Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 1 Soil Mechanic Dr. KY Sambath Lecturer and researcher, Institute of Technology of Cambodia Ph.D of Civil Engineering, Master CE (INSA Rennes, France) Mobile: +855 11 220 676 Email: E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 2 1. Classification and Physical Properties of Soils In the field of civil engineering, nearly all projects are built on to, or into, the ground. Whether the project is a structure, a roadway, a tunnel, or a bridge, the nature of the soil at that location is of great importance to the civil engineer. Civil engineering Structural engineering Soil mechanics is the subject within a branch of Geotechnical engineering that looks at the behavior of soils in civil engineering. Geotechnical engineering is the term given to the branch of engineering that is concerned with aspects pertaining to the ground. Soil mechanics Geotechnical engineering E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 3 1.1 Agricultural and engineering soil Topsoil : A layer of organic soil, usually not more than 500 mm thick, in which humus (highly organic partly decomposed vegetable matter) is often found. Hardpan : In humid climates humid acid can be formed by rainwater causing decomposition of humus. This acid leaches out iron and alumina oxides down into the lower layers where they act as cementation agents to form a hard, rock-like material. Hardpan is difficult to excavate and, as it does not soften when wet, has a high resistance to normal soil drilling methods. A hardpan layer is sometimes found at the junction of the topsoil and the subsoil. Subsoil : The portion of the Earth’s crust affected by current weathering, and lying between the topsoil and the unweathered soil below. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 4 1.1 Agricultural and engineering soil Soil : The soft geological deposits extending from the subsoil to bedrock. In some soils there is a certain amount of cementation between the grains which affects the physical properties of the soil. If this cementation is such that a rock-hard material has been produced, then the material must be described as rock. A rough rule is that if the material can be excavated by hand or hand tools, then it is a soil. Groundwater : A reservoir of underground water. The upper surface of this water may occur at any depth and is known as the water table or groundwater level (GWL). E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 5 1.2 Engineering definitions Rock are made from various types of minerals. Minerals are substances of crystalline form made up from a particular chemical combination. The main minerals found in rocks include quartz, feldspar, calcite and mica. Geologists classify all rocks into three basic groups: 1. Igneous rocks 2. Sedimentary rocks 3. Metamorphic rocks E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 6 1.2 Engineering definitions Soil : The actions of frost, temperature, gravity, wind, rain and chemical weathering are continually forming rock particles that eventually become soils. There are 3 types of soil when considering modes of formation. 1. Transported soil (gravels, sands, silts and clays) 2. Residual soil (topsoil, laterites) 3. Organic soil E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 7 1.2 Engineering definitions Geotechnical engineers classify soils as either granular or cohesive. • Granular soils (sometimes referred to as cohesionless soils) are formed from loose particles without strong inter-particle forces, e.g. sands and gravels. • Cohesive soils (e.g. clays, clayey silts) are made from particles bound together with clay minerals. The particles are flaky and sheetlike and retain a significant amount of adsorbed water on their surfaces. The ability of the sheet-like particles to slide relative to one another, gives a cohesive soil the property known as plasticity. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 8 1.3 Clay soils It is generally believed that rock fragments can be reduced by mechanical means to a limiting size of about 0.002 mm, so that a soil containing particles above this size has a mineral content similar to the parent rock from which it was created. For the production of particles smaller than 0.002 mm some form of The three main groups of clay minerals are: 1. Kaolinite 2. Illite 3. Montmorillonite chemical action is generally necessary before breakdown can be achieved. Such particles, although having a chemical content similar to the parent rock, have a different crystalline structure and are known as clay particles. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 9 1.3 Clay soils The three main groups of clay minerals are: 1. Kaolinite Kaolinite 2. Illite 3. Montmorillonite Illite Montmorillonite E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 10 1.4 Field identification of soils Gravels, sands and peats are easily recognizable, but difficulty arises in deciding when a soil is a fine sand or a coarse silt or when it is a fine silt or a clay. Organic silts and clays are invariably dark grey to blue-black in color and give off a characteristic odor, particularly with fresh samples. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 11 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, water content Drying soils: Soils can be either oven or air dried. It has become standard practice to oven dry soils at a temperature of 105°C but it should be remembered that some soils can be damaged by such a temperature. The water content, also called the moisture content, is given the symbol w and is the ratio of the amount of water to the amount of dry soil. Example: A sample of soil was placed in a water content tin of mass 19.52 g. The combined mass of the soil and the tin was 48.27 g. After oven drying the soil and the tin had a mass of 42.31 g. Determine the water content of the soil. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 12 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution Granular soils- Particle size distribution The usual method in the classification of soils is based on the determination of the particle size distribution by shaking an oven dried sample of the soil (usually after washing the sample over a 63μm sieve) through a set of sieves and recording the mass retained on each sieve. The classification system of each country are differences! E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 13 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 14 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution Four systems for describing oils based on particle size E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 15 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution Classification des Grains Solides: Système Français Argiles Limons (ou silts) 0.002 mm Sables fins 0.02 mm Sables grossiers 0.2 mm Graviers 2 mm Cailloux 20 mm Blocs rocheux 200 mm les sols pulvérulents Forces capillaires 1 est proportionnel à pesanteur D => D est relativement grand dans le cas des sols pulvérulents E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution Tel: 011 220 676 16 Example : The results of a sieve analysis on a soil sample were: The results of the sieve analysis are plotted with the particle sizes horizontal and the summation percentages vertical. As soil particles vary in size from molecular to boulder it is necessary to use a log scale for the horizontal plot so that the full range can be shown: mass retained cumulative ×100% total mass Percentage passing = 100% - Percentage retained Percentage retained = at the bottom 2.3 g passed through the 63 μm sieve. Solution: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 17 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution 1. Effective size of a distribution (D10): This parameter is the diameter in the particle-size distribution curve corresponding to 10% Example : The sieve analysis on a soil sample above: finer. The effective size of a granular soil is a good measure to estimate the hydraulic conductivity and drainage through soil. 2. Uniformity coefficient (Cu) (le coefficient d’uniformité): This parameter is defined as Cu D60 D10 where D60 diameter corresponding to 60% finer. If Cu < 4.0 then the soil is uniformly graded. If Cu > 4.0 then the soil is either well graded or gap and a glance at the grading curve should be sufficient for the reader to decide which is the correct description. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 18 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution 3. Coefficient of gradation (CC) (le facteur de courbure): This parameter is defined as From the particle-size distribution curve, the type of distribution of various-size particles can be seem: D302 Cc D60 D10 Ex. Different types of particle-size distribution curves 4. Sorting coefficient (S0): This parameter is defined as S0 D75 D 25 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 19 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution 1. granulométrie étalée et discontinue (alluvions de sables et graviers), 2. granulométrie étalée et continue (arène granitique), 3. granulométrie serrée (sable de Fontainebleau), 4. limon argileux, 5. argile limoneuse, 6. argile pratiquement pure (bentonite), E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Particle size distribution ASTM D6913: Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis. Tel: 011 220 676 20 ASTM D7928 : Standard Test Method for ParticleSize Distribution (Gradation) of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Sedimentation (Hydrometer) Analysis E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 21 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Cohesive soils: Consistency limit (or index) test Albert Mauritz Atterberg, Sweden (1846 – 1916) Clay minerals can be remolded with some moisture. This cohesive nature is caused by the adsorbed water surrounding the clay particles. A Swedish scientist named Atterberg developed a method to describe the consistency of fine-grained soils with varying moisture contents. The behavior of soil can be divided into four basic states solid, semisolid, plastic, and liquid E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 22 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Liquid limit (wL or LL) (la limite de liquidité) is the water content when the soil stops acting as a liquid. It is obtained by experimental : by a brass cup and a hard rubber base. place a soil paste in the cup, use a groove cut the center of the soil pat with the standard grooving tool. The cup is lifted and dropped with h = 10 mm. The Liquid limit is defined at 25 blows the distance of 12.5 mm of the 2 sides soil pat is closed. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 23 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency It is hard to make a test and obtain the Liquid limit (wL or LL). Thus, ASTM required 5 test from 15 to 35 blows. IF w1 w2 N log( 2 ) N1 where: IF is flow index; w1 moisture content of soil, in percent, corresponding to N1 blows and w2 moisture content corresponding to N2 blows. w I F log N C E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 24 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Another method of determining liquid limit by the fall cone method. The LL is defined when penetrate a distance d = 20 mm in 5 seconds. IF w2 w1 d log( 2 ) d1 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 25 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Plastic Limit (la limite de plasticité) : the limit at which plastic failure changes to brittle failure (when the soil crumbles) is known as the The fall cone method can be used to find the PL of the soil by changing the cone weight. plastic limit (wP or PL). The plastic limit test is simple and is performed by repeated rolling of an ellipsoidal-sized soil mass by hand on a ground glass plate. (Check ASTM D-4318) E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 26 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 27 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency The plasticity index (PI) (Indice de plasticité) is defined as: PI LL PL Liquidity index of soil (LI) (l’indice de liquidité) is defined as: LI w PL LL PL where w is in situ moisture content of soil • classified by Burmister (1949) Consistency index of soil (CI) (l’indice de consistance) is defined as: CI LL w LL PL E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 28 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency The Shrinkage Limit (SL) is water content that give the minimum volume of the soil Shrinkage limit test, ASTM D-4943, describes a method where volume Vi is determined by filling the wax. V w (%) i SL V f w M2 100 M 1 M 2 100 Vi V f w 100 M2 M2 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 29 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency The Activity (A) (l’activíté d’une argile) is a quantity use as an index for identifying the swelling potential of clay soils, it is Sir Alec Westley Skempton English, (19142001) defined as: A PI (% of clay-size fraction, by w eight) A= Indice de plasticité (% éléments inférieurs à 2 m ) Mineral A Montmorillonite 7.2 Illite 0.9 Kaolinite 0.38 Activity (Based on Skempton, 1953) E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 30 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Plasticity Chart: Liquid and plastic limits are determined by relatively simple laboratory tests that provide information about the nature of cohesive soils. Casagrande (1932) studied the relationship of the plasticity index to the liquid limit of a wide variety of natural soils, and he proposed a Chart which is called Plasticity Chart. The plasticity chart is of great value and is the basis for the classification of fine-grained soils in the Unified Soil Classification System. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 31 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Désignation Symbole international Symbole français Limons peu plastiques ML Lp Argiles peu plastiques CL Ap Limons très plastiques MH Lt Argiles très plastiques CH At E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 32 1.5 Laboratory classification of soils, Consistency Use the plasticity Chart to estimate the shrinkage limit of a soil (Adapted from Holtz and Kovacs, 1981) 1. Plot the plasticity index against the liquid limit of a given soil such as point A in the Figure. 2. Project the A-line and the U-line downward to meet at point B. Point B will have the coordinates of LL = -43.5 and PI = -46.4. 3. Join points B and A with a straight line. This will intersect the liquid limit axis at point C. The abscissa of point C is the estimated shrinkage limit. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 33 1.6 Soil classification and description the American Association of State Highway and Soil classification systems have been in use for a very long time with the first recorded use being in China over 4000 years ago. United States Department of Agriculture firstly proposed in 1896, which the classification system were purely on particle size. There are several classification schemes available for soil classification with the purpose in; 1. used to specify a certain soil type that is best suited for a given application. 2. used to establish a soil profile along a desired cross section of a soil mass. Transportation Officials (AASHTO) developed one scheme that classifies soils according to their usefulness in roads and highways, Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) was originally developed for use in airfield construction but was later modified for general use. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Classification System The British Soil Classification System (BSCS) The textural classification systems developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 34 1.6 Soil classification and description AASHTO soil classification system (1929): used to determine the suitability of soils for earthworks, embankments, and road bed materials (subgrade—natural material below a constructed pavement; subbase—a layer of soil above the subgrade; and base—a layer of soil above the subbase that offers high stability to distribute wheel loads). E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 35 The AASHTO system classifies soils into 7 major groups; E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 36 1.6 Soil classification and description To evaluate the quality of a soil as a highway subgrade material, the group index (GI) is used. The group index is given as: GI (F200 35) 0.2 0.005 LL 40 0.01 F200 15 PI 10 The liquid limit and the plasticity index for soils that fall into groups A-2, A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7. where F200 is percent passing No. 200 sieve, 1. A negative value for GI, it is taken as 0. 2. The value of group index have to rounded off to the nearest whole number. 3. There is no upper limit for the group index. 4. The group index of soils belonging to groups A-1-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A2-5, and A-3 is always 0. 5. When calculating the group index for soils that belong to groups A2-6 and A-2-7, use the partial group index for PI, or GI 0.01 F200 15 PI 10 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 37 1.6 Soil classification and description USCS: The original form of this system was proposed by Casagrande in 1942. The USCS uses symbols for the particle size groups. These symbols and their representations are G—gravel, • W for well graded S—sand, • P for poorly graded M—silt, C—clay. Arthur Casagrande (1902-1981) H for high plasticity (LL > 50) L for low plasticity (LL < 50) a symbol, O, indicating the presence of organic material. ex. CL means a clay soil with low plasticity, and SP means a poorly graded sand. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath ASTM is nearly Tel: 011 220 676 38 identical to the USCS. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 39 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 40 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 41 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 42 1.6 Soil classification and description BSCS: The system divides soil into two main categories. If at least 35% of a soil can pass through a 63 μm sieve then it is a fine soil. Conversely, if the amount of soil that can pass through the 63 μm sieve is less than 35% then it W: Well graded L: Low plasticity (LL < 35%) P: Poorly graded I: Intermediate (35 ≤ LL ≤ 70) Pu: Uniform H: High plasticity (50 ≤ LL ≤ 70) Pg: Gap graded V: Very high (70 ≤ LL ≤ 90) O: Organic E: Extremely high (LL > 90%) is a coarse soil. The main soil types are designated by capital letters: G: Gravel M: Silt, M-soil S: Sand C: Clay F: Fine soil, Fines Pt: Peat Example: ‘M-soil’ is to classify soils that plot below the A-line that particle size distributions not wholly in the range of silt sizes. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 43 1.6 Soil classification and description The plasticity chart is the relationship of the soil LL to its PI. A-line in the plasticity chart, is an empirical boundary between inorganic clays, whose points lie above the line, and organic silts and clays whose points lie below. The A-line is defined as: PI 0.73( LL 20) E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 44 1.6 Soil classification and description E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 45 1.6 Soil classification and description E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 46 1.6 Soil classification and description The textural classification systems (USDA): by its surface appearance. The soil are named after their principal components, sandy clay, silty clay etc. The names are classify into a chart, and the classification method is based on the particle-size limits of each organization. For the chart on the right is based on USDA. Example: the particle size distribution of soil A in the figure has; 30% sand, 40% silt, and 30% clay. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 47 2. Soil Compaction (Le compactage des sols) • Compaction of soil is densification the soil by removing its void. • To improving a soil, compaction is normally the least expensive method. Proctor Compaction Test—ASTM D 1140 and ASTM D 1557 Essai Proctor (NF P 94-093) 1933, PROCTOR l’Ingénieur américain mit en évidence que le poids spécifique sec d’un sol est influencée de la teneur en eau et de l’énergie de compactage; grâce à l’essai qui porte son nom : Essai proctor. Compaction apparatus E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 48 2. Soil Compaction • For most projects, the standard Proctor (Proctor Normal) test is satisfactory. For projects involving heavy loads, such as runways to support heavy aircraft loads, a modified Proctor (Proctor Modifié) test was developed. 1. Mix dry soil thoroughly with water to prepare a uniform specimen with designed water content. 2. Pour the loose specimen at a little over one-third depth into a standard-size mold 101.6 mm (4 in.) in diameter and 116.43 mm (4.584 in.) high without an extension collar, with 944 cm3 (1/30 ft3) volume. 3. Compact the specimen by 25 free drops of a rammer (W = 24.5 N (2.5 kilogram force [kgf] or 5.5 pound force [lbf]) from 304.8 mm (12 in.) high. The mold should be placed on hard ground to avoid possible compaction energy loss. 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the second and third layers to fill the mold with soil slightly above the top level of the mold. For the third-layer compaction, an extension collar is attached. 5. Remove the extension collar and trim the specimen surface by a straight edge to get exactly 944 cm3 (1/30 ft3) volume of the specimen. 6. Weigh the whole mold with soil in it to obtain the wet weight of the specimen. 7. Extrude the specimen from the mold and obtain a representative soil specimen in a container for water content determination. 8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for several different water contents. In general, soils from the previous experiment could be reused for the next test by breaking them down to particles and remixing with additional water. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 49 2. Soil Compaction Basic Concept Gs G d s w 1 w 1 wG s 1 e S% The test is identified when additional water causes the bulk unit weight of the soil to decrease? e w wG s Sr if S r 100% e emin wG s G d d ,max s w 1 e E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 50 2. Soil Compaction Energy imparted by the hammer • The S = 100% curve is called the zero air void (ZAV) curve. E comp m h g hd Nb Nl V hd height of fall hammer, Nb number of blows, Nl number of layers. • When the compaction energy is increased, γd,max increases. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 51 2. Soil Compaction Energy imparted by the hammer E comp m h g hd Nb Nl V hd height of fall hammer, Nb number of blows, Nl number of layers. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 52 2. Soil Compaction • Facteurs d’influence E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 53 2. Soil Compaction Field Compaction: Relative Compaction (R.C.) is defined as: d , field R .C . d ,max , is the specified dry unit weight, that shall be achieved in the field E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 54 2. Soil Compaction Field Compaction Equipment: Pneumatic rubber tire rollers used for both sandy soils and clayey soils. Soils are compacted with both tire pressure and kneading action. Sheep’s-foot rollers have unique wheel surfaces that can effectively compact the clayey soils and the deeper part of soils in earlier passes. Smooth-wheel (drum) rollers used for sandy and clayey soils for the finishing and smoothing process. It is not used to compact thicker layers. Vibratory wheels are usually part of all the foregoing rollers; they are especially effective in compacting granular soils. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 55 2. Soil Compaction Field Compaction: Number of passes: In general construction several or more passes of rollers are required to obtain a specified dry unit weight. The more passes applied, the higher the dry unit weight is obtained. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 56 2. Soil Compaction Field Compaction: One more simple and effective compaction technique is dynamic compaction. Dropping a heavy weight repeatedly on the ground, the weight is about 80kN to 360kN with the drop height from 10m to 30m. This method is good for sandy soil but not silt and clay soils. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 57 2. Soil Compaction Field Density test, Sand Cone Method (ASTM D 1556 and AASHTO T 191): E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 58 2. Soil Compaction Méthode du densitometer à membrane (NF P 94-061-2): E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 59 2. Soil Compaction California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Standard ASTM (D 1883) or NF P 94-078: This is a penetration test which was developed by the California Department of Transportation and became standards. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 60 2. Soil Compaction California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Standard ASTM (D 1883) or NF P 94-078: • CBR = maximum of the two formulars E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 61 2. Soil Compaction Proctor - CBR: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 62 3. Seepage (l’écoulement sous terrain) The water can flow through soil due to the void in the soil. Daniel Bernoulli, It is important in the construction of earth dams, levees, 1700 – 1782, Swiss. embankments, excavation and underground structures, etc. The basic energy flow equation (Bernoulli’s equation), which defined the head as 3 parts: v2 ht hz h p hv z w 2g u ℎ: ℎ : ℎ ;ℎ : ℎ ;ℎ : ℎ ; ℎ E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 63 3. Seepage (l’écoulement sous terrain) The velocity of water flow through soil is small, thus the velocity head is neglected. ht hz h p z u w Henry Darcy, 1803 – 1858, French. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 64 3. Seepage (l’écoulement sous terrain) When water flows in soils, it creates friction and lead to head loss. Darcy’s Law: : :ℎ v k i ℎ ; ; : ℎ E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 65 3. Seepage (l’écoulement sous terrain) Ex. Shows water flow though the soil specimen in a cylinder (D = 6mm). The specimen’s k value is 3.4 × 10−4 cm/s. a) Calculate pressure heads hp at Points A, B, C, and D and draw the levels of water height in standpipes. b) Compute the amount of water flow q through the specimen. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 66 3. Seepage (l’écoulement sous terrain) Ex. Shows water flow though the soil specimen in a cylinder (D = 6mm). The specimen’s k value is 3.4 × 10−4 cm/s. a) Calculate pressure heads hp at Points A, B, C, and D and draw the levels of water height in standpipes. b) Compute the amount of water flow q through the specimen. Solution: q = k (Δh/L)A = 3.4 × 10−4 × (8/18) × π(6/2)2 = 4.27 × 10−3 cm3/s ← E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 67 3.1 Coefficient of hydraulic conductivity (Permeability) Hazen’s (1911) empirical formula: k C ( D10 ) 2 k has the unit in [cm/s] and D10 has the unit in [mm] C: Hazen’s empirical coefficient, between 0.4 and 10.0 (mostly Chapuis (2004) empirical formula: 3 e 2 k 2.4622 ( D10 ) 1 e 0.7825 e: void ratio of soil 0.4 to 1.5) E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 68 3.2 Laboratory Test 1. Constant head permeability test: k QL A h t where Q: collected amount of water for a time period t L: length of soil specimen in the flow direction A: cross-sectional area of a soil specimen Δh: hydraulic head loss in constant head test setup E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 69 3.2 Laboratory Test 2. Falling head permeability test: aL h1 k ln A (t2 t1 ) h2 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 70 3.3 Field Test 1. Unconfined aquifer under impervious layer: k q r2 ln (h22 h12 ) r1 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 71 3.3 Field Test 2. Confined aquifer: k q r ln 2 2 H (h2 h1 ) r1 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 72 3.4 Flow Net 1. One- dimensional flow net: The cylinder is equally divided into Nf (3) called flow channels. The specimen length L is equally divided into Nd (4) called equipotential lines. h N 1 a qa k i a k d a k h b Nd b Nf a q A qa N f k h Nd b a=b q A k h Nf Nd E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 73 3.4 Flow Net 2. Two- dimensional flow net: Note: 1. Flow lines and equipotential lines are perpendicular. 2. Each opening of the net should be a square shape or close to it (i.e., a = b). Acceptable near-squares in flow net construction E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 74 3.4 Flow Net 2. Two- dimensional flow net: 1. Draw the geometry of structure 2. Select a proper Nf value (3 or 4)\the first trial. 3. Identify the boundary flow lines and boundary equipotential lines (EL). 4. Draw trial flow lines with selected Nf for the entire earth structure. There are equal amounts of water flow through all flow channels. 5. Starting from the upstream, draw the first EL to have all net openings squares or near-squares. 6. Continue the foregoing step for the second and third EL. 7. At the downstream exit point, it may not get to full squares with the last EL. draw an imaginary EL to have full nearsquare sections. Based on partial squares for the last elements, obtain an average fractional number for the last EL, such as 5.4 in Figure. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 75 3.4 Flow Net 2. Two- dimensional flow net: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 76 3.5 Pressure Heads in Flow Net Total heads at any points on the same equipotential line should be the same. ht hz h p z u w E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 77 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure The water under a dam creates uplift pressure on its base and may lead to instability of the dam. The unbalanced water pressure is one of the key parameters for sheet pile design. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 78 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure Ex: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 79 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure Ex: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 80 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure Ex: A flow net under a concrete dam is drawn in Figure. (a) Calculate and plot the water pressure distribution along the base of the dam. (b) Compute the resultant uplift force against the base of the dam. (c) Calculate the point of application of the resultant uplift force. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 81 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure (a) Calculate and plot the water pressure distribution along the base of the dam. Solution: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 82 3.6 Boundary Water Pressure (b) Compute the resultant uplift force against the base of the dam. (c) Calculate the point of application of the resultant uplift force. Solution: (c) Point of application of P = Σ(moment)/P = 6478.2/926.2 = 6.99 m from Point “a.” E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 83 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress A major problem in geotechnical analysis is the estimation of the state of stress at a point at a particular depth in a soil mass. The total vertical stress acting at a point in the soil is due to the weight of everything that lies above that point including soil, water and any load applied to the soil surface. z z E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress The pore pressure at a point in the soil depends on the depth below the water table and the flow conditions. For a horizontal ground water table, the pore pressure at a point beneath the ground is 84 Terzaghi, 1925 developed the effective stress that controls the changes in the volume and strength of a soil which is known as the effective stress. ' u considered as hydrostatic pressure. Above the water table the soil is saturated with capillary water in a state of suction, and the pore pressures is negative. u w zw E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 85 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Soil Layers with steady water table: The total vertical stress can be calculated by cumulated weight from the upper layers of the soil: The effective vertical stress is computed by the Terzaghi equation: H i i ' u u w zw The effective stress σ′ under the water table can be directly by γ ′ (submerged unit weight). ' w E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 86 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Ex. 1, A 3 m layer of sand, of saturated unit weight 18 kN/m3, overlies a 4 m layer of clay, of saturated unit weight 20 kN/m3. If the groundwater level occurs within the sand at 2 m below the ground surface, determine the total and effective vertical stresses acting at the center of the clay layer. The sand above groundwater level may be assumed to be saturated. Ex. 2, A 5 m deep deposit of silty sand lies above a 4 m deep deposit of gravel. The gravel is underlain by a deep layer of stiff clay. The ground water table is found 2 m below the ground surface. The soil properties are: ρb sand above GWT = 1.7 Mg/m3 ρsat sand below GWT = 1.95 Mg/m3 ρsat gravel = 2.05 Mg/m3 Draw the distributions of vertical total stress, pore water pressure, and vertical effective stress with depth down to the clay layer. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 87 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Ex. 3, Details of the subsoil conditions at a site are shown in Figure below together with details of the soil properties. The ground surface is subjected to a uniform loading of 60 kPa and the groundwater level is 1.2 m below the upper surface of the silt. It can be assumed that the gravel has a degree of saturation of 50% and that the silt layer is fully saturated. NB γw = 9.81 kN/m3. Determine the vertical effective stress acting at a point 1 m above the silt/rock interface. h w G s eS r 1 e ' 140.6kPa E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 88 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Capillary rise: Above water table are not completely dry, this is due to suction created by surface tension. It is called capillary rise. Hazen, 1930 gave an empirical approximate: hcapillary ( mm ) C e D10 C is a constant with a range of 10 to 50. Pore pressure in the capillary zone is defined as: u S r w hcapillary E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 89 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Effective stress with water flow: There is an extra water pressure at the bottom of soil specimen γwΔh, it is called upward seepage pressure uz w (H1 z) w w h wi H h z H Is the hydraulic gradient unit forces 'z z u z ' z w h z H E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 90 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Effective stress with water flow: 'z z u z ' z w h z H If the σ′z = 0 h 'z ' z w z0 H ' ic iB C hB hC BC w ic is the critical hydraulic gradient. Based on experimental observation, Terzaghi (1922) If i > ic the condition cause quick sand or sand boiling is suggested the section of d × d/2 (area BCED) for evaluating occurred. the factor of safety against quicksand. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 91 4. Soil Total and Effective Stress Excavation: ' u H clay H ex clay hw w ' u hex w H clay H ex clay hw w E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 92 5. Consolidation of low permeability soil The delay in the deformation of the soil mass When additional stresses applied to soil mass, it causes the soil to deform. ie. The footing load or pile load. The response instantaneously of the soil mass (instantaneous deformation) is the elastic response of the material (soil grain, water, and air). The water will continuously drain out from the void of the soil mass due to the additional stresses, this phenomena will cause the soil to deform continuously during a period of time; it is defined as consolidation phenomena. The theory of consolidation was originally developed by Karl Karl von Terzaghi (October 2, 1883 – October 25, 1963), Austrian, the "father of soil Terzaghi (1925); the study of soil deformation under compressive mechanics and geotechnical engineering" load with slow drain rate of water through soil void spaces. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 93 5. Consolidation of low permeability soil One dimensional consolidation When the stress increment is applied in one direction only, typically vertical direction. The lateral strain are constrain, t = 0. Consolidation settlement is the settlement corresponding to the consolidation process. Under negative excess pore pressure the soil swell, it is the reverse process of the consolidation. To predict the magnitude and rate of consolidation settlement in 1-D conditions, the oedometer test is proposed. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 94 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test Oedometer test The specimen is in the form of a disc of soil, held inside a metal ring and lying between two porous stones. The upper porous stone is pushed by a steel cap, which can move inside the ring with a small clearance. The whole assembly is put inside an open cell of water, thus, the pore water in the specimen can flow freely. To reduce side friction, inside surface of the ring should be smoothed. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 95 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test Oedometer test When the load is applied at the top cap, the excess pore pressure will increase The water drained at top and bottom of the specimen easily, thus, the excess pore pressure at that places is drop to zero rapidly. At the center of the specimen, the excess pore pressure initially (t = 0) equal to the applied stress u(t=0) = . At the center of the specimen, the pore pressure is equal to 0, when t go to infinity. t '(t 0) (t 0) u (t 0) '(t 0) 0 '(t ) (t ) 0 ' u ' u E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 96 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test The initial void ratio can be calculated from the specific gravity Gs and unit weight. e0 e0 Gs w d Vv Vs 1 Vv Md Gs w Gs w Md Vv 1 d Gs w V Md hs s A A Gs w E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 97 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test The void ratio of each increment period can be calculated from the displacement readings. h1 h0 h1 h2 h0 h2 h h hs e1 1 hs h hs e2 2 hs Typical plots of void ratio (e) after consolidation against effective stress (σ′) la contrainte effective σ′ et l’indice des vides « e » pour chaque palier de chargement. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 98 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test The plots show that the shapes of the curves are related to the stress history of the soil. A normally consolidated soil is linear and is called the virgin (onedimensional) compression line (1DCL). Permanent (irreversible) changes in soil structure continuously take place and the soil does not revert to the original structure during expansion. A soil is overconsolidated, its state will be represented by a point on the expansion or recompression parts, The recompression curve ultimately rejoins the virgin compression line. The changes in soil structure along this line are almost recoverable. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 99 5.1 Consolidation Oedometer test The compression index Cc (l’indice de compression) is the slope of 1 DCL, The swelling index Cs (l’indice de gonflement) is the slope of the unloading portion. The preconsolidation pressure, σ′c, (La contrainte de préconsolidation σ ‘p) is the maximum past effective overburden pressure to which the soil specimen has been subjected. Over consolidation Ratio OCR (rapport de surconsolidation); the ratio of the σ′c, to the present effective pressure, σ′0. c' OCR ' 0 The constrained modulus or modulus of oedometer, (Le module oedométrique) (also called one-dimensional elastic modulus) E′oed is the reciprocal of the coefficient of volume compressibility mv. 1 1 m v ' E oed 1 e0 e0 e1 1 h0 h1 ' ' ' ' h 0 0 1 0 1 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 100 5.2 Consolidation settlement To estimate the consolidation settlement, V e0 e1 V0 1 e0 dsoed e0 e1 e0 e1 1' 0' dz ' dz ' 1 e0 1 0 1 e0 dsoed m v ' dz soed H 0 m v ' dz soed m v ' H soed 1' C c log ' 0 H 1 e0 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 101 5.2 Consolidation settlement For overconsolidated clay: c' OCR ' 1 0 ' 1 soed 1' c' 0' ' c 1' C s log ' 0 H 1 e0 soed c' 1' C s log ' C c log ' c 0 H H 1 e0 1 e0 Terzaghi and peck, 1967 C c 0.009 LL 0.090 Mayne, 1980 and Biarrez, 1994 C c 0.0092 LL 0.119 C c 0.009 LL 13 Rendon-Herrero, 1983 1 e0 C c 0.141G s1.2 G s 2.38 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 102 A soil profile is shown in Figure. If a uniformly distributed load, σ, is applied at the ground surface, what is the settlement of the clay layer caused by primary consolidation if a. The clay is normally consolidated, b. The preconsolidation pressure σ’c = 200kPa, c. σ’c = 150kPa ; Use Cs = 1/5 Cc. a / . S c 191mm b / . S c 38 mm c / . S c 67.5 mm E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 103 5.2 Consolidation settlement • Cas Particuliers; Multi-couche Compressible: Dans la situation rarement, les sols multi-couche, E. Absi, 1964 à donné les résultasts approchée comme: C va Hypothèses pour cette approchée: H2 n 1 hi C vi 2 Il repose sur une couche sous-jacente qui peut être, soit parfaitement impermeable, soil parfaitement permeable. n Où H hi 1 Le sol est chargé uniformément. L’épaisseur totale Le sol compressible est compose d’une superposition de n couches ayant chacune des caractéristiques Cv, k, et une épaisseur h définies. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 104 5.3 Degree of consolidation Degree of consolidation Uv: e0 e ' 0' Uv ' e0 e1 1 0' Uv = 0 ; means consolidation not yet begun, Uv = 1 ; means consolidation is complete, Uv ui ue u 1 e ui ui ui : initial excess pore pressure due to applied load ue : excess pore pressure at time t E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 105 5.4 Theory of one-dimensional consolidation Terzaghi (1943) developed an analytical model for determining the degree of consolidation. The theory was made according to the assumptions that: 1. The soil is homogeneous and fully saturated. 2. The solid particles and water are incompressible. 3. Compression and flow are one-dimensional (vertical). 4. Strains are small. 5. Darcy’s law is valid at all hydraulic gradients. 6. The coefficient of permeability and the coefficient of volume v z kiz k h k u e z w z compressibility remain constant throughout the process. 7. There is a unique relationship, independent of time, between void ratio and effective stress. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 106 5.4 Theory of one-dimensional consolidation • The condition of continuity equation: k 2ue dV dxdydz w z 2 dt • The rate of volume change: dV ' mv dxdydz dt t u dV m v e dxdydz dt t u e k 2ue m v w z 2 t 2u e u e cv z 2 t k cv mv w v z kiz k h k u e z w z • cv being defined as the coefficient of consolidation E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 107 5.4 Theory of one-dimensional consolidation • The solution for the excess pore water pressure ue: 2ue u e cv 2 z t u e ( t 0) u i ; u e ( t ) 0 m 1 u e (t ) m0 d m u e (t ) m0 m ue m0 Tv M 2d 0 2ui n z 1 cos n sin n 2d 2ui M 2 n 2 2 c v t exp 2 4 d n 2 2 c v t exp 2 4 d Mz 2 sin exp M Tv d cv t d2 n z n z u i sin dz sin 2d 2d v z kiz k h k u e z w z • Tv is called the time factor 2 m 1 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 108 5.4 Theory of one-dimensional consolidation • The degree of consolidation at depth z and time t can be obtained by substituting the value of ue. m ue 2 Mz 2 Uv 1 1 sin exp M Tv ui d m 0 M • The average degree of consolidation at time t for constant ui can be obtained by substituting the value of ue as: 2 d u dz e 1 Uv 1 0 2 d ui m 2 2 Uv 1 exp M Tv 2 m0 M v z kiz k h k u e z w z E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 109 5.4 Theory of one-dimensional consolidation The variation of U with Tv can be calculated from: m Uv 1 2 2 m0 4 2 m 1 2 2 2 exp 2 m 1 Tv 4 Can also be approximated by: for U v 0 to 60% Tv U v 2 4 for U v 60% Tv 0.085 0.933 log(1 U v ) E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Variation Uv and Tv Dr. KY Sambath 110 Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv Uv (%) Tv 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 0.000019 0.000079 0.000177 0.000314 0.000491 0.000707 0.000962 0.001257 0.001590 0.001963 0.002376 0.002827 0.003318 0.003848 0.004418 0.005026 0.005674 0.006362 0.007088 0.007854 0.008659 0.009503 0.010387 0.011310 0.012272 0.013273 0.014314 0.015394 0.016513 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 0.017671 0.018869 0.020106 0.021382 0.022698 0.024053 0.025447 0.026880 0.028353 0.029864 0.031416 0.033006 0.034636 0.036305 0.038013 0.039760 0.041547 0.043373 0.045239 0.047143 0.049087 0.051070 0.053093 0.055154 0.057255 0.059395 0.061575 0.063794 0.066052 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 43.5 0.068349 0.070685 0.073061 0.075476 0.077931 0.080424 0.082957 0.085529 0.088141 0.090792 0.093482 0.096211 0.098980 0.101788 0.104635 0.107522 0.110449 0.113414 0.116419 0.119464 0.122548 0.125673 0.128836 0.132040 0.135284 0.138567 0.141891 0.145256 0.148660 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 46.5 47 47.5 48 48.5 49 49.5 50 50.5 51 51.5 52 52.5 53 53.5 54 54.5 55 55.5 56 56.5 57 57.5 58 0.152106 0.155593 0.159120 0.162689 0.166300 0.169953 0.173648 0.177386 0.181167 0.184991 0.188860 0.192772 0.196730 0.200733 0.204782 0.208877 0.213020 0.217211 0.221450 0.225738 0.230077 0.234466 0.238908 0.243402 0.247950 0.252552 0.257211 0.261926 0.266699 58.5 59 59.5 60 60.5 61 61.5 62 62.5 63 63.5 64 64.5 65 65.5 66 66.5 67 67.5 68 68.5 69 69.5 70 70.5 71 71.5 72 72.5 0.271532 0.276425 0.281380 0.286398 0.291481 0.296630 0.301847 0.307134 0.312491 0.317922 0.323427 0.329009 0.334671 0.340413 0.346239 0.352150 0.358149 0.364240 0.370423 0.376703 0.383083 0.389565 0.396152 0.402849 0.409659 0.416585 0.423632 0.430804 0.438105 73 73.5 74 74.5 75 75.5 76 76.5 77 77.5 78 78.5 79 79.5 80 80.5 81 81.5 82 82.5 83 83.5 84 84.5 85 85.5 86 86.5 87 0.445541 0.453116 0.460835 0.468704 0.476729 0.484916 0.493272 0.501804 0.510520 0.519428 0.528535 0.537852 0.547389 0.557155 0.567162 0.577423 0.587950 0.598758 0.609862 0.621280 0.633028 0.645127 0.657598 0.670465 0.683754 0.697494 0.711715 0.726455 0.741750 87.5 88 88.5 89 89.5 90 90.5 91 91.5 92 92.5 93 93.5 94 94.5 95 95.5 96 96.5 97 97.5 98 98.5 99 99.5 100 0.757646 0.774190 0.791439 0.809454 0.828308 0.848081 0.868870 0.890782 0.913947 0.938517 0.964673 0.992635 1.022669 1.055108 1.090372 1.128999 1.171699 1.219434 1.273551 1.336024 1.409913 1.500346 1.616932 1.781247 2.062129 inf E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 111 5.4 Coefficient of consolidation • Determination of cv: • Log time method Obtained by the oedometer test; plotting the dial gauge readings against the time in minutes, plotted on a logarithmic axis. cv t d2 Tv d 2 cv t 0.19673 d 2 cv t50 Tv Uv (%) 50 Tv 0.196730 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 112 5.4 Coefficient of consolidation • Determination of cv: • Root time method Obtained by the oedometer test; plotting the dial gauge readings against the square root of time in minutes. cv t d2 Tv d 2 cv t 0.84808 d 2 cv t90 Tv Uv (%) 90 Tv 0.848082 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 113 5.5 Compression ratios There are three parts of the compression are observed from the test; the initial compression, the primary consolidation compression, and the secondary compression. a0 initial a s primary a100 secondary a f The compression ratios can be defined as: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 114 Ex. The following compression readings were taken during an oedometer test on a saturated clay specimen (Gs = 2.73) when the applied pressure was increased from 214 to 429 kPa: Time (min) 0 1_4 1_2 1 2 1_4 4 9 16 25 Gauge (mm) 5.00 4.67 4.62 4.53 4.41 4.28 4.01 3.75 3.49 Time (min) 36 49 64 81 100 200 400 1440 Gauge (mm) 3.28 3.15 3.06 3.00 2.96 2.84 2.76 2.61 • After 1440 min, the thickness of the specimen was 13.60 mm and the water content was 35.9%. Determine the coefficient of consolidation from both the log time and the root time methods and the values of the three compression ratios. Determine also the value of the coefficient of permeability. E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 115 Solution Total change in thickness during increment = 5.00 – 2.61 = 2.39 mm Average thickness during increment = 13.60 + 2.39/2 = 14.80 mm Length of drainage path d = 14.80/2 = 7.40 mm The log time plot from the test as shown at the left t50 12.5 min 0.1967 d 2 cv 0.45 m 2 / year t50 r0 0.088 rp 0.757 rs 0.155 E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 116 Solution Total change in thickness during increment = 5.00 – 2.61 = 2.39 mm Average thickness during increment = 13.60 + 2.39/2 = 14.80 mm Length of drainage path d = 14.80/2 = 7.40 mm The root time plot from the test as shown at the left t50 53.3 min 0.8481d 2 cv 0.46 m 2 / year t90 r0 0.080 rp 0.785 rs 0.135 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 117 Solution In order to determine the permeability, the value of mv must be calculated. Final void ratio e1 w1G s 0.359 2.73 0.98 Final void ratio e0 e1 e e 1 e0 H H0 e 1.98 2.39 15.99 e 0.35 ; e0 1.33 • mv 1 e0 e1 7.0 10 4 m 2 / kN ' ' 1 e0 1 0 2 m v 0.70 m / MN Coefficient of permeability: k cv m v w k 1.0 1010 m / s E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 118 5.6 Secondary compression In the Terzaghi theory, due to a change in effective stress, the pore pressure increase and continuously dissipate. This phenomena is governed by the permeability of the process. However, experimental results show that when the excess pore pressure has dissipated to zero the compression does not stop but continues at a gradually decreasing rate under constant effective stress. This is defined as secondary compression. It take place by the readjustment of fine-grained particles into a more stable configuration after the disturbance caused by the decrease in void ratio, especially if the soil is laterally confined. An additional factor is the gradual lateral displacements which take place in thick layers subjected to shear stresses. Secondary compression’s rate is controlled by the highly viscous film of adsorbed water surrounding clay mineral particles in the soil. The viscosity of the film increases as the particles move closer, resulting in a decrease in the rate of compression of the soil. Secondary compression’s rate in oedometer test is defined by the slope Cα Mitchell and Soga, 2005, normalizing Cα = (0.01 to 0.1) Cc E-mail: Dr. KY Sambath Tel: 011 220 676 119 5.7 Correction for construction period In practice, the applied loads are continuously over a period of time, not instantaneously as shown in Figure below: Terzaghi (1943) proposed an empirical method of correcting the instantaneous time–settlement curve to allow for the Pt1 construction period. The net load P’ applied uniformly over the time tc . The degree of consolidation at time tc is the same as if the load P′ had been acting as a constant load for the period 1/2tc. Thus the settlement at any time during the construction period t sc ( 1 ) 2 is equal to that occurring for instantaneous loading at half that t Pt t time. sc ,corrected (t1 ) 1 sc ( 1 ) sc , corrected (t c ) sc ( c ) P' 2 2 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 120 6. Shear Strength of Soils Stress Transformation and Mohr circle diagram: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 121 6. Shear Strength of Soils Stress Transformation and Mohr circle diagram: E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 122 6. Shear Strength of Soils Stress Transformation the concept of the pole: The known stresses σA and τA on a known A–A plane are drawn, in addition the Mohr’s circle of this element is also known with a pole A (point A). On the Mohr’s circle draw a parallel line to A-A plane connected to A. Find the “pole”, an intersection of the line AA on the circle. On the Mohr’s circle draw any parallel line to any plane which connected to the pole, at the other intersection between the line and the Mohr’s circle, is the stresses value that act on that plane. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 123 6. Shear Strength of Soils Stress Transformation and Mohr circle diagram: 1 3 2 sin 2 n 3 ( 1 3 ) cos 2 n OE OA AE 3 AB cos 2 3 AB cos 2 3 ( 1 3 ) cos 2 DE DC sin(180 2 ) DC sin(2 ) 3 1 sin 2 2 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 124 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Mohr circle: Ex. On a failure plane in a purely frictional mass of dry sand the total stresses at failure were: shear = 3.5 kPa; normal = 10.0 kPa. Determine (a) by calculation and (b) graphically the resultant stress on the plane of failure, the angle of shearing resistance of the soil, and the angle of inclination of the failure plane to the major principal plane. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 125 6. Shear Strength of Soils Coulomb’s law of soil shear strength: Charles Coulomb (1736-1806) a physicist, using the laws of friction and cohesion to determine the true sliding surface. The shear resistance offered by a particular soil is made up of the two components of friction and cohesion. In 1776, Coulomb suggested that the equation of the strength envelope of a soil could be expressed by the straight line equation: c tan E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 126 6. Shear Strength of Soils The equation gave satisfactory predictions for sands and gravels, for which it was originally intended, but it was not so successful when ' u applied to silts and clays. The reasons is the lack of understanding of the drainage conditions that later proposed by Terzaghi, 1925, Effective stress, σ′. Modified Coulomb’s law: c ' ' tan ' E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 127 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Mohr Coulomb’s theory assumes that the difference between the major and minor principal stresses is a function of their sum, (σ1 − σ3) = f(σ1 + σ3). Any effect due to σ2 is ignored. ( '1 '3 ) 2 c ' cos ' ( '1 '3 ) sin ' q ' 2 c ' cos ' p sin ' E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 128 6. Shear Strength of Soils Determination of the shear strength parameters: The direct shear box test E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 129 6. Shear Strength of Soils Determination of the shear strength parameters: The direct shear box test The usual plan size of the sample is 60 × 60 mm2, but for testing granular materials such as gravel or stony clay it is necessary to use a larger box, generally 300 × 300 mm2, although even greater dimensions are sometimes used. h Movement of box Length of sample E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 130 6. Shear Strength of Soils Determination of the shear strength parameters: Example : Shear box test (i) Drained shear box tests were carried out on a series of soil samples with the following results: Test No Total normal Stress (kPa) Total shear stress at failure (kPa) 1 100 98 2 200 139 3 300 180 4 400 222 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 131 6. Shear Strength of Soils Example : Shear box test (ii) A drained shear box test with the cross-sectional area of the box was 3600 mm2 and the test was carried out in a fully instrumented shear box apparatus. Determine the strength parameters of the soil in terms of effective stress. φ′ = 25°; c′ = 13 kPa E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 132 6. Shear Strength of Soils The initial density of a soil tested in a shear The effect of density on shear strength box determines the way in which the soil will behave during shearing. The initially dense soil expands in volume (dilates) – indicted by the increase in vertical displacement of the sample. This phenomenon was demonstrated by Osborne Reynolds, 1842-1912. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 133 6. Shear Strength of Soils Unconfined Compression Test The specimen height-to-diameter ratio should be at least 2.0 or more to avoid the end boundary effect during the shear. The test is completed about 10 to 20 minutes. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 134 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Triaxial Compression Test UU: Unconsolidated undrained test CU: Consolidated undrained test CD: Consolidated drained test E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 135 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Triaxial test During the application of this load, the sample experiences shortening in the vertical direction with a corresponding expansion in the horizontal direction. A Volume of sample H 0 H Types of failure in the triaxial test E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 136 6. Shear Strength of Soils Ex. A sample of clay was subjected to an The Triaxial test: the undrained shear test A sample can be tested in 15 minutes or less, so that there is no time undrained triaxial test with a cell pressure of 100 kPa and the additional axial stress necessary to for any pore pressures developed to dissipate or to distribute cause failure was found to be 188 kPa. Assuming themselves evenly throughout the sample. Thus, the results of the test that φu = 0°, determine the value of additional is the total stress. axial stress that would be required to cause failure UU: Unconsolidated undrained test of a further sample of the soil if it was tested undrained with a cell pressure of 200 kPa. cu 1 3 2 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 137 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Triaxial test: the effective stress parameters c’ and ’ CD: Consolidated drained test Ex. A series of drained triaxial tests were performed on a soil. Each test was continued until failure and the effective principal stresses for the tests were: A porous disc is placed on the pedestal before the test sample is placed in position so that water can drain out from the soil. The cell pressure creates a pore water pressure within the soil sample and the apparatus is left until the sample has consolidated, when the pore water pressure reaches zero the sample is consolidated. The sample is sheared by a low rate of strain which the pore pressure can dissipate through the porous discs. An average test time for a clay sample is about three days but with some soils a test may last as long as two weeks. φ′ = 29° E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 138 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Triaxial test: the effective stress parameters c’ and ’ CU: Consolidated undrained test The sample is consolidated exactly as for the drained test, but at this Ex. (i) The following results were obtained from a series of consolidated undrained triaxial tests carried out on undisturbed samples of a compacted soil, each sample, originally 76 mm long and 38 mm in diameter, experienced a vertical deformation of 5.1 mm. stage the drainage connection is shut off and the sample is sheared under undrained conditions. For most soils a strain rate of 0.05 mm/min is satisfactory, which means that the majority of samples can be sheared in under three hours. E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 139 6. Shear Strength of Soils The Triaxial test: the effective stress parameters c’ and ’ Ex. (ii) A series of undisturbed samples from a normally consolidated clay was subjected to consolidated undrained tests. sin ' '1 '3 '1 '3 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 140 6. Shear Strength of Soils Vane Shear Test The vane shear device, a rigid, cross-shaped vane used in the field or lab. Inserted into the soil twisted applied torque T. D3 D2 T f Cu H 2 8 E-mail: Tel: 011 220 676 Dr. KY Sambath 141 Reference 1. Smith L., Elements of Soil Mechanics, 9th Edit., Wiley Blackwell, 2014. 2. Budhu M. Soil mechanics and foundations, 3rd Edit. John Wiley & Son, 2011. 3. Philipponnat G., Hubert B., Fondations et ouvrages en terre, 1er Edit. Eyrooles, 1992. 4. Ishibashi I., Hazarika H., Soil Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edit., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. 5. J.A. Knappett and R. F. Craig, Craig’s Soil Mechanics, 8th Edit., Spon Press, London and New York, 2012. 6. DAS B. M., Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 8th Edit., CENGAGE Learning, 2012. 7. M. Khemakhem and Z. Bouarada, Elements de Géotechnique. E-mail: