Uploaded by Francis Danielle Abalo


1. Roof
– with dimensions of 4x3 feet used as the placement for Solar Panel
2. Stand
– Approximately 2 meters in height, wherein at above 1 meter is the
bottom of the embedded box
3. Box
–with dimensions of 34.5cm x 30.5cm x 47.3cm is used as the cover and
protection for the internal structure of the device.
4. Solar panel
-with a rating of 100W, 12V is connected to the solar charge controller
5. Solar charge controller – distributes electricity to the battery for charging, 12V to 5V buck
voltage converter for the power source of the Nodemcu ESP8266 and the
Arduino Uno R3
6. Battery
-is connected to the Inverter to convert 12V to 220V to power the Far UVC
7. 12V-5V Buck Voltage Converter -is used to convert 12 Volts to 5 volts as the power source
of Nodemcu ESP 8266 and Arduino Uno R3
8. Nodemcu ESP 8266 – is the WiFi module, responsible for connecting the device to the
Internet and Application
9. Arduino Uno R3 – is used as the main controller of the device or the brains of the Device
which is connected to the Ultrasonic Motion Sensor, the Nodemcu ESP
8266 WiFi module and the Relay Switch.
10. Inverter
- with a rating of 1000 Watts, 12V-220v is used to convert 12 volts from
battery to 220 V for the power source of Far UVC light directly connected
and with the relay switch for the second line connected to the Arduino.
11. Far UVC light – with a wavelength at a range of 220 nm uses Irradiation to kill Bacteria at
at the same time not harmful to skin
12. 5V DC relay -used as a control switch to time of activation of the device in which case at
5 seconds
13. Ultrasonic Motion Sensor -used as a switch for the activation of the device to disinfect.
Connected directly to the Arduino, in which case it activates, the Arduino
sends the signal to relay switch to activate device for 5 seconds.