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Wireless Radiation Risks: EU Warning & 5G Concerns

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Names belong to things by nature ... and an artisan of words is he who keeps
in view the name which belongs by nature to each particularthing!
Scientists warn EU of wireless radiation risks – part 1
What risks does radiofrequency (wireless) radiation pose to our
health and environment and who’s doing what about it?
This is the subject of a new paper by researchers from Australia,
Sweden and Finland that should set alarm bells ringing.
The researchers refer to a document – the EU 5G Appeal –
signed by over 400 medical doctors and scientists which was sent
to the EU six times to advise them about the serious risks of
exposing the planet to wireless radiation.
The authors say there is an abundance of evidence, dating back
at least five decades, which shows that wireless radiation is
harmful to humans and animals:
a review of more than 3700 studies from the US Naval
Medical Research Institute found adverse health effects as
early as the 1970s;
 the BioInitiative Reports, by independent researchers, found
reduced fertility and harmful neurological, behavioural,
genetic and immune effects;
 an analysis of 2065 studies by the Oceania Radiofrequency
Science Advisory Association (ORSAA) found that
approximately 69% showed biological effects that have the
potential to cause harm, including effects on sleep, free
radicals, oxidative stress, DNA damage, as well as
cardiovascular disease and cancer;
 a review by the Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields
(BERENSIS) found increased oxidative stress (which is
involved in cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative
 research by Panagopoulos and team found that even weak
exposure can open calcium channels in cell membranes,
which can potentially cause downstream damage to the
 a major animal study by the National Toxicology Program
found that mobile phone radiation caused heart
schwannomas, brain gliomas and cancerous activity in
male rats;
 a major animal study by the Ramazzini Institute also found
that mobile phone radiation caused schwannomas in the
hearts of male rats;
 the REFLEX study for the EU found that mobile phone
radiation caused significant biological damage;
 judgements of courts (in Italy, Spain and Geneva) found that
occupational exposures caused damage to plaintiffs.
As well as effects on humans and animals, the authors say that
there’s evidence that wireless radiation is harmful to wildlife. ‘For
example, honeybees maximally absorb the higher 5G frequencies
because the millimetre wavelengths resonate with their body size.
Adverse RFR effects also occur for other pollinating insects,
plants, trees, birds, frogs, animals and humans.’
They refer to a review by Blake Levitt and colleagues that
observed decades of research and concluded, ‘Biological effects
have been seen broadly across all taxa and frequencies at
vanishingly low intensities comparable to today’s ambient
exposures. Broad wildlife effects have been seen on orientation
and migration, food finding, reproduction, mating, nest and den
building, territorial maintenance and defense, and longevity and
survivorship. Cyto- and geno-toxic effects have been observed’
In addition to the problems that have already been demonstrated,
the authors say there are likely to be additional risks from 5G
technologies. They point out that 5G will bring increased exposure
‘billions of new connections’
 ‘thirty times more antennas’
 ‘at least 800 base stations per square kilometre’
 ‘radiation from 100,000 5G satellites’.
While it’s too early to know the full impacts of exposure to 5G
radiation, there is already cause for concern. The authors cite a
review by Di Ciaula who concluded that 5G ‘MMW [millimetre
waves] increase skin temperature, alter gene expression, promote
cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative
stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes, could generate
ocular damages, affect neuro-muscular dynamics’.
As if that were not enough to set alarm bells ringing, the authors
show that wireless radiation can have harmful effects on the
building blocks of nature. They say, ‘the high frequency 5G
millimetre waves will create quantum level changes in the
rotational energy of water (at 22.3 GHz, 33 GHz, and 323 GHz)
and oxygen molecules (at 60 GHz).’ Further, they consider that
the ‘forced changes to the fundamental building blocks of life are
likely to affect all lifeforms on earth in unpredictable and
potentially devastating ways.’
Could there be any more compelling reasons to address the
problems that wireless radiation pose?
1. It may be said with great confidence that dowsing
has contributed and continues to contribute to
geology, geophysics, ecology, medicine, and the
economy of those countries where dowsers conduct
their operations.
Professor Alexander Dubrov, Russian Academy of Science
2. if dowsers are operating by mere chance, it’s
pretty amazing how they can be so successful.
Amit Goswami, PhD, theoretical quantum physicist and Professor Emeritus,
University of Oregon
Dowsing is a conscious attunement to the field of
consciousness that non-locally connects each and
every one of us with the cosmos as a whole.
Jude Currivan, PhD, cosmologist, author, dowser
Dowsing has undergone a paradigm shift from the
useful but relatively mundane science of finding
water sources, lumps of metal and old drains, to the
realms of a spiritual search into the mysteries of
human consciousness and its relationship with the
Hamish Miller, dowser, author, The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing
We have come from advanced societies whose
special technologies suited the great mental
capacities of the inhabitants, and we are heading
back in that direction. We have come from societies
where the inhabitants reliably sensed deeper
dimensions of the universe than we presently do, so
that they readily manipulated space, time and
Professor William A. Tiller, PhD, Stanford University
There should be no enmity among seekers after
Auctoritates Aristotelis
Do not hesitate to know that you can be a successful
dowser. You can if you know that you can and not
until then. Your ability to dowse will be in direct ratio
to your belief.
George Applegate, The Complete Guide to Dowsing
Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they
show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find
out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to
Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull
All things vibrate, and they vibrate at their own
frequencies. When you understand this, you will
significantly broaden your understanding of the
universe. With this understanding, your eyes will
open to things you have never seen before – things
previously pushed to the back of your consciousness
– and these discoveries and feelings will give new life
to your soul.
Dr Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water
I’ve led such a little life … when inside me there was
so much more. Why do we get all this life if we don’t
ever use it?
Shirley, Shirley Valentine by Willy Russell
The great English astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington
had anticipated inter-connectedness by saying,
‘When the electron vibrates, the universe shakes.’
Physicists now accept inter-connectedness as a
ruling principle, along with many forms of symmetry
that extend across the universe…
Deepak Chopra, MD, Quantum Healing
Recent research demonstrates that living things are
constant transmitters and receivers of measurable
Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment
We, and all things in the universe, are non-locally
connected with each other and with all other things in
ways that are unfettered by the hitherto known
limitations of space and time.
Dr Ervin Laszlo and Dr Jude Currivan, CosMos
Have you ever noticed that if you are in a bad mood
you quickly affect the mood of everyone around you?
The same is true when you are in a good mood… If
you affect a person’s mood then you also affect their
biology, given that the body and mind are intertwined.
David Hamilton, PhD, It’s the Thought That Counts
Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it.
Try again. Do better the second time. The only
people who never tumble are those who never mount
the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.
Oprah Winfrey, actress and television talkshow host
How do you know but every bird that cuts the airy
way Is an immense world of delight, closed by your
senses five?
William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot
help but be in awe when he contemplates the
mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous
structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to
comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never
lose a holy curiosity.
Albert Einstein
It is always true that the message, even from the
highest levels, is coloured by the person who
receives it, by that person’s beliefs, vocabulary,
Dorothy Maclean, co-founder of the Findhorn community, To Hear the Angels Sing
Intention and Attention
Intention appears to be something akin to a tuning
fork, causing the tuning forks of other things in the
universe to resonate at the same frequency.
Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment
What is inside you is the power of intention. No
microscope will reveal it. You can find the command
centre with X-ray technology, but the commander in
the command centre remains impervious to our
sophisticated probing instruments. You are that
Dr Wayne W. Dyer, The Secrets of the Power of Intention
The Phenomenal Mechanics
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a
force which brings the particles of an atom to
vibration and holds this most minute solar system of
the atom together. We must assume behind this
force the existence of a conscious and intelligent
mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning physicist and quantum theorist
With an understanding of vital energy phenomena
and how vital energy works, one can formulate a
theory to explain dowsing. Conversely, our theory
construction enables us to claim that dowsing is a
very convincing proof of the potency of vital energy.
Dowsing also may direct us to new ways of
harnessing downward causation and other fruits of
the new science thinking.
Professor Amit Goswami, PhD, University of Oregon Institute of Theoretical
Physics, God Is Not Dead
renowned neuroscientist and pharmacologist
Candace Pert, PhD, asserts that your brain is not in charge and that
the mind is not just in the brain but distributed throughout the whole
body, by and through a process of signal molecules
Every morning after shaving, I looked into the mirror and said to
myself boldly, feelingly and knowingly, “Tom, you are absolutely
outstanding, you are a tremendous success, you are full of faith
and confidence and you are immensely wealthy. You are loving,
harmonious and inspired.” I am one with God, and one with God
is a majority. I am continuing this practice every morning. I am
amazed at the many wonderful changes which have taken place
in my business, finances, circle of friends, and in my home life. It
has been two months since you gave me these two affirmation
techniques and I have been promoted to sales manager in the
Thirteen Biological Processes Detrimentally Affected by
1. Absorption of nutrients
2. Melatonin release from the pineal gland
3. HPA (hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal) axis
4. Blood pH
5. Gene expression, specifically ZIF-268, which governs memory
storage in the brain
6. DNA synthesis
7. Mitochondria function
8. Digestive function – low oxygenation encouraging
bacterial/fungal/parasitic growth
9. Haemoglobin synthesis
10. Autonomic nervous system – sympathetic and
nerves/heart rhythms
11. Nerve synapse communication
12. Receptor binding and specificity on cell membranes
13. Immunological memory