A Geological and Geophysical Description of the Arc Mounds, southwest Porcupine Bank Fiona Stapleton A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science Supervisors: Dr. John Murray (primary), Garret Duffy, Anthony Grehan, Mike Williams Head of School: Prof. Vincent O'Flaherty Earth and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway. January 2014 ii Abstract Cold-water coral carbonate mounds occur worldwide and are prominently developed along the European margin. Such ecosystems are currently the focus of considerable research efforts - in particular, trying to understand their initiation and maintenance processes. This project involves a description of what have been termed the ‘Arc Mounds’; a previously undescribed region which features coral mounds situated on the south-western margin of the Porcupine Bank. The geomorphological setting of these bioherms was characterised geophysically using ship- and ROV-mounted multibeam and sub-bottom profiler data. Mapping the location revealed over 40 carbonate build-ups, hundreds of metres long and tens of metres high, aligning N-S along scarps and occurring in W-E orientated clusters in water depths of between 630 m and 850 m. Both individual conical mounds and elongated mound complexes were recognised. The geophysical information was complemented with sedimentological data from two cores recovered from the summit of a carbonate mound and from off-mound sediments. The mounds are partly Recent in age, and appear to be actively forming today, but their history extends back to the Pleistocene. The off-mound core showed that bottom currents have deposited apparent contourite drifts, since at least as far back as the Pleistocene. Sub-bottom profiler data shows that the drift deposits have onlapped basal portions of the mounds, and that the mounds formed on top of a strong reflector. Sediment recovered from the equivalent depth of the sub-mound reflector indicates that the mounds initially developed on a carbonate hardground. Additionally, the provision of slope breaks by scarps appears to be an important factor in the development of the carbonate mounds. The development of these coral mounds appears to be the result of an interaction between contourite drift deposition and biological growth processes, which are influenced by both the local topography and current regime. Keywords: cold-water coral; carbonate mound; sediment; ice rafted debris; multibeam; NE Atlantic; Porcupine Bank iii iv Dedications This thesis is dedicated to my mother, who taught me that the best kind of knowledge is that which is learned for its own sake. The thesis is also dedicated to my father, who, along the same vein, told me that I didn't have to study. Finally, this thesis is dedicated to Iris - for not being a "granny" granny. v vi Acknowledgements I wish to acknowledge INFOMAR and a GRIFFITH Geoscience Award for providing the main financial support for this research endeavour. Additionally a Thomas Crawford Hayes Research Award awarded by the NUI Galway School of Natural Sciences was crucial to travel to the IFREMER institute to collect data. The data presented in this report was largely collected by IFREMER on the BoBEco cruise, onboard the RV Pourqoui Pas?. I wish to acknowledge IFREMER for making this data available. I am very grateful to Jean-François Bourillet of IFREMER for welcoming me to IFREMER and providing considerable assistance and expert advice with the sediment core analysis at Brest. I also warmly thank Matthieu Veslin, Emili Mon, Adriana Constantinescu, and Gwen Craig for their help and friendship during my stay at IFREMER. Also of the IFREMER institute I wish to thank Mickael Rovere for processing MSCL data, and the Unit Research of Marine Geosciences, 'Laboratory of Sedimentary Environments’ for processing the XRF data. I wish to acknowledge and sincerely thank Jens Fohlmeister and Norbert Frank of the Institute of Environmental Physics (University of Heidelberg) for the invaluable radiocarbon dates and U/Th dates respectively. I also wish to thank the following for their kind and expert help: Prof. David Harper of Durham University for his identification of brachiopods; Prof. Paul Pearson (Cardiff University) for thin-section identification of planktonic foraminifera; Dr. Tom Dunkley Jones (University of Birmingham) for nannofossil identification; Louise Allcock and Patrick Collins of the Ryan Institute in NUI Galway for identification of shell material; and Alex Costanzo for preparation of thin-sections and access to the petrographic analysis lab. I sincerely thank Martin White for valued and interesting discussion regarding oceanographic aspects of the project. I wish to warmly thank my supervisors, John Murray, Garret Duffy, Anthony Grehan and Mike Williams for their guidance and encouragement. The quality of this thesis was significantly improved by their suggestions. I wish to particularly thank my primary supervisor John. John your supportive, enthusiastic and motivational discussions were critical to me throughout the entire masters - but especially towards the end. I am indebted to you for all the extra effort you put in to various aspects of the project. I also am grateful for the many stories, and I am very glad I had the experience of being your student. Garret I wish to pay tribute to your absolute expertise in advice and help regarding the geophysical aspect of the project, as well as your constant friendly support. I will always greatly appreciate the opportunity of ship time that was granted to me by Anthony Grehan. It was a fantastic learning experience that was vital to my understanding of cold-water coral mounds. I also want to acknowledge A. Grehan's key role in the provision of the funding for acquiring the dates, and for his foresight and friendly advice. I greatly appreciated Mike William's astute observations in the preparation for the IGRM and for the friendly help he didn't hesitate in providing. I thank the postgraduate students and everyone in the department that have been a friend and/or provided advice - especially Peter Fallon for his unbelievable generosity with help, time, and finally even his computer. I also thank Cathal Clarke for his help with investigating the Chirp data. I wish to thank Shane Rooney who I called upon countless times with computer troubles and I wish to warmly thank Tiernan Henry for his advice throughout the thesis, and for provision of a laptop when everything 'went'. Finally I wish to thank my family and friends, who never waver to support me and always have faith in me. I am very looking forward to spending more time with you again. vii viii ‘…he must fall, Who thinks all made for one, not one for all.’ An Essay on Man Alexander Pope ix x Table of Contents Abstract ....................................................................................................................... iii Dedications................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... vii List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xv List of Tables ......................................................................................................... xxvii List of Appendices .................................................................................................. xxix Declaration .............................................................................................................. xxxi Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 1.1: Overview ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2: Study area .......................................................................................................... 2 1.3: Project motivation ............................................................................................. 3 1.4: Project objectives .............................................................................................. 5 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods ............................................................................... 7 2.1: Overview ........................................................................................................... 7 2.2: Geophysical investigation ............................................................................... 10 2.2.1: Multibeam ................................................................................................. 10 2.2.2: Sidescan .................................................................................................... 37 2.2.3: Chirp ......................................................................................................... 37 2.3: Sediment core analysis .................................................................................... 38 2.3.1: Core acquisition ........................................................................................ 38 2.3.2: GEOTEK Multi-sensor Core Logger Analysis (MSCL) .......................... 40 2.3.3: Sedimentological logging ......................................................................... 43 2.3.4: AVATECH XRF ...................................................................................... 44 2.3.5: Grain size analysis .................................................................................... 47 2.3.6: Ice-rafted debris counting ......................................................................... 51 2.3.7: Core CS07 grain composition analysis ..................................................... 53 xi 2.3.8: Dating........................................................................................................ 54 2.3.9: Core CS06 mound base reflector sediment............................................... 55 2.3.10: Core dropstone analysis .......................................................................... 57 Chapter 3: Background............................................................................................... 59 3.1: Cold-water corals............................................................................................. 59 3.2: Cold-water coral mounds ................................................................................ 62 3.2.1: Definition of a cold-water coral mound .................................................... 62 3.2.2: Cold-water coral mound development ...................................................... 66 Chapter 4: Environmental Context and Previous Research ....................................... 73 4.1: Geological & geomorphological setting .......................................................... 73 4.1.1: Regional development .............................................................................. 73 4.1.2: The Porcupine Bank.................................................................................. 74 4.2: Oceanographic setting ..................................................................................... 75 4.2.1: Modern ...................................................................................................... 75 4.2.2: Palaeo-oceanographic considerations ....................................................... 78 4.3: North Atlantic Carbonate Mounds .................................................................. 78 4.3.1: General introduction ................................................................................. 78 4.3.2: Examples of NE Atlantic carbonate mounds ............................................ 79 4.3.3: Mound base of the NE Atlantic buildups.................................................. 82 4.3.4: Mound initiation and development in the NE Atlantic ............................. 83 Chapter 5: Geophysical Investigation ........................................................................ 85 5.1: Multibeam........................................................................................................ 85 5.2: Sidescan backscatter ...................................................................................... 107 5.3: Chirp .............................................................................................................. 108 5.4: Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................... 124 Chapter 6: Off-mound Core (CS06)......................................................................... 135 6.1: Core description............................................................................................. 135 xii 6.2: Integrated description of facies ..................................................................... 142 6.3: Mound base reflector sediment (Bas Ogive) ................................................. 150 6.4: Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................... 156 Chapter 7: On-mound Core (CS07) ......................................................................... 165 7.1: Core description ............................................................................................ 165 7.2: Integrated description of facies ..................................................................... 177 7.3: Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................... 191 Chapter 8: Summary ................................................................................................ 202 8.1: Discussion ..................................................................................................... 202 8.2: Conclusions ................................................................................................... 205 8.3: Recommendations for future work ................................................................ 207 References ................................................................................................................ 208 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................... 220 xiii xiv List of Figures Fig. 2.1 1: Bathymetric map showing data acquisition during Leg two of the BobEco cruise on the French Research Vessel Pourqoui Pas? .................................................. 7 Fig. 2.2. 1: A GPS tide file ......................................................................................... 12 Fig. 2.2. 2: Example GPS tide file being multiplied by -1 in the Generic Data Parser. .................................................................................................................................... 13 Fig. 2.2. 3: The pre-corrected DEM surface (ROV_10m) shows deeper depths (1208.6m); and the corrected DEM surface (test_tide_10m), created using remerged lines with the GPS tide multiplied by -1, shows the true shallower depths (655.82m). .................................................................................................................................... 14 Fig. 2.2. 4: Left: DEM of incorrect depth, 10 m resolution, showing groove with deeper soundings. Right: Depth-corrected DEM, 10 m resolution, showing groove greatly reduced. .......................................................................................................... 15 Fig. 2.2. 5: Left shows the axial noise pattern caused by gyro anomalies (highlighted in yellow in the Attitude editor). Right shows the Cleaned data after the anomalies were manually removed (with interpolation). ............................................................ 16 Fig. 2.2. 6: Example of the effect of cleaning using the swath editor (left uncleaned, right cleaned). Removing the spikes removed the circular artefacts seen around the mound......................................................................................................................... 17 Fig. 2.2. 7: 'Lumpy' texture (circular features) on the mound is shown as smooth undulations in swath editor (top), as opposed to the spikes associated with circular artefacts off the mound. This indicates that the ‘cauliflower’ texture represents real features – interpreted as coral colonies based on video evidence from the area........ 18 Fig. 2.2. 8: A 20 m resolution DEM of the noisy 7111 100 kHz data (top) and the associated swath profiles in swath editor in plan and rear view (bottom). ................ 19 Fig. 2.2. 9: The subset editor shows this part of the survey line has little/no information and that the noise is shallower than the true seabed surface, which can be observed in the adjacent survey line. Reson 7111 (100 kHz) shipborne multibeam. Top: Subset Editor aerial view of DEM surface (25 m resolution) showing the difference between the normal line and a line with noise. Bottom: lateral view. The red line was rejected due to poor signal quality in the deeper regions. Data density decreases with depth as a consequence of the beam geometry and attenuation of frequency. ................................................................................................................... 20 xv Fig. 2.2. 10: 7111: 25 m DEM with many gaps in data coverage. ............................. 21 Fig. 2.2. 11: Reson 7111, 50 m DEM shows less data gaps than the 25m DEM but loss of resolution (compare with Fig. 3.1.13). Blue line is ship track which had bad multibeam data and was ignored. Colour gradation symbolises depth with red-blue representing shallow to deep (~500-900 m). .............................................................. 22 Fig. 2.2. 12: The Reson 7111 (100 kHz) 75m DEM produces the cleanest image without data gaps, but resolution is poor. Blue line is ship track which had bad multibeam data and which was ignored. Colour gradation symbolises depth with redblue representing shallow to deep (~500-900 m). ...................................................... 23 Fig. 2.2. 13: ROV 7125 (400 kHz) data: Left - Hillshaded DEM 20 cm. Right Hillshade of the resampled bathymetry data (using cubic technique); produced a smoother image with little loss of information .......................................................... 24 Fig. 2.2. 14: Workflow to define mound footprints: A slope raster (B) was created from the bathymetry (A) and the 7° slope contour was chosen to define the mound bases (red line around zoomed-in mounds). C. Polygons created from the 7° slope contour were filtered to contain only polygons with areas greater than 5,625 m2 (polygons <5,625m2 highlighted in blue). Polygons in the zoomed-in example show that the 7° slope contour is conjoining the mounds with the scarp. D. Polygons were manually modified to better represent the identified mounds after consulting focal maximum statistics. Local maxima occur where overlapping pixels of the two surfaces are the same. This raster highlighted the mound shapes aiding mound boundary delineation. It also showed some of the mounds to have two or more local maxima (red dots highlight peaks in zoomed in example)......................................... 26 Fig. 2.2. 15: Mounds had to be manually modified after the automatic extraction process in cases where the 7° slope contour (purple line in zoomed-in example) adjoined adjacent mounds within one polygon. ......................................................... 27 Fig. 2.2. 16: Comparison of 3D bathymetry (above) to the 7° slope contour polygons (below) showed that some smaller mounds were not enclosed by the polygons (red dots) and noise associated with the bathymetric data created false polygons (highlighted in blue). .................................................................................................. 28 Fig. 2.2. 17: Summary workflow of steps involved in mound extraction. ................. 29 Fig. 2.2. 18: Bathymetric map with zoomed-in area inset showing almost half of the polygons (48%) created from the 7° slope contours (dark grey) did not correlate to mound features in the 3D DEM or local maximum raster. Contours that define xvi mound footprints are shown in pink. The high level of noise is due to the quality of the multibeam data and the nature of the area because the scarps are picked out by the slope contour. ....................................................................................................... 31 Fig. 2.2. 19: The polygon created from the 7° slope contour (highlighted in blue) creates an overall northwest-southeast orientation (black line) quite different from the expected east-west orientation indicated by the mound ridge morphology (closely spaced slope contours indicating mound ridge). This indicates limitations of using the 7° slope contour.................................................................................................... 32 Fig. 2.2. 20: The 7° slope contours for the ROV data was very noisy (polygons >9 m2 shown). Also note how the mounds are broader than the width of the swath. .......... 33 Fig. 2.2. 21: Steps to calculate mound heights: (A) Data enclosed by the mound footprint polygons were removed from the original DEM. (B) This DEM was then reinterpolated to produce a hypothetical DEM without mounds. Subtraction of a DEM of only the mounds (C) from the interpolated DEM (B) generated a raster of mound heights (D). Zonal statistics were then performed to find the maximum height associated with each polygon. .................................................................................... 35 Fig. 2.2. 22: Workflow to extract mound heights. ..................................................... 36 Fig. 2.3. 1: ROV photo from the summit of the carbonate mound (from which core CS07 was acquired) showing live coral growth (white) and infilled dead coral framework. Scale of photo is ~2m wide. The poor quality of the photograph is due to scattering by sediment particles. ................................................................................ 38 Fig. 2.3. 2: Seafloor locations of cores CS06 and CS07. CS07 was taken from the summit of a coral mound, and core CS06 was taken from the adjacent seafloor 966 m to the southwest. ROV track, Reson 7125 400 kHz multibeam data (hillshaded DEM at 1m resolution), overlain on shipborne multibeam data, Reson 7150 24 kHz (hillshaded DEM at 50 m resolution). ........................................................................ 39 Fig. 2.3. 3: The MSCL-S. Image courtesy of www.geotek.co.uk.............................. 41 Fig. 2.3. 4: Simplified diagram showing the principle of XRF core logging (Richter et al., 2006)................................................................................................................. 45 Fig. 2.3. 5: The AVATECH XRF scanner at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ, Texel, The Netherlands). ............................................................... 46 Fig. 2.3. 6: The piston corer set-up with the location of the Peau d'Orange (catcher) and Bas Ogive (cutter) highlighted by the red box. ................................................... 56 xvii Fig. 3.1. 1: Distribution of cold-water and tropical (warm) coral reefs. The global distribution of cold-water corals shows that they occur at all latitudes. Note that this distribution is probably biased due to concentration of research in the Atlantic. Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, February 2008, http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/distribution-of-coldwater-and-tropical-coral-reefs. 60 Fig. 3.1. 2: Drawings of Lophelia pertusa (left) and Madrepora oculata fragments from photograph in Zibrowius (1980). Scale bar = 8.3 mm for L. pertusa and 4.3 mm. for M. oculata. .................................................................................................... 61 Fig. 3.2. 1: The Main biological groups responsible for reef construction on the earth through time. Horizontal grey hatched bars represent major extinction episodes. (Taken from Benton & Harper 2009, their figure 11.32, and based on an original scheme by Wood, 2001). ............................................................................................ 63 Fig. 3.2. 2: Global distribution of cold-water coral mounds from Eisele (2010), showing that they do not form at all locations where cold-water corals are known to exist (compare with Fig. 3.1.1). The distribution may be underestimated due to uncertainty about whether a reef constitutes as a mound (Roberts et al. 2009). ........ 65 Fig. 3.2. 3: Hypothetical development sequence for cold-water coral mounds from Mullins et al. (1981) based on Squires (1964) and Neumann et al. (1977). .............. 69 Fig. 4.1. 1: East-west seismic section (from DCNER/PAD 2007) illustrating structure of the Porcupine Basin and its margins (Porcupine Bank to the west). ..................... 74 Fig. 4.2. 1: Schematic diagram, following the concepts of van Rooij et al. (2007a) and Toms (2010), showing water masses in the Rockall Trough (RT) in the vicinity of the western Porcupine Bank (PB). Dashed lines indicate water mass boundaries modified from Toms (2010). Carbonate mounds occur between 500 – 1200 m (Klages et al., 2004). Enhanced hydrodynamics and thermocline (600 – 1000m) are interpreted following White and Dorschel (2010). NAD – North Atlantic Drift, NACW – North Atlantic Central Water, ENAW – Eastern North Atlantic Water, MOW- Mediterranean Outflow Water, LSW- Labrador Seawater, NADW – North Atlantic Deep water, and the SEC – Shelf Edge Current. .......................................... 77 .................................................................................................................................... 79 Fig. 4.3. 1: Carbonate mounds (red ellipses) and CWC species Lophelia pertusa (green dots) from Foubert (2007), modified to show location of Arc Mounds (J). (A) Belgica Mound Province at eastern margin of Porcupine Seabight, (B) Magellan and Hovland Mound Provinces at northern margin of Porcupine Seabight, (C) Porcupine xviii Bank Canyon Mounds at western margin of Porcupine Bank, (D) Pelagia Mounds along north-western flank of Porcupine Bank, (E) Logachev Mounds on southeastern slope of Rockall Bank, (F) mounds on western Rockall Bank, (G) Darwin Mounds, (H) Galicia Bank, (I) Moroccan margin mounds ........................................ 79 Fig. 5.1. 1: Hillshaded Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM. Multibeam data show many mounds to be aligned along the scarp to the east. ...................................................... 86 Fig. 5.1. 2: Hillshaded Reson 7111 (100 kHz) 75 m DEM. ....................................... 87 Fig. 5.1. 3: Hillshaded Reson 7125(400 kHz) 1 m DEM with mound example inset and associated scarp highlighted. ............................................................................... 88 Fig. 5.1. 4: Slope of Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM. The lower the slope value, the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value, the steeper the terrain. Slope is average slope of seabed within a square of 25 by 25 m. ......................................................... 89 Fig. 5.1. 5: Reson 7125 (400 kHz) 1 m DEM with slope (left) and hillshaded 1 m DEM (right) of mound example inset. The lower the slope value the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value the steeper the terrain........................................... 90 Fig. 5.1. 6: Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM with polygons of the identified mounds outlined and numbered. .............................................................................................. 91 Fig. 5.1. 7: Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM showing orientations of the convex hull polygons. .................................................................................................................... 92 Fig. 5.1. 8 part 1: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 1-10, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 93 Fig 5.1.8 part 3: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 21-30, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 95 Fig. 5.1.8 part 4: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 31-42, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 96 Fig. 5.1. 9: 3D bathymetric model of the Arc Mounds study area. There is a raised terrace bounded by two along-slope crescent-shaped scarps to the east and the west, with mounds aligning the eastern scarp (sc2) and occurring west of the western scarp (sc1). Note how the scarps are joined in the south but the large isolated mound with associated moat appears to cause reoccurrence of Sc2. Depth scale indicated by colour bar in metres. Data vertically exaggerated by 4.............................................. 97 Fig. 5.1. 10: High resolution bathymetric 3D model shows sediment draping off the mounds over the scarp. Data vertically exaggerated by 4. ......................................... 98 xix Fig. 5.1. 11: 3D bathymetric map showing mound morphology varies from elongated ridge mound types to conical forms. Colour scale showing depth. Data vertically exaggerated by 4......................................................................................................... 99 Fig. 5.1. 12: Bathymetric profile of mounds following the route of the ROV (SENW). The mounds are mostly over 50 m in elevation from the adjacent seafloor. Note mounds appear spikey as they are highly vertically exaggerated...................... 99 Fig. 5.1. 13: Plot of mound footprint area versus exceedance probability. .............. 103 Fig. 5.1. 14: Plot of mound footprint area versus mound height. There is a positive correlation between mound area and mound height................................................. 103 Fig. 5.1. 15: Plot of mound height versus depth shows a very slight trend for larger mounds occurring at greater depths ......................................................................... 104 Fig. 5.1. 16: Mound footprint area versus mound footprint shape. Mound shape is based on the Principal Axes Ratio (PAR): values approaching one indicate circular shapes, values approaching zero indicate elongated forms. The data indicate that there is a trend of mounds becoming more elongated as their size increases. ......... 104 Fig. 5.1. 17: Mound polygons of the top five PAR results are highlighted in blue, indicating that smaller more isolated mounds are also more circular in form. ........ 105 Fig. 5.1. 18: Unidirectional rose diagram showing mound footprint orientation in percent of occurrences. Mean (105°) shown by black line. Standard deviation (±50.95°) shown by red line. There is a northwest-southeast trend and a slight northeast-southwest trend. ........................................................................................ 106 Fig. 5.2. 1: Map of the sidescan data acquired along the ROV transect with mound example highlighted. The mound complexes have a higher backscattering signal. 107 Fig. 5.2. 2: Map of part of the ROV sidescan data with the scarp highlighted. ....... 108 Fig. 5.3. 1: Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) orientated west-east with bathymetric map and bathymetric profile (inset). The acoustically homogenous hyperbolic features indicate the presence of mounds. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection of Chirp line with profile B-B’. Sc- Scarp. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. .............................................................................................................................. 110 Fig. 5.3. 2: Identifying the shotpoints of the apices of the mound features on Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) with bathymetric profile (inset). The shotpoints of the apices of the mound features were mapped to their corresponding coordinates. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection xx of Chirp line with profile B-B’. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. ............................................................................................. 111 Fig. 5.3. 3: North-south Chirp profile B-B’ (line BOBECO119A) with bathymetric map and bathymetric profile (inset). Scales: horizontal 1/25000, vertical 50 cm/sec. TWT – Two way travel time. Depth at 0.90 sec (TWT) is 675 m. .......................... 112 Fig. 5.3. 4: Identifying the shotpoints of the apices of the mound features on Chirp profile B-B’ (line BOBECO119A) with bathymetric profile inset. The shotpoints of the apices of the mound features were mapped to their corresponding coordinates. The dashed red line indicates core CS07 location; the red line indicates intersection of Chirp line with profile A-A’. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 0.80 sec (TWT) is 600 m. ........................................................................................ 113 Fig. 5.3. 5: Composite plot of the coordinates of the mound-like features in the Chirp data with the mound structures imaged by the multibeam data. The Chirp mound coordinates are offset from the actual mounds imaged in the multibeam data due to sideswipe. CH6 appeared to show a buried mound in the Chirp data and it does not show any surface representation. 7150 hillshaded shipborne multibeam data (24 kHz). Purple dots represent CH1-CH8 coordinates from line BOBECO122A (A-A’; West-East); black triangles represent CH8-CH12 coordinates from line BOBECO119A (B-B’; South-North) ....................................................................... 115 Fig. 5.3. 6: Identification of seismic units. The directly detected mound appears as an acoustically homogenous dome-shaped structure rooting on the strong reflector R1. R1 has been interpreted as the mound base. Three seismostratigraphic units U1, U2, and U3 were identified U1 is acoustically transparent but there is a detection of an irregular reflector within it (r2). U1 underlies an irregular, erosional surface: the R1 reflector that underlies the mounds. U2 is acoustically transparent and conformably underlies U3. U3 shows draping, conformable, stratified, sub-bottom reflectors which onlap the flanks of the mounds. This unit usually directly overlies U1 on the R1 reflector but also occurs overlying U2. .............................................................. 116 Fig. 5.3. 7: Mound CH5 with drift sediment build-up to the east of the mound and an exposed flank on the western side............................................................................ 118 Fig. 5.3. 8: Multibeam data indicates that the steep western flank of mound CH5 (indicated by the red dot) is associated with the mound build up and is not a seafloor characteristic such as a scarp.................................................................................... 118 xxi Fig. 5.3. 9. Possible interpretation (scenario 1) to describe deposition chronology of units. The mounds are established on an erosion surface (R1), followed by deposition of unit 2 and 3. The mounded nature of unit 2 could be explained by moating associated with the two adjacent mounds (CH5 and the now buried mound). BM – buried mound............................................................................................................ 119 Fig. 5.3. 10: Possible interpretation (scenario 2) to describe deposition chronology of units. U2 was eroded and there was subsequent development of the mounds on the R1 reflector of U1. The middle section represents 2 adjacent buried mound structures with the middle buried mound possibly related to Ch5. .......................................... 120 Fig. 5.3. 11: Possible interpretation (scenario 3) to describe deposition chronology of units. Mounds both developed on R1 and on U2 where it remained after being mainly eroded (following interpretations by Van Rooij et al., 2003). This would mean the mound base developed with upslope and downslope sides initiating at different depths. ...................................................................................................................... 121 Fig. 5.3. 12: Interpreted Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) with original Chirp results and bathymetric profile inset. The hyperbolic features indicate the presence of mounds (coloured grey). The strong reflector underlying the mound structure R1 is interpreted as the hard mound base and has been correlated to the topmost reflector of U1. r2 is an irregular reflector within U1. The U3 interpreted drift deposits cover the area. U2 is interpreted to occur mid-section and to the east. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection with the north-south Chirp line profile B-B’. Blue lines indicate possible faults (F). BM – buried mound. Sc – Scarp. TWT - two way travel time. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. .............. 123 Fig. 5.4. 1: Possible water deflection of Sc1 could be influencing the E-W mound clusters (black arrows) or the mounds could be occurring on Variscan E-W trending ridges. ....................................................................................................................... 130 Fig. 5.4. 2: 3D representation of the mounds flanking Sc2. There appears to be erosion occurring in between the mounds, indicating that the scarp’s development is part-synchronous with the mounds. The prevention of erosion by the mounds could then explain their location on the projections of the terraced seafloor. ................... 132 Fig. 6.1. 1: Summary log of core CS06. .................................................................. 137 Fig. 6.1. 2: Photograph of stippled mud in core CS06. The stipples are interpreted as possible mm-scale burrows; they are beige and contain a coarser fill (from fine to xxii coarse sand) than the surrounding orange mud matrix (three examples are outlined). The stippled deposits also display cm-scale burrows and bioturbated contacts. ..... 139 Fig. 6.1. 3: CS06 facies (B = bioturbation). (a) Beige foraminiferal muddy sand at top of core with irregular, gradational lower contact. (b) Bioturbated greyish brown foraminiferal muddy sands and sandy muds with irregular contacts. (c) Heavily bioturbated yellowish brown stippled foraminiferal muds and muddy sands with erosive contacts (two stipples outlined by black ellipses). (d) Granule-rich structureless very pale brown to reddish pale brown foraminiferal muddy sands with mud clast outlined. (e) Structureless reddish white foraminiferal muddy sands with irregular, gradational upper contact with facies D. Width of core is 11 cm. ........... 141 Fig. 6.2. 1: Results of core CS06: Photograph of core alongside graphic lithology, dates, sieve-based grain size analysis results, mean and sorting (derived from the laser-based results), % IRD, Magnetic Susceptibility, and Ca/Fe and Ca/Sr ratios. For key to graphic lithology see Fig. 6.1.1. .................................................................... 143 Fig. 6.2. 2: Articulated terebratulid brachiopod with intact brachidium in silty muds belonging to Facies C at 140.4 cmdc in CS06. Scale to the right is in cm. ............. 147 Fig. 6.3. 1: Bas Ogive sediment (a) Sieved sediment in beaker (sediment >63μm); (b) Lithics >2mm (ruler in cm), note angularity (except large pebble top left) and red and green colouration; (c) Prepared thin-sections; (d) Top surface of pebble showing colonised surface and bottom surface showing cement; (e) Foraminiferal wackestone clast in thin-section (PPL). ....................................................................................... 151 Fig. 6.3. 2: Packstone clast with abundant planktonic foraminifera in Bas Ogive. The specimen highlighted by red box is Globorotalia menardii or a closely related form. Many thin shell fragments are also present. Thin section BG2 (PPL). .................... 152 Fig. 6.3. 3: Fossils in Bas Ogive. (a) Globigerinid in BG1 (PPL); (b) Spines showing a pseudo-uniaxial cross and a possible crustacean shell (homogenous shell structure showing undulose extinction) in BG1, (XPL); (c) Possible Cibicides benthic foram (left), mollusc shell (wavy elongated S form above) and well-rounded chalk intraclast in BG1 (PPL); (d) Possible echinoderm spine in BG2 (PPL); (e) Possible bryozoan or calcareous algae in BG3 (XPL). .......................................................... 153 Fig. 6.3. 4: Photomicrographs of lithified matrix found between the Bas Ogive limestone clasts. Left – PPL, right XPL. (A-D) from thin-section BG3, (E-F) from thin-section BG2. Green colouration ascribed to glauconite. .................................. 154 Fig. 6.3. 5: Iron rich clast in thin section from Bas Ogive. ...................................... 155 xxiii Fig. 6.4. 1: Diagenetic sequence of hardground formation as described by Noé etal. (2006). ...................................................................................................................... 162 Fig. 6.4. 2: Well-rounded intraclasts (within a larger clast) in the BOg. Left is PPL and right is XPL. ...................................................................................................... 162 Fig. 7.1. 1: Summary log of core CS07 ................................................................... 167 Fig. 7.1. 2: Coarse unit in Section 6 containing partially lithified, possible biogenic rubble (middle left) and mud clasts (bright white in lower right) as well as branch size coral (a well preserved coral branch beside a heavily dissolved branch in upper right), a gastropod, and a bivalve shell (beneath mud clast) and pebbles. ............... 170 Fig. 7.1. 3: CS07 Section 6 mottling evident at 520 cmdc. ..................................... 171 Fig. 7.1. 4: Coral-rich unit located at 471.5-483.5 in Section 5 before (left) and after sampling; bivalve is the longitudinal shell fragment in the resultant cavity. Scale in cm. ............................................................................................................................ 172 Fig. 7.1. 5: Coarser unit located at 313.5-323 cmdc in Section 4, showing erosive upper and lower boundaries; with an upper contact consisting of a 3cm thick layer of large coral fragments (granules- branches) that pinches to the left. Each line represents a cm in scale to right ............................................................................... 173 Fig. 7.1. 6: Coral bands in CS07 Section 3 at 216-220 cmdc. ................................. 174 Fig. 7.1. 7: Irregularly shaped non-lithified bright grey blotches; upper blotches with clayey infill and lower with silt-fine sand. ............................................................... 175 Fig. 7.1. 8: Left: Lithified irregularly shaped concretions found in Section 1 in CS07 between 55 and 65 cmdc. Right: sieved fraction >500 µm, interpreted as calcitecemented biogenic rubble......................................................................................... 176 Fig. 7.2. 1: Results of core CS07: Photograph of core alongside graphic lithology, dates, sieve-based grain size analysis results, mean and sorting (derived from the laser-based results), % IRD, Magnetic Susceptibility, and Ca/Fe and Sr/Ca ratios. For key to graphic lithology see Fig. 7.1.1. .................................................................... 181 Fig. 7.2. 2: Framework-building coral embedded in unlithified sandy carbonate matrix in Facies A of CS07 Section 1 Unit 1 (5-8 cmdc). ....................................... 183 Fig. 7.2. 3: Detail of CS07 (Facies A) showing a pronounced Sr/Ca decrease at the termination of the branch-sized coral and onset of the muddy sediments (Facies B) at 35 cmdc .................................................................................................................... 184 Fig. 7.2. 4: Correlation of coral bands (identified during logging) with peaks in XRF Sr/Ca ratio element profiles...................................................................................... 188 xxiv Fig. 7.3. 1: Scheme to describe possible fissure-fill sediment. (a) Mound growth during transitional or warm conditions with water currents (indicated by blue arrows). Multibeam bathymetry shows the mound to have multiple peaks and irregular topography (see mound number 17 in Fig 5.1.8). (b) Increased bottom current activity generates a fissure on the mound. (c) Destabilisation of the flanks causes downslope movement of the IRD-rich layer and coral debris from above, infilling the fissure in the process. (d) Further erosion and mass wasting causes downslope transport of the IRD-rich sediment to the base of the mounds; but the sediment within the fissure is preserved, including young coral. (e) Mound growth continues for the remainder of the Holocene. Coring of the mound (cylinder) recovers old mound deposits interrupted by the young fissure-fill. ......................... 194 Fig. 7.3. 2: Structural classification of Organic Reefs and Carbonate Mud Mounds (from Riding 2002). Red boxes suggest appropriate classification for deposits in core CS07......................................................................................................................... 196 xxv xxvi List of Tables Table 2.1. 1: List of the methods and where they are described in this chapter. ......... 9 Table 2.2. 1: Echosounder attributes .......................................................................... 10 Table 2.2. 2: Performance attributes of the ROV multibeam .................................... 11 Table 2.3. 1: CS06 and CS07 sediment core attributes. ............................................ 40 Table 2.3. 2: Folk (1954) sediment classification, incorporating the modification of Flemming (2000). This scheme was used for visual classification............................ 44 Table 2.3. 3: Grain size fractions based on the Udden-Wentworth grain-size classification of terrigenous sediments (Wentworth, 1922) ....................................... 48 Wet sieving was carried out in one run and split into four size fractions: <63 µm, 63250 µm, 250-500 µm and 500-2000 µm ( .................................................................. 50 Table 2.3. 4: Wet-sieve stack configuration with Udden-Wentworth grade, μm and Phi (ɸ) values. ............................................................................................................ 51 Table 2.3. 5: Material from CS06 and CS07 that were radiocarbon dated using an Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS). .................................................................... 54 Table 2.3. 6: Attributes of the coral clast samples submitted for U-Th dating. ......... 55 Table 3.2. 1: Proposed processes controlling mound initiation and development: The Hovland et al. (1998) Hydraulic Theory, with initiation and growth generated by hydrocarbon seeps; versus the Environmental Control theory, with mechanisms governed by optimal environmental conditions. Modified from Roberts et al (2009). .................................................................................................................................... 67 Table 5.1. 1: Summary of the morphometric parameters used to quantify mound spatial patterns (adapted from Correa et al., 2012). ................................................. 102 Table 5.3. 1: Coordinates of mound-like features identified in the Chirp data for line BOBECO122A. SP-shotpoint .................................................................................. 114 Table 5.3. 2: Coordinates of mound-like features identified in the Chirp data for line BOBECO119A. SP-shotpoint .................................................................................. 114 Table 5.4. 1: Characteristics of mounds of examples in the North East Atlantic, listed by latitude from south to north. ................................................................................ 126 Table 6.1. 1: Sedimentary facies identified in CS06. .............................................. 140 Table 6.2. 1: Sedimentary facies summary for CS06. ............................................. 142 xxvii Table 6.3. 1: Sieving results for the 'Bas Ogive' sediment from the base of core CS06. ........................................................................................................................ 150 Table 6.4. 1: Comparable facies to those documented herein in CS06, with those identified by previous studies on the Porcupine Bank. ............................................ 160 Table 7.2. 1: Characteris-tics of facies of the on-mound core CS07 ....................... 179 Table 7.3. 1: Characteristics of the type reefs, within the category of matrixsupported reefs, which may describe the deposits of the on-mound core CS07 (from Riding, 2002). ........................................................................................................... 195 xxviii List of Appendices APPENDIX A - Detailed sedimentological logs ..................................................... 220 APPENDIX B - MSCL ............................................................................................ 232 APPENDIX C - Grain size analysis ......................................................................... 236 APPENDIX D - IRD count ...................................................................................... 241 APPENDIX E - Sediment grain composition .......................................................... 242 APPENDIX F – XRF analysis ................................................................................. 249 APPENDIX G – Dating ........................................................................................... 250 APPENDIX H - Dropstone analysis ........................................................................ 255 xxix xxx Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work, except when otherwise stated. It has not previously been submitted to this or any other University. I agree that this thesis may be lent in accordance with the National University of Ireland Galway regulations. _____________________ Fiona Stapleton xxxi xxxii Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: Overview Cold-water corals [CWC] have been known to science since Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae in 1758; yet, much remains to be understood about their biology, ecology, behaviour and distribution. Within the last few decades, due to the increased use of deep-water acoustics, the spatial extent of their distribution is being realised. It has been discovered that corals are actually primarily cold-water inhabitants (Roberts et al., 2009). CWC's form reefs from the polar to tropical habitats (Wood, 1999) including: continental shelves, slopes, banks, on seamounts, in fjords and on submarine canyon walls (van der Land, 2011). It was only in the 1960s that deep-sea exploration lead to the discovery of moundlike structures colonised by corals (Stetson et al., 1962). CWC mounds develop through successive build-ups of in-situ (autochthonous) coral debris and related trapped or baffled externally supplied (allochthonous) sediment (Mazzini et al., 2012). CWC mounds represent unique habitats in terms of biodiversity, providing records of climate fluctuations and also act as carbon sinks (Klages et al., 2004). As much information about the palaeoenvironmental conditions in which the CWC's existed is needed in order to adequately predict their ability to survive in the future. Additionally, as carbonate mounds are well known from the fossil record (see Wood, 1999 and references therein), studying contemporary examples may aid in their interpretation. This work integrates multibeam, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiling and MSCL and XRF of piston cores; from a site of CWC mounds (the Arc Mounds) on the southwest Porcupine Bank. No work, thus far, has studied palaeoclimates using marine sedimentary cores from the Arc Mounds region. 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.2: Study area The area examined during this research was located in the Arc Mounds province in the southwest Porcupine Bank of the North Atlantic. The Porcupine Bank forms a raised area of seabed lying between the Porcupine Seabight and Rockall Trough water basins (Fig. 1.2.1), positioned between 51°N – 54°N and 12°W – 15°W and covering an area of approximately 10,000 km2 (Scoffin & Bowes, 1988). The ~154 km2area of seafloor that was examined, located from 51°15’N – 51°25’N and 14°55’W – 14° 35’W, is characterised by CWC carbonate mounds and scarps in water depths of 500 – 1000 m. Fig. 1.2. 1: Location of study area. Bathymetry of seafloor using GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean) data with horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds, WGS 1984). The location of the detailed survey map Reson 7150 50 m DEM overlain on hillshade (on left) is indicated by the red inset box in the general location map (on right). 2 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.3: Project motivation Possible significance to the rock record It has only relatively recently come to light that scleractinian bioherms are not uniquely shallow-water in origin, and the increasing accounts of deep-water coral bioherms demonstrate that these mounds are not biological oddities. In fact, Newton (1987) suggested that they may be “considered characteristic of regions at intermediate depths (200-1200 m) where local hard substrates are available for colonization by frame- building ahermatypes”. Teichert (1958) warned that the fact hermatypic corals are capable of constructing bioherms in deep water suggests that similar structures may be present in the rock record. The distinction between deep- and shallow-water bioherms is critical for palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic interpretations. Therefore these (modern) deep-water buildups must be investigated and described in order to properly assess comparable bioherms in the rock record. Designated Area of Conservation This work aims to support designating the Arc Mounds region as a Special Area of Conservation under the Habitats Directive. Threats to these habitats include: Immediate threats: Coral has a slow habitat recovery rate (Connell, 1997). Human activities such as trawling, oil and gas exploration, and undersea pipelaying constitute some of the greatest threats to CWC's. The documented destruction of deep-water corals by trawling (e.g. Hall-Spencer et al., 2002) necessitates the implementation of protective measures in order to ensure the long-term survival of these habitats. Longer-term threats: Carbonate chemistry determines whether it is physically possible for corals to calcify, thus future global warming and ocean acidification also pose a threat to these ecosystems. Orr et al. (2005) demonstrated that the depths at which hard corals are able produce their skeletons are likely to decrease within the timescale of the present century. Guinotte et al. (2006) overlaid the predicted shallowing on the current 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION distribution of cold-water corals, and found that many of the CWC habitats may soon be in corrosive seawater. Reasons for conserving such habitats include: (i) The mound habitats are biodiversity centres (ii) These bioherms play an important role in the carbon cycle and (iii) The skeletons of the corals and the mounds they help construct are important archives for climate and environmental change These three reasons are elaborated upon below: (i) Biodiversity centre CWC reefs occurring on CWC carbonate mounds are as rich in associated fauna as their tropical reef counterparts making them high biodiversity centres (e.g. van der Land, 2011; Wheeler et al., 2011). Sponges, molluscs, bryozoa, gastropods, anemones, and fishes use the coral framework as a nursery, refuge or stable substrate to grow upon (van der Land, 2011); and CWC reefs are also characterised by a more diverse meio-epifaunal community than that in the underlying sediments (Raes & Vanreusel, 2005). (ii) Role in the carbon cycle The carbonate content of CWC mounds can be several times higher than the carbonate content of the surrounding sea floor sediments (Dorschel et al., 2007; Titschack et al., 2009). Lindberg and Mienert, (2005) concluded that CWC ecosystems may contribute >1% of global carbonate production, indicating that CWC mounds may represent an important carbon sink for consideration in global carbon budget models. (iii) Corals and their mounds as archives Coral skeletons record the temperature and chemical characteristics of the ambient seawater in which they developed (Wood, 1999). Therefore deep-water corals are one of a limited number of archives that record deep-sea conditions. In addition, the mounds which the corals develop also record environmental variability through signals in their make-up. Understanding how the earth's climate has changed naturally in the past will aid in prediction of the future but will also help in quantifying how much man may be influencing the environment. 4 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.4: Project objectives In 2005, in the Porcupine Seabight, the IODP [Integrated Ocean Drilling Program] Expedition Leg 307 drilled for the first time through a coral mound (Challenger Mound) and revealed the origin and depositional processes within this sedimentary structure (IODP 307 Expedition Scientists, 2005). However, globally, the controls on the growth and decline of corals on carbonate mounds, as well as mound growth trigger mechanisms, have yet to be fully understood. In order to elucidate these processes mound genesis, topography and morphology must be investigated. This work aims to describe the Arc Mounds region in this context and to interpret to what extent the Arc Mounds are representative of the mound model derived from drilling Challenger Mound. This project involves the analysis of a combination of geophysical and geological data acquired from the Arc Mound site in the Porcupine Bank. The multi-disciplinary approach will allow a holistic description of the mound province. The aims are to: (i) Create multi-scale digital terrain models of the mound structures and conduct geospatial analysis on mound statistics using GIS: Investigating the nature of the type and distribution of the mounds will help interpretations on the governing controls on mound growth - i.e. the geological setting and associated hydrographic influence. (ii) Conduct an analysis of the sedimentological content of the cores and quantify Ice Rafted Debris (IRD) fluxes to the mound and off-mound areas: Analysing the core material will allow interpretations of the palaeoenvironmental conditions that have affected both the mounds and the off-mound areas. (iii) Investigate whether AVAATECH XRF geochemical profiles and MSCL results for the mound and off-mound areas can provide useful signals of environmental change: Investigating these additional proxies will corroborate the lithological logging and sediment analysis interpretations. (iv) Investigate the nature of the base-cutter sediment of core CS06, the depth of which correlates to the depth of a strong Chirp reflector that may be the mound base reflector: The objective of studying the possible mound base substrate is to provide an indication of the timing of the onset of mound growth and the associated environmental conditions. 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 6 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.1: Overview A program of multibeam sounding, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiling, coring, and video dives was completed on the west Porcupine Bank During Leg two of the BoBEco [Bay Of Biscay – ECOlogy] cruise on the French Research Vessel Pourqoui Pas? from the 23rd September until the 10th October 2011 (Fig.2.1.1). Two shipborne and one ROV [remotely operated vehicle] multibeam datasets were acquired. ROV multibeam backscatter data were acquired simultaneously with the bathymetric data. Fig. 2.1 1: Bathymetric map showing data acquisition during Leg two of the BobEco cruise on the French Research Vessel Pourqoui Pas? 7 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS The various methods described in this chapter are listed in Table 2.1.1. The bathymetric data were processed at NUI Galway [NUIG] in Caris to produce Digital Elevation Models [DEMS] and then added to the ArcMap Geographic Information System (GIS) for map creation, geospatial manipulation and analysis. Chirp profiles, and sidescan backscatter mosaics were also provided for interpretation. AVAATECH X-ray Florescence [XRF] down-core elemental profiles and multisensor core logger [MSCL] measurements were acquired by the author in IFREMER Brest. The processed data from these analyses at IFREMER were provided in Excel format for integration into this thesis. Coral specimens were sampled from the split cores in IFREMER for mass spectrometric 230Th/U dating, which was performed by Norbert Frank (Heidelberg). Grain-size measurements of bulk sediment samples were performed in IFREMER using a Coulter LS grain-size analyser. Sediment samples were also wet-sieved in NUIG in order to compare with the laser grain-size analyses and to obtain a >250 µm fraction for IRD counting, composition analyses and also to pick planktonic foraminifera for 14C-AMS dating. Thin-section slides of the lithified base cutter sediment from core CS06 and of two dropstones (one from each core) were produced in NUIG and provided for petrographic analysis. The interpretations presented in this thesis from these various collaborations are those of the author. 8 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Section Geophysical Creation of multi-scale bathymetric terrain models, analysis rasters and GIS procedure 2.2.1 Interpretation of sidescan data 2.2.2 Interpretation of chirp data 2.2.3 Deployment of Multi-Sensor Core Logger 2.3.2 Logging (cm-scale) of the cores 2.3.3 Sub-sampling of sediments and coral from the cores Geological Deployment of XRF scanner 2.3.4 Laser & sieve-based grain size analysis of the core sediment subsamples 2.3.5 Ice-Rafted Debris counting 2.3.6 Core CS07 grain composition analysis 2.3.7 Dating 2.3.8 Thin-section petrography of base-cutter sediment of core CS06 2.3.9 Thin-section petrography of dropstones 2.3.10 Table 2.1. 1: List of the methods and where they are described in this chapter. 9 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.2: Geophysical investigation 2.2.1: Multibeam Data acquisition Three bathymetric data sets were acquired, one by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and two shipborne. Tide corrections were applied onboard in real time for the ship’s multibeam, using SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine) predictions. The ROV was deployed on the 12th September 2011 at 1633 hrs and reached the bottom at 1720 hrs. Photographic images were acquired at 10 m from the bottom in order to determine coral cover. Following coral presence confirmation, multibeam data were acquired at 50 – 70 m altitude by VICTOR 6000 using the Reson 7125/400 kHz echosounder. The ROV dive was approximately 23.5 hours in duration and distance travelled was 18 km. Bathymetric datasets from the ship’s multibeams, Reson7150/24 kHz and Reson7111/100 kHz, were then obtained in the same area. The echosounder attributes are listed in Table 2.2.1 (below). Manufacturer Model Frequency (kHz) Max Depth No. Beams Swath Coverage Reson SeaBat 7150 24 kHz 15 km 880 150° Reson SeaBat 7111 100 kHz 1 km 301 150° Reson SeaBat 7125 (ROV) 400 kHz 0.6 km 512 128° Table 2.2. 1: Echosounder attributes ROV multibeam The SeaBat 7125 multi-beam echo-sounder system has up to 128° swath coverage to an altitude of at least 100 m. The maximum slant range is greater than 200 m. 512 equally spaced bathymetry soundings are generated per ping. The soundings may then be corrected for refraction, mechanical offsets between the projector and hydrophone, sensor offsets, attitude, heading, depth and tide. attributes of the ROV multibeam are listed in Table 2.2.2 (below) 10 The performance CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Depth 6000 m Frequency 400 kHz Beams 512 equidistant Bathymetric accuracy 0.2% altitude ROV Resolution 5% altitude ROV Swath width 3.4 × altitude ROV (< 200 m) Table 2.2. 2: Performance attributes of the ROV multibeam Processing Cleaned multibeam data form the basis for digitally modelling the seafloor topography - Digital Elevation Model (DEM) creation. A DEM is a raster dataset containing an elevation value for each of its cells. The program CARIS HIPS & SIPS 7.1 (Computer Aided Resource Information System Hydrographic Information Processing System & SIPS) was used in NUI Galway to automatically and manually clean the survey data, and to create DEMs for 3D viewing of the sea floor and incorporate into a GIS environment. After investigating preliminary results the multibeam data were re-imported with a navigation filter to contain only readings within W14°35’ – W14°53’, and a depth filter in the range of 400 – 1100 m. Quality soundings other than the “0” quality flag were also rejected. The bathymetric data were cleaned using the subset editor (area-based cleaning), swath editor (line-based cleaning) and motion data were cleaned using the attitude editor. The sounding density of the shipborne Reson 7150 multibeam was sufficient to model DEMs of between 25 m and 75 m resolution. Gaps in the DEMs were interpolated with a moving average filter (3 x 3 cell size). DEMs with 20 cm to 1 m grid size were created for the ROV data depending on the quality of the data and the ROV altitude. At 70 m altitude and ~200 m corridor, DEMs were processed to a 50 cm grid size. The CARIS DEM files were exported as ESRI ASCII grid files and opened in ArcMap. 11 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Multibeam processing issues were dealt with as follows. Correcting the ROV depth information Creating a DEM surface in CARIS showed water depths to be greater than expected. The GPS height (actual depth) was found to be correct in the attitude editor but the DEM showed the area to be twice as deep. Depth information in the raw data (s7k file) includes the depth of the ROV vehicle. However, the depth of the vehicle data is also included in the delta draft telegram. During the Merge process in CARIS the delta draft data was added to the measured depths. This resulted in the depth of the vehicle being added twice (once during creation of the s7k file and again within CARIS). Correction involved using the Generic Data Parser as follows. Correcting for GPS tide using Generic Data Parser 1. In CARIS all lines were selected and the process function was used to compute the GPS tide. In the Attitude Editor, the sensor layout was opened and the GPS tide was brought over to ‘active’. The GPS tide was then exported using the Export Wizard ‘HIPS tide’ and opened to view in TextPad (Fig. 2.1.1) Fig. 2.2. 1: A GPS tide file 12 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 2. In CARIS the Generic Data Parser (GDP) was opened in the Import functions and the raw data (i.e. the exported GPS tide file) was opened. The File Header, File Date and Time Stamps were defined and the GDP was then used to multiply the GPS tide data by -1 (Fig 2.2.2). The GDP could then be run, updating the existing survey lines. The GDP was closed and the session in CARIS was saved. - Fig. 2.2. 2: Example GPS tide file being multiplied by -1 in the Generic Data Parser. 13 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3. The CARIS session was reopened and the lines were remerged, applying the GPS tide. A new DEM surface was created. The depths were checked and found to be correct (Fig 2.2.3.). Correcting the depth reduced the error threshold. The pre-corrected DEM had a pronounced ‘groove’ in the southeast which was greatly lessened by correcting the depth (Fig. 2.2.4). Fig. 2.2. 3: The pre-corrected DEM surface (ROV_10m) shows deeper depths (1208.6m); and the corrected DEM surface (test_tide_10m), created using remerged lines with the GPS tide multiplied by -1, shows the true shallower depths (655.82m). Correcting axial noise using attitude editor Spiral artefacts in the ROV navigation data were removed by filtering the heading (rejecting the gyro information). (Fig. 2.2.5) 14 Fig. 2.2. 4: Left: DEM of incorrect depth, 10 m resolution, showing groove with deeper soundings. Right: Depth-corrected DEM, 10 m resolution, showing groove greatly reduced. CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 15 Fig. 2.2. 5: Left shows the axial noise pattern caused by gyro anomalies (highlighted in yellow in the Attitude editor). Right shows the Cleaned data after the anomalies were manually removed (with interpolation). CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 16 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Removing spikes in the data using subset editor and swath editor The subset and swath editors were both used to remove spikes in the data which, if left uncleaned, produced circular artefacts in the DEMs (Fig. 2.2.6). As the subset editor is area-based it was the preferred cleaning method because it could remove anomalous soundings more efficiently. However, as the mounds are 3-dimensional structures they could interfere with cleaning, because in some cases it was not possible to select the anomalies without also selecting part of the mound (i.e. the noise features were too close to the true sounding surface). In these instances the spikes were cleaned line by line in swath editor. The mounds themselves also showed circular features displaying a lumpy ‘cauliflower-like’ texture. In swath editor these lumps do not show up as anomalous spikes but as coherent undulations (Fig. 2.2.7), indicating that these are real topographical or geomorphological features – in this case, coral colonies. Fig. 2.2. 6: Example of the effect of cleaning using the swath editor (left uncleaned, right cleaned). Removing the spikes removed the circular artefacts seen around the mound. 17 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 7: 'Lumpy' texture (circular features) on the mound is shown as smooth undulations in swath editor (top), as opposed to the spikes associated with circular artefacts off the mound. This indicates that the ‘cauliflower’ texture represents real features – interpreted as coral colonies based on video evidence from the area. Noise in the Shipborne 7111 Theoretically Reson 7111 (100 kHz) multibeam produces better resolution images in comparison to the 7150 (24 kHz) multibeam as it is higher frequency data. However, the Reson 7111 Multibeam data was discovered to be noisy and contained large gaps. The DEM surface showed the noise to be mainly within the outer beams and this was verified by observing the swaths in the swath editor (Fig. 2.2.8). Cleaning the data required omission of the outer beams. One of the lines was also rejected due to poor signal quality in the deeper regions due to data density decrease with depth as a consequence of the beam geometry and attenuation of frequency (Fig. 2.2.9). In the cruise report the poor quality is noted as ‘signal quality and breadth of coverage degrades very rapidly to a depth not exceeding 400 m.’ Thus, even though a 25 m DEM of the 7111 data (Fig. 2.2.10) showed the mounds in higher resolution in comparison to the 7150 25 m DEM, it was largely unusable due to data gaps. A 50 m 18 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS DEM shows fewer data gaps than the (Fig. 2.2.11) but inherently involved loss of resolution. A 75 m DEM of the 7111 data produced the cleanest image (Fig.2.2.12) but resolution was poor. Fig. 2.2. 8: A 20 m resolution DEM of the noisy 7111 100 kHz data (top) and the associated swath profiles in swath editor in plan and rear view (bottom). 19 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 9: The subset editor shows this part of the survey line has little/no information and that the noise is shallower than the true seabed surface, which can be observed in the adjacent survey line. Reson 7111 (100 kHz) shipborne multibeam. Top: Subset Editor aerial view of DEM surface (25 m resolution) showing the difference between the normal line and a line with noise. Bottom: lateral view. The red line was rejected due to poor signal quality in the deeper regions. Data density decreases with depth as a consequence of the beam geometry and attenuation of frequency. 20 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 10: 7111: 25 m DEM with many gaps in data coverage. 21 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 11: Reson 7111, 50 m DEM shows less data gaps than the 25m DEM but loss of resolution (compare with Fig. 3.1.13). Blue line is ship track which had bad multibeam data and was ignored. Colour gradation symbolises depth with red-blue representing shallow to deep (~500-900 m). 22 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 12: The Reson 7111 (100 kHz) 75m DEM produces the cleanest image without data gaps, but resolution is poor. Blue line is ship track which had bad multibeam data and which was ignored. Colour gradation symbolises depth with red-blue representing shallow to deep (~500-900 m). GIS After importing the grids into the ArcMap raster grid format, a low pass 3-by-3 filter was used over the raster to smooth the entire input raster, reduce the significance of anomalous cells and fill in data gaps. Algorithms were run to calculate slope derivatives and contours, and to generate shaded relief images (hillshades). The slope is calculated from the maximum change in elevation over the distance between the cell and its eight neighbours (Burrough et al., 1998). Creating hillshades of 23 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS resampled bathymetry (cubic technique) produced the best maps, due to their smoother appearance, and involved little loss of information (Fig. 3.1.16). Fig. 2.2. 13: ROV 7125 (400 kHz) data: Left - Hillshaded DEM 20 cm. Right - Hillshade of the resampled bathymetry data (using cubic technique); produced a smoother image with little loss of information Investigation of the mound morphologies was also undertaken in the GIS environment. In order to carry out quantitative morphometric analyses each mound first needed to be defined systematically as follows. Mound boundary definition Correa et al. (2012) constrained the minimum mound area based on a 3 x 3 pixel matrix, as smaller matrices do not contain sufficient pixels. For the 25 m DEM this entails that the minimum mound area is 5,625 m2, whereas the ROV 1 m DEM could theoretically resolve footprint areas down to 9 m2. As the whole study area was not covered by the ROV, 5,625 m2 was chosen to represent the minimum mound area. Mound perimeters are difficult to discern by eye because some mounds are coalesced (mound complexes) and/or have scours, scarps and sediment onlap associated with them. It is not acceptable to define the base of the mounds from depth contours or cross sections because the seafloor slope confounds observations. Dorschel et al. 24 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS (2010) used the 6° slope contour to delineate the beginning of the mound compared to the seafloor. 6° was chosen as a compromise between the greater influence of artefacts at smaller slope angles and the under-detection of mounds at larger slope angles (Dorschel et al., 2010). Correa et al. (2012) used the 8° slope contour based on attempts to manually delineate the mound perimeters. In this study a number of slope degree contours were created (3-10°) to analyse which best depicted the mound bases for the study area. The agreement of mound shapes with the 7° slope contour entailed that this work uses an intermediate between the thresholds used by Dorschel et al. (2010) and Correa et al. (2012) The steps in defining the mound boundaries can be viewed in Fig. 2.2.14. The first step was to create a slope raster from the bathymetry and extract the 7° slope contour from this raster. Polygons created from these slope contours were filtered to contain only polygons with an area greater than 5,625 m2. Polygons within these polygons were removed. From the resulting polygons, mounds were identified by consulting 3D bathymetry DEMs and focal maximum statistic rasters. Local maxima - maxima of a grid are found by comparing a 3 × 3 pixel (75 × 75 m) focal maximum of that grid to itself i.e. by subtracting the focal statistics maxima from the original DEM. Local maxima occur where overlapping pixels of the two surfaces are the same. The difference raster effectively highlighted the mound shapes as well as showing that some mounds have two or more local maxima (Fig. 2.2.14, D). It was hoped that polygons of the 7° slope contour polygons would approximate the mound footprint shapes and thus areas. However in most cases the polygons had to be manually modified due to the following: noise (Fig. 2.2.20); mounds were not separated from the scarp (Fig. 2.2.15, C); the 7° slope contour conjoined adjacent mounds within one polygon (Fig. 2.2.15); and smaller mounds were not enclosed by the polygon (Fig. 2.2.16). In essence, in most cases manual delineation of mound boundaries was necessary, but the selection was based on standardised information (base defined by 7° slope contour; area >5,625 m2) in order to be as objective as possible. The defined mound footprint polygons were processed to extract statistics of area and perimeter. Convex hull polygons of the defined mound boundaries were created in order to obtain the length and orientation of the geometric shapes. A convex hull is the smallest convex polygon that encloses an input feature. The measurements of the orientation are created by drawing an imaginary line along the longest distance between two vertices of the convex hull polygons. The convex hull width was not acceptable because it is 25 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS the shortest distance between any two vertices of the convex hull, and therefore minimum-area bounding rectangles were created to calculate the width. The overall steps in mound extraction is summarised in Fig.2.2.17. Fig. 2.2. 14: Workflow to define mound footprints: A slope raster (B) was created from the bathymetry (A) and the 7° slope contour was chosen to define the mound bases (red line around zoomed-in mounds). C. Polygons created from the 7° slope contour were filtered to contain only polygons with areas greater than 5,625 m2 (polygons <5,625m2 highlighted in blue). Polygons in the zoomed-in example show that the 7° slope contour is conjoining the mounds with the scarp. D. Polygons were manually modified to better represent the identified mounds after consulting focal maximum statistics. Local maxima occur where overlapping pixels of the two surfaces are the same. This raster highlighted the mound shapes aiding mound boundary delineation. It also showed some of the mounds to have two or more local maxima (red dots highlight peaks in zoomed in example). 26 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 15: Mounds had to be manually modified after the automatic extraction process in cases where the 7° slope contour (purple line in zoomed-in example) adjoined adjacent mounds within one polygon. 27 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 16: Comparison of 3D bathymetry (above) to the 7° slope contour polygons (below) showed that some smaller mounds were not enclosed by the polygons (red dots) and noise associated with the bathymetric data created false polygons (highlighted in blue). 28 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 17: Summary workflow of steps involved in mound extraction. 29 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Limitations of the mound extraction process: The mound extraction process highlighted the high level of noise associated with the 7° slope contours because almost half of the polygons (48%) did not correlate to mound features in the 3D DEM (e.g. Fig. 2.2.18) or the local maximum raster. This is due to the quality of the multibeam data (gaps and spikes in the data that remained after cleaning). In addition there were extra polygons created due to the nature of the area because the scarps were picked out by the slope contour. As with any automatic extraction method there are inherent errors associated with the choice of thresholds. The 7° slope contour may not be the best suited to define the base for all the mounds because each mound represents a natural system whose characteristics (e.g. geomorphology) are affected by its’ local environment. It was observed that the orientation calculated from the convex hull polygon did not always represent the orientation that would be expected from observing the mound ridge orientation. This was due to the 7° slope contour creating an irregular polygon with a broad base and differing to the trend of the ridge (Fig. 2.2.19). Correcting for this effect would involve modifying the mound polygon to represent the more ‘userintuitive’ shape of the mound. The mound base could be defined by the user as the point where the slope contours indicate flattening of the topographic profile. This, besides involving more time, would entail a lack of consistency and bring subjectivity in to the results. Also, the mound size could be that which was picked by the mound slope contour and the ridge orientation may not reflect the overall orientation of the mound as it accretes laterally. Thus the predicted mound shapes, as chosen by the 7° slope contours, were kept. It must be noted that due to the 25 m resolution it is probable that there is under detection of small mounds. If small mounds were broad with low relief they would not be observable: some 7° slope contours that created polygons >5,625 m2 were not included as mounds because they were not obvious in the 3D bathymetry, nor were they highlighted in the slope or focal maximum rasters. The ROV 1 m DEM could theoretically resolve footprint areas down to 9 m2. Thus an attempt to groundtruth the method was made by performing the same mound extraction process on the ROV data. The 7° slope contours created from this bathymetry were very noisy however and the sizes of the mounds were wider than the ROV swath (Fig. 2.2.20). Nonetheless the high resolution of the ROV data allowed comparison of the number 30 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS of mounds observed in the ROV 1 m 3D bathymetry to the number that were resolved by the mound extraction technique using the 25 m bathymetry, and this acted as a groundtruthing mechanism for the method. The agreement of the number of mounds identified allowed confidence in the mound extraction method. Fig. 2.2. 18: Bathymetric map with zoomed-in area inset showing almost half of the polygons (48%) created from the 7° slope contours (dark grey) did not correlate to mound features in the 3D DEM or local maximum raster. Contours that define mound footprints are shown in pink. The high level of noise is due to the quality of the multibeam data and the nature of the area because the scarps are picked out by the slope contour. 31 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 19: The polygon created from the 7° slope contour (highlighted in blue) creates an overall northwest-southeast orientation (black line) quite different from the expected eastwest orientation indicated by the mound ridge morphology (closely spaced slope contours indicating mound ridge). This indicates limitations of using the 7° slope contour. 32 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 20: The 7° slope contours for the ROV data was very noisy (polygons >9 m2 shown). Also note how the mounds are broader than the width of the swath. Calculating mound height Mound height calculation from the defined mound footprints followed the same principle of Correa et al. (2012) whereby an original DEM is compared to a hypothetical DEM without mounds. The steps to produce a raster of mound heights are illustrated in Fig. 2.2.21 and the overall workflow to extract the height values is shown in Fig 2.2.22. Data enclosed by the mound footprint polygons were first removed from the original DEM. This DEM with holes where the mounds used to be was then converted to points and then reinterpolated using the natural neighbour method (Sibson, 1981) with an output cell size of 25 m (to match that of the original DEM). The result was the production of a hypothetical DEM without mounds. 33 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Subtraction of this interpolated DEM from a DEM of only the mounds generated a raster of mound heights. Zonal statistics were used to calculate the highest elevation within each mound footprint and produce a raster with mound polygons representing the maximum height found in each. The mound height raster was compared to the maximum height polygon raster to determine which cells in the mound height raster correspond to the highest elevation found within each polygon feature. This was done using a conditional statement in the raster calculator of ArcMap where the output is a raster depicting only the mound height raster cells with the highest elevation values and all other cells set to no data: Con("mound height raster" == " maximum height polygon raster "," mound height raster ") The output mound height raster cells with the highest elevation values were converted to point features and assigned XY coordinates. These maximum height feature points were then spatially joined to the mound footprint polygons in order to give the maximum thickness associated with each mound. 34 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 21: Steps to calculate mound heights: (A) Data enclosed by the mound footprint polygons were removed from the original DEM. (B) This DEM was then reinterpolated to produce a hypothetical DEM without mounds. Subtraction of a DEM of only the mounds (C) from the interpolated DEM (B) generated a raster of mound heights (D). Zonal statistics were then performed to find the maximum height associated with each polygon. 35 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.2. 22: Workflow to extract mound heights. 36 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Identifying mound peaks The depths to the mounds’ peaks were investigated to see if there was any spatial relationship between the location of the mounds in the water column and their (vertical) sizes, which could indicate control by water currents. The mound peaks were identified by calculating the focal maximum statistics of the bathymetric DEM. The highest points (peaks) were then spatially joined to their associated mound footprint polygon. 2.2.2: Sidescan Backscatter data was recorded within Reson *.s7k raw data files. CARIS uses the snippet format (which incorporates the bathymetric data to remove water column noise); therefore the S7K raw data files were unusable in the Caris Geocoder program. The backscatter was thus processed separately by Garret Duffy (NUI Galway) in PDS2000 and made available in a raster format for inclusion in ArcMap. 2.2.3: Chirp A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases or decreases with time. A matched filter collapses the received swept frequency modulated signal into a pulse of short duration, maximizing the signal-to-noise-ratio. Acquisition The Chirp sediment sounder was used simultaneously with the multibeam on the 29th September 2011, The SUBOP acquisition system was used with a circular array of 7 Tonpilz transducers used for transmission and reception (the diameter of each transducer was 30 cm). Vertical resolution is finer than 30 cm. The frequencies ranged from 1.7 – 5.3 kHz. The maximum acoustic penetration is ~ 300 ms (TWT). The chirp data was processed onboard using MATLAB and offshore in the IFREMER institute by Mathieu Veslin. Pdf results of the data from line BOBECO122A (7 km, from west to east) and an intersecting line BOBECO119A (2 km, from south to north), and the associated navigation data txt. files, were made available to the author for this study. 37 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Method The shotpoints from the apices of the mound-like features were assigned coordinates from their navigation data and these coordinates were plotted on the multibeam data. This was completed in order to ensure the features correlated to the mounds seen on the multibeam and were not artefacts of acquisition. Bathymetric maps of the chirp transects were produced and inset in to the chirp results. The results were then interpreted and seismic stratigraphic units were defined. 2.3: Sediment core analysis 2.3.1: Core acquisition Two Calypso piston cores (CS06 and CS07) with core diameters of 110 mm were acquired on the 30th September 2011. Core CS07 was acquired 584 m below sea level [bsl] from the summit of a carbonate mound which showed live cold-water coral cover (Fig. 2.3.1) and 625.5 cm of section was recovered. Fig. 2.3. 1: ROV photo from the summit of the carbonate mound (from which core CS07 was acquired) showing live coral growth (white) and infilled dead coral framework. Scale of photo is ~2m wide. The poor quality of the photograph is due to scattering by sediment particles. 38 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Core CS06 was acquired 655 m bsl from the adjacent seafloor sediments 966 m to the southwest, and produced 297.5 cm of off-mound stratigraphy. Both cores were cut into 1 m or less sections on board. The core locations are shown in Fig 2.3.2 and the core attributes are provided in Table 2.3. 1. The cores were logged at the IFREMER (Brest) institute in May 2012. Fig. 2.3. 2: Seafloor locations of cores CS06 and CS07. CS07 was taken from the summit of a coral mound, and core CS06 was taken from the adjacent seafloor 966 m to the southwest. ROV track, Reson 7125 400 kHz multibeam data (hillshaded DEM at 1m resolution), overlain on shipborne multibeam data, Reson 7150 24 kHz (hillshaded DEM at 50 m resolution). 39 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Core ID CS07 CS06 Lat N 51 °21.243 N 51 °21.017 Long W 014 °43.044 W 014 °43.693 Water depth 584 m 655 m Section Length (interval) Length (interval) 1 97.5 cm (0 – 97.5 cmdc) 100 cm (0 – 100 cmdc) 2 100.5 cm (97.5 - 198 cmdc) 100 cm (100 – 200 cmdc) 3 100 cm (198-298 - cmdc) 97.5 cm (200 – 297.5 cmdc) 4 100.5 cm (298 – 398.5 cmdc) 5 100.5 cm (398.5 – 499 cmdc) N/A 6 100.5 cm (499 – 599.5 cmdc) 7 26 (599.5 – 625.5 cmdc) Total Core length 625.5 cm 297.5 cm Table 2.3. 1: CS06 and CS07 sediment core attributes. 2.3.2: GEOTEK Multi-sensor Core Logger Analysis (MSCL) A GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger Standard [MSCL-S] (Fig. 2.3.3) was deployed on the two recovered sediment cores in order to provide continuous measurements of: Gamma-ray attenuation, P-wave travel time, and Magnetic susceptibility. 40 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.3. 3: The MSCL-S. Image courtesy of www.geotek.co.uk. The technical specifications in the following descriptions were obtained from the online GEOTEK MSCL-S description1. Gamma-ray attenuation: The gamma ray source (Caesium-137) and detector are both mounted on the sensor stand and are aligned with the centre of the core. Emission of a narrow beam of collimated parallel gamma rays from the source (with energies principally at 0.662 MeV) causes photons to pass through the core and these are detected at the other side of the sample. The density of the material is determined by measuring the number of transmitted gamma photons that pass through the core unattenuated. Depending upon count time the density resolution may be better than 1%. Gamma density or GRAPE [gamma ray attenuation porosity evaluator] data therefore provides a high-resolution record of bulk density (indicating how tightly the sediment is packed together), which may be used as a broad lithology indicator and highlight porosity changes. Also, depending on the water content and the degree of compaction, the average bulk density of wet mud is commonly between 1 and 2 g cm-3, whereas the density of coral aragonite is 2.7g cm-3 (Douarin et al., 2013). Therefore, MSCL results may also be used to identify possible accumulations of coral in sediment cores by highlighting regions of higher density (e.g. Douarin et al., 2013). 1 www.geotek.co.uk/products/mscl-s. 41 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS P-wave velocity: This mainly varies with the lithology, porosity, and bulk density of the sediment, but it is also controlled by a variety of other factors such as consolidation, lithification, fracturing and the occurrence of free gas (e.g. Blum, 1997). P-wave velocity is measured by passing an ultrasonic pulse through the sediments at 250-500 kHz using piezoelectric ceramic transducers that are spring-loaded against the sample. The p-wave velocity is accurate to approximately 0.2%, depending on the condition of the core. Magnetic susceptibility: This refers to the degree of magnetization of a material in response to an applied magnetic field. The magnetic susceptibility was acquired with a Bartington looped sensor and the results have 5% calibration accuracy. Material in the vicinity of the sensor that have a magnetic susceptibility cause a change in the oscillator frequency and this pulsed frequency information is converted into magnetic susceptibility values. Sediment containing a high proportion of ferro- or paramagnetic minerals such as magnetite and iron sulphide has high magnetic susceptibility; biogenic material, such as silica, calcite, quartz and feldspar show low or even negative magnetic susceptibility values (Rothwell, 2006). Thus multi-sensor core logger values and trends can be important parameters relating to sediment character, provenance, palaeoclimate and/or diagenetic environment. Method The GEOTEK MSCL-S was deployed at the IFREMER institute in Brest on the 31st May 2012 to measure the three parameters (outlined above) of the unopened core sections. The room temperature was measured and used to calibrate the MSCL. As the cores contained water-saturated sediments the calibration section consisted of a cylindrical piece of aluminium of varying thickness surrounded completely by water in a sealed liner. Once calibrated, the core sections were carefully placed with the halfway horizontal line (marked during acquisition) parallel to the rack and scanned separately at a scanning interval of 1 cm. The pushing element, driven by a stepper motor, can position the core with an accuracy of better than 0.5mm. All the data were automatically correlated because the computer controlling the stepper also controls the sensors. As there were breaks due to the sections the data is corrupted by air gaps, but these are obvious artefacts that are easily correlated to their depth downcore. It took approximately 22 minutes to scan a single 1 m section of sediment. 42 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS The MSCL data was processed by Mickael Rovere at IFREMER and provided in Excel spreadsheet format for further analysis. The preliminary graphs were also consulted at IFREMER in order to investigate whether the cores required freezing prior to splitting. The data of section 7 at the very base of core CS07 (26 cm in length - see Table 2.3.1) was rendered unusable due to anomalous p-wave velocity readings and was disregarded in data production. This was possibly due to bad contact of the P-wave transducers with the core during the measurement. 2.3.3: Sedimentological logging Both cores were split in half lengthwise and visually inspected and carefully logged at IFREMER. Core CS07 Section 1 was frozen before splitting due to the observed variability in the p-wave velocity MSCL readings (see Section 7.2 and Fig. 7.2.2) which indicated a possible coral accumulation. Freezing prevented the coral branches from being dragged down the core by the wire cutter, which would have undoubtedly destroyed sedimentary structures and textures in the process. The rest of the core sections were split as per normal procedure using wire cutters. Individual core sections were numbered according to their position in the core. The nomenclature used utilised the core number first, followed by the section number, from the top to the base. One half of each core was stored for archival purposes in the core repository at IFREMER. Method The 'working' split core section was laid out on a bench and the upper surface of the sediment carefully skimmed (cleaned) using a broad palate knife to ensure accurate representation of sedimentological features. The working core section was then immediately photographed alongside a scale using a high-resolution camera. Detailed (cm-scale) stratigraphic logging of the core was then undertaken. Lithology, colour and sedimentary structures were described. Colour was determined visually using the Munsell colour chart. Coral fragments for dating were also extracted at this time. As the sediments commonly included admixtures of sedimentary materials the Folk (1954) classification, incorporating the modification of Flemming (2000) was used, which 43 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS distinguishes six sediment types on the basis of mud and sand content as shown in Table 2.3. 2: Sand <5% mud Slightly muddy sand 5-25% mud Muddy sand 25-50% mud Sandy mud 50-75% mud Slightly sandy mud 75-95% mud Mud >95% mud Table 2.3. 2: Folk (1954) sediment classification, incorporating the modification of Flemming (2000). This scheme was used for visual classification. The resultant hand-drawn logs were digitised at NUIG using Adobe Illustrator. The presented logs were subsequently modified and improved through integration with the results of additional analyses (grain size, microscopic observations, XRF, and MSCL). 2.3.4: AVATECH XRF During X-ray Fluorescence [XRF] analysis a prism is lowered onto a sediment surface and elements in a given sample are exposed to a beam of photons (high intensity X-rays at a 45° angle). The ejection of electrons from inner atomic shells creates a vacancy that is subsequently filled by electrons from the outer shells, and this release of energy is emitted as a pulse of secondary X-radiation. Different elements generate characteristic fluorescent Xrays (Fig. 2.3.4). The intensity of the peak in the XRF spectrum, i.e. the total counts, is also known as net area peak and is proportional to the concentration of the corresponding element in the analysed sample. Thus XRF core scanning rapidly (and non-destructively) measures down-core changes in the chemical composition (major, minor and trace elements) of split sediment cores. 44 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 2.3. 4: Simplified diagram showing the principle of XRF core logging (Richter et al., 2006). The emitted X-rays contain information only for a thin superficial layer of sediment, of about 4 mm (Toms, 2010); the penetration depth depends on the wavelength of the fluorescent radiation and the chemical composition of the matrix (Jenkins et al., 1969). Therefore, surface roughness can affect the element signal (Croudace et al., 2006). Also, as the response depth varies from element to element, large particles attenuate the fluorescent radiation of elements other than those within the particle. Thus useful results can be expected from the XRF scanning of clays and silts, but data from sandy sediments involves more careful interpretation. Additionally, large ice-rafted granules that coincide with the XRF track can introduce spikes in the data. Poor signal can be identified by abnormal fluctuations in the total counts per second [CPS] (Toms, 2010). The primary data produced from the AVAATECH XRF scanner are elemental profiles; and, in this way, XRF results provide geochemical proxy data for measuring environmental change. It is established that calcium carbonate records in the Atlantic Ocean can be related to glacial–interglacial cycles, with interglacial periods having higher carbonate concentrations (e.g. Balsam & McCoy, 1987). This is because pelagic and neritic carbonate accumulation generally increases during interglacials, whereas siliciclastic input is much higher during glacial periods. Thus, XRF data allows quantitative changes in carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentation to be determined based on changes in carbonate (Ca, Sr) and terrestrial (Fe, Al, K) sourced elements. Normalising the signal using element ratios produces clearer peaks and troughs to highlight variations in particular components. In the North Atlantic, the Ca/Fe ratio offers a good proxy for discriminating glacial/interglacial cycles (Balsam & McCoy, 1987). The Ca/Fe compares the detrital Fe signal with the mostly biogenic Ca signal (e.g. Toms, 2010). Hodell et al. (2008) identified that Ca/Sr is a potential proxy for detrital carbonate (dolomite) that can be used to recognise Heinrich Layers. 45 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Additionally, as aragonite generally has high Sr and calcite low Sr, the Sr/Ca ratio can indicate relative aragonite contribution to particular sediments (Rothwell, 2006). Method XRF scanning on the archival half of the split sediment cores was completed using the AVAATECH XRF instrument (Fig. 2.3.5) at IFREMER on the 30th April 2012, covering the atomic mass range from Al to U. Fig. 2.3. 5: The AVATECH XRF scanner at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ, Texel, The Netherlands). XRF scans were obtained for core CS06 Sections 1 - 3. Time constraints entailed that only Section 1 and Section 3 were scanned from core CS07. These sections were chosen in order to investigate preliminary stratigraphic interpretations (a perceived glacial–interglacial cycle). The core samples were prepared by scraping the split core surface to remove irregularities from core slicing and therefore minimise scattering affects, and to remove dust particles or contaminants that may have settled since the initial core opening. A 40 µm ultralene film was 46 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS applied to further diminish surface roughness, prevent contamination of the prism unit during logging and to prevent the core from drying-out. The scanner was set to skip the first four cm of both CS07 section 1 (because the first 2.5 cm was void) and CS07 section 3 (due to the rough nature of sediment). Element intensities were analysed at 1 cm intervals, with each measurement taken over an area of 1 cm2 and a count time of 30 seconds, with: 1. An X-Ray tube voltage of 10 kV, X-Ray current of 0.6mA and no filter for counts of: Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, and Rh; and 2. An X-Ray voltage of 30 kV, X-Ray current of 1mA and Pd filter, for counts of: Fe, Ni, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Rh and Pb. The measured XRF spectra were processed by the IFREMER institute and the processed data were provided as Excel spreadsheets with results given in total counts per element. Results are presented as percentages of the total element counts (% TC). It must be noted that, although the unit concentrations (parts per million) represent down-core elemental variations, they are semi-quantitative relative values and have not been calibrated to standards. However, studies comparing XRF surface scanner data against bulk sample XRF analysis (e.g. Jansen et al., 1998; Croudace et al., 2006) indicate that the data are indeed comparable. Curves were produced for all of the elements (as percentage of total counts) and ratio profiles. Several ratios and element intensities were compared, however, only the Ca/Fe, Sr/Ca and Ca/Sr ratios will be presented. The Ti, K, Mn and Al element intensities all showed the same trend as the Fe intensity, but as the Ca/Fe ratio showed the clearest signal it was selected as a geochemical proxy for the input of terrestrial material. An ideal XRF sample is homogeneous, dry, and has a smooth surface. Due to the inhomogeneous and rough nature of the surface of both the split sediment cores, the semi-quantitative records of the relative variability in elemental composition of sediments downcore must be carefully interpreted. The elemental and ratio profiles are displayed against the core photographs and graphic logs to help identify perturbations created by local surface variations or anomalous grain effects. 2.3.5: Grain size analysis Grain size analysis was carried out to examine trends in processes related to the dynamic conditions of sediment transportation and deposition. It cannot be distinguished whether an increase in grain size is due to an increase in the mean speed or an increase in the variability of speed; nevertheless, it is a good indicator of the energy of an environment. 47 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS The grain size fractions used (Table 2.3. 3) are based on the Udden-Wentworth grain-size classification of terrigenous sediments (Wentworth, 1922). The sediment is divided into its coarse (>63 µm) and fine (<63 µm) components, which separates the sand-sized sediment from the mud (silts and clays). Five subsequent subdivisions of the coarse fraction are differentiated: Udden-Wentworth term: Very coarse sand, granules, pebbles & above Scale: >1000 µm Coarse sand 500-1000 µm Medium sand 250-500 µm Fine sand 125-250 µm Very fine sand 63-125 µm Silt & mud <63 µm Coarse component Fine component Table 2.3. 3: Grain size fractions based on the Udden-Wentworth grain-size classification of terrigenous sediments (Wentworth, 1922) Two grain-size analytical methods were used to assess the sedimentology: Laser Diffraction Grain Size Analysis and Sieve Based Grain Size Analysis. The relative proportions of mud (<63 μm), sand (>63 μm & <2 mm) and gravel (>2 mm) were displayed as a stacked plot alongside the graphic core log to portray vertical textural variations. As well as providing separate insights into the composition of the sediments, the results of the two techniques were also graphed for comparative purposes (Appendix C). Laser Diffraction Grain Size Analysis (LDGSA) Laser particle sizing was used to analyse the bulk texture of the sediments. LDGSA was undertaken using the Granulometric Laser: Coulter LS200 version 3.39 for both cores. The LS200 measures grain sizes within a size range from 0.375 µm - 2000 µm (i.e. it does not measure gravel or pebbles). Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzers measure particle size 48 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS using the classic Mie theory of light scattering (e.g. Hahn, 2006) and the LS200 uses reverse Fourier lens optics incorporated in a binocular lens system. The LS200, typically, has better than 1% reproducibility2. The grain-size data included carbonate as well as siliciclastic grains. Many studies remove the carbonate component in order to investigate the sortable silt fraction, which is used as a proxy for bottom current intensity on fine-grained silts and clays. However, as discussed by Toms (2010), the Porcupine Bank deposits are composed of a large textural range and therefore the sortable silt content was not undertaken as part of this study. In addition, the LGSA results were also later used to compare to the SBGSA results; the SBGSA samples had to retain the carbonate content in order to undertake Ice-Rafted Debris counting (involving the ratio of lithic fragments to planktonic foraminifera). Method A blank was run through the LS200 for calibration at 0 % obscuration. The pA values of the blank were checked to verify that 50 < 2000 pA and 62 < 4000 pA. A two mm sieve was placed over the sample input entrance in order to retain larger particles that could obstruct the flow circuit of the analyser. A small amount of representative sediment was skimmed using a small spatula, dispersed in tap water and was then mixed by vibration using the Retsch mm200 for two minutes at 19Hz. The sample was washed into the analyser with distilled water and the obscuration of the laser beam was measured. If the obscuration lay outside 8-20 % more of the sample was added (for < 8 %) or the sample was diluted (for > 20 %). The sieve was washed in distilled water before the introduction of each sample. Sieve Based Grain Size Analysis (SBGSA) SBGSA was carried out at NUIG for both cores in order to fully assess the sedimentary characteristics of each sample (including particles >2000 µm) and to facilitate the collection of the foraminiferal sample set. 2 www.beckmancoulter.com 49 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Method Sediment samples, approximately 1 cm in stratigraphic thickness, were taken at IFREMER at 5 cm intervals for CS06 and Section 1 of CS07. The remaining sections of CS07 were sampled at 10 cm intervals. The material from the outer edges (~1 cm) was discarded in all cases, to avoid contamination by disturbed and reworked sediment due to friction from the metal coring cylinder during recovery. The sediment samples were removed using two semicircular knives and stored in plastic zip-lock bags. The voids in the core section were refilled with foam blocks as sampling progressed down-core, to ensure minimal disturbance of the adjacent sediments. At NUIG, labelled beakers were weighed (on a scale sensitive to 0.1 g) before the samples were loaded for drying. The samples were then oven dried at 50-60°C (but never above 70°C as destruction of foraminiferal shells due to cracking may occur). The samples were slowly dried until completely desiccated (i.e. there was no further loss of weight with time). The beakers with the dried samples were then reweighed. Subtraction of the original beaker weight from this value produced a dry weight for the sediment sub-sample. Wet sieving was carried out in one run and split into four size fractions: <63 µm, 63-250 µm, 250500 µm and 500-2000 µm ( Table 2.3. 4). The <63 μm fraction was not collected. This was due to the practical recovery problem of very long settling times required to recover this portion of each sample. Samples were poured onto the sieve stack and washed gently with water. The separated fractions from each sample were collected, redried (at 60°C) and then reweighed. The raw data were converted into weight percentages (wt %): Dry weight (g) retained on a sieve Dry weight (g) of total sample. × 100 The size of the unrecovered <63 μm fraction (silt and mud) was calculated by subtracting the combined weight of the separated coarser fractions from the overall weight of the dry sample. Grade Aperture Aperture (µm) (ɸ value) 50 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS Gravel 2000 -1 Coarse Sand 500 1 Medium Sand 250-500 2 Fine sand 63-250 4 Top of stack Base of stack Table 2.3. 4: Wet-sieve stack configuration with Udden-Wentworth grade, μm and Phi (ɸ) values. 2.3.6: Ice-rafted debris counting ‘Ice-Rafted Debris in marine sediments is a direct indicator of the presence of glacial ice extending to sea level on adjacent landmasses, and, therefore, is an important palaeoclimatic signal from the mid- to high latitudes.’ (St John, 1999) Increases in the abundance of Ice Rafted Debris [IRD] indicate periods of continental glaciation, and decreases reflect periods of climatic warming (e.g. Ruddiman, 1977; Heinrich, 1988; Krissek, 1985). It is generally assumed that icebergs transport sediment containing particles of all grain sizes and have a grain size distribution similar to a till (Grobe, 1987). Current erosion of the finer fraction may modify this sediment and subsequent addition of particles may produce a compound glacial marine sediment (Grobe, 1987). IRD has been defined by many authors as any detrital material >125 μm in a marine environment that was transported by floating ice (e.g. Allen & Warnke, 1991; Breza, 1992). Apart from turbidity currents transporting coarse sediment down continental slopes, there are no other sedimentological processes capable of carrying grains of this size so far offshore and deposit them along with hemipelagic mud (Breza, 1992). However, transport of sand by bottom currents (e.g. contourites) at the Porcupine sample site is likely. Using scanning electron microscopy investigations (e.g. Shi et al., 2010) have attempted to discriminate grains of 51 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS glacial origin from those which have undergone extensive transport and reworking by seafloor currents. This problem was overcome in this particular study by only considering the >250 µm fraction. Other studies in the Pacific (von Huene et al., 1973; Krissek, 1985), the Sub Antarctic/South Atlantic (Allen & Warnke, 1991), and the North Atlantic (Knutz et al., 2002) have also shown that the > 250 μm fraction is a valid indicator of IRD abundance. The lithogenic components of deep marine sediments are usually either ice-rafted or volcanic in origin. Volcanic particles were not classed separately herein as only grains > 250 μm were investigated and any source for eruptive fall out was deemed far enough away as to not be deposited in this size fraction (Dr Shane Tyrell, NUIG, pers. comm. 2013). Thus in this present study, due to the size of the fraction and the isolation of the area, all terrigenous grains >250 µm are assumed to have originated by ice-rafting, although it is recognised that smaller sized sediment particles may have undergone transport by bottom currents subsequent to deposition. There are a different methods to determine the IRD content using >250 μm fraction. Some studies count and compare only the clastic component (e.g. Breza 1992) and many use the volumetric concentration of IRD within samples to determine IRD flux and bulk mass accumulation rates (e.g. Allen and Warnke, 1991; Scourse et al., 2009). Other studies (e.g. Heinrich, 1988; Fronval et al., 1998; Toms, 2010) have shown a clear relationship between a high IRD content and a low foraminifera abundance and vice versa: interglacial sediments having an increase in planktonic foraminifera and decreased IRD; glacial episodes demonstrating a decrease in planktonic foraminifera and an increase in IRD. It was decided to follow the method of Toms (2010) because of the recognised effect of bottom current winnowing on the Porcupine Bank (Øvrebø, 2005; Toms, 2010). The latter author used the work of Poore & Berggren (1975), whereby an IRD Index was calculated on the basis of the ratio of IRD grains to planktonic foraminifera: IRD IRD Index (%IRD) × 100 IRD + Total planktonic foraminifera Due to the very different nature of the two cores the IRD analysis undertaken for core CS06 was not feasible to apply to core CS07 due to the large quantities of coral hash diluting the samples. 52 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS CS06 IRD count For each sediment sub-sample the >250 to 500 μm fraction was combined with the >500 μm <2 mm fraction (both obtained from the wet sieving procedure (see Section 2.3.6). The resultant >250 μm to 2 mm fraction was then used for the IRD characterisation. Samples were split using a microsplitter in order to achieve a representative fraction. The sample residues were sprinkled onto a 45 square micropalaeontological picking tray and a random number generator picked squares to be analysed until 500 counts were made under a stereomicroscope. Every IRD grain and planktonic foraminifera in the field of view was counted and recorded until the required tally of +500 specimens was achieved. CS07 IRD count It became apparent after viewing the sediment of CS07 that the method of Toms (2010) was not suitable for IRD assessment, because the samples were very much diluted by the high quantity of biogenic debris. Thierens et al. (2013), who investigated the Challenger mound, reported the sediment proxy ‘percentage planktonic carbonate’ which is based on counts of 300 >150 μm planktonic foraminifera grains and the associated lithics. For core CS07 this proxy was adopted except a minimum of 200 planktonic foraminifera were counted instead of 300. This was because the larger size fraction used in this study (>250 μm in comparison to > 150 μm) contains much less planktonic foraminifera as well as the aforementioned issue of dilution of the sample by the mound organisms. Therefore the same procedure was undertaken for IRD characterisation as that for CS06 except that for CS07 every IRD grain and planktonic foraminifera in view was counted and recorded until the required tally of +200 specimens was achieved. 2.3.7: Core CS07 grain composition analysis The sediment grain composition of core CS07 was investigated in order to qualitatively describe different facies and to assess coral input. The procedure of the grain composition analysis followed that of the IRD count (described above) except that all particles under the stereomicroscope were counted until a tally of +300 was reached. Depending on whether 200 planktonic foraminifera were included in this tally, the IRD count either continued or ceased 53 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS after completion of the grain composition analysis count. The grains were classified as planktonic biogenic, benthic biogenic (with a number of categories e.g. bryozoan, ostracods, serpulid etc.) or terrestrial in origin, and presented as percentage of the total number of grains counted. 2.3.8: Dating Radiocarbon dating To obtain an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry [AMS] 14C age ~10 mg of foraminifera are required (e.g. Andree, 2006). Therefore 500 shells of adult (250–500 μm) surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera (Globigerina sp.) were picked from the sieved sediments using a fine brush and a binocular microscope; for three intervals of core CS06 and four intervals of CS07. Additionally, brachiopods from five intervals of core CS06 were recovered from the >2 mm fraction. The samples (Table 2.3. 5) were submitted to the University of Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics facility for radiometric dating in September 2013. Core, section, cmdc Material Number of shells CS06 S1 55 Vial of brachiopod material 1 CS06 S2 100 Vial of brachiopod material 2 CS06 S2 140 Vial of brachiopod material 8 CS06 S2 165 Vial of brachiopod material 8 CS06 S3 210 Vial of brachiopod material 4 CS06 S1 25 Slide of planktonic forams 500 CS06 S2 165 Vial of planktonic forams 500 CS06 S3 290 TOTAL CS06 Vial of planktonic forams 8 500 CS07 S2 140 Vial of planktonic forams 500 CS07 S3 250 Vial of planktonic forams 500 CS07 S3 290 Slide of planktonic forams 500 CS07 S6 595 TOTAL CS07 Vial of planktonic forams 4 500 Table 2.3. 5: Material from CS06 and CS07 that were radiocarbon dated using an Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS). The brachiopods were leached with 4% HCl prior hydrolysis, with a sample mass loss between about 20 and 30%. The sampled were then hydrolised with 3N HCl under a vacuum and dried with water traps. The CO2 was then converted into graphite by reducing with ultrapure hydrogen (H2) gas in the presence of an iron catalyst (Alfar Aesar, -325mesh) at a temperature of 575°C. 54 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS The foraminifera and brachiopod samples were measured at the Klaus-Tschira Laboratory for Scientific Dating, Mannheim (Germany) with a MICADAS-AMS system (Synal et al., 2007; Kromer et al., 2012). The 14C results were normalised -25permil according to their individual d13C signature measured contemporaneously with the AMS. Values were calibrated using the CalPal software of Weninger (2004) using the CalCurve: CalPal_2007_HULU3. U-Th dating Coral clasts (> 1 cm; Table 2.3. 6) were sampled from the freshly split and opened cores at IFREMER and sent for dating to the CNRS laboratory, Gif Sur Yvette in France. Data was acquired using the ICP Q mass spectrometer (iCAP ThermoFisher) after mechanical and chemical coral cleaning according to Douville et al. (2010). Length x Width (mm) Genera/species: BobEco CS07 S4, 311 15 x 15 Lophelia pertusa BobEco CS07 S4, 311 20 x 15; 25 x 25 Madrepora oculata BobEco CS07 S5, 423.5 26 x 15 Lophelia pertusa BobEco CS07 S5, 440 25 x 20 Lophelia pertusa BobEco CS07 S6, 556 17 x 15 Lophelia pertusa Sample, CMDC Table 2.3. 6: Attributes of the coral clast samples submitted for U-Th dating. 2.3.9: Core CS06 mound base reflector sediment Geotechnical results showed that the coring of CS06 was abruptly stopped after 1.5 seconds due to encountering a firm and highly resistant layer. The ~400-500 cm of penetration corresponds to the depth of the mound base reflector highlighted in the chirp data (see Fig. 5.3.1). The recovered base cutter and catcher sediment (named ‘Bas Ogive’ and 'Peau d'Orange respectively after their locations on the piston corer, see Fig 2.3.6) contained moderately lithified reddish to green pebbly breccio-conglomeratic sediment. Carbonate 3 www.calpal-online.de 55 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS cement was observed adhering to the pebbles and gravels that were encased in carbonate silty mud and the presence of chalk was also noted. It is assumed that the rock broke up due to the release of pressure during coring. The Bas Ogive [BOg] sediment was wet-sieved in NUI Galway for grain size analysis. In order to investigate the composition of the clasts and the nature of the carbonate cement seven 40 µm thin sections (BG1-BG7) were prepared from the >63 µm fraction of sieved sediment, for analysis under normal and polarised light - plane polarised (PPL) and cross polarised (XPL). Samples of the cement were scraped off clasts of the core catcher Peau d'Orange and sent to Dr. Tom Dunkley Jones (the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham) in order to investigate the nannofossil content. Fig. 2.3. 6: The piston corer set-up with the location of the Peau d'Orange (catcher) and Bas Ogive (cutter) highlighted by the red box. 56 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.3.10: Core dropstone analysis Two large granitic dropstones were recovered during logging, one from CS06 and one from CS07. The hand specimens were described and 30 µm thick thin sections were prepared to identify the minerals present, document their textural relationships and to assess the petrography of the parent rocks. 57 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS 58 Chapter 3: Background 3.1: Cold-water corals ‘Appearing as solitary forms in the fossil record more than 400 million years ago, corals are extremely ancient animals’ Raaz and Kumar (2012) The word ‘coral’ is an umbrella term which applies to seven discrete cnidarian taxa, defined by Cairns (2007) as: ‘Animals in the cnidarian classes Anthozoa and Hydrozoa that produce either: calcium carbonate (aragonitic or calcitic) secretions resulting in a continuous skeleton or as numerous microscopic, individualised sclerites; or that have a black, horn-like proteinaceous axis.’ (p. 312) Cold-water corals [CWC] are found in five of these taxa: stony corals (Scleractinia), soft corals (Octocorallia), black corals (Antipatharia), zoanthids (Zoanthidea) and hydrocorals (Stylasteridae) (Roberts et al., 2006). As of 2007 there were approximately 5160 species of corals recognised, with 65% of these occurring in water deeper than 50 m (Roberts et al., 2009). Thus, corals should be considered as primarily cold-water inhabitants. This work utilises the term ‘cold-water corals’, as opposed to ‘deep corals’, because although CWCs are typically found at water depths of ~500 m to 2500 m (Robinson et al., 2005), they are also known to occur as shallow as 39 m (Freiwald et al., 2004). CWCs can exist at greater depths and at colder temperatures (typically between 4-15°C; Frank et al. (2011)) than their tropical counterparts; but like the tropical forms they are also constrained by the calcite compensation depth. The CWCs differ from the majority of tropical forms by the fact that they are asymbiotic (i.e. do not contain zooxanthellae) and therefore do not require sunlight to live. Thus, unlike their shallow water relatives, they are not constrained by latitude and are worldwide in their distribution (Fig. 3.1.1). 59 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND Fig. 3.1. 1: Distribution of cold-water and tropical (warm) coral reefs. The global distribution of cold-water corals shows that they occur at all latitudes. Note that this distribution is probably biased due to concentration of research in the Atlantic. Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, February 2008, http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/distribution-of-coldwater-and-tropicalcoral-reefs. CWCs are suspension feeders that use their tentacles to actively capture organic particles from the water column (Freiwald et al., 2004). They feed on dissolved organic carbon [DOC], phytodetritus and/or zooplankton, as suggested by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements (e.g. Duineveld et al., 2004). To facilitate discrimination between deep-water and shallow-water corals, Wells (1933, p. 109) proposed the following bipartite division of the group: Hermatypic (reef-builders, possessing zooxanthellae) and Ahermatypic (non-reef building, lacking zooxanthellae). This simple distinction is hard to apply in practice because: 1. Shallow-water, reef-building asymbiotic (i.e. lacking zooxanthellae) tropical corals are known, which co-exist with tropical symbiotic corals (e.g. Fabricius et al., 1995). 2. Zooxanthellate corals exist that do not contribute to reef structures and 3. Cold-water azooxanthellate framework-constructing corals exist. The latter coral grouping are the focus of this thesis. The presence of CWCs depends on a variety of external forcing conditions, including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, aragonite saturation (and associated carbonate compensation depth) and current speed of the ambient water mass (e.g. Freiwald et 60 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND al., 2004; Roberts et al., 2009). However, the presence of a hard substrate and elevated current velocities have been recognised as imperative for reef initiation and development (Freiwald et al., 2004.). Flowing water provides food to the coral, but also prevents blanketing or smothering of the corals through excessive sediment deposition (e.g. Dorschel et al., 2005). CWCs exist at the Porcupine Bank in well-ventilated, near-thermocline waters ranging in temperature between 4 – 12 °C, close to, or within, the oxygen minimum zone (Frank et al., 2009; Wheeler et al., 2007). High surface productivity has been observed over the bank and is linked to water circulation around the bank causing organic matter accumulation (White et al., 2005). It has been suggested that there is enhanced nutrient availability for coral growth, due to this high surface productivity and downslope transport of the resultant organic matter to the benthic flank regions (White et al., 2005). Intermediate nepheloid layers (Dickson & McCave, 1986; Kenyon et al., 2003) have also been cited as a mechanism of providing a food supply. Lophelia pertusa is currently believed to be the dominant framework-building CWC (Pirlet, 2010) and the Arc Mound Province is characterised by their growth, along with (less commonly) Madrepora oculata (Fig.3.1.2). The genus Lophelia is known from Late Miocene times, and may possibly have first appeared as far back as the early Palaeocene (based on poorly preserved fossil material; see Roberts et al., 2009). Lophelia records remain scarce until the Plio-Pleistocene, when Lophelia pertusa becomes common in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean (Pirlet, 2010). Growth rate estimates of Lophelia reefs have been reported as ~ 1 mm per year (Fossa, 2002). Fig. 3.1. 2: Drawings of Lophelia pertusa (left) and Madrepora oculata fragments from photograph in Zibrowius (1980). Scale bar = 8.3 mm for L. pertusa and 4.3 mm. for M. oculata. 61 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND 3.2: Cold-water coral mounds 3.2.1: Definition of a cold-water coral mound CWC ecosystems have been known since the century before last (e.g. Duncan, 1870), but there is an unfortunate overlap in descriptive terminology regarding growth and form of colonies. Ambiguity regarding the terms ‘reef’ and ‘mound’ has resulted in these related, but quite different, CWC ecosystems being considered as equivalent entities. CWCs have the potential to form a variety of colonial aggregations, which may be termed mounds, banks, bioherms, knolls, patches, massifs, thickets or groves. These aggregations, although different, are often considered under the general term of ‘reefs’. This work distinguishes between CWC reefs and CWC carbonate mounds [often referred to as coral banks (De Mol et al., 2002; Stetson et al., 1962) and carbonate knolls (Hovland et al., 1994)]. Carbonate bioherms are documented from the fossil record since the Proterozoic over 3.4 Ga (Wood, 2001; Grotzinger et al., 2000) and both modern and ancient ‘reefs’ encompass a broad spectrum of forms. Corals, calcifying algae and microbes along with a host of other sessile invertebrates have the biological potential to form reefs in a range of environmental settings, and these roles have changed and evolved through time (Fig. 3.2.1). 62 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND Fig. 3.2. 1: The Main biological groups responsible for reef construction on the earth through time. Horizontal grey hatched bars represent major extinction episodes. (Taken from Benton & Harper 2009, their figure 11.32, and based on an original scheme by Wood, 2001). Thus, there is no universally accepted or agreed definition of a reef, and any definition, by nature, cannot be specific to coral. Nonetheless the following definition is suitably encompassing and appropriate for the purposes of this work: A 63 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND reef is a discrete carbonate structure formed by in-situ or bound organic components, which develops topographic relief upon the sea floor (Wood, 1999). Only a few species of CWC develop reef structures (Freiwald et al. 2004). CWC reefs initially develop through colonisation by coral larvae on a hard substrate (De Haas et al., 2009); for example rock, shell, allochthonous coral rubble, locally lithified sediments or even man-made objects (van der Land, 2011). Reef formation is dependent upon a combination of inorganic and organic in-situ factors (Wood, 1999), including: Biomineralisation, producing calcareous skeletons; Formation of sediment grains by skeletal disintegration and destruction; Baffling, binding, or trapping of loose sediment by organisms; and Precipitation of carbonate cement and mud (micrite). Variety in the shape and form of reefs results from the fact that bioherm development involves complex interaction of the above biological, physical and chemical constructional concerns (skeletal growth, sediment build-up, early cementation) as well as physical and bioerosional destructive processes. Le Danois (1948) noted "massifs coralliens" occurring in deep water settings along the European continental margins, and unequivocal mound-like structures (colonised by corals) were discovered in the 1960s (Stetson et al., 1962). Cold-water coral carbonate mounds are composed of loose frameworks of azooxanthellate scleractinian corals and associated benthic organisms within enclosing sediments that are mainly hemipelagic in origin (e.g. Titschack et al., 2009; De Mol et al., 2002; Dorschel et al., 2005). According to Roberts et al. (Roberts et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 2009) CWC carbonate mounds, in comparison to coral reefs, are defined as: ‘topographic seafloor structures that have accumulated through successive periods of coral reef development, sedimentation and (bio)erosion. They may or may not support contemporary reefs and typically contain stratified sequences of reef depositions separated by non-reef (typical seafloor) sedimentary units and erosion surfaces’. Thus CWC carbonate mounds are stipulated herein as: Topographic features which form as a result of the build-up of coral, or which were directly influenced in their development by the presence of coral. 64 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND Topographic highs which have been colonised by coral reefs are not considered true CWC carbonate mounds as they were not developed or influenced by coral growth throughout their history (Roberts et al. 2006). Coral reefs positioned on these topographic highs may, of course, subsequently develop into mounds. As noted previously, carbonate mounds generally contain interstratified (often alternating) sequences of sediments, which may be either reef or non-reef in origin; therefore, the base of any given mound may be defined as the lowest recorded reef development within the succession. CWC mounds are biodiversity hotspots that provide a nursery and substrate for a wide variety of cold-water species (Roberts et al., 2006). Although CWCs are worldwide in their distribution (Fig. 3.1.1), they curiously only form mound structures at specific locations (Fig. 3.2.2) including: the western European and northwest African continental margins, the Chilean and Norwegian fjords, the Blake Plateau, the Straits of Florida, the Little Bahama Bank, the Mississippi Delta, and a sub-Antarctic seamount (Teichert, 1958; Moore & Bullis, 1960; Stetson et al., 1962; Neumann et al., 1977; Cairns, 1979; Newton et al., 1987; Mullins et al., 1981; Hovland, 1994; Popenoe, 1994; Freiwald et al., 1997; Treude et al., 2005 ). Fig. 3.2. 2: Global distribution of cold-water coral mounds from Eisele (2010), showing that they do not form at all locations where cold-water corals are known to exist (compare with Fig. 3.1.1). The distribution may be underestimated due to uncertainty about whether a reef constitutes as a mound (Roberts et al. 2009). 65 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND As noted by Roberts et al. (2009), the distribution of CWC mounds is probably underestimated due to the discussed uncertainty about whether a reef constitutes as a mound (i.e. the successive nature of reef build-up has not yet been proven) as well as the considerable areas of the seabed left to be documented. Notwithstanding, the difference in geographic distribution is striking, suggesting that mound occurrence may indeed be constrained by local conditions. 3.2.2: Cold-water coral mound development The process whereby mounds grow and develop through ‘sediment trap and growth by organisms was proposed by Mullins in 1981, but it was only when the IODP Expedition 307 drilled the Challenger Mound in the Porcupine Seabight that it was verified that CWC species existed throughout the structure. Thus mound build up was proven to be intrinsically linked to coral growth. 210 Pb measurements also showed higher sedimentation rates on the mounds themselves, due to the trapping of sediment by the baffling coral framework (De Haas et al., 2009), thus explaining their pronounced vertical accretion in comparison to the surrounding seafloor. More than 50% of the sediment within Challenger Mound was found to consist of terrigenous material (Pirlet et al., 2011). Thus, for the Challenger Mound at least, a terrigenous sediment input appears to be as important for mound build-up as the corals themselves. A hard substrate is also deemed necessary for CWC colonisation (De Haas et al., 2009) and IODP 307 found the mound base to comprise of an erosion boundary formed by a clay-rich firmground (Titschack et al., 2009). Mound initiation and build-up theories CWC mounds have shown age ranges up to 2.6 Ma (Kano et al., 2007) but their origin has not yet been conclusively established.The main controls underlying mound development are still under debate, but there are two main theories for mound initiation and development: the Hydraulic Theory formulated by Hovland et al. (1998) with initiation and growth generated by hydrocarbon seeps; versus the Environmental Control Theory, with mechanisms governed by optimal environmental conditions and associated currents (e.g. Freiwald et al., 1997; Freiwald et al., 2004; De Mol et al. 2002;) (Table 3.2.1). 66 Hydraulic Theory Environmental Control Theory Substrate Gas seepage may lead to the development of methane-derived authigenic carbonates that act as a substratum for coral settlement. Erosion of the seabed by strong currents may generate suitable coarse-grained substrata for coral settlement. Food chain Gas seepage at the seabed fuels a microbial ecosystem based on the microbial consumption and oxidation of methane, increasing biomass along the food chain. Surface primary productivity underpins the food chain. This may become concentrated at water mass interfaces and transported to the coral reef, possibly assisted by internal waves. Infill Along-slope and hemipelagic sedimentation provides a lithic sediment infill to the reef structure. Along-slope and hemipelagic sedimentation provides lithic sediment infill to the reef structure. Additional CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND Seepage prevents the coral polyp smothering by sediment Benthic hydrodynamics help to enhance food flux and prevent coral polyp smothering by sediment Table 3.2. 1: Proposed processes controlling mound initiation and development: The Hovland et al. (1998) Hydraulic Theory, with initiation and growth generated by hydrocarbon seeps; versus the Environmental Control theory, with mechanisms governed by optimal environmental conditions. Modified from Roberts et al (2009). Ultimately both theories (Table 3.2.1) specify along-slope and hemipelagic sedimentation to provide lithic sediment source to form the mound structure; and both involve coral larvae colonisation of a firm surface. Where the theories essentially differ is at the base of the food chain –the Hydraulic Theory is not controlled by surface productivity meaning that corals could/should grow anywhere hydrocarbon seeps occur. The Environmental Control Theory requires surface productivity and the means of transporting the labile carbon. Following these theories, periods of reduced coral growth must be ascribed to either reduced seepage activity or a change in environmental conditions. It is probable that mound initiation may arrive by a variety of processes, but the now widely accepted theory of mound development is that CWC carbonate mounds form in the same way as any other CWC reef. Lines of evidence to support the Environmental Control Theory include: 1. Mounds are not exclusively found above hydrocarbon reservoirs. Where this appears to be the case it may be because the areas of continental margin where mound formation is favoured by local hydrographic factors are similar 67 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND in scale to the coinciding underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs (Roberts et al., 2009). 2. The correlation between mounds and fault systems in the underlying bedrock is weak. When the association is present it is possibly due to the faults elevating the seabed topography, which favours reef formation (Roberts et al., 2009). 3. The stable carbon isotopic signatures of coral skeletons and tissues suggest that they metabolise contemporary carbon derived from surface ocean productivity, and are not reliant upon ancient carbon from hydrocarbon seeps (e.g. Mienis, 2008). 4. Wehrmann et al. (2008) found extremely low methane concentrations (<0.5 μM) at all depths and sites at the coral reefs along the Norwegian margin. 5. The mounds are generally found at a depth range along the continental margin where there are strong benthic currents (e.g. Frederiksen et al., 1992; White, 2007). Mound developmental sequence Mound development requires repeated occurrences of the processes previously mentioned for reef formation. However, a description is necessary to describe the developmental sequence. Squires (1964) described a sequence for CWC structures whereby they develop from a colony to a bank (reef). Mullins et al. (1981) modified the sequence to include the suggestion that CWC structure development begins with the colonisation of a sea-floor 'perturbation' -e.g. hardground, or an allocththonous block, to form a single ~ 1m in height colony (Fig 3.2.3). An aggregation of colonies forms a thicket, increasing ecologic diversity and causing baffling of sediment from the ambient water (Mullins et al., 1981). It is not established whether the final dimension of the reef reflects the initial coverage of the closely associated coral colonies or if the reef grows wider over the course of time (possibly both scenarios occur). Nonetheless, the thicket develops into a coppice through a combination of sediment trapping and in situ accumulation of skeletal debris to produce new surfaces for coral colonisation (Mullins et al., 1981). Wilson (1979) suggests that under uniform, relatively quiet conditions, the coppice form nearly circular structures ('Wilson rings'). However, development may alter to produce elongate structures 68 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND which have been linked to the influence of currents (Lang & Neumann, 1980). The final bank (reef) stage is essentially defined as when the structure that is capped by living coral is 'large', where 'the total volume of dead coral in the entire structure may far exceed that volume of living specimens' (Mullins et al., 1981). Fig. 3.2. 3: Hypothetical development sequence for cold-water coral mounds from Mullins et al. (1981) based on Squires (1964) and Neumann et al. (1977). With changing external conditions, cold-water coral reef growth can decrease or disappear. This can result in a coral graveyard/fossil reef or in the reef becoming completely buried. Upon return of suitable conditions for coral growth, a recolonsisation of the dormant structure by new corals restarts the process, building up the coral mound architecture (Roberts et al., 2006, 2009). Whilst interglacial conditions have been documented as important for the development of cold-water coral mounds in the North Atlantic (e.g. Dorschel et al., 2005; Frank et al., 2009; Mienis et al., 2009; Roberts et al., 2006; Rüggeberg et al., 2007), the mounds in lower latitudes have shown the opposite pattern - with coral growth occurring during the relatively cold periods of MIS 2, 3 and 4 (Wienberg et al., 2009). 69 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND Mound build-up and water mass interfaces As discussed above, mound build up appears to be controlled by the co-occurrence of environmental conditions optimal for both coral growth and sediment accumulation (Thierens et al., 2010). These parameters are mainly water temperature, current strength, sediment and food availability (e.g. Dorschel et al., 2007), and the presence of these conditions at coral mounds have been linked to water-mass interfaces (Dullo et al., 2008). It is postulated that the water-mass interface density gradient traps sinking organic material and benthic dynamics (contour currents, internal tides and waves) transport and redistribute this material laterally along this density-driven interface, feeding the corals in the process (Mienis et. al., 2007). Evidence supporting this theory includes the correlation of the depth of the permanent thermocline in the NE Atlantic (600 – 1000 m) to the mean water depth where carbonate mounds occur (White & Dorschel, 2010), and bottom lander observations by Mienis (2008), who concluded that the presence of living corals on and around the summit of carbonate mounds appeared to be linked to the process of internal waves and tidal currents. Topography and Nepheloid layers The water interface process discussed above does not take into account an important related geologically driven factor – topography, which acts as an underlying control on current flow, as well as influencing benthic hydrodynamics. Steep slopes enhance the flux of organic material by increasing current velocities and/or breaking internal waves (Frederiksen et al., 1992). Currents are locally enhanced in areas of critical slope, i.e. where the slope of the ray path of tidal waves equals the slope of the seafloor (Huthnance, 1981), due to intensification of internal tides. This is most simply given by: (Thorpe & White 1988), where for the internal tide, is the Coriolis parameter and N is buoyancy, given by is the local bottom slope, ( ) , where is the in situ density. The key variables in this model are the bottom slope and the 70 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND potential density gradient.Thus density gradients in the water column may intersect the slope at a point favouring internal wave amplification (McCave et al., 1995). As the critical slope is inversely proportional to the density gradient it is more attainable where the density gradient is largest (i.e. the permanent thermocline). Across-slope directed tidal currents induce resuspension of slope sediments on the northwestern Porcupine Bank to form nepheloid layers, as described by Dickson & McCave (1986), Mienis et al. (2007), and White & Dorschel (2010). The local enhancement of these nepheloid layers also correlates to the same depth of the permanent thermocline and mounds (Mienis et al., 2007).Thus nepheloid layers may be the sediment and nutrient-providing source for coral growth and subsequent mound development on the Porcupine Bank (Kenyon et al., 2003; Mienis et al., 2007). In conclusion, variation in CWC mound, distribution shape and form may be related to a number of external elements with different factors influencing to varying degrees, but current regime (with associated sedimentation/nutrients), water mass interfaces (and associated thermocline), and underlying topography appear to have particular significance. 71 CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND 72 Chapter 4: Environmental Context and Previous Research 4.1: Geological & geomorphological setting 4.1.1: Regional development The Irish seabed is a westward extension of the continental crust that underlies Ireland, with a shelf break located at ~600 m water depth (Øvrebø et al., 2006). The overall geomorphology of the area is structured into a series of northeast/southwest (NE/SW) orientated banks and basins (Dorschel et al., 2010). The Caledonian Orogenic Cycle (c.475– 400 Ma; Chew & Stillman, 2009) was principally responsible for generating NE to SW trending structures. During the later Variscan Orogeny (c. 300 Ma), folds and thrusts with an E-W to ENE – WSW trend were produced (Coward, 1990; Graham, 2009). These events provided a structural framework for future rifting phases, facilitating the development of the Porcupine and Rockall Basins (Doré et al., 2007). Thick sedimentary successions were deposited in these depocentres from the latest Palaeozoic to the present (Fig. 4.1.1) and during this interval the area has undergone a complex geological history (Toms, 2010). Episodes of rifting, related to the splitting of the Pangaean supercontinent, occurred during the Permo-Triassic and continued through to the Early Cretaceous (Shannon, 1991). The Permian stratigraphy of the region includes lacustrine claystones and siltstones interbedded with aeolian sandstones (Tate & Dobson, 1989), and succeeding Triassic deposits are composed of terrestrial sandstones overlain by mudstones (Naylor & Shannon, 2009). A marine transgression followed an Early Jurassic hiatus, represented by a succession of bioclastic-rich sandstone overlain by marine shales interbedded with limestones (Sinclair et al., 1994). Following the Late Cretaceous global transgression, the Porcupine/Rockall region then underwent three post-rifting episodes during the Cenozoic: Episode 1: Basinward progradation of sediment wedges, driven by Palaeocene to early Eocene epeirogenic tilting, followed by Episode 2: Epeirogenic sagging ~ 35–25Ma, driving the onset of deepwater processes on the Rockall-Porcupine margin (Praeg et al., 2005). 73 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH Episode 3: Epeirogenic tilting then recommenced with basinward progradation of shelf-slope wedges from ~4 Ma (Pliocene) to present (Praeg et al., 2005). The result of these phases was the development of three regional unconformitybound 2-4 km thick megasequences (Toms, 2010), made up of deep marine marls, sandstones, mudstones and siltstones: C30 (Palaeocene to -early Eocene megasequence) C20 (mid-Miocene megasequence) and C10 (early Pliocene megasequence). The C20 unconformity is suggested to have formed through lithification and diagenetic processes, whereas both C30 and C10 are associated with submarine erosion (Dolan, 1986; Stoker et al., 2001). Fig. 4.1. 1: East-west seismic section (from DCNER/PAD 2007) illustrating structure of the Porcupine Basin and its margins (Porcupine Bank to the west). 4.1.2: The Porcupine Bank The Porcupine Bank is a remnant of the palaeocontinent of Pangaea; that split-off as a failed rift during the opening of the proto-North Atlantic in the Middle to Late Jurassic (Naylor & Mounteney, 1975). The bank is still connected to the Irish continental margin in the northeast by the underlying Slyne Ridge (Dorschel et al., 2010).The bedrock geology of the Porcupine Bank is poorly constrained at present. It consists of a metamorphic basement overlain by Upper Palaeozoic siltstones and sandstones, with small remnants of Mesozoic (Lower Cretaceous) shallow-marine deposits (Masson et al., 1989). The only cored section of the basement, recovered in a MEBO (“Meeresboden-Bohrgerät”, German for “sea floor drill rig”) shallow borehole in 2006, showed it to be a granitic orthogneiss. A crystallisation age of 74 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH ~1.3 Ga was indicated by U-Pb Zircon geochronology, suggesting that it was metamorphosed during the Grenvillian Orogeny (Daly et al., 2008). The southern, western and northern margins of the Porcupine Bank are steep, whereas the eastern margin is gentle, but the Porcupine Bank slope as a whole is relatively stable (Øvrebø, 2005). Previous studies on the Quaternary stratigraphy of the Western Porcupine Bank (Øvrebø, 2005; Toms, 2010), based on gravity cores, revealed a sedimentary succession characterised by alternations between lighter and darker sediments, corresponding to higher carbonate and siliciclastic inputs respectively, and interpreted as representing glacial/interglacial deposits. Øvrebø (2005) described contourite deposits related to bottom current variations during the late Pleistocene and Holocene, and suggested the geometry to be similar to plastered sheet drifts (low relief, near-constant thickness and occurring where there is smooth topography). Toms (2010) described three categories of deposits from the Porcupine Bank: pelagic, hemipelagic and contourite sediments; and suggested that a stronger Antarctic Bottom Water [AABW] and a weaker North Atlantic Deep Water [NADW] occurring during glacial periods, with the opposite scenario during interglacial periods, possibly explains observed contourite alternations. The surrounding deeper waters to the west, north and south, and the broad Irish Shelf to the east (Fig 1.2.1) results in the Porcupine Bank being significantly removed from the influence of terrigenous input, resulting in carbonate sediment accumulation and concentration on the bank at present and mixing with relict quartz sands and other glacial material (Scoffin & Bowes, 1988). 4.2: Oceanographic setting 4.2.1: Modern Present North Atlantic oceanic circulation is made up principally of four components (Fig. 4.2.1): 1. Elements of the North Atlantic Drift, which is a northeast continuation of the Gulf Stream, bring warm water into the upper layers of the North East Atlantic (Schmitz, 1996). 75 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH 2. North Atlantic Central Water [NACW] underlies this and is the body of water in the upper 500 - 1000 m of the ocean whose T/S characteristics have been formed primarily by air-sea interaction across a wide band of latitudes (Iselin, 1939). The NACW is principally Eastern North Atlantic Water [ENAW] at the Porcupine margin which is that part of NACW that is more saline than the Western North Atlantic Water (Harvey, 1982; New et al., 2001). ENAW forms during the winter months in the Bay of Biscay (Pollard et al., 1996) and is driven northwards by the mid-slope Shelf Edge Current [SEC] (New & Smythe-Wright, 2001). The SEC flows with average speeds of 15 – 30 cm/s-1 in depths of up to 1000 – 1200 m (New & Smythe-Wright, 2001). The mean flow of this water mass of mixed origins is a quasi-geostrophic current, driven by temperature and salinity differences (Huthnance, 1986). 3. Underlying the ENAW are intermediate water masses Mediterranean Outflow Water [MOW] and Labrador Sea Water [LSW]. The MOW is sourced from the Straits of Gibraltar. It flows northwards in an eastern boundary undercurrent, typically at depths 1000–1200 m (Reid, 1979; New & SmytheWright, 2001) and is characterized by an increase of salinity and potential temperature between 800 and 1000 m water depth (Dorschel et al., 2005). LSW is sourced from the Labrador Sea and0 typically occurs between water depths of 1600 - 1900 m and is a cold (2.8–3.0° C) dense body of water (New & Smythe-Wright, 2001). 4. North Atlantic Deep Water [NADW] is found below and is composed of several water masses (Frew et al., 2000). Water depths on the Porcupine Bank range from less than 200 m to greater than 1000 m (Shannon et al., 2001). Water masses associated with the depth range of carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic are the Eastern North Atlantic Water [ENAW] at 200 – 700 m depth and the underlying Mediterranean Outflow Water [MOW] (White & Dorschel, 2010), both of which are advected northwards along the Porcupine Bank into the southern Rockall Trough. Mixing between ENAW and MOW occurs between 600 and 700 m (Rüggeberg et al., 2005). This upper boundary of MOW is associated with enhanced current dynamics and the permanent thermocline (Dullo et al., 2008). In the NE Atlantic, the permanent thermocline lies between 600 and 1000 m and correlates to the depths of carbonate mounds (White & 76 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH Dorschel, 2010). North of 53° N the MOW re-circulates west of the Porcupine Bank and its signal rapidly diminishes (e.g. New et al., 2001). Fig. 4.2. 1: Schematic diagram, following the concepts of van Rooij et al. (2007a) and Toms (2010), showing water masses in the Rockall Trough (RT) in the vicinity of the western Porcupine Bank (PB). Dashed lines indicate water mass boundaries modified from Toms (2010). Carbonate mounds occur between 500 – 1200 m (Klages et al., 2004). Enhanced hydrodynamics and thermocline (600 – 1000m) are interpreted following White and Dorschel (2010). NAD – North Atlantic Drift, NACW – North Atlantic Central Water, ENAW – Eastern North Atlantic Water, MOW- Mediterranean Outflow Water, LSW- Labrador Seawater, NADW – North Atlantic Deep water, and the SEC – Shelf Edge Current. The magnitude of the slope along which the geostrophic currents flow exerts a strong hydrodynamic influence (see Section 3.2.2). The presence of the Porcupine Bank accelerates these contour-following currents as they flow along the margin (Wheeler et al., 2005) and on scarps fast currents are inferred geostrophically (McCave et al., 1995). The bottom currents resulting from contour current activity may be also be locally superimposed by internal waves and trapped tides (e.g. Chatwin, 1996). The Porcupine Bank is under the influence of topographically-steered south to north bottom-current enhancement (Øvrebø, 2005), inferred from: (i) Bedform geometries - Kenyon et al. (2003) noted medium-sized sand waves between mounds on the Porcupine Bank, indicating possible current velocities of 40-50cm/s. 77 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH (ii) Current meter data (e.g. White & Dorschel, 2010) and modelled bottom currents (New & Smythe-Wright, 2001) (iii) Pattern of scour around the upper-slope carbonate mounds (Øvrebø, 2005). 4.2.2: Palaeo-oceanographic considerations The Porcupine Basin and its surrounding margins have been below sea level since the late Cretaceous, the exception being a period of exposure during the early Eocene (Shannon et al. 2001). Thus, it was only in the Late Eocene that modern North Atlantic Ocean current circulation initiated, causing major change in deep water processes along the North East Atlantic Margin [NEAM] (Toms, 2010). Northern Hemisphere glacial/interglacial fluctuations are believed to be intrinsically linked to variations in NEAM water masses. During glacial periods the present ice sheets in the Arctic Ocean and Greenland advanced much further south to cover large parts of northern Europe and North America (e.g. Sejrup et al., 2005). Suppression of oceanic circulation, by increased freshwater pulses into the North Atlantic, is believed to have altered the heat distribution across the oceans and directly influenced climate (e.g. Broecker, 1997; Ballini et al., 2006). Also, during the Last Glacial Maximum the lower sea level reduced the Atlantic and Mediterranean exchange, resulting in the MOW not passing further north than 40º N (Schönfeld & Zahn, 2000). The MOW could therefore possibly be an important climatic factor influencing mound development for the Arc Mound site, a concept first postulated by Freiwald (2002) for mounds in the Porcupine Seabight. 4.3: North Atlantic Carbonate Mounds "The discovery of giant deep-water carbonate mounds along the European continental margin is among the most spectacular findings of the past decade" (Dorschel et al., 2005) 4.3.1: General introduction Investigation of carbonate mounds progressed in earnest only recently in the last three decades (Margreth et al., 2009) after Hovland et al. (1994) described seabed 78 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH mounds suspected to be modern bioherms in the Porcupine Seabight. Research efforts accelerated through this period, through various European and International projects (ECOMOUND, GEOMOUND, ACES, MOUNDFORCE, MICROSYSTEM, HERMES, HERMIONE, etc.). CWC mounds were discovered along the north-eastern Atlantic margin, from Norway (Freiwald et al., 2004) to Mauritania (Colman et al., 2005) in water depths ranging from 40 m (Norway), to more than 2000 m along the Irish margin (De Mol et al., 2002) (Fig. 4.3.1). Fig. 4.3. 1: Carbonate mounds (red ellipses) and CWC species Lophelia pertusa (green dots) from Foubert (2007), modified to show location of Arc Mounds (J). (A) Belgica Mound Province at eastern margin of Porcupine Seabight, (B) Magellan and Hovland Mound Provinces at northern margin of Porcupine Seabight, (C) Porcupine Bank Canyon Mounds at western margin of Porcupine Bank, (D) Pelagia Mounds along north-western flank of Porcupine Bank, (E) Logachev Mounds on south-eastern slope of Rockall Bank, (F) mounds on western Rockall Bank, (G) Darwin Mounds, (H) Galicia Bank, (I) Moroccan margin mounds 4.3.2: Examples of NE Atlantic carbonate mounds On a regional scale, different mounds have different characteristics, with their size and shape varying considerably - from simple cones hundreds of metres wide to amalgamated ridge features, with some having a 5 km wide base and rising to 300 m 79 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH above the seafloor (e.g. De Mol et al., 2002; White & Dorschel, 2010). The following short descriptions serve to illustrate mound distribution in the NE Atlantic and the variation between several mound provinces. Porcupine Bank On the Porcupine Bank, the mound provinces have a somewhat irregular distribution of buildups (White et al., 2007); with carbonate mounds developed between 500 – 1200 m water depths (Klages et al., 2004). The Pelagia Mounds in the north Porcupine Bank are noted as existing in a strong current regime (potentially 40-50 cm/s) that rise 50-200 m above the seabed, with a maximum length of 1-2 km (Kenyon et al., 2003; van Weering et al., 2003). Like the Arc Mounds (described below), the Pelagia mounds are often found associated with scarps which also run subparallel to the isobaths (Wheeler et al., 2007). Kenyon et al. (2003) found the Pelagia mounds to be made up of interbedded layers of foraminiferal ooze and coral debris, with thickets of living coral and associated benthic organisms covering the upper parts of the mounds. Arc Mounds The Arc Mounds (the focus of the present study) were first discovered in association with scarps on the southwest Porcupine Bank in 2005, during a survey undertaken by the RV Celtic Explorer4. The EU-funded CoralFISH program conducted ROV video surveys and long-term in-situ measurements of fish abundance and current meter data using benthic landers in, and outside, the coral reef framework .As far as can be ascertained, at the time of writing, the only work completed on the Arc Mounds is 1. Habitat suitability modelling (Rengstorf et al., 2012; Rengstorf et al., 2013), which identified terrain attributes such as slope and bathymetric position index as important predictive parameters, and 2. Hydrodynamic modelling, which showed intensified near-bottom currents in areas where living corals were observed (Mohn et al., 2014). Rengstorf et al. (2012) described the Arc mound province as being characterised by isolated medium-sized mounds, approximately 50 - 100 m high with base lengths seldom exceeding 500 m, qualifying them as ‘medium-sized mounds’. 4 HERMES Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas: Periodic Activity Report: Month 12 (2006) 80 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH Porcupine Seabight Hovland et al. (1994) first published seismic profiles which resolved mound structures up to 200 m high and more than 1,500 m in length from the Porcupine Seabight. De Mol et al. (2002) provided the first description of three Porcupine Seabight mound provinces, interpreting the mounds as being formed by a framework of CWC and associated other macrobenthos, baffling sediments in an oceanographically dynamic environment. Along the eastern slope of the Seabight are the southernmost CWC mounds, making up the Belgica mound province. The province is characterised by conical mounds which are asymmetrically buried by contourites (Van Rooij et al., 2003) and some north-south trending elongated mound clusters (De Mol et al., 2002). The mounds are up to 150 m high with lengths of up to 2000 m (Wheeler et al., 2007) and occur between 500–1,000 m water depths, over a distance of some 20 km (De Mol et al., 2002). Associated depressions, often on the steep downslope side of the mounds, are thought to be as a result of MOW generating local enhanced bottom currents (Van Rooij et al., 2003; Van Rooij et al., 2010). In the north of the Seabight is the Magellan mound province, in water depths of ~650 m (Foubert et al., 2007). This province features many medium-sized buried mounds, averaging 72 m in height and 250 m in width, and varying geomorphologically from single, conical mounds to (N-S directed) elongated shapes (Huvenne et al., 2003). To the south of these are the Hovland mounds, featuring complex structures along channels (Wheeler et al., 2007) which are up to 250 m high (De Mol et al., 2002) in water depths of 400 to 1100 m (Foubert et al., 2007). Rockall Bank The carbonate mounds of the Rockall Bank in terms of elevation are the largest known worldwide (Dorschel et al., 2010). The Logachev mound province, on the southeastern margin of the Rockall Bank in water depths of 500 to 1200m, consists of a belt of ‘giant’ carbonate mounds, predominantly arranged in down-slope oriented clusters, with heights greater than 350 m and widths of 100s of meters to several kilometres (Kenyon et al., 2003; Mienis et al., 2006; Wheeler et al., 2007). 81 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH Moroccan Margin The Pen Duick Escarpment mounds, in water depths of 530-580 m in the Gulf of Cadiz, are relatively small (~ 30 m high) compared to the mounds of the Porcupine Seabight, Porcupine Bank and Rockall Bank (Van Rooij et al., 2011). There is apparently no documented live coral growth currently on these mounds (Van Rooij et al., 2011). Mini-mounds in the NE Atlantic Mini-mound provinces, consisting of hundreds of small CWC mound developments ~ 5m high, have been reported from water depths ~ 1000m in the Porcupine Seabight (Moira Mounds) and the northeast corner of the Rockall Trough (Darwin Mounds) (Foubert et al., 2007). The Darwin Mounds are each about 100 m in diameter, whereas the Moira Mounds only reach between 20 to 50 m in aerial extent (Foubert et al., 2007). Similar mini-mounds (up to 5 m high with bases 50-150 m diameter) have also recently been discovered at three locations along the European continental margin: The Macnas mounds in the Porcupine Seabight (Wilson et al., 2007) The Dangeard and Explorer canyon Mounds on the Celtic margin (Davies et al., 2007), and The Guilvinec Canyon mounds in the Bay of Biscay (De Mol et al., 2011), All of these recently discovered mini-mound provinces are located at the shelf edge in shallower water depths (<500 m) and are currently considered extinct. 4.3.3: Mound base of the NE Atlantic buildups Seismic results showing a strong and regionally extensive reflector (Huvenne et al., 2003; van Weering et al., 2003; Mienis et al., 2006; Van Rooij et al., 2007a) indicate that the carbonate mounds of the Rockall Trough margin (Rockall Bank and Porcupine Bank) and Porcupine Seabight are directly underlain by an unconformity. Van Rooij et al. (2010) noted the onset of Belgica mound growth at 2.6 Ma and the conspicuous feature which the Belgica Porcupine Seabight coral mounds are established directly on has been termed the RD1 unconformity (Van Rooij et al., 2003). According to Shannon et al. (2005) the RD1 discontinuity should be 82 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH correlated with the C10 unconformity of the Early Pliocene (4 Ma) (see Section 4.1). However, Van Rooij et al. (2009) dated this regional structural feature to the Late Miocene, and it is thus estimated to represent a hiatus of some 7 million years, between Late Miocene and Early Pliocene times (Van Rooij et al., 2010), with the onset of drift sedimentation estimated at 1.2 Ma (Van Rooij et al., 2003). The associated phase of erosion and non-deposition is attributed to extensive oceanographic changes at the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation, which created a firmground (Thierens et al., 2010). Van Rooij et al. (2003) ascribe this event to replacement of a slow water mass with the more vigorously flowing water of the MOW. 4.3.4: Mound initiation and development in the NE Atlantic Both the Hydraulic Theory and Environmental Control Theory (Section 3.2.2, Table 3.2.1) have been postulated to explain the origin of the mounds and their development in the NE Atlantic. Due to lack of evidence for hydrocarbon seepage (De Mol et al., 2002; Van Rooij et al., 2009) most studies have concluded that mound distribution in the NE Atlantic is controlled by factors of the latter theory, involving principally currents and food supply (e.g. Frederiksen et al., 1992; Freiwald et al., 1997; Mortensen et al., 2001; De Mol et al., 2002; Kenyon et al., 2003; Duineveld et al., 2004; White et al., 2005; Wheeler et al. 2005; William et al., 2006; Wheeler et al., 2007). De Mol et al. (2005) suggest that the development of the mounds at the Porcupine Sea Bight margins may be linked to the aforementioned flow of MOW; with the start-up phase following a period of erosion and non-deposition during the late Pliocene. They suggest that the MOW may have been responsible for transporting coral larvae, as well as a sediment load, which could then be baffled by corals and lead to carbonate mound build-up. However, the Pen Duick Escarpment Mounds are believed to be related to both environmental and seepage pathways, with seepagerelated carbonate crusts suggested to have offered a suitable substrate for coral colonisation (Van Rooij et al., 2011). Additionally, Van Weering (2003) postulated that pore-water fluid, perhaps related to cooling of volcanic sediments following 83 CHAPTER 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH initial formation of the Rockall Trough, might explain a first phase of mound formation in the southeast Rockall Bank. It is not known whether the mini-mounds represent initial stages of mound growth (i.e. they are precursors of the larger coral mounds) or if they are the product corals surviving under stressed conditions (Foubert et al., 2011). Masson et al. (2003) postulated that the Darwin mini-mounds formed by fluid escape transporting sand to the seabed, arguing that this positive relief was enough for corals to colonise. However Foubert et al. (2007) ascribed the formation of the Moira mini-mounds to an interaction between CWC growth and sediment baffling. Thus, there is yet to be a general consensus for the initiation and development of CWC mounds in the NE Atlantic and it may, and probably will, be brought to light that the precise development of each of the different provinces is associated with different and varying factors. 84 Chapter 5: Geophysical Investigation 5.1: Multibeam A range of maps were produced for the Arc Mound study area and these are presented in Figs. 5.1.1-5.1.5. As discussed earlier in Section 2.2.1, the poor quality of the Reson 7111 shipborne data (Fig. 5.1.2) entailed that the Reson 7150 shipborne results (Fig. 5.1.1) were used for investigating the overall survey area, with detailed results for a smaller area obtained from ROV Reson 7125 data (Fig. 5.1.3). The scarps were found to be best highlighted by the slope raster (Fig. 5.1.4). The slope was also used in conjunction with the multibeam hillshaded bathymetry in order to discern geomorphology of the mound features (Fig. 5.1.5). Using the extraction approach described in the methods (Chapter 2: Section 2.2.1) 42 mounds were identified and their footprints defined (Fig. 5.1.6). The orientations measured from the convex hull polygons of the mound footprints are shown in Fig. 5.1.7. Individual mound bathymetric profiles along the orientation direction, starting and finishing at the edge of the footprint polygons, were also created (Figs. 5.1.8 part 1-4). The profile graphs show the same depth and horizontal scales (100 m and 1500 m respectively) in order to compare their widths and heights. 85 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 1: Hillshaded Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM. Multibeam data show many mounds to be aligned along the scarp to the east. 86 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 2: Hillshaded Reson 7111 (100 kHz) 75 m DEM. 87 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 3: Hillshaded Reson 7125(400 kHz) 1 m DEM with mound example inset and associated scarp highlighted. 88 89 steeper the terrain. Slope is average slope of seabed within a square of 25 by 25 m. Fig. 5.1. 4: Slope of Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM. The lower the slope value, the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value, the CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 5: Reson 7125 (400 kHz) 1 m DEM with slope (left) and hillshaded 1 m DEM (right) of mound example inset. The lower the slope value the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value the steeper the terrain. 90 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 6: Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM with polygons of the identified mounds outlined and numbered. 91 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 7: Reson 7150 (24 kHz) 50 m DEM showing orientations of the convex hull polygons. 92 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 8 part 1: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 1-10, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 93 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig 5.1.8 part 2: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 11-20, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 94 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig 5.1.8 part 3: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 21-30, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 95 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1.8 part 4: Bathymetric profiles of mounds 31-42, based on their orientations parallel to the long axes and footprint edges. See Fig. 5.1.6 for mound numbering. 96 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Geomorphology of the study area The water depths in the study area range from ~500 m in the east to ~1000 m in the west. The geomorphology of this gently sloping area is characterised by a raised terrace bounded by two along-slope scarps, and carbonate mounds. The western scarp is punctuated by concave indentations while the eastern is punctuated by convex projections, with mounds located at the apices of the projections (Fig. 5.1.9). Fig. 5.1. 9: 3D bathymetric model of the Arc Mounds study area. There is a raised terrace bounded by two along-slope crescent-shaped scarps to the east and the west, with mounds aligning the eastern scarp (sc2) and occurring west of the western scarp (sc1). Note how the scarps are joined in the south but the large isolated mound with associated moat appears to cause reoccurrence of Sc2. Depth scale indicated by colour bar in metres. Data vertically exaggerated by 4. The western scarp (Sc1) is segmented into curvilinear segments up to 30 m high with slopes up to 16° and extends from south to north for 12 km, in between 14° 46’W 14° 44’W at ~700 m water depth. The upslope scarp (Sc2) is ~9 km long located between 14° 43’W- 14° 42’ W in water depths of 650 to 700 m, and is also up to 30 m high with slopes up to 16°. The scarps are connected by a 1.2 km long converging branch at 51° 17’ 19”N, 14° 43’ 54”W. Approximately 2 km to the southeast there is an isolated mound ridge with an associated moat that has a similar expression to Sc2. The scarps clearly occur in association with the mounds. Mound complexes flank scarp Sc2, which delimits their occurrence to the east. The multibeam maps show 97 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION sediment from the mound draping off the scarp (Fig. 5.1.10). Three mounds are located on Sc1 whereas the rest of the mounds are concentrated in three downslope E-W orientated clusters, west of scarp Sc1. These may be depth delimited or delimited by distance from the scarp, as the most western mound in each cluster occurs at a depth of ~820 m and ~ 5 km from the scarp. Aside from the scarps the slope gradients across the intermound region range between 0.5 - 3°. Fig. 5.1. 10: High resolution bathymetric 3D model shows sediment draping off the mounds over the scarp. Data vertically exaggerated by 4. Due to their spatial distribution, and the seabed dipping gently towards the west, the mound summits are located at depths ranging from 590 to 780 m and bases at depths from 630-850 m. Bathymetric profiles (Fig 5.1.8) and 3D bathymetric models of the mounds (Fig. 5.1.11) show mound morphology varying from elongated ridges with several peaks (e.g. Fig.5.1.8, mound 1) to conical forms (e.g. Fig.5.1.8, mound 6). A topographic cross-section that follows the ROV route from NE to SW demonstrates that the mounds are generally over 50 m in elevation, in comparison to the adjacent seafloor, but elevations for the survey area range from 10 to 80 m (Fig 5.1.12). The mounds have steepest slopes on the upper flanks becoming smoother towards the base. The bases of the mounds are broader than the rest of their structure. 98 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 1: 3D bathymetric map showing mound morphology varies from elongated ridge mound types to conical forms. Colour scale showing depth. Data vertically exaggerated by 4. Bathymetric profile -600 -620 Elevation (m) -640 -660 -680 -700 -720 -740 -760 -780 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 Distance (m) Fig. 5.1. 2: Bathymetric profile of mounds following the route of the ROV (SE-NW). The mounds are mostly over 50 m in elevation from the adjacent seafloor. Note mounds appear spikey as they are highly vertically exaggerated. 99 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Morphometric analysis of mapped mounds Tropical reef landscapes have been reported to adhere to scaling laws - whereby the statistical pattern of size and shape is predictable by virtue of the existence of fractal scaling (Purkis et al., 2007), that is, there is a degree of consistency across scale. Remote sensing is an efficient way to quantify the spatial complexity of depositional systems. The average mound density was found to be 0.35 km-2 for the surveyed area of ~ 154 km2. The mounds were quantitatively analysed in terms of their height, sizefrequency distribution, footprint area, shape and orientation (Table 5.1.1). Mound size and frequency distribution Footprints of individual mounds varies between 22,700 – 630,000 m2 (with an average of ~106, 300 m2) and mound heights range from 6 to 84 m (with an average of 33 m). Lengths range from 220 m to 1,400 m (with an average of ~400 m) and widths range from 166 m to 626 m (with an average of ~300 m). There are no small mounds (<10, 000 m2), a large number of medium-sized mounds (76% are less than 150,000 m2) and a small number of larger structures (>150,000 m2). The mound footprint threshold was 5,625 m2 but the smallest mound defined was ~17,700 m2. As discussed in the methods (Chapter 2, Section 2.2.1) it is probable that there is under detection of small mounds. The results are subject to noise and user specifications and interpretation. The results were groundtruthed by comparison of the number of mounds observed in the ROV 1 m 3D bathymetry with the number that were resolved by the mound extraction technique using the 25 m bathymetry. The number of mounds counted in the ROV data matched the number counted for the area covered by the ROV track in the 25 m data mound extraction technique. This indicates that the overall survey results are credible. The mound size frequency distribution was determined by plotting the exceedance probability versus area (Table 5.1.1). This parameter represents the probability that a given mound will be equal to or greater than a given area. For example, all mounds were greater than 17,700 m2 in area and these mounds therefore have a probability of 1.0; whereas all mounds greater than 600,000 m2 have a probability of 0 because the largest mound was 588,000 m2. The frequency of the mounds is found to decrease with increasing mound area (Fig. 5.1.13) and there is a positive correlation between mound height and mound area with the highest mound having the largest footprint 100 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION (Fig. 5.1.14). A very slight trend for larger mounds to occur in deeper water was found (Fig. 5.1.15). Mound shape and orientation By quantifying the shape of mound footprint we can determine whether trends in geometric form are present. The descriptor used to characterize the shape of the mound footprint polygons was the principle axes ratio (PAR) (e.g. Correa et al., 2012; Purkis et al., 2007) between the width of the minimum bounding rectangles and the length of the convex hull polygons, both created from the mound footprints, where dmin is the diameter of the minimum bounding rectangle and dmax is the length of the convex hull polygon. The PAR metric scales between 0 and 1. High values indicate circular shapes, elongated ellipsoidal mounds are represented by a ratio approaching 0.5 (Correa et al., 2012) and low values indicate elongate forms. The Principle Axes Ratio ranges from 0.4 – 0.9 indicating that the mounds range from elongated ellipsoidal forms to circular forms. For the smaller bioherms there is near-equal probability for it to be circular or elongated ellipsoidal, but there is a slight trend for mounds to become more elongated as their size increases, with the largest mound having the most elongate form (Fig. 5.1.16). It was observed that the mounds with the top five PAR ratios (i.e. more circular in form) were generally small and isolated mounds (Fig. 5.1.17). Mound orientation varies from 0 - 174°. Plotting a rose diagram of the percent occurrences of the orientations shows a northwest-southeast trend (Fig. 5.1.18) and a slight northeast-southwest trend, with a large standard deviation (±50.95°) around the mean (105°). The orientations of the mounds in the east reflect the shape of the scarp whereas mainly forms approaching 180° occur away from the scarp in the west (Fig. 5.1.7). 101 102 orientation Degree (0 - 180°) Dimensionless m m m Dimensionless m2 Unit Table 5.1. 1: Summary of the morphometric parameters used to quantify mound spatial patterns (adapted from Correa et al., 2012). hull polygon Azimuth of the longest axis of the convex northwest-southeast trend Axis along convex hull length to become more elongated Mound footprint to length Slight trend for mounds 220 – 1,400 as their size increases principle axis ratio (PAR) (circular versus Ratio of the convex hull polygon width vertices of the convex hull The longest distance between any two vertices of the convex hull 166 - 626 6 – 84 mounds Mainly medium-sized 22,700 – 630,000 Results elongated) Convex hull Convex hull length Mound length Mound footprint shape Convex hull width Mound width The shortest distance between any two maximum Z value within mound footprint Height Probability that a given mound will be of area ≥ of Mound height Exceedance probability Size-frequency off Area of mound perimeter based on 6 degree cut- a given area (Purkis et al. 2007) Area Mound footprint size Definition distribution Parameter Objective CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 1.0 Exceedance Probability 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 100000 200000 300000 Area 400000 500000 600000 (m2) Height (m) Fig. 5.1. 13: Plot of mound footprint area versus exceedance probability. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100000 200000 300000 Area 400000 500000 600000 (m2) Fig. 5.1. 14: Plot of mound footprint area versus mound height. There is a positive correlation between mound area and mound height. 103 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Height (m) 80 60 40 20 0 -800 -750 -700 -650 -600 -550 Depth to peak (m) PAR (-) Fig. 5.1. 15: Plot of mound height versus depth shows a very slight trend for larger mounds occurring at greater depths 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 10000 110000 210000 310000 Area 410000 510000 (m2) Fig. 5.1. 16: Mound footprint area versus mound footprint shape. Mound shape is based on the Principal Axes Ratio (PAR): values approaching one indicate circular shapes, values approaching zero indicate elongated forms. The data indicate that there is a trend of mounds becoming more elongated as their size increases. 104 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 17: Mound polygons of the top five PAR results are highlighted in blue, indicating that smaller more isolated mounds are also more circular in form. 105 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.1. 18: Unidirectional rose diagram showing mound footprint orientation in percent of occurrences. Mean (105°) shown by black line. Standard deviation (±50.95°) shown by red line. There is a northwest-southeast trend and a slight northeast-southwest trend. 106 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 5.2: Sidescan backscatter The multibeam backscatter data augmented the multibeam data by showing that the mound complexes and the scarp are characterised by higher backscattering amplitudes (Fig 5.2.1) and (Fig. 5.2.2) than the surrounding seafloor. The higher backscattering (Fig 5.2.1) of the mounds is associated with a combination of specular returns from steep slopes and a rough texture. The higher backscattering linear feature of the scarp indicates that it is composed of a harder substrate than the surrounding seafloor, suggesting slight lithification. The lower backscatter that characterises the seafloor is attributed to a homogenous soft silty seafloor. Fig. 5.2. 1: Map of the sidescan data acquired along the ROV transect with mound example highlighted. The mound complexes have a higher backscattering signal. 107 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.2. 2: Map of part of the ROV sidescan data with the scarp highlighted. 5.3: Chirp The deepest penetration of the Chirp signal was seen on the W-E Chirp line (Fig. 5.3.1) and is ~280 ms or ~21 m into the subsurface. The single-channel sub-bottom profiles are unmigrated; therefore mounds appear as hyperbolic reflectors with the mound peaks corresponding to the apices of the hyperbolae. The west to east Chirp data from line BOBECO122A (Figs. 5.3.1-2), and the intersecting south to north line BOBECO119A (Figs. 5.3.3-4), show eight and five mound-like features respectively, with one mound directly detected in both lines. Therefore the mounds are named CH 108 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 1 – CH 12 (CH to indicate detection by Chirp) and include a buried mound-like feature (CH6) in line BOBECO122A. Since the acoustic energy travels from the transducer in a broad cone, with a footprint in the order of 50 to 100 m, steep topographic features that are not directly below the device can be detected by sideswipe. This occurs in both transects and is clearly observed in Fig. 5.3.3 of the S-N Chirp line where the bathymetric data shows the line to be west of the mounds. The S-N line passes 90 m west of core CS07, i.e. still within the Chirp acoustic footprint, and the W-E line passes ~18 m north of the core CS06. In addition to the seismic data, bathymetry information was used to aid interpretation of the sub-surface. Plotting the coordinates of the apices of the mound-like features in the Chirp data (Tables 5.3.1 and 5.3.2) showed that they correlated to the mounds resolved by the multibeam data (Fig. 5.3.5). Thus the bathymetric data showed that the acoustically homogenous hyperbolic features, illustrated in Figs. 5.3.1-4, indicate the presence of mounds. Depositional processes determine sediment facies which exhibit different acoustic responses arising from their contrasting physical properties, allowing identification of seismic units. Correlation and interpretation of seismic units was made difficult by the small amount of data, the occurrence of sideswipe, and the non-distinct nature of some of the reflections. The resulting interpretation is necessarily tentative, but three seismostratigraphic units (U1, U2, and U3) were identified as well erosion surfaces (R1 and r2) and the mounds (Fig. 5.3.6). 109 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 1: Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) orientated west-east with bathymetric map and bathymetric profile (inset). The acoustically homogenous hyperbolic features indicate the presence of mounds. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection of Chirp line with profile B-B’. Sc- Scarp. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. 110 Fig. 5.3. 2: Identifying the shotpoints of the apices of the mound features on Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) with bathymetric profile (inset). The shotpoints of the apices of the mound features were mapped to their corresponding coordinates. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection of Chirp line with profile B-B’. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 111 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 3: North-south Chirp profile B-B’ (line BOBECO119A) with bathymetric map and bathymetric profile (inset). Scales: horizontal 1/25000, vertical 50 cm/sec. TWT – Two way travel time. Depth at 0.90 sec (TWT) is 675 m. 112 Fig. 5.3. 4: Identifying the shotpoints of the apices of the mound features on Chirp profile B-B’ (line BOBECO119A) with bathymetric profile inset. The shotpoints of the apices of the mound features were mapped to their corresponding coordinates. The dashed red line indicates core CS07 location; the red line indicates intersection of Chirp line with profile A-A’. TWT - two way travel time. SP – shotpoint. Depth at 0.80 sec (TWT) is 600 m. CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 113 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Mound-like feature Chirp Line SP LAT LONG CH1 BOBEC0122A 550 51.34843890 -14.81562780 CH2 BOBEC0122A 625 51.34843890 -14.81038890 CH3 BOBEC0122A 820 51.34852220 -14.79832220 CH4 BOBEC0122A 1050 51.34903610 -14.78473330 CH5 BOBEC0122A 1310 51.34985000 -14.77026940 CH6 BOBEC0122A 1710 51.34986390 -14.74983610 CH7 BOBEC0122A 2275 51.35039720 -14.72048330 CH8 BOBEC0122A 2330 51.35036940 -14.71754170 Table 5.3. 1: Coordinates of mound-like features identified in the Chirp data for line BOBECO122A. SP-shotpoint Mound-like feature Chirp Line SP LAT LONG CH8 BOBEC0119A 240 51.35116940 -14.71754440 CH9 BOBEC0119A 620 51.36309720 -14.72141390 CH10 BOBEC0119A 715 51.36611390 -14.72249720 CH11 BOBEC0119A 820 51.36938330 -14.72385000 CH12 BOBEC0119A 880 51.37111110 -14.72466940 Table 5.3. 2: Coordinates of mound-like features identified in the Chirp data for line BOBECO119A. SP-shotpoint 114 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 5: Composite plot of the coordinates of the mound-like features in the Chirp data with the mound structures imaged by the multibeam data. The Chirp mound coordinates are offset from the actual mounds imaged in the multibeam data due to sideswipe. CH6 appeared to show a buried mound in the Chirp data and it does not show any surface representation. 7150 hillshaded shipborne multibeam data (24 kHz). Purple dots represent CH1-CH8 coordinates from line BOBECO122A (A-A’; West-East); black triangles represent CH8-CH12 coordinates from line BOBECO119A (B-B’; South-North) 115 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 6: Identification of seismic units. The directly detected mound appears as an acoustically homogenous dome-shaped structure rooting on the strong reflector R1. R1 has been interpreted as the mound base. Three seismostratigraphic units U1, U2, and U3 were identified U1 is acoustically transparent but there is a detection of an irregular reflector within it (r2). U1 underlies an irregular, erosional surface: the R1 reflector that underlies the mounds. U2 is acoustically transparent and conformably underlies U3. U3 shows draping, conformable, stratified, sub-bottom reflectors which onlap the flanks of the mounds. This unit usually directly overlies U1 on the R1 reflector but also occurs overlying U2. Mounds and the R1 reflector The CHIRP data show the mounds to have a different geophysical structure to the surrounding sediment of unit 3 [U3], indicating a different composition to the offmound areas (Fig. 5.3.6). The directly detected mound appears as an acoustically homogenous dome-shaped structure overlying a strong reflector (R1). The lack of internal reflectors indicates a uniform geophysical facies with little or no internal acoustic impedance differences. The detection of the very strong sub-bottom reflector, R1, observed beneath the directly detected coral mound demonstrates that not all the seismic energy is absorbed or dispersed inside the mound structure. R1 has been interpreted as the mound base and can be seen in both Chirp lines (Fig. 5.3.1-4). 116 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Unit 1 The nature of unit 1 [U1] cannot be distinguished due to the limit of penetration of the Chirp signal. Its acoustic transparency may possibly be due to signal attenuation at R1 however, there is a faint detection of a reflector (r2) within this unit (Fig. 5.3.6). The upper boundary of U1 is an erosional surface that is interpreted as correlating to the R1 mound base reflector. Unit 2 Unit 2 [U2] ranges from less than a metre in thickness to 16 m thick. It is acoustically transparent and conformably underlies U3 (Fig. 5.3.6). It is assumed to be a massive facies of pure muds or sands due to its acoustic transparent nature. There is widespread removal of this unit and a higher energy environment is assumed to have caused major erosion of this facies so removing it in elevated areas. The relationship of the mounds with U2 is not clear as it has been removed in the area where the mound base is clearly identified (Fig. 5.3.6). It remains to be identified whether mound development occurred pre-deposition or post-erosion of U2, because the mound bases and most of U3 develop on the hard reflector R1of U1. Mound CH5 and its adjacent sediments were investigated in an attempt to describe the chronology of deposition. Mound CH5 shows sediment build up to the east of the mound with the western side characterized by an exposed flank (Fig. 5.3.7). This is corroborated by multibeam data (Fig. 5.3.8) indicating that the steep western flank is associated with the mound build up and is not a seafloor characteristic (i.e. a scarp). 117 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 7: Mound CH5 with drift sediment build-up to the east of the mound and an exposed flank on the western side. Fig. 5.3. 8: Multibeam data indicates that the steep western flank of mound CH5 (indicated by the red dot) is associated with the mound build up and is not a seafloor characteristic such as a scarp. The sediment (U3) ponding to the east of mound CH5 overlies two acoustically transparent mound-like features (Fig. 5.3.7). The mound-like feature to the east has a well delineated topography and has been interpreted as a buried mound, but its base is not detected. It is not clear whether the buried feature to the west is mounded U2 sediment formed from moats, or another buried mound. There are three possible scenarios: 1. Scenario 1 is illustrated in Fig. 5.3.9. The mounds were established on an erosion surface (R1) and deposition of U2 and U3 followed. The mounded nature of U2 could be explained by moating associated with the two adjacent 118 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION mounds (CH5 and the now buried mound). If this were to be the case then the mound CH5 would appear to be onlapped by U2, indicating it was established pre- or during deposition of that unit Fig. 5.3. 9. Possible interpretation (scenario 1) to describe deposition chronology of units. The mounds are established on an erosion surface (R1), followed by deposition of unit 2 and 3. The mounded nature of unit 2 could be explained by moating associated with the two adjacent mounds (CH5 and the now buried mound). BM – buried mound. 2. Scenario 2 is illustrated in Fig. 5.3.10. It is suggested that U2 was eroded and there was subsequent development of the mounds on the R1 reflector of U1. The middle section represents 2 adjacent buried mound structures with the more western buried mound possibly related to CH5. 119 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 10: Possible interpretation (scenario 2) to describe deposition chronology of units. U2 was eroded and there was subsequent development of the mounds on the R1 reflector of U1. The middle section represents 2 adjacent buried mound structures with the middle buried mound possibly related to Ch5. 3. Scenario 3 is illustrated in Fig. 5.3.11. It is suggested that mounds both developed on R1 and on U2 where it remained after being mainly eroded (following interpretations by Van Rooij et al., 2003). This would mean the mound base developed with upslope and downslope sides initiating at different depths. 120 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.3. 11: Possible interpretation (scenario 3) to describe deposition chronology of units. Mounds both developed on R1 and on U2 where it remained after being mainly eroded (following interpretations by Van Rooij et al., 2003). This would mean the mound base developed with upslope and downslope sides initiating at different depths. It doesn’t seem likely that the feature represents a buried mound (Scenario 2) simply due to the indistinct nature of the topmost reflector in comparison to the adjacent interpreted buried mound. However the lack of appreciable slope may have resulted in softer reflectors. The fact that the reflector associated with the top of U2 is weak also indicates that scenario 3 is unlikely because it doesn’t seem to suggest a suitable substrate for coral colonisation. Thus, this work interprets the mounded transparent unit as representing mounding of U2 sediments (Scenario 1). Scenario 1 indicates that the mounds were present for an extended period of time where the U2 that developed around the mound was subsequently mostly eroded, and deposition of U3 around the mounds then followed. Van Rooij et al. (2003) found mounds both developed on the RD1 unconformity and on a unit P2, implying that the P2 sediments were already deposited before mound growth, but these results suggest that mounds formed before or during deposition of U2. This indicates that the environmental conditions controlling mound initiation and U3 deposition may not be that related. The above discussion presents theories for consideration, but in essence 121 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION this work finds that a clear seismic stratigraphic interpretation was precluded by the fact that there were only profiles. Unit 3 The most recent unit, U3, ranges from less than a metre in thickness to 21 m thick. U3 covers the survey area and represents the off-mound sediments that were sampled by CS06 (Chapter 6). U3 shows draping, conformable, stratified, sub-bottom reflectors which onlap the flanks of the mounds. This unit usually directly overlies U1on the R1 reflector but also occur overlying U2 (Fig. 5.3.6). From the Chirp data and observations of the core material these draping deposits are interpreted as contourites, with low-amplitude reflectors interpreted as representative of finegrained sediment and high-amplitude reflectors interpreted as being coarser in nature. Contourite drifts are manifested by the action of bottom currents in deep water and are especially common along continental margins (Stow et. al., 2002). They are characterised internally by sub-parallel moderate to low amplitude reflectors which change gradationally between seismic facies (Koenitz et. al., 2008). The retention of U3’s thickness at Sc2 (Fig. 5.3.1) indicates that scarp formation predates the deposition of U3’s sediments, because the deposits don’t appear deformed by faulting or erosion. The definite onlapping nature of lowermost reflectors of U3 on the directly detected mound (Fig. 5.3.6) yields information about the start-up of mound growth as by inference the mound was already present at the moment of deposition and therefore must be older than the sediment of U3. The reflectors pinch out as they approach the mound, indicating higher energy conditions occurred around the structure and/or the slopes of the mound prevented deposition. It is recognised that the small amount of data (two lines) means that any interpretation has a lot of associated uncertainty, but the overall interpretation and correlation of seismic units is shown in Fig. 5.3.12. 122 Fig. 5.3. 12: Interpreted Chirp profile A-A’ (line BOBECO122A) with original Chirp results and bathymetric profile inset. The hyperbolic features indicate the presence of mounds (coloured grey). The strong reflector underlying the mound structure R1 is interpreted as the hard mound base and has been correlated to the topmost reflector of U1. r2 is an irregular reflector within U1. The U3 interpreted drift deposits cover the area. U2 is interpreted to occur mid-section and to the east. The dashed red line indicates core CS06 location; the red line indicates intersection with the north-south Chirp line profile B-B’. Blue lines indicate possible faults (F). BM – buried mound. Sc – Scarp. TWT - two way travel time. Depth at 1 sec (TWT) is 750 m. CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 123 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 5.4: Discussion and conclusions Origin of the scarps Scarps may occur on fractures of mid-ocean ridges; on margins undergoing tectonic faulting; through erosion on carbonate-depositional continental margins; or by gravitational slump and slide mass-wasting processes (Harris & Baker, 2011). Øvrebø et al. (2005) suggest that the occurrences of scarps in slope and basin-floor settings indicate that slope failures can be largely unrelated to slope stability; instead, bottom currents may have an important role in controlling the location of slope failures. Thus, the general gentle slope in the area indicates that the scarps could be either the surface expression of vertical displacement as a result of faulting or the production of erosive-based scours. De Haas et al. (2002) suggest that the sinuous ridges of the north -eastern Porcupine Bank represent the edges of erosional scours where shallow bedding planes are exposed. This is supported by Klages et al. (2004) who suggests that the scarps may have formed by preferential seabed erosion due to a lack of evidence for neo-tectonic activity in the area. Van Rooij et al. (2003) have a similar argument because the scarps in the Porcupine Seabight are contour-parallel and depth -restricted it means that they are likely current generated. However, commercial seismic data suggests a correlation between Rockall Trough boundary faults and scarps on the Porcupine Bank (Croker et al., 2002). Indeed, the subparallel topographic ridges on which the north -eastern Porcupine Bank mounds (52°N - 54°N) predominantly occur are described by Wheeler et al. (2005) as fault scarps that overlie Rockall Trough boundary faults. In addition, Mazzini et al. (2012) suggest that the crescent-shaped geometry of the scarps at the Porcupine Bank Canyon coral mounds indicates that they are the seabed expression of a regional listric fault system. The interpreted seismic units and reflectors of the Chirp data indicate vertical displacement occurred at the scarps but the raised morphology suggests a horst and graben explanation for the scarps related to the surrounding extensional Rockall Trough and Porcupine basins (see Chapter 4, Section 4.1). The Caledonian Orogeny, which resulted in SW-NE trending structures, may explain the Arc Mounds scarps’ orientation. 124 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Characteristics of the Arc Mound Province The Arc Mounds are 6-84 m in height with footprints (areal extent) between 29,000 – 630,000 m2 (Table 5.1.1). The mounds vary from conical to elongate in morphology and are onlapped by apparent drift deposition. The site is characterised by N-S elongate mounds flanking a scarp and E-W trending mound clusters. The lack of small mounds (Table 5.1.1), and the elongate form of many of the structures, indicates that the site represents a mature stage of coral carbonate mound development. The water depths of mound occurrence shows that the Arc Mounds are occurring in a depth range close to the permanent thermocline (White & Dorschel, 2010) and are similar to the depth range of other carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic (Table 5.4.1). It is difficult to compare the mound provinces as their characteristics are often reported in a broad, general sense. In most cases the base diameter is reported but the mounds will often be described as elongate (e.g. Mazzini et al. 2012; Foubert et al., 2007). Nonetheless, comparing the base diameters (bearing in mind that they may represent width or length) and descriptions of the other mounds and mound provinces indicates that the Arc Mounds are medium-sized in both their elevation and areal extent (Table 5.4.1). 125 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Pen Duick Escarpment Mounds/Province Gulf of Cadiz Location 15-20 Height (m) diameter given 350-450 Length (m) 50-150 [d] 200-300 Width/diameter [d] (m) <500 530-580 Base depth (m) Characteristics Conical to elongated features Source Van Rooij et al., 2011 De Mol et al., 2011 <5 Mini-mounds Bay of Biscay Van Rooij et al., 2003; Wheeler et al., 2007 Guilvinec Canyon Conical mounds asymmetrically buried by contourites; some NNE–SSW trending elongated mound clusters Foubert et al., 2011 500-1000 Mini-mounds Wilson et al., 2007 300-1800 900-1080 Mini-mounds up to 2000 20 to 50 [d] 300-500 Conical individual mounds and elongate ridges; associated with elongated depressions or blind channels De Mol et al., 2002; Foubert et al. 2007 Foubert et al., 2007; Huvenne et al., 2003 100 -150 50-150 [d] 400 - 1100 Mostly buried mounds; N-S elongated and conical mounds This work. Eastern Porcupine Seabight up to 1500 [d] 500-700 Conical and elongated mounds onlapped by contourites, N-S elongate mounds flanking scarp and E-W trending mound clusters Mazzini et al., 2012 Belgica 300-800 630-850 Most are elongated in shape but conical mounds also identified; along canyon edge or escarpments. Some E-Welongated ridge-like features. Kenyon et al., 2003; van Weering et al., 2003 ~5 up to 1450 166-626 600–1,150 Often found on top of scarps; distinctly linear and oriented SSW/NNE; Variety of sizes Davies et al., 2007 Porcupine Seabight (average) 72 220-1400 300-2000 [d] 650-900 Mini-mounds Kenyon et al., 2003; Mienis et al., 2006; Wheeler et al., 2007 Moira 6-84 diameter given up to 700 <500 Giant mounds in coalescing mound clusters aligned north-south (downslope) and east-west (along-slope) Masson et al., 2003 <5 Southwest Porcupine Bank 50-300 up to 2000 50-150 [d] 500-1200 Predominantly quartz sand, indicating that coral debris is not a major contributor to mounds Porcupine Seabight Arc Mounds West margin of Porcupine Bank 50 - 200 diameter given 100s-km [d] 900-1060 Macnas Porcupine Bank Canyon Northwest Porcupine Bank <5 diameter given (average) 75 [d] Magellan diameter given diameter given diameter given Pelagia Celtic Margin >350 diameter given 150-250 Dangeard & Explorer Canyon Southern Rockall Bank ~5 Hovland Logachev Northern Rockall Trough Northern Porcupine Seabight Northern Porcupine Seabight Darwin Table 5.4. 1: Characteristics of mounds of examples in the North East Atlantic, listed by latitude from south to north. 126 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION The mound density at the Arc Mounds of 0.35 km-2 is lower than that found for the Great Bahama Bank (14 km-2; Correa et al., 2012) and the Magellan mounds (1 km-2; Huvenne et al., 2003) but similar to estimates for the Florida-Hatteras slope (0.3 km2 ; Paull et al., 2000). The high densities found by Correa et al. (2012) and Huvenne et al. (2003) are probably due to the increased resolution of those datasets that allowed mounds as small as 81 m2 and 600 m2, respectively, to be detected. Mounds and drift accumulation The acoustic characteristics and thickness of U3 is similar to sediment infill between mounds in the north west Porcupine Bank (van Weering et al., 2003; Kenyon et al., 2003). Although it is clear that the mounds pre-existed before the interpreted contourite drift deposition (U3), it is not apparent at what stage of mound development the mound was at during deposition of U3. Without dates it cannot be clear whether, (a) the mound pre-existed and later influenced the deposition of U3. (b) the change in palaeotopography (mound development) changed the bottom current regime and induced drift deposits (c) the same conditions ideal for mound growth are associated with current flow conditions, the resulting balance between sediment supply and bottom current strength drove competitive growth between the mound and the drift deposition around it (Van Rooij et al., 2010; Huvenne et al., 2009) Following the interpretation regarding U2 (Fig. 5.3.9) it appears that the mound preexisted for a substantial period of time and later influenced the deposition of U3. Drift sedimentation around mounds in the Porcupine Seabight is estimated to have started only from the middle Early Pleistocene (Van Rooij et al., 2009). It is possible however that all the above factors came into effect. In the later stages of mound development, as the mounds grew to greater dimensions, the change in palaeotopography could have locally changed the bottom current regime and induced drift deposits. Also, conditions favouring mound growth are probably associated with the current flow conditions and drive competitive growth between the mound and the drift deposition. The buried mound could be an example of a lost mound-drift competition as described at the Enya mounds in the Porcupine Seabight by Van Rooij et al. (2009). 127 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION The mound base reflector R1 is similar to the unconformity reported underneath mounds in the north west Porcupine Bank by van Weering et al. (2003) and Kenyon et al. (2003) and it may correlate to the RD1 unconformity (Van Rooij et al., 2003) discussed in Section 4.3.3. The presence of the reflector surface (R1) at the base of the bioherms, especially obvious in the N-S line (Fig. 5.3.3), suggests it may have played a prominent role in mound initiation. It indicates that mound growth started in a single ‘event’ confined in time. Core CS06 is believed to have penetrated R1 and its firmground composition is discussed in Chapter 6 (Section 6.3). If the reflector correlates to this feature then the fact that coral colonization is documented at the Belgica Mounds in the Porcupine Seabight by 2.6 Ma (Van Rooij et al., 2010) could suggest a similar period for mound initiation at the Arc Mounds. Controls on mound morphology and distribution A steeper bed slope supports a locally faster current (e.g. McCave & Robinson, 1995), which probably explains the occurrence of the mounds on the scarp S2, due to increased nutrient supply and sweeping of the coral from sedimentation. The Stjersund–Sill (Freiwald et al., 1997) and Florida–Hatteras Slope (Paull et al., 2000) cold-water coral communities also develop along a break in slope associated with deep-water terraces. Guinan et al. (2011, Chapter 47) report scarps on the flank of the Rockall Plateau at water depths from 200 m to 3000 m, colonised by Lophelia pertusa and De Mol et al. (2011, Chapter 46) describe a coral carbonate mound occurring at the summit of the Pen Duick Scarp in the Gulf of Cadiz. The Pelagia and the Belgica Mounds in the Porcupine Seabight, Porcupine Bank Canyon coral mounds, and West Florida Slope mounds also occur in association with scarps (Newton et al., 1987; Van Rooij et al., 2003; Wheeler et al., 2007). Sedimentary deposits originating from a single source and advected by hydrodynamic flow result in deltaic sedimentary body shapes that expand distally (Huber et al., 2006). Reef growth is largely a sedimentary process but the spatial distribution of carbonate mounds is governed by interplay between both the sediment deposition and biotic action. Also, over geologic timescales, chemical effects play a major role in modifying carbonate deposition architecture (Purkis et al., 2007). Thus carbonate mounds are moulded by multiscale and temporal processes, and lack a single sedimentary source –explaining their differing shapes, with the PAR results 128 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION showing elongated and circular forms. However, there is a trend for larger mounds to become more elongated (Fig. 5.1.16). When accommodation space of a facies is less constrained it allows the deposition of more isotropic patches (Purkis et al., 2007), i.e. circular mounds, and the top six PAR ratios (more circular forms) were associated with the more isolated mounds (Fig. 5.1.17). This appears to indicate that elongate mounds are the conjoined effect of the clustering of previously single isolated mounds. However, Correa et al. (2012) suggest that mounds become elongate as they increase in area in order to become more streamlined and Mienis (2008) suggests the shapes of the mounds reflect the influence of biotic interaction with strong near-bed currents - with elongation in the direction of the strongest current (growth by accretion into the current). Paull et al. (2000) also found individual lithoherms trending parallel with regional current flow on the FloridaHatteras Slope. This suggests that the elongate mounds aligning the scarp may reflect the predominant north-south topographically-controlled current regime. In addition, elongation may also be explained by bioherm units adopting the form of the shelf on which it sits, as the size of the bioherm unit approaches the dimension of the host shelf (Purkis et al., 2007). As the scarp and prevailing current have similar orientations it is difficult to establish a causal link for elongation but the fact that many of the mounds aligning the scarp reflect the shape of the scarp could indicate that bedrock control is the dominant factor in the elongation direction for most of the eastern mounds. There is less compelling evidence for the differing dominant orientation of the elongate non-scarp mounds (more east-west than north-south; Fig. 5.1.7). They may be influenced by water deflection off Sc1 (Fig. 5.4.1) or it is speculated that they may be occurring on E-W trending ridges which developed during the Variscan Orogeny (Section 4.1.1). 129 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Fig. 5.4. 1: Possible water deflection of Sc1 could be influencing the E-W mound clusters (black arrows) or the mounds could be occurring on Variscan E-W trending ridges. In essence, the elongation of the Arc Mounds may be attributed to: clustering of single mounds (conjoining effect) hydrodynamic control o through streamlining, or o biotic growth by accretion into the current bedrock control (adopting the form of the underlying topography) It is veritable that all of the above factors are involved to different degrees at the Arc Mound site, but the existence of off-scarp mounds not having a N-S orientation (which is the prevalent hydrodynamic regime) seems to indicate that bedrock is the dominant control; with individual mounds benefiting from increased current activity by their location on the scarp and probably clustering to form elongate mounds. The above discussion suggests that there is an interaction of topography with local current dynamics (with associated biotic interactions) and that this may be influencing the coral mound distribution and plan morphology. Wheeler et al. (2007) distinguished cold-water coral carbonate mounds as those exhibiting: 130 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Inherited morphology Developed morphology Where carbonate mound morphology reflects the morphology of the (antecedent) seafloor topography. Where carbonate mound assume their own gross morphology mainly reflecting hydrodynamic controls. The Arc Mounds appear to exhibit both inherited and developed morphological characteristics. The alignment parallel to the scarps indicates a morphology influenced by the antecedent seafloor topography. However, the reason the mounds are occurring on the scarp is deemed related to biotic interaction with the prevailing N-S current regime; therefore it could be argued that this same alignment is therefore also a developed morphology. The Arc mounds do not apparently conform to either morphological division, but rather are incorporated under both categorisations and must be considered as such. Influence of mounds on scarp morphology Finally, following the above discussion, it could be argued that the mounds’ locations on the apices of the convex projections of Sc2 (Fig 5.1.9) are because these areas are the most optimal for current delivery i.e. the scarp’s antecedent topography controlled the mound locations. However, this could also appear to show the influence of the mounds on the scarps’ development i.e. the presence of the mounds prevents erosion, shaping the scarp due to topographic steering of the current. Topographic steering of the mound(s) whereby the mounds deflect bottom currents to force local accelerations and scouring may also have induced deeper scouring of the seafloor. This, and the similar expression of the southernmost mounds’ moat to Sc2 (Fig. 5.1.9), could be used as evidence that erosion is occurring in association with the scarp and that scarp development and mound development could be partsynchronous. Although there is a lack of bedforms in the erosive areas that would indicate sediment transport (attributed to data resolution) there are apparent erosion features in the multibeam data (Fig. 5.4.2). Erosion associated with mounds is also suggested to be occurring on the western margin of the Rockall trough (Øvrebø et al., 2005) with deep fringing mound moats ascribed to current scour operating parallel to the slope. Therefore, it is suggested that the scarp to the east (Sc2) may 131 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION have been modified by the presence of the mounds through topographically induced erosion. Fig. 5.4. 2: 3D representation of the mounds flanking Sc2. There appears to be erosion occurring in between the mounds, indicating that the scarp’s development is partsynchronous with the mounds. The prevention of erosion by the mounds could then explain their location on the projections of the terraced seafloor. 132 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION Conclusions Spatial variability in mound characteristics was investigated. Mound shape differences probably reflect accretion architecture governed by spatially varying environmental conditions during development (differing local topography, hydrodynamic regime and sedimentation) but appear to be overall strongly dominated by bedrock control. The scarps appear to be fault-based and it is believed that the presence of the scarp in the east provided an elevated surface, with associated currents, for initial coral colonisation. There also appears to be erosion occurring in association with the scarp to the east. Three scenarios were provided to explain the seismic profiles but without more results the relative chronology of the mounds and unit 2 cannot be distinguished. The mounds were established prior to the most recent drift deposition and influenced their sedimentation, but whether they are in competition or induced their deposition is unclear. The Chirp results showed that the mounds root on a reflector (that correlates to a firmground penetrated by core CS06) which may be related to Neogene (Late Miocene-Pliocene) erosion attributed to oceanographic changes at the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. 133 CHAPTER 5: GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION 134 Chapter 6: Off-mound Core (CS06) The core description (derived from the detailed logs in Appendix A) which allowed the identification of the sedimentary facies is given in Section 6.1. A summary log of core CS06 (with the facies divisions) is first presented in Fig 6.1.1 in order to give an initial overview of the core. An integrated description of the facies using the results from the various sedimentological investigations is presented in Section 6.2, followed by a description of the mound base reflector sediment in Section 6.3. A discussion of the results is in Section 6.4. The individual results are presented in Appendices A-H. 6.1: Core description 135 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) 136 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) The logging results (Appendix A and Fig. 6.1.1) showed the bottom of CS06 (at 297.5 cmdc) to be made up of bright grey, slightly iron-stained, structureless, poorlysorted, muddy fine sands. These sediments rapidly pass upwards into reddish light grey, structureless, very poorly sorted, muddy fine to medium sands which contain mud lenses, dispersed black granules and a large dropstone (Fig. 6.1.1). The basal contact (at 260 cmdc) of the latter unit is irregular and erosional. An abrupt change in lithology then follows, at 212.5 cmdc, to heavily bioturbated, very poorly-sorted, red silty mud, which alternates with very poorly-sorted, bioturbated beige muddy sands. The muds contain brachiopods and often display green staining and most notably they are characterised by beige stipples which are mm in scale and contain a coarser fill (from fine to coarse sand) than the surrounding red mud matrix (Fig. 6.1.2). Fig. 6.1. 2: Photograph of stippled mud in core CS06. The stipples are interpreted as possible mm-scale burrows; they are beige and contain a coarser fill (from fine to coarse sand) than the surrounding orange mud matrix (three examples are outlined). The stippled deposits also display cm-scale burrows and bioturbated contacts. These stippled muds with muddy sands continue from 212.5 cmdc in Section 3 to 186 cmdc in Section 2. At this point, a sharp colour change occurs, at the very bioturbated, irregular, upper contact, to an 11 cm thick unit of chaotic, structureless, very pale brown, muddy medium sand. The latter unit contains mud lenses and grades upwards to become a light grey silty fine sand (Fig. 6.1.1). This pale brown to light grey unit is comprised mainly of planktonic foraminifera, with a high lithic component. This unit has a sharp colour change at the upper boundary (at 153 cmdc) 139 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) to pale brown silty fine sands that normally grade to red silt with a second horizon of brachiopods (Fig. 6.1.1). There then follows grading to red silty clays, which are again characterised by beige stipples. Larger biogenic structures are very common, with vertical burrows (of presumed crustacean origin) particularly conspicuous. The top of this unit is obscured by the downcore movement of the clast logged at 65 cmdc (6.1.1). However, there appears to be an abrupt lithological change at the irregular, bioturbated boundary, at 55 cmdc, from the stippled muds to brown muddy sands. These sands alternate with brown sandy muds in a similar manner to the deposits beneath and the sediments also show vertical burrows, but there are no stipples. The sediments reverse grade to an irregular upper contact at 4 cmdc, with a colour change from light brownish grey muddy fine sand to beige muddy medium sand. Ice rafted debris (IRD) was observed throughout CS06 and was also noted at 0 cmdc. Microscope observations during the IRD count showed that the carbonate sand-size material is predominantly composed of planktonic and benthic foraminifera with varying amounts of shells of molluscs, echinoderms, crustacean, brachiopods, gastropods, etc. Facies Five sedimentary facies are evident from the logged succession in CS06 (Fig. 6.1.3 and Table 6.1.1). Facies A Beige foraminiferal muddy sand Facies B Greyish brown foraminiferal muddy sands and sandy muds Facies C Yellowish brown stippled foraminiferal muds and muddy sands Facies D Very pale brown to reddish pale brown foraminiferal muddy sands Facies E Reddish white foraminiferal muddy sands Table 6.1. 1: Sedimentary facies identified in CS06. 140 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Fig. 6.1. 3: CS06 facies (B = bioturbation). (a) Beige foraminiferal muddy sand at top of core with irregular, gradational lower contact. (b) Bioturbated greyish brown foraminiferal muddy sands and sandy muds with irregular contacts. (c) Heavily bioturbated yellowish brown stippled foraminiferal muds and muddy sands with erosive contacts (two stipples outlined by black ellipses). (d) Granule-rich structureless very pale brown to reddish pale brown foraminiferal muddy sands with mud clast outlined. (e) Structureless reddish white foraminiferal muddy sands with irregular, gradational upper contact with facies D. Width of core is 11 cm. 141 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) 6.2: Integrated description of facies Fig. 6.2.1 shows the facies alongside the results of dating, grain-size analysis, IRD content, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray fluorescence. The date of the sample at 165 cmdc is highlighted with an asterisk (*) as it is near the background limit. In the XRF data the first 15 cm of CS06 showed lows total counts per second (CPS), indicating a low signal. The core was unevenly split at this particular interval and these results were discounted during graph production. These additional results allowed an integrated description of each of the sedimentary facies. The characteristics of each facies are described below and summarised in Table 6.2.1 below. Characteristics Facies A Facies B Facies C Munsell Colour 2.5Y 7/2 2.5Y 6/2 -2.5Y 5/2 Light 10YR 5/6 - 2.5Y 6/2 Yellowish Light Grey Brownish GreyGreyish Brown Brown - Light Brownish Grey Lithology Muddy medium sand Sandy mud & muddy sand Sedimentary structures Reverse grading Contacts Facies D Facies E 10YR 8/2 2.5Y 8/1 Very pale brown White Sandy mud & muddy sand Muddy sand Muddy sand Some normal & reverse grading; bioturbated Some normal & reverse grading; bioturbated Structureless/ slight normal grading None Gradational Sharp, bioturbated Sharp to gradational; bioturbated Gradational Irregular, gradational Ca/Fe N/A 2-12 0-20 4-28 20-62 % IRD Mag. Susc. (M.S.I) 12 8-22 6-47 8-13 3-9 23-34 23-60 18-103 13-130 5-13 Ice-rafting + hemipelagic settling; possibly remobilised. Hemipelagic settling: possibly bottom current reworked. Depositional mechanism Ice rafting + hemipelagic settling; strong bottom currents. Ice-rafting & hemipelagic settling; very weak bottom currents alternating with strong bottom currents. Table 6.2. 1: Sedimentary facies summary for CS06. 142 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Facies A: Beige foraminiferal muddy sand Occurrence: 0-4 cmdc. This facies is composed of beige, poorly-sorted, muddy medium grade sand with an irregular, gradational transition to Facies B beneath (Fig. 6.1.1). It is composed of 80% sand, 19% mud and 1% gravel; and has average IRD content (12%) and magnetic susceptibility values (23-34 M.S.I) (Fig. 6.2.1). Context: The presence of IRD at the very top of CS06 indicates high current flow and very little sedimentation at this location, resulting in glacial sediments occurring in the near surface. This would suggest the Holocene portion of the sequence may be highly reduced and possibly winnowed. Facies B: Greyish brown foraminiferal muddy sands and sandy muds Occurrence: 4-55 cmdc The bioturbated poorly sorted brown muddy sands and sandy muds of the Facies B show normal and reverse grading with bioturbated contacts (Fig. 6.1.1). The muddy sands show 24-40% mud, 60-76% sand and 1-8% gravel and the sandy muds show 42-65% mud 35-40% sand and 0-2% gravel; and the sand horizons show better sorting in comparison to the muds (Fig. 6.2.1). Sediments from Facies B have low Ca/Fe values (2-12) and high magnetic susceptibility (23-60 M.S.I) and IRD content (8-22%). The Ca/Sr ratio increases with the muddy units, whereas the Ca/Fe ratio decreases. The planktonic foraminifera C14 date of ~28 ka at 25 cmdc indicates that the succession, at this point in CS06, belongs to the top of MIS 3 (27 ka – 60 ka). It is possible, therefore, that the continuation of Facies B above this level (up to 4 cmdc) represent MIS 2. The 'out of range' date produced from a sample taken at the transition between Facies B and C. suggests an age greater than 45 ka. Context: Mud is a significant constituent of Facies B and the brown colour may suggest a high input of terrigenous material. The latter contention is supported by the presence of dropstones, high counts of both IRD and magnetic susceptibility and also low Ca/Fe values. These factors suggest Facies B reflects glaciomarine sedimentation. 145 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Facies C: Stippled yellowish brown foraminiferal muds and muddy sands Occurrence: 55-153 cmdc; 182.5-220 cmdc Facies C occurs twice in CS06 and is comprised of heavily bioturbated, poorlysorted, stippled silty muds, alternating with poorly-sorted muddy sands; with erosional and bioturbated contacts (Fig. 6.1.1). The foraminiferal sand units are made up of 70-80 % sand 15-20% mud and 5-7% gravel and the muddy units are composed of 63-83% mud, 18-37 % sand and less than 5% gravel; and the sands show better sorting in comparison to the muds (Fig. 6.2.1). The IRD content and magnetic susceptibility values are high (6-47 % IRD; and 18-103 M.S.I). The highest peaks of IRD occur in Facies C, at 200 cmdc (47% IRD) and 105 cmdc (42%). The lower IRD counts of Facies C occur at the transition zones between Facies C and D at 140 cmdc and 210 cmdc. The magnetic susceptibility peaks at 74 cmdc with the coarser interval of granule material in the foraminiferal sands logged at that depth. The facies shows the lowest Ca/Fe values, with a minimum of 0.4 at 199 cmdc. The Ca/Fe ratio fluctuates with the foraminiferal sands (positively; between 5-11) and the stippled muds (negatively; between 1-6). The Ca/Sr ratio shows maximum values in this facies (~3.5) in correlation with the muddy units. Both Facies B and C are composed of a mixture of sand and silt; however, they are sufficiently distinct to merit separation – they have different colours and internal structures (the stipples are particularly characteristic of Facies C). Brachiopod Shell Accumulations Facies C included several unusual and highly conspicuous terebratulid brachiopod horizons. Three of these brachiopod accumulations were identified in CS06, all within the stippled muds (at 105 cmdc, 130-147.5 cmdc and 210 cmdc Fig. 6.1.1). Samples of shell material were kindly examined by Professor Dave Harper (Durham University) and determined as Macandrevia cranium (Müller, 1776). This particular terebratulide is characterised by a smooth, oval, ventribiconvex shell with a longlooped brachidium which extends forward, anteriorly, to occupy much of the length of the dorsal valve and about half the width of the shell. The shells of these 146 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) pedunculate brachiopods are quite thin and delicate and many are still intact and fully articulated in CS06 (see Fig. 6.2.2). Fig. 6.2. 2: Articulated terebratulid brachiopod with intact brachidium in silty muds belonging to Facies C at 140.4 cmdc in CS06. Scale to the right is in cm. In life, the pedicle of M. cranium terminates in a series of branching root-like processes (i.e. they are rhizopedunculate) which helps attachment, allowing it to root into soft substrates or attach to dead shells. The brachiopods were sampled at 55, 100 and 140 cmdc for dating, but all were found to be out of range of the radiocarbon dating method (Appendix G) indicating that they are older than 45 ka. Today M. cranium has been reported from around the Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands, off northwest and southwest Ireland and in the Western Approaches (Brunton & Curry, 1979). Generally the species is reported from water depths of between 10 and 2,900 metres in the modern Atlantic Ocean but there are few data on the mode of occurrence of these brachiopods in the Holocene, or indeed today (pers. comm. Dave Harper, 2014). Context: The red colouration of the sediment of Facies C indicates well-oxygenated seafloor conditions and a moderate to high iron-rich mineral content. This is interpreted as a reflection of iron-bearing terrigenous (ice-rafted) material to the core site, corroborated by the high IRD content. This suggests that Facies C may represent 147 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) glaciomarine sedimentation. The Ca/Fe ratio indicates that the lighter colour of the sands reflects higher biogenic carbonate content, which is attributable largely to foraminiferal content. The Ca/Sr ratio indicates increased detrital carbonate input for the muddy deposits. The intense bioturbation may mark zones where there was a slow down or reduction in sedimentation. The mode of preservation of the terebratulid brachiopods, with thin shells fully articulated and delicate loops intact, coupled with the very fine-grained composition of the enclosing sediments (Fig. 6.2.2), unequivocally indicates that they are autochthonous. The three levels at which they were observed in CS06 may represent colonisation surfaces. Most brachiopod species avoid locations with very strong currents or waves, perhaps explaining their occurrence in the muds of Facies C. The shell accumulations of M. cranium suggest a once thriving population at depth, free from predation, and attached to debris and other shells. The in situ assemblages were subsequently blanketed, possibly by muddy contourites periodically invading the placid deeper-water environment. Facies D: Very pale brown to reddish pale brown foraminiferal muddy sands Occurrence: 153-182.5 cmdc; 220-260 cmdc Facies D comprises very poorly-sorted, structureless, pale brown to reddish brown muddy sands with ‘blotches’ and lenses of mud. Upper boundaries are gradational and irregular, whereas lower contacts are sharp to gradational and bioturbated (Fig. 6.1.1). Upon visual inspection, the sediments contain conspicuous IRD granules. Microscopic observations showed a high foraminiferal content, which included polar forms (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma [sinistral]); however, there is a dominance of warmer forms (e.g. Globigerina bulloides). The sediment grain composition ranges from 56-83% sand, 18-54% mud and 1-17% gravel (Fig. 6.2.1). The Ca/Fe ratio shows low to intermediate values from 4-28. The IRD content is intermediate at 813% and the magnetic susceptibility ranges from intermediate to very high (13-130 M.S.I). A magnetic susceptibility spike of 53 M.S.I at 180 cmdc correlates to a concentration of granule material noted in the log. The very large magnetic susceptibility spike (130 M.S.I) is due to the leucocratic granite dropstone (Appendix H) at 235 cmdc. The lower values of the magnetic susceptibility are found with the 148 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) gradual transition to Facies E beneath at 260 cmdc. The planktonic foraminifera C14 date of 44.736 ± 1.560 kyr at 165 cmdc (Appendix G) indicates the unit in the upper occurrence of Facies C represents Marine Isotope Stage 3 [MIS 3]. Context: Facies D has an intermediate composition, reflecting a mixture of both carbonate and siliciclastic components. The intermediate IRD component in association with abundant warm planktonic foraminifera types suggests that the deposits are interstadial in nature (i.e. glacial conditions, but the fauna imply the conditions were not polar) and this is also suggested by the MIS 3 date of the upper occurrence of the facies (153-182.5 cmdc). The poorly-sorted and disorganised nature of this facies may reflect some degree of localised sediment remobilisation; or the 'blotches of clay' could be rip-up mud clasts, whereby contourite sands are contaminated by re-suspended mud during slope erosion; this may suggest strong currents. Facies E: Reddish white foraminiferal muddy sands Occurrence: 260-297.5 cmdc Facies E consists of bright white, slightly iron-stained, structureless, muddy fine to medium sands that are conspicuously cleaner than Facies A-D. The facies has an irregular, gradational contact with Facies D above (Fig. 6.1.1). Some dispersed black granules were noted during logging and the IRD content is low (3-9%) (Fig. 6.2.1). The sediments are composed of 77-81% sand, 19-23% mud and <4% gravel. This facies shows a step-like increase in the Ca/Fe ratio in comparison to Facies A-D, with values from 20-62 and a high average of 42. There is also a marked decrease in the magnetic susceptibility which shows low values ranging from only 5-13 M.S.I. Microscopic observations showed abundant large globigerinids in the >250 µm fraction. Context: The cleaner nature of the sands suggests some degree of sorting by bottom current activity. The similarities in lithology of Facies E with Facies A (the uppermost sediments, interpreted as condensed Holocene), as well as the low magnetic susceptibilities and IRD, and high Ca/Fe values, suggest the commencement of an interglacial period, or the final stages of a warm period before 149 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) the interpreted colder period in Facies D above. This indicates that the sediments are possibly representative of MIS 5. 6.3: Mound base reflector sediment (Bas Ogive) The firmground sediment (Bas Ogive [BOg]) which marked the termination of CS06 in the core catcher sediment (Peau d’Orange) was correlated to the mound base reflector (R1) seen in the chirp data (Section 5.3). Composition of the Bas Ogive sediment Wet-sieving (Table 6.3.1) showed the BOg sediments to be composed mainly of gravel-pebble clasts >2 mm (69 wt%). Of the remaining sediment 12 wt% of the grains are greater than or equal to coarse sand (>500 µm); 10 wt% makes up the fine/medium sand and there is an 8 wt% mud fraction. The gravel and pebbles are angular, with red and green staining (Fig. 6.3.1). Thin-sections showed these clasts to be composed of bioclastic (predominantly foraminiferal) wackestone and packstone limestones (Figs. 6.3.1 E, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3), as well as chalks, and some intraclastic mudstones. CS06 (wt)% MUD (wt)% >63 µm (wt)% 250 µm (wt)% 500 µm (wt)% > 2mm Bas Ogive 8 6 4 12 69 Table 6.3. 1: Sieving results for the 'Bas Ogive' sediment from the base of core CS06. The Globorotalia menardii, or a closely related form, in Fig. 6.3.2 suggests that the sample cannot be older than middle Miocene (pers. comm. Prof Paul Pearson, 2013). Two of the recovered larger iron-stained clasts from the BOg have a surface covered in small circular impressions (e.g. Fig. 6.3.1 D). These are interpreted as the remains of surface colonisation by benthic invertebrates. One possible candidate is a cnidarian hydroid, such as Hydractinia echinata, with individual hydranths joined to the colony by stems producing the circular pattern. 150 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Fig. 6.3. 1: Bas Ogive sediment (a) Sieved sediment in beaker (sediment >63μm); (b) Lithics >2mm (ruler in cm), note angularity (except large pebble top left) and red and green colouration; (c) Prepared thin-sections; (d) Top surface of pebble showing colonised surface and bottom surface showing cement; (e) Foraminiferal wackestone clast in thin-section (PPL). 151 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) The carbonate grains are made up of planktonic foraminifera (globigerinids are particularly abundant, Fig. 6.3.2), benthic foraminifera and also benthic invertebrate skeletons including bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves, and coral (Fig. 6.3.3). Fig. 6.3. 2: Packstone clast with abundant planktonic foraminifera in Bas Ogive. The specimen highlighted by red box is Globorotalia menardii or a closely related form. Many thin shell fragments are also present. Thin section BG2 (PPL). 152 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Fig. 6.3. 3: Fossils in Bas Ogive. (a) Globigerinid in BG1 (PPL); (b) Spines showing a pseudo-uniaxial cross and a possible crustacean shell (homogenous shell structure showing undulose extinction) in BG1, (XPL); (c) Possible Cibicides benthic foram (left), mollusc shell (wavy elongated S form above) and well-rounded chalk intraclast in BG1 (PPL); (d) Possible echinoderm spine in BG2 (PPL); (e) Possible bryozoan or calcareous algae in BG3 (XPL). 153 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) During the wet-sieving process the presence of a lithified carbonate matrix adhering to the pebbles and surrounding (loose) carbonate mud became apparent and indicated at least two phases of carbonate production. The thin-sections allowed the nature of this feature to be investigated further. Some of the clasts showed an outer coating of bioclastic micrite. This carbonate mud may also form matrix between clasts (Fig. 6.3.4). There were also instances of a thick red outer coating (Fig. 6.3.5) interpreted as an iron crust. Fig. 6.3. 4: Photomicrographs of lithified matrix found between the Bas Ogive limestone clasts. Left – PPL, right XPL. (A-D) from thin-section BG3, (E-F) from thin-section BG2. Green colouration ascribed to glauconite. 154 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Fig. 6.3. 5: Iron rich clast in thin section from Bas Ogive. Core catcher Peau d'Orange nannofossil content Nannofossils from the matrix scrapings of a sample from the core catcher Peau d'Orange included: small reticulofenestrids (<4µm R. minuta) Coccolithus pelagicus Calcidiscus leptoporus Syracosphaera pulchra Pontosphaera discopora Helicosphaera carteri, and H. sellii. The presence of S. pulchra suggests a Pliocene (rather than Miocene) age, but it is difficult to prove due to the lack of diagnostic nannolith species (i.e. discoasters, sphenoliths) (pers. comm. Dr Tom Dunkley Jones, 2013). 155 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Context: The BOg analysis showed the rock to be composed of clearly reworked limestone clasts. These displayed wackestone and packstone textures and they contained planktonic foraminifera and benthic bioclasts. These lithified carbonate clasts were redeposited with a carbonate mud, which subsequently lithified forming a breccio-conglomerate. The green colouration of the pebbles and small green clasts seen within the thin sections (e.g. Fig. 6.3.4) may possibly be ascribed to the formation of glauconite. Detrital glauconite grains are a typical feature of hardgrounds (Carson & Crowley, 1993) and their presence suggests that the area contained iron-rich muds where sedimentation rates were relatively low. The red colouration of some clasts is ascribed to iron-crust formation (Fig. 6.3.5). Manganese- and ferromanganese-rich horizons are often found in association with contourites (e.g. González et al., 2012) with the currents preventing the accumulation of other sediments. The circular ichnofossils on the clasts also has important implications because it means the pebbles were exposed at the surface for a sufficient period of time for colