#separator:tab #html:true #guid column:1 #notetype column:2 #deck column:3 #tags column:15 dYf_y$%Z?*BasicCPH PRELIMS"A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity."<b>HEALTH</b> fB,uI-H}cKBasicCPH PRELIMSHal means?<b>HALE ; SOUND ; WHOLE</b> vM)_b1FWuZBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.</b><br><br>A person can still feel well or good even with injuries or diseases.<b>TRUE</b> OrK%Q%Y<>SBasicCPH PRELIMS"A collective body of individuals identified by common characteristics such as geography, interests, experiences, concerns, or values."<b>COMMUNITY</b> da@3v}z]chBasicCPH PRELIMS"According to CEA Winslow, this is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals."<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> uL|=DS7K1>BasicCPH PRELIMS3Ps in Public Health<b>PREVENT (DISEASES)<br>PROLONG (LIFE)<br>PROMOTE (GOOD HEALTH)</b> "NA*|sOSuC#"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by medical and allied health professions; also known as health care."<b>CLINICAL CARE</b> dM*1B5qpHeBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False<br></b><br>Health care is not important than individual patient care.<b>FALSE</b><br><br>Health care is <b>more important</b> than individual patient care. "zvH9u23fO#"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Factor that contributes to the generation of a trait."<b>DETERMINANT</b> QG*Gn*=U.yBasicCPH PRELIMS"Occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior, or other health-related events clearly in excess of normal expectancy"<b>EPIDEMIC/OUTBREAK</b> wx|U@=_2p:BasicCPH PRELIMS"Usually refers to a larger geographic distribution of illness or health-related events."<b>EPIDEMIC</b> JjAFbj@;c&BasicCPH PRELIMS"A disease or an illness that is usually present in a particular geographic area."<b>ENDEMIC</b> d&r:2id?g|BasicCPH PRELIMSA global problem.<b>PANDEMIC</b> g-dh)yo8vJBasicCPH PRELIMS"Result of a medical condition that directly affects the length or quality of a person’s life."<b>HEALTH OUTCOME</b> f)x<p*i*&wBasicCPH PRELIMS"Action or ministration that produces an effect or is intended to alter the course of a pathologic process."<b>INTERVENTION</b> JqX7janZdyBasicCPH PRELIMS"Denoting a disease affecting or attacking the population of an extensive region, country, or continent."<b>PANDEMIC</b> O|6L%>-N!`BasicCPH PRELIMS"Approach to health that aims to improve the health of an entire population."<b>POPULATION HEALTH</b> GUvLVTtrfvBasicCPH PRELIMS"Action so as to avoid, forestall, or circumvent a happening, conclusion, or phenomenon."<b>PREVENTION</b> "vp6*,#%@cq"BasicCPH PRELIMS"""As the nation's leader in health, we are committed to guarantee equitable, accessible, and quality health services for all Filipinos."""<b>DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH</b> sX/iNsR8sBBasicCPH PRELIMS"“Public health aims to provide maximum benefit for the largest number of people.”"<b>WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION</b> ogsa>.J$:-BasicCPH PRELIMS"Focused on individual health rather than community/environmental health."<b>EARLY CIVILIZATIONS</b> N[{/ln]R(vBasicCPH PRELIMS"Archeological findings provide evidence of sewage disposal and written medical prescriptions."<b>2000 BCE</b> jmsq`L0r~2BasicCPH PRELIMS"Perhaps the earliest written record of public health was the Code of Hammurabi; included laws for physicians and health practices."<b>CIRCA 1900&nbsp; BCE</b> "M7&Y*C#FV3"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Bible’s Book of Levictus written; includes guidlines for personal cleanliness and sanitation."<b>CIRCA 1500 BCE</b> pKM@,v9WnFBasicCPH PRELIMS"Evidence that Greekmen participated in games of strength and skill and swam in public facilities."<b>5TH AND 6TH CENTURIES BCE</b> J4WlFeTR&1BasicCPH PRELIMS"Greeks were involved in practice of community sanitation; involbed in obtaining water from sources far away and not just local wells."<b>CLASSICAL CULTURES</b> gXEd.Q*FFFBasicCPH PRELIMSClassical Cultures Era<b>500 BCE TO 500 CE</b> "K{w#TMv^H9"BasicCPH PRELIMSAncient Societies Era<b>BEFORE 500 BCE</b> ASaV=^T)pHBasicCPH PRELIMS"Romans were community minded; improved on community sanitation of Greeks; built sewer systems; created regulation for building construction, refuse removal, and street cleaning and repair; created hospitals as infirmaries for slaves."<b>CLASSICAL CULTURES</b> Hy~+e5JqB~BasicCPH PRELIMS"Christians created hospitals as benevolent charitable organizations."<b>CLASSICAL CULTURES</b> t+oM2W3QrjBasicCPH PRELIMS"Roman Empire fell and most public health activites ceased."<b>476 CE</b> Ii=8:u5YARBasicCPH PRELIMS"The spiritual era of public health; epidemics were more rampant especially with communicable diseases (e.g. bubonic plague, leprosy, smallpox, TB, syphilis, etc.)"<b>MIDDLE AGES</b> xno~DmJ-sGBasicCPH PRELIMSMiddle Ages Era<b>500 TO 1500 CE</b> fJj:>pA}EsBasicCPH PRELIMSMedicines and vaccines are not yet fully available;&nbsp;No advanced technologies yet.<b>MIDDLE AGES</b> wmr10lr)EnBasicCPH PRELIMS"Growing revulsion for Roman materialism and a growth of spirituality; health problems were considered to have both spiritual causes and spiritual solutions, a time referred to as the spiritual era of public health."<b>DARK AGES (500-1000 CE)</b> "EG~GebNc#C"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Occurred in 543 C.E. and 1348 C.E. This one killed 25 million; half of population of London lost and in some parts of France only 1 in 10 survived."<b>THE PLAGUE ; BLACK DEATH</b> Ov<E.z2j^,BasicCPH PRELIMSMore than 19.000 leper houses.<b>1200 CE</b> "w_j?#1_e$Z"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Syphilis epidemic was last epidemic of the period."<b>1492 CE</b> IT;e7ZGA*!BasicCPH PRELIMS"People believed that diseases were caused by the environment; the theory of disease causation was developed along with the epidemiological triad"<b>RENAISSANCE AND EXPLORATION PERIOD</b> "Fys#20[/?c"BasicCPH PRELIMSRenaissance and Exploration Era<b>1500 TO 1700 CE</b> qP%eczoD]/BasicCPH PRELIMSThe Epidemiological Triad<b>HOST<br>AGENT<br>THE ENVIRONMENT</b> fqnVR1hKB4BasicCPH PRELIMSThe term&nbsp;<i>malaria</i>&nbsp;means?<b>BAD AIR</b> nk!0rXz.s%BasicCPH PRELIMSThe meaning bad air from the term <i>malaria</i>&nbsp;is a direct reference to?<b>HUMID OR SWAMPY AIR</b> tHsj(?D[JEBasicCPH PRELIMSWhen did John Graunt publish the&nbsp;<i>Observations on the Bills of Mortality</i>?<b>1662</b> uQ!v/QHjXBBasicCPH PRELIMSWho published the&nbsp;<i>Observations on the Bills of Mortality</i>? This is also the beginning of vital statistics.<b>JOHN GRAUNT</b> cD[d9w?Z}vBasicCPH PRELIMSHow many people was killed during the plague epidemic?<b>68, 596 (15% OF THE POPULATION)</b> ErzFmEciw`BasicCPH PRELIMSWhen and where did the plague epidemic occured?<b>LONDON IN 1665</b> y0;8%[-T6mBasicCPH PRELIMSMain issues revolved around water and sanitation; Industrial revolution.<b>18TH CENTURY (1700s)</b> A^/pPlr;}GBasicCPH PRELIMSFirst U.S. census<b>1790</b> i*;;:JtOR4BasicCPH PRELIMSYellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia<b>1793</b> xxPk]TlhHkBasicCPH PRELIMS"Dr. Edward Jenner successfully demonstrated small pox vaccination."<b>1796</b> lLM}w&C)sjBasicCPH PRELIMS"Marine Hospital Service (forerunner to U.S. Public Health Service) was formed."<b>1798</b> fTC__sid_wBasicCPH PRELIMS"Several of America’s largest cities, including Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore, had municipal boards of health."<b>1799</b> GQw9xyG`FIBasicCPH PRELIMS"U.S. government’s approach to health was laissez faire (i.e., noninterference)."<b>FIRST HALF OF 19TH CENTURY</b> pR9lXWF^.vBasicCPH PRELIMSFirst visiting nurse in United States.<b>1813</b> I<d{Cz1r,XBasicCPH PRELIMS"Epidemics continued in cities of Europe and America but new discoveries were made that address the health needs of each community; considered as the modern era of public health."<b>19TH CENTURY</b> rX+t@g`8+1BasicCPH PRELIMSLondon cholera epidemics.<b>1849; 1854</b> ip7zS$ll0XBasicCPH PRELIMSModern era of public health begins ; Shattuck’s report was published.<b>1850</b> I>~{-:WN5jBasicCPH PRELIMS"Snow had pump handle removed from Broad Street pump"<b>1854</b> e?Br*v+EG&BasicCPH PRELIMSPasteur proposed germ theory<b>1863</b> BN~Ip5Om.`BasicCPH PRELIMSAmerican Public Health Association founded<b>1872</b> Py92w@;F%sBasicCPH PRELIMSBacteriological period of public health<b>1875-1900</b> "h&klw(F#-R"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Koch established relationship between a particular microbe and a particular disease."<b>1876</b> Ku]D.Dhe73BasicCPH PRELIMS"Reed announced that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitos."<b>1900</b> "b</#a%XKcz"BasicCPH PRELIMSPeriod of Health Promotion<b>1974-PRESENT</b> ed/j5:Wn74BasicCPH PRELIMS"Nixon’s unsuccessful attempt at national health care program ; <i>A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians</i> published."<b>1974</b> "J#vF$B#@=n"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Health Information and Health Promotion Act passed."<b>1976</b> g(9X%G/bkABasicCPH PRELIMS<i>Healthy People</i> published.<b>1979</b> zd1J[,)rMXBasicCPH PRELIMS"<i>Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives of the Nation</i>&nbsp;was published."<b>1980</b> g45llc|SwNBasicCPH PRELIMS<i>Healthy People 2000</i> was published.<b>1990</b> xe>0oQAT<~BasicCPH PRELIMS"Clinton’s unsuccessful attempt at a national health care programs."<b>1997</b> nUU<A0GOMJBasicCPH PRELIMS<i>Healthy People 2010</i> was published.<b>2000</b> vnDCRcF?NBBasicCPH PRELIMSAffordable Care Act becomes law ; <i>Health People 2020</i> published.<b>2010</b> C}^ge/,ARMBasicCPH PRELIMS"Communicable diseases were the main issue (e.g. influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.) as national laws around the world were made to address these health concerns"<b>20TH CENTURY</b> n)rJ-pZNFGBasicCPH PRELIMS"Main focuses were on healthcare delivery, policies, accessibility, environmental problems, drug and alcohol abuse, health disparities, and disasters"<b>21ST CENTURY</b> w]XmzGf(52BasicCPH PRELIMS"Greeks and Romans practice community sanitation measures."<b>500 BC</b> J:Hyb_8*M1BasicCPH PRELIMS"The Public Health Act of 1848 was established in the United Kingdom."<b>1840s</b> pU}KitI));BasicCPH PRELIMS"The Environmental Protection Agency was founded"<b>1970</b> d:=/$[Zh3lBasicCPH PRELIMS"It protects human health by safeguarding air, water, land, and things that people consume."<b>ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA)</b> uE_dtXAz)eBasicCPH PRELIMSThis pandemic has 500 million infected worldwide in 1918.