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Animal Farm Chapter 4 Worksheet: Questions & Vocabulary

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________ Per: _____ ANIMAL FARM
Chapter 4 Questions
Direc&ons: Answer the ques>ons on your own sheet of paper in complete sentences that restate the ques>on. 1.
At first, why did the other farmers not help Mr. Jones? 2.
What do Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington say about animal farm convince their animals that it is bad? 3.
Why did George Orwell set the baGle in October? What historical significance does it have? 4.
How did Snowball prepare for the humans’ aGempt to take back the farm? 5.
Boxer thought he did something terrible. What was it and how did he feel about it? 6.
What was Snowball’s response to Boxer’s incident? 7.
Who was missing? Where was this animal found? 8.
What does Snowball say at the sheep’s funeral? 9.
What are the military decora>ons the animals create and to whom are they awarded? 10. What do the animals decide to do with Mr. Jones’ gun? © 2014 -­‐ present: The Daring English Teacher, Inc. Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________ Per: _____ ANIMAL FARM
Chapters 3-4 Three-Column Chart
Direc=ons: For each word, look up its defini=on and write it in the middle column. Then, draw a picture of the word or a representa=on of the word to help you remember its meaning. Word
Humble Obs=nate Indefa=gable Principle Maxim Contemp=ble Ignominious Injus=ce Irrepressible Shrewd © 2014 – The Daring English Teacher Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________ Per: _____ ANIMAL FARM
Chapters 3-4 Crossword Puzzle
1. fundamental truth or proposi=on that serves as the founda=on for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning 2. deserving contempt; despicable 3. having or showing a modest or low es=mate of one's own importance 4. persis=ng =relessly ACROSS
4. lack of fairness or jus=ce 5. not able to be controlled or restrained 6. stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of ac=on, despite ahempts to persuade one to do so 7. deserving or causing public disgrace or shame 8. a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct 9. having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute © 2014 – The Daring English Teacher 