Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers K15149_Book.indb 1 10/18/13 10:43 AM Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Tze-Chuen Toh K15149_Book.indb 3 10/18/13 10:43 AM CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20131009 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4665-1816-2 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. 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K15149_Book.indb 5 10/18/13 10:43 AM Contents Preface.......................................................................................................................ix About the Author....................................................................................................xi Notations............................................................................................................... xiii 1 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory..............................................................1 1.1 Electrostatics...........................................................................................1 1.2 Magnetostatics...................................................................................... 12 1.3 Maxwell’s Equations............................................................................ 16 1.4 Electromagnetic Waves....................................................................... 21 1.5 Worked Problems................................................................................. 32 References........................................................................................................34 2 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency............................................. 35 2.1 Fourier Series........................................................................................ 35 2.2 Fourier Transform................................................................................ 40 2.3 Roll-Off Frequency.............................................................................. 46 2.4Frequency Response and Filter Theory: A Primer.......................... 50 2.5 Worked Problems................................................................................. 60 References........................................................................................................65 3 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics............................................. 67 3.1 Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions............................................ 67 3.2 Image Theory Revisited...................................................................... 71 3.3 Multipole Expansion............................................................................80 3.4 Steady-State Currents..........................................................................84 3.5 Duality................................................................................................... 88 3.6 Worked Problems................................................................................. 91 References........................................................................................................ 98 4 Transmission Line Theory......................................................................... 101 4.1 Introduction........................................................................................ 101 4.2 Transmission Line Equations........................................................... 102 4.3 Characteristic Impedance and the Smith Chart............................ 108 4.4 Impedance Matching and Standing Waves................................... 122 4.5 Worked Problems............................................................................... 135 References...................................................................................................... 141 5 Differential Transmission Lines.............................................................. 143 5.1 Differential Pair: Odd and Even Modes......................................... 143 5.2 Impedance Matching Along a Differential Pair............................ 157 vii K15149_Book.indb 7 10/18/13 10:43 AM viii Contents 5.3 Field Propagation Along a Differential Pair.................................. 160 5.4 Worked Problems............................................................................... 167 References...................................................................................................... 182 6 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines.............................. 183 6.1 Reciprocity Theorem and Mutual Capacitance............................. 183 6.2 Mutual Inductance and Mutual Impedance.................................. 192 6.3 Multiconductor Transmission Lines and Cross-Talk.................... 199 6.4 S-Parameters: Scattering Parameters.............................................. 210 6.5 Worked Problems............................................................................... 218 References...................................................................................................... 221 7 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance.........................................................223 7.1 Parallel Plate Guides..........................................................................223 7.2 Rectangular Waveguides.................................................................. 236 7.3 Cavity Resonance............................................................................... 243 7.4 Worked Problems............................................................................... 251 References...................................................................................................... 259 8 Basic Antenna Theory................................................................................ 261 8.1 Radiation from a Charged Particle.................................................. 261 8.2 Hertzian Dipole Antenna................................................................. 263 8.3 Magnetic Dipole Antenna................................................................. 270 8.4 Microstrip Antenna: A Qualitative Overview............................... 276 8.5 Array Antenna and Aperture Antenna.......................................... 280 8.6 Worked Problems............................................................................... 295 References...................................................................................................... 302 9 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge........................................................ 303 9.1 Electrostatic Shielding....................................................................... 303 9.2 Dielectric Properties: the Kramers–Kronig Relations..................305 9.3 Beyond Classical Theory................................................................... 311 9.4 Dielectric Breakdown........................................................................ 319 9.5 Worked Problems............................................................................... 324 References...................................................................................................... 328 Appendix A.......................................................................................................... 331 Index...................................................................................................................... 365 K15149_Book.indb 8 10/18/13 10:43 AM Preface The irony of a preface is that it is often ignored by the reader; notwithstanding, it is occasionally employed by authors to justify formally the existence of their work. This primer is an outgrowth, and indeed a much expanded version, of a course I gave at Gateway Inc. to help electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineers be less dependent upon empirical data when solving puzzling electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. In short, it is a vehicle to transform practical engineers into theoretical engineers, and in particular, to cultivate academic skills left by the wayside after they have completed their tertiary education. Furthermore, as this course is designed for practical applications, historical developments are bypassed altogether. This set of lecture notes is written at a level equivalent to that of thirdor fourth-year Honors undergraduate study. It is, in essence, a refresher for professional engineers who already have their Bachelor’s degree and to reacquaint them with the power of mathematical rigor in solving realworld problems. Conversely, it also serves to introduce undergraduates to the basics of EMC encountered in the technology industry. It is completely self-contained and designed with self-study in mind. For a condensed course, the recommended topics to cover are Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6. Having pointed this out, I must nevertheless emphasize that each topic presented herein is essential for EMC engineers to be competent EMC theoreticians. Clearly, in a brief course such as this, it is impossible to cover every aspect of electromagnetic theory. A list of references upon which parts of this course are based is provided for the reader who wishes to delve deeper into topics glossed over for want of space. More importantly, it was written specifically for theoretical physicists and mathematicians new to the field of EMC, signal integrity and RF design. Electromagnetic theory is the simplest theory among the four known forces of the universe. Indeed, it is the first step toward finding the holy grail of theoretical physics: the grand unification of the four known forces. Maxwell’s theory achieved the unification of the electric field and the magnetic field into a single entity called the electromagnetic field. Notwithstanding, its underlying mathematical structure is similar to the other three forces—the weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravitational force—to wit, gauge theory. Gauge theory provides a common arena for the foundational description of these forces. However, studying gauge theory, fascinating as it is, will take the reader too far afield from the original intent of these notes. Engineers, after all, are practical and down to earth, and hold little interest in the more abstruse mathematical guise of nature. The primary purpose of this monograph is to integrate theory with practicable engineering applications. As a case in point, it is often difficult to ix K15149_Book.indb 9 10/18/13 10:43 AM x Preface find a monograph on electromagnetic theory that expounds elements of differential transmission line theory, roll-off frequencies, and electrostatic discharge frequently encountered in the industry. That is, the material that professional engineers seek is often not found in standard courses on electrodynamics. On the other hand, although references for differential transmission line theory and electrostatic discharge for professional engineers abound, they often lack mathematical rigor, preferring to cite engineering rules of thumb and observations. It is hoped that this monograph will bridge the gap by providing the needed rigor to engineering applications, and more important, to instill the need for rigorous mathematical science in good engineering practice. In short, the intent is to appeal to both sets of audiences: to entice the practical engineer to explore some worthwhile mathematical methods, and to reorient the theoretical scientist to apply the theory in the technology industry. For there is much indeed that a professional engineer can profit from in pure academic pursuit to further the cause of innovation and technology advancement. Finally, SI units are employed throughout this exposition. Although CGS units can still be found in some textbooks on electrodynamics, particularly references prior to the 1970s, I am quite persuaded that the process of converting CGS units back to SI units causes more confusion and frustration than the convenience it purports to impart to the formalism of electromagnetic theory. Chuen Toh Lexington, KY K15149_Book.indb 10 10/18/13 10:43 AM About the Author Tze-Chuen Toh is a theoretical physicist and a consultant. He received his BSc (Hons I) in mathematics from the University of Queensland in Australia, and his PhD in theoretical physics from the Australian National University. In the past, he worked at Lexmark International Inc. as an electrical engineer, and at Dell Inc. and Gateway Inc. as an electromagnetic compatibility engineer. His research portfolio comprises publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and patents. His current research interests lie primarily in quantum gravity, gauge theory, quantum computing and information, electrodynamics, and mathematical modeling. xi K15149_Book.indb 11 10/18/13 10:43 AM Notations The following notations are used throughout this monograph. • The empty set is denoted by ∅. • Given a set A ≠ ∅, a ∈ A reads as a is an element of (or a member of) A. • The set A ∪ B denotes the union of sets A and B; A ∩ B denotes the intersection of sets A and B. • If A is a set, then 2 A = {S : S ⊆ A} denotes the set of all subsets of A, that is, the power set of A. • If A and B are nonempty sets, then A × B is the set of all points* (a, b) such that a belongs to A and b belongs to B. This is written as A × B = {( a, b) : a ∈ A, b ∈ B} . • Given two nonempty sets A and B, a mapping f. • A → B defines a relation between sets A and B whereby f assigns each element a ∈ A a unique element b ∈ B called the value of f at a. This is written as f (a) = b or f: a ↦ b. • The sets R , R 2 denote, respectively, the real line and Euclidean 2-dimensional space. More generally, the Euclidean n-dimensional space R n = {( x 1 , , x n ) : x i ∈R , i = 1, , n} . • A closed interval [a, b] ⊂ R on the real line is the subset [a, b] = {r ∈ R: a ≤ r ≤ b}, and an open interval (a, b) ⊂ R is defined by (a, b) = {r ∈ R: a < r < b}. • ∀ symbolizes for all or for every. • ∃ symbolizes there exists. • ⇒ denotes implication; that is, P ⇒ Q reads as if P then Q, or equivalently, P implies Q. • ⇔ denotes equivalence; that is, P ⇔ Q reads as P if and only if Q, or P is equivalent to Q. • Given a nonempty set A, B ⊆ A denotes that B is a subset of A. Recall that B ⊆ A if ∀x ∈ B ⇒ x ∈ A, whereas B ⊂ A means that B is a proper subset of A; that is, B ⊆ A and B ≠ A. • a ∉ A: a does not belong to A. • B ⊄ A: B is not a subset of A. • Given a nonempty set A, the boundary of A is denoted by ∂A. * Technically known as an ordered pair. xiii K15149_Book.indb 13 10/18/13 10:43 AM xiv Notations • x → x0+ denotes x → x0 such that x > x0 ; that is, x tends toward x0 in the limit from above. − • x → x0 denotes x → x0 such that x < x0 ; that is, x tends toward x0 in the limit from below. • a+ ( a− ) or a± reads a+ and a− , respectively. • In particular, a± b is short for a+ − b− and a− + b+ , respectively. • A = {x: Q} reads as A is the set of all x such that proposition Q is satisfied. • R = {x:−∞ < x < ∞} = (−∞,∞) is the set of real numbers. • C = {x + iy: −∞ < x, y < ∞} is the set of complex numbers, where i = −1. • N = {1,2,3,…} is the set of natural numbers. 2 • Z = {0,±1,±2,…} is the set of integers ∂ x = ∂∂x and ∂2x = ∂∂x2 , and so on. • ∆ ≡ ∇ 2 denotes the Laplacian operator. For instance, in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, ∆ = ∂2x + ∂2y + ∂2z in rectangular coordinates. • R n = ( x 1 , , x n ) : −∞ < x i < ∞ ∀i = 1, , n denotes the n-dimensional Euclidean space. • (a, b] ≡ {x: a < x ≤ b}. • If f: A → B is a function that maps A into B, and C ⊂ A, then the restriction of f to the subset C is written as f|C or f |C . • Given two sets A, B, the Cartesian product A × B = {(a, b): a ∈ A, b ∈ B}. • Given a set A and subset B ⊆ A, the complement Bc ≡ A − B = { a ∈ A : a ∉ B} . • Given a nonempty set A, a partition P of A is the collection of subsets B ⊂ A such that ∀B, B′ ∈P , B ≠ B′ ⇒ B ∩ B′ = ∅ and A = ∪B∈P B . • The space C(R k ) defines the set of all continuous functions f : Rk → R . • The space C1 (R k ) defines the set of all continuous functions f : R k → R that is continuously one-time differentiable; i.e., f ′( x) = dxd f ( x) is continuous on R. • The space C 2 (R k ) defines the set of all continuous functions f : R k → R that is continuously twice differentiable. That is, { } ∂2 f ∂ xi ∂ x j = ∂2 f ∂ x j ∂ xi ∀i, j = 1, , k • where ( x 1 , , x k ) ∈R k . K15149_Book.indb 14 10/18/13 10:43 AM 1 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory In this chapter, Maxwell’s theory is briefly reviewed. In particular, it is shown that electromagnetic fields exist and they propagate in space as waves. Historically, the set of Maxwell’s equations were not all derived by Maxwell; they were attributed to him because, among other things, he correctly added a displacement current term to Faraday’s equation, and predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves from the set of equations that is now known as Maxwell’s equations [2,10,11]. As electronic components get smaller, and digital circuits operate in the microwave frequencies, it is imperative that electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineers possess a sound understanding of electromagnetic theory in order to root-cause electromagnetic interference issues and to design printed circuit boards effectively with low electromagnetic emissions in mind. An outline of this chapter runs as follows. Electrostatics is introduced in Section 1.1, followed by a brief overview of steady-state currents in Section 1.2. Maxwell’s equations are derived in Section 1.3, and the significance of the equations highlighted. Finally, the existence of electromagnetic waves is illustrated in the last section. 1.1 Electrostatics It is known empirically that two point charges qi, i = 1,2, exert a force F on each other. This force is the celebrated Coulomb’s law: F= 1 q1q2 4 πε 0 r 3 r (1.1) where ri = ( xi , y i , zi ) for i = 1,2, is the location of charge qi in the rectangular coordinate system, r = ( x2 − x1 )2 + ( y 2 − y1 )2 + ( z2 − z1 )2 and r = r2 − r1 . The constant ε 0 = 8.854 × 10−12 defines the electric permittivity of free-space, in farads per meter (F/m). This fact suggests that a field surrounds a point charge mediating the force between the two charges. Informally then, the electric field E generated by a point charge q is defined as follows. Consider a test 1 K15149_Book.indb 1 10/18/13 10:43 AM 2 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers charge δq in the vicinity of q and let F denote the force between the pair (q, δq). Then, in the limit as the test charge δq → 0, E ≡ lim δ1q F = δq→ 0 q 1 4 πε 0 r 3 r The unit of the electric field is in volts per meter (V/m). A more formal derivation is provided later. In a more realistic scenario, consider the electric field generated by some charged volume V. First, consider the simpler case wherein finite point charges q1 , , qn are embedded in V. Let qi be located at ri with respect to some fixed origin where a test charge δq is located. For an arbitrary point r away from the origin, let the electric field generated by the ith charge qi be Ei. Because force is a vector, the superposition principle holds. Thus, it follows from the heuristic definition of the electric field that the electric field at the origin, in the limit as δq → 0, is: E ≡ lim δ1q ( F1 + + Fn ) = δq→ 0 1 4 πε 0 ∑ n qi 3 i = 1 ri ri (1.2) ∑ n Ei . where ri = ( x − xi )2 + ( y − y i )2 + ( z − zi )2 ∀i = 1, , n . That is, E = i=1 Indeed, it is seen more formally later that the electric field obeys the superposition principle because the operators defining Maxwell’s equations are linear. From (1.2), the extension to a continuous charge distribution in V is obvious. To see this, suppose that V has a volume charge density ρ. Then, heuristically, on setting δqi = ρδVi , where δV is a differential volume element of V, taking the limit carefully as δVi → 0 and n → ∞, such that n Q = lim ∑ δq = ∫ ρ(r )d r 3 i δVi → 0 n→∞ i = 1 V is the well-defined total charge on V, it follows that the summation in (1.2) becomes an integral: E( r ) = 1 4 πε 0 ∫ V ρ( r ′ ) R′ 3 R′d 3 r ′ (1.3) where R′ = ( x − x′)2 + ( y − y ′)2 + ( z − z′)2 , for all r ′ = ( x ′ , y ′ , z ′) ∈V and r = (x,y,z). In the above intuitive approach, the limit δq → 0 was invoked in a somewhat cavalier fashion. In reality, it is known that the electric charge cannot be arbitrarily small. To date, the smallest nonzero electric charge is 31 |e|,* where e is the * Subatomic particles called quarks possess a fractional electronic charge composed of integer multiples of one-third that of an electronic charge. K15149_Book.indb 2 10/18/13 10:43 AM 3 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory fundamental electronic charge of the electron in Coulomb: e = −1.602 × 10−19 C. However, as this is an exposition of classical physics rather than quantum physics, this subtlety may be ignored for all intents and purposes. Before formally defining an electric field, consider the example below which is critical in the development of antenna theory; to wit, a static electric dipole. Further details are explored in Chapter 8. An electric dipole is essentially two oppositely charged (point) particles separated by a fixed small distance. 1.1.1 Example Consider two point charges ( ±q , d0 ) separated by a distance d0 > 0. Without loss of generality, suppose that ± q is located, respectively, at r± = (0, 0, ± 21 d0 ). Then, the electric field at any point r = ( x , y , z) is given by the superposition of the two charges: E( r ) = q 4 π ε0 { r− r+ r − r+ 3 − r − r− r − r− 3 } q = 4π ε 0 x 1 y 2 2 1 2 −3/2 x + y +( z− 2 d0 ) z − 1 d0 2 x 1 y − −3/2 x 2 + y 2 + z+ 1 d 2 ( 2 0 ) z + 1 d 2 0 where the first term is the contribution from +q and the second term is from –q. See Figure 1.1. Now, if d0 << r , then the binomial expansion may be invoked: 1 r − r± 3 = 1 r3 (1 ) d0 z r2 Electric dipole z 1d 2 0 − 23 ≈ 1 r3 (1 ± 3 d0 z 2 r2 ) Cross section of an electric dipole field profile P q 0 – 1 d0 2 –q r y x Figure 1.1 Electric field generated by an electric dipole. K15149_Book.indb 3 10/18/13 10:43 AM 4 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Whence, substituting the binomial approximation into the above expression yields E( r ) = q 3 d0 z 4 π ε0 r 5 x y z for the electric field at any point very far away from the pair of point charges. Observe in particular that the electric field is identically zero on the plane z = 0 due to the symmetry of the problem, and for z ≠ 0, it falls of as ~ rz4 from the pair of charges. □ A closely related quantity to the electric field is the potential field. Intuitively, the electric potential is related to the work done against an electric field in moving a charge, located out in infinity, to some fixed arbitrary position. A more rigorous development is given below. First, recall that a force F is conservative on some domain Ω ⊆ R 3 if ∃ψ ∈C 2 (Ω) such that F = –∇ψ. Here, the continuously twice differentiable function ψ on Ω is called a scalar potential. Geometrically, the gradient ∇ψ is normal to the surface defined by ψ. Thus, a conservative force is always normal to equipotential surfaces defining the force. By convention, the negative sign is present to indicate that the direction of the force points from a surface of higher potential toward a surface of lower potential. That is, a particle in the presence of a conservative force always traverses from a higher potential to a lower potential surface. Now, in view of (1.1), it is clear that a conservative electrostatic force acting on a charge q can be formally defined as follows: F = −q∇φ ⇒ E ≡ −∇φ, for some scalar potential φ, where in rectangular coordinates, ∇ = (∂ x , ∂ y , ∂ z ). That is, the electrostatic field is formally defined by the gradient of some scalar potential generating a conservative electrostatic force: E = −∇ϕ. Thus, the electric field is, by definition, normal to equipotential surfaces, and electric charges move from a higher electric potential surface to a lower electric potential surface. In this section, only the static case is considered; that is, ∂ t E = 0. In hindsight, define the static condition for an electric field by ∇ × E = 0; see Proposition 1.1.2 below, given without proof. Indeed, this stipulation is manifestly apparent in Section 1.3. 1.1.2 Proposition Suppose an electric field E is defined on R3 such that ∇ × E = 0. Then, ∃ϕ ∈C 2 (R 3 ) such that E = −∇φ on R 3, where φ is some scalar potential field. That is, the electric field E is conservative. □ The existence of φ in Proposition 1.1.2 is due to a lemma by Poincaré [1,3]; the exact detail is beyond the scope of this exposition. The potential φ can be K15149_Book.indb 4 10/18/13 10:43 AM 5 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory recast into a more convenient form. 3First, recall that a path in R 3 is defined by a continuous function γ : [0, 1] → R . In particular, γ defines a loop (or closed path) if γ(0) = γ(1) (cf. Appendix A.2 for further details). Second, an immediate consequence of Poincaré’s lemma mentioned above (loc. cit.) is needed in order to complete the equivalent definition for φ. The corollary is stated below without proof. 1.1.3 Corollary Let M ⊆ R 3 be a simply connected subspace and let f: M → R be any integrable function; that is, ∫ M | f |< ∞. Then, for any pair of paths γ 1 , γ 2 : [0, 1] → M such that γ 1 (0) = γ 2 (0) and γ 1 (1) = γ 2 (1), ∫ γ 1 f = ∫ γ 2 f holds. □ That is, when a space is simply connected, the path integral along any path connecting some fixed pair of endpoints depends solely upon the endpoints and is completely independent of the paths connecting the two endpoints. This leads to the following equivalent definition for an electric potential, ϕ(r ) = − ∫ γ∞ E ⋅ dr ′ (1.4) where r is the position vector of some arbitrary point P ∈R 3 and γ ∞ ⊂ R 3 is a path from ∞ to the point P. Then, the potential is said to be conservative. Recall that a path γ ∞ connecting a point at ∞ to a point P is defined by γ ∞ : (0, 1] → R 3 such that lim γ ∞ (t) → ∞ . Finally note that R 3 is simply cont→ 0 nected; in contrast, a two-dimensional torus is not simply connected; see Appendix A.2 for details. The definition for a potential field is well-defined by Corollary 1.1.3. In particular, the potential difference δφ between any two points P1 , P2 ∈R 3 connected by any path γ such that γ (0) = P1 and γ (1) = P2 , is given by δϕ(r ) = − ∫ γ E ⋅ dr ′. From Corollary 1.1.3, as R 3 is simply connected, this integral is only determined by the two endpoints and not the path connecting them. 1.1.4 Proposition Suppose ∇ × E = 0 on R 3. Then, δφ( r ) = − ∫ γ E ⋅ dr ′ = 0 ∀γ ⊂ R 3 , where γ is any loop in Euclidean 3-space. Proof Let γ + = γ |[0, 21 ] be the restriction of γ to the interval [0, 21 ] and set γ − = γ |[ 21 , 1]. Then, by definition, γ = γ − ∗ γ + , where γ + (2t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 , 2 γ− ∗γ+ ≡ γ − (2t − 1) for 21 ≤ t ≤ 1. K15149_Book.indb 5 10/18/13 10:43 AM 6 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Now, note that if Γ : [0, 1] → R 3 is a path, then Γ (t) ≡ Γ(1 − t) defines the reverse orientation of Γ: Γ (0) ≡ Γ(1) and Γ (1) ≡ Γ(0). Thus, by Corollary 1.1.3, Γ (0) * for any integrable function f on R 3 , ∫ Γ f = ∫ ΓΓ (1) (0) f = − ∫ Γ (1) f = − ∫ Γ f . Thus, from ∇ × E = 0 ⇒ ϕ = − ∫ γ E ⋅ dr ′ , it follows immediately that − ∫ E ⋅ dr ′ = − ∫ γ γ− E ⋅ dr ′ − ∫ γ+ E ⋅ dr ′ = − ∫ γ− E ⋅ dr ′ + ∫ γ− E ⋅ dr ′ = 0 as required. In other words, for a simply connected space (i.e., any two paths with the same endpoints can be continuously deformed into each other), the potential difference around a loop is zero. This is a rather critical point to note: indeed, in a space that is not simply connected, for example, a 2-torus, the path integral generally depends upon both the endpoints and the path connecting the endpoints. More specifically, for a multiply connected space M (viz. a nonsimply connected space) E = −∇ϕ holds locally in the following sense: ∀x ∈ M, there exists a neighborhood N x ⊂ M of x and a function ϕ x on Nx such that E | N x = −∇ϕ x holds on Nx for each x ∈ M. The collection {ϕ x } thus defines the potential on M. Moreover, it is also manifestly clear in this more general formalism for electrostatics, φ is unique up to an arbitrary constant c: φ → φ + c defines the same electric field as ∇c = 0. At a more practical level, imagine measuring the potential difference between two fixed points in a circuit using a voltmeter. If the space within the vicinity of the circuit were multiply connected, then it is conceivable that by merely moving the leads without changing the endpoints of the leads, the voltage reading registered by the meter could change. This clearly renders the voltage measured to be ill-defined. Fortunately, the space within the vicinity of our solar system appears to be simply connected! 1.1.5 Example Suppose that E= q 1 4 πε 0 r 3 r for some charge q, where q is taken to be at the origin in R3. Then, the potential generated by q is, from Equation (1.4), ϕ = − 4 πε1 0 * ∫ P ∞ q r′3 r ′ ⋅ dr ′ = − 1 4 πε 0 ∫ P ∞ q r′2 dr ′ = 4 πε1 0 q r Prove this result without resorting to Lemma 1.1.3. See Exercise 1.5.1(a) for details. K15149_Book.indb 6 10/18/13 10:43 AM 7 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory Indeed, it is quite clear that if E= 1 4 πε 0 ∑ n qi 3 i = 1 ri ri then by the superposition principle, ϕ= 1 4 πε 0 ∑ n i=1 qi ri whence, if an extended charged body V ⊂ R 3 has a charge density ρ, then each differential volume element δVi has a charge δqi = ρδVi for i = 1, , m. In the limit as m→∞ and δVi → 0 such that Q = lim m→∞ ∑ m i=1 δqi → ∫ dq = ∫ ρd r 3 V V it follows by construction that ϕ= 1 4 πε 0 ∫ V ρ( r ′ ) R′ d3 r ′ (1.5) where R ′ = ( x − x ′)2 + ( y − y ′)2 + ( z − z ′)2 , for all r ′ = ( x ′ , y ′ , z ′) ∈V and r = (x,y,z). See Equation (1.3) above. □ Equation (1.5) thus furnishes the general definition for a potential at an arbitrary point generated by a charged volume (V,ρ). This section closes with an extremely powerful method for solving electrostatic problems: the method of images. This technique is essentially a means to construct a Green’s function to solve Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations in electrostatics (see Appendix A.3). The principle is rather intuitive. Further details are elaborated in Chapter 3. First, consider a point charge q located a distance z0 above an infinite, perfect electrical conducting (PEC) plane that is grounded (see Figure 1.2). What is the potential φ at the point P = (x,y,z) above the ground plane? From q P z0 –z0 Ground plane –q Figure 1.2 Point charge and its image below a ground plane. K15149_Book.indb 7 10/18/13 10:43 AM 8 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Appendix A.3, the potential function ϕ ∈C 2 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω) satisfies the following Laplace equation, Δφ = 0 on Ω (1.6a) subject to the boundary condition φ = 0 on ∂Ω (1.6b) where Ω = R 3+ − {(0, 0, z0 )} and R3+ = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : z ≥ 0} is the upper half-space. Heuristically, the presence of the charge q induces the opposite charge distribution on the ground plane, via the electric field, such that a) The resultant induced charge on the plane is equal to −q. b) The potential of the grounded plane is 0. Then, by construction, ϕ(r ) = ϕ + (r − r0 ) + ϕ − (r − r0′) is the potential at r = (x,y,z), where ϕ ± is the potential resulting from ±q. Explicitly, from Example 1.1.5, ϕ(r ) = 1 4 πε 0 { q x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 − q x 2 + y 2 + ( z + z0 )2 } (1.7) Now, observe that by definition, (b) is satisfied: φ|∂Ω = 0. Furthermore, it is an easy matter to verify that Δφ = 0, where ∆ = ∂2x + ∂2y + ∂2z . Indeed, this follows at once from ∆ϕ ± = 0. This is left as a warm-up exercise for the reader. Because the boundary condition is also satisfied, it follows immediately from the uniqueness theorem of the Laplace equation that (1.7) is the sought-for solution. That is, the potential φ on Ω is defined by (1.7). Finally, note that (1.7) does not apply to z < 0, as the image charge −q does not really exist below the ground plane. The charge is in fact induced on the surface of the ground plane. 1.1.6 Example Given two infinitely long, perfect electrical conducting cylinders, consider their cross-section C± = ( x , y , 0) : x 2 + ( y − d± )2 ≤ a±2 , where the axes of the cylinders are parallel to the z-axis, and a± are the radii of the respective cylinders. Suppose the cylinders are held at a potential of φ ± . Find the potential at any point external to the cylinders. The easiest approach to solving this problem is by reducing the charged cylinders to equivalent line charges satisfying the equipotential boundary conditions. Specifically, consider each charged cylinder together with its mirror image across an imaginary boundary initially, and then sum the potentials via superposition. { K15149_Book.indb 8 } 10/18/13 10:43 AM 9 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory So, provisionally, consider an equivalent line charge λ + located at some distance y + (to be determined) from the origin. The distance y + is then determined as a function of the cylinder radius and charge via the method of images. For an arbitrary point r = (x, y) away from the line charges, the potential is determined via Equation (1.3) as follows. E+ = λ+ 4 π ε0 ∫ ∞ 1 { } 3 −∞ x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 + ( z − z ′ )2 2 x y−y + z − z ′ dz ′ where λ + is an infinite line charge density parallel to the z-axis. Now, observe that ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ 1 { −∞ x 2 +( y − y + { 3 )2 +( z− z′ )2 2 } z′ −∞ x 2 +( y − y + 3 )2 +( z− z′ )2 2 } dz′ = − dz′ = z − z′ ( x 2 +( y − y + )2 ) x 2 +( y − y + )2 +( z− z′ )2 2 2 2 2 ( x + ( y − y + ) ) x + ( y − y + ) + ( z − z′ ) = −∞ ∞ − ( x 2 +( y − y + )2 )+ zz′− z 2 2 ∞ −∞ = 2 x 2 +( y − y+ )2 2z x 2 +( y − y+ )2 whence E+ = λ+ r+ 2 π ε 0 x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 where r+ = ( x , y − y + , 0) defines the electric field in R 3 − {(0, y + , z) : z ∈R}. The electric field E − follows mutatis mutandis via the replacement ( λ + , y + ) → ( λ − , y − ) : E− = λ− r− 2 π ε 0 x 2 + ( y − y− )2 In particular, inasmuch as the fields are independent of the z-component, in all that follows, we may consider the 2D plane defined by z = 0. Next, appealing to Definition 1.1.2, via polar coordinates E± = λ± 2 π ε 0 r±2 er and the contribution from λ + thus yields ϕ=− K15149_Book.indb 9 ∫E γ + ⋅ dr ′ = − 2λπ+ε0 ∫ dr r = − 2λπ+ε0 ln x 2 + ( y − y + )2 + C 10/18/13 10:43 AM 10 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Line charge density λ+ y r+ y+ ε0 ε0 y– (x, y) r 0 x r– Line charge density λ– Figure 1.3 Potential arising from two infinite line charges. where C is some arbitrary constant of integration. By symmetry, the resultant potential from the two line charges is: ϕ(r ) = − 2λπε+ 0 ln rrˆ+ − λ− 2 πε 0 ln rrˆ− (1.8) where r± = x 2 + ( y − y ± )2 , and some constant reference point r̂ . See Figure 1.3. For simplicity, assume provisionally that λ − = −λ + : this condition is relaxed later. Then, φ(x,0) = 0 ∀x ⇒ y − = − y + . Furthermore, from (1.8), at any point ( x , y ) ∈C+ , ϕ + = λ+ 2 πε 0 ln rr−+ by definition, whence, it follows immediately that r+ r− = constant ⇒ x 2 + ( y − y + )2 x 2 + ( y + y + )2 =c for some constant c. However, notice that this expression can be rearranged into the form (y − 1+ c 2 1− c 2 y+ ) 2 + x2 = ( 2c 1− c 2 y+ ) 2 (1.9) Derive (1.9) as a warm-up exercise; see Exercise 1.5.1(b). Equation (1.9) is nothing but the equation of a circle with radius center K15149_Book.indb 10 ( 1+ c 2 1− c 2 2 cy + 1− c 2 ) y + , 0 ∈R 2 10/18/13 10:43 AM 11 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory The circles defined by the above radii and centers describe circles of equipotential. In particular, ∃c+ such that 2 c+ y + = a+ 1− c+2 the equipotential circle coincides with C+ and d+ = 1+ c+2 1− c+2 y+ Thus, d+2 = ( )( c+2 + 1 2 c+ 2 2 c+ c+2 − 1 y+ ) =( ) a 2 c+2 + 1 2 c+ 2 2 + Moreover, observe that ( )y 1+ c+2 1− c+2 2 2 + − y +2 = y +2 ( 1+ c+2 1− c+2 )( +1 1+ c+2 1− c+2 ) ( ) −1 = 2 c+ y + 1− c+2 2 = a+2 and hence, yielding d+2 = y +2 + a+2 (1.10) That is, y + = d+2 − a+2 . Now, removing the assumption that λ − = −λ + , it is clear by symmetry that y − = d−2 − a−2 . To proceed with the analysis, observe that on the boundary ∂C+ , ϕ = ϕ + . Hence, choosing the point (0, d+ − a+ ) ∈∂C+ , ϕ + = − 2λπε+ 0 ln d+ − a+ − y + − λ− 2 πε 0 ln d+ − a+ − y− (1.11a) and likewise, ϕ|C− = ϕ − implies choosing the point (0, d− − a− ) ∈∂C− yields ϕ − = − 2λπε+ 0 ln d− − a− − y + − λ− 2 πε 0 ln d− − a− − y− (1.11b) Hence, solving for λ ± simultaneously via (1.11) gives ( λ + = ϕ− − ϕ+ λ− = K15149_Book.indb 11 ϕ+ β+ − α+ β+ β− β+ (ϕ − )(α − − ϕ+ + α+ β− β+ β− β+ )(α − ) −1 + α+ β− β+ ) −1 10/18/13 10:43 AM 12 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where α ± = − 2 πε1 0 ln d± − a± − y + and β ± = − 2 πε1 0 ln d± − a± − y − □ 1.1.7 Remark The case wherein the electric permittivity ε of a dielectric such that ε > ε 0 can be found in Reference [14] by applying the method of transformation in a circle [7]. 1.2 Magnetostatics Along a vein similar to the definition for an electric field, the magnetic field can be defined as the field generated by an element of current. More formally, given a conductor (M, σ), where σ (in units of Ω−1 m −1 ) is the electrical conductivity, if a constant electric field E is applied across ∂M, it will generate a flow of electrons within M defined by J = ρe ve . Here, J defines the current density, ρe is the electron charge density, and ve is the average drift velocity of the electrons. The current density is related to the electric field via Ohm’s law J = σE (1.12) This defines the conduction current density. Furthermore, if there exist free mobile charges of density ρ in the medium moving at an average velocity v, then the conduction current density also contains a convection current density term: ρv. That is, J = σE + ρv. In most media of interest, this convection term is zero; on the other hand, this term is nonzero in cases such as the vacuum tube, wherein the primary conduction current density comprises that of convection current density, simply because σ = 0 in vacuum. 1.2.1 Remark If M is suspended in a constant electric field, then electrons will migrate toward ∂ M− ⊂ ∂ M , causing it to be negatively charged, whereas its complement ∂ M+ = ∂ M − ∂ M− becomes positively charged. Because M is initially uncharged, its total charge must remain zero. Hence, the charges will redistribute on ∂M such that the induced electric field within M generated by the pair (∂ M− , ∂ M+ ) cancels out the applied electric field. At which point, the flow of electrons will cease as there is a zero electric field within M. As an immediate corollary static electric field cannot sustain a current in a conductor. K15149_Book.indb 12 10/18/13 10:43 AM 13 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory Throughout the book, references made to a cross section of a conductor and an axis of a conductor are made. As such, their formal definitions are provided for future reference. Let M ⊂ R 3 such that ∃γ ⊂ M a simple path and a collection C = { Σ x ⊂ M : x ∈γ } of compact subsets satisfying Σ x ∩ Σ x′ = ∅ ∀x , x ′ ∈γ , x ≠ x ′ , and M = ∪ x∈γ Σ x and the tangent vector along γ at X is normal to ∑x. Then Σ ∈C is called a cross-section of M and M is called a closed tubular neighborhood of γ. If each Σ ∈C is open with compact closure, then M is called an open tubular neighborhood of γ. Finally, γ ⊂ M is said to be the axis of the tubular neighborhood M if for each cross-section Σ ⊂ M with { x } = γ ∩ Σ , B2 (rˆ ′ , x ′) ⊆ B2 (rˆ , x ) ∀x ′ ∈Σ , where the maximal radius Rˆ = max {R > 0 : B2 (R , u) ⊆ Σ , u ∈Σ} , is the largest radius such that the twodimensional disc B2 (R , u) is contained in Σ, with B2 (r , u) = B(r , u) ∩ {R 2 + u} , { B(r , u) = y ∈R 3 : y − u < r } is a three-dimensional disc in R 3 , and R 2 + u is the hyperplane in R 3 translated by u: {y ′ + u ∈R 3 : y ∈R 2 } . It is easy to see that the axis of a cylinder coincides with the above more general definition. 1.2.2 Definition Given a conductor (M, σ), suppose a current density J flows across a crosssection Σ ⊂ M of M. Then, the current I flowing through M is defined by I= ∫ J ⋅ nd x 2 Σ where n is a normal vector field on Σ. 1.2.3 Definition Suppose J is defined on (M, σ). Then, a vector potential A generated by J is defined on R 3 by A(r ) = µ0 4π ∫ M J (r ′) R d3 x where R = r − r ′ = ( x − x ′)2 + ( y − y ′)2 + ( z − z ′)2 ∀( x ′ , y ′ , z ′) ∈ M and ( x , y , z) ∈R 3. Here, µ 0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m (in Henry/meter) denotes the magnetic permeability of free-space. Moreover, the magnetic field density (or to be more technically precise, the magnetic flux density) B on R 3 is given by B = ∇ × A. Note in passing that the definition given above for a magnetic field is motivated by the Lorentz force law. Explicitly, in the absence of an electric field, a charge particle moving at some fixed velocity v in a static magnetic field B K15149_Book.indb 13 10/18/13 10:43 AM 14 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers obeys the Lorentz force law: F = −qv × B. In the presence of an electric field Lorentz’s law becomes, via Coulomb’s law, F = qE − qv × B. Thus, considering for simplicity, the absence of an electric field, the magnetic field density B may be defined to be the field acting on a test charge such that it satisfies the Lorentz force law. More specifically, if the Lorentz force is generated by some potential field, then, given that ∇ ⋅ B = 0 empirically (see Section 1.3 for further details), it follows that there exists some vector potential A such that B = ∇ × A; refer to Appendix A.1. This completes the justification for Definition 1.2.3. In many instances, evaluating the magnetic field via Definition 1.2.3 is easier than using the conventional definition often encountered in first-year electromagnetics courses. This is given below for completeness. Suppose γ is a loop and I a current circulating around γ. Then, the magnetic flux density B on R 3 is defined by B(r ) = µ0 4π ∫ γ I (r ′) R2 dl × eR (1.13a) where R = r − r ′ = ( x − x ′ ) 2 + ( y − y ′ ) 2 + ( z − z ′ )2 , e R = R R , r ′ ∈γ and r ∈R 3 More generally, Equation (1.13a) can be extended to a volume in the following fashion. Suppose M ⊂ R 3 has a current density J flowing across its cross-section Σ ⊂ M. Then, the magnetic field at r ∈R 3 resulting from the triple (M, J, Σ) is given by B( r ) = µ0 4π ∫ Σ J (r′) R2 × eR d2 x (1.13b) The magnetic field developed above did not depend on time: ∂t B = 0 . That is, only the static scenario was considered. In view of Definition 1.2.3, this is equivalent to ∂t A = 0 and hence ∂t J = 0 . Thus a static magnetic field is generated by a constant current. Reflecting on the treatment of electrostatics in Section 1.1, wherein the equi­ valent case of ∂t E = 0 was defined by ∇ × E = 0 , is there a dual criterion wherein ∇ × B defines a magnetostatic scenario? This question is addressed in Section 1.3. Finally, this section concludes with an application of Equation (1.13a). 1.2.4 Example Let C = {( x , y , 0) ∈R 3 : x 2 + y 2 = a 2 } define a circle on the (x,y)-plane and suppose that a constant current I is circulating around C; see Figure 1.4. Then, given any point r ∈R 3 − C, the magnetic field density at r can be determined via Equation (1.13a) as follows. K15149_Book.indb 14 10/18/13 10:43 AM 15 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory Cross section of magnetic dipole field z P y r C 0 I a x Figure 1.4 Magnetic dipole moment generated by a loop current I. First, observe that eR R2 = ( x + a sin θ, y − a cos θ, z){( x + a sin θ)2 + ( y − a cos θ)2 + z 2 } − 23 Next, from dl = a(− sin θ, cos θ, 0)dθ , dl × eR R2 = = 1 3 {( x − a cos θ )2 + ( y − a sin θ )2 + z 2 } 2 a ex ey ez − sin θ x − a cos θ cos θ y − a sin θ 0 z adθ z cos θ z sin θ −( y − a sin θ)sin θ − ( x − a cos θ)cos θ 3 {( x − a cos θ )2 + ( y − a sin θ )2 + z 2 } 2 dθ. Thus, µ0 I z Bx = 4 π a3 By = 4 π a3 µ0 I z ∫ 2π ∫ 2π Bz = − 4µπ0aI3 cos θ dθ ( ) () ) () 3 2 2 2 x y z 2 a − cos θ + a − sin θ + a ( 0 ) sin θ dθ ( 3 2 2 2 x y z 2 a − cos θ + a − sin θ + a ( 0 ∫ 2π ) ( y − a sin θ)sin θ+ ( x − a cos θ)cos θ ( ) 3 2 2 2 x y z 2 a − cos θ + a − sin θ + a ( 0 ) () dθ Now, suppose that r >> a. Then, on setting ξ= K15149_Book.indb 15 ( xa − cos θ)2 + ( ya − sin θ) + ( za )2 2 and ξ 0 = ( xa )2 + ( ya ) + ( za )2 = ( ra ) 2 10/18/13 10:43 AM 16 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers it follows that up to first order in sin θ and cos θ, ξ ≈ ξ0 1 + 2 ξ 20 ( x a y cos θ + a sin θ ) whence, by appealing to the binomial expansion, 1 ξ3 ≈ 1 ξ 30 {1 + 3 ξ 20 ( x a y cos θ + a sin θ )} Substituting this approximation into the integrals for Bx , By and Bz yields Bz = − 34 µ0 I a 3 ξ 30 { 3 x2 r2 Bx = 3 µ 0 I xz 4 a3 ξ 5 0 = 2 3 µ 0 I a xz 4 r3 r2 (1.14a) By = 3 µ 0 I yz 4 a3 ξ 5 0 = 2 3 µ 0 I a yz 4 r3 r2 (1.14b) + 3y2 r2 } − 2 a 2 = − 34 µ 0 Ia2 r3 { 3 x2 r2 + 3 y2 r2 −2 } (1.14c) Indeed, observe from Equation (1.14) that for r >> a, the magnetic field is directly proportional to the area of the current loop. □ 1.2.5 Remark The above example defines a magnetic dipole: to wit, a simple loop with a nonzero current circulating around the loop (cf. an electric dipole of Example 1.1.1). Further details can be found in Chapter 8. 1.3 Maxwell’s Equations Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory is in fact the first step toward field unification. It unifies the electric field and the magnetic field into a single entity, giving rise to the electromagnetic field.* In all that follows, unless stated explicitly, rectangular coordinates r = (x, y, z) are chosen. * The question regarding the existence of the electric and the magnetic fields is an interesting one. Although an electromagnetic field exists globally, it cannot be decomposed into electric and magnetic fields if space–time cannot be split into space and time. The various ways of splitting up flat space–time (a property known as foliation) yields the Lorentz symmetry group—this forms the basis for Einstein’s theory of special relativity. In particular, the constancy of the speed of light in any inertial frame is indeed a consequence of the Lorentz symmetry of flat space–time; see, for example, Reference [12]. K15149_Book.indb 16 10/18/13 10:43 AM 17 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory Let E be an electric field and B some magnetic field defined on (R 3 , ε , µ , σ ), where ε denotes the electric permittivity, μ the magnetic permeability, and σ the electric conductivity of the medium. Free charges present in the medium are defined by the charge density ρ. Then, Maxwell’s equations comprise the following, ∇ × E(r , t) = − ∂t B(r , t) (1.15) ∇ ⋅ B(r , t) = 0 (1.16) ∇ × B(r , t) = µJ (r , t) + µε ∂t E(r , t) (1.17) ∇ ⋅ E( r , t ) = ρ ε (1.18) where J ≡ σE . That is, the entire theory of classical electromagnetism involves finding the solution ( E , B) to Maxwell’s equations while satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions. As a side comment, define the magnetic field intensity H by B = µH and the electric displacement by D = εE . Then, the set of Maxwell’s equations is often presented as ∇ × E(r , t) = − ∂t B(r , t) (1.15′) ∇ × H (r , t) = J (r , t) + ∂t D(r , t) (1.16′) ∇ ⋅ D(r , t) = ρ (1.17′) ∇ ⋅ B(r , t) = 0 (1.18′) The reason for presenting Maxwell’s equations as (1.15)–(1.18) is elaborated in Remark 1.3.2. Here, the medium is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic; that is, μ,σ,ε are independent of the x-, y-, z-variables and direction. For simplicity, the constants μ,σ,ε herein are also assumed to be independent of frequency and temperature. The frequency dependency of ε and σ is fully explored via the Kramers-Kronig relations in Chapter 9. Equation (1.15) is known as Faraday’s law; it shows how a time-varying magnetic field couples with an electric field. Intuitively, the time variation of the magnetic field generates the spatial variation in the electric field. Strictly speaking, this is not a technically precise statement (cf. Section 8.1 for the correct interpretation). Equation (1.16) shows how a time-varying electric field couples with a magnetic field. Intuitively, the time variation of the electric field generates the spatial variation of the magnetic field. K15149_Book.indb 17 10/18/13 10:43 AM 18 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 1.3.1 Theorem Suppose the pair (E, B) is a solution to Maxwell’s equations on a simply connected, open subset Ω ⊆ R 3 satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions on ∂Ω. Then, the most general expression for the electric field is given by E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A, where A satisfies B = ∇ × A and φ is some conservative scalar potential field on Ω. □ Proof From (1.15), ∇ × E = − ∂t ∇ × A ⇒ 0 = ∇ × ( E + ∂t A) . Set E = E + ∂t A . Then, Ω 2 is simply connected implies ∃ϕ ∈C (Ω) such that E = −∇ϕ on Ω. Whence, □ E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A , as required. It is obvious from Theorem 1.3.1 that the general expression for an electric field comprises a static part and a time-varying part. In particular, the vector potential contributes to the time variation of the electric field and the scalar potential contributes to the conservative aspect of the electric field. 1.3.2 Corollary Let (E, B) be a solution of Maxwell’s equations. Then, ∂t E(r , t) = 0 = ∂t B(r , t) if and only if ∇ × E(r , t) = 0 and ∇ × B(r , t) = µJ (r , t). Proof Suppose ∂t E = 0 = ∂t B . Then, ∂t B = 0 ⇒ ∂t A = 0 as B = ∇ × A by definition, whence, Equation (1.15) reduces to ∇ × E(r , t) = 0 , and from ∂t E = 0 ⇒ ∂t D = 0, it follows at once that Equation (1.17) reduces to ∇ × B(r , t) = µJ (r , t) . Conversely, ∇ × E = 0 ⇒ ∂t A = 0 from Theorem 1.3.1, and hence, ∂t B(r , t) = 0 . Likewise, ∇ × B( r , t) = µJ (r , t) ⇒ ∂t E = 0 , as asserted. □ Thus, the static condition is precisely equivalent to the case wherein the electric field and magnetic field are decoupled. In particular, the definition of electrostatics defined in Section 1.1 by the irrotational criterion ∇ × E(r , t) = 0 is completely justified in view of Corollary 1.3.2. Furthermore, it ought to be pointed out that the pair (φ, A) defining (E, B) is not unique. Indeed, it is unique up to some arbitrary, differentiable, function f = f(r, t) as follows: ϕ → ϕ ′ = ϕ + ∂t f and A → A′ = A − ∇f . This can be easily seen via direct substitution: E ′ = −∇ϕ ′ − ∂t A′ = −∇ϕ − ∂t ∇f − ∂t A + ∂t ∇f = −∇ϕ − ∂t A = E B′ = ∇ × A′ = ∇ × A − ∇ × ∇f = ∇ × A = B as ∇ × ∇f = 0 on R 3 for any twice differentiable function f on R 3 . This property is known as gauge transformation and Maxwell’s theory is said to be K15149_Book.indb 18 10/18/13 10:43 AM 19 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory invariant under gauge transformation. In particular, fixing the choice of (ϕ , A) is called gauge fixing. Fixing the choice of gauge will in no way affect the physical significance of the problem. Thus, there is freedom to choose a gauge to simplify solving Maxwell’s equations. 1.3.3 Remark Equations (1.15) and (1.16) are called the first pair of Maxwell’s equations, and (1.17) and (1.18) are called the second pair of Maxwell’s equations. This is because in the language of differential geometry, the pair (1.15) and (1.16) can be expressed as a single equation, and the second pair (1.17) and (1.18) can be expressed as the dual of the former equation. For those readers interested in understanding the geometric formalism of Maxwell’s theory, consult References [1,3,8,9]. The first term of Equation (1.16) is the displacement term governed by bound charges in the medium; it gives rise to the phenomenon of the displacement current present in capacitors. The second term, as mentioned in Section 1.2, is the conduction term: J (r , t) = σE(r , t) is the current density flowing across the medium surrounding the conductors, and it may also include a convection term; see Equation (1.12). If the medium has zero conductivity, that is, σ = 0, then Equation (1.16) is dominated purely by the displacement current term. Equation (1.17) is Gauss’ law. It states that the electric field is generated by the presence of a charge density ρ. In contrast, Equation (1.18) states that the magnetic field is not generated by magnetic charges: there are no magnetic monopoles.* This equation is based purely upon the observation that magnetic monopoles have never been found in nature. 1.3.4 Theorem (Charge Conservation) The electric charge is conserved in R 3 . That is, ∇ ⋅ J + ∂t ρ = 0 (1.19) Proof From (1.16), let Σ be the boundary of some compact volume M in R 3. Then, by Corollary A.1.2, 0= * ∫∫ ∇ × H ⋅ ndS = ε ∂ ∫∫ E ⋅ ndS + σ ∫∫ E ⋅ ndS Σ t Σ Σ This is a rather lively topic that is open to much theoretical debate: once again, its existence depends largely upon the topological structure of space–time (cf., e.g., References [1,3,8,9]). From a mathematical standpoint, magnetic monopoles exist in space–times that have holes. An even deeper consequence for the existence of magnetic monopoles is that electric charges must be quantized (i.e., discrete)! K15149_Book.indb 19 10/18/13 10:43 AM 20 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Because, via the divergence theorem, ∫∫ E ⋅ n dS = ∫∫∫ Σ M ∇ ⋅ E dV = 1 ε ∫∫∫ M ρ dV it follows immediately that 0 = ∂t ∫∫∫ M ρ dV + σ ∫∫∫ M ∇ ⋅ E dV ≡ ∂t ∫∫∫ M ρ dV + ∫∫∫ M ∇ ⋅ J dV , whence ∇ ⋅ J + ∂t ρ = 0 as claimed. □ Equation (1.19) is known as the continuity equation for electric charges. It shows that the electric charge is conserved in the following manner. Because the divergence ∇ ⋅ J of the current density J denotes the net loss of charges, if there is a zero net loss of charge within a compact volume M, that is, ∇ ⋅ J = 0 , then by (1.19), the time variation of the charge density ∂t ρ = 0. That is, the electric charge is conserved because ∂t ρ = 0 implies that ρ is constant in time. Conversely, observe that Theorem 1.3.1 implies that ∇ ⋅ J = 0 is precisely the condition for steady-state current. To see this, it suffices to note that ∂t ρ = 0 implies that the charge remains constant in time, and hence, the current density cannot vary with time. Indeed, a consequence of the continuity equation is the following. From Equation (1.18), ∇ ⋅ J can be expressed as ∇ ⋅ J = ∇ ⋅ σE = σε ρ because the electric conductivity σ is assumed constant. Hence, from Equation (1.19), σ ε ρ + ∂t ρ = 0 ⇒ ρ = ρ0 e− ( σ/ε )t where ρ0 is the initial charge density within a compact volume M. Notice the exponential decay of charges with respect to time within the volume M. This means in particular that any charges placed within a conductor will quickly diffuse onto the surface (i.e., the boundary) of the conductor in accordance with the exponential decay rate given by ρ(r , t) = ρ0 (r , t)e− ( σ/ε )t (1.20) Physically, the charges are distributed on the surface such that the resultant electric field within the conductor is zero. Two consequences are discernable from the continuity equation. (a) For a perfect dielectric where the conductivity σ = 0, ρ = ρ0 . K15149_Book.indb 20 10/18/13 10:43 AM 21 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory That is, the charges will remain where they are; they are bound charges. On the other hand, if no charges are added to the dielectric, that is, the dielectric remains uncharged, then an electric field will polarize the molecules into electric dipoles. (b) For a perfect conductor, that is, σ → ∞, the charges diffuse very rapidly onto the surface of the conductor such that the resultant field within the conductor is zero. That is, the charges are mobile. Another way of seeing this is as follows. By definition, the current density within the conductor (or any medium) is given by J = σE . Inasmuch as physically, J < ∞, it follows that E → 0 in the limit as σ → ∞ such that the current density will continue to remain finite. This fact gives rise to the statement that a perfect conductor has a zero electric field inside it. There is a zero electric field inside a perfect conductor, therefore it follows that all the charges must reside on the surface of a perfect conductor and be distributed in such a manner that the fields cancel within the conductor (viz., E ≡ 0 ). By appealing to Faraday’s law, it can also be shown that the magnetic flux Ψ = ∫ Σ B ⋅ dx 2 is conserved—that is the reason why B is called the magnetic flux density. That is, the sum of the magnetic flux entering and exiting a compact surface is zero. This in turn implies that magnetic flux forms closed loops: i.e., no magnetic monopoles. 1.4 Electromagnetic Waves First, consider a stationary electric charge in space. It was shown above that ∇ × E = 0 defines an electrostatic field because of the absence of a time-varying field. Consequently, Maxwell’s equations reduce to: ∇× E =0 (1.21) ∇⋅B = 0 (1.22) ∇ × B = µJ (1.23) ∇⋅E = ρ ε (1.24) where, for convenience, the boundary conditions are left unspecified for the moment. To recapitulate Section 1.3, Equation (1.21) implies that ∂t H = 0; that is, the electric field does not generate a time-varying magnetic field. The electric field is decoupled from the magnetic field. Similarly, from Equation (1.22), K15149_Book.indb 21 10/18/13 10:43 AM 22 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers the magnetic field is decoupled from a time-varying electric field: the magnetic field does not generate a time-varying electric field. From Equation (1.23), if the electric charges are stationary, then J = 0 and hence, ∇ × B = 0. However, this does not imply that B = 0. What makes B = 0 is Equation (1.22): the absence of a magnetic charge. Hence, in this universe, ∇ × B = 0 implies that B = 0 due to the absence of magnetic monopoles. Recall that the full Maxwell’s equations state that a time-varying electric (magnetic) field generates a time-varying magnetic (electric) field, which in turn generates an electric (magnetic) field and so forth. From this standpoint, it is intuitively clear how an electromagnetic wave can propagate in free space: it is self-sustaining, wherein each field generates the other field in space–time, provided both the fields are time-varying. Hence, it is once again intuitively clear that in the case of static fields, there can be no propagation of electromagnetic waves. To study the existence of electromagnetic waves, consider the full Maxwell’s equations, where, for simplicity, the homogeneous and isotropic medium is assumed to be charge-free. As always, in the absence of any particular symmetry, rectangular coordinates are used for simplicity. Finally, for convenience, it is tacitly assumed that ε and μ are scalars. From Equation (1.15), where {e x , e y , e z } denotes the standard basis in rectangular coordinates, ∇×E= ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Ex Ey Ez ∂ y Ez − ∂ z Ey = − ∂ x Ez + ∂ z Ex ∂ E −∂ E x y y x ∂t Bx = − ∂t By ∂B t z (1.25) ε ∂t Ex + σEx = ε ∂t Ey + σEy ε ∂ E + σE t z z (1.26) From Equation (1.17), ∇×B= ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Bx By Bz ∂ y Bz − ∂ z By = − ∂ x Bz + ∂ z Bx ∂ B −∂ B x y y x Because the wave is propagating in a charge-free space, Equation (1.18) becomes ∇ ⋅ E = 0. This leads to ∂ x Ex + ∂ y Ey + ∂ z Ez = 0 (1.27) Likewise, Equation (1.18) leads to ∂ x Bx + ∂ y By + ∂ z Bz = 0. Recall that a wave ψ defined in R 4 satisfies the wave equation: ∆ψ = α ∂t2 ψ + β ∂t ψ K15149_Book.indb 22 (1.28) 10/18/13 10:43 AM 23 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory 1 where α is the speed of the propagating wave and β is the loss present in the medium. Some comments regarding Equation (1.28) are now due. • If the medium is lossless, β = 0, and the wave equation reduces to ∆ψ = α ∂t2 ψ • If α ∂t2 ψ << β ∂t ψ in R 4 , then Equation (1.28) reduces to ∆ψ ≈ β ∂t ψ This is precisely the diffusion equation, also known as the heat equation. Under this condition, there are no waves propagating in the medium. This equation can also be solved using separation of variables if the configuration possesses nice symmetries. If the medium is very lossy, that is, β >> α such that α ∂t2 ψ << β ∂t ψ is satisfied, then no waves will propagate through the medium. In fact, the astute reader will quickly observe that because ∂t2 ψ < ∞ holds physically for all times, it follows that α ∂t2 ψ << β ∂t ψ is satisfied for any |β|< ∞ if α → 0. This means that the effect of any changes made to the wave will spread almost instantaneously throughout the entire space. This superficially appears to be in violation of causality; food for thought here! The wave equation for the z-component is worked out explicitly below. The derivation for the other two components as well as for the magnetic field follows mutatis mutandis. To begin, differentiating the first line of Equation (1.25) with respect to y and using the last row of (1.26) yield: ∂2y Ez − ∂ y ∂ z Ey = −µ ∂t ∂ y H x = µ ∂t (ε ∂t Ez + σEz − ∂ x H y ) Next, differentiating the second line of Equation (1.26) with respect to x and using the last row of (1.26) yield: − ∂2x Ez + ∂ x ∂ z Ex = −µ ∂t ∂ x H y = −µ ∂t (−ε ∂t Ez − σEz + ∂ y H x ) From Equation (1.27), ∂ z Ez = − ∂ x Ex − ∂ y Ey Taking the difference of the first two equations yields: ∂2x Ez + ∂2y Ez − ∂ z (∂ x Ex + ∂ y Ey ) = − ∂ x H y + ∂ y H x K15149_Book.indb 23 10/18/13 10:43 AM 24 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Using (1.27) and the last row of (1.26) yields: ∂2x Ez + ∂2y Ez + ∂2z Ez = µε ∂t2 Ez + µσ ∂t Ez This expression is precisely the wave equation given by (1.28): ∆Ez = µε ∂t2 Ez + µσ ∂t Ez Going through the same procedure yields the identical form for the other components of the electric field and the magnetic field. Explicitly, the fields are defined by the Helmholtz equations: −∆E + µε ∂t2 E + µσ ∂t E = 0 (1.29) −∆B + µε ∂t2 B + µσ ∂t B = 0 (1.30) From Equation (1.28), it is evident that electromagnetic waves propagate in any medium at the speed v = 1µε , where ε, μ depend upon the medium. Diffusion through the medium is related directly to its conductivity and permeability: μσ. In particular, for a perfect—that is, lossless—dielectric, σ ≡ 0, and Equation (1.29) reduces in a lossless medium to the wave equation: −∆E + µε ∂t2 E = 0. (1.31) For a medium with a very high conductivity, (1.29) reduces to the diffusion equation. Consequently, electromagnetic waves cannot propagate inside a good conductor. They will diffuse in a good conductor the way heat diffuses through a medium. Technically, the electric field will still propagate inside a good conductor as waves; however, the waves will be severely attenuated. This, in turn, may be approximated by the diffusion equation (cf. the discussion carried out above). All the comments just made about the electric field also apply to the time-varying magnetic field. In summary, Maxwell’s equations predict the existence of electromagnetic waves. Transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) waves possess a number of interesting properties that are outlined below. TEM waves are electromagnetic waves with no longitudinal (also called axial) field components. That is, if the direction of propagation is along the z-axis, then the z-components of both the electric and magnetic fields are identically zero. In all that follows, it is assumed that the waves are propagating along the z-axis. For TEM waves, Equation (1.25) reduces to (1.30) ∇×E= K15149_Book.indb 24 ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Ex Ey 0 − ∂ z Ey = ∂ z Ex ∂ E −∂ E y x x y −∂ B t x = − ∂ t By 0 10/18/13 10:44 AM 25 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory and (1.26) reduces to (1.31) ∇×B= ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Bx By 0 − ∂ z By = ∂ z Bx ∂ B −∂ B y x x y ε ∂t Ex + σEx = µ ε ∂t Ey + σEy 0 First, consider the last row in Equation (1.31): ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex = 0. Observe that this can be expressed in the form: ∇ ⊥ × E⊥ ≡ ex ey ez ∂x ∂y 0 Ex Ey 0 0 0 = ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex =0 (1.32) The notation ∇ ⊥ ≡ (∂ x , ∂ y , 0) defines the transverse (i.e., normal to the direction of propagation) component of ∇; likewise, E⊥ ≡ (Ex , Ey , 0) defines the transverse electric field components. In general, ∇ = ∇ ⊥ + ez ∂ z and E = E⊥ + ez Ez (in rectangular or cylindrical coordinates; cf. Appendix A.1). There are a number of implications to be drawn from Equation (1.32). The first is the following. Recall that ∇ ⊥ × E⊥ = 0 implies the existence of some potential function φ such that E⊥ = −∇ ⊥ ϕ . That is, from (1.32), the transverse components of a TEM wave are static! Indeed, from Equations (1.30) and (1.32), it is clear that ∂t Bx = 0 = ∂t By : this is precisely the static condition. Secondly, can a single conductor (such as a waveguide cavity) sustain TEM wave propagation? This clearly has implications in the design of high-speed digital circuits. 1.4.1 Theorem Let Ω ⊂ R 3 be a perfect conductor that is compact and connected. Then Ω cannot support a TEM wave propagation. Proof By (1.32), ∃φ on Ω such that ∆ ⊥ ϕ = 0 is subject to ϕ|∂Ω = ϕ 0 , for some constant ϕ 0 . Because φ is analytic on Ω, by the maximum modulus principle [5], its minimum and maximum must lie on ∂Ω. However, ϕ = ϕ 0 is constant on ∂Ω; hence, φ must be constant on Ω. Thus, as it is a perfect conductor Ω cannot sustain a TEM wave, as claimed. □ 1.4.2 Corollary Let Ω = S × R be a perfect conductor such that S ⊂ R 2 is compact and connected. Then, a TEM wave cannot propagate along Ω. K15149_Book.indb 25 10/18/13 10:44 AM 26 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof Suppose Ω can support a TEM wave. Then, the restriction to any connected compact subset Ω′ ⊂ Ω must also support a TEM wave, yielding a contradiction by Theorem 1.4.1. □ Thus, at least two conductors are required to support a TEM wave. In particular, a TEM wave incident on a waveguide will be transformed into a transverse electric (TE) or a transverse magnetic (TM) wave as it propagates along the waveguide. Note that a TEM wave can only exist along a perfect electrical conductor: σ → ∞. When σ < ∞, there exists a small longitudinal component of electric field e z Ez near the surface of the conductor in order to overcome the ohmic loss resulting from the finite conductivity. Hence, good conductors can at best sustain an approximate TEM wave known as a quasi-TEM wave. Only perfect conductors can sustain TEM waves. Returning to Equation (1.30), differentiating the first two rows with respect to z and using the first two rows of (1.31), the following wave equation ensues, ∂2z E⊥ = µε ∂t2 E⊥ + µσ ∂t E⊥ (1.33) − γz iωt To solve this equation, try the following solution: ψ = A( x , y )e e , where ω = 2 π f is the angular frequency of the propagating wave, with f (in Hertz) being the frequency of propagation. Substituting into (1.33) yields γ 2 A( x , y )e− γz eiωt = −ω 2 µεA( x , y )e− γz eiωt + iωµσA( x , y )e− γz eiωt Verify this as a simple exercise (see Exercise 1.5.2). Hence, this immediately leads to the following expression: γ 2 = −ω 2 µε + iωµσ (1.34) Set γ = α + iβ . Then, the evaluation of α, β is given as follows. First, observe that α 2 − β 2 + i2αβ = γ 2 = −ω 2 µε + iωµσ implies: α 2 − β 2 = −ω 2 µε 2αβ = ωµσ K15149_Book.indb 26 10/18/13 10:44 AM 27 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory Next, noting that (α 2 + β 2 )2 = (α 2 − β 2 )2 + 4α 2β 2 = (ω 2 µε)2 + (ωµσ )2 , it is thus clear that α 2 + β 2 = (ω 2 µε)2 + (ωµσ )2 . Finally, adding and subtracting α 2 + β 2 and α 2 − β 2 from each other yield α= 1 2 β= 1 2 ( (ω 2 µε)2 + (ωµσ )2 − ω 2 µε ) 1 1 2 =ω µε 2 1 + σ 2 − 1 2 ( ωε ) =ω µε 2 1 + σ 2 + 1 2 ( ωε ) and ( 2 2 2 2 (ω µε) + (ωµσ ) + ω µε ) 1 2 1 whence, 1 γ= 1 2 2 σ 2 ω µε 1 + ( ωε − 1 + i ) 1 1 2 2 σ 2 ω µε 1 + ( ωε + 1 ) (1.35) The solution of (1.33) is thus ψ ( x , y , z, t) = A( x , y )e 1 1 2 σ 2 2 + 1 z i ωt − 1 ω µε 1+ ωε σ 2 2 − 1 ω µε 1+ ωε − 1 z 2 ( ) ( ) e (1.36) for a wave propagating in the +z-direction. From γ = α + iβ and Equation (1.36), it is clear from (1.35) that α corresponds to the loss associated with the conductivity of the medium. This is because e−αz is real and α ≥ 0 implies that it decays exponentially along the direction of propagation. On the other hand, e− iβz is the oscillating (sinusoidal) portion of the wave. This is due to the presence of the imaginary factor i = −1 . To see this, it will suffice to recall Euler’s rule: eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ . Thus, Equation (1.36) corresponds to a sinusoidal wave propagating along the z-direction whose amplitude decays exponentially. In particular, the negative sign in front of iβz indicates that the wave is propagating forward along the +z-direction. As an aside, recall that the one-dimensional wave equation—that is, one that involves only one space variable—differs from all other partial differential equations in the sense that it can be solved without imposing any boundary conditions. However, there is a price to pay: the partial differential equation has infinitely many solutions. Explicitly, given a one-dimensional wave equation ∂2z ψ = µε ∂t2 ψ in vacuum, any solution of the form ( ψ = f z− K15149_Book.indb 27 1 µε ) ( t + g z+ 1 µε t ) 10/18/13 10:44 AM 28 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where f, g are any functions that are twice differentiable with respect to z and t, is a solution of the wave equation, as can be easily verified by direct substitution (cf. Exercise 1.5.3). This is known as the D’Alembert wave solution [4,6]. Returning to Equation (1.36), can the form of A be determined further? First, recall from (1.33) that A = A( x , y ) must be a solution satisfying E⊥ = −∇ ⊥ ϕ . Because the wave is propagating in a charge-free region, ∇ ⊥ ⋅ E⊥ = 0 ⇒ ∇ ⊥2 ϕ = 0, which is Laplace’s equation. Hence, the final form for A = A( x , y ) necessarily depends on the boundary conditions imposed on ∇ 2⊥ ϕ = 0 . Show that this is indeed the case; see Exercise 1.5.4. In summary, a TEM wave in some domain M × R ⊂ R 4 has the solution: E( x , y , z, t) = E⊥ ( x , y )e − 1 ω 2 1 2 −1 σ 2 2 + 1 z i ωt − 1 ω µε 1+ ωε σ 2 2 µε 1+ ωε − 1 z ( ) ( ) e (1.37) where E⊥ ( x , y ) = −∇ϕ( x , y ) for some twice-differentiable function ϕ ∈C 2 ( M) ∩ C( M) that depends upon the boundary conditions on ∂M wherein the wave is propagating. Indeed, the method of images outlined in Section 1.1 can be applied to solve for E⊥ ( x , y ) = −∇ϕ( x , y ). Inasmuch as Equation (1.37) is just the solution for a propagating plane wave, it follows that a TEM wave is an electromagnetic plane wave. From (1.35), Equation (1.37) can be written more simply as E( x , y , z, t) = E⊥ ( x , y )e−αz ei(ωt −βz) (1.38) This is the solution for a TEM wave propagating in an unbounded medium in the +z-direction, where E⊥ ( x , y ) → 0 in the limit as x → ∞ or y → ∞ . Observe that when the conductivity is zero (i.e., in a perfect dielectric) there is zero attenuation of the plane waves: α = 0 when σ = 0. In particular, when a) σ ωε << 1, α ≈ 1 2 ω µε 1 + ( µε ( 1 + 1 2 ( ωεσ )2 − 1) b) σ ωε << 1, β ≈ 1 2 ω 1 2 ( ωεσ )2 + 1) 1 2 1 2 ≈ 21 σ ≈ 1 2 µ ε 1 ω µε ( 1 + 1) 2 = ω µε Thus, when the conduction term is small, the displacement term dominates. Hence, for a good dielectric, E( x , y , z, t) ≈ E⊥ ( x , y )e K15149_Book.indb 28 µ − 21 σ ε ei(ωt −βz ) ≈ E⊥ ( x , y )ei(ωt −βz) 10/18/13 10:44 AM 29 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory σ In summary, a good dielectric is defined by the condition that ωε << 1 , and the waves are thus approximately plane waves. Conversely, in a good conductor, TEM waves are attenuated exponentially. In particular, no waves can propaσ gate in a perfect conductor as σ → ∞ ⇒ α → ∞ So, for ωε >> 1, α≈ 1 2 ω µε σ ωε = µωε 2 ≡ δ1 and β ≈ 1 2 ω µε σ ωε = 1 δ 2 The quantity δ = µωσ is called the skin depth of a conductor. In other words, at a depth z = δ from the surface of a conductor, the field falls off to e−1 of its original magnitude. Notice that for very good conductors, α ≈ δ1 ≈ β . Hence, for a good conductor, ( z − z i ωt − δ E ( x , y , z, t) ≈ E⊥ ( x , y )e δ e ) σ >> 1 and the elecThus, a good conductor is defined by the condition that ωε tromagnetic field propagates within the conductor via diffusion. It is also interesting to note that TEM waves are attenuated exponentially when the magnetic permeability of a medium is high. This follows directly from Equation (1.35): 1 α=ω µε 2 1 + σ 2 − 1 2 → ∞ as µ → ∞ ( ωε ) That is, electromagnetic fields do not propagate in a high-magnetic permeability medium. Finally, verify directly from (1.35) that for ε >> ωσ , α ≈ 21 σ µε . In particular, ε → ∞ ⇒ α → 0. However, observe in this instance that the field will undergo very rapid oscillations as β ≈ ω µε → ∞. Physically, the field becomes ill-defined and hence will cease to propagate within the medium (cf. the phenomenon within a good conductor wherein the field also ceases to propagate). To complete the analysis, the magnetic field propagation is determined. For simplicity, set E = E⊥ e− γz eiωt , where γ = α + iβ. Second, observe from Equation (1.31) that e z × (∇ × E ) = ex ey ez 0 − ∂ z Ey 0 ∂ z Ex 1 0 − ∂ z Ex = − ∂ z Ey 0 − ∂t Bx = − ∂t By 0 Hence, it is clear for TEM waves that ∂t B = − e z × (∇ × E) K15149_Book.indb 29 (1.39) 10/18/13 10:44 AM 30 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers That is, B = −e z × ∫(∇ × E)dt . This yields ∫ ∫ B = −e z × (∇ × E)dt = −e z × ∇ × E⊥ e− γz eiωt dt = ωi e z × ∇ × E (1.40) Explicitly, e z × (∇ × E) = ex ey ez 0 − ∂ z Ey 0 ∂ z Ex 1 0 − ∂ z Ex = − ∂ z Ey 0 i ( ωt + iγz ) = −γe z × E⊥ ei(ωt + iγz ) = e z × E⊥ ∂ z e Hence, B = − iωγ e z × E⊥ ei(ωt − γz) ≡ − iωγ e z × E (1.41) The magnetic field is thus completely defined in terms of the electric field. In particular, all the comments made for the electric field above also apply to the magnetic field with one important proviso: that the magnetic field be nonstatic, as must be the case for the TEM mode. The above results are briefly summarized below. • In a perfect dielectric, there is no attenuation for a time-varying magnetic field. • In a perfect conductor, there is no time-varying magnetic field propagation as the electric field is zero. In particular, a time-varying magnetic field is attenuated exponentially. It is critical to note that the derivations were made with time-varying magnetic fields. This condition need not hold for static magnetic fields. • Increasing the electric permittivity of the medium wherein the waves propagate decreases the attenuation; however, this leads to “infinite” oscillation of the field, rendering the field ill-defined. • Last but not least, the magnetic permeability also introduces an exponential attenuation. Furthermore, observe trivially that for a TEM wave, the electric and magnetic fields possess similar attenuation properties; although, perhaps, this fact is not surprising inasmuch as the electric field and magnetic field are part of the same physical field called the electromagnetic field. In short, a good conductor is as effective a shield for a propagating electric field as it is for a propagating magnetic field of a TEM wave normal to the surface of a conductor. This follows very clearly from the fact that the transverse K15149_Book.indb 30 10/18/13 10:44 AM 31 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory fields incident normally on a conductor are attenuated exponentially by the 2 skin depth δ = µωσ . σ Finally, for a TEM wave propagating in a medium (ε,μ) such that ωε << 1, β ≈ ω µε and in particular, lim γ = iβ; whence, (1.41) becomes σ→ 0 B = ωβ e z × E = µη e z × E (1.42) where η= ωµ β = µ ε This is called the TEM wave impedance. In a vacuum, the TEM impedance η0 = µε00 . Observe that the TEM impedance η is independent of frequency in the lossless case where σ = 0; in particular, it is real. 1.4.3 Remark For a general dielectric medium with loss (i.e., σ > 0) the TEM impedance is given by η = − ωµ iγ = σ ωε In particular, for ωµ α 2 +β 2 (β + iα) << 1, it can be shown (cf. Exercise 1.5.5) that η≈ µ 1+ i( σ /2 ωε ) ε 1+ ( σ /2 ωε )2 Finally, this chapter closes with a brief description of the power transferred by an electromagnetic wave. First, recall that given an electromagnetic field (E, B) propagating in a dielectric medium, the Poynting vector S = E × H defines the power flow per unit area, with units of W/m2 . In short, it represents the power density of an electromagnetic field. Next, 2 recall that the energy density of the electric field is given by 21 D ⋅ E ∗ = 21 ε E , 2 the energy density of the magnetic field is given by 21 B ⋅ H ∗ = 21 µ H , and lastly, the ohmic loss in a dielectric medium is given by the ohmic power 2 density J ⋅ E ∗ = σ E . Then, the following result holds. 1.4.4 Theorem (Poynting) Suppose an electromagnetic field ( E , B) is propagating in (R 3 , µ , ε , σ ) . If Ω ⊂ R 3 is a compact domain, then 0= K15149_Book.indb 31 ∫ ∂Ω S ⋅ nd 2 r + 21 ∂t ∫ {ε E Ω 2 +µ H 2 }d r + ∫ 3 Ω 2 σ E d3 r □ 10/18/13 10:44 AM 32 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The result states that the power leaving a compact surface is equal to the integral of the Poynting vector over the compact surface. This is essentially the principle of energy conservation. 1.5 Worked Problems 1.5.1 Exercise (a) Given a path γ = γ (t), t ∈[0, 1], show that (b) Establish Equation (1.9). ∫ γ f ( z(t))dt = − ∫ γ f ( z(t))dt Solution (a) Set τ = 1 − t . Then, dτ = −dt and hence, ∫ ∫ However, this is precisely − ∫ γ ∫ 1 f ( γ (t)) ddt γ (t)dt = f ( z)d z = 0 0 f ( γ (τ))(−γ (τ))(−dτ) = − 1 ∫ 1 0 f ( γ ( s))γ ( s)d s f ( z)d z as s is just a dummy variable. γ (b) From x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 x 2 + ( y + y+ )2 = c2 expanding ( y ± y + )2 = y 2 ± 2 yy + + y +2 yields 0 = x 2 (1 − c 2 ) + y 2 (1 − c 2 ) − 2 yy + (1 + c 2 ) + y +2 (1 − c 2 ) ⇔ ( 0 = x 2 + y − y+ ( x 2 + y − y+ 1+ c 2 1− c 2 1+ c 2 1− c 2 ) − (y 2 ) = (y 2 1+ c 2 + 1− c 2 1+ c 2 + 1− c 2 ) 2 ) 2 + y+2 ⇔ − y+2 = y+2 {( 1+ c 2 1− c 2 ) 2 } ( − 1 = y+ 2c 1− c 2 ) 2 via ( ) 1+ c 2 1− c 2 as required. K15149_Book.indb 32 2 −1= ( 1+ c 2 1− c 2 )( −1 1+ c 2 1− c 2 ) +1 □ 10/18/13 10:44 AM 33 Brief Review of Maxwell’s Theory 1.5.2 Exercise Show that γ 2 A( x , y )e− γz eiωt = −ω 2 µεA( x , y )e− γz eiωt + iωµσA( x , y )e− γz eiωt Solution From Equation (1.33), set E⊥ = Ae− γz eiωt. Then, ∂ z E⊥ = −γAe− γz eiωt and hence, ∂2z E⊥ = γ 2 Ae− γz eiωt. Likewise, ∂t E⊥ = iωAe− γz eiωt ⇒ ∂t2 E⊥ = −ω 2 Ae− γz eiωt . Sub­ stituting these into (1.33) yields the claim. □ 1.5.3 Exercise Find a general solution to the D’Alembert wave equation ∂2z ψ = µε ∂t2 ψ on R 3. Solution Set ξ = z + ct and ζ = z − ct, where c = 1εµ . Let ψ ( z, t) = f (ξ) + g(ζ), for arbitrary twice differentiable functions f , g on R 3. Then, ∂ z ψ = ∂ξ f ∂ z ξ + ∂ζ g ∂ z ζ. That is, ∂ z ψ = ∂ξ f + ∂ζ g and hence, ∂2z ψ = ∂ξ2 f + ∂ζ2 g . Similarly, ∂t ψ = ∂ξ f ∂t ξ + ∂ζ g ∂t ζ ⇒ ∂t ψ = − c ∂ξ f + c ∂ζ g ⇒ ∂2z ψ = c 2 (∂ξ2 f + ∂ζ2 g ); whence, µε ∂t2 ψ = ∂2ξ f + ∂ζ2 g = ∂2z ψ , as required. □ 1.5.4 Exercise For a TEM wave, show that A = A( x , y ) necessarily depends on the boundary conditions imposed on ∇ 2⊥ ϕ = 0 . Solution From Equation (1.33), set E = A( x , y )e− γz eiωt . Then, E⊥ = −∇ ⊥ ϕ ⇒ ∃ϕ twice differentiable such that ϕ = ϕ ( x , y )e− γz eiωt ; whence, A = −∇ ⊥ ϕ by construction and in particular, ∆ ⊥ ϕ = 0 ⇒ ∆ ⊥ ϕ = 0. Because the unique solution ϕ to Laplace’s equation, if it should exist, depends upon the boundary conditions imposed, the assertion follows. □ 1.5.5 Exercise Establish the approximation η≈ µ 1+ i( σ /2 ωε ) ε 1+ ( σ /2 ωε )2 given in Remark 1.43. K15149_Book.indb 33 10/18/13 10:44 AM 34 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution σ << 1, via (1.35), it was established above that α ≈ σ2 µε For ωε 2 β ≈ ω µε . Thus, from (1.43), α 2 + β 2 ≈ 14 σ 2 µε + ω 2 µε = ω 2 µε 1 + ( 2σωε ) β + iα = ω µε {1 + i 2σωε } . Substituting these quantities into { η= ωµ α 2 +β 2 } and and (β + iα) leads to the approximation. References 1. Baez, J. and Munian, J. 1994. Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity. Singapore: World Scientific. 2. Cheng, D. 1992. Field and Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 3. Choquet-Bruhat, Y., DeWitt-Morette, C., and Dillard-Bleick, M. 1982. Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part I: Basics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 4. Chester, C. 1971. Techniques in Partial Differential Equations. New York: McGraw-Hill. 5. Churchill, R. and Brown, J. 1990. Complex Variables and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 6. Farlow, S. 1993. Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. New York: Dover. 7. Lin, W. and Jin, H. 1990. Analytic solutions to the electrostatic problems of two dielectric spheres. J. Appl. Phys. 67(3): 1160–1166. 8. Nakahara, M. 2003. Geometry, Topology and Physics. Bristol, UK: IOP. 9. Nash, C. and Sen, S. 1983. Topology and Geometry for Physicists. New York: Academic Press. 10. Neff, Jr., H. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 11. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 12. Schröder, U. 1990. Special Relativity. LNP 33. Singapore: World Scientific. 13. Stratton, J. 1941. Electromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill. 14. Toh, T.-C. 2011. Potential generated by rotating charged cylinders. Prog. Electromagn. Res. B. 33: 239–256. K15149_Book.indb 34 10/18/13 10:44 AM 2 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency An informal survey of Fourier analysis is presented here to motivate practical applications in electromagnetic interference (EMI), even though this topic is too vast for this chapter to do it proper justice. In particular, the subject matter is presented to provide insight into the origin of harmonics, transients, and methods to suppress harmonics in high-speed digital circuits. The chapter concludes with a pithy overview of some elementary properties of filter networks. An understanding of filter circuits clearly plays an important role in EMC mitigation and signal integrity in general. Readers who are interested in an in-depth exposition on Fourier analysis and its applications will benefit greatly from References [1,3,7,14,15]. The application of complex theory to filter theory can be found in References [12,13]. 2.1 Fourier Series Periodic functions can be expressed as an infinite sum of sine and cosine functions. Recall that a function f : R → R is periodic with period T > 0 if f (t + T ) = f (t) for all t ∈R . The function is said to be even if f (t) = f (−t) ∀t ∈R , and odd if f (t) = − f (t) for all t ∈R . Note that the concept of even and odd symmetry of a function depends up­­on the origin chosen. To elaborate further: consider the function f (t) = sin t. Clearly, choosing the origin to be at t = 0, f (−t) = sin(−t) = − sin t = − f (t) ∀t ∈R . Hence, f is odd. However, suppose the origin along the t-axis were translated to t = − π2 ; that is, f (t) → F(t) ≡ f (t + π2 ) . Then, by definition, F(t) = sin(t + π2 ) = cos t is an even function as cos t = cos(−t) ∀t ∈R . Thus, the odd/even symmetry of a function is a relative concept and not an absolute one. By fixing the origin, the concept then becomes an absolute one. 2.1.1 Definition Given a function f : R → R , it is said to be of bounded variation on [ a, b] ⊂ R , if ∃ M > 0 such that sup Σ P f ( xi ) − f ( xi+1 ) ≤ M , where P is the set of all finite P∈P partition P = { xi : a ≤ xi < xi + 1 ≤ b , i = 1, ,|P|} of [ a, b], and the cardinality |P| is the number of elements in P. 35 K15149_Book.indb 35 10/18/13 10:44 AM 36 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 2.1.2 Theorem (Fourier) Let f : R → R be a periodic function with period T > 0 satisfying (i) ∫ T0 f (t) dt < ∞ , (ii) f is piecewise continuous on [0, T ], and (iii) f is of bounded variation on [0, T ]. Then, f (t) = 21 ( f (t + ) + f (t − )) on R, where f (t) = ∑ ∞ n= 0 {an cos nωt + bn sin nωt} (2.1) ω ≡ 2Tπ and an , bn ∈R ∀n = 0,1,2, … , are constants called the Fourier coefficients of f defined by ∫ T 2 T ∫ T 1 T ∫ T an = 2 T bn = a0 = 0 0 0 f (t)cos nωtdt for n > 0, (2.2a) f (t)sin nωtdt for n > 0, (2.2b) f (t)dt (2.2c) □ 2.1.3 Corollary Suppose that f : R → R is an aperiodic function—that is, nonperiodic—such that (i) f (t) = 0 ∀t ∉ (a,b), for some −∞ < a < b < ∞, (ii) ∫ ba f < ∞ , and (iii) f is of bounded variation on [a, b]. Then, the Fourier expansion defined by Equation (2.1) exists for f. Proof Define a periodic function f : R → R as follows. First, set f = f on [a, b]. Now, observe that given [α, β] ⊂ R, there exists a homeomorphism τ :[α, β] → [a, b] defined by τ(t) = b− a β−α (t − α) + a called a reparametrization. Moreover, given any t > b, ∃ i > 0 such that b + (i − 1)a ≤ t ≤ b + ia, set α + = b + (i − 1)a and β + = b + ia. Likewise, for any t < a, ∃ i > 0 such that (i + 1)a − ib ≤ t ≤ ia − (i − 1)b. So, set α − = (i + 1)a − ib and β − = ia − (i − 1)b , and define τ ± (t) = K15149_Book.indb 36 b− a β ± −α ± (t − α ± ) + a 10/18/13 10:44 AM 37 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency Thus, define f (τ (t)) for t < a, − f (t) = f (t) for a ≤ t ≤ b , f (τ + (t)) for t > b. Then, this is the desired extension of f to the real line. In particular, observe that the extension need not be continuous at t = α ± or t = β ± . Clearly if f (a) = f(b), then f is continuous on the real line. See Figure 2.1. By construction, f is periodic with period T = b − a and it satisfies the conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 2.1.2. Thus, the conclusion of Theorem 2.1.2 □ applies. 2.1.4 Remark By appealing to Euler’s formula, to wit, eiϕ = cos φ + i sin φ , (2.1) can be expressed in complex Fourier coefficients by f (t) = ∑ ∞ n =−∞ cneinωt (2.3) where cn = 1 T ∫ T /2 − T /2 f (t)e− inωt dt for all integer n. In particular, it will be left as an easy exercise to verify that cn = 21 ( an − ibn ), n > 0 (2.4a) f (i + 1)a – ib a–b a b (i + 1)b – ia Figure 2.1 Extending a continuous function defined on the closed interval [a,b]. K15149_Book.indb 37 10/18/13 10:44 AM 38 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers c− n = 21 ( an + ibn ), n > 0 (2.4b) c 0 = a0 (2.4c) See Exercise 2.5.1 for more details. The pair ( an , bn ) is called the nth harmonic of f. Specifically, the discrete spectrum of f is defined by the quantity an2 + bn2 . This then determines the magnitude of the n-harmonic of f. In the EMC world, the n-harmonic refers to the frequency n2ωπ , and Equation (2.1) then yields the magnitude of the n-harmonic. That is, (2.1) determines the strength of the emissions, and if they exceed regulatory limits, knowing the harmonic provides a means to target the source of the emission. 2.1.5 Example Consider the following square wave defined by 1 1 for 0 ≤ t < 2 τ , f = 0 for 21 τ ≤ t < τ , where τ > 0 is the period of the square wave. Then, from (2.1), and setting ω = a0 = 1 τ an = 2 τ bn = 2 τ 1 τ 2 ∫ 0 ∫ 1 τ 2 0 ∫ 1 τ 2 0 dt = 2π τ , 1 2 cos nωt dt = 0, for n = 1, 2, , sin nωt dt = − n1π (cos nπ − 1) = 2 (2 n − 1) π , for n = 1, 2,. That is, f (t) = 21 + ∑ ∞ n= 1 2 (2 n − 1) π sin(2 n − 1)ωt is the Fourier decomposition for a square wave. A plot of f, where n = 200 and period τ = 1 s, is given below. The phenomenon of ringing indicated in the plot is related to discontinuity of the Fourier series; more details are provided later. K15149_Book.indb 38 10/18/13 10:44 AM 39 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency Approximate Square Wave (τ = 1 s) 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 Ringing 0.6 0.4 1.98 1.8 1.89 1.71 1.62 1.53 1.44 1.35 1.26 1.17 1.08 0.9 0.99 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.54 0.45 0.36 0.27 0.18 –0.2 0.09 0 0 0.2 Time (s) 2.1.6 Example Consider a triangular wave defined as 2 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 21 τ , τt f = − 2τ t + 2 for 21 τ ≤ t ≤ τ , where τ > 0 is the period of the triangular wave. Then, from Equation (2.1), a0 = 1 τ an = ( 1 τ 2 2 τ 0 ∫ ) 2 2 τ ∫ t dt − 1τ 2 0 1 τ ∫ τ 2 1 τ τ 2 t dt + 2 τ ∫ t cos nωt dt + 2τ − 2τ τ 1 τ 2 ∫ dt = 1 τ 1 τ 2 t cos nωt dt + 2 ∫ cos nωt dt ⇒ 1τ 2 τ − 24 2 for n odd, π n an = 0 for n even. Likewise, bn = ( 2τ ) 2 ∫ 1τ 2 0 t sin nωt dt + 2τ − 2τ ∫ τ 1τ 2 t sin nωt dt + 2 ∫ sin nωt dt = 0 ∀n 1τ 2 τ Hence, f (t) = 1 − 4 π2 ∑ ∞ 1 2 n = 1 ( 2 n − 1) cos(2 n − 1)ωt The plot of f is obtained by setting n = 200 and τ = 1 s. K15149_Book.indb 39 10/18/13 10:44 AM 40 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Approximate Triangular Wave (τ = 1 s) 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.98 1.8 1.89 1.71 1.62 1.53 1.44 1.35 1.26 Time (s) 1.17 1.08 0.9 0.99 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.54 0.45 0.36 0.27 0.18 0 0.09 0 Observe from Example 2.1.5 that there is ringing occurring at t = 0.5 s of the square wave, where the function transitions discontinuously. This phenomenon is called Gibb’s phenomenon. This can be intuitively seen from Theorem 2.1.2, where f (ti ) = 21 ( f (ti+ ) + f (ti− )) at the points ti of discontinuities: f (ti ) ≠ f (ti ). This is because the rate of change as the function approaches the discontinuity changes rapidly. Indeed, this has physical implications for EMC engineers: ringing happens when there is a sharp transition in signal level. For instance, ringing is apparent if a signal trace is inductive. This can be seen heuristically as follows. When a line is inductive, and the signal is decomposed into its Fourier series, the higher harmonics are truncated, and the amplitudes for the lower harmonics are much larger than those of higher harmonics. On the other hand, for a capacitive line, ringing is absent as the transitions at the edges are smoothed out: a capacitive line truncates low harmonics. Refer to Section 2.4 for more details. 2.2 Fourier Transform Intuitively—or perhaps not!—an arbitrary function that vanishes sufficiently rapidly away from the origin so that its integral over the real line is finite also has a Fourier decomposition. In some instances, it might not be possible to Fourier-decompose the function into a countably infinite sum of sines and cosines. Instead, the summation is uncountably infinite and hence gives rise to the Fourier integral. 2.2.1 Theorem Suppose that f: R → R is a function such that ∫ ∞ | f (t)|2 dt < ∞ −∞ K15149_Book.indb 40 10/18/13 10:44 AM 41 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency Then, the integral F(ω ) = ∫ 1 2π ∞ −∞ e− iωt f (t)dt (2.5) exists and its inverse is given by f (t) = ∫ ∞ −∞ eiωt F(ω )dω (2.6) □ 2.2.2 Remark It is crucial to note that if the condition ∫ ∞−∞ | f (t)|2 dt < ∞ were relaxed to ∫ ∞−∞ | f (t)|dt < ∞ , the inverse Fourier transform might not exist. Equations (2.5) and (2.6) constitute a Fourier transform pair and (2.5) is called the Fourier transform of f, and (2.6) is called the inverse Fourier transform of F. Therefore what is the relationship between a Fourier series and a Fourier T/2 transform? To see this, consider the coefficients of (2.6): cn = T1 ∫ − T/2 f (t)e− inωt dt , 2π and recall that ω = T . Clearly, in the limit as T → ∞, ω → 0; and for an aperiodic function, T → ∞. Hence, for very large T, ω may be expressed as an infinitesimal quantity: ω → δω. Secondly, as ω → δω, the discrete spectrum nω becomes a continuous nonzero spectrum ω : that is, nω → ω in the limit as ω → 0 and n → ∞ such that the quantity 0 < ω < ∞ . Then, taking the limit as the pair T,n → ∞, the quantity cnT → ∫ ∞−∞ f (t)e− iωt dt < ∞ . This limiting process yields, informally, the Fourier transform. Conversely, rewriting Equation (2.3) as f (t) = ∑ ∞n=−∞ cnTeinωt T1 , in the limiting process as T → ∞, and noting from above that lim cnT → F(ω ) converges to T , n→∞ the Fourier transform of f, 2Tπ → dω and the summation becomes an integral: 1 2π ∑ ∞ n =−∞ cnTeinωt 2π T → 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ eiωt F(ω )dω yielding the inverse Fourier transform. Thus, informally, a Fourier transform takes a function and transforms it into another function.* See Exercise 2.5.1 for details. It is a linear operator that maps a certain set of functions into another set of functions. For more details on linear operators, refer to Appendix A.1. For the present, it suffices to recall that linearity means that both scaling T(af) = aT( f), a ∈ C, and superposition T ( ∑ i fi ) = ∑ i T ( fi ), are preserved under the mapping. * Mathematically, a Fourier transform is a linear isomorphism on a Hilbert space of square integrable functions (cf. Remark 2.2.2). This factoid is for readers interested in exploring the wonderful world of Hilbert spaces and their various applications in the field of engineering and the theory of partial differential equations; see Appendix A.4 for details. K15149_Book.indb 41 10/18/13 10:44 AM 42 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers These two properties—scaling and the superposition principle—make linear systems a lot easier to study than nonlinear systems. In other words, a scaled solution of a linear system is again a solution of the system, and the sum of solutions of a linear system is again a solution of the system. These conclusions are generally false for nonlinear systems. From an engineering perspective, a system is linear if its response to an input function is linear. As a concrete example, let an operator T describe the response of a system under an input voltage (function) v. Explicitly, let v v ′ = T ( v). If v1 , v2 are two voltages simultaneously applied into the input terminal of the system in question, then the resultant output voltage (i.e., response of the system to the input voltages) satisfies v1 + v2 T → v1′ + v2′ = T ( v1 ) + T ( v2 ) if and only if T is linear. Thus, the Fourier transform can be employed to describe linear systems and it cannot, by definition, be used to describe nonlinear systems. The following result from Fourier theory has great applications in the physical sciences. 2.2.3 Theorem (Parseval) Let f : R → R be a function such that ∫ ∞−∞ | f (t)|2 dt < ∞ . Then, dω = ∫ ∞−∞ f (t)2 dt. 1 2π 2 ∫ ∞−∞ F(ω ) □ This is known as the energy integral, and its proof can be found in any 2 standard reference on Fourier analysis. The integrand F(ω ) has units of 2 joules per Hz. Intuitively then, 21π ∫ aa +δa F(ω ) dω represents the energy content of the wave f in the frequency range [a, a + δa]. The physical significance of this is considered in the next section. This section closes with an example regarding an application of the Fourier transform to analyze Maxwell’s equations and a brief remark on the Laplace transform, as it is essentially a natural extension of the Fourier transform. It is clear from the definition of the Fourier transform that even some simple functions do not possess “proper” Fourier transforms (without resorting to distribution theory). For instance, the unit function 1, eiωt and cost, do not possess Fourier transforms that are functions in the strict sense: 1 ↔ 2 πδ(ω ) : F(ω ) = 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ eit ↔ 2 πδ(ω − 1) : F(ω ) = 1e− iωt dt ≡ 2 πδ(ω ) 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ eit e− iωt dt = 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ e− i(ω− 1)t dt = 2 πδ(ω − 1) cos t ↔ π(δ(ω − 1) + δ(ω + 1)) Verify this in Exercise 2.5.2. K15149_Book.indb 42 10/18/13 10:44 AM 43 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency These situations are clearly not very satisfactory at all. Indeed, the Laplace transform will rectify these unpleasant scenarios. Heuristically, without going into the development of Laplace transform theory, this can be easily accomplished by the following replacement: iω → s = σ + iω, where σ is real. The Laplace transform pair is defined by F( s) = 1 f (t) = 2 πi ∫ ∞ 0 ∫ f (t)e− st dt σ+ i∞ σ− i∞ F( s)e st d s (2.7) 2.2.4 Theorem Suppose f : R → R is piecewise continuous and satisfies (a) f is of bounded variation for all compact interval [a, b] ⊂ R, and (b) ∃α,M,τ > 0 constants such that e−αt | f (t)|< M ∀t > τ . Then, the Laplace transform F = F(s) of f = f (t) exists whenever ℜe( s) > inf{α : e−αt | f (t)|< M ∀t > τ}. □ As a final comment, Fourier and Laplace transforms are often employed to solve ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. By way of example, consider the one-dimensional diffusion equation ∂t ψ = α 2 ∂2x ψ ∀( x , t) ∈R × [0, ∞) subject to the initial condition ψ(x,0) = g(x) on R, where g is square-integrable. By definition, f (t) ↔ F(ω ) ⇒ ∂t F(ω ) ≡ 0. In particular, ∂t ( f (t)e− iωt ) = e− iωt ∂t f (t) − iωf (t)e− iωt ⇒ F [∂t f ] = iωF [ f ] where F [ f ] denotes the Fourier transform of f for convenience. Indeed, on setting h = ∂t f , it follows immediately that F [∂t2 f ] = F [∂t h] = iωF [ h] = −ω 2F [ f ]. Hence, the Fourier transform with respect to the x variable yields ∂t Ψ(ξ , t) = −α 2 ξ 2 Ψ(ξ , t), where Ψ(ξ , t) = 21π ∫ ∞−∞ ψ ( x , t)e− iξ x dx and ξ is an arbitrary parameter. Because ξ is a parameter, eliminating it as a variable makes the result more transparent: ddt Ψ(t) = −α 2 ξ 2 Ψ(t). Thus, the Fourier transform reduces the partial differential equation to an ordinary differential equation 2 2 d dt Ψ(t) = −α ξ Ψ(t) satisfying Ψ(0) = F [ g ](ξ ). The solution Ψ can be easily solved and finding the inverse Fourier transform yields the desired result, ψ = F −1[Ψ ]. The astute reader will notice immediately that the Fourier transform operated on the x variable instead of the t variable. Indeed, the Laplace transform is generally used to transform the time variable instead of the space variable. This is because (i) the time variable typically lies in the open interval [0, ∞) K15149_Book.indb 43 10/18/13 10:44 AM 44 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers [cf. Equation (2.7)] and (ii) it takes care of the initial conditions. See, for exa­ mple, References [12,13,15] for further details. This section concludes with a final example. 2.2.5 Example The Fourier transform can be employed to gain further insight into Maxwell’s equations [4,10]. Assuming the fields are time harmonic, the Fourier transform of the electric field E(r, t) is defined by E (k, ω ) = ∫∫ E(r , t)e − i( k⋅r −ω t ) d 3 rdt i k⋅r −ω t ) 3 d kdω. Here, k = 2λπ defines the The inverse is E(r , t) = ( 2 π1 )4 ∫ ∫ E (k, ω )e ( wave number and λ is the wavelength. Then, by definition, noting that ∂ξ ei( k⋅r −ωt ) = ikξ ei( k⋅r −ωt ) for ξ = x , y , z , that is, ∂ξ ↔ ikξ , and ∂t ei( k⋅r −ωt ) = − iωei( k⋅r −ωt ) ⇒ ∂t ↔ − iω , it is easy to see that ∇ × E(r , t) = ik × E(r , t) ∇ ⋅ E(r , t) = ik ⋅ E(r , t) ∇ × B(r , t) = ik × B(r , t) ∇ ⋅ B(r , t) = ik ⋅ B(r , t) and ∂t ( E(r , t), B(r , t)) = − iω( E(r , t), B(r , t)) . In particular, taking the Fourier transform of the scalar and vector potential, (k , ω ) E (k, ω ) = − ikϕ (k, ω ) + iωA (k , ω ) B (k, ω ) = ik × A Whence, Maxwell’s equations can be rewritten as k × E (k, ω ) = ωB (k, ω ) k ⋅ B (k, ω ) = 0 ik × B (k, ω ) = µJ − iωµεE (k, ω ) ik ⋅ εE (k, ω ) = ρ (k, ω ) Observe that k is the direction of the wave propagation. Hence, defining e k = |1k| k , it follows at once that E = E ⊥ + E || , where E ⊥ = (e k × E ) × e k K15149_Book.indb 44 10/18/13 10:44 AM Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency 45 and E|| = (e k ⋅ E )e k . Then, recalling that ∇ ↔ ik, it is quite clear that k ⋅ E = k ⋅ E|| ⇒ ∇ ⋅ E ⊥ = 0 , and k × E = k × E ⊥ ⇒ ∇ × E|| = 0 . Physically, this means that the longitudinal component does not affect the rotation of the electric field and the transverse component of the electric field does not affect the divergence of the electric field. An immediate consequence is the following: = 0 ⇒ k⋅ A || = 0 ⇒ A || = 0 . That is, the longitudinal • Coulomb gauge: k ⋅ A component is identically zero in the Coulomb gauge. • Charge conservation: iωρ = k ⋅ J = k ⋅ J||. That is, charge conservation is solely influenced by the longitudinal component of the current density. Finally, to conclude this example, via Maxwell’s equation (1.17), ∇ × ∇ × A = µJ − µε ∂t (∇ϕ + ∂t A) the vector identity ∇ × ∇ × A = ∇(∇ ⋅ A) − ∆A leads to the wave equation: −∆A + ∇(∇ ⋅ A) + µε ∂t2 A = µJ − µε∇ ∂t ϕ However, instead of invoking the Lorentz gauge ∇ ⋅ A = −µε ∂t ϕ, continue to use the Coulomb gauge. From Poisson’s equation, ε∇ ⋅ ∇ϕ = ρ ⇒ ε∇ ⋅ ∂t ∇ϕ = ∂t ρ = ∇ ⋅ J and hence, ∇ ⋅ (ε ∂t ∇ϕ) = ∇ ⋅ J ⇒ iωεϕ k = J|| whence substituting this into the wave equation for the vector potential yields − ω 2µεA = µJ − µJ|| = µJ⊥ −k2 A In particular, taking the Fourier transform gives −∆A + µε ∂t A = −µJ ⊥ . Thus, the transverse component of the electric current density contributes to the vector potential whereas the longitudinal component contributes to the scalar potential. Finally, from E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A , ⇒ E|| = − iϕ k and E ⊥ = iωA ⊥ E = − iϕ k + iωA || = 0 . In other words, the longitudinal component of the electric field is as A the result of the scalar potential and the transverse component of the electric field is the result of the vector potential. □ K15149_Book.indb 45 10/18/13 10:44 AM 46 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 2.3 Roll-Off Frequency The Fourier transform of a function f is related to the energy content of 2 the function as follows. F(iω ) dω defines the energy content in the infinitesimal frequency bandwidth dω. This fact becomes important to EMC engineers in the qualitative assessment of the energy contents of radio frequency harmonics [11]. Indeed, the source of electromagnetic interference is often mitigated by suppressing the harmonic with the highest energy content. In summary, the total energy content of a function is given by 2 2 1 ∞ 2 π ∫ −∞ F (ω ) dω . By Theorem 2.2.3, f (t) dt defines the energy content of 2the function within the infinitesimal time interval dt. In particular, ∫ ∞−∞ f (t) dt defines the total energy (i.e., spectral energy) content of the function by Parseval’s theorem. In fact, by plotting the graph of F(ω ) as a function of ω, a piecewise linear upper bound that envelops the graph F(ω ) defines the roll-off frequency [5,11]. In this section, the foundational concepts are developed instead of approaching the subject via the upper bound envelope approximation typically cited in the EMC literature. 2.3.1 Example 2 Consider the function f (t) = e− t on R. Its Fourier transform is F(ω ) = ∫ ∞ −∞ 2 e− t e− iωt dt = π e ( ) 2 − ω2 − ω Thus, the spectrum of f is F(ω ) = π e ( 2 ) and the graph of the spectrum is given below. 2 Fourier Spectrum 3.5 Amplitude 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 9.68 8.8 9.24 8.36 7.92 7.48 7.04 6.6 6.16 5.72 5.28 4.4 4.84 3.96 3.52 3.08 2.2 2.64 1.76 1.32 0.88 0 0 0.44 0.5 Angular Frequency (rad) K15149_Book.indb 46 10/18/13 10:44 AM 47 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency The following example is particularly relevant to EMC engineers: the spectrum of a square wave. A square waveform is an idealized digital wave generated for data transmission. A more cogent example to consider is that of a trapezoidal wave. 2.3.2 Example Consider a square pulse defined by f (t) = 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ τ 0 for t ≥ τ Then, F(ω ) = ∫ τ0 e− iωt dt = 2i (e− iωτ − 1) = e− iωτ ω2 sin ωτ2 = τ e− iωτ sinc ωτ2 , where sincφ = sin ϕ ωτ ϕ . Hence, |F (ω )|=|τ sinc 2 |. A plot for τ = 1 is given below. Spectrum of a Squre Pulse 1.2 1 Amplitude 0.8 0.6 0.4 19.8 18.9 18.1 17.2 16.3 15.5 14.6 13.8 12 12.9 11.2 10.3 8.6 9.46 7.74 6.88 6.02 4.3 5.16 3.44 2.58 1.72 0 0 0.86 0.2 Angular Frequency (rad) It is clear from the plot that the majority of the spectral energy lies in the lower harmonics. □ 2.3.3 Proposition Let f : R → R be a continuous trapezoidal pulse of period τ, rise time τ + and fall time τ − defined by f (t) = A τ+ A τ− t for 0 ≤ t ≤ τ + A for τ + ≤ t ≤ τ -τ − (τ − t) for τ -τ − ≤ t ≤ τ 0 (2.8) for t ≥ τ Then, 0 < τ ± << τ ⇒ F(ω ) ≈ 21 A(τ + − τ − ) . K15149_Book.indb 47 10/18/13 10:44 AM 48 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Amplitude Trapezoidal Pulse Period τ = τ+ + τ– + δτ A 0 τ+ δτ τ– Time τ Figure 2.2 A trapezoidal pulse of period τ. Proof Consider the waveform defined by Equation (2.8) depicted in Figure 2.2. The Fourier transform of f is given by F(ω ) = ∫ ∞ −∞ f (t)e− iωt dt = A τ+ ∫ τ+ 0 te− iωt dt + A ∫ τ−τ − τ+ e− iωt dt + A τ− τ ∫ ( τ−τ − τ+τ + +τ − 2 ) − t e− iωt dt Now, noting that ωτ = 2 π ⇒ e ± i2 π = 1 , evaluating the integral term by term yields: A τ+ A A τ− ∫ τ+ 0 ∫ te− iωt dt = τ−τ − τ+ ∫ τ τ−τ − A τ+ ω 2 { e− iωτ+ 1 + iωτ + − eiωτ+ } e− iωt dt = i ωA {eiωτ− − e− iωτ+ } ( τ − t ) e− iωt dt = ω4πτA ei 2 1 2 ωτ − − sin ωτ2− + i ω 2Aτ − {2e i 21 ωτ − sin ωτ2− (1 + 2 π i) − ωτ −eiωτ− i ϕ whence appealing to (a) sin ϕ = 2i1 (eiϕ − e− iϕ ), and (b) 1 − eiϕ = e 2 (e ϕ i2 ϕ iϕ 1 − e = −2ie sin 2 , it follows at once that F(ω ) = i 2ωA2 { 1 τ− e i 21 ωτ − sin ωτ2− − 1 τ+ e − i 21 ωτ + sin ωτ2+ } ϕ −i 2 i } ϕ −e 2) ⇒ (2.9) Equation (2.9) can be expressed equivalently as { F(ω ) = i ωA e K15149_Book.indb 48 i 21 ωτ − sinc ωτ2− − e − i 21 ωτ + sinc ωτ2+ } (2.10) 10/18/13 10:44 AM 49 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency So, suppose that τ ± << τ . Then, τ + + τ − << τ and hence, via the binomial approximation, e − i 21 ωτ ± ≈ 1 − i 21 ωτ ± + o (( ) ) ωτ ± 2 2 and sinc ( ) ≈ 1− ( ) ωτ ± 2 1 3! ωτ ± 2 2 +o (( ) ) ωτ ± 4 2 and hence, F(ω ) ≈ A2 (τ + − τ − ) {1 − i ω 3! 2 (τ + + τ − )} to first order in 21 ω(τ + + τ − ). That is, F(ω ) ≈ 21 A(τ − + τ + ), as required. Fill in the details in Exercise 2.5.3. □ 2.3.4 Corollary Suppose 0 < τ + << τ − ~ τ , then F(ω ) ≈ A ω {1 + 1 2 ( )} ωτ + 2 2 Proof From Equation (2.10), and τ − ~ τ ⇒ sin ωτ − ≈ 0. Hence, F(ω ) ≈ − i ωA e ≈ − i ωA 1 − i ωτ + 2 {( sinc ( ) ωτ + 2 )( 1 − i ωτ2+ 1 − { ≈ − i ωA 1 − 1 3! ( ) ωτ + 2 2 1 3! ( ) )} ωτ + 2 2 − i ωτ2+ } implies immediately that F(ω ) ≈ as claimed. A ω {1 + 1 2 ( )} ωτ + 2 2 □ In summary, it is clear from the above results that the spectral energy of radiation emissions is essentially dictated by the fast rise and fall times: that is, whether the rise/fall time is much less than the period of the digital signal. Hence, from an electromagnetic interference perspective, fast rise/fall K15149_Book.indb 49 10/18/13 10:44 AM 50 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers times have the potential to radiate strongly, indeed, to the extent of violating the upper bounds for radiation emissions set by various international regulatory agencies. Reducing the rise time is a common practice in reducing radio emissions in the EMC industry.* 2.4 Frequency Response and Filter Theory: A Primer The study of system response in terms of the time variable t (known also as the time domain) can be equivalently studied in terms of the frequency variable ω (also known as the frequency domain) via Fourier transform. Oftentimes, transforming a problem into the frequency domain simplifies the problem tremendously. The time domain solution is then obtained from the frequency domain solution via the inverse Fourier transform. By way of motivation, consider the generalization of the frequency variable ω by expressing it as a complex frequency s = σ + iω , where σ , ω ∈R. Next, consider an exponentially damped sinusoidal voltage given by v(t) = V0 eσt cos(ωt + θ), where V0 ∈R is the magnitude of the voltage, ω = 2πf the angular frequency and θ is an arbitrary phase. • For σ < 0, eσt → 0 in the limit as t → ∞; that is, v(t) decays exponentially in time (exponentially damped). • For σ > 0, eσt → ∞ in the limit as t → ∞; this is not physically realizable, and hence if σ ≠ 0, it is always chosen to be negative. It represents the loss as the voltage wave propagates through a lossy medium. 2.4.1 Example Given the damped sinusoidal voltage v(t) = V0 eσt cos(ωt + θ) , show that this can be expressed as v(t) = ℜe(V0 e st eiθ ) . To see that this is indeed the case, it suffices to appeal to Euler’s formula: eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ . Then, it is evident that e st eiθ = e st + iθ = eσt + i(ωt +θ) = eσt ei(ωt +θ) = eσt (cos(ωt + θ) + i sin(ωt + θ)) whence ℜe(e st eiθ ) = eσt cos(ωt + θ) ⇒ v(t) = ℜe(Vm e st eiθ ) , as claimed. * □ However, EMC engineers are also aware that reducing the rise/fall times too much will result in compromising the signal integrity of the digital device in question. Indeed, an ingenious workaround to this problem (typically found in clock generators in integrated circuits) is the implementation of spread spectrum [8,9]. K15149_Book.indb 50 10/18/13 10:44 AM Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency 51 Example 2.4.1 leads to the following generalization. Physically measurable quantities such as current and voltage can be generalized to complex quantities. There are two reasons for making the generalization. First, only physically measurable quantities are real; however, the imaginary component encodes information regarding phase and loss. More on this is shown in Chapter 4. Before proceeding, a small mathematical detour is made below for sinusoidal waves. Let f = f (x, t) be a complex function. Then, f is said to be time harmonic (or a steady state sinusoidal function of t) if there exists a complex function F = F (x, θ) such that f ( x , t) = F( x , θ)eiωt , for some phase θ ∈ R. Thus, there is a clear bijection between f and F; in particular, the time variable t can be factored from the original function f. This leads to the following definition. 2.4.2 Definition The phasor transform of a time harmonic function f ( x , t) = F( x , θ)eiωt is a mapping P : f F defined by P[ f ]( x , θ) = f ( x , t)e− iωt . The inverse P −1 exists for time-harmonic functions and is trivially defined by P −1 [ F ]( x , t) = F( x , θ)eiωt . Notice that the positive sign in eiωt is merely an arbitrary choice. It is equally valid to use e− iωt in the definition of time harmonicity as long as consistency is maintained. The positive sign was chosen to be consistent with the definition of the Fourier transform. 2.4.3 Lemma The phasor transform P satisfies the following properties: (a) linearity: P[af + bg] = aP[ f ] + bP[g] for all time-harmonic f, g and scalars a,b ∈ C: (b) P[∂t f ]( x , θ) = iωP[ f ]( x , θ) (c) P[∂ x f ]( x , θ) = ∂ x P[ f ]( x , θ) for some fixed phase θ ∈ R. Proof Linearity is clear: P[ af + bg ] = af ( x , t)e− iωt + bg( x , t)e− iωt = aP[ f ] + bP[ g ], where f, g are any two steady-state sinusoidal functions and a, b are constants. Property (b) is also easily established: P[∂t f ]( x , θ) = P[∂t ( F( x , θ)eiωt )] = P[ F( x , θ) ddt eiωt ] = P[iωF( x , θ)eiωt ] ≡ iωP[ f ]( x , θ) and finally, to prove (c), it is enough to observe that P[∂ x f ]( x , θ) = ∂ x ( f ( x , t)e− iωt ) = ∂ x F( x , θ) ≡ ∂ x P[ f ]( x , θ) K15149_Book.indb 51 □ 10/18/13 10:44 AM 52 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Throughout the analysis, a steady-state sinusoidal propagating wave is assumed for simplicity. The justification for a sinusoidal assumption is somewhat obvious: (a) most physical waveforms have Fourier decompositions; (b) the superposition principal can be applied to the propagating waves; (c) the phasor transform can be applied to convert the time dependency in partial differential equations into steady-state differential equations. More generally, Fourier and Laplace transforms are often used to solve differential equations, as pointed out in Section 2.2. Suppose that a time harmonic function f = f (x, t) is twice differentiable with respect to x and t. Then, it is very easy to see the following. P[∂t2 f ] = P[∂t (∂t f )] = iωP[∂t f ] = −ω 2 P[ f ] and P[∂2x f ]( x , ω ) = ∂2x ( F( x , ω )e− iωt ) ≡ ∂2x P[ f ]( x , ω ) Thus, consider a simple wave equation ∂2x f ( x , t) = α 2 ∂t2 f ( x , t). Phasor transforming the wave equation yields P[∂2x f ] = P[α 2 ∂t2 f ] = −ω 2 α 2 P[ f ]. Thus, the partial differential equation is converted into a second-order ordinary differential equation (with respect to x): ∂2x F( x , ω ) = −ω 2 α 2 F( x , ω ). Hence, for steady-state sinusoidal waves, it is convenient to apply phasor transform to convert a time domain solution into a frequency domain solution via the following rules. • • ∂ ∂t ∂2 ∂t 2 → iω under the phasor transform. → −ω 2 under the phasor transform. Furthermore, ∂ x and P commute; that is, P[∂ x f ] = ∂ x P[ f ] for any steady-state sinusoidal function f. Finally, define a complex voltage by v(t) = V e st , where V = V0 eiθ for some real constants V0 , θ. This is known as the phasor representation for the timeharmonic voltage. In the above notation, the impedance of an inductor is represented by X L = sL , and that of a capacitor is represented by X C = sC1 . The motivation for using phasor representation is to eliminate time dependency, as pointed out above. Another example is given to illustrate this point. Consider a voltage induced across an inductor: v(t) = L ddi(tt ) . Substituting i(t) = Ie st yields ddi(tt ) = sIe st = si(t) . That is, v(t) = sLi(t) ⇒ V = sLI . Because the time variable has been eliminated, the expression is solely a function of frequency; the time domain expression has thus been transformed into the frequency domain expression. Likewise, the voltage induced across a capacitor is v(t) = C1 ∫ i(t)dt . Substituting i(t) = Ie st yields ∫ i(t)dt = 1s Ie st = 1s i(t). That is, v(t) = sC1 i(t) ⇒ V = sC1 I. K15149_Book.indb 52 10/18/13 10:45 AM 53 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency 2.4.4 Example Consider a simple series RL-circuit driven by some voltage v (t) = V (θ)e st , where V (θ) = V0 eiθ and V0 , θ ∈R are fixed. Here, the system is defined by the following ordinary differential equation Ri(t) + L ddt i(t) = v(t) . By Lemma 2.4.3, via phasor representation, Ri(t) + L ddt i(t) = v(t) ⇔ RI(φ) + iωLI(φ) = V (θ) for some fixed phase ϕ, whence, I(φ) = RV+(iθω)L . In order to evaluate ϕ, it suffices to note that I(φ) = real I 0 . Therefore V ( θ ) R + iωL = V0eiθ R − iωL R 2 +ω 2 L2 = V0eiθ 1 R 2 +ω 2 L2 i(t) = I(φ)eiωt = V0 2 2 2 R +ω L R 2 +ω 2 L2 e ( = I 0eiφ , for some eiθ′ ≡ I 0eiφ V0 where θ′ = arctan −ωL R , φ = θ + θ′ and I 0 = representation, V ( θ ) R + iωL . Thus, in time domain i θ−arctan ωRL +ωt ) yielding the solution to the differential equation governing the circuit. In particular, the current measured by an ammeter is ℜe(i(t)) = 2 V0 2 2 R +ω L cos(θ − arctan ωRL + ωt). □ In general, particularly for forcing functions that are not necessarily time harmonic, the differential equation governing the linear system is solved via Laplace transform by converting the time domain into a complex frequency domain. This leads to the concept of a transfer function. Informally, a transfer function represents the response of a linear system to an input function. Let H = H(s) characterize a linear system response in the frequency domain. Then, some examples of transfer functions are: V1 ( s ) V0 ( s ) = H ( s), where V0 represents the input voltage and V1 represents the output voltage. • VI ((ss)) = H ( s); here, H(s) represents the impedance of the system. • VI((ss)) = H ( s); here, H(s) represents the admittance of the system. • Recall that the admittance Y(s) is defined as the inverse of the impedance Z(s): Y(s) = 1/Z(s). Before proceeding further, some formal definitions are given for completeness. A circuit (network) is often said to be linear if it comprises resistors, capacitors, and inductors, that is, if I V is a linear invertible mapping. If the properties of the network do not vary with time, it is time K15149_Book.indb 53 10/18/13 10:45 AM 54 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers invariant. And finally, if the network comprises passive linear elements, then it satisfies the reciprocity theorems (cf. Section 6.1) and hence the network is said to be a reciprocal network. 2.4.5 Definition A network N = {(E i , Cˆ ij )} comprises circuit elements Ei and conductors Cˆ ij connecting the pair (E i , E j ). a) It is linear if each Ei can be represented by an invertible linear operator Li such that Li [ I ( z, t)] = V ( z, t), where the pair (V, I ) is the voltage and current associated with Ei. b) The invertible linear operator Li is time invariant if Li [ I ( z, t + τ)] = V ( x , t + τ) ∀τ . More precisely, if Tτ is a time translation operator defined by Tτ [ξ( z, t)] = ξ( z, t + τ), then Li is time invariant if LiTτ = Tτ Li ∀τ . Some examples are given below for clarification. Consider a simple resistor R. By Ohm’s law, V = RI ; that is, the linear operator is just multiplication by R. Next, consider an ideal capacitor C. Then, this is represented by the following linear operator: V = C1 ∫ I (t ′)dt ′ (recall that the integral operator is a linear operator). Finally, consider an ideal inductor L. This is represented by the operator: V = − L ddIt ; clearly, the operator ddt is linear and its inverse is the integral operator. 2.4.6 Definition Let H : C → C be a complex function. Then, it is called a rational function if it can be expressed as ( s − sn ) H ( s) = A ( s − s(ns+−1s)(1 )(s −s −sns+22) )( s − sn + m ) where A, s1 , , sn+ m ∈C are constants, for some n, m ∈N . The complex numbers s1 , , sn are called the zeros of H and sn+ 1 , , sn+ m are called the poles of H. 2.4.7 Remark Let h = h(t) be time harmonic. Then, s = iω is purely imaginary and 2 H ( s)H (− s) = H ( s) . Studying the poles and zeros of the transfer function H is important in the design of filters for signal integrity and suppressing electromagnetic interference without affecting signal quality. This chapter concludes with a qualitative sketch of the natural response of a linear system response in terms of the poles of its transfer function. Recall that in general, s = σ + iω, for some real σ, ω. The plot of H ( s) as K15149_Book.indb 54 10/18/13 10:45 AM 55 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency a function of s can be analyzed as follows. First, set σ = 0 and plot H(iω ) as a function of ω. Next, set ω = 0 and plot H(σ ) as a function of σ. The phase of H is determined as follows: set H(iω) = A(ω) + iB(ω), where A(ω), B(ω) ∈ R. Then, the phase of H(iω) on the complex plane is, by definition, arg H (iω ) = arctan AB((ωω)) . A physical interpretation of the poles of a transfer function H = H(s) is given below: • An input function (also known as a forcing function) operating at any one of the poles will result in an infinite response by the system. An example of a forcing function is an input voltage. • A natural response is defined by the response of a system when the input terminals are shorted, that is, when the forcing function is set to zero. An example is the natural resonance of a series RC-circuit. On the other hand, the zeros of a transfer function determine the magnitude and phase of the response in time domain. As a concrete example, consider a transfer function H ( s) = K ( s) ( s − p1 )( s − pm ) where K = K ( s) encodes the zeros z1 , , zn of the system. Now, by taking the partial fraction expansion, this can be expressed as H ( s) = K ( s) ( s − p1 )( s − pm ) = K1 s − p1 ++ Km s − pm (2.11) for some constants K1 , , K m ∈C associated with K ( s). It is thus obvious from Equation (2.11) that the zeros, via { K1 , , K m }, determine the magnitude and phase of H. More specifically, converting (2.11) back to the time domain via inverse Laplace transform yields h(t) = K1e p1t + + K m e pmt (2.12) The above comments are now apparent: as |eiα|= 1 ∀α ∈R , it follows at once that K i ∈C ⇒ K i = K i eiφ , for some phase ϕ. Thus, {Ki} encodes the phase and magnitude information, as asserted. Next, consider the output voltage resulting from a natural response of the system. Given the poles sn+ 1 , , sn+ m of the transfer function H ( s) , the output voltage has the form v(t) = A1e sn + 1t + A2 e sn + 2 t + + Am e sn + mt , where A1 , , Am are constants that depend on the initial conditions of the system. Thus, by studying the frequency response of a linear system in the frequency domain, K15149_Book.indb 55 10/18/13 10:45 AM 56 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers a qualitative solution in the time domain can be obtained via the poles of the transfer function. See Exercise 2.5.4 for a concrete example. A transfer function H = H ( s) is also called a response function. Suppose that H ( s) = P1 s − p1 ++ Pn s − pn + Q1 s − q1 ++ Qm s − qm where Pi , Q j for i = 1, , n and j = 1, , m , are constants, { pi } are natural frequencies and {q j } are the forcing frequencies. That is, the response function can be decomposed as H ( s) = H 1 ( s) + H 2 ( s) where H 1 ( s) = s −P1p1 + + s −Pnpn is the natural response and H 2 ( s) = sQ− q11 + + is the forcing response. Taking the inverse Laplace transform yields Qm s − qm h(t) = h1 (t) + h2 (t) where h1 (t) = P1e p1t + + Pne pnt and h2 (t) = Q1eq1t + + Qm eqmt are, respectively, the natural part and the forcing part of the system in the time domain. The poles of the system determine the natural response. The poles of the excitation applied to the system determine the forced response. Now, observe that the steady-state response of the system is defined by h(t)|t >T , where T >> 0 is some arbitrarily large number. In particular, if ℜe( pi ) > 0, then lim h1 (t) → ∞ and hence the system is unstable; there is no steady-state t→∞ response. Thus, in order for steady state to exist, it is necessary that the natural poles { pi } lie on the left-hand side of the complex plane; that is, ℜe( pi ) < 0 ∀i. Because ℜe( pi ) < 0 ⇒ lim h1 (t) → 0, it follows that h(t) ≈ h2 (t) for large t > 0. t→∞ Hence, in the study of the steady-state response of a system, only the forced response need be considered. 2.4.8 Example Consider the LC-network defined [5] as Z( s) = H ( s2 +ω 12 )( s2 +ω 23 )( s2 +ω 22 n + 1 ) s( s2 +ω 22 )( s2 +ω 24 )( s2 +ω 22 n ) (2.13) where 0 < ω i < ω i + 1 ∀i = 1, , 2 n . Then, via partial fraction expansion, this can be reduced to Z( s) = sH + K15149_Book.indb 56 K0 s + sK1 s2 +ω 22 + sK 2 s2 +ω 24 + sKn s2 +ω 22 n (2.14) 10/18/13 10:45 AM 57 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency where K i > 0 ∀i = 0, 1, , n . Clearly, { lim sZ( s) = lim s2 H + K 0 + + s→ 0 s→ 0 s2 Kn s2 +ω 22 n }= K 0 and likewise, lim s→ iω i s2 +ω 22 i s { Z( s) = lim H ( s2 + ω 22 i ) + + K i + + K n s→ 0 s2 +ω 22 i s2 +ω 22 n } = K , for i = 1,…, n. i Now, observe that sKi s +ω 22 i 2 where sH ↔ inductance H, { s Ki + 1 sKi / ω 22 i } −1 = s K1 + i 1 = { } { K0 s s2 +ω 22 i sKi −1 = s Ki + ↔ capacitance 1 s ( Ki /ω 22 i ) ⇒ 1 Ki 1 sKi / ω 22 i 1 K0 } −1 . Hence, ↔ capacitor and connected in parallel, as it has the form { } 1 1 sC + sL Ki ω 22 i ↔ inductor −1 corresponding to the impedance of a parallel LC circuit. The first term corresponds to an inductor, the second term to a capacitor, and the subsequent terms are parallel LC circuits, all of which are connected in series, as indicated by the summation in Equation (2.13). Hence, (2.13) has the circuit representation depicted in Figure 2.3 and it is called the LC Foster I network. By inspecting (2.13), the poles are {0, ± iω 2 k , ∞ : i = 1, n} and the zeros are { ± iω 2 k − 1 : k = 1, , n} . Thus, all the finite poles and zeros lie on the imaginary axis, as expected, for by construction, the resistance of the network is zero, and also by definition, the poles and zeros alternate with a singularity at the H Z(s) 1 K0 K1 ε22 K2 ε24 K2 ε22n 1 K1 1 K2 1 Kn Figure 2.3 A realization of a general LC Foster I network. K15149_Book.indb 57 10/18/13 10:45 AM 58 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers origin. Moreover, it is also clear that (i) lim Z( s) = ∞ if and only if a series s→∞ inductor is present, and (ii) lim Z( s) = ∞ if and only if a series capacitor is s→ 0 present. To conclude this example, observe that if Equation (2.13) has the following form instead: s( s2 +ω 2 )( s2 +ω 2 )( s2 +ω 2 ) (2.15) Z( s) = H ( s2 +ω 2 )(2 s2 +ω 2 )4( s2 +ω 2 2 n ) 1 2 n− 1 3 where 0 < ω i < ω i + 1 ∀i = 1, , 2 n − 1, then a similar analysis leads to: (a) A zero instead of a singularity at the origin. (b) The alternating poles and zeros pattern is the reverse of Equation (2.13); that is, the poles of (2.13) correspond to the zeros of (2.15) and vice versa along the imaginary axis. □ 2.4.9 Example Consider the LC Foster I network defined by (2.14) above. Its admittance is Y ( s) = Z1(s) . Once again, proceeding as in Example 2.4.8 via partial fraction expansion: Y ( s) = sH + K0 s + sK1 s2 +ω 12 + sK 2 s2 +ω 22 1 Zi ≡ sKi s2 +ω i2 Zi = s Ki + Noting by construction that Example 2.4.8 that ++ (2.16) sKn s2 +ω n2 , it follows immediately from 1 K s 2i ω i 1 for each i = 1, , n . That is, each Zi is a series LC circuit of inductance Ki and Ki capacitance ω 2i . Thus, Equation (2.16) has the physical representation illustrated in Figure 2.4. Y(s) H 1 K0 1 K1 K1 ω21 1 K2 K2 ω22 1 Kn Kn ω2n Figure 2.4 A realization of a general LC Foster II network. K15149_Book.indb 58 10/18/13 10:45 AM 59 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency This network is called the LC Foster II network. The analysis follows that of Example 2.4.8 mutatis mutandis. In particular, by inspecting Figure 2.3, it is evident that lim Y ( s) = ∞ ⇒ K 0 > 0 and the capacitor H is absent. On the other s→ 0 hand, lim Y ( s) = 0 ⇒ H > 0 and the inductor K10 is absent. □ s→∞ 2.4.10 Example Consider the LC Cauer network defined [2] in Figure 2.5. Set ∆ n− 1 = Zn− 1 + Zn = Zn− 1 + Y1n and ∆ n− 2 = Yn− 2 + ∆ n1− 1 . Then, by induction, it is clear from Figure 2.4, that Zk + 1 for k odd, ∆k +1 ∆k = Yk + ∆ k1+ 1 for k even, where by construction, n is even. Observe that by definition, ∆ 2 k defines admittance whereas ∆ 2 k + 1 defines impedance for k = 1, n − 1. The impedance Z is thus given by the following continued fraction expansion, Z = Z1 + Y2 + 1 (2.17) 1 Z3 + 1 Y4 + 1 . ∆n − 1 Then, the LC Cauer I network is defined by sL for k odd, Zk = sC1 for k even. Two basic properties of the LC Cauer I network can be easily deduced from Equation (2.17): (a) lim Z( s) → ∞ ⇔ Z1 = sL ≠ 0 s→∞ (b) lim Z( s) → 0 ⇔ Z1 = sL ≡ 0 and Z2 = s→∞ Z1 Z Z3 Z2 1 sC ≠0 Zn–3 Z4 Zn–1 Zn–2 Zn Figure 2.5 A general LC Cauer network (also known as a ladder network). K15149_Book.indb 59 10/18/13 10:45 AM 60 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The LC Cauer II network is defined by 1 for k odd, sC Zk = sL for k even. a) lim Z( s) → ∞ ⇔ Z1 = 1 sC ≠0 b) lim Z( s) → 0 ⇔ Z1 = 1 sC ≡ 0 and Z2 = sL ≠ 0 s→ 0 s→ 0 The RC Foster I and II networks and Cauer I and II networks can likewise be constructed and studied. In particular, a general filter is often the synthesis of Foster and Cauer networks. These considerations are not pursued here. See Exercises 2.5.5–2.5.7 for some concrete examples. 2.5 Worked Problems 2.5.1 Exercise Given the Fourier expansion f (t) = Σ ∞n= 0 {an cos nωt + bn sin nωt} , (i) show that it can be expressed as f (t) = Σ ∞n=−∞ cneinωt , where the coefficients are given by Equation (2.4); (ii) formally deduce Fourier transform from the Fourier expansion. Solution (i) From Euler’s formula, eit = cos t + i sin t , it follows that K15149_Book.indb 60 f (t) = ∑ = ∑ = ∑ ≡ ∑ ∞ n= 0 ∞ n= 0 ∞ n= 0 {an cos nωt + bn sin nωt} 1 2 an (einωt + e− inωt ) − an − ibn 2 ∞ n =−∞ einωt + ∑ ∞ n= 0 ∑ an + ibn 2 ∞ n= 0 1 2 ibn (einωt − e− inωt ) e− inωt cneinωt 10/18/13 10:45 AM 61 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency where c0 = a0 , cn = 21 ( an − ibn ) and c− n = 21 ( an + ibn ) ∀n > 0 . (ii) From (i) and the fact that cn = 1 T ∫ T /2 − T /2 f (t)e− inωt dt it follows by direct substitution that ∑ f (t) = ∞ −∞ 1 T Now, on setting ω n = nω and δω = lim T , n→∞ whence f (t) = ∑ 1 2π ∞ −∞ 1 T ∫ T /2 − T /2 ∫ T/2 − T/2 2π T f (t)e− inωt dt einωt , it clearly follows that f (t)e− iω nt dt eiω nt → 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ F(ω )eiωt δω ∫ ∞−∞ F(ω )eiω nt dω , as required. □ 2.5.2 Exercise Verify the Fourier transform pair: cos t ↔ π(δ(ω − 1) + δ(ω + 1)). Solution First, set f (t) = cos t and recall that − it it 1 2 (e + e ), it follows that F(iω ) = 21 ∫ ∞ −∞ eit e− iωt dt + 1 2π ∫ ∞−∞ e− iωt dt = 2 πδ(ω ). Then, from cos t = e− it e− iωt dt = 21 −∞ ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ −∞ e− i(ω− 1)t dt + ∫ ∞ −∞ e− i(ω+ 1)t dt = π ( δ(ω − 1) + δ(ω + 1)) . 2.5.3 Exercise Derive Equation (2.12) and hence establish (2.14). Solution A τ+ K15149_Book.indb 61 ∫ τ+ 0 te− iωt dt = A τ+ ω 2 {e − iωτ + } (1 + iωτ + ) − 1 = A τ+ ω 2 e − i 21 ωτ + {e − i 21 ωτ + (1 + iωτ + ) − e i 21 ωτ + } 10/18/13 10:45 AM 62 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers From sin φ = i(eiφ − e− iφ ), it follows that 1 2i e A τ+ ω 2 = A τ+ ω 2 e − i 21 ωτ + − i 21 ωτ + = − i ω22Aτ e {e (1 + iωτ ) − e } {−2i sin + iωτ e } − i 21 ωτ + ωτ + 2 − i 21 ωτ + i 21 ωτ + + i 21 ωτ + + sin ωτ2+ + i ωA eiωτ+ + Likewise, Aτ τ− ∫ τ τ−τ − e− iωt dt = i ωA = τ τ− 4π A ω 2 τ− 2π A (1 − eiωτ− ) = i ω 2 τ e i 21 ωτ − − e i 21 ωτ − (e − i 21 ωτ − −e i 21 ωτ − ) sin ωτ2− Finally, − τA− ∫ τ τ−τ − te− iωt dt = − ω 2Aτ − = − ω 2Aτ − = i ω 2Aτ {1 + 2π i − e iωτ − } {− i2e sin + 4π e sin + iωτ e } {2e sin (1 + 2π i) − ωτ e } i 21 ωτ − = i ω22Aτ e ωτ − 2 i 21 ωτ − sin ωτ2− − 4π A i 21 ωτ − − i 21 ωτ − ωτ − 2 i 21 ωτ − − − 2 π ieiωτ− + iωτ − eiωτ− ωτ − 2 − 4 πA ω 2 τ− e i 21 ωτ − − iωτ − iωτ − sin ωτ2− − i ωA eiωτ− From this, F(ω ) = − i ω22Aτ e − i 21 ωτ + = i 2ωA2 1 τ− i 21 ωτ − = i ωA i 21 ωτ − { {e + e sin ωτ2+ + ω 2 τ− sin ωτ2− − 1 τ+ sinc ωτ2− − e e − i 21 ωτ + e − i 21 ωτ + sin ωτ2− + i ω22Aτ e sin ωτ2+ sinc ωτ2+ } } − i 21 ωτ − − The conclusion of the proof thus follows accordingly. sin ωτ2− (1 + 2 π i) □ 2.5.4 Exercise Find the transfer function H ( s) = VV0i ((ss)) for the circuit illustrated in Figure 2.6, where Vi is the input voltage and V0 is the output voltage. K15149_Book.indb 62 10/18/13 10:45 AM 63 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency R Vi(s) C R0 L V0(s) Figure 2.6 A simple RLC filter network. Solution The admittance of the RLC network is Y ′ = sC + 1 sL + 1 R0 ⇒ Z′ = = 1 Y′ sL s2 LC +α where α = 1 + R10 . Hence, the total impedance Z = R + s2 LC +sLs L + 1 . From the total R0 current I = VZi , it follows that V0 = Vi − IR = Vi ( 1 − RZ ) and hence, H ( s) = 1 − ( where α = RLC and β = L 1 + R R0 R Z = sβ sβ+ s2 α+ R ). Performing partial fraction expansion, sβ sβ+ s2 α+ R H ( s) = = A s +ω + + B s +ω − where ω± = − 1+ RR 0 2 RC ± 1 2 LC (1 + ) R R0 2 − 4LC are the roots of the denominator s2 α + sβ + R = 0 , sβ = A( s + ω − ) + B( s + ω + ) +L To evaluate for the constants A,B, set s = −ω + . Then, A = ω +ω−ω . Likewise, set− ω− L ting s = −ω − yields B = − ω + −ω − . Hence, the poles of the transfer function H are {ω + , ω − } and the zero of H is clearly at the origin s = 0 whenever R ≠ 0. Finally, observe that if 2 LC > 1 + RR0 , R > 0 ⇒ ω ± ∈C , which are not purely imaginary numbers. On the other hand, for 2 LC ≤ 1 + RR0 ⇒ ω ± ∈R and hence, the poles and zeros all lie on the real line. □ K15149_Book.indb 63 10/18/13 10:45 AM 64 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 2.5.5 Exercise Construct a general low-pass filter to allow all frequencies 0 ≤ ω ≤ ω 0 to pass through with very little attenuation. Solution Consider a general transfer function H for a filter:|H (ω )|2 = 2 P(ω 2 ) Q(ω 2 ) 2 , where P, Q are polynomial functions of ω , and 0 ≤|H (ω )| ≤ 1 . Ideally,|H (ω )| = 1 − u(ω 2 − ω 20 ), where 2 1 for x > 0, u( x) = 0 for x ≤ 0, is the Heavyside function. Hence, Q(ω 2 ) ≈ P(ω 2 ) for ω ≤ ω 0 and Q(ω 2 ) >> P(ω 2 ) for ω > ω 0 . Thus, set Q(ω 2 ) = P(ω 2 ) + P ′(ω 2 ) , where P ′(ω 2 ) ≈ 0 for ω ≤ ω 0 and 2 2 P ′(ω 2 ) >> 0 for ω > ω 0 . Then, H (ω ) = 1+ h1(ω 2 ) , where h(ω 2 ) = PP′((ωω2 )) . It thus remains to determine the functional form of h. 2n It is obvious that by setting h = ωω0 , then h << 1 for n >> 1 whenever 2 ω < ω 0 . In particular, that filter is maximally flat at ω = 0: H(0) = 1 . This choice of h is called the Butterworth approximation. To determine the property 2 of H, make the substitution: ω 2 = −s2 . Then, by definition, H ( s)H (− s) = H ( s) , 2 and rewriting ε 2 = ω1n , it follows that H ( s) = 1+ε2 (1− s2 )n . ( ) 0 Now, the poles of H(s) lie precisely on the curve 1 + ε 2 (− s2 )n = 0 . However, this curve is precisely the equation of a circle in C of radius ε2/1 n . To see this, it suffices to note that 1 + ε 2 ( − s 2 ) n = 0 ⇔ ( − s 2 )n = 1 ε 2/n (−1)1/n = 1 ε 2/n e iπ/n ⇒s= 1 ε 2/n e i π2 nn+ 1 That is, se − i π2 nn+ 1 = 1 ε 2/n 1 Thus, the poles lie on the circle of radius ε2/n . And in particular, from s = σ + iω, it is clear that for physically realizable filters, the poles must lie on the circle intersecting the left-hand complex plane; that is, σ < 0. □ 2.5.6 Exercise Construct a general high-pass filter to allow all frequencies ω ≥ ω 0 >> 0 to pass through with very little attenuation. K15149_Book.indb 64 10/18/13 10:45 AM 65 Fourier Transform and Roll-Off Frequency Solution Now, observe trivially that 1s → 0 as s → ∞ . That is, if H = H(s) is a low-pass filter, then G(s)=1/H(s) represents a high-pass filter. Hence, from Exercise 2.5.5, make the following transformation s → 1/s. Then, it is clear that Hˆ ( s) ≡ H ( 1/ s ) defines a high-pass filter. That is, using Exercise 2.5.5, Hˆ ( s) = ( − s2 )n ( − s2 )n +ε 2 More generally, for a low-pass filter G( s) = QP((ss)) , where P( s) = Σ ni = 0 ai si and Q( s) = Σ mi = 0 bi s i , with m > n. Then, s → 1s ⇒ P ( 1s ) = s1n Σ ni = 0 ai s n− i and Q ( 1s ) = 1 Σ mi = 0 bi s m− i. This leads to the following high-pass filter: sm Gˆ ( s) = G ( 1s ) = sm− n a0 sn ++ an b0 sm ++ bn The physical realization is not difficult to construct. Indeed, it is enough to observe that s → 1/s transforms an inductive reactance to a capacitive reactance and vice versa. Hence, replacing inductors with capacitors and vice versa in a low-pass filter immediately leads to a high-pass filter. □ References 1. Brown, J. and Churchill, R. 2011. Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems. New York: McGraw Hill. 2. Campbell, G. 1922. Physical theory of the electric wave-filter. Bell Syst. Tech. J., 1(2): 1–32. 3. Carslaw, H. 1921. Introduction to the Theory of Fourier’s Series and Integrals. London: Macmillian. 4. Dressel, M. and Grüner, G. 2002. Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, UK. 5. Duff, W. 1988. Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compatibility (Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility) Vol. 1. Gainesville, VA: Interference Control Technologies Inc. 6. Foster, R. 1924. A reactance theorem. Bell Syst. Tech. J., 3(2): 259– 267. 7. Hanna, R. and Rowland, J. 1990. Fourier Series, Transforms and Boundary Value Problems. New York: Wiley-Interscience. 8. Hardin, K., Fessler, J., and Bush, D. 1994. Spread spectrum clock generation for the reduction of radiated emissions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Compat., 227–231. K15149_Book.indb 65 10/18/13 10:45 AM 66 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 9. Hardin, K., Fessler, J., and Bush, D. 1995. A study of the interference potential of spread spectrum clock generation techniques. In Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Compat., 624–629. 10. Jackson, J. 1962. Classical Electrodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 11. Johnson, H. and Graham, M. 1993. High-Speed Digital Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 12. Hayt, W. and Kemmerly, Jr., J. 1978. Engineering Circuit Analysis. Sydney: McGraw Hill. 13. LePage, W. 1961. Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers. New York: Dover. 14. Reed, M. and Simon, B. 1980. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. Vol. I: Functional Analysis. New York: Academic Press. 15. Wylie, C., Jr. 1960. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 66 10/18/13 10:45 AM 3 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics No exposition on electrodynamics is complete without delving into some basic boundary value problems encountered in electrostatics. Indeed, neither would the exposition be complete if a cursory glimpse of multipole theory were absent [1,5–8]. The former is crucial to EMC engineers in developing an intuitive feel for real-world problems, and how simplifying a complicated scenario via a toy model can greatly help resolve electromagnetic interference problems. The latter is useful in understanding the basis for various rules of thumb employed by EMC engineers. Unfortunately, as is often the case, sometimes EMC engineers apply these rules with reckless abandon without being cognizant of the origins of the rules. Finally, the power of the method of images is developed further in this chapter. The technique is particularly useful for solving many problems encountered by EMC engineers. In particular, for 2-dimensional problems, utilizing techniques in complex variables [2,10] also come in very handy, and EMC engineers are encouraged to review the theory of analytic functions to solve two-dimensional Laplace equations encountered in electrostatics and magnetostatics. 3.1 Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions A brief summary of electromagnetic boundary conditions is collected here for ease of reference. The derivations can be found in Section A.3 of the Appendix. These conditions are utilized in subsequent sections to solve boundary value problems. By way of establishing some notations, let Ω ± ⊂ R 3 be two connected open sets such that ∂Ω0 = Ω+ ∩ Ω− is a 2-dimensional surface. Given the pair (Ω ± , ε ± , µ ± , σ ± ), where ε ± is the electric permittivity, µ ± is the magnetic permeability, and σ ± is the conductivity on Ω ± consider an electric field E− in Ω− incident on ∂Ω0 , and the resultant transmitted field E+ in Ω+ . Finally, the unit normal vector field n± on ∂Ω0 is defined to be directed into Ω and let ρ0 denote the free surface charge density and J 0 the surface current density on ∂Ω0 . 67 K15149_Book.indb 67 10/18/13 10:45 AM 68 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 3.1.1 Theorem Suppose σ ± = 0 and ρ0 = 0 . Then, on setting D± = ε ± E± , the following conditions hold on ∂Ω0 : (a) n+ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = 0 (b) n+ × ( E− − E+ ) = 0 □ Condition 3.1.1(a) states that for lossless dielectrics, the normal component of the electric displacement field is continuous across the boundary; by definition then, the normal component of the electric field across the interface must be discontinuous. In contrast, 3.1.1(b) asserts that the tangential component of the electric field across the boundary interface is continuous. A similar interpretation holds for the subsequent results stated below. 3.1.2 Corollary Suppose σ ± ≠ 0, and let J ± = σ ± E be a non-time–varying current density in Ω ± . Then, on ∂Ω0 , ρ0 ≠ 0 and (a) n+ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = ρ0 (b) n+ ⋅ ( J − − J + ) = 0 (c) n+ × ( 1 σ− ) 1 J − − σ+ J+ = 0 (d) σ + → ∞ ⇒ n+ × E− = 0 and n+ ⋅ D− = ρ0 □ 3.1.3 Theorem Let σ ± = 0 and J 0 = 0 . Then, the following conditions hold on ∂Ω0 . (a) n+ ⋅ (B− − B+ ) = 0 (b) n+ × ( 1 µ− ) B− − µ1+ B+ = 0 □ 3.1.4 Corollary Suppose σ ± ≠ 0. Then, on ∂Ω0 , J 0 ≠ 0 and (a) n+ × ( µ1− B− − µ1+ B+ ) = J 0 (b) σ + → ∞ ⇒ n+ × µ1− B− = J 0 K15149_Book.indb 68 and n+ ⋅ D− = 0 □ 10/18/13 10:45 AM Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics 69 3.1.5 Remark A surface charge density ρ0 and a surface current density J 0 are idealizations that do not truly exist across a boundary interface. More precisely, ∃δ > 0 sufficiently small, and some small open neighborhood N δ ⊂ Ω+ ∪ Ω− such that ∂Ω0 ⊂ N δ and N δ ⊆ x∈∂Ω0 Bδ ( x), wherein a differential volume charge density and volume current density exist in N δ , instead of an idealized surface charge and current densities on ∂Ω0 . Notwithstanding, for convenience, surface charge and current densities are used without further ado. Technically, they only exist when Ω+ is a perfect conductor. As a final comment, observe from Theorem 3.1.1 and Corollary 3.1.2 that for lossy dielectrics, at the interface between two media, the continuity requirement is dependent upon the respective conductivities of the media and not on the electric permittivities under steady-state conditions. Indeed, for lossy media, the electric permittivities determine the charge density accumulated at the interface. Note that for general lossy dielectric media, there exists a transient response, depending upon the charge relaxation times before the steady-state condition is attained. Recall from Equation (1.20) that charges placed in a dielectric will −t quickly diffuse to the surface according to ρ(r , t) = ρ0 (r , t)e τ , where τ ≡ σε is called the charge relaxation time of the dielectric. More specifically, for time t << τ (charge relaxation time), the dielectric constants determine the electric field profile. Once charge density accumulates on the interface, the electrical conductivities of the media dictate how the electric field behaves in the media; more details follow shortly. Indeed, it is evident that for an ideal (lossless) dielectric, free charges injected into the dielectric will remain where they are: they will not diffuse onto the boundary as τ → ∞. On the contrary, for good conductors, 0 < τ << 1 and hence, charges injected into a conductor will diffuse very rapidly onto the boundary of the conductor. The response of the fields within a lossy dielectric for τ > 0 clearly fall under two categories: (i) transient response when t ≤ τ, and (ii) steady-state response when t >> τ. Transient response is usually complicated to solve whereas the steady state is somewhat easier. Examples of steady-state response are given below. 3.1.6 Corollary Consider a domain Ω ⊂ R 3 such that Ω = (Ω+ , ε + , σ + ) ∪ (Ω− , ε − , σ − ), Ω+ ∩ Ω− = ∅ , and Γ = Ω+ ∩ Ω− ≠ ∅ is the boundary interface between the two media. Finally, set ∂Ω = Γ + ∪ Γ − , where ∂Ω ± = Γ ± ∪ Γ . Suppose some fixed potential φ is applied at the boundary of Ω: V+ on ∂Ω+ ϕ= V− on ∂Ω− K15149_Book.indb 69 10/18/13 10:45 AM 70 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Then, the charge ρ on Γ satisfies ρ = (τ − − τ + ) J + , ⊥ , where τ ± = σε ±± is the respective charge relaxation time in Ω ± and J + , ⊥ = J + ⋅ n+ is the normal component of the current density. Proof By definition, ρ = n+ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = n+ ⋅ (ε − E− − ε + E+ ) = n+ ⋅ (−ε − ∇ϕ − + ε + ∇ϕ + ) on Γ. However, by Corollary 3.1.2, 0 = n+ ⋅ ( J − − J + ) = n+ ⋅ (−σ − ∇ϕ − + σ + ∇ϕ + ) on Γ implies that n+ ⋅ J − = n+ ⋅ J + ⇒ ∂ n+ ϕ − = σσ +− ∂ n+ ϕ + and hence, ( ρ = n+ ⋅ ∇ϕ + −ε − σ+ σ− ) ( + ε + = − σε−− + ε+ σ+ )σ + n+ ⋅ ∇ϕ + Now, by construction, n+ ⋅ J + = − J + , ⊥ ⇒ ρ = (τ + − τ − ) J + , ⊥ , as claimed. □ It is thus clear from the above result that ρ = 0 ⇔ τ + = τ − in lossy media. That is, lossy media appear to behave like lossless dielectric media whenever their respective charge relaxation times should coincide. 3.1.7 Remark As a concrete example, consider the domain Ω = (Ω+ , ε + , σ + ) ∪ (Ω− , ε − , σ − ), where Ω− = (0, c) × (0, a] and Ω+ = (0, c) × [ a, b), for some 0 < a < b . Suppose the boundary conditions are: V0 for y = b , 0 for x = a ϕ= and ∂ x ϕ = 0 for y = 0, 0 for x = 0 Consider the Laplace solution ∆ϕ 0 = 0 on Ω for the case wherein σ ± = 0, that is, the lossless case. Finally, let ∆ϕ ∞ = 0 on Ω be the solution for the steady-state case. Then, for 0 ≤ t << min { ε+ σ+ , σε−− } the general solution ϕ ≈ ϕ 0 , whereas for t >> max { ε+ σ+ , σε−− } ϕ ≈ ϕ ∞ . The solution that lies between the two extremes is technically a transient solution, and it defines a smooth homotopy between ϕ 0 and ϕ ∞ as the charge density build-up reaches a maximum on the interface at y = a if K15149_Book.indb 70 10/18/13 10:45 AM 71 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics ε+ σ+ ≠ σε−− . The transient solution can be solved numerically by following coupled equations subject to the above boundary conditions: −∆ϕ + µ 0 ε ∂t2 ϕ = ρε ∂t ρ = σ∆ϕ − σµ 0 ε ∂t2 ϕ This is easily derived via Gauss’ law and the charge conservation equation, and exploiting the Lorentz gauge: ∇ ⋅ A + µε ∂t ϕ = 0 . Indeed, the above equation yields the complete solution. Explicitly, invoking Gauss: ε∇ ⋅ E = ρ ⇒ −ε∆ϕ − ε ∂t ∇ ⋅ A = ρ. Moreover, via charge continuity: ∂t ρ = −∇ ⋅ J = σ∆ϕ + σ ∂t ∇ ⋅ A . Finally, applying the Lorentz gauge yields the pair of partial differential equations. Indeed, it is quite clear from the above discussion that even if the relaxation times are the same, σε++ = σε−− , the field will nevertheless deform from a pure dielectric solution to that of a steady-state conductive solution. The difference is the absence of charge density on the media interface. 3.2 Image Theory Revisited In Chapter 1, image theory was introduced to solve some electrostatic problems. In this section, this method is developed in some depth to help EMC engineers apply the technique to product development and research. The material herein is organized in a series of examples with various methods demonstrated for ease of reference. 3.2.1 Example As a first example, the method of inversion is utilized to find the potential induced by a point charge outside a grounded conducting solid sphere. Let B( a) = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : x 2 + y 2 + z 2 < a 2 } be a perfect, electrical, conducting solid sphere located at the origin, and a point charge Q ≠ 0 located at rQ = ( xQ , 0, 0) without any loss of generality, where xQ > a . See Figure 3.1. To begin, consider some image charge Q ′ in B(a) located at rQ′ = ( xQ′ , 0, 0) such that the potential ϕ|B( a) = 0 . Set ϕ(r ) = K15149_Book.indb 71 1 4 πε 0 { Q r + Qr′′ } 10/18/13 10:45 AM 72 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers r' a 2 r' = ar r 0 Figure 3.1 Transformation of inversion in a sphere. where r = r − rQ and r ′ = r ′ − rQ for arbitrary point r = (x, y, z). Then, ϕ|∂B( a) = 0 ⇒ Qr + Qr′′ = 0 ∀r ∈∂B( a) Does the pair (Q′ , r ′) exist? 2 Define a mapping ζ : B( a) → R 3 − B( a) by r r ′ ≡ ar2 r , called the inversion in a sphere. In short, ζ maps the origin into a point at infinity. Very briefly, the properties [2,4,9] may be summarized as follows: (a) planes are mapped into spheres tangent at the origin of the inversion, (b) spheres are mapped into spheres, (c) points within the circle are mapped into points outside the circle, and (d) points on the circle are mapped onto themselves. Some insight into this mapping can be found in Exercise 3.6.1. Q Q′ Under the inversion transformation, ∃ (Q ′ , r ′) such that r + r ′ = 0 ∀r ∈∂B( a). Thus, Q ′ = − Qa rQ′ = −Q rQa is the image charge within the sphere such that φ|∂B(a) = 0. Thus, for an arbitrary point r ∈R 3 − B( a), the potential is given by ϕ( r ) = 1 4 πε 0 { Q R + QR′′ } where R = ( x − xQ )2 + y 2 + z 2 and R ′ = ( x − xQ′ )2 + y 2 + z 2 In spherical coordinates, given an arbitrary point (r , φ, θ) ∈R 3 − B( a) , under 2 the inversion mapping, (r , θ, φ) ar , θ, φ . Let ϑ denote the angle between r ( K15149_Book.indb 72 ) 10/18/13 10:45 AM 73 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics and rQ = (rQ , 0, π2 ). Then, R = r 2 + rQ2 − 2 rrQ cos ϑ and R′ = r 2 + a4 rQ2 2 − 2 r raQ cos ϑ . In particular, executing a minor algebraic manipulation leads to R′ = a rQ Q 4 πε 0 ( ) rQ r 2 a + a 2 − 2 rQ r cos ϑ and hence, ϕ(r , ϑ) = 1 r 2 + rQ2 − 2 rQr cos ϑ − 2 Qr 2 + a − 2 r r cos ϑ ( a ) Q 1 (3.1) r ⋅r on R 3 − B( a), where cos ϑ = rQQr = sin φ cos θ . Show this in Exercise 3.6.3. Finally, from Equation (3.1), it is clear that the Green’s function for a unit charge external to a grounded conducting sphere is G(r , rQ ) = − 1 r 2 + rQ2 − 2 rQ r cos ϑ In particular, if rQ = (rQ , θQ , φQ ) , cos φ cos φQ . See Exercise 3.6.2. then 2 1 (3.2) rQ r + a 2 − 2 r r cos ϑ Q a cos ϑ = sin φ sin φQ cos(θ − θQ ) + □ 3.2.2 Example Suppose the above conducting solid sphere B( a) is charged at some constant potential ϕ 0 . What is the resultant potential in R 3 − B( a)? First, it is enough to observe that as B( a) is a perfect conductor; it follows that ϕ|B( a) = ϕ 0 , and hence, may represent ϕ 0 by some charge q located at the center of B( a). Now, observe further that as the external charge Q induces an image charge Q ′ in B(a), it follows that the replacement charge q → q − Q ′ must be made so that the resultant charge in B(a) in the presence of Q is q. Then, by the superposition principle, it follows immediately that on R 3 − B( a), ϕ(r , ϑ) = Q 4 πε 0 1 r 2 + rQ2 − 2 rQr cos ϑ − + 2 rQ r + a 2 − 2 r r cos ϑ a Q 1 1 q − Q′ 4 πε 0 r At r = a, ϕ(r , ϑ) = K15149_Book.indb 73 Q 4 πε 0 ×0+ 1 q −Q′ r 4 πε 0 = ϕ0 10/18/13 10:46 AM 74 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Hence, q − Q ′ = 4πε 0 ϕ 0 a; and substituting this into the above equation yields ϕ(r , ϑ) = Q 4 πε 0 1 r 2 + rQ2 − 2 rQr cos ϑ − + ϕ0 2 rQ r + a2 − 2 r r cos ϑ Q a 1 a r (3.3) As a quick verification, it is seen that by construction, {}|r = a = 0 and hence, ϕ( a, ϑ) = ϕ 0 ∀ϑ , as required. □ 3.2.3 Example Consider the space Ω = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : 0 < y < a} , for some constant a > 0, and suppose a point charge Q is located at r0 = ( x0 , y 0 , c) ∈Ω. Suppose ∂Ω = ∂R 3+ ∪ ∂Ω a are perfect electrical conductors, where ∂Ω a = {( x , y , a) : x , y ∈R}. Solve the Dirichlet boundary value problem: −∆ϕ = 1 Qδ 3 (r − r ) on Ω 0 ε0 ϕ = 0 on ∂Ω Now, as lim ϕ → 0 , it follows that [10, p. 226] if a Green’s function G for the x , y →±∞ boundary value problem can be determined, then the solution is given by ϕ( r ) = ∫ Ω Q ε0 δ 3 (r − r ′) G (r , r ′)d 3 r ′ = Q ε0 G(r , r0 ) To find the Green’s function for Ω, it suffices to consider the space Ω′ = R 2 × (0, 1) and construct a Green’s function G′ on Ω′. Toward this end, consider Figure 3.2. z=3 z=2 z=1 z=0 z = –1 z = –2 –1 2+c +1 1+c –1 c +1 –c –1 –(1 + c) +1 –(2 + c) –1 Figure 3.2 Infinite sequence of image charges induced by a unit charge. K15149_Book.indb 74 10/18/13 10:46 AM 75 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Referring to Figure 3.2, set a unit charge at r = ( x , y , c), and consider an image charge placed at ( x , y , − c), that is, the reflection across the x–y plane E 0 = R 2. The presence of the image charge preserves the boundary condition on E 0. Next, consider the reflection across the affine plane E1 = R 2 + {(0, 0, 1)} independent of E 0 at ( x , y , 2 − c). Placing an image charge at ( x , y , 2 − c) preserves the boundary condition at E1. However, the presence of an image charge at ( x , y , 2 − c) breaks the boundary condition on E 0 ; hence, a third image charge must be placed at ( x , y , c − 2) . Likewise, to preserve the boundary condition of E1 as the result of the second image charge across E 0 , a fourth image charge must be placed at ( x , y , 2 + c). By induction, the process continues indefinitely, yielding a sequence of image charges at the following locations: rk = ( x , y , 2 k + c) and rk = ( x , y , 2 k − c) ∀k ∈ Z See Figure 3.2. Thus, on setting δrk = r ′ − rk = ( x ′ − x)2 + ( y ′ − y )2 + ( z ′ − c − 2 k )2 and δrk = r ′ − rk = ( x ′ − x)2 + ( y ′ − y )2 + ( z ′ + c − 2 k )2 and observing that for any fixed z′ ∈Z and c ∈ (0,1), { z′ + c + 2 k : k ∈ Z} = { z′ − c + 2 k : k ∈ Z} ⇒ ∑ k∈Z { δ1r k } − δ1rk = 0 This suggests at once that G′(r , r ′) = 1 4π ∑ { k ∈Z 1 δrk − 1 δrk } is the sought-for Green’s function on Ω′. Moreover, as 1 1 4π r is the Green’s function for a point charge, that is, −∆ 1r = 4πδ(r ) , and G′(r , r ′) satisfies the boundary conditions at z ′ = 0, 1, the uniqueness of Poisson’s equation implies immediately that G′(r , r ′) is the required Green’s function on Ω′. K15149_Book.indb 75 10/18/13 10:46 AM 76 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The generalization to Ω is trivial. Transform G′(r , r ′) → G(r , r ′) under the transformation 2 k → 2 ka . Then, clearly, { c + 2 ka : k ∈Z} = { − c + 2 ka : k ∈Z} ⇒ ∑ k ∈Z { δR1 k − 1 δRk }= 0 (3.4) where δRk = r ′ − Rk = ( x ′ − x)2 + ( y ′ − y )2 + ( z ′ − c − 2 ka)2 δRk = r ′ − Rk = ( x ′ − x)2 + ( y ′ − y )2 + ( z ′ + c − 2 ka)2 with z ′ = 0 . Finally, note that when z ′ = a , Equation (3.4) is once again satisfied: the construction would fail if k ∈N . The required Green’s function on Ω is thus ∑ { 1 4π G′(r , r ′) = k ∈Z 1 δRk − 1 δRk } (3.5) □ This section ends with two more examples regarding the application of the method of images: determine the potential resulting from a charged cylinder over a ground plane and a charged conductive sphere over a lossless dielectric half-space. 3.2.4 Example Consider a cross-section of an infinitely long conducting cylinder C of radius a > 0 over a conducting ground plane ∂R 2+ = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : y = 0} : C = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : x 2 + ( y − y 0 )2 ≤ a}, where y 0 > a > 0, and set Ω = R 2+ − C. By construction, the center of the cylinder is (0, y 0 ) . Suppose that the cylinder is set at a potential ϕ = ϕ 0 , determine the potential in Ω. Consider a line charge λ located at (0, y + ) ∈C , where the pair (λ , y + ) are to be determined. By the method of images, consider a line charge density −λ located at y = (0, − y + ). Recall that the potential in R 2+ − {(0, y + )} is given by ϕ( x , y ) = − λ ln 2 πε 0 x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 (3.6) x 2 + ( y + y+ )2 To see Equation (3.6), consider, for simplicity, a unit charge at the center of a ρ disk Br (0) = {( x , y ) : x 2 + y 2 ≤ r 2 } of radius r. Invoking Gauss’ law, ∇ ⋅ E = ε0 ⇒ δ( x ) −∆ψ = ε0 . By Stokes’ theorem, − K15149_Book.indb 76 ∫ Br (0) ∆ψd 2 x = − ∫ ∂ Br (0) ∇ψ ⋅ er d 2 x = − ∫ 2π 0 ∂r ψr dθ = ∫ δ( x ) ε0 dx = 1 ε0 10/18/13 10:46 AM 77 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics M = M0 C Ω λ y0 y+ –y+ Mirror image –y0 –λ Figure 3.3 Potential generated by a charged infinitely long conducting cylinder. whence − ∂r ψ = 1 2 πε 0 r ⇒ ψ = − 2 πε1 0 ln r and the potential resulting from two line charges yields ϕ( x , y ) = − 2 πελ 0 ln x 2 + ( y − y + )2 + λ 2 πε 0 ln x 2 + ( y + y + )2 establishing Equation (3.6). See Figure 3.3 for an intuitive explanation. Observe that as C is a perfect conductor, it forms a surface of equipotential. Hence, it suffices to determine surfaces of equipotential defined by the line charge density. From (3.6), let S(V ) ⊂ R 2+ define an equipotential surface such that V = − 2 πελ 0 ln x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 x 2 + ( y + y+ )2 for all (x,y) ∈ S(V), where V is a constant potential. Set K = e−2 πε0V /λ . Then, by definition, K2 = x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 x 2 + ( y + y+ )2 ⇔ x 2 + y 2 + 2 yy + K2 +1 K2 −1 + y +2 = 0 Noting that (y + y K15149_Book.indb 77 K2 +1 + K2 −1 ) 2 = y 2 + 2 yy + K 2 +1 K 2 −1 ( + y+ K 2 +1 K 2 −1 ) 2 10/18/13 10:46 AM 78 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers it follows clearly that the above equation reduces, after some algebraic manipulation, to ( x 2 + y + y+ K 2 +1 K 2 −1 ) = (y 2 K 2 +1 + K 2 −1 ) 2 − y +2 = ( 2K K 2 −1 y+ ) 2 (3.7) However, this is nothing but the equation of a circle centered at ( 0, − K2 +1 K2 −1 y+ ) below the ground plane and via reflection, at ( 0, K2 +1 K2 −1 y+ ) above the ground plane. Set K2 +1 K2 −1 y0 = y+ Then (0, y 0 ) is the location of the line charge above the ground plane such that C is at equipotential. It thus remains to determine λ = λ(ϕ 0 ). From Equation (3.7), it follows 2 immediately that a 2 = K22K− 1 y + . Now, observe that ( ) a 2 + y +2 = y +2 { 4 K 2 + ( K 2 − 1)2 ( K 2 − 1)2 Hence, y + = y 02 − a 2 . Next, set α = α= K2 +1 K2 −1 y0 y+ }= y ( ) = y 2 + K2 +1 K2 −1 2 2 0 . Then, ⇒ K2 = α+ 1 α− 1 ⇒K= α+ 1 α− 1 whence K = e−2 πε0V /λ ⇒ λ = − as required. 2 πε 0 ϕ 0 +1 ln α α−1 ⇒ϕ= − ϕ0 ln α+ 1 α− 1 ln x 2 + ( y − y+ )2 x 2 + ( y + y+ )2 □ 3.2.5 Example Let R 3− = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : z ≤ 0} denote an infinite dielectric half-space with electric permittivity ε − and R 3+ = R − R 3− denote a pure dielectric medium of K15149_Book.indb 78 10/18/13 10:46 AM 79 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics electric permittivity ε + . Suppose Da ( r0 ) = {( x , y , z) ∈Ω : x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 ≤ a 2 } is a charged PEC sphere of charge Q, the center of which is r0 = (0, 0, z0 ) above the dielectric plane, where z0 > a > 0 . Determine the potential field in Ω = R 3+ − Da (r0 ) . Because Da (r0 ) is a perfect conductor, its surface is at equipotential. Hence, suppose without loss of generality that ∃Q0 is such that V0 is the potential on the surface of Da (r0 ). Then, by Exercise 3.5.8, + ∃Q1 = − εε−− −ε +ε + Q0 3 located at r1 = (0, 0, z1 ) , with z1 = − z0 , such that the potential on ∂R − is zero. However, the presence of Q1 violates the equipotential condition on ∂Da (r0 ). Hence, appealing to Example 3.2.1, ∃Q2 = − 2 az0 Q1 at r2 = (0, 0, z2 ) , where z2 = z0 − 2 az0 , such that ∂Da (r0 ) is once again an equipotential surface. It is clear by now that the presence of Q2 breaks the equipotential condition on ∂R 3− . Thus, a charge + Q3 = − εε−− −ε +ε + Q2 must be placed at r3 = (0, 0, z3 ) , where z3 = − z2 , such that the equipotential condition on ∂R 3− is restored. As this in turn violates the equipotential condition on ∂Da (r0 ) , another fictitious charge Q4 = a { } 2 z4 + a 2 2 z0 − a 2/(2 x0 ) −1 Q3 at r4 = (0, 0, z4 ) where z 4 = 2 z0 − a2 2 z0 − a2 /(2 z0 ) For notational convenience, set α= ε − −ε + ε − +ε + , d0 = 2 z0 and d1 = d0 − a2 d0 Then, Q1 = −αQ0 , Q2 = − da0 Q1 , Q3 = −αQ2 , and Q4 = − da1 Q3 , where d2 = d0 − with z2 = d1 , z3 = − z2 , and z4 = d2 . By induction, it is clear that Q2 k − 1 = −αQ2 k − 2 and z2 k − 1 = − z2 k − 2 and a2 d1 , Q2 k = − d2 ka− 1 Q2 k − 1 for all k = 1,2,… z2 k = d2 k − 1 for all k = 1,2,… and Q = Σ k ≥0Q2 k by construction. K15149_Book.indb 79 10/18/13 10:46 AM 80 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Sphere of charge Q Q0 z0 Q2 z2 ε+ 0 ε– Ω z=0 Q 3 z3 Q1 z1 = –z0 Figure 3.4 Method of images applied to a charged conducting sphere over a dielectric plane. Indeed, further simplification can be achieved as ( ) Q2 k + 1 = −αQ2 k = −α − d2 ka− 1 Q2 k − 1 = = (−1)2 k + 1 α k + 1 ak d2 k − 1d2 k − 2 d0 Q0 k +1 k = − d2 k −α1d2 k −a2 d0 Q0 ( ) Q2 k = − d2 ka− 1 Q2 k − 1 = −α − d2 ka− 1 Q2 k − 1 = = (−1)2 k α k = k k α a d2 k − 1d2 k − 2 d0 ak d2 k − 1d2 k − 2 d1 Q0 Q0 Thus, given an arbitrary point r = (x,y,z) ∈ Ω, by the superposition principle, the electric potential field φ on Ω is given by the summation of all the charges ϕ= 1 4 πε + ∑ k ≥0 = Q0 4 πε + ∑ k ≥0 { Q2 k x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z2 k )2 α k ak d2 k − 1d2 k − 2 d0 { + Q2 k + 1 x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z2 k + 1 )2 1 x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z2 k )2 − } α x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z2 k + 1 )2 } See Figure 3.4 for the mathematical representation of fictitious charges. □ 3.3 Multipole Expansion It is clear by now that the scalar potential resulting from a localized static charge density ρ in R 3 satisfies the Poisson equation −∆ϕ(r ) = ρ(εr ) ; see Exercise 3.6.5. From Section A.4, it is seen that the Green’s function for a unit point K15149_Book.indb 80 10/18/13 10:46 AM 81 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics charge is G(r − r ′) = 41π Poisson’s equation is 1 r −r′ . Now, in R 3 , lim ρ(r ) = 0, whence the solution to r →∞ ϕ(r ) = 1 4 πε 0 ∫ ρ( r ′ ) r −r′ (3.8) d3 r ′ in free space, where a charge density ρ : R 3 → R with nonempty compact support, Ωρ = supp(ρ) is assumed in all that follows. 1 Now, observe that for r >> r ′ , the denominator r − r ′ can be Taylor expanded as follows. Set f (r ) = r −1r ′ . Then, r − r ′ = r 2 + r ′ 2 − 2 r ′r cos θ , where cos θ = rrr⋅r ′ . This can be rewritten as r − r ′ = r 1 + ( rr′ ) − 2 rr′ cos θ ≡ r 1 + ξ 2 where ξ = ( rr′ ) − 2 rr′ cos θ and ξ << 1, whence, Taylor expanding about 1 yields 2 1 {1 + ξ}− 2 = 1 − 21 ξ + 38 ξ 2 − 165 ξ 3 + o(ξ 4 ) That is, f (r ) = 1 r {1 + r′ r cos θ + ( rr′ ) 2 3 cos 2 θ− 1 2 +o (( ) )} r′ 3 r However, this is just the spherical harmonic expansion [5,8,9]: f (r ) = 1 r ∑ ∞ n= 0 Pn (cos θ) ( rr′ ) n (3.9) for r > r ′ , where Pn ( x) = ∑ [ n] ( −1)k (2 n − k )! n k = 0 2 k !( n − k )!( n − 2 k )! x n− 2 k defines the Legendre polynomials of order n, with [n] = K15149_Book.indb 81 n 2 , for n even n− 1 2 , for n odd 10/18/13 10:46 AM 82 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers It can be expressed more compactly via the Rodrigues’ formula Pn ( x) = dn 1 2 n n! dx n ( x 2 − 1)n The first few terms are evaluated as P0 ( x) = 1 P1 ( x) = x P2 ( x) = 21 (3 x 2 − 1) P3 ( x) = 21 (5 x 3 − 3 x), For completeness, consider the scenario wherein r < r ′ ; physically, this corresponds precisely to the case where the point is located within the charge body Ωρ. It can be shown that f (r) = 1 r′ ∑ ∞ n= 0 Pn (cos θ) ( rr′ ) n (3.10) Together, Equations (3.9) and (3.10) are often expressed in a more compact fashion as f (r ) = 1 r> ∑ ∞ n= 0 Pn (cos θ) ( ) r< n r> (3.11) where r> = max{r , r ′} and r< = min{r , r ′}. 3.3.1 Definition The multipole expansion of ϕ(r ) = ∫ Ωρ ϕ(r ) = 1 4 πε r ∑ ∫ ∞ n= 0 Ωρ ρ( r ′ ) r −r′ d 3 r ′ , for r > r ′ , is defined by ρ(r ′)Pn (cos θ) ( rr′ ) d 3 r ′ n (3.12) The first term corresponds to an electric monopole, the second term a dipole, the third term a quadrupole, and so forth. 3.3.2 Remark Notice that whereas the monopole falls off as 1r , the dipole falls off as 1 , the quadrupole falls off as r13 , and so on. It is thus obvious that for r2 an arbitrary compact source Ωρ , if the distance r away from the source satisfies r >> diam(Ωρ ), where diam(Ωρ ) denote the diameter of Ωρ (i.e., the largest side of Ωρ or diagonal, whichever is larger), and is defined by diam(Ωρ ) = max { x − x ′ : x , x ′ ∈Ωρ } , then Ωρ may be approximated by a K15149_Book.indb 82 10/18/13 10:46 AM 83 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics point source plus a small correction term from the dipole contribution that rapidly becomes negligible for very large r. On the other hand, close to the charge distribution Ωρ , the higher-order poles dominate, and in particular, it is incorrect to approximate the extended source by a point source. This is evident from Examples 3.2.1 and 3.2.5. From the definition of the magnetic potential A(r ) = µ0 4π ∫ J (r ′) r −r′ d3 r ′ it follows from the above discussion mutatis mutandis that multipole expansion for the magnetic field B = ∇ × A for r > r ′: A(r ) = µ0 4π r ∑ ∫ J(r ′)P (cos θ)( ∞ n n= 0 ) r′ n r d3 r ′ (3.13) Finally, to complete the discussion, consider the special case wherein the charge (or current) is distributed on the surface of some compact set S. This leads to the introduction of spherical harmonics Ynm (θ, φ) and they are defined as follows. First, the associated Legendre polynomials are given by m Pnm ( x) = (−1)m (1 − x 2 ) 2 dn + m dx n + m ( x 2 − 1)n An important property satisfied by the polynomials is the orthogonality relation: ∫ 1 −1 Pkm ( x)Pnm ( x)d x = 2 ( n + m)! 2 n + 1 ( n − m)! δ kn and 1 for i = j δ ij = 0 for i ≠ j is the Kronecker-delta function. Then, the normalized spherical harmonics are defined by Ynm (θ, φ) = 2 n + 1 ( n − m )! 4 π ( n + m )! Pnm (cos θ)eimϕ ∗ and Yn, − m (θ, φ) = (−1)m Ynm (θ, φ) satisfying the orthogonality relation ∫ 20 π dφ ∫ 0π sin θdθYn∗′m′ (θ, φ)Ynm (θ, φ) = δ n′nδ m′m . In particular, one has the completeness relation: ∑ ∑ K15149_Book.indb 83 ∞ n n= 0 m =− n ∗ Ynm (θ′ , φ′)Ynm (θ, φ) = δ(φ − φ′)δ(cos θ − cos θ′) 10/18/13 10:46 AM 84 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers As mentioned before, an immediate application of spherical harmonics is to expand a function f : ∂S → R defined on the boundary of some solid sphere S ⊂ R 3: f (θ, φ) = ∑ ∑ ∞ n n= 0 m =− n AnmYnm (θ, φ) where the coefficients Anm are defined via the orthogonal relation as Anm = ∫ 2π 0 dφ ∫ π 0 sin θ dθYn∗′m′ (θ, φ) f (θ, φ) Here, f could represent a boundary value or surface charge. This concludes a brief sketch on the topic of spherical harmonics. 