<b>INFLUENCE / SPANISH FLU</b> K1_46,FBdVBasicCPH PRELIMS"Vaccine of this pandemic was introduced in 1955; eradication initiative launched in 1988."<b>POLIO</b> "G!#KSeSLoX"BasicCPH PRELIMS"34 million living with pandemic worldwide; 20% decline in new infections since 200."<b>HIV&nbsp;</b> "QTPja;/#1i"BasicCPH PRELIMSThis pandemic has 300M+ case and 5M+ deaths.<b>COVID-19</b> bQ0]3]e{w-BasicCPH PRELIMS"Plague used as a weapon of war during the Siege of Kaffa"<b>BIOLOGICAL WARFARE</b> M$;tATa.:{BasicCPH PRELIMS"Public health surveillance conducted after the 9/11 attacks"<b>SEPTEMBER 2001</b> jVH]OpMi?HBasicCPH PRELIMS"Emergency services, public health surveillance, and disease treatment provided"<b>HURRICANE KATRINA</b> "vZBXd:]Zk#"BasicCPH PRELIMS"In public health, after identifying the underlying causes and problems, this will be made."<b>POLICY / GUIDELINES</b> yFmrLR|R>fBasicCPH PRELIMSThe world’s first written health code<b>BOOK OF LEVICTUS</b> bli9pVlka}BasicCPH PRELIMSLaws banning smoking in public places<b>TOBACCO LAWS</b> FY+vBNQcr?BasicCPH PRELIMS"Food labeling and promotion of physical activity."<b>OBESITY</b> CoB=tf9sDkBasicCPH PRELIMS"Ancient Filipinos regarded health as a harmonious relationship with the environment, both natural and supernatural."<b>PRE-SPANISH ERA (BEFORE 1565)</b> ot^qO,-BrBasicCPH PRELIMS"Mediators between the physical and spiritual world. They are mainly women (healers, priestess, leaders)"<b>BABAYLANS</b> y}_l7smw.MBasicCPH PRELIMSWhat does Filipinos utilize as medicines?<b>PLANTS</b> rI>KRs}z=SBasicCPH PRELIMS"Developing illnesses were believed to be caused by disharmony with the spiritual world; in order to restore health, one must praise the Gods"<b>PRE-SPANISH ERA (BEFORE 1565)</b> N=EM9pfzSUBasicCPH PRELIMSThis represent early medical healthcare in the Spanish era.<b>SAN LAZARO CHURCH AND HOSTPITAL</b> zomIe]>1^cBasicCPH PRELIMS"Establishment and administration of some of the first health institutions in the country were accomplished by Spanish Friars."<b>SPANISH ERA (1565-1898)</b> e9j&LrqSbaBasicCPH PRELIMSCreation of Hospitals and Medical institutions<b>SPANISH ERA&nbsp;</b> yoMQQ1Ft7DBasicCPH PRELIMS1st Hospital in the Philippines.<b>HOSPITAL REAL</b> I<0>XU?dXnBasicCPH PRELIMSWhere did Hospital Real buil and relocated?<b>BUILT IN CEBU ; RELOCATED IN MANILA</b> NHg|?P`|U/BasicCPH PRELIMSWho wanted the Hospital Real?<b>THE ROYAL FAMILY</b> l8(*%frKY4BasicCPH PRELIMSWho funded the Hospital Real?<b>KING PHILLIP II</b> f3HIS1dOuNBasicCPH PRELIMSThis is the oldest hospital in San Lazaro.<b>HOSPITAL DE NATURALES</b> EG<C)e`zCiAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSAll hospitals in the following was built during the Spanish Era EXCEPT:2Hospital dela MisericordiaHospital San GabrielSan Juan de DiosUniversity of Santo TomasThe Philippine General Hospital0 0 0 0 1 jD|@9C{b;,BasicCPH PRELIMSWhen did the smallpox (bolotong) epidemic began?<b>1574</b> p!|gx)m_cCBasicCPH PRELIMSWho granted the Filipinos access to the smallpox vaccine shortly after the epidemic?<b>DR. FRANCISCO DE BALMIS</b> KttNiusqp)BasicCPH PRELIMSMalaria, dengue, and schistosomiasis were considered as endemic in what country?<b>CHINA</b> rnxhm:^Z1iBasicCPH PRELIMSWho brought endemics from Southern China to the Philippines?<b>TRADERS</b> u1`L?ja5%|BasicCPH PRELIMS"More medical benefits were given to the Filipinos such as building more hospitals and implementing prevention measures for diseases."<b>AMERICAN PERIOD</b> Rik@6uE$H!BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>Americans made sure that more Filipinos to be vaccinated."<b>TRUE</b> HdyeKxsra-BasicCPH PRELIMS"Control of infectious diseases like smallpox, cholera, and plague ; First crematorium and cremation of bodies was advocated."<b>AMERICAN PERIOD (1898-1918)</b> H{Y6s.?Ke$BasicCPH PRELIMSBoard of Health for Philippine Islands<b>1901</b> if9,,l(W.3BasicCPH PRELIMSAnti-tubercolosis campaign ooccured.<b>AMERICAN PERIOD</b> ez,fFb_n6rBasicCPH PRELIMSUP College of Medicine was opened<b>AMERICAN PERIOD</b> EHs8uppZ(eBasicCPH PRELIMSThe Mandation of Public Health<b>FILIPINZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES</b> s6C`ULnA:rBasicCPH PRELIMS"This was created to formalize US commitment towards giving the Filipinos their freedom which gave rise to the Philippine Health Service"<b>THE JONES LAW</b> fxU*tu:~JaBasicCPH PRELIMSProceeding the Jones Law, a hospital, now known as Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, was established<b>NORTH GENERAL HOSPITAL</b> m-gC%&,<cHBasicCPH PRELIMS"Increased mortality and morbidity rates for infectious diseases (malaria, tuberculosis, etc.) due to armed conflict between Filipinos and Americans"<b>FILIPINIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES (1918-1941)</b> dc1iW~U*@oBasicCPH PRELIMS"Shortage of doctors and nurses as well as the setting up of traveling x-ray and TB clinics were some notable events"<b>FILIPINIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES</b> Kb2MzqjVN@BasicCPH PRELIMS"He&nbsp;advocated for the need to give more attention to public health and sanitation which led to the establishment of health and puericulture centers (hygiene for children)."<b>MAJOR GENERAL LEONARD WOOD</b> xx}]).`Ro-BasicCPH PRELIMS"Training was provided to address the long-standing need of Filipino healthcare workers"<b>FILIPINIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES</b> vw[HKSfW]9BasicCPH PRELIMSThe Philippine Medical School was founded in what year?<b>1905</b> g:F8rfR@e2BasicCPH PRELIMS"He abolished the Philippine Health Service, the Office of the Public Welfare Commissioner, and the TB Commission and put them all under the Bureau of Health and Public Welfare in 1932"<b>PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT</b> LGd9|Fma2*BasicCPH PRELIMSWhat segregated island was established for people with leprosy?<b>CULION</b> e6ep5pD!LkBasicCPH PRELIMSHealth promotion and education was also highlighted during his term<b>FILIPINIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES</b> h?jOj!_gh(BasicCPH PRELIMS"He was elected as the Commissioner of Public Health and Welfare which led to the decrease of water-borne disease incidents due to the creation of water filtration services in Manila."<b>DR. JOSE FABELLA</b> BE/SM}`<oHBasicCPH PRELIMS"Incidence of tuberculosis, malaria, and severe malnutrition increased among the lower classes."<b>JAPANESE OCCUPATION (1942-1945)</b> F47_&aprYRBasicCPH PRELIMS"Over 5,000 previously segregated lepers escaped in search of food. ; Food and medicines were scarce. Infectious diseases became rampant."<b>JAPANESE OCCUPATION</b> kP,ydzYk8*BasicCPH PRELIMS"High cases of infectious diseases, widespread malnutrition, destruction of health facilities, disastrous public sanitation"<b>1945-1946</b> e=ms%/&DG}BasicCPH PRELIMS"This was created&nbsp;to study problems of public health and sanitation and to make recommendations for their improvement and the promotion of medical research."<b>NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL</b> pn7S^QccUBasicCPH PRELIMS"He made sure that National Advisory Council is available to identify health problems."<b>MANUEL ROXAS</b> m0IB*d&GL*BasicCPH PRELIMS"This is in charge of all city health offices including&nbsp;the Bureau of Health, the Bureau of Quarantine, and a new division, the Bureau of Hospitals"<b>DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH</b> M.k?eciznCBasicCPH PRELIMS"What year did transfer of WHO from Hongkong to Philippines occured?"<b>1950s</b> rG[vv2[_coBasicCPH PRELIMSConcerned in family planning<b>USAID</b> C[.KL?3mt3BasicCPH PRELIMSConcerned in campaigning against tuberculosis<b>UNICEF</b> dl-LJs8]1[BasicCPH PRELIMS"Mass vaccination of BCG (bacille Calmette-Guerin) especially for children"<b>1952</b> PS6fhjcjv6BasicCPH PRELIMS"Healthcare for the masses established Rural Health Units for every municipality"<b>MAGSAYSAY ADMINISTRATION (1953-1957)</b> IC*uS??dpRAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSAll is under Macapagal Administration in 1961-1965 EXCEPT:2Food, Drug, and Cosmetics ActNone of the choices"National Water and Air Pollution Control Commission""National Schistosomiasis Control Commission"FDA0 1 0 0 0 QO!_>Fuk2>BasicCPH PRELIMSPhilippine Medical Care Act of 1969 was established during this administration<b>MARCOS ADMINISTRATION</b> g0g~oEd9O|BasicCPH PRELIMS"This was designed to extend healthcare of Filipinos’ within the nations economic means and capabilities"<b>MEDICARE / PHILIPPINE MEDICAL CARE ACT OF 1969</b> AB473FACi?AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSThe following are objectives of Medicare EXCEPT?2To pay for certain medical needs."All Filipinos can avail healthcare services from private institutions."To give unlimited food, water, and sanitary products to Filipinos.Extension of financial assistance.0 0 1 0 NoKC+1qM}cBasicCPH PRELIMSPopulation Commision and Medical Technology Act was established<b>MARCOS ADMINISTRATION</b> nlEoycl=XkBasicCPH PRELIMSMedical Technology Act<b>RA 5527</b> G2}Pn?o@1jClozeCPH PRELIMSClassification of Health Services are {{c1::Primary}}, {{c1::Secondary}}, and {{c1::Tertiary}}. raG;<n~SEWBasicCPH PRELIMSCreation of Barangay Health Stations<b>MARTIAL LAW</b> d[(Ux;n76RBasicCPH PRELIMS"This program requires doctors and nurses should work in rural areas for 6 months."<b>RURAL HEALTH PRACTICE PROGRAM (MARTIAL LAW)</b> k>5=Aaf|(~AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSEstablished during Martial Law years EXCEPT?2National Nutrition ProgramCreation of PCMCCreation of Heart Center and Lung CenterCreation of NKTIHealth Sector Reform Agenda0 0 0 0 1 $2l}D}>{-BasicCPH PRELIMS"The principles behind PHC were accessibility, community participation, health promotion, the use of appropriate technology and a multi-sectoral approach"<b>PRIMARY HEALTH CARE FOR ALL</b> vXkT0P,M4{BasicCPH PRELIMSIncrease in health budget<b>AQUINO ADMINISTRATION</b> gfvnRY}Q}FBasicCPH PRELIMSThe Milk Code<b>AQUINO ADMINISTRATION</b> "stvyO5^S#@"BasicCPH PRELIMSField Epidemiology Training Program<b>AQUINO ADMINISTRATION</b> BL+.wQb16hBasicCPH PRELIMSGenerics Drug Act<b>AQUINO ADMINISTRATION</b> j5TB<5/omwBasicCPH PRELIMSMagna Carta for Public Health Workers<b>AQUINO ADMINISTRATION</b> v2:%%pL0iRBasicCPH PRELIMS"Ensures that mothers have proper knowledge about breastfeeding"<b>THE MILK CODE</b> HNAid>@1r.BasicCPH PRELIMSMother of cheaper medicine act<b>GENERICS DRUG ACT</b> uR]11rbjf&BasicCPH PRELIMSOplan Alis Disease: Ceasefire for Children<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> fP$d7xFdNLBasicCPH PRELIMSDoctors to the Barrios Program ; Yosi Kadiri<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> r}Y:8ZcX47BasicCPH PRELIMS"Strategic and Tactical Options for the Prevention of Disaster, Epidemics and Trauma (STOP D.E.A.T.H)"<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> "yuSQr.!7#J"BasicCPH PRELIMSTubig, Kubeta, Oresol (TKO): Kontra Kolera<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> "n5nKHe#TCl"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Araw ng Sangkap Pinoy and Family Planning: Kung Sila’y Mahal N’yo, Magplano"<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> KGD&{?A:/(BasicCPH PRELIMSASIN Law<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> rx;<.Kx%&CBasicCPH PRELIMSNational Blood Services Act of 1994 ;&nbsp;National Health Insurance Act of 1995<b>FIDEL RAMOS AND JUAN FLAVIER</b> "c<,^3#)KiI"BasicCPH PRELIMSProgram for voluntary blood donation<b>NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICES ACT OF 1994</b> j~0S)_6x0FBasicCPH PRELIMSAka PhilHealth<b>NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE ACT OF 1995</b> N&vw^[-p_rBasicCPH PRELIMSIodized salt with the DOH Logo<b>ASIN LAW</b> A-OmA=ZGv`BasicCPH PRELIMS"First female secretary of health"<b>DR. CARMENCITA REODICA</b> iufm;mBYj9BasicCPH PRELIMS"Early Childhood Development Program ; Botika ng Barangay ; Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997"<b>DR. CARMENCITA REODICA</b> "e<Mu#X`y[o"BasicCPH PRELIMSHealth Sector Reform Agenda<b>ESTRADA ADMINISTRATION</b> N]d4P7i@{3BasicCPH PRELIMSNational Health Passport<b>ESTRADA ADMINISTRATION</b> e0!fH,+L:{BasicCPH PRELIMS"Oks and Oks Mass Treatment of Schistosomiasis"<b>ESTRADA ADMINISTRATION</b> kA9m$hRyE~BasicCPH PRELIMSRabies Elimination Program in the Visayas<b>ESTRADA ADMINISTRATION</b> cgxI/u3,M$BasicCPH PRELIMS"TB Directly Observed Treatment-Short Course program (TB- DOTS)"<b>ARROYO ADMINISTRATION</b> v<(F^J@8h`BasicCPH PRELIMS"SARS Outbreak: Five Strategic Action on SARS"<b>ARROYO ADMINISTRATION</b> OCSfb1aVttBasicCPH PRELIMS"FOURmula ONE for Health: healthcare financing, regulation, service delivery, and governance"<b>ARROYO ADMINISTRATION</b> F)qxn)%f)]BasicCPH PRELIMS"Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act"<b>ARROYO ADMINISTRATION</b> "ivDk44Wef#"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) Strategy"<b>ARROYO ADMINISTRATION</b> m`,TwE11OhBasicCPH PRELIMSReproductive Health Law<b>NINOY AQUINO</b> G58ecN0g1PBasicCPH PRELIMSResponsible Parenthood Act<b>NINOY AQUINO</b> ;1]}F3.liBasicCPH PRELIMSResponsible Parenthood Act promotes what?<b>USE OF CONTRACEPTIVES</b> xWtxOXwBSZBasicCPH PRELIMSUniversal Health Care Act<b>DUTERTE ADMINISTRATION</b> Kbs8:qwvP`BasicCPH PRELIMSPhilippine Mental Health Law<b>DUTERTE ADMINISTRATION</b> s=*m=Ofj~bBasicCPH PRELIMSBayanihan To Heal As One Act<b>DUTERTE ADMINISTRATION</b> vz`=/X%&KJBasicCPH PRELIMS"It deals with preventive rather than curative aspects of health."<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> c$:7Gz*fq!BasicCPH PRELIMS"It deals with population level-rather than individual-level health issues"<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> Nf{%PC(K,ABasicCPH PRELIMSSecurity centered aspect of Public Health.<b>PREVENTIVE</b> x%L,}5~N0mBasicCPH PRELIMSIndividually centered aspect of Public Health.<b>CURATIVE</b> {/,8?>&1+BasicCPH PRELIMS"Public Health approach where <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>monitoring of health events</b></u></span> within the community is practiced."<b>SURVEILLANCE</b> $O5i([5][BasicCPH PRELIMSFigure out what causes the problem<b>RISK FACTOR IDENTIFICATION</b> OY`SOxN>+kBasicCPH PRELIMS"Identifying the <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>ways you can address</b></u></span> the problems"<b>INTERVENTION EVALUATION</b> c-j}?Z*d9vBasicCPH PRELIMS"Consideration of the factors (e.g. budget, money, resources)"<b>IMPLEMENTATION</b> LTqna3vpb+AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTrue about Public Health Approach (can be more than 1):1To confirm the presence of a diseaseIt is an unending cycleData collection never stopsTo find out if the problem has been solved or if it is effective0 1 1 1 o1P-0r:LROClozeCPH PRELIMSCorrect steps of a Public Health Approach:<br><br>➔ {{c1::Surveillance}}<br>➔ {{c1::Risk Factor Identification}}<br>➔ {{c1::Intervention Evaluation}}<br>➔ {{c1::Implementation}} jKo;kO{kUSBasicCPH PRELIMSStudy of occurrence of a disease; To confirm the presence of a disease<b>EPIDEMIOLOGY</b> KT)[)$CNktImage Occlusion EnhancedCPH PRELIMS223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-1Identify the element of Public Health."<img src=""paste-071dc93c0c5b7502c02c0d404b6281efef5bd9a5.jpg"">""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-1-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-1-A.svg"">""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-O.svg"" />" fnXZ:3*E^Image Occlusion EnhancedCPH PRELIMS223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-2Identify the element of Public Health."<img src=""paste-071dc93c0c5b7502c02c0d404b6281efef5bd9a5.jpg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-2-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-2-A.svg"">""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-O.svg"" />" L=iI9WlHsRImage Occlusion EnhancedCPH PRELIMS223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-3Identify the element of Public Health."<img src=""paste-071dc93c0c5b7502c02c0d404b6281efef5bd9a5.jpg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-3-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-3-A.svg"">""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-O.svg"" />" n>P7$yUmF~Image Occlusion EnhancedCPH PRELIMS223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-4Identify the element of Public Health."<img src=""paste-071dc93c0c5b7502c02c0d404b6281efef5bd9a5.jpg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-4-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-4-A.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-O.svg"" />" LH18SgH^Q(Image Occlusion EnhancedCPH PRELIMS223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-5Identify the element of Public Health."<img src=""paste-071dc93c0c5b7502c02c0d404b6281efef5bd9a5.jpg"">""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-5-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-5-A.svg"" />""<img src=""223eab3720aa493f8f0d59ca9ee1043c-ao-O.svg"" />" OW!XJ/R!@}BasicCPH PRELIMS"A fatal intestinal disease, was rampant during the early 1800s in London, causing death to tens of thousands of people in the area. It was commonly thought to be caused by bad air from rotting organic matter"<b>CHOLERA</b> uohBn3+c$OBasicCPH PRELIMS"A physician that is best known for his work tracing the source of the cholera outbreak."<b>JOHN SNOW</b> GuH<353;x<BasicCPH PRELIMSConsidered as the <u><b>Father of Modern Epidemiology</b></u><b>JOHN SNOW</b> Ej0<1i7?iBBasicCPH PRELIMS"Identify the picture shown.<br><br><img src=""paste-9bbc39f358aac516aa01078c6246b1804f96410b.jpg"">"<b>CLUSTER OF CHOLERA CASES IN LONDON (1854)</b> "H?Uk+7j&>#"BasicCPH PRELIMSWhat caused the cholera outbreak?<b>CONTAMINATED WATER PUMPS</b> y^F9JCDM^cAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSAll are interventions Snow used for the cholera outbreak EXCEPT:2"Stop exposure to the contaminated water supply on a larger scale""Stop exposure to the entire supply of contaminated water in the area""Built infrastracture/facilities to adress the needs of people"0 0 1 LLr6-ehj]wBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br><br></b>John Snow’s research convinced the British government that the source of cholera was water contaminated with sewage."<b>TRUE</b> srX0@pT@!vBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Which statement is true/false?</b><br><br>John Snow removed the handle so that no one could continue to draw water from the contaminated water pump again. Since the handle is where the organism comes from, that causes cholera."<b>BOTH STATEMENTS ARE TRUE</b> dw=$pEaCq}BasicCPH PRELIMS"Systematically collect, analyze, and make available information on healthy communities."<b>ASSESSMENT<br></b> qKoj)T<SOQBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.<br><br></b>Data gathering will eventually stop.<b>FALSE</b><br><br>Data gather&nbsp;<b>NEVER STOPS.</b> G!Kiru%65>BasicCPH PRELIMS"Promote the use of a scientific knowledge base in policy and decision making"<b>POLICY</b> GdP3$u5=kEBasicCPH PRELIMSEnsure provision of services to those in need;&nbsp;An anchor to the public health approach.<b>ASSURANCE</b> Hx$j(,-4&!BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>Assurance makes sure that the policies created will benefit those in need."<b>TRUE</b> MkuCQ3e5[1BasicCPH PRELIMS"<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>Assess and monitor the population health</b></u></span> status, factors that influence health, and the like."<b>MONITOR HEALTH</b> Ljn<Hw)hVbBasicCPH PRELIMS"<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>Addressing health and hazards</b></u></span> affecting the population."<b>DIAGNOSE AND INVESTIGATE</b> iAc>7=k-GRBasicCPH PRELIMS"Communicate effectively the findings to the people ;&nbsp;All the collected information are properly channeled"<b>INFORM, EDUCATE, EMPOWER (2 Es, 1 I)</b> g]R6MyVIgYBasicCPH PRELIMS"Strengthen, support and mobilize communities and partnerships"<b>MOBILIZE COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP</b> Yc-EnhWn$BasicCPH PRELIMSLaws have to be properly implemented<b>ENFORCE LAWS</b> eKz)Z.=^nOBasicCPH PRELIMSLast part of the Ten Essential Public Health Services<b>EVALUATE AND RESEARCH</b> h=),~GyF(IAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSChoose part/s of Ten Essential Public Health Service:1Develop PoliciesLink to/Provide CareSupporting funds of employeesEnsure the Condition for Population HealthAssure a Competent Workforce1 1 0 1 1 M7{t&<Cu1-BasicCPH PRELIMS"The people in this are should be educated properly."<b>COMMUNITY</b> Mn.Zt{7N=%BasicCPH PRELIMS"To make sure that the findings are easily addressed by the health sectors"<b>CLINICAL CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM</b> "P#V=M$3zjh"BasicCPH PRELIMS"To build infrastracture/facilities to adress the needs of people"<b>GOVERNMENT PUBLIC HEALTH INFRASTRACTURE</b> x{);uhV=>`BasicCPH PRELIMSSchools are part of this partner in PHS<b>ACADEMIA</b> mSfqRL%4keBasicCPH PRELIMSDissemination of information<b>MEDIA</b> x3G3XHn{ITBasicCPH PRELIMSThey are a partner in the PHS to support funds<b>EMPLOYERS AND BUSINESSES</b> l*Lz$=y=$NBasicCPH PRELIMSEnsures the Conditions for Population Health<b>PARTNERS IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM</b> F6TI*&ZR)pBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.</b><br><br>Population Focus<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> Fqx*Qd@&;uBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Public health ethics<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> "rQ#8I#>FV3"BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Prevention or public health emphasis<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> kr1eHXdyAgBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Joint laboratory and field involvement<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> E_0$+)@VIuBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br><br></b>Clinical scieces peripheral to professional training<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> dL:C=:$SmGBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Public sector basis Ept2D}I~<!BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Focuses on community<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> w;hhd7ZRTGBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br><br></b>Focuses on individuals<b>HEALTH CARE</b> nKXK+0BL4eBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Private sector basis<b>HEALTH CARE</b> O6e)C/=~!^BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Clinical sciences essential to professional training<b>PUBLIC HEALTH</b> xkdlZOJ*@2BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Joint laboratory and patient involvement<b>HEALTH CARE</b> rG%+F?k(qgBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Diagnosis and treatment emphasis<b>HEALTH CARE</b> PYJG1Fa=:=BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Personal service ethics<b>HEALTH CARE</b> CRJ5;KXX>BBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Public Health or Health Care.<br></b><br>Individual patient focus<b>HEALTH CARE</b> "Jy4fJ[#`[i"BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.<br></b><br>Vehicle for public discourse<b>MEDIA</b> ea%>=mGUwnBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.<br></b><br>Health education and promotion<b>MEDIA</b> ntBf*f.qFdBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.<br></b><br>Health communication<b>MEDIA</b> t2^`$z*5]OBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Social media as catalyst<b>MEDIA</b> u9/~e{Y|h,BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Employer-sponsored health insurance programs<b>EMPLOYERS AND BUSINESSES</b> L}h+q%51UoBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Wellness initiative and benefits<b>EMPLOYERS AND BUSINESSES</b> C$:Bzo3DcoBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Healthy workplaces and communities<b>EMPLOYERS AND BUSINESSES</b> d^GV-vH-PoBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>City planning<b>GOVERNMENT AGENCIES</b> wEOIcof)|BBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Education<b>GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ; ACADEMIA</b> xcM|!^yt%1BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Health in all policies<b>GOVERNMENT AGENCIES</b> O,P*D**V]LBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Training<b>ACADEMIA<br></b> eZ(HTas_XcBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Research<b>ACADEMIA</b> ug[Xdk:AcgBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify what partner/s in the Public Health.</b><br><br>Public Service<b>ACADEMIA</b> w{j]ZoKoefBasicCPH PRELIMS"Estimated 8.1 million children die each year before their 5th birthday (current statistic) ;&nbsp;an approximate 2 million decrease occurred between 2001-2010"<b>REDUCTIONS IN CHILD MORTALITY</b> m>xG5iEiYpBasicCPH PRELIMS"Around 2.5 million deaths were prevented each year among children younger than 5 through the help of vaccines against measles, polio, and diptheria-tetanus-pertussis"<b>VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES</b> yn!_de,p3rBasicCPH PRELIMS"The proportion of the world which received improved drinking water sources increased from 83% to 87% ;&nbsp;proportion with access to improved sanitation increased from 58% to 61%"<b>ACCESS TO SAFE WATER AND SANITATION</b> L_ED7BF{-$BasicCPH PRELIMSA 21% decrease in global malaria deaths occurred between 2000-2009<b>MALARIA PREVENTION AND CONTROL</b> "bH5s[#94{e"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Reduction of new infections was aided by expanded condom availability, sterile injection equipment, improved blood and safety, and <u><b>antiretroviral therapy (ART)</b></u>"<b>PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF HIV/AIDS</b> n3dAdw<t1IBasicCPH PRELIMS"Case detection and treatment success rates have risen to 20% and prevalence declining in every region"<b>TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL</b> fq]83~C]l(BasicCPH PRELIMS"Programs for d<u><b>racunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) and onchocerciasis (river blindness)</b></u> in America are on the verge of success while lymphatic fibriasis programs are making progress"<b>CONTROL OF NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES</b> e5^//[M_pcBasicCPH PRELIMS"After 168 countries adopted WHO’s first global health treaty against tobacco, 163 countries tracked tobacco use using surveys and have since observed an increase in global population covered by smoke-free laws"<b>TOBACCO CONTROL</b> CC>,BO9jqJBasicCPH PRELIMS"A global effort was made to create plans to reduce the forecasted growth in road fatalities"<b>INCREASES AWARENESS AND RESPONSE FOR IMPROVING GLOBAL ROAD SAFETY</b> P5lRtj];qABasicCPH PRELIMS"Modernization of international legal framework, better disease surveillance, better public health networking, and better disease detection systems"<b>IMPROVED PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE TO GLOBAL HEALTH THREATS</b> ONaM$A6Z<[BasicCPH PRELIMSA Guinea worm disease<b>DRACUNCULIASIS</b> EHxA?1d|>@BasicCPH PRELIMSAlso called a river blindess<b>ONCHOCERCIASIS</b> bqJWmsUo}_BasicCPH PRELIMSPrevention, treatment, and management of illnesses<b>HEALTHCARE</b> n{0UTDE|ZQBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.</b><br><br>Healthcare is about&nbsp;preservation of mental health through services offered by health professions. It also&nbsp;embraces all goods and services designed to promote health.<b>TRUE</b> "Ntz,l5mQ#F"BasicCPH PRELIMSInternational conference in Primary Healthcare that was&nbsp;held by the WHO and UNICEF from September 6 to 12, 1978.<b>ALMA ATA DECLARATION</b> P:W@Twvs|RBasicCPH PRELIMS"It is caused by existing gross inequality in health status of people; people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively."<b>ALMA ATA DECLARATION</b> JlpKG&.E6SAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTrue about the Alma Ata Declaration EXCEPT:2promote primary health care concepts and&nbsp;evaluate present healthcare situationsdefine principlesdefine government and organizational rolesformulate recommendations for developmentnone of the choices0 0 0 0 1 s:}HBssbM1BasicCPH PRELIMS"Includes empowered patient involvement in terms of making educated decisions"<b>PRIMARY HEALTH CARE</b> PeCEr^c:5bBasicCPH PRELIMSAcceptable level of health for everyone by the year 2000<b>HEALTH FOR ALL BY 2000</b> tatml|5L5xBasicCPH PRELIMSHealth for All by 2000 modified in 1994 into?<b>HEALTH FOR ALL BY 2000 AND BEYOND</b> UOCs-x/uYBasicCPH PRELIMS"Adopted into the country in 1979 through the LOI 949 signed by President Marcos on October 19, 1979"<b>PHILIPPPINE SETTING</b> em?ESjkb`KBasicCPH PRELIMSThe president instructs the DOH to focus more on primary health care<b>PHILIPPINE SETTING</b> q:/9n1{YoTBasicCPH PRELIMS"<u><b>Local Government Code of 1991</b></u> (resulted in devolution)—transferred power from the national to the local government in order to build self-reliant communities"<b>RA 7160</b> h<FO;R>bQDBasicCPH PRELIMS“Health for All Filipinos”<b>VISION&nbsp;</b> xjxEHyuBs~BasicCPH PRELIMS“Health for All Filipinos and Health in the Hands of the People by 2020”<b>GOAL</b> u[ZldNB%VKBasicCPH PRELIMS"<div><div><span style=""color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"">In partnership with the people, provide equity, access and quality health care esp. to the marginalized which brought about the <u><b>Sentrong Sigla</b></u> movement in order to achieve it.</span><div></div></div></div><div><div></div><div><br></div></div>"<b>MISSION</b> Gr:n%+}=sNBasicCPH PRELIMS"Who set the ""Health for All Filipinos""?"<b>DOH SECRETARY JUAN FLAVIER</b> ti7Ke)Ig,.BasicCPH PRELIMS"All people, everywhere, from all walks of life, deserve the right care in their community"<b>PRIMARY HEALTHCARE (PHC)</b> q1x7/xD+j4BasicCPH PRELIMS"Acc. to WHO and UNICEF—ensuring the highest possible level, well-being, and their equitable distribution."<b>PRIMARY HEALTHCARE (PHC)</b> "y&{]|)2%L#"BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or Fasle.<br></b><br>PHC is more people-centered than disease-centered.<b>TRUE</b> NuHCNYwtc1AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTrue about Primary Healthcare EXCEPT:2address the health needs of an individual throughout their livesnot just about the curative portion of medicine, but rather on the preventative portionminor surgeries and simple laboratory procedures are included here"made universally accessible by means acceptable to people through their full participation and at a cost that the country can afford at every stage"the most inclusive, equitable, and cost-efficient approach to enhance people’s well-being0 0 1 0 0 euR[l8hn]rBasicCPH PRELIMS"Trained community workers or volunteers"<b>VILLAGE WORKERS / BARANGAY HEALTH WORKERS</b> v8PJ}K:Y89BasicCPH PRELIMSThe healthcare professionals themselves<b>INTERMEDIATE PHC WORKERS</b> pq4P?;h]J2BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.</b><br><br>PHC is just about treatment and not dealing with prevention and rehabilitation.<b>FALSE.</b><br><br>It is <b>NOT just about treatment</b>,&nbsp;<b>IT DEALS</b>&nbsp;with prevention and rehabilitation as well. o.pLAb|eYzAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSAll are components of PHC according to WHO EXCEPT:2"meeting people’s health needs throughout their lives""addressing broader determinants of health through multi-sectoral policy and action""empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their own health""providing care in the community as well as care through the community"encouraging people of the community to advertise the use of illegal drugs0 0 0 0 1 t|3994Xcf<BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br><br></b>Environmental sanitation<b>COMPONENT</b> Fl@e&%N;0&BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.</b><br><br>Control of communicable diseases and immunization<b>COMPONENTS</b> H.lzHlS,&_BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.</b><br><br>Diagnosis, treatment, and care<b>SERVICES</b> JJcNTTA+BPBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Health promotion and disease prevention<b>SERVICES<br></b> "EYxy%@#KKz"BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.</b><br><br>Health education<b>COMPONENT<br></b> wQAkx$KWvyBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.</b><br><br>Maternal child health and family planning<b>COMPONENT</b> Gh[>hFv[n4BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.</b><br><br>Adequate food and proper nutrition"<b>COMPONENT</b> B|8h}ib$xMBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Provision of medical care and emergency treatment"<b>COMPONENT</b> &lVr^36YXBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Treatment of locally endemic diseases"<b>COMPONENT</b> ezd3aeBt3$BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Provision of essential drugs<b>COMPONENT</b> J;lX^ide=PBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Early intervention<b>SERVICES</b> I_2w{P4&jYBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>Identify if Component/s or&nbsp;Service/s of PHC.<br></b><br>Managing on-going and long term conditions<b>SERVICES</b> FS]U9P]79LBasicCPH PRELIMS"Every entity is given the <u><b>SAME RESOURCES</b></u>"<b>EQUALITY</b> lvzr19Dud7BasicCPH PRELIMS"<u><b>BEING FAIR AND JUST</b></u> depending on the situation to achieve similar health outcomes"<b>EQUITY</b> ysRj&j|7EVAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSIdentify a cornerstone(s)/pillar(s) in PHC (can be more than 1):1equitable distributionactive community participationintra-sectoral linkagesprimary level of careinter-sectoral linkages1 1 1 0 1 "B%9QI+T#lG"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Provided by center physicians, public health nurses, rural midwives, barangay health workers, and traditional healers"<b>PRIMARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> hJ<p>4[JjPBasicCPH PRELIMS"Given by physicians and other allied health professionals for the assessment and treatment of health problems"<b>SECONDARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> QK?:=:j<~vBasicCPH PRELIMSMinor surgeries and simple laboratory procedures are included here<b>SECONDARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> dm5.L8x:%pBasicCPH PRELIMSRendered by specialists in health facilities<b>TERTIARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> v;v+NJo:$jBasicCPH PRELIMSComplicated and intensive care is provided<b>TERTIARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> nm~t5Lwly>BasicCPH PRELIMSMajor surgical procedures can now be performed<b>TERTIARY LEVEL OF CARE</b> o*n}7mC[$UBasicCPH PRELIMS"State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury (acc. to WHO)"<b>HEALTH</b> oD^6nkWGnTBasicCPH PRELIMS"A dynamic state of humans that is multidimensional in nature"<b>HEALTH</b> sqKX;xTI:yBasicCPH PRELIMS"Condition to maintain a strong and healthy body"<b>PHYSICAL ASPECT</b> uUB+eg/`tlBasicCPH PRELIMS"How one perceives himself, control his emotions, and adjust to the environment"<b>MENTAL ASPECT</b> sN%>z6M[3-BasicCPH PRELIMS"How a person feels, thinks, and acts toward everybody around him"<b>SOCIAL ASPECT</b> G^E?d,.$3]BasicCPH PRELIMSBringing about social change that allows people to achieve their human potential. It is a process rather than an outcome.<b>DEVELOPMENT</b> lrHq!d6P{;BasicCPH PRELIMSRegarded as something that is done by one group to another<b>DEVELOPMENT</b> k_D2n>CC9^BasicCPH PRELIMS"Viewing good health as a means to further improve economic development—the healthier the people, the more our economy improves"<b>HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT</b> r)`CE!3_e.BasicCPH PRELIMSConstituent components of development<b>HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE</b> 7ZNsw}Ui%BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>Good health enables individuals to be active agents of change in the development process"<b>TRUE</b> G>:m4G0+{bBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False<br><br></b>Increased investment in health requires public action and mobilization of resources<b><br></b><b>TRUE</b> y!}I_g`G$bAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSChoose those that determines the Health of a Population (can be more than 1)1genetics and biologyhealth behaviors"social or societal characteristics""health services and medical care"society’s obligation1 1 1 1 0 oln~AU3H+qAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSImportant viewpoints about Health and Development EXCEPT:2"society’s obligation to maintain and improve health is grounded in the ethical principles of human flourishing""the link between health and economy is two-directional; health depends on economy the same way the economy depends on health""health improvement and economic development are both linked to people’s opportunities to exercise their agency and participate in political and social decision making""entirety of the system, government, and society approach in the development of health policies"none of the choices0 0 0 1 0 w_wPHBe!6RBasicCPH PRELIMS"It was signed onto law on February 20, 2019. The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was signed on October 10, 2019 and published on November 6, 2019."<b>UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE ACT (RA 11223)</b> ze;`iO`ZUUBasicCPH PRELIMSWhen was the effectivity date of the Universal Healthcare Act (RA 11223)?<b>NOVEMBER 22, 2019</b> q&bA)N7$emBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>Declaration of Principles of the Universal Healthcare Act are as follows:<br><ul><li><b><u>integrated and comprehensive approach</u></b> - ensure health literacy, health living, and hazard and risk protection;everyone has to move forward with the same goal</li><li><u><b>everyone is actively participating</b></u> - entirety of the system, government, and society approach in the development of health policies</li><li><u><b>people are at the center</b></u> - centered on people’s needs and well being</li></ul><br>"<b>TRUE</b> gO6TA2EJi.BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.</b><br><br>The general objective of UHC is to progressively roll out through a systemic approach (coordinated and not “band-aid”) and clear role delineation (know one’s role to play the parts well)."<b>TRUE</b> ne^(*06o9MBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.</b><br><br>Ensuring equitable access to quality and affordable healthcare and protection against financial risk is another general objective of UHC."<b>TRUE</b> f4+[^EZ?!VBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br><br></b>Services which can be accessed within health facilities or traced back to one recipient"<b>INDIVIDUAL</b> "k`r!#sJBZ{"BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br><br></b>Interventions which have population groups as the recipients for health services."<b>POPULATION</b> BwnT_3@g,-BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br></b><br>PhilHealth will cover for the individual-based services."<b>INDIVIDUAL</b> *IgxR0UhmBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.</b><br><br>DOH and LGUs will cover for the population-based services"<b>POPULATION</b> H@2_|/~lB5BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br></b><br>PhilHealth is to contract public, private, or mixed health provider networks - service quality - co-payment/co-insurance - data submission"<b>INDIVIDUAL</b> LF;h-[KAM^BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population<br></b><br>DOH is to contract province and city-wide health systems"<b>POPULATION</b> no?3N!TwOsBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br></b><br>PhilHealth and DOH shall incentivize healthcare providers that form networks"<b>INDIVIDUAL</b> ytM=RDMN/IBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify if Individual or Population.<br><br></b>minimum components are: - primary care provider network - epidemiological surveillance systems - health promotion programs &amp; campaigns"<b>POPULATION</b> Q3W`C2|otiAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSScope/s of UHC is/are:2eliminating redundanciessimplifying PhilHealth membershiplicensing and registriespooling funds to PhilHealthall of the choices0 0 0 0 1 EVp_b^XMmXBasicCPH PRELIMSTwo type of contributors<b>DIRECT AND INDIRECT</b> jD@Z^arzDMBasicCPH PRELIMS"<div>Identify the type of contributor:</div><ul><li>Have the capacity to pay premiums</li><li>Gainfully employed<br></li><li>Bound by an employer-employee relationship/ self-earning, professional practitioners, and OFWs and their dependents<br></li><li>Lifetime members</li><li>E.g for domestic helpers, if they gain a salary of more than 5k, they are obligated to pay their contribution<br></li></ul>"<b>DIRECT CONTRIBUTOR</b> c;OHiVXB?DBasicCPH PRELIMS"Identify the type of contributor:<br><ul><li>Includes indigents identified by DSWD, beneficiaries of the conditional cash transfer program (4Ps), and those identified in special groups (PWDs, SK officers, and Senior Citizens)<br></li><li>Those who are subsidized as a result of special laws<br></li><li>Premiums shall be subsidized by the national government—the General Appropriations Act (GAA) indicates how much money the government has to pay<br></li><li>Encompasses 21 year olds and above who don’t have a means to pay yet<br></li><li>All people not included as direct contributors<br></li></ul>"<b>INDIRECT CONTRIBUTOR</b> fTGE*wt)d$BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>PhilHealth shall coordinate with other national government agencies towards the inclusion of all Filipinos in its database at no cost."<b>TRUE</b> "FN>(#[s.Bd"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Every member shall be granted immediate eligibility for the health benefit package without requiring the PhilHealth Identification Card"<b>SECTION 9.1</b> yooBb][76UBasicCPH PRELIMS"Failure to pay premiums shall not deny any enjoyment of the programs"<b>SECTION 9.2</b> x>W1weSk_WBasicCPH PRELIMS"Employers and self-employed direct contributors are to pay all missed contributions with interest, compounded 3% monthly and 1.5% for selfearning, professional practitioners, OFWs, and dual-citizens"<b>SECTION 9.2 A-B</b> x--AX8m:WRBasicCPH PRELIMS"No additional expenses are to be charged to all members admitted in any ward accommodation"<b>SECTION 9.4</b> I^5(1FQOM6BasicCPH PRELIMSMembers in non-ward accommodations may be charged copayments/co-insurance, professional fees, and amenities<b>SECTION 9.8</b> tg:,Uy_{_+BasicCPH PRELIMS"PhilHealth shall issue guidelines to operationalize the no co-payment policy"<b>SECTION 9.9</b> ol_@Q;$?p!BasicCPH PRELIMS"Existing benefit packages shall continue implementations unless otherwise recommended by the HTA process (Health Technology Assessment)"<b>SECTION 9.13</b> O~S[v$YhUxBasicCPH PRELIMS"PhilHealth shall issue guidelines on the additional benefits for direct contributors, where applicable"<b>SECTION 9.14</b> t2W8$K3x]<ClozeCPH PRELIMSSteps in Immediate Eligibility Framework:<br><br>1) {{c1::Input}}<br>2) {{c1::Processes}}<br>3) {{c1::Output}}<br>4) {{c1::Outcomes}}<br>5) {{c1::Impact}} oYY3U+$&T6BasicCPH PRELIMSThis is redundant and fragmented, low premium, and has multiple purchasers.<b>CURRENT POLICY</b> N4.cg3+[(yBasicCPH PRELIMS"This has a&nbsp;clear delineation, pooling to efficiently mobilize existing funds, high premium, and has single purchaser."<b>UHC&nbsp;</b> jIcRcp5%<0BasicCPH PRELIMSSection of sources of funds for UHC<b>SECTION 37.1</b> y|$%XmYLr-BasicCPH PRELIMS"The province or city-wide health system shall pool and manage through a Special Health Fund, all resources needed for health services provided that the DOH in cooperation with the DBM and LGUs shall develop guidelines for the use of said Special Health Fund."<b>SECTION 20.1-20.7</b> y$E5gSwouTBasicCPH PRELIMSPopulation Coverage<b>SECTION 5 IRR</b> IY:RiAg24kBasicCPH PRELIMSService Coverage<b>SECTION 6 IRR</b> q4JU3j:.l4BasicCPH PRELIMSFinancial Coverage&nbsp;<b>SECTION 7 IRR</b> HJ]T6YO/%zBasicCPH PRELIMS"<div><div><span style=""color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"">This is without prejudice to future laws or guidelines that may affect the identification or enumeration of Filipinos.</span></div></div>"<b>MEMBERSHIP DATABASE</b> LyYw<w`%?HBasicCPH PRELIMSRevocation of Accreditation/Contract<b>Quasi-Judicial</b> lnI?CJkF68BasicCPH PRELIMSPooling funds to PhilHealth for all individual-based health services<b>FINANCING</b> Q54rgttQ7KBasicCPH PRELIMSWho is assigned for individual-based services<b>PHILHEALTH</b> Qw`6FdI%rDBasicCPH PRELIMSWho is/are assigned to population-based services<b>DOH &amp; LGU</b> CT`rThY8%$BasicCPH PRELIMS"Contracting by networks based on adherence to quality and co-payment standards, and third-party accreditation"<b>FINANCING</b> z]_610HW&&BasicCPH PRELIMS"Consolidate fragmented providers into province-wide and city-wide service delivery networks"<b>SERVICE DELIVERY</b> N_SC[wf|)=BasicCPH PRELIMS"Institutionalize primary care provider networks, epidemiological surveillance systems, and health promotion as minimum components of population-based health services ;&nbsp;enable income retention for all public providers."<b>SERVICE DELIVERY</b> "JjoC:#2ebT"BasicCPH PRELIMSIncome retention for public providers<b>SPECIAL HEALTH FUND</b> rBR0]P_LYwBasicCPH PRELIMSStandards for clinical health practice&nbsp;<b>CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES</b> t&GYupbs4-BasicCPH PRELIMS"Mandate transparency pricing of health goods and services ;&nbsp;&nbsp;ensure benefit complementation between PhilHealth, Private Health Insurance (PHI), and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)"<b>REGULATION</b> AUovAkjk7>BasicCPH PRELIMSIn regulation, expanding scholarship programs require how many years of return service in underserved areas?<b>3 YEARS</b> Axz:V;JMM9BasicCPH PRELIMSBasic and non-basic accomodation ratio for government hospitals.<b>90:10 BED RATIO</b> 2w)74yABrBasicCPH PRELIMSBasic and non-basic accomodation ratio for specialty hospitals.<b>70:30 BED RATIO</b> U(knXu([LBasicCPH PRELIMSBasic and non-basic accomodation ratio for private hospitals.<b>10:90 BED RATIO</b> tMZ%{A{zG0BasicCPH PRELIMS"Require submission of health and financial data by health care providers and suppliers harmonized to an interoperable system; sharing of publicly-funded data sets ;&nbsp;strengthen medicine procurement, price negotiation, and affordability (quality medicines for a cheaper price)"<b>GOVERNANCE</b> PyH6M]0>80BasicCPH PRELIMS"This is institutionalized as&nbsp;prerequisites for public financing and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for various programs, policies, and projects."<b>HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (HTA)</b> opoBq]arP8BasicCPH PRELIMSstudy of disease, injury, and death<b>EPIDEMIOLOGY</b> GJs(NPPBFbBasicCPH PRELIMS"According to them, epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>specified populations</b></u></span>"<b>CDC</b> r<KH(89jK+BasicCPH PRELIMS"According to them, epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events and the application of this study <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>to control health problems</b></u></span>"<b>WHO</b> r;v?3z|r.uBasicCPH PRELIMSrefers to descriptive epidemiology (when, where, and who)<b>DISTRIBUTION</b> PF4+$9Qy;RBasicCPH PRELIMSincidence, prevalence, and mortality rates<b>FREQUENCY</b> n0%-ieI?M,BasicCPH PRELIMStime, place, and person<b>PATTERN</b> o&0Qv)I3F$BasicCPH PRELIMS"refers to analytic epidemiology; deals with causes, risk factors, and modes of transmission (why and how)"<b>DETERMINANTS</b> fxA$_,rmXNBasicCPH PRELIMSAgents in determinants<b>CAUSES</b> dm>nlW3lrWBasicCPH PRELIMS<u><b>Exposure to sources</b></u> are called?<b>RISK FACTORS</b> "yKpf]a#D1Q"BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b><i>”I came, I saw, I conquered”</i></b> coined by <u><b>Julius Caesar</b></u> which can be applied to community visit"<b>VENI, VIDI, VICI</b> "qn4lm?#C+{"BasicCPH PRELIMS"Theory of the four body humors produced within the body"<b>HIPPOCRATES (460 BCE-370 BCE)</b> e1n6zM`SU?BasicCPH PRELIMSthe “seeds of disease”<b>GIROLAMO FRACASTORO (C. 1476-1553)</b> csNfS%?][*BasicCPH PRELIMS"According to them, disease is called as an external thing referred to as an “ens” which could attack any organ of the body"<b>PARACELUS (1494-1541) AND JB VAN HELMONT (1579-1644)</b> wTXN{9m6:+BasicCPH PRELIMSfirst to demonstrate microorganisms<b>ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK (1632-1723)&nbsp;</b><i>(si kotse kasi demo = kotse = van, joke)</i> J$lm,OrB6tBasicCPH PRELIMS"Said that germs can causes diseases and developed a vaccine and treatment for anthrax and rabies"<b>GERM THEORY BY LOUIS PASTEUR (1822-1895)</b><br><br><i>*isipin nyo nalang germophobe sya dahil pasteur = pastry = baking = bawal germs sa baking,,,ey angas)</i> L@/lEqPV:6BasicCPH PRELIMS<b><u>One germ</u></b> can cause <u><b>one disease</b></u> (1 is to 1)<b>BIOLOGICAL S</b><b>PECIF</b><b>ICITY</b> MGy}a/psD.BasicCPH PRELIMS"Perfected growing pure bacterial colonies, developed autoclaves, introduced photography for what he had seen in his microscope, and identified agents that caused diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera in 1884"<b>KOCH'S POSTULATES OF ROBERT KOCH (1843-1910)</b><br><br><i>(si grant = robert koch = koch's postulates = bacteria = mukhang bacteria si grant)</i> kl%J%@t$(xBasicCPH PRELIMS"Developed the “antiseptic” surgery which developed into “aseptic” surgery"<b>JOSEPH LISTER (1827-1912)<br><br></b><i>*antiseptic = listerine (mouthwash) = joseph lister</i> cAeESiT9hqBasicCPH PRELIMS"named “syphilis” in a poem ; notion of “the seeds of disease”"<b>GIROLAMO FRACASTORO (1476-1553)</b> KVyF<L[7odBasicCPH PRELIMS"studied cholera and concluded that it was not transmitted through miasma but through contaminated water"<b>JOHN SNOW (1813-1858)</b><br><br><i>*cholera = contaminated water = madumi = malinis = puti = snow = john snow EYYYY</i> E8]z{<2>?;BasicCPH PRELIMSHe studied yeast, bacteria, and viruses<b>LOUIS PASTEUR (1822-1895)<br></b><br><i>*ulit, baking = yeast = pastry = pasteur</i> luXpX,A&ZyBasicCPH PRELIMS"Use of carbolic acid dressings to disinfect surgical wounds ;&nbsp;introduced aseptic techniques"<b>JOSEPH LISTER (1827-1912)</b> C,CY:QP2I>BasicCPH PRELIMS"discovered the nature of viruses and their relationship to cells in the body"<b>MARTINUS BELJENRICK (1851-1931)<br></b><br><i>*virus = jetrick = jenrick = beljenrick&nbsp;</i> e2(K>>E0qLBasicCPH PRELIMS"microscopy, tissue staining, embryology, chemotherapy, and immunology ; theory of the chemical nature of antigens and antibodies (lock and key)"<b>PAUL EHRLICH (1854-1915)</b> D!e^>wRStTBasicCPH PRELIMS"developed a polio vaccine using a weaker strain of the virus"<b>ALBERT SABIN (1906-1993)</b> uns*Dx@^:dBasicCPH PRELIMS"coined the term “prion” and explained how these misfolded proteins could cause disease"<b>STANLEY PRUSINER (1942)<br><br></b><i>prion = proteins = prusiner&nbsp;</i> "AeO2jf#Id{"BasicCPH PRELIMSworked on the retrovirus for HIV<b>FRANCOISE BARRE-SINOUSSI (1947)<br></b><br><i>sinoussi = sinusi = susi = key = keypay = kipay = HIV HAHASSHHSAJHASH</i> "gm2s#;W@`<"BasicCPH PRELIMS"differences in disease and injury occurrence for different populations"<b>POPULATION AND COMPARISON</b> P[tG7YlnaeBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>understanding the population and comparison concept is essential for implementing effective control and prevention measures"<b>TRUE</b> rv2HjGZ_U^BasicCPH PRELIMSRefers to the epidemiological triad or triangle<b>CAUSATION</b> uN1(G>(j=nBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify the type of this Model:<br></b><img src=""paste-929f1d739e363127fdf6a9ec3dffbe48fa8aca3b.jpg""><b><br></b>"<b>TRADITIONAL MODEL</b> uxmL,70c8wBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>Identify the type of this Model:<br></b><img src=""paste-4e9f953eff3bba6a1259102ad3f901f0212829db.jpg"">"<b>MORE DETAILED MODEL</b> CWCjGm*>7hBasicCPH PRELIMSThe chain of infection:<b>INFECTIOUS AGENT&nbsp;→&nbsp;RESERVOIR&nbsp;→&nbsp;PORTAL OF EXIT&nbsp;→&nbsp;MODE OF TRANSMISSION&nbsp;&nbsp;→&nbsp;PORAL OF ENTRY&nbsp;&nbsp;→ SUSCEPTIBLE HOST&nbsp;</b><b>&nbsp;(UNENDING CYCLE)</b> Js&~xu|]QEBasicCPH PRELIMSwidely used which describes the basic epidemiology of a disease<b>DESCRIPTIVE</b> p!;KjzydJ4BasicCPH PRELIMSdata collated by time, place, and person<b>DESCRIPTIVE</b> cB8V:ewB^vBasicCPH PRELIMS"describes the occurrence of a disease over a prolonged period of time (can take up to years)"<b>SECULAR</b> rn28hv/JCwBasicCPH PRELIMS"indicates change in the antigenic characteristics of the disease agent (if it can occur once, it can occur again in the future"<b>PERIODIC</b> l`Y]vJd?].BasicCPH PRELIMS"diseases that occur more frequently depending on the time of year it is"<b>SEASONAL</b> LN]6Se[=PxBasicCPH PRELIMS"sudden increase in occurrence due to prevalent factors"<b>EPIDEMIC OCCURENCE / DISEASE</b> l;ILrX&$+nBasicCPH PRELIMS"level of a disease that signals the start and end of the season"<b>SEASONAL THRESHOLD</b> "oL)|u#K{uM"BasicCPH PRELIMS"week in which positivity rate was above the weekly average for the year and which has continued for 3 consecutive weeks"<b>START / ONSET</b> oOw+}GHosRBasicCPH PRELIMS"first week where the positive rate was below the weekly average which continued for 3 consecutive weeks"<b>END</b> oB8Q3s{x_{BasicCPH PRELIMS"level above which the disease activity was higher than most years"<b>ALERT THRESHOLD</b> lj$V,+q/YlAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSBelow are <u><b>sites to consider</b></u> when determinig epidemiology data by place EXCEPT2a. where the individual was when the disease occurredb. where the individual was when they became infected from the sourcec. where the source became infected with the etiological agentd. only A and Ce. all of the choices0 0 0 0 1 eC@eps6aG!BasicCPH PRELIMSanalyzes disease determinants for possible causal relationship<b>ANALYTIC</b> NrpwlHp&R`BasicCPH PRELIMS"starts with the disease and retrospectively investigates the cause"<b>CASE CONTROL / CASE COMPARISON METHOD</b> i<w+Qq2M/aBasicCPH PRELIMSindividuals with the disease<b>CASE GROUP</b> m5pA/Fm:ZDBasicCPH PRELIMS"members similar to the case group but without the disease"<b>COMPARISON (CONTROL) GROUP</b> GqhJ,j-se6BasicCPH PRELIMSprospectively studies two populations<b>COHORT METHOD</b> O|K%_m<d1QBasicCPH PRELIMShad contact with suspected causal factor under study<b>POPULATION 1</b> Auzhu`Oi/$BasicCPH PRELIMSsimilar group that had no contact with the factor<b>POPULATION 2</b> FJD6kb<poABasicCPH PRELIMS"determines the relationship between a disease and present variables"<b>CROSS-SECTIONAL METHOD</b> E]E}S%{Yw+BasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or Fasle.<br></b><br>In a cross-sectional method, a population is surveyed over a limited period of time.<b>TRUE</b> gDI89WIJ[:BasicCPH PRELIMSone or more selected factors are manipulated<b>EXPERIMENTAL</b> F[0O%U4DyuBasicCPH PRELIMS"effects of manipulation will either confirm or disprove the hypothesis of the drug effectivity"<b>EXPERIMENTAL</b> i=jvC5^Ta3BasicCPH PRELIMSgiven a new drug<b>GROUP 1 W/ THE DISEASE</b> z$pl9:Hti8BasicCPH PRELIMSnot given the drug<b>GROUP 2 W/ THE DISEASE</b> uO8}qM6lgFAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSIdentify the correct steps in epidemiology investigation (in a consecutive manner):2develop hypothesis → look for cases and verify diagnosis&nbsp;→ identify populations at risk&nbsp;→ develop control and prevention&nbsp;→ continue surveillance →&nbsp;confirm the existence of the epidemicconfirm the existence of the epidemic → look for cases and verify diagnosis&nbsp;→ identify populations at risk&nbsp;→ develop hypothesis&nbsp;→ develop control and prevention&nbsp;→ continue surveillancelook for cases and verify diagnosis&nbsp;→ confirm the existence of the epidemic → identify populations at risk&nbsp;→ develop hypothesis&nbsp;→ develop control and prevention&nbsp;→ continue surveillancelook for cases and verify diagnosis&nbsp;→ continue surveillance → confirm the existence of the epidemic →&nbsp;identify populations at risk&nbsp;→ develop hypothesis&nbsp;→ develop control and prevention0 1 0 0 P=jyd3H1^AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTrue about Epidemiologic Investigation EXCEPT:2identify relevant outbreak factorsidentify control and prevention measures"data are collected and collated according to time, place, and person as analysis and inferences are drawn"none of the choices0 0 0 1 e)|kKG||:FBasicCPH PRELIMS"proportion of people who died among all the individuals diagnosed with the same disease over a period of time"<b>CASE FATALITY RATE / CASE FATALITY RISK OR RATIO</b> "L0NBT#(y0R"AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSCorrect formula of Case Fatality Rate:&nbsp;2no. of deaths + no. of cases = X ; x divided by 100 = %no. of deaths/no. of cases = X ;&nbsp;x multiplied by 100 = %any is correct(no. of deaths)(no. of cases) = X ;&nbsp;x multiplied by 100 = %0 1 0 0&nbsp; cxk.St2gDYBasicCPH PRELIMS"a measure for disease severity and is often used for prognosis"<b>CASE FATALITY RATE (CFR)</b> N0Z3g3z7jfBasicCPH PRELIMS"<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>total no. of deaths</b></u></span> during a given time interval/mid-interval population (1,000 or 100,000)"<b>CRUDE DEATH RATE</b> L}Y;c1wN2fBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of deaths assigned to a <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>specific cause during a given time</b></u></span> interval/mid-interval population (100,000)"<b>CAUSE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATE</b> QpOYyANQKJBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of deaths assigned to a specific cause during a given time interval/total no. of deaths from all causes <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>during the same time</b></u></span> (100 or 1,000)"<b>PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY</b> de~WYrivLwBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of deaths assigned to a specific cause during a given time interval/no. of new cases of the same disease <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>reported on the same time</b></u></span> (100)"<b>DEATH-TO-CASE RATIO</b> "mj#.Esw/Qn"BasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of deaths among children <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>less than 28 days</b></u></span> in age during a given time interval/no. of live births during the same time (1,000)"<b>NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE</b> ln-tm|L`P=BasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of deaths among children <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>less than 1 year old</b></u></span> during a given time interval/no. of live births during the same time (1,000)"<b>INFANT MORTALITY RATE</b> "G~@Mq^R~@#"BasicCPH PRELIMSliving organisms or non-living sites (soil or water)<b>RESERVOIRS</b> kb-!LpdXY&BasicCPH PRELIMSindividuals capable of transmitting pathogens without displaying symptoms<b>CARRIER</b> NkyR<bYH8IBasicCPH PRELIMSharbors and transmits the pathogen but is not infected<b>PASSIVE CARRIERS</b> LLNOrK5%y:BasicCPH PRELIMS"infected and can transmit the pathogen (symptomatic or asymptomatic)"<b>ACTIVE CARRIERS</b> mqNcl9DM,FBasicCPH PRELIMSDirect or Indirect transmission<b>CONTACT TRANSMISSION</b> t/R[G^Ss1<BasicCPH PRELIMS"person-to-person (touching, intercourse, or droplets)—droplet transmission is one meter or less"<b>DIRECT TRANSMISSION</b> EnNP(s.Z)OBasicCPH PRELIMSinvolves inanimate objects called “fomites”<b>INDIRECT</b> n_$LXjl>L{BasicCPH PRELIMS"pathogens travel through water, food, air, etc.—aerosols float in the air as droplet nuclei can travel long distances"<b>VEHICLE TRANSMISSION</b> o%Ix$>$[MhBasicCPH PRELIMSMechanical and biological transmission<b>VECTOR TRANSMISSION</b> "#3v/B:Q8T"BasicCPH PRELIMSharbors the pathogen but not infected (e.g. fly)<b>MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION</b> qQGGvJqI`oBasicCPH PRELIMSinfected and can transmit the pathogen (e.g. flea)<b>BIOLOGICAL TRANSMISSION</b> G&yCNCY>-^BasicCPH PRELIMS"refers to occurrence of <u><b><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);"">new cases</span></b></u> of disease or injury in a population over a specified period of time"<b>INCIDENCE</b> zAFr//LJ-2BasicCPH PRELIMS"defined as a departure from a state of well-being as it encompasses disease, injury, and disability"<b>MORBIDITY FREQUENCY MEASURES</b> H1$5$!T~DzBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of new cases of disease during a specified time/population at the <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>start of time interval</b></u></span>"<b>INCIDENCE PROPORTION (ATTACK RATE/RISK)</b> e&O%S%FckXBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of new cases among contacts/<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>total no. of contact</b></u></span>"<b>SECONDARY ATTACK RATE</b> fC,u|UG2!MBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of new cases of disease during a specified time/summed person to <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>years of observation</b></u></span> or average population during specified time"<b>INCIDENCE RATE (PERSON-TIME RATE)</b> RjynE,(Y$9BasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>current cases</b></u></span> (new and existing) at a specified point/population at the <u><b><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);"">same specified time</span></b></u>"<b>POINT PREVALENCE</b> C;s)E$noJVBasicCPH PRELIMS"no. of <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><b><u>current cases</u></b></span> (new and existing) over a period of time/average or <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>mid-interval population</b></u></span>"<b>PERIOD PREVALENCE</b> l3crtu01r4BasicCPH PRELIMS"relative magnitude of 2 quantities or a <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>comparison of any 2 values</b></u></span>—divide one interval or ratio scale variable by the other (numerator and denominator need not be related)"<b>RATIO</b> Kk)=F<O{KtBasicCPH PRELIMS"comparison of <u><b><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);"">a part to a whole</span></b></u>; type of ration where the numerator is included in the denominator"<b>PROPORTION</b> M&96!q2/G?BasicCPH PRELIMS"<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>measure of frequency</b></u></span> with which an event occurs in a defined population over a specified period of time"<b>RATES</b> CJrH2t2_=rBasicCPH PRELIMSDisease<b>MORBIDITY</b> m2|iQNZU(4BasicCPH PRELIMSDeath<b>MORTALITY</b> NOPRW,|kVnBasicCPH PRELIMSBirth<b>NATALITY</b> sVMU.$xBZ{AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of ratio in morbidity2risk ratio (relative risk), rate ratio, odds ratio, period prevalencerisk ratio, death-to-case ratio, odds ratioodds ratio and rate rationone of the choices1 0 0 0 lIaGxe9ndpAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of ratio in mortality2death-to-case ratio, risk ratiodeath-to-case ratio, rate ratiodeath-to-case ratio onlyrate ratio only0 0 1 0 h>|R{F[N8~AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of ratio in natality2period prevalence onlyno ratio is applicablerate ratio, odds ratioperiod prevalence, rate ratio, odds ration0 1 0 0&nbsp; e5o$Wfx^h^AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of proportion in morbidity2attack rate (incidence proportion), secondary attack rateattack rate (incidence proportion), point prevalance, attributable proportion, proportional moratlityattack rate (incidence proportion), secondary attack rate, point prevalance, attributable proportionanything is applicable0 0 1 0 M?ky[N}A8=AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of proportion in mortality2point prevalance, attributable proportionproportional mortality onlyproportional mortality, point prevalenceproportional mortality, attributable proportion, attack rate0 1 0 0&nbsp; d&./FgwYWfAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSType of proportion in natality2none is applicableattack rate and secondary attack rateattack rate onlyattributable proportion only1 0 0 0 w<sTyNj-1WAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of rate in morbidity2crude mortality, crude birth rate, age-specific mortality rateperson-time incidence rate, case-fatality rate, cause-specific rateperson-time incidence rate onlycrude birth rate only0 0 1 0 x{xw{3eITWAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of rate in mortality2crude mortality, case-fatality rate, cause-specific mortality rateage-specific mortality rate onlymaternal mortality and infant mortality rateall of the choice is applicable0 0 0 1 Edfm?_%K?tAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSTypes of rate in natality2crude birth ratecrude fertality rateboth crude birth rate and crude fertality rateneither crude birth rate nor crude fertality rate0 0 1 0 LYh!YVg}vVBasicCPH PRELIMS"illnesses that spread from one person to another, an animal to a person, or a surface to food ;&nbsp;can be transmitted via air travel, direct contact, droplets and blood, etc."<b>COMMUNICABLE DISEASES</b> jF&Q@?1Ez|BasicCPH PRELIMS"According to them, communicable diseases&nbsp;can impact resource-constrained communities and are linked to a complex range of overlapping determinants of health"<b>PAN-AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO)</b> pkF>dss4l@BasicCPH PRELIMS"uses a <span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 171, 193);""><u><b>pre-arranged sample</b></u></span> of sources coming from physicians, hospitals, or clinics who have agreed to report on the cases of specific notifiable diseases"<b>HOSPITAL SENTINEL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (HSSS)</b> Q*43W4h78EBasicCPH PRELIMS"detects where an outbreak can occur at any point in communities"<b>COMMUNITY-BASED DISEASE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM</b> Qn&9_8nJ,BasicCPH PRELIMS"relies on the collection of information with regards to microorganisms tested in the laboratory"<b>LABORATORY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM</b> rSei),x~MBBasicCPH PRELIMSCase surveillance and Event-based surveillance is under what system?<b>PHILIPPINE INTEGRATED DISEASE SURVEILLANCE RESPONSE (PIDSR) SYSTEM</b> "J(MxJf#hp~"AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMS"True about Community-based Disease Surveillance System:<br><br>I.&nbsp;enables the reporting of any epidemic alerts in real time at low cost and low resource use ;&nbsp;leverages the capacity of community members to carry out surveillance activities within their respective communities<br><br>II.&nbsp;leverages the capacity of community members to carry out surveillance activities within their respective communities<br><br>III.&nbsp;can temporarily replace a non-functioning surveillance system or it can strengthen an existing national disease surveillance system ;&nbsp;utilized to ensure early detection and early response<br><br>IV.&nbsp;can empower the community to identify the risks and provide reliable real-time communication structures to alert others"2I, III, IVI and IIIII onlyI, II, III, and IV0 0 0 1 fcS&*+9Fg5BasicCPH PRELIMSActive surveillance<b>EMERGENCY</b> "DOKd#K=pL7"BasicCPH PRELIMSPassive surveillance and reporting. Collaboration with stakeholders and mobilisation readiness.<b>PREPARENESS</b> "k=b76.qP#H"BasicCPH PRELIMSHealth education and awareness, disease prevention and control practices. Community activities for risk reduction and preparedness.<b>COMMUNITY HEALTH PROMOTION AND RISK REDUCTION</b> mIDdKX[1u1BasicCPH PRELIMS"ensures communities have basic information about the spread of disease and how to prevent them ;&nbsp;simple and effective systems that detect outbreaks ;&nbsp;communication mechanisms that ensure timely information sharing and community engagement"<b>EPIDEMIC PREPARENESS SURVEILLANCE MODEL</b> J3g3=R)>]+AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSDrivers of Success were grouped based on factors relating to:2surveillance workerscommunitycase detection and reportingintegrationall of the choices0 0 0 0 1 eTNkPt.y`6AllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSthe CDC can provide:2a.&nbsp;<u>subject matter expertise to strengthen health systems</u> that prevents&nbsp;avoidable outbreaks,&nbsp;detect health threats early,&nbsp;respond rapidly and effectively when outbreaks occur"b.&nbsp;<u>building capacity</u> in&nbsp;disease surveillance,&nbsp;laboratory systems,&nbsp;workforce development,&nbsp;emergency management and response"neither a nor bboth of a and b0 0 0 1 os*4>{1<yWBasicCPH PRELIMS"driven by rapid, unplanned urbanization, globalization of unhealthy lifestyles and population aging"<b>NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES</b> kBSEVt42zEBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.</b><br><br>Examples of non-communicable diseases are&nbsp;high blood sugar, increased blood glucose, elevated blood lipids, and obesity"<b>TRUE</b> Gy3JZ$Ch+lAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSKey Fact of Non-Communicable Diseases EXCEPT:2NCDs kill 41 million people each year (74% of deaths globally)"17 million die from NCD before the age of 70 each year, 86% of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries""cardiovascular disease accounts for most of NCD deaths (17.9 million), cancer kills around 9.3 million, chronic respiratory diseases kill around 4.1 million, and diabetes kills around 2 million"tobacco use, physical inactivity, harmful abuse of alcohol, and unhealthy diets decreases the risks of dying from an NCDthe four groups of diseases account of over 80% of all premature NCD deaths0 0 0 1 0 FWH7w32>PaBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.<br><br></b>77% of NCD-caused deaths are from the low and middle-income countries<b>TRUE</b> NVA*R<YIZ7BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br><br></b>detection, screening, and treatment of NCDs (along with palliative care) are key components of the response to CDs"<b>FALSE</b><br><br>They are key components of <b>NCDs</b> hzWakkfG):BasicCPH PRELIMSpeople of all age groups, regions, and countries are affected by NCDs&nbsp;<b>PEOPLE AT RISK</b> IWI`uc6{JsBasicCPH PRELIMSWhat age groups are often associated to people at risk?<b>OLDER AGE GROUPS (BEFORE THE AGE OF 70 YRS OLD)</b> m]Jvd5*zUMAllInOne (kprim, mc, sc)CPH PRELIMSChildren, adults, and the elderly are vulnerable to modifiable risk factors EXCEPT:2unhealthy dietsphysical inactivityexposure to tobacco smokeharmful abuse of substancessleeping 8 hours daily0 0 0 0 1 MWtTFiz2B~BasicCPH PRELIMSNo. of deaths&nbsp;associated to exposure to tobacco smoke.<b>8 ANNUAL DEATHS</b> ws_[48<Lf?BasicCPH PRELIMSNo. of deaths&nbsp;associated to exposure to harmful abuse of substances.<b>3 MILLION ANNUAL DEATHS</b> l90U[Xn.R>BasicCPH PRELIMSNo. of deaths&nbsp;associated to exposure to unhealthy diets.<b>1.8 MILLION ANUAL DEATHS (SODIUM INTAKE)</b> I}WClS4oCWBasicCPH PRELIMSNo. of deaths&nbsp;associated to exposure to physical inactivity.<b>830,000 ANNUAL DEATHS</b> tNwvDR6qeUBasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.</b><br><br>Metablic Risk Factors includes raised BP, overweight/obesity, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia.<b>TRUE</b> Ncn>OX8@@}BasicCPH PRELIMS"targets to reduce the probability of death from any of the four main NCDs between ages 30-70 years by one-third by the year 2030"<b>2030 AGENDA OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT</b> KCNJdr|D;$BasicCPH PRELIMS"prepared for the Ministry of Health of the Philippines by WHO and UNDP 2019"<b>PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF NCDs IN THE PHILIPPINES</b> Qc^2O`*lLMBasicCPH PRELIMSHow many deaths (%) NCDs account for in the country?<b>68%</b> "w&#-LUl[w!"BasicCPH PRELIMSThe probability of dying between 30-70 from one of the four main NCDs is?<b>29%</b> Mpy[x6%+NzBasicCPH PRELIMS"It is causing a surge in health care costs, social care, and welfare support needs which contribute to reduced productivity"<b>NCDs</b> jvR=Q?r4r8BasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>salt-reduction interventions have the highest economic benefit, followed by reducing tobacco use, and increasing physical activity"<b>TRUE</b> "h#4h&,6CXY"BasicCPH PRELIMS"This&nbsp;needs to be established to bring together existing cross-agency initiatives"<b>NATIONAL MULTISECTORAL NCD COORDINATION MECHANISM</b> fv$$&bW$nrBasicCPH PRELIMSSin Tax Reform Law<b>RA 10351 (2012)</b> O!d0zgiUT@BasicCPH PRELIMSTax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)<b>RA 10963 (2017)</b> txhoaQX&f_BasicCPH PRELIMS"addresses stunting, overweight, and obesity"<b>PHILIPPINE PLAN OF ACTION FOR NUTRITION (2017-2022)</b> H9d[b%It&/BasicCPH PRELIMSGraphic Health Warnings Law<b>RA 10943 (2014)</b> NClGw@[I;8BasicCPH PRELIMS"Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Closed Spaces"<b>EO 26 (2017)</b> wRQQ7MauF=BasicCPH PRELIMS"psychoactive substance with dependence-producing properties that has been widely used in many cultures"<b>ALCOHOL</b> dGkdfq%sxqBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br></b><br>Alcohol risk resulting to unintentional and intentional injuries, accidents, violence, and suicide"<b>TRUE</b> lDLk5esf=ABasicCPH PRELIMS<b>True or False.<br><br></b>Harmful drinking and TB and HIV/AIDS have a causal relationship<b>TRUE</b> J~eFRqZbhmBasicCPH PRELIMSPeople aged ____ are attributable to alcohol<b>20-39 YEARS OLD</b> psA[$0!RiUBasicCPH PRELIMS"<b>True or False.<br><br></b>Using alcohol cannot be at risk for developing mental and behavioral disorders, liver cirrhosis, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases"<b>FALSE</b><br><br>It <b>CAN BE&nbsp;</b>a risk factor for developing such diseases/disorders. g{@)|c^Y%NBasicCPH PRELIMSWho are more physically inactive in terms of gender?<b>WOMEN</b> kIM6~44-k(BasicCPH PRELIMS"has a causal relationship with coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, and breast and colon cancer"<b>PHYSICAL INACTIVITY</b> h^0i{Nk9w:BasicCPH PRELIMS"blood pressure, BMI, and blood lipid levels increase the risk of having a cardiovascular event"<b>METABOLIC RISK FACTORS</b> h1JK^ws]f%BasicCPH PRELIMS"has been estimated to be more than twice as high as the WHO recommendation; may cause stomach cancer and increased risks for ischemic heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases due to hypertension"<b>HIGH SALT INTAKE</b>