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Practical Research 2: Research Questions, Scope, and Problem Statement

Redeveloped Division Initiated Self-Learning Module
Department of Education – Division of Palawan
Practical Research 2 – Senior High School
Redeveloped Division Initiated - Self-Learning Module
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Stating Research Question, Indicating Scope and Delimitation
of the Study, and Presenting Written
Second Edition, 2021
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Published by the Department of Education, Division of Palawan
Schools Division Superintendent:
Roger F. Capa, CESO VI
OIC - Assistant Schools Division Superintendents:
Rufino B. Foz
Arnaldo G. Ventura
Development team for
Redevelopment Activity
Development Team
Writer: Elena T. De Vega
Editors: Corazon A. Quintos
Kristine Hemor
Illustrator: Christian Charles Lester D. Doblados
Reviewer: Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Management Team:
Aurelia B. Marquez
Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Rodgie S. Demalinao
Writer: Elena T. De Vega
Editors: Corazon A. Quintos and
Marianne R. Valdez
Reviewer: Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Quality Assurance: Corazon A. Quintos
Management Team:
Aurelia B. Marquez
Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Rodgie S. Demalinao
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This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
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Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge of lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed with completing this module or if you need
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Thank you.
Research 2
First Quarter
Week 5
1. States research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4)
2. Indicates scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5)
3. Presents written statement of the problem (CS_RS12-Id-e-7)
Objective/s :
1. Formulate research questions.
2. Writes a scope and delimitation of the study
3. Formulates clearly the statement of the research problem
4. Presents written statement of the problem
What I Know
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Research questions about the study show the items listed below EXCEPT one.
a. Organization
c. Direction
b. Order
d. Objective
2. Descriptive research questions are asking about the listed items below about the
subjects or participants EXCEPT one.
c. Qualifications
d. Categories
3. Causal research questions are ________ behind the effects of the independent
variables on the dependent variable is the focus of these types of research
a. Results
c. Reasons
b. Product
d. Outcome
4. Relations research questions are about the nature and manner of _______
between or among variables.
a. Connection
c. differences
b. Opposition
d. similarities
5. Deductive approach to quantitative research questions goes from __________.
a. General ideas to specific ideas
b. Smaller ideas to bigger ideas
c. Simple ideas to complex ideas
d. Specific details to broader details
6. The scope and delimitation of the study set the ___________________ of the
problem inquiry.
a. Questions
c. Answers
b. Queries
d. Boundaries and parameters
7. The scope and delimitation ___________ the scope of the inquiry.
a. Widens
c. Broadens
b. Strengthen
d. Narrows down
8. Delimitation refers to the boundaries of the research study, arising from the
researcher’s decisions of what to exclude.
a. True
c. Sometimes true
b. False
d. Sometimes false
9. The following are included in the scope and delimitation EXCEPT one.
a. General Purpose
c. Population
b. Hypothesis
d. Period of the study
10. Statement of the problem is a ______description of the issues that need to be
addressed by the researcher.
a. Short
c. Wordy
b. Lengthy
d. Elaborate
11. The statement of the problem should be a _____ statement of the whole problem
followed by the specific questions or subproblems into which the general problem
is broken up.
a. General
c. Detailed
b. Specific
d. Especial
12. Each specific question in the statement of the problem must be _____ and
unequivocal, that is, it has only one meaning. It must not have a dual meaning.
a. Broad
c. Wide
b. General
d. Clear
13. The number of specific questions in the statement of the problem should be ______
to cover the development of the whole research problem or study.
a. Limited
c. Enough
b. Only one
d. Few
14. The problem statement is the __________of the specific question which the
researcher wants to answer.
a. Verbalization
c. Summary
b. Graphical presentation
d. Gist
15. The following are correct specific questions of a statement of the problem EXCEPT
a. What do you think is the academic performance of the students?
b. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, and grade
c. What is the association between tardiness and the academic performance
of students?
d. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of
students and their study habits?
What is It
Tell me why
Inside the box below is a Chinese Proverb about asking a question. What is the
proverb trying to tell? Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
He who asks a question remains a fool for five
He who does not ask remains a fool forever.
-Chinese Proverb
Research is an opportunity for us to ask questions about almost everything. As the
Chinese proverb said we will not remain fool if we ask questions. Therefore, research gives
us the chance to learn as much as we can through the research questions.
Lesson 1: Stating Research Questions
The specific or sub-questions, called Research Questions specify the scope and
the method in collecting and analyzing data, give you the right direction in your
The research questions formulated give focus to the research as well as guide
the appropriateness of the decisions the researcher made.
A quantitative research problem can generate a set of research questions or
sub-problems that fall under any of these types of research questions:
1. Descriptive research questions- ask questions on the kind, qualifications, and
categories of the subjects or participants.
Example: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender,
average family income, and distance of their house from school?
2. Relation questions – are questions about the nature and manner of connection
between or among variables.
Example: What is the relationship between the grades of students and the
number of hours they spent studying?
3. Causal questions – reasons behind the effects of the independent variable on
the dependent variable are the focus of these types of research questions.
Example: What is the impact of social media on the academic performance
of students?
If the research questions are not clearly formulated or have no direction, the
researcher will find himself or herself with too much data, and yet, not knowing
what to do with them.
The research questions express clearly the specific direction or focus of the
research problem or inquiry. It comprises the core of the study.
Research questions are found in the Statement of the Problem of a study. They
are written after the main problem. See the hypothetical statement of the
problem example below.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to find out the relationship of
Career Guidance Program implementation and the
increase of enrollment of Maasin National High School for
SY 2020-2021.
More specifically, this study attempted to answer
the following questions:
1. What describes the Career Guidance Program
implementation of Maasin National High School?
2. What describes the enrollment increase of Maasin
National High School?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the Career
Guidance Program implementation and enrollment
increase of Maasin national High School?
Lesson 2: Indicating Scope and Delimitation of the Study
In the previous lesson, you learned about stating research questions.
Research questions are to specify the scope and the method in collecting and analyzing
data, give you the right direction in your research.
A quantitative research problem can generate a set of research questions or subproblems including descriptive research questions, relation questions, and causal
research questions.
In this module, you will learn about the scope and delimitation of the study.
The scope and delimitation of the study set boundaries and parameters of the
problem inquiry and narrow down the scope of the inquiry. The scope is the domain of
your research-what is in the domain, and what is not. You need to make as clear as
possible what you will be studying and what factors are within the accepted range of
your study.
Scope and delimitation are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope
of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work
and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. For example, let
us say a researcher wants to study the impact of mobile phones on the behavior patterns
of elementary school children. However, the researcher cannot cover every aspect of
the topic. So, the scope will have to be narrowed down to a certain section of the target
population. In this case, the scope might be narrowed down to a group of 50 children in
grades 3-5 of one specific school. Their behavior patterns in school may have been
observed for 6 months. These would form the delimitations of the study.
Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the
boundaries of the study, such as the sample size, geographical location or setting in
which the study takes place, population traits, etc.
Source: https://www.editage.com
Guidelines in writing the scope and delimitation
The scope and delimitations should include the following:
1. A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.
2. The subject matter and topics were studied and discussed.
3. The locale of the study, where the data were gathered, or the entity to which
the data belong.
4. The population or universe from which the respondents were selected. This
must be large enough to make generalizations significant.
5. The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years, during which
the data were gathered.
Lesson 3: Presenting the Written Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem
A statement of the problem is a concise description of the issues that need to be
addressed by the researcher.
There should be a general statement of the whole problem followed by the
specific questions or subproblems into which the general problem is broken up.
The problem statement is the researcher’s guide during the research process. It is
the verbalization and articulation as well as the analysis of the question in which
the researcher wants the research to answer.
Guidelines in formulating the general problem and the specific subproblems
or specific questions.
The following are suggested to guide the researcher in the formulation of his or
her general problem as well as his specific subproblems or questions. These are also the
characteristics of specific questions:
1. The general statement of the problem and the specific subproblems or questions
should be formulated first before conducting the research.
2. It is customary to state the specific problems in an interrogative form. Hence,
subproblems are called specific questions.
3. Each specific question must be unequivocal, that is, it has only one meaning. It
must not have a dual meaning.
4. Each specific question is researchable apart from the other questions, that is,
answers to each specific question can be found even without considering the
other questions.
5. Each specific question must be based upon known facts and phenomena.
Besides, data from such known facts and phenomena must be accessible to
make the specific question researchable.
6. Answers to each specific question can be interpreted apart from the answers to
other specific questions.
7. Answers to each specific question must contribute to the development of the
whole research problem or topic.
8. Summing up the answers to all the specific questions will give a complete
development of the entire study.
9. The number of specific questions should be enough to cover the development of
the whole research problem or study.
10 . Generally, there should be a general statement of the problem and then this
should be broken up into as many subproblems or specific questions as necessary.
Sample Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to find out the relationship between the reading speed and
reading comprehension of Maasin National High School Grade 10 students for SY
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What describes the reading speed of Grade 10 students of Maasin National High
2. What describes the reading comprehension of Grade 10 students of Maasin
National High School; and
3. Is there a relationship between the reading speed and reading comprehension
of Grade 10 students of Maasin National High School?
What I Can Do
Activity 1
Identify whether the following are descriptive, relation, or causal research
questions. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the relationship between the time spent playing mobile games and the
grades of students?
2. What is the profile of the Grade 12 students in terms of gender, average family
income, the distance of their house from school, and the educational attainment of
their parents?
3. What is the impact of Radio-based Instruction (RBI) on the academic performance
of students?
4. What are the effects of the Covid19 pandemic on the study habits of students?
5. Is there a significant relationship with the scores of the respondents during the pretest
and posttest?
Activity 2
Study the given research title and imagine that you will be doing the research.
Formulate at least three (3) research questions about it.
Research Title: Factors Affecting the Reading Habit of Senior High School Students of
Maasin National High School
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
What’s More
Activity 3
Using the guidelines in writing the scope and delimitation, evaluate the given
hypothetical sample of scope and delimitation below by supplying the needed data in
the table.
Title of the Study: Career Guidance Program Implementation and Enrollment
Increase of Maasin National High School
The study was conducted to find out the relationship of Career Guidance
implementation and the enrollment increase of Maasin National High School,
Brooke’s Point, Palawan. This included the enrollment record of the school from
Junior High School and Senior High School from SY 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
What is the general purpose of the
What are the subject matter/topics
What is the population of the
What is the locale of the study?
What is the period of the study?
What I Have Learned
Answer the question by writing a five-sentence paragraph.
Activity 4
Suppose you are a researcher who focused on the effects of the Covid19
pandemic on your Barangay, write a probable statement of the problem of your study.
INSTRUCTION: Read each item carefully and identify which are correctly stated
quantitative research questions. Write the letter of your answers on a separate sheet.
A. Which of the following are correctly stated quantitative research questions.
a. Are the new teaching strategies effective?
b. To what extent are the new teaching strategies effective?
c. Teachers prefer one teaching strategy than the others. Why?
d. Some teaching strategies are more effective than others. How?
a. What is the relationship between tardiness and the academic performance
of students?
b. Should there be a relationship between the tardiness of students
and their academic performance?
c. Why should there be a relationship between the tardiness and
academic performance of students?
d. Is the relationship between the tardiness of students and their
academic performance needed?
a. Why do other students have better grades than the others?
b. What is the difference in the grades of students when they are
grouped according to their age and gender?
c. Who among the students have better grades? Those with the same
age or those with the same gender?
d. Other students have higher grades than the others. How could it be
a. What are the effects of study habits of students on their attendance in school?
b. Which of the study habits of students are better? Why?
c. Is it sure that study habits can affect their attendance in school?
d. Can the study habits of students affect their attendance in school?
a. Why did the students get good grades in the first semester?
b. Why did the students got good grades in the second semester?
c. Are the grades of students better during the first or second semester?
d. What is the significant difference between the general averages of
students during the first and second semester?
B. The following are things included in the scope and delimitation of three proposed
studies. Identify what part of it are the items listed. Chose the letter of your answer from
the choices inside the rectangle.
a. General Purpose
b. Subject matter and topics studied
c. Locale of the study
d. Population
e. Period of the study
6. Use of modules in Statistics and Probability
7. School Year 2019-2020
8. Senior High schools in the Division of Palawan
9. Senior High School students
10. Investigate the level of effectiveness of the use of modules in Statistics and
C. Each of the following items is a sample of a statement of the problem composed of a
general problem and specific questions. Identify the question which should not belong
to the specific questions.
This study aimed to find out the relationship between the reading comprehension
and academic performance of Grade 11 students of Maasin National High
School for SY 2019-2020.
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:
a. What describes the reading comprehension of the respondents?
b. What describes the academic performance of the respondents?
c. What is the relationship between the reading comprehension and academic
performance of the respondents?
d. What can be done to know the comprehension of the respondents?
This study was conducted to investigate the association between reading
comprehension and the ability of Maasin National High School Grade 11 students
to solve Math problems.
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:
a. What is the reading comprehension level of Maasin National High School
Grade 11 students?
b. What describes the reading comprehension level of the respondents?
c. What describes the ability of Maasin National High School Grade 11 students
to solve a Math problem?
d. What is the association between reading comprehension and the ability of
Maasin National High School Grade 11 students to solve Math problems?
This study aimed to find out the effect of the new teaching strategy used by
Maasin National High School Math teachers in teaching Statistics and Probability
for SY 2019-2020.
Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:
a. What describes the scores of students before the new teaching strategy was
b. What describes the scores of students after the new teaching strategy was used?
c. What is the purpose of getting the scores of students before and after the new
teaching strategy was used?
d. What is the difference between the scores of students before and after the new
teaching strategy was used by the teachers?
This study aimed to find out the relationship of parental support and selfconfidence of the Senior High School students of Marilag National High School for
SY 2019-2020.
Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:
a. What describes the parental support of parents to the respondents?
b. What describes the self-confidence of the respondents?
c. What is the meaning of parental support and self-confidence?
d. What is the relationship between parental support and the self-confidence of
the respondents?
This study aimed to find out the association between the use of Tiktok and the
level of enjoyment of its users in Palawan.
Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:
a. What is the level of enjoyment of Tiktok users?
b. What is the frequency of the use of Tiktok by the respondents?
c. What is Tiktok all about?
d. What is the association between the use of Tiktok and the level of enjoyment
of the respondents?
What’s More
Activity 3
What is the general purpose of
the study?
What are the subject
matter/topics studied?
What is the population of the
What is the locale of the study?
What is the period of the study?
To find out the relationship of Career
guidcance Implementation and enrolment
increase of Maasin National High School
Career Guidance Implementation and
Junior High School & Senior High School
Maasin National High School, Brookes Point
SY 2017 – 2018 & SY 2020 – 2021
What I Have Learned
Activity 4. Answers may vary
What I Know
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. A
What I Can Do
Activity 1
1. Relation
2. Descriptive
3. Causal
4. Causal
5. Relation
Activity 2
Answers may vary but should be with the
same thought as the given answers below.
1. What is the relationship between the
distance modular learning and the
grades of the pupils in all learning
2. What is the correlation of the number
of members in the family and the
academic performance of students?
3. What describes the characteristics of
Tagbanua tribe in terms of their
educational attainment, number of
family members in a household, and
average family income?
4. What are the effects of Tiktok to
elementary students?
5. What is the relationship between the
reading comprehension and reading
speed of students?
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
Answer Key
Almeida, Adelaida B., Gaerlan, Amelita A., and Manly, Norita E. (2016) Research
Fundamentals. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.,
Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2,(2016) Rex Book Store, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila
Calderon, Jose F. and Gonzales, Expectacion C. (1993) Methods of Research and
Thesis Writing, National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City,
Prieto, Nelia G., Naval, Victoria C. and Carey, Teresita G. (2017) Practical Research 2
for Senior High School, LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila
Prieto, Nelia G., Naval, Victoria C. and Carey, Teresita G. (2017) Practical Research 1
for Senior High School, LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila
Source: https://www.editage.com
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – SDO Palawan
Curriculum Implementation Division Office
2nd Floor DepED Palawan Building
Telephone no. (048) 433-3292
Learning Resources Management Section
LRMS Building, PEO Compound
Telephone No. (048) 434-0099