3.4 Steady-State Currents Recall from the conservation of charge that ∂t ρ + ∇ ⋅ J = 0 in some domain Ω. Hence, when the charge density is constant, that is, ∂t ρ = 0 ⇒ ∇ ⋅ J = 0 on Ω, this defines the condition for steady-state current. The intuitive notion behind this definition is clear: when a constant current flows through a wire, d dt I = 0 and hence, the current density is independent of time. 3.4.1 Example Consider two rectangles (Ω ± , ε ± , σ ± ), where Ω+ = (0, a) × (b− , b+ ), Ω− = (0, a) × (0, b− ), and ε ± are the respective electric permittivities, and σ ± the respective conductivities. Set Ω = Ω− ∪ Ω+ ∪ Γ , where Γ = {( x , b− ) : 0 < x < a}. Find the potential ϕ ∈C 2 (Ω) ∩ C 0 (Ω) satisfying the following Dirichlet boundary value problem: ∆ϕ = 0 on Ω V for y = b + + V− for y = b− ϕ= 0 for x = 0 0 for x = a K15149_Book.indb 84 (3.14) (3.15) 10/18/13 10:46 AM 85 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics First, observe that under steady-state conditions, J + ⋅ e y = J − ⋅ e y on Γ, where J ± = σ ± E± is the current density defined on Ω ± and E± is the electric field on Ω ± . Set ϕ ± to be the potential on Ω ± . Then, on Γ, σ − ∂ y ϕ − = σ + ∂ y ϕ + . From Exercise 3.6.4, the general solution on Ω ± is given by ϕ ± (x, y) = ∑ {α n> 0 ± n } cosh λ n y + β n± sinh λ n y sin λ n x (3.16) where λ n = πan , n = 1, 2, Now, the coefficients α n± , β n± are evaluated by imposing Equation (3.15) on (3.16). Proceeding systematically, consider y = b on Ω+ : V+ = ϕ + ( x , b) = ∑ {α n> 0 + n } cosh λ nb + β n+ sinh λ nb sin λ n x Thus, multiplying both sides by sin λ m x and integrating along (0, a) yields α +n cosh λ nb + β n+ sinh λ nb = V+ ∫ a 0 sin λ n xdx = 4V+ nπ for n odd 0 for n even (3.17a) Likewise, for y = 0 on Ω–: α −n cosh λ nb = V− ∫ a 0 sin λ n xdx = 4V− nπ for n odd (3.17b) 0 for n even Furthermore, from the continuity of the potential across a boundary, {α + n } { } cosh λ n a + β +n sinh λ n a sin λ n x = α n− cosh λ n a + β n− sinh λ n a sin λ n x ∀x That is, α +n cosh λ n a + β +n sinh λ n a = α −n cosh λ n a + β −n sinh λ n a (3.17c) and from the continuity of the normal component of the current density, σ+ σ− K15149_Book.indb 85 {α + n } sinh λ n a + β +n cosh λ n a = α n− sinh λ n a + β n− cosh λ n a (3.17d) 10/18/13 10:46 AM 86 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Thus, via Equation (3.17), the coefficients can be determined. After some tedious but trivial routine manipulations, the coefficients to (3.16) are: α +2 n − 1 = 4 (2 n − 1) π { σ+ σ− {V (1 − ) coth λ + σ+ σ− 2 n− 1 a− 2 V− sinh 2 λ 2 n−1b }× ( sinh λ 2 n− 1a − cosh λ 2 n− 1a coth λ 2 n− 1b ) − cosh λ 2 n− 1a ( coth λ 2 n− 1a − coth λ 2 n− 1b )} β 2+n − 1 = − α +2 n − 1 coth λ 2 n − 1b 4V+ 1 (2 n − 1) π sinh λ 2 n−1b β −2 n − 1 = α +2 n − 1 ( coth λ 2 n − 1a − coth λ 2 n − 1b ) + α −2 n − 1 = −1 4 (2 n − 1) π ( V+ sinh λ 2 n−1b − V− coth λ 2 n−1 a cosh λ 2 n−1b ) 4V− 1 (2 n − 1) π cosh λ 2 n−1b In particular, the solution on Ω is given by ϕ( x , y ) = ∑ (α + 2 n− 1 cosh λ 2 n− 1 y + β 2+n− 1 sinh λ 2 n− 1 y sin λ 2 n− 1 x on Ω+ ∑ (α − 2 n− 1 cosh λ 2 n− 1 y + β 2−n− 1 sinh λ 2 n− 1 y sin λ 2 n− 1 x on Ω− n> 0 n> 0 ) ) □ Observe from Example 3.4.1 that when dielectric media are lossy, at the boundary interface between the two media, in the steady-state limit, the potential is dictated by the conductivities of the media instead of the electric permittivities. It is only when the dielectric media are lossless that the electric permittivities dictate how the field behaves (cf. Remark 3.1.7 for details). This section concludes with a final example. 3.4.2 Example Consider a composite annulus Ω = (Ω+ , ε + , σ + ) ∪ (Ω− , ε − , σ − ), where ε ± are the respective electric permittivities and σ ± the respective conductivities in Ω ± , Ω+ = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : a 2 < x 2 + y 2 < b 2 } Ω− = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : b 2 < x 2 + y 2 < c 2 } Moreover, set Γ = ∂Ω+ ∩ ∂Ω− and Γ ± = ∂Ω ± − Γ . Determine the electric potential φ on Ω if ϕ = ϕ ± on Γ ± , where ϕ ± are constants. Inasmuch as the field is static, it must satisfy Laplace’s equation Δφ = 0 subject to the boundary condition at the interface Γ from Corollary 3.1.2. Employing cylindrical coordinates, where ∆ϕ = 1r ∂r (r ∂r ϕ) + K15149_Book.indb 86 1 r2 ∂θ2 ϕ + ∂2z ϕ 10/18/13 10:46 AM Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics 87 ∂ z ≡ 0 and the angular symmetry of the problem, that is, ϕ(r , θ) = ϕ(r , θ′)∀θ, θ′ , reduces Laplace’s equation to ∆ϕ = 1r ∂r (r ∂r ϕ) = 0 ⇒ r ∂r ϕ = k for some constant k. Whence, ϕ = k ∫ drr ⇒ ϕ = k ln r + k ′ , where k′ is a constant of integration. Thus, the general solution is ϕ = a + b ln r . Now, let ϕ ± = a± + b± ln r on Ω ± , subject to the following boundary condition at the interface: (i) 0 = n− ⋅ ( J + − J − ) ⇒ σ + ∂r ϕ + = σ − ∂r ϕ − on Γ, and (ii) lim− ϕ + (r ) = lim+ ϕ − (r ) on Γ. Imposing the Dirichlet boundary conditions r →b leads to: r →b ϕ 0 = ϕ + ( a) = a+ + b+ ln a and 0 = ϕ − (c) = a− + b− ln c Thus, a− = −b− ln c and a+ = ϕ 0 − b+ ln a . Because there are four unknown variables to evaluate, two more equations are required. Those are supplied by conditions (i) and (ii). From (i), ∂r ϕ ± = br± ⇒ σ + b+ = σ − b− , and the continuity relation (ii) yields a+ + b+ ln b = a− + b− ln b . Direct substitution into (ii) yields ϕ 0 + b+ ln ba = b− ln bc and hence, on setting γ = σ + ln bc + σ − ln ba , it follows that b+ = ϕ 0 σγ− , b− = ϕ 0 σγ+ , a− = −ϕ 0 σγ+ ln c , and a+ = ϕγ0 ( σ + ln bc − σ − ln b ) . Thus, ϕ + = a+ + b+ ln r = ϕγ0 ( σ + ln bc + σ − ln br ) . It is easy to see that ϕ + ( a) = ϕ 0 , as expected by construction. Similarly, ϕ − = a− + b− ln r = ϕ 0 σγ+ ln rc . As a sanity check, ϕ − (c) ≡ 0 and ϕ + (b) = ϕ − (b), as expected. Thus, ϕ + on Ω+ ϕ= ϕ − on Ω− is the required solution for Ω. □ Once again, from the above example, the field is determined by the conductivities of the media, as opposed to pure dielectric media, wherein the electric permittivities determine the field profile. On the other hand, the electric permittivities determine the charge density on Γ. Explicitly, the line charge density is ρ = ε + ∂r ϕ + − ε − ∂r ϕ − on Γ. The current density is trivially given by −σ + ∇ϕ + on Ω+ J= −σ − ∇ϕ − on Ω K15149_Book.indb 87 10/18/13 10:46 AM 88 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Finally, recall that if Ω were a lossless composite dielectric, then ρ|Γ ≡ 0 and φ is obtained by replacing σ ± with ε ± . Clearly in this instance, the current density is zero. 3.5 Duality It is clear by inspecting Maxwell’s equations that they can be rendered symmetric by the introduction of a fictitious magnetic charge density ς and its associated magnetic current density j; to wit, ∇⋅B = ς (3.18a) ∇ × E = − ∂t B − j (3.18b) whence following the proof of Theorem 1.3.1 mutatis mutandis yields the equivalent magnetic charge conservation: ∇ ⋅ j + ∂t ς = 0 (3.19) The symmetrized extensions of Maxwell’s equations are given below for ease of reference: ∇ × E(r , t) = − j(r , t) − ∂t B(r , t) (3.20a) ∇ ⋅ B(r , t) = ς (3.20b) ∇ × H (r , t) = J (r , t) + ∂t D(r , t) (3.20c) ∇ ⋅ D(r , t) = ρ (3.20d) where D = εE and B = μH. Maxwell’s equations are rewritten as (3.20) to display the symmetry between them. Now, observe that transforming Equation (3.20a) to (3.20c) requires the rep­lacement: E → H, j → −J, B → −D In particular, this implies that (3.20b) becomes ς = ∇ ⋅ B(r , t) →∇⋅ (− D(r , t)) = −ρ, and hence, transforming (3.20b) to (3.20d) requires the replacement: ς → −ρ Finally, transforming from (3.20c) to (3.20a) yields: H → −E, J → j, D → B K15149_Book.indb 88 10/18/13 10:46 AM 89 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Likewise, transforming (3.20d) to (3.20b) leads to the replacement: ρ→ς In summary, the former four pairs constitute the required transformation transforming the first pair of Maxwell’s equations into the second pair of Maxwell’s equations, and vice versa for the latter pairs. It is clear that the analogy can be carried out further by defining magnetic conductivity σm as j = σµm B . The four fictitious quantities (ς , σ m , j ) lead in a natural way to magnetic boundary conditions presented in Section 3.1 mutatis mutandis: n+ ⋅ (B− − B+ ) = ς (3.21a) n+ × ( E− − E+ ) = − j (3.21b) For perfect electric conductors (PEC) and perfect magnetic conductors (PMC), the boundary conditions are summarized as n+ × E+ = 0 n+ × B+ = µJ (PEC) n+ × B+ = 0 n+ × E+ = − j (PMC) Note in passing that PMC is an idealized condition and it does not exist; however, it is a useful condition to impose when solving radiation problems. 3.5.1 Theorem (Lorentz reciprocity) Given some open subset (Ω, ε , µ) ⊆ R 3 , suppose (S± , J ± , j± ) are two timevarying current sources on some compact S± ⊂ Ω . Set Ω0 = Ω − (S+ ∪ S− ) . If the current sources are time harmonic, then ∫∫ ∂Ω0 E+ × B− ⋅ nd 2 r = ∫∫ ∂Ω0 E− × B+ ⋅ nd 2 r Proof Now, from Maxwell’s equations, the source generates ( E± , B± ) via ∇ × E± = − ∂t B± − j± K15149_Book.indb 89 and ∇ × B± = µ ∂t E± + µJ ± 10/18/13 10:46 AM 90 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Next, consider the pair E+ × B− and E− × B+ and motivated by the vector identity [3] ∇ ⋅ ( E+ × B− ) = (∇ × E+ ) ⋅ B− − (∇ × B− ) ⋅ E+ it follows that ∇ ⋅ ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) = (∇ × E+ ) ⋅ B− − (∇ × B− ) ⋅ E+ − (∇ × E− ) ⋅ B+ + (∇ × B+ ) ⋅ E− = − ∂t B+ ⋅ B− − j+ ⋅ B− − µ ∂t E− ⋅ E+ − µJ − ⋅ E+ + ∂t B− ⋅ B+ + j− ⋅ B+ + µ ∂t E+ ⋅ E− + µJ + ⋅ E− However, by assumption, the sources are time harmonic; hence, the fields generated are time harmonic.* In particular, ∂t ( E± , B± ) = iω( E± , B± ) implies that the ∂t -terms cancel, yielding ∇ ⋅ ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) = j− ⋅ B+ − j+ ⋅ B− + µJ + ⋅ E− − µJ − ⋅ E+ Finally, appealing to the divergence theorem, ∫∫∫ Ω0 ∇ ⋅ ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ )d 3 r = ∫∫ ∂Ω0 ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) ⋅ nd 2 r where n is the unit, outward, normal vector field on ∂Ω0 , ∫∫∫ Ω0 ( j− ⋅ B+ − j+ ⋅ B− + µJ + ⋅ E− − µJ − ⋅ E+ )d 3 r = 0 by construction implies immediately that ∫∫ ∂Ω0 ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) ⋅ nd 2 r = 0 □ 3.5.2 Corollary Given some open, bounded, subset (Ω, ε , µ) ⊆ R 3 , suppose (S± , J ± , j± ) are two time-varying current sources on some compact S± ⊂ Ω . If ∂Ω satisfies either the PEC or PMC boundary condition, then ∫∫∫ ( J Ω * + ⋅ E− − µ1 j+ ⋅ B− )d 3 r = ∫∫∫ ( J Ω − ⋅ E+ − µ1 j− ⋅ B+ )d 3 r See Exercise 3.6.7. K15149_Book.indb 90 10/18/13 10:46 AM 91 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Proof From the proof of Theorem 3.5.1, it suffices to show that ∫∫ ∂Ω ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) ⋅ nd 2 r = 0 Now, noting [3] the vector identity A × B ⋅ C = A ⋅ B × C, it follows that ( E+ × B− − E− × B+ ) ⋅ n = n × E+ ⋅ B− − n × E− ⋅ B+ = 0 for PEC: n × E± = 0. Conversely, applying the vector identity again, n × E+ ⋅ B− − n × E− ⋅ B+ = − n × B− ⋅ E+ + n × B+ ⋅ E− = 0 □ for PMC: n × B± = 0 , and the result thus follows. As an interesting application of the reciprocity theorem, consider an open subspace Ω ⊂ R 3 bounded by a metal chassis ∂Ω. Suppose also that there exists a current density J + induced on some compact subset K + ⊂ Ω , where K + is a PEC, and some current density J − on a compact source K − ⊂ Ω . Then, from Corollary 3.5.2, setting j± = 0 yields ∫ ∫ ∫ Ω J + ⋅ E− d 3 r = ∫ ∫ ∫ Ω J − ⋅ E+ d 3 r . However, ∫ ∫ ∫ Ω J + ⋅ E− d 3 r = ∫ ∫ ∫ K+ J + ⋅ E− d 3 r = 0 as E− |K + = 0 and hence, ∫ ∫ ∫ Ω J − ⋅ E+ d 3 r = 0. Furthermore, noting that as ( J − , K − ) is arbitrary, it follows at once that ∫ ∫ ∫ Ω J − ⋅ E+ d 3 r = 0 ⇒ E+ ≡ 0 on Ω. That is, induced current on a PEC does not radiate; this is because the electric field generated on the PEC precisely cancels out the incident electric field. From an EMC perspective, this is an interesting example. It demonstrates that conductors within a chassis do not radiate from currents induced upon them. In particular, the walls of a chassis do not reradiate from surface current densities induced on them by Corollary 3.5.2. 3.6 Worked Problems 3.6.1 Exercise 2 Prove that the inversion in a circle ς : B( a) → R 2 − B( a) by r r ′ ≡ ar such that ς|∂B( a) = 1∂ B( a ) , is conformal about any deleted neighborhood of 0, and hence, deduce that the inversion in a sphere mapping is also conformal. K15149_Book.indb 91 10/18/13 10:47 AM 92 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution Recall that a mapping is conformal in some neighborhood N ⊂ C if it is analytic and its derivative is nowhere zero in N. As R 2 ≅ C under the canonical homeomorphism h : ( x , y ) x + iy , it suffices to consider the mapping ζ : C → C defined by ζ = 1z . However, this mapping is clearly conformal away from the origin: ζ′ = − z12 ≠ 0 on C − {0}. Hence, the circle inversion mapping is conformal. Regarding the inversion in a sphere, it suffices to note that each crosssection of the fixed sphere is a circle. As the inversion in a sphere is merely the mapping restricted to the respective (circular) cross-section, it follows immediately that the mapping must also be conformal, as claimed. □ 3.6.2 Exercise Given r = (r , θ, φ) and rQ = (rQ , 0, π2 ), let ϑ denote the angle between r and rQ . Show that cos ϑ = sin φ cos θ . Hence, deduce the result for rQ = (rQ , θQ , φQ ) . Solution In rectangular coordinates, x = r sin ϕ cos θ, y = r sin ϕ sin θ, z = r cos ϕ. By defir ⋅r nition, cos ϑ = rQQr . Hence, without loss of generality, we may set r = 1 = rQ . Then, r ⋅ rQ = xxQ + y ⋅ 0 + z ⋅ 0 = sin φ cos θ and the result thus follows. To complete the proof, it is enough to note that r ⋅ rQ = sin φ cos θ sin φQ cos θQ + sin φ sin θ sin φQ sin θQ + cos φ cos φQ and invoking the identity cos(a + b) = cos a cos b − sin a sin b, the conclusion thus follows. □ 3.6.3 Exercise Consider two infinite strips (Ω ± , ε ± ), where Ω− = R × (0, a) and Ω+ = R × ( a, b), with ε ± being the respective electric permittivities and ε + ≠ ε − . Find the potential φ on Ω = Ω− ∪ Ω+ , if ϕ 0 if y = b ϕ= 0 if y = 0 (3.22) Deduce the explicit expression for the electric field on Ω. K15149_Book.indb 92 10/18/13 10:47 AM 93 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Solution First, define ∂Ω0 = {( x , a) : −∞ < x < ∞} , ∂Ω− = {( x , 0) : −∞ < x < ∞}, and ∂Ω+ = {( x , b) : −∞ < x < ∞} . Then, φ satisfies the Laplace equation Δφ = 0 subject to the boundary conditions (3.22), lim ϕ( x , y ) = lim+ ϕ( x , y ) and y → a− lim ε − ∂ y ϕ( x , y ) = lim+ ε + ∂ y ϕ( x , y ) y → a− y→ a y→ a The uniformity of the potential along the x-axis suggests that there is no variation along the x-axis: ∂ x ϕ = 0 on Ω, whence, ∆ϕ = ∂2x ϕ + ∂2y ϕ = ∂2y ϕ = 0 ⇒ ϕ = Cy + D for some constants C, D. Furthermore, as ε + ≠ ε − , set ϕ ± = C± y + D± on Ω ± . Then, appealing to the boundary conditions, ϕ 0 = C+ b + D+ ⇒ D+ = ϕ 0 − C+ b and 0 = C− 0 + D− ⇒ D− = 0 Also, the two continuity conditions yield C+ a + D+ = C− a ⇒ ϕ 0 + C+ ( a − b) = C− a ε − C− = ε + C+ ⇒ C− = whence C+ {( ε+ ε− ) } − 1 a + b = ϕ 0 ⇒ C+ = ϕ 0 ε+ ε− C+ {( ε+ ε− ) −1 a+b } −1 and hence, ϕ 0 1 − ε+ b − y on Ω+ − a + b 1 ( ε− ) ϕ= y ϕ 0 εε+− ε+ on Ω− − 1) a + b ( ε− Finally, from E − ∇ϕ, it follows clearly that E= K15149_Book.indb 93 ( ε+ ε− ε+ ε− ( ϕ0 ) −1 a+b ε+ ε− ey ϕ0 ) −1 a+b ey on Ω+ on Ω− 10/18/13 10:47 AM 94 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers As a quick sanity check, it can be easily seen that when ε + = ε − , ϕ = ϕ 0 E = ϕb0 , as expected. y b and □ 3.6.4 Exercise Given (Ω, ε), where Ω = (0, a) × (0, b), suppose V+ for y = b ϕ = V− for y = 0 0 for x = 0, a (3.23) Find the potential φ on Ω. How does ε affect φ? Solution The solution ϕ ∈C 2 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω) is given by the Dirichlet boundary value problem Δφ = 0 on Ω satisfying boundary conditions (3.23). The simple geometry of the domain and the simple boundary conditions lead one to attempt to solve Laplace’s equation via the separation of variables. So, set φ(x,y) = Φ(x)Θ(y). Then, 0 = ∆ϕ = Θ( y ) ∂2x Φ( x) + Φ( x) ∂2y Θ( y ) ⇒ ∂2x Φ Φ =− ∂2y Θ Θ ≡ −λ 2 for some constant λ ∈ R. The negative sign in front of λ 2 was chosen because of the periodic boundary condition φ(0,y) = 0 = φ(0,a) ∀y. The general solution is thus Φ(x) = a cos λx + b sin λx. A solution satisfying the boundary condition is a = 1, b = 0 and Φ(x) = sin λx, where λ = πna , n = 0, 1, 2,…. Likewise, the general solution satisfying d2 Θ − λ 2 Θ = 0 is given by dy 2 Θ(y) = c cosh λy + d sinh λy Hence, ϕ = ( α cosh λy + β sinh λy ) sin λx satisfies ∆ϕ = 0 . As this holds for arbitrary integer n, the linearity of the Laplacian operator Δ implies that the general solution is given by ϕ( x , y ) = Σ n∈Z (α n cosh λ n y + β n sinh λ n y )sin λ n x , where λ n ≡ πan to display the explicit dependence of n, and the pair of coefficients (α n , β n ) are determined via the remaining boundary conditions. Furthermore, as φ ≡ 0 for n = 0, it follows that n ∈ N. Explicitly, V+ = ϕ( x , b) = Σ n∈N (α n cosh λ nb + β n sinh λ nb)sin λ n x . Whence, multiplying both sides by sin λ m x and integrating yields α n cosh λ nb + β n sinh λ nb = K15149_Book.indb 94 2 V+ a ∫ a 0 sin λ n xdx = 4V+ nπ for n odd 0 for n even 10/18/13 10:47 AM 95 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Likewise, V− = ϕ( x , 0) = ∑α n n sin λ n x ⇒ α n = 4V− nπ for n odd 0 for n even Thus, β 2 n− 1 = V+ − V− cosh λ 2 n − 1b 4 (2 n − 1) π sinh λ 2 n − 1b ∀n = 1, 2, and the general solution is ϕ( x , y ) = 4 π ∑ n 1 2 n− 1 ( cosh λ 2 n− 1 ) V− cosh λ 2 n − 1b y + V+ −sinh sinh λ 2 n− 1 y sin λ 2 n− 1 x λ 2 n − 1b Lastly, note that φ is independent of ε in this example. In general, this is not the case if ε varies in Ω as the boundary condition at the interface wherein ε changes in Ω must be satisfied by the solution. □ 3.6.5 Exercise Show that a localized static charge density ρ in R 3 satisfies the Poisson equation −∆ϕ(r ) = ρ(εr ) . And hence, establish that the Poisson equation −∆ϕ = f describes electrostatics in general. In particular, deduce that steady-state conditions are also satisfied by Laplace’s equation. Solution From Gauss’ law, ∇ ⋅ E = ρε ; substituting E = −∇φ yields −∆ϕ(r ) = ρ(εr ) , as required. Finally, set f = ρε , and the assertion is established. Next, to establish the last assertion, consider the charge conservation relation ∂t ρ = −∇ ⋅ J . Under steady-state conditions, ∂t ρ = 0 = −∇ ⋅ J ⇒ 0 = −∇ ⋅ (−σ∇ϕ) ⇒ −∆ϕ = 0 , as required. □ 3.6.6 Exercise Suppose J (r , t) is some current density defined on a compact conductor Ω ⊂ R 3 above a ground plane ∂R 3+ . Show that its mirror image is − J ( r , t), where r = ( x , y , − z) with r = (x, y, z). Solution By definition, J(r, t) = ρ(r, t)v(r), where ρ(r, t) is the charge density defined on Ω and v is the average velocity of the charge density circulating on Ω. By definition, under the mirror image transformation (i.e., reflection on ∂R 3+ ), r = ( x , y , z) → r ≡ ( x , y , − z) , the image of ρ(r , t) → −ρ( r , t) and v(r , t) → v( r , t). Hence, the image current is −ρ( r , t)v( r , t) = − J ( r , t) , as K15149_Book.indb 95 10/18/13 10:47 AM 96 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 3.6.7 Exercise Consider a segment of an annulus defined by { } Ω = ( x , y ) ∈R 2 : a 2 < x 2 + y 2 < b 2 ∩ ∆ where ∆ = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : x = b cos θ, y = b sin θ, 0 < θ0 < θ < θ1 } is a wedge of a disk of radius b. Let ∂Ω a (∂Ωb ) denote the inner (outer) radial boundary of Ω, and Γ 0 (Γ 1 ) denote the boundary of Ω that subtends the x-axis by an angle θ0 (θ1 ) . If V− on Γ 0 ϕ= V+ on Γ 1 such that ∂ n ϕ = 0 on ∂Ω a ∪ ∂Ωb , where n is the outward pointing unit normal vector field on ∂Ω a ∪ ∂Ωb , what is the potential in Ω? Hint: consider the conformal transformation w = e z in the complex plane, with Ω embedded in C and utilize the result from Exercise 3.6.4. Solution Set z = x + iy and w = e z . Then, w = reiθ ⇒ r = e x and θ = y (modulo 2π). From this, it is clear that the point (c , y ) (ec , θ). Specifically, if θ0 < y < θ1 and c = a, then the mapping {( a, y ) : θ0 < y < θ1 } → ∂Ω a is a bijection. Likewise, let a < x < b , and set y = θ0 . Then, the mapping {( x , θ0 ) : a < x < b} → Γ 0 is also a bijection under the conformal mapping. Thus, under the conformal map w = e z , vertical lines are mapped into angular arcs of the complex plane, and horizontal lines are mapped into the radial lines of the complex planes; see Figure 3.5 for details. Because the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation is invariant under a conformal transformation, it suffices to transform Ω onto the rectangular domain (via the inverse conformal transformation), solve the Laplace equation, and then transform the solution back into the original domain Ω. K15149_Book.indb 96 10/18/13 10:47 AM 97 Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics Under the conformal mapping, the sides {1, 2, 3, 4} are mapped respectively onto the sides {1', 2', 3', 4'} w = ez 3 4 3' Ω 2' 4' 1' θ0 θ1 2 1 Figure 3.5 Mapping under a conformal transformation. The solution to the rectangular domain R = (0,a) × (0,b) is precisely that of Exercise 3.6.4. Because boundary conditions transform invariantly under a conformal transformation, it follows that the potential ψ defined on R subject to the following boundary conditions, V− on x = 0 ψ= V+ on x = a and ∂ y ψ = 0 on {y = 0} ∪ {y = b}, is given by ϕ( x , y ) = 4 π ∑ n 1 2 n− 1 ( cosh λ 2 n− 1 ) V− cosh λ 2 n − 1b y + V+ −sinh sinh λ 2 n− 1 y sin λ 2 n− 1 x λ 2 n − 1b Now, the inverse conformal transformation yields x = ln r and y = θ. Hence, via the composition of maps, ϕ(r , θ) ≡ ψ w −1 , the desired potential on Ω is ψ (r , θ) = 4 π ∑ n 1 2 n− 1 ( cosh λ 2 n− 1 ) V− cosh λ 2 n − 1b θ + V+ −sinh sinh λ 2 n− 1θ sin ( λ 2 n− 1 ln r ) λ 2 n − 1b □ 3.6.8 Exercise Suppose a point charge Q is located at (0, 0, z0 ) ∈R 3+ above a pure dielectric half-space (R 3− , ε) , where ε is the electric permittivity of the dielectric medium. Determine the electric potential φ in Ω = R 3+ − {(0, 0, z0 )}, ε 0 , where ε 0 is the electric permittivity of air. What is the potential in R 3− ? Hint: Apply the method of images. ( K15149_Book.indb 97 ) 10/18/13 10:47 AM 98 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution 3 The potential φ satisfies Poisson’s equation −ε 0 ∆ϕ = Qδ (r ) satisfying the boundary condition at the interface: lim ϕ( x , y , z) = lim+ ϕ( x , y , z) (i) z → 0− z→ 0 lim ε ∂ z ϕ( x , y , z) = lim+ ε 0 ∂ z ϕ( x , y , z) (ii) z → 0− z→ 0 Applying the method of images, let q denote the image charge at (0, 0, −z0 ) ∈R 3− . Then, the potential ϕ + in Ω is trivially given by ϕ + ( x , y , z) = 1 4 πε 0 { Q + x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 q x 2 + y 2 + ( z + z0 )2 } On the other hand, the solution ϕ − on R3− is obtained by replacing Q with some charge q′ at (0, 0, z0 ) ∈(R 3 , ε) and replacing the entire space with electric permittivity ε. Then, the potential field defined on R 3− is ϕ − ( x , y , z) = q′ 1 4 πε x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 Invoking the continuity condition (i) yields 4 πε1 0 (Q + q) = condition (ii) yields 4επε0 0 (Q − q) = 4επε q ′ , whence Q+q= ε0 ε q′ = ε0 ε 1 4 πε q ′ , and applying 0 (Q − q) ⇒ q = − ε−ε and q ′ = ε+ε 0 Q 2ε ε+ε 0 Thus, the electric potential in R 3 is given by ϕ= Q 4 πε 0 { 1 x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 2ε 1 4 πε 0 ε+ε 0 − ε−ε 0 ε+ε 0 1 x 2 + y 2 + ( z + z0 )2 Q x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z0 )2 } on Ω on R −3 References 1. Chang, D. 1992. Fields and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 2. Churchill, R. and Brown, J. 1990. Complex Variables and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 98 10/18/13 10:47 AM Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics 99 3. Hsu, H. 1984. Applied Vector Analysis. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 4. LePage, W. 1961. Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers. New York: Dover. 5. Jackson, J. 1962. Classical Electrodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 6. Rothwell, E. and Cloud, M.J. 2001. Electromagnetics. New York: CRC Press. 7. Smythe, W. 1950. Static and Dynamic Electricity. New York: McGraw-Hill. 8. Stratton, J. 1941. Electromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill. 9. Wylie, C. Jr. 1960. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 10. Zachmanoglou, E. and Thoe, D. 1976. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications. New York: Dover. K15149_Book.indb 99 10/18/13 10:47 AM 4 Transmission Line Theory Transmission line theory is the study of electromagnetic waves propagating between two or more distinct conductors. The model is obtained by the judicious application of Maxwell’s equations. It is typically derived via discrete circuit elements. The purpose here is to demonstrate how circuit theory is derived from field theory. Indeed, the emphasis placed on the field-theoretic derivation is twofold: it has general applicability, and more important, it provides the basis for many engineering approximations and rules of thumb. This is particularly true in the chapter on antennae. Some useful references regarding the derivation of transmission lines from Maxwell’s equations can be found in References [1,6,7], and for an informal and practical approach to the subject, refer to References [3– 5]. 4.1 Introduction Recall from Theorem 1.4.1 and Corollary 1.4.2 that TEM cannot exist on a single conductor. Because, as shown below, waves defined by the transmission line equation are in TEM mode, it follows that transmission line structures comprise at least two conductors. In practice, for very good conductors, an approximate TEM wave is sustained because conductivity σ < ∞ ⇒ E|| ≠ 0 along the conductors, where E|| is the longitudinal (or axial) component of the electric field, (i.e., E|| is the field parallel to the direction of the TEM propagation). Physically, E|| ≠ 0 follows from the fact that σ < ∞ implies that the conductors have finite resistance (instead of zero resistance) and hence a driving voltage is needed to sustain the flow of charges, as energy is lost through the ohmic heating effect. Thus, the propagating wave is a quasi-TEM wave. It is not a perfect TEM wave because E|| ≠ 0. For good conductors, a TEM wave solution may be assumed for simplicity. Finally, a corollary of Section 1.4 is summarized below for future reference. 101 K15149_Book.indb 101 10/18/13 10:47 AM 102 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 4.1.1. Proposition. Let M± ⊂ R 3 be two disjoint conductors whose conductivity σ ± >> 1. Then, a TEM wave ( E , B) propagating between M± induces a potential difference between M− and M+ . In particular, the TEM wave induces a current density along M± . Proof Without loss of generality, suppose M± is oriented such that the TEM wave is propagating along the z-axis. From Section 1.4, E = E⊥ by definition, in particular, by Theorem 1.4.1, ∃ϕ such that E⊥ = −∇ϕ . Because M± may be approximated as PECs, the boundary conditions on M± imply that ϕ|M± ≡ ϕ ± are constants, whence, δϕ = ϕ + − ϕ − is the required potential difference, as claimed. To complete the proof, it suffices to observe that Bz = 0 implies that n± × B⊥ = µJ ± . The surface current is thus parallel to ∂ M± , as required. □ Thus, Proposition 4.1.1 establishes an equivalence between voltage–current and TEM waves. That is, a propagating TEM wave between two separate conductors will generate a potential difference between the two conductors and, equivalently, applying a time-harmonic voltage across two separate conductors will generate a TEM wave. The above theorem forms the basis for transmission line theory. 4.2 Transmission Line Equations In this section, transmission line equations are derived from first principles via a field-theoretic method. It is then demonstrated that a pair of transmission lines can be approximated by a distributed line model commonly found in the literature. This thus justifies the use of a distributed line model in deriving the transmission line equation. Transmission line equations are also known as the telephone equations. The following assumptions are made in the derivation. • The conductors are imperfect; that is, 1 << σ < ∞, where σ is the conductivity of the conductors, and without loss of generality, the conductors are assumed to have the same conductivity. • The dielectric medium is imperfect; that is, 0 < σ 0 << 1 , where σ 0 is the conductivity of the surrounding homogeneous dielectric medium. • The TEM solution holds between the pair of conductors, as 0 < σ 0 << 1 << σ . • The conductors are arbitrarily long with uniform cross-sections. K15149_Book.indb 102 10/18/13 10:47 AM 103 Transmission Line Theory Circles centred about C(0) and C(1) respectively with π(C(0)) = z and π(C(1)) = z + δz, where π(x, y, z) = z is a projection map Γ' Plane waves E, B γ The surface area S spanned by the oriented loop γ + C + γ' + C' Γ" S C C' z Unit normal γ' Good conductors vector field on S is directed into the page z + δz Figure 4.1 TEM waves propagating between two infinite transmission lines. Figure 4.1 shows a TEM wave (or equivalently, some oscillating voltage source not shown) incident on an infinitely long pair of conductors. The closed path Γ = γ ∪ C ∪ γ ′ ∪ C ′ is oriented as shown in the figure and S is the rectangular surface that spans the oriented loop Γ. That is, Γ(0) = γ(0) and Γ(1) = γ(1). The unit vector n normal to S is directed into the page, consistent with the orientation of Γ (right-hand rule). Assume for simplicity that γ is oriented in the e y direction along the y-axis, C is oriented in the e z direction along the z-axis and n is directed in the +x-axis direction, and suppose that the angular frequency of the incident TEM wave is ω. Suppose also that the conductors are very good conductors (viz., σ >> ωε for the ω in question). Finally, recall that the following approximations are employed: (a) the general solution is a TEM solution and (b) a very small Ez -field on the surface of the conductors is assumed in order to overcome the ohmic loss due to finite conductivity of the conductors. From Equation (1.15), invoking Stokes’ theorem yields ∇ × E ⋅ nd 2 r = S E ⋅ l dr and hence, ∫∫ ∫ Γ − ddt ∫∫ B ⋅ n dS = ∫ E ⋅ l d = ∫ E ⋅ e d + ∫ E ⋅ e d + ∫ S Γ γ y C z γ′ E ⋅ e y d + ∫ C′ E ⋅ e z d (4.1) where n is a unit normal vector field on S and l is the unit tangent vector field on Γ. Before proceeding further, recall that B ⋅ ndS = Ψ is just the S magnetic flux that crosses the surface S, and inductance L = L(S) is defined by Ψ ≡ Li, where i is the current flow around ∂S = γ. Some comments are due. First, observe that the inductance L = L(S) depends implicitly on the surface area S via the surface integral. Second, by definition, the potential difference along the path γ is given by v( γ ; t) = − ∫ γ E ⋅ e y d, and likewise, the potential difference along the path γ′ is given by v( γ ′ ; t) = − ∫ γ ′ E ⋅ e y d = − v(− γ ′ ; t), where (− γ ′)(t) ≡ γ ′(1 − t) ∀t ∈[0, 1] is the reverse orientation of γ′. ∫∫ K15149_Book.indb 103 10/18/13 10:47 AM 104 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The potential difference v( γ ; t) and v( γ ′ ; t) are well-defined because, by definition, TEM waves satisfy the Laplace equation and hence, the field is conservative. That is, the path integral is path-independent in a simply connected space as long as the endpoints are specified. By construction (see Figure 4.1) we may set v(z, t) = v(γ; t) and v( z + δz, t) = v(− γ ′ ; t). The potential drop across C resulting from an imperfect conductor is a little bit more involved. For concreteness, let the loop Γ and the paths γ , γ ′ , C , C ′ be parameterized by 0 ≤ s ≤ 1. Fix some s ∈(0, 1) such that Γ(s) = C(0) and a circle Γ′ centered at C(0) about the upper conductor along C, with π(C(0)) = z, where π : R 3 → R defined by (x, y, z) ↦ z is a projection map that projects a 3-vector onto its z-component; that is, π(v ) = v ⋅ e z (see Figure 4.1). Then, iC ( z, t) = µ1 B ⋅ eφ d defines the flow of current along C, where eφ is a unit ∫ Γ′ vector field tangent to Γ′. By Ohm’s law, v(C ; t) = − ∫ E dz = C z 1 2 RδziC ( z, t) where 21 R is the resistance per unit length of the respective conductors. Likewise, along C′, the voltage drop is given by v(C ′ ; t) = − ∫ C′ Ez d z = − 21 RδziC′ ( z, t) where, via Kirchhoff’s current law, iC′ ( z, t) + iC ( z, t) = 0 ∀z, t . Indeed, this suggests that the current flowing from C to C′ along γ′ comprises essentially a displacement current; more on this point later. Thus, from Equation (4.1), it follows that − ddt ∫∫ B ⋅ nd x = − v(z, t) + v(z + δz, t) + 2 S 1 2 RδziC ( z, t) − 21 RδziC ' ( z, t) (4.2) and observe that iC′ ( z, t) = − i− C′ ( z, t). Now, recall from the preceding paragraph that the magnetic flux is defined by Ψ = ∫ S B ⋅ ndS = Li, where L is the inductance and i the current around Γ. Furthermore, observe trivially that lim S → 0 , where S denotes the area of δz→ 0 S and δz is the length of S. Hence, this motivates the following definition: ≡ lim 1 ∫ S B ⋅ ndS, the magnetic flux per unit length. In particular, it folΨ δz δz→ 0 lows that the inductance per unit length L = Ψi is also well-defined. Finally, from − ddt ∫ S B ⋅ nd 2 x = − L ∂t i and hence, Equation (4.2) becomes ∂ z v( z, t) = − L ∂t i( z , t) − Ri( z , t) K15149_Book.indb 104 (4.3) 10/18/13 10:47 AM 105 Transmission Line Theory Volume M Surface S– S+ Surface E, B Plane wave Good conductors Surface S0 Figure 4.2 TEM waves propagating between two infinite transmission lines. where ∂ z v( z, t) = lim v( z +δz ,δtz)− v( z ,t ) δz→ 0 and i( z, t) = 21 iC ' ( z, t) + 21 i− C ' ( z, t) This is the first equation for the pair of transmission lines. To obtain the second transmission line equation, consider Figure 4.2. The boundary of the small volume M is clearly seen to be ∂ M = S+ ∪ S− ∪ S0 . Moreover, assume the same coordinate axes as in Figure 4.1. Namely, the z-direction is the direction of the wave propagation and the x–y plane defines the transverse (i.e., perpendicular) coordinates. Finally, suppose that the z-component of the surface S+ is z and the z-component of the surface S− is z + δz, where δz is the length of the cylindrical surface S0. ∫∫∫ ρd x = ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ Jd x . Invoking the divergence theorem, ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ Jd x = ∫∫ J ⋅ d x , and Ohm’s law, J = σE, it follows that From the equation of continuity (1.19), − ddt 3 3 M M 3 2 ∂M M ∫∫ ∂M J ⋅ nd 2 x = ∫∫ S+ J ⋅ n+ d 2 x + ∫∫ S− J ⋅ n− d 2 x + σ ∫∫ S0 E ⋅ nd 2 x where σ is the conductivity of the homogeneous medium wherein the two conductors are embedded. Set i( z, t) = ∫ ∫ S+ J ⋅ n+ d 2 x and i( z + δz, t) = ∫ ∫ S− J ⋅ n− d 2 x , where n+ = − n− is the unit vector normal to S± , respectively, to be the conduction current across the surfaces S± . Hence, ∫ ∫ S+ J ⋅ (− n− )d 2 x + ∫ ∫ S− J ⋅ n− d 2 x = i( z + δz, t) − i( z, t) . The third term, σ ∫ ∫ S0 E ⋅ nd 2 x , denotes the transverse conduction contribution (it corresponds to the conductivity of a lossy dielectric medium) where n is the unit vector field on S0. Moreover, recalling that G(S0 ) = v(σz ,t ) ∫ ∫ S0 E ⋅ nd 2 x defines the conductance, and noting trivially that lim S0 = 0 it follows that G(S0 ) ≡ lim δ1z δz→ 0 σ v( z , t ) per unit length. Finally, applying −ε ddt ∫∫ K15149_Book.indb 105 ∂M δz→ 0 ∫ ∫ S0 E ⋅ nd 2 x , is well-defined; this defines the conductance Gauss’ law, − ddt ∫∫∫ M ρd 3 x = −ε ddt ∫∫∫ M ∇ ⋅ Ed 3 x = E ⋅ d 2 x. Whence, from Q = CV, it follows that the capacitance 10/18/13 10:47 AM 106 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers C(∂ M) = v( zε, t ) ddt ∫ ∫ ∂ M E ⋅ d 2 x and in particular, the capacitance per unit length C(S0 ) = lim δ1z C(S0 ) is well-defined, as the displacement current is zero across δz→ 0 S+ ∪ S− . Thus, − C(S0 )δz ∂t v( z, t) = i( z + δz, t) − i( z, t) + G(S0 )δzv( z, t) (4.4) and taking the limit as δz → 0 yields the second transmission line equation: ∂ z i( z, t) = − C(S0 ) ∂t v( z , t) − G(S0 )v(z , t) (4.5) As an aside, an alternative derivation of Equation (4.5) via (1.17) is given in Chapter 5. The above results can be formally epitomized as follows. 4.2.1 Theorem Given a pair of semi-infinitely long conductors of conductivity σ 0 >> 1 that are parallel to the z-axis, suppose that the conductors have uniform cross-sections and are embedded in a homogeneous dielectric medium (ε, σ), where 0 < σ << 1 << σ 0 . Suppose a time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave ( E , B, ω ) is incident on the pair of conductors at z = 0, where σ 0 >> εω . Then, the induced voltage and current waves propagating along the conductor pair may be approximated by the TEM solution given by Equations (4.3) and (4.5). □ What is the explicit expression for the voltage v and current i from the coupled equations? To briefly see it, differentiate (4.3) with respect to z and replace ∂ z i in the equation using (4.5): ∂2z v( z, t) = RGv( z, t) + (RC + LG) ∂t v( z, t) + LC ∂t2 v( z, t) (4.6) where R,G, L, C are, respectively, resistance, conductance, inductance, and capacitance per unit length. Likewise, differentiating (4.5) with respect to z and replacing ∂ z v in the equation with (4.3) yield: ∂2z i( z, t) = RGi( z, t) + (RC + LG) ∂t i( z, t) + LC ∂t2 i( z, t) (4.7) Now, observe that Equations (4.6) and (4.7) have identical forms. Indeed, the equations are precisely the one-dimensional D’Alembert wave equation. Hence, the voltage and current that propagate along the conductors are pre1 cisely plane waves. By inspection, they propagate at speed LC . In hindsight, it is almost clear that L, C, G are related to σ, μ, ε in some way. 4.2.2 Corollary Given the conditions stated in Theorem 4.2.1, LG = μσ and LC = με. K15149_Book.indb 106 10/18/13 10:47 AM 107 Transmission Line Theory Proof Suppose that the conductors are perfect conductors; that is, set R = 0. Then, Equations (4.6) and (4.7) reduce to ∂2z v( z, t) = LG ∂t v( z, t) + LC ∂2t v( z, t) (4.8) ∂2z i( z, t) = LG ∂t i( z, t) + LC ∂t2 i( z, t) (4.9) Now, recalling the wave Equation (1.28) and noting that v( z, t) = − ∫ γ E ⋅ ld, (4.8) reduces to − ∫ ∂ E ⋅ l d = −LG ∫ ∂ E ⋅ l d − LC ∫ ∂ E ⋅ l d γ 2 z γ t γ 2 t whence comparing the coefficients with Equation (1.28) yields ∂2z v( z, t) = µε ∂t2 v( z, t) + µσ ∂t v( z , t) Likewise, recalling that i( z, t) = (4.10) ∫ H ⋅ l d , (4.9) has the same form as the C wave Equation (1.29) for the magnetic flux density, yielding ∂2z i( z, t) = µε ∂t2 i( z, t) + µσ ∂t i( z, t) whence, by inspection, it is clear that LG = μσ and LC = με, as required. (4.11) □ Observe trivially from the above derivation that a transmission line can be represented by the distributed parameter model illustrated in Figure 4.3. Indeed, from the equivalence between (v,i) and (E,B), it follows that voltage and current are subject to reflection at a boundary interface, just as electric and magnetic fields are. This topic is investigated in subsequent sections. R L G R C L Figure 4.3 A distributed lumped parameter model representing a pair of transmission lines. K15149_Book.indb 107 10/18/13 10:47 AM 108 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 4.3 Characteristic Impedance and the Smith Chart In this section, the concept of characteristic impedance is established. It has special significance in transmission line theory: to wit, the characteristic impedance is independent of the length of the conductors. This is established below. In Section 4.2, infinitely long conductors were studied. In contrast, finite conductors are investigated here. The motivation for this section runs as follows. • Under what circumstances do finite conductors appear to be infinitely long conductors to a propagating TEM wave? • What happens to an incident voltage and current at a boundary interface? • What is the impedance along a transmission line from the perspective of an incident propagating wave? For simplicity, consider a propagating time-harmonic TEM wave. Then, phasor transforming (v,i) → (V,I), Equations (4.3) and (4.4) can be rewritten as dV ( z ) dz dI ( z ) dz = − RI ( z) − iωLI ( z) = −(R + iωL)I ( z) (4.12) = − GV ( z) − iωCV ( z) = −(G + iωC)V ( z) (4.13) The equations are now a pair of coupled first-order ordinary differential equations. The variable ω has been suppressed for convenience. So, differentiating Equation (4.12) with respect to z and substituting the value for dI ( z ) dz via (4.13): d2V ( z ) dz 2 = (R + iωL)(G + iωC)V ( z) ≡ γ 2V ( z) (4.14) Likewise, differentiating (4.13) with respect to z yields: d2 I ( z ) dz 2 = (R + iωL)(G + iωC)V ( z) ≡ γ 2 I ( z) (4.15) Observe the symmetry between the two equations. Before proceeding further, the wave propagation constant γ ≡ α + iβ is evaluated explicitly. First note that (α + iβ)2 = γ 2 = (R + iωL)(G + iωC). Hence, using the same technique as in Chapter 1, α 2 − β 2 + i2αβ = RG − ω 2 LC + iω(RC + LG), leads to α 2 − β 2 = RG − ω 2 LC and 2αβ = ω(RC + LG) K15149_Book.indb 108 10/18/13 10:47 AM 109 Transmission Line Theory Next, noting that (α 2 + β 2 )2 = (α 2 )2 + (β 2 )2 + 2α 2β 2 1= (α 2 − β 2 )2 + 4α 2β 2 , it follows that α 2 + β 2 = ((RG − ω 2 LC)2 + ω 2 (RC + LG)2 ) 2 . Hence, adding and subtracting the two equations, respectively, for α 2 ± β 2 give 1 2α 2 = ((RG − ω 2 LC)2 + ω 2 (RC + LG)2 ) 2 + RG − ω 2 LC 1 2β 2 = ((RG − ω 2 LC)2 + ω 2 (RC + LG)2 ) 2 − (RG − ω 2 LC) In summary, α= β= 1 2 1 2 {(RG − ω LC) 2 2 + ω 2 (RC + LG)2 } 1 2 + RG − ω 2 LC (4.16a) ((RG − ω 2 LC)2 + ω 2 (RC + LG)2 ) 2 − (RG − ω 2 LC) (4.16b) 1 Now, observe trivially that that whenever a 2 + b 2 ≥ max{ a, b} ∀a, b ∈R . Thus, it follows ω << min { RG LC , RC+1 LG } by invoking the binomial expansion, Equation (4.16) reduces to { α ≈ RG 1 + ω2 8 ( GC + RL )2 } and β ≈ RG ω 2 ( GC + RL ) To derive the expressions, it suffices to observe that RG − ω 2 LC ≈ RG and + LG 1 + ω 2 ( RCRG ) ≈ 1+ 2 ω2 2 ( RCRG+ LG )2 = 1 + ω2 ( GC + RL )2 2 In particular, lim α = RG and lim β = 0 ω→ 0 ω→ 0 and there is no wave propagation for ω << min { RG LC } , RC+1 LG , as γ ≈ α Next, consider the other extreme scenario wherein ω >> max K15149_Book.indb 109 { R L + G C , RG LC } 10/18/13 10:47 AM 110 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Then, by applying the binomial approximation once again, it follows that α≈ 1 2 {R C L +G L C } { and β ≈ ω LC 1 + 1 8ω 2 ( RL + GC )2 } Once again, the derivation is similar to the former expressions: to wit, RG − ω 2 LC ≈ −ω 2 LC and + LG 1 + ( RCωLC ) ≈ 1+ 2 ( RCLC+ LG )2 = 1 + 2ω1 ( RL + GC )2 1 2ω2 2 In particular, lim α ≈ ω→∞ 1 2 {R C L +G L C }≡ { 1 2 R R0 + GR0 } and lim β ≈ ω LC ω→∞ where R0 = L/C defines the characteristic impedance of a lossless transmission line. Thus, it is clear from the above analysis that for very low frequencies, γ ≈ α ≈ RG , and the line appears to be purely resistive. On the other hand, for very high frequencies, ℜe( γ ) is independent of frequency. Finally, for a perfect conductor in a perfect dielectric, α = 0 and β = ω LC ⇒ γ = iω LC ∀ω. These results are summarized formally below for future reference. 4.3.1 Proposition Given a pair of infinitely long transmission lines (C± ,L,C, R, G), for any positive number ε > 0, ∃ω ε > 0 such that ∀ω > ω ε , ( RG0 + GR0 ) < ε a) α− b) β − ω LC < ε 1 2 where R0 = CL is the characteristic impedance and G0 = up to first order in ω1 , γ≈ 1 2 { ( RG0 + GR0 ) + iω LC 1 + 1 8ω 2 C L . In particular, ( RL + GC )2 } Proof From the discussion above, given any ε > 0, provisionally choose ω >> max K15149_Book.indb 110 { R L + G C , RG LC } 10/18/13 10:47 AM 111 Transmission Line Theory For concreteness, set ω > ω 0 ≡ a max { R L + G C , RG LC } for any fixed constant a >> 1. Then, appealing to the binomial approximation, (1 + δ)r ≈ 1 + rδ + r ( r2!− 1) δ 2 + o(δ 3 ), where δ << 1 and r ∈ R, on setting κ = 21 (RG0 + GR0 ), it follows that up to ω12 , α≈ ω LC { 1 2ω2 { ( R L 1 2 ≈ κ 1− ≈κ− 1 4ω 2 κ 4ω 2 ( RL + GC )2 − 2ω1 ( RL + GC )2 4ω1 ( RL + GC )2 + o ( ω1 )} 2 + )} G 2 C 2 6 1 2 ( RL + GC )2 whence, given ε > 0, choose ω such that κ 4ω 2 ( RL + GC )2 < ε In particular, set ω ′ε = max { κ ε ( RL + GC ) , ω 0 } Then, ∀ω > ω ′ε ⇒ α − 21 ( RG0 + GR0 ) < ε . Lastly, for case (b), via the binomial approximation, choose ω > ω 0 , then β≈ 1 2 ω LC 2 + 1 2ω2 ( RL + GC )2 ⇒ β − ω LC ≈ 1 + LC 8ω ( RL + GC )2 + o ( ω1 ) 3 whence choosing ω > ω ′′ε ≡ max { LC 8ε ( RL + GC )2 , ω 0 } ⇒ β − ω LC < ε So, it is evident that upon choosing ω ε = max{ω ′ε , ω ′′ε }, both (a) and (b) are satisfied whenever ω > ω ε , as required. □ 4.3.2 Definition The wavelength λ of a wave propagating between a pair of transmission lines is defined by λ = 2βπ , where β = ℑm(γ). K15149_Book.indb 111 10/18/13 10:47 AM 112 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers For perfect conductors in a perfect dielectric, γ = iω LC and hence, 1 λ = ω 2 πLC . From this, it is clear that the phase velocity is υ = LC . For non­ ideal conductors and nonideal dielectrics, the phase velocity clearly becomes much more complicated. The general solution to Equation (4.14) is V ( z) = V+ e− γ z + V− e γ z (4.17) The coefficient V+ is the coefficient for the forward propagating (i.e., incident) wave. The coefficient V− is the coefficient for the backward propagating (i.e., reflected) wave. In particular, V− ≡ 0 if the transmission line is infinitely long. As a corollary to Proposition 4.3.1, when the frequency of a propagating wave is sufficiently high, the attenuation of the wave falls off essentially − 1 ( RG + GR ) z as e 2 0 0 , irrespective of the frequency. So, what happens should the line be finite? To answer this question, recall from Section 4.2 regarding the equivalence between L, G, C and (µ , σ , ε): LG = μσ and LC = με (4.18) Hence, changing the values of (μ, ε) will have an impact on the boundary between two media when a TEM wave is incident on the boundary. The equivalence established by Equation (4.16) implies that changing the values of the inductance and the capacitance of the line will affect how the voltage and current waves propagate. In particular, reflection will generally occur when the voltage wave is incident on the boundary between the conductors with different values of inductance and capacitance. Reflection occurs in order to satisfy the boundary condition imposed by a change in L, C, G, or equivalently, in μ, σ, ε. For example, if a finite conductor is open with respect to ground, a physical boundary condition would be that the current at the end of the conductor be zero. Conversely, if a finite conductor were shorted to ground, a physical boundary condition would be that the voltage at the endpoint of the conductor be zero. A physical solution for the respective differential equations must then satisfy the given boundary conditions. 4.3.3 Example Consider a pair of infinitely long perfect conductors such that L1 L= L 2 K15149_Book.indb 112 for z < 0, for z > 0, C1 and C = C2 for z < 0, for z > 0. 10/18/13 10:47 AM 113 Transmission Line Theory That is, the conductor consists of a pair of semi-infinite conductors of different L, C. Recall that the propagating voltage wave must satisfy the wave equation ∂2z Vα ( z) = γ α2 Vα ( z) where γ α2 = −ω 2 Lα Cα , in conductor Cα , α = 1, 2 . Let the solution in z < 0 be V ( z) = V1+ e γ 1z + V1− e− γ 1z and the solution in z > 0 be V ( z) = V2+ e− γ 2 z . Note that by assumption, V2− = 0 as there is no reflection from an infinite line (the absence of a boundary for all finite z > 0). Inasmuch as the potential must be continuous at the boundary z = 0, it follows that 2 V1+ + V1− = V2+ . Moreover, as d dVz2( z ) is defined on the transmission line, it follows that dVdz( z ) must also be continuous at z = 0. Hence, −γ 1V1+ + γ 1V1− = −γ 2V2+ The voltage V1+ e γ 1z represents the incident wave, V1− e− γ 1z corresponds to the reflected wave, and V2+ e γ 2 z the transmitted wave. Now, observe that solving for V1± as functions of V2+ at z = 0 yields ( V1± = 21V2+ 1 ± γ2 γ1 )⇒ V1− V1+ = γ1−γ2 γ1+γ2 and V2+ V1+ = 2γ1 γ1+γ2 which are constants. The former constant relates to the reflection of the wave at the boundary z = 0, whereas the latter relates to the transmission of the wave at the interface z = 0. The analysis for ( I1± , I 2+ ) follows that of (V1± , V2+ ) mutatis mutandis, leading to I1− I1+ = γ1−γ2 γ1+γ2 and V2+ V1+ = 2γ1 γ1+γ2 □ This analysis motivates the details sketched below. Having had a sneak preview of what’s to follow from Example 4.3.3, consider for simplicity an infinitely long pair of transmission lines. Then, the general solutions to Equations (4.15) and (4.16) are, respectively, V ( z) = V0+ e− γ z + V0− e γ z and I ( z) = I 0+ e− γ z + I 0− e γ z , where (V0+ , I 0+ ) are forward propagating waves and (V0− , I 0− ) are backward propagating (i.e., reflected) waves. Next, noting that ddz V = −γ {V0+ e− γ z − V0− e γ z }, it follows from Equation (4.12) that ddz V = −γ {V0+ e− γ z − V0− e γ z } = −(R + iωL)I . That is, V0+ e− γ z − V0− e γ z = R +γiωL { I 0+ e− γ z + I 0− e γ z } implies that { 0 = V0+ − K15149_Book.indb 113 R + iωL γ } { I 0+ e− γ z − V0− + R + iωL γ } I 0− e γ z 10/18/13 10:48 AM 114 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Because this holds for all z, it follows immediately that V0+ − V0− + R +γiωL I 0− = 0 ; to wit, V0+ I 0+ = R + iωL γ R + iωL γ I 0+ = 0 and − = − VI0− 0 As a side remark, the same result can be obtained via Equation (4.13) and I ( z) = I 0+ e− γ z + I 0− e γ z : I ( z) = γ R + iωL {V e + − γz } − V− e γz = G + iωC R + iωL {V e + − γz − V− e γz } as expected. These results motivate the following definition. 4.3.4 Definition Given a pair of parallel transmission lines (C± , , R, L, C, G) of length ℓ ≤ ∞, its characteristic impedance is given by Z0 = GR ++ iiωωCL . The characteristic impedance is thus the impedance looking down a pair of infinite transmission lines. By definition, the characteristic impedance is, in general, frequency dependent. Clearly, for ω >> 1 to be sufficiently large, that is, R << ωL and G << ωC, then Z0 ≈ R0 ≡ CL . That is, the characteristic impedance is approximately independent of the frequency. Explicitly, via the binomial expansion, up to first order in 1/ω, Z0 = R + iωL G + iωC ≈ L C {1 − 2iω RL } {1 + 2iω GC } ≈ R0 {1 + 2iω ( GC − RL )} 4.3.5 Theorem The characteristic impedance of a lossless pair of parallel transmission lines (C± , , L,C) is independent of the angular frequency ω of a propagating timeharmonic wave. Proof Because the lines are lossless, R = 0 = G, and hence, from Definition 4.3.4, Z0 = L/C . □ From the previous discussion, a pair of transmission lines transmitting a very high frequency, monochromatic, time-harmonic TEM wave behave as if the lines were lossless. In particular, this holds for a square wave or trapezoidal wave provided the fundamental frequency is sufficiently large. In what follows, only finite transmission lines are considered. For simplicity, let ( γ + , γ − ) denote the axes of a pair of parallel transmission lines (C+ , C− ) such that the lengths γ + = γ − . The pair of transmission lines (C+ , C− ) K15149_Book.indb 114 10/18/13 10:48 AM 115 Transmission Line Theory C+ z=0 Source impedance Zs z=l Load ZL impedance R, L, C, G, V = V0(ω) C– Figure 4.4 A pair of finite is identified with ( γ + , γ − ) , and where convenient, they are parameterized by γ ± : [0, 1] → R 3 . See Figure 4.4 for details. Finally, for notational convenience, let (C± , , R, L, C, G) denote the above transmission line pair such that γ + = = γ − . Note that although it is unfortunate that the axes of a pair of transmission lines ( γ + , γ − ) share the same symbol as the wave propagation constant γ, no confusion should arise on this account. 4.3.6 Proposition Suppose a transmission line pair (C± , , R, L, C, G) is connected to a source (V0 (ω ), ZS ) and terminated by a load ZL . Then, the input impedance Z(z) toward the load at any point z ∈ [0, ℓ] on the transmission line is given by Z( z) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ ( − z ) Z0 + ZL tanh γ ( − z ) (4.19) Proof The general solutions of Equations (4.15) and (4.16) at z = ℓ yield V () = V0+ e− γ + V0− e γ and I () = I 0+ e− γ + I 0− e γ − − Now, recalling that Z0 = − VI0− , it follows at once that I () = I 0+ e− γ − VZ00 e γ . 0 Hence, solving for V0± yield V0± = 21 (V () ± I ()Z0 )e ± γ . Furthermore, by definition, ZL = VI(()) implies that V0± = 21 I ()(ZL ± Z0 )e ± γ and hence, substituting into the general solution for V(z),I(z) leads directly to { } (4.20) } (4.21) V ( z) = 21 I () (ZL + Z0 )e γ ( − z ) + (ZL − Z0 )e− γ ( − z ) I ( z) = K15149_Book.indb 115 1 I () 2 Z0 {(Z L + Z0 )e γ ( − z ) − (ZL − Z0 )e− γ ( − z ) 10/18/13 10:48 AM 116 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers C+ z=0 Source impedance V = V0(ω) Zs R, L, C, G, V(0) Input impedance z=l Source impedance Zs Load ZL impedance V = V0(ω) C– Z(0) Z(0) Figure 4.5 The equivalence between a transmission line and a Lastly, substituting cosh x = 21 {e x + e− x } and sinh x = 21 {e x − e− x } into the above two equations, it follows clearly that Z( z) = V ( z) I ( z) = Z0 ZL cosh γ ( − z )+ Z0 sinh γ ( − z ) Z0 cosh γ ( − z )+ ZL sinh γ ( − z ) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ ( − z ) Z0 + ZL tanh γ ( − z ) □ In particular, it is obvious that the input impedance as seen by the source at z = 0 is Z(0) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ Z0 + ZL tanh γ Its physical significance is best illustrated in Figure 4.5. 4.3.7 Corollary Suppose (C±( ∞ ) , R, L, C, G) is a pair of infinitely long transmission lines and let (C± , , R, L, C, G) ⊂ (C±( ∞ ) , R, L, C, G) be an arbitrary compact segment that is terminated by some load Z. That is, the pair ( γ + (1), γ − (1)) is connected across Z. Then, (C± , , R, L, C, G) is equivalent to (C±( ∞ ) , R, L, C, G) if and only if Z = Z0 for all > 0. Proof From Proposition 4.3.6, ZL = Z0 if and only if Z( z) = Z0 ∀z ∈[0, ] , > 0 arbitrary. □ The above result thus illustrates an important feature of infinite transmission lines: they can be simulated by terminating a finite pair of transmission lines with their characteristic impedance. In this case, the finite transmission line is said to be matched. Observe from Equation (4.20) and V0± = 21 I ()(ZL ± Z0 ) that { V ( z) = V0+ e γ ( − z ) + K15149_Book.indb 116 ZL − Z0 ZL + Z0 e− γ ( − z) } (4.22) 10/18/13 10:48 AM 117 Transmission Line Theory for 0 ≤ z ≤ ℓ. In particular, V0− V0+ = ZL − Z0 ZL + Z0 by definition, and V0+ + V0− V0+ = 2 ZL ZL + Z0 Finally, recalling that V0− denotes the reflected wave whereas V0+ denotes the incident wave, the following definition ensues. 4.3.8 Definition Given a pair of finite transmission lines (C± , , R,L,C,G) , the reflection coefficient at the load is Γ() = ZZLL −+ ZZ00 and the transmission coefficient at the load is Τ() = Z2L Z+LZ0 . Specifically, the reflected wave amplitude is Γ()V0+ and the transmitted wave amplitude is Τ()V0+ . Furthermore, it is clear from Definition 4.3.8 that 1 + Γ(ℓ) = Τ(ℓ). That is, the sum of the incident wave and the reflected wave at the load is equal to the wave transmitted across the load. Lastly, observe that as impedance is, in general, complex, it is clear that Γ() = Γ() eiθ , where θ = arg Γ(). 4.3.9 Lemma Given (C± , , R,L,C,G) , the local maxima of V occur at z = − 2 nπ+θ ∀n = 2β (2 n − 1) π+θ 0, 1, 2,, and local minima of V occur at z = − ∀n = 0, 1, 2, … , 2β where γ = α + iβ is the wave propagation constant. Proof { } From Equation (4.22), V ( z) = V0+ eα ( − z )eiβ ( − z ) 1 + Γ() ei(θ − 2β( − z ))e−2 α ( − z ) . That is, V ( z) = V0+ eα ( − z ) 1 + Γ() ei(θ − 2β( − z ))e−2β ( − z ) Thus, it is quite evident that local maxima occur whenever ei(θ − 2β( − z )) = 1. Specifically, ei(θ − 2β( − z )) = 1 ⇒ θ − 2β( − z) = −2 nπ ⇒ z = − 2 nπ+θ + ∀n = 0, 1, … 2β as z ≥ 0. Likewise, local minima occur whenever ei(θ − 2β( − z )) = −1. That is, ei(θ − 2β( − z )) = −1 ⇒ θ − 2β( − z) = −(2 n − 1)π ⇒ z = − (2 n−21)βπ+θ + ∀n = 0, 1, … □ K15149_Book.indb 117 10/18/13 10:48 AM 118 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers In view of Lemma 4.3.9, given (C± , , R, L, C, G) , suppose > 0 is such that α << 1. Then, e−α ≈ 1 and hence, max V min V ≈ 1+ Γ ( ) 1− Γ ( ) which is a constant. This suggests the following definition. Suppose a lossless, finite transmission line, terminated at some load, is embedded in a lossless medium. Then, the voltage standing wave ratio is defined by V = max V min V = 1+ Γ ( ) 1− Γ ( ) Observe that for a low loss transmission line system (C± , , R, L, C, G) , VSWR provides a convenient and well-defined way of quantifying standing waves that exist on the transmission line system. Indeed, when the load is matched with the characteristic impedance, Γ(ℓ) = 0 ⇒ V = 1. On the other hand, when Γ(ℓ) = 1 (i.e., maximal reflection), then V = ∞. Show, in Exercise 4.5.1, that if ω ≥ 0 is fixed, then α << 1 ⇔ λ << 1, where λ is the wavelength of the propagating field. 4.3.10 Proposition Given (C± , , R, L, C, G) , let γ = α + iβ be the wave propagation constant. Suppose that λ << 1, where λ is the wavelength of the propagating timeharmonic voltage wave. Then, the following two conditions hold. a) Let z = z n correspond to the minima of V = V(z), and z = zn correspond to the maxima of V = V(z), where < z n < zn < z n+ 1 < zn+ 1 < ∀n . Then, zn − z n ≈ λ4 ∀n . b) Given VSWR V , Γ() = VV −+11 and hence, for a known zk for some k, θ = 2β( − zk ) − 2 kπ ⇒ Γ() = V −1 V +1 ei2β( − zk )−2 kπ = V −1 V +1 ei2β( − zk ) Similarly, Γ(ℓ) can be determined if V and any fixed z k are known. Proof (a) From Lemma 4.3.9, zn − z n = 2πβ . For αℓ << 1, by Exercise 4.5.1, 2 π , and the result thus follows. λ << 1 ⇒ β ≈ ω µε = λ (b) It is easy to see that V = 1+ Γ ( ) 1− Γ ( ) ⇒ V ( 1 − Γ() ) = 1 + Γ() ⇒ Γ = Finally, Γ = Γ eiθ and zn = − yields the desired result. K15149_Book.indb 118 2 nπ+θ 2β V −1 V +1 ∀n = 0, 1, 2, …, from Lemma 4.3.9, □ 10/18/13 10:48 AM 119 Transmission Line Theory Because VSWR V = VVmax , it follows that should VSWR become very min large, then Vmax can become very large on parts of the transmission line. This voltage amplification phenomenon is known as the Ferranti effect. It is possible for breakdown voltage of the line to be attained via the Ferranti effect. This would clearly be detrimental in any digital circuit. However, this is generally more of a concern for power lines than for digital circuits. 4.3.11 Theorem Given (C± , , R, L, C, G) , the condition RL = GC constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for the characteristic impedance of a transmission line to be independent of the angular frequency of propagation. That is, Z0 ≡ L/C if and only if R/L=G/C. Proof Now, Z0 ≡ R + iωL G + iωC can be rewritten as R + iωL G + iωC = L C R + iω L G + iω C Hence, R L = G C if and only if R+ ω i L G + iω C =1 and thus yielding Z0 = L/C for any frequency ω ≥ 0. □ A transmission line satisfying the condition stated in Theorem 4.3.11 is said to be distortionless. As a trivial corollary, note that for a perfect conductor (R = 0) in a lossless dielectric (G = 0), Z0 = L/C automatically holds. However, this does not mean that if the conditions of Theorem 4.3.11 should be satisfied, there is no attenuation to the propagating TEM waves along (C+ , C− ). Indeed, attenuation will occur whenever R ≠ 0: the energy needed to overcome the finite electrical conductivity manifests as heat, that is, as Joule heating. Theorem 4.3.11 merely states that the characteristic impedance will appear as if the transmission line system were lossless and hence no signal distortion for all angular frequencies of wave propagation. K15149_Book.indb 119 10/18/13 10:48 AM 120 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 4.3.12 Proposition Given a pair of finite transmission lines (C± , , R,L,C,G) , suppose ℓ > 0. If ω > 0 satisfies β = 21 nπ for any n ∈N , then ZL ∈R ⇒ Z(0) ∈R and ZL ∈C ⇒ Z(0) ∈C . Proof The above assertions can be easily established by noting that Z(0) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ Z0 + ZL tanh γ and tanh(α + iβ) = tanh α + itanβ 1+ i tanh α tan β where γ = α + iβ. Then, for β = nπ , n ∈N, tan β = 0, and hence, tanh γ = tanh α ∈R. Thus, ZL ∈R ⇒ Z(0) ∈R and ZL ∈C ⇒ Z(0) ∈C. Next, if β = 2 n2+ 1 π , n ∈N, then tanh γ = tanh1 α ∈R and hence, ZL ∈R ⇒ Z(0) ∈R and ZL ∈C ⇒ Z(0) ∈C, once again, as claimed. □ The above proposition yields a simple condition under which the input impedance of a transmission line is resistive if the load is resistive. In general, it is clear from the proof that even if the load is resistive, the input impedance is complex. This section closes by demonstrating that there exists a conformal transformation mapping the input impedance (or the load impedance) onto the reflection coefficient. The graph of the mapping is called the Smith Chart, and it is often used to determine graphically the input impedance or load impedance, given that the reflection coefficient at the load is known. 4.3.13 Theorem Given a pair of lossless transmission lines ( γ ± , , L,C), set Zˆ ( z) = ZZ(0z ) to be the normalized impedance along the transmission line. Then, there exists a conformal transformation ς mapping the ρ-space onto the Ẑ -space given by ς ( Γ ; z) = 1+ρ( z ) 1−ρ( z ) for any fixed z ∈[0, ], where Γ = Γ() and ρ = Γe− iβ( − z ) . In particular, on setting Zˆ = Rˆ + iXˆ and ρ = σ + iχ , where Rˆ , Xˆ , σ , χ ∈R , and the z-variable has been suppressed for simplicity, (σ − ) Rˆ 1+ Rˆ 2 + χ2 = 1 (1+ Rˆ )2 ( and (σ − 1)2 + χ − 1 Xˆ ) 2 = 1 χ2 Proof From Equations (4.20) and (4.21), it is clear that Z( z) = K15149_Book.indb 120 V ( z) I ( z) = Z0 1 + Γe− i2β( − z ) eiβ( − z ) + Γe− iβ( − z ) = Z0 iβ ( − z ) − iβ ( − z ) e − Γe 1 − Γe− i2β( − z ) 10/18/13 10:48 AM 121 Transmission Line Theory Hence, ς(Γ ; z) = Zˆ ( z) = 1+ρ( z ) 1−ρ( z ) az + b is well-defined. Moreover as the mapping cz + d ∀z ∈ C is a conformal transformation [2], it follows by inspection that ς is also conformal. iχ To complete the proof, observe by definition that Rˆ + iXˆ = 11+σ+ −σ− iχ . Hence, equating real and imaginary parts, 1+σ+ iχ 1−σ− iχ = 1−σ 2 −χ 2 + (1−σi2)2χ+χ2 (1−σ )2 +χ 2 yields Rˆ = and Xˆ = 1−σ 2 −χ 2 (1−σ )2 +χ 2 2χ (1−σ )2 +χ 2 Rearranging, and noting that (σ − ) − ( ) Rˆ 1+ Rˆ 2 2 σRˆ 1+ Rˆ + σ 2 + χ2 − Rˆ 1+ Rˆ 2 = σ2 − 2 σRˆ 1+ Rˆ yields Rˆ = 1−σ 2 −χ 2 (1−σ )2 +χ 2 ⇔0= Rˆ 1+ Rˆ ( Likewise, noting that χ − mutatis mutandis, that Xˆ = − 1 Xˆ ) 2 − 2χ (1−σ )2 +χ 2 1 Xˆ 2 = χ2 − 2χ Xˆ 1 1+ Rˆ ( ⇔ σ− Rˆ 1+ Rˆ ) 2 + χ2 = 1 (1+ Rˆ )2 , it follows, from the above proof ( ⇔ (σ − 1)2 + χ − 1 Xˆ ) 2 = 1 Xˆ 2 □ It is clear that (σ − ) Rˆ 1+ Rˆ defines a circle of radius defines a circle of radius 1 1+Rˆ 1 χ 2 + χ2 = centered at ( 1 (1+ Rˆ )2 Rˆ 1+ Rˆ 1 Xˆ ) ( , 0 , and (σ − 1)2 + χ − 1 Xˆ ) 2 = 1 χ2 ( ) . These circles are orthogonal centered at 1, to one another at the point wherein they intersect with one another. This forms the basis for the Smith Chart, and they define a coordinate system on the complex plane. K15149_Book.indb 121 10/18/13 10:48 AM 122 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 4.3.14 Remark From the equivalence Rˆ = 1−σ 2 −χ 2 (1−σ )2 +χ 2 ( ⇔ σ− Rˆ 1+ Rˆ ) 2 + χ2 = 1 (1+ Rˆ )2 the centers of the circles lie on the χ-axis. Moreover, R̂ = 0 ⇔ σ 2 + χ 2 = 1 ; that is, R̂ = 0 ⇔ ρ = 1. Next, the equivalence Xˆ = 2χ (1−σ )2 +χ 2 ( ⇔ (σ − 1)2 + χ − 1 Xˆ ) 2 = 1 Xˆ 2 evinces that the center of the circles lies on the line σ = 1. In particular, X̂ > 0 ⇔ χ > 0 yields a condition for inductive reactance, and X̂ < 0 ⇔ χ < 0 leads to a condition for capacitive reactance. 4.4 Impedance Matching and Standing Waves A boundary point along a transmission line is typically the result of a change in impedance at a point by virtue of a load. The terms load and boundary are used interchangeably in this section when referring to a transmission line. 4.4.1 Example Consider a transmission line pair (C± , , R, L, C, G) connected to a source (V0 (ω ), ZS ) and terminated by a load ZL (see Figure 4.3). What is the input impedance if (a) the line is shorted and (b) the line is open. Finally, consider as a special case wherein R = 0 = G, that is, a perfect conductor embedded in a perfect dielectric medium. (a) When the line is shorted to ground, the load is zero: ZL = 0 . Hence, by Equation (4.19), Z(0) = Z0 Z0 tanh γ Z0 = Z0 tanh γ (b) When the line is open, the load is infinite: ZL = ∞ , hence, by (4.19), Z(0) = Z0 ZL ZL tanh γ = Z0 coth γ Now, set Z(0) = Z0 tanh γ and Z( ∞ ) = Z0 coth γ . Then, Z(0) Z( ∞ ) = Z02 ⇒ Z0 = Z(0) Z( ∞ ) , a rather startling result! That is, the characteristic impedance can K15149_Book.indb 122 10/18/13 10:48 AM 123 Transmission Line Theory be deduced immediately simply by knowing the input impedance when the line is shorted and when it is open. Finally, to complete the example, consider the special case wherein R = 0 = G. Recalling that tanh iϕ = i tan ϕ, it follows at once that Equation (4.19) reduces to Z( z) = Z0 ZL + iZ0 tan β ( − z ) Z0 + iZL tan β ( − z ) (4.23) where β = ℑmγ and in this instance, α = ℜeγ = 0. Hence, for case (a), Z(0) = iZ0 tan β and for (b), Z( ∞ ) = − iZ0 cot β . Thus, depending upon the length of the transmission line, the input impedance of a short or open circuit oscillates between being inductive and capacitive reactance; see the plot for illustration. inductive reactance Graphs of Tan x and Cot x 60 40 4.1 Cot x 4.62 3.58 3.06 2.54 2.03 1.51 0.99 –0 0.47 –0.6 –1.1 –1.6 –2.1 –2.6 –3.2 –3.7 Tan x –4.2 0 –4.7 Amplitude 20 –20 –40 –60 capacitive reactance x (rads) Explicitly, in view of the plot, for the case wherein R = 0 = G, • Z(0) is inductive whenever ∈ (n − 1) βπ ,(n − 21 ) βπ ∀n ∈N . • Z(0) is capacitive whenever ∈ (n − 21 ) βπ , n βπ ∀n ∈N . • Z( ∞ ) is inductive whenever ∈ (n − 21 ) βπ , n βπ ∀n ∈N . • Z( ∞ ) is capacitive whenever ∈ (n − 1) βπ ,(n − 21 ) βπ ∀n ∈N. Unfortunately, for the general case wherein γ ∈C, no simple relationships similar to those given above exist. □ 4.4.2 Proposition Given a pair of finite transmission lines (C± , , R, L, C, G) as shown in Figure 4.3, suppose (V0 (ω ), ZS ) is the source at z = 0 and the transmission line terminates at some load ZL . Then, ∀z ∈[0, ] V ( z) = K15149_Book.indb 123 V0 ( ω ) Z0 e− γ z Z0 + ZS 1−Γ (0) Γ ( )e−2 γ {1 + Γ()e −2 γ ( − z ) } 10/18/13 10:48 AM 124 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof Recall that the general solution of the voltage and current waves propagating along the transmission pair (4.20) and (4.21) can be rewritten as V ( z) = 21 I ()(ZL + Z0 )e γ {e− γ z + Γ()e− γ (2 − z ) } (4.24a) (ZL + Z0 )e γ {e− γ z − Γ()e− γ (2 − z ) } (4.24b) I ( z) = 1 I ( ) 2 Z0 From Figure 4.4, it is clear from Ohm’s law that V0 (ω ) = I (0)ZS + V (0), whence, appealing to Equation (4.24), V0 (ω ) = ZS 2I (Z0) (ZL + Z0 )e γ {1 − Γ()e−2 γ } + I (2) (ZL + Z0 )e γ {1 + Γ()e −2 γ }. Thus, V0 ( ω ) 2 ZL + Z0 I ( ) where Γ(0) = ZS − Z0 ZS + Z0 e− γ = ZS Z0 {1 − Γ()e−2 γ } + 1 + Γ()e−2 γ { + 1 + Γ()e−2 γ 1 − = ZS Z0 = ZS + Z0 Z0 ZS Z0 } {1 + Γ(0)Γ()e−2 γ } . In turn, this implies that 1 2 I ()(ZL + Z0 )e γ = V0 ( ω ) Z0 ZS + Z0 1+Γ (0) Γ ( )e−2 γ Substituting this back into Equation (4.24a) and noting that e− γ z + Γ()e− γ (2 − z ) = e− γ z {1 + Γ()e−2 γ ( − z ) } , the assertion follows immediately. □ Provide an alternative proof for Proposition 4.4.2 (cf. Exercise 4.5.4) via the explicit reflection of waves occurring at each boundary interface, that is, at the source and at the load, respectively. 4.4.3 Corollary Given the conditions of Proposition 4.4.2, I ( z) = V0 ( ω ) e− γ z Z0 + ZS 1−Γ (0) Γ ( )e−2 γ {1 − Γ()e −2 γ ( − z ) } , ∀z ∈[0, ]. Proof The proof follows that of Proposition 4.4.2 mutatis mutandis. □ In general, wave reflections are to be avoided as they have a tendency to form (partial) standing waves between the source and the load, leading to unwanted emissions and thereby rendering digital devices to be potentially noncompliant with regulatory agency requirements. Moreover, reflected waves may potentially cause electromagnetic interference by coupling onto K15149_Book.indb 124 10/18/13 10:48 AM 125 Transmission Line Theory adjacent lines, switching transistors on and off randomly. The following theorem also demonstrates why impedance matching is important; note, however, that for digital electronics, this aspect is usually immaterial. 4.4.4 Theorem Given a finite transmission line system (C± , , R,L,C,G), maximal power transfer occurs at the load if and only if Γ(ℓ) = 0. Proof Let p = p(z,t) denote the instantaneous power along γ ± . From Equation (4.22), p( z) = V ( z)I ∗ ( z) = V0+ Z0 2 2 {e2 α ( − z ) − Γ() e− iθ ei2β( − z ) + Γ() eiθ e− i2β( − z ) − Γ() e−2 α ( − z ) } where γ = α + iβ. Thus, on setting 〈 p( z)〉 = 21 ℜe p( z) , it can be shown (see V+ 2 Exercise 4.5.2) that P() = 20Z0 {1−|Γ()|2 }. Whence, maximal power transfer □ p() = max 〈 p()〉 ⇔ Γ() = 0 , as claimed. Γ 4.4.5 Corollary Under the conditions of maximal power transfer along a pair of transmission lines toward a fixed load, the transmitted voltage across the load is V () = Z0Z+0ZS V0 (ω )e− γ . Proof By Theorem 4.4.4, maximal power transfer implies that Γ(ℓ) = 0. The result thus follows at once from Proposition 4.4.2. □ Note that 〈 p( z)〉 = 21 ℜe p( z) in the proof of Theorem 4.4.4 defines the time-average power (see the time-average power density) defined by 〈S〉 = 21 ℜe( E × H ∗ ) , where S is the Poynting vector. From Theorem 4.4.4, it is clear that the absence of reflection results in maximal power transfer: all the transmitted power is absorbed by the load. Physically, this is obvious as reflection implies part of the incident energy is redirected away from the transmitted energy via 1 + Γ = Τ (transmission coefficient). In spite of the less appealing nature of reflected waves, reflection has useful applications in the high-technology industry, for instance, in the memory architectures of personal computers. As a concrete example, suppose the input into an integrated circuit (IC) requires some fixed voltage V0 . Now, if the input impedance (into the IC) is extremely high relative to the characteristic line impedance, it is possible to utilize reflection at the input impedance to drive the line at 21 V0 and thereby reduce power consumption. Explicitly, by designing the circuit such that Γ ≈ 1 at the load, the resultant transmission coefficient at the input is T = 1 + Γ ≈ 2: thus, 21 V0 → V0 , which is the required input voltage V0, as claimed. For more details, see Exercise 4.5.3. K15149_Book.indb 125 10/18/13 10:48 AM 126 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers A transmission line is said to be electrically long if |γ| >> 1, where γ is the wave propagation constant. Finally, define a transmission line to be electrically short if |γ| << 1. It is clear from Z( z) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ ( − z ) Z0 + ZL tanh γ ( − z ) that Z(0) ≈ ZL , where ZL is the load impedance at the end of the transmission line as |γ| << 1 ⇒ tanh γ ≈ 0 . Thus, if a transmission line is electrically short, the voltage transmitted across the load is V () = Z0Z+LZL V (0) , where V(0) is the output voltage from the source appearing at z = 0 of the transmission line. Thus, for an electrically short line, the load-line system forms a simple voltage divider. 4.4.6 Lemma Given a pair of lossless transmission lines (C± , , L,C) with some source (VS , ω , ZS ) and load ZL , there exists an infinite discrete set of angular frequencies {ω n } such that the lines appear to be electrically short with respect to {ω n } . Proof For a lossless line, β = ω LC . From (4.23), set ω n = tan β n = 0 ∀n ⇒ Zin = Z(0) = ZL , as required. nπ LC for n = 1, 2, . Then, □ Observe from Proposition 4.4.2 that if Γ(0), Γ(ℓ) ≠ 0, waves will be reflected back and forth along a finite transmission line (see Exercise 4.5.4). Thus, impedance mismatch at the source and load leads to standing waves on the transmission line. An example below illustrates the technique of voltage reflection diagrams. 4.4.7 Example Consider a finite transmission line system (C± , , R, L, C, G) with reference to Figure 4.3 and the general equation V ( z) = V0+ e− γ z + V0− e γ z . Suppose without loss of generality that Γ(0) ≠ 0 ≠ Γ(ℓ), and the lines are lossless for simplic1 ity: R = 0 = G. Set υ = LC to be the speed of wave propagation and τ = υ . + Then, at t = 0, V = V0 . At t = τ, the reflected wave is V0− = Γ()V0+ . This wave travels back toward the source, whereupon it is reflected by the source impedance at t = 2τ, and the reflected voltage is V1+ = Γ(0)V0− = Γ(0)Γ()V0+ . Now, this reflected wave in turn propagates toward the load at t = 3τ, yielding V1− = Γ()V1+ = Γ(0)Γ 2 ()V0+ , and at t = 4τ, the reflected wave is given by V2+ = Γ(0)V1− = Γ 2 (0)Γ 2 ()V0+ . In general, it is easy to see inductively that ∀n ≥ 0, Vn+ = Γ n (0)Γ n ()V0+ for t = nτ Vn− = Γ n+1 (0)Γ n ()V0+ for t = (n + 1)τ K15149_Book.indb 126 10/18/13 10:48 AM 127 Transmission Line Theory This leads to the voltage reflection diagram t = 3τ Γ(0)Γ(ℓ)V +0 t = 2τ Γ(ℓ)V +0 t=τ V +0 t=0 z=0 z=ℓ The gradient of the forward propagating wave is 1/v The gradient of the backward propagating wave is –1/v To complete the example, consider the plot of the transmitted voltage as a function of time for some fixed distance 0 < zˆ < along the transmission line. For notational simplicity, set τˆ = υzˆ . For t ∈[0, τˆ ), V = 0 at z = ẑ as it takes finite time for the wave to propagate to z = ẑ. Namely, it takes t = τˆ before the wave reaches z = ẑ . For notational convenience, set τ1− = 0, τ1+ = τˆ , τ 2± = 2 τ ± τˆ , , τ n± = nτ ± τˆ ∀n. This yields the sequence 0 = τ1− < τ 1+ < τ < τ −2 < 2 τ < τ +2 < < τ −n < nτ < τ +n < Then, for t ∈[τ1+ , τ 2− ) , the transmitted wave is V = V0+ . In particular, observe that at t = τ 1+ , δV ( zˆ ) = lim− V ( z) − lim+ V ( zˆ ) = V0+ as on z ∈[0, zˆ ], V ( z) = V0+ z→( zˆ ) z→( zˆ ) whereas for z ∈( zˆ , ], V(z) = 0 as finite time is required for signal propagation (see the voltage reflection diagram). Likewise, at t = τ −2 , it is clear from the voltage reflection diagram that on z ∈[0, zˆ ], V = V0+ (1 + Γ()) , whereas for z ∈( zˆ , ], V ( z) = V0+ , whence, at t = τ −2 , the voltage at z = ẑ is discontinuous by the amount δV ( zˆ ) = lim− V ( zˆ ) − lim+ V ( zˆ ) = Γ()V0+ . t→( zˆ ) t→( zˆ ) Thus, by induction, it is clear that at each t = nτˆ , there exists a voltage discontinuity at z = ẑ given by δV2 n ( zˆ ) = Γ n− 1 (0)Γ n− 1 ()V0+ δV2 n+ 1 ( zˆ ) = Γ n− 1 (0)Γ n ()V0+ for all n ≥ 1. This can be sketched as shown in Figure K15149_Book.indb 127 10/18/13 10:48 AM 128 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers + + + V 0 + Γ(l)V 0 + Γ(l)Γ(0)V 0 V +0 + Γ(l)V +0 + V0 τ̂ 0 τ τ–2 2τ τ+2 Figure 4.6 Successive reflection of voltage waves between source and load. In general, the voltage at ẑ for t ∈[τ −n , τ n+ ) is given by V + (1 + Γ() + + Γ nˆ − 1 (0)Γ nˆ − 1 ()) if n = 2 nˆ 0 V ( zˆ ) = V0+ (1 + Γ() + + Γ nˆ − 1 (0)Γ nˆ ()) if n = 2 nˆ + 1 □ 4.4.8 Lemma Given (C± , , R,L,C,G), set γ = α + iβ and suppose that β = nπ for any fixed n = 1, 2, . Then, for arbitrary load ZL , (a) α >> 1 ⇒ Z(0) ≈ Z0 (b) α << 1 ⇒ Z(0) ≈ ZL In particular, Z(0) is purely resistive if ZL is purely resistive. Proof From tanh(α + iβ) = tanh α + itanβ 1+ i tanh α tan β , it is clear that tanh(α + iβ)ℓ = tanh αℓ and the conclusion to (a) and (b) thus follows from Z( z) = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh γ ( − z ) Z0 + ZL tanh γ ( − z ) . Explicitly, it suffices to observe that αℓ >> 1 ⇒ tanh αℓ ≈ 1 whereas αℓ << 1 ⇒ tanh αℓ ≈ 0. □ K15149_Book.indb 128 10/18/13 10:48 AM 129 Transmission Line Theory 4.4.9 Lemma Given (C± , , R,L,C,G), set γ = α + iβ and suppose that β = n = 1, 2, . Then, for arbitrary load ZL , 2 n− 1 2 π for any fixed a) α >> 1 ⇒ Z(0) ≈ Z0 b) α << 1 ⇒ Z(0) ≈ Z02 ZL = ZL ( ) Z0 2 ZL In particular, Z(0) is purely resistive if ZL is purely resistive. Proof The proof is similar to that of Lemma 4.4.8. □ Observe that the conclusions of Lemma 4.4.8 and Lemma 4.4.9 for the case wherein αℓ >> 1 are identical. In particular, the input impedance is identical to the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines; that is, the input impedance is independent of the load. Hence, maximal power transfer occurs if the source ZS = Z0 . More important, electromagnetic emissions are minimized under this condition. This is summarized below. 4.4.10 Corollary Given (C± , , R,L,C,G) with a source (VS , ω , ZS ) and a fixed γ = α + iβ , if ℓ > 0 satisfies β = n2 π for some n ∈N , and αℓ >> 0, then for arbitrary load ZL , maximal power transfer is achieved if ZS = Z0 , and in particular, electromagnetic emissions are minimized. Proof By Lemma 4.4.8(a) and Lemma 4.4.9(a), the input impedance Z(0) = Z0 . Hence, setting ZS = Z0 , yields (i) maximal power transfer and (ii) reflection suppression at the source and hence mitigating emissions for arbitrary loads. □ As a side remark, for a long trace on a printed circuit board (PCB) with a source (e.g., clocks) in the microwave regime, this corollary is still applicable provided that at the load the current is enhanced by a current source. For instance, the current source can be supplied via a parallel termination configuration, with a pull-up resistor to Vcc to supply the required current and a pull-down to complete the impedance match (see Figure 4.7). On a side note regarding digital circuit design, is there an optimal placement along a trace for a series surface mount resistor to be placed in order to suppress emissions, assuming that its value is different from the characteristic impedance of the line for emission suppression? Clearly, placing the resistor R arbitrarily along the trace will result in unwanted reflections along the K15149_Book.indb 129 10/18/13 10:49 AM 130 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers VDD R1 Z0 Source Load (R, L, C, G) R2 R1 || R2 = R0 Figure 4.7 Active parallel termination scheme. line. It is clear from transmission line theory that placing the resistor as close to the load as possible will optimize emissions suppression. This practice is commonly employed in the electronics industry. 4.4.11 Lemma Given a pair of transmission lines (C± , , R,L,C,G), the characteristic impedance Z0 of the line is always inductive. That is, ℑm(Z0 ) ≥ 0. Proof Now, Z0 ≡ R + iωL G + iωC = R0 ( ) R i +ω L G + iω C 1 2 = R0 ( RG +ω 2 + iω G −R LC C L 2 G 2 +ω C ( ) 1 ) 2 where R0 = L/C . As before, setting ( 1 RG +ω 2 + iω G −R LC C L 2 G +ω 2 C ( ) ) 2 = a + ib gives a2 − b2 = RG +ω 2 LC G 2 +ω 2 C ( ) and 2 ab = ( ) 2 ( GC ) +ω2 ω G −R C L whence, noting that 1 RG +ω 2 2 ω ( G − R ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ( a + b ) = ( a − b ) + (2 ab) ⇒ a + b = GLC2 2 + G C2 L 2 ( ) +ω ( C ) +ω C K15149_Book.indb 130 10/18/13 10:49 AM 131 Transmission Line Theory yields 1 a= 1 2 RG 2 2 G R 2 2 RG ω( C − L ) +ω +ω 2 LC LC G 2 +ω 2 + G 2 +ω 2 + G 2 +ω 2 (C) (C) ( C ) 1 2 RG 2 2 G R 2 2 RG ω( C − L ) +ω 2 +ω LC LC G 2 +ω 2 + G 2 +ω 2 − G 2 +ω 2 (C) (C) ( C ) 1 b= Because trivially, α 2 + β 2 − α ≥ α − α = 0 , it follows immediately that b ≥ 0. That is, ℑm(Z0 ) = R0 b ≥ 0, as required. □ Thus, it is evident that the characteristic impedance of traces on a PCB cannot be capacitive regardless of its length. However, depending upon the load at the end of the transmission line and the length of the transmission line, the input impedance can clearly be made capacitive, inductive, or purely resistive. 4.4.12 Proposition There exists at most a countably infinite set of angular frequencies {ω n } such that the input impedance Z(0) of a pair of lossless transmission lines (C± , , L,C) terminated by a purely resistive load RL is real. Proof It suffices to note that Z(0) = R0 RL + iR0 tan ω LC R0 + iRL tan ω LC = RL if, tan ω LC = 0, where R0 = L/C . This condition is satisfied if ω = for each n = 1,2,…. Likewise, if ω LC = 2 n− 1 2 nπ LC , π , n ∈N R2 then Z(0) = RL0 ∈R . Thus, the desired countably infinite set of angular frequencies is precisely { K15149_Book.indb 131 nπ LC } { : n ∈N ∪ 2 n− 1 π 2 LC } : n ∈N □ 10/18/13 10:49 AM 132 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Now, consider the case wherein a lossless transmission line is terminated to ground: ZL = 0 . That is, Z( z) = R0 RL + iR0 tan β ( − z ) R0 + iRL tan β ( − z ) = iR0 tan β( − z) Then, it is evident that along z ∈[0, ] such that β( − z ) = nπ , Z( z ) = 0 and hence, those points may be shorted to ground without affecting the wave propagation. On the other hand, at points z ∈[0, ] such that β( − z ) = 2 n2− 1 π , Z( z ) = ± i∞ and hence, those points may be cut without affecting the wave propagation along the line. A similar analysis can be made for the case wherein a lossless transmission line is open. Indeed, in this instance, RL → ∞ ⇒ Z( z) = R0 RL + iR0 tan β ( − z ) R0 + iRL tan β ( − z ) = − iR0 cot β( − z) whence, along z ∈[0, ] such that β( − z ) = nπ , Z( z ) → ± i∞ ; thus, at these points, the line may be cut without affecting the wave propagation along the line. Likewise, along points z ∈[0, ] such that β( − z ) = 2 n2− 1 π , Z( z ) = 0 and hence at these points may be grounded without affecting the wave propagation along the line. 4.4.13 Lemma Given a pair of transmission lines (C± ,,R, G,L, C), given any ε > 0, ∀ω > G R − 1 C L 2 (1+ε )2 − 1 2 + GC − RL (1+ε )2 − 1 − 1 2 ( ) 2 RG − LC 4 (1+ε )2 G C (1+ε )2 − 1 ⇒ Z0 (ω ) − R0 < R0 1 + iε , where R0 = L/C . Proof First, observe in general that Z0 (ω ) = GR ++ iiωωCL is a continuous function of ω. Hence, by continuity, for any given ε > 0, ∃ω ε > 0 satisfying the lemma. Thus, the proof is complete if ω ε can be determined. Rearranging the expression for Z0 yields: R + iωL G + iωC = L C ( ) 1 1− iR/ωL 2 1− iG/ωC = L C ( ) 1 (1− iR/ωL)(1+ iG/ωC) 2 1+ (G/ωC)2 = L 1 C (1+ (G/ωC)2 )1/2 (1 + i ω ( GC − RL ) + ωRGLC ) 1 2 2 Hence, for any given ε > 0, it suffices to seek ω such that 1− K15149_Book.indb 132 1 1+ (G/ωC)2 {1 + i ω ( GC − RL ) + ωRGLC } 2 1 2 <ε 10/18/13 10:49 AM 133 Transmission Line Theory 2 a −|| b ≤|a − b|, it suffices for ω to satisfy because |1 + iε|= 1 + ε > ε . So, from || the inequality: 1 1+ (G/ωC)2 (1 + i ω ( GC − RL ) + ωRGLC ) 1 2 < 1+ ε 2 This is equivalent to 1+ i ω ( GC − RL ) + ωRGLC 2 { < (1 + ε)2 1 + ( ωGC ) 2 } However, 1+ i ω ( GC − RL ) + ωRGLC 2 ≤ 1+ RG ω 2 LC + i ω ( GC − RL ) Thus, it is enough to have 1+ RG ω 2 LC + − 1 G ω C R L { < (1 + ε 2 ) 1 + ( ωGC ) 2 } So, multiplying the inequality by ω 2 yields: ω 2 ((1 + ε)2 − 1) − ω G C − R L + (1 + ε)2 ( GC ) − 2 RG LC >0 The roots of the equation are: ω ± ( ε) = G R − 1 C L 2 (1+ε )2 − 1 2 ± 1 2 GC − RL (1+ε )2 − 1 − ( ) 2 RG − LC 4 (1+ε )2 G C (1+ε )2 − 1 Therefore, set ω ε = ω + (ε). Then, for any ε > 0, ω > ω ε implies that □ Z0 − L/C < L/C 1 + iε as required. The above lemma asserts trivially that for high enough frequencies, the characteristic impedance of the transmission line may be approximated with that of the lossless line up to first order in ε, where ε is some positive number. Some comments regarding standing waves are in order. Consider Equation (4.22): { V ( z) = V0+ e γ ( − z ) + Γ()e− γ ( − z ) } Now, consider the case wherein Γ(ℓ) = 1. Then, by definition, { } V ( z) = V0+ e γ ( − z ) + e− γ ( − z ) = 2V0+ cosh γ ( − z) K15149_Book.indb 133 10/18/13 10:49 AM 134 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and hence, at the load, V () = 2V0+ . That is, twice the incident voltage is transmitted to the load. On the other hand, for Γ(ℓ) = −1, { } V ( z) = V0+ e γ ( − z ) − e− γ ( − z ) = 2V0+ sinh γ ( − z) and hence, at the load, V(ℓ) = 0 no voltage is transmitted to the load. Finally, define a standing wave along a transmission line to be a partial standing wave whenever 0 < Γ() < 1. Here, the transmission line contains both traveling waves and (partial) standing waves. Physically, standing waves are the result of energy stored as fields in a reactive line. Because reactive energy is not transmitted to the load, it is, in effect, reducing the total energy that the load can absorb from the incident wave. Indeed, this fact is expressed by the definition of the time-average power at any point along the transmission line: 〈 p( z)〉 ≡ 1 T ∫ T 0 p(t , z)dt = 21 Re( P( z , ω )) where T is a single period of the wave. Mathematically, the time-average reactive power is always identical to zero. As mentioned above, this corresponds to the power that is unavailable to the load. To see this, consider the definition of time-average power, and noting that c ∈C ⇒ ℜe c = 21 (c + c∗ ), p( z, t) = ℜe v( z, t)ℜe i( z , t) = 1 2 = 1 4 = 1 2 = 1 2 {v(z, t) + v (z, t)} {i(z, t) + i (z, t)} {v(z, t)i(z, t) + v (z, t)i (z, t) + v (z, t)i(z, t) + v(z, t)i (z, t)} {ℜe(v(z, t)i(z, t)) + ℜe(v(z, t)i (z, t))} {ℜe(V(z)I(z)e ) + ℜe(V(z)I (z))} ∗ ∗ 1 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ i2 ωt ∗ The first term corresponds to the reactive term, and it is evident that the time average of that term vanishes. Hence, it does not contribute towards the load. This chapter concludes with a brief analysis on time delay along a transmission line. This has strong implications in the design of high-speed 1 digital circuits where timing is critical. Given (C± , , R,L,C,G), set υ = LC . Then, the time it takes for a signal to propagate from the source to the load is τ = LC . There are a number of methods to delay a signal. The easiest is to increase the length of the trace. However, this will affect the input impedance, K15149_Book.indb 134 10/18/13 10:49 AM 135 Transmission Line Theory Time delay: τ = RC (R, L, C, G) R C Figure 4.8 Implementing a simple RC-delay circuit. assuming real estate on the PCB is available. A simple alternative is to implement an RC circuit as shown in Figure 4.8. It is immediately clear that using an RC-delay circuit will affect the input resistance. Indeed, there will be a nonzero coefficient of reflection occurring on both sides of the transmission line where the RC-circuit is implemented. As this is undesirable, it is expedient to implement the circuit close to the load or source. Furthermore, to prevent reflection back from the source, an option is to add an impedance at the source such that the resultant time delay from the impedance and the RC-circuit meets the required specification. 