized for such cases.
Concurrent access: The level of concurrent access will also be high,
with large numbers of concurrent appends being particularly prevalent,
often accompanied by concurrent reads.
High throughput: GFS should be optimized for high and sustained
throughput in reading the data, and this is prioritized over latency. This
is not to say that latency is unimportant; rather, GFS needs to be
optimized for high-performance reading and appending large volumes
of data for the correct operation of the system.
GFS use cases #
GFS is a distributed file system built for large, distributed data-intensive
applications like Gmail or YouTube.
Originally, it was built to store data generated by Google’s large
crawling and indexing system.
Google’s BigTable uses the distributed Google File System to store log
and data files.
APIs #
GFS does not provide standard POSIX-like APIs; instead, user-level APIs are
provided. In GFS, files are organized hierarchically in directories and
identified by their pathnames. GFS supports the usual file system operations:
create – To create a new instance of a file.
delete – To delete an instance of a file.
open – To open a named file and return a handle.
close – To close a given file specified by a handle.
read – To read data from a specified file and offset.
write – To write data to a specified file and offset.
In addition, GFS supports two special operations:
Snapshot: A snapshot is an efficient way of creating a copy of the
current instance of a file or directory tree.
Append: An append operation allows multiple clients to append data to
the same file concurrently while guaranteeing atomicity. It is useful for
implementing multi-way merge results and producer-consumer queues
that many clients can simultaneously append to without additional
Mock Interview: Chubby
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of GFS’s architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Chunks
• Chunk handle
• Cluster
• ChunkServer
• Master
• Client
A GFS cluster consists of a single master and multiple ChunkServers and is
accessed by multiple clients.
Chunks #
As files stored in GFS tend to be very large, GFS breaks files into multiple
fixed-size chunks where each chunk is 64 megabytes in size.
Chunk handle #
Each chunk is identified by an immutable and globally unique 64-bit ID
number called chunk handle. This allows for 264 unique chunks. If each
chunk is 64 MB, total storage space would be more than 109 exa-bytes.
As files are split into chunks, therefore, the job of GFS is to provide a
mapping from files to chunks, and then to support standard operations on
files, mapping down to operations on individual chunks.
Cluster #
GFS is organized into a simple network of computers called a cluster. All GFS
clusters contain three kinds of entities:
1. A single master server
2. Multiple ChunkServers
3. Many clients
The master stores all metadata about the system, while the ChunkServers
store the real file data.
GFS Client
Metadata response
GFS Master server
Metadata request
ri t
Instructions to ChunkServers
Linux File System
Linux File System
Chunk ...
Chunk ...
GFS high-level architecture
ChunkServer #
Linux File System
Chunk ...
ChunkServers store chunks on local disks as regular Linux files and read or
write chunk data specified by a chunk handle and byte-range.
For reliability, each chunk is replicated to multiple ChunkServers. By default,
GFS stores three replicas, though different replication factors can be
specified on a per-file basis.
Chunk Handle
Replica ChunkServers
GFS Master server
File metadata:
File with three chunks
c1, c3, c4 c2, c3, c4 c1, c2, c4
File with two chunks
c1, c2, c4 c1, c3, c4
replication factor = 3
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Chunk replication
Master #
Master server is the coordinator of a GFS cluster and is responsible for
keeping track of filesystem metadata:
1. The metadata stored at the master includes:
Name and directory of each file
Mapping of each file to its chunks
Current locations of chunks
Access control information
2. The master also controls system-wide activities such as chunk lease
management (locks on chunks with expiration), garbage collection of
orphaned chunks, and chunk migration between ChunkServers. Master
assigns chunk handle to chunks at time of chunk creation.
3. The master periodically communicates with each ChunkServer in
HeartBeat messages to give it instructions and collect its state.
4. For performance and fast random access, all metadata is stored in the
master’s main memory. This includes the entire filesystem namespace
as well as all the name-to-chunk mappings.
5. For fault tolerance and to handle a master crash, all metadata changes
are written to the disk onto an operation log. This operation log is also
replicated onto remote machines. The operation log is similar to a
journal. Every operation to the file system is logged into this file.
6. The master is a single point of failure, hence, it replicates its data onto
several remote machines so that the master can be readily restored on
7. The benefit of having a single, centralized master is that it has a global
view of the file system, and hence, it can make optimum management
decisions, for example, related to chunk placement.
Client #
Client is an entity that makes a read or write request to GSF. GFS client
library is linked into each application that uses GFS. This library
communicates with the master for all metadata-related operations like
creating or deleting files, looking up files, etc. To read or write data, the
client interacts directly with the ChunkServers that hold the data.
Neither the client nor the ChunkServer caches file data. Client caches offer
little benefit because most applications stream through huge files or have
working sets too large to be cached. ChunkServers rely on the buffer cache
in Linux to maintain frequently accessed data in memory.
Google File System: Introduction
Single Master and Large Chunk Size
Single Master and Large Chunk Size
This lesson will explain why Chubby has a single master and a
large chunk size.
We'll cover the following
• Single master
• Chunk size
• Lazy space allocation
Single master #
Having a single master vastly simplifies GFS design and enables the master
to make sophisticated chunk placement and replication decisions using
global knowledge. However, GFS minimizes the master’s involvement in
reads and writes, so that it does not become a bottleneck. Clients never read
or write file data through the master. Instead, a client asks the master which
ChunkServers it should contact. The client caches this information for a
limited time and interacts with the ChunkServers directly for many
subsequent operations.
Single master
GFS Master server
In-memory FS Metadata
ol flow
(file n
GFS Client
k ha
unk in
k loca
Chunk lease management
Garbage collection
Chunk migration
ChunkServer Heartbeat
Linux File System
Data flow
Chunk ...
Linux File System
Chunk ...
Several data servers
Data transfer happens directly
between client and chinkservers
GFS's high-level architecture
Chunk size #
Chunk size is one of the key design parameters. GFS has chosen 64 MB,
which is much larger than typical filesystem block sizes (which are often
around 4KB). Here are the advantages of using a large chunk size:
1. Since GFS was designed to handle huge files, small chunk sizes would
not make a lot of sense, as each file would then have a map of a huge
number of chunks.
2. As the master holds the metadata and manages file distribution, it is
involved whenever chunks are read, modified, or deleted. A small
chunk size would significantly increase the amount of data a master
would need to manage, and also, increase the amount of data that
would need to be communicated to a client, resulting in extra network
3. A large chunk size reduces the size of the metadata stored on the
master, which enables the master to keep all the metadata in memory,
thus significantly decreasing the latency for control operations.
4. By using a large chunk size, GFS reduces the need for frequent
communication with the master to get chunk location information. It
becomes feasible for a client to cache all information related to chunk
locations of a large file. Client metadata caches have timeouts to reduce
the risk of caching stale data.
5. A large chunk size also makes it possible to keep a TCP connection open
to a ChunkServer for an extended time, amortizing the time of setting
up a TCP connection.
6. A large chunk size simplifies ChunkServer management, i.e., to check
which ChunkServers are near capacity or which are overloaded.
7. Large chunk size provides highly efficient sequential reads and appends
of large amounts of data.
Lazy space allocation #
Each chunk replica is stored as a plain Linux file on a ChunkServer. GFS does
not allocate the whole 64MB of disk space when creating a chunk. Instead, as
the client appends data, the ChunkServer, lazily extends the chunk. This lazy
space allocation avoids wasting space due to internal fragmentation. Internal
fragmentation refers to having unused portions of the 64 MB chunk. For
example, if we allocate a 64 MB chunk and only fill up 20MB, the remaining
space is unused.
One disadvantage of having a large chunk size is the handling of small files.
Since a small file will have one or a few chunks, the ChunkServers storing
those chunks can become hotspots if a lot of clients access the same file. To
handle this scenario, GFS stores such files with a higher replication factor
and also adds a random delay in the start times of the applications accessing
these files.
High-level Architecture
Let's explore how GFS manages the lesystem metadata.
We'll cover the following
• Storing metadata in memory
• Chunk location
• Operation log
• Checkpointing
The master stores three types of metadata:
1. The file and chunk namespaces (i.e., directory hierarchy).
2. The mapping from files to chunks.
3. The locations of each chunk’s replicas.
There are three aspects of how master manages the metadata:
1. Master keeps all this metadata in memory.
2. The first two types (i.e., namespaces and file-to-chunk mapping) are also
persisted on the master’s local disk.
3. The third (i.e., chunk replicas’ locations) is not persisted.
Let’s discuss these aspects one by one.
Storing metadata in memory #
Since metadata is stored in memory, the master operates very quickly.
Additionally, it is easy and efficient for the master to periodically scan
through its entire state in the background. This periodic scanning is used to
implement three functions:
1. Chunk garbage collection
2. Re-replication in the case of ChunkServer failures
3. Chunk migration to balance load and disk-space usage across
As discussed above, one potential concern for this memory-only approach is
that the number of chunks, and hence the capacity of the whole system, is
limited by how much memory the master has. This is not a serious problem
in practice. The master maintains less than 64 bytes of metadata for each 64
MB chunk. Most chunks are full because most files contain many chunks,
only the last of which may be partially filled. Similarly, the file namespace
data typically requires less than 64 bytes per file because the master stores
file names compactly using prefix compression.
If the need for supporting an even larger file system arises, the cost of adding
extra memory to the master is a small price to pay for the simplicity,
reliability, performance, and flexibility gained by storing the metadata in
Chunk location #
The master does not keep a persistent record of which ChunkServers have a
replica of a given chunk; instead, the master asks each chunk server about
its chunks at master startup, and whenever a ChunkServer joins the cluster.
The master can keep itself up-to-date after that because it controls all chunk
placements and monitors ChunkServer status with regular HeartBeat
By having the ChunkServer as the ultimate source of truth of each chunk’s
location, GFS eliminates the problem of keeping the master and
ChunkServers in sync. It is not beneficial to maintain a consistent view of
chunk locations on the master, because errors on a ChunkServer may cause
chunks to vanish spontaneously (e.g., a disk may go bad and be disabled, or
ChunkServer is renamed or failed, etc.) In a cluster with hundreds of servers,
these events happen all too often.
Operation log #
The master maintains an operation log that contains the namespace and fileto-chunk mappings and stores it on the local disk. Specifically, this log stores
a historical record of all the metadata changes. Operation log is very
important to GFS. It contains the persistent record of metadata and serves as
a logical timeline that defines the order of concurrent operations.
For fault tolerance and reliability, this operation log is replicated on multiple
remote machines, and changes to the metadata are not made visible to
clients until they have been persisted on all replicas. The master batches
several log records together before flushing, thereby reducing the impact of
flushing and replicating on overall system throughput.
Upon restart, the master can restore its file-system state by replaying the
operation log. This log must be kept small to minimize the startup time, and
that is achieved by periodically checkpointing it.
Checkpointing #
Master’s state is periodically serialized to disk and then replicated, so that on
recovery, a master may load the checkpoint into memory, replay any
subsequent operations from the operation log, and be available again very
quickly. To further speed up the recovery and improve availability, GFS
stores the checkpoint in a compact B-tree like format that can be directly
mapped into memory and used for namespace lookup without extra parsing.
The checkpoint process can take time, therefore, to avoid delaying incoming
mutations, the master switches to a new log file and creates the new
checkpoint in a separate thread. The new checkpoint includes all mutations
before the switch.
Single Master and Large Chunk Size
Master Operations
Master Operations
Let's learn the different operations performed by the master.
We'll cover the following
• Namespace management and locking
• Replica placement
• Replica creation and re-replication
• Replica rebalancing
• Stale replica detection
The master executes all namespace operations. Furthermore, it manages
chunk replicas throughout the system. It is responsible for:
Making replica placement decisions
Creating new chunks and hence replicas
Making sure that chunks are fully replicated according to the replication
Balancing the load across all the ChunkServers
Reclaim unused storage
Namespace management and locking
The master acquires locks over a namespace region to ensure proper
serialization and to allow multiple operations at the master. GFS does not
have an i-node like tree structure for directories and files. Instead, it has a
hash-map that maps a filename to its metadata, and reader-writer locks are
applied on each node of the hash table for synchronization.
Each absolute file name or absolute directory name has an associated
read-write lock.
Each master operation acquires a set of locks before it runs.
To make operation on /dir1/dir2/leaf , it first needs the following
Reader lock on /dir1
Reader lock on /dir1/dir2
Reader or Writer lock on /dir1/dir2/leaf
Following this scheme, concurrent writes on the same leaf are
prevented right away. However, at the same time, concurrent
modifications in the same directory are allowed.
File creation does not require write-lock on the parent directory; a readlock on its name is sufficient to protect the parent directory from
deletion, rename, or snapshot.
Write-lock on a file name stops attempts to create multiple files with the
same name.
Locks are acquired in a consistent order to prevent deadlock:
First ordered by level in the namespace tree
Lexicographically ordered within the same level
Replica placement #
To ensure maximum data availability and integrity, the master distributes
replicas on different racks, so that clients can still read or write in case of a
rack failure. As the in and out bandwidth of a rack may be less than the sum
of the bandwidths of individual machines, placing the data in various racks
can help clients exploit reads from multiple racks. For ‘write’ operations,
multiple racks are actually disadvantageous as data has to travel longer
distances. It is an intentional tradeoff that GFS made.
Replica creation and re-replication #
The goals of a master are to place replicas on servers with less-than-average
disk utilization, spread replicas across racks, and reduce the number of
‘recent’ creations on each ChunkServer (even though writes are cheap, they
are followed by heavy write traffic) which might create additional load.
Chunks need to be re-replicated as soon as the number of available replicas
falls (due to data corruption on a server or a replica being unavailable)
below the user-specified replication factor. Instead of re-replicating all of
such chunks at once, the master prioritizes re-replication to prevent these
cloning operations from becoming bottlenecks. Restrictions are placed on the
bandwidth of each server for re-replication so that client requests are not
How are chunks prioritized for re-replication?
A chunk is prioritized based on how far it is from its replication goal.
For example, a chunk that has lost two replicas will be given priority on
a chuck that has lost only one replica.
GFS prioritizes chunks of live files as opposed to chunks that belong to
recently deleted files (more on this when we discuss Garbage Collection
2536832/5335676130689024)). Deleted files are not removed
immediately; instead, they are renamed temporarily and garbage217
collected after a few days. Replicas of deleted files can exist for a few
days as well.
Replica rebalancing #
Master rebalances replicas regularly to achieve load balancing and better
disk space usage. It may move replicas from one ChunkServer to another to
bring disk usage in a server closer to the average. Any new ChunkServer
added to the cluster is filled up gradually by the master rather than flooding
it with a heavy traffic of write operations.
Stale replica detection #
Chunk replicas may become stale if a ChunkServer fails and misses
mutations to the chunk while it is down. For each chunk, the master
maintains a chunk Version Number to distinguish between up-to-date and
stale replicas. The master increments the chunk version every time it grants
a lease (more on this later) and informs all up-to-date replicas. The master
and these replicas all record the new version number in their persistent
state. If the ChunkServer hosting a chunk replica is down during a mutation,
the chunk replica will become stale and will have an older version number.
The master will detect this when the ChunkServer restarts and reports its set
of chunks and their associated version numbers. Master removes stale
replicas during regular garbage collection.
Stale replicas are not given to clients when they ask the master for a chunk
location, and they are not involved in mutations either. However, because a
client caches a chunk’s location, it may read from a stale replica before the
data is resynced. The impact of this is low due to the fact that most
operations to a chunk are append-only. This means that a stale replica
usually returns a premature end of a chunk rather than outdated data for a
Anatomy of a Read Operation
Anatomy of a Read Operation
Let’s learn how GFS handles a read operation.
A typical read interaction with a GFS cluster by a client application goes like
1. First, the client translates the file name and byte offset specified by the
application into a chunk index within the file. Given the fixed chunk
size, this can be computed easily.
2. The client then sends the master an RPC request containing the file
name and chunk index.
3. The master replies with the chunk handle and the location of replicas
holding the chunk. The client caches this metadata using the file name
and chunk-index as the key. This information is subsequently used to
access the data.
4. The client then sends a request to one of the replicas (the closest one).
The request specifies the chunk handle and a byte range within that
Further reads of the same chunk require no more client-master
interaction until the cached information expires or the file is
In fact, the client typically asks for multiple chunks in the same
request, and the master can also include the information for
chunks immediately following those requested.
5. The replica ChunkServer replies with the requested data.
6. As evident from the above workflow, the master is involved at the start
and is then completely out of the loop, implementing a separation of
control and data flows – a separation that is crucial for maintaining high
performance of file accesses.
file data
(file name, byte range)
(file name, chunk index)
GFS Master server
GFS Client
(chunk handle, replica locations)
dle 4
The anatomy of a read operation
Master Operations
Anatomy of a Write Operation
Anatomy of a Write Operation
Let’s learn how GFS handles a write operation.
We'll cover the following
• What is a chunk lease?
• Data writing
What is a chunk lease? #
To safeguard against concurrent writes at two different replicas of a chunk,
GFS makes use of chunk lease. When a mutation (i.e., a write, append or
delete operation) is requested for a chunk, the master finds the
ChunkServers which hold that chunk and grants a chunk lease (for 60
seconds) to one of them. The server with the lease is called the primary and
is responsible for providing a serial order for all the currently pending
concurrent mutations to that chunk. There is only one lease per chunk at any
time, so that if two write requests go to the master, both see the same lease
denoting the same primary.
Thus, a global ordering is provided by the ordering of the chunk leases
combined with the order determined by that primary. The primary can
request lease extensions if needed. When the master grants the lease, it
increments the chunk version number and informs all replicas containing
that chunk of the new version number.
Data writing #
The actual writing of data is split into two phases:
Sending: First, the client is given a list of replicas that identifies the
primary ChunkServer and secondaries. The client sends the data to the
closest replica. Then replicas send the data in chain to all other replicas
to maximize bandwidth and throughput. Eventually, all the replicas get
the data, which is not yet written to a file but sits in a cache.
Writing: When the client gets an acknowledgment from all replicas that
the data has been received, it then sends a write request to the primary,
identifying the data that was sent in the previous phase. The primary is
responsible for the serialization of writes. It assigns consecutive serial
numbers to all write requests that it has received, applies the writes to
the file in serial-number order, and forwards the write requests in that
order to the secondaries. Once the primary gets acknowledgments from
all the secondaries, the primary responds back to the client, and the
write operation is complete. Any errors at any stage in this process are
met with retries and eventual failure. On failure, an error is returned to
the client.
Following is the stepwise breakdown of the data transfer:
1. Client asks master which chunk server holds the current lease of chunk
and locations of other replicas.
2. Master replies with the identity of primary and locations of the
secondary replicas.
3. Client pushes data to the closest replica. Then replicas send the data in
chain to all other replicas.
4. Once all replicas have acknowledged receiving the data, the client sends
the write request to the primary. The primary assigns consecutive serial
numbers to all the mutations it receives, providing serialization. It
applies mutations in serial number order.
5. Primary forwards the write request to all secondary replicas. They
apply mutations in the same serial number order.
6. Secondary replicas reply to primary indicating they have completed
7. Primary replies to the client with success or error message
GFS Master server
GFS Client
Secondary Replica A
Data flow
Control flow
Primary Replica
Secondary Replica B
The anatomy of a write operation
The key point to note is that the data flow is different from the control flow.
The data flows from the client to a ChunkServer and then from that
ChunkServer to another ChunkServer, until all ChunkServers that store
replicas for that chunk have received the data. The control (the write
request) flow goes from the client to the primary ChunkServer for that
chunk. The primary then forwards the request to all the secondaries. This
ensures that the primary controls the order of writes even if it receives
multiple concurrent write requests. All replicas will have data written in the
same sequence. Chunk version numbers are used to detect if any replica has
stale data which has not been updated because that ChunkServer was down
during some update.
Anatomy of a Read Operation
Anatomy of an Append Operation
Anatomy of an Append Operation
Let’s learn how GFS handles an append operation.
Record append operation is optimized in a unique way that distinguishes
GFS from other distributed file systems. In a normal write, the client
specifies the offset at which data is to be written. Concurrent writes to the
same region can experience race conditions, and the region may end up
containing data fragments from multiple clients. In a record append,
however, the client specifies only the data. GFS appends it to the file at least
once atomically (i.e., as one continuous sequence of bytes) at an offset of
GFS’s choosing and returns that offset to the client. This process is similar to
the append operation on a file opened with O_APPEND
(https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/open.2.html) mode on a POSIXcompliant file system but without the race conditions when multiple writers
do so concurrently.
Record Append is a kind of mutation that changes the contents of the
metadata of a chunk. When an application tries to append data on a chunk
by sending a request to the client, the client pushes the data to all replicas of
the last chunk of the file just like the write operation. When the client
forwards the request to the master, the primary checks whether appending
the record to the existing chunk will increase the chunk’s size more than its
limit (maximum size of a chunk is 64MB). If this happens, it pads the chunk
to the maximum limit, commands the secondary to do the same, and
requests the clients to try to append to the next chunk. If the record fits
within the maximum size, the primary appends the data to its replica, tells
the secondary to write the data at the exact offset where it has, and finally
replies success to the client.
If an append operation fails at any replica, the client retries the operation.
Due to this reason, replicas of the same chunk may contain different data,
possibly including duplicates of the same record in whole or in part. GFS
does not guarantee that all replicas are byte-wise identical; instead, it only
ensures that the data is written at-least-once as an atomic unit.
Anatomy of a Write Operation
GFS Consistency Model and Snapshot…
GFS Consistency Model and Snapshotting
This lesson will explain how GFS handles the consistency of
its operations and data. Additionally, we will look into how GFS implements a
snapshotting operation.
We'll cover the following
• GFS consistency model
• Snapshotting
GFS consistency model #
To keep things simple and efficient, GFS has a relaxed consistency model.
Metadata operations (e.g., file creation) are atomic. They are handled
exclusively by the master. Namespace locking guarantees atomicity and
correctness, whereas the master’s operation log defines a global total order
of these operations.
In data mutations, there is an important distinction between write and
append operations. Write operations specify an offset at which mutations
should occur, whereas appends are always applied at the end of the file. This
means that for the write operation, the offset in the chunk is
predetermined, whereas for append , the system decides. Concurrent writes
to the same location are not serializable and may result in corrupted regions
of the file. With append operations, GFS guarantees the append will happen
at-least-once and atomically (that is, as a contiguous sequence of bytes). The
system does not guarantee that all copies of the chunk will be identical (some
may have duplicate data).
Snapshotting #
A snapshot is a copy of some subtree of the global namespace as it exists at a
given point in time. GFS clients use snapshotting to efficiently branch two
versions of the same data. Snapshots in GFS are initially zero-copy. This
means that data copies are made only when clients make a request to modify
the chunks. This scheme is known as copy-on-write.
When the master receives a snapshot request, it first revokes any
outstanding leases on the chunks in the files to snapshot. It waits for leases
to be revoked or expired and logs the snapshot operation to the operation
log. The snapshot is then made by duplicating the metadata for the source
directory tree. Newly created snapshot files still point to the original chunks.
When a client makes a request to write to one of these chunks, the master
detects that it is a copy-on-write chunk by examining its reference count
(which will be more than one). At this point, the master asks each
ChunkServer holding the replica to make a copy of the chunk and store it
locally. These local copies are made to avoid copying the chunk over the
network. Once the copy is complete, the master issues a lease for the new
copy, and the write proceeds.
Anatomy of an Append Operation
Fault Tolerance, High Availability, and …
Fault Tolerance, High Availability, and Data
Let's learn how GFS implements fault tolerance, high
availability, and data integrity.
We'll cover the following
• Fault tolerance
• High availability through Chunk replication
• Data integrity through checksum
Fault tolerance #
To make the system fault-tolerant and available, GFS makes use of two
simple strategies:
1. Fast recovery in case of component failures.
2. Replication for high availability.
Let’s first see how GFS recovers from master or replica failure:
On master failure: The Master being a single point of failure, can make
the entire system unavailable in a short time. To handle this, all
operations applied on master are saved in an operation log. This log is
checkpointed and replicated on multiple remote machines, so that on
recovery, a master may load the checkpoint into memory, replay any
subsequent operations from the operation log, and be available again in
a short amount of time. GFS relies on an external monitoring
infrastructure to detect the master failure and switch the traffic to the
backup master server.
Shadow masters are replicas of master and provide read-only
access to the file system even when the primary is down. All
shadow masters keep themselves updated by applying the same
sequence of updates exactly as the primary master does by reading
its operation log. Shadow masters may lag the primary slightly, but
they enhance read availability for files that are not being actively
changed or applications that do not mind getting slightly stale
metadata. Since file contents are read from the ChunkServers,
applications do not observe stale file contents.
On primary replica failure: If an active primary replica fails (or there
is a network partition), the master detects this failure (as there will be
no heartbeat), and waits for the current lease to expire (in case the
primary replica is still serving traffic from clients directly), and then
assigns the lease to a new node. When the old primary replica recovers,
the master will detect it as ‘stale’ by checking the version number of the
chunks. The master node will pick new nodes to replace the stale node
and garbage-collect it before it can join the group again.
On secondary replica failure: If there is a replica failure, all client
operations will start failing on it. When this happens, the client retries a
few times; if all of the retries fail, it reports failure to the master. This
can leave the secondary replica inconsistent because it misses some
mutations. As described above, stale nodes will be replaced by new
nodes picked by the master, and eventually garbage-collected.
Note: Stale replicas might be exposed to clients. It depends on the
application programmer to deal with these stale reads. GFS does not
guarantee strong consistency on chunk reads.
High availability through Chunk
replication #
As discussed earlier, each chunk is replicated on multiple ChunkServers on
different racks. Users can specify different replication levels for different
parts of the file namespace. The default is three. The master clones the
existing replicas to keep each chunk fully replicated as ChunkServers go
offline or when the master detects corrupted replicas through checksum
A chunk is lost irreversibly only if all its replicas are lost before GFS can
react. Even in this case, the data becomes unavailable, not corrupted, which
means applications receive clear errors rather than corrupt data.
Data integrity through checksum #
Checksumming is used by each ChunkServer to detect the corruption of
stored data. The chunk is broken down into 64 KB blocks. Each has a
corresponding 32-bit checksum. Like other metadata, checksums are kept in
memory and stored persistently with logging, separate from user data.
1. For reads, the ChunkServer verifies the checksum of data blocks that
overlap the read range before returning any data to the requester,
whether a client or another ChunkServer. Therefore, ChunkServers will
not propagate corruptions to other machines. If a block does not match
the recorded checksum, the ChunkServer returns an error to the
requestor and reports the mismatch to the master. In response, the
requestor will read from other replicas, and the master will clone the
chunk from another replica. After a valid new replica is in place, the
master instructs the ChunkServer that reported the mismatch to delete
its replica.
2. For writes, ChunkServer verifies the checksum of first and last data
blocks that overlap the write range before performing the write. Then, it
computes and records the new checksums. For a corrupted block, the
ChunkServer returns an error to the requestor and reports the
mismatch to the master.
3. For appends, checksum computation is optimized as there is no
checksum verification on the last block; instead, just incrementally
update the checksum for the last partial block and compute new
checksums for any brand-new blocks filed by the append. This way, if
the last partial block is already corrupted (and GFS fails to detect it
now), the new checksum value will not match the stored data, and the
corruption will be detected as usual when the block is next read.
During idle periods, ChunkServers can scan and verify the contents of
inactive chunks (prevents an inactive but corrupted chunk replica from
fooling the master into thinking that it has enough valid replicas of a chunk).
Checksumming has little effect on read performance for the following
Since most of the reads span at least a few blocks, GFS needs to read and
checksum only a relatively small amount of extra data for verification.
GFS client code further reduces this overhead by trying to align reads at
checksum block boundaries.
Checksum lookups and comparisons on the ChunkServer are done
without any I/O.
Checksum calculation can often be overlapped with I/Os.
GFS Consistency Model and Snapshot
Garbage Collection
Garbage Collection
Let's learn how GFS implements garbage collection.
We'll cover the following
• Garbage collection through lazy deletion
• Advantages of lazy deletion
• Disadvantages of lazy deletion
Garbage collection through lazy
deletion #
When a file is deleted, GFS does not immediately reclaim the physical space
used by that file. Instead, it follows a lazy garbage collection strategy.
When the client issues a delete file operation, GFS does two things:
1. The master logs the deletion operation just like other changes.
2. The deleted file is renamed to a hidden name that also includes a
deletion timestamp.
The file can still be read under the new, special name and can also be
undeleted by renaming it back to normal. To reclaim the physical storage,
the master, while performing regular scans of the file system, removes any
such hidden files if they have existed for more than three days (this interval
is configurable) and also deletes its in-memory metadata. This lazy deletion
scheme provides a window of opportunity to a user who deleted a file by
mistake to recover the file.
The master, while performing regular scans of chunk namespace, deletes the
metadata of all chunks that are not part of any file. Also, during the
exchange of regular HeartBeat messages with the master, each ChunkServer
reports a subset of the chunks it has, and the master replies with a list of
chunks from that subset that are no longer present in the master’s database;
such chunks are then deleted from the ChunkServer.
Advantages of lazy deletion #
Here are the advantages of lazy deletion.
Simple and reliable. If the chunk deletion message is lost, the master
does not have to retry. The ChunkServer can perform the garbage
collection with the subsequent heartbeat messages.
GFS merges storage reclamation into regular background activities of
the master, such as the regular scans of the filesystem or the exchange
of HeartBeat messages. Thus, it is done in batches, and the cost is
Garbage collection takes place when the master is relatively free.
Lazy deletion provides safety against accidental, irreversible deletions.
Disadvantages of lazy deletion #
As we know, after deletion, storage space does not become available
immediately. Applications that frequently create and delete files may not be
able to reuse the storage right away. To overcome this, GFS provides
following options:
If a client deletes a deleted file again, GFS expedites the storage
Users can specify directories that are to be stored without replication.
Users can also specify directories where deletion takes place
Fault Tolerance, High Availability, and …
Criticism on GFS
Criticism on GFS
Here is the summary of criticism on GFS's architecture.
We'll cover the following
• Problems associated with single master
• Problems associated with large chunk size
Problems associated with single
master #
As GFS has grown in usage, Google has started to see the following problems
with the centralized master scheme:
Despite the separation of control flow (i.e., metadata operations) and
data flow, the master is emerging as a bottleneck in the design. As the
number of clients grows, a single master could not serve them because
it does not have enough CPU power.
Despite the reduced amount of metadata (because of the large chunk
size), the amount of metadata stored by the master is increasing to a
level where it is getting difficult to keep all the metadata in the main
Problems associated with large chunk
size #
Large chunk size (64MB) in GFS has its disadvantages while reading. Since a
small file will have one or a few chunks, the ChunkServers storing those
chunks can become hotspots if a lot of clients are accessing the same file. As
a workaround for this problem, GFS stores extra copies of small files for
distributing the load to multiple ChunkServers. Furthermore, GFS adds a
random delay in the start times of the applications accessing such files.
Garbage Collection
Summary: GFS
Summary: GFS
Here is a quick summary of Google File System for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• References and further reading
Summary #
System design patterns #
References and further reading #
Criticism on GFS
Quiz: GFS
HDFS: How to Design a Distributed File
Storage System?
Hadoop Distributed File System: Introduction
This lesson gives a brief introduction to the Hadoop
Distributed File System.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• What is Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)?
• Background
• APIs
Goal #
Design a distributed system that can store huge files (terabyte and larger).
The system should be scalable, reliable, and highly available.
What is Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS)? #
HDFS is a distributed file system and was built to store unstructured data. It
is designed to store huge files reliably and stream those files at high
bandwidth to user applications.
HDFS is a variant and a simplified version of the Google File System (GFS). A
lot of HDFS architectural decisions are inspired by GFS design. HDFS is built
around the idea that the most efficient data processing pattern is a write245
once, read-many-times pattern.
Background #
Apache Hadoop (https://hadoop.apache.org/) is a software framework that
provides a distributed file storage system and distributed computing for
analyzing and transforming very large data sets using the MapReduce
(https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/mapred_tutorial.html) programming
model. HDFS is the default file storage system in Hadoop. It is designed to be
a distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant file system that primarily caters to
the needs of the MapReduce paradigm.
Both HDFS and GFS were built to store very large files and scale to store
petabytes of storage. Both were built for handling batch processing on huge
data sets and were designed for data-intensive applications and not for endusers. Like GFS, HDFS is also not POSIX-compliant and is not a mountable file
system on its own. It is typically accessed via HDFS clients or by using
application programming interface (API) calls from the Hadoop libraries.
Given the current HDFS design, the following types of applications are not a
good fit for HDFS:
1. Low-latency data access:
HDFS is optimized for high throughput (which may come at the expense
of latency). Therefore, applications that need low-latency data access
will not work well with HDFS.
2. Lots of small files:
HDFS has a central server called NameNode, which holds all the
filesystem metadata in memory. This limits the number of files in the
filesystem by the amount of memory on the NameNode. Although
storing millions of files is feasible, billions are beyond the capability of
the current hardware.
3. No concurrent writers and arbitrary file modifications:
Contrary to GFS, multiple writers cannot concurrently write to an HDFS
file. Furthermore, writes are always made at the end of the file, in an
append-only fashion; there is no support for modifications at
arbitrary offsets in a file.
APIs #
HDFS does not provide standard POSIX-like APIs. Instead, it exposes userlevel APIs. In HDFS, files are organized hierarchically in directories and
identified by their pathnames. HDFS supports the usual file system
operations, e.g., files and directories can be created, deleted, renamed,
moved, and symbolic links can be created. All read and write operations
are done in an append-only fashion.
Mock Interview: GFS
High-level Architecture
High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of HDFS’s architecture.
We'll cover the following
• HDFS architecture
• Comparison between GFS and HDFS
HDFS architecture #
All files stored in HDFS are broken into multiple fixed-size blocks, where
each block is 128 megabytes in size by default (configurable on a per-file
basis). Each file stored in HDFS consists of two parts: the actual file data and
the metadata, i.e., how many block parts the file has, their locations and the
total file size, etc. HDFS cluster primarily consists of a NameNode that
manages the file system metadata and DataNodes that store the actual data.
trol fl
In-memory FS Metadata
Edit Log
Block operations
DataNode Heartbeat
Garbage collection
Block migration
Data flow
Linux File System
Linux File System
Data transfer happens directly
between client and DataNodes
Several DataNodes
HDFS high-level architecture
All blocks of a file are of the same size except the last one.
HDFS uses large block sizes because it is designed to store extremely
large files to enable MapReduce jobs to process them efficiently.
Each block is identified by a unique 64-bit ID called BlockID.
All read/write operations in HDFS operate at the block level.
DataNodes store each block in a separate file on the local file system and
provide read/write access.
When a DataNode starts up, it scans through its local file system and
sends the list of hosted data blocks (called BlockReport) to the
The NameNode maintains two on-disk data structures to store the file
system’s state: an FsImage file and an EditLog. FsImage is a checkpoint
of the file system metadata at some point in time, while the EditLog is a
log of all of the file system metadata transactions since the image file
was last created. These two files help NameNode to recover from
User applications interact with HDFS through its client. HDFS Client
interacts with NameNode for metadata, but all data transfers happen
directly between the client and DataNodes.
To achieve high-availability, HDFS creates multiple copies of the data
and distributes them on nodes throughout the cluster.
Replica DataNodes
File metadata:
File with three blocks
d1, d3, d4 d2, d3, d4 d1, d2, d4
File with two blocks
d1, d2, d4 d1, d3, d4
replication factor = 3
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
HDFS block replication
Comparison between GFS and HDFS
HDFS architecture is similar to GFS, although there are differences in the
terminology. Here is the comparison between the two file systems:
Storage node
File part
File part size
Default chunk size is 64MB
Default block size is 128MB
Checkpoint image
Write ahead log
Operation log
Developed in C++
Developed in Java
Only used internally by Google
Master receives HeartBeat
NameNode receives HeartBeat
from ChunkServers
from DataNodes
Follows multiple writers and
Does not support multiple writ-
multiple readers model.
ers. HDFS follows the write-
once and read-many model.
File operations
Append and Random writes
Only append is possible.
are possible.
Any deleted file is renamed
Any deleted file is renamed to
into a particular folder to be
a hidden name to be garbage
garbage collected later.
collected later.
RPC over TCP is used for
RPC over TCP is used for
communication with the
communication with the
To minimize latency, pipelining
For data transfer, pipelining
and streaming are used over
and streaming are used over
TCP for data transfer.
Clients cache metadata.
HDFS uses distributed cache.
Client or ChunkServer does
User-specified paths are
not cache file data.
cached explicitly in the DataN-
ChunkServers rely on the buffer cache in Linux to maintain
ode’s memory in an off-heap
block cache.
frequently accessed data in
The cache could be private
(belonging to one user) or public (belonging to all the users of
the same node).
Chunk replicas are spread
The HDFS has an automatic
across the racks. Master auto-
rack-ware replication system.
matically replicates the chunks.
By default, two copies of each
By default, three copies of
block are stored at two different
each chunk are stored. User
DataNodes in the same rack,
can specify a different replica-
and a third copy is stored on a
tion factor.
Data Node in a different rack
The master re-replicates a
(for better reliability).
chunk replica as soon as the
User can specify a different
number of available replicas
replication factor.
falls below a user-specified
File system
Files are organized hierarchi-
HDFS supports a traditional hi-
cally in directories and identi-
erarchical file organization.
fied by pathnames.
Users or applications can create directories to store files
HDFS also supports third-party
file systems such as Amazon
Simple Storage Service (S3)
and Cloud Store.
Bigtable uses GFS as its stor-
HBase uses HDFS as its stor-
age engine.
age engine.
Hadoop Distributed File System: Intro…
Deep Dive
Deep Dive
Let's explore some of HDFS's design components.
We'll cover the following
• Cluster topology
• Rack aware replication
• Synchronization semantics
• HDFS consistency model
Cluster topology #
A typical data center contains many racks of servers connected using
switches. A common configuration for Hadoop clusters is to have about 30 to
40 servers per rack. Each rack has a dedicated gigabit switch that connects
all of its servers and an uplink to a core switch or router, whose bandwidth
is shared by many racks in the data center, as shown in the following figure.
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
HDFS cluster topology
When HDFS is deployed on a cluster, each of its servers is configured and
mapped to a particular rack. The network distance between servers is
measured in hops, where one hop corresponds to one link in the topology.
Hadoop assumes a tree-style topology, and the distance between two servers
is the sum of their distances to their closest common ancestor.
In the above figure, the distance between Node 1 and itself is zero hops (the
case when two processes are communicating on the same node). Node 1 and
Node 2 are two hops away, while the distance between Node 3 and Node 4 is
four hops.
Rack aware replication #
The placement of replicas is critical to HDFS reliability and performance.
HDFS employs a rack-aware replica placement policy to improve data
reliability, availability, and network bandwidth utilization. If the replication
factor is three, HDFS attempts to place the first replica on the same node as
the client writing the block. In case a client process is not running in the
HDFS cluster, a node is chosen at random. The second replica is written to a
node on a different rack from the first (i.e., off-rack replica). The third
replica of the block is then written to another random node on the same rack
as the second. Additional replicas are written to random nodes in the cluster,
but the system tries to avoid placing too many replicas on the same rack. The
figure below illustrates the replica placement for a triple-replicated block in
HDFS. The idea behind HDFS’s replica placement is to be able to tolerate
node and rack failures. For example, when an entire rack goes offline due to
power or networking problems, the requested block can still be located at a
different rack.
Data Center
Rack-aware replication
The default HDFS replica placement policy can be summarized as follows:
1. No DataNode will contain more than one replica of any block.
2. If there are enough racks available, no rack will contain more than two
replicas of the same block.
Following this rack-aware replication scheme slows the write operation as
the data needs to be replicated onto different racks, but this is an intentional
tradeoff between reliability and performance that HDFS made.
Synchronization semantics #
Early versions of HDFS followed strict immutable semantics. Once a file
was written, it could never again be re-opened for writes; files could still be
deleted. However, current versions of HDFS support append. This is still
quite limited in the sense that existing binary data once written to HDFS
cannot be modified in place.
This design choice in HDFS was made because some of the most common
MapReduce workloads follow the write once, read many data-access
pattern. MapReduce is a restricted computational model with predefined
stages. The reducers in MapReduce write independent files to HDFS as
output. HDFS focuses on fast read access for multiple clients at a time.
HDFS consistency model #
HDFS follows a strong consistency model. As stated above, each data block
written to HDFS is replicated to multiple nodes. To ensure strong consistency,
a write is declared successful only when all replicas have been written
successfully. This way, all clients see the same (and consistent) view of the
file. Since HDFS does not allow multiple concurrent writers to write to an
HDFS file, implementing strong consistency becomes a relatively easy task.
High-level Architecture
Anatomy of a Read Operation
Anatomy of a Read Operation
We'll cover the following
• HDFS read process
• Short circuit read
HDFS read process #
HDFS read process can be outlined as follows:
1. When a file is opened for reading, HDFS client initiates a read request,
by calling the open() method of the Distributed FileSystem object.
The client specifies the file name, start offset, and the read range length.
2. The Distributed FileSystem object calculates what blocks need to be
read based on the given offset and range length, and requests the
locations of the blocks from the NameNode.
3. NameNode has metadata for all blocks’ locations. It provides the client a
list of blocks and the locations of each block replica. As the blocks are
replicated, NameNode finds the closest replica to the client when
providing a particular block’s location. The closest locality of each block
is determined as follows:
If a required block is within the same node as the client, it is
Then, the block in the same rack as the client is preferred.
Finally, an off-rack block is read.
4. After getting the block locations, the client calls the read() method of
FSData InputStream , which takes care of all the interactions with the
DataNodes. In step 4 in the below diagram, once the client invokes the
read() method, the input stream object establishes a connection with
the closest DataNode with the first block of the file.
5. The data is read in the form of streams. As the data is streamed, it is
passed to the requesting application. Hence, the block does not have to
be transferred in its entirety before the client application starts
processing it.
6. Once the FSData InputStream receives all data of a block, it closes the
connection and moves on to connect the DataNode for the next block. It
repeats this process until it finishes reading all the required blocks of
the file.
7. Once the client finishes reading all the required blocks, it calls the
close() method of the input stream object.
Get block locations
Block locations
In-memory FS Metadata
Data Flow
The anatomy of a read operation
Short circuit read #
As we saw above, the client reads the data directly from DataNode. The
client uses TCP sockets for this. If the data and the client are on the same
machine, HDFS can directly read the file bypassing the DataNode. This
scheme is called short circuit read and is quite efficient as it reduces
overhead and other processing resources.
Deep Dive
Anatomy of a Write Operation
Anatomy of a Write Operation
This lesson explains how HDFS handles a write operation.
We'll cover the following
• HDFS write process
HDFS write process #
HDFS write process can be outlined as follows:
1. HDFS client initiates a write request by calling the create() method of
the Distributed FileSystem object.
2. The Distributed FileSystem object sends a file creation request to the
3. The NameNode verifies that the file does not already exist and that the
client has permission to create the file. If both these conditions are
verified, the NameNode creates a new file record and sends an
4. The client then proceeds to write the file using FSData OutputStream
5. The FSData OutputStream writes data to a local queue called ‘Data
Queue.’ The data is kept in the queue until a complete block of data is
6. Once the queue has a complete block, another component called
DataStreamer is notified to manage data transfer to the DataNode.
7. DataStreamer first asks the NameNode to allocate a new block on
DataNodes, thereby picking desirable DataNodes to be used for
8. The NameNode provides a list of blocks and the locations of each block
9. Upon receiving the block locations from the NameNode, the
DataStreamer starts transferring the blocks from the internal queue to
the nearest DataNode.
10. Each block is written to the first DataNode, which then pipelines the
block to other DataNodes in order to write replicas of the block. This
way, the blocks are replicated during the file write itself. It is important
to note that HDFS does not acknowledge a write to the client until all the
replicas for that block have been written by the DataNodes.
11. Once the DataStreamer finishes writing all blocks, it waits for
acknowledgments from all the DataNodes.
12. Once all acknowledgments are received, the client calls the close()
method of the OutputStream .
13. Finally, the Distributed FileSystem contacts the NameNode to notify
that the file write operation is complete. At this point, the NameNode
commits the file creation operation, which makes the file available to be
read. If the NameNode dies before this step, the file is lost.
File creation ack
W 4
In-memory FS Metadata
o ca
ck l
Data Queue
Anatomy of a Read Operation
Data Integrity & Caching
Data Integrity & Caching
Let's explore how HDFS ensures data integrity and implements
We'll cover the following
• Data integrity
• Block scanner
• Caching
Data integrity #
Data Integrity refers to ensuring the correctness of the data. When a client
retrieves a block from a DataNode, the data may arrive corrupted. This
corruption can occur because of faults in the storage device, network, or the
software itself. HDFS client uses checksum to verify the file contents. When a
client stores a file in HDFS, it computes a checksum of each block of the file
and stores these checksums in a separate hidden file in the same HDFS
namespace. When a client retrieves file contents, it verifies that the data it
received from each DataNode matches the checksum stored in the associated
checksum file. If not, then the client can opt to retrieve that block from
another replica.
Block scanner #
A block scanner process periodically runs on each DataNode to scan blocks
stored on that DataNode and verify that the stored checksums match the
block data. Additionally, when a client reads a complete block and checksum
verification succeeds, it informs the DataNode. The DataNode treats it as a
verification of the replica. Whenever a client or a block scanner detects a
corrupt block, it notifies the NameNode. The NameNode marks the replica as
corrupt and initiates the process to create a new good replica of the block.
Caching #
Normally, blocks are read from the disk, but for frequently accessed files,
blocks may be explicitly cached in the DataNode’s memory, in an off-heap
block cache. HDFS offers a Centralized Cache Management scheme to allow
its users to specify paths to be cached. Clients can tell the NameNode which
files to cache. NameNode communicates with the DataNodes that have the
desired blocks on disk and instructs them to cache the blocks in off-heap
Centralized cache management in HDFS has many significant advantages:
1. Explicitly specifying blocks for caching prevents the eviction of
frequently accessed data from memory. This is particularly important as
most of the HDFS workloads are bigger than the main memory of the
2. Because the NameNode manages DataNode caches, applications can
query the set of cached block locations when making MapReduce task
placement decisions. Co-locating a task with a cached block replica
improves read performance.
3. When a DataNode has cached a block, clients can use a new, more
efficient, zero-copy read API. As the block is already in memory and its
checksum verification has already been done by the DataNode, clients
can incur essentially zero overhead when using this new API.
4. Centralized caching can improve overall cluster memory utilization.
When relying on the OS buffer cache at each DataNode, repeated reads
of a block will result in all ‘n’ replicas of the block being pulled into the
buffer cache. With centralized cache management, a user can explicitly
specify only ‘m’ of the ‘n’ replicas, saving ‘n-m’ memory.
Anatomy of a Write Operation
Fault Tolerance
Fault Tolerance
Let's explore what techniques HDFS uses for fault tolerance.
We'll cover the following
• How does HDFS handle DataNode failures?
• Replication
• HeartBeat
• What happens when the NameNode fails?
• FsImage and EditLog
• Metadata backup
How does HDFS handle DataNode
failures? #
Replication #
When a DataNode dies, all of its data becomes unavailable. HDFS handles
this data unavailability through replication. As stated earlier, every block
written to HDFS is replicated to multiple (default three) DataNodes.
Therefore, if one DataNode becomes inaccessible, its data can be read from
other replicas.
HeartBeat #
The NameNode keeps track of DataNodes through a heartbeat mechanism.
Each DataNode sends periodic heartbeat messages (every few seconds) to the
NameNode. If a DataNode dies, the heartbeats will stop, and the NameNode
will detect that the DataNode has died. The NameNode will then mark the
DataNode as dead and will no longer forward any read/write request to that
DataNode. Because of replication, the blocks stored on that DataNode have
additional replicas on other DataNodes. The NameNode performs regular
status checks on the file system to discover under-replicated blocks and
performs a cluster rebalance process to replicate blocks that have less than
the desired number of replicas.
What happens when the NameNode
fails? #
FsImage and EditLog #
The NameNode is a single point of failure (SPOF). A NameNode failure will
bring the entire file system down. Internally, the NameNode maintains two
on-disk data structures that store the file system’s state: an FsImage file and
an EditLog. FsImage is a checkpoint (or the image) of the file system
metadata at some point in time, while the EditLog is a log of all of the file
system metadata transactions since the image file was last created. All
incoming changes to the file system metadata are written to the EditLog. At
periodic intervals, the EditLog and FsImage files are merged to create a new
image file snapshot, and the edit log is cleared out.
Metadata backup #
On a NameNode failure, the metadata would be unavailable, and a disk
failure on the NameNode would be catastrophic because the file metadata
would be lost since there would be no way of knowing how to reconstruct
the files from the blocks on the DataNodes. For this reason, it is crucial to
make the NameNode resilient to failure, and HDFS provides two mechanisms
for this:
1. The first way is to back up and store multiple copies of FsImage and
EditLog. The NameNode can be configured to maintain multiple copies
of the files. Any update to either the FsImage or EditLog causes each
copy of the FsImages and EditLogs to get updated synchronously and
atomically. A common configuration is to maintain one copy of these
files on a local disk and one on a remote Network File System (NFS)
mount. This synchronous updating of multiple copies of the FsImage
and EditLog may degrade the rate of namespace transactions per second
that a NameNode can support. However, this degradation is acceptable
because even though HDFS applications are very data-intensive, they
are not metadata-intensive.
2. Another option provided by HDFS is to run a Secondary NameNode,
which despite its name, is not a backup NameNode. Its main role is to
help primary NameNode in taking the checkpoint of the filesystem.
Secondary NameNode periodically merges the namespace image with
the EditLog to prevent the EditLog from becoming too large. The
secondary NameNode runs on a separate physical machine because it
requires plenty of CPU and as much memory as the NameNode to
perform the merge. It keeps a copy of the merged namespace image,
which can be used in the event of the NameNode failure. However, the
state of the secondary NameNode lags behind that of the primary, so in
the event of total failure of the primary, data loss is almost inevitable.
The usual course of action, in this case, is to copy the NameNode’s
metadata files that are on NFS to the secondary and run it as the new
Secondary NameNode
Edit Log
EditLog & FsImage
In-memory FS Metadata
Merged FsImage
me t
Edit Log
Merged FsImage
Block operations
DataNode Heartbeat
Garbage collection
Block migration
Linux File System
Linux File System
Role of primary and secondary NameNode
Data Integrity & Caching
HDFS High Availability (HA)
HDFS High Availability (HA)
Let's learn how HDFS achieves high availability.
We'll cover the following
• HDFS high availability architecture
• Zookeeper
• Failover and fencing
• Fencing
HDFS high availability architecture #
Although NameNode’s metadata is copied to multiple file systems to protect
against data loss, it still does not provide high availability of the filesystem. If
the NameNode fails, no clients will be able to read, write, or list files, because
the NameNode is the sole repository of the metadata and the file-to-block
mapping. In such an event, the whole Hadoop system would effectively be
out of service until a new NameNode is brought online.
To recover from a failed NameNode scenario, an administrator will start a
new primary NameNode with one of the filesystem metadata replicas and
configure DataNodes and clients to use this new NameNode. The new
NameNode is not able to serve requests until it has
1. loaded its namespace image into memory,
2. replayed its EditLog, and
3. received enough block reports from the DataNodes.
On large clusters with many files and blocks, it can take half an hour or more
to perform a cold start of a NameNode. Furthermore, this long recovery time
is a problem for routine maintenance. In fact, because an unexpected failure
of the NameNode is rare, the case for planned downtime is actually more
important in practice.
To solve this problem, Hadoop, in its 2.0 release, added support for HDFS
High Availability (HA). In this implementation, there are two (or more)
NameNodes in an active-standby configuration. At any point in time, exactly
one of the NameNodes is in an active state, and the others are in a Standby
state. The active NameNode is responsible for all client operations in the
cluster, while the Standby is simply acting as a follower of the active,
maintaining enough state to provide a fast failover when required.
For the Standby nodes to keep their state synchronized with the active node,
HDFS made a few architectural changes:
The NameNodes must use highly available shared storage to share the
EditLog (e.g., a Network File System (NFS) mount from a Network
Attached Storage (NAS)).
When a standby NameNode starts, it reads up to the end of the shared
EditLog to synchronize its state with the active NameNode, and then
continues to read new entries as the active NameNode writes them.
DataNodes must send block reports to all the NameNodes because the
block mappings are stored in a NameNode’s memory, and not on disk.
Clients must be configured to handle NameNode failover, using a
mechanism that is transparent to users. Client failover is handled
transparently by the client library. The simplest implementation uses
client-side configuration to control failover. The HDFS URI uses a logical
hostname which is mapped to multiple NameNode addresses, and the
client library tries each NameNode address until the operation succeeds.
There are two choices for the highly available shared storage: an NFS filer
(as described above), or a Quorum Journal Manager (QJM).
The sole purpose of the QJM is to provide a highly available EditLog. The
QJM runs as a group of journal nodes, and each edit must be written to a
quorum (or majority) of the journal nodes. Typically, there are three journal
nodes, so that the system can tolerate the loss of one of them. This
arrangement is similar to the way ZooKeeper (https://zookeeper.apache.org/)
works, although it is important to realize that the QJM implementation does
not use ZooKeeper.
Note: HDFS High Availability does use ZooKeeper for electing the
active NameNode. More details on this later. QJM process runs on all
NameNodes and communicates all EditLog changes to journal nodes
using RPC.
Since the Standby NameNodes have the latest state of the metadata available
in memory (both the latest EditLog and an up-to-date block mapping), any
standby can take over very quickly (in a few seconds) if the active
NameNode fails. However, the actual failover time will be longer in practice
(around a minute or so) because the system needs to be conservative in
deciding that the active NameNode has failed.
In the unlikely event of the Standbys being down when the active fails, the
administrator can still do a cold start of a Standby. This is no worse than the
non-HA case.
Zookeeper #
The ZKFailoverController (ZKFC) is a ZooKeeper client that runs on each
NameNode and is responsible for coordinating with the Zookeeper and also
monitoring and managing the state of the NameNode (more details below).
Zookeeper Ensemble
ZooKeeper Failover Controller (ZKFC)
monitors the health of NN, OS, and HW
ZKFC also coordinates the NN
election process
Active NameNode
Standby NameNode1
Standby NameNode2
Send block report to and take
commands from the active NN
QJM: Shared NN state through
quorum of Journal nodes
HDFS high availability architecture
Failover and fencing #
Block report to standby NNs
A Failover Controller manages the transition from the active NameNode to
the Standby. The default implementation of the failover controller uses
ZooKeeper to ensure that only one NameNode is active. Failover Controller
runs as a lightweight process on each NameNode and monitors the
NameNode for failures (using Heartbeat), and triggers a failover when the
active NameNode fails.
Graceful failover: For routine maintenance, an administrator can manually
initiate a failover. This is known as a graceful failover, since the failover
controller arranges an orderly transition from the active NameNode to the
Ungraceful failover: In the case of an ungraceful failover, however, it is
impossible to be sure that the failed NameNode has stopped running. For
example, a slow network or a network partition can trigger a failover
transition, even though the previously active NameNode is still running and
thinks it is still the active NameNode.
The HA implementation uses the mechanism of Fencing to prevent this
“split-brain” scenario and ensure that the previously active NameNode is
prevented from doing any damage and causing corruption.
Fencing #
Fencing is the idea of putting a fence around a previously active NameNode
so that it cannot access cluster resources and hence stop serving any
read/write request. To apply fencing, the following two techniques are used:
Resource fencing: Under this scheme, the previously active NameNode
is blocked from accessing resources needed to perform essential tasks.
For example, revoking its access to the shared storage directory
(typically by using a vendor-specific NFS command), or disabling its
network port via a remote management command.
Node fencing: Under this scheme, the previously active NameNode is
blocked from accessing all resources. A common way of doing this is to
power off or reset the node. This is an effective method of keeping it
from accessing anything at all. This technique is also called STONIT or
“Shoot The Other Node In The Head.”
To learn more about automatic failover, take a look at Apache
documentation (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-projectdist/hadoop-hdfs/HDFSHighAvailabilityWithQJM.html#Automatic_Failover).
Fault Tolerance
HDFS Characteristics
HDFS Characteristics
This lesson will explore some important aspects of HDFS
We'll cover the following
• Security and permission
• HDFS federation
• Erasure coding
• HDFS in practice
Security and permission #
HDFS provides a permissions model for files and directories which is similar
to POSIX. Each file and directory is associated with an owner and a group.
Each file or directory has separate permissions for the owner, other users
who are members of a group, and all other users. There are three types of
1. Read permission ( r ): For files, r permission is required to read a file.
For directories, r permission is required to list the contents of a
2. Write permission ( w ): For files, w permission is required to write or
append to a file. For a directory, w permission is required to create or
delete files or directories in it.
3. Execute permission ( x ): For files, x permission is ignored as we
cannot execute a file on HDFS. For a directory, x permission is required
to access a child of the directory.
HDFS also provides optional support for POSIX ACLs (Access Control Lists) to
augment file permissions with finer-grained rules for specific named users
or named groups.
HDFS federation #
The NameNode keeps the metadata of the whole namespace in memory,
which means that on very large clusters with many files, the memory
becomes the limiting factor for scaling. A more serious problem is that a
single NameNode, serving all metadata requests, can become a performance
bottleneck. To help resolve these issues, HDFS Federation was introduced in
the 2.x release, which allows a cluster to scale by adding NameNodes, each of
which manages a portion of the filesystem namespace. For example, one
NameNode might manage all the files rooted under /user , and a second
NameNode might handle files under /share . Under federation:
All NameNodes work independently. No coordination is required
between NameNodes.
DataNodes are used as the common storage by all the NameNodes.
A NameNode failure does not affect the availability of the namespaces
managed by other NameNodes.
To access a federated HDFS cluster, clients use client-side mount tables
to map file paths to NameNodes.
Multiple NameNodes running independently can end up generating the
same 64-bit Block IDs for their blocks. To avoid this problem, a namespace
uses one or more Block Pools, where a unique ID identifies each block pool
in a cluster. A block pool belongs to a single namespace and does not cross
the namespace boundary. The extended block ID, which is a tuple of (Block
Pool ID, Block ID), is used for block identification in HDFS Federation.
Erasure coding #
By default, HDFS stores three copies of each block, resulting in a 200%
overhead (to store two extra copies) in storage space and other resources
(e.g., network bandwidth). Compared to this default replication scheme,
Erasure Coding (EC) is probably the biggest change in HDFS in recent years.
EC provides the same level of fault tolerance with much less storage space. In
a typical EC setup, the storage overhead is no more than 50%. This
fundamentally doubles the storage space capacity by bringing down the
replication factor from 3x to 1.5x.
Under EC, data is broken down into fragments, expanded, encoded with
redundant data pieces, and stored across different DataNodes. If, at some
point, data is lost on a DataNode due to corruption, etc., then it can be
reconstructed using the other fragments stored on other DataNodes.
Although EC is more CPU intensive, it greatly reduces the storage needed for
reliably storing a large data set.
For more details on how EC works, see blog
(https://blog.cloudera.com/introduction-to-hdfs-erasure-coding-in-apachehadoop/) or wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasure_code).
HDFS in practice #
Although HDFS was primarily designed to support Hadoop MapReduce jobs
by providing a DFS for the Map and Reduce operations, HDFS has found
many uses with big-data tools.
HDFS is used in several Apache projects that are built on top of the Hadoop
framework, including Pig, Hive, HBase, and Giraph. HDFS support is also
included in other projects, such as GraphLab.
The primary advantages of HDFS include the following:
High bandwidth for MapReduce workloads: Large Hadoop clusters
(thousands of machines) are known to continuously write up to one
terabyte per second using HDFS.
High reliability: Fault tolerance is a primary design goal in HDFS. HDFS
replication provides high reliability and availability, particularly in
large clusters, in which the probability of disk and server failures
increases significantly.
Low costs per byte: Compared to a dedicated, shared-disk solution such
as a SAN, HDFS costs less per gigabyte because storage is collocated with
compute servers. With SAN, we have to pay additional costs for
managed infrastructure, such as the disk array enclosure and highergrade enterprise disks, to manage hardware failures. HDFS is designed
to run with commodity hardware, and redundancy is managed in
software to tolerate failures.
Scalability: HDFS allows DataNodes to be added to a running cluster
and offers tools to manually rebalance the data blocks when cluster
nodes are added, which can be done without shutting the file system
The primary disadvantages of HDFS include the following:
Small file inefficiencies: HDFS is designed to be used with large block
sizes (128MB and larger). It is meant to take large files (hundreds of
megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes) and chunk them into blocks, which
can then be fed into MapReduce jobs for parallel processing. HDFS is
inefficient when the actual file sizes are small (in the kilobyte range).
Having a large number of small files places additional stress on the
NameNode, which has to maintain metadata for all the files in the file
system. Typically, HDFS users combine many small files into larger ones
using techniques such as sequence files. A sequence file can be
understood as a container of binary key-value pairs, where the file
name is the key, and the file contents are the value.
POSIX non-compliance: HDFS was not designed to be a POSIXcompliant, mountable file system; applications will have to be either
written from scratch or modified to use an HDFS client. Workarounds
exist that enable HDFS to be mounted using a FUSE
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace) driver, but the
file system semantics do not allow writes to files once they have been
Write-once model: The write-once model is a potential drawback for
applications that require concurrent write accesses to the same file.
However, the latest version of HDFS now supports file appends.
In short, HDFS is a good option as a storage backend for distributed
applications that follow the MapReduce model or have been specifically
written to use HDFS. HDFS can be used efficiently with a small number of
large files rather than a large number of small files.
HDFS High Availability (HA)
Summary: HDFS
Summary: HDFS
Here is a quick summary of HDFS for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• System design patterns
• References and further reading
Summary #
System design patterns #
References and further reading #
HDFS Characteristics
Quiz: HDFS
BigTable: How to Design a Wide-column
Storage System?
BigTable: Introduction
Let’s explore Bigtable and its use cases.
We'll cover the following
• Goal
• What is BigTable?
• Background
• BigTable use cases
Goal #
Design a distributed and scalable system that can store a huge amount of
structured data. The data will be indexed by a row key where each row can
have an unbounded number of columns.
What is BigTable? #
BigTable is a distributed and massively scalable wide-column store. It is
designed to store huge sets of structured data. As its name suggests, BigTable
provides storage for very big tables (often in the terabyte range).
In terms of the CAP theorem, BigTable is a CP system, i.e., it has strictly
consistent reads and writes. BigTable can be used as an input source or
output destination for MapReduce
(https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/mapred_tutorial.html) jobs.
Background #
BigTable was developed at Google and has been in use since 2005 in dozens
of Google services. Because of the large scale of its services, Google could not
use commercial databases. Also, the cost of using an external solution would
have been too high. That is why Google chose to build an in-house solution.
BigTable is a highly available and high-performing database that powers
multiple applications across Google — where each application has different
needs in terms of the size of data to be stored and latency with which results
are expected.
Though BigTable is not open-source itself, its paper was crucial in inspiring
powerful open-source databases like Cassandra
(https://cassandra.apache.org/) (which borrows BigTable’s data model),
HBase (https://hbase.apache.org/) (a distributed non-relational database) and
Hypertable (https://hypertable.org/).
BigTable use cases #
Google built BigTable to store large amounts of data and perform thousands
of queries per second on that data. Examples of BigTable data are billions of
URLs with many versions per page, petabytes of Google Earth data, and
billions of users’ search data.
BigTable is suitable to store large datasets that are greater than one TB
where each row is less than 10MB. Since BigTable does not provide ACID
(atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties or transaction
support, Online Transaction Processing (OLTP
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_transaction_processing)) applications
with transaction processes should not use BigTable. For BigTable, data
should be structured in the form of key-value pairs or rows-columns. Nonstructured data like images or movies should not be stored in BigTable.
Here are the examples of data that Google stores in BigTable:
URL and its related data, e.g., PageRank, page contents, crawl metadata
(e.g., when a page was crawled, what was the response code, etc.), links,
anchors (links pointing to a page). There are billions of URLs with many
versions of a page.
Per-user data, e.g., preference settings, recent queries/search results.
Google has hundreds of millions of users.
BigTable can be used to store the following types of data:
1. Time series data: As the data is naturally ordered
2. Internet of Things (IoT) data: Constant streams of writes
3. Financial Data: Often represented as time-series data
Mock Interview: HDFS
BigTable Data Model
BigTable Data Model
This lesson explains how BigTable models its data.
We'll cover the following
• Rows
• Column families
• Columns
• Timestamps
In simple terms, BigTable can be characterized as a sparse, distributed,
persistent, multidimensional, sorted map. Let’s dig deeper to understand
each of these characteristics of BigTable.
Traditional DBs have a two-dimensional layout of the data, where each cell
value is identified by the ‘Row ID’ and ‘Column Name’:
Row ID
Xi Peng
Two-dimensional layout of a traditional database
BigTable has a four-dimensional data model. The four dimensions are:
1. Row Key: Uniquely identifies a row
2. Column Family: Represents a group of columns
3. Column Name: Uniquely identifies a column
4. Timestamp: Each column cell can have different versions of a value,
each identified by a timestamp
A group of columns is called a column family
Column Family
BigTable row
Row Key
Column Family
Each column cell can have multiple
versions of the content. Each version
is identified by a timestamp
Here is an example of a BigTable row:
Column Family
Row Key
employee_id personal_info:name personal_info:phone
work_info:dept work_info:mngr_id
A column cell can contain multiple versions of the
column value, identified by different timestamps.
BigTable's four-dimensional data model
The data is indexed (or sorted) by row key, column key, and a timestamp.
Therefore, to access a cell’s contents, we need values for all of them. If no
timestamp is specified, BigTable retrieves the most recent version.
( row_key : string, column_name : string, timestamp : int64 ) → cell
contents (string)
Rows #
Each row in the table has an associated row key that is an arbitrary string of
up to 64 kilobytes in size (although most keys are significantly smaller):
Each row is uniquely identified by the ‘row key.’
Each ‘row key’ is internally represented as a string.
Every read or write of data under a single row is atomic. This also
means that atomicity across rows is not guaranteed, e.g., when updating
two rows, one might succeed, and the other might fail.
Each table’s data is only indexed by row key, column key, and
timestamp. There are no secondary indices.
A column is a key-value pair where the key is represented as ‘column key’
and the value as ‘column value.’
Column families #
Column keys are grouped into sets called column families. All data stored in
a column family is usually of the same type. The number of distinct column
families in a table should be small (in the hundreds at maximum), and
families should rarely change during operation. Access control as well as
both disk and memory accounting are performed at the column-family level.
The following figure shows a single row from a table. The row key is 294 ,
and there are two column families: personal_info and work_info , with
three columns under the personal_info column family.
Column Family
Row Key
employee_id personal_info:name personal_info:phone
Optional Qualifier
Column families
Column family format: family:optional qualifier
All rows have the same set of column families.
BigTable can retrieve data from the same column family efficiently.
Short Column family names are better as names are included in the data
Columns #
Columns are units within a column family.
A BigTable may have an unbounded number of columns.
New columns can be added on the fly.
Short column names are better as names are passed in each data
transfer, e.g., ColumnFamily:ColumnName => Work:Dept
As mentioned above, BigTable is quite suitable for sparse data. This is
because empty columns are not stored.
Timestamps #
Each column cell can contain multiple versions of the content. For example,
as we saw in the earlier example, we may have several timestamped
versions of an employee’s email. A 64-bit timestamp identifies each version
that either represents real time or a custom value assigned by the client.
While reading, if no timestamp is specified, BigTable returns the most recent
version. If the client specifies a timestamp, the latest version that is earlier
than the specified timestamp is returned.
BigTable supports two per-column-family settings to garbage-collect cell
versions automatically. The client can specify that only the last ‘n’ versions of
a cell be kept, or that only new-enough versions be kept (e.g., only keep
values that were written in the previous seven days).
BigTable: Introduction
System APIs
System APIs
Let's explore BigTable APIs.
We'll cover the following
• Metadata operations
• Data operations
BigTable provides APIs for two types of operations:
Metadata operations
Data operations
Metadata operations #
BigTable provides APIs for creating and deleting tables and column families.
It also provides functions for changing cluster, table, and column family
metadata, such as access control rights.
Data operations #
Clients can insert, modify, or delete values in BigTable. Clients can also
lookup values from individual rows or iterate over a subset of the data in a
BigTable supports single-row transactions, which can be used to
perform atomic read-modify-write sequences on data stored under a
single row key.
Bigtable does not support transactions across row keys, but provides a
client interface for batch writing across row keys.
BigTable allows cells to be used as integer counters.
A set of wrappers allow a BigTable to be used both as an input source
and as an output target for MapReduce
(https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/mapred_tutorial.html) jobs.
Clients can also write scripts in Sawzall (a language developed at
Google) to instruct server-side data processing (transform, filter,
aggregate) prior to the network fetch.
Here are APIs for write operations:
Set() : write cells in a row
DeleteCells() : delete cells in a row
DeleteRow() : delete all cells in a row
A read or scan operation can read arbitrary cells in a BigTable:
Each row read operation is atomic.
Can ask for data from just one row, all rows, etc.
Can restrict returned rows to a particular range.
Can ask for all columns, just certain columns families, or specific
BigTable Data Model
Partitioning and High-level Architecture
Partitioning and High-level Architecture
This lesson gives a brief overview of BigTable's architecture
and its data partitioning scheme.
We'll cover the following
• Table partitioning
• High-level architecture
Table partitioning #
A single instance of a BigTable implementation is known as a cluster. Each
cluster can store a number of tables where each table is split into multiple
Tablets, each around 100–200 MB in size.
Tablet 1
Tablet 2
A Tablet holds a contiguous range of rows.
The table is broken into Tablets at row boundaries.
Initially, each table consists of only one Tablet. As the table grows,
multiple Tablets are created. By default, a table is split at around 100 to
200 MB.
Tablets are the unit of distribution and load balancing (more about this
Since the table is sorted by row, reads of short ranges of rows are always
efficient, that is to say, communicating with a small number of Tablets.
This also means that selecting a row key with a high degree of locality is
very important.
Each Tablet is assigned to a Tablet server (discussed later), which
manages all read/write requests of that Tablet.
High-level architecture #
The architecture of a BigTable cluster consists of three major components:
1. Client Library: A library component that is linked into every client. The
client talks to BigTable through this library.
2. One master server: Responsible for performing metadata operations
and assigning Tablets to Tablet servers and managing them.
3. Many Tablet servers: Each Tablet server serves read and write of the
data to the Tablets it is assigned.
BigTable is built on top of several other pieces from Google infrastructure:
1. GFS: BigTable uses the Google File System to store its data and log files.
2. SSTable: Google’s SSTable (Sorted String Table) file format is used to
store BigTable data. SSTable provides a persistent, ordered, and
immutable map from keys to values (more on this later). SSTable is
designed in such a way that any data access requires, at most, a single
disk access.
3. Chubby: BigTable uses a highly available and persistent distributed lock
service called Chubby to handle synchronization issues and store
configuration information.
4. Cluster Scheduling System: Google has a cluster management system
that schedules, monitors, and manages the Bigtable’s cluster.
Let’s understand these components one by one.
Metadata operation
Client Library
Bigtable's Master
Tablet server
Tablet server
Tablet server
data and logs
Cluster Scheduling
Coordination service. Holds
metadata & handles master election.
(Tablet data )
Handles monitoring and failover.
Tablet Logs
Handles Tablet data and logs
High-level architecture of BigTable
System APIs
Let's learn how Tablets are stored in SSTables.
We'll cover the following
• How are Tablets stored in GFS?
• Table vs. Tablet vs. SSTable
How are Tablets stored in GFS? #
BigTable uses Google File System (GFS), a persistent distributed file storage
system to store data as files. The file format used by BigTable to store its files
is called SSTable:
SSTables are persisted, ordered maps of keys to values, where both keys
and values are arbitrary byte strings.
Each Tablet is stored in GFS as a sequence of files called SSTables.
An SSTable consists of a sequence of data blocks (typically 64KB in size).
SSTable contains multiple blocks
A block index is used to locate blocks; the index is loaded into memory
when the SSTable is opened.
SSTable Index
SSTable data block
Reading data from SSTable
A lookup can be performed with a single disk seek. We first find the
appropriate block by performing a binary search in the in-memory
index, and then reading the appropriate block from the disk.
To read data from an SSTable, it can either be copied from disk to
memory as a whole or just the index. The former approach avoids
subsequent disk seeks for lookups, while the latter requires a single disk
seek for each lookup.
SSTables provide two operations:
Get the value associated with a given key
Iterate over a set of values in a given key range
Each SSTable is immutable (read-only) once written to GFS. If new data
is added, a new SSTable is created. Once an old SSTable is no longer
needed, it is set out for garbage collection. SSTable immutability is at the
core of BigTable’s data checkpointing and recovery routines. SSTable’s
immutability provides following advantages:
No synchronization is needed during read operations.
This also makes it easier to split Tablets.
Garbage collector handles the permanent removal of deleted or
stale data.
Table vs. Tablet vs. SSTable #
Here is how we can define the relationship between Table, Tablet and
Multiple Tablets make up a table.
SSTables can be shared by multiple Tablets.
Tablets do not overlap, SSTables can overlap.
BigTable Cell
SSTable shared
between two Tablets
64K 64K 64K
block block block
64K 64K 64K
block block block
64K 64K 64K
block block block
Tablet vs SSTable
To improve write performance, BigTable uses an in-memory, mutable
sorted buffer called MemTable to store recent updates. As more writes
are performed, MemTable size increases, and when it reaches a
threshold, the MemTable is frozen, a new MemTable is created, and the
frozen MemTable is converted to an SSTable and written to GFS.
Each data update is also written to a commit-log which is also stored in
GFS. This log contains redo records used for recovery if a Tablet server
fails before committing a MemTable to SSTable.
While reading, the data can be in MemTables or SSTables. Since both
these tables are sorted, it is easy to find the most recent data.
Read and write work ow
Partitioning and High-level Architecture
GFS and Chubby
GFS and Chubby
Let's explore how BigTable interacts with GFS and Chubby.
We'll cover the following
• Chubby
GFS is a scalable distributed file system developed by Google for its large
data-intensive applications such as BigTable.
GFS files are broken into fixed-size blocks, called Chunks.
Chunks are stored on data servers called ChunkServers.
GFS master manages the metadata.
SSTables are divided into fixed-size, blocks and these blocks are stored
on ChunkServers.
Each chunk in GFS is replicated across multiple ChunkServers for
Clients interact with the GFS master for metadata, but all data transfers
happen directly between the client and ChunkServers.
GFS Master server
GFS Client
ta res
Instructions to ChunkServers
Linux File System
Linux File System
Linux File System
Two replicas of each chunk
High-level architecture of GFS
For a detailed discussion, please see GFS
Chubby #
Chubby is a highly available and persistent distributed locking service that
allows a multi-thousand node Bigtable cluster to stay coordinated.
Chubby usually runs with five active replicas, one of which is elected as
the master to serve requests. To remain alive, a majority of Chubby
replicas must be running.
BigTable depends on Chubby so much that if Chubby is unavailable for
an extended period of time, BigTable will also become unavailable.
Chubby uses the Paxos algorithm to keep its replicas consistent in the
face of failure.
Chubby provides a namespace consisting of files and directories. Each
file or directory can be used as a lock.
Read and write access to a Chubby file is atomic.
Each Chubby client maintains a session with a Chubby service. A client’s
session expires if it is unable to renew its session lease within the lease
expiration time. When a client’s session expires, it loses any locks and
open handles. Chubby clients can also register callbacks on Chubby files
and directories for notification of changes or session expiration.
In BigTable, Chubby is used to:
Ensure there is only one active master. The master maintains a
session lease with Chubby and periodically renews it to retain the
status of the master.
Store the bootstrap location of BigTable data (discussed later)
Discover new Tablet servers as well as the failure of existing ones
Store BigTable schema information (the column family information
for each table)
Store Access Control Lists (ACLs)
High-level architecture of Chubby
Bigtable Components
Bigtable Components
Let's explore the components that constitute BigTable.
We'll cover the following
• BigTable master server
• Tablet servers
As described previously, a BigTable cluster consists of three major
1. A library component that is linked into every client
2. One master server
3. Many Tablet servers
Get Meta-0 tablet location
Metadata operation
Master server
Client Library
Perform metadata operations and
load balancing of tablet servers
Read/write rows
Tablet server
Tablet server
Tablet server
Locks &
Load balancing,
Garbage collection
Read/write data and logs
Cluster Scheduling
Coordination service. Holds
metadata. Handles master election.
(Tablet data )
Tablet Logs
Handles monitoring and failover.
Handles tablet data and logs
BigTable architecture
BigTable master server #
There is only one master server in a BigTable cluster, and it is responsible
Assigning Tablets to Tablet servers and ensuring effective load
Monitoring the status of Tablet servers and managing the joining or
failure of Tablet server
Garbage collection of the underlying files stored in GFS
Handling metadata operations such as table and column family
Bigtable master is not involved in the core task of mapping tablets onto the
underlying files in GFS (Tablet servers handle this). This means that Bigtable
clients do not have to communicate with the master at all. This design
decision significantly reduces the load on the master and the possibility of
the master becoming a bottleneck.
Tablet servers #
Each Tablet server is assigned ownership of a number of Tablets
(typically 10–1,000 Tablets per server) by the master.
Each Tablet server serves read and write requests of the data of the
Tablets it is assigned. The client communicates directly with the Tablet
servers for reads/writes.
Tablet servers can be added or removed dynamically from a cluster to
accommodate changes in the workloads.
Tablet creation, deletion, or merging is initiated by the master server,
while Tablet partition is handled by Tablet servers who notify the
GFS and Chubby
Working with Tablets
Working with Tablets
We'll cover the following
• Locating Tablets
• Assigning Tablets
• Monitoring Tablet servers
• Load-balancing Tablet servers
Locating Tablets #
Since Tablets move around from server to server (due to load balancing,
Tablet server failures, etc.), given a row, how do we find the correct Tablet
server? To answer this, we need to find the Tablet whose row range covers
the target row. BigTable maintains a 3-level hierarchy, analogous to that of a
B+ tree, to store Tablet location information.
BigTable creates a special table, called Metadata table, to store Tablet
locations. This Metadata table contains one row per Tablet that tells us which
Tablet server is serving this Tablet. Each row in the METADATA table stores a
Tablet’s location under a row key that is an encoding of the Tablet’s table
identifier and its end row.
Key: table id + end row
Data: tablet server location
BigTable stores the information about the Metadata table in two parts:
1. Meta-1 Tablet has one row for each data Tablet (or non-meta Tablet).
Since Meta-1 Tablet can be big, it is split into multiple metadata Tablets
and distributed to multiple Tablet servers.
2. Meta-0 Tablet has one row for each Meta-1 Tablet. Meta-0 table never
gets split. BigTable stores the location of the Meta-0 Tablet in a Chubby
Data Tablets
Metadata tablets
(Meta-1 tablets)
Root Metadata tablet
(Meta-0 tablet)
Metadata tablets
A BigTable client seeking the location of a Tablet starts the search by looking
up a particular file in Chubby that is known to hold the location of the Meta0 Tablet. This Meta-0 Tablet contains information about other metadata
Tablets, which in turn contain the location of the actual data Tablets. With
this scheme, the depth of the tree is limited to three. For efficiency, the client
library caches Tablet locations and also prefetch metadata associated with
other Tablets whenever it reads the METADATA table.
Client Library
Master server
Chubby File
Data flow
Control flow through Chubby
Meta-0 tablet
Tablet server
Tablet server
Tablet server
Meta-1 tablet
Control and data ow in BigTable
Assigning Tablets #
A Tablet is assigned to only one Tablet server at any time. The master keeps
track of the set of live Tablet servers and the mapping of Tablets to Tablet
servers. The master also keeps track of any unassigned Tablets and assigns
them to Tablet servers with sufficient room.
When a Tablet server starts, it creates and acquires an exclusive lock on a
uniquely named file in Chubby’s “servers” directory. This mechanism is used
to tell the master that the Tablet server is alive. When the master is restarted
by the Cluster Management System, the following things happen:
1. The master grabs a unique master lock in Chubby to prevent multiple
master instantiations.
2. The master scans the Chubby’s “servers” directory to find the live Tablet
3. The master communicates with every live Tablet server to discover
what Tablets are assigned to each server.
4. The master scans the METADATA table to learn the full set of Tablets.
Whenever this scan encounters a Tablet that is not already assigned, the
master adds the Tablet to the set of unassigned Tablets. Similarly, the
master builds a set of unassigned Tablet servers, which are eligible for
Tablet assignment. The master uses this information to assign the
unassigned Tablets to appropriate Tablet servers.
Monitoring Tablet servers #
As stated above, BigTable maintains a ‘Servers’ directory in Chubby, which
contains one file for each live Tablet server. Whenever a new Tablet server
comes online, it creates a new file in this directory to signal its availability
and obtains an exclusive lock on this file. As long as a Tablet server retains
the lock on its Chubby file, it is considered alive.
BigTable’s master keeps monitoring the ‘Servers’ directory, and whenever it
sees a new file in this directory, it knows that a new Tablet server has
become available and is ready to be assigned Tablets. In addition to that, the
master regularly checks the status of the lock. If the lock is lost, the master
assumes that there is a problem either with the Tablet server or the Chubby.
In such a case, the master tries to acquire the lock, and if it succeeds, it
concludes that Chubby is working fine, and the Tablet server is having
problems. The master, in this case, deletes the file and reassigns the tablets
of the failing Tablet server. The deletion of the file works as a signal for the
failing Tablet server to terminate itself and stop serving the Tablets.
Whenever a Table server loses its lock on the file it has created in the
“servers” directory, it stops serving its Tablets. It tries to acquire the lock
again, and if it succeeds, it considers it a temporary network problem and
starts serving the Tablets again. If the file gets deleted, then the Tablet server
terminates itself to start afresh.
Load-balancing Tablet servers #
As described above, the master is responsible for assigning Tablets to Tablet
servers. The master keeps track of all available Tablet servers and maintains
the list of Tablets that the cluster is supposed to serve. In addition to that, the
master periodically asks Tablet servers about their current load. All this
information gives the master a global view of the cluster and helps assign
and load-balance Tablets.
Bigtable Components
The Life of BigTable's Read & Write O…
The Life of BigTable's Read & Write Operations
Let's explore how BigTable handles its read and write
We'll cover the following
• Write request
• Read request
Write request #
Upon receiving a write request, a Tablet server performs the following set of
1. Checks that the request is well-formed.
2. Checks that the sender is authorized to perform the mutation. This
authorization is performed based on the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
are stored in a chubby file.
3. If the above two conditions are met, the mutation is written to the
commit-log in GFS that stores redo records.
4. Once the mutation is committed to the commit-log, its contents are
stored in memory in a sorted buffer called MemTable.
5. After inserting the data into the MemTable, acknowledgment is sent to
the client that the data has been successfully written.
6. Periodically, MemTables are flushed to SSTables, and SSTables are
merged during compaction (discussed later).
Write request
The anatomy of a write request
Read request #
Upon receiving a read request, a Tablet server performs the following set of
1. Checks that the request is well-formed and the sender is authorized
2. Returns the rows if they are available in the Cache (discussed later)
3. Reads MemTable first to find the required rows
4. Reads SSTable indexes that are loaded in memory to find SSTables that
will have the required data, then reads the rows from those SSTables
5. Merge rows read from MemTable and SSTables to find the required
version of the data. Since the SSTables and the MemTable are sorted, the
merged view can be formed efficiently.
Read data from MamTable, if
present. Merge data from
SSTable before returning.
Read SSTable index to find the correct
SSTable containing data in GFS
SSTable Index 1
SSTable Index n
Read request
Return data
from cache,
if present
Return data from the
relevant SSTables
The anatomy of a read request
Working with Tablets
Fault Tolerance and Compaction
Fault Tolerance and Compaction
Let's learn how BigTable handles fault tolerance and data
We'll cover the following
• Fault tolerance and replication
• Fault tolerance in Chubby and GFS
• Fault tolerance for Tablet server
• Fault tolerance for the Master
• Compaction
Fault tolerance and replication #
Fault tolerance in Chubby and GFS #
As discussed earlier
832/6338075595112448), BigTable uses two independent systems Chubby and
GFS. Both of these systems adopt a replication strategy for fault tolerance
and higher availability. For example, a Chubby cell usually consists of five
servers, where one server becomes the master and the remaining four work
as replicas. In case the master fails, one of the replicas is elected to become
the leader; thus, minimizing Chubby’s downtime. Similarly, GFS stores
multiple copies of data on different ChunkServers.
Fault tolerance for Tablet server #
BigTable’s master is responsible for monitoring the Tablet servers. The
master does this by periodically checking the status of the Chubby lock
against each Tablet server. When the master finds out that a Tablet server
has gone dead, it reassigns the tablets of the failing Tablet server.
Fault tolerance for the Master #
The master acquires a lock in a Chubby file and maintains a lease. If, at any
time, the master’s lease expires, it kills itself. When Google’s Cluster
Management System finds out that there is no active master, it starts one up.
The new master has to acquire the lock on the Chubby file before acting as
the master.
Compaction #
Mutilations in BigTable take up extra space till compaction happens.
BigTable manages compaction behind the scenes. Here is the list of
1. Minor Compaction: As write operations are performed, the MemTable
grows in size. When the MemTable reaches a certain threshold, it is
frozen, and a new MemTable is created. The frozen MemTable is
converted to an SSTable and written to GFS. This process is called minor
compaction. Each minor compaction creates a new SSTable and has the
following two benefits:
It reduces the memory usage of the Tablet server, as it flushes the
MemTable to GFS. Once a MemTable is written to GFS,
corresponding entries in the commit-log are also removed.
It reduces the amount of data that has to be read from the commit
log during recovery if this server dies.
2. Merging Compaction — Minor compaction keeps increasing the count
of SSTables. This means that read operations might need to merge
updates from an arbitrary number of SSTables. To reduce the number of
SSTables, a merging compaction is performed which reads the contents
of a few SSTables and the MemTable and writes out a new SSTable. The
input SSTables and MemTable can be discarded as soon as the
compaction has finished.
3. Major Compaction — In Major compaction, all the SSTables are written
into a single SSTable. SSTables created as a result of major compaction
do not contain any deletion information or deleted data, whereas
SSTables created from non-major compactions may contain deleted
entries. Major compaction allows BigTable to reclaim resources used by
deleted data and ensures that deleted data disappears from the system
quickly, which is important for services storing sensitive data.
Major and Merging compaction
Major, minor, and merging compaction in BigTable
The Life of BigTable's Read & Write O…
BigTable Re nements
BigTable Re nements
This lesson will explore different re nements that BigTable
We'll cover the following
• Locality groups
• Compression
• Caching
• Bloom lters
• Uni ed commit Log
• Speeding up Tablet recovery
BigTable implemented certain refinements to achieve high performance,
availability, and reliability. Here are their details:
Locality groups #
Clients can club together multiple column families into a locality group.
BigTable generates separate SSTables for each locality group. This has two
Grouping columns that are frequently accessed together in a locality
group enhances the read performance.
Clients can explicitly declare any locality group to be in memory for
faster access. This way, smaller locality groups that are frequently
accessed can be kept in memory.
Scans over one locality group are O(bytes_in_locality_group) and not
Locality Groups
contact_info:phone contact_info:email
Grouping together columns to form locality groups
Compression #
Clients can choose to compress the SSTable for a locality group to save space.
BigTable allows its clients to choose compression techniques based on their
application requirements. The compression ratio gets even better when
multiple versions of the same data are stored. Compression is applied to each
SSTable block separately.
Caching #
To improve read performance, Tablet servers employ two levels of caching:
Scan Cache — It caches (key, value) pairs returned by the SSTable and is
useful for applications that read the same data multiple times.
Block Cache — It caches SSTable blocks read from GFS and is useful for
the applications that tend to read the data which is close to the data they
recently read (e.g., sequential or random reads of different columns in
the same locality group within a frequently accessed row).
Bloom filters #
Any read operation has to read from all SSTables that make up a Tablet. If
these SSTables are not in memory, the read operation may end up doing
many disk accesses. To reduce the number of disk accesses BigTable uses
Bloom Filters.
Bloom Filters are created for SSTables (particularly for the locality groups).
They help to reduce the number of disk accesses by predicting if an SSTable
may contain data corresponding to a particular (row, column) pair. Bloom
filters take a small amount of memory but can improve the read
performance drastically.
Unified commit Log #
Instead of maintaining separate commit log files for each Tablet, BigTable
maintains one log file for a Tablet server. This gives better write
performance. Since each write has to go to the commit log, writing to a large
number of log files would be slow as it could cause a large number of disk
One disadvantage of having a single log file is that it complicates the Tablet
recovery process. When a Tablet server dies, the Tablets that it served will be
moved to other Tablet servers. To recover the state for a Tablet, the new
Tablet server needs to reapply the mutations for that Tablet from the commit
log written by the original Tablet server. However, the mutations for these
Tablets were co-mingled in the same physical log file. One approach would
be for each new Tablet server to read this full commit log file and apply just
the entries needed for the Tablets it needs to recover. However, under such a
scheme, if 100 machines were each assigned a single Tablet from a failed
Tablet server, then the log file would be read 100 times. BigTable avoids
duplicating log reads by first sorting the commit log entries in order of the
keys <table, row name, log sequence number> . In the sorted output, all
mutations for a particular Tablet are contiguous and can therefore be read
To further improve the performance, each Tablet server maintains two log
writing threads — each writing to its own and separate log file. Only one of
the threads is active at a time. If one of the threads is performing poorly (say,
due to network congestion), the writing switches to the other thread. Log
entries have sequence numbers to allow the recovery process.
Speeding up Tablet recovery #
As we saw above, one of the complicated and time-consuming tasks while
loading Tablets is to ensure that the Tablet server loads all entries from the
commit log. When the master moves a Tablet from one Tablet server to
another, the source Tablet server performs compactions to ensure that the
destination Tablet server does not have to read the commit log. This is done
in three steps:
In the first step, the source server performs a minor compaction. This
compaction reduces the amount of data in the commit log.
After this, the source Tablet server stops serving the Tablet.
Finally, the source server performs another (usually very fast) minor
compaction to apply any new log entries that have arrived while the
first minor compaction was being performed. After this second minor
compaction is complete, the Tablet can be loaded on another Tablet
server without requiring any recovery of log entries.
Fault Tolerance and Compaction
BigTable Characteristics
BigTable Characteristics
This lesson will explore some miscellaneous characteristics of
We'll cover the following
• BigTable performance
• Dynamo vs. BigTable
• Datastores developed on the principles of BigTable
BigTable performance #
Here are a few reasons behind BigTable’s performance and popularity:
Distributed multi-level map: BigTable can run on a large number of
Scalable means that BigTable can be easily scaled horizontally by
adding more nodes to the cluster without any performance impact. No
manual intervention or rebalancing is required. BigTable achieves
linear scalability and proven fault tolerance on commodity hardware.
Fault-tolerant and reliable: Since data is replicated to multiple nodes,
fault tolerance is pretty high.
Durable: BigTable stores data permanently.
Centralized: BigTable adopts a single-master approach to maintain data
consistency and a centralized view of the state of the system.
Separation between control and data: BigTable maintains a strict
separation between control and data flow. Clients talk to the Master for
all metadata operations, whereas all data access happens directly
between the Clients and the Tablet servers.
Dynamo vs. BigTable #
Here is the comparison between Dynamo and BigTable:
Every node has same set of
Master handles metadata,
tablet servers handle
Data Model
Multidimensional sorted
Access rights at column family level
Consistent Hashing
Each node is assigned to a
Each table is broken into a
random position on the ring.
contiguous range of rows
called tablets.
Sloppy Quorum
GFS Chunk replication
Each data item is replicated
Data is stored in GFS. Files
to 'N' number of nodes.
in GFS are broken into
chunks, and these chunks
are replicated to different
By key
By key range
SSTables in GFS
Memberships and failure
Gossip based protocol
Handshakes initiated by
the master
Datastores developed on the
principles of BigTable #
Google’s BigTable has inspired many NoSQL systems. Here is a list of a few
famous ones:
HBase: HBase is an open-source, distributed non-relational database
modeled after BigTable. It is built on top of the Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS).
Hypertable: Similar to HBase, Hypertable is an open-source implementation
of BigTable and is written in C++. Unlike BigTable, which uses only one
storage layer (i.e., GFS), Hypertable is capable of running on top of any file
system (e.g., HDFS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hadoop#HDFS),
GlusterFS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluster#GlusterFS), or the
CloudStore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudStore)). To achieve this, the
system has abstracted the interface to the file system by sending all data
requests through a Distributed File System broker process.
Cassandra: Cassandra is a distributed, decentralized, and highly available
NoSQL database. Its architecture is based on Dynamo and BigTable.
Cassandra can be described as a BigTable-like datastore running on a
Dynamo-like infrastructure. Cassandra is also a wide-column store and
utilizes the storage model of BigTable, i.e., SSTables and MemTables.
BigTable Re nements
Summary: BigTable
Summary: BigTable
Here is a quick summary of BigTable for you!
We'll cover the following
• Summary
• References & further reading
Summary #
References & further reading #
BigTable Characteristics
Quiz: BigTable
System Design Patterns
Introduction: System Design Patterns
This lesson gives a brief overview of the system design
patterns that we will be discussing in the following lessons.
In the following chapters, we will discuss a set of system design patterns.
These patterns refer to common design problems related to distributed
systems and their solutions. Knowing these patterns is very important as
they can be applied to all types of distributed systems and are very handy,
especially in a system design interview.
Here is the list of patterns we will be discussing:
1. Bloom Filters
2. Consistent Hashing
3. Quorum
4. Leader and Follower
5. Write-ahead Log
6. Segmented Log
7. High-Water mark
8. Lease
9. Heartbeat
10. Gossip Protocol
11. Phi Accrual Failure Detection
12. Split-brain
13. Fencing
14. Checksum
15. Vector Clocks
16. CAP Theorem
17. PACELEC Theorem
18. Hinted Handoff
19. Read Repair
20. Merkle Trees
Let’s get going.
Mock Interview: BigTable
1. Bloom Filters
1. Bloom Filters
Let's learn about Bloom lters and how to use them.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Example: BigTable
Background #
If we have a large set of structured data (identified by record IDs) stored in a
set of data files, what is the most efficient way to know which file might
contain our required data? We don’t want to read each file, as that would be
slow, and we have to read a lot of data from the disk. One solution can be to
build an index on each data file and store it in a separate index file. This
index can map each record ID to its offset in the data file. Each index file will
be sorted on the record ID. Now, if we want to search an ID in this index, the
best we can do is a Binary Search. Can we do better than that?
Definition #
Use Bloom filters to quickly find if an element might be present in a set.
Solution #
The Bloom filter data structure tells whether an element may be in a set, or
definitely is not. The only possible errors are false positives, i.e., a search
for a nonexistent element might give an incorrect answer. With more
elements in the filter, the error rate increases. An empty Bloom filter is a bitarray of m bits, all set to 0. There are also k different hash functions, each of
which maps a set element to one of the m bit positions.
To add an element, feed it to the hash functions to get k bit positions,
and set the bits at these positions to 1.
To test if an element is in the set, feed it to the hash functions to get k
bit positions.
If any of the bits at these positions is 0, the element is definitely
not in the set.
If all are 1, then the element may be in the set.
Here is a Bloom filter with three elements P , Q , and R . It consists of 20 bits
and uses three hash functions. The colored arrows point to the bits that the
elements of the set are mapped to.
A Bloom lter consisting of 20 bits.
The element X definitely is not in the set, since it hashes to a bit position
containing 0.
For a fixed error rate, adding a new element and testing for
membership are both constant time operations, and a filter with room
for ‘n’ elements requires O(n) space.
Example: BigTable #
In BigTable (and Cassandra), any read operation has to read from all
SSTables that make up a Tablet. If these SSTables are not in memory, the read
operation may end up doing many disk accesses. To reduce the number of
disk accesses, BigTable uses Bloom filters.
Bloom filters are created for SSTables (particularly for the locality groups).
They help reduce the number of disk accesses by predicting if an SSTable
may contain data corresponding to a particular row or column pair. For
certain applications, a small amount of Tablet server memory used for
storing Bloom filters drastically reduces the number of disk-seeks, thereby
improving read performance.
Introduction: System Design Patterns
2. Consistent Hashing
2. Consistent Hashing
Let's learn about Consistent Hashing and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Virtual nodes
• Advantages of Vnodes
• Examples
Background #
The act of distributing data across a set of nodes is called data partitioning.
There are two challenges when we try to distribute data:
1. How do we know on which node a particular piece of data will be
2. When we add or remove nodes, how do we know what data will be
moved from existing nodes to the new nodes? Additionally, how can we
minimize data movement when nodes join or leave?
A naive approach will use a suitable hash function that maps the data key to
a number. Then, find the server by applying modulo on this number and the
total number of servers. For example:
key = "California"
hash(key) = 17
Naive approach
17 % total-servers => 17 % 5 = 2
Simple hashing
The scheme described in the above diagram solves the problem of finding a
server for storing/retrieving the data. But when we add or remove a server,
we have to remap all the keys and move our data based on the new server
count, which will be a complete mess!
Definition #
Use the Consistent Hashing algorithm to distribute data across nodes.
Consistent Hashing maps data to physical nodes and ensures that only a
small set of keys move when servers are added or removed.
Solution #
Consistent Hashing technique stores the data managed by a distributed
system in a ring. Each node in the ring is assigned a range of data. Here is an
example of the consistent hash ring:
Server 4
Hash range = 1-100
Number of Nodes = 4
Number range per node = 100/4
Data range (76-100)
Data range (1-25)
Server 3
All data in the range 1-25 is stored
at Server 1 and so on.
Server 1
Data range (26-50)
Data range (51-75)
Server 2
Consistent Hashing ring
With consistent hashing, the ring is divided into smaller, predefined ranges.
Each node is assigned one of these ranges. The start of the range is called a
token. This means that each node will be assigned one token. The range
assigned to each node is computed as follows:
Range start: Token value
Range end:
Next token value - 1
Here are the tokens and data ranges of the four nodes described in the above
Range Start Range End
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
Whenever the system needs to read or write data, the first step it performs is
to apply the MD5 hashing algorithm to the key. The output of this hashing
algorithm determines within which range the data lies and hence, on which
node the data will be stored. As we saw above, each node is supposed to
store data for a fixed range. Thus, the hash generated from the key tells us
the node where the data will be stored.
Apply hash function to the key
Server 4
Hash function
Data range (76-100)
Data range (1-25)
Server 3
Server 1
Data range (51-75)
Data range (26-50)
Server 2
Distributing data on the Consistent Hashing ring
The Consistent Hashing scheme above works great when a node is added or
removed from the ring, as in these cases, since only the next node is affected.
For example, when a node is removed, the next node becomes responsible
for all of the keys stored on the outgoing node. However, this scheme can
result in non-uniform data and load distribution. This problem can be solved
with the help of Virtual nodes.
Virtual nodes #
Adding and removing nodes in any distributed system is quite common.
Existing nodes can die and may need to be decommissioned. Similarly, new
nodes may be added to an existing cluster to meet growing demands. To
efficiently handle these scenarios, Consistent Hashing makes use of virtual
nodes (or Vnodes).
As we saw above, the basic Consistent Hashing algorithm assigns a single
token (or a consecutive hash range) to each physical node. This was a static
division of ranges that requires calculating tokens based on a given number
of nodes. This scheme made adding or replacing a node an expensive
operation, as, in this case, we would like to rebalance and distribute the data
to all other nodes, resulting in moving a lot of data. Here are a few potential
issues associated with a manual and fixed division of the ranges:
Adding or removing nodes: Adding or removing nodes will result in
recomputing the tokens causing a significant administrative overhead
for a large cluster.
Hotspots: Since each node is assigned one large range, if the data is not
evenly distributed, some nodes can become hotspots.
Node rebuilding: Since each node’s data might be replicated (for faulttolerance) on a fixed number of other nodes, when we need to rebuild a
node, only its replica nodes can provide the data. This puts a lot of
pressure on the replica nodes and can lead to service degradation.
To handle these issues, Consistent Hashing introduces a new scheme of
distributing the tokens to physical nodes. Instead of assigning a single token
to a node, the hash range is divided into multiple smaller ranges, and each
physical node is assigned several of these smaller ranges. Each of these
subranges is considered a Vnode. With Vnodes, instead of a node being
responsible for just one token, it is responsible for many tokens (or
Server 4
Server 3
Server 4
Server 3
Server 1
Server 2
Server 1
Server 2
Without Vnodes
With Vnodes
Comparing Consistent Hashing ring with and without Vnodes
Practically, Vnodes are randomly distributed across the cluster and are
generally non-contiguous so that no two neighboring Vnodes are assigned to
the same physical node. Additionally, nodes do carry replicas of other nodes
for fault tolerance. Also, since there can be heterogeneous machines in the
clusters, some servers might hold more Vnodes than others. The figure
below shows how physical nodes A, B, C, D, & E are using Vnodes of the
Consistent Hash ring. Each physical node is assigned a set of Vnodes and
each Vnode is replicated once.
1 3 5
13 15
2 4
14 16
10 12
2 4
13 15
1 3 5
12 14 16
Server A
Server B
Server C
Server D
Server E
Mapping Vnodes to physical nodes on a Consistent Hashing ring
Advantages of Vnodes #
Vnodes gives the following advantages:
1. As Vnodes help spread the load more evenly across the physical nodes
on the cluster by dividing the hash ranges into smaller subranges, this
speeds up the rebalancing process after adding or removing nodes.
When a new node is added, it receives many Vnodes from the existing
nodes to maintain a balanced cluster. Similarly, when a node needs to
be rebuilt, instead of getting data from a fixed number of replicas, many
nodes participate in the rebuild process.
2. Vnodes make it easier to maintain a cluster containing heterogeneous
machines. This means, with Vnodes, we can assign a high number of
sub-ranges to a powerful server and a lower number of sub-ranges to a
less powerful server.
3. In contrast to one big range, since Vnodes help assign smaller ranges to
each physical node, this decreases the probability of hotspots.
Examples #
Dynamo and Cassandra use Consistent Hashing to distribute their data
across nodes.
1. Bloom Filters
3. Quorum
3. Quorum
Let's learn about Quorum and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In Distributed Systems, data is replicated across multiple servers for fault
tolerance and high availability. Once a system decides to maintain multiple
copies of data, another problem arises: how to make sure that all replicas are
consistent, i.e., if they all have the latest copy of the data and that all clients
see the same view of the data?
Definition #
In a distributed environment, a quorum is the minimum number of servers
on which a distributed operation needs to be performed successfully before
declaring the operation’s overall success.
Solution #
Suppose a database is replicated on five machines. In that case, quorum
refers to the minimum number of machines that perform the same action
(commit or abort) for a given transaction in order to decide the final
operation for that transaction. So, in a set of 5 machines, three machines
form the majority quorum, and if they agree, we will commit that operation.
Quorum enforces the consistency requirement needed for distributed
In systems with multiple replicas, there is a possibility that the user reads
inconsistent data. For example, when there are three replicas, R1 , R2 , and
R3 in a cluster, and a user writes value v1 to replica R1 . Then another user
reads from replica R2 or R3 which are still behind R1 and thus will not
have the value v1 , so the second user will not get the consistent state of
What value should we choose for a quorum? More than half of the
number of nodes in the cluster: (N /2 + 1) where N is the total number of
nodes in the cluster, for example:
In a 5-node cluster, three nodes must be online to have a majority.
In a 4-node cluster, three nodes must be online to have a majority.
With 5-node, the system can afford two node failures, whereas, with 4node, it can afford only one node failure. Because of this logic, it is
recommended to always have an odd number of total nodes in the
Quorum is achieved when nodes follow the below protocol: R + W
N = nodes in the quorum group
W = minimum write nodes
R = minimum read nodes
> N,
If a distributed system follows R + W
> N rule, then every read will see at
least one copy of the latest value written. For example, a common
configuration could be (N=3, W=2, R=2) to ensure strong consistency. Here
are a couple of other examples:
(N=3, W=1, R=3): fast write, slow read, not very durable
(N=3, W=3, R=1): slow write, fast read, durable
The following two things should be kept in mind before deciding read/write
R=1 and W=N ⇒ full replication (write-all, read-one): undesirable when
servers can be unavailable because writes are not guaranteed to
Best performance (throughput/availability) when 1
< r < w < n,
because reads are more frequent than writes in most applications
Examples #
For leader election, Chubby uses Paxos, which use quorum to ensure
strong consistency.
As stated above, quorum is also used to ensure that at least one node
receives the update in case of failures. For instance, in Cassandra, to
ensure data consistency, each write request can be configured to be
successful only if the data has been written to at least a quorum (or
majority) of replica nodes.
Dynamo replicates writes to a sloppy quorum of other nodes in the
system, instead of a strict majority quorum like Paxos. All read/write
operations are performed on the first N healthy nodes from the
preference list, which may not always be the first N nodes encountered
while walking the consistent hashing ring.
4. Leader and Follower
Let's learn about leader and followers patterns and its usage
in distributed systems.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
Distributed systems keep multiple copies of data for fault tolerance and
higher availability. A system can use quorum to ensure data consistency
between replicas, i.e., all reads and writes are not considered successful until
a majority of nodes participate in the operation. However, using quorum can
lead to another problem, that is, lower availability; at any time, the system
needs to ensure that at least a majority of replicas are up and available,
otherwise the operation will fail. Quorum is also not sufficient, as in certain
failure scenarios, the client can still see inconsistent data.
Definition #
Allow only a single server (called leader) to be responsible for data
replication and to coordinate work.
Solution #
At any time, one server is elected as the leader. This leader becomes
responsible for data replication and can act as the central point for all
coordination. The followers only accept writes from the leader and serve as
a backup. In case the leader fails, one of the followers can become the leader.
In some cases, the follower can serve read requests for load balancing.
Server 2
Server 3
read/write request
Server 1
Server 4
Server 5
Leader entertains requests from the client and is responsible for replicating and coordinating with
Examples #
In Kafka, each partition has a designated leader which is responsible
for all reads and writes for that partition. Each follower’s responsibility
is to replicate the leader’s data to serve as a “backup” partition. This
provides redundancy of messages in a partition, so that a follower can
take over the leadership if the leader goes down.
Within the Kafka cluster, one broker is elected as the Controller. This
Controller is responsible for admin operations, such as creating/deleting
a topic, adding partitions, assigning leaders to partitions, monitoring
broker failures, etc. Furthermore, the Controller periodically checks the
health of other brokers in the system.
To ensure strong consistency, Paxos (hence Chubby) performs leader
election at startup. This leader is responsible for data replication and
3. Quorum
5. Write-ahead Log
5. Write-ahead Log
Let's learn about write-ahead logging and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
Machines can fail or restart anytime. If a program is in the middle of
performing a data modification, what will happen when the machine it is
running on loses power? When the machine restarts, the program might
need to know the last thing it was doing. Based on its atomicity and
durability needs, the program might need to decide to redo or undo or finish
what it had started. How can the program know what it was doing before the
system crash?
Definition #
To guarantee durability and data integrity, each modification to the system is
first written to an append-only log on the disk. This log is known as WriteAhead Log (WAL) or transaction log or commit log. Writing to the WAL
guarantees that if the machine crashes, the system will be able to recover
and reapply the operation if necessary.
Solution #
The key idea behind the WAL is that all modifications before they are
applied to the system are first written to a log file on the disk. Each log entry
should contain enough information to redo or undo the modification. The log
can be read on every restart to recover the previous state by replaying all the
log entries. Using WAL results in a significantly reduced number of disk
writes, because only the log file needs to be flushed to disk to guarantee that
a transaction is committed, rather than every data file changed by the
Each node, in a distributed environment, maintains its own log. WAL is
always sequentially appended, which simplifies the handling of the log. Each
log entry is given a unique identifier; this identifier helps in implementing
certain other operations like log segmentation(discussed later) or log
1st Record
Next Record
Write-ahead log
Examples #
10 11
Cassandra: To ensure durability, whenever a node receives a write
request, it immediately writes the data to a commit log which is a WAL.
Cassandra, before writing data to a MemTable, first writes it to the
commit log. This provides durability in the case of an unexpected
shutdown. On startup, any mutations in the commit log will be applied
to MemTables.
Kafka implements a distributed Commit Log to persistently store all
messages it receives.
Chubby: For fault tolerance and in the event of a leader crash, all
database transactions are stored in a transaction log which is a WAL.
4. Leader and Follower
6. Segmented Log
6. Segmented Log
Let's learn about segmented log and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
A single log can become difficult to manage. As the file grows, it can also
become a performance bottleneck, especially when it is read at the startup.
Older logs need to be cleaned up periodically or, in some cases, merged.
Doing these operations on a single large file is difficult to implement.
Definition #
Break down the log into smaller segments for easier management.
Solution #
A single log file is split into multiple parts, such that the log data is divided
into equal-sized log segments. The system can roll the log based on a rolling
policy - either a configurable period of time (e.g., every 4 hours) or a
configurable maximum size (e.g., every 1GB).
Examples #
Cassandra uses the segmented log strategy to split its commit log into
multiple smaller files instead of a single large file for easier operations.
As we know, when a node receives a write operation, it immediately
writes the data to a commit log. As the Commit Log grows in size and
reaches its threshold in size, a new commit log is created. Hence, over
time, several commit logs will exist, each of which is called a segment.
Commit log segments reduce the number of seeks needed to write to
disk. Commit log segments are truncated when Cassandra has flushed
corresponding data to SSTables. A commit log segment can be archived,
deleted, or recycled once all its data has been flushed to SSTables.
Kafka uses log segmentation to implement storage for its partitions. As
Kafka regularly needs to find messages on disk for purging, a single long
file could be a performance bottleneck and error-prone. For easier
management and better performance, the partition is split into
5. Write-ahead Log
7. High-Water Mark
7. High-Water Mark
Let's learn about high-water mark and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
Distributed systems keep multiple copies of data for fault tolerance and
higher availability. To achieve strong consistency, one of the options is to use
a leader-follower setup, where the leader is responsible for entertaining all
the writes, and the followers replicate data from the leader.
Each transaction on the leader is committed to a write-ahead log (WAL), so
that the leader can recover from crashes or failures. A write request is
considered successful as soon as it is committed to the WAL on the leader.
The replication can happen asynchronously; either the leader can push the
mutation to the followers, or the follower can pull it from the leader. In case
the leader crashes and cannot recover, one of the followers will be elected as
the new leader. Now, this new leader can be a bit behind the old leader, as
there might be some transactions that have not been completely propagated
before the old leader crashed. We do have these transactions in the WAL on
the old leader, but those log entries cannot be recovered until the old leader
becomes alive again. So those transactions are considered lost. Under this
scenario, the client can see some data inconsistencies, e.g., the last data that
the client fetched from the old leader may not be available anymore. In such
error scenarios, some followers can be missing entries in their logs, and
some can have more entries than others. So, it becomes important for the
leader and followers to know what part of the log is safe to be exposed to the
Definition #
Keep track of the last log entry on the leader, which has been successfully
replicated to a quorum of followers. The index of this entry in the log is
known as the High-Water Mark index. The leader exposes data only up to the
high-water mark index.
Solution #
For each data mutation, the leader first appends it to WAL and then sends it
to all the followers. Upon receiving the request, the followers append it to
their respective WAL and then send an acknowledgment to the leader. The
leader keeps track of the indexes of the entries that have been successfully
replicated on each follower. The high-water mark index is the highest index,
which has been replicated on the quorum of the followers. The leader can
propagate the high-water mark index to all followers as part of the regular
Heartbeat message. The leader and followers ensure that the client can read
data only up to the high-water mark index. This guarantees that even if the
current leader fails and another leader is elected, the client will not see any
data inconsistencies.
Examples #
Kafka: To deal with non-repeatable reads and ensure data consistency, Kafka
brokers keep track of the high-water mark, which is the largest offset that all
In-Sync-Replicas (ISRs) of a particular partition share. Consumers can see
messages only until the high-water mark.
6. Segmented Log
8. Lease
8. Lease
Let's learn about lease and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In distributed systems, a lot of times clients need specified rights to certain
resources. For example, a client might need exclusive rights to update the
contents of a file. One way to fulfill this requirement is through distributed
locking. A client first gets an exclusive (or write) lock associated with the file
and then proceeds with updating the file. One problem with locking is that
the lock is granted until the locking client explicitly releases it. If the client
fails to release the lock due to any reason, e.g., process crash, deadlock, or a
software bug, the resource will be locked indefinitely. This leads to resource
unavailability until the system is reset. Is there an alternate solution?
Definition #
Use time-bound leases to grant clients rights on resources.
Solution #
A lease is like a lock, but it works even when the client goes away. The client
asks for a lease for a limited period of time, after which the lease expires. If
the client wants to extend the lease, it can renew the lease before it expires.
Examples #
Chubby clients maintain a time-bound session lease with the leader. During
this time interval, the leader guarantees to not terminate the session
7. High-Water Mark
9. Heartbeat
9. Heartbeat
Let's learn about heartbeat and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In a distributed environment, work/data is distributed among servers. To
efficiently route requests in such a setup, servers need to know what other
servers are part of the system. Furthermore, servers should know if other
servers are alive and working. In a decentralized system, whenever a
request arrives at a server, the server should have enough information to
decide which server is responsible for entertaining that request. This makes
the timely detection of server failure an important task, which also enables
the system to take corrective actions and move the data/work to another
healthy server and stop the environment from further deterioration.
Definition #
Each server periodically sends a heartbeat message to a central monitoring
server or other servers in the system to show that it is still alive and
Solution #
Heartbeating is one of the mechanisms for detecting failures in a distributed
system. If there is a central server, all servers periodically send a heartbeat
message to it. If there is no central server, all servers randomly choose a set
of servers and send them a heartbeat message every few seconds. This way,
if no heartbeat message is received from a server for a while, the system can
suspect that the server might have crashed. If there is no heartbeat within a
configured timeout period, the system can conclude that the server is not
alive anymore and stop sending requests to it and start working on its
Examples #
GFS: The leader periodically communicates with each ChunkServer in
HeartBeat messages to give instructions and collect state.
HDFS: The NameNode keeps track of DataNodes through a heartbeat
mechanism. Each DataNode sends periodic heartbeat messages (every
few seconds) to the NameNode. If a DataNode dies, then the heartbeats
to the NameNode are stopped. The NameNode detects that a DataNode
has died if the number of missed heartbeat messages reaches a certain
threshold. The NameNode then marks the DataNode as dead and will no
longer forward any I/O requests to that DataNode.
10. Gossip Protocol
Let's learn about gossip protocol and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In a large distributed environment where we do not have any central node
that keeps track of all nodes to know if a node is down or not, how does a
node know every other node’s current state? The simplest way to do this is to
have every node maintain a heartbeat with every other node. Then, when a
node goes down, it will stop sending out heartbeats, and everyone else will
find out immediately. But, this means O(N 2 ) messages get sent every tick (
N being the total number of nodes), which is a ridiculously high amount and
will consume a lot of network bandwidth, and thus, not feasible in any
sizable cluster. So, is there any other option for monitoring the state of the
Definition #
Each node keeps track of state information about other nodes in the cluster
and gossip (i.e., share) this information to one other random node every
second. This way, eventually, each node gets to know about the state of every
other node in the cluster.
Solution #
Gossip protocol is a peer-to-peer communication mechanism in which nodes
periodically exchange state information about themselves and about other
nodes they know about. Each node initiates a gossip round every second to
exchange state information about themselves and other nodes with one
other random node. This means that any state change will eventually
propagate through the system, and all nodes quickly learn about all other
nodes in a cluster.
Every second each server exchanges information with one randomly selected server
[1, 2, 3, 5]
Server 5
[2, 4]
[1, 3, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 5]
Every second each server exchanges information about all the servers it knows about
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 5
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Server 4
Server 1
Server 3
Server 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Examples #
Dynamo & Cassandra use gossip protocol which allows each node to keep
track of state information about the other nodes in the cluster, like which
nodes are reachable, what key ranges they are responsible for, etc.
9. Heartbeat
11. Phi Accrual Failure Detection
11. Phi Accrual Failure Detection
Let's learn about Phi Accrual Failure Detection algorithm and
its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In distributed systems, accurately detecting failures is a hard problem to
solve, as we cannot say with 100% surety if a system is genuinely down or is
just very slow in responding due to heavy load, network congestion, etc.
Conventional failure detection mechanisms like Heartbeating outputs a
boolean value telling us if the system is alive or not; there is no middle
ground. Heartbeating uses a fixed timeout, and if there is no heartbeat from
a server, the system, after the timeout assumes that the server has crashed.
Here, the value of the timeout is critical. If we keep the timeout short, the
system will detect failures quickly but with many false positives due to slow
machines or faulty network. On the other hand, if we keep the timeout long,
the false positives will be reduced, but the system will not perform efficiently
for being slow in detecting failures.
Definition #
Use adaptive failure detection algorithm as described by Phi Accrual Failure
Detector. Accrual means accumulation or the act of accumulating over time.
This algorithm uses historical heartbeat information to make the threshold
adaptive. Instead of telling if the server is alive or not, a generic Accrual
Failure Detector outputs the suspicion level about a server. A higher
suspicion level means there are higher chances that the server is down.
Solution #
With Phi Accrual Failure Detector, if a node does not respond, its suspicion
level is increased and could be declared dead later. As a node’s suspicion
level increases, the system can gradually stop sending new requests to it. Phi
Accrual Failure Detector makes a distributed system efficient as it takes into
account fluctuations in the network environment and other intermittent
server issues before declaring a system completely dead.
Examples #
Cassandra uses the Phi Accrual Failure Detector algorithm to determine the
state of the nodes in the cluster.
10. Gossip Protocol
12. Split Brain
12. Split Brain
Let's learn about split-brain and how to handle it.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In a distributed environment with a central (or leader) server, if the central
server dies, the system must quickly find a substitute, otherwise, the system
can quickly deteriorate.
One of the problems is that we cannot truly know if the leader has stopped
for good or has experienced an intermittent failure like a stop-the-world GC
pause or a temporary network disruption. Nevertheless, the cluster has to
move on and pick a new leader. If the original leader had an intermittent
failure, we now find ourselves with a so-called zombie leader. A zombie
leader can be defined as a leader node that had been deemed dead by the
system and has since come back online. Another node has taken its place,
but the zombie leader might not know that yet. The system now has two
active leaders that could be issuing conflicting commands. How can a system
detect such a scenario, so that all nodes in the system can ignore requests
from the old leader and the old leader itself can detect that it is no longer the
Definition #
The common scenario in which a distributed system has two or more active
leaders is called split-brain.
Split-brain is solved through the use of Generation Clock, which is simply a
monotonically increasing number to indicate a server’s generation.
Solution #
Every time a new leader is elected, the generation number gets incremented.
This means if the old leader had a generation number of ‘1’, the new one will
have ‘2’. This generation number is included in every request that is sent
from the leader to other nodes. This way, nodes can now easily differentiate
the real leader by simply trusting the leader with the highest number. The
generation number should be persisted on disk, so that it remains available
after a server reboot. One way is to store it with every entry in the Writeahead Log.
Examples #
Kafka: To handle Split-brain (where we could have multiple active controller
brokers), Kafka uses ‘Epoch number,’ which is simply a monotonically
increasing number to indicate a server’s generation.
HDFS: ZooKeeper is used to ensure that only one NameNode is active at any
time. An epoch number is maintained as part of every transaction ID to
reflect the NameNode generation.
Cassandra uses generation number to distinguish a node’s state before and
after a restart. Each node stores a generation number which is incremented
every time a node restarts. This generation number is included in gossip
messages exchanged between nodes and is used to distinguish the current
state of a node from the state before a restart. The generation number
remains the same while the node is alive and is incremented each time the
node restarts. The node receiving the gossip message can compare the
generation number it knows and the generation number in the gossip
message. If the generation number in the gossip message is higher, it knows
that the node was restarted.
11. Phi Accrual Failure Detection
13. Fencing
13. Fencing
Let's learn about fencing and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In a leader-follower setup, when a leader fails, it is impossible to be sure that
the leader has stopped working. For example, a slow network or a network
partition can trigger a new leader election, even though the previous leader
is still running and thinks it is still the active leader. Now, in this situation, if
the system elects a new leader, how do we make sure that the old leader is
not running and possibly issuing conflicting commands?
Definition #
Put a ‘Fence’ around the previous leader to prevent it from doing any
damage or causing corruption.
Solution #
Fencing is the idea of putting a fence around a previously active leader so
that it cannot access cluster resources and hence stop serving any read/write
request. The following two techniques are used:
Resource fencing: Under this scheme, the system blocks the previously
active leader from accessing resources needed to perform essential
tasks. For example, revoking its access to the shared storage directory
(typically by using a vendor-specific Network File System (NFS)
command), or disabling its network port via a remote management
Node fencing: Under this scheme, the system stops the previously active
leader from accessing all resources. A common way of doing this is to
power off or reset the node. This is a very effective method of keeping it
from accessing anything at all. This technique is also called STONIT or
“Shoot The Other Node In The Head.”
Examples #
HDFS uses fencing to stop the previously active NameNode from accessing
cluster resources, thereby stopping it from servicing requests.
12. Split Brain
14. Checksum
14. Checksum
Let's learn about checksum and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In a distributed system, while moving data between components, it is
possible that the data fetched from a node may arrive corrupted. This
corruption can occur because of faults in a storage device, network,
software, etc. How can a distributed system ensure data integrity, so that the
client receives an error instead of corrupt data?
Definition #
Calculate a checksum and store it with data.
Solution #
When a system is storing some data, it computes a checksum of the data, and
stores the checksum with the data. When a client retrieves data, it verifies
that the data it received from the server matches the checksum stored. If not,
then the client can opt to retrieve that data from another replica.
Examples #
HDFS and Chubby store the checksum of each file with the data.
13. Fencing
15. Vector Clocks
15. Vector Clocks
Let's learn about vector clocks and their usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
When a distributed system allows concurrent writes, it can result in multiple
versions of an object. Different replicas of an object can end up with
different versions of the data. Let’s understand this with an example.
On a single machine, all we need to know about is the absolute or wall clock
time: suppose we perform a write to key k with timestamp t1 , and then
perform another write to k with timestamp t2 . Since t2 > t1 , the second
write must have been newer than the first write, and therefore, the database
can safely overwrite the original value.
In a distributed system, this assumption does not hold true. The problem is
clock skew – different clocks tend to run at different rates, so we cannot
assume that time t on node a happened before time t + 1 on node b . The
most practical techniques that help with synchronizing clocks, like NTP, still
do not guarantee that every clock in a distributed system is synchronized at
all times. So, without special hardware like GPS units and atomic clocks, just
using wall clock timestamps is not enough.
So how can we reconcile and capture causality between different versions of
the same object?
Definition #
Use Vector clocks to keep track of value history and reconcile divergent
histories at read time.
Solution #
A vector clock is effectively a (node, counter) pair. One vector clock is
associated with every version of every object. If the counters on the first
object’s clock are less-than-or-equal to all of the nodes in the second clock,
then the first is an ancestor of the second and can be forgotten. Otherwise,
the two changes are considered to be in conflict and require reconciliation.
Such conflicts are resolved at read-time, and if the system is not able to
reconcile an object’s state from its vector clocks, it sends it to the client
application for reconciliation (since clients have more semantic information
on the object and may be able to reconcile it). Resolving conflicts is similar to
how Git works. If Git can merge different versions into one, merging is done
automatically. If not, the client (i.e., the developer) has to reconcile conflicts
To see how Dynamo handles conflicting data, take a look at Vector Clocks and
Conflicting Data (/02.Dynamo_How Design_Key-value_Store/Vector Clocks
and Conflicting Data - Grokking the Advanced System Design Interview.html)
Examples #
To reconcile concurrent updates on an object Amazon’s Dynamo uses Vector
14. Checksum
16. CAP Theorem
16. CAP Theorem
Let's learn about the CAP theorem and its usage in distributed
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In distributed systems, different types of failures can occur, e.g., servers can
crash or fail permanently, disks can go bad resulting in data losses, or
network connection can be lost, making a part of the system inaccessible.
How can a distributed system model itself to get the maximum benefits out
of different resources available?
Definition #
CAP theorem states that it is impossible for a distributed system to
simultaneously provide all three of the following desirable properties:
Consistency ( C ): All nodes see the same data at the same time. It is
equivalent to having a single up-to-date copy of the data.
Availability ( A ): Every request received by a non-failing node in the system
must result in a response. Even when severe network failures occur, every
request must terminate.
Partition tolerance ( P ): A partition-tolerant system continues to operate
despite partial system failure or arbitrary message loss. Such a system can
sustain any network failure that does not result in a failure of the entire
network. Data is sufficiently replicated across combinations of nodes and
networks to keep the system up through intermittent outages.
Solution #
According to the CAP theorem, any distributed system needs to pick two out
of the three properties. The three options are CA, CP, and AP. However, CA is
not really a coherent option, as a system that is not partition-tolerant will be
forced to give up either Consistency or Availability in the case of a network
partition. Therefore, the theorem can really be stated as: In the presence of
a network partition, a distributed system must choose either
Consistency or Availability.
All users see the
same data at the
same time
System continues
to function even
with node failures
Partition tolerance
System continues to function
even if the communication
fails between nodes
Examples #
Dynamo: In CAP theorem terms, Dynamo falls within the category of AP
systems and is designed for high availability at the expense of strong
consistency. The primary motivation for designing Dynamo as a highly
available system was the observation that the availability of a system
directly correlates to the number of customers served.
BigTable: In terms of the CAP theorem, BigTable is a CP system, i.e., it has
strictly consistent reads and writes.
15. Vector Clocks
17. PACELC Theorem
17. PACELC Theorem
Let's learn about PACELC theorem and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
We cannot avoid partition in a distributed system, therefore, according to the
CAP theorem, a distributed system should choose between consistency or
availability. ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) databases
chose consistency (refuse response if it cannot check with peers), while BASE
(Basically Available, Soft-state, Eventually consistent) databases chose
availability (respond with local data without ensuring it is the latest with its
peers). One place where the CAP theorem is silent is what happens when
there is no network partition? What choices does a distributed system have
when there is no partition?
Definition #
The PACELC theorem states that in a system that replicates data:
if there is a partition (‘P’), a distributed system can tradeoff between
availability and consistency (i.e., ‘A’ and ‘C’);
else (‘E’), when the system is running normally in the absence of
partitions, the system can tradeoff between latency (‘L’) and consistency
Solution #
The first part of the theorem (PAC) is the same as the CAP theorem, and the
ELC is the extension. The whole thesis is assuming we maintain high
availability by replication. So, when there is a failure, CAP theorem prevails.
But if not, we still have to consider the tradeoff between consistency and
latency of a replicated system.
Examples #
Dynamo and Cassandra are PA/EL systems: They choose availability
over consistency when a partition occurs; otherwise, they choose lower
BigTable and HBase are PC/EC systems: They will always choose
consistency, giving up availability and lower latency.
MongoDB is PA/EC: In case of a network partition, it chooses availability,
but otherwise guarantees consistency.
16. CAP Theorem
18. Hinted Handoff
18. Hinted Handoff
Let's learn about hinted handoff and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
Depending upon the consistency level, a distributed system can still serve
write requests even when nodes are down. For example, if we have the
replication factor of three and the client is writing with a quorum
consistency level. This means that if one of the nodes is down, the system can
still write on the remaining two nodes to fulfill the consistency level, making
the write successful. Now, when the node which was down comes online
again, how should we write data to it?
Definition #
For nodes that are down, the system keeps notes (or hints) of all the write
requests they have missed. Once the failing nodes recover, the write requests
are forwarded to them based on the hints stored.
Solution #
When a node is down or is not responding to a write request, the node which
is coordinating the operation, writes a hint in a text file on the local disk.
This hint contains the data itself along with information about which node
the data belongs to. When the coordinating node discovers that a node for
which it holds hints has recovered, it forwards the write requests for each
hint to the target.
Examples #
Cassandra nodes use Hinted Handoff to remember the write operation
for failing nodes.
Dynamo ensures that the system is “always-writeable” by using Hinted
Handoff (and Sloppy Quorum).
17. PACELC Theorem
19. Read Repair
19. Read Repair
Let's learn about read repair and its usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
In Distributed Systems, where data is replicated across multiple nodes, some
nodes can end up having stale data. Imagine a scenario where a node failed
to receive a write or update request because it was down or there was a
network partition. How do we ensure that the node gets the latest version of
the data when it is healthy again?
Definition #
Repair stale data during the read operation, since at that point, we can read
data from multiple nodes to perform a comparison and find nodes that have
stale data. This mechanism is called Read Repair. Once the node with old
data is known, the read repair operation pushes the newer version of data to
nodes with the older version.
Solution #
Based on the quorum, the system reads data from multiple nodes. For
example, for Quorum=2, the system reads data from one node and digest of
the data from the second node. The digest is a checksum of the data and is
used to save network bandwidth. If the digest does not match, it means some
replicas do not have the latest version of the data. In this case, the system
reads the data from all the replicas to find the latest data. The system returns
the latest data to the client and initiates a Read Repair request. The read
repair operation pushes the latest version of data to nodes with the older
When the read consistency level is less than ‘All,’ some systems perform a
read repair probabilistically, for example, 10% of the requests. In this case,
the system immediately sends a response to the client when the consistency
level is met and performs the read repair asynchronously in the background.
Examples #
Cassandra and Dynamo use ‘Read Repair’ to push the latest version of the
data to nodes with the older versions.
18. Hinted Handoff
20. Merkle Trees
20. Merkle Trees
Let's learn about Merkle trees and their usage.
We'll cover the following
• Background
• De nition
• Solution
• Examples
Background #
Definition #
Solution #
Merkle tree
Examples #
19. Read Repair
Quiz I
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