Uploaded by Muhammad Shahryar

Formal Drawing Techniques: Orthographic & Isometric Projection

Formal Drawing Techniques
Drawing; is a picture or plan made by means of lines on a surface especially one made with pencil or pen
Line; is a straight one dimensional figure having no thikness and extending infinitely in both direction.
Line segment; has two end points and all the points of the line between them.
Continuos thic line; used to represent visible edges and boundaries.
Continuous thin line; projection lines, dimension lines
Dashed lines; used to indicate hidden details like hidden outlines and hidden edges.
Thin chain line; used to indication center lines, lines of symmetry and also trajectories.
Drawing Techniques:
In design, it is important that formal drawing techniques are used to convey impoertant information
about the design to either the client and manufacturer.
Different Techniques:
1.Orthographic projection:
A 2 dinensional drawing of a 3D object showing three sides of the product and is drawn to scale.
Orthographic drawing; a method of drawing a three dimensional object in two dimensions, usually
showing a plan view, front elevation and end elevation.
Orthographic drawing is laid out in two different ways:
Third Angle Projection; shows the plan view of the sign in the top left above the front elevation.
First Angle Projection; shows the plan view in the bottom right below the front elevation.
Scale and dimensions:
Sometimes the obect you are drawing is too big to draw at actual size on paper and sometimes it is too
small. In cases like this you will need to consider scale.
If drawing is half the object 1:2
If Drawing is twice as big 2:1
Show the scalw at the botton of each page.
Dimensions; measurements of parts of drawings. Usally written in millimeters(mm).
Drawings can be umderstood by the designer and manufacturer
Are tree dimensional drawings at 60 and 30.
Used to visualise products in three dimensions.
Are commonly used for interior rooms od building as they can be drawn from the plan view of room.
Are drwn at 45 and 45.
Drawing Cirles and arcs in isometric:
Draw an isometric cube.
Two Point Perspective Drawing:
A type of drawing that gives a realistic representation of a building, interior or product.