4.4.14 Remark Consider (C± , ,L,C) and suppose that the shortest data pulse propagating along the line is τd . If the load and source are not matched with the line, then clearly multiple reflections along the line will occur. Reflection occurring at the load will return to the load at t = 2τ, where τ = LC . Finally, suppose that the minimal pulse width δτ to which the load can respond is δτ ≥ τd . If ℓ > 0 is such that 2τ > δτ, then the reflected wave can potentially trigger the load, leading to multiple false data pulses. Hence, to avoid this problem, the easiest implementation is to require that 2τ < δτ; then, multiple reflections will not be seen by the load as multiple data pulses. Suppose a design specification requires that 2 nτ < δτ , for some n ∈N. Then, it will suffice to choose ℓ > 0 such that 2 n LC < τd ⇒ = 2 nτdLC . 4.5 Worked Problems 4.5.1 Exercise Given a finite transmission line system (C± , , R,L,C,G), where the angular frequency ω of a time-harmonic wave is fixed, set α = ℜeγ and β = ℑmγ. Then, α << 1 ⇔ λ << 1. K15149_Book.indb 135 10/18/13 10:49 AM 136 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution Recalling that 1 2 σ 2 α = ω µε 21 1 + ( ωε − 1 ) after some tedious manipulation, it is easy to show that α << 1 ⇔ 2 ( ω µε )2 σ >> 1 + ( ωε ) −1⇔ 2 { 2 ( ω µε )2 } − 1 >> ( +1 2 ) σ 2 ωε Exploiting the identity a 2 − b 2 = ( a + b)( a − b) , the above inequality is equivalent to σ ωε << 1 + ( ω 1µε )2 ⇔ σ << 2 ω µε However, ω 2 µε = 4π2 λ2 σ << 2 ε µ 1 + ( ω 1µε )2 = 2 2 ωµ 1 + (ω )2 µε , whence 2 2 ωµ 1 + 4π 2 ( λ ) ⇒ σ << 2 1 λ πυµ ⇔ λ << 1 as claimed, where υ = fλ. □ 4.5.2 Exercise (V0+ ) {1 − Γ() 2 } in the proof of Theorem 4.4.2. 2 Z0 2 Establish P() = Solution First, recall that eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ. Then, from (V0+ ) {e2α( − z) − Γ() e− iθ ei2β( − z) + Γ() eiθ e− i2β( − z) − Γ() 2 e−2α( − z) } Z0 2 p(z) = V (z)I ∗(z) = expanding the expression below and appealing to the identity sin(a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b, Γ() {−e− iθ ei2β( − z ) + eiθ e− i2β( − z ) } = Γ() {sin θ cos 2β( − z) − cos θ sin 2β( − z)}2i = i2 Γ() sin(θ − 2β( − z)) K15149_Book.indb 136 10/18/13 10:49 AM 137 Transmission Line Theory and hence, p( z) = V ( z)I ∗ ( z) = (V0+ ) e2α( − z) − Γ() 2 e−2α( − z) + i2 Γ() sin(θ − 2β( − z)) Z0 2 { } (V0+ ) e2α(− z) {1 − Γ() 2 e−4α(− z) } 2 Z0 2 Thus, 〈 p( z)〉 = 21 ℜe p( z) = yielding (V0+ ) {1 − Γ() 2 } ⇒ 〈 p()〉 = max 〈 p()〉 ⇔ Γ() = 0 2 Z0 2 〈 p()〉 = Γ □ by inspection. 4.5.3 Exercise Consider the schematic diagram, where R = 0 = G. Source impedance Clock V = λV0(ω) Zs Require V0(ω) to latch the load HIGH z=0 C+ z=l (R, L, C, G) Load impedance Vcc R Output C– Suppose a clock can only supply V = λV0 , for some 0 < λ < 21 , and the required voltage by the load to signal High (or 1) is V = V0 . In the schematics shown, the input to the IC only depends upon the voltage level and not the current, the output is an open-drain, and the required voltage is supplied by Vcc via some pull-up resistor R. Furthermore, suppose ZS << Z0 << ZL . (a) Determine the length of the trace C+ and series resistor r such that V () = V0 (ω ) at the load impedance. (b) Find the correct series resistor r such that no reflection will occur at the source. (c) Are the stipulations of (a) and (b) compatible? Solution (a) By Proposition 4.4.2, V () = K15149_Book.indb 137 λV0 ( ω ) Z0 e− γ Z0 + ZS′ 1−Γ (0) Γ ( )e−2 γ {1 + Γ()} 10/18/13 10:49 AM 138 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where ZS′ = ZS + r . By assumption, ZL >> Z0 ⇒ Γ() ≈ 1 . Hence, V () = 2 λV0 ( ω ) R0 e− iβ R0 + ZS′ 1−Γ (0)e− i 2 β Now, in order for V () = V0 (ω ) , it suffices that 1= be satisfied. Thus, Γ(0) = 2 λR0 e− iβ R0 + ZS′ 1−Γ (0)e− i 2 β ZS′ − R0 ZS′ + R0 = 2 λR0 e− iβ R0 + ZS′ 1−Γ (0)e− i 2 β yields 2 λR0 e− iβ ZS′ e− iβ (eiβ − e− iβ )+ R0 e− iβ (eiβ + e− iβ ) = λR0 ZS′ sin β + R0 cos β Next, invoking the trigonometric identity a sin x + b cos x = a 2 + b 2 sin( x + y ), where y = sgn(b)arccos 2a 2 and sgn(x) is the signum function defined by a +b 1 if x > 0 sgn( x) = −1 if x < 0 it follows at once that sin(β + φλ ) = λR0 R02 + ( ZS′ )2 = β1 arcsin where ϕ λ = arccos ZS′ R02 + ( ZS′ )2 and hence, λR0 R02 + ( ZS′ )2 − ϕλ , as desired. (b) To prevent reflection from the source, 0 = Γ(0) = ZZSS′′ −+ RR00 ⇒ ZS′ = R0 ⇒ r = R0 − ZS . (c) It is clear that (a) and (b) are compatible ∀r ≥ 0. That is, it is possible to suppress reflection from the source and obtain the desired voltage transmission by appropriately selecting the length of the trace. □ 4.5.4 Exercise Prove Proposition 4.4.2 explicitly via reflection of waves. K15149_Book.indb 138 10/18/13 10:49 AM 139 Transmission Line Theory Solution Set V0+ = ZV0S+ZZ0S e− γ from the proof of Proposition 4.4.2. Then, via Example 4.4.7, V ( z) = V0+ {e γ ( − z ) + Γ()e− γ ( − z ) } becomes V ( z) = V0+ {e γ ( − z ) + Γ()e− γ ( − z ) + Γ(0)Γ()e γ (3 − z ) + Γ(0)Γ 2 ()e− γ (3 − z ) + Γ n (0)Γ n ()e γ ((2 n+ 1) − z ) + Γ n (0)Γ n+ 1 ()e γ ((2 n+ 1) − z ) + } = V0+ e γ ( − z ) (1 + Γ()e−2 γ ( − z ) )(1 + Γ(0)Γ()e−2 γ + Γ 2 (0)Γ 2 ()e−4 γ + ) = V0+ e γ ( − z ) (1 + Γ()e−2 γ ( − z ) ){1 + Γ(0)Γ()e−2 γ + (Γ(0)Γ()e−2 γ )2 + } = V0+ e γ ( − z ) (1 + Γ()e−2 γ ( − z ) ) 1−Γ (0)Γ1( )e−2 γ yielding V ( z) = VS Z0 e− γ z Z0 + ZS 1−Γ (0) Γ ( )e−2 γ {1 + Γ()e−2 γ ( − z ) } □ as required. 4.5.5 Exercise Suppose a load on a lossless transmission line (C± , , L,C) is capacitive: ZL = RL − iX L , for some X C > 0 . Suppose further that the load is a digital logic input that responds to a minimal pulse width of τd . Find (Z , z ) such that at z = z , Γ( z ) = Z ′ ( z )− R0 Z ′ ( z )+ R0 =0 where Z ′( z ) = Z ||Z( z ). Unwanted reflections are thus mitigated by the presence of the impedance Z placed at z = z . Solution Consider the schematic diagram, and determine δZ such that the input impedanceat z = l′ is matched. z=0 z = l' δl z=l R0 δZ K15149_Book.indb 139 ZL 10/18/13 10:49 AM 140 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Now, set Y ′ = δY + YL to be the input admittance at z = ′, and let δy = R0 δY , y L = R0YL be the normalized admittance, where YL = 1 R0 + iZL tan βδ R0 ZL + iR0 tan βδ Hence, the requirement that Γ ′( ′) = Z ′ ( ′ )− R0 Z ′ ( ′ )+ R0 =0 that is, that there be zero reflection at z = ′ ⇒ y ′ = 1. In other words 1 = δy + y L ⇒ ℜe(δy ) = 1 − ℜe( y L ) and ℑm(δy ) = −ℑm( y L ) It is a somewhat tedious matter to show that y L = R0 ZL sec 2 βδ ZL2 + R02 tan 2 βδ +i ( ZL2 − R02 )tan 2 βδ ZL2 + R02 tan 2 βδ To complete the solution, observe from Remark 4.4.14 that 2 nδ LC < τ d ⇒ δ < 2 nτdLC . Hence, set δ = 4 τdLC ; then, the required matching impedance δZ is obtained via ℜe(δy ) = 1 − R0 ZL sec 2 βδ ZL2 + R02 tan 2 βδ and ℑm(δy ) = − ( ZL2 − R02 )tan 2 βδ ZL2 + R02 tan 2 βδ Note: It is clear from the above analysis why the Smith Chart was developed to graphically determine the desired matching load. □ 4.5.6 Exercise Consider the schematic diagram for series termination versus parallel termination. Describe qualitatively the impact of the respective terminations on the rise time at the load. Suppose that ℓ >> δℓ, where δℓ is the distance between the resistor and the load. R Z0 (a) Series termination K15149_Book.indb 140 ZL Z0 R ZL (b) Parallel termination 10/18/13 10:49 AM 141 Transmission Line Theory Solution (a) Series termination. Here, set CL = R + CL . Then, ∃ a > 1 such that L a CL , whence, τ ≈ αLC > LC = τ , the propagation delay = C time. That is, the propagation delay of the input voltage wave is τ whereas the propagation delay of V(0), just after the resistor R, is τ. From this, it is clear that the voltage reaches a peak at the load before it reaches a peak at the input side into the series resistor, that is, faster rise time at the load than at the input terminal. Thus, the far end switches faster with respect to the input terminal, as the series termination introduces a longer delay at the input voltage. Intuitively, recalling that a transmission line is inductive, introducing a series resistor leads to a delay induced by a series RL-time constant at the input terminal. Beyond the series termination, the propagating wave sees the characteristic impedance. (b) Parallel termination. The analysis follows that of (a) mutatis mutandis. Here, the wave propagation does not see the load until it arrives at z = ℓ. Hence, a propagation delay is introduced at the load and not at the input terminal. There is thus a delay in the rise time at the load with respect to the terminal. The scenario is thus the reverse of (a). In short, parallel termination is good for slowing down rise time for emissions reduction; however, series termination is used instead of parallel termination if rise time is critical. Intuitively, the wave propagating along the transmission line only sees the characteristic impedance until it arrives at the load; then, it sees a parallel RZ-impedance which, in the case of a capacitive load, will introduce an RC-time constant, delaying the rise time. References 1. Cheng, D. 1989. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 2. Churchill, R. and Brown, J. 1990. Complex Variables and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Johnson, H. and Graham, M. 1993. High-Speed Digital Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 4. Kohonen, T. 1972. Digital Circuits and Devices. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 5. Krutz, R. 1988. Interfacing Techniques in Digital Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 6. Neff, Jr., H. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 7. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 141 10/18/13 10:49 AM 5 Differential Transmission Lines At the simplest level, a pair of differential lines comprises two transmission lines such that the current flowing along one line is equal to the current flowing in the opposite direction along the second line. Informally then, the resultant current flowing along the pair is zero. Equivalently, the transmitted voltage on one of the pair is 180 degrees out of phase with the voltage of the other line. Thus, each line acts as the ground for its counterpart, and in this sense, they have a common self-referencing ground. From a theoretical perspective, differential lines are less sensitive to noise and have fewer emissions than nondifferential lines. Thus, they are often used in radio frequency (RF) design, especially for clock rates in the microwave regime. Notwithstanding, differential lines must still be matched or they can cause undesired emissions. A knowledge of differential pairs is extremely important to EMC engineers, and an informal treatment can be found in References [8,10]. Differential transmission line theory is essentially a corollary of transmission line theory, and can thus be derived there from References [1,3–7]. This is the approach taken in this chapter, wherein the bulk of the derivation leverages the results from Chapter 4. 5.1 Differential Pair: Odd and Even Modes The definition of an ideal differential pair is given below. The pair is assumed to be surrounded in a homogeneous dielectric medium. In practice, differential pairs are typically routed over a ground plane; more is said later. First, some notations are established below. In all that follows, where convenient and unless explicitly stated otherwise, let Ω ⊂ R 3 denote an open subset upon which circuits are modeled, and in addition, given a pair (C+ , C− ) of transmission lines of uniform cross-section s± , let γ ± : [0, 1] → Ω be a path representing the axis of C± . Finally, the Euclidean metric ⋅ in R 3 is used whenever a distance function is invoked and it is also assumed that the cross-sectional area is much less than the length of the transmission line: s± << γ ± . 143 K15149_Book.indb 143 10/18/13 10:49 AM 144 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 5.1.1 Definition Consider a pair of parallel transmission lines (C+ , C− ) , and denote the lengths of the transmission lines by γ + , γ − , respectively. Suppose that the cross-section s+ ( γ + ( s)) = s− ( γ − ( s)) ∀s ∈[0, 1], and (C+ , C− ) satisfies the following criteria: (a) γ + = = γ − , for some > 0 (b) d( γ + ( s), γ − ( s)) = constant ∀s ∈[0, 1] where d( x , y ) = x − y denotes the distance separating the points x,y ∈ Ω, (c) I + ( s) + I − ( s) = 0 ∀s ∈[0, 1] where I ± ( s) ≡ I ( γ ± ( s)) denotes the current at the point γ ± ( s) along the lines γ ± , respectively, (d) R0 (C+ ) = R0 (C− ) where R0 (C± ) denotes the characteristic impedance of C± with respect to a common ground. Then, the pair (C+ , C− ) is said to be a symmetric (or balanced) differential pair. If condition (d) is violated, then the pair forms an asymmetric (or unbalanced) differential pair. 5.1.2 Remark In the technology industry, a differential pair is often defined to be a pair (C+ , C− ) where criterion (b)—which essentially requires that the lines be parallel to each other—is relaxed due to physical constraints and design considerations.* Furthermore, it is trivially true that (d) holds if the pair is isolated in space, because then the characteristic impedance is defined by the pair. Where condition (d) comes into play is the following scenario: in a typical circuit layout, a differential pair often has a common ground plane. The characteristic impedance R0 (C± ) is thus measured with respect to the ground plane in question. This is not to be confused with the differential impedance of the pair defined shortly. * A serpentine differential pair is a case in point. K15149_Book.indb 144 10/18/13 10:49 AM 145 Differential Transmission Lines An idealized differential circuit is depicted in Figure 5.1. • Zdiff denotes the characteristic differential impedance defined later. • R = Zdiff for a perfectly matched (symmetric) differential pair. • The differential receiver is essentially a differential amplifier with the resultant output being the difference between the impressed voltages across R. Let V± (R) denote the voltage developed across R by V± propagating along C± . Then, the resultant output Vout = V+ (R) − V− (R) (modulo a scaling factor if the output is amplified by the differential amplifier). It is shown below that for a symmetrical differential line, Vout = 2V+ (R). 5.1.3 Lemma Let (C+ , C− ) be a symmetrical differential pair as illustrated in Figure 5.1. Suppose that the characteristic impedance of C± relative to a fixed ground plane is Z0 . Then, V+ ( s) = −V− ( s) for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, where V± ( s) = V ( γ ± ( s)) is the voltage at γ ± ( s) along γ ± . Proof First, recall from Chapter 4 that, heuristically, the voltage on one line can be induced along the other line via the distributed line model for a transmission line. This can be represented as V+ = I + Z++ + I − Z+− (5.1) where Z++ = Z0 is the characteristic impedance of C+ relative to some fixed ground, and Z+− is the transfer impedance that induces a voltage on C+ as a result of the current I − flowing through C− . By symmetry, the voltage propagating along C− is given by V− = I + Z−+ + I − Z−− I+ V+ Differential transmitter (constant current source) C+ Zdiff I– V– (5.2) Differential termination R Differential receiver C– Figure 5.1 Schematic representation of an idealized symmetric differential pair. K15149_Book.indb 145 10/18/13 10:49 AM 146 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where Z−− = Z0 and Z−+ is the transfer impedance that induces a voltage on C− as a result of the current I + flowing through C+ . Because the dielectric medium is linear and homogeneous with the magnetic permeability µ = µ 0 , the transfer impedance must be symmetric: Z+− = Zˆ = Z−+ , for some Zˆ , where Z+− ≡ VI−+ |I+ = 0 and Z−+ ≡ VI+− |I− = 0 . Adding Equations (5.1) and (5.2) and using Definition 5.1.1(c) yield the result: V+ + V− = I − Zˆ + I + Zˆ = 0 ⇒ V+ = −V− . □ 5.1.4 Remark In the proof of Lemma 5.1.3, let Zˆ = κZ0 , where κ > 0 is some constant called the differential coupling coefficient. Then, Equation (5.1) becomes V+ = I + Z11 + I − Z12 = I + (1 − κ )Z0 + The ratio Zodd = VI++ = (1 − κ )Z0 is known as the odd mode impedance along + − C+. By symmetry, Zodd = Zodd = Zodd . For this reason, it is known as the odd mode impedance of a differential pair, as I + = − I − . Further details are outlined shortly. 5.1.5. Lemma. Given a symmetric differential pair, the odd mode impedance is given by Zodd = Z0 − Ẑ . Proof By (5.1), V+ = I + Z11 + I − Z12 = I + (Z0 − Zˆ ) ⇒ Z0 − Zˆ = V+ I+ = Zodd , as required. □ The intent of the above brief account was to motivate an intuitive comprehension of a differential pair. A more rigorous approach via Maxwell’s theory is sketched below. In particular, the odd and even mode impedances are derived. The analysis is a special case of multitransmission line theory covered in the following chapter. Indeed, much of the theoretical infrastructure has already been developed in Chapter 4. Referring to Figure 5.2, consider initially a system of three conductors embedded in a homogeneous dielectric medium (Ω, ε , µ , σ ), where the middle conductor C0 is grounded. Suppose I ± = I ± ( z, t) is propagating along conductor C± . Now, observe that the results of transmission line theory outlined in Chapter 4 apply to each pair (C+ , C0 ) and (C− , C0 ) by evaluating the field around loops γ + and γ − , respectively, defined in Figure 5.2. However, crosscoupling also occurs between the pair (C+ , C− ) , and the analysis carried out for (C± , C0 ) also applies to (C+ , C− ). Without loss of generality, consider the electric field E+ of an incident TEM wave on (C+ , γ + ). Appealing to Stokes’ theorem, the integral version of Equation (1.15) is obtained: ∫ γ+ K15149_Book.indb 146 E+ ⋅ dl = − ∂t ∫∫ S+ B+ ⋅ dS (5.3) 10/18/13 10:49 AM 147 Differential Transmission Lines E+z(z,t) ey ex E+(z,t) 1 ez I+(z,t) E+(z + δz,t) z C+ 2 γ+ 3 E+(z + δz,t) Ω = (Ω+,ε,µ) U(Ω–,ε,µ) 4 4 E–(z,t) 3 γ– E–z(z,t) – 1 E (z + δz,t) γ = γ–(1) + γ–(2) + γ–(3) + γ–(4) 2 C– γ = γ+(1) + γ+(2) + γ+(3) + γ+(4) I–(z,t) E–z(z + δz,t) Figure 5.2 Differential transmission line pair supporting a TEM wave. where S+ = S( γ + ) ⊂ R 3 is an arbitrary compact surface spanned by γ + : ∂S+ = γ + , whence, following the argument in Chapter 4 mutatis mutandis, suppressing the (x,y) coordinates in the scalar and vector fields, yields − ∂t ∫∫ S+ (3) (2) B+ ⋅ dS = − v+ ( z, t ; γ (1) + ) + v+ ( z + δz , t ; γ + ) + R + δzi+ ( z , t ; γ + ) (5.4) + R 0 δzi0 ( z, t ; γ (4) + ) where I 0 + I + + I − = 0 by Kirchhoff’s current law, and R 0 is the resistance per unit length of the ground conductor. Similarly, E− ⋅ dl = − ∂t B− ⋅ dS γ− S− yields ∫ − ∂t ∫∫ S− ∫∫ (1) (2) B− ⋅ dS = − v− ( z, t ; γ (3) − ) + v− ( z + δz , t ; γ − ) + R − δzi− ( z , t ; γ − ) + R 0 δzi0 ( z, t ; γ (4) − ) (5.5) where S− = S( γ − ) ⊂ R 3 is a compact surface spanned by γ − . Now, recall from Chapter 4 that the magnetic flux per unit length ψ ± = lim δ1z B± ⋅ dS , where δz = γ (4) ± , is well-defined, and moreover, from δz→ 0 ∫∫ S± the definition of magnetic flux Ψ = Li, it follows that ψ + = L ++ δzI + + L +− δzI − (5.6) where L ++ is the self-inductance per unit length of conductor Γ + , coupling the magnetic flux generated by current I + to S+ , and L +− is the mutual inductance per unit length coupling the magnetic flux generated by current i− to S+. K15149_Book.indb 147 10/18/13 10:49 AM 148 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Inasmuch as the limit lim δ1z δz→ 0 follows at once that lim δz→ 0 with Equation (4.4) yield 1 δz ∫∫ S± ∫∫ S± B± ⋅ dS is well-defined as lim δ1z S± < ∞ , it δz→ 0 ∂t B± ⋅ dS = L ++ ∂t I + ( z, t) + L +− ∂t I − ( z, t) together ∂ z v+ ( z, t) = −(R + + R 0 )I + ( z, t) − R 0 I − ( z, t) − L ++ ∂t I + ( z, t) − L +− ∂t I − ( z, t). (5.7) By symmetry, ∂ z v− ( z, t) = −(R − + R 0 )I − ( z, t) − R 0 I + ( z, t) − L −− ∂t I − ( z, t) − L −+ ∂t I + ( z, t). (5.8) 5.1.6 Lemma Given a system of three parallel conductors (C+ , C− , C0 ) as depicted in Figure 5.2, if i− ( z, t) + i+ ( z, t) = 0 ∀z, t ≥ 0 , then the triple (C+ , C− , C0 ) is equivalent to the pair (C+ , C− ) where C0 is removed from the system of conductors. Proof From Kirchhoff’s current law, 0 = I 0 + I + + I − , I − + I + = 0 ⇒ I 0 ≡ 0 ∀z, t ≥ 0 and similarly, the potential is also identically zero, whence, C0 may be removed from the system without affecting the field distribution from C± , as required. □ The above result is the reason why a differential pair is said to have a selfreferencing ground; that is, it possesses a “virtual” ground whereby the physical ground conductor may be removed without affecting the electromagnetic field distribution of the system. Thus, in view of Remark 5.1.7, the ground conductor may be removed by setting R 0 = 0 when considering a differential pair; that is, I − ( z, t) = − I + ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0 . This simplifies Equations (5.7) and (5.8) to ∂ z v+ ( z, t) = − R + I + ( z, t) − (L ++ − L +− ) ∂t I + ( z, t) (5.9) ∂ z v− ( z, t) = R − I + ( z, t) + (L −− − L −+ ) ∂t I + ( z, t) (5.10) 5.1.7 Remark Note in passing from Equation (5.7) that for a balanced differential pair where I − ( z, t) = − I + ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0 , (5.7) reduces automatically to (5.9) without the need to set R 0 = 0. This implies that R 0 is arbitrary and hence, we may choose R 0 = 0 without any loss of generality. Indeed, Equations (5.9) and (5.10) can be rewritten more compactly as v+ R+ ∂z = − v− −R− L ++ − L +− I + L −+ − L −− ∂t I + This furnishes a field-theoretic proof for Lemma 5.1.3 given above. K15149_Book.indb 148 10/18/13 10:50 AM 149 Differential Transmission Lines 5.1.8 Lemma Suppose (C+ , C− ) is a balanced differential pair (viz., R + = R = R − ), for some fixed impedance per unit length R. Then, v+ ( z, t) = − v− ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0. Proof Adding Equations (5.9) and (5.10) yields ∂ z ( v+ ( z, t) + v− ( z, t)) = ( − R + + R − )I + ( z, t) − (L ++ − L −− ) ∂t I + ( z, t). Because the differential lines are balanced, RL = σµ = constant ⇒ L ++ = L −− and hence, ∂t ( v+ + v− ) = 0 implies that v+ = − v− + k for some constant k, where σ, μ are, respectively, the conductivity and magnetic permeability of the medium surrounding (C+ , C− ) . Furthermore, “balanced” implies the pair (C+ , C− ) has identical characteristic impedance with respect to a common ground and hence, k ≡ 0, as required. □ To complete the analysis, the current variation along the conductors is developed below. Consider the cylinder C+ = S+ ( z) × [ z, z + δz] shown in Figure 5.3, where { S+ ( z) = ( x , y ) ∈R 2 : ( x − x+ )2 + ( y − y + )2 ≤ r+2 } ( x+ , y + , z) ∈C+ is a point along the axis of C+ . Let γ +z = ∂S+ ( z) and γ +z +δz = ∂S+ ( z + δz) . Finally, set C+ = S+ ( z) × ( z, z + δz). By appealing to Maxwell’s second equation ∇ × B = µε ∂t E + µσE and invoking Stokes’ theorem, it follows from Figure 5.3 that ∫∫ ∂C + I+(z,t) C+ Ω+ I0(z,t) C0 Ω– E S+(z,t) E+z (z,t) +(z,t) ∇ × B ⋅ dS = C+ ∫ ∂2 C+ B ⋅ dl ≡ 0 S+(z + δz,t) Ez+(z + δz,t) E+(z + δz,t) S++ s+– = s––*s+–+1 where s++ : [0, 1] Ω+ s–– : [0, 1] E–(z,t) C– I–(z,t) E–z (z,t) E–(z S–– S–(z,t) C– + δz,t) Ω+ s+–+1(t) = s++(1–t) Ez–(z + δz,t) S–(z + δz,t) Figure 5.3 Current variation of TEM wave along multiple conductors. K15149_Book.indb 149 10/18/13 10:50 AM 150 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where ∂2 C+ = ∂(∂C+ ) is the boundary of the boundary, which is precisely the empty set.* Hence the integral vanishes. −1 −1 (t) = s++ (1 − t) and In Figure 5.3, s+− = s−− ∗ s++ , where s++ s−− (2t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 21 s−− ∗ s (t) ≡ −1 s++ (2t − 1) for 21 ≤ t ≤ 1 −1 ++ Moreover, observe that as the field is assumed to be quasi-static, the potential difference between two points is essentially independent of the path chosen, and hence the choice of paths depicted in Figure 5.3. The paths sαβ , for α,β ∈ {+,−}, are chosen such that they are normal to both ∂C± for simplicity. For convenience, denote E = E+ + E− and B = B+ + B− , where E± (B± ) defines the electric (magnetic) field generated, respectively, by conductors C± . Furthermore, let i+ ( z, t) denote the current propagating along C+ entering S+ ( z) and i+ ( z + δz, t) the current exiting S+ ( z + δz). Physically, it can be seen that for 0 < σ < ∞ , some of the current propagating along C+ will also be conducted via the medium to C0 and C− . Hence, it is intuitively clear that i+ ( z + δz, t) ≠ i+ ( z, t) when the medium is lossy. Indeed, even if the medium were lossless, it is clear via the distributed line model that the existence of a distributed capacitance renders the inequality to hold in general. Now, by Figure 5.3, ∂C+ = ∂C+ ∪ S+ ( z) ∪ S+ ( z + δz) is the boundary of the differential cylinder of length δz along C+ , whence Maxwell’s equation yields 0=µ ∫ ∂ C+ J ⋅ nd 2 x + µε ddt ∫ ∂ C+ E ⋅ nd 2 x = µ ∫ ∂ C+ J ⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x + µε ddt ∫ ∂ C+ E⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x (5.11) under the assumption of quasi-TEM propagation: E|| ⋅ n = 0 , where E|| << E⊥ and E = E⊥ + E||, the sum of the transverse and longitudinal components, respectively. Next, because the medium surrounding the conductors is an imperfect dielectric of conductivity 0 < σ 0 < ∞ , J + ⋅ dS ≠ 0 . Hence, ∫∫ ∂ C+ J ⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x = σ 0 ∫∫ ∂ C+ ∫∫ ∂ C+ E⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x defines the conduction current through Ω+ from C+ to C0 and C− across ∂C+ . Thus, by construction, invoking the * Intuitively, this can be seen by considering a 2-sphere: the boundary of a three-dimensional ball. It is obvious that a 2-sphere has no boundary as every two-dimensional neighborhood about any point on the sphere is completely contained in the sphere. Thus, the boundary of a 2-sphere is empty. K15149_Book.indb 150 10/18/13 10:50 AM 151 Differential Transmission Lines { ∫∫ definition of resistance R = E⊥ ⋅ dl σ γ that via Kirchhoff’s current law, ∫ σ0 ∫∫ ∂ C+ E ⊥ ⋅ dS = δz R+ + ∫ s+ E⊥ ⋅ dl + + G +− δz ∫ s+ − δz R+ − S ∫ s+ − E⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x } −1 , it follows at once E⊥ ⋅ dl ≡ G ++ δz ∫ s+ E⊥ ⋅ dl E⊥ ⋅ dl (5.12) where s++ ( s+− ) is a path from C+ ∩ C+ to C0 (C− ) , and R ++ (R +− ) is the resistance per unit length along the segment [z, z + δz]. From Equation (5.11), evaluating term by term yields: ∫ S+ ( z ) ∫ J ⊥ ⋅ n+ dS = − I + ( z) S+ ( z +δ z ) ∫ C+ J ⊥ ⋅ n+ dS = I + ( z + δz) J ⊥ ⋅ n+ d 2 x = σ ∫ C+ E⊥ ⋅ n+ d 2 x However, noting that ∫ C+ J ⊥ ⋅ n+ d 2 x is the conduction current flowing across C+ , from Ohm’s law, I = GV , where G is the conductance, it follows immediately that σ ∫ C+ E⊥+ ⋅ n+ d 2 x = G ++ δzv+ with G ++ denoting the conductance per unit length and δz is the length of the cylinder C+ . Likewise, σ ∫ C+ E⊥− ⋅ n+ d 2 x = G +− δz( v+ − v− ) . Hence, σ ∫ C+ E⊥ ⋅ n+ dS = G +− δz( v+ − v− ) + G ++ δzv+ (5.13a) Next, via Figure 5.3, the displacement current across the segment C+ is determined by ε ∂t ∫ C+ E⊥+ ⋅ n+ dS . Indeed, Q = CV ⇒ i = ∂t Q = C ∂t V . Hence, on setting C+− to be the capacitance per unit length between the pair (C+ , C− ) and C++ the pair (C+ , C0 ) , it follows at once that ε ∂t ∫ C+ E⊥+ ⋅ n+ dS = C+− δz ∂t ( v+ − v− ) + C++ δz ∂t v+ whence, applying Equations (5.13a) and (5.13b) to 0 = µ E⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x and taking the limit δz → 0 yields ∫ ∫ C+ (5.13b) J ⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x + µε ddt C+ ∂ z I + ( z, t) = −(G +− + G ++ )v+ + G +− v− − (C+− + C++ ) ∂t v+ + C+− ∂t v− K15149_Book.indb 151 (5.14) 10/18/13 10:50 AM 152 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers By symmetry, ∂ z I − ( z, t) = −(G −+ + G −− )v− + G −+ v+ − (C−+ + C−− ) ∂t v− + C−+ ∂t v+ (5.15) Indeed, in the case of a balanced differential pair, where v+ = − v− , Equations (5.14) and (5.15) reduce to I + −(G++ + 2G+− ) ∂t = I − G−− + 2G+− −(C++ + 2C+− ) v+ C−− + 2C+− ∂ t v+ Now, consider a balanced differential pair (C+ , C− ) satisfying the respective conditions: (a) v+ = − v− (b) v+ = v− where the incident field is assumed to be time harmonic; that is, E± ( z, t) = E± ( z)eiωt and the same symbol is used for convenience should no confusion arise. Recall that this means the replacement ∂t → iω may be freely made. 5.1.9 Lemma Given a symmetric differential pair (C± , C0 ) , where C0 is the ground conductor*, v+ ( z, t) = v− ( z, t) ⇒ I + ( z, t) = I − ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0 . Proof For a symmetric pair, L ++ = L −− and R + = R − . The result thus follows trivially from Equations (5.7) and (5.8). □ 5.1.10 Remark It is clear from the proof of Lemma 5.1.9 that as R 0 does not cancel out, or equivalently, as I 0 = −2 I + ≠ 0 , R 0 cannot be set arbitrarily, as in the case for v+ = − v− . For case (a): This case was examined above. Whence, taking the ratio ∂∂zz vI++ yields Z′2 ≡ v+ ∂ z v+ I+ ∂z I+ = R + + iω (L + + − L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iω (C+ + + 2C+ − ) For case (b): From Remark 5.1.10, taking the ratio Z ′′ 2 ≡ v+ ∂ z v+ I+ ∂z I+ = ∂ z v+ ∂z I+ yields R + + 2R 0 + iω (L + + + L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iωC+ + These two cases lead to the following respective definitions. * In the case of a printed circuit board, this represents the ground plane. K15149_Book.indb 152 10/18/13 10:50 AM 153 Differential Transmission Lines 5.1.11 Definition Given a symmetric differential pair (C± , C0 ) , the odd mode is defined by the condition v+ ( z, t) = − v− ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0, and the odd mode impedance Zodd is defined by Zodd = R + + iω (L + + − L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iω (C+ + + 2C+ − ) In particular, for a lossless system, Zodd = L+ + − L+ − C+ + + 2C+ − 5.1.12 Definition Given a symmetric differential pair (C± , C0 ), the even mode is defined by the condition v+ ( z, t) = v− ( z, t) ∀z, t ≥ 0, and the even mode impedance Zeven is defined by R + + 2R 0 + iω (L + + + L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iωC+ + Zeven = In particular, for a lossless system, Zeven = L+ + + L+ − C+ + 5.1.13 Proposition Given a symmetric differential pair (C± , C0 ), under the condition of even mode propagation, there is no capacitive coupling between (C+ , C− ). Proof From Equation (5.14), on setting v+ = v− , the two terms involving C+− cancel out. □ Lastly, given a symmetric differential pair (C± , C0 ), the impedance seen by the wave propagating between the pair (C+ , C− ) for v+ = − v− is called the differential impedance, where C− is considered as a reference. As the potential difference vdiff = v+ − v− = 2 v+ ; whereas the current along C+ is I + = − I − , it follows at once that the differential impedance is defined by Zdiff = vIdiff = 2Iv++ = 2 Zodd . + Explicitly, Zdiff = 2 K15149_Book.indb 153 R + + iω (L + + − L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iω (C+ + + 2C+ − ) (5.16) 10/18/13 10:50 AM 154 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and for a lossless system, Zdiff = 2 L+ + − L+ − C+ + + 2C+ − By symmetry, the impedance seen by a wave propagating between the pair (C+ , C− ) for v+ = v− , along a common ground Γ 0 is called the common mode impedance. Here, the pair (C+ , C− ) is treated as a single conductor and the analysis reduces to the pair (C , C0 ), where C = (C+ , C− ). Although it is possible to go through the entire field argument carried out above, it is easier to observe that (a) the common mode potential is vcm = v+ , and (b) the common mode current I cm = I + + I − = 2 I + , whence, the common mode impedance is Zcm = vcm I cm = v+ 2 I+ = 21 Zeven That is, Zcm = 1 2 R + + 2R 0 + iω (L + + + L + − ) G+ + + 2G+ − + iωC+ + (5.17) and for a lossless system, Zcm = 1 2 L+ + + L+ − C+ + The derivation of differential impedance and common mode impedance via distributed lumped model is left as an exercise for the attentive reader; see Exercises 5.4.1 and 5.4.2. To complete the analysis of odd and even modes along a symmetric differential pair, consider qualitatively, the fields generated by the respective modes. First, consider the odd mode wave propagation. Here, recall that the propagating current and hence voltage field along C+ are 180 degrees out of phase with respect to the current and voltage fields propagating along C− . By the right-hand rule, the magnetic field density is as illustrated, where the odd mode current along C+ is directed into the page, and the current along C− is directed off the page. Suppose γ ± = ( x± , 0), for some x− < 0 < x+ with the z-component suppressed for simplicity. Then, along J 0 = {( x , 0) : x ∈( x− + a, x+ − a)} , where a > 0 is the radius of the cable, the magnetic field density crowds along J 0 , whereas the magnetic field density is much weaker on R 2 − J 0 , that is, away from J 0 . Physically, because the currents are oppositely directed—that is, I + = − I − —by Definition 5.1.11, the odd mode inductance is reduced by the mutual inductance and hence the K15149_Book.indb 154 10/18/13 10:50 AM 155 Differential Transmission Lines magnetic flux, for a fixed current, must trivially decrease correspondingly via Ψ B = LI. C– C+ Odd mode current propagating along a differential pair. By contrast, observe that the electric field has the profile shown in the figure, where odd mode voltage, V− = −V+ , via Definition 5.1.11, leads to the enhancement of the resultant capacitance via the mutual capacitance. Physically, the surface charge density crowds around the boundary ∂C± of the lines about a small neighborhood of J 0 , and away from J 0 , the charge density on ∂C ± decreases (see the electric field lines in the figure), whence, for a fixed potential difference between C± , Q = CV implies that the resultant surface charge density on ∂C± is enhanced by the increase by the mutual capacitance. C– C+ Odd mode voltage propagating along a differential pair. Finally, to complete the picture, it is clear from Definition 5.1.12, that the scenario for even mode propagation is different from odd mode propagation. First of all, in the case of the even mode current propagation, as I − = I + , it is clear via the right-hand rule that the magnetic field density on J 0 cancels, leading to the diagram. In a sense, the magnetic field is enhanced for even mode propagation. Physically, via Definition 5.1.12, the even mode inductance is increased by the mutual inductance. Hence, the magnetic flux, for a fixed current, must clearly increase from Ψ B = LI . C– C+ Even mode current propagating along a differential pair. K15149_Book.indb 155 10/18/13 10:50 AM 156 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The scenario with the voltage profile for even mode propagation can similarly be sketched. Thus, via Definition 5.1.12 and Q = CV, it is clear that the even mode capacitance is decreased by the mutual capacitance and hence, the resultant electric field decreases correspondingly (see the odd mode propagation electric field). The electric flux is low on J 0 due to mutual repulsion of the electric field, as illustrated in the diagram (see the mutual repulsion of the magnetic flux density for the odd mode propagation depicted above). C+ C– Even mode voltage propagating along a differential. 5.1.14 Remark Given a lossless differential pair (C± , C0 , µ , ε) defined by the following distributed parameter model, where the propagation waves are assumed without loss of generality to be time harmonic: L ++ v+ ∂z = − iω v− L −+ L +− i+ L −− i− i+ C++ ∂z = − iω i− − C−+ − C+− v+ C−− v− Set L +− = κ ′ L ++ L −− and C+− = κ ′′ C++ C−− , for some coupling constants κ ′ , κ ′′ ∈[0, 1] . Then, CL++++ = Z+ Z− and κ ′ = κ ′′ , where Z± is the characteristic impedance of C± with respect to C0 . To see this, it suffices to observe that L+ + C+ + = µ ε = L− − C− − Next, by definition, LC = µεI ⇒ L ++ C+− − L +− C−− = 0 and L +− C++ − L −− C+− = 0, where 1 I= 0 K15149_Book.indb 156 0 1 10/18/13 10:50 AM 157 Differential Transmission Lines whence ( ) L+ − 2 C+ − = L+ + L− − C+ + C− − ⇒ L+ − C+ − = Z+ Z− = µ ε Moreover, L+ − C+ − = κ′ µ κ ′′ ε ⇒ κ ′ = κ ′′ □ as claimed. 5.2 Impedance Matching Along a Differential Pair In the previous section, the odd and even mode impedance along a differential pair were defined. In this section, matching the impedance of a differential pair is crucial when designing a matched differential line to prevent unwanted reflections. In particular, as Zodd ≠ Zeven , it follows that informally, different prescriptions may be required to prevent reflection from odd/ even mode propagation. This is clearly important when designing for signal integrity and electromagnetic interference. Indeed, in view of Remark 5.1.4, the coupling constant κ allows the pair (C+ , C− ) to be analyzed as a single transmission pair wherein C− is taken to be the reference ground, and the resultant current flowing along C+ is I + + κI − = (1 − κ )I + . Intuitively, the cross-coupling is the result of mutual inductance and mutual capacitance between the differential pair; this should be clear from Chapter 4. This is indeed obvious by expressing Ẑ in terms of Z0 via the coupling constant: Zˆ = κZ0 . The transfer impedance Ẑ is a quantitative characterization of the induced voltage appearing on C+ as a result of current flowing in C− . For instance, switching occurring on an adjacent trace, called the aggressor, can induce a voltage (noise) on the trace lying next to it; this trace is called a victim trace. 5.2.1 Lemma Given a symmetric differential pair (C+ , C− ) , the differential coupling coefficient κ satisfies 0 ≤ κ ≤ 1. Proof The pair of Equations (5.1) and (5.2) can be written in matrix form as V = ZI . Explicitly, V+ Z0 = V− Zˆ K15149_Book.indb 157 Zˆ I + Z0 I − 10/18/13 10:50 AM 158 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers ∗ The time-average power delivered to the load is P = 21 Re(V ⋅ I ) , whence from V+ Z0 = V− Zˆ ˆ − Z0 I + + ZI I + = ˆ + + Z0 I − I − ZI Zˆ Z0 ˆ −* Z0 I +* + ZI V ⋅I = ˆ +* + Z0 I −* ZI ∗ t I ˆ −* )I + + (ZI ˆ +* + Z0 I −* )I − = 2 Z0 I + 2 (1 − κ ) + = (Z0 I +* + ZI I − 2 Thus, P = Z0 I + (1 − κ ). However, P ≥ 0 ⇒ κ ≤ 1. Clearly, κ ≥ 0 because the power delivered to the load cannot be greater than that of the power generated by the source. Hence, 0 ≤ κ ≤ 1, as claimed. □ From the proof of Lemma 5.2.1, define an alternative expression for the time-average power in terms of forward and backward propagating waves (cf. Exercise 5.4.4). The odd mode impedance is the effective characteristic impedance of C+ (respectively, C− ) of a differential pair (C+ , C− ) if C− (respectively, C+ ) were treated as the reference ground. In particular, because the solution to Maxwell’s equations is linear, a differential pair (C+ , C− ) can be separately analyzed by investigating C+ and C− separately and then summing the two solutions. The summation of the two solutions is again a solution because of linearity (i.e., the principle of superposition). Now, recalling that given a symmetric differential pair (C+ , C− ) , the characteristic differential impedance Zdiff = Zodd + Zodd = 2(1 − κ )Z0 , it follows that the differential lines of Figure 5.1 are matched if R = 2(1 − κ )Z0 . Suppose a common mode noise of voltage δV is (simultaneously) propagating along the pair (C+ , C− ) depicted in Figure 5.1. That is, V± → V±′ = V± + δV . Then, the resultant output signal at the receiver is Vout = V+′ − V−′ = V+ − V− . Consequently, a symmetrical differential pair is immune to common mode noise. 5.2.2 Remark For completeness, consider Equations (5.1) and (5.2) again. Given a symmetric differential pair (C+ , C− ) , suppose that the currents ( I + , I − ) along the lines satisfy I + (t) = I − (t) ∀t ∈[0, 1]. Then, the signal ( I + , I − ) is called common mode. It is trivial to establish that V+ ( z) = V− ( z) ∀z ∈[0, ] for common mode via (5.1) and (5.2). 5.2.3 Lemma Given a symmetric differential pair, the even mode impedance is given by Zeven = Z0 + Ẑ . K15149_Book.indb 158 10/18/13 10:50 AM 159 Differential Transmission Lines Differential and common mode termination I+ δV Differential transmitter (constant current source) V+ C+ r R Zdiff I– δV V– Differential receiver r C– Figure 5.4 Differential termination scheme with common mode noise. Proof By (5.1), V+ = I + Z++ + I − Z+− = I + (Z0 + Zˆ ) ⇒ Z0 + Zˆ = V+ I+ = Zeven , as required. □ 5.2.4 Proposition Suppose a common mode noise δV couples onto a symmetric differential pair (C+ , C− ). In order to prevent δV from reflecting back to the source along (C+ , C− ) , a proper termination scheme for Figure 5.1 is shown in Figure 5.4. The π-termination scheme comprises a series resistor placed very close to the parallel differential termination resistor along each line. The proper values for (R,r) are: r = Zeven R= Zdiff Zeven Zeven − Zodd (5.18) (5.19) Proof First, observe by definition that (C+ , C− ) is at equipotential with respect to δV. In particular, there is zero (noise) current flowing through R as it is at the same potential as the pair (C+ , C− ). Thus, the proper termination for the noise is r = Zeven by Remark 4.2.3. To complete the proof, recall that the impedance seen by odd mode propa−1 gation is Zodd . Hence, in order to match the impedance, Zodd = { R2 + 1r } ⇒ diff Zeven 2 Zodd r = R(r − Zodd ) . Rearranging yields R = ZZeven − Zodd , where Zdiff = 2 Zodd via (5.16) and r = Zeven from (a) evaluated above. □ 5.2.5 Remark Observe that the termination scheme shown in Figure 5.4 for Proposition 5.2.4 depends on the placement of R. Explicitly, the results of Proposition 5.2.4 do not hold for the layout shown in Figure 5.5. To see this, note the following. First, by Remark 4.2.3, r = Zeven . Second, by Definition 4.2.2, r + 21 R = Zodd . And because Zeven = Z0 + Zˆ > Z0 − Zˆ = Zodd , it thus follows that r + 21 R = Zeven + 21 R > Zodd ∀R ≥ 0. Hence, the placement of K15149_Book.indb 159 10/18/13 10:50 AM 160 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Differential and common mode termination I+ δV Differential transmitter (constant current source) V+ C+ r Zdiff I– δV V– R Differential receiver r C– Figure 5.5 Improper termination scheme for even and odd mode signals. (R, r) is critical in the proper termination of a differential pair (C+ , C− ) . In particular, the termination scheme of Proposition 5.2.4 will correctly terminate both odd and even mode propagations, preventing unwanted reflections back along the differential pair. Clearly (R, r) must be placed as close to the differential receiver as possible to mitigate false triggers arising from reflections between (R, r) and the load (cf. Remark 4.4.14). 5.2.6 Remark In the technology industry, the scheme shown in Figure 5.6 is often used for differential matching: termination via capacitor to ground as depicted in the schematic diagram, where the presence of the capacitor is to filter out high frequency noise. In Exercise 5.4.3, the reader is ask to comment on the validity of the scheme. In particular, is the capacitor necessary to filter highfrequency noise for emissions suppression? If so, under what conditions? 5.3 Field Propagation Along a Differential Pair For simplicity, consider an infinitely long differential pair over an infinite ground plane, as portrayed in Figure 5.7(a), where the transmission lines are of radius a > 0 and the centers of the transmission lines are a distance h > a above the ground plane. Remember from Chapter 4 that a TEM wave propagating Differential Zdiff = 2R termination I+ Differential transmitter (constant current source) V+ C+ R Differential receiver Zdiff I– V– C– R Figure 5.6 Differential termination with a bypassing capacitor. K15149_Book.indb 160 10/18/13 10:50 AM 161 Differential Transmission Lines – 0 b Radius a h 0 (–xλ, yλ) Radius a –λ λ (xλ, yλ) Image charge Ground plane Ground plane Image pair Image charge (–xλ, –yλ) (a) Differential pair of fixed radii Image charge –λ (xλ, –yλ) λ (b) Equivalent line charge representation Figure 5.7 Potential of a differential pair via the method of images. along a transmission line satisfies the Laplace equation on the plane normal to the direction of propagation. In addition, recall from Chapter 3 that a charged, infinitely long cylinder over an infinite ground plane is equivalent to a suitably placed infinite line charge. This suggests that the scalar potential can be obtained via Figure 5.7(b), with the boundary of the differential lines suitably placed. That is, via the method of images, Figure 5.7(a) is equivalent to Figure 5.7(b). For simplicity, let λ denote the line charge as depicted in Figure 5.7(b). For notational convenience, set rλ(1) = ( xλ , y λ ), rλ(2) = (− xλ , y λ ), rλ(3) = (− xλ , − y λ ), and rλ(4) = ( xλ , − y λ ), and also set r ( i ) = r − rλ( i ) ∀i, where r = (x, y). Then, the potential at an arbitrary point r ≠ rλ( i ) ∀i is given by { } 1 1 1 ϕ( x , y ) = − 2λπε ln r(1) − ln r(2) + ln r(3) − ln r(14) = λ 2 πε {ln r(1) r (2) (3) + ln rr( 4) } (5.20) Referring to Figure 5.7(b), an equipotential loop about rλ(1) satisfies K= r (1) r (3) r (2) r( 4) for some constant K > 0. Without loss of generality, set K = K1 K 2 , where (1) (3) (1) (3) K1 = rr(2) , K 2 = rr( 4) . Then, evaluating K1 = rr(2) and K 2 = rr( 4) lead to K15149_Book.indb 161 (x − K1 + 1 K1 − 1 xλ ) (x + K2 + 1 K2 − 1 xλ ) 2 2 + ( y − y λ )2 = ( 2 K1 K1 − 1 xλ ) + ( y + y λ )2 = ( 2 K2 K2 − 1 xλ ) 2 2 (5.21) (5.22) 10/18/13 10:50 AM 162 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Equations (5.21) and (5.22) describe the equipotential loops about rλ(1) and rλ(3) , respectively. By inspection, the loops are circles with their respective centers and radii given by {( K1 + 1 K1 − 1 ) 2 K1 K1 − 1 xλ , y λ , xλ } {(− and K2 + 1 K2 − 1 ) 2 K2 K2 − 1 xλ , − y λ , xλ } By the method of images, the images must have the same radii as the original loop about rλ(1) . Hence, K1 = K = K 2 , and in particular, x0 = Also, x02 = K1 + 1 K1 − 1 ( xλ ) K1 + 1 2 K1 − 1 and a= 2 K K −1 xλ2 and a 2 = However, it is clear that xλ ⇒ 0 = K − 1 − 4K ( K − 1)2 2 x0 a xλ2 ⇒ x02 − a 2 = xλ2 ( KK +−11 )2 − ( K4−K1) 2 = K 2 + 1− 2 K ( K − 1)2 K⇒ K= {( ) K +1 2 K −1 x0 + x02 − a 2 a − ( K4−K1)2 } =1 Hence, xλ = x02 − a 2 . Thus, given the center of the cable ( x0 , y 0 ) ≡ ( x0 , y λ ) , the location of the equivalent line charge ( xλ , y λ ) can be determined. Indeed, suppose the transmission line is at some fixed potential ϕ 0 . Then, ϕ0 = λ 2 πε x0 + ln K ⇒ λ = 2 πεϕ 0 ln x02 − a 2 a −1 yielding the line charge as a function of potential to which the transmission line is charged. The above analysis is summarized in the following lemma. 5.3.1 Lemma Given a lossless, infinitely long differential pair (C± , a, b, h) , where a > 0 is the radii of the transmission lines, b > 0 the distance of separation between the centers of (C+ , C− ) , and h > 0 the distance between the respective centers of C± and the ground plane [see Figure 5.7(a)] the differential pair and their images are given, respectively, by C± = B(r0± , a) × R and C±′ = B(r0′ ± , a) × R , where B(r0± , a) = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : ( x x0 )2 + ( y − y 0 )2 ≤ a 2 } B′(r0′ ± , a) = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : ( x x0 )2 + ( y + y 0 )2 ≤ a 2 } K15149_Book.indb 162 10/18/13 10:51 AM 163 Differential Transmission Lines are represented by infinite line charges ( γ ± , ±λ) and their images ( γ ′± , ±λ) defined by γ ± = {( ± xλ , y λ , z) : −∞ < z < ∞} and γ ′± = {( ± xλ , − y λ , z) : −∞ < z < ∞} □ with xλ = x02 − a 2 and y λ = y 0 5.3.2 Proposition Given a pair of infinitely long, lossless, differential transmission lines C± over an infinite ground plane, suppose that C± are charged, respectively, to V (ω ) = ±ϕ 0 (ω ) . Set Ω = R 3 − (C+ ∪ C− ) , where C± = B(r0± , a) × R are the differential lines. Then, the potential at r = (x, y, z) ∈ Ω is given by ϕ( x , y ) = − { ϕ0 } ln x0 + x02 − a 2 − ln a ln {( x + xλ )2 + ( y − y λ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 + ( y + y λ )2 } {( x − xλ )2 + ( y − y λ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 + ( y + y λ )2 } In particular, for b+ h r where δ = 2 2 rλ r << 1 2 , ϕ( x , y ) < { ϕ0 } ln x0 + x02 − a2 − ln a δ2 . Proof The first assertion follows trivially from Equation (5.20). Thus, it remains to establish the last assertion. Now, {( x + xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } ≈ 1+ 2( xλ x − yλ y )/r 2 {( x − xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } 1− 2( xλ x + yλ y )/r 2 1− 2( xλ x − yλ y )/r 2 1+ 2( xλ x + yλ y )/r 2 Moreover, noting that rλ = 21 b 2 + h2 ≤ 21 (b + h) << binomial approximation that 1 2 2 = 1− 4( xλ x − yλ y )2 /r 4 1− 4( r ⋅rλ )2 /r 4 r < r , it follows via the { }{ {( x + xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } ≈ 1− 4( xλ x − yλ y )2 /r 4 ≈ 1 − 4( xλ x − yλ y )2 1 + 4( r⋅r λ )2 1− 4( r ⋅rλ )2 /r 4 r4 r4 {( x − xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } = 1+ 4 } ( r ⋅r λ )2 − ( xλ x − yλ y )2 r4 Now, noting that ln(1 + δ) ≈ δ for δ << 1, it follows at once that ln K15149_Book.indb 163 {( x + xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } ≈ 2 (r ⋅rλ )2 −( xλ x − yλ y )2 = 8 yλ r r4 {( x − xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } y xλ x r r r <8 y λ xλ r r <8 ( ) rλ 2 r 10/18/13 10:51 AM 164 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers rλ r Finally, set δ = 2 2 ln . Then, rλ r < 1 2 2 ⇒ δ << 1 , and {( x + xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } < 8 yλ r {( x − xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } xλ r ≤ δ2 whence ϕ( x , y ) < { ϕ0 } ln x0 + x02 − a 2 − ln a δ2 □ as asserted. 5.3.3 Remark The above proposition is the reason why EMC engineers often state that fields cancel out for differential lines; that is, away from a differential pair, the electromagnetic field cancels. Clearly, that is an oversimplification: the fields do not cancel out identically. However, at a sufficiently large distance away from the pair, the potential field falls off approximately 2 as rrλ . Thus, a differential pair does mitigate emissions, although it is clear from the proof that emissions do not vanish, a common incorrect assumption made by EMC engineers. Indeed, even at an intuitive level, it is clear that fields do not identically cancel out: a differential pair can be looked upon as a dipole string (as opposed to point charge dipole). Thus, the fields do not cancel out, albeit they fall off very much faster than the field of a single line charge. ( ) 5.3.4 Corollary Given a differential pair stated in Proposition 5.3.2, suppose r − rλ = δ > a. Then, { ln x0 + 2 ϕ0 x02 − a 2 }− ln a δ 2 + r ⋅r ln δ2 + 4 rλ ⋅r < ϕ( x , y ) < λ { 2 ϕ0 } ln x0 + x02 − a 2 − ln a { ln 1 + 4 r λ ⋅r δ2 } Proof Now, {( x + xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x − xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } = δ2 + 4 xλ x δ2 + 4 yλ y δ2 δ 2 + 4 r λ ⋅r {( x − xλ )2 +( y − yλ )2 }{( x + xλ )2 +( y + yλ )2 } K15149_Book.indb 164 10/18/13 10:51 AM 165 Differential Transmission Lines Thus, noting the following inequality δ 2 + r λ ⋅r δ2 δ2 δ 2 + 4 r λ ⋅r < 2 δ 2 + 4 xλ x δ + 4 y λ y δ2 δ 2 + 4 r λ ⋅r < δ 2 + 4 r λ ⋅r δ2 □ yields the desired result at once. In particular, the above corollary provides a bound for the scalar potential near one of the differential lines. 5.3.5 Remark It is clear from the above discussion that the potential generated by the differential pair at an arbitrary point r ∈R 3+ − (C+ ∪ C− ) satisfies V (r ) = ϕ( x , y )e− iβz , and hence, the electric field is given by E(r) = − ∇V(r). Now, observe that the capacitance per unit length C++ of C+ with respect to the ground plane is found as follows. By definition, the capacitance per unit length C of two infinitely long cables of uniform radius a, their axes separated by a distance d, is given by { C = πε ln d + d2 + 4 a2 2a } −1 whence it follows at once that C++ = λ ϕ 0 +ϕ 0 { h2 − a 2 a = πε ln h+ } −1 Likewise, the mutual capacitance C+− is, by definition, { C+− = πε ln b + b2 − 4 a2 2a } −1 In particular, the total capacitance per unit length ( C+ = C++ + C+− = πε ln b + b2 − 4 a2 2a ) + (ln −1 h + h2 − a 2 a ) −1 For odd mode propagation, the mutual inductance can be found via Equation (5.16): ( 2 2 L +− = L ++ − 14 Zdiff (C+ + C+− ) = L + − 14 Zdiff πε ln b + b2 − 4 a2 2a ) + 2 (ln −1 h + h2 − a 2 a ) −1 Hence, any current noise pulse δ i propagating along one of the differential pair will induce a voltage spike on the corresponding line via δv = − L+− ddt δ i. K15149_Book.indb 165 10/18/13 10:51 AM 166 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Differential Pair of Fixed Radii – C– 0 b Radius a h C+ 0 Radius a Ground plane Image pair Figure 5.8 Potential of a differential pair via the method of images. Finally, observe that for the (lossless, symmetric) differential pair illustrated in Figure 5.8, the “return” current via the ground plane is nonzero; this fact is occasionally falsely assumed to be zero by less careful EMC engineers. 5.3.6 Proposition Given the lossless, symmetric differential pair illustrated in Figure 5.8, the ratio of the image current on the ground plane of C± with respect to the current propagating along C± satisfies I+ − I+ + = 2 ln h+ h2 − a 2 a {ln b + b2 − 4 a2 2a } −1 (5.23) where I +− is the return current between (C+ , C− ) and I ++ is the return current between C+ and the ground plane. Proof From Q = CV, it is clear that I+ − I+ + = dQ+ − dt ( ) dQ+ + −1 dt = Q+ − Q+ + From the preceding discussion, C++ = λ ϕ 0 +ϕ 0 { = πε ln h+ h2 − a 2 a } −1 { and C+− = πε ln b + b2 − 4 a2 2a } −1 whence, noting that δV+− = ϕ + + ϕ + = 2ϕ + is the potential difference between (C+ , C− ) , and δV++ = ϕ + is the potential difference between C+ and the ground plane, yields the result at once. □ K15149_Book.indb 166 10/18/13 10:51 AM 167 Differential Transmission Lines It is clear from Proposition 5.3.5 that in a typical scenario, such as for traces buried within a PCB—known as a stripline as opposed to a microstrip wherein the traces are on top of a PCB—the following usually holds: 21 b >> h . Hence, in this instance, I +− < I ++ and most of the return current occurs along the ground plane. 5.4 Worked Problems 5.4.1 Exercise Derive the odd and even mode impedance via the distributed parameter model for a lossless differential pair. Comment on the time delay for the odd mode versus even mode propagation along a differential pair. Solution Consider the following pair of transmission lines depicted in Figure 5.9. The capacitor coupling the two lines (i.e., mutual capacitance C12 = C21 ) and the inductor coupling the two lines (i.e., mutual inductance L12 = L21 ) are also illustrated once for simplicity. Now, observe that the current ( I1 , γ 1 ) induces, via L12 , a voltage on γ 2 : V21 = − L12 ddIt1 . By symmetry, ( I 2 , γ 2 ) induces a voltage on γ 1 : V12 = − L12 ddIt2 , where for simplicity, ( γ 1 , γ 2 ) represents the respective axes of a pair (C1 , C2 ) of thin transmission lines. Similarly, the voltage (V2 , γ 2 ) induces a current, via the mutual capacitance C12 , on γ 1 as follows. The instantaneous charge per unit length induced on γ 1 is δ Q 1 = C12 (V1 − V2 ), whence, Q 1 = C10V1 + δ Q 1 = C11V1 − C12V2 . Likewise, Q 2 = C20V2 + δ Q 2 = C22V2 − C12V1 . C+ RS1 VS1 L11 C10 L12 C12 Distributed RL1 Parameter model C11 = C10 + C12 C– RS2 VS2 C20 L22 C22 = C20 + C12 RL2 Figure 5.9 Mutual inductance and mutual capacitance coupling the two lines. K15149_Book.indb 167 10/18/13 10:51 AM 168 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Thus, appealing to transmission line theory, ∂ z V1 = − L11 ∂t I1 − L12 ∂t I 2 , ∂ z I1 = − C11 ∂t V1 − C12 ∂t (V1 − V2 ) ∂ z V2 = − L12 ∂t I1 − L 22 ∂t I 2 , ∂ z I 2 = − C12 ∂t (V2 − V1 ) − C22 ∂t V2 That is, ∂ z V = − L ∂t I and ∂ z I = −C ∂t V , where C11 + C12 I1 V1 V = ,I= ,C= V I − C12 2 2 L11 − C12 and L = C22 + C12 L12 L12 L 22 Now, for an odd mode (i.e., differential) current I1 = − I 2 ⇒∂ z Vk = −(L kk − L12 ) ∂t I k for k = 1, 2 . For a symmetric differential pair, L1 = L 2 ⇒ L ′ = L kk − L12 ∀k. Hence, ∂ z Vk = − L ′ ∂t I k for a differential signal. Thus, define Lodd ≡ L ′ to be the odd mode inductance for a differential pair. Likewise, for odd mode current, V1 = −V2 ⇒ ∂ z I k = −(C kk + 2C12 ) ∂t Vk , and for a symmetric differential pair, C1 = C2 ⇒ C′ = C kk + 2C12 ∀k . Thus, define Codd ≡ C′ to be the odd mode capacitance for a differential pair. In summary, for a differential pair, the transmission line equations for odd mode become ∂ z Vk = − Lodd ∂t I k ∂ z I k = − Codd ∂t Vk for k = 1,2. In particular, by definition, the odd mode impedance is Zodd = Lodd Codd = L kk − L12 C kk + 2C12 for the transmission line γ k , as required. As an aside, observe that Vdiff = V1 − V2 = 2V1 ⇒ Zodd = 2 Zodd , consistent with the derivation of Section 5.1. For symmetric lines, L kk = L 0 and C kk = C0 for all k = 1,2, where L 0 (C0 ) is the inductance (capacitance) per unit length of a single line defining its characteristic impedance R0 = CL00 . To complete this problem, consider even mode propagation. Here, I1 = I 2 ⇒ ∂ z Vk = −(L kk + L12 ) ∂t I k , and V1 = V2 ⇒ ∂ z I k = − C kk ∂t Vk ∀k = 1, 2 . That is, for even mode, ∂ z Vk = − Leven ∂t I k ≡ −(L kk + L12 ) ∂t I k ∂ z I k = − Ceven ∂t Vk ≡ − C kk ∂t Vk K15149_Book.indb 168 10/18/13 10:51 AM 169 Differential Transmission Lines Hence, the even mode impedance is Zeven = Leven Ceven = L kk + L12 C kk ≡ L0 + L12 C0 As a passing remark, it is clear from the above analysis that the time delay in odd mode versus even mode propagation is, in general, different: τodd = Lodd Codd and τeven = Leven Ceven where ℓ is the length of the differential pair. Finally, observe from the above derivation that Lodd < L 0 < Leven and Ceven < C0 < Codd 5.4.2 Exercise Provide an alternative derivation for the relationship between common mode and even mode impedance. Solution For notational simplicity, the transmission line pair (C+ , C− ) is identified with its respective axes ( γ + , γ − ). This convention is adopted in all subsequent exercises. First, recall from (4.1) that along γ + , V+ = I + Z0 + I − Zˆ = I + Z0 + I + κZ0 = I + (1 + κ )Z0 . Thus, the effective characteristic impedance for common mode waves propagating along γ + is Z+ = VI−+ = (1 + κ )Z0 . That is, the current I + flowing along γ + sees an effective impedance of Zeven = Z+ . Because I − = I + along γ − , it follows that the total current conducting along ( γ + , γ − ) is I = I + + I − = 2 I + . Hence, the pair ( γ + , γ − ) appears to be a common mode signal as parallel lines connected to some virtual ground. That is, the 1 1 1 resultant characteristic impedance of ( γ + , γ − ) is Zcm = Zeve + Zeven ⇒ Zcm = 1 1 2 Zeven . The resultant characteristic impedance Zcm = 2 (1 + κ )Z0 for a common mode signal is called the common mode impedance of ( γ + , γ − ). □ Exercise 5.4.3 Refer to the question posed in Remark 5.2.6, where the differential pair is assumed to be symmetric. Solution If a high-frequency noise is a common mode noise, then, by assumption, it will perfectly cancel out at the load, and hence, it is not necessary to add the capacitor to filter out the noise. On the other hand, if the noise only appears on either γ + or γ − , then the only way the high-frequency noise K15149_Book.indb 169 10/18/13 10:51 AM 170 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers can be by-passed without affecting the input impedance is to implement it as illustrated in Remark 5.2.6 for impedance-matching purposes. To see this, it suffices to note that by construction, the capacitor is at zero potential with respect to γ ± , and hence, its presence will not disturb the differential impedance match afforded by 2R. In practice, this implementation depends upon the real estate of the printed circuit board, and for very high frequency noise, the added surface mount and vias will potentially increase the inductance in the matching circuit, and may perturb the effectiveness of the impedance matching scheme. □ Exercise 5.4.4 Given a symmetric differential pair* ( γ + , γ − ) denote γ + ∪ γ − to be the pair that incorporates mutual interaction between the pair of lines: γ + ∪ γ − ≡ γ + ⊕ γ − + γ + ⊗ γ − , where γ + ⊕ γ − defines the pair ( γ + , γ − ) in the absence of mutual interaction; that is, γ + , γ − are over a common ground plane such that they are infinitely far away from each other, and γ + ⊗ γ − denotes the mutual interaction between the pair defined by the mutual inductance and mutual capacitance. For simplicity, assume that the differential pair is lossless in all that follows, and in particular, for (b) and (c) below, assume that ZS ± = Z0 = ZL ± . (a) Show that the time-average power can be expressed as P = † † † † ∗ ∗ 1 2 (a a − b b), where a = ( a+ , a− ), a = ( a+ , a− ), b = (b+ , b− ) and b = ∗ ∗ (b+ , b− ), a± = V± + Z0 I ± 2 Z0 and b± = V± − Z0 I ± 2 Z0 (b) Define the far-end cross-talk induced on γ − by γ + by δV− , + = k+ ddt V+ (t − τ) , where k+ is the far end cross-talk coupling coefficient [5,6]. By definition, δV− , + is the induced voltage near the source of γ − (adjacent to the source of γ + ). Show that k+ = − 21 τ ( L+ − L0 − C+ − C0 ) where τ = µε . (c) Define the near-end cross-talk induced on γ − by γ + by δV− , + = k− (V+ (t) − V+ (t − 2 τ)), where k− is the near-end cross-talk coupling coefficient. By definition, δV− , + is the induced voltage near the source of γ − (adjacent to the source of γ + ). Show that k− = * 1 4 ( L+ − L0 + C+ − C0 ) Recall that transmission lines and their respective axes are identified for simplicity. K15149_Book.indb 170 10/18/13 10:51 AM 171 Differential Transmission Lines Solution V1+ Z0 (a) By definition, V+ = V1+ e− iβz + V1− eiβz and I + = a+ ( z ) = V1+ Z0 e− iβz a+ ( z ) = and − e− iβz − VZ10 eiβz . So, set V1+ Z0 e− iβz Then, substituting back into the original equations yields V+ = I + Z0 Z0 − 1 Z0 1 Z0 a + b+ and hence, solving for ( a+ , b+ ) via inversion yields a+ 1 = 2 b+ 1 Z0 V+ I + Z0 − Z0 1 Z0 V+ − By symmetry, V− = V2+ e− iβz + V2− eiβz and I − = Z20 e− iβz − VZ20 eiβz , where V2± = −V1± from the assumption of a symmetric differential pair, yield a− 1 = 2 b− 1 Z0 V− I− Z0 − Z0 Z0 That is, a± = V± + Z0 I ± 2 Z0 and b± = V± − Z0 I ± 2 Z0 Note that by construction, a, b represents forward propagating and backward propagating waves, respectively. Next, appealing to the definition of time-average power P = 21 ℜe(V † I ) for the differential pair, it follows at once that P = 21 ℜe(V+∗ I + ) + 21 ℜe(V−∗ I − ), where V = (V+ , V− ) and I = ( I + , I − ) , whence substituting V± = Z0 ( a± + b± ) and I ± = Z1 0 ( a± − b± ) into V † I yields V † I = V+∗ I + + V−∗ I − = a+∗ a+ + a−∗ a− − b+∗ b+ − b−∗ b− + − a+∗ b+ + b+∗ a+ − a−∗ b− + b−∗ a− 2 2 2 2 { } = a+ + a− − b+ − b− + i2 ℑm(b+† a+ ) + ℑm(b−† a− ) K15149_Book.indb 171 10/18/13 10:51 AM 172 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers { 2 2 2 2 } and hence, P = 21 ℜe(V † I ) = 21 a+ + a− − b+ − b− = 21 (a† a − b† b), where for any complex z = x + iy ⇒ z − z∗ = i2 y was invoked. The time-average power can thus be expressed as the difference between forward and backward travelling waves. (b) Referring to Example 4.4.7, the forward propagating wave in timedomain can be expressed as V + (t − z v ) = V0 (t − vz ) + Γ(0)Γ()V0 (t − 2τ − vz ) + with V0 ( t − z v ) = Z Z+ Z 0 0 S VS (t)e− γz and the backward propagating wave in time-domain can be expressed as V − (t + z v ) = Γ()V0 (t − 2τ + vz ) + Γ(0)Γ()2 V0 (t − 4τ + vz ) + where v = 1µε is the wave propagation speed and τ = v is the propagation delay time, thus defining V ( t − vz ) = V + ( t − vz ) + V − ( t − vz ) ⇒ V (t) = V + (t) + Γ()V + (t − 2 τ), where τ = v is the propagation delay time. In particular, at the source z = 0, V (t) = V + (t) + Γ()V + (t − 2 τ) = V0 ( t ) + Γ(0)Γ()V0 (t − 2 τ) + + Γ(){V0 (t − 2 τ) + Γ(0)Γ()V0 (t − 4τ) + } { = V0 (t) + 1 + 1 Γ (0) } {Γ(0)Γ()V (t − 2τ) + Γ (0)Γ ()V (t − 4τ) + } 2 0 and at the load z = ℓ, noting that V − ( t − V (t − v v 2 0 ) = Γ()V + (t + v − 2τ ) = Γ()V + (t − τ) ) = V + (t − v ) + Γ()V + (t − v ) = (1 + Γ()){V0 (t − τ) + Γ(0)Γ()V0 (t − 3τ) + Γ 2 (0)Γ 2 ()V0 (t − 5τ)} From (a), a+ = V+ + Z0 I + 2 Z0 ⇒ ∂ z a+ = 1 2 Z0 {∂z V+ + Z0 ∂z I+ } For simplicity, suppose the waves are time harmonic. Then, from Remark 5.1.14, ∂ z V+ = − iω {L ++ I + + L +− I − } and ∂ z I + = − iω {C++ V+ − C+− V− } K15149_Book.indb 172 10/18/13 10:51 AM 173 Differential Transmission Lines Thus, substituting the above relations yields ∂ z a+ = − 2 iωZ0 {L ++ I + + Z0 C++ V+ + L +− I − − Z0 C+− V2 } = − iωZ0 C++ a+ + iω Z0 C+ −2V−Z−0L+ − I− Now, noting that that L+ − C+ − = Z++ Z−− = Z02 by assumption, it follows immediately L+ − V− − Z C I− iω Z0 C+ −2V−Z−0L+ − I− = iωZ0 C+− 0 +− 2 Z0 = iωZ0 C+− V− − Z0 I − 2 Z0 = iωZ0 C+− b− Hence, ∂ z a+ = − iωZ0 C++ a+ + iωZ0 C+− b− . The evaluation of ∂ z a− follows that of ∂ z a+ mutatis mutandis. In particular, ∂ z a− = iωZ0 C+− b+ − iωZ0 C−− a− . Similarly, evaluating ∂ z b± yields ∂ z b+ = iωZ0 C++ b+ − iωZ0 C+− a− and ∂ z b− = − iωZ0 C+− a+ + iωZ0 C−− b− , whence, observing trivially that ωZ0 C ± ± = ω L ± ± C ± ± ≡ ωυ ≡ β, with υ = L± ±1C± ± being the speed of a wave propagating in a homogeneous medium—that is, for the case wherein L ± = L 0 and C ± = C0 —it follows clearly that β a+ ∂z = − i a− 0 0 a+ 0 + i β a− ωZ0 C+− ωZ0 C+− b+ 0 b− ωZ0 C+− a+ β + i 0 a− 0 b+ 0 ∂z = −i ωZ0 C+− b− 0 b+ β b− Next, note that ωZ0 C+− b− = 2 1Z0 ωZ0 C+− (V− − Z0 I − ) . Specifically, motivated by the fact that the mutual capacitive and mutual inductive coupling induce the following waves propagating towards the load: V+− = − iωL +− I + + iωZ0 C+− V+ = − iω { L+ − Z0 } − Z0 C+− V+ = iωZ0 C+− (V+ − Z0 I − ) this suggests the decomposition: ωZ0 C+− (V− − Z0 I − ) = − 21 ω { L+− Z0 } − Z0 C+− (V− + Z0 I − ) + 21 ω { L+− Z0 } + Z0 C+− (V− − Z0 I − ) That is, −ωZ0 C+− b− = 21 ω K15149_Book.indb 173 { L+ − Z0 } − Z0 C+− a− − 21 ω { L+ − Z0 } + Z0 C+− b− 10/18/13 10:51 AM 174 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Likewise, it can be seen by symmetry that −ωZ0 C+− b+ = 21 ω { L+ − Z0 } − Z0 C+− a+ − 21 ω { L+ − Z0 } + Z0 C+− b+ Thus, β a+ ∂z = − i a− 0 0 a+ 0 − i β a− κ − β = −i κ − where κ ± = 21 ω On setting { κ − a+ 0 + i β a− κ + L+ − Z0 κ − a+ 0 + i 0 a− κ + κ + b+ 0 b− κ + b+ 0 b− } ± Z0 C+− . β U= κ − κ− β 0 and V = κ+ κ+ 0 the above partial differential equation leads to the pair of transmission line equations: ∂ z V = − i(U + V)Z0 I and ∂ z I = − i(U − V) Z10 V Thus, from ∂ z V = − iωLI and ∂ z I = − iωCV , where L ++ L= L +− L +− L −− C++ and C = − C+− − C+− C−− it is clear by definition that the impedance matrix is given by Z2 ≡ LC −1 = Z02 (U + V)(U − V) ⇒ Z = Z0 H, where H = (U + V)(U − V) , and the reflection coefficient matrix by Γ = (Z − Z0 I)(Z + Z0 I)−1 , with I being the identity 2 × 2 matrix. Finally, substituting the results from (a) into ∂2z a and ∂2z b yields ∂2z a = −(U + V)(U − V)a and ∂2z b = −(U + V)(U − V)b K15149_Book.indb 174 10/18/13 10:51 AM 175 Differential Transmission Lines Now, note first that U, V are diagonalizable and hence, so is H. Furthermore, observe that for a matrix a M= b b a its eigenvalues are m± = a ± b, and the diagonalization of M is diag(m+ ,m− ). Next, in all that follows, by an abuse of notations, denote H by its diagonalization for convenience, because the original solution can easily be obtained from the inverse similarity transformation diagonalizing M; see Chapter 6 for more details. Thus, H+ H→H= 0 0 H− where H ± are the two eigenvalues of H, with H ±2 = β 2 + κ 2− − κ 2+ ± 2βκ − = (β ± κ − )2 − κ +2 . Specifically, H +2 = (β + κ − + κ + )(β + κ − − κ + ) ⇒ H + = ω (L 0 + L +− )(C0 − C+− ) and H −2 = (β − κ − + κ + )(β − κ − − κ + ) ⇒ H − = ω (L 0 − L +− )(C0 + C+− ) are the explicit eigenvalues. Moreover, as a(b) is the forward (backward) propagating wave, the results of Chapter 4 (cf. Proposition 4.4.2) generalize immediately to the coupled system of transmission line equations: V ( z) = VS Z(Z + ZS )−1 e− iHz {1 − Γ (0)Γ ()e− i2 H }−1 {I + Γ ()e− i2 H( − z ) } (5.24) where the source impedance ZS + ZS = 0 0 ZS − VS + and VS = VS − is the source of γ ± . Following [5], let e ± denote the normalized eigenvectors of H associated with the eigenvalues H ± , where e ± = 12 (1, ±1) . It is easy to see that diag(m+ , m− ) = PHP † , where † denotes the conjugate transpose, and P = (e+ , e− ) , for all a,b ≠ 0. Intuitively, e+ corresponds to the waves propagating along K15149_Book.indb 175 10/18/13 10:52 AM 176 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers γ ± in the parallel direction (→, →), e− corresponds to waves along γ ± in the antiparallel direction (→, ←). That is, e+ ↔ γ + propagation → γ − propagation → γ + propagation → and e− ↔ γ propagation − ← Hence, e+ defines the even mode and e− defines the odd mode. Now B = {e+ , e− } defines a basis as e+ ⋅ e− = 0 , and it decouples γ + ∪ γ − → γ + ⊕ γ − in the following fashion. By definition, set V = V ( + )e+ + V ( − )e− , where V ( ± ) = 12 (V+ ± V− ) . Then, noting that a exp 0 0 1 = b 0 0 a + 1 0 1 + a + 1 a2 + 2! + = 0 0 + b 1 2! a 0 0 b 2 1 + a + 2!1 a 2 + 0 that is, a exp 0 0 ea = b 0 0 eb it follows upon expanding Equation (5.24), and defining Z± = L0 ± L+ − C0 C+ − and Γ ± = Z − Z± Z + Z± where Z± , Γ ± correspond, respectively, to the characteristic impedance and coefficient of reflection of the even(odd) modes, that H+ Z(Z + ZS ) = 0 −1 (0) where ZS ± = ZS ± Z0 (0) 0 H + + ZS + H− 0 H − + ZS(0)− , and likewise, on setting ZL(0)± = 1 0 I − Γ (0)Γ ()e− i2 H = − 0 1 K15149_Book.indb 176 0 H + − ZS(0) + H + + ZS(0) + 0 0 H − − ZS(0) − H − + ZS(0) − ZL ± Z0 H + − ZL(0) + H + + ZL(0) + 0 −1 = H+ H + + ZS(0) + 0 0 H− H − + ZS(0) − , 0 H − − ZL(0) − H − + ZL(0) − e− i2 H+ 0 0 e− i2 H+ 10/18/13 10:52 AM 177 Differential Transmission Lines and hence, the system is decoupled via the diagonalization scheme, and further simplification thus yields V ( ± ) = VS( ± ) Z± Z± + ZS ± { e− iH ± z 1 − Γ ± (0)Γ ± ()e− i2 H ± } {1 + Γ −1 ± ()e− i2 H ± ( − z ) } (5.25) Note, as a side comment, that the speed of wave propagation for the even/ odd mode is given, respectively, by v± = 1 (L 0 ± L + − )(C0 C+ − ) and hence β ± = ωv± is the respective even/odd mode wave number. By construction, V = V+ e1 + V− e2 , where e1 = (1, 0), e2 = (0, 1) . The linear operator mapping the basis B onto the standard basis B0 = {e1 , e2 } can be shown, after some algebraic manipulation, to be T= 1 2 1 1 1 −1 Thus, T −1 = T ⇒ (V+ , V− ) = V ( + ) T(e+ ) + V ( − ) T(e− ). Explicitly, V± = 12 {V ( + ) ± V ( − ) } and similarly, VS( ± ) = 12 {VS + ± VS − } . To determine the cross-talk coefficient on γ − , it suffices to assume without loss of generality that VS − = 0 . Then, the far end cross-talk is determined by setting z = ℓ. That is, V− () = 1 2 {V ( + ) () − V ( − ) ()} Furthermore, observe that Z± Z± + ZS ± = 1 Z± + ZS ± − ZS ± + Z± Z± + ZS ± 2 = 21 (1 − Γ ± (0)) Hence, V− () = 1 2 1 2 { { } ())} 1 2 (1 − Γ + (0))(VS + + VS − )(1 − Γ + (0)Γ + ()e− i2 H ± )−1 e− iH+ (1 + Γ + ()) − 1 2 (1 − Γ − (0))(VS + − VS − )(1 − Γ − (0)Γ − ()e− i2 H ± )−1 e− iH+ (1 + Γ − Finally, observe that under conditions of weak coupling, L +− << L ± ± and C+− << C ± ± . Remember moreover, it was assumed herein that L ± = L 0 and C ± = C0 . Thus, H ± = ω (L 0 ± L +− )(C0 C+− ) ≈ ω L 0 C0 1 ± K15149_Book.indb 177 L+ − L0 C+ − C0 10/18/13 10:52 AM 178 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers In particular, we may define, up to first order in L+ − L0 , CC+0− (i.e., the conditions of weak coupling) H ± = β ± δH , where β = ω L 0 C0 and δH = 21 β ( L+ − L0 − C+ − C0 ) Likewise, Z± = L0 ± L+ − C0 C+ − = Z0 (1 ± ) (1 ± ) C+ − −1 C0 L+ − L0 { ≈ Z0 1 ± 1 2 ( L+ − L0 + C+ − C0 )} = Z 0 ± 21 Z0 ( L+ − L0 + C+ − C0 ) under conditions of weak coupling. Moreover, on defining the differential pair reflection coefficients Γ ± ( z) = Z± ( z )− Z± Z± ( z )+ Z± if the source and load impedances are matched to Z0 , then the individual uncoupled reflection coefficients under the conditions of weak coupling along γ ± are: Γ (0± ) = Z± − Z0 Z± + Z0 = ± 21 ( L+ − L0 + C+ − C0 ) {2 ± ( 1 2 L+ − L0 C+ − C0 + )} −1 ≈ ± 14 ( L+ − L0 + C+ − C0 ) Lastly, set τ ± = Hω± to be the propagation delay time. Then, under weak coupling, τ ± ≈ τ ± δτ , where δτ = ω δH and τ = ω β . In terms of κ ± , noting that κ ± = 21 β ( L+ − L0 ± C+ − C0 ) it is clear that δH = 21 β ( L+ − L0 − C+ − C0 )=κ − , Γ (0± ) ≈ ± 21 κ+ β In time-domain, from the expansion of V ( t − this problem outlined above leads trivially to , δτ = ω κ − = βτ κ − v ) given at the beginning of V− () = 21 (1 − Γ + (0))(1 + Γ + ()){V0 (t − τ + ) + Γ + (0)Γ + ()V0 (t − 3τ + ) + } − 21 (1 − Γ − (0))(1 + Γ − ()){V0 (t − τ − ) + Γ − (0)Γ − ()V0 (t − 3τ − ) + } whence, under the assumptions of weak coupling, set δΓ = 21 κβ+ , which by definition, is first order in LL+0− , CC+0− . Hence, define δΓ(0) = δΓ + ε ′ and K15149_Book.indb 178 10/18/13 10:52 AM 179 Differential Transmission Lines δΓ() = δΓ + ε ′′ , for some ε ′ , ε ′′ = o(δΓ 2 ) . Then, ε ′ − ε ′′ ~ o(δΓ 2 ) , and via the assumption ZS ± = Z0 = ZL ± , (1 − Γ ± (0))(1 + Γ ± ()) = 1 − Γ ± (0)Γ ± () ≈ 1 Thus, noting via Taylor’s expansion (to first order) that V0 (t − τ ± ) ≈ V0 (t − τ) ∂t V0 (t − τ)δτ , it is clear that V− () ≈ 21 (V0 (t − τ + ) − V0 (t − τ − )) = 1 2 {V0 (t − τ) − ∂t V0 (t − τ)δτ − V0 (t − τ) − ∂t V0 (t − τ)δτ} , that is, V− () ≈ − ∂t V0 (t − τ)δτ . Thus, k+ = −δτ = − ω κ − = − 21 ω β ( L+ − L0 − C+ − C0 ) = − τ( 1 2 L+ − L0 − C+ − C0 ) as required. (c) The near-end cross-talk is determined as (b) above by setting z = 0. Under the conditions of weak coupling, via V− (0) = 12 {V ( + ) (0) −V ( − ) (0)}, following the derivation above for V− (), V− () = 1 2 { − 1 2 1 2 } (1 − Γ + (0))(VS + + VS − )(1 − Γ + (0)Γ + ()e− i2 H ± )−1 (1 + Γ + ()eiH+ ) { 1 2 } (1 − Γ − (0))(VS + − VS − )(1 − Γ − (0)Γ − ()e− i2 H ± )−1 (1 + Γ − ()eiH+ ) Noting that V0 (t) = 21 VS + (t) when ZS ± = Z0 = ZL ± , and recalling that ∑ V0 (t) + Γ + () m> 0 Γ +m − 1 (0)Γ +m − 1 ()V0 (t − 2 mτ) = V0 (t){1 + Γ + ()eiH+ }{1 − Γ + (0)Γ + ()e− iH+ }−1 weak coupling yields Γ + (0) − Γ − (0), Γ + () − Γ − () ~ δΓ + − δΓ − = { ( V− (0) ≈ 21 (1 − Γ + (0)) V0 (t) + 1 + { 1 Γ + (0) ( − 21 (1 − Γ − (0)) V0 (t) + 1 + { ( = 21 (1 + Γ (0+ ) ) V0 (t) + 1 − { ( 1 Γ(0+ ) − 21 (1 + Γ (0− ) ) V0 (t) + 1 − { ( ) κ+ β and hence ) Γ (0)Γ ()V (t − 2τ)} ) Γ (0)Γ ()V (t − 2τ)} + 1 Γ − (0) + − 0 − 0 } Γ (0+ ) Γ (0+ )V0 (t − 2 τ) 1 Γ(0− ) ) ) } Γ (0− ) Γ (0− )V0 (t − 2 τ) } = 21 (1 + Γ (0+ ) ) V0 (t) − 1 − Γ (0+ ) Γ (0+ )V0 (t − 2 τ) { ( ) } − 21 (1 + Γ (0− ) ) V0 (t) − 1 − Γ (0− ) Γ (0− )V0 (t − 2 τ) K15149_Book.indb 179 10/18/13 10:52 AM 180 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Finally, noting that Γ (0+ ) − Γ (0− ) = κ+ β , it is clear that V− (0) ≈ 21 (Γ (0+ ) − Γ (0− ) )V0 (t) − 21 (Γ (0+ ) − Γ (0− ) )V0 (t − 2 τ) ≈ 1 κ+ 2 β (V0 (t) − V0 (t − 2 τ)) and hence, by definition, k− = 1 κ+ 2 β = 1 4 ( L+ − L0 C+ − C0 + ) □ as desired. Exercise 5.4.5 The electrical implementation of a transition minimized differential sig­ naling (TMDS) signaling protocol is given below [2]: this is a low-cost imp­ lementation for transmitting high-frequency digital data packages that minimizes electromagnetic interference. It is typically employed in the design of graphics interfaces for computers, high-definition televisions, and graphic cards. Suppose that the transmission lines are lossless, and the differential impedance Z2 of the cable differs from that of the differential pair: Z1 ≠ Z2 . Suppose further that Rs ≠ 21 Z1 is the source impedance. What is the best way to match the impedance between the transmitter and the TMDS cable in order to minimize undue reflections? Refer to method (b) versus method (c) of Figure 5.10. Vcc A Rterm Vcc Differential signal pair Termination resistor Current source (V+, I+) RS A + RS –I Z1 – B (V–, I–) Transmitter Termination Z2 resistor Rterm I Rdiff + – TMDS cable B Receiver (b) Vcc B R0 R0 Vcc A (a) (c) Figure 5.10 A simple model for a TMDS data pair. K15149_Book.indb 180 10/18/13 10:52 AM 181 Differential Transmission Lines Solution The only place on the schematics to implement an impedance match is between A, B. First, observe that if scheme (b) were implemented, where Rdiff = Z1 , the resultant potential difference along the TMDS cable will be halved. This can be easily seen (via the superposition principle) schematically as follows. The discrete lumped equivalent circuit representation for γ + is Z1 in series with R = 21 Rdiff , whence, the voltage output is that of the potential divider: VA = V+ R +RZ1 = 21 V+ , where V+ is the incident voltage. By symmetry, on γ − , VB = V− R +RZ1 = 21 V− , whence Vdiff = VA − VB = V+ , which is half the amplitude at the differential load. Finally, consider (c). Here, on γ + , set R0 = Z1 in order to match the impedance along γ + . Set Vcc = V+ . Then, VA = Vcc − V+ R +RZ1 = 21 V+ and VB = V− R +RZ1 − Vcc . That is, VB = −V+ R +RZ1 − Vcc = 23 V+ and hence, Vdiff = VA − VB = 2 V+ , as required. □ Exercise 5.4.6 Describe an alternative method to terminate a differential line such that both odd and even modes are properly terminated. Solution T-termination of differential lines is an alternative termination scheme; see the schematics shown in Figure 5.11. Now, for odd mode, by definition, the potential drop across R is zero. Hence, 2 R1 = Zdiff ; that is, R1 = Zodd . Next, consider an even mode noise propagating along the differential pair toward the receiver. First, observe that via the principle of superposition, in the absence of any coupling, the differential pair γ + ∪ γ − is equivalent to γ + ⊕ γ − , where the direct sum ⊕ denotes the Differential signal pair Current source RS + I RS –I (V+, I+) R1 Z1 R1 – R + Receiver – (V–, I–) Transmitter Figure 5.11 T-termination scheme for a differential pair. K15149_Book.indb 181 10/18/13 10:52 AM 182 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Differential signal pair RS RS + RS + (V+, I+) R1 Z1 – R1 (V–, I–) R (V+, I+) Equivalence (no cross coupling) R1 ~ R + RS R1 – (V–, I–) ~ R Figure 5.12 Equivalent T-termination scheme in the absence of cross-coupling. absence of cross-coupling (the disjoint union). Here, by definition, the load of γ ± is Z = R1 + R , where R = R ||R ⇒ R = 21 R (cf. Figure 5.12). Hence, by construction, Zeven = R1 + R ⇒ R = 2(Zeven − Zodd ), as required. □ References 1. Chang, D. 1992. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 2. Digital Visual Interface. 1999. Digital Display Working Group, Rev. 1.0. 3. Knockaert, J., Peuteman, J., Catrysse, J., and Belmans, R. 2009. General equations for the characteristic impedance matrix and termination network of multiconductor transmission lines. In Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Technology, pp. 595–600. 4. Neff, Jr., H. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 5. Orfanidis, S. 2002. Electromagnetic Waves and Antenna. Rutgers University, ECE Dept., http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa/. 6. Paul, C. 2002: Solution of the transmission-line equations under the weakcoupling assumption. IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 44(3), 413–423. 7. Paul, C. 1994. Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 8. Paul, C. 2006. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 9. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 10. Sengupta, D. and Liepa, V. 2006. Applied Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. K15149_Book.indb 182 10/18/13 10:52 AM 6 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines In this section, the phenomenon of cross-talk from transmission lines coupling electromagnetically is derived from Maxwell’s theory. To facilitate the discussion of cross-talk, the concepts of mutual capacitance, mutual impedance, and mutual inductance are introduced; see, for example, References [4,5,7,9]. The concept of mutual coupling leads naturally to the study of multiconductor transmission lines. Indeed, a glimpse into the concept of crosstalk was introduced in Chapter 5; in particular, see Exercise 5.4.4. The last two sections comprise elements of multiconductor transmission line theory, followed by the concept of scattering parameters. Scattering parameters have great applications in microwave engineering, the details of which can be found in References [5,6,8]. In particular, for readers wishing to pursue these topics in greater depth, Reference [6] is a classic exposition on multiconductor transmission line theory and that of microwave engineering is given in [8]. 6.1 Reciprocity Theorem and Mutual Capacitance An important result employed in this section is called Green’s reciprocity theorem; see, for example, References [2,3,9,10] for various equivalent reciprocity theorems. 6.1.1 Theorem (Green’s Reciprocity) Given a system {(Ci , ρi )}in= 1 of charged conductors, where ρi is the charge density on conductor Ci, and Ci ∩ C j = ∅ ∀i ≠ j, let Vi be a fixed potential on Ci ∀i = 1, , n. Then, given another system {(Ci′, ρ′i )}ni = 1 of charged conductors, with Ci′ ∩ C ′j = ∅ and Ci ∩ C ′j = ∅ ∀i ≠ j, ∑ ∫ ρ ϕ′d x =∑ ∫ ρ′ϕ d x i Ω i i 3 i Ω i i 3 where Ω = R 3 − i (Ci ∪ Ci′), and the potential φi satisfies Poisson’s equation −∆ϕ i = 1ε ρi subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition ϕ i |∂Ci = Vi , and the same also applies to the triple (ϕ ′i , Vi′, Ci′) ∀i . 183 K15149_Book.indb 183 10/18/13 10:52 AM 184 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof The proof is an easy matter via mathematical induction. First, consider the case where n = 1. Then, via the second Green’s identity, ∫ Ω ϕ 1 ∆ϕ 1′ − ϕ 1′ ∆ ϕ 1 = ∫ ∂Ω ϕ 1 ∂ n ϕ 1′ − ϕ 1′ ∂ n ϕ 1, substituting Poisson’s equation yields 1 ε ∫ (−ϕ ρ′ + ϕ′ ρ ) = ∫ 1 Ω 1 i 1 ∂Ω ϕ 1 ∂ n ϕ 1′ − ϕ 1′ ∂ n ϕ 1 = 0 as ϕ 1 |∂Ω, ϕ 1′ |∂Ω are constants implies that ∂ n ϕ 1 |∂Ω = 0 = ∂ n ϕ 1′ |∂Ω , and hence, ∫ Ω ϕ 1ρ1′ = ∫ Ω ϕ 1′ ρ1. So, suppose that for some fixed k > 1, the following holds: ∑ ∫ ρ ϕ′d x = ∑ ∫ ρ ϕ′d x k i=1 i Ω k 3 i i=1 Ω i i 3 Consider n = k + 1. Then ∑ ∫ ϕ ∆ϕ′ − ϕ′∆ϕ = ∑ ∫ n n i=1 Ω i i i i i=1 ∂Ω ϕ i ∂ n ϕ′i − ϕ′i ∂ n ϕ i from Green’s identity. However, noting that ∑ ∫ ϕ ∆ϕ′ − ϕ′∆ϕ = ∑ ∫ ϕ ∆ϕ′ − ϕ′∆ϕ + ∫ ϕ n i=1 k Ω i i i i i=1 Ω i i i i Ω k +1 ∆ϕ′k +1 − ϕ′k +1∆ϕ k +1 , the inductive assumption implies immediately that the first k = n − 1 summation vanishes, leaving ∫ϕ Ω k +1 ∆ϕ′k +1 − ϕ′k +1∆ϕ k +1 = ∫ ∂Ω ϕ k +1 ∂ n ϕ′k +1 − ϕ′k +1 ∂ n ϕ k +1 . From which, Gauss’ law and ∂ n ϕ k +1 |∂Ω = 0 = ∂ n ϕ′k +1 |∂Ω together yield ∫ϕ Ω ρ′ k +1 k +1 = ∫ ϕ′ Ω ρ k +1 k +1 , hence, ∑ ∫ ρ ϕ′d x = ∑ ∫ ρ′ϕ d x , n i=1 Ω i i 3 n i=1 and induction thus follows, as desired. Ω i i 3 □ Indeed, observe trivially as an immediate corollary that for the pair of systems {(ϕ i , Ci )}ni = 1 and {(ϕ ′i , Ci′)}in= 1, the restriction of ϕ i (ϕ ′i ) to Ci (Ci′) leads immediately to the relation ∑ n i=1 QiVi′= ∑ n i=1 Qi′Vi (6.1) where Qi = ∫ Ci ρi d 3 x and Qi′ = ∫ Ci′ ρ′i d 3 x for all i = 1,…, n. Establish this in Exercise 6.5.1. K15149_Book.indb 184 10/18/13 10:52 AM 185 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 6.1.2 Example As an application of Theorem 6.1.1, consider a system {Ci} of disjoint grounded n conductors and suppose that conductor C0 has a total charge Q 0. Determine the induced charge Qk on Ck, for some k, as a function of Q 0. Let V0 be the equipotential on C0 as a result of some free charge Q 0 placed on the conductor. Let Qi′ ∀i = 1, , n, denote the induced charges on {Ci }ni = 1 , if {Ci }ni = 1 were raised to potential {Vi′} , and likewise, let V0′ denote the potential on C0 if Q 0 = 0 and Qi are free charges placed on Ci ∀i = 1, , n. Then, from the above corollary, ∑ n i= 0 QiVi′= ∑ n i= 0 Qi′ Vi ⇒ Q0V0′ + Q1V1′ + + QnVn′ = Q0V0 + Q1V1 + + QnVn = 0 as Vi = 0 ∀i = 1,…, n by assumption (the conductors are grounded), and Q 0 = 0. Whence, noting from the conservation of charge that Q0 + Q1 + + Qn = 0, it follows that { ∑ V ′} Qi = − Vi′− k≠i k −1 Q0 ∑ V ′− ∑ i i j≠ i Qj ∑ ( j) k≠ j Vk′ where ∑(ki ) α k = α 1 + + α i − 1 + α i + 1 + . To see this, it suffices to expand and regroup the expression: 0 = Q0V0′ + Q1V1′ + + QnVn′ = Q0V0′ + Q1V1′ + {Q0 − Q1 − Q3 − − Qn } V2′ + + {Q0 − Q1 − Q3 − − Qn− 1 } Vn′ □ The Lorentz reciprocity theorem stated in Chapter 3 is given in a slightly different form below with a shorter proof for instructive purposes, and to preserve the continuity of the exposition. 6.1.3 Theorem (Lorentz Reciprocity) Given (Ω, ε, μ), where Ω = R 3 − (C1 ∪ C2 ) and (Ci , J i ) , for i = 1,2, are compact sources with time harmonic current densities Ji defined on Ci. Then, on Ω, ∇ ⋅ ( E × B′ − E ′ × B) = 0. In particular, ∫ C1 ∪ C2 E ⋅ J ′ d 3 x = ∫ C1 ∪ C2 E ′ ⋅ Jd 3 x . Proof First, recall the vector identity ∇ ⋅ A × B = B ⋅ ∇ × A − A ⋅ ∇ × B. Then, clearly, ∇ ⋅ ( E × B′ − E′ × B) = B′ ⋅∇ × E − E ⋅∇ × B′ − E′ ⋅∇ × B + B ⋅∇ × E′ = − iωB′ ⋅ B − iωµεE ⋅ E′ − iωµJ ′ − iωE′ ⋅ E + iωµεB ⋅ B′ + iωµJ = iωµJ − iωµJ ′ K15149_Book.indb 185 10/18/13 10:52 AM 186 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers whence, on Ω, J , J ′ = 0 ⇒ ∇ ⋅ ( E × B′ − E ′ × B) = 0 . To establish the second result, it suffices to apply the divergence theorem: ∫ ∇ ⋅ (E × B′ − E′ × B)d x = ∫ 3 Ω ∂Ω ( E × B′ − E ′ × B) ⋅ nd 2 x = iωµ ∫ (E′ ⋅ J − E ⋅ J ′)d x = 0 3 Ω □ as J|Ω , J ′|Ω ≡ 0 completing the proof. 6.1.4 Remark From Theorem 6.1.3, and noting that V ∝ E, I ∝ J, it follows that given two thin conductors (Ci , Vi , I i ), at potential Vi and current Ii, for i = 1,2, with respect to some fixed ground, then V1 I 2 = V2 I1; see Exercise 6.5.2 for a rigorous proof. More generally, for a system of thin conductors {(Ci , Vi , I i )} and {(Ci′, Vi′, I i′)} , for i = 1,…, n, ∑ ni = 1 Vi I i′ = ∑ ni = 1 Vi′I i . Establish this in Exercise 6.5.2. Finally, it ought to be pointed out that the full statement of Lorentz reciprocity involves introducing a fictitious magnetic charge density J ; see, for example Reference [1]. This was deliberately left out in the proof of Theorem 6.1.3. To wit, the statement of the theorem in generality is: ∫ ∂Ω ( E1 × H 2 − E2 × H 1 ) ⋅ d 2 x = ∫ (E ⋅ J + H ⋅ J Ω 2 1 1 2 − E1 ⋅ J 2 − H 2 ⋅ J1 )d 3 x where Ji is the (fictitious) magnetic current density on Ci, and Bi = µH i. Consider a system {Ci} of N + 1 conductors as illustrated in Figure 6.1. Suppose that the conductors are of arbitrary cross-sections, and their lengths run parallel to one another. For simplicity, assume that the conductors are of identical lengths ℓ. Fix one conductor as the ground conductor and denote this by the 0th conductor C0. All potential references are made with respect to the conductor C0. V2 ρ2 V2 ρ1 r 2 VN 1 0 V0 = 0 N ρN ρ0 Figure 6.1 Cross-section of conductors in a homogeneous dielectric medium. K15149_Book.indb 186 10/18/13 10:52 AM 187 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Suppose that the conductor Ci is charged to a uniform charge density of ρi for each i = 1,…, N. Under electrostatic conditions, the resultant charge on the system comprising the N + 1 conductors must sum to zero. Whence, the charge density on the ground conductor C0 (here, denoted by conductor 0) must satisfy ρ0 = −(ρ1 + + ρN ) (6.2) Set Ω = R 3 − i Ci for simplicity. Then the electric field at an arbitrary point r ∈ Ω is the sum of the electric field contribution from each conductor: E(r ) = ∑ iN= 0 Ei (r ). From Chapter 3, it is clear that the electric field E(r) = −∇φ is defined by the Laplace equation: ∆ϕ = 0 on Ω, −ε∇ϕ ⋅ ni = ρi ∀i = 0, , N , (6.3) where n i is the unit normal vector field on ∂Ci . By definition, Vi = − ∫ γ i E ⋅ dl , where γ i ⊂ Ω is a path satisfying γ i (0) ∈C0 and γ i (1) ∈Ci . Furthermore, from Q = CV, it is clear by invoking Gauss’ law and the N divergence theorem, that Vi = ∑ j =0 pijQ j, where Qi = ε ∫ Ci E ⋅ d 3 x = ε ∫ ∂Ci E ⋅ ni d 2 x, whence, Vi = − ∫ γi E ⋅ dl = − ∑ ∫ N j= 0 γi E j ⋅ dl = ∑ N j= 0 pijQ j ⇒ pij = − Q1j ∫ γi E j ⋅ dl This leads to the following result. 6.1.5 Lemma Given a system of charged, thinly insulated conductors illustrated in Figure 6.1, the charge Qi on the conductor Ci is related to the collection {(Vk , Ck )} via V1 VN P11 = PN 1 P1N PNN Q1 QN (6.4) where Pij = pij − pi 0 ∀i, j . Proof From (6.1), Q0 + Q1 + + QN = 0 (charge conservation), whence, Vi = ∑ as required. K15149_Book.indb 187 N j= 0 pijQ j = ∑ N j=1 pijQ j − pi 0 (Q1 + + QN ) = ∑ N j= 0 ( pij − pi 0 )Q j , □ 10/18/13 10:52 AM 188 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 6.1.6 Lemma The matrix P = ( Pij ) of (6.4) is symmetric: Pij = Pji ∀i, j. Proof Now, by (6.1), ∑ ni = 1 QiVi′= ∑ ni = 1 Qi′Vi ; that is, Q′ ⋅ V = Q ⋅ V ′, where V = (V1 , , VN ), V ′ = (V1′, , VN′ ), Q = (Q1 , , QN ), Q′ = (Q1′ , , QN′ ) Thus, by definition, Q′ ⋅ V = ∑ ∑ Q′P Q = ∑ Q′P Q + ∑ ∑ Q′P Q + ∑ ∑ Q′P Q i j i ij j i i ii j i< j j i ij j i> j j i ij j and Q ⋅V ′ = ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ = ∑ Q P Q′ + ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ + ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ i j i ij j i i ii i i< j j i ij j i> j j i ij j Hence, from Q′ ⋅ V = Q ⋅ V ′, the above expansions imply immediately that ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ = ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ = ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ i< j j i ij j i> j j j ji i i< j j i ji j ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ = ∑ ∑ Q′P Q = ∑ ∑ Q P Q′ i> j j i ij j i< j j i ij j i> j j i ji j via relabeling the dummy indices, and hence, Pij = Pji ∀i, j, as claimed. □ Indeed, it is easy to see from Equation (6.4) that as P is a constant, it clearly follows from Vi = Pi 1Q1 + Pi 2Q2 + + PiN QN that on setting Qk = 0 ∀k ≠ i , Vi = Pik Qk ⇒ Pik = QVki ; that is, when all conductors Ck for k ≠ i are discharged except for Ci. Furthermore, recalling that Q = CV, it is evident that this can be generalized to a multiconductor system {Ci} via Q = CV. Indeed, based on physical considerations, for passive devices—that is, devices that are not anisotropic (such as ferromagnetic materials, plasma) or active generators—it is clear that P is invertible and in particular, P −1 = C. Moreover, by Lemma 6.1.6, C is symmetric as it is the inverse of a symmetric matrix. These observations justify the following definition. K15149_Book.indb 188 10/18/13 10:53 AM Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 189 6.1.7 Definition Given the pair V,Q such that V = PQ, the coefficients Pij are called the coefficients of inductance. Moreover, Pij = Vi Qj Qk = 0 ∀k ≠ j Likewise, the coefficients Cij of Q = CV, are called the coefficients of capacitance, and Cij = Qi Vj Vk = 0 ∀k ≠ j when all conductors Ck for k ≠ i are grounded. 6.1.8 Remark Physically, the coefficient of capacitance Cij, for i ≠ j, expresses the mutual capacitance between Ci, Cj. That is, it represents the capacitive coupling between Ci, Cj. On the other hand, Cii represents the self-capacitance: it is the capacitance between Ci , j ≠ i C j ∪ C0 , when j ≠ i C j is grounded. Explicitly, consider Q = CV : Qi = Ci 1V1 + Ci 2V2 + + CinVn ≡ ci 1 (Vi − V1 ) + + ciiVi + + cin (Vi − Vn ) where Cij denotes the mutual capacitance between Ci, Cj for i ≠ j, and Cii denotes the capacitance between Ci,C0. Then, by definition, equating the coefficients of Vi, Cij = ∑ k ≥1 cik for i = j, for i ≠ j. cij That is, Cii is the sum of the mutual capacitance between Ci,Cj for each j ≠ i. 6.1.9 Lemma Given the pair Q = CV, Cii > 0 and Cij < 0 ∀i, j. Proof By definition, Cij = Qi Vj Vk = 0 ∀k ≠ j Hence, suppose without loss of generality that Vj > 0 as Vj < 0 follows mutatis mutandis. Then, Q j > 0 ⇒ Qi < 0, and Cii = QVii implies that Vi > 0 ⇒ Qi > 0. □ K15149_Book.indb 189 10/18/13 10:53 AM 190 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Radius a1 d C11 = c11 + c12 C12 = –c12 Radius a2 C22 = c22 + c12 Equivalent h h Schematic c12 c11 c22 Figure 6.2 Capacitive coupling among conductors and the ground plane. 6.1.10 Example The above theory is illustrated by applying it to a system of two conductors illustrated in Figure 6.2, where the conductors { Ci = ( x , y ) : ( x + χi 2 } d)2 + ( y − hi )2 ≤ ai2 × R for i = 1,2, and 1 if i = 1, χi = −1 if i = 2. Finally, set Ci (0) = {( x , y ) : ( x + χ2i d)2 + ( y − hi )2 ≤ ai2 }. By the method of images, the field resulting from Ci(0) (see Chapter 3) can be determined as follows. Via the principle of superposition, there are two cases to be considered. First, consider the case wherein C2 is absent. Let ρ1 denote the charge per unit length. Then, the equivalent line charge in C1 is a2 displaced from the center O1 = (− 21 d , h) to O1′ = (− 21 d , h − d1 ), where d1 = 21h . By symmetry, the equivalent line charge ρ2 in C2, in the absence of 2C1, is a displaced from the center O2 = ( 21 d , h) to O2′ = ( 21 d , h − d2 ) , where d2 = 22h . Next, consider the pair C1, C2 in the absence of the ground plane. The locations of the equivalent line charges are determined as follows. First, without loss of generality, relative to a new origin Oδˆ = (δˆ , 0), for some δ̂ such that the equivalent line charges are located, respectively, at Oˆ 1′ = (− xˆ , h) and Oˆ 2′ = ( xˆ , h). Recalling from Example 3.2.4, it is clear that the respective x-coordinates of C1, C2 are xˆ i2 = xˆ 2 − ai2 (6.5) for i = 1,2. Hence, xˆ 12 + a12 = xˆ 22 + a22 ⇒ xˆ 12 − xˆ 22 = a22 − a12 . That is, ( xˆ 1 − xˆ 2 )( xˆ 1 + xˆ 2 ) = a22 − a12 K15149_Book.indb 190 10/18/13 10:53 AM 191 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Furthermore, observe by definition that d = xˆ 1 + xˆ 2 . Whence, xˆ 1 − xˆ 2 = and thus a22 − a12 d xˆ 1 = d 2 + a12 − a22 2d (6.6) xˆ 2 = d 2 + a22 − a12 2d (6.7) Without loss of generality, suppose that a1 < a2. Then, by definition, δˆ < 0 a2 − a2 with respect to x = 0, and in particular, xˆ 1 +|δˆ|= 21 d ⇒|δˆ|= 22 d 1 . That is, a2 − a2 δˆ = 12 d 2 . Thus, in the absence of the ground plane, the equivalent charges are located, with respect to the origin O = (0, 0), at O1′′ = (− xˆ + δˆ , h) and O2′′ = ( xˆ + δˆ , h) , respectively. From the above analysis, it is clear that the new locations of the equivalent line charges are, respectively, O1 = (− xˆ + δˆ , h − d1 ) and O2 = ( xˆ + δˆ , h − d2 ). To see this, it suffices to note that in the former case (see Figure 6.3) the presence of the ground plane exerts a force f1′ on the equivalent line charge located at the axis of C1 such that it is translated to O1′ = (− 21 d , h − d1 ), and in the latter scenario, the presence of the grounded conductor C2 exerts a force f1′′ on the equivalent line charge located at the axis of C1 such that it is translated to O1′′ = (− xˆ + δˆ , h). Hence, the resultant location in the presence of the ground plane and C1 leads to the translation of the line charge initially at O1 = (− 21 d , h) to O1 = (− xˆ + δˆ , h − d1 ) under the force f1 = f1′ + f1′′ . The new location O2 of the line charge in C2 follows that of O1 mutatis mutandis. Consequently, the resultant equivalent line charges and their respective image charges are: O1 = (− xˆ + δˆ , h − d1 ), O2 = ( xˆ + δˆ , h − d2 ), O1∗ = (− xˆ + δˆ , − h + d1 ), O2∗ = ( xˆ + δˆ , − h + d2 ) C1 C2 1 h) (– —d, 2 f1' f1" f2' 1 h) (—d, 2 f2" Equivalent line charge Figure 6.3 Equivalent line charges for the two respective charged conductors. K15149_Book.indb 191 10/18/13 10:53 AM 192 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Next, recall from Example 3.2.4 that the potential of an infinite line charge λ is ϕ = − 2 πελ 0 ln rr∞ , for some reference point r∞; it follows at once that the potential above the ground plane is Φ = − 2 πελ 0 ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 + 2 πελ 0 ln ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 , y >0 (6.8) where, without loss of generality, λ is any fixed line charge on C1 and −λ the charge on C2. Then, by definition, the capacitance per unit length is between C1, C2 is C12 = Φλ . That is, C12 = 2 πε 0 ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 −1 (6.9) Similarly, the coefficient of capacitance per unit length between C1 and ground is c11 = 2 πε 0 ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 + ( y − h + d1 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 + ( y + h − d1 )2 −1 (6.10) and that between C2 and ground is c22 = 2 πε 0 ln ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 −1 , (6.11) □ as required. 6.2 Mutual Inductance and Mutual Impedance From Chapter 5, it is clear that cross-talk is also contributed by mutual inductance. Thus, along the vein of Section 6.1, consider a system of N + 1 conductors running parallel to one another, each of length ℓ. Let the 0th conductor be a grounded conductor and the remaining N conductors be measured relative to the grounded conductor. Let the ith conductor Ci carry a current Ii and γ i = ∂Ci (0) be a circular path encircling the boundary of a cross-section of the conductor. Then, invoking Kirchhoff’s current law, I1 + + I N = − I 0 . That is, the ground conductor provides the return current pathway for the circuit. At any point (x,y,z), the total magnetic field intensity is given by the sum of magnetic field contributions from the N + 1 conductors: B( x , y , z) = K15149_Book.indb 192 ∑ N i= 0 Bi ( x , y , z) (6.12) 10/18/13 10:53 AM 193 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines where, without loss of generality, set z = 0 in all that follows. Furthermore, for simplicity, assume that the conductor cross-sectional areas Si′ are constants. Then, Bi ( x , y , z) = µ0 4π ∫∫ Si′ { 2 2 2 d S′J i ( xi′ , y i′ , z ′) ( x − xi′) + ( y − y i′) + ( z − z ′) 2 } − 23 y i′ − y x − xi′ (6.13) with Ji being the surface current density flowing along conductor Ci, xi′ = x ′ + xi, y i′ = y ′ + y i and ( xi , y i , z) is the axis of Ci, for some fixed pair ( xi , yi ). Next, recall that the magnetic flux Ψi per unit length intersecting the area S( γ i ) spanned by a loop γi around Ci(0) is given by Ψ i = lim δ1z ∫ ∫ ∂S( γ i )×[0,δz ] B ⋅ ni d 2 x , δz→ 0 where ni is the unit vector normal to ∂S( γ i ) × [0, δz] ; see Chapter 4 on transmission line theory. Hence, by Equation (6.12), Ψ i = lim δz→0 ∑ ∫∫ k 1 δz ∂ S( γ k )×[0,δ z ] Bk ⋅ nk d 2 x ≡ ∑LI k (6.14) ik k where Lik is the mutual inductance per unit length between Ci, Ck. See Figure 6.4. In particular, by Equation (6.13), L ij = Ψi Ij (6.15) I k = 0, k ≠ j That is, the mutual inductance between conductors i and j is defined by making conductors k ≠ j open circuits. Indeed, Equation (6.15) can be defined by the matrix: (6.16) Ψ = LI where Ψ1 Ψ = Ψ N L11 ,L= LN 1 L1N LNN I1 ,I= I N Lii Ci Schematic Cj Ck Representation Lij Mutual inductance Lik Ljj Lkk Figure 6.4 Voltage coupling via mutual inductance between two conductors. K15149_Book.indb 193 10/18/13 10:53 AM 194 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 6.2.1 Lemma Given Equation (6.16), the matrix L is symmetric: L ij = L ji ∀i, j . Proof Just as with Cij, Lij depends only on geometry, and in particular, the coefficients are constants. Now, consider a loop γi bounded by (Ci, C0) where C0 is the ground conductor: γ i ∩ ∂Ci ≠ ∅ and γ i ∩ ∂C0 ≠ ∅ . Let S( γ i ) denote the surface spanned by γi and ni be the unit normal on S( γ i ) . Then, the magnetic flux Ψij linking Ci with respect to γi due to current flowing in Cj is, by definition, Ψ ij = ∫ S( γ i ) B j ⋅ ni d 2 x = µ0 I j 4π ∫ ∫ S( γ i ) γj ∇× dl j R ⋅ ni d 2 x By Stokes’ theorem, ∫ ∇× Ψ ij = µ0 I j 4π ∫ ∫ L ij ≡ Ψ ij Ij S( γ j ) dl j R ⋅ ni d 2 x = ∫ dl j R γj ⋅ dRli (6.17) whence, ∇× S( γ i ) γj µ0 4π ∫∫ dl j R µ0 I j 4π ∫∫ ∫∫ dli ⋅dl j R ⋅ ni d 2 x = γi γj dl j ⋅dli R By definition, = γi γj dl j R ⋅ dRli = µ0 4π γj γi ≡ L ji and hence, the arbitrariness of γi, γj concludes the proof. □ 6.2.2 Example The above theory is illustrated by applying it to a system of two parallel conductors of radii a > 0 (cf. Figure 6.5), where the lines are assumed to be infinitely long, separated by a distance d > a, and their respective axes are a distance h > 0 above the ground plane. Determine the resultant voltage at the loads of C1, C2 respectively. V1 V2 L11 self-inductance C1 d r s δz C2 Schematic Representation L12 Mutual inductance L22 Figure 6.5 Voltage coupling via mutual inductance. K15149_Book.indb 194 10/18/13 10:53 AM 195 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Now, via superposition principle, it suffices to consider V2 = 0 and determine the induced voltage δV21 along C2. Then, the resultant voltage on C2 is thus V2 + δV21 to first order, because δV21 will in turn induce a voltage δv21 on C1, and this voltage will in turn induce a voltage δ 2V21 ≡ δ(δV21 ) on C2, ad infinitum: V2 → V2 + δV21 + δ 2V21 + δ 3V21 + . By symmetry, on setting V1 = 0, the resultant voltage is, to first order, V1 + δV21. Therefore, suppose that V2 = 0 and V1 = V1 (t) is some time harmonic voltage propagating along C1. Then, δV21 = −L 21 ddIt1 . From Chapter 5, recall that L 21 = ΨI12 , where Ψ 2 |I2 = 0 δz = ∫ S B|I2 = 0 ⋅ nd 2 x with n being the unit norI2 = 0 mal vector field on S and B|I = 0 is determined by the field along C1 and the 2 return current I 0′′ along C2, where I 0 + I1 = 0 and I 0 = I 0′ + I 0′′ , with I 0′ being the return current on the ground plane. By inspecting Figure 6.5 (cf. Example 6.1.8) it is clear that the boundary charge density induced on C2(0) is given by ρs,2 = −ε 0 ∇Φ ⋅ n2 , where Φ is defined by Equation (6.8) and n 2 is the unit normal vector field on ∂C2(0) . Thus, the equivalent return current density along C2 is J 0′′ = d dt ∫ ∂ C2 (0) ρs,2 (t)dl = dλ ( t ) 1 dt 2 π ∫ ∂ C2 (0) ∇ ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 ⋅ n2 dl (6.18) Likewise, the current density along C1 is given by J1 = d dt ∫ ∂ C1 (0) ρs ,1 (t) dl = dλ ( t ) 1 dt 2 π ∫ ∂ C1 (0) ∇ ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 ⋅ n1 dl (6.19) From this, the magnetic density at an arbitrary point ( x , y ) ∈ R 2+ − (C1 (0) ∪ C2 (0)) resulting from (C1, C2) is B12 |I2 = 0 = µ 0 dλ ( t ) 2 π dt πa 2 { κ1 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 + ( y − h + d1 )2 + κ ′′2 ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 + ( y − h + d2 )2 }e φ where κ 1 , κ ′′2 are defined by Equations (6.18) and (6.19), respectively: K15149_Book.indb 195 κ1 = 1 2π ∫ ∇ ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 ⋅ n1 dl κ ′′2 = 1 2π ∫ ∇ ln ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d2 )2 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y − h+ d1 )2 ( x− xˆ −δˆ )2 +( y + h− d2 )2 ⋅ n2 dl ∂ C1 (0) ∂ C2 (0) 10/18/13 10:53 AM 196 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers By definition, the magnetic flux density per unit length across the rectangular loop S = [a,d − a] × [0,δz] at y = h is: lim Ψ 2 |I2 =0 = lim δ1z δz→0 δz→0 = µ 0 dλ 2 π dt µ 0 dλ 2 π dt ∫ ∫ { κ 1 ln δz d− a 0 a κ1 ( x + xˆ −δˆ )2 + d12 + κ ′′2 ( x − xˆ −δˆ )2 + d22 } dx dz + κ ′′2 ln ( d − a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d22 + d − a− xˆ −δˆ ( a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a− xˆ −δˆ + κ ′′2 ln ( d − a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d22 + d − a− xˆ −δˆ ( a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a− xˆ −δˆ ( d − a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d12 + d − a+ xˆ −δˆ ( a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a+ xˆ −δˆ 1 2 and hence, L21 = Ψ2 I1 I = 0 2 = µ0 2π κ 1 ln ( d − a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d12 + d − a+ xˆ −δˆ ( a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a+ xˆ −δˆ 1 2 That is, the resultant voltage along C2 is thus V2 − 2µπ0 κ 1 ln ( d − a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d12 + d − a+ xˆ −δˆ ( a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a+ xˆ −δˆ 1 +κ ′′2 ln ( d− a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d22 + d− a− xˆ −δˆ ( a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a− xˆ −δˆ 2 dI1 dt By symmetry, the resultant voltage along C1 is V1 − 2µπ0 κ 1 ln ( d − a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d12 + d − a+ xˆ −δˆ ( a+ xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a+ xˆ −δˆ 1 +κ ′′2 ln ( d− a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d22 + d− a− xˆ −δˆ ( a− xˆ − dˆ )2 + d 2 + a− xˆ −δˆ 2 dI2 dt □ Having established the mutual inductance and capacitance for a system of conductors, the mutual impedance can now be defined. In view of Equations (6.4) and (6.16), define V1 = Z11 I1 + + Z1n I n (6.20) Vn = Zn1 I1 + + Zn1 I n for n-conductors; that is, V = ZI. Then, it is clear by definition that for each V fixed i, Vi = Zij I j if I k = 0 ∀k ≠ j . That is, Zij ≡ I ji|Ik = 0 ∀k ≠ j is well-defined as Zij are constants for all i,j = 1,…, n. Thus, the mutual impedance Zij is obtained by keeping each conductor Ck ∀k ≠ j an open circuit. The matrix Z is also called the transfer impedance matrix or simply the Z-matrix. 6.2.3 Example Consider the schematic diagram shown in Figure 6.6. It illustrates qualitatively the impact of a nonzero, finite, mutual impedance between two conductors C1, C2. In the illustrated scenario, C1 is assumed to be an open circuit K15149_Book.indb 196 10/18/13 10:53 AM 197 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines I1 = 0 Victim C1 V1 Z12 C2 V2 I2 False triggering of C1 by the switching of C2 resulting from the transfer impedance Aggressor Figure 6.6 Induced voltage along victim line via transfer impedance. at the load (not illustrated): I1 = 0. When C2 is switching and hence I2 ≠ 0, the transfer impedance induces a potential difference along C1 according to: V1 = Z12 I2. From an application perspective, if V1 is sufficiently large—for instance, large enough to switch on a transistor—then this will cause a false bit to be transmitted, causing signal integrity issues. In this particular scenario, the effect is called a ground bounce wherein the sudden current draw by C2 induces a voltage spike along C1. □ Returning to Equation (6.20), it is clear that the transfer matrix Z for passive physical systems (i.e., networks) encountered is invertible: if this were false, then a fixed set of currents {Ii} would induce multivalued voltages {Vi( k ) } , which is clearly not observed in passive physical networks: that is, the voltages are not uniquely defined. Hence, for most practicable applications, I = YV = YZI ≡ I ⇔ YZ = I where I is the identity matrix. That is, Z−1 = Y exists, assuming a linear passive network, and there is thus a one-to-one correspondence between voltage and current for ohmic systems, as required. For obvious reasons, Y is called the mutual admittance matrix. 6.2.4 Lemma Given a linear passive network defined by Equation (6.20), the mutual impedance matrix Z is symmetric. Proof Now, for any fixed i, I k = 0 ∀k ≠ j ⇒ Vi = Zij I j ⇔ Vi I j = Zij I 2j . Likewise, for any fixed j, I k = 0 ∀k ≠ i ⇒ Vj = Z ji I i ⇔ Vj I i = Z ji I i2 . Hence, by the reciprocity theorem via Remark 6.1.4, Vi I j = Vj I i ⇒ Zij = Z ji on setting I i = I j (as I i , I j are arbitrary and Zij are constants). □ K15149_Book.indb 197 10/18/13 10:53 AM 198 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Indeed, it is clear by definition that Zmn ≡ − I1n ∫ γ mn ( Em − En ) ⋅ dl, where I k = 0 ∀k ≠ n and E k is the electric field resulting from conductor Ck. That is, the mutual impedance measures the potential difference between Cm and Cn when current In is conducting along Cn, with the remaining conductors kept open. 6.2.5 Definition Given a linear system defined by V = ZI, the system is said to be lossless if ˆ , where Zˆ ij = ℑm(Zij ) for all i, j. Finally, ℜe(Zij ) = 0 ∀i, j . In particular, Z = iZ I on setting Y = Z−1, I = YV , where Yij = Vij|Vk = 0 ∀k ≠ j ; that is, Ck is grounded ∀k ≠ j. 6.2.6 Remark For a lossless linear network, the time-average power 〈 P〉 = 21 ℜe(V ⋅ I ∗ ) implies that 〈 P〉 = 21 ℜe〈 ZI , I ∗ 〉 = 21 ℜe ∑ i , j i Zˆ ij I i I ∗j = 0. That is, the net power delivered to the network is zero. Thus, the energy is stored reactively. 6.2.7 Example Consider a 2-port network illustrated in Figure 6.7. Is it possible to express the general 2-port network as Figure 6.7(a) or (b)? Because Z is symmetric, it depends only on three parameters instead of four: {Z11 , Z12 , Z22 }. However, Figure 6.7(a) or (b) depends only on three parameters {R1 , R2 , R3 } or {r1 , r2 , r3 }, respectively. Hence, the 2-port network can be represented by (a) or (b). Now, consider the T-network depicted in Figure 6.7(a). Express Zij in terms of Rk for k = 1,2,3. By definition, Z11 = VI11 with I 2 ≡ 0 . Then, inspecting Figure 6.7(a), Z11 = R1 + R3, as I 2 = 0 ⇒ R2-branch is an open circuit. Likewise, V1 = V1+ + V1– V2 = V2+ + V2– I1 = I1+ + I1– I2 = I2+ Incident wave I1+ V1+ V1– I1– Reflected wave + I1 R1 (a) Incident wave I2+ 2-port network R2 I2 I2– V2+ V2– V1 Equivalent circuit V2 R3 r3 I1 I2 I2– Reflected wave (b) V1 r1 r2 V2 Figure 6.7 A general 2-port network and its equivalent circuit representation. K15149_Book.indb 198 10/18/13 10:53 AM Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 199 Z22 = VI22 with I1 = 0 leads to the R1-branch of the circuit being open. Hence, Z22 = R2 + R3 . Finally, for Z12 = VI21|I1 = 0 , I1 = 0 implies that the potential drop across R3 is V1. Thus, V1 = R3 I 2 ⇒ Z12 = R3 . Indeed, it is easy to see that Z21 = Z12: I 2 = 0 ⇒ V2 = R3 I1 ⇒ Z21 = R3 = Z12. Equivalently, expressing Ri in terms of Zij yields: R1 = Z11 − Z12, R2 = Z22 − Z12 , R3 = Z12. Next, consider Figure 6.7(b): a Π-network. Set Yi = ri ∀i = 1, 2, 3 . Then, in terms of admittance, via Definition 6.2.5, on setting V2 = 0 and V1 , I1 ≠ 0, Y11 = VI11 = Y1 + Y3 . Thus, Z11 = r1r3 1 Y1 + Y3 r1 + r3 Likewise, on setting V1 = 0 and V2 , I 2 ≠ 0 , Y22 = VI22 = Y2 + Y3, and hence, Z22 = Y2 +1Y3 = r2r2+r3r3 . Finally, setting V1 = 0 and V2 , I1 ≠ 0 , it follows from Kirchhoff’s current law that I1 + Y3V2 = 0 ⇒ Y3 = − VI12 ≡ Y12 by definition. Moreover, it is easy to see that for V2 = 0 and V1 , I 2 ≠ 0, I 2 + Y3V1 = 0 ⇒ Y3 = − VI21 ≡ Y21 = Y12, as expected. Finally, for completeness, expressing Yi in terms of Yij yields: Y1 = Y11 + Y12 , Y2 = Y22 + Y12 and Y3 = −Y12 In particular, r1 = 1 Y11 + Y12 , r2 = 1 Y22 + Y12 and r3 = − Y112 □ 6.3 Multiconductor Transmission Lines and Cross-Talk In this section, a pair of transmission lines is generalized to n > 2 transmission lines. For simplicity, assume that the conductors {Ci} are parallel to one another, embedded in a homogeneous medium (R 3 , µ , ε), where the conductor C0 is taken to be the ground reference. Indeed, the analysis for multitransmission lines parallels that of the differential pair expounded in Section 5.1. 6.3.1 Theorem Given a system of multitransmission lines {Ci} in Ω = (R 3 , µ , ε) − ni = 0 Ci , where the cross-sections of Ci are constants, and the conductor losses are sufficiently small so that the TEM approximation may be employed, the system is then defined by K15149_Book.indb 199 ∂ z V = −RI − L ∂t I (6.21) ∂ z I = −GV − C ∂t V (6.22) 10/18/13 10:53 AM 200 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where V = (V1 , , Vn ) , I = ( I1 , , I n ) R1 + R0 R0 R = R 0 L11 L 21 L= L n1 G= ∑ C= ∑ L12 L 22 Ln2 n i=1 G 1i − G 21 R0 R2 + R0 R0 L 1n L2 n L nn − G12 ∑ n i=1 − G n1 n i=1 G2 i C1i − C21 − C n1 , R0 R0 Rn + R0 − G 1n − G2 n ∑ n − Gn2 − C12 − C1n − C2 n ∑ n i=1 C2 i − Cn 2 ∑ i=1 G ni n i=1 Cni , Ri is the resistance per unit length along Ci, and Lij, Gij, Cij are, respectively, the mutual inductance, mutual admittance, and mutual capacitance per unit length between Ci and Cj. Proof Essentially, the argument follows that of Section 5.1 mutatis mutandis. First, recall that I 0 + ∑ ni = 1 I i = 0 , where I0 is the return current along the ground conductor C0. Then, the voltage variation along Ci is determined as follows. Consider a differential rectangular loop between Ci and C0; see Figure 5.2, where C+ corresponds to Ci and C– corresponds to C0. Let E⊥ denote the electric field from {Ci} normal to {Ci}, and Ei ,|| the electric field on ∂Ci and parallel to Ci, where, by assumption, ||Ei ,||||<<||E⊥||. Likewise, let B⊥ denote the magnetic field density from {Ci} normal to {Ci}. K15149_Book.indb 200 10/18/13 10:53 AM 201 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Next, invoke Maxwell’s integral equation: ∫ ∂Si Ei ⋅ dl = − ddt ∫ Si B⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x , where Ei = E⊥ + Ei ,|| . Then, along the loop ∂Si = γ ↑ ∪ γ → ∪ γ ↓ ∪ γ ←, where γ↑ → ← ↓ a → b, b γ → c, c γ → d, and lastly, d γ → a; then by definition, ∫ ∂Si E⊥ ⋅ dl yields: Vi ( z) = − δVi = − ∫ c Vi ( z + δz) = − δVi ,0 = − ∫ b c b ∫ b a E⊥ ⋅ dl Ei ,|| ⋅ dl ≡ R iδzI i b ∫ E⊥ ⋅ dl = c ∫ c b E⊥ ⋅ dl Ei ,|| ⋅ dl ≡ R 0δzI 0 = − R 0δz ∑ n k =1 Ik whence ∫ ∂Si E⊥ ⋅ dl = −Vi ( z) + R i δzI i + Vi ( z + δz) + R 0 δz ∑ nk = 1 I k , where the time variable is suppressed for notational convenience, and |γ →|= δz =|γ ←|. Similarly, considering the surface area Si spanned by the loop ∂Si, the magnetic flux across Si is Ψ i = ∫ Si B⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x . Because B⊥ is the contribution from each Ck, it thus follows by definition Ψ = LI that ψ i ≡ lim δ1z Ψ i = L i 1 I1 + + L in I n δz→ 0 defines the magnetic flux per unit length cutting the surface area Si. Thus, ∂t ψ i ≡ lim δz→ 0 1 ∂t Ψ i = lim δ1z δz→ 0 δz d dt ∫ Si B⊥ ⋅ nd 2 x = L i 1 ∂t I1 + + L in ∂t I n where we recall by definition that L ij = ψi Ij I k = 0 ∀k ≠ j yielding ∂ z Vi = − R i I i + R 0 I 0 − L i 1 ∂t I1 − − L in ∂t I n = − R 0 I1 − − (R 0 + R i )I i − − R 0 I n − L i 1 ∂t I1 − − L in ∂t I n Likewise, the current variation along Ci is determined by inspecting Figure 5.3, and invoking Maxwell’s equation in integral form ∫ S ∇ × B ⋅ nd 2 x = µ ∫ S J ⋅ nd 2 x + µ ddt ∫ S E ⋅ nd 2 x, for any compact surface S. Indeed, it is instructive to summarize the argument carried out in Section 5.1 again. K15149_Book.indb 201 10/18/13 10:54 AM 202 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers First, consider some differential cylinder ci of length δz around ci, let Ci− ( z), Ci+ ( z + δz) ⊂ Ci denote the end caps of the cylinder, and set ∂Ci = ∂Ci ∪ Ci− ( z) ∪ Ci+ ( z + δz). By construction, if ∂Ci denotes the boundary of the cylinder Ci, then ∂(∂Ci ) ≡ ∂2 Ci ≡ ∅ (as the boundary of a boundary is the empty set). Hence, by Stokes’ theorem, ∫ ∂Ci ∇ × B ⋅ nd 2 x = ∫ ∂2 Ci B ⋅ dl = 0. Thus, 0=µ ∫ ∂ Ci J ⋅ nd 2 x + µε dtd ∫ ∂ Ci E ⋅ nd 2 x Now, ∫ ∂ Ci J ⋅ nd 2 x = ∫ ∂ Ci J ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x − ∫ Ci− ( z ) J ⋅ n||d 2 x + ∫ Ci+ ( z+δ z ) J ⋅ n|| d 2 x where n⊥ ( n||) is a unit normal vector field on ∂Ci (Ci± ) . By definition, ∫ Ci− ( z ) J ⋅ n|| d 2 x = − I i ( z) and ∫ C+ ( z +δz ) J ⋅ n|| d 2 x = I i ( z + δz) . Furthermore, ∫ ∂Ci J ⋅ i n⊥ d 2 x ≈ σ ∫ ∂Ci E⊥ ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x , where the quasi-TEM approximation is invoked: E|| ≈ 0. And from V = IR, and noting that ∫ ∂Ci J ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x defines the total conduction current across ∂Ci between Ci, Cj along the segment [z, z + δz] of Ci, for each j = 1, . . . , n, σ ∫ ∂ Ci E⊥ ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x ≡ ∑ j≠ i Yij δz(Vi − Vj ) + Yii δz(Vi − 0) where Vk is the potential of Ck with respect to C0, and Yij is the admittance per unit length between Ck, Cj, and finally, Yii is the admittance per unit length between Ci, C0. Next, µε ddt ∫ ∂Ci E ⋅ nd 2 x = µε ddt ∫ ∂Ci E⊥ ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x. Thus, via Gauss’ theorem and Q = CV, ε ∫ ∂ Ci E⊥ ⋅ n⊥ d 2 x = Cii δzVi + ∑ j≠ i Cij δz(Vi − Vj ) where Cij is the mutual capacitance per unit length between Ci, Cj, and Cij is the capacitance between Ci, C0. whence, in the limit as δz → 0, ∂ z I i = − − G i 1Vi − + ∑ − (− Ci 1 ∂t V1 − + j=1 ∑ and the theorem is thus established. K15149_Book.indb 202 n G ijVj − − G inVn n j=1 Cij ∂t Vj − − Cin ∂t Vn ) □ 10/18/13 10:54 AM Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 203 6.3.2 Corollary Given the conditions of Theorem 6.3.1, the following wave equations are satisfied: ∂2z V = RGV + (RC + LG) ∂t V + LC ∂t2 V (6.23) ∂2z I = GRI + (CR + GL) ∂t I + CL ∂t2 I (6.24) In particular, LC = µεI = CL and LG = µσI = GL , where I is the identity matrix, and hence, the waves propagate along Ci at v = 1µε . Proof The proof is similar to that in Chapter 4; the proof is left as a warm-up exercise (see Exercise 6.5.3). □ 6.3.3 Remark From Corollary 6.3.2, it follows immediately that in a homogeneous medium, L = µεC −1 and G = (σ/ε)C −1 ; see Chapter 4 for a transmission line pair. Now, the phenomenon of cross-talk outlined in Chapter 5 can be extended once again to multiconductor transmission lines. In particular, the analysis follows that of Chapter 5 along a similar vein. To facilitate the discussion, the following definition is made for notational convenience. 6.3.4 Definition Given a system of n transmission lines {Ci}, define ni = 1 Ci = ⊕ni = 1 Ci + ⊗ni = 1 Ci , where the first term represents the isolated coupling of the pair {Ci C0}—that is, where the cross-talk between {Ci , C j } ∀j ≠ 0, i is absent—and the second term represents the cross-talk between {Ci , C j } ∀j ≠ 0, i . Call ⊕ the direct sum and ⊗ the direct product. The generalization to n transmission lines is carried out briefly below. First, from Corollary 6.3.2, the generalized wave equation can be easily obtained. Then, referring to Exercise 5.4.4, the technique to diagonalize the coefficient matrices can be employed to decouple the multiconductor lines: γ 1 ∪ ∪ γ n → γ 1 ⊕ ⊕ γ n . First, observe that Corollary 6.3.2 can be expressed as follows. 6.3.5 Corollary Under the conditions of Theorem 6.3.1, where the propagating waves are assumed to be time harmonic, there exists a coordinate transformation P such that Equations (6.23) and (6.24) can be diagonalized. Explicitly, rewriting (6.21) and (6.22) as ∂2z V = UWV K15149_Book.indb 203 and ∂2z I = WUI 10/18/13 10:54 AM 204 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where U = R + iωL and W = G + iωC , defining V = PV and I = P t I lead to the decoupled system of wave equations: Vk = Vk+ e− λ k (− z) + Vk− e λ k (− z) and Ik = Ik+ e− λ k (− z) − Ik− e λ k (− z) for i = 1, . . . , n, where {λ 1 , , λ n } is the set of eigenvalues of UW. Proof From Proposition 6.3.1, inasmuch as it is not clear in general that R and G commute, it follows that U and W might not commute. However, because L, C, R, G are diagonalizable, it follows immediately that U and W are diagonalizable. So, let {P1 , P2 } be the respective coordinate transformations (i.e., similarity transformations) that diagonalize U and W: P1−1UP1 = diag(ξ 1 , , ξ n ) and P2−1WP2 = diag(ζ1 , , ζn ) where ξ i , ζi ∀i = 1, , n are defined later. Then clearly, (P1−1UP2 )(P2−1WP1 ) = (P2−1WP1 )(P1−1UP2 ) as diagonal matrices commute. Furthermore, noting that (P1−1 UP2 P2−1 WP1 )t = P1t W t (P2−1 )t P2t U t (P1−1 )t = (P2−1 WP1 )t (P1−1 UP2 )t , as L, C, R , G are symmetric imply that U, V are symmetric. Hence, the fact that diagonal matrices commute implies at once that (P2−1 WP1 )t (P1−1 UP2 )t = (P1−1 UP2 )t (P2−1 WP1 )t . That is, P1t W(P2−1 )t P2t U(P1−1 )t = (P2−1WP1 )(P1−1UP2 ) ⇒ P1t = P2−1 . . Equivalently, P2 = (P1−1 )t ⇒ P2t = P1−1 . Hence, setting P = P1−1 ⇒ P2 = P t . In the light of the above analysis, and noting that U, W are symmetric, it follows at once that P t UP = diag(ξ 1 , , ξ n ) and (P −1 )t WP −1 = diag(ζ1 , , ζn ), where {( w1,i , ξ i )} denotes the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of U, and {( w2,i , ζi )} the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of W . That is, Uw1, i = ξ i w1, i and Ww2, i = ζi w2, i ∀i = 1, , n. Then, P = [ w1,1 , , w1,n ] and is the required matrix to diagonalise U, W respectively, with w2,i related to w1,i via P −1 = [ w2,1 , , w2,n ] . K15149_Book.indb 204 10/18/13 10:54 AM 205 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines For notational simplicity, given a diagonalisable matrix D, set D ∆ = diag(λ 1 , , λ n ) to be the diagonalisation of D, where {λ i } are eigenvalues of D. Then, on setting D = UW , ∂2z V = UWV ⇔ ∂2z V = D ∆V ⇒ V = e− V+ + e Λ ( − z ) V− Λ ( − z ) is the general solution of the decoupled system, for some V± . Explicitly, V 1 ∂2z V2 Vn λ 1 0 = 0 λ V 1 1 = λ 2V2 λ nVn 0 λ2 0 0 0 0 λn ⇒ V = V + e− i i V1 V2 Vn λi (− z) + Vi− e Similarly, the current propagation is: ∂2z I = WUI ⇒ I = e− some I± . That is, I 1 ∂2z I 2 In λ 1 0 = 0 λ I 1 1 = λ 2 I2 λ n In 0 λ2 0 0 0 0 λn ⇒ I = I + e− i i I1 I2 In λi (− z) λi (− z) Λ ( − z ) ∀i. I+ −e Λ (− z) I−, for + Ii− e λi (− z) ∀i. Whence, the desired solutions for the voltage and currentt propagations are obtained via the linear transformation γ 1 ∪ ∪ γ n P→ γ 1 ⊕ ⊕ γ n : V = P −1V and I = P t I , as required. □ 6.3.6 Proposition The characteristic impedance matrix for the multiconductor transmission line system is given by Z0 = W −1P t e Λ P . K15149_Book.indb 205 10/18/13 10:54 AM 206 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof From ∂ z I = − WV , via Corollary 6.3.5, { V = − W −1 P t Λ −e− I − e Λ (− z) + I Λ (− z) − }=W −1 { P t Λ PP t e− I + e Λ (− z) + I Λ (− z) − } whence, motivated by the fact that if M were any symmetric matrix, then Me ± Λ ( − z ) = e ± Λ ( − z )M , it follows clearly that { V = Z0 P t e− I + e I Λ (− z) + Λ (− z) − } where Z0 ≡ W −1 P t Λ P , as asserted. □ Note in passing that at the source and load, respectively, V (0) = VS − ZS I (0) and V () = VL + Z()I () , via Kirchhoff’s voltage law, where ZS = diag(ZS,1 , ,ZS,n ) is the source impedance matrix, and Z() = diag(Z1 (),… ,Zn ()) is the load impedance matrix, Vs is the voltage source at z = 0 and lastly, VL is the voltage source at z = ℓ. Then, the near-end and far-end voltages can be determined by the following standard technique (e.g., see Reference [6]). First, consider the coupled system expressed in terms of V(0),I(0): V ( z) I ( z) M 11 ( z) = M 21 ( z) M 12 ( z) V (0) M 22 ( z) I (0) (6.25) for some yet to be determined matrix coefficients M ij ∀i, j = 1, 2 . Then, for z = ℓ, Equation (6.25) implies at once that VL + Z()I () = M 11 ()(VS − Z S I (0)) + M 12 ()I (0) (6.26) I () = M 21 ()(VS − ZS I (0)) + M 22 ()I (0) (6.27) 6.3.7 Lemma Given (6.25), at z = ℓ, the matrix coefficients are defined by M 11 () = Z0 P t cosh ( ) Λ (P t )−1 Z0−1 M 12 () = Z0 P t sinh M 21 () = P t sinh ( M 22 () = P t cosh K15149_Book.indb 206 ( ) Λ (P t )−1 ) Λ (P t )−1 Z−01 ( ) Λ (P t )−1 10/18/13 10:54 AM 207 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Proof From the proof of Proposition 6.3.6, { I + e V (0) = Z0 P t e− Λ + I Λ − } and { I (0) = P t e− I − e Λ + I Λ − } Hence, rearranging the two equations to express I ± in terms of V(0), I(0) yields I ± = 21 e ± Λ { } (P t )−1 Z−01V (0) ± I (0) Then, substituting into Equation (6.25) leads to V () = Z0 P t { (e Λ 1 2 t = Z0 P cosh ( + e− Λ ) )(P ) t −1 t −1 Z0−1V (0) + −1 0 1 2 (e t Λ (P ) Z V (0) + Z0 P sinh Λ ( − e− Λ ) )(P ) t −1 } I (0) t −1 Λ (P ) I (0), and I () = P t { (e Λ 1 2 = P t sinh ( − e− ) Λ )(P ) t −1 Z−01V (0) + 1 2 (e Λ (P t )−1 Z−01V (0) + P t cosh ( Λ + e− Λ ) )(P ) t −1 } I (0) Λ (P t )−1 I (0) So, comparing the two expressions with (6.25) and equating coefficients, M 11 () = Z0 P t cosh ( ) Λ (P t )−1 Z0−1 M 12 () = Z0 P t sinh M 21 () = P t sinh ( M 22 () = P t cosh ( ) Λ (P t )−1 ) Λ (P t )−1 Z−01 ( ) Λ (P t )−1 □ 6.3.8 Proposition Given (VS , VL ) , the near-end and far-end currents and voltages of {Ci} satisfy I (0) = N()−1 {VL + ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS } ( ) I () = M 21 () I + ZS N()−1 M 11 () VS + M 22 ()N()−1 VL { } V (0) = I − ZS N()−1 ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS − ZS N()−1 VL { } V () = M 11 () + ( M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS ) N()−1 ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS + ( M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS ) N() VL , −1 where N() = M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS − Z() ( M 22 () − M 21 ()ZS ) . K15149_Book.indb 207 10/18/13 10:54 AM 208 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof Substituting Equation (6.25) into (6.26), VL + Z()I () = M 11 ()VS − M 11 ()ZS I (0) + M 12 ()I (0) = M 11 ()VS + {M12 () − M11 ()ZS } I (0) and from (6.25), I () = M 21 ()VS + {M 22 () − M 21 ()ZS } I (0) whence, VL + Z()M 21 ()VS + {ZS M 22 () − M 21 ()ZS } I (0) + M 12 ()I (0) = M 11 ()VS + {M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS } I (0) ⇒ I (0) = N()−1 {VL + ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS } where N() = M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS − Z() {M 22 () − M 21 ()ZS } . Substituting I(0) into the above expression for I(ℓ) yields the result stated in the proposition. Finally, substituting I(0) into V (0) = VS − ZS I (0) and V () = M 11VS + {M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS } I (0) concludes the proof. □ In many cases, VL ≡ 0, and Proposition 6.3.6 thus yields the near-end and far-end cross-talk for the multiconductor transmission line {Ci}. 6.3.9 Corollary Given a system of multiconductor transmission lines {Ci} depicted in Figure 6.8, the induced near-end cross-talk at z = 0 and far-end cross-talk at z = ℓ on the system are given by: I (0) = N()−1 {Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()} VS { } I () = M 21 () I + ZS N()−1 M 11 () VS { } V (0) = I − ZS N()−1 ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS { } V () = M 11 () + ( M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS ) N()−1 ( Z()M 21 () − M 11 ()) VS □ 6.3.10 Lemma Given a matrix A = ( Aij ) , define ||A||= max|Aij|. Suppose that {Ci} is embedded i, j in a homogeneous medium such that the transmission lines satisfy ℓ << λ, for some time harmonic voltage sources, where λ = min λ k , and λk is k K15149_Book.indb 208 10/18/13 10:54 AM 209 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines (C1, l) ZS,1 VS,1 R1 RL,1 RL,2 (C2, l) ZS,2 VS,2 R2 RL,n (Cn, l) ZS,n VS,n Rn (C0, l) R0 Figure 6.8 Cross-talk induced on a system of multiconductor transmission lines. the wavelength of the wave propagation along Ck, with =|Ck|∀k. If ||Z−01 ZS − Z−1 ()(ZS − Z0 )||≤ 1 and {Ci} is lossless, then to first order in λ , N−1 () ≈ −(ZS + Z())−1 {I + iβ(ZS + Z())−1 (Z0 + Z()Z0−1 ZS )}. Proof □ The proof is left as an exercise; see Exercise 6.5.4. 6.3.11 Proposition Suppose {Ci} is embedded in a homogeneous medium such that the transmission lines satisfy ℓ << λ, for some time harmonic voltage sources, where λ = min λ k , and λk is the wavelength of the wave propagation along Ck, with k = Ck ∀k . Suppose that ||Z−01 ZS − Z−1 ()(ZS − Z0 )||≤ 1 and {Ci} is lossless. Then, for VS ≠ 0, VL = 0 , the cross-talk noise can be approximated to first order in λ by { ( ( )} ) I (0) ≈ (ZS + Z())−1 I + iβ (ZS + Z())−1 Z0 + Z()Z0−1 ZS − Z()Z−01 V S { } I () ≈ iβZ−01 I − ZS (ZS + Z())−1 VS { ( ( V (0) ≈ I − ZS (ZS + Z())−1 I + iβ Ξ() − Z()Z0−1 { ( ))}V S )} V () ≈ I − ZS (ZS + Z())−1 + iβ Z0 (ZS + Z())−1 − ZS (ZS + Z())−1 (Ξ − Z()Z0−1 ) VS where Ξ() = iβ(ZS + Z())−1 (Z0 + Z()Z0−1 ZS ) . K15149_Book.indb 209 10/18/13 10:54 AM 210 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof This is an immediate consequence of Corollary 6.3.7 and Lemma 6.3.8. See Exercise 6.5.5. □ 6.4 S-Parameters: Scattering Parameters No exposition on electromagnetic theory for EMC engineers is complete without incorporating a cursory review on S-parameter theory. By way of introduction, “S” is short for scattering, and the origin of the term is best illustrated in Figure 6.9. The motivation is to determine the i-load impedance without knowing the makeup of the black box by observing the scattering (i.e., reflected) waves traveling back toward the source. Note that this applies to a linear network system under various steady-state conditions. The special case is first formulated, and then followed by the general theory. An example illustrating a 2-port network is also presented in some depth. In formulating the special case, the characteristic impedance across each port is assumed to be the same; that is, the characteristic impedance of the i-port is identical with that of the j-port ∀i,j. In the general case, this stipulation is dropped. So, referring to Figure 6.9, let Tk denote the k-terminal at along the k-transmission pair Ck± such that the voltage and current phases are 0, for simplicity. That is, along the pair {Ck+ , Ck− } terminating at the kth port of the black box, let Tk denote the terminal along {Ck+ , Ck− }, near the port, such that the phase is zero. This can be easily accomplished via a coordinate transformation. (V2–, I2–) (V2+, I2+) T2 Ti (V1+, I1+) (V1–, I1–) T1 Black box (Vi+, Ii+) (Vi–, Ii–) Tk = terminal at 0 phase Vk+ = forward propagating wave Ik+ = backward propagating wave Vk– = forward propagating wave n-port network Nn Ik– = backward propagating wave Tn (Vn+, In+) (Vn–, In–) Figure 6.9 Propagating waves along n-pairs of transmission lines entering some network. K15149_Book.indb 210 10/18/13 10:54 AM 211 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 6.4.1 Lemma Given X = QY , where X = ( a1 X 1 , , an X n ) , Y = (b1Y1 , , bnYn ) , and Q = (Qij ), for some constants ai , bi , i = 1, , n , there exists a transformation ( X , Y ) ( X , Y ) such that X = (X 1 ,… , X n ) and Y = (Y1 ,… , Yn ) . Proof The proof is trivial. First, observe that a1 X 1 an X n X1 = diag( a ,… , a ) 1 n X n b1Y1 bnYn Y1 = diag(b ,… , b ) n 1 Yn and Hence, on setting A = diag( a1 , , an ) and B = diag(b1 , , bn ) , it follows at once = A −1QB. Y , where Q that X = Q □ To continue with the above exposition, suppose in general that the n-port network is connected to (Ck± , Z0, k , i , VS, k , ZS, k ), where k is the length of the transmission lines Ck± , Z0, k ↔ γ k is the characteristic impedance of (Ck+ , Ck− ), and (VS, k , ZS, k ) is the source at zk = 0, where γk is the wave propagation constant. By assumption, Z0, i ≡ Z0 , for some Z0 ≠ 0 . Note further that by construction, T k is located at zk = k and that Lemma 6.4.1 is indeed equivalent to translating the origin along Ck± to T k: zk zk − k . Thus, recalling that Vk ( z) = Vk+ e− γ ( − z ) + Vk− e γ ( − z ) ⇒ Vk (0) = Vk+ e− γ k k + Vk− e γ k k I k ( z) = I k+ e− γ ( − z ) − I k− e γ ( − z ) ⇒ I k (0) = I k+ e− γ k k − I k− e γ k k by Lemma 6.4.1, (Vk (0), I k (0)) can be transformed into (Vk (0), I k (0)) (Vk (0), Ik (0)) = (Vk+ + Vk− , I k+ + I k− ) That is, via Lemma 6.4.1, Tk can be transformed into a zero-phase terminal for the n-port network. In particular, without loss of generality, we define Tk to be the zero-phase terminal in all that follows. K15149_Book.indb 211 10/18/13 10:55 AM 212 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Then, for the n-port network illustrated in Figure 6.9, the S-parameter formalism of the network is defined by expressing the reflected waves as a function of the incident waves: V− 1 Vn− S 11 = Sn1 S1n Snn V1+ Vn+ (6.28) where S = (Sij ) is the S-matrix (or scattering matrix) defining the n-port network. Because the S-matrix is a constant, it follows at once by construction that Sij = Vi− Vj+ Vk+ = 0 ∀k ≠ j (6.29) Verify this assertion in Exercise 6.5.6. Some comments are due. First, Vk+ = 0 is obtained by (i) setting the source at zk = − k along Ck± to be zero, and (ii) matching the source impedance to the characteristic impedance of Ck± . Note that (i) is clearly necessary, and (ii) is also necessary to ensure that any waves traveling from the k-port toward the source of Ck± are completely absorbed by the source (technically, “load”, in this instance). These two conditions are + clearly sufficient to ensure that Vk = 0. In short, each Ck± , for k ≠ j, is connected to a matched load (with the source removed). Second, Sij for i ≠ j, can be intuitively viewed as the transmission coefficients, and Sij can be viewed as the reflection coefficients; these two observations are true when all other ports are matched with their characteristic impedance. For instance, when some of the ports are not matched, then Sij is not necessarily equal to the reflection coefficient Γi at Ti, that is, waves traveling out of the i-port will be the superposition of reflected waves from the nonmatched loads terminating the k-port Similar comments hold for Sij, i ≠ j, by interchanging reflection with transmission. 6.4.2 Definition Given a linear time-invariant network defined by V = ZI , the network is said to be reciprocal if Z is symmetric: Zij = Z ji ∀i, j . And the network is said to be lossless if ℜe(Zij ) = 0 ∀i, j . Clearly, as the inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric, it follows at once that Z = Zt ⇒ Y = Y t, where Y = Z−1. 6.4.3 Proposition The S-matrix S is symmetric; that is, Sij = Sji ∀i, j , whenever the n-port network is reciprocal. K15149_Book.indb 212 10/18/13 10:55 AM 213 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines Proof By definition, V ± = 21 (V ± Z0 I ). This follows from the fact that V = V + + V − and I = I + − I − , where I ± = Z−01V ±, whence, from V = ZI , V ± = 21 (Z ± Z0 )I ⇒ (Z − Z0 )I = 21 S(Z + Z0 )I That is, S = (Z − Z0 )(Z + Z0 )−1, and thus, Z, Z0 are symmetric imply that S is also symmetric, as asserted. □ In light of the above proof, the following lemma is evident. For notational convenience, let N n denote the n-port network illustrated in Figure 6.9. 6.4.4 Lemma Let S be the S-matrix associated with N n. Then, Skk = 0 ∀k if each k-port of N n is matched. Proof By definition, V − = SV +. Hence, by assumption, Vk− = Skk Vk+ = 0 ⇒ Skk ≡ 0 ∀k. □ 6.4.5 Theorem The network N n is lossless if and only if S† S = I; that is, S is unitary. Proof First, recall that the time-average power is defined by { } Pk± = 21 ℜe (Vk± )∗ I k± = V± 1 k 2 Z0 2 where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of (Ck+ , Ck− ) connected to the k-port of N n . Here, 〈 Pk+ 〉(〈 Pk− 〉) denote the incident (reflected) power at the k-port. That is, 〈 Pk+ 〉 represents the time-average power entering N n whereas 〈 Pk− 〉 represents the power exiting N n . Thus, N n is lossless if and only if 〈 P + 〉 = 〈 P − 〉 , where 〈 P ± 〉 = ∑ k 〈 Pk± 〉 . Physically, this means that the power absorbed by N n must be zero (i.e., no loss!). Now, the resultant power absorbed by N n is defined by 〈δP〉 = 〈 P + 〉 − 〈 P − 〉. On setting Z0 = diag(Z0 , , Z0 ) and noting that P+ = P− = K15149_Book.indb 213 ∑ k ∑ k Pk+ = 21 Z−01 (V + )† V + Pk− = 21 Z−01 (SV + )† SV + = 21 Z0−1 (V + )† S† SV + 10/18/13 10:55 AM 214 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 2-port network Z1 VS,1 ZS,1 Z2 T1 Z3 T2 VS,2 ZS,2 Figure 6.10 Determination of the S-matrix for a T-network. it follows that lossless condition is equivalent to { 0 = δP = 21 diag −1 (Z0 , , Z0 ) (V + )† V + − (V + )† S† SV + { } } = 21 diag −1 (Z0 , , Z0 )(V + )† I − S† S V + and hence, V + is arbitrary implies at once that I − S† S ≡ 0 , as required. □ 6.4.6 Example Consider the 2-port network depicted in Figure 6.10. Determine the S-parameters for the T-filter given passive elements {Z1 , Z2 , Z3 } given that T1, T2 are matched. Note that in Figure 6.10, only the source impedance is shown at T1; the source is left out for simplicity. At T2, only a load is present. Matching ZL at T2 to the T-filter can be accomplished as follows. Set (1) Zin = Z1 + { 1 Z3 + 1 Z2 + ZL } −1 This is the impedance looking into T1. Then, impedance matching port 2 at T2 yields: (1) Zin = Z1 + ZL = 1 2 { 1 Z3 + 1 Z2 + ZL {Z − Z + 1 2 } −1 = ZL ⇒ (Z1 − Z2 )2 + 4(Z1 Z2 + Z1 Z3 + Z2 Z3 ) } where the positive solution was chosen for physical reasons. Thus, terminating T2 with ZL leads to S11 = K15149_Book.indb 214 V1− V1+ V2+ = 0 = Γ1 = (1) Zin − ZL (1) Zin + ZL =0 10/18/13 10:55 AM 215 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines { } For S22, interchanging Z1 ↔ Z2 ⇒ ZS = 21 Z2 − Z1 + (Z2 − Z1 )2 + 4(Z1Z2 + Z2 Z3 + Z1Z3 ) , (2) and hence, by assumption, Zin = ZS,1 yields S22 = V2− V2+ V1+ = 0 = Γ2 = (2) Zin − ZS =0 (2) Zin + ZS Finally, regarding S21, observing that T2 is matched implies that V1− ≡ 0 , that is, no reflection, and similarly, V2+ ≡ 0 as there can be no reflection from a matched load. Hence, V1 = V1+ + V1− ⇒ V1+ = V1 and VL = V2+ + V2− ⇒ V2− = VL , where V1 = VS Z +ZZS and Z is the resultant impedance defined by Z = ZS + Z1 + { 1 Z3 + 1 Z2 + ZL } −1 . Let I denote the current conducting through the source Zs. Then, by construction, I = VZS = ZV− 1ZS So, on setting I = I ′ + I ′′ , where I′ is the current through ZL and I″ the current through Z3, it follows that I ′ = I Z3 + ZZ23 + ZL and hence, VL = ZL I ′ = Z3 ZL Z − ZS Z2 + Z3 + ZL V1 Thus, S21 = V2− V1+ V2+ = 0 = Z3 ZL Z − ZS Z2 + Z3 + ZL = S12 □ by appealing to the symmetry of S. The general S-parameter theory is considered below. First, recall the essence of the S-matrix formulation. It is based on measuring the incident power and reflected power occurring at the ports of a linear network. In the + − present formulation, each transmission line pair (C k , C k ) has characteristic impedance Z0, k , not necessarily identical for each k. Second, recall that the time-average power transmitted is defined by P = 21 ℜe(V ⋅ I ∗ ). Hence, along (C k+ , C k− ), the time-average power is 〈 Pk± 〉 = ak± = Vk± Z0, k ∝ 2 V± 1 k 2 Z0, k , motivating the definition: Pk± + − In what follows, assume for simplicity that (C k , C k ) is lossless and hence, ± ± ± iβ k k Z0, k ∈R and Vk ( z) = V0, k e ∀k . K15149_Book.indb 215 10/18/13 10:55 AM 216 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 6.4.7 Remark Observe that by definition, ak± = 2 Z10, k (Vk ± Z0, k I k ) . To see this, it suffices to recall that Vk ( z) = Vk+ ( z) + Vk− ( z) and I k ( z) = I k+ ( z) − I k− ( z) , where Vk± = Z0, k I k± . From this, it follows that Z0, k I k ( z) = Vk+ ( z) − Vk− ( z) ⇒ ak+ ( z) + ak− ( z) = Z10, k (Vk+ + Vk− ) = Z10, k Vk and ak+ ( z) − ak− ( z) = Z10, k (Vk+ − Vk− ) = Z0, k I k ( z) whence, adding and subtracting the expressions for ak± yields ak± = 2 Z10, k (Vk ± Z0, k I k ), as claimed. 6.4.8 Lemma + − The pair ( ak+ , ak− ) defines the transmitted and reflected power along (C k , C k ) ± ± 2 1 by 〈 Pk 〉 = 2 |ak| . Proof By definition, Pk± = 2 V± 1 k 2 Z0, k = Vk± 1 2 Z0, k ( )= ∗ Vk± Z0, k 1 2 ( ) ak± ak± ∗ = 1 2 ak± 2 □ as required. 6.4.9 Corollary The time-average power across Tk satisfies 〈 Pk 〉 = 〈 Pk+ 〉 − 〈 Pk− 〉 . Proof By definition, 〈 Pk 〉 = 21 ℜe(Vk I k∗ ) = 21 ℜe {( { Vk Z0, k } Z0, k I k∗ . From Remark 6.4.6, )( Pk = 21 ℜe ak+ + ak− ak+∗ − ak−∗ { 2 )} } 2 = 21 ℜe ak+ − ak− + ak− ak+∗ − ak+ ak−∗ . + − By assumption, (C k , C k ) is lossless implies that ak± = a0,± k e ± iβk zk , where a0,± k ∈R . Hence, ( ) ak− ak+∗ − ak+ ak−∗ = a0,+ k a0,− k e− i2βk zz − ei2βk zz = − i2a0,+ k a0,− k sin 2β k zz which is purely imaginary. Thus, Pk = by Lemma 6.4.8. K15149_Book.indb 216 1 2 {a + 2 k − ak− 2 }= P + k − Pk− □ 10/18/13 10:55 AM 217 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines 6.4.10 Definition Given a linear network {N n , Ck± , Z0, k }, where the transmission lines are lossless, the S-parameters are defined by a− 1 an− S 11 = Sn1 S1n Snn a1+ an+ (6.30) where Sij = ai− a +j ak+ = 0 ∀k ≠ j with each k-port matched for all k ≠ j. 6.4.11 Remark Provisionally, set a− = Ŝa+ and V − = SV + . Then, by definition, Sˆ ij = ai− a +j = Vi− Z0, i Z0, j Vj+ = Vi− Vj+ Z0, j Z0, i = Sij Z0, j Z0, i Hence, Z0, k = Z0 ∀k ⇒ Sˆ ij = Sij ∀i, j. Thus, this justifies denoting the S-matrix in Equation (6.30) by S instead of Ŝ. In particular, it is clear that S is symmetric does not imply that Ŝ is also symmetric. This is because unless Z0, i = Z0, j , Sij = Sji ⇒ / Sˆ ij = Sˆ ji , in general. This immediately yields the following theorem. 6.4.12 Theorem Suppose the network {N n , C k± , Z0, k } is reciprocal. Then, S is symmetric if and only if Z0, k = Z0 ∀k, for some fixed Z0. □ On the other hand, by inspecting the proof of Theorem 6.4.4, replacing diag(Z0 , , Z0 ) with diag(Z0,1 , , Z0, n ) yields the same result. This is summarized below for convenience. 6.4.13 Corollary The network {N n , C k± , Z0, k } is lossless if and only if S is unitary. □ This section concludes by showing how Z and S are related. Note in passing that the Z-matrix is determined by either opening or shorting out the circuit in the case of the Y-matrix. In contrast, the S-matrix is determined by impedance matching at the ports. From this, it is clear that the S-matrix has a greater utility over the Y-matrix as shorting out terminals has the potential to cause irreversible damage to circuit components. K15149_Book.indb 217 10/18/13 10:55 AM 218 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 6.5.14. Theorem. Given a network {N n , C k± , Z0, k }, Z and S are related by { } Z = I − Z0 SZ−01 Z0 {I − S} where Z0 = diag(Z0 ,1 , , Z0 ,n ). Proof By definition, a ± = 21 Z−01 {V ± Z0 I }. Thus, from V = ZI and a− = Sa+ , { } Z−01 {V − Z0 I } = SZ−01 {V + Z0 I } ⇒ I − Z0 SZ0−1 V = Z0 {I + S} I and hence, V = {I − Z0 SZ−01 }−1 Z0 {I + S} I , as desired. □ 6.5 Worked Problems 6.5.1 Exercise Establish Equation (6.1) from Theorem 6.1.1. Solution Let C = k ( Ck ∪ Ck′ ). Then, setting Ω = R 3 – C, and noting trivially that ϕ i |Ci = Vi is a constant for each i, it follows at once that ∑ i ∫ ∂Ci ρi ϕ ′i d 2 x = ∑ i Vi′ ∫ ∂Ci ρi d 2 x = Vi′ Qi , where Qi = ∫ ∂Ci ρi (as charges within a conductor will quickly diffuse to the boundary of the conductor). Likewise, ∑ i ∫ ∂Ci ρ′i ϕ i d 2 x = ∑ i ViQi′ , and Theorem 6.1.1 thus yields the desired result. □ 6.5.2 Exercise For a system of thin conductors {(Ci , Vi , I i )} and {(Ci′, Vi′, I i′)} for i = 1,…, n, establish that ∑ ni = 1 Vi I i′ = ∑ ni = 1 Vi′I i. Solution 3 From Theorem 6.1.3, ∫ Ω E ⋅ J ′d 2 x = ∫ Ω E ′ ⋅ Jd 2 x, where Ω = R − k (C k ∪ C k′ ) . Under the assumption of thin conductor, restricting to the boundary of the conductors leads to ∫ Ω K15149_Book.indb 218 E ⋅ J ′d 3 x → ∑∫ k ∂( Ck ∪ Ck′ ) Ek ⋅ J k′ d 2 x = − ∑∫ k ∂( Ck ∪ Ck′ ) ∇ϕ k ⋅ J k′ d 2 x 10/18/13 10:55 AM 219 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines where the current density becomes surface current density. Furthermore, motivated by approximating a thin conductor as a line conductor, by appealing to integration by parts, ∫ ∂ξ ϕ k J k , ξ dx = ϕ k J k , ξ − ∫ ϕ k ∂ξ J k , ξ dx , it follows clearly that ∑∫ k ∂( Ck ∪ Ck′ ) ∇ϕ k ⋅ J k′ d 2 x = ∑ ∫ ϕ J ′ ⋅ n′ d x − ∫ k k k k 2 ∂( Ck ∪ Ck′ ) ϕ k ∇ ⋅ J ′d 2 x , where nk′ is the unit normal to the cross-section of the conductor C k′ . However, under electrostatic conditions, ∇ ⋅ J ′ = 0, hence, ϕ k |∂C k = Vk is a constant, implies that ∫ ∂(C k ∪C k′ ) ∇ϕ k ⋅ J k′ dx = ∑ k ϕ k I k′ , where ∫ ∂C k J k′ ⋅ nk′ d 2 x = I k′ . Hence, by symmetry, the equality ∑ k Vk I k′ = ∑ k Vk′I k follows. □ 6.5.3 Exercise Establish Corollary 6.3.2. Solution From Equation (6.21), substituting (6.22) into ∂t (6.21) : ∂2z V = −R ∂ z I − L ∂t ∂ z I = −R{− YV − C ∂t V } − L ∂t {− YV − C ∂t V } = RYV + RC ∂t V + LY ∂t V + LC ∂t2 V = RYV + (RC + LY ) ∂t V + LC ∂t2 V Similarly, substituting Equation (6.21) into ∂t (6.22) yields (6.24). To establish the second part of the corollary, compare Equation (4.10) with (6.23), and note that under perfect TEM conditions, (6.23) reduces to ∂2z V = RYV + LY ∂t V + LC ∂t2 V , and hence, it is clear that LY = µσI and LC = µεI. Likewise, under perfect TEM conditions, Equation (6.24) reduces to ∂2z I = YRI + YL ∂t I + CL ∂t2 I and hence, comparing with (4.11) yields: YL = µσI and CL = µεI . Whence, both Y and C commute with L by inspection. Hence, from the definition of the wave equation, the waves propagate 1 along the conductors at speed µε . □ 6.5.4 Exercise Prove Lemma 6.3.8. Solution From N() = M 12 () − M 11 ()ZS − Z(){M 22 () − M 21 ()ZS }, under the assumption that ℓ << λ, it follows from Lemma 6.3.7, and noting via Taylor expansion that cosh(ia) = cos a ≈ 1 − K15149_Book.indb 219 a2 2 { + o( a 4 ) and sinh(ia) = i sin a ≈ i a − a3 3! } + o( a 5 ) , 10/18/13 10:55 AM 220 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers it follows that { } M () = iZ P {βI − I + } (P ) M () = iP {βI − I + } (P ) Z M () = P {I + I + } (P ) 2 M 11 () = Z0 P t I + (β2) I + (P t )−1 Z−01 ≈ I 12 0 (β )3 3! t (β )3 3! t 21 t −1 (β )2 2 t 22 t −1 −1 0 t −1 ≈ iβZ0 ≈ iβZ0−1 ≈I Substituting these values into N() yields ( N() ≈ −(ZS + Z()) + iβ Z0 + Z()Z−01 ZS { ( ) } ) = − I − iβ Z0 + Z()Z−01 ZS (ZS + Z())−1 (ZS + Z()). Furthermore, noting that ||Z−01 ZS − Z−1 ()(ZS − Z0 )||≤ 1 implies, via the triangle inequality, that the following holds: 1+||Z−1 ()(ZS − Z0 )||≥||Z0−1 ZS ||⇒ 1+||Z−1 ()(ZS − Z0 )||−||Z0−1 ZS ||≥ 0, hence, βℓ << 1 implies that { ( {I + iβ ( Z ) N−1 () ≈ −(ZS + Z())−1 I − iβ Z0 + Z()Z0−1 ZS (ZS + Z())−1 ≈ −(ZS + Z())−1 0 ) + Z()Z−01ZS (ZS + Z())−1 } }, −1 □ as asserted. 6.5.5 Exercise Establish Proposition 6.3.9. Solution By the assumption, Lemma 6.3.8 applies. Whence, from Corollary 6.3.7, { } I (0) ≈ N−1 () iβZ()Z−01 − I VS ( ) ≈ (ZS + Z(0))−1 ( I + iβΦ()) I − iβZ()Z−01 VS { ( )} ≈ (ZS + Z(0))−1 I + iβ Φ() − Z()Z0−1 VS , K15149_Book.indb 220 10/18/13 10:55 AM 221 Cross-Talk in Multiconductor Transmission Lines where Φ() = (Z0 + Z()Z0−1 ZS )(ZS + Z())−1. Next, { {I − Z ( Z I () ≈ iβZ−01 I − ZS ( ZS + Z()) ≈ iβZ−01 S S −1 + Z()) −1 (I + iβΦ())} VS }V . S Similarly, { −1 (I + iβΦ()) (I − iβZ()Z−01 )} VS { −1 (I + iβ ( Φ() − Z()Z ))}V , V (0) ≈ I − ZS ( ZS + Z ) ≈ I − ZS ( ZS + Z ) −1 0 S and { )} ( V () ≈ I + (iβZ0 − ZS ) ( ZS + Z()) (I + iβΦ()) I − iβZ()Z0−1 VS −1 { ( { ( Φ() − Z()Z )V } ( ≈ I + (iβZ0 − ZS )(ZS + Z)−1 I + iβ Φ() − Z()Z0−1 ))}V S ≈ I + (iβZ0 − ZS )(ZS + Z)−1 VS + iβ(iβZ0 − ZS )(ZS + Z)−1 × −1 0 { S ( ≈ I − ZS (ZS + Z)−1 + iβ Z0 ( ZS + Z ) − ZS ( ZS + Z ) as required. −1 −1 ( Φ() − Z()Z ))}V , −1 0 S □ 6.5.6 Exercise Verify Equation (6.29). Solution By (6.28), Vk− = Sk 1V1+ + + SkjVj+ + + SknVn+ . Inasmuch as Sij are constants, − it follows clearly that on setting Vi+ = 0 ∀i ≠ j , Vk− = SkjVj+ ⇒ Skj = VVk+ , as j asserted. □ References 1. Balanis, C. 1982. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Carson, J. 1924. A generalization of the reciprocal theorem. Bell Sys. Tech. J. 3(3) July: 393–399. K15149_Book.indb 221 10/18/13 10:55 AM 222 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 3. Carson, J. 1930. The reciprocal energy theorem. Bell Sys. Tech. J. 9(2) April: 325–331. 4. Chang, D. 1992. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 5. Orfanidis, O. 2002. Electromagnetic Waves and Antenna. Rutgers University, ECE Dept., http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa/. 6. Paul, C. 1994. Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 7. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 8. Pozar, D. 2005. Microwave Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 9. Rothwell, E. and Cloud, M. 2001. Electromagnetics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 10. Smythe, W. 1950. Static and Dynamic Electricity. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 222 10/18/13 10:55 AM 7 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance It was established in Chapter 1 via Theorem 1.4.1 that TEM waves cannot be sustained on a single conductor. In contrast, it is established below that TE and TM waves can propagate within a single hollow conductor. Applications of these principles can be found in radars and microwave ovens, to name a few. By way of introduction, waves propagating between two disjoint conductors are investigated, followed by attaching the conductors together to form a single hollow conducting structure. Finally, the hollow conductor is closed at both ends to form an enclosed cavity. Resonance within a cavity forms as a result of standing waves sustained within the cavity. Readers who are interested in pursuing the topic of dielectric waveguides (which unfortunately is not covered here) or more advanced theory and applications may consult References [1,4,6,8]. The elementary theory can be found in most references on electromagnetic theory; for example, see References [2,5,7]. 7.1 Parallel Plate Guides By way of motivation, consider waves propagating between two large parallel plates. A pair of transmission lines is a special case of two distinct conductors. It is thus clear that TEM can be sustained between two parallel plates. However, can two parallel plates sustain TE and TM modes? More precisely, consider two infinite parallel planes separated by a distance x = a, and for simplicity, suppose that an incident electromagnetic wave is propagating in the z-direction. Can the parallel planes support TE and TM modes? Initially, the transverse electric field propagation is considered. The transverse magnetic field propagation will conclude this introduction. Without loss of generality, in rectangular coordinates, suppose the direction of pro­ pagation is ez. Then, by definition, Ez = 0 for TE propagation. Explicitly, consider the space (Ω, μ, ε), where Ω = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : −∞ < x , z < ∞, 0 < y < a} 223 K15149_Book.indb 223 10/18/13 10:55 AM 224 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and suppose that the current density J = 0 on Ω, the charge density ρ = 0 on Ω, and ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. So, consider Maxwell’s first equation (1.15). Solving for it yields: ∇×E= ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Ex Ey 0 − ∂ z Ey = ∂ z Ex ∂ E −∂ E y x x y ∂t Bx = − ∂t By ∂B t z Clearly, for TE mode, Bz is not constrained to be zero on Ω. Thus, ∂ z Ey = ∂t Bx (7.1) ∂ z Ex = − ∂t By (7.2) ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex = − ∂t Bz (7.3) Next, solving for Equation (1.17), ∇×B= ex ey ez ∂x ∂y ∂z Bx By Bz ∂ y Bz − ∂ z By = − ∂ x Bz + ∂ z Bx ∂ B −∂ B x y y x Ex = µσ Ey 0 ∂t Ex + µε ∂t Ey 0 That is, ∂ y Bz − ∂ z By = µσEx + µε ∂t Ex (7.4) − ∂ x Bz + ∂ z Bx = µσEy + µε ∂t Ey (7.5) ∂ x By − ∂ y Bx = 0 (7.6) Equations (7.1)–(7.6) can now be used to establish the properties of TE wave propagation. 7.1.1 Theorem Suppose ( E , B)|Ez = 0 propagates in the z-direction in some homogeneous domain (Ω,μ, ε, σ), where Ω ⊂ R 3. Suppose that the charge density ρ|Ω = 0. Then, the TE to z-mode is completely characterized by K15149_Book.indb 224 −∆Bz + µσ ∂t Bz + µε ∂t2 Bz = 0 (7.7) −∆E⊥ + µσ ∂t E⊥ + µε ∂t2 E⊥ = 0 (7.8) 10/18/13 10:56 AM Waveguides and Cavity Resonance 225 Proof Now, ∂ y (7.4) − ∂ x (7.5) yields ∂2y Bz + ∂2x Bz + 2 ∂2z Bz + ∂ z (∂ x Bx + ∂ y By ) = µσ ∂t (∂ y Ex − ∂ x Ey ) + µε ∂t2 (∂ y Ex − ∂ x Ey ) Thus, invoking Gauss’ law ∇ ⋅ E = 0 together with Equation (7.3) give −∆Bz + µσ ∂t Bz + µε ∂t2 Bz = 0 Next, ∂ x (7.3) + ∂ z (7.1) together with ∇ ⋅ E = 0 yields ∂2y Ey + ∂2x Ey + ∂2z Ey = − ∂t (∂ x Bz − ∂ z Bx ) = µσ ∂t Ey + µε ∂t2 Ey and likewise, ∂ y (7.3) + ∂ z (7.2) together with Gauss’ law yields ∂2y Ex + ∂2x Ex + ∂2z Ex = − ∂t (∂ y Bz − ∂ z By ) = µσ ∂t Ex + µε ∂t2 Ex Hence, along a similar vein, together with ∂ y (7.3) + ∂ z (7.1) , −∆E⊥ + µσ ∂t E⊥ + µε ∂t2 E⊥ = 0 , as required. □ 7.1.2 Proposition A time-harmonic TE to z-mode wave propagation satisfies E⊥ = ( η/µ)e z × B⊥, where η is some frequency-dependent parameter. Proof A general technique is employed to establish the assertion (see Section 1.4). First, decompose the fields and operators into transverse and longitudinal components, and then equate the transverse (longitudinal) components with the transverse (longitudinal) components. This is done as follows. Set ∇ = ∇ ⊥ + e z ∂ z, B = B⊥ + e z Bz , and by assumption, E = E⊥. Then, from Maxwell’s equations and using the convention e− iωt instead of eiωt for time harmonicity so that ∂t ↔ − iω , ∇ × E = iωB ⇒ ∇ ⊥ × E⊥ + e z × ∂ z E⊥ = iωB⊥ + iωe z Bz That is, K15149_Book.indb 225 ∇ ⊥ × E⊥ = iωe z Bz (7.9) e z × ∂ z E⊥ = iωB⊥ (7.10) 10/18/13 10:56 AM 226 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers From Equation (7.10), e z × (e z ∂ z × E⊥ ) = − ∂ z E⊥ ⇒ ∂ z E⊥ = − iωe z × B⊥. As a warm-up exercise, verify this in Exercise 7.4.2. Next, noting that ∂ z e− γz = −γe− γz ⇒ ∂ z ↔ −γ , it follows that γE⊥ = iωe z × B⊥ ⇒ E⊥ = 1 iωµ µ γ e z × B⊥ (7.11) □ as required. 7.1.3 Definition The TE to z-mode wave impedance ηTE for a time-harmonic wave ( E , B)|Ez = 0 is defined by ηTE = iωµ γ , where γ depends on the boundary conditions. Now, consider an electromagnetic field propagating between two infinite parallel plates illustrated in Figure 7.1. 7.1.4 Proposition Referring to Figure 7.1, suppose that ( E , B)|Ez = 0 is a time-harmonic wave propagating in the ez-direction on (Ω,μ,ε), and suppose further that ρ = 0 on Ω and there is no variation along the ex -direction. Then, the n-mode wave propagation ( E , B)|Ez = 0 satisfies Ex , n = E0, n sin ( naπ y ) e− γ n z By , n = Bz , n = γn ω (7.12) E0, n sin ( naπ y ) e− γ n z i nπ ω a (7.13) E0, n cos ( naπ y ) e− γ n z (7.14) for some constant E0,n, and γ 2n = ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ. Furthermore, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω n )n of cut-off angular frequencies such that 2 ω > ω n ⇒ e− γ n z = e− iβn z , β n = ℑmγ n (a) y=a ey ex ez x, z = 0 PEC Direction of wave propagation Ω PEC Figure 7.1 Wave propagation between two infinite parallel planes. K15149_Book.indb 226 10/18/13 10:56 AM 227 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance that is, the waves propagate without attenuation, ω < ω n ⇒ e− γ n z = e−α n z , α n = ℜeγ n (b) that is, the waves propagate with exponential attenuation. Finally, for ω = ω n , standing waves exist between the two parallel planes, and no wave propagates along the ez-direction. Proof Now, applying the assumption ∂x = 0 to Equations (7.3) and (7.6), respectively, yields ∂ y Ex = ∂t Bz ⇒ ∂ y Ex = − iωBz (7.15) ∂ y Bx = 0 (7.16) Next, noting that ∂x ∂y = ∂y ∂x as E, B are of class C2, it follows from Equation (7.16) that ∂ y (7.1) ⇒ 0 = ∂ y ∂ z Ey = ∂ z ∂ y Ey ⇒ Ey is independent of y. Because Ey |∂Ω = 0, it follows that Ey = 0 on Ω in order to satisfy the boundary conditions. In particular, (7.1) implies at once that Bx = 0 on Ω. Hence, (7.8) reduces to ∆Ex + (iωµσ + ω 2 µε)Ex = 0. For notational simplicity, set k 2 = ω 2 µε + iωµσ. The solution of Equation (7.8) can be easily determined via the separation of variables. Now, by assumption, ∂ x = 0 ⇒ ∆ = ∂2y + ∂2z . Hence, set Ex ( y , z) = Φ( y )Ψ( z). Then, from Proposition 7.1.2, ∂2y Φ Φ ∂2 Φ + ∂2z Ψ Ψ + k 2 = 0 ⇒ − k y2 + γ 2 + k 2 = 0 ∂2 Φ 2 y y where Φ + k y2 = 0 and ∂zΨΨ − γ 2 = 0 . The general solution of Φ + k y2 = 0 is ˆ ∂2z Ψ 2 Φ( y ) = A cos k y y + B sin k y y, and that of Ψ + γ = 0 is given by Ψ = A′e− γz + γz − γz B′e = A′e due to the absence of boundary as z → ∞; that is, B′ ≡ 0 as there can be no reflected waves. Thus, Ψ = e− γz corresponds to the fundamental solution. The boundary condition Ex|∂Ω = 0 implies that Φ(0) = 0 = Φ(a) and hence, set A = 0 and k y a = πn, for = 0, 1, 2,… . Thus, the fundamental solution is Φ n ( y ) = sin kn y ≡ sin naπ y . In particular, denoting γ n = γ , γ 2n = kn2 − k 2 = ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ 2 (7.17) So, setting γ n = α n + iβ n, it follows that 2 2 2 2 α n − β n = ( naπ ) − ω µε 2α nβ n = −ωµσ K15149_Book.indb 227 10/18/13 10:56 AM 228 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Next, noting that (α 2n + β 2n )2 = (β 2n − α 2n )2 + 4α 2nβ 2n , it follows that (( α n2 + β n2 = ) nπ 2 a − ω 2 µε ) + (ωµσ) 2 2 and hence, adding and subtracting from α 2n − β 2n yields αn = βn = 1 2 (( nπ 2 a 1 2 (( nπ 2 a ) ) 2 − ω µε − ω 2 µε ) + (ωµσ) − (ω µε − ( ) ) 2 ) + (ωµσ) 2 2 2 2 + ω 2 µε − ( nπ 2 a 1 ) nπ 2 a 2 1 2 (7.18) From Equation (7.18), it is clear that α n , β n ≥ 0 ∀ω ≥ 0 as |a + b|+ a ≥ 0 ∀a ∈R , b ≥ 0 In particular, σ > 0 ⇒ α n , β n > 0. If σ = 0, then (7.18) reduces to the form f ± (ξ) = ξ ξ , where f+ ↔ α n and f− ↔ β n . Indeed, it is evident that (a) ω 2 µε − ( naπ ) > 0 ⇒ α n = 0 ⇒ e− γ n z = e− iβn z (b) ω 2 µε − ( naπ ) < 0 ⇒ β n = 0 ⇒ e− γ n z = e−α n z 2 2 Thus, scenario (a) corresponds to forward wave propagation without attenuation, and scenario (b) corresponds to wave attenuation; these waves are called evanescent waves, as they die out exponentially for z > β1n . In summary, Ex , n = E0, n sin( naπ y )eiγ n z, where E0, n is some constant depending on initial conditions. And from Equation (7.2), via ∂ z ↔ −γ n , By , n = γωn E0, n sin( naπ y )e− γ n z . Moreover, the solution for (7.14) can be easily solved via (7.14): ∂ y Ex = − iωBz ⇒ Bz , n = inπ ωa E0,+ n cos ( naπ y ) eiγ n z Last, observe from (a) and (b) that ω 2 µε − ( naπ ) = 0 ⇔ ω n = 1µε naπ implies the existence of a sequence (ωn)n of critical frequencies determining whether waves are attenuated. Indeed, as ω = ω n ⇒ α n , β n = 0 ⇒ e− γ n z = 1 ∀z , it is obvious that there is no wave propagation along the z-direction as the field is independent of z. Thus, the solution (Ex , n , By , n , Bz , n ) shows that standing waves exist between the two parallel planes when ω = ωn, as required. □ 2 7.1.5 Corollary The wave impedance for the TE to z-mode of Proposition 7.1.4 is given by { ηTE, n = η 1 − K15149_Book.indb 228 ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε } − 21 (7.19) 10/18/13 10:56 AM 229 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance where η = µ/ε . In particular, when the dielectric is lossless, that is, σ = 0, then, for each fixed n ∈ N, {( ) (a) ω < ω n ⇒ ηTE, n = − iη (b) { ωn 2 ω ω > ω n ⇒ ηTE, n = η 1 − ( } )} −1 − 21 − 21 ωn 2 ω Finally, ω >> ω n ⇒ ηTE, n → η. In particular, ηTE, n > η whenever ω > ω n. Proof From Proposition 7.1.2, ηTE, n = γn = where ω n = 1 nπ µε a iωµ γn . Furthermore, from (7.17), ( naπ )2 − ω 2 µε − iωµσ = iω µε 1 − ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε . Hence, ηTE, n = µ ε { 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω ( ) σ + i ωε } − 21 2 Next, on setting σ = 0 and γˆ n = 1 − ωωn , it is obvious that ω < ω n ⇒ γ̂ n is purely imaginary, whereas ω > ω n ⇒ γ̂ n is real. To complete the proof, it 2 suffices to note that ω n << ω ⇒ γˆ n → 1 ⇒ ηTE, n → η , and ω > ω n ⇒ 1 − ( ωωn ) < 1 ⇒ ηTE,n > η . □ It is clear from Corollary 7.1.5, even when the dielectric is lossless, γˆ n ∈R ⇒ γ n is purely imaginary and hence e− γ n z → / 0 as z → ∞; that is, when the TE mode impedance is real, the fields are traveling waves and will thus propagate without attenuation. That is, for real TE mode impedance, power can be transferred. On the other hand, still considering the lossless dielectric case for simplicity, γ̂ n is imaginary implying that γ n > 0 and hence, e− γ n z → 0 as z → ∞. From a circuit analogy, the impedance is imaginary and hence reactive; thus, no power is transferred. Physically, the fields are evanescent waves and are thus attenuated as they propagate between the parallel planes. Wave propagation cannot be sustained. In particular, when the waves are at the cut-off frequency ω = ω n, γˆ n = 0 ⇒ γ n = 0 ⇒ e− γ n z ≡ 1 ∀z > 0 and hence, waves cannot be sustained at the cut-off frequency. Physically, via Corollary 7.1.5, the wave impedance approaches infinity. See Figure 7.2 for the variation of the TE mode impedance as the angular frequency varies. The plot is based on the η normalized n-mode TE wave impedance TEη ,n for simplicity, where η is the wave impedance of the dielectric, against the normalized angular frequency ωn ωn ω for some fixed ωn. Lastly, note that ω = 0 ⇔ ω → ∞, for any fixed ω n > 0. K15149_Book.indb 229 10/18/13 10:56 AM 230 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Normalised n-mode TE Impedance (σ = 0) Normalised Wave Impedance 3.5 3 2.5 Im(ηTE/η) 2 Re(ηTE/η) 1.5 1 0.5 0. 75 0. 95 1. 1 1. 25 1. 4 1. 55 1. 7 1. 85 2. 05 2. 25 2. 4 2. 55 2. 7 2. 85 0. 6 0. 3 0. 45 0 0. 15 0 Normalised Angular Frequency Figure 7.2 Normalised n-mode TE wave impedance in a lossless dielectric. 7.1.6 Theorem Suppose ( E , B)|Bz = 0 propagates in the z-direction in some homogeneous domain (Ω, μ, ε, σ), where Ω ⊂ R 3 . Suppose that the charge density ρ|Ω = 0. Then, the TM to z-mode is completely characterized by −∆Ez + µσ ∂t Ez + µε ∂t2 Ez = 0 (7.20) −∆B⊥ + µσ ∂t B⊥ + µε ∂t2 B⊥ = 0 (7.21) Proof There is a quick way to establish Equations (7.20) and (7.21) via duality sketched in Section 3.6. Expressing (7.7) as −∆H z + µσ ∂t H z + µε ∂t2 H z = 0, where Bz = µH z , and invoking the duality transformation H → −E yields ∆Ez − µσ ∂t Ez − µε ∂t2 Ez = 0. Likewise, via E → H, (7.8) transforms into −∆H ⊥ + µσ ∂t H ⊥ + µε ∂t2 H ⊥ = 0, yielding (7.21) after utilizing B = μH. □ 7.1.7 Proposition A time-harmonic TM to z-mode wave propagation satisfies B⊥ = (µ/η)e z × E⊥ , where η is some frequency-dependent parameter. Proof The proof follows Proposition 7.1.2 mutatis mutandis. From ∇ × B = (µσ − iωµε)E ⇒ ∇ ⊥ × B⊥ + e z × ∂ z B⊥ = κE⊥ + κe z Ez K15149_Book.indb 230 10/18/13 10:56 AM 231 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance where κ = μσ − iωμε. That is, ∇ ⊥ × B⊥ = κe z Ez (7.22) e z × ∂ z B⊥ = κE⊥ (7.23) From Equation (7.23), e z × (e z ∂ z × B⊥ ) = − ∂ z B⊥ ⇒ − ∂ z B⊥ = κe z × E⊥, whence ∂ z ↔ −γ gives γB⊥ = κe z × E⊥ ⇒ B⊥ = µ µγκ e z × E⊥ □ as required. 7.1.8 Remark Clearly, from Proposition 7.1.2, E⊥ = ( η/µ)e z × B⊥ = ηe z × H ⊥ , invoking dual e z × E⊥ ⇒ B⊥ = −(µ/η)e z × E⊥, for some ity, E → H and H → −E, yields H ⊥ = −η frequency dependent parameter η̂. However, this would not have yielded the explicit expression for η̂. 7.1.9 Definition The TM to z-mode wave impedance ηTM for a time-harmonic wave ( E , B)|Bz = 0 is defined by ηTM = −(µγ/κ ), where γ depends on the boundary conditions and κ = μσ − iωμε. 7.1.10 Proposition Referring to Figure 7.1, suppose that ( E , B)|Bz = 0 is a time-harmonic wave propagating in the e z -direction on (Ω,μ,ε), and suppose further that ρ = 0 on Ω and there is no variation along the ex -direction. Then, the n-mode wave propagation ( E , B)|Bz = 0 satisfies Bx , n = B0,+ n cos ( naπ y ) e− γ n z (7.24) Ey = − γκn B0,+ n cos ( naπ y ) e− γ n z (7.25) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ n z (7.26) Ez = κ1 B0,+ n nπ a for some constant B0,+ n with κ = μσ − iωμε. Furthermore, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω n )n of cut-off angular frequencies such that (a) ω > ω n ⇒ e− γ n z = e− iβn z , β n = ℑmγ n ; that is, the waves propagate without attenuation (b) ω < ω n ⇒ e− γ n z = e−α n z , α n = ℜeγ n ; that is, the waves propagate with attenuation Finally, for ω = ωn, standing waves exist between the two parallel planes, and no waves propagate along the ez-direction. K15149_Book.indb 231 10/18/13 10:56 AM 232 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Proof The proof mimics that of Proposition 7.1.4; see Exercise 7.4.3. □ 7.1.11 Corollary The wave impedance for the TM to the z-mode of Proposition 7.1.10 is given by σ ηTM, n = η{1 + i ωε } −1 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε (7.27) µ where η = ε . In particular, when the dielectric is lossless (i.e., σ = 0) then, for each fixed n ∈ N, ( ) ωn 2 ω (a) ω < ω n ⇒ ηTM, n = iη (b) ω > ω n ⇒ ηTM, n = η 1 − −1 ( ) ωn 2 ω Finally, ω >> ω n ⇒ ηTM, n → η. In particular, ηTM, n < η whenever ω > ω n , and hence, ηTM, n < ηTE, n ∀ω > ω n . Proof µγ From Definition 7.1.9, ηTM, n = − κn , where κ = μσ − iωμε. Hence, following the proof of Corollary 7.1.5 mutatis mutandis, and on setting 2 σ γ n = iω µε 1 − ωωn + i ωε ≡ iω µεγˆ n , it can be shown (see Exercise 7.4.4) that ( ) σ ηTM, n = η{1 + i ωε } −1 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε The two cases (a) and (b) are self-evident and (b) implies ηTM, n < η ∀ω > ω n . Lastly, ηTM, n < ηTE, n ∀ω > ω n follows directly from Corollary 7.1.5. □ n The plot of the normalized TM wave impedance ηTM, versus the normalη ωn ized angular frequency ω is shown in Figure 7.3, where ω n is assumed fixed. 7.1.12 Theorem Given the parallel wave guide illustrated in Figure 7.1, suppose a timeharmonic n-mode TE or TM wave is propagating at some fixed frequency ω > ω n . Then, the wavelength of the waves within Ω is given by λ= 2 2π ω v (( ) ωn 2 ω ) 2 −1 +( ) σ 2 ωε + 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω − 21 (7.28) In particular, for a lossless medium, λ= K15149_Book.indb 232 2π v ω { 1− ( )} − 21 ωn 2 ω 10/18/13 10:56 AM 233 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance Normalised n-mode TM Impedance (σ = 0) Normalised Wave Impedance 3 2.5 Im(ηTM/η) 2 1.5 Re(ηTM/η) 1 0.5 7 2. 85 55 2. 2. 4 25 2. 05 2. 85 2. 7 1. 1. 4 1. 55 25 1. 1 1. 1. 75 0. 95 6 0. 0. 3 0. 45 15 0. 0. 0 0 Normalised Angular Frequency Figure 7.3 Normalised n-mode TM wave impedance in a lossless dielectric. Proof Now, an admissible TE or TM wave propagating between two parallel plates Ω has the form f ( y )e− γ n z e− iωt . Setting γ n = α n + iβ n defined by Equation (7.18), it is clear that the phase of the wave is defined by e− i(ωt +βn z ) . Thus, the point of constant phase is Θ = ωt + β n z and the phase velocity is thus d dt Θ = ω + βn = 0 ⇒ ddzt = − βωn dz dt whence, the n-mode phase speed uˆ n of the wave in Ω is uˆ n = = fλ n ⇒ λ n = ω βn 2π βn (7.29) Rearranging β n slightly as 1 2 (( ) nπ 2 a 1 ω µε 2 2 − ω µε (( ωn ω ) 2 ) + (ωµσ ) 2 ) 1 2 + ω µε − ( 2 ) nπ 2 a 2 = 1 2 σ − 1 + ( ωε ) + 1− 2 ( ) ωn ω 2 2 it is clear that λn = K15149_Book.indb 233 2 f v (( ) ωn 2 ω ) 2 −1 +( ) σ 2 ωε + 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω − 21 10/18/13 10:56 AM 234 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers where v = 1µε is the phase velocity in (R 3 , µ , ε) . For the lossless case, σ = 0 and the result thus follows. □ 7.1.13 Example Determine the time-average power transmitted by an admissible n-mode TE wave propagating in Ω|σ= 0 defined in Figure 7.1, and hence, deduce the velocity of the energy flow. To determine the power flow, it suffices to consider the time-average power transmitted across a finite cross-section R = [0,1] × [0,a]. By definition, 〈 P〉R = 1 2 ∫ R ℜe( E × H ∗ ) ⋅ nd 2 x = 1 2 1 a ∫ ∫ ℜe(E × H ) ⋅ e dy dx 0 ∗ 0 From Proposition 7.1.4, ℜe( E × H ∗ ) ⋅ e z = µ1 Ex , n By∗ , n = γ n = iβ n for lossless Ω. Hence, 〈 P〉R = a 1 4 µ E0, n 1 µ E0, n z 2 βn ω sin 2 ( naπ y ) , as 2 βn ω is the time-average power transmitted across the cross-section R. Next, to determine the velocity of energy flow, recall first by definition that power is the time-rate of the flow of energy. Second, the time-average energy density per unit length along the direction of wave propagation is given by 〈w 〉C = 21 ∫ C ℜe 21 D ⋅ E ∗ + 21 B ⋅ H ∗ d 3 x, where C = R × [0,1]. Observe also that the assumption of ∂ x = 0 renders the choice of R,C meaningful and hence, 〈 P〉R , 〈w 〉C meaningful. By definition, 〈w 〉C = 14 ∫ 10 ∫ 10 ∫ 0a (ε|E|2 + µ|H|2 )dydxdz. From Proposition 7.1.4, ( ) ε E + µ H = ε ( E0, n ) sin 2 ( naπ y ) + 2 2 2 1 µ and hence, 〈w 〉C = a 8 (E0,n )2 (E ) {( ) 2 + 0, n βn ω { (( ε+ 1 µ βn ω 2 } sin 2 ( naπ y ) + ( ωnπa ) cos 2 ( naπ y ) 2 ) + ( ) )} 2 nπ 2 ωa Thus, note that if u n is the n-mode velocity of energy propagation, then u n 〈w 〉C has precisely the dimensions of power. It is intuitively clear that u n 〈w 〉C corresponds to the time-average power: 〈 P〉R = u n 〈w 〉C . Hence, the velocity of energy propagation along Ω|σ= 0 is given by u n = K15149_Book.indb 234 PR wC { = 2β nω (ω 2 + ω n2 )µε + β n2 } −1 = 2 βnω ( ω 2 +ω 2n +ω 2 −ω 2n )µε = βn ωµε 10/18/13 10:56 AM 235 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance However, for σ = 0, ω > ω n ⇒ β n = ω µε 1 − Hence, u n = 1 µε 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω ( ) ωn 2 ω ≡ v 1− , as can be easily verified. ( ) ωn 2 ω (7.30) Normalised Phase Velocity It is clear from the equation that u < v ∀ω > ω n . Finally, from the proof of Proposition 7.1.12, uˆ n = βωn ⇒ uˆ n u n = µε1 . That is, the product of the phase velocity and the energy propagation velocity (i.e., group velocity) yields precisely the velocity of propagation of a plane wave in (R 3 , µ , ε). A plot of the normalized phase uˆvn velocity and the normalized velocity of energy propagation uvn as a function of the normalized angular frequency ωωn is shown in Figure 7.4. Normalised n-mode TE Phase Velocity 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.05 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Normalised Angular Frequency Normalised Group Velocity Figure 7.4 a Normalised phase velocity vs. normalised angular frequency. 3 Normalised n-mode TE Group Velocity 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Normalised Angular Frequency Figure 7.4b Normalised group velocity vs. normalised angular frequency. K15149_Book.indb 235 10/18/13 10:57 AM 236 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 7.2 Rectangular Waveguides In Section 7.1, the concept of TE/TM mode propagation was introduced between two parallel planes. The parallel planes constitute a waveguide. In particular, a pair of transmission lines constitutes a waveguide for TEM propagation. In short, a waveguide is any structure* that supports TE, TM, or TEM modes. In what follows, let Ω = (0,b) × (0,a) × [0,∞) denote a semi-infinite rectangular waveguide, and ∂Ω denote its boundary. 7.2.1 Proposition Suppose that ( E , B)|Ez = 0 is a time-harmonic wave propagating in the ezdirection on (Ω, μ, ε, σ), and suppose further that ρ = 0 on Ω and ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Then, ( E , B)|Ez = 0 satisfies Ex , mn = E0, mn cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z (7.31) − γ mn z mπ nπ Ey , mn = − ma nb E0, mn sin ( b x ) cos ( a y ) e (7.32) Bx , mn = iγ mn ma ω nb By , mn = Bz , mn = iπ ω iγ mn ω { E0, mn sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z E0, mn cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z E0, mn 1 + ( ma nb ) 2 } cos ( mπ b x ) cos ( maπ y ) e− γ mn z (7.33) (7.34) (7.35) for some constant E0, mn and γ 2mn = ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ . Furthermore, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω mn )m , n of cut-off angular frequencies such that 2 2 (a) ω > ω mn ⇒ e− γ mn z = e− iβmn z , β mn = ℑmγ mn , and hence waves propagate without attenuation (b) ω < ω mn ⇒ e− γ mn z = e−α mn z , α mn = ℜeγ mn and hence waves propagate with exponential attenuation Proof From Theorem 7.1.1, ∆Bz + k 2 Bz = 0 subject to the boundary condition ∂ x Bz = 0 if x = 0, b ∂ y Bz = 0 if y = 0, a * More precisely, a single conductor or a set of disjoint conductors. K15149_Book.indb 236 10/18/13 10:57 AM 237 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance as ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. So, to begin, consider ∆Ex + k 2 Ex = 0. Then, via the separation of variables Bx ( x , y , z) = Φ( x)Ψ( y )Θ( z) ⇒ Set ∂2x Φ Φ = − k x2 , ∂2y Ψ Ψ = − k y2 , and ∂2z Θ Θ ∂2x Φ Φ + ∂2y Ψ Ψ + ∂2z Θ Θ + k2 = 0 = γ 2. Thus, Φ = A cos k x x + B sin k x x ⇒ ∂ x Φ = − Ak x sin k x x + Bk x cos k x x yielding, via the boundary condition, B = 0 ⇒ Φ = cos ( mbπ x ) . Similarly, Ψ = cos ( naπ y ) and Θ = e− γz . That is, the fundamental solution is Bx ( x , y , z) = cos ( mbπ x ) cos ( maπ y ) e− γz . Next, invoking Theorem 7.1.1 again, ∆E⊥ + k 2 E⊥ = 0 . Thus, appealing to the boundary condition for E⊥ , Ey = 0 if x = 0, b Ex = 0 if y = 0, a the separation of variables applied to the pair Ex , Ey yields: Ex ~ sin ( naπ y ) { A′ cos k x′ x + B′ sin k x′ x} e− γ ′z { } Ey ~ sin ( mbπ x ) A′′ cos k y′′y + B′′ sin k y′′y e− γ ′′z Now, appealing to Equation (7.3), ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex = iωBz , it follows at once by invoking the boundary condition for Bz , to wit, { ∂ x ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex } x = 0, b { = 0 = ∂ y ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex } y = 0, a that the following must hold, γ ′ = γ = γ ′′ A′ cos k x′ x + B′ sin k x′ x ~ cos ( mbπ x ) ⇒ B′ = 0, k x′ = A′′ cos k y′′y + B′′ sin k y′′y ~ cos ( naπ y ) ⇒ B′′ = 0, k y′′ = K15149_Book.indb 237 mπ b nπ a 10/18/13 10:57 AM 238 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The results give the fundamental solutions: Ex = A′ cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ ′z Ey = A′′ sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ ′z In order to determine the pair A′ , A′′ , it suffices to appeal to Gauss’ law: ∇ ⋅ E⊥ = 0 (by assumption). Hence, ∂ x Ex = − ∂ y Ey ⇒ A′′ naπ = − A′ mbπ ⇒ + mπ nπ A′′ = − ma nb A ′. Finally, from Equation (7.3), it is clear that iωB0, nm = A ′′ b − A ′ a = { − A′π 1 + ( ma nb ) 2 }⇒B + 0, nm = iπ ω { A′ 1 + ( ma nb ) A′ = E0, mn, some constant, 2 } . From this, it follows that on setting Ex = E0, mn cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z − γ mn z mπ nπ Ey , mn = − ma nb E0, mn sin ( b x ) cos ( a y ) e Bz , mn = iπ ω { E0, mn 1 + ( ma nb ) 2 } cos ( mπ b x ) cos ( maπ y ) e− γ mn z where γ 2mn = km2 + kn2 − k 2 = ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ. From Equation (7.18), it is obvious that 2 α mn = β mn = 1 2 (( mπ 2 b 1 2 (( mπ 2 b 2 ) +( ) 2 − ω µε ) + (ωµσ) − (ω µε − ( ) +( ) 2 ) + (ωµσ) nπ 2 a nπ 2 a − ω µε 2 2 2 2 2 + ω µε − ( ) −( ) mπ 2 b nπ 2 a ) 1 2 1 2 ) −( ) mπ 2 b nπ 2 a 2 This is easily obtained via the replacement: ( naπ ) → ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) . Hence, for 2 2 σ = 0, and setting ω 2mnµε = ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) , it is clear that α mn = 0 if ω > ω mn , whereas β mn = 0 if ω < ω mn . The explicit expressions for the remaining magnetic field density components follow directly from Equations (7.1) and (7.2), respectively: 2 Bx , mn = − iγωmn Ey , mn = By , mn = iγ mn ω Ex , mn = iγ mn ma ω nb iγ mn ω 2 2 E0,+ mn sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z E0,+ mn cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z The proof that resonance occurs when ω = ω mn , the cut-off angular frequency, follows that of Proposition 7.1.4 mutatis mutandis. In particular, no waves propagate along the waveguide. □ K15149_Book.indb 238 10/18/13 10:57 AM 239 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance 7.2.2 Corollary The TE mn to z-mode wave impedance ηTE, mn for a time-harmonic ( E , B)|Ez = 0 { is given by ηTE, mn = γiωµ = η 1− mn each fixed (m,n) ∈ N × N, } . In particular, when σ = 0, for = − iη{( ) − 1} = η{1 − ( )} ( ) ω mn 2 ω σ + i ωε −1 ω mn 2 ω ω > ω mn ⇒ ηTE, mn (b) −1 ω mn 2 ω ω < ω mn ⇒ ηTE, mn (a) − 21 Finally, ω >> ω mn ⇒ ηTE, mn → η. In particular, ηTE, mn > η whenever ω > ω mn . Proof Noting that γ mn = iω µε 1 − ηTE, mn = ( ) ω mn 2 ω iωµ γ mn σ + i ωε , Definition 7.1.3 leads at once to { = η 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω +i σ ωε } − 21 The remaining assertions follow the proof of Corollary 7.1.5 mutatis mutandis. □ It is evident from the previous section that traveling waves are sustained if the frequency is greater than the cut-off frequency. From Corollary 7.2.2, waves will propagate when the wave impedance is real; when the wave impedance is imaginary, waves are not sustained—they are attenuated—as no power is transferred. 7.2.3 Proposition Suppose that ( E , B)|Bz = 0 is a time-harmonic wave propagating in the ez -direction on (Ω, μ, ε, σ), and suppose further that ρ = 0 on Ω and ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Then, ( E , B)|Bz = 0 satisfies Ez , mn = E0 sin ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z Ex , mn = −γ mn Ey , mn = −γ mn Bx , mn = κ {( By , mn = −κ K15149_Book.indb 239 {( {( ) + ( naπ )2 } mπ 2 b ) + ( naπ )2 } mπ 2 b ) + ( naπ )2 } mπ 2 b {( −1 −1 ) + ( naπ )2 } mπ 2 b −1 nπ a −1 mπ b E0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z (7.37) nπ a E0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z (7.38) E0+ sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z mπ b (7.36) E0+ cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z (7.39) (7.40) 10/18/13 10:57 AM 240 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers for some constant E0, κ = μσ − iωμε, and γ 2mn = ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ . Furthermore, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω mn )m , n of cut-off angular frequencies such that 2 2 a) ω > ω mn ⇒ e− γ mn z = e− iβmn z , β mn = ℑmγ mn , and hence waves propagate without attenuation b) ω < ω mn ⇒ e− γ mn z = e−α mn z , α mn = ℜeγ mn and hence waves propagate with exponential attenuation Proof From Exercise 7.4.2, the TM mode reduces Maxwell’s equations to ∂ y Ez + γ mnEy = iωBx , − ∂ x Ez − γ mnEx = iωBy , ∂ y Ex = ∂ x Ey γ mn By = κEx , −γ mn Bx = κEy , ∂ x By − ∂ y Bx = κEz By Theorem 7.1.6, −∆Ez + µσ ∂t Ez + µε ∂t2 Ez = 0 . So, once again, appealing to the separation of variables, set Ez = Φ( x)Ψ( y )Θ( z), subject to the boundary condition: x = 0, b Ez = 0 for y = 0, a By now, it should be obvious that the fundamental solution is Ez = sin ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γz . To see this, it suffices to set Φ = A cos k x x + B sin k x x , Ψ = A′ cos k y y + B′ sin k y y, and Θ = A′′e− γz + B′′e γz . Then, the boundary conditions and the requirement that the solution be finite yield the desired fundamental solution. Thus, set Ez , mn = E0 sin ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z . Next, substituting Ex = γ κmn By into − ∂ x Ez − γ mnEx = iωBy yields: By = − { γ 2mn κ + iω } −1 ∂ x Ez = − { 2 γ mn κ + iω } −1 mπ b E0+ cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z Substituting Ey = − γ κmn Bx into ∂ y Ez + γ mnEy = iωBx leads to: Bx = { γ 2mn κ + iω } −1 ∂ y Ez = { γ 2mn κ + iω } −1 nπ a E0+ sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z and finally, back-substituting yields K15149_Book.indb 240 Ex = −γ mn {( mπ 2 b ) + ( naπ )2 } Ey = −γ mn {( mπ 2 b −1 ) + ( naπ )2 } −1 mπ b E0+ cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z nπ a E0+ sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) e− γ mn z 10/18/13 10:57 AM 241 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance And the results thus follow from the simplification: − γ κmn { γ 2mn κ + iω } −1 = − γ 2γ mn− k 2 mn and by substituting iωκ = k 2 . So, by definition, γ 2mn − k 2 = ( ) + ( naπ ) yields the desired results. Lastly, the remaining assertions follow from the proof of 2 2 2 Proposition 7.2.1 mutatis mutandis via the replacement: ( naπ ) → ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) . □ mπ 2 b 2 7.2.4 Corollary The TM mn to z-mode wave impedance ηTM, mn for a time-harmonic ( E , B)|Ez = 0 σ is given by ηTM, mn = η{1 + i ωε } for each fixed (m,n) ∈ N × N, −1 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω σ + i ωε . In particular, when σ = 0, ( ) ω mn 2 ω a) ω < ω mn ⇒ ηTM, mn = iη b) ω > ω mn ⇒ ηTM, mn = η 1 − −1 ( ) ω mn 2 ω Finally, ω >> ω mn ⇒ ηTM, mn → η. In particular, ηTM, mn < η whenever ω > ω mn. Proof Noting that γ mn = iω µε 1 − ( ) ω mn 2 ω recall that κ = μσ − iωμε and ω mn = once to µ κ σ + i ωε and = ( ) +( ) mπ 2 b 1 µε σ ηTM, mn = − µγκmn = η{1 + i ωε } −1 i ωε nπ 2 a 1− {1 + i ωεσ }−1 , where we , Definition 7.1.9 leads at ( ) ω mn 2 ω σ + i ωε The remaining assertions are obvious; see the proof of Corollary 7.1.11. □ Thus, for a lossless rectangular waveguide, ηTM, mn < η < ηTE, mn whenever ω > ω mn (see Section 7.1 for a pair of parallel plane waveguides). Intuitively, this is expected, as a pair of parallel plane waveguides is merely a special case of the rectangular waveguide wherein one dimension (here, the x-direction) extends out to infinity instead of being bounded. The following result, in view of Theorem 7.1.12 is obvious via the replacement ω n → ω mn. 7.2.5 Theorem Given an admissible time-harmonic TE mn or TM mn wave is propagating at some fixed frequency ω > ω mn, the wavelength of the waves within (Ω, μ, ε, σ) is given by λ= 2 2π ω v (( ) ω mn 2 ω ) 2 −1 +( In particular, for a lossless medium, λ = K15149_Book.indb 241 ) σ 2 ωε 2π v f { + 1− 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω ( )} − 21 ω mn 2 ω − 21 (7.41) □ 10/18/13 10:57 AM 242 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 7.2.6 Remark It follows directly from the proof of Theorem 7.1.12 and Example 7.1.13 that the phase velocity ûmn of an admissible TE mn or TM mn mode is given by uˆ mn = 2v (( ) ω mn 2 ω ) 2 −1 +( ) σ 2 ωε + 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω − 21 and the velocity of energy propagation u mn satisfies uˆ mn u mn = v 2 and hence, u mn = 1 2 v (( ) ω mn 2 ω ) 1 2 −1 +( ) σ 2 ωε + 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω 2 In particular, because the sequence (ω mn )m , n of cut-off angular frequencies is discrete and hence monotonic, the sequence can be ordered such that {ω m0 n0 < ω m1n1 < < ω mk nk < } . Hence, given ω > 0 such that ω mk nk > ω > ω mk − 1nk − 1, for some (mk − 1 , nk − 1 ),(mk , nk ) ∈N × N , the TE or TM wave propagation is of (mk − 1 , nk − 1 ) -mode. To see this, it suffices to assume that the wave is of mode (mk − 1 , nk − 1 ) and (m′ , n′) , where ω m′n′ < ω mk − 1 , nk − 1 . Then, u mk − 1nk − 1 < u m′n′ and uˆ mk − 1nk − 1 > uˆ m′n′ . However, the respective velocities of wave propagation for a fixed mode are unique. Hence, the wave can only be of mode (mk − 1 , nk − 1 ) and higher mode waves* and thus transfers energy (or information) at a slower speed with respect to lower mode waves in a fixed waveguide. 7.2.7 Example Consider the semi-infinite rectangular waveguide (Ω, μ, ε, σ) such that ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Observe that for (m,0)-mode, where m ≠ 0, the TE propagation leads, via Equations (7.23)–(7.27) to: Ex , m 0 = 0 = By , m 0 and (Ey , m 0 , Bx , m 0 , Bz , m 0 ) ≠ 0 and hence, TE m 0 exists. On the other hand, via Equations (7.28)–(7.32) for TM mode, Ez , m 0 = 0 = Ex , m 0 = By , m 0 and (Ey , m 0 , Bx , m 0 ) ≠ 0 Inasmuch as TEM cannot exist on Ω, it follows at once that TMm0 does not exist. By symmetry, it can be easily seen that for (0,n)-mode, where n ≠ 0, TE0n exists but TM0n does not exist. □ * In the sense of a higher admissible angular frequency. K15149_Book.indb 242 10/18/13 10:57 AM 243 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance 7.2.8 Example Suppose Ω = (Ω′ , µ ′ , ε ′) ∪ (Ω′′ , µ ′′ , ε ′′) , where Ω′ = (0, b) × (0, a) × (0, z0 ] and Ω′′ = (0, b) × (0, a) × [ z0 , ∞) . Is there a frequency ω > 0 such that there is no reflection of a TE mode at the boundary interface at z = z0 , where it is assumed that {µ ′ , ε ′} ≠ {µ ′′ , ε ′′} (as sets)? If so, derive the conditions under which this can occur by modifying (µ ′′ , ε ′′) in Ω″. Now, in order for the coefficient of reflection to be zero, it is necessary and sufficient that η′TE, mn = η′′TE, mn , the wave impedances in Ω′ , Ω′′, respectively. Hence, by Corollary 7.2.2, η′ η′′ η′TE, mn = η′′TE, mn ⇔ where η′ = µ′ ε′ ω2 = µ ′′ ε ′′ and η′′ = { η′ η′′ } { −1 −1 { = 1− ( ) }{1 − ( ) } 2 −1 ω mn ′′ ω mn 2 ω mn ′ ω mn = ω 2 − ω mn ′2 ω 2 − ω mn ′′ 2 , whence, rearranging yields 1 η′ µ ′ε ′ η′′ − 1 µ ′′ε ′′ }⇒ω ={ η′ η′′ } −1 − 21 1 η′ µ ′ε ′ η′′ − 1 µ ′′ε ′′ Thus, a unique solution ω > 0 exists if and only if the following two criteria are satisfied, η′ > η′′ ⇔ µ ′ε ′′ > µ ′′ε ′ (a) (b) 1 η′ µ ′ε ′ η′′ − 1 µ ′′ε ′′ >1⇔ µ ′′ε ′′ η′ µ ′ε ′ η′′ = ε ′′ ε′ µ ′′ε ′′ µ ′ε ′ > 1 ⇔ ε ′′ 3 µ ′′ > ε ′ 3 µ ′ Now, it is clear that conditions (a) and (b) can be satisfied in two ways. First, suppose that µ ′ , µ ′′ > 0 are fixed. Then, (a) implies that ε ′′ > µµ′′′ ε ′ and (b) implies that ε ′′ > ( ) 1 µ′ 3 µ ′′ ε ′ , whence, set ε ′′ > max { µ ′′ µ′ ε′, ( ) 1 µ′ 3 µ ′′ } ε ′ . Then, criteria (a) and (b) are automatically satisfied by construction. Similarly, if ε ′ , ε ′′ are fixed, then (a) implies that µ ′′ < εε′′′ µ ′ , and (b) implies that 3 3 µ ′′ > ( εε′′′ ) µ ′ . Therefore, μ″ must satisfy ( εε′′′ ) µ ′ < µ ′′ < εε′′′ µ ′ . In particular, 3 this can only hold if ε ′ < ε ′′. Thus, ( εε′′′ ) µ ′ < µ ′′ < εε′′′ µ ′ and ε ′ < ε ′′ together will ensure that criteria (a) and (b) are preserved. Notice the major difference between the two solutions, to wit, either choosing ε″ or μ″ for impedance matching. In the former, µ ′ , µ ′′ > 0 are completely arbitrary, whereas the latter requires that the pair (ε ′ , ε ′′) satisfies the constraint ε ′ < ε ′′ in order for a solution to exist. 7.3 Cavity Resonance This chapter closes with a quantitative description of cavity resonance and its properties. Again, for simplicity, consider a closed rectangular cavity surrounded by perfect electrical conducting boundaries. More precisely, let K15149_Book.indb 243 10/18/13 10:58 AM 244 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Ω = (0, b) × (0, a) × (0, z0 ), where ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Notice that in this final scenario, the waves are confined in a compact space. Admissible frequencies are investigated, together with the wave impedance and cavity wavelength. 7.3.1 Proposition Given a homogeneous bounded space (Ω, μ, ε, σ), where ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor, an admissible time-harmonic TE to z-mode wave propagation ( E , B)|Ez = 0 satisfies: Bz , mnp = B0 cos ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin ( )} { = − {k − ( ) } = − iω { k − ( ) } = iω { k − ( ) } Bx , mnp = − k 2 − By , mnp Ex , mnp Ey , mnp 2 ( z) pπ z0 (7.42) −1 pπ 2 mπ pπ z0 b z0 B0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin −1 pπ 2 nπ pπ z0 a z0 −1 pπ 2 nπ z0 a 2 −1 pπ 2 mπ z0 b 2 ( z) pπ z0 (7.43) B0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin ( z) (7.44) B0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin ( z) pπ z0 (7.45) ( z) (7.46) B0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin pπ z0 pπ z0 where k 2 = ω 2 µε + iµωσ . Moreover, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω mnp )m , n, p of angular frequencies such that the TE mnp mode resonates in Ω, where ω mnp = 1 µε {( mbπ )2 + ( naπ )2 + ( naπ )2 } 1 2 . Proof The proof should be routine by now via the separation of variables. From Equation (7.7), let Bz = Φ( x)Ψ( y )Θ( z). Then, imposing the boundary conditions on (7.7) yields Bz = 0 for z = 0, z0 , ∂ x Bz = 0 for x = 0, b, ∂ y Bz = 0 for y = 0, a Thus, the fundamental solutions are: Φ( x) = cos ( mbπ x ), Ψ( x) = cos ( naπ y ) and pπ pπ Θ( z) = sin z0 z . That is, Bz , mnp = B0 cos ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin z0 z , for some constant B0 . Therefore Equation (7.1) yields Bx , mnp = − ωi ∂ z Ey , mnp , and substituting this into (7.5) gives − ∂ x Bz , mnp = κEy , mnp − ωi ∂2z Ey , mnp. However, noting 2 2 that ∂2z ↔ −γ 2 ≡ ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) − k 2, it follows that ( ) ( ) ( − ∂ x Bz , mnp = κ + K15149_Book.indb 244 iγ 2 ω )E y , mnp = i ω (k 2 ) − γ 2 Ey , mnp = i ω {k − ( ) } E 2 pπ 2 z0 y , mnp 10/18/13 10:58 AM 245 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance and hence, { Ey , mnp = iω k 2 − ( )} −1 pπ 2 z0 { = − iω k 2 − ∂ x Bz , mnp ( )} −1 pπ 2 mπ z0 b B0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin ( z) pπ z0 Similarly, Equation (7.2) leads to By , mnp = − ωi ∂ z Ex , mnp , and hence, via (7.4), { ∂ y Bz , mnp = κ + iγ 2 ω }E x , mnp = i ω {k − ( ) } E 2 pπ 2 z0 x , mnp Thus, { Ex , mnp = iω k 2 − ( )} −1 pπ 2 nπ z0 a B0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin ( z) pπ z0 and finally, { = − {k − ( ) } Bx , mnp = − k 2 − By , mnp 2 ( )} −1 pπ 2 mπ pπ z0 b z0 B0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin ( z) −1 pπ 2 nπ pπ z0 a z0 B0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin ( z) { ( ) pπ z0 pπ z0 ( )} Lastly, from k 2 = ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) + z0 , σ = 0 ⇒ ω 2mnp = µε1 ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) + z0 . Observe that there are no cut-off frequencies, as the finite boundary allows the waves to reflect back and forth. The fields attain a state of resonance when ω = ω mnp . At resonance, there is no power transmitted as they are stored reactively for the case wherein σ = 0. □ 2 2 pπ 2 2 2 pπ 2 7.3.2 Proposition Given a homogeneous bounded space (Ω, μ, ε, σ), where ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor, an admissible time-harmonic TM to z-mode wave propagation ( E , B)|Bz = 0 satisfies: Ez , mnp = E0 sin ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) cos { = − {k − ( ) } Ex , mnp = − k 2 − Ey , mnp K15149_Book.indb 245 2 ( )} ( z) pπ z0 (7.47) −1 pπ 2 mπ pπ z0 b z0 E0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin −1 pπ 2 nπ pπ z0 a z0 E0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin ( z) pπ z0 (7.48) ( z) (7.49) pπ z0 10/18/13 10:58 AM 246 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers { = −κ { k − ( ) } Bx , mnp = κ k 2 − By , mnp 2 ( )} −1 pπ 2 nπ z0 a B0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) cos −1 pπ 2 mπ z0 b ( z) B0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) cos pπ z0 (7.50) ( z) (7.51) pπ z0 where k 2 = ω 2 µε + iµωσ and κ = μσ − iωμε. Moreover, if σ = 0, there exists a real sequence (ω mnp )m , n, p of angular frequencies such1 that the TM mnp mode 2 2 2 2 resonates in Ω, where ω mnp = 1µε ( mbπ ) + ( naπ ) + ( naπ ) . { } Proof □ The proof is left for the reader to establish; see Exercise 7.4.6. It ought to be pointed out that within the rectangular cavity, only standing waves exist, as the waves are reflected from the walls of the cavity, and hence, a cavity stores electromagnetic energy. However, if there exists an aperture in the wall, current is induced around the aperture, and, as shown in the following chapter, the aperture will radiate. Thus, from an EMC perspective, cavity resonance can be a source of annoyance. Clearly, if the walls have finite conductivity, then the energy is lost over time as ohmic heat. This leads to the concept of quantifying resonance within a cavity. Before proceeding to quantify cavity resonance, the concept of surface impedance is required. First, recall from (1.40), that B⊥ = − iωγ e z × E⊥ ⇒ H ⊥ = iγ 2 − µω e z × E⊥ . Hence, set η = iωµ γ , where γ = i ω µε + iωµσ from (1.32). Then, η defines the wave impedance for a TEM wave propagating in the z-direction, ωµ and η = 2 . ω µε+ iωµσ That η defines the wave impedance is not difficult to see via the following equivalent expression. Given a TEM to z-direction wave (Ex , H y ) , from Chapter 1, + − Ex = E + e− γz + E − e γz ⇒ H y = Eη e− γz − Eη e γz ∫ Intuitively, Ex ↔ V , H y ↔ I ⇒ η ↔ R, where V = − ∫ E ⋅ dl , I = H ⋅ dl and R = VI . Denote η = RS + iX S. As a particular instance, this applies to fields penetrating a conductor, and it is called the surface impedance of the conductor. Indeed, noting trivially that ω 2 µε + iωµσ = ω µε 1 + setting η0 = µ ε , 1+ η = η0 K15149_Book.indb 246 iσ ωε = ξ + + iξ − yields ξ ± = ξ + − iξ − ξ 2+ +ξ 2− { σ ⇒ RS = η0 1 + ( ωε ) } 1 2 −2 1 2 { 1+( iσ ωε ) σ 2 ωε } ±1 { 1 2 . Thus, putting σ ξ + , X S = −η0 1 + ( ωε ) } 1 2 −2 ξ− 10/18/13 10:58 AM 247 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance 7.3.3 Lemma The time-average power density loss as a TEM wave transmits into a conductive 〉=− boundary at z = z0 is given by 〈W 2 1 2 η0 { 2 e z Ex + Ey 2 } { 1+( z = z0 ) σ 2 ωε } +1 1 2 . Proof ( ) The time-average Poynting vector is 〈S〉 z = z0 = 21 ℜe E⊥ × H ⊥∗ . Thus, the z = z0 〉 z = z = −〈S〉 z = z via the conservation time-average power density loss 〈W of 0 0 energy. Evaluating this expression yields: { } ℜe ( ) e {E + E } e {E + E } { 1+( 〉 = − 1 e z Ex 2 + Ey 〈W 2 = − 21 z = − 2 12 x z y 2 1 η∗ z = z0 2 2 x 2 z = z0 RS RS2 + X S2 2 y z = z0 1 η0 ) σ 2 ωε } +1 1 2 . □ From the above lemma, it is clear that for a rectangular cavity Ω, the total 〉 ⋅ nd 2 x. time-average power loss is over the sum of the boundaries: 〈W 〉 = ∫ ∂Ω 〈W That is, 〈W 〉 = ∑∫ i ∂Ωi 〉 ⋅ ni d 2 x = − 〈W 2 1 2 η0 {E x 2 + Ey 2 } { z = z0 } σ 1 + ( ωε ) +1 2 where ∂Ωi is the i th -face of ∂Ω. 7.3.4 Definition Let ωmnp be some fixed resonant angular frequency in a rectangular cavity (Ω,μ, ε, σ) with (∂Ω, σ ∂Ω ) , and suppose that σ = 0 with 0 < σ ∂Ω < ∞. Furthermore, let 〈U 〉 = 〈U E 〉 + 〈U B 〉 denote the time-average energy stored in Ω, where U E = 21 D ⋅ E ∗ (U B = 21 B ⋅ H ∗ ) is the electric (magnetic) energy, and 〈W 〉 denotes 2 2 the time-average power dissipated in Ω, with W = 21 J S RS = 21 H ⊥ RS. Then, U the quality factor of (m, n, p)-mode is defined by Qmnp = ω mnp W . 7.3.5 Lemma Given a rectangular cavity (Ω,μ,ε) with (∂Ω, σ ∂Ω ), the time-average power ω − 0t loss satisfies 〈W 〉 = 〈U 0 〉 e Q , where ω 0 is some fixed resonant angular K15149_Book.indb 247 10/18/13 10:58 AM 248 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers frequency. In particular, the frequency distribution of the magnitude of the electric field within the cavity in frequency domain is E (ω ) = 1 2π E0 {( ) ω0 2 2Q + (ω − ω 0 )2 } − 21 for some initial value E0. Proof By the conservation of energy, the negative time rate of change of stored electromagnetic energy U is precisely the energy loss on the cavity walls W. Whence, ω − 0t U from Definition 7.3.4, Q = ω 0 W ⇒ − ddt 〈U 〉 = 〈W 〉 = ωQ0 〈U 〉 ⇒ 〈U 〉 = 〈U 0 〉 e Q . Thus, the energy decays exponentially in time. In particular, if the electric field E(t) = E0 eiω 0t initially, it will decay in the cavity according to E(t) → E0 e ω 0 − 2Q t iω t 0 e , as E ∝ U , whence, taking the Fourier transform of E(t), E(t) = ∫ Substituting E(t) = E0 e ∞ 0 E (ω )eiωt dt ⇒ E (ω ) = ω ∫ 1 2π ∞ 0 E(t)e− iωt dt 0 − 2Q t iω t 0 e into the integral to obtain the electric field −1 2 2 ω0 2 2 + ( ω − ω ) , magnitude in the frequency domain yields: E (ω ) = 2Eπ0 0 2Q as required. Show this in Exercise 7.4.7. □ {( } ) 7.3.6 Example Given a lossless rectangular cavity (Ω,μ,ε) and (∂Ω,σ), determine the quality factor Q for an arbitrary TEmnp mode at resonance. Now, the time-average electric energy stored in Ω is 〈U E 〉 = 21 ε ∫ ∫ 2 Ω z0 0 E d 3 x = 21 ε sin 2 ( ) B ( ) ∫ cos ( ω mnp 2 ( z) dz + ( ) ∫ mπ 2 b pπ z0 nπ 2 a 2 0 2 ω mn b 0 b 2 0 sin 2 ( mbπ x ) d x ∫ mπ b a 0 x ) dx ∫ a 0 sin 2 ( naπ y ) d y cos 2 ( naπ y ) d y ∫ z0 0 sin 2 ( z) dz pπ z0 and hence, }= ( ) B at resonance, where for notational convenience, ω = {( ) + ( ) }. 〈U E 〉 = 21 ε ( ) B {( ω mnp 2 ω mn 2 2 0 ) nπ 2 abz0 8 a + ( mbπ ) 2 abz0 8 1 µ 2 mn K15149_Book.indb 248 ω mnp 2 ω mn 1 µε 2 abz0 0 16 mπ 2 b nπ 2 a 10/18/13 10:58 AM 249 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance The time-average magnetic energy stored in Ω is 〈U B 〉 = 1 2µ ∫ Ω 2 B d3 x = 1 4 2 µω mn ( µε )2 ∫ a 0 ( ( B02 )∫ 2 mπ pπ a z0 cos 2 ( naπ y ) d y )∫ 2 nπ pπ a z0 b 0 0 sin 2 ( mbπ x ) d x ( z) dz + pπ z0 sin 2 cos 2 ( mbπ x ) d x 0 4 ω mn (µε)2 ∫ z0 b ∫ b 0 ∫ a 0 cos 2 ( mbπ x ) d x ∫ sin 2 ( naπ y ) d y ∫ a 0 z0 0 sin 2 ( naπ y ) d y ∫ sin 2 z0 0 2 µε + and hence, noting trivially by definition that ω 2mnp µε = ω mn 〈U B 〉 = 1 4 2 µω mn µε B02 { (( 1 µε ( ) ω ) + ( mbπ ) nπ 2 a 2 )( ) pπ 2 abz0 z0 8 } 4 + ω mn µε abz8 0 = 1 µ ( z) dz + sin 2 pπ z0 ( z) dz pπ z0 ( ), pπ 2 z0 ( )B ω mnp 2 ω mn 2 abz0 0 16 2 B02 abz8 0 is the total stored electromagnetic energy in the Thus, 〈U 〉 = µ1 ωmnp mn cavity. 2 To complete the problem, the loss must be computed. From W = 21 H ⊥ RS , where RS = ℜeηS is the resistance of the surface ∂Ω, it follows that the time2 average energy loss by the conductive walls is 〈W 〉 = 21 ∫ ∂Ω H ⊥ RS d 2 x. Next, noting that the energy loss on ∂Ω|x = 0 is identical to that of ∂Ω|x = b , and likewise for {y = 0, y = a} and for { z = 0, z = z0 }, it follows that 〈W 〉 = ∫ 2 ∂Ω|x = 0 H ⊥ RS d 2 x + ∫ 2 ∂Ω|y = 0 H ⊥ RS d 2 x + ∫ ∂Ω|z = 0 2 H ⊥ RS d 2 x Now, ∂Ω|x = 0 = [0, a] × [0, z0 ] ⇒ H ⊥ = ( H y , H z )x = 0 . Hence, 〈W 〉|∂Ω x = 0 = RS 1 µ2 RS B02 1 µ2 ( B02 = RS K15149_Book.indb 249 1 ( ) 2 ω 2mnµε a ∫∫ z0 0 0 1 µ2 B02 )∫∫ 2 nπ pπ a z0 a 0 z0 0 sin 2 ( naπ y ) sin 2 cos 2 ( naπ y ) sin 2 az0 4 1 ω 2 µε 2 ( mn ) ( ( z) dy dz + pπ z0 ( z) dy dz pπ z0 ) 2 nπ pπ a z0 + 1 . 10/18/13 10:58 AM 250 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers On the wall ∂Ω|y = 0 = [0, b] × [0, z0 ] ⇒ H ⊥ = ( H x , H z )y = 0 = (0, H z )x = 0. Hence, 〈W 〉|∂Ω y = 0 = RS 1 µ2 B02 b ∫∫ 0 z0 0 cos 2 ( naπ y ) sin 2 ( z) dy dz = R pπ z0 1 S µ2 B02 bz0 4 . Lastly, ∂Ω|z = 0 = [0, b] × [0, a] ⇒ H ⊥ = ( H x , H y )z = 0 = (0, 0). Hence, 〈W 〉|∂Ω z = 0 = 0. Thus, 〈W 〉 = RS µ2 B02 z0 4 a ( nπ pπ 1 ω 2mnµε a z0 ) + 1 + b 2 yielding the desired quality factor at resonance: Qmnp = ω mnp U W = ω mnp µ RS ( ) ( ω mnp 2 b ω mn 4 1 2 ω mn µε nπ pπ a z0 ) 2 + 1 + ba −1 □ Now, for very good conductors, recall from Chapter 1 for a TEM wave that γ = α + iβ ≈ δ1 (1 + i) where δ = 7.1.3, 2 ωµσ is the skin depth of the conductor, whence, from Definition η= iωµ γ = iωµδ 12− i = 21 ωµδ(1 + i) ⇒ RS = 21 ωµδ and so, Qmnp = ω mnp µσ 2 ( ) ( ω mnp 2 b ω mn 2 nπ pπ 2 ω mn µε a z0 1 ) 2 + 1 + ba −1 7.3.7 Remark This chapter closes with a brief word on dielectric waveguides. A brief acc­ ount can be found in References [2,4]. For simplicity, consider a TM wave pro­ pagating within a lossless infinite rectangular dielectric slab (Ω, µ , ε) ⊂ (R 3 , µ 0 , ε 0 ) of finite thickness a: Ω = {( x , y , z) : x , z ∈R , 0 < y < a} with ∂ x = 0 assu­ med. Recall that a TM to z mode is characterized by Ez,n. Then, it is clear that it must satisfy these equations simultaneously: (a) ∆ ⊥ Ez + (ω 2 µε − β 2 )Ez = 0 on Ω (b) ∆ ⊥ Ez + (ω 2 µ 0 ε 0 − β 2 )Ez = 0 on R 3 − Ω where Ω = Ω ∪ ∂Ω. K15149_Book.indb 250 10/18/13 10:59 AM 251 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance For propagation to occur on Ω, it follows that the waves must be evanescent on R 3 − Ω, and hence, via the separation of variables, Ez = Φ( y )e− iβz with Φ( y ) = E+ cos k y y + E− sin k y y on Ω, where k y2 = ω 2 µε − β 2, whereas on R 3 − Ω , e−αy for y ≥ a Φ( y ) ~ αy for y ≤ 0 e where α 2 = β 2 − ω 2 µ 0 ε 0 > 0 . The following pair defines the dispersion relations for the dielectric slab: k 2 = ω 2 µε − β 2 y 2 2 2 α = β − ω µ 0 ε 0 □ 7.4 Worked Problems 7.4.1 Exercise (a) Establish that e z × (e z ∂ z × E⊥ ) = − ∂ z E⊥ ⇒ ∂ z E⊥ = − iωe z × B⊥. (b) Show that a time-harmonic TE to z-mode wave propagation satisω fies E⊥ = γ 2 +ω 2iµε+ ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz . iωµσ Solution (a) This is just a trivial exercise of directly evaluating the expression by brute force: e z ∂ z × E⊥ = e z × (e z ∂ z × E⊥ ) = ex ey ez 0 Ex 0 Ey ∂z 0 ex ey ez 0 − ∂ z Ey 0 ∂ z Ex 1 0 − ∂ z Ey = ∂ z Ex 0 − ∂ z Ex = − ∂ z Ey 0 = − ∂ z E⊥ Therefore, from Equation (7.10), e z × (7.10) ⇒ − ∂ z E⊥ = iωe z × B⊥ , as desired. K15149_Book.indb 251 10/18/13 10:59 AM 252 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers (b) From Maxwell’s equations: ∇ × B = κE ⇒ ∇ ⊥ × B⊥ + e z × ∂ z B⊥ + ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz = κE⊥, where κ = μσ − iωμε. Because ∇ ⊥ × B⊥ = κEz e z = 0 , it follows that e z × ∂ z B⊥ + ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz = κE⊥ Upon substituting the result from (a) into the above equation and noting trivially that ∂ z e z × B⊥ = e z × ∂ z B⊥ as e z is a constant, it is evident that − ∂2z E⊥ = iωe z × ∂ z B⊥ = iω {κE⊥ − ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz } ⇒ ∂2z E⊥ + iωκE⊥ = iω∇ ⊥ × e z Bz Finally, observing that ∂ z e− γz = −γe− γz ⇒ ∂ z ↔ −γ , it follows that E⊥ = iω iωκ + γ 2 ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz = 1 iωµ µ iωκ + γ 2 ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz □ 7.4.2 Exercise Fill in the details for the proof of Proposition 7.1.2. Solution Now, ∂ z E⊥ = − iωe z × B⊥ was established in Exercise 7.4.1(a). To complete the details of the remaining proof, observe that ∂2z e− γz = γ 2 e− γz; that is, ∂2z ↔ γ 2, whence, ∂2z E⊥ − iωκE⊥ = − iω∇ ⊥ × e z Bz ⇔ γ 2 E⊥ − iωκE⊥ = − iω∇ ⊥ × e z Bz ⇔ ( γ 2 − iωκ )E⊥ = − iω∇ ⊥ × e z Bz So, recalling that κ = μσ − iωμε, it is clear that − iωκ = ω 2 µε − iωµσ , yielding E⊥ = − − iωκiω+ γ 2 ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz = − µ1 as required. iωµ − iωκ + γ 2 ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz = − µ1 iωµ γ 2 +ω 2 µε− iωµσ ∇ ⊥ × e z Bz □ 7.4.3 Exercise Prove Proposition 7.1.10. K15149_Book.indb 252 10/18/13 10:59 AM 253 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance Proof For TM mode, Bz = 0. Thus, invoking the assumption that ∂x = 0, ∇×E= ∇×B= ex ey ez 0 ∂y ∂z Ex Ey Ez ex ey ez 0 ∂y ∂z Bx By 0 ∂ y Ez − ∂ z Ey = ∂ z Ex − ∂ y Ex − ∂ z By = ∂ z Bx −∂ B y x Bx = − ∂t By 0 Ex = µσ Ey Ez Ex − µε ∂t Ey Ez Noting that ∇ ⋅ B = 0 ⇒ ∂ y By = 0 as ∂ x = 0 and Bz ≡ 0 , whence, ∂ y (fourth equation) leads to 0 = µσ ∂ y Ex + µε ∂t ∂ y Ex ⇒ Ex is independent of y. Hence, in order to satisfying the boundary condition Ex |∂Ω = 0 ⇒ Ex ≡ 0 . In particular, the fourth equation leads immediately to ∂ z By = 0 ⇒ By is independent of z. Hence, the only solution to satisfy this is By ≡ 0 . To summarize for ease of reference, on setting κ = μσ − iωμε, ∂ z → −γ and ∂t → − iω , Maxwell’s equations reduce to ∂ y Ez + γEy = iωBx ∂ z Bx = κEy − ∂ y Bx = κEz Therefore, ∂z (second equation) –∂z (third equation) yields ∂2z Bx + ∂2y Bx = κ(∂ z Ey − ∂ y Ez ) = − iωκBx ⇒ −∆Bx + k 2 Bx = 0 where k 2 = ω 2 µε + iωµσ . The boundary condition is ∂ y Bx |∂Ω = 0 ⇔ ∂ y Bx |y = 0 = 0 = ∂ y Bx |y = a Thus, via the separation of variables with Bx ( y , z) = Φ( y )Ψ( z) and imposing the boundary conditions, the fundamental solutions are: Φ n ( y ) = cos naπ y and 2 Ψ( z) = e− γ n z, where γ 2n = ( naπ ) − ω 2 µε − iωµσ satisfies Equation (7.18). So, the + solution is thus Bx , n = B0, n cos ( naπ y ) e− γ n z . K15149_Book.indb 253 10/18/13 10:59 AM 254 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Finally, the latter two equations yield, respectively, Ey = − γκn Bx = − γκn B0,+ n cos ( naπ y ) e− γ n z and Ez = − κ1 ∂ y Bx = κ1 B0,+ n nπ a sin ( naπ y ) e− γ n z To complete the proof, it suffices to observe that as γ n for TM is identical with that of TE, the properties derived for TE apply equally to TM. □ 7.4.4 Exercise σ Establish ηTM, n = η{1 + i ωε } −1 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε of Corollary 7.1.11. Solution From Definition 7.1.9, ηTM,n = − µγκn , where κ = μσ − iωμε. Next, set γn = iω µε 1 − ( ) ωn 2 ω σ + i ωε ≡ iω µεγˆ n and noting that σ − iωε = − iωε ( 1 + ηTM, n = − µγκn = iω µεγˆ n 1 iωε (1 + ωεiσ )−1 = µ ε (1 + ωεiσ )−1 1− ( ) ωn 2 ω iσ ωε ), σ + i ωε □ 7.4.5 Exercise Derive the TE modes for a semi-infinite hollow cylinder Ω = Ba (0) × [0, ∞), where Ba (0) = {( x , y ) ∈R 2 : x 2 + y 2 < a 2 }, and assume that ∂Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Furthermore, determine the wave impedance and waveguide wavelength for each fixed mode. Solution The appropriate coordinate system to be invoked here is the cylindrical coordinate system. As an aside, Equations (7.7) and (7.8) apply in all coordinate systems. Hence, it suffices to express the Laplacian Δ in cylindrical coor­ dinates. Recalling that ∆Bz = ( 1 r ∂r + ∂r2 + 1 r2 ) ∂φ2 Bz + ∂2z Bz ≡ ∆ rφ Bz + ∂2z Bz it follows that (7.7) becomes 0 = ∆ rφ Bz + ( γ 2 + k 2 )Bz . So, attempt the separation of variables method once again: set Bz = Ψ(r )Φ(φ) . Then, upon expanding out the expression, dividing by Ψ(r)Φ(ϕ) and multiplying by r2, 1 ∂r Ψ r Ψ + ∂r2 Ψ Ψ + 2 1 ∂φ Φ 2 Φ r + ( γ 2 + k 2 ) = 0 ⇒ r ∂rΨΨ + r 2 ∂2r Ψ Ψ + r 2 (γ 2 + k 2 ) = − ∂φ2 Φ Φ = n2 for some constant n2, as the left side of the equation is solely a function of r and the center equation is solely a function of ϕ. K15149_Book.indb 254 10/18/13 10:59 AM 255 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance The general solution for Φ is obvious by now: Φ = A cos nϕ + B sin nϕ. The differential equation r ∂rΨΨ + r 2 ∂2r Ψ Ψ + r 2 ( γ 2 + k 2 ) − n2 = 0 ⇔ 1 ∂r Ψ r Ψ + ∂r2 Ψ Ψ + (γ 2 + k 2 ) − n2 r2 =0 is known as Bessel’s equation. The general solution for Bessel’s equation is well known: Ψ = CJ n (( γ 2 + k 2 )r ) + DN n (( γ 2 + k 2 )r ) where J n (qr ) = ∑ ( −1)m ( qr )n + 2 m n+ 2 m m ≥ 0 m !( n + m )!2 is Bessel’s function of the first kind (there are other equivalent representations), and N n (qr ) = cos( nπ ) J n ( qr )− J − n ( qr ) sin nπ For more details, see References [2,3,7,9]. Now, Φ is periodic in ϕ and hence, n ∈ Z for each n. In particular, sin nπ = 0 implies at once that D ≡ 0 ⇒ Ψ n = J n (( γ 2 + k 2 )r ) is a fundamental solution. Because the coefficients A,B of Φ depend upon the choice of an arbitrary reference angle ϕ, it follows for simplicity that either A = 0 or B = 0 may be chosen without any loss of generality. So, let Φn = cos nϕ denote the fundamental solution. Then, the general solution is: Bz , n = B0 J n (( γ 2 + k 2 )r )cos nφ . Imposing the boundary condition on Bz , n ⇒ ∂r Bz , n |r = a = 0 . This is equivalent to: 2 2 ∂r J n (( γ mn + k 2 )a) = 0 ⇔ γ mn = pmn − k 2 where pmn a are the roots of Bessel’s function ∂r J n ( pmn a) = 0 ∀m, n . Thus, γ 2mn = pmn − ω 2 µε − iωµσ and hence, setting γ mn = α mn + iβ mn , following the proof of Proposition 7.1.4 mutatis mutandis yields α mn = β mn = K15149_Book.indb 255 1 2 1 2 { {( (p 2 mn − ω µε pmn − ω 2 µε } ) + (ωµσ ) − (ω µε − p ) ) 2 2 2 2 mn + ( ωµσ ) + ω 2 µε − pmn 2 } 1 2 1 2 10/18/13 10:59 AM 256 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers In particular, for σ = 0, (a) ω 2 µε − pmn > 0 ⇒ α mn = 0 ⇒ e− γ mn z = e− iβmn z (traveling wave), (b) ω 2 µε − pmn < 0 ⇒ β mn = 0 ⇒ e− γ mn z = e−α mn z (evanescent wave). Finally, to determine the remaining fields, consider Maxwell’s equations for TE mode: ∇×E= ∇×B= 1 r 1 r er reφ ez ∂r ∂φ ∂z Er rEφ 0 er reφ ez ∂r ∂φ ∂z Br rBφ Bz − r ∂ z Eφ = r ∂ z Er ∂r (rEφ ) − ∂φ Er 1 r Br = iω Bφ Bz Er = κ Eφ 0 ∂φ Bz − r ∂ z Bφ = − r ∂r Bz + r ∂ z Br ∂r (rBφ ) − ∂φ Br 1 r whence, via the correspondence ∂ z ↔ −γ mn and observing that pmn = iωκ + γ 2mn , γ mnEφ , mn = iωBr , mn ⇒ Br , mn = − iγωmn Eφ , mn −γ mnEr , mn = iωBφ , mn ⇒ Bφ , mn = iγ mn ω Er , mn and substituting the first equation into − ∂r Bz − γ mn Br , mn = κEφ , mn leads to: { − ∂r Bz = κEφ , mn + γ mn Br , mn = κ − iγ 2mn ω { 2 Eφ , mn = − iω iωκ + γ mn }E φ , mn } −1 { ω ∂r Bz = − pimn ∂r Bz Similarly, substituting the second equation into leads to: 1 r { ∂φ Bz , mn = κEr , mn − γ mn Bφ , mn = κ − { iγ 2mn ω Er , mn = iω iωκ + γ 2mn K15149_Book.indb 256 } }E r , mn −1 } = − ωi iωκ + γ 2mn Eφ , mn ⇒ 1 r ∂φ Bz , mn + γ mn Bφ , mn = κEr , mn { } = − ωi iωκ + γ 2mn Er , mn ⇒ ∂r Bz = iω pmn ∂r Bz 10/18/13 10:59 AM 257 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance In summary, Bz , mn = B0 J n ( pmn r )cos(nφ) mn Br , mn = − γpmn B0 (∂r J n ( pmn r ))cos(nφ)e− γ mn z Bϕ , mn = γ mn pmn B0 (∂r J n ( pmn r ))cos(nφ)e− γ mn z ω Eφ , mn = − pimn B0 (∂r J n ( pmn r ))cos(nφ)e− γ mn z Er , mn = iω pmn B0 (∂r J n ( pmn r ))cos(nφ)e− γ mn z Regarding the wave impedance, by appealing to Definition 7.1.3, and defining ω 2mnµε = pmn , ηTE, mn = iµω γ mn µ ε = { 1− ( ) ω mn 2 ω + ( ) iσ ωε } − 21 2 iσ where γ mn = pmn − ω 2 µε − iωµσ = iω µε 1 − ωωmn + ωε ; see the wave impedance for a rectangular waveguide in Corollary 7.2.2. Specifically, Corollary 7.2.2 applies equally to a cylindrical waveguide, and it is clear that ω mn defines the cut-off angular frequencies for a lossless cylindrical waveguide. Lastly, the determination of the wavelength within the guide follows that of Theorem 7.1.12 identically. Set Θ = ωt + β mn z . Then, uˆ mn ≡ ddzt = βωmn = fλ mn ⇒ λ mn = β2mnπ . Thus, λ mn = 2 2 π {( { (p = 2 f v 2 pmn − ω µε 2 mn − ω µε whenever ω > ω mn , where v = 1 µε ) + (ωµσ ) 2 ) + (ωµσ ) 2 2 and ω = 2πf. 2 2 + ω µε − pmn + ω 2 µε − pmn } } − 21 − 21 □ 7.4.6 Exercise Establish Proposition 7.3.2. Solution Invoking the separation of variables, Equation (7.20) leads to Ez = Φ( x)Ψ( y )Θ( z), subject to the boundary condition Φ|x = 0,b = 0 = Ψ|y = 0, a, whence, Φ = sin ( mbπ x ) and Ψ = sin ( naπ y ) are the desired fundamental solutions, as should be K15149_Book.indb 257 10/18/13 10:59 AM 258 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers apparent from the proofs given variously in Sections 7.2 and 7.3. In particular, this leads to: − k x2 − k y2 + γ 2 + k 2 = 0 , where k x = mbπ , k y = naπ . Furthermore, as Ez is reflected between z = 0 and z = z0 , and Θ|z = 0, z0 ≠ 0 (as there exists a surface current induced on the boundary), it follows that Θ = Ae− γz + Be γz ⇒ B ≠ − A . pπ That is, Θ ≠ sin z0 . Indeed, as the reflection coefficient of a perfect conductor is −1, it follows that in a lossless medium, B ≡ A and hence, yielding the funpπ pπ damental solution Θ = cos z0 z . Thus, Ez , mnp = E0 sin ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) cos z0 z . For ease of reference, Maxwell’s six equations are rewritten below for TM mode (see Exercise 7.4.3) and labeled, respectively, from (1)–(6): ( ) ( ) ( ) ∂ y Ez − ∂ z Ey = − ∂t Bx , − ∂ x Ez + ∂ z Ex = − ∂t By , ∂ x Ey − ∂ y Ex = 0 − ∂ z By = κEx , ∂ z Bx = κEy , ∂ x By − ∂ y Bx = κEz ( ), (iωκ − ( ) ) Then, following the proof of Proposition 7.3.1, and noting that ∂2z ↔ −γ 2 = substituting (5) into (1) leads to: ∂ y Ez = iωBx + ∂ z ( κ1 ∂ z Bx ) = Bx = 1 κ (κ − ( ) ) B . Thus, B = κ {k − ( ) } 2 pπ 2 z0 1 κ pπ 2 z0 pπ 2 z0 x −1 pπ 2 nπ z0 a 2 x , mnp E0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) cos ( z) pπ z0 Likewise, substituting (4) into (2) yields: − ∂ x Ez = iωBy + ∂ z That is, { By , mnp = −κ k 2 − ( 1 κ ) ∂ z By = ( )} −1 pπ 2 mπ z0 b 1 κ (k − ( ) )B pπ 2 z0 2 y E0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) cos ( z) pπ z0 It is now trivial, via (4) and (5), respectively, to evaluate E⊥ : { = − {k − ( ) } Ey , mnp = − k 2 − Ex , mnp 2 ( )} −1 pπ 2 mπ pπ z0 b z0 E0 cos ( mbπ x ) sin ( naπ y ) sin ( z) −1 pπ 2 nπ pπ z0 a z0 E0 sin ( mbπ x ) cos ( naπ y ) sin ( z) pπ z0 pπ z0 ( ) pπ 2 Finally, observe that for a lossless medium, σ = 0, and k 2 − z0 reduces to ( mbπ )2 + ( naπ )2, and in particular, the resonant angular frequencies are 2 ω mnp = by construction. K15149_Book.indb 258 1 µε {( ) + ( naπ )2 + ( pzπ ) mπ 2 b 0 2 } □ 10/18/13 10:59 AM 259 Waveguides and Cavity Resonance 7.4.7 Exercise 2 Establish that E (ω ) = E0 2 2π {( ) ω0 2 2Q + (ω − ω 0 )2 frequency ω 0 , given that E(t) = E0 e ω 0 − 2Q t iω t 0 e . } , for some fixed resonance −1 Proof From E (ω ) = 1 2π E (ω ) = ∫ ∞0 E(t)e− iωt dt , it is clear that 1 2π E0 ∫ 0 = − 21π E0 where K = ω0 2Q 2 E (ω ) = = as desired. ∞ { e ω 0 − 2Q t iω t − iωt 0 ω0 2Q e e dt } + i(ω − ω 0 ) −1 ∞ e− Kt t =0 = 1 2π E0 { ω0 2Q } + i(ω − ω 0 ) −1 + i(ω − ω 0 ). Hence, 1 2π 1 2π E0 E0 2 { 2 ω0 2Q }{ − i(ω − ω 0 ) {( ) ω0 2Q 2 ω0 2Q + (ω − ω 0 )2 } }{( ) + i(ω − ω 0 ) ω0 2Q 2 + (ω − ω 0 )2 } −2 −1 □ References 1. Balanis, C. 1989. Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Chang, D. 1992. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 3. Farlow, S. 1993. Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. New York: Dover. 4. Jackson, J. 1962. Classical Electrodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 5. Neff, H. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 6. Orfanidis, S. 2002. Electromagnetic Waves and Antenna. Rutgers University, ECE Dept., http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa/. 7. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 8. Silver, S. 1949. Microwave Antenna Theory and Design. New York: McGraw-Hill. 9. Wylie, C., Jr., 1960. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 259 10/18/13 11:00 AM 8 Basic Antenna Theory An antenna is essentially a mechanism by which electromagnetic waves are transmitted or received. It operates on the principle that an accelerating charge particle radiates. A broadcasting antenna comprises a waveguide that carries electromagnetic energy from the source, generating fields that radiate out into space. The notion of electric dipoles and the magnetic dipoles introduced in Chapter 1 comprise the building blocks in antenna analysis [3, 6–8]. More advanced theory on antennae can be found in References [2, 9]. An important aspect of antenna theory is the radiation field from apertures. This has direct relevance to EMC engineers from a compliance perspective, to wit, radiation escaping from apertures in chassis enclosing printed circuit boards. The analysis essentially follows from the application of diffraction theory. Excellent accounts of diffraction theory can be found in References [4, 5, 10]. 8.1 Radiation from a Charged Particle In Chapter 1, the existence of electromagnetic waves was established. However, the question regarding their generation was left unanswered. How is electromagnetic radiation generated? To understand the concept at an intuitive level, consider a point charge in vacuum. An electric field is genq erated by the presence of the point charge via Coulomb’s law: E(r ) = 4 πε1 0 r 3 r, where q, r are the electric charge and distance away from the point charge, respectively (taken to be located at the origin). On the other hand, via Biot–Savart’s law, the magnetic field generated by a moving point charge is B = μεv × E, where v is the velocity of the point charge in (Ω, µ , ε), Ω ⊆ R 3 . Because a magnetic field forms loops (cf. Chapter 1) and the magnetic field vector is normal to both the direction of propagation and the electric field according to v × E, magnetic loops can be envisaged as circulating around the velocity vector. The above discussion suggests that in order for radiation to be generated, a charge particle must undergo an acceleration, as (i) a static magnetic field 261 K15149_Book.indb 261 10/18/13 11:00 AM 262 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers does not propagate in space, (ii) a static particle cannot generate a magnetic field (relative to some fixed reference frame), and (iii) a charged particle traveling at some constant velocity only generates a static magnetic field. Thus, by elimination, acceleration appears to be the only candidate. Before proceeding further with the discussion, a fundamental result from Chapter 1 is recalled below. 8.1.1 Lemma The electromagnetic field of a charged particle moving at some fixed velocity v can be completely characterized by the pair (A,φ), where A defines a vector potential and φ a scalar potential associated with the charged particle. Proof The assertion follows trivially from Definition 1.2.3 and Theorem 1.3.1. To wit, given (A, φ), (E, B) can be uniquely derived via E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A and B = ∇ × A. □ 8.1.2 Proposition An accelerating charged particle generates electromagnetic radiation. Proof From B = μεv × E, it follows that 0 ≠ µε ( dtd v ) × E = ∂t B – µεv × ∂t E ⇒ ∂t A ≠ 0. The result is now evident from Equations (1.15) and (1.17); that is, a timevarying electric field resulting from an accelerating charge is related to a time-varying magnetic field and vice versa, yielding electromagnetic waves; see Equations (1.28) and (1.29). Indeed, it is obvious that ∂t A ≠ 0 ⇔ ddt v ≠ 0 and hence, dtd v = 0 ⇔ B is a static field. □ Upon examining the proof of Proposition 8.1.2 more carefully, it is clear that ∂t A ≠ 0 generates both a time-varying electric field and a time-varying magnetic field. When a charged particle is not accelerating, the fields are attached to the particle. On the other hand, upon accelerating, the fields are detached from the charged particle; the detached field manifests as radiation! In this sense, it is not precisely correct to think of a time-varying electric field generating a time-varying magnetic field and vice versa. The correct perspective is the following: the fields are generated by in accelerating charge* via ∂t A ≠ 0. In order to consider radiation, relativistic effects must be taken into account. Without going into detail, with respect to a fixed laboratory frame, * Strictly speaking, the transformation between an electric field and a magnetic field is a relativistic effect; recall from a footnote in Chapter 1 that the electric and magnetic fields comprise an entity called the electromagnetic field. K15149_Book.indb 262 10/18/13 11:00 AM 263 Basic Antenna Theory the scalar potential and the vector potential of a moving charged particle of charge q and velocity v are, respectively [11], ϕ= q 1 1 4 πε 0 1− v r − r 0 c and A= q 1 1 4 πε 0 1− v r − r0 c v These potentials are called the Liénard–Wiechert potentials. Now, recalling that E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A, it is can be shown (cf. Exercise 8.6.1) that the electric field can be decomposed into a term involving the acceleration and a term involving the static term: E = − 4 πε0 ( 1 − q ) v −2 1 d c cr dt v+ q 4 πε 0 (1 − vc )−1 rv v − ∇ϕ ≡ Eaccel + Estatic 2 where Eaccel = − 4 πε0 ( 1 − q ) v −2 1 d c cr dt v and Estatic = q 4 πε 0 (1 − vc )−1 rv v − ∇ϕ 2 The key point to note here is that Eaccel ∝ 1r whereas Estatic ∝ r12 . Hence, for large r > 0, Eaccel >> Estatic. Once again, in the absence of acceleration, only the static term remains. In the presence of nonzero acceleration, in the farfield regime, the field detaches, as it were, from the particle and propagates outward. Indeed, it can also be shown [8, 11] for a radiation field (E, B), E⊥B and the field is thus TEM, and hence, the saying that an accelerating charged particle radiates. 8.2 Hertzian Dipole Antenna It was demonstrated above that an accelerating charge generates electromagnetic waves. Using this principle, an antenna can be constructed by considering an antenna to be made up of differential antenna elements; each element approximates a charged dipole called a Hertzian dipole. 8.2.1 Definition Consider two charged point particles of charge +q and −q separated by a constant distance d. The pair of charged particles defined by (±q, d) constitutes an electrostatic dipole (or more simply an electric dipole), where d is the vector pointing from −q to +q and ||d||= d . The electrostatic field profile for an electric dipole was worked out in Example 1.1.1. Another useful concept to know is the following. Given an electric dipole (±q, d), define an electric dipole moment by p = qd. As an example, suppose a dipole oscillates at an angular frequency ω; then q(t) =||e q iωt, whence, K15149_Book.indb 263 10/18/13 11:00 AM 264 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers i(t) = ddt q(t) = iω q eiωt and p = − i ωI d , where i(t) = Ieiωt . Indeed, the potential of an electric dipole can now be expressed in terms of the dipole moment as V= 1 1 4 πε r 2 p⋅r where the origin is taken to be the center of the dipole axis and r is the displacement of an arbitrary point from the origin. 8.2.2 Definition A Hertzian dipole is an electric dipole (±q, d, ω), where d << 1, such that the charge oscillates at an angular frequency ω along the distance d between ±q. If δzn denotes the differential length along a thin straight conductor* carrying a time-harmonic current per unit length J = J(z; ω), where n = JJ is a unit vector, then, a Hertzian antenna is defined to be the triple (±q, δzn, J(z; ω)), where the oscillating current element δI(z; ω) = J(z; ω)δz. In what follows, suppose without loss of generality that the current I = I(z;ω) is time harmonic because in most physical applications, the current has a Fourier series which is, in essence, the infinite sum of time-harmonic currents. A physical antenna may be approximated by the sum of Hertzian antennae, or more precisely, may be expressed as the integral over the Hertzian antennae. Indeed, Definition 8.2.2 may be extended to a conductor with a finite (nonvanishing) cross-section. Then, the current per unit length is replaced more generally by a current density over a surface area or volume. 8.2.3 Lemma Suppose without loss of generality that the center of a Hertzian dipole ( ± q , δze z , J ( z ; ω )) is the origin and the current is time harmonic. Then, the vector potential A = A(r) of the Hertzian dipole is given by A(r ) = µ Iδz 4π r e− iβr e z (8.1) where r is the distance of an arbitrary point from the center of the dipole. Proof From A(r ) = 4µπ ∫ V J (r ′)e− iβ r − r ′ r −1r ′ d 3 r ′ , set J (r ′) = I ( z ′)δ( x ′)δ( y ′)e z with r′ = (0, 0, z) along the z-axis connecting the two charges ±q; δ(u) is the Diracdelta distribution satisfying: 0 if t ≠ 0, δ(t) = ∞ if t = 0, * Here, thin approximates a one-dimensional conductor, that is, a conductor with vanishingly small cross-sectional area. K15149_Book.indb 264 10/18/13 11:00 AM 265 Basic Antenna Theory and ∫ ∞−∞ δ(t)dt = 1 . Furthermore, note that the integral ∫ V d 3 r ′ = ∫ ε−ε dx ′ ∫ ε−ε dy ′ 1 δz ∫ −2 1 δz dz ′ , where V is the 1-dimensional current element of length δz and ε > 0 2 is arbitrary. Indeed, because of the definition of the Dirac-delta distribution, 1 δz the integral can also be defined by ∫ V d 3 r ′ = ∫ ∞−∞ dx ′ ∫ ∞−∞ dy ′ ∫ −2 1 δz dz ′. Finally 2 observe that on setting ||| r|= r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 (in rectangular coordinates) and noting that ||r − r ′||= ( x − x ′)2 + ( y − y ′)2 + ( z − z ′)2 ( = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + x ′ 2 + y ′ 2 + z ′ 2 − 2( xx ′ + yy ′ + zz ′) = r 1− 2( xx ′+ yy ′+ zz ′ ) r2 + ( rr′ ) ) 2 it follows that r ′ << r ⇒||r − r ′||≈ r 1 − 2( xx ′+ yy ′+ zz ′ ) r2 { ≈ r 1− xx ′+ yy ′+ zz ′ r2 } where the binomial expansion 1 + ε ≈ 1 + 21 ε for |ε|<< 1 was applied. Thus, substituting the above approximation into the vector potential integral yields A(r ) = e µ z 4π Iδ( x ′)δ( y ′)e ∞ ∞ 1 2 δz −∞ −∞ − 21 δ z ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ 1 2 δz ≈ ez µ 4π I ≈ ez µ 4π I ≈ ez µ I 4π r = ez µ I 2r 4 π r βz − 21 δ z dz′ 1 2 δz ∫ − 21 δ z ∫ 1 2 δz − 21 δ z 1 r ∫ ∞ −∞ δ( x ′)d x ′ ∞ −∞ δ( y ′)e {x ′ − iβr 1− 2 zz 2 r 2 + y 2 + ( z − z ′ )2 1 r {1 − } 2 zz ′ r2 −1 } − 21 dx ′dy ′dz ′ dy ′ {1 + } e { } dz′ 2 zz ′ r2 e − iβr 1− zz2′ r { } dz′ − iβr 1− zz2′ r e− iβr sin β2zδrz ≈ up to first order in ∫ − iβ x 2 + y 2 + ( z − z ′ )2 1 r µ Iδz 4π r e− iβr e z , where the approximation sin θ ≈ θ for || θ << 1 was used. □ 8.2.4 Theorem Suppose without loss of generality that the center of a Hertzian dipole ( ± q , δze z , J ( z ; ω )) is the origin and the current is time K15149_Book.indb 265 10/18/13 11:00 AM 266 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers J (r ′) = I ( z ′)δ( x ′)δ( y ′)e z . If the dipole is placed in a homogeneous dielectric medium (R 3 , µ , ε), then the electric field and magnetic field of the dipole are given in spherical coordinates by i Er (r , θ) = − 2 πωε i Eθ (r , θ) = − 4 πωε Bφ (r , θ) = Iδz r Iδz r2 e− iβr cos θ { 1r + iβ} { e− iβr sin θ −β 2 + µ Iδz 4π r 1 r2 + i βr (8.2) } (8.3) e− iβr { 1r + iβ} sin θ (8.4) Proof Figure 8.1 shows a vector r represented in two different coordinate systems: the rectangular coordinates and spherical polar coordinates. The transformations between rectangular and spherical coordinates are given by x = r sin θ cos φ y = r sin θ sin φ z = r cos θ Hence, dz = ∂r zdr + ∂θ zdθ = cos θdr − sin θrdθ. That is, e z = cos θer − sin θeθ . From Proposition 8.2.3, expressing the vector potential in terms of spherical coordinates yields: Ar = Az cos θ = µ Iδz 4π r Aθ = − Az sin θ = − 4µπ e− iβr cos θ Iδz r e− iβr sin θ z r θ φ y (x, y, z) (r, θ, φ) Rectangular coordinate system Spherical coordinate system x Figure 8.1. Transformation between rectangular and spherical coordinates. K15149_Book.indb 266 10/18/13 11:00 AM 267 Basic Antenna Theory Observe that Aϕ = 0 as there is no ϕ-dependency. Moreover, note that in 1 spherical polar coordinates, ∇ = (∂r , 1r ∂θ , r sin θ ∂φ ) . Hence, eθ er ∇× A= = ∂r 1 r Ar Aθ eφ ∂θ 1 r sin θ ∂φ = 1 r 0 er reθ r sin θ eφ ∂r ∂θ ∂φ Ar rAθ 0 1 r 2 sin θ er reθ eφ ∂r ∂θ 1 r sin θ Ar rAθ ∂φ 0 = 1r {∂r (rAθ ) − ∂θ Ar }eφ Now, ∂θ Ar = µ Iδz 4π r e− iβr cos θ = − 4µπ Iδz r e− iβr sin θ and ∂r (rAθ ) = iβ 4µπ Iδze− iβr sin θ So, this gives ∇× A= µ Iδz 4π r e− iβr { 1r + iβ} sin θ eφ . Hence, from B = ∇ × A, Bφ = µ Iδz 4π r e− iβr { 1r + iβ} sin θ eφ Next, via ∇ × B = iωμεE as the medium is lossless, it follows that i E = − µωε ∇ × B. Hence, er ∂r ∇×B= 0 = 1 r 2 sin θ eθ 1 r ∂θ 0 eφ 1 r sin θ ∂ϕ = 1 r 2 sin θ Bφ er reθ r sin θ eϕ ∂r ∂θ ∂ϕ 0 0 (r sin θ)Bφ {∂θ ((r sin θ)Bφ )e r − r ∂ r ((r sin θ)Bφ )eθ } So, substituting ∂θ (r sin θH φ ) = ∂r (r sin θH φ ) = K15149_Book.indb 267 I δze− iβr { 1r + iβ} 2 sin θ cos θ 0 4π sin 2 θ 0 4π { I δze− iβr −β 2 + 1 r2 + i βr } 10/18/13 11:00 AM 268 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers results in i i E = − ωµε ∇ × B = − 4 πωµε 2 cos θ 1 r { r + iβ} Iδz − iβr sin θ −β 2 + r12 + i βr r e 0 { } □ as required. β r Now, observe trivially that βr << 1 ⇔ << o(r2). Hence, i Er (r , θ) ≈ − 2 πωε i Eθ (r , θ) = − 4 πωε Iδz r Bφ (r , θ) = i {1 − iβr } cos θ { 1r + iβ} ≈ − 2 πωε Iδz r2 { {1 − iβr } sin θ −β 2 + µ Iδz 4π r Conversely, βr << 1 ⇔ βr << i Er (r , θ) = − 2 πωε i Eθ (r , θ) = − 4 πωε Bφ (r , θ) = Iδz r 1 r2 Iδz r3 cos θ } i + i βr ≈ − 4 πωε {1 − iβr } { 1r + iβ} sin θ≈ 1 r2 Iδz r2 µ Iδz 4π r2 Iδz r3 sin θ sin θ , and so, e− iβr cos θ { 1r + iβ} ≈ { e− iβr sin θ −β 2 + µ Iδz 4π r and βr << 1 ⇒ e− iβr ≈ 1 − iβr + 1 r2 1 r2 β Iδz 2 πωε r 2 } + i βr ≈ e− iβr { 1r + iβ} sin θ≈ iβ 4µπ e− iβr cos θ iβ 2 Iδz 4 πωε r Iδz r e− iβr sin θ e− iβr sin θ 8.2.5 Definition Given a Hertzian dipole ( ± q , δze z , J ( z ; ω )) where J( r′) = I ( z ′)δ( x ′)δ( y ′)e z , the near field (or near zone) is defined by the criterion βr << 1. In particular, the electromagnetic field in the near-field regime to first order in 1r satisfies: i Er (r , θ) ≈ − 2 πωε Iδz r3 cos θ (8.5) i Eθ (r , θ) ≈ − 4 πωε Iδz r3 sin θ (8.6) Bφ (r , θ) ≈ µ Iδz 4π r2 sin θ (8.7) The far field (or far zone) is defined by the criterion βr >> 1. In particular, the electromagnetic field in the far-field regime, up to first order in 1r , satisfies: Eθ (r , θ) ≈ Bφ (r , θ)≈ K15149_Book.indb 268 iβ 2 Iδz 4 πωε r iβµ Iδz 4π r e− iβr sin θ e− iβr sin θ (8.8) (8.9) 10/18/13 11:00 AM 269 Basic Antenna Theory Finally, a zone that is neither a near zone nor far zone is called an intermediate zone. Notice from Equations (8.5)–(8.7) in the near zone that E ∝ r13 and B ∝ r12 . Thus, the electric field is much stronger than the magnetic field in the near 1 zone. Specifically, ωε1r 3 >> rµ2 ⇒ ωµε >> r ; the electric field is much stronger than the magnetic field, where ω,μ,ε > 0 are fixed. On the other hand, in the far zone, (8.8) and (8.9) reveal that the fields resemble that of a plane wave: the electric field and magnetic field for a plane wave are related by Bφ (r , θ) = µη Eθ , where β = ω µε was utilized. Now, recall that the time-average power absorbed by a resistor is given by 〈 P〉 = 21 || I 2 R . This is the energy dissipated by the load. In an analogous manner, the power absorbed by the intervening medium (dielectric) as radiation propagates across the medium is the energy dissipated from the source. Call this equivalent load the radiation resistance. In particular, this means that more power is dissipated by the medium if its radiation resistance is high. Intuitively, an antenna may be thought of as an energy storage device inasmuch as it supports standing waves; the radiation resistance then affords a means whereby the energy can be extracted from the standing waves by transforming them into traveling waves. In the case of a Hertzian dipole, let 〈 P〉 denote the time-average outward power flow from a Hertzian dipole. If I is the time-harmonic current flowing along the dipole, then the radiation P resistance of the Herzian dipole is given by R = 2 I 2 . 8.2.6 Proposition The radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole ( ± q , δze z , J ( z ; ω )) , where J (r ′) = I ( z ′)δ( x ′)δ( y ′)e z , in a homogeneous medium (μ,ε) is given by R = 6ηπ (βδz)2 , where δz is the length of the Hertzian dipole and η = µε . Proof First, recall that the time-average power is defined via the Poynting vector as 〈S〉 = 21 Re( E × H * ). Explicitly, er E × H * = − ωεi ( 41π ) δz 2 r I 2 { 2 cos θ { 1r + iβ} sin θ −β 2 + 0 = − ωiε ( K15149_Book.indb 269 ) 2 1 δz 4π r eθ 1 r2 + i βr 0 { sin 2 θ { 1r − iβ} −β 2 + r12 + i βr 2 I sin 2θ { 1r − iβ}{ 1r + iβ} 0 } } eϕ 0 { 1r − iβ} sin θ 10/18/13 11:00 AM 270 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers After some tedious simplification, the components of the Poynting vector are: { I { ( ) || ( E × H * )r = − sinωε θ ( 4δzπ ) 2 ( E × H * )θ = − i sinωε2 θ 2 } +β } (8.10) (8.11) || I 2 i r13 − β 3 1 r2 δz 2 1 4π r2 2 1 r2 2 From this, 〈S〉 = 2 sin θ 2 ωε ( ) δz 2 1 4π r2 β3 |I| 0 0 2 The time-average power 〈 P〉 of the dipole is the power radiated radially outwards. That is, 〈 P〉 = Therefore, R = 2 P I2 = 2π ∫ ∫ 0 π 0 〈S〉 ⋅ r̂r 2 sin θ dθ dφ = 1 2 ωε ( 4δzπ ) = 1 2 ωε ( 4δπz ) = 1 12 πωε 1 6 πωε 2 2 2 I β3 2 I β3 2π ∫ ∫ 0 2π 12 π 0 sin 3 θ dθ dφ [ cos 3θ − 9 cos θ]0π δz 2 || I 2 β3 β 3 δz 2 = η 6π (βδz)2, where η = µ/ε , as required. □ It is clear that the radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole is very small as δz << 1. In particular, a Hertzian dipole is a poor radiator unless βδz >> 1; that is, ω >> δz 1µε . Hence, in the microwave range, a Hertzian dipole makes a poor antenna. 8.3 Magnetic Dipole Antenna In Section 8.2, an elementary open-ended antenna in terms of an electric dipole was considered. A closed-ended antenna forms a loop: indeed, this forms the basis for a loop antenna. An elementary loop antenna is defined via a magnetic dipole. Informally, this can be viewed as a charged particle of charge q traversing around a small loop γ with a constant velocity v, where γ K15149_Book.indb 270 10/18/13 11:00 AM 271 Basic Antenna Theory spans a differential surface area δS( γ ) ⊂ R 2 and nγ is the unit vector normal to the area δS(γ); see Example 1.2.4. 8.3.1 Definition A magnetic dipole is the triple (q , γ , ωnγ ), where nγ = ω1 r × v is the unit normal on the surface δS( γ ) ⊂ R 2 spanned by γ, and ω is the angular velocity around γ. The magnetic moment of a magnetic dipole is defined by m = qω|δS( γ )|nγ , where |δS( γ )| denotes the surface area of δS(γ). By way of an example, consider an ideal current loop γ of radius δr with a time-harmonic current I = I(ω) flowing around the loop, where δS( γ ) ⊂ R 2 . Then, the magnetic dipole moment of the current loop is m = Iπδr 2 e z . This follows from the fact that I = qω, |δS( γ )|= πδr 2 and nγ = e z . In view of this result, a magnetic dipole for a current I flowing around an arbitrary loop γ is defined by the triple (I,γ,δS(γ)), where δS( γ ) = dipole antenna. 1 2 ∫ r × dr . This is also called a magnetic γ 8.3.2 Proposition Given a differential magnetic dipole (I,γ,δS(γ)) in an isotropic homogeneous medium (μ,ε), that is, |δS( γ )|<< 1, the vector potential in spherical coordinates may be approximated by A(r , θ) = µ4mπ e− iβr sin θ r12 {1 + iβr } eφ , where m = I δS( γ ) . Proof Recall that A(r , θ) = µ 4π I0 ∫ γ 1 R e− iβR dl for a one-dimensional current-carrying loop. Next, consider γ to be a planar loop of radius δr, that is, a loop embedded in R 2. Without loss of generality, one may assume that the center of γ coincides with the origin. In Cartesian coordinates, dl = δrdφeφ = (− e x sin φ + e y cos φ)δrdφ R = r − δre r = ( x − δr cos φ)e x + ( y − δr sin φ)e y + ze z Now, noting that r 2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , and using the fact that r >> δr, R = ( x − δr cos φ)2 + ( y − δr sin φ)2 + z 2 = r 2 − 2 xδr cos φ − 2 yδr sin φ + o(δr 2 ) ≈ r 1− 2 xδr r Therefore, 1 R K15149_Book.indb 271 ≈ 1 r cos φ − {1 + xδr r2 2 yδr r sin φ cos φ + yδr r2 } sin φ 10/18/13 11:01 AM 272 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and hence dl R ≈ 1 r {1 + xδr r2 cos φ + yδr r2 } {− e sin φ x } sin φ + e y cos φ δrdφ Hence, evaluating the following integrals: ∫ {sin φ + xδr r2 sin φ cos φ + ∫ {cos φ + xδr r2 cos 2 φ + 2π 0 2π 0 yδr r2 yδr r2 } yδr } xδr r2 sin 2 φ dφ = sin φ cos φ dφ = r2 π π In terms of spherical coordinates (cf. Example A.1.6 of the Appendix), x = r sin θ cos ϕ, y = r sin θ sin ϕ, z = r cos θ it follows that ∫ γ dl R 2 ≈ − πδr 2r sin θ sin φe x + πδr 2 r2 sin θ cos φe y It thus remains to transform (e x , e y ) into spherical coordinates. So, referring to the Appendix, given any vector v in some coordinate basis (e1 , e 2 , e 3 ), that is, v = v 1 e1 + v 2 e 2 + v 3 e 3 , expressing v in terms of another coordinate basis (e1′ , e ′2 , e ′3 ) is given simply by v = (v ⋅ e1′ )e1′ + (v ⋅ e ′2 )e ′2 + (v ⋅ e ′3 )e ′3 2 For simplicity, set v = − πδr 2r sin θ sin φe x + πδr 2 r2 sin θ cos φe y . Then, 2 v ⋅ e r = − πδr 2r {sin 2 θ sin φ cos φ − sin 2 θ sin φ cos φ} = 0 2 v ⋅ eθ = − πδr 2r {sin θ cos θ sin φ cos φ − sin θ cos θ sin φ cos φ} = 0 v ⋅ eφ = πδr 2 r2 {sin θ sin 2 φ + sin θ cos 2 φ} = πδr 2 r2 sin θ Furthermore, observe that e− iβR = e− iβ( r − r + R ) ≈ e− iβr (1 − iβ(R − r )) = e− iβr ((1 + iβr ) − iβR) K15149_Book.indb 272 10/18/13 11:01 AM 273 Basic Antenna Theory whence, ∫ e γ − iβR dl R ∫ (1 + βr) ≈ e− iβr γ dl R − e− iβr ∫ iβ dl = e ∫ (1 + βr) − iβr γ γ dl R as ∫ sin φ dφ = 0 cos φ 2π 0 That is, ∫ iβ dl = 0. Thus, it follows at once that γ A(r , θ) = µI πδr 2 4π r2 (1 + iβr )e− iβr sin θ eφ = µ 4π I|δS( γ )| 1+ri2βr e− iβr sin θ eφ □ as required. 8.3.3 Theorem Given a differential magnetic dipole (I,γ,δS(γ)), that is, |δS( γ )|<< 1, the electric field and magnetic field arising from the magnetic dipole are given by Eφ = − ωεi µ 4π 2 e− iβr sin θ βr 2 {1 + iβr } (8.12) me− iβr cos θ r13 {1 + iβr } (8.13) me− iβr sin θ r13 {−(βr )2 + 1 + iβr } (8.14) Br = Bθ = µ 2π m 4π Proof From B = ∇ × A, where ∇× A= 1 r 2 sin θ er reθ r sin θeφ ∂r ∂θ ∂φ 0 0 r sin θAφ ∂θ (r sin θAφ ) 1 = r 2 sin − r ∂r (r sin θAφ ) θ 0 with ∂θ (r sin θAφ ) = K15149_Book.indb 273 µ 4π m 1+riβr e− iβr sin 2θ 10/18/13 11:01 AM 274 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and r ∂r (r sin θAφ ) = { } µ 4π me− iβr rβ 2 − 1r − iβ sin 2 θ . µ 2π me− iβr Thus, it follows that Br = µ 4π Bθ = { 1+ iβr r3 2 me− iβr − βr + 1 r3 cos θ } + i rβ2 sin θ Similarly, the electric field follows from ∇ × B = iωμεE, where the medium is lossless, and ∇×B= 1 r 2 sin θ er reθ r sin θeφ ∂r ∂θ ∂φ Br rBθ 0 − ∂φ (rBθ ) 1 = r 2 sin θ r ∂φ Br r sin θ(∂ (rB ) − ∂ B ) r θ θ r Then, noting that ∂φ Bθ = 0 = ∂φ Br as there are no ϕ-dependencies, { 2 ∂r Bθ = − 4µπ m sin θe− iβr − 2rβ2 + ∂θ Br = − 4µπ me− iβr sin θ whence, ∂r (rBθ ) − ∂θ Br = µ 4π me− iβr sin θ the electric field is thus Eφ = − ωεi m 4π { { 3 − i βr + i 3r 3β 3 r4 2 r3 + i 2r 2β } β2 r + iβ 3 = m 4π } } 2 e− iβr sin θ βr {1 + iβr }, and 2 e− iβr sin θ βr 2 {1 + iβr } , completing the proof. □ Once again, observe that in the far zone, (Eφ , Bθ ) ~ o ( 1r ) and Bφ ~ o hence, only (Eφ , Bθ ) are dominant. Explicitly, for βr >> 1, 1+ iβr r3 2 ≈ i rβ2 and finally, − βr + result given below. 1 r3 2 { } β2 r2 ( ), 1 r2 3 {1 + iβr } ≈ i βr , 2 + i rβ2 = − βr 1 − (βr1)2 − i β1r ≈ − βr , yielding the 8.3.4 Corollary Given a differential magnetic dipole (I, γ, δS(γ)), that is, |δS( γ )|<< 1, the electric and magnetic far fields, to first order in 1r , are given by Eφ = 3 1 m β 4 π ωε r e− iβr sin θ 2 K15149_Book.indb 274 Bθ = − 4µπ m βr e− iβr sin θ (8.15) (8.16) □ 10/18/13 11:01 AM 275 Basic Antenna Theory E In particular, the wave impedance in the far zone is Zfar ≈ µ Bφθ = expected, where β = ω µε was utilized. µ ε = η, as 8.3.5 Corollary Given a differential magnetic dipole (I, γ, δS(γ)), that is, |δS( γ )|<< 1 , the nearfield electric and magnetic fields are given by Eφ = − ωεi 1 4π 2 m βr 2 e− iβr sin θ (8.17) Br = µ 2π m r13 e− iβr cos θ (8.18) Bθ = µ 4π m r13 e− iβr sin θ (8.19) provided that |δS( γ )|<< r 2 < 1 continues to hold in the limit as r approaches the loop γ. Proof In the near zone, βr << 1. Hence, as long as the loop γ is sufficiently small so that |δS( γ )|<< r 2 < 1, then it is clear that 1 + iβr ≈ 1 and −(βr )2 + 1 + iβr ≈ 1 . The result thus follows. □ Some remarks regarding Corollary 8.3.5 are due. For a sufficiently small loop γ such that |δS( γ )|<< r 2 << 1 holds, the magnetic field dominates the electric field: |H|>>|E| as E ∝ r12 whereas B ∝ r13 . Hence the saying that the magnetic field dominates in the near field for magnetic loops. More important, observe that in the near field, the magnitude of the magnetic field is independent of the wavelength of the electromagnetic field whereas the magnitude of the electric field is directly proportional to its frequency (modulo the phase e− iβr ): Eφ = − ωεi m 4π 2 e− iβr sin θ βr 2 = − i 4µπ m rω2 e− iβr sin θ Finally, recall that for a fixed distance r, near-zone approximation implies that r << λ, where λ is the wavelength of the electromagnetic field; this is independent of |δS( γ )|. The requirement that |δS( γ )|<< r 2 follows from the derivation of Proposition 8.3.2. 8.3.6 Definition Given a fixed Hertzian or magnetic loop antenna, let Ps (θ, φ) ≡ r 2 〈S〉 ⋅ er define the power per unit solid angle, and set Pr = ∫ 20 π ∫ 20 π Ps (θ, φ)sin θ dθdφ to be the K15149_Book.indb 275 10/18/13 11:01 AM 276 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers spatial average power radiated across a sphere. Then, the antenna gain function (or the directive gain) is given by G(θ, φ) = 4 πPs ( θ , φ ) Pr (8.20) Finally, the antenna directivity is defined by D = max G(θ, φ) . θ,φ 8.3.7 Example Compare the gain and directivity between a Hertzian antenna and a loop antenna in the far zone. First, consider a Hertzian antenna ( J , δze z ) . From Equations (8.8) and (8.9), r 2 〈S〉 = r2 2µ ℜe( E × B∗ ) = e z β3 ( 4 π )2 ωε ( Iδz)2 e− i2βr sin 2 θ 3 β From this, Pr = ∫ 20 π ∫ π0 Ps (θ, φ)sin θ dθdφ = 2 π ( 4 π )2 ωε ( Iδz)2 e− i2βr ∫ π0 sin 3 θdθ . Noting that ∫ π0 sin 3 θdθ = 34 , it follows that the Hertzian gain is GH (θ, φ) = 23 sin 2 θ . The Hertzian directivity is clearly DH = 23 , as max{sin 2 θ} = 1 . θ To complete the example, the gain and directivity of a magnetic loop antenna (I, γ, δS(γ)) are evaluated below. However, by comparing Equations (8.15) and (8.16) with (8.8) and (8.9), it is obvious that their gains and directivities are identical. Explicitly, from (8.15) and (8.16), r 2 〈S〉 = r2 2µ ℜe( E × B∗ ) = e z m2 β 5 ( 4 π )2 2 ωε e− i2βr sin 2 θ 2 5 and hence, Pr = ∫ 20 π ∫ π0 Ps (θ, φ)sin θ dθdφ = 2 π ( 4mπ )2β2 ωε e− i2βr ∫ π0 sin 3 θdθ. Thus, the 3 magnetic loop gain is G (θ, φ) = 3 sin 2 θ and the directivity DM = 2 , as claimed. M 2 □ 8.4 Microstrip Antenna: A Qualitative Overview A thin electrical conductor on a printed circuit board is called a trace. Recall from Chapter 5 that a microstrip is defined to be a trace lying on the top layer of a PCB and bounded from below by a grounded plane (assumed here to be a perfect electrical conductor), whereas a stripline is defined to be a trace that is bounded from above and below by ground planes (or power planes). The dielectric medium above a microstrip is typically air. Figure 8.2 illustrates the difference between a microstrip and a stripline. K15149_Book.indb 276 10/18/13 11:01 AM 277 Basic Antenna Theory In parctice, dielectric 1 is different from dielectric 2 Power/ground plane Dielectric Dielectric 2 Stripline Microstrip Dielectric 1 Ground plane Ground plane (a) (b) Figure 8.2. Two kinds of traces on printed circuit boards: (a) microstrip, (b) stripline. The far-field and near-field effects of a microstrip are analyzed below. The microstrip is assumed to be perfectly terminated for simplicity. This criterion can clearly be generalized to an arbitrary load. The length of the microstrip is ℓ and its height above its ground plane is h. In the interest of simplicity, it is further assumed that the dielectrics above and below the microstrip are identical and the trace is a thin solid cylinder of length ℓ. The method of images is used to solve the far-field effects of a microstrip (cf. Figure 8.3). Let θ denote the angle between r and the microstrip at z = 0. Likewise, let r′ denote the vector of the image microstrip at z = 0, and θ′ the angle between r′ and the image microstrip. Finally, the current I = I 0 e− iβz is assumed to travel in the +z-direction toward the termination (load). By definition, the image current travels in the opposite direction. 8.4.1 Proposition Consider a matched microstrip of length ℓ shown in Figure 8.3 and suppose some current I ( z) = I 0 e− iβz is flowing along the conductor, where the conductor is surrounded by a homogeneous dielectric medium (μ,ε), with I 0 being a constant. Then, in the far field, the electric field and magnetic field generated P R Source θ R' θ' Mirror image r r' l Current flow Termination h h Image current flow Figure 8.3. The electric field of a microstrip in a homogeneous dielectric medium. K15149_Book.indb 277 10/18/13 11:01 AM 278 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers by the trace at a distance r >> ℓ such that defined in Figure 8.3 is fixed, are δEθ (r , θ) ≈ I 0β sin θ πε r (cos θ− 1) e− iβr e hβ << sin 2 θ , where the pair (r, θ) as r − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e cos ( 2 β(cos θ − 1)) sin ( hβ r δBφ (r , θ) ≈ iI 0β 4π sin θ ) (8.21) ( ) − iβr sin θ η r (cos 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) 1 − e θ− 1) e 2 hβ − i r sin θ (8.22) where η = µ/ε . Proof Without loss of generality, consider the top trace depicted in Figure 8.3 (modulo the ground plane). That is, consider the electric field from the microstrip, where the pair (r,θ) is fixed. From Equation (8.8), dEθ (r , θ) ≈ 2 iβ 2 Idz − iβr I 0 1 − iβr − iβz sin θ, whence, Eθ (r , θ) ≈ i4βπωε ∫ 0 r e e sin θdz . To evaluate this 4 πωε r e 2 2 2 integral, let R = r + z − 2 rz cos θ , where 0 ≤ z ≤ ℓ, and set L = r cos θ >> ℓ. Then, by construction, cos Θ ≡ ⇒ Θ = arccos L− z R { L− z r 2 + z 2 − 2 rz cos θ } Here, Θ is the angle between R and the microstrip. Then, recalling the identity sin(arccos φ) = 1 − φ2 , it follows that sin Θ = 1 − ( L − z )2 r 2 + z 2 − 2 rz cos θ = 1 − cos 2 θ {1 − to first order in z r z r ≈ 1 − ( Lr ) {1 − 2 2z r 2z r ( 1 − cos θ )} (1 − cos θ )} . In particular, by assumption, { << sin 2 θ ⇒ sin Θ ≈ sin θ 1 + z r ( 1 − cos θ ) cot 2 θ} where the binomial approximation and the identity 1 = cos 2 θ + sin 2 θ were invoked. Hence, ∫ 0 1 R e− iβ( R + z ) sin Θdz ≈ sin θ up to first order in again, ( z r 0 1 R e− iβ( R + z ) d z + cos2 θ r sin θ ( 1 − cos θ ) ∫ 0 z R e− iβ( R + z ) d z . Moreover, appealing to the binomial approximation R ≈ r 1 − zr cos θ + o K15149_Book.indb 278 ∫ (( ) )) z 2 r and 1 R ≈ 1 r (1 + zr cos θ) + o (( zr )2 ) 10/18/13 11:01 AM 279 Basic Antenna Theory Thus, evaluating the integrals, and noting that ∫ ze az dz = e az ∫ 0 1 R e− iβ( R + z) d z ≈ ∫ 1 r ∫ 0 e− iβ( R + z) {1 + zr cos θ} d z ≈ r e− iβr 1 e− iβ( R + z ) d z ≈ r e− iβr ∫ Taking the approximation up to 1 r2 z R 0 ∫ 0 1 1 R 0 e− iβ( R + z ) sin Θdz ≈ {sin θ cos θ + (cos θ − 1) } cos 2 θ sin θ ∫e − iβ(cos θ− 1) z 0 , {1 + zr cos θ} dz ze− iβ(cos θ− 1) z {1 + zr cos θ} d z , sin θ βr (cos θ− 1) 1 β 2 (cos θ− 1)2 r 2 1− az a2 { } e− iβr 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) + { } e− iβr eiβ(cos θ− 1) (1 − iβ(cos θ − 1)) − 1 That is, the electric field in the far zone for the microstrip is approximated by Eθ (r , θ) ≈ iI 0 4 πε iI 0β sin θ 4 πε r (cos θ− 1) {sin θ cos θ + (cos θ − 1) } 2 cos θ sin θ { } e− iβr 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) + 1 β 2 (cos θ− 1)2 r 2 { } e− iβr eiβ(cos θ− 1) (1 − iβ(cos θ − 1)) − 1 Similarly, to determine the field from the image trace, it suffices to note that r ′ = r 2 + 4 h2 + 4rh sin θ and θ′ = arccos rL′ the image field can be obtained via: r → r ′ , θ → θ′ , I 0 → − I 0 . Hence, 0β Eθ (r ′ , θ′) ≈ − i4Iπε { 2 θ′ − 4iIπε0 sin θ′ cos θ′ + (cos θ′ − 1) cos sin θ ′ sin θ′ r ′ (cos θ′ − 1) } { } e− iβr ′ 1 − eiβ(cos θ′ − 1) + 1 β2 (cos θ ′ − 1)2 r ′ 2 { } e− iβr ′ eiβ(cos θ′ − 1) (1 − iβ(cos θ′ − 1)) − 1 In particular, the resultant electric field at the point P is, to first order in 1r , which is equivalent to the condition βr ∗ >> 1 ⇔ rβ∗ >> ( r∗1)2 , where r ∗ ∈{r , r ′} , ≈ iI 0β 4 πε { δEθ (r , θ) = Eθ (r , θ) + Eθ (r ′ , θ′) sin θ r (cos θ− 1) ( ) e− iβr 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) − sin θ′ r ′ (cos θ′ − 1) ( e− iβr ′ 1 − eiβ(cos θ′ − 1) )} In turn, this can be simplified (see Exercise 8.6.4) to first order in 1r , to δEθ (r , θ) ≈ K15149_Book.indb 279 iI 0 β sin θ πε r cos θ− 1 e− iβr e hβ − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e sin ( 2 β(cos θ − 1)) sin ( hβ r sin θ ) 10/18/13 11:02 AM 280 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Finally, to complete the proof, it suffices to recall that H φ = η1 Eθ , and hence, = η yields 1 µ η ε δBθ (r , θ) ≈ iI 0 π η βr sin θ cos θ− 1 e− iβr e hβ − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e sin ( 2 β(cos θ − 1)) sin ( hβ r sin θ ) □ 8.4.2 Remark Indeed, for 0 < h << 1, the pair (δEθ , δBφ ) can be further approximated by δEθ (r , θ) ≈ via sin ( hβ r ) sin θ ≈ hβ r δBθ (r , θ) ≈ iI 0 h β 2 sin 2 θ πε r 2 cos θ− 1 sin θ + o iI 0 h π 2 η βr 2 e− iβr e hβ − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e sin ( 21 β(cos θ − 1) ) (( ) ). Likewise, β r sin 2 θ cos θ− 1 3 e− iβr e hβ − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e sin ( 21 β(cos θ − 1) ) From this, it is clear that a microstrip is a poor radiator, as the field falls off as r12 ; and by inference, a differential pair is also a poor radiator. Furthermore, it is clear that along the axis of the microstrip, the fields are zero, that is, when θ = 0, whereas the fields are maximal when θ = π2 . Finally, observe that for θ ≠ 0, sin ( 21 β(cos θ − 1) ) = 0 ⇔ 21 β(cos θ − 1) = nπ for n = 1,2, … . That is, 2 πn from β = ω µε , δEθ = 0 = δBφ ⇔ ω = µε ( cos ∀n = 0, 1, 2,… . θ− 1) 8.5 Array Antenna and Aperture Antenna This chapter ends with a brief account of the array antenna and aperture antenna. From Section 8.4, it is clear that a linear antenna has the form: − iβr E = E0 F(θ, φ) e r (8.23) where F(θ, ϕ) is the antenna factor, and E 0 is the initial field strength. The antenna factor determines the antenna characteristics that depend solely upon the antenna geometry. This forms the basis for analyzing an antenna array structure. Now, Figure 8.4 illustrates a linear (n + 1)-array antenna, where the k-antenna has current I k = Ck I 0 eikξ ∀k = 0, 1, 2, , with some fixed phase ξ > 0, constant Ck > 0 , with C0 = 1 , and the antennae are separated by a con− iβr stant distance d. In particular, Equation (8.23) becomes Ek = E0, k F(θ, φ) e r , K15149_Book.indb 280 10/18/13 11:02 AM 281 Basic Antenna Theory where E0, k = Ck E0 eikξ . Denote a linear (n + 1)-array antenna of length ℓ by {( I k , θ k , d , ξ , )}n . 8.5.1 Theorem Given a linear (n + 1)-antenna array {( I k , θ k , d , ξ , )}n , suppose that L = r0 cos θ0 >> nd . Then, the cross-sectional far-field profile of the electric field, to second order in r10 , satisfies − iβr0 E ≈ E0 F(θ, φ) e r0 ∑ n k=0 { C k eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 1 + kd r0 cos θ0 } (8.24) Proof From Figure 8.4, it is clear that rk2 = r02 + ( kd)2 − 2 kr0 d cos θ0 ∀k and hence, rk ≈ r0 1 − and 1 rk ≈ 1 r0 (1 − 2 kd r0 2 kd r0 ( cos θ0 ≈ r0 1 − cos θ0 ) − 21 ≈ kd r0 (1 + 1 r0 cos θ0 kd r0 ) cos θ0 ) Likewise, by assumption, L >> nd ⇒ cos θ k = rk L − kd ≈ rk L (1 + kdL ) ≈ cos θ0 {1 + kd ( L1 − cosr θ )} 0 0 P d = uniform separation distance ξ = plase shift r1 r0 y z x θ0 0 d rn rk θk θ1 1 k [ k[ θn d n Figure 8.4. Linear array of n-antenna. K15149_Book.indb 281 10/18/13 11:02 AM 282 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Thus, L = r0 cos θ0 ⇒ cos θ k ≈ cos θ0 1 + { kd r0 sin θ0 tan θ0 1− cos2 θ0 cos θ0 = sin 2 θ0 cos θ0 1 cos θ0 − cos θ0 = } as = sin θ0 tan θ0 Moreover, noting that βrk − kξ ≈ βr0 − βkd cos θ0 − kξ = βr0 − k(βd cos θ0 + ξ) it follows at once that on setting Ek = Ck E0 nk ≡ E0C k with E0 = E0 n0 ≡ E0C 0 , where nk = r1k rk are unit vectors, E= ∑ n k=0 ∑ Ek ≈ E0 F(θ, φ) n k=0 − iβr0 ≈ E0 F(θ, φ) e r0 Ck ∑ 1 rk n k=0 e− iβr0 eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) { C k eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 1 + kd r0 cos θ0 } □ 8.5.2 Remark Observe that because min rk >> nd , it follows that nk ≈ n0 and hence, − iβr0 Equation (8.24) reduces to E ≈ E0 F(θ, φ) e r0 ∑ nk = 0 Ck eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 1 + kd r0 cos θ 0 . The quantity { |A|= ∑ n k=0 { Ck eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 1 + kd r0 cos θ0 } } is called the array factor up to first order in r10 . More commonly, the array fac1 tor is often defined as the zeroth order of r0 : |A|= ∑ n k=0 Ck eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 8.5.3 Corollary Under the conditions of Theorem 8.5.1, if Ck = C0 ∀k and eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) ≠ 1 ∀k > 0, then to first order in r10 , − iβr0 E ≈ C 0 E0 F(θ, ϕ) e r0 e K15149_Book.indb 282 { } 1 i n2 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin 2 ( n + 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) { } (8.25) 10/18/13 11:02 AM 283 Basic Antenna Theory Proof − iβr0 From Theorem 8.5.1 and Remark 8.5.2, E ≈ C 0 E0 F(θ, φ) e r0 ∑ nk = 0 eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) . Next, noting that ∑ nk = 0 eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) = 1 + ei(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) + + ein(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) defines a n geometric series: 1 + z + z n− 1 = zz −−11 ∀z ∈C, z ≠ 1, n < ∞ , it follows that ∑ n k=0 ei( n+ 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) − 1 ei(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) − 1 eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) = = ei( n+ 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 ei( n+ 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 − e− i( n+ 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 ei(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 ei(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 − e− i(βd cos θ0 +ξ )/2 =e i n2 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin { 21 (n + 1)(βd cos θ0 + ξ)} sin { 21 (βd cos θ0 + ξ)} and hence, − iβr0 E ≈ C 0 E0 F(θ, ϕ) e r0 e { } 1 i n2 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin 2 ( n + 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) { } □ Note finally from Corollary 8.5.3 that by measuring the distance from the center of the linear array to the point of interest, that is, on setting r = r0 − 21 nd cos θ0 (cf. Figure 8.5), Equation (8.25) simplifies to − iβr E ≈ C 0 E0 F(θ, φ) e r e { } 1 i n2 ξ sin 2 ( n + 1)(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) sin 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) { } (8.26) Lastly, the magnetic field follows immediately from Maxwell’s equation: ∇ × E = iωB, where the convention e–iωt is adopted here for time harmonicity instead of eiωt. P if n is odd, take n to be n – 1 1 nd cos θ 0 2 0 r0 r– θ0 1 nd 2 1n 2 Figure 8.5. Approximating distance in a linear array antenna. K15149_Book.indb 283 10/18/13 11:02 AM 284 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 8.5.4 Example Determine the array factor of a linear 2-antenna array, where we assume for simplicity that C0 = C1 . By Remark 8.5.2, |A|= C0 ∑ = C0 2e 1 k=0 eik (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) = C0 1 + ei(βd cos θ0 +ξ ) i 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) 1 2 {e − i 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) +e i 21 (βd cos θ0 +ξ ) } = 2C0 cos ( 21 (βd cos θ0 + ξ)) It is clear from the above that A = 0 ⇔ βd cos θ0 + ξ = (2 n − 1)π ∀n = 1, 2, . Thus, if ω is fixed, then ξ = (2 n − 1)π − βd cos θ0 leads to far-field cancellation. Likewise, if the phase ξ is fixed, then transmitting at ω= (2 n − 1) π−ξ µε d cos θ0 will also lead to far-field cancellation. Conversely, A is maximal if and only □ if βd cos θ0 + ξ = 2 nπ ∀n = 1, 2, . 8.5.5 Definition The irradiance (or intensity) of an electromagnetic field (E,B) is defined by I ≡ 〈S〉 = 1 2µ0 |E × B∗|= 1 2µ0 |E|2 (8.27) Thus, in view of Example 8.5.4, the intensity is inversely proportional to r2 and directly proportional to |A|2, the array factor. In contrast, the electric field and the magnetic field fall off—in the far-field regime—as 1r and their magnitudes are directly proportional to |A|. 8.5.6 Proposition Given a linear (n + 1)-antenna array {( I k , θ k , d , ξ , )}n with L = r0 cos θ0 >> nd , up to first order in r1 , where r = r0 − 21 nd cos θ0 , set ψ = βd cos θ0 + ξ . If I k = I 0 ∀k , then (a) The maximal field strength occurs when ψ = 0. (b) The minimal field strength occurs when ψ = n2 +kπ1 , for all k > 0. K15149_Book.indb 284 10/18/13 11:02 AM 285 Basic Antenna Theory Proof To establish the assertions, it suffices to consider the array factor |A|. To simplify the analysis, note first of all that I k = I 0 ∀k ⇒ Ck = C0 ∀k . Hence, the can be defined from Equation (8.26): normalized array factor A |= |A { sin 21 ( n + 1) ψ 1 n+ 1 { } sin 21 ψ } Then, via Taylor expansion, sin x = x − 1 3! x 3 + o( x 5 ) it follows at once that |= lim 1 lim|A n+ 1 ψ→ 0 { sin 21 ( n + 1) ψ ψ→ 0 sin { } 1 ψ 2 } = lim 1 n+ 1 { } =1 ( n + 1) 21 ψ + o ( ψ 3 ) 1 ψ + o( ψ 3 ) 2 ψ→ 0 and hence, yielding the maximal field strength as claimed in (a). Regarding (b), it suffices to note that |= 0 ⇔ 1 (n + 1)ψ = kπ ⇒ ψ = |A 2 2 kπ n+ 1 for all k > 0 □ as required. A linear antenna array factor, for n = 10, is plotted in Figure 8.6 to illustrate the maxima and minima. Array Factor (n = 10) Amplitude |A| 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 6.03 5.72 5.4 5.09 4.78 4.46 4.15 3.83 3.2 3.52 2.89 2.58 2.26 1.95 1.63 1.32 1.01 0.69 0.38 0 0.06 0.2 Angle (radians) Figure 8.6. The antenna array factor for 10 linear radiators. K15149_Book.indb 285 10/18/13 11:02 AM 286 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers The remainder of this section is devoted to a short survey on aperture antennae. As chassis for electronic devices often have apertures, it is imp­ ortant for EMC engineers to understand the basics of aperture radiators. Indeed, the essence of aperture radiators originates from the application of scalar diffraction theory; specifically, the Kirchhoff integral theorem, which is a particular case of Green’s theorem, stated below without proof [4]. 8.5.7 Theorem (Kirchhoff) Given some compact neighborhood V ⊂ R 3 of an arbitrary point r0 , suppose a scalar field U: V → R satisfies the homogeneous Helmholtz equation ∆U + k 2U = 0 on V. Set G(r ) = 1r eik ⋅r and let n be a unit normal vector field on ∂V. Then, U (r ) = 1 4π ∫ ∂V {G(r ′) ∂nU (r ′) − U (r ′) ∂ n G(r ′)} d2 r ′ (8.28) Moreover, if the requirement that V ⊂ R 3 be compact is relaxed, then U must satisfy the boundary condition known as the Sommerfeld radiation condition lim r {∂n U − ikU } = 0 , in order for the integral to converge. □ r →∞ An immediate application of Theorem 8.5.7 is to consider an infinite conductive plane R 2 at z = 0, with a single rectangular aperture Ω = [ − 21 δ , 21 δ ] × [ − 21 , 21 ], where δ << ℓ, that is, a slit. For simplicity, set R 3+ = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : z ≥ 0} and R 3− = R 3 − R 3+ . And as a simple example, consider a single point source (and the field is thus necessarily spherical) at R ∈R 3− and an arbitrary point r ′ ∈Ω , where by an abuse of notation, Ω is identified with Ω × {0}. Finally, for notational simplicity, let U be a scalar field satisfying the Helmholtz equation, ∆U + k 2U = 0, where k = ω µε is the wave number, and let n denote a unit normal vector field on Ω directed into R 3− . 8.5.8 Lemma (Fresnel–Kirchhoff Diffraction Formula) Given a homogeneous medium (R 3 , µ , ε), a unit point source at R ∈R 3− and a slit Ω ⊂ ∂R 3+, suppose that ∂R 3+ − Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Then, the field U at an arbitrary point r ∈R 3+ satisfying kr, kR >> 1* may be approximated by U (r ) = − λi ∫ Ω 1 rR eik ( r + R ) 21 (cos θ − cos Θ)d x ′ d y ′ (8.29) where λ = ω2 πµε , r = r − r ′ = ( x − x ′ , y − y ′ , z) with r ′ = ( x ′ , y ′ , 0) ∈Ω being an arbitrary point, with cos θ = r1 ( r ⋅ n) and cos Θ = R1 ( R ⋅ n) . * That is, in the far-field regime. K15149_Book.indb 286 10/18/13 11:02 AM 287 Basic Antenna Theory Unit normal vector field n – – P' r R r' r R Origin Ω Point source P1 P0 Observation point D Perfect electrical conductor Figure 8.7. Derivation of the Fresnel–Kirchhoff diffraction formula. Proof Theorem 8.5.7 is applied twice to obtain Equation (8.29); see Figure 8.7 for details. Here, let the point source be at P1 = (X , Y , Z) and an arbitrary observation point P0 = ( x , y , z). Finally, let P ′ = ( x ′ , y ′ , 0) be an arbitrary point on Ω, D ⊂ R 3+ an arbitrary bounded neighborhood of P0 such that Ω ⊂ ∂D ∩ ∂R 3+ , and n a unit normal vector field on ∂D ∩ Ω. Now, appealing to Equation (8.28), the field at P0 from a point source at P′ is: U (r ) = 1 4π ∫ { ∂D eikr r ikr ∂ n U (r ′) − U (r ′) ∂ n e r }d r ′ 2 Now, by definition, ∂n G ≡ ∇G ⋅ n, and ∇ r1 eikr = eikr ∇ r1 + r1 ∇eikr = −eikr whence kr >> 1 ⇔ k >> 1 r 1 1 r2 r r + irk eikr 1 r r = r1 eikr ( − r1 + ik ) r1 r implies that ∇ r1 eikr ≈ ik r1 eikr 1 r r , yielding U (r ) ≈ 1 4π ∫ { = 1 4π ∫ eikr r = 1 4π ∫ eikr {∂ n U ( r ) − U ( r )ik r1 r ⋅ n} rsinθ d θ d φ ∂ D −Ω ∂ D −Ω ∂ D −Ω eikr r ∂ n U ( r ) − U ( r )ik r1 eikr 1 r } r ⋅ n d2 r {∂n U (r ) − U (r )ik r1 r ⋅ n} r 2 sinθ dθ dφ Now, invoking the Sommerfield radiation condition, lim U (r ) = lim 41π r →∞ K15149_Book.indb 287 r →∞ ∫ ∂ D −Ω eikr r {∂ n U ( r ) − U ( r )ik r1 r ⋅ n} sinθ d θ d φ = 0 10/18/13 11:03 AM 288 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers That is, the integral on the boundary at infinity vanishes, and hence, the only field contribution arises on Ω. Thus, the surface integral reduces to integration on the aperture Ω: U (r ) ≈ ∫ 1 4π Ω 1 r′ eikr ′ {∂ n U (r ′) − U ( r ′)ik r1′ r ′ ⋅ n} d 2 r Set r1′ r ′ ⋅ n = cos θ . Then, U (r ) ≈ 41π ∫ Ω r1′ eikr ′ {∂ n U (r ′) − ikU (r ′)cos θ} d 2 r . Next, given that a point source originates at P1 , it follows that U ( R) = R1 eikR as a point source generates spherical waves. Therefore substituting this into the integral yields: U (r ) ≈ 1 4π ∫ Ω 1 r′ { ( eikr ′ ∂ n 1 R } ) eikR − ik R1 eikR cos θ d 2 r Moreover, applying the assumption that kR >> 1 , ∇ R1 eikR ≈ ik R1 eikR R1 R and on setting R1 R ⋅ n = cos Θ , it follows at once that U (r ) ≈ 4ikπ ∫ Ω r1 eikr R1 eikR {cos Θ − cos θ}d 2 r, as desired, where k = 2λπ . □ It is clear that the above result yields good approximation to radiation wavelengths that are at least as short as the optical wavelengths. That is, it will not yield good results for radiation in the microwave regime. Unfortunately, the microwave range is often the range of interest for EMC engineers; in particular, the source is often close to apertures and hence, the criterion kR >> 1 is violated. However, this can be partially rectified from the proof of Lemma 8.5.8. 8.5.9 Lemma Given a homogeneous medium (R 3 , µ , ε) , a point source of magnitude U 0 at R ∈R 3−, and a slit Ω ⊂ ∂R 3+ , suppose that ∂R 3+ − Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Then, the field U at an arbitrary point r ∈R 3+ satisfying kr >> 1 may be approximated by U (r ) = − iUλ0 Proof ∂n and replace ( eikξ ξ 1 R ∫ Ω ) 1 rR eik ( r + R ) ( 1 2 {cos θ − ( eikR = R1 eikR − R1 + ik → U0 eikξ ξ . ) 1 R i kR R⋅n = } ) + 1 cos Θ d x ′ d y ′ ik R eikR ( i kR (8.29) ) + 1 cos Θ □ Clearly, if the source is not a spherical radiator, then the integral U (r ) ≈ 41π ∫ Ω r1′ eikr ′ {∂n U − ikU cos θ}d 2 r must be evaluated for arbitrary source U. An example is if a chassis possesses a slit aperture, and the source is K15149_Book.indb 288 10/18/13 11:03 AM 289 Basic Antenna Theory nonspherical. Then, this integral must be evaluated instead of appealing to Equation (8.29); often the integral can only be solved numerically. However, there is another formalism that lends itself more accessiblly to computation. The proof can be found, for example, in [4], or more informally in [5]. This is the Huygens–Fresnel principle and it essentially states every point on an unobstructed wavefront is a secondary spherical source with the same frequency.* The precise statement is given without proof below. 8.5.10 Theorem (Huygens–Fresnel) Given a homogeneous medium (R 3 , µ , ε) and a slit Ω ⊂ ∂R 3+ , suppose that ∂R 3+ − Ω is a perfect electrical conductor. Then, the field U at an arbitrary point r ∈R 3+ satisfying kr >> 1 may be approximated by U (r ) = − λi ∫ Ω eikr U ( x ′ , y ′)cos θ d x ′ d y ′ 1 r (8.30) where U|Ω is the secondary source at each point on Ω, and cos θ = r1 r ⋅ n. □ 8.5.11 Example Suppose a constant plane wave U = U 0 e− iβz in R 3− is incident on Ω.† Determine the field strength at P0 = (r0 , θ0 , z0 ) , if r0 >> r ′ = x ′ 2 + y ′ 2 with ( x ′ , y ′ , 0) ∈Ω , where δ,ℓ > 0 are arbitrary, that is, not necessarily a slit. From Figure 8.7, r = ( x0 − x ′)2 + ( y 0 − y ′)2 + z02 = r0 1 + whence ( r ≈ r0 1 + ) x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ r02 2( x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ ) and r02 1 r ≈ 1 r0 + x′2 + y ′2 (1 − r02 ≈ r0 1 + x0 x ′+ y0 y ′ r02 2( x0 x ′+ y0 y ′ ) r02 ) Lastly, noting that cos θ = zr0 and cos θ0 = zr00 , it follows immediately that x x ′+ y y ′ cos θ = cos θ0 rr0 ≈ cos θ0 1 − 0 r 2 0 . So, substituting these approximations 0 into Equation (8.30), ( ) U (r0 ) = − λi U 0 e− iβz ∫ ≈ − λi U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 Ω 1 r eikr cos θ d x ′ d y ′ eikr0 cos θ0 ∫ Ω ( eikx0 x′/r0 eiky0 y ′/r0 1 − x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ r02 ) dx′ dy ′ 2 * Physically, this assertion is clearly false as waves cannot generate more waves on their own; however, the principle yields a decent approximation for most engineering purposes. † This is equivalent to a point source at infinity. K15149_Book.indb 289 10/18/13 11:03 AM 290 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 (1 − ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 dx′ dy ′ + ≈ − λi U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 eikr0 cos θ0 ∫e ≈ − λi U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 eikr0 cos θ0 ∫e i λ U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 = − λi U 0 e− iβz eikr0 cos θ0 1 r0 e Ω e Ω ∫e Ω e ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 eikr0 cos θ0 2 x0 r02 i λ U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 eikr0 cos θ0 2 y0 ∫e ∫e dx′ dy ′ ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 x′ dx′ dy ′ + ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 y ′ dx′ dy ′ e Ω r02 ) dx′ dy ′ dx′ dy ′ + e Ω i λ r02 ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 2( x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ ) r02 ∫e eikr0 cos θ0 2( x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ ) e Ω Now, for simplicity, set U (r0 ) = − λi U 0 e− iβz 1 r0 { eikr0 cos θ0 I1 (r0 ) − Then, employing the identity sin φ = I1 (r0 ) = = ∫ Ω r0 2 4 x0 y 0 k sin ( 1 2 ) ( k xr00δ sin 1 2 ∫ k 1δ 2 − 21 δ y0 r0 ∫ e e x′ dx′ dy ′ = {sinc ( k ) − cos ( k )} K15149_Book.indb 290 r02 } I 3 (r0 ) . eikx0 x′/r0 d x ′ ∫ ( ) 1 2 − 21 sin φ φ , eiky0 y ′/r0 d y ′ ) Ω iδ k I 3 (r0 ) = 2 y0 ikx0 x ′/r0 iky 0 y ′/r0 I 2 (r0 ) = = I 2 (r0 ) − (eiφ − e− iφ ) and defining sincφ = 1 2i eikx0 x′/r0 eiky0 y ′/r0 d x ′ d y ′ = ( ) 2 x0 r02 x0 δ r0 1 2 i2 δ y 0 x0 ( ) ∫e r0 2 k x0 δ r0 1 2 2 r0 ky 0 sin 1 2 k y0 r0 { ( ) ( )} ( ) sinc ikx0 x ′/r02 Ω e 1 2 k xr02δ − cos iky 0 y ′/r02 0 1 2 k xr02δ 0 sin 1 2 k y0 r02 y ′ dx′ dy ′ { ( ) ( )} ( ) ( ) { ( ) ( )} ( ) = i k = i2 x0 y 0 sinc r0 2 k 1 2 k y0 r02 sinc − cos 1 2 k y0 r02 1 2 k 2 r02 kx0 y0 r02 − cos 1 2 k sin y0 r02 1 2 k xr02δ sin 0 1 2 k xr02δ 0 10/18/13 11:03 AM 291 Basic Antenna Theory whence substituting k = 0 yields {sin (π ) sin (π ) + (sinc (π ) − cos (π )) sin (π ) − i (sinc (π ) − cos (π )) sin (π )} . U (r0 ) = − iU 0e− iβzeikr0 − i xr02δ 2π λ cos θ0 λr0 π 2 x0 y 0 x0 δ λr0 y0 λx0 x0 δ λr0 y0 λx0 x0 δ λr0 y0 λx0 x0δ r02 y0 λx0 x0 δ λr0 Now, noting that lim { x sin x1 sin x1 } = x x→∞ { 1 x − 1 1 3! x 3 +o ( )} sin 1 x5 1 x →0 and lim sinx x → 0 , it follows clearly that x→ 0 ( ) ( y ) lim λ sin π xλ0r0δ sin π λx00 = 0 λ→∞ ( ( ) ( )) ( ) lim λ ( sinc ( π ) − cos ( π )) sin ( π ) = 0 y lim λ sinc π xλ0r0δ − cos π xλ0r0δ sin π λx00 = 0 λ→∞ λ→∞ y0 λx0 y0 λx0 x0 δ λr0 That is, for any fixed δ, , r0 , lim U (r0 ) = 0 . The implication is the following: λ→∞ for any fixed rectangular aperture, longer wavelength radiation implies less radiation escaping from the aperture. Next, for r0 >> 1, it is clear that U (r0 ) ≈ − iU 0 e− iβz eikr0 to first order in δ, , r0 when 1 r0 cos θ0 λr0 π 2 x0 y 0 ) ( ( y sin π xλ0r0δ sin π λx00 ) . In particular, the field is zero precisely for each fixed x0 δ λr0 = 2n ⇒ λ = x0 δ 2 nr0 y0 λr0 or = 2n ⇒ λ = x0 δ 2 nr0 for all n = 0, 1, 2, … . This yields the diffraction fringes observed on a screen placed at z0 away from the aperture. Indeed, U (r0 ) can be expressed more intuitively: U (r0 ) ≈ − iU 0 e− iβz eikr0 = − iU 0 e− iβz eikr0 cos θ0 π 2 δ λr0 π2 ( ( ) y sinc π xλ0r0δ sinc π λx00 cos θ0 k πδ π 2 r0 2 ( ) ( ) y sinc π xλ0r0δ sinc π λx00 ) It is thus obvious when expressed in this form that long wavelength radiation yields a lower intensity for a given point away from a fixed aperture, a result obtained less elegantly from the previous paragraph. □ K15149_Book.indb 291 10/18/13 11:03 AM 292 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 8.5.12 Proposition Consider n identical slits adjacent to one another, each slit separated from the other by some distance h > 0: Ω j = − L2 + ( j − 1)( h + δ), − L2 + ( j − 1)( h + δ) + δ × [ − 2 , 2 ] × {0} where L = N(h + δ) + δ, with Ω j lying on the plane z = 0: Ω j ⊂ R 2 × {0} ∀j ∈N. Suppose that min rj >> max{ h, δ}, and set r0, j = ( δ−2 L + ( j − 1)( h + δ), 0, 0) to be the j center of Ω j , and let r0 = ( x0 , y 0 , z0 ) ∈R +3 be an arbitrary point. Then, the field at r 0 is U (r0 ) ≈ U0 k2λ ∑{ j 2 1 Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) rj R j e {( ik rj + R j ( cos θ j − 1 + ) cos Θ )} × i kR j j e ( ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ −j + δ2 ( iδ cos 21 kΛ j ( x , X )δ Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) e ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ +j ) ) sin 1 kΛ (x, X )δ cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) − (2 j ) (2 j ) 1 rj R j e ik rj + R j {Λ ′ ( x , X ) + 1 − − i 2 kΛ j ( x , X )δ j j ( ) 1 Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) rj R j ( ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ −j + δ2 i kR j j {(1 − ikΛ (x, X)) ∆ e sin 21 kΛ j ( x , X )δ e (8.31) e ik rj + R j {Λ ′ ( y , Y ) + j } Λ ′′j ( x , X )cos Θ j × sinc i kR j ( 1 2 ) } kΛ j ( x , X )δ − 1 + } Λ ′′j ( y , Y )cos Θ j × } ) sinc 1 kΛ (y , Y ) − cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) ) (2 j )} { (2 j where Λ j (u, U ) ≡ uj rj − Uj Rj , Λ ′j (u, U ) = uj rj2 cos θ j + and Λ ′′j (u, U ) = Uj R 2j uj rj2 u U cos Θ j + (cos θ j − cos Θ j ) r 2j − R2j j j − 3U j R 2j , with u j ∈{ x j , y j , z j }, U j ∈{X j , Yj , Z j } K15149_Book.indb 292 . 10/18/13 11:04 AM 293 Basic Antenna Theory Proof For each fixed Ω j , set rj = r0 − r0, j and rj′ = r ′ + r0, j . Then, rj = rj − r ′ , for each j = 1,2, … Likewise, set R j = r0, j − R0 and R j = r0,′ j − R0 . Then, R j = R j + r ′. Recall that r ′ ∈Ω 1 L , where for simplicity, it is assumed without loss of gener2 ality that L2 ∈N , whence { rj = ( x j − x ′)2 + ( y j − y ′)2 + z 2j ≈ rj 1 − { } − 21 { { { x j x ′+ y j y ′ rj2 } 1+ x j x ′+ y j y ′ R j = (X j + x ′)2 + (Yj + y ′)2 + Z 2j ≈ R j 1 + X j x ′+ Yj y ′ 1 rj 1 Rj = ( x j − x ′)2 + ( y j − y ′)2 + z 2j { = (X j + x ′)2 + (Yj + y ′)2 + Z 2j } ≈ − 21 1 rj ≈ rj2 1− 1 Rj R 2j } } } X j x ′+ Yj y ′ R 2j z Moreover, note that cos θ j = zr0j and cos θ j = r0j ⇒ cos θ j = cos θ j Rj Z0 Z0 cos Θ j = R j and cos Θ j = R j ⇒ cos Θ j = cos Θ j R j , whence, { cos θ j ≈ cos θ j 1 + x j x ′+ y j y ′ rj2 } { and cos Θ j ≈ cos Θ j 1 − rj rj . Likewise, X j x ′+ Yj y ′ R 2j } Thus after many tedious algebraic manipulations, which the dedicated reader is encouraged to perform, where the binomial approximation is applied, ≈ 1 rj R j e ik rj + R j 1 rj R j e ik rj + R j (cos θ j − cos Θ j ) xj 1 + r 2 − j xj rj2 cos θ j + Xj R 2j Xj R 2j yj x ′ + rj2 − Yj R 2j y ′ cos θ j − cos Θ j + { y cos Θ j x ′ + r 2j cos θ j + j Yj R 2j cos Θ j y ′ and ≈ K15149_Book.indb 293 1 rj R j e ik rj + R j i kR j cos Θ j 1 rj R j e ik rj + R j i kR j x cos Θ j 1 + r 2j − j 3X j R 2j yj x ′ + rj2 − 3Yj R 2j y ′ 10/18/13 11:04 AM 294 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Upon expanding and collecting factors for x ′ , y ′ , set Λ j (u, U ) ≡ uj rj Uj Rj − , where u j ∈{ x j , y j , z j }, U j ∈{X j , Yj , Z j } uj Λ ′j (u, U ) = rj2 uj Λ ′′j (u, U ) = Ξ(1) j = 1 2 rj R j rj2 e Ξ(1) j ( u, U ) = cos θ j + − u U cos Θ j + (cos θ j − cos Θ j ) r 2j − R2j j j Uj R 2j 3U j R 2j ik|rj + R j| (cos θ j − cos Θ j ), Ξ(2) j = 1 2 rj R j e 1 2 rj R j ik|rj + R j| Λ ′j (u, U ), Ξ(2) j ( u, U ) = e ik ( rj + R j ) 1 2 rj R j e cos Θ j i kR j ik ( rj + R j ) i kR j cos Θ j Λ ′′j (u, U ) Then, to first order in x ′ , y ′ , from Equation (8.30), 1 2 rj R j ( e ik rj + R j ) (cos θ − cos Θ − j (2) ≈ Ξ(1) e j + Ξj j ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ e ( ) (2) + Ξ(1) j (y , Y ) + Ξ j (y , Y ) e ) ( ) (2) + Ξ(1) j (x, X ) + Ξ j (x, X ) e e ∆+ ∫ cos Θ j ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ Furthermore, set I1, j = ∫ ∆ −jj e and ∆ +j = ∆ −j + δ . Also, set I 2, j = i kR j ∆ +j ∆ −j e ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ e ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ x′ dx′ e x′ y′ ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ e ikΛ j ( x , X ) x ′ ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ ∫ dx ′ , where ∆ −j = − L2 + ( j − 1)( h + δ) 2 − 2 e ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ dy ′ and I 3, j = ∫ ∆ +j ∆ −j dx′ ∫ 2 − 2 e ikΛ j ( y ,Y ) y ′ y ′ dy ′ Then, using the identities sin x = K15149_Book.indb 294 eix − e− ix 2i , cos x = eix + e− ix 2 , sinc x = sin x x , sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x , 10/18/13 11:04 AM 295 Basic Antenna Theory and last, ∫ xeikx dx = that I1, j = e 4i k 2 Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) ( ) sin 1 kΛ (x, X )δ cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) (2 j ) (2 j ) ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ −j + δ2 {(1 − ikΛ (x, X))∆ e ) ( ) eikΛ j ( x , X )( ∆−j + δ2 ) sinc 1 kΛ (y , Y ) − cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) ) (2 j )} { (2 j k 2 Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) 2i sin 21 kΛ j ( x , X )δ I 3, j = {eikx (1 − ikx)}, it can be shown after some routine effort ( 2 δ cos 21 kΛ j ( x , X )δ I 2, j = 1 k2 e ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ +j − − i 21 kΛ j ( x , X )δ j j } sinc ( 21 kΛ j (x , X )δ ) − 1 k 2 Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) whence U (r0 ) ≈ − iUλ0 ≈ − iUλ0 + ( ∑∫ ∑ j Ωj 1 2 rj R j ( e ik rj + R j (2) 4i Ξ(1) j +Ξ j ) ) ( (2) 1 2 δ Ξ(1) j ( x , X ) +Ξ j ( x , X ) cos 2 kΛ j ( x , X )δ 2 ) k Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) {(1 − ikΛ (x, X))∆ e 1 − − i 2 kΛ j ( x , X )δ j j + e 2 j k Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) ( ) ( (2) 1 2i Ξ(1) j ( y , Y ) +Ξ j ( y , Y ) sin 2 kΛ j ( x , X )δ 2 k Λ j ( x , X ) Λ j ( y ,Y ) ) { cos θ j − ( ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ −j + δ2 e ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ +j sinc e ( ( 1 2 i kR j } ) + 1 cos Θ j dx ′dy ′ ) sin 1 kΛ (x, X )δ cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) (2 j ) (2 j ) × ) } kΛ j ( x , X )δ − 1 ( ikΛ j ( x , X ) ∆ −j + δ2 ) sinc( 1 kΛ (y , Y )) − cos 1 kΛ (y , Y ) (2 j )} { 2 j □ as required. 8.6 Worked Problems 8.6.1 Exercise Show that E = − 4 πε0 ( 1 − q ) v −2 1 d c r dt v+ q 4 πε 0 (1 − vc )−1 rv v − ∇ϕ 2 given that A= K15149_Book.indb 295 q 1 1 4 πε 0 1− v r − r0 c v 10/18/13 11:04 AM 296 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution By definition, E = −∇ϕ − ∂t A . Hence, evaluating ∂t A yields: 4 πε 0 q where v = d dt ∂t A = − r12 v ( 1 − || r = ) v+ v −1 c 1 r (1 − vc )−2 vc ddt v + 1r (1 − vc )−1 ddt v = − r12 v ( 1 − v −1 c ) v+ 1 r (1 − vc )−1 {(1 − vc )−1 vc + 1} ddt v = − r12 v ( 1 − v −1 c ) v+ 1 r (1 − vc )−2 ddt v d dt r is the speed of the particle. Thus, Eaccel = − 4 πε0 ( 1 − q ) v −2 1 d c r dt v and Estatic = q 4 πε 0 (1 − vc )−1 rv v − ∇ϕ , 2 □ as required. 8.6.2 Exercise Show that in the near zone, the electric field and magnetic field can be expressed in terms of the dipole moment as Er (r , θ) ≈ 1 p 2 πε r 3 cos θ Eθ (r , θ) ≈ 1 p 4 πε r 3 sin θ Solution Recall from Section 8.2 that p = − i ωI δz . Hence, from Definition 8.2.5, substituting this expression into Equations (8.5) and (8.6) yields the desired results. □ 8.6.3 Exercise Suppose a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna are separated by a distance much larger than the physical dimensions of either of the two antennae. Model the two antennae in terms of equivalent circuits, and hence derive the power absorbed by the receiver. Solution The two antennae can be modeled via the following coupled equations: V1 = I1 Z11 + I 2 Z12 V2 = I1 Z21 + I 2 Z22 K15149_Book.indb 296 10/18/13 11:04 AM 297 Basic Antenna Theory Transmitter Z11 I2Z12 I1 Receiver Z22 + – + – Equivalent T-network circuit ~ ~ Z22 Z11 I2Z12 ~ Z12 V1 I2 V2 Figure 8.8. Equivalent 2-port network circuit representation. where the transmitting antenna is modeled by (V1 , Z11 ) , Z11 is the load of the transmitter, and V1 the voltage across the load. The receiving antenna is modeled by (V2 , Z22 ), where Z22 represents the load of the receiver. By reciprocity, Z12 = Z21, and hence, the coupled equation, a 2-port network, can be modeled with a 2-port 3-impedance network. That is, the 2-port network can be represented by a T-network or a Π-network. Representing the circuit by a T-network is illustrated in Figure 8.8. Referring to Figure 8.8, Zii corresponds to the input impedance under open circuit condition. By Kirchhoff’s voltage law, V1 = Z 11 I1 + Z 12 ( I1 + I 2 ) and V2 = Z 22 I 2 + Z 12 ( I1 + I 2 ) Thus, I 2 = 0 ⇒ V1 = I1 (Z 11 + Z 12 ) and by definition, Z11 = VI11 = Z 11 + Z 12 . I2 = 0 V2 Likewise, I1 = 0 implies that V2 = I 2 (Z22 + Z12 ) and Z22 = I2 I = 0 = Z 22 + Z 12 . 1 Lastly, V2 = Z 12 I1 when I 2 = 0 implies at once that Z12 = VI12 = Z 12 , whence, I2 = 0 Z ii = Zii − Z12 ∀i = 1, 2 . Therefore the antenna transmitter–receiver system may be represented by an equivalent T-network, where the terminal V2 is attached to a load impedance ZL of the receiver. Under the assumption of weak coupling, that is, the two antennae are sufficiently far away, I 2 Z12 ≈ 0 and hence, V1 = I1 Z11 represents the transmitting antenna. To determine the receiving antenna equivalent representation, Thévenin’s theorem is applied to ZL . Let VT denote the open circuit Thévenin voltage and Zs the Thévenin source impedance. Then, the Thévenin voltage across Z12 is obtained by setting ZL = ∞ ⇒ VT = Z12 I1 = ZZ1211 V1 . Likewise, under open circuit condition, the Thévenin impedance looking from the receiver Z2 end is: Zs = Z22 − Z12 + Z12 ||(Z11 − Z12 ) = Z22 − Z1211 . Thus, by Kirchhoff’s law, V2 = ZL (− I 2 ) ⇒ − ZL I 2 = Z12 I1 + Z22 I 2 ⇒ I 2 = − Z22Z12+ ZL I1 . Hence, the time-average power absorbed by the receiving antenna ZL is 〈 P〉 = − 21 ℜe(V2 I 2∗ ) = K15149_Book.indb 297 1 2 2 I 2 ℜe(ZL ) = 1 2 I2 2 2 Z12 Z22 + ZL ℜe(ZL ). □ 10/18/13 11:04 AM 298 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 8.6.4 Exercise Show that δEθ (r , θ) ≈ I 0β sin θ πε r (cos θ− 1) e− iβr e hβ − i r sin θ i 21 β (cos θ− 1) e cos ( 2 β(cos θ − 1)) sin ( hβ r ) sin θ . Solution From iI 0β 4 πε δEθ ≈ { sin θ r (cos θ− 1) ( ) e− iβr 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) − sin θ′ r ′ (cos θ′ − 1) ( e− iβr ′ 1 − eiβ(cos θ′ − 1) )} , observe from r ′ = r 2 + 4 h2 + 4rh sin θ and θ′ = arccos rL′ , that up to first order in 1r , { r ′ = r 2 + 4 h2 + 4rh sin θ = r 1 + ( 2rh ) + 1 r′ ≈ 1 r {1 + 4rh sin θ}− 1 2 ≈ θ′ = arccos rL′ ≈ arccos 1 r 2 4h r } sin θ 1 2 ≈ r {1 + 2h r sin θ} {1 − 2rh sin θ} { (1 − L r 2h r } sin θ ) ≈ arccos Lr = θ Substituting these approximations into the original first-order expression of δEθ yields δEθ (r , θ) ≈ iI 0β sin θ 4 πε r (cos θ− 1) ( ) 2 hβ sin θ −i e− iβr 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) 1 − e r . Finally, to complete the derivation, it suffices to observe that 1 − e− i2 Λ = 2ie− iΛ eiΛ − e− iΛ 2i = 2ie− iΛ sin Λ. Explicitly, 1 − eiβ(cos θ− 1) = e i 21 β (cos θ− 1) = −2ie 1− e 2 hβ − i r sin θ =e − i 21 β (cos θ− 1) i 21 β (cos θ− 1) hβ − i r sin θ giving the desired result. K15149_Book.indb 298 (e −e i 21 β (cos θ− 1) ) sin ( 21 β(cos θ − 1) ) , ei hrβ sin θ − e− i hrβ sin θ = 2ie− i hrβ sin θ sin ( hβ r ) sin θ , □ 10/18/13 11:05 AM 299 Basic Antenna Theory 8.6.5 Exercise Work out Example 8.5.11 for a circular aperture of radius δ > 0 using (8.30) at some observation point P0 = ( x0 , y 0 , z0 ) ∈R 3, where δ << r0 = x02 + y 02 + z02 . Solution Fix and suppose that a uniform field U = U 0 e− iβz impinges upon an aperture Ω = {( x , y , 0) ∈R 3 : x 2 + y 2 ≤ δ 2 }, where ∂R 3+ − Ω is a perfect electrical conducy tor. Set R = x02 + y 02 . Then, cos Φ = xR0 and sin Φ = R0 . The scalar field at P0 via (8.30) as follows. Let cos θ = − r10 r0 ⋅ n, where n is the normal unit vector field on Ω pointing towards R 3− . For each r′ ∈Ω , let cos θ = − r1 r ⋅ n , where y′ r = r0 − r ′. Finally, set cos φ = xr′′ and sin φ = r ′ . kr i From (8.30), U (r ) = − λi ∫ Ω r1 e U ( x ′ , y ′)cos θdx ′dy ′ . To first order in r10 , { r = ( x0 − x ′)2 + ( y 0 − y ′)2 + z02 ≈ r0 1 − x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ r02 Furthermore, { cos θ = cos θ rr0 ≈ cos θ 1 + } and 1 r ≈ 1 r0 {1 + x0 x ′+ y0 y ′ r02 }. } x0 x ′+ y0 y ′ r02 and r ≈ r0 − x0 r0 r ′ cos φ − y0 r0 r ′ sin φ, whence, 1 r eikr cos θ ≈ cos θ r0 { 2( x0 x ′+ y 0 y ′ ) eikr 1 + r02 } {1 + − i( k /r0 ) r ′ {x0 cos φ+ y 0 sin φ} 2 x0 r02 = cos θ r0 eikr0 e = cos θ r0 eikr0 e− i( k/r0 )R{cos Φ cos φ+ sin Φ sin φ}r ′ 1 + = cos θ r0 eikr0 e− i( k/r0 )R cos(φ−Φ)r ′ 1 + { 2 x0 r02 { r ′ cos φ + 2 x0 r02 r ′ cos φ + 2 y0 r02 r ′ cos φ + 2 y0 r02 } r ′ sin φ 2 y0 r02 } } r ′ sin φ r ′ sin φ . kR Next, set φ = ϕ−Φ and ξ = kR r0 r ′ . Then, dφ = dϕ and dξ = r0 dr ′ . Also, note from the axisymmetry of the problem that the following integral is invariant under angular rotation: ∫ 2π 0 K15149_Book.indb 299 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos(φ−Φ) dφ = ∫ 2 π−Φ −Φ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ dϕ = ∫ 2π 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ dϕ. 10/18/13 11:05 AM 300 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Lastly, noting that the zero-order Bessel’s function of the first kind may also be defined by J 0 (ζ) = 1 2π 2 x0 r02 2 y0 ∫ 2π 0 e− iζ cos ϕ dϕ , it follows that on setting ∫ Ω 1 r I0 = eikr cos θ ≈ δ 2π ∫∫ 0 e 0 cos θ r0 { eikr0 I 0 + − i( k / r0 ) Rr ′ cos ϕ I1 + r ′ dϕ d r ′ = r02 δ I2 } δ ∫ J ( r ′ )r ′dr ′ = ( ) ∫ 0 0 r0 2 kR kR r0 0 ξJ 0 (ξ)dξ = ( ) r0 2 kR δJ1 (δ ), i 2 π i( ϕ+ζ cos ϕ ) dϕ is the first-order Bessel’s funcwhere δ = kR r0 δ and J 1 (ξ ) = − 2 π ∫ 0 e 0δ tion of the first kind in integral representation. Thus, I 0 = rkR J1 kR r0 δ . 2π δ − i( kR/r0 ) r ′ cos ϕ The second term I 2 = ∫ 0 dr ′ ∫ 0 r ′dϕ e r ′ cos(ϕ + Φ) . So, from the expansion { } ( ) cos(φ+Φ) = cos φ cos Φ − sin φ sin Φ, ∫ 2π ∫ 2π { = ( r ′ ) cos Φ 2 0 } r ′ dϕ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ r ′ cos(ϕ + Φ) 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ cos ϕ dϕ − ( r ′ ) sin Φ 2 ∫ 2π 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ sin ϕ dϕ Set ψ = cos φ ⇒ dψ = −sin φdφ and ψ(0) = 1,ψ(2π) = 1. Thus, ∫ 2π 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ sin ϕ dϕ = − 1 ∫e − i( kR/r0 ) r ′ψ 1 dψ = 0 yielding ∫ 2π 0 { } r ′ dϕ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos φ r ′ cos(ϕ + Φ) = ( r ′ ) cos Φ 2 ∫ 2π 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos φ cos ϕ dϕ However, by definition, J1 (ξ) = − 2iπ ∫ 2π 0 ei(ϕ+ζ cos ϕ ) dϕ = − 2iπ ∫ 2π 0 eiζ cos ϕ cos ϕ dϕ implies at once that ∫ 2π 0 K15149_Book.indb 300 { } ( r ′ dϕ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ r ′ cos(ϕ + Φ) = i2 π ( r ′ ) cos ΦJ1 − kR r0 r ′ 2 ) 10/18/13 11:05 AM 301 Basic Antenna Theory Thus, I 2 = i2 π xR0 ∫ δ ( ) dr ′ ( r ′ ) J1 − kR r0 r ′ . 2 0 { } The final term I 3 = ∫ δ0 dr ′ ∫ 20 π r ′dϕ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ r ′ sin(ϕ + Φ) . Once again, via the expansion sin(φ + Φ) = sin φ cos Φ + sin Φ cos φ ∫ 2π = ( r ′ ) cos Φ ∫ 2π = i2 π ( r ′ ) J1 − kR r0 r ′ 0 2 0 { e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ sin ϕ dϕ + ( r ′ ) sin Φ 2 ( 2 y0 R } r ′ dϕ e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ r ′ sin(ϕ + Φ) ∫ 2π 0 e− i( kR/r0 )r ′ cos ϕ cos ϕ dϕ ) Thus, from Reference [1, Section 11.1.1], ∫ z 0 zpΓ p t J q (t)dt = Γ ( ( p + 1+ 1 2 q− p+1 2 ) ∞ )∑ ( q + 2 k + 1) Γ Γ k=0 ( ( q− p+1 +k 2 q+ p+3 +k 2 ) )J q+ 2 k +1 ( z) where Γ( z) = ∫ ∞0 t z − 1e− t dt is the Gamma function, with Γ(n) = (n − 1)! ∀n ∈ N, it is clear that δ ∫ (r′) 2 0 J1 ( κr ′ ) dr ′ = 1 κ3 ∫ κδ 0 ∞ 2 t J1 (t)dt = 2 δ2 κ ∑ 2( k + 1) Γ ( 1+ k ) 2( k + 1) ( k + 1)! J (κδ) k=0 where κ = − kR r0 . The complete solution is thus given by { U (r0 ) ≈ − iUλ0 e− iβz cos θ r10 eikr0 I 0 + =− iU 0 λ e − iβz cos θ e 1 r0 ikr0 2 x0 r02 r0 δ kR J1 In particular, to first order in 1 r0 I1 + r02 ( δ) − kR r0 I3 } 2 i8 πR r0 δ kR r02 ∞ ∑ 2( k + 1) Γ ( 1+ k ) 2( k + 1) ( k + 1)! k=0 J (− kR r0 δ ) , U (r0 ) ≈ − iUλ0 e− iβz eikr0 K15149_Book.indb 301 2 y0 δ kR J1 ( δ ) cos θ kR r0 10/18/13 11:05 AM 302 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers ( ) ( ) kR and the field vanishes at the zeros of J1 kR r0 δ ; that is, the roots of J 1 r0 δ = 0 . As a side remark, Bessel’s functions have a countably infinite number of zeros. Moreover, for 0 < ε << 1, J1 (ε) ~ 2ε asymptotically, and hence, for λ very kR large, kR r0 δ << 1 ⇒ J 1 r0 δ ≈ 0 . In other words, for very large wavelengths, very little radiation is emitted from a small circular aperture. Indeed, a similar result was observed for a rectangular aperture. □ ( ) References 1. Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. (Eds.) 1972. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, AMS 55. 2. Balanis, C. 1982. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 3. Chang, D. 1992. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 4. Goodman, J. 1996. Introduction to Fourier Optics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 5. Hecht, E. 1987. Optics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 6. Neff, H. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 7. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 8. Schwartz, M. 1972. Principles of Electrodynamics. New York: Dover. 9. Silver, S. 1949. Microwave Antenna Theory and Design. New York: McGraw-Hill. 10. Koshlyakov, N., Smirnov, M., and Gliner, E. 1964. Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 11. Stratton, J. 1941. Electromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 302 10/18/13 11:05 AM 9 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge Electrostatic discharge can often be a source of immense annoyance to EMC engineers, and more important, it can also be extremely costly for an electronics manufacturer if countermeasures to mitigate discharge are not implemented. As a simple example, consider a person walking on a carpet during winter when the humidity is low who touches a port on the back of an electronic device. The charge buildup and its subsequent discharge into the port may potentially destroy sensitive electronic components. Hence, electrostatic discharge can be potentially damaging to electronic equipment. This chapter is intended to acquaint the reader with the physics of electrostatic discharge at an informal level. 9.1 Electrostatic Shielding In order to gain insight into the breakdown of dielectrics under high voltage, it is necessary to understand the microscopic behavior of the dielectrics under the influence of an electric field [5,6,12]. In particular, the application of quantum mechanics in the theory of dielectrics is unavoidable: this leads to the topic of solid-state theory, and the reader unfamiliar with quantum mechanics, but who is nevertheless interested in pursuing more advanced aspects, may consult some introductory references such as [1,13] geared toward solidstate theory. On the other hand, for the more empirically minded reader, Paschen breakdown curves have been studied extensively, and describe the maximal field between two electrodes in a gaseous medium needed to initiate breakdown [7].* A somewhat simplified view of a dielectric is sketched in Figure A.5 (Appendix). The first question that springs to mind is the following: does breakdown occur within a dielectric when its surface cannot hold any more free charges? This in turn begs another question. How much free charges can a dielectric hold before breakdown occurs? This question implies tacitly that the dielectric material is embedded in some homogeneous (dielectric) medium. The simplest approach to the latter is to consider an isolated conducting sphere embedded in a dielectric medium. * The original work was investigated by Paschen in the nineteenth century [12]. 303 K15149_Book.indb 303 10/18/13 11:05 AM 304 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers 9.1.1 Proposition Given a neutral spherical conductor S 2 ⊂ (R 3 , µ , ε) , where S 2 = {r ∈R 3 :|| r ≤ δ}, suppose the electric field strength required to cause dielectric breakdown of (R 3 , µ , ε) is E0 . Then, the maximal free charge Q that S 2 can hold prior to the ionization of the dielectric medium is Q = 4πεE0 δ 2 (9.1) Proof Recall from Example 3.2.1, it was observed that when a point charge q is sufficiently close to S 2, the mirror image will attract q to S 2 . In particular, whenever q is sufficiently close to S 2, it will be attracted to the surface of S 2. In principle, S 2 can absorb an arbitrarily large charge, as long as there is a sufficiently large force to drive q sufficiently close to the surface to overcome Coulomb repulsion. Now, given a charge Q on S 2 , the electric field on the surface is E = 41πε δQ2 . Because E0 is the dielectric breakdown of (R 3 , µ , ε) , it follows that ionization of the medium will begin when E0 = 1 Q 4 πε δ 2 ⇒ Q = 4πεE0 δ 2 □ as required. Indeed, it is clear from Proposition 9.1.1 that even from a classical analysis perspective, a spherical conductor can hold more charges prior to dielectric breakdown if the electric permittivity of the medium is large or if the radius of the spherical conductor is large. This section ends with a related topic that is frequently employed in EMC design: electrostatic shielding. This is clearly one way of avoiding dielectric breakdown! Consider Figure 9.1, where Ci ⊂ R 3 denotes a compact conductive boundary of the i th conductor, and for notational convenience, let D(Ci ) ⊂ R 3 define the compact space bounded by Ci , that is, Ci = ∂D(Ci ) , and set D(Ci ) to be the interior of D(Ci ). Suppose conductor C1 ⊂ D(C2 ) and Ci ⊂ R 3 − D(C2 ) ∀i ≥ 3. Finally suppose that C2 is grounded: V2 = 0. From Lemma 6.1.3, Q1 = C11V1 + + C1nVn Qn = Cn1V1 + + CnnVn Thus, V2 = 0 ⇒ V1 is completely determined with respect to C2 inasmuch as all of the electric field from C1 terminates on C2, and not on Ci ∀i ≥ 3 . Thus, C1i = 0 ∀i ≥ 3 ; that is, the electric field on C1 does not couple with Ci ∀i ≥ 3. K15149_Book.indb 304 10/18/13 11:05 AM 305 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge C3 V3 C2 C1 Cn V1 Vn V1 = 0 Figure 9.1 Electrostatic screening of a conductor. Hence, the potential on C1 is independent of the potential on Ci ∀i ≥ 3 as C1i = Ci 1 ∀i. By reciprocity, Ci ∀i ≥ 3 are shielded from the potential of C1. What is more interesting to note—albeit it is intuitively obvious—is that if Vi = 0 ∀i ≥ 2 , then C1i = 0 ∀i ≥ 3 implies at once that the system of equations reduces to: Q1 = C11V1 and Q2 = C21V1 In particular, Qi = 0 ∀i ≥ 3, and hence, the charge on C1 will not induce any charge on Ci ∀i ≥ 3. Moreover, because Q2 = −Q1 as free charges on C1 will induce the opposite charge on C2, it follows that C11 = −C21 = C12 . 9.2 Dielectric Properties: the Kramers–Kronig Relations In the first half of this section, the electromagnetic properties of dielectrics are investigated from a classical perspective. Without loss of generality, time harmonicity is assumed: e− iωt . Recalling that dielectric polarization is the result of bound charges, the rearrangement of bound charges within the dielectric results in “bound” currents, in complete analogy with the movement of free charges resulting in conduction currents. In what follows, define the conduction current by J = σ 1 E and the displacement current by D = ε1 E . So, from Maxwell’s ∇ × B = µJ + µε 1 ∂t E, define ∇ × B = −iωμεE, where ε = ε1 + iσ 1 ω ≡ ε1 + iε 2 (9.2) Furthermore, it can be shown [8] classically that conductivity is complex: g σ = σ 1 + iσ 2 , σ i ∈R , i = 1, 2 . More specifically, σ 1 = K g 2 +ω 2 and σ 2 = K g 2 ω+ω 2 , where K is some real constant and g >> 1 is a damping constant that is K15149_Book.indb 305 10/18/13 11:05 AM 306 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers dependent upon the average collision rate between an electron and the crystal lattice of the conductor. Thus, in view of Equation (9.2), define ε = ε0 + iσ ω (9.3) Then, ℜe(ε) = ε 0 − g 2 K+ω 2 and ℑm(ε) = ω ( g 2K+ω 2 ) . For low ω > 0, that is, g >> ω, σ 1 >> σ 2 ⇒ σ ≈ σ 1. In the microwave regime, g >> ω typically holds and hence, the electrical conductivity may be assumed real. In the optical regime, this is false in general. A more rigorous approach is given below, culminating in the Kramers– Kronig relations, also known as the dispersion relations, for the electric permeability and electric conductivity of a dielectric. In what follows, the dielectric is assumed to be isotropic and homogeneous for ease of analysis, and the response of the dielectric under a forcing function to be linear; this guarantees that the Fourier transform may be invoked. By way of motivation, consider D = ε1 E = P + ε 0 E ⇒ P = (ε1 − ε 0 )E . Recall that the polarization field is the result of displaced electron clouds about the nuclei; see Figure 9.2. The displaced electron clouds generate (atomic or molecular) dipoles within the dielectric subject to an external electric field. That is, the polarization field is the response to a driving electric field, and hence, ε1 − ε 0 is the response function. Note that the assumption of response linearity implies that the Fourier transform may be employed: P(ω ) = ε (ω )E(ω ) ⇒ P(t) = ∫ ε(ω)E(ω)e − iωt dt where ε is the response function. Taking the Fourier transform (in frequency domain) leads to F [P ] = ∫ P(t)e iωt dt = ∫e Neutral atom (zero external field) iωt ∫ dt ε (t − τ)E(τ)dτ = ∫e iωτ ∫ dτ ε (t − τ)E(τ)eiω (t −τ ) dt. Applied electric field Electron cloud Dipole + – Nucleus Figure 9.2 Electron cloud distortion resulting from an applied electric field. K15149_Book.indb 306 10/18/13 11:06 AM 307 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge That is, F [P ](ω ) = ∫ E(τ)e iωτ ∫ dτ ε (t − τ)eiω (t −τ ) dt ≡ F [ E ](ω )F [ε ](ω ). Last, it is assumed tacitly here that response functions are analytic in ω and in particular, purely on physical grounds, response functions must tend to zero in the limit as ω → ∞ as a physical system cannot respond quickly enough to an infinitely large frequency. That is, response functions are assumed to be bounded and analytic. 9.2.1 Theorem (Kramers–Kronig Relations) Suppose a dielectric medium is isotropic, homogeneous, and causal,* then the electric conductivity and permittivity of the medium satisfy σ 1 (ω ) = 2 π ∫ ω ′f2 ( ω ) ω ′ 2 −ω 2 0 σ 2 (ω ) = − 2πω ε1 (ω ) = ε 0 + 2 ε 2 (ω ) = − πω ∞ ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ ∫ f2 ( ω ) ω ′ 2 −ω 2 0 2 π ∞ 0 dω ′ 0 dω ′ ε 2 ( ω ′ )ω ′ ω ′ 2 −ω 2 dω ′ ( ε1 ( ω ′ )−ε 0 )ω ′ 2 ω ′ 2 −ω 2 dω ′ (9.4) (9.5) (9.6) (9.7) Proof Consider the Fourier transform F [ε ]( z) = ∫ ∞−∞ ε (t − τ)eiz(t −τ )dt , where z ∈ C. So, setting z = x + iy, x, y ∈ R (no bearing on the components of the rectangular coordinate system), and invoking causality, that is, ε (t − τ) = 0 ∀t < τ, it follows that F [ε ]( z) = ∫ t −∞ ε (t − τ)eiz(t −τ ) dt = ∫ t −∞ ε (t − τ)e− y (t −τ )eix(t −τ ) dt Now, observe that y > 0 ⇒ e− y (t −τ ) < ∞ ∀t > τ , and the causality assumption implies that F [ε ]( z) = 0 ∀t − τ < 0 ⇒ F [ε ]( z) ≠ 0 ∀y > 0 . That is, F [ε ]( z) is analytic on the upper half-plane C + = { z ∈C : ℑm( y ) ≥ 0} of C. So, consider a closed contour Γ ⊂ C + defined by Figure 9.3, where a semi-circular loop Γ = Γ ∗ ρ− ∗ γ ∗ ρ+ is defined as follows: γ is a semi-circle of radius δ > 0 about the point z0 on the real line, and Γ is a semi-circle of radius R >> δ, ρ− is the path from [− R , z0 − δ], and ρ+ is the path from [ z0 + δ , R] . Then, by definition, * Informally, causality implies that there is zero response for all times prior to the application of a forcing function; that is, cause and effect. K15149_Book.indb 307 10/18/13 11:06 AM 308 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers iy Г z = x + iy γ ρ_ z0 0 x ρ+ Figure 9.3 Contour integral on the upper-half complex plane. F [ε ]( z) is analytic for all points within the space bounded by Γ and on Γ, and hence, for z0 ∉ D(Γ ) = { z ∈C + :|z|< R} − { z ∈C + :|z − z0|< δ}, the domain implies that Fz[−ε ](z z ) is also analytic on D(Γ ) . Hence, by the bounded by Γ, 0 Cauchy–Goursat theorem,* ∫ 0= Γ F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 dz + ∫ F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 d z = 0 . Thus, ∫ F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 dz + Γ γ ∫ ρ− F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 dz + ∫ ρ+ F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 dz From Equation (9.3), lim ∫ Γ Fz[−ε ](z0z ) dz → 0 . To see this, it suffices to observe R→∞ that F [ε ] is analytic and bounded (by assumption) on D(Γ ) and in particular, ′ ℜeF [ε ] ≤ M and ℜeF [ε ] ≤ MR′′ , for some constants M ′ , M ′′ > 0 . Furthermore, R2 lim R→∞ ∫ Γ 1 z − z0 d z = lim π R→∞ ∫ {1 − 0 z0 R e− iθ } −1 dθ = π < ∞ where ∫ {1 − ae− iθ }−1 dθ = − i ln( a − eiθ ) was employed. Thus, lim ∫ Γ Fz[−ε ](z0z ) dz → 0, R→∞ as claimed. Thus, it remains to evaluate I 0 ≡ lim δ→0 R→∞ ∫ R z0 +δ F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 d z + lim δ→0 R→∞ ∫ z0 −δ −R F [ ε ]( z ) z− z0 d z = − lim δ→0 ∫ γ F [ ε ]( z ) z− z0 dz First, observe that as F [ε ] is analytic on C + , it follows that the residue of is F [ε ]( z0 ) . For notational simplicity, set f = F [ε ]. Then, F [ ε ]( z ) z − z0 I 0 = − lim δ→ 0 ∫ γ f ( z )− f ( z0 )+ f ( z0 ) z − z0 = − lim δ→ 0 ∫ γ f ( z0 ) z − z0 − lim δ→ 0 ∫ γ f ( z )− f ( z0 ) z − z0 ≡ I 0(1) + I 0(2) * See Reference [3]: if a function is analytic on a complex domain bounded by a simple loop, then the loop integral is zero. K15149_Book.indb 308 10/18/13 11:06 AM 309 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge Now, the analyticity of f implies that f ( z) = f ( z0 ) + f ′( z0 )( z − z0 ) + and hence, I 0(2) = 0. Thus, evaluating I 0(1) completes the initial part of the proof. The method is routine: set z = δeiθ . Then, dz = iδeiθ dθ and evaluating the integral yields ∫ γ =i dz z − z0 ∫ 0 π { δeiθ δeiθ − z0 } −1 dθ = − i π ∫ {1 − z δe } − iθ −1 0 0 1 dθ = ln zz00δ− δ+ 1 whence, I 0 = − f ( z0 )ln(−1) = − f ( z0 )ln eiπ = − iπf ( z0 ) = − iπ F [ε ]( z0 ) That is, upon replacing z0 → ω, it follows at once that F [ε ](ω ) = − πi P ∫ ∞ −∞ F [ ε ]( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω (9.8) dω ′ where P denotes the Cauchy principal value and it is defined by P ∫ ∞ F [ ε ]( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω −∞ dω ′ = lim r→∞ ∫ r −r F [ ε ]( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω dω ′ Next, setting F [ε ](ω ) ≡ f = f1 (ω ) + if2 (ω ) yields f1 (ω ) = π1 P ∫ ∞ −∞ f2 ( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω dω ′ and f2 (ω ) = − π1 P ∫ ∞ −∞ f1 ( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω dω ′ Also, observe that a response function, for f ∈ {ε,σ}, satisfies f (−ω ) = f ∗ (ω ), hence f1 (−ω ) = f1 (ω ) and f2 (−ω ) = − f2 (ω ). This is because F [ε ](ω ) = ∫ t −∞ ε (t − τ)eiω (t −τ ) dt ⇒ F [ε ]∗ (ω ) = ∫ t ε (t − τ)e− iω (t −τ ) dt −∞ Thus, the real part is an even function whereas the imaginary part is an odd function of ω, whence, f1 (ω ) = π1 P ∞ ∫ = π1 P ∫ K15149_Book.indb 309 ∫ 0 ∞ 0 ∫ dω ′ f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω −∞ = π1 P − = π2 P f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω −∞ ∞ 0 dω ′ + − f2 (ω ′ ) − (ω ′ +ω ) ω ′f2 (ω ) ω ′ 2 −ω 2 ∫ ∞ 0 f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω ( − dω ′ ) + ∫ dω ′ = π1 P − ∞ 0 f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω ∫ −∞ 0 f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω dω ′ = π1 P ∫ ∞ 0 dω ′ + ∫ ∞ 0 f2 (ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω f2 (ω ′) ( ω ′1−ω + dω ′ 1 ω ′ +ω ) dω ′ dω ′ 10/18/13 11:06 AM 310 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers and likewise, f1 (ω ) = π1 P ∫ ∞ f2 ( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω −∞ = − π1 P − ∫ ∫ ∞ = − 2πω P ∞ 0 0 dω ′ f2 ( ω ′ ) − ( ω ′ +ω ) f2 ( ω ) ω ′ 2 −ω 2 ( − dω ′ ) + ∫ ∞ f2 ( ω ′ ) ω ′ −ω 0 dω ′ = π1 P ∫ ∞ f2 (ω ′) ( ω ′1−ω − 0 1 ω ′ +ω ) dω ′ dω ′ Furthermore, replacing f by σ based on the discussion preceding the theorem, it follows via σ(ω ) = σ 1 (ω ) + iσ 2 (ω ) that σ 1 (ω ) = π2 P ∞ ∫ ω ′f2 ( ω ) 2 ω ′ −ω 0 2 dω ′ and σ 2 (ω ) = − 2πω P ∞ ∫ f2 ( ω ) ω ′ 2 −ω 2 0 dω ′ Also, noting from definition ε = ε 0 + i ωσ that σ = ωε 2 − iω(ε − ε 0 ), and hence, substituting ωε1 = σ 1 and −ω(ε − ε 0 ) = σ 2 yields ∫ ε1 (ω ) = ε 0 + π2 P ∞ 0 ε 2 ( ω ′ )ω ′ ω ′ 2 −ω 2 dω ′ and ε 2 (ω ) = − 2πω P ∫ ∞ 0 ε1 ( ω ′ )−ε 0 ω ′ 2 −ω 2 dω ′ Last, noting that as the analytic functions εi are bounded in the limit as ω → ∞, it follows that the integrals are absolutely convergent and hence, ε1 (ω ) = ε 0 + 2 π ∫ ∞ 0 ε 2 ( ω ′ )ω ′ ω ′ 2 −ω 2 2 dω ′ and ε 2 (ω ) = − πω ∫ ∞ 0 ( ε1 ( ω ′ )−ε 0 )ω ′ 2 ω ′ 2 −ω 2 dω ′ □ as required. The above dispersion relations show how the real and imaginary components are related to one another in the frequency domain. 9.2.2 Corollary The DC conductivity σ DC of a conductor is given by σ DC = 2 π ∫ ∞ 0 (ε 0 − ε1 (ω ))dω (9.9) Proof Because the DC electric conductivity must be real, Equation (9.4) can be invoked. So, setting ω = 0 for the DC case, and substituting σ 2 = ω(ε 0 − ε1 ), (9.4) leads immediately to σ 1 (0) = K15149_Book.indb 310 2 π ∫ ∞ 0 σ 2 (ω ′ ) ω′ dω ′ = 2 π ∫ ∞ 0 1 ω′ (ε 0 − ε1 (ω ′))ω ′ dω ′ = 2 π ∫ ∞ 0 (ε 0 − ε1 (ω ′))dω ′ □ 10/18/13 11:06 AM 311 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge By inspecting Equation (9.6), it is clear that in the limit as ω → 0, the real ∞ part of the electric permittivity becomes ε1 (0) = ε 0 + π2 ∫ 0 ε2ω(2ω ) dω . Indeed, these expressions, including those from Theorem 9.2.1 and Corollary 9.2.2, enable the real part of electric permittivity to be determined when the imaginary part of the electric permittivity is known. What is more interesting to note is the following: the Kramers–Kronig relations display how the real and imaginary parts are related; they are not independent of one another! 9.2.3 Remark It can be shown (see Exercise 9.5.1) that the dielectric constant of a material can be determined classically by considering a collection of oscillating dipoles subject to a time-harmonic monochromatic plane wave: ε(ω ) ε0 = 1+ Ne 2 ε 0 m0 ∑ fj 2 2 j ω j −ω − iγ j ω (9.10) where fi denotes the probability that an electronic transition will take place at the resonant angular frequency ωj of the jth electronic dipole oscillator. It is a quantum mechanical phenomenon and must clearly satisfy ∑ j f j = 1. e denotes the electronic charge, m0 the mass of an electron, and γj Moreover, || corresponds to the damping for the jth electronic dipole oscillator. 9.3 Beyond Classical Theory The dielectric properties of materials cannot be understood completely within the context of classical physics. As such, a brief venture into the world of quantum mechanics is unavoidable. Indeed, quantum mechanics is a necessary evil to understand dielectric breakdown phenomena. Thus, a short summary is provided in order to establish some notations; the interested reader may satisfy his or her intellectual craving with a plethora of books on quantum mechanics and solid-state theory. For example, see also References [2,4] in addition to those given in Section 9.1. Clearly, no pretense is made for completeness; only a brief informal outline is sketched. 9.3.1 Axioms (Quantum Mechanics) The following axioms describe the basic tenet of quantum mechanics. (a) The state ψ of a (physical) system is completely described by a unit vector |ψ〉 in a Hilbert space.* That is, the inner product 〈ψ|ψ〉 = 1 for the unit vector. * See Appendix A.4 for the definition of a Hilbert space. For the present, the reader may view this space as a vector space endowed with an inner product (the “dot” product) structure. K15149_Book.indb 311 10/18/13 11:06 AM 312 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers (b) A physical observable A is a Hermitian operator on the Hilbert space; that is, A = A † , where, given any two states ψ, φ, A † is defined by 〈ψ|Aϕ〉 = 〈A † ψ|ϕ〉. (c) Given an observable A, let {|ψ n 〉} ⊂ H be a set of eigenvectors of A, that is, A|ψ n 〉 ≡|Aψ n 〉 = an |ψ n 〉 ∀n = 1, 2, , where H denotes the Hilbert space of states and an ∈R ∀n. Then, the probability of measuring the value an when the system is in state ψ is precisely |〈ψ n|ψ〉|2 . In particular, the measurement of an observable corresponds precisely to one of its eigenvalues. Moreover, the state ψ immediately after the measurement collapses down to the state ψn : |ψ〉 →|ψ n 〉 , so that the probability of finding the state in |ψ n 〉 immediately after the measurement is 1. (d) States are defined by the Schrödinger equation: ddt |ψ〉 = − i 2hπ H|ψ〉, where h = 6.63 × 10−34 J ⋅ s is called the Planck constant and H is the Hamiltonian operator, and it is associated with the energy of the system; that is, the eigenvalues correspond precisely to the energy states of the system. The Hamiltonian is defined by H = − 21m 2 ∆ + U , where = 2hπ , m is the mass of the particle described by |ψ〉, U is the potential energy operator, and when it is purely a function of position, it acts upon the state function via multiplication; that is, Uψ = Uψ , where xψ ≡ xψ. 9.3.2 Remark (a) Classically, the state of a system can be described by the positions and momenta of all the particles comprising the system. In quantum mechanics, the state of a closed system can be completely described by a state vector in Hilbert space. (b) A classical observable is any measureable quantity that can be attributed to a system, for example, energy, momentum, position, and the like. (c) The classical Hamiltonian of a system is defined by H = T + U, where T is the kinetic energy of the system and U is the potential energy of the system. A critical point to note is the following: the transition from classical to quantum mechanics transforms classical observables into Hermitian operators acting on a Hilbert space. Finally, a wave function is described at an abstract level by a unit vector in Hilbert space, which completely describes the state of a particle. An important point in introducing the elements of quantum mechanics here is to illustrate the concept of quantum tunneling. This concept has wide applications in engineering, an example of which is tunneling diodes. Tunneling is a purely quantum phenomenon that does not exist in the classical setting. Explicitly, suppose a particle is trapped in a square potential well U with a finite width potential barrier (see Figure 9.4). If the kinetic energy T of the particle satisfies T < U, then classically, it is impossible for the particle to escape the potential barrier. However, in quantum mechanics, there is a nontrivial probability that the particle can travel beyond the potential barrier. K15149_Book.indb 312 10/18/13 11:06 AM 313 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge Square potential well with finite width barrier U = U0 U = U0 T < U0 U=0 x=0 U=0 x=a x=b Figure 9.4 Finite potential barrier illustrating quantum tunneling phenomenon. 9.3.3 Definition A wave function ψ representing the state vector |ψ〉 of a particle is called the probability amplitude of the particle, and the probability that the particle exists in some compact space K ⊂ R 3 is given by Pψ ( K ) = ∫ K ψ ∗ (r )ψ (r )d 3 r , where ∫ R3 ψ ∗ (r )ψ (r )d 3 r = 1.* Moreover, the probability current density of the state is defined by j = − 2im (ψ ∗∇ψ − ψ∇ψ ∗ ). Indeed, it can be shown [4] that ∂t ρ + ∇ ⋅ j = 0 , where ρ ≡ ψ ∗ ψ defines the probability density function. This leads to the conservation of probability. See the charge conservation equation in Maxwell’s theory, and hence the respective terminologies defined above. Last, the following definitions are required to describe the phenomenon of tunneling. Suppose ψ 0 is the incident wave, ψ r the reflected wave, and ψ t the transmitted wave across a barrier. Then, R = jj0r defines the reflection coefficient whereas S = jj0t defines the transmission coefficient of the wave function. 9.3.4 Example Consider a one-dimensional scenario, wherein a particle is trapped in a square potential well of width a as illustrated in Figure 9.4. Let the potential energy of the barrier be defined by U 0 for x ∈ D1 ∪ D3 U= 0 for x ∈ D2 ∪ D 4 where D1 = (−∞ , 0], D2 = (0, a) , D3 = [ a, b] and D4 = ( a, ∞) . Suppose the particle has a kinetic energy T = E and mass m. Inasmuch as the potential energy is independent of time, the particle is in a stationary state and hence, via Exercise 9.5.3, the solution satisfies the time-independent * The probability that the particle is somewhere in space is unity. Here, it is implicitly assumed that the wave function is normalized. K15149_Book.indb 313 10/18/13 11:06 AM 314 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Schrödinger equation H|ψ〉 = E|ψ〉 . That is, the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the particle is described by {− where E = 2 1 p 2 m 1 2m } 2 ∆ + U ψ = Eψ ⇒ − 21m 2 d2 dt 2 ψ = (E − U )ψ , p = mv is the momentum of the particle. On D1 ∪ D3 , Schrödinger equation becomes − 21m 2 d2 dt 2 ψ + U 0 ψ = Eψ So, on setting β 2 = 2 m ( 1 ) (U 0 − E) , the equation becomes hence, the general respective solutions are: 2 d2 dt 2 ψ − β 2 ψ = 0 and ψ 1 = A1eβx on D1 (9.11) ψ 3 = A3+ eβx + A3− e−βx on D3 (9.12) where the solution e−βx in Equation (9.11) was discarded as it diverges in the limit as x → −∞ and hence is nonphysical. However, on D2 ∪ D4 , the Schrödinger equation becomes − 21m 2 d2 dt 2 ψ = Eψ Thus, set k 2 = 2 m ( 1 ) E . Then, the general solutions for the respective domains are: 2 ψ 2 = A2+ eikx + A2− e− ikx on D2 (9.13) ψ 4 = A4 eikx on D4 (9.14) as there is no boundary for x > b to reflect the waves back toward x = b. d To solve the coefficients, it suffices to note that mathematically ψ , dx ψ must be continuous at the boundaries: x = 0,a,b. So, imposing the boundary conditions at x = 0, A1 = A2+ + A2− (9.15) βA1 = ikA2+ − ikA2− (9.16) whence, ik(9.15) + (9.16) yields (β + ik )A1 = ikA2+ ⇒ K15149_Book.indb 314 A1 A2+ = 2ik β+ ik . 10/18/13 11:07 AM 315 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge At x = a, the boundary conditions yield A2+ eika + A2− e− ika = A3+ eβa + A3− e−βa (9.17) ikA2+ eika − ikA2− e− ika = βA3+ eβa − βA3− e−βa (9.18) Thus, ik(9.17) + (9.18) yields 2ikA2+ eika = (ik + β)A3+ eβa + (ik − β) A3− e−βa (9.19) At x = b, the boundary conditions yield A4 eikb = A3+ eβb + A3− e−βb (9.20) ikA4 eikb = βA3+ eβb − βA3− e−βb (9.21) whence, β(9.20) ± (9.21) lead immediately to A3+ = β+ ik 2β A4 eikb −βb and A3− = β− ik 2β A4 eikb +βb Substituting these expressions into Equation (9.19) gives, after some algebraic manipulation, and using the identities sinh x = 21 (e x − e− x ) and cosh x = −x x 1 2 (e + e ), 2ikβA2+ e− ik (b − a ) = A4 {−(β 2 − k 2 )sinh(β(b − a)) + i2 kβcosh(β(b − a))} That is, A2+ A4 { 2 } 2 = eik (b − a ) cosh(β(b − a)) + i β 2−kβk sinh(β(b − a)) . In particular, A2+ A4 2 = cosh 2 (β(b − a)) + ( ) sinh (β(b − a)) β2 − k 2 2 kβ 2 2 Finally, observe from Definition 9.3.3 that the current density of the incident wave in D2 is { 2 2 2 2 } 2 j2+ = − 2im A2+ e− ikx ikeikx + A2+ eikx ike− ikx = − 2im 2ik A2+ and likewise, on D4, { } j4 = − 2im A4 e− ikx ikeikx + A4 eikx ike− ikx = − 2im 2ik A4 2 Hence, the transmission coefficient across the barrier is S4 = K15149_Book.indb 315 j4 j2+ = A4 A2+ 2 = cosh 2 (β(b − a)) + ( ) β2 − k 2 2 kβ 2 sinh 2 (β(b − a)) −1 10/18/13 11:07 AM 316 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers It is evident here that as the width of the potential barrier approaches infinity, the transmission coefficient falls to zero as lim{cosh x , sinh x} → ∞. Likewise, x →∞ if the height of the potential barrier approaches infinity, the transmission coefficient falls to zero. Furthermore, notice also that on D1 ∪ D2, the probability amplitudes are real and hence, the current density is identically zero by definition. Physically, even though there is a nontrivial probability that the waves will penetrate the potential barrier, the waves are evanescent: they decay exponentially. For A instance, it was derived above that A+1 = β+2ikik which is nonzero. This is in 2 sharp distinction with classical physics which prohibits a particle from penetrating a potential barrier that is larger than its inherent kinetic energy. It is easy to see that the penetration is identically zero in quantum mechanics □ when the potential barrier is infinitely large: lim AA+1 ~ lim β1 → 0 . U 0 →∞ 2 U 0 →∞ In passing, it is known that transistors, FETs, and MOSFETs have leakage currents. Indeed, from Example 9.3.3, it is somewhat obvious that the source of the leakage currents is due to quantum tunneling effects. In particular, quantum tunneling places a lower bound on the gate size in integrated circuits, and hence, Moore’s law* will eventually reach an upper bound. As a prelude to the topic on dielectric breakdown discussed in the following section, this section concludes with a quick review of the band theory of semiconductors. By way of introduction, a comparison between a conductor (i.e., metal) versus semiconductor is drawn. The theory for metals is essentially based on the Drude–Sommerfeld model, and that of semiconductors is based on the Lorentz model. Informally, the difference between a conductor and an insulator is depicted in Figure 9.5. Basically, electrons in the ground state occupy the valance band. If there is sufficient energy to excite the electrons into the conduction band, and have the electrons remain there, then conduction can take place. Specifically, when the conduction band overlaps the valance band in a solid, and hence, electrons are able to diffuse from the valance band into the conduction band even under low ambient thermal conditions, the material defines a conductor. For a semiconductor, there is a small nonoverlap between the conduction band and the valance band; the separation is usually small enough that thermal energy beyond a small value may be sufficient to excite the valance electrons beyond the forbidden gap, a region wherein electrons states do not exist, into the conduction band. On the other hand, for insulators, the forbidden zone is large enough that thermal energy alone is insufficient to excite the electrons into the conduction zone. Hence, there are no electrons in the conduction zone—or at least, very few electrons (perhaps due to tunneling) in comparison to a * Moore’s law essentially states that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every two years. K15149_Book.indb 316 10/18/13 11:07 AM 317 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge Semiconductor: small separation between conduction and valance bands Conductor: overlap between conduction and valance bands Conduction band Band overlap Conduction band Conduction band Forbidden zone Forbidden zone Valance band Insulator: large separation between conduction and valance bands Valance band Valance band Figure 9.5 A simplistic description for (a) conductors, (b) semiconductors, (c) insulators. semiconductor—rendering the material an insulator. Readers interested in solid-state theory may consult References [1,9,13]. 9.3.5 Theorem Suppose N > 0 energy states exist for a system in equilibrium. Then, the probability that the system is in a state with energy Ek is P(Ek ) = Z1 e−βEk, where β = kB1T , with kB = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K being the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature, and Z = ∑ nN= 1 e−βEn the partition function. In particular, if |k 〉 denotes the quantum state of a system with energy Ek, then the expected □ value of an observable A is given by 〈A 〉 = Z1 ∑ k 〈 k|Ak 〉e−βEk . Consider a quantum system comprising 0 < N ≤ ∞ particles. If an arbitrary number of noninteracting particles within the system can occupy any given state, the particles are called Bose particles (or bosons); if only one particle may occupy a given state,* then the particles are called Fermi particles (or fermions). Let 〈nk〉 denote the expected number of particles occupying a given state with energy Ek. At temperature T = 0 K, electrons in a solid occupy the lowest energy level; the highest energy level occupied by the valance electrons at 0 K is called the Fermi energy level. 9.3.6 Theorem For any fixed temperature T, the probability that fermions exists in a state −1 with energy Ek obeys the Fermi–Dirac distribution: P(Ek , T ) = eβ(Ek −µ ) + 1 , where μ is the chemical potential defined by P(μ,T) = 0.5.† In particular, the probability distribution of holes left below the Fermi level when electrons are −1 thermally excited into the conduction band is 1 − P(Ek , T ) = eβ(µ− Ek ) + 1 . □ { { } } * That is, obeying the Pauli exclusion principle, such as electrons (on the other hand, photons are Bose particles). † For temperatures of practical interest, the chemical potential is approximately equal to the Fermi energy [13, p.166]. K15149_Book.indb 317 10/18/13 11:07 AM 318 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers A solid is often modeled as a crystal lattice with periodic potential wherein the valance electrons are nearly free (i.e., plane waves modulated by the periodicity of the potential energy). In particular, for metal, the electrons freed from the valance band are free to diffuse throughout the metal (via the conduction band). For semiconductors, this holds when the ambient temperature is not too low. A precise statement can be captured below wherein electrons are modeled as an ideal gas. By way of introduction, given a crystal lattice with periodicity r̂ , where the lattice is defined by fixed nuclei, define the reciprocal lattice vector k̂ by rˆ ⋅ kˆ = 2 πl , for some l ∈ N. Finally, if p is the momentum of an electron in the crystal lattice, define the electron wave vector k by p = k. 9.3.7 Theorem (Bloch) Given a crystal lattice with time-independent periodic potential U (r + rˆ ) = U (r ), where r̂ is the periodicity of the lattice and the nuclei are fixed at the lattice sites, the electron energy eigenfunctions |Ψ k 〉 of the time-independent Schrödinger equation |HΨ k 〉 = E(k)|Ψ k 〉 satisfy Ψ k (r ) = eik ⋅r ψ k (r ) , where k is the wave vec□ tor, ψ k (r + r ) = ψ k (r ) ∀k and E(k + kˆ ) = E(k) ∀k . 9.3.8 Remark The eigenvalues E(k) define the energy band structure: a surface in k-space such that the energy on the surface is the Fermi energy level, called a Fermi surface ∂F ( kF ), where F ( kF ) = {k ∈ R 3 : k ⋅∇ k ⋅ E(k) = 0, k ≤ kF }. If D(k− , k+ ) ⊂ R 3 defines a conduction band in k-space, then for a conductor, D(k− , k+ ) ∩ F ( kF ) ≠ ∅, whereas for an insulator, d(∂D(k− , k+ ), ∂F ( kF )) ≡ sup{d(k′ , k′′) : k′ ∈∂D(k− , k+ ), k′′ ∈∂F ( kF )} >> ε(T ) where ε(T) > 0 is some monotonically increasing function of the (ambient) temperature T and d : R 3 × R 3 → R + is the Euclidean metric (defined in Appendix A.2). Thus the minimal energy surface for a conduction band lies well above the Fermi surface for an insulator; see Figure 9.5. Last but not least, the forbidden zone is the region in k-space wherein electron states cannot exist. It is sometimes called the band gap. 9.3.9 Definition The Drude model for a metal assumes that the valance electrons form an ideal classical gas that diffuses throughout the metal in the conduction zone. The Drude–Sommerfeld model for a metal is the Drude model wherein the electrons form an ideal Fermi gas, that is, an ideal gas that obeys the Fermi–Dirac statistics. Finally, the Lorentz model for semiconductors is the Drude model wherein the valance electrons are bound by some simple harmonic potential. This section concludes with a brief comment on temperature and material properties. It is intuitively clear from band theory that increasing the K15149_Book.indb 318 10/18/13 11:07 AM 319 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge thermal temperature of the lattice may potentially impart to the valance electrons sufficient energy to tunnel across the band gap. Hence, the electrical conductivity of a dielectric or semiconductor depends upon the ambient (or operating) temperature. For further studies, the reader is invited to consult any standard references on solid state physics. 9.4 Dielectric Breakdown A brief exposition is sketched here, based on the previous section, to provide a heuristic understanding of dielectric breakdown, often resulting in electrostatic discharge. Much empirical work has been done on this account, resulting in the Paschen breakdown curves and characteristics thereof for dielectrics; this topic is not pursued here. In what follows, a dielectric is assumed to be an insulator, unless stated otherwise. Furthermore, observe from quantum tunneling effects that an insulator is not a perfect insulator, as electrons from the valance band can always tunnel across the forbidden zone to the conduction band, as the temperature increases. Notwithstanding that the probability is very small. A simple example is worked out below by way of illustration. 9.4.1 Example Consider a free electron impinging upon a potential barrier of infinite width. Suppose further that upon the application of a constant external electric field E0, the barrier falls off according to U 0 on R − ∪ ( a, b) U ( x) = U 0 − eE0 ( x − b) on [b , c] 0 on [0, a] ∪ (c, ∞) where e is the electronic charge. See Figure 9.6. U = U0 U = U0 E < U0 U=0 x=0 U=0 x = a x = b x = x0 x = c Figure 9.6 Potential barrier reduction via an applied electric field. K15149_Book.indb 319 10/18/13 11:07 AM 320 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers U = U0 U1 < E < U0 U = U1 U=0 U=0 Figure 9.7 Potential barrier lower than a particle’s kinetic energy. Now, let the particle kinetic energy T = E. Then, by the continuity of U on [a,b], the intermediate value theorem implies ∃x0 ∈( a, b) such that U ( x0 ) = E. In particular, x ∈[ a, x0 ) ⇒ U ( x) − E > 0 and x ∈( x0 , b] ⇒ U ( x) − E < 0. From Example 9.3.3, for each fixed x ∈[ a, x0 ), the transmission coefficient S+ = cosh 2 (β + ( x)( x − a)) + ( β 2+ ( x )− k 2 2 kβ + ( x ) ) 2 sinh 2 (β + ( x)( x − a)) −1 where β + ( x) = 2m2 (U ( x) − E) on [b , x0 ) . To determine the transmission coefficient on [ x0 , c] , consider the opposite scenario to Example 9.3.3; see Figure 9.7. In this instance, the particle kinetic energy E > U 1, where U 1 is the potential energy of the finite barrier. Then, following Example 9.3.3, mutatis mutandis, on R − , 0= where β1 = 1 ψ 2 + 2m2 Eψ 2 = 0 ⇒ ψ 2 = A2+ eikx + A2− e− ikx 2 mE . On the interval (a,b), 1 0= where β 2 = ψ 1 − 2m2 (U 0 − E)ψ 1 = 0 ⇒ ψ 1 = A1eβ1x 2 m(U 0 − E) . On the interval [0,a], d2 dt 2 where k = d2 dt 2 1 d2 dt 2 ψ 3 + 2m2 (E − U 1 )ψ 3 = 0 ⇒ ψ 3 = A3+ eiβ2 x + A3− e− iβ2 x 2 m(E − U 1 ) . Finally, on [b,∞), 0= d2 dt 2 ψ 4 + 2m2 Eψ 4 = 0 ⇒ ψ 4 = A4eikx The pair of equations at x = a yields ( ) ( ) 2 A2+ = A3+ 1 + βk2 eiβ2 a + A3− 1 − βk2 e− iβ2 a K15149_Book.indb 320 10/18/13 11:07 AM 321 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge Likewise, at x = b, ( ) 2 A3+ eiβ2 b = A4 eikb 1 + βk2 ( and 2 A3− e− iβ2 b = A4 eikb 1 − βk2 ) whence ( ( ) ) ( ( ) A2+ = 14 eiβ2 a 1 + βk2 A4 ei( k −β2 )b 1 + βk2 + 14 e− iβ2 a 1 − βk2 A4 ei( k +β2 )b 1 − βk2 ) and upon some tedious algebraic manipulation, A2+ A4 { = eikb cos(β 2 (b − a)) + ( ) = e {cos(β (b − a)) − A2+ A4 ∗ − ikb 2 } 2 2 i β2 + k 2 2 kβ 2 sin(β 2 (b − a)) 2 2 i β2 + k 2 2 kβ 2 } sin(β 2 (b − a)) and hence, A4 A2+ 2 = cos 2 (β 2 (b − a)) − 1 4 ( ) β 22 + k 2 2 kβ 2 sin 2 (β 2 (b − a)) 2 −1 To complete the solution, it suffices to note that on the closed interval [x0, c], E − U(x) > 0, and hence, the transmission coefficient is S− ( x) = cos 2 (β − ( x)( x − a)) − 1 4 ( ) sin (β (x)(x − a)) 2 β 2− + k 2 2 kβ − 2 −1 − where β − ( x) = 1 2 m(E − U ( x)) . Thus, the average transmission coefficient across the finite width potential barrier is S= 1 c− a ∫ x0 a S+ ( x)d x + ∫ c x0 S− ( x)d x Observe by construction that S− (c) ≤ S− ( x) < S < S+ ( x) ≤ S+ ( a) on [a,c]. □ It is quite clear from the above example that in the presence of an external field, the potential barrier can be reduced and hence, increase the corresponding transmission coefficient: S− (c) < S. This means that electrostatic discharge has a greater probability of occurring when a dielectric is subject to a strong field. In particular, recalling the band structure from the previous section, it is clear that by applying a large enough electric field, the potential barrier may be lowered to a sufficiently small value such that electrons can easily tunnel K15149_Book.indb 321 10/18/13 11:07 AM 322 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers across the forbidden zone and into the conduction zone. The applied field accelerates the electrons in the conduction zone, and collisions with atomic lattices may potentially excite electrons in the valance band and thereby impart sufficient energy for the valance electrons to jump the forbidden zone and into the conduction band or, if the electron acquires sufficient energy, to leave the dielectric surface (ionization). Thus, at an intuitive level, when a sufficient number of electrons are able to jump to the conduction band, the large current flow in a dielectric results in the phenomenon of breakdown. As a particular scenario, consider two oppositely charged parallel plate conductors in a homogeneous dielectric medium connected to a common source, that is, a capacitor subject to a fixed potential difference V across the plates. Here, the electric field is just E = Vd , where d is the plate separation. For V >> 0 such that the potential barrier between the valance band and the conduction band is sufficiently low, the valance electrons can tunnel easily into the conduction band under ambient temperature conditions. Increasing the electric field further by increasing the potential difference will cause the electrons to accelerate toward the anode; indeed, a sufficiently high field will impart a large enough kinetic energy to the electrons such that their collisions will cause ionization of the dielectric medium. Explicitly, • The applied electric field will reduce the potential barrier of the dielectric such that the electrons can tunnel across the forbidden zone into the conduction band. • The electrons in the conduction band will diffuse toward the positively charged conductor (anode). • The movement of the electrons in the conduction band will generate holes in the valance band (positively charged due to the absence of electrons) which will diffuse toward the negatively charged conductor (cathode). • The respective charges will accumulate around the boundary of the conductors, forming a space charge that partially shields the conductors and hence, result in a drop in the field. Heuristically, as more electrons accelerate toward the respective plates, a brief electric arc between the plates may occur. However, note that as the opposite charges form a charge cloud (i.e., space charge) within the vicinity of the plates, the opposing potential—called screening—will effectively reduce the applied electric field across the dielectric. The potential is thus modified by the charge cloud. When the electric field falls below some critical level such that the tunneling coefficient becomes negligible, the dielectric ceases to conduct. Thus, electrostatic discharge cannot be a continuous event unless the potential difference between the two fixed conductors increases continuously to supply a strong enough electric field to overcome the screening effects of the ions. The informal picture sketched above can be K15149_Book.indb 322 10/18/13 11:07 AM 323 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge understood at a more rigorous level by considering a simple example given below: thermionic emission. 9.4.2 Example Consider a metal conductor surface subject to a high temperature exposure on its surface. Suppose EF denotes the Fermi energy level of the metal. If W∞ denotes the work expanded to move an electron from the Fermi level to infinity, then the work function ϕ of the metal is defined by φ = W∞ − EF . By appealing to the Drude–Sommerfeld model, it can be shown [10 p. 237] that the emission current density from the metal surface is given by the Richardson–Dushman equation J= 4 πme h3 ( kBT )2 e−φ/( kBT ) where m,e,h,T are, respectively, the mass and absolute charge of an electron, □ Planck’s constant, and temperature. 9.4.3 Remark Cold emissions, that is, emissions of electrons under the influence of a strong electric field, from a metal surface are again the result of a quantum tunneling effect. It is called Fowler–Nordheim tunneling, and it has applications in metaloxide semiconductors; the current across the junction is controlled via quantum tunneling through the application of an electric field across the junction. In closing, the electrostatic discharge can be explained by lowering the potential barrier of a dielectric such that • The valance electrons can tunnel across the forbidden zone into the conduction band. • The applied electric field imparts sufficient kinetic energy to the electrons in the conduction band to overcome the work function of the surface. It is important to note that under the application of a strong electric field, the migrating electrons often acquire large enough kinetic energy such that their collisions with the lattice will impart energy to the lattice; the energy loss manifests as heat. For large enough energy, this leads to the actual breakdown of the dielectric structure within the vicinity of the current flow. At a practical level, an intense discharge can cause vaporization of the material, leading to punctures in the dielectric. 9.4.4 Remark A rough insight into the above example of a dielectric between two parallel plates can be gained by considering a lossless homogeneous dielectric K15149_Book.indb 323 10/18/13 11:07 AM 324 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers medium (Ω,μ,ε). Let Wε,T denote the minimal energy required to allow a valance electron to transition into the conduction band for some fixed temperature T. By modeling the dielectric as a lattice, it may be supposed that an electron has a mean free path 〈rε 〉 between lattice collisions, if sufficient energy is provided to raise the valance electrons into the conduction band. At temperature T, there may only be a small quantity of electrons in the conduction band due to tunneling. A minimal applied uniform electric field Eε needed to give the electrons in the conduction band an average kinetic energy of Wε,T can clearly be found from Wε ,T = Fε 〈rε 〉 , where the required Wε , T minimal force Fε =|| e Eε . Hence, by applying an electric field Eε = || e 〈 rε 〉 across the plates, the conduction electrons will possess enough energy to free the valance electrons into the conduction band. A chain reaction takes place under the applied electric field, causing dielectric ionization to take place and hence a breakdown of the dielectric. Trivially, the required potential difference across the plates is Vε = Eε d . Last, if the electric field along the plates varies, such that ∃p ∈ ∂Ω satisfying E( p) ≥ Eε , then breakdown will occur along some sufficiently small tubular neighborhood of p. 9.5 Worked Problems 9.5.1 Exercise Establish Remark 9.2.3. Solution For simplicity, consider a bound electron about some fixed origin subject to a restoring force m0 ω 20 and a damping force m0 γ 0 v, where v is the velocity of the electron. Then, given a plane monochromatic time harmonic electric field E = E0 e− i( kz +ωt ), the resultant classical expression of the force on the electron is: m0 r + m0 γ 0 r + m0 ω 20 r = eE0 e− iωt where r = v. Then, upon setting r = r0 e− iωt , it follows at once that −ω 2 r0 − iωγ 0 r0 + ω 02 r0 = e m0 E0 ⇒ r = e m0 E ω 2 −ω 21 − iγ 0 0ω Now, by definition, the dipole moment is p = er, and for a single atomic 2 dipole, p = (ε − ε 0 )E , whence, p = (ε − ε 0 )E = er ⇒ ε = ε 0 + me 0 ω 2 −ω 21 − iγ ω . This 0 0 corresponds precisely to a single mode for an electronic oscillator. If there K15149_Book.indb 324 10/18/13 11:07 AM 325 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge exist j = 1,2, … modes per electronic oscillator, let fj denote the probability that an electronic transition will take place at the resonant angular frequency ωj. Then, by definition, ∑ j f j = 1 (as the total probability must sum to unity) and hence, for a single electronic oscillator, ε = ε0 + e2 m0 ∑ fj 2 2 j ω 0 −ω − iγ 0 ω Finally, to complete the discussion, if there exist N dipoles per unit volume, then trivially, the electric permittivity of the simple homogeneous dielectric material is given by ε = ε0 + Ne 2 m0 ∑ fj 2 2 j ω 0 −ω − iγ 0 ω □ as required. 9.5.2 Exercise Prove that the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are always real. Solution Given a Hermitian operator A, suppose |ψn 〉 is an eigenvector of A; that is, A|ψ n 〉 = an |ψ n 〉 . Then, by definition, 〈ψ n|Aψ n 〉 = an 〈ψ n|ψ n 〉 = an , and denoting ∗ to be the complex conjugate, 〈A † ψ n|ψ n 〉 = 〈ψ n|A † ψ n 〉∗ = 〈ψ n|Aψ n 〉∗ = an∗ by the Hermiticity of A. Hence, 〈A † ψ n|ψ n 〉 = 〈ψ n|Aψ n 〉 ⇒ an∗ = an. Thus, the arbitrariness of |ψn 〉 implies that all eigenvalues of A must be real. 9.5.3 Exercise The reason for the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics arises in the following fashion. Consider Axiom 9.3.1(d), ddt ψ = − i 1 H ψ . Here, H = − 21m 2 ∆ + U (r , t) where Δ is the Laplacian, and in general, the potential energy U depends upon time. In the Schrödinger (coordinate) representation, the state vector |ψ〉 is represented by a complex function ψ (r , t) ≡ Sˆ (t)ψ (r ) such that ∫ R3 ψ (r )ψ ∗ (r )d 3 r < ∞ and Ŝ is a linear operator satisfying |Sˆ (t)|= 1 . In particular, the function can be normalized: ψ → ψ = 1N ψ , where ∫ R3 ψ (r )ψ ∗ (r )d 3 r = N . By definition, ψ ∈L2 (R 3 ) , which is the Hilbert space of all square integrable functions: 〈ψ|ψ〉 ≡ ∫ R3 ψ (r )ψ ∗ (r )d 3 r . The wave function ψ(r) is called the Heisenberg (coordinate) representation (and is, by definition, independent of time). Finally, recalling that the Fourier transform F : L2 (R 3 ) ≈ L2 (R 3 ) is a linear isomorphism on K15149_Book.indb 325 10/18/13 11:08 AM 326 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers a Hilbert space, the momentum representation ψ(p) is the Fourier transform F [ψ ]( p) = ∫ R3 ψ (r )e− ip⋅ x d 3 r of the coordinate representation ψ(r). Lastly, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle δpδx ≥ 21 2hπ , where δp(δx) is the uncertainty in momentum (position), is a direct consequence of the Hilbert space structure (specifically, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality): |ψ||ϕ|≥|〈ψ|ϕ〉|. This concludes the motivation for formulating quantum mechanics on (an infinite-dimensional) Hilbert space. Show that the time-independent solution—also called stationary states— of the Schrödinger wave equation is given by H|ψ〉 = E|ψ〉 , and hence, show explicitly that the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation is { − 2 2m } ∆ + U (r ) ψ (r ) = Eψ (r ). In particular, deduce that a solution of the time− i 1 Et independent Schrödinger equation has the form: Ψ(r , t) = ψ (r )e . Solution From Axiom 9.3.1(d), ddt |ψ〉 = − i h1 H|ψ〉 , it follows that in the coordinate representation, ddt ψ = − i h1 Hψ . Because the Hamiltonian is independent of time, d dt H = 0 and in particular, U(r, t) = U(r). So, attempt the separation of variables, ψ(r, t) = φ(r)τ(t). Then, d dt ϕ(r )τ(t) = − i 1 Hϕ(r )τ(t) ⇔ − i 1 1 d τ ( t ) dt τ(t) = 1 ϕ( r ) Hϕ(r ) Because the left-hand side of the equality is independent of coordinates by definition, and the right-hand side of the equation is independent of time, they must both be equal to some constant E. That is, − i 1 1 d τ ( t ) dt τ(t) = E = 1 ϕ( r ) Hϕ(r ) whence 1 d τ ( t ) dt τ(t) = iE ⇒ τ(t) = eiEt is the fundamental solution, and Hϕ(r ) = Eϕ(r ) implies immediately that E is an eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator H and φ(r) is an eigenfunction of H, whence the stationary Schrödinger wave equation satisfies { − 2 2m } ∆ + U (r , t) ψ = Eψ i Et and the full stationary solution thus has the form ψ (r , t) = ϕ(r )e . □ 9.5.4. Exercise Given that the momentum operator is defined by p = − ih∇ , show that for a free particle, that is, potential energy U = 0, traveling along the x-axis, K15149_Book.indb 326 10/18/13 11:08 AM 327 Elements of Electrostatic Discharge the eigenfunction of p is ψ = e ± ikx with eigenvalue ± k . In fact, this is just the equation for a plane wave. Solution Because the particle is traveling along the x-axis, the variation along the y, z directions are zero and hence, the problem reduces to a one-dimensional scenario. Thus, p = −ih ddx . Moreover, as the potential energy is zero, the timeindependent Schrödinger equation defines the state of the particle: − 2 d2 2 m dx 2 whence, on setting k 2 = 0= 2m 2 d2 dx 2 ψ = Eψ E , it follows that ψ + k 2 ψ ⇒ ψ + = eikx , ψ − = Be− ikx are two possible solutions. Now, observe that E = 21m p 2 ⇒ p = ± k , where p = k denotes the particle traveling along the x-axis in the positive direction whilst p = − 2π k indicates the negative direction. Thus, pψ ± = − i 2π d dx ψ ± = ± kψ ± implies at once that the eigenvalue of p is p = k for the eigenfunction ψ + = eikx , and the eigenvalue is p = − k for the eigenfunction ψ − = Be− ikx . That is, ψ + = eikx denotes the particle traveling along the positive direction (from left to right) along the x-axis, and ψ − = Be− ikx denotes the particle traveling along the negative direction (from right to left) along the x-axis, as □ claimed. 9.5.5 Exercise Consider the domains (Ω0 , µ 0 , ε 0 , σ 0 ) and (Ω1 , µ 1 , ε1 , σ 1 ), where Ωi ⊂ R 2 are defined by Ω0 = [ − 21 a, 21 a ] × [0, δ] and Ω1 = [− 21 a, 21 a] × [δ , δ + d], and suppose also that C− = {( x , 0) ∈R 2 : x ∈R} and C+ = {( x , δ + d) ∈R 2 : x ∈R} are grounded planes that bound Ωi ∀i = 0, 1. Given that 0 < δ << a, suppose that a constant surface charge density ρs exists on ∂Ω0 |y =δ ≡ [ − 21 a, 21 a ] × {δ} at t = 0. Determine the charge relaxation time of Ω = Ω0 ∪ Ω1 . This question is of particular interest to EMC engineers and material engineers, as occasionally there is a need to know how long it takes to fully discharge a dielectric material. K15149_Book.indb 327 10/18/13 11:08 AM 328 Electromagnetic Theory for Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineers Solution Because ρs is a constant and C± are grounded conductors, it is clear by conp struction that ∀p ∈∂Ω0 |y =δ and ∀p± ∈C± , − ∫ p± E± ⋅ dl = V0 , for some constant V0. In particular, the assumption 0 < δ << a implies that E± ≈ ±E± e y , where E± are some constants, away from x = ± 21 a. Hence, Ed+ = V0 = Eδ− ⇒ E+ = δd E− and from Gauss’ law, ρ1 = δd εε01 ρ0 Now, for simplicity, let σ , ε denote the electric conductivity and electric permittivity, respectively, for the composite system Ω, whence, from the continuity of charge, ∂t ρs = −∇ ⋅ J s = − σε ρs ⇒ τ = ε σ is the composite relaxation time. Furthermore, observe also that for some small time t > 0, σ i > 0 ∀i ⇒ ρs = ρ1 + ρ2 , where ρi is in Ωi. That is, the charge on the boundary will diffuse toward the grounded conductors under the action of E± . Hence, ∂t ρs = ∂t ρ0 + ∂t ρ1 = − σε00 ρ0 − σ1 ε1 ρ1 = − { σ0 ε0 + σ1 d ε0 δ }ρ 0 In addition, { σ0 ε0 + σ1 d ε0 δ }ρ 0 = σε ρs = σ ε {1 + d ε1 δ ε0 }ρ 0 ⇒ σ ε = {σ 0 + δd σ 1 }{ε 0 + δd ε1 } −1 Hence, the charge relaxation time of Ω is τ = {ε 0 + δd ε 1 }{σ 0 + δd σ 1 } . Indeed, this can be rewritten in terms of the charge relaxation constant of Ω0: −1 { τ = τ0 1 + where τ 0 = ε0 σ0 as required. d ε1 δ ε0 }{1 + d σ1 δ σ0 } −1 □ References 1. Ahn, D. and Park, S.-H. 2011. Engineering Quantum Mechanics. Hoboken, NJ: IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons. 2. Bohm, D. 1979. Quantum Theory. New York: Dover. 3. Churchill, R. and Brown, J. 1990. Complex Variables and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. K15149_Book.indb 328 10/18/13 11:08 AM Elements of Electrostatic Discharge 329 4. Davydov, A.1976. Quantum Mechanics. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. 5. Dressel, M. and Grüner, G. 2002. Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, UK. 6. 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K15149_Book.indb 329 10/18/13 11:08 AM Appendix A A.1 Coordinate Transformations Recall that a vector space V over R is the quadruple (V,+,•, R) such that the following are preserved a) Vector addition: ∀u, v ∈ V, u + v ∈ V b) Scalar multiplication: ∀v ∈ V and ∀a ∈ R, a • v ∈ V (this is often denoted by av ∈ V) A.1.1 Definition Given a (real) vector space V, the set of vectors {v1 , , vk } ⊂ V is said to be linearly independent if ∑ ik= 1 a k vk = 0 ⇔ a k = 0 ∀k . Furthermore, if ∃n > 0 such that {v1 , , vn } ⊂ V is linearly independent and ∀m > n, {u1 , , um } ⊂ V is not linearly independent, then n is said to be the (real) dimension of V, and {v1 , , vn } ⊂ V called a basis of V. Given a basis {v1 , , vn } ⊂ V , ∀v ∈ V, ∃{ a1 , , a n } ⊂ R such that v = a1 v1 + + a n vn . Observe that a basis is not unique, and with respect to a fixed basis v = {v1 , , vn } , the set { a1 , , a n } is the components of v. In particular, the vector v may be represented by v = ( a1 , , a n ) with respect to v . The elements of R are called scalars. Denote the dimensions of a vector space V by dimV.* Then, a basis {v1 , , vn } of V is said to span V if n = dimV. This is also written as V = span{v1 , , vn }. A.1.2 Definition Let V, W be a pair of finite-dimensional vector spaces. A linear transformation (or operator) T: V → W on V is a mapping that satisfies the criteria: T(av + u) = aT(u) + T(v) ∀u,v ∈ V and a ∈ R. Furthermore, a linear transformation is (a) injective (or one–one) if ∀u,v ∈ V, T(u) = T(v) ⇒ u = v, and (b) surjective (or onto) if ∀w ∈ W, ∃u ∈ V such that T(u) = w; that is, T(V) = W. Last, T is said to be a linear isomorphism if T is both injective and surjective, and this is denoted by T: V ≈ W. By definition, a linear transformation on V is completely defined by its values on a basis {v1 , , vn } of V. To see this, let T: V → W be a linear * Only real vector spaces are considered here; these are vector spaces over R. 331 K15149_Book.indb 331 10/18/13 11:08 AM 332 Appendix A transformation and suppose that T (vi ) = vi′ ∀i = 1, , n . Given any v ∈ V, let v = ∑ i a i vi for some scalars a i ∈R. Then, by linearity, T (v) = T ( a1 v1 + + a n vn ) = ∑ a T(v ) = ∑ a v′. i i i i i i The above linear transformation is invertible if vi′ ≠ 0 ∀i = 1, , n , and its inverse T −1 is defined by T −1 (vi′) = T −1 (T (vi )) = vi . In other words, T is invertible if Tu = 0 ⇔ u = 0. Equivalently, a linear transformation T is invertible if it is injective. A basis {v1 , , vn } of V defines a coordinate system for V. A linear isomorphism T: V → V defines a change in the coordinate system on V; that is, it transforms one coordinate system into another coordinate system. Finally, if W is another vector space such that W ≈ V, then W may be identified with V. A.1.3 Theorem Let V be an n-dimensional (real) vector space, where n < ∞. Then, V ≈ R n . Proof Let {ui : i = 1, , n} be a basis that spans V and let {ei : i = 1, , n} denote the standard basis spanning R n . Define a linear transformation T on V by T (ui ) = ei ∀ i. Then, by construction, T is injective. To see this, suppose u′ , u′′ ∈V. Then, u′ = ∑ i ai′ui and u′′ = ∑ i ai′′ ui, for some unique ai′ , ai′′∈R ∀ i, whence, T (u′) = T (u′′) ⇒ ∑ a′e = ∑ a′′e ⇔ ∑ (a′ − a′′ )e = 0 ⇒ a′ = a′′∀ i i i i i i i i i i i i i and T is thus injective. Finally, to establish that T is surjective, it suffices to choose any element w ∈R n . Let w = ∑ i wi ei and define, u = ∑ i wi ui . Then, by definition, u ∈ V and T (u) = ∑ i wiT (ui ) = ∑ i wi ei = w, whence it follows from the arbitrariness of u that T is surjective, as required. □ A.1.4 Example The space R 3 with respect to the standard basis vectors {e1 , e 2 , e 3 }, where e1 = (1, 0, 0), e2 = (0, 1, 0), e3 = (0, 0, 1), is a 3-dimensional vector space. A 3-vector u ∈R 3 is expressed interchangeably by its components: u = ( a, b , c) = ae1 + be 2 + ce 3 Moreover, the cross-product of two 3-vectors u = (u1, u2, u3) and v = (v1, v2, v3) is defined by: u × v = (u2 v 3 − u3 v 2 , − (u1 v 3 − u3 v 1 ), u1 v 2 − u2 v1 ) K15149_Book.indb 332 10/18/13 11:08 AM 333 Appendix A The inner (or scalar) product of two 3-vectors u = (u1 , u2 , u3 ) and v = ( v 1 , v 2 , v 3 ) is given by u ⋅ v = u1 v 1 + u2 v 2 + u3 v 3 The inner product is also denoted by 〈u|v〉 or 〈u, v〉 .* Observe that the crossproduct of two 3-vectors remains a 3-vector whereas the scalar product of two vectors is a scalar. In particular, ei ⋅ e j = 0 for ∀ i ≠ j. Note as a side remark that more generally, an orthonormal basis {e x , e y , e z } of R 3 satisfies (i) e π ( x ) × e π ( y ) = (−1)|π|e π ( z ) , where π:{x, y, z} → {x,y, z} is a permutation and |π| = 0 if the permutation is cyclic, and |π| = 1 otherwise; (ii) e i ⋅ e j = δ ij , where i, j ∈ {x, y, z}. Now, given a vector space V with basis v = {v1 , , vn } , v is orthonormal if vi ⋅ v j = δ ij , where 1 δ ij = 0 if i = j if i ≠ j That is, the vectors are unit vectors such that they are normal (i.e., orthogonal) to one another. In all that follows, all vector spaces under consideration are restricted to a maximum of three dimensions. For notational simplicity, denote the partial derivatives with respect to x, y, z, t by ∂x ≡ ∂ ∂x , ∂y ≡ ∂ ∂y , ∂z ≡ ∂ ∂z , ∂t ≡ ∂ ∂t , ∂2x ≡ ∂2 ∂ x2 , ∂2y ≡ ∂2 ∂ y2 , ∂2z ≡ ∂2 ∂ z2 , ∂t2 ≡ ∂2 ∂t2 The definition of the del operator ∇ in 3-dimensional space R 3 is: • In rectangular coordinates, ∇ = (∂ x , ∂ y , ∂ z ) , and ∆ ≡ ∇ ⋅ ∇ = ∂2x + ∂2y + ∂2z . • In spherical coordinates, x = r sin ϕ cos θ, y = r sin ϕ sin θ, z = r cos ϕ ⇒ 2 2 1 1 1 1 ∇ = (∂r , 1r ∂θ , r sin θ ∂φ ) and ∆ = r 2 ∂ r (r ∂ r ) + r 2 sin θ ∂θ (sin θ ∂θ ) + r 2 sin 2 θ ∂φ . Let S be a 2-dimensional surface in R3 such that ∃{u,v}, a basis field, that spans S. That is, locally, each vector w defined at a point on S can be expressed as a linear combination of (u, v): w = au + bv, for some real numbers a, b. Let p be a unit vector that is normal to the surface S at each point on S. Then, on the volume S × R defined by S via the local coordinates given by the basis vectors {u, v, p} at each point in S × R, ∇ ≡ ∇⊥ + p ∂ p where ∇ ⊥ ≡ (∂u , ∂ v ). See Figure A.1. * A more general definition is given in a later section. K15149_Book.indb 333 10/18/13 11:08 AM 334 Appendix A S×R ez R3 ey S ex p vu An infinite volume S × R imbedded in the Euclidean 3-space R3 defined by the surface S Figure A.1 Arbitrary coordinate system defined on S × R. A.1.5 Proposition Let f : R 3 → R 3 be a coordinate transformation from {e1 , e 2 , e 3 } -coordinates onto {e1′ , e ′2 , e ′3 } -coordinates defined by ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) ( y 1 , y 2 , y 3 ) . Then, f has the following matrix representation u = f(v) ≡ D(f)v, where D( f ) = (∂ j y i ) is a 3 × 3 matrix called the Jacobian of f defined by ∂1 y 1 D( f ) = (∂ j y i ) = ∂1 y 2 ∂1 y 3 ∂2 y 1 ∂2 y 2 ∂2 y 3 ∂3 y 1 ∂3 y 2 ∂3 y 3 with ∂ j y i ≡ ∂ x j y i for each i, j = 1, 2, 3, u = ( y 1 , y 2 , y 3 ) and v = ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ). Explicitly, y1 y2 y 3 ∂ y1 1 = ∂1 y 2 ∂1 y 3 ∂2 y 1 ∂2 y 2 ∂2 y 3 ∂3 y 1 x1 ∂3 y 2 x 2 3 ∂ 3 y 3 x □ A.1.6 Example Derive the coordinate transformation between rectangular coordinates and spherical coordinates in R 3, where in the spherical coordinate system, u = (r, θ, ϕ) is defined with respect to rectangular coordinates by r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , y x2 + y 2 θ = arctan x , φ = arctan z , and the coordinate transformation from rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates are related by: x = r sin θ cos ϕ, y = r sin θ sin ϕ, z = r cos θ. K15149_Book.indb 334 10/18/13 11:09 AM 335 Appendix A Let f:(r, θ, ϕ) ↦ (x, y, z), where x = r sin θ cos ϕ, y = r sin θ sin ϕ, z = r cos θ. On setting y 1 = x , y 2 = y , y 3 = z and applying Proposition A.1.5: ux uy uz ∂r x = ∂r y ∂r z ∂θ x ∂θ y ∂θ z ∂ φ x vr ∂φ y vθ ∂φ z vφ (A.1) where ∂r y 1 = ∂r x = ∂r (r sin θ cos φ) = sin θ cos φ, ∂θ y 1 = ∂θ (r sin θ cos φ) = r cos θ cos ϕ, and so on. That is, sin θ cos φ D( f ) = sin θ sin φ cos θ cos θ cos φ cos θ sin φ − sin θ − sin φ cos φ 0 upon setting e r = rˆ , eθ = rθˆ and eφ = r sin θφˆ (in order for the unit vectors to have the same dimensions of length). This (invertible) linear transformation D(f) leads to the transformation of vector components in spherical coordinates into rectangular coordinates: v = vr e r + vθ eθ + vφ eφ and u = ux e x + uy e y + uz e z Now, the above transformation, which transforms spherical coordinates into rectangular coordinates, is in fact the inverse operation transforming rectangular coordinates into spherical coordinates. Hence, sin θ cos φ D( f ) = cos θ cos φ − sin φ −1 sin θ sin φ cos θ sin φ cos φ cos θ − sin θ 0 is the required linear transformation taking vector components in rectangular coordinates into components in spherical coordinates. Explicitly, vr vθ vφ K15149_Book.indb 335 sin θ cos φ = cos θ cos φ − sin φ sin θ sin φ cos θ sin φ cos φ cos θ − sin θ 0 ux uy u z □ 10/18/13 11:09 AM 336 Appendix A z x = ρ cos φ y = ρ sin φ z = r cos θ ρ2 = x2 + y2 ρ y r θ φ x Figure A.2 Cylindrical coordinate system. A.1.7 Example In this final example, the coordinate transformation between rectangular and cylindrical coordinates is derived. First, recall that in terms of cylindrical coordinates (see Figure A.2): x = ρ cosφ, y = ρ sinφ, z = r cos θ, ρ = x 2 + y 2 On setting y 1 = x , y 2 = y , y 3 = z and applying Proposition A.1.5, f(v) = u ⇒ ∂ρ x = ∂ρ y ∂ρ z ux uy uz ∂θ x vρ ∂θ y vφ ∂θ z vθ ∂φ x ∂φ y ∂φ z (A.2) where ∂ρ y 1 = ∂ρ x = ∂r (ρ cos φ) = cos φ, ∂φ y 1 = ∂φ (ρ cos φ) = −ρ sin φ , and so on. Substituting the values yields the transformation from cylindrical coordinates to rectangular coordinates: cos φ D( f ) = sin φ 0 −ρ sin φ ρ cos φ 0 0 − r sin θ 0 Inverting D(f) yields the transformation from rectangular coordinates to cylindrical coordinates: cos φ D( f ) = − ρ1 sin φ 0 −1 K15149_Book.indb 336 sin φ 0 cos φ 0 1 ρ 0 1 − r sin θ 10/18/13 11:09 AM 337 Appendix A This section concludes with a brief list of some common identities employed in vector analysis [3,12,14,18,19,21]. In what follows, scalars are denoted by lower case Greek letters, and vectors in upper case bold letters. • • • • • • ∇(αA + B) = A ⋅ ∇α + α∇ ⋅ A + ∇ ⋅ B ∇ × (αA + B) = −A × ∇α + α∇ × A + ∇ × B ∇ × (∇ × A) = ∇(∇ ⋅ A) − ΔA ∇ × ∇α = 0 ∇ ⋅ (∇ × A) = 0 ∇ × (A × B) = A(∇ ⋅ B) + (B ⋅ ∇)A − B(∇ ⋅ A) − (A ⋅ ∇)B A.2 Basic Point-Set Topology: A Synopsis In this section, a sketch of the elements of general topology used in analysis, theoretical physics, and engineering is presented. Some concepts and terminologies introduced in this section are used throughout the text for mathematical convenience and to make description precise. First, let f: U → V be a mapping. Then, (a) f is injective if ∀u, v ∈ U, f(u) = f(v) ⇒ u = v; (b) f is surjective if ∀v ∈ V, ∃ u ∈ U such that f(u) = v; (c) f is bijective if f is both injective and bijective. Second, by way of motivation, recall the definition of the continuity of functions from real analysis. A.2.1 Definition Let f: R → R be a function and fix x0 ∈R . Then, f is said to be continuous at x0 if ∀ε > 0, ∃δ > 0 such that |x − x0|< δ ⇒ |f ( x) − f ( x0 )|< ε . Moreover, if f is continuous ∀x ∈ Σ, where Σ ⊆ R, then f is said to be continuous on Σ. Now, on setting N δ ( x0 ) = ( x0 − δ , x0 + δ) and N ε ( f ( x0 )) = ( f ( x0 ) − δ , f ( x0 ) + δ), it is clear from Definition A.2.1 that the continuity of f at x0 is equivalent to the following condition: x ∈ N δ ( x0 ) ⇒ f ( x) ∈ N ε ( f ( x0 )); that is, f ( N δ ( x0 )) ⊂ N ε ( f ( x0 )). See Figure A.3(a). Note that by construction, N δ ( x0 ) is a δ-interval of x0 and N ε ( f ( x0 )) is an ε-interval of f ( x0 ) . y+ f(t0) y– g f N(g(u0)) g(u0) Generalisation N(u0) t–t0 t+ (a) u0 (b) Figure A.3 Generalizing the concept of continuity in real analysis. K15149_Book.indb 337 10/18/13 11:09 AM 338 Appendix A This motivates the concept of continuity on spaces that are more general than the real line. That is, the generalization of intervals, called neighborhoods, can be modeled on more general spaces to define continuity. Refer to Figure A.3(b), where (U,V) is a pair of topological spaces, g:U → V is a continuous map, N ( x0 ) is a neighborhood of x0 in U, and N ( g( x0 )) is a neighborhood of g( x0 ) in V. The continuity of g guarantees that there exists a neighborhood N ( x0 ) of x0 such that g( N ( x0 )) ⊂ N ( g( x0 )) . Thus, this leads to the notion of constructing neighborhoods in abstract spaces. A.2.2 Definition Given a nonempty set Ω, suppose τ ⊂ 2 Ω satisfies the following criteria. (a) ∅, Ω ∈ τ. (b) ∀U k ∈τ , k U k ∈τ (arbitrary union of subsets). (c) ∀U k ∈τ , k = 1,… , n < ∞ , ∩ nk = 1 U k ∈τ (finite intersection of subsets). Then, the pair (Ω, τ) is called a topological space, and τ defines the topology of Ω. Furthermore, the elements of τ are called open subsets (or open neighborhoods) of Ω. Finally, N ⊂ Ω is a neighborhood of x ∈ Ω if x ∈ N and N ∈ τ. An example of an open subset in the real line is the open interval (a,b), where a < b. Observe that given an open interval (a,b) and any point x ∈ (a,b), there exists an open interval J such that x ∈ J and J ⊂ (a,b). To see this, choose c = min { x − a +2 x , x 2+ b − x}. Then, by construction, J ≡ (x − c, x + c) ⊂ (a, b) is the sought-for neighborhood about x that is contained in (a, b). More generally, the following result can be established. A.2.3 Lemma Given a topological space (Ω, τ), a subset N ⊂ Ω is open if and only if ∀x ∈ N, ∃M ∈ τ such that x ∈ M and M ⊂ N. □ The notion of a closed interval [a, b] in the real line can also be generalized to an arbitrary topological space. A subset N ⊂ Ω is closed if its complement N c = Ω − N is open. Informally, a closed subset contains its boundary points. Thus, if N ⊂ Ω is open, then N ∪ ∂N is closed. Conversely, given a subset N ⊂ Ω, the interior N of N is the subset of all x ∈ N such that ∃U ∈ τ with x ∈ U ⊂ N. Hence, by definition, N ∈τ and in particular, N ∩ ∂ N = ∅ . A closely related concept defining a closed set is a sequence. Intuitively, a sequence is a set of ordered numbers: a1 , a2 , , an . A more precise definition is given below. First, an ordered set (Λ, ≤) is a set such that ∀i, j ∈ Λ, either i ≤ j or j ≤ i. In addition, if Λ ⊆ N, then the pair (Λ, ≤) is called a countable indexing set. Finally, a function f: N → R that assigns k ↦ f(k) defines a real sequence, where it is clear that N inherits a natural order defined by “greater than or equal to.” A sequence is often represented by (an), (an)n, or {an}n, where an = f(n). K15149_Book.indb 338 10/18/13 11:09 AM Appendix A 339 In the case of a topological space Ω, a sequence is defined similarly by a mapping f: Λ → Ω, where Λ is a countable indexing set. In what follows, only topological spaces whose topology can be characterized by sequences, such as the finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces, are considered.* For this class of topological spaces, continuity can be meaningfully defined via convergent sequences. In particular, all indexing sets considered herein are countable.† Again, recall from real analysis that a real sequence (an)n is said to converge to a0 ∈R . if ∀ε > 0, ∃N > 0 such that all n > N ⇒|an − a0|< ε. This has the following obvious generalization to topological spaces. A.2.4 Definition Let (Ω,τ) be a nonempty topological space and ( an )n∈Λ a sequence in Ω, where Λ is some indexing set. Then, ( an )n∈Λ converges to the limit a0 ∈Ω if ∀U ∈ τ with a0 ∈U , ∃nU ∈Λ such that all n ≥ nU ⇒ an ∈U . The limit a0 is said to be a limit point of the sequence (an)n. From this definition, it can be shown that a subset S ⊂ Ω is closed if and only if S contains all of its limit points. And if U ⊂ Ω is open, then its closure U is defined to be the union of U and all of its limit points. Thus, an equivalent characterization of a closed set is the following: for any sequence (an)n in S ⊂ Ω such that an → a0 ∈Ω ⇒ a0 ∈S. That is, S contains the limit point of every sequence in S that is convergent in Ω. A.2.5 Definition Let (Ωi , τ i ), for i = 1,2, be nonempty topological spaces and f : Ω1 → Ω2 be a map. Then, f is continuous at x0 ∈Ω1 if for any neighborhood N ( f ( x0 )) ⊂ Ω2 of f ( x0 ) , there exists a neighborhood U ( x0 ) ⊂ Ω1 of x0 such that f (U ( x0 )) ⊂ N ( f ( x0 )). In particular, f is continuous on Ω1 if ∀N ∈τ 2 , f −1 ( N ∩ f (Ω1 )) ∈τ1. It is easy to see from Definitions A.2.4 and A.2.5 that f is continuous at x0 ∈Ω1 if and only if for any convergent sequence xn → x0 in Ω1 , the sequence ( f ( xn ))n in Ω2 converges to f ( x0 ) ∈Ω2 . As mentioned earlier, this technically holds for first countable spaces [4,7,11]. Finally, suppose U,V are two topological spaces and f : U → V is a continuous bijection such that its inverse f −1 : V → U is also continuous. Then, f is called a homeomorphism and the two spaces U, V may be identified (topologically) with each other. This is denoted by U ≅ V. Given a topological space (Ω, τ) and any subset U ⊆ Ω, an open cover C ⊂ τ of U is defined by U ⊆ N ∈C N. The open cover is finite if |C| < ∞, where the * † These spaces are called first countable spaces. See, for example, References [7,11] for more details. For an uncountable indexing set, the associated “sequence” is called a net. This is the generalization of a sequence (ibid. for further details) required for more general topological spaces; that is, spaces that do not satisfy the axiom of first countability. K15149_Book.indb 339 10/18/13 11:09 AM 340 Appendix A cardinality |C| denotes the number of elements in C. If C is an open cover of U ⊆ Ω, and C ′ ⊂ C such that U ⊆ N ∈C′ N, then C′ defines a subcover of U. A.2.6 Definition Given a topological space (Ω,τ), a subset U ⊆ Ω is said to be compact if every open cover of U has a finite subcover. A.2.7 Proposition Let Ω be a compact space and K ⊆ Ω Then, K is compact if and only if K is closed. □ Intuitively, a compact set is a closed set with “finite volume.” To make this concept concrete, consider a finite-dimensional Euclidean space R n . Next, define a metric (or distance function) ρ : R n × R n → R to be a nonnegative function satisfying (a) ρ( x , y ) ≥ 0 ∀x , y ∈ R n with ρ( x , x) = 0 ∀x ∈R n (b) ρ( x , y ) = ρ( y , x) ∀x , y ∈R n (symmetry) (c) ρ( x , y ) ≤ ρ( x , z) + ρ( z, y ) ∀x , y , z ∈ R n (triangle inequality) An ε-disk Bε ( x0 ) ⊂ R n of x0 is defined by Bε ( x0 ) = { x ∈R n : ρ( x , x0 ) < ε} . This defines an open subset in R n . An example of a metric on R n is the Euclidean metric ρ( x , y ) =||x − y||, where ||x − y||= ( x 1 − y 1 )2 + + ( x n − y n )2 . Given a subset U ⊂ R n , if ∃ε > 0 such that ∀x ∈U , U ⊂ Bε ( x), then U is bounded in R n . In R n , a subset U ⊂ R n is compact if and only if it is both closed and bounded. Thus, every closed ε-disk Bε ( x0 ) is compact in R n . Compact sets possess some pleasant properties. An instance is given below. A.2.8 Theorem Let (Ω,τ) be a topological space and f:K → R be a continuous function, where K ⊂ Ω is compact. Then, f attains its maximum and minimum on K. That is, □ ∃u , u ∈ K such that f (u) ≤ f ( x) ≤ f (u) on K. This section closes with the concept of connectedness. Let Ω be a topological space. Then, Ω is said to be connected if ∀U,V ⊂ Ω open with U ∩ V = ∅, Ω ≠ U ∪ V. Furthermore, if ∀u,v ∈ Ω, ∃γ: [0,1] → Ω continuous, such that γ(0) = u, γ (1) = v, then Ω is path connected. That is, a path-connected space is a space such that any two points within the space can be connected by a (continuous) path. It can be shown that path connectedness implies connectedness; however, the converse is false. A path γ such that γ(0) = γ(1) is called a loop or a closed path. K15149_Book.indb 340 10/18/13 11:09 AM 341 Appendix A A.2.9 Definition Let Ω be a path-connected topological space and let x,y ∈ Ω be a pair of arbitrary points. Suppose γ , γ ′ : [0, 1] → Ω are two arbitrary paths connecting x,y. That is, γ (0) = x = γ ′(0) and γ (1) = y = γ ′(1) . If there exists a continuous mapping H: [0,1] × [0,1] → Ω such that H(0,t) = γ(t) ∀t ∈ [0,1] and H (1, t) = γ ′(t) ∀t ∈[0, 1], then Ω is said to be simply connected. The mapping H is called a homotopy. A multiply connected space is a space that is not simply connected. Lastly, a loop is null-homotopic if there exists a homotopy mapping the loop into a point, that is, if the loop can be continuously shrunk to a point. In short, a homotopy defines a deformation that deforms one path into another in a continuous fashion. Examples of simply connected spaces are Rn and the 2-sphere S2. On the other hand, the 2-torus T2 (i.e., a donut) is not simply connected: the presence of a hole in the torus prevents the loops λ,η encircling the torus from deforming into one another (see Figure A.4). A hole thus presents an obstruction toward the existence of a homotopy deforming λ into η, where λ(0) = η(0) = P = λ(1) = η(1). On the other hand, the two paths γ , γ ′ in R 2, where γ (0) = γ ′(0) = P = γ (1) = γ ′(1) , can be deformed into each other. However, observe that if the point Q should be deleted from R 2, then γ cannot be deformed into γ′ (and vice versa). Regarding the 2-sphere S2 = {( x , y , z) ∈R 3 : x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1} in Figure A.4, it is also clear that γ , γ ′ can be deformed into each other in S2. However, by deleting the point Q ∈S2, it can be intuitively seen that γ ′ can be deformed into γ via a homotopy that traverses around the sphere about the point P ∈S2. Topologically, by deleting the point Q ∈S2 from S2 and stretching out the deleted point in all directions to infinity, S2 − {Q} can be transformed into the plane R2. A.2.10 Remark Suppose K ⊂ R 3 is a compact (2-dimensional) surface such that ∂K = ∅. Then, K is called a closed 2-surface. Intuitively, the boundary of a boundary is empty. In what follows, a surface in R 3 always refers to a 2-surface. Finally, a compact surface K ⊂ R 3 is said to be spanned by a simple loop γ ⊂ R 3 if γ = ∂K. Recall P P γ P Q γ' R2 γ Q γ' η λ Q T2 S2 Euclidean 2-space 2-sphere 2-torus (a) (b) (c) Figure A.4 Simple connectedness: (a) and (b); multiple connectedness: (c). K15149_Book.indb 341 10/18/13 11:09 AM 342 Appendix A that a loop is simple if γ(t) ≠ γ(s) ∀ t,s ∈ (0,1); that is, if the loop does not have any self-intersection. An example of a closed surface is a 2-sphere, whereas a hemisphere is clearly a surface spanned by a loop. Suppose M is a path-connected topological space and γ i : [0, 1] → M are any two paths, for i = 1,2, such that γ 1 (1) = γ 2 (0). Then, the operation ∗ can be defined on the pair ( γ 1 , γ 2 ) to construct a new path γ 1 ∗ γ 2 in the following manner. γ 1 (2t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 2 γ 1 ∗ γ 2 (t) = 1 γ 2 (2t − 1) for 2 ≤ t ≤ 1 (A.3) That is, Equation (A.3) defines a new path by joining γ 1 to γ 2 . Indeed, this process can be continued for the sequence of paths ( γ i )i in M if they satisfy γ i (1) = γ i + 1 (0) ∀i : γ 1 ∗ γ 2 ∗ ∗ γ i ∗ . Finally, the inverse γ −1 of the path γ is given by γ −1 (t) = γ (1 − t) . That is, the inverse path is just the reverse orientation of the original path. In particular, γ ∗ γ −1 defines a degenerate loop. A.3 Boundary Conditions for Electromagnetic Fields The following two important theorems play a central role in proving certain elementary properties of electromagnetism. They are stated without proof; the proofs can be found in the numerous literature on electrodynamics [3,13,18,19] or [12]. The first theorem is called Stokes’ theorem, and the second theorem is called the divergence theorem. Recall that a continuous mapping f : R n → R m is a called an m-vector field (or simply a vector field) on R n . If m = 1, f is called a scalar field. Finally, for notational convenience, let C k (R n , R m ) denote the space of k-times continuously differentiable vector fields on R n . Intuitively, think of this space as the space of vector fields f = ( f 1 ( x ), , f m ( x )) satisfying ∂k f j ∂ x i1 ∂ x ik = ∂k f j ∂ x σ ( i1 ) ∂ x σ ( ik ) ∀ i1 ,… , ik ∈{1,… , n}, ∀j = 1,… , m and all permutations σ: {1,…,n} → {1,…,n}. Note that a permutation is just a bijection from a countable set onto itself. The space C k (R n , R m ) is often abbreviated by Ck should no confusion arise, and the mappings in C k (R n , R m ) are said to be of class Ck. K15149_Book.indb 342 10/18/13 11:09 AM 343 Appendix A Some examples are considered below. Let f : R 3 → R be continuous such that ∂ xi f exists and is continuous on R 3 for i = 1,2,3. Then, f is of class C1. In addition, if ∂ xi x j f exists and is continuous ∀ i,j = 1,2,3—equivalently, ∂ xi x j f = ∂ x j xi f ∀ i, j —on R 3 , then f is of class C2 . Finally, f ∈C0 (R 3 ) denotes f is a continuous function on R 3: this space is commonly denoted by C(R 3 ). A.3.1 Theorem (Stokes’ Theorem) Let f be a vector field of class C1 on a compact surface Σ ⊂ R 3 in R 3 spanned by ∂Σ ≠ ∅, l a unit vector field tangent to ∂Σ in R 3 , and N a unit vector field normal to the surface Σ in R 3 pointing away from the interior of Σ. Then, ∫ ∂Σ f ⋅ l d = ∫∫ ∇ × f ⋅ n dS. □ Σ A.3.2 Corollary If Σ is a closed compact surface in R 3, then ∫∫ ∇ × f ⋅ ndS = 0 . Σ Proof By assumption, ∂Σ = 0. Hence, invoking Stokes’ theorem, ∫∫ ∇ × f ⋅ n dS = ∫ Σ ∂Σ f ⋅ l d ≡ 0 □ as asserted. Heuristically, Corollary A.3.2 is evident: it suffices to consider S2 ⊂ R 3 and note that ∂S2 = ∅ . That is, a sphere has no boundary. Thus, by Theorem A.3.1, the surface integral must vanish, as the integral is over an empty set. A.3.3 Theorem (Divergence Theorem) If a vector field f on a compact set Ω ⊂ R 3is of class C1 , where Ω is simply connected and ∂Ω is closed, then ∫∫ ∂Ω f ⋅ n dS = outward, normal, unit vector field on ∂Ω. ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ f dV, where n is the Ω □ As a side remark, Stokes’ theorem and the divergence theorem are actually special cases of a more general theorem attributed to Stokes, which relates the volume integral of an n-dimensional volume to the surface integral of the associated (n − 1)-dimensional boundary of the n-dimensional volume. For more details, refer to any standard reference on differential geometry [4,17]. K15149_Book.indb 343 10/18/13 11:10 AM 344 Appendix A Faraday’s law follows as a direct consequence of (1.1) via Stokes’ theorem: ∫ ∂Σ E ⋅ l d = ∫∫ ∇ × E ⋅ n dS = − ∂ ∫∫ B ⋅ n dS ≡ − ∂ Ψ t Σ t Σ where Ψ ≡ ∫ ∫ Σ B ⋅ dS is the magnetic flux flowing across the surface Σ. Notice that when the compact surface Σ is closed, Faraday’s law implies that − ∂t Ψ = 0 . That is, the magnetic flux is conserved because it does not change with time. Furthermore, observe that the sum of magnetic flux entering and exiting a closed surface is zero. In other words, magnetic flux forms loops. To see this, it suffices to appeal to the divergence theorem: Ψ = ∫∫ Σ B ⋅ dS = ∫∫∫ M ∇ ⋅ BdV , where ∂M = Σ. From Maxwell’s equation, ∇ ⋅ B = 0, it follows at once that Ψ = 0. Thus, any magnetic flux lines that exit a compact surface must return to the same surface. Finally, recall two important identities from vector calculus. They are stated without proof below. Suppose φ is a scalar field on R 3 that is of class C2, and f a vector field on R 3 that is also of class C2. Then, the following identities hold. ∇ × ∇φ = 0 (A.4) ∇⋅∇×f=0 (A.5) The contents of the remainder of this section comprise (i) the boundary conditions for the electrostatic field, and (ii) the boundary conditions for the magnetostatic field. So, first of all, consider a perfect dielectric medium; this is an idealized medium whose conductivity is identically zero. In the presence of an applied electric field, the molecules comprising the dielectric are polarized to form dipoles. In complete analogy with the electric field, define the electric polarization vector P on a dielectric medium Ω ⊂ R 3 to be the electric field induced by the dipoles via an applied external electric field; see Figure A.5. Informally, – Zero applied electric field – + – + – – + + – Electric dipole – – + + + Random orientation – + – – – Polarisation + – field – + + + + Applied external electric field + Figure A.5 Alignment of electric dipoles under an external electric field. K15149_Book.indb 344 10/18/13 11:10 AM 345 Appendix A under the influence of an applied electric field, the electric dipoles of a dielectric medium align themselves according to the applied field. The aligned dipoles thus induce a polarization field of their own. A.3.4 Definition Let Ω ⊂ R 3 be a dielectric medium that is uncharged. Then, bound charges are charges within Ω such that they lie within the valence band.* An electric polarization field P generated by Ω is a C1 vector field satisfying (A.6) ∇ ⋅ P + ρ = 0 where ρ is the bound charge density in Ω induced by the dipoles. In particular, a bound surface charge density σ on Ω is defined by (A.7) P ⋅ n = σ where n is the normal vector field on ∂Ω. A.3.5 Lemma Equations (A.6) and (A.7) are well-defined. Proof The total charge QΩ in Ω is clearly given by QΩ = Theorem A.3.3, 0 = QΩ = ∫∫ ∂Ω ∫∫ ∂Ω P ⋅ nd 2 x = P ⋅ n d2 x − ∫∫ ∂Ω σ d 2 x + ∫∫∫ ρ d x . By 3 Ω ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ Pd x implies trivially that 3 Ω ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ P d x = ∫∫ 3 Ω ∂Ω σ d 2 x + ∫∫∫ ρ d x as Ω is assumed to be uncharged, establishing the assertion. 3 Ω □ A more general proof can be obtained (see, e.g., Reference [3, p. 107]) via the vector identity ∇(αA + B) = A ⋅ ∇α + α∇ ⋅ A + ∇ ⋅ B given in Section A.1. Indeed, it is evident from Gauss’ law ∇ ⋅ ε 0 E = ρ and the proof of Lemma A.3.5, that the negative sign in Equation (A.6) is required in order for the pola­rized charge in an electrically neutral dielectric to remain zero; that is, ∇ ⋅ P = −ρ . In a sense, Lemma A.3.5 furnishes a motivation for Definition A.3.4. Some comments are due. First, it is clear from Definition A.3.4 that the presence of a polarization field will perturb the existing applied electric field; see * Charges that lie in the conduction band, such as in a conductor, can flow freely within the medium. However, charges that are in the valence band cannot flow freely throughout the medium; they are thus bound. K15149_Book.indb 345 10/18/13 11:10 AM 346 Appendix A Figure A.5. To wit, the resultant field is the superposition of the applied field and the field induced by the aligned dipoles. Second, by Gauss’ law, the total volume charge density must satisfy ∇ ⋅ ε 0 E = ρ + ρ , whence, by (A.6), ρ = ∇ ⋅ (ε 0 E + P ). This leads naturally to the following definition. A.3.6 Definition Given a dielectric medium Σ ⊂ R 3 subject to an external electric field E, the electric displacement D is a vector field in R 3 given by D = ε 0 E + P , and the electric permittivity ε of Ω is defined by P = (ε − ε 0 )E, where ε0 is the electric permittivity of free space. The ratio εε0 is called the dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) of Ω. A.3.7 Proposition Given a dielectric Ω ⊂ R 3 and an applied external electric field E, the electric displacement satisfies D = εE. Proof By definition, P = (ε − ε 0 )E ⇒ D = ε 0 E + (ε − ε 0 )E = εE , as claimed. □ A.3.8 Theorem Let (Ω ± , ε ± ) ⊂ R 3 be two simply connected dielectric media such that ∂Ω+ = S = ∂Ω−. Suppose an electric field E is directed from Ω+ across the boundary S into Ω− . Then, n × ( E+ − E− ) = 0 , where n is a unit, normal, vector field on S directed into Ω− and E± = E|Ω ± . Proof Recall that for a simply connected space, ∫ E ⋅ dl = 0, where l is the vector γ field tangent to a loop γ, thus, choose a sufficiently small rectangular loop γ = γ ↑ ∪ γ → ∪ γ ↓ ∪ γ ← , where γ → ⊂ Ω− , γ ← ⊂ Ω+ are paths parallel to a vector v tangent at some fixed point x ∈ S, and γ ↑ , γ ↓ are paths normal to v(x), for a sufficiently small loop γ. That is, the path γ → ( γ ↑ ) is of the same length and is oppositely oriented to γ ← ( γ ↓ ) . Then, by construction, 0= ∫ E ⋅ dl = ∫ γ γ↑ E ⋅ dl + ∫ γ→ E ⋅ dl + ∫ γ↓ E ⋅ dl + ∫ γ← E ⋅ dl In particular, in the limit as the lengths of γ ↑ , γ ↓ go to zero, where γ → , γ ← are held constant, 0= K15149_Book.indb 346 ∫ γ→ E ⋅ dl + ∫ γ← E ⋅ dl = ∫ γ→ ( E− − E+ ) ⋅ dl 10/18/13 11:10 AM 347 Appendix A where, recall that in the limit as the lengths of γ ↑ , γ ↓ tend to zero, ∫ γ→ E ⋅ dl = − ∫ γ← E ⋅ dl (as they will then have the same endpoints in passing to the limit). As Ω is simply connected, this is possible; a more rigorous construction via homotopy is not pursued here. Thus, 0 = ∫ γ → ( E− − E+ ) ⋅ dl ⇒ ( E− − E+ ) ⋅ l = 0, where l is the unit tangent vector field on γ →. Because the scalar product of the normal component of E± with l is zero by construction, it follows from the arbitrariness of E that the E+ ≡ E−. Finally, as n is normal to l, the result is equivalent to n × ( E− − E+ ) = 0. That is, E is continuous across the boundary interface S, as required. □ A.3.9 Corollary Suppose Ω− is a perfect electrical conductor (PEC). Then, n × E+ = 0 on S. Proof In a smuch as Ω− is PEC, it follows that the static electric field in Ω− is zero: E− = 0 . Thus, the conclusion follows. □ Now, from Proposition A.3.8, it is clear that the tangential component of D ± on S is thus discontinuous across S unless ε + = ε − . Indeed this is quite evident: n × E+ = n × E− ⇒ n × D+ ε1+ = n × D− ε1− ⇒ D+ = εε+− D− , as claimed. Physically, this relates to the dipoles induced on the boundary of Ω ± . The tangential component of the electric displacement is thus reduced by the dielectric constant of the medium. Finally, from the definition of potential, ϕ = − ∫ E ⋅ dl , invoking Theorem A.2.8 leads to the continuity of the potential across S. To see this, it suffices to observe from the proof of Theorem A.2.8 that 0 = ∫ γ → E ⋅ dl + ∫ γ ← E ⋅ dl = ∫ γ → ( E− − E+ ) ⋅ dl = ϕ − − ϕ + , whence ϕ − |S = ϕ +|S . Thus, Theorem A.3.8 is equivalent to the continuity of the potential across a dielectric interface. This is formally stated below. A.3.10 Corollary Given any x ∈ S, lim ϕ − (y) = lim ϕ + (y ′), where y ∈Ω− and y ′ ∈Ω+ . y→ x y ′→ x □ The next result establishes the normal component of the electric field across a dielectric boundary. A.3.11 Theorem Let (Ω ± , ε ± ) ⊂ R 3 be two simply connected dielectric media such that ∂Ω+ = S = ∂Ω− . Suppose an electric field E is directed from Ω+ across the boundary S into Ω− . Then, n ⋅ ( D+ − D− ) = 0 , where n is a unit vector field normal to S pointing into Ω− , and D± = D|Ω ± . K15149_Book.indb 347 10/18/13 11:10 AM 348 Appendix A Proof Across S, fix some point x 0 = ( x01 , x02 , x03 ) ∈S and consider a small cylinder V (r , δ) = B2 ( x 0 , r ) × [ x03 − δ , x03 + δ], where { B2 ( x 0 , r ) = x ∈R 3 : ( x 1 − x01 )2 + ( x 2 − x02 )2 ≤ r , x 3 = x03 } is a circular surface of radius r centered about x 0 . Set V± (r , δ) = Ω ± ∩ V (r , δ). Then, by Gauss’ law, ∫ V (r ,δ) ∇ ⋅ Dd 3 x = ∫ V (r ,δ) ρd 3 x where ρ is the charge density in V(r, δ). Invoking Theorem A.3.3, ∫ V (r ,δ) ∫ ∇ ⋅ Dd 3 x = ∂V↑ ( r , δ ) ∫ ∂V0+ ( r , δ ) D− ⋅ n↑ d 2 x + D− ⋅ n0 d 2 x + ∫ ∫ ∂V↓ ( r , δ ) ∂V0− ( r , δ ) D− ⋅ n↓ d 2 x + D ⋅ n0 d 2 x where ∂V↑ (r , δ) = B2 ( x 0 , δ) × { x03 + δ}, ∂V↓ (r , δ) = B2 ( x 0 , δ) × { x03 − δ} are the end caps of the cylinder V(r, δ), ∂V0+ (r , δ) = (∂V (r , δ) ∩ Ω+ ) − ∂V↓ (r , δ) and ∂V0− (r , δ) = (∂V (r , δ) ∩ Ω− ) − ∂V↑ (r , δ) are the cylindrical boundary modulo the end caps of the cylinder. The unit vector field n↑ ( n↓ ) is the outward normal on ∂V↑ (r , δ) ( ∂V↓ (r , δ) ) and n0 is the outward normal unit vector field on ∂V0− (r , δ) ∪ ∂V0+ (r , δ) . Then, by construction, lim ∫ ∂V ± ( r ,δ ) D± ⋅ n0 d 2 x = 0 , and hence, for r > 0 0 δ→ 0 sufficiently small, and noting that on S, n↑ = − n↓ , ρSπr 2 ≈ lim δ→ 0 ∫ V (r ,δ) ∇ ⋅ Dd 3 x = ∫ ∂V↑ ( r , δ ) D− ⋅ n↑d 2 x + ∫ ∂V↓ ( r , δ ) D+ ⋅ n↓d 2 x ≈ n↑ ⋅ (D− − D+ )πr 2 where ρS is the surface charge density on ∂V(r, δ). Hence, n↑ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = ρS . In particular, in the absence of free charges, ρS = 0 ⇒ n↑ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = 0, as desired. □ The electric field normal to a dielectric interface is thus discontinuous, and the discontinuity is the result of the formation of the induced dipoles at the interface caused by the applied electric field. Moreover, note that in a conductor, the valence electrons are not bound to the crystal lattice: they are free K15149_Book.indb 348 10/18/13 11:10 AM 349 Appendix A charges that may be approximated by a cloud of plasma in the conduction band. This observation leads to the following corollary. A.3.12 Corollary If Ω− is a PEC, then n↓ ⋅ D+ = ρS , where n↓ is the unit normal vector field on S pointing into Ω+ and ρS is the surface charge induced by the applied electric field. Proof Because Ω− is a PEC, it follows that the static electric field within Ω− is zero and hence, − n↑ ⋅ D+ = n↓ ⋅ D+ = ρS , as required. □ Some comments regarding the proof of Theorem A.3.11 are due. An uncharged pure dielectric can only have bound charges. These charges are induced by the presence of an applied electric field that polarizes the molecules to form dipoles. However, if free charges were placed on the boundary S, then n↑ ⋅ ( D− − D+ ) = ρS would hold. Conversely, a conductor has, by definition, free charges present in the conduction band in order to conduct electrons.* Hence, even if the conductor were initially neutral, in the presence of an electric field, the electric field would cause the free charges in Ω− to migrate onto S such that the resultant static electric field in Ω− is zero. This is encapsulated in Corollary A.3.12. A.3.13 Example Consider a point charge above a dielectric interface defined as follows. Given (Ω ± , ε ± ) ⊂ R 3 , where Ω+ = R 3+ and Ω− = R 3 − Ω+ , set S = ∂Ω+ and suppose that a charge Q ≠ 0 is located at xQ = (0, 0, d) ∈Ω+. What is the potential in R3? Using the method of images, consider an image charge Q ′ ∈Ω− located at xQ′ = (0, 0, − d) . Then, the potential on Ω+ is given by ϕ+ = 1 4 πε + { Q x 2 + y 2 + ( z − d )2 + Q′ x 2 + y 2 + ( z + d )2 } (A.8) Next, given that Ω− is a dielectric, the field within Ω− is nonzero. To determine the field in Ω− , suppose ∃Q ′′ ∈Ω+ located at xQ = (0, 0, d) , where the electric permittivity of the whole space is ε − . Then, the potential in Ω− is given by ϕ− = 1 4 πε − Q ′′ x 2 + y 2 + ( z − d )2 (A.9) * More precisely, the intersection of the conduction band and the valence band is nonempty. Hence, the valence electrons become available for conduction as they also exist in the conduction band. K15149_Book.indb 349 10/18/13 11:10 AM 350 Appendix A It thus remains to determine (Q ′ , Q ′′) . To do so, the boundary conditions must be invoked. By Theorem A.3.8, lim+ ε - n ⋅ E− ( x , y , z) = lim− ε + n ⋅ E+ ( x , y , z), z→ 0 z→ 0 where n is the unit normal vector field on S directed toward Ω− . From E = −∇φ, it follows that n ⋅ E± = − ∂ z ϕ ± . Thus, Q( z − d ) Q′( z + d ) ∂ z ϕ + = − 4 πε1 + 3 + 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 ( ) x + y + z − d x + y + ( z + d )2 ) 2 ( ) ( ∂ z ϕ − = − 4 πε1 + Q ′′ ( z − d ) (x 2 ) 3 + y 2 + ( z − d )2 2 and on S, the boundary condition yields −Q + Q ′ = −Q ′′ ⇒ Q ′′ = Q − Q ′ . Next, invoking Corollary A.3.10, lim+ ϕ + = lim− ϕ −. Thus, from (A.8) and (A.9), z→ 0 1 ε+ (Q + Q ′ ) = 1 ε− z→ 0 Q ′′ ⇒ Q ′′ = ε− ε+ (Q + Q ′ ) whence solving the pair of equations yields Q′ = ε + −ε − ε + +ε − Q (A.10) Q ′′ = 2 ε− ε + +ε − Q (A.11) □ It is interesting to note from Equation (A.10) that when ε + > ε − , Q′ has the same sign as Q, whereas for ε + < ε − , Q′ has the opposite sign as Q. This also explains why the mirror image induced by a conducting ground plane is oppositely charged, as the electric permittivity of a PEC is infinity. On the other hand, when a charge is embedded in a dielectric medium, its image charge induced across the boundary in a medium with a lesser electric permittivity is of the same sign as that of the original charge. This is clearly counterintuitive. A.4 Elements of Partial Differential Equations In this brief primer, two topics in partial differential equations (PDE) that are of primary importance to electromagnetic theory are reviewed. They are the Poisson equation and the wave equation. Readers interested in pursuing more advanced topics in PDE may refer to some excellent references [1,8,10,16,23] for a more general and abstract approach, or [9,26] for a more applied approach. An elementary knowledge of complex analysis is assumed (see Reference [4] for an excellent exposition). K15149_Book.indb 350 10/18/13 11:10 AM 351 Appendix A Recall that the concept of distance on the real line R is defined by the following metric, d : R × R → R + , d( x , y ) =|x − y|. More generally, on R 3 , d3 : R 3 × R 3 → R + may be defined by the Euclidean norm d3 ( x , y) =||x − y||3 = ( x 1 − y 1 )2 + ( x 2 − y 2 )2 + ( x 3 − y 3 )2 There are other equivalent definitions, however, the above suffices for the present discussion. A.4.1 Definition Let f : R 3 → R be a function. If K ⊂ R 3 is compact and f = 0 on R 3 − K , then f is said to have a compact support supp(f) = K. A.4.2 Definition Suppose ψ: M → R is of class C2, where M ⊂ R 3 is compact. Furthermore, let f: M → R be continuous on M. Then, −Δψ = f on M is called the Poisson equation on M, and if f = 0, it is known as the Laplace equation. The operator Δ is called the (3-dimensional) Laplacian. Moreover, if −Δψ = f satisfies (a) ψ = g on ∂M, where g ∈ C(∂ M), then it is said to satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition (b) ∂ n ψ = g on ∂M, where n is a normal vector field on ∂M (pointing outward from M) and some g ∈ C(∂ M), then it is said to satisfy the Neumann boundary condition It is crucial to note that −Δψ = f has no solution if both boundary conditions (a) and (b) are simultaneously satisfied on ∂M. In order for a solution to exist, it is necessary that either (a) or (b) hold. A solution ψ of the Laplace equation is called a harmonic function. Furthermore, Definition A.4.2 also holds for M = R 3 if ψ has compact support in M. A.4.3 Definition The Poisson equation −Δψ = f on M subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition ψ = g on ∂M is said to be well-posed if (a) A unique solution ψ exists, and (b) Given g i ∈ C(∂ M), i = 1,2, and unique solutions ψ i to the Dirichlet problem −Δψ = f on M subject to ψ = g i on ∂M, ∀ε > 0, |g1 − g 2|< ε on ∂M implies that |ψ 1 − ψ 2|< ε . Condition A.4.3(b) is known as the continuous dependence on data for the Dirichlet problem. Essentially, it states that if the data undergo a small perturbation, then K15149_Book.indb 351 10/18/13 11:11 AM 352 Appendix A the solution will also change by a small perturbation. That is, deforming the data continuously from g1 into g2 will deform the solution ψ1 continuously into ψ2. Finally, the solutions considered in this monograph are classical solutions. More general solutions, called weak solutions [8,23,25], are not considered here although they are briefly explored in the last section for the reader interested in applying finite element analysis [14,22,25] to electromagnetics. A.4.4 Example Consider r : R 2 → R defined by r( x ) = ( x 1 )2 + ( x 2 )2 . Then, for x ≠ 0, ∂ xi r( x ) = xi ( x1 )2 + ( x 2 )2 = xi r( x) for i = 1, 2. And ∂2xi r( x ) = xi ( x1 )2 + ( x 2 )2 = 1 r( x) − ( x i )2 r3 ( x) Thus, for any twice differentiable function f on R, the composition f r : R 2 → R is of class C2 and hence, on setting ψ = f ∘ r, ∆ψ = ψ ′′ + 1r ψ ′ , where ψ ′ = drd ψ . So, when Δψ = 0 on R 2, setting v = ψ ′ ⇒ vv′ = − 1r ⇒ v = 1r , as − ln r = ln 1r , for v, r ≠ 0. Thus, ddr ψ = 1r ⇒ ψ = ln r . Now, as Δ is a linear operator, it follows that the most general solution is of the form ψ = a ln r + b, where a,b are arbitrary constants. In particular, the solution ψ = − 21π ln r (A.12) is called the fundamental solution of the 2-dimensional Laplace equation Δψ = 0. □ A.4.5 Example Emulating Example A.3.3, consider r : R3 → R defined by r (x) = ( x ) + ( x ) + ( x ) and for any twice differentiable function f on R, form the composition f r : R 3 → R . Then, f is of class C2 and in view of Example A.4.4, 1 2 2 2 3 2 ∆ψ = ψ ′′ + 2r ψ ′ where ψ = f ∘ r. Thus, as before, on setting v = ψ ′ ⇒ vv′ = − 2r ⇒ v = r12 That is, the general solution to the 3-dimensional Laplace equation Δψ = 0 is given by K15149_Book.indb 352 10/18/13 11:11 AM 353 Appendix A ψ = ar + b , for r ≠ 0 and some arbitrary constants a,b. In particular, the fundamental solution of the 3-dimensional Laplace equation is defined by ψ = 41π (A.13) □ 1 r It is clear that the solutions defined in Examples A.4.4 and A.4.5 are radial solutions. An important property satisfied by the solution of Laplace’s equation is the mean value property. A.4.6 Definition Let M ⊂ R 3 be open and ψ: M → R be continuous. Suppose ∀x ∈ M, ∃r > 0 such that B( x , r ) ⊂ M and ψ ( x ) = 4 π1r 2 ∫ ∂ B( x , r ) ψ (y)d 2 y . Then, ψ is said to satisfy the mean value property. Finally, for M ⊂ R 2 , the mean value property is defined by ψ ( x ) = 2 π1 r ∫ ∂ B( x , r ) ψ (y)dy . A.4.7 Remark It can be established that if ψ is analytic on M ⊂ R 3 , then it possesses the mean value property. In particular, ψ( x) = 1 4π r2 ∫ ∂ B( x , r ) ψ (y)d 2 y = 3 4π r3 ∫ B( x , r ) ψ (y)d 3 y Moreover, the Dirichlet problem of Definition A.4.2(a) has at the most one solution; that is, if a solution exists, it is unique. The existence of a solution is often a very difficult task to establish, and the existence depends upon the smoothness of the boundary [8,10,15]. Clearly, in this appendix, the boundary is always assumed to be sufficiently smooth (the term regular is often used interchangeably in the literature) to avoid pathological problems with the question of existence. A subset M ⊂ R 3 is called a domain if it is open, bounded, and path connected. Now, let M ⊂ R 3 be a domain and consider the Dirichlet problem −Δψ = f on M (A.14a) ψ = g on ∂M (A.14b) where g ∈ C(∂ M) and suppose that a solution ψ ∈ C2 (M) ∩ C(∂ M) for (A.14) exists. Is there a formal representation for the solution? This leads to the concept of Green’s function. In all that follows, the analysis is restricted to R n , for n = 2,3. Given a domain M ⊂ R n, let Ψ n = Ψ n (|x ′ − x|) denote the fundamental solution on R n , and K15149_Book.indb 353 10/18/13 11:11 AM 354 Appendix A x ′ , x ∈ M , where x ′ ≠ x . This is often written as Ψ n = Ψ n ( x ′ , x ) . By definition, the function is symmetric: Ψ n ( x , x ′) = Ψ n ( x ′ , x ) ; see Equation (A.12) and (A.13), where r =||x ′ − x||=||x − x ′||. Furthermore, suppose ∃Φ n = Φ n ( x ′ , x ) , symmetric, such that it is the solution to the following Laplace equation, for each fixed x ∈ M, ∆ ′Φ n ( x ′ , x ) = 0 ∀x ′ ∈ M (A.15a) Φ n ( x ′ , x ) = −Ψ n ( x ′ , x ) ∀x ′ ∈∂ M (A.15b) where Δ′ denotes the Laplacian of the primed coordinates x′. For instance, if ∆ = ∑ i ∂2xi in rectangular coordinates, then ∆ ′ = ∑ i ∂2x′i . Then, G( x ′ , x ) = Ψ n ( x ′ , x ) + Φ n ( x ′ , x ) (A.16) defines the Green function for the Dirichlet problem (A.14). By construction, Green’s function is symmetric in its variables. It can be shown that the solution to Equation (A.14) has the representation: ψ( x) = ∫ M f ( x ′)G( x ′ , x )d n x ′ − ∫ ∂M g( x ′) ∂ n′ G( x ′ , x )d n− 1 x ′ , (A.17) where n = 2,3, and n′ is the unit normal vector field on ∂M pointing outward from M; that is, exterior to M. From an electrostatic perspective, the Green function denotes an impulse function acting on a unit point charge located at x′. A.4.8 Example Consider the example of a charge above a grounded plane immediately following Example 1.1.5. Recasting the problem in the form given by (A.14): M = R 3+ , f = δ 3 ( x ′ − x ) ≡ δ( x ′ 1 − x 1 )δ( x ′ 2 − x 2 )δ( x ′ 3 − x 3 ) is the Dirac-delta distribution defined by 0 for x ′ ≠ x δ( x ′ − x)d x ′ = 1 and δ( x ′ − x) = −∞ ∞ for x ′ = x ∫ ∞ and lastly, g = 0. Thus, by Equation (A.15), ψ( x) = K15149_Book.indb 354 ∫ M f ( x ′)G( x ′ , x )d n x ′ = G(0, x ) □ 10/18/13 11:11 AM 355 Appendix A The fundamental solution in R 3 is given by Equation (A.13): Ψ3 = 1 1 4 π ||x ′− x|| where x ′ = (0, 0, d) and x ∈ M is any fixed arbitrary point. Returning to Example A.4.8, choose Φ 3 = − 41π ||x ′′−1 x|| , where x ′′ = (0, 0, − d) . Then, on the plane ∂R 3+ , G( x ′ , x ) = Ψ 3 ( x ′ , x ) + Φ 3 ( x ′ , x ) = 0 ∀x ∈∂R 3. This then is the essence of the method of images. Before proceeding to the study of wave equations, some definitions must be recalled to facilitate the discussion. First, a general linear second-order PDE has the form: ∑ 3 i, j= 0 aij ( x) ∂ij ψ ( x) + ∑ 3 j= 0 b j ( x) ∂ j ψ ( x) + c( y )ψ ( x) = f ( y ) ∀x ∈ M ⊂ R 3+ 1 where x0 of the coordinate x = ( x 0 , , x 3 ) denotes time, and aij , b j , c ∈ C( M) such that aij = a ji ∀i, j. For notational simplicity, ∂ k = ∂ xk . Then, a nonconstant function ξ ∈C2 ( M) defines a characteristic surface S = { x ∈ M : ξ( x) = 0} if the following criterion is satisfied: ∑ i3, j = 0 aij ( x) ∂i ξ( x) ∂ j ξ( x) = 0 on S. Otherwise, the surface is said to be noncharacteristic with respect to the linear secondorder PDE. The quantity Qξ ( x) ≡ ∑ i3, j = 0 aij ( x) ∂i ξ( x) ∂ j ξ( x) is called the associated ξ-quadratic form. A.4.9 Remark Consider the matrix A = ( aij ) of the general second-order linear PDE. For a fixed ( x0 , t0 ) ∈ M × [0, ∞), if the set σ(A) of eigenvalues of A satisfies (a) sgn(λ i ) = sgn(λ j ) ∀λ i , λ j ∈σ(A) , then the PDE is elliptic at ( x0 , t0 ) (b) sgn(λ i ) = − sgn(λ iˆ ) ∀λ i ∈σ(A) − {λ iˆ } for some fixed λ î , then the PDE is hyperbolic at ( x0 , t0 ) (c) ∃λ = 0 for some λ ∈σ(A), then the PDE is parabolic at ( x0 , t0 ) Furthermore, if the general second-order linear PDE is respectively, elliptic, hyperbolic, or parabolic on M × [0,∞), then the PDE is said to be, respectively, elliptic, hyperbolic, or parabolic. A.4.10 Definition Suppose ψ: M × (0,∞)→R is of class C2, where M ⊂ R 3 is compact. Furthermore, let f: M × [0,∞) → R be continuous on M. Then, the hyperbolic equation ∂t2 ψ − c 2 ∆ψ = f K15149_Book.indb 355 on M (A.18a) 10/18/13 11:11 AM 356 Appendix A satisfying the following initial value conditions ψ = g ∂t ψ = h on M × {0} (A.18b) for some continuous functions g, h on M, is called the inhomogeneous wave equation on M, and if f ≡ 0, it is known as the wave equation. The coefficient c is the speed of the wave propagation. Now, given the wave equation ∂t2 ψ − c 2 ∆ψ = 0 on M × (0,∞), consider the associated quadratic form Qξ = (∂t ξ)2 − c 2 |∇ξ|2 on M × [0,∞), where ∇ = (∂1 , ∂2 , ∂3 ) and ∂t = ∂0 . Next, consider the function ξ: M × [0,∞) → R 2 defined by ξ( x , t) = c2 (t − τ)2 − 21 |x − y|, for some fixed (y, τ) ∈ M × [0,∞). Then, by definition, Qξ = (∂t ξ)2 − c 2 |∇ξ|2 = c 4 (t − τ)2 − c 2 |x − y|2 = 2 c 2 ξ whence the characteristic surface Sξ = {( x , t) ∈Ω × [0, ∞) : c|t − τ|=|x − y|}, as Qξ = 0 implies at once that c 4 (t − τ)2 − c 2 |x − y|2 = 0 ⇒ c 2 (t − τ)2 −|x − y|2 = 0 . See Figure A.6 for an illustration of the characteristic surface based at some (y,τ) ∈ M × (0,∞). A.4.11 Remark Given the wave equation ∂t2 ψ − c 2 ∆ψ = 0 on M × (0,∞) satisfying the initial value condition ψ|t = 0 = g and ∂t ψ|t = 0 = h on M, let Sξ ( x0 , t0 ) denote the closure of the characteristic cone of the wave equation: Sξ = {( x , t) ∈ M × [0, ∞) : c(t0 − t) ≥|x − x0|} at ( x0 , t0 ) ∈ M × (0, ∞) . Then, the domain of dependence at the point ( x0 , t0 ) is defined by the closed disk B( x0 ) = Sξ ( x0 , t0 ) ∩ M × {0} . The reason for this is the following: the wave solution at ( x0 , t0 ) only depends on its initial value on B( x0 ) . This is clarified by the following theorem. Forward characteristic cone t Cone apex (y, τ) Backward characteristic cone x Figure A.6 Characteristic surface of a wave equation. K15149_Book.indb 356 10/18/13 11:11 AM 357 Appendix A A.4.12 Theorem (Domain of Dependence Inequality) Given the wave equation ∂t2 ψ − c 2 ∆ψ = 0 on M × (0,∞) satisfying the initial value condition ψ|t = 0 = g and ∂t ψ|t = 0 = h on M, let Sξ ( x0 , t0 ) denote its closed characteristic cone at ( x0 , t0 ) ∈ M × (0, ∞), and set B( x0 ; τ) = Sξ ( x0 , t0 ) ∩ Ω × {τ} Then, ∫ B ( x0 ; τ ) {|∇ψ| + ∂ ψ } 2 2 t t =τ d3 x ≤ ∫ {|∇ψ| + ∂ ψ } 2 B ( x0 ) { 2 〈ψ ( x ; r , t)〉∂ B( x , r ) ≡ |∂ B(1x , r )| ∫ 2 t t=0 d 3 x ∀τ ∈[0, t0 ] □ } The quantity e( x0 ; τ) = 21 ∫ B( x0 ;τ ) |∇ψ|2 + ∂t ψ d 3 x is called the energy of the t =τ wave in B( x0 ; τ) . Now, consider (A.18) and define the average ∂ B( x , r ) ψ ( y , t)d 2 y where ∂B(x,r) is a sphere of radius r > 0 centered about x, and |∂B( x , r )| denotes the surface area of ∂B(x,r). To express the solution of Equation (A.18) as a function of g,h, recall first, the following lemma [8, p.70]. A.4.13 Lemma (Euler-Poisson-Darboux) Fix x ∈R 3 and some r > 0, and suppose that ψ is a solution of (A.18). Then, relative to polar coordinates, ∂t2 Ψ − ∂2r Ψ − 2r ∂r Ψ = 0 on R + × (0, ∞) with Ψ = 〈 g( x ; r , t)〉∂ B( x , r ) and ∂t Ψ = 〈 h( x ; r , t)〉∂ B( x , r ) defined on R + × {0} , where Ψ ≡ 〈ψ ( x ; r , t)〉∂ B( x , r ) . □ Indeed, it can be shown via Lemma A.4.13 that the solution of Equation (A.18) for Ω ⊆ R 3 is given by the following Kirchhoff formula, ψ ( x , t) = 〈th( y ) + g( y ) + ∇g ⋅ ( y − x)〉∂ B( x ,t ) (A.19) for t > 0, and for Ω ⊆ R 2 , the solution is given by the Poisson formula: ψ ( x , t) = tg ( y )+ t 2 h( y )+ t∇g ⋅( y − x ) t 2 −|y − x|2 (A.20) B( x , t ) The interested reader may pursue the excellent references [8,16,23,26] for the details of the derivation. This section closes with a cursory generalization of PDE solutions. From an application perspective (e.g., by numerical scientists and engineers) its utility arises in the formulation of the finite element method [14,22,25] for K15149_Book.indb 357 10/18/13 11:11 AM 358 Appendix A Ω φ=0 ∆φ = 0 0 φ=1 Figure A.7 No classical solution exists for the Dirichlet problem. numerical computation. In essence, this final section paves the foundation for EMC engineers to apply the method of finite element analysis to solve Maxwell’s equations numerically. By way of motivation, consider Poisson’s equation on some domain M: −∆ψ = f on M ψ = g on ∂ M (A.21) If a solution ψ ∈ C2 ( M) ∩ C( M) of Equation (A.21) exists, then it is called a classical (or strong) solution. Before proceeding to weaken the definition of the solution of (A.21), some background information is required. Given a subset Ω ⊆ R 3 , define its volume by μ(Ω), where μ is the Lebesgue measure; see, for example, References [4,6,20] for details. Note that if μ(N) = 0 for some N ⊂ R 3 , then N is set to be a null set (or a set of measure zero), and μ(Ω ∪ N) = μ(Ω) by the definition of Lebesgue measure. In particular, if N ⊂ R 3 is countable, then it is a set of measure zero. Informally, the Lebesgue measure is roughly the generalisation of the Riemann integral (encountered in undergraduate engineering calculus) extended to a collection of null sets such that if N is a null set, then so is M ⊂ R 3 ∀M ⊂ N. For a precise definition, consult the previously cited references. Now, given a function f: M → R, the function is Lebesgue integrable if ∫ Ω |f ( x)|dµ( x) < ∞ . Moreover, if f, g: Ω → R such that f = g on Ω − N for some N ⊂ Ω such that μ(N) = 0, then, f = g almost everywhere (a.e.). Next, define the space of square integrable functions by L2 (Ω) = f : ∫ Ω |f ( x)|2 dµ( x) < ∞ (modulo functions that equal one another μ-a.e.). The space L2 (Ω) is a Hilbert space. { } A.4.14 Definition Given a real vector space V, an inner product (⋅, ⋅) : V × V → R is a continuous function satisfying K15149_Book.indb 358 10/18/13 11:12 AM 359 Appendix A (a) Positive-definiteness: (u, u) ≥ 0 ∀u ∈V with (u, u) = 0 if u = 0. (b) Symmetry: (u, v) = ( v , u) ∀u, v ∈V. (c) Linearity: (αu + v , w) = α( v , w) + ( v , w) ∀u, v , w ∈V and α ∈ R. Then, V is called a pre-Hilbert space if it admits an inner product structure. An inner product defines a metric or norm on V in an obvious manner: |u|= ( u, u) . Furthermore, recall that a sequence (un ) ⊂ V is Cauchy if ∀ε > 0, ∃N > 0 such that n, m > N ⇒|un − um|< ε ; and a sequence (un ) ⊂ V converges (un ) → u0 ∈V , if ∀ε > 0, ∃N > 0 such that n > N ⇒|un − u0|< ε . The point u0 is called a limit point. Then, V is complete with respect to the norm if every Cauchy sequence in V converges in V. In view of Definition A.4.11, a Hilbert space is a pre-Hilbert space that is complete with respect to the inner product. It can be shown that the Lebesgue measure μ on M ⊆ R 3 defines an inner product on L2 ( M) as follows. ( u, v ) = ∫ M u( x)v( x)dµ( x) (A.22) It particular, L2 ( M) endowed with (A.22) defines a Hilbert space. A.4.15 Example Define H 1 ( M) = {u ∈ L2 ( M) : ∂i u ∈ L2 ( M), i = 1, 2, 3} . Then, an inner product can be defined on H 1 ( M) as follows, ( u, v )H 1 ( M ) = ( u , v ) + ∑ ( ∂ u, ∂ v ) i i i (A.23) with norm given by |u|H1 ( M ) = (u, v) + ∑ i (∂i u, ∂i v) . It can be shown that the space is complete with respect to the inner product and it is thus a Hilbert space. This is a space wherein the function together with its partial derivatives are square-integrable. □ Now, in hindsight, define H 10 ( M) = {u ∈ H 1 ( M) : u|∂ M = 0} . Then, in view of the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary problem, H 10 ( M) is constructed as a possible solution space for the homogeneous Dirichlet problem. The space H 10 ( M) admits an inner product inherited from H 1 ( M) via Equation (A.23). Finally, define H −1 ( M) ≡ H 10 ( M)′ to be the topological dual of H 10 ( M) ; this is the space of bounded linear functionals ξ : H 10 ( M) → R endowed with appropriate topology that is outside the scope of this exposition [2,4].* Returning to Equation (A.21), by way of motivation, consider two commonly cited examples due to Zaremba and Lebesgue, respectively: the former can be found in Reference [15, p. 285] and the latter in [26, p. 198]. Given a * These spaces are more generally known as Sobolev spaces, the properties of which can be found in References [1,8,10]. K15149_Book.indb 359 10/18/13 11:12 AM 360 Appendix A unit 2-disk B(0, 1) ⊂ R 2, set Ω = B(0,1) − {0}, illustrated in Figure A.7 no classical solution exists for the Dirichlet problem Δφ = 0 on Ω subject to the boundary conditions: 1 for x = 0, ϕ= 0 on ∂B(0, 1) Indeed, to see the nonexistence of a classical solution, suppose ∃ϕ ∈ C2 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω) satisfying the above boundary conditions. By definition, φ is analytic, hence, if φ were analytic at 0, then φ ≡ 0 on Ω by the maximum modulus principle, yielding a contradiction. Thus, the origin 0 must at most be a removable singularity by Riemann. Recall that Riemann’s theorem on removable singularity states that if a function is analytic on Ω, then either the function is analytic at 0 or 0 is a removable singularity of the function [5]. Hence, a suitable value can be assigned to φ(0), rendering φ analytic at 0. However, in order for φ to satisfy the boundary condition at 0, φ must be discontinuous at 0 as analyticity implies that φ ≡ 0 on Ω. Hence, no classical solution exists, as asserted. The second example due to Lebesgue is more complicated, and hence, only a heuristic argument is sketched. See Figure A.8, where the exponential cusp is generated by rotating the following exponential curve about the z-axis, − z −1z0 for z > z0 e x= 0 for z = z0 for some z0 > 0. Rotation about the z-axis to generate a sphere in R3 z0 f=0 on the boundary around the cusp f is continuous on the boundary ∆φ = 0 z Exponential conical cusp x Ω f assumes some large constant away from the boundary of the cone Figure A.8 Cross-section of a sphere with an exponential cusp. K15149_Book.indb 360 10/18/13 11:12 AM 361 Appendix A Suppose that f = 0 on ∂Ω ∩ B( z0 , ε) , for some ε > 0 small, and f = ϕ 0 >> 0 away from the cusp, for some large constant ϕ 0 . To see why a solution cannot exist, suppose for concreteness that φ represents steady-state temperature. Then, about ∂Ω ∩ B( z0 , ε) , for a sufficiently small ε > 0, the cusp at z0 cannot absorb heat sufficiently fast to keep the temperature close to 0 as required by the boundary condition at the cusp due to the lack of surface area about the cusp to conduct heat away. Hence, if a solution exists, it cannot be continuous at z0, yielding a contradiction. In short, no solution exists, as required. Thus, the above two examples amply demonstrate that the requirement ψ ∈ C2 ( M) ∩ C( M) for the existence of a solution to Equation (A.21) is too stringent. The question thus leads to the conditions under which a meaningful solution can exist when the smoothness requirement is relaxed. First, define L2loc ( M) to be the set of all functions f: M → R such that ∫ K |f|2 dµ < ∞ for all compact K ⊂ M. This is the set of all locally square integrable functions, and let C∞0 ( M) denote the set of all infinitely differentiable funcδ (t) tions on M with compact support. For M = R, define the weak derivative ddt by ∫ ∞ −∞ dδ ( t ) dt v(t)dµ(t) ≡ − ∫ ∞ −∞ δ(t) dvd(tt ) dµ(t) ∀v ∈ C∞0 (R). The space C∞0 (R) is called the test function space. Motivated by this endeavor, applying Green’s theorem to − ∫ M ∆ϕvdµ, assuming the integral exists, leads to: − ∫ M ∆ϕv dµ = ∫ M ∇ϕ ⋅ ∇v dµ − ∫ ∂M ϕ∇v ⋅ n dλ (A.24) for all v ∈ C∞0 ( M), where λ is the Lebesgue measure on ∂M. Then, applying this to (A.14) with g = 0, that is, the homogeneous Dirichlet problem, yields: ∫ M ∇ϕ ⋅ ∇v dµ = ∫ M fv dµ (A.25) If the equality (A.25) holds ∀v ∈ C∞0 ( M), then φ defines a solution to Equation (A.14). In particular, φ,v can be relaxed to ϕ , v ∈ H 10 ( M) and f ∈ H −1 ( M) in order for (A.25) to hold. Then, ϕ ∈H 10 ( M) is said to be the weak solution of (A.21). A.4.16 Remark Suppose that Equation (A.21) is inhomogeneous; that is, g ≠ 0. This can be converted easily into a homogeneous Dirichlet problem as follows. Construct any function ψ ∈ C2 ( M) ∩ C( M) such that ψ|∂M = g. Set ϕ = φ − ψ. Then, by construction, −Δϕ = −Δφ − Δψ = f − Δψ on M K15149_Book.indb 361 and ϕ = φ − ψ = g − g = 0 on ∂M. 10/18/13 11:12 AM 362 Appendix A That is, the inhomogeneous Dirichlet problem is transformed into the homogeneous Dirichlet problem: −∆φ = f − ∆ψ on M φ = 0 on ∂ M References 1. Adams, R. 1975. Sobolev Spaces. New York: Academic Press. 2. Berberian, S. 1974. Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag. 3. Cheng, D. 1992. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 4. Choquet-Bruhat, Y., DeWitt-Morette, C., and Dillard-Bleick, M. 1982. Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part I: Basics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 5. Churchill, R. and Brown, J. 1990. Complex Variables and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 6. Cohn, D. 1980. Measure Theory. Boston: Birkhäuser. 7. Engelking, R. 1989. General Topology. Berlin: Heldermann Verlag (Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 6). 8. Evans, L. 1998. Partial Differential Equations. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (GSM Vol. 19). 9. Farlow, S. 1993. Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. New York: Dover. 10. Grisvard, P. 1985. Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains. Boston: Pitman. 11. Hocking, J. and Young, G. 1961. Topology. New York: Dover. 12. Hsu, H. 1984. Applied Vector Analysis. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 13. Jackson, J. 1962. Classical Electrodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 14. Johnson, C. 2009. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method. New York: Dover. 15. Kellogg, O. 1953. Foundations of Potential Theory. New York: Dover. 16. Koshlyakov, N., Smirnov, M., and Gliner, E. 1964. Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, UK. 17. Nakahara, M. 2003. Geometry, Topology and Physics. Bristol: IOP. 18. Neff, H. Jr. 1981. Basic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Harper & Row. 19. Plonsey, R. and Collin, R. 1961. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill. 20. Rao, M. 1987. Measure Theory and Integration. New York: John Wiley & Sons. K15149_Book.indb 362 10/18/13 11:12 AM Appendix A 363 21. Rothwell, E. and Cloud, M. 2001. Electromagnetics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 22. Sadiku, M. 2001. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 23. Sauvigny, F. 2006. Partial Differential Equations 1: Foundations and Integral Representations. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 24. Smythe, W. 1950. Static and Dynamic Electricity. New York: McGraw-Hill. 25. Solin, P. 2006. Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method. Mineola, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 26. Zachmanoglou, E. and Thoe, D. 1986. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications. New York: Dover. K15149_Book.indb 363 10/18/13 11:12 AM Index A Antenna factor, 280 Antennas, aperture, 280 Antennas, array, 280–281 Antennas, Hertzian. See Hertzian antennas Antennas, magnetic dipole. See Magnetic dipole antennas Aperiodic functions, 36 Aperture antennas, 280 Array antennas, 280–281 Associated Legendre polynomials, 83 B Band gaps, 318 Biot-Savart’s law, 261 Bose particles, 317 Bosons, 317 Bound charge density, 345 Bound surface charge density, 345 Bounded variation, 35 C Cardinality, 35 Cauchy-Goursat theorem, 308 Cauer networks, 59, 60 Cavity resonance, 243–244, 245 Characteristic impedance, 108 Characteristic impedance matrix, 205, 206, 207 Charge density, 7, 81 Charge relaxation time, 69 Charged particles accelerating, 262 electromagnetic radiation from, 262–263 electrostatic dipoles, 263 Coefficients of inductance, 189 Coefficient matrices, 203 Cold emissions, 323 Common mode impedance, 154, 169 Common mode noise, 159 Conduction current density, 12 Conductivity, electric, 20 Conductivity, medium, 105 Conductor, axis of, 13 Conductors, 316 shield, use as, 30–31 skin depth of, 29 surface of, 30 Continuity equation, 20 Convection current density, 12 Coulomb gauge, 45 Coulomb’s law, 1, 14 Coupling constants, 156 Cross-talk, 192, 199, 208, 209 D D’Alembert wave solution, 28 Decay rate, 20 Dielectric constant, 346 Dielectric media, 86, 105 Dielectric waveguides, 250 Dielectrics behavior, under high voltage, 303 breakdown of, 303 electromagnetic properties, 305 Differential coupling coefficient, 146 Differential impedance, 153, 154 Differential transmission lines asymmetric, 144 defining, 143, 144 even modes, 143, 157, 158, 160, 169 field propagation, 160–167 matching impedances, 157–158 odd modes, 143, 146, 157, 158, 159 parallel, 144 symmetric, 144, 158, 169, 170 terminations, 159–160, 181–182 Diffraction fringes, 291 Diffraction theory, 261 Diffusion equation, 23 365 K15149_Book.indb 365 10/18/13 11:12 AM 366 Dirac-delta distribution, 264, 265 Direct product, 203 Direct sum, 203 Dirichlet boundary condition, 74, 351, 359, 362 Discrete spectrums, 38 Displacement current, 106 Distributed parameter model, 107, 156 Divergence theorem, 20, 90, 105, 187, 343–345 Domain of dependence inequality, 357 Drude–Sommerfeld model, 316 E Electric dipole moment, 263 Electric dipoles, electric fields generated by, 3–4 Electric fields electric dipoles, generated by, 3–4 longitudinal component, 45 time-varying, 17 units of measure, 2 Electric permittivity, 84 dielectric, of, 12 free-space, of, 1 Electromagnetic boundary conditions non-time-varying current density, 68 overview, 67, 68 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 1, 50 Electromagnetic fields, boundary conditions, 342–343 Electromagnetic fields, irradiance of, 284 Electromagnetic waves lossless medium, 23 lossy medium, 23 rectangular coordinates, 22 study of, using full Maxwell’s equations, 22 transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) waves; see Transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) waves Electrostatic dipoles, 263 Electrostatic fields, 21 Electrostatic shielding, 304 Electrostatics, 1–2 Equipotential condition, 79 K15149_Book.indb 366 Index Euler’s formula, 27, 37 Euler-Poisson-Darboux lemma, 357–358 F Far field, 268 Far zone, 268 Faraday’s law, 17, 21 Fermi energy level, 317 Fermi particles, 317 Fermi-Dirac distribution, 317 Fermions, 317 Ferranti effect, 119 First-order ordinary differential equations, 108 Forbidden zones, 318 Forcing function, 55 Foster networks, 58, 59, 60 Fourier integral, 40 Fourier series. See also Fourier transform Fourier coefficients, 36, 37 harmonics, 40 overview, 35 square wave, 38 symmetry of a function, 35 triangular wave, 39, 40 Fourier transform, 307, 325. See also Fourier series “proper” transforms, 42 decomposition, 52 defining, 51 inverse, 41 Maxwell’s equations, analysis of, 42–43, 43–44 overview, 40, 41 pair, 41 roll-off frequency, 46–47, 48–50 Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, 323 Frequency domain, 53 Frequency response, 50 Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction formula, 286, 287 G Gain function, 276 Gauge transformation, 18–19 Gauss’ law, 19, 76, 105, 187, 225, 328 10/18/13 11:12 AM 367 Index Gibb’s phenomenon, 40 Green’s function, 7, 74, 75, 76, 80–81 Green’s identity, 184 Green’s reciprocity, 183 Ground bounce, 197 H Hamiltonian operators, 312, 326 Harmonic function, 351 Heat equation, 23 Helmholtz equations, 24 Hermitian operators, 325 Hertzian antennas, 276 Hertzian dipoles, 263, 264, 268, 269, 270, 275 Hilbert space, 312, 325 Huygens-Fresnel formula, 289 Hyperplanes, 13 L Laplace transform, 43, 70 Laplace’s equations, 7, 28, 86–87 LC Cauer I network, 59 LC Cauer II network, 59 LC Cauer network, 59 LC Foster I network, 58 LC Foster II network, 59 LC-networks, 56–58 Lebesgue integrable, 358, 360 Legendre polynomials, 81 Linear-array antennas, 280–281 Linearity, 41, 51 Lorentz force law, 13–14 Lorentz gauge, 45 Lorentz reciprocity, 89, 185, 186 Lossless linear network, 198 Lossless transmission lines, 110 I M Image charge, 8, 71 sphere, within, 72 Image theory, 71 Images, method of, 7–8 Impedance matching, 122–123 Input function, 55 Insulators, 316 Inverse Laplace transform, 56 Inversion in a sphere, 72 Inversion mapping, 72 Inversion transformation, 72 Irrational criterion, 18 Isomorphism, 325 Magnetic current density, 88 Magnetic density, 195 Magnetic dipole, 16 Magnetic dipole antennas, 270–271, 274, 275 directive gain, 276 gain function, 276 Magnetic field density; see Magnetic field density electric field, defining in terms of, 30 intensity; see Magnetic field intensity Magnetic field density, 13, 14, 200 Magnetic field intensity, 17 Magnetic flux, 147 Magnetic flux density, 13, 14, 156, 196 Magnetic flux, defining, 104 Magnetic monopoles, 19 Magnetic potential, 83 Magnetostatics, 12 Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory differential pairs and, 146 equations, 17, 18, 21, 22, 42, 44, 88, 89 field unification, role in, 16 first equation, 224 first pair, 19 integral equation, 201 J Jacobians, 334 Joule heating, 119 K k-port, 212 Kinetic energy, 313 Kirchhoff’s current law, 104, 148, 151, 192, 199 Kramers-Kronig relations, 17, 305, 307–308, 311 K15149_Book.indb 367 10/18/13 11:12 AM 368 invariance, under gauge transformation, 18–19 overview, 1 second equation, 149, 150 second pair, 19 Microstrips, 167, 276, 277, 278 Momentum operator, 326 Moore’s law, 316 Multiconductor transmission lines characteristic impedance matrix, 205, 206, 207 far-end cross-talk, 208 near-end cross-talk, 208 overview, 199–200 proof, 200–201 Multipole expansion, 82 Mutatis mutandis, 23, 59, 83, 89, 113, 121, 173, 191, 200, 320 Mutual admittance matrix, 197 Mutual capacitance, 189, 196 Mutual inductance, 147, 192–193, 196 N n-port network, 211, 212 Network, definition of, 54 Neumann boundary condition, 351 Nonzero electric charge, 2–3 Nth harmonic, 38 O Odd mode impedance, 146 Ohm’s law, 12, 54, 104 Orthogonality relation, 83, 84 P Parallel plate guides, 223–224 Parallel transmission lines. See Transmission lines Partial fraction expansion, 58 Partial standing wave, 134 Paschen breakdown, 319 Perfect electric conductors (PECs), 89, 90, 347 Perfect magnetic conductors (PMCs), 89, 90 Periodic functions, 36 K15149_Book.indb 368 Index Phasor transform, 51, 52 Poisson’s equations, 7, 45, 75, 80, 81, 351 Potential difference between two points, 5 Potential field case examples, 6–7, 8–12 defining, 4, 5 Poynting vector, 31–32, 125, 247, 269 Pre-Hilbert space, 359 Probability amplitude, 313 Propagating waves, backward, 158, 172, 203 Propagating waves, forward, 158 Q Quadrupole, 82 Quantum mechanics, axioms of, 311, 312, 325 R Radiation resistance, 269 Radio emissions, 50 Rational functions, 54 Rectangular waveguides, 242 Reflected waves, 125 Reflection coefficients, 313 Reflection suppression, 129 Reparametization, 36 Riemann’s theorem, 360 Rodrigues’ formula, 81 S S-matrix, 215 S-parameters defining, 217 overview, 210 proofs, 211, 212, 213 Scalar field, 342 Scalar potential, 4, 80, 263 Scaling, 41, 42 Scattering parameters. See S-parameters Schrodinger equation, 318, 325, 326 Self-inductance, 147 Self-referencing ground, 148 Shielding, electrostatic, 304 Skin depth of conductors, 29 10/18/13 11:12 AM 369 Index Smith chart, 108, 120, 121 Sommerfield radiation condition, 287 Spherical harmonic expansion, 81, 84 Square integrable functions, 358 Standing waves, 134 Steady-state currents charge density, 84, 85 continuity of potential, 85 current density, 87 Steady-state sinusoidal function, 51, 52 Stokes’ theorem, 76, 103, 146, 149, 343 Striplines, 167, 276 Superposition principle, 72, 195 Surface charge density, 69 Surface impedance of a conductor, 246 T Taylor expansion, 285 Taylor’s expansion, 179 TE to z-mode wave propagation, 244 Telephone equations. See Transmission line equations TEM waves. See Transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) waves Time domain, 50 Time harmonics, 51, 55, 89, 90, 156, 195, 203, 209, 239, 269 Time-average power density, 125 Time-invariant networks, 212 Time-varying fields, 21, 22 TM to z-mode impedance, 231, 241 Transfer functions input function, 55 natural response, 55 poles of, 55 Transfer impedance, 197 Transition minimized differential signaling (TMDS), 180, 181 Transmission coefficients, 313 Transmission line equations, 102–106 Transmission line theory defining, 101 resistors, closeness to source, 130 Transmission lines differential; see Differential transmission lines K15149_Book.indb 369 distortionless, 119 finite, 117–118, 120, 123, 126 inductive impedance, 130 infinitely long, 116–117 load impedance, 126 lossless, 119, 120, 131, 132 multi-; see Multiconductor transmission lines parallel, 114–115 time-average power along, 134 Transmitted wave amplitude, 117 Transverse conduction contribution, 105 Transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) waves attenuation, 29 conductors, 101, 102 dielectric, 29, 30, 31 existence, proving, 24–25 medium conductivity, 26, 28, 31 propagation, 101, 108 quasi waves, 26, 150 transmission line equations, use for solving, 103 wave impedance, 31 wave propagation, 25, 26–27, 28, 31, 246 V Vector identity, 90 Vector potential, 13, 45, 263, 265 Vector space, 331, 332, 333 Voltage profiles, 156 W Wave amplitude, 117 Wave equations, 22–23 one-dimensional, 27 Wave propagation, 224, 246 Wave propagation constant, 108, 117, 118, 154, 209 Wave propagations, 109, 111–112 Z Zero-phase terminal, 211 10/18/13 11:12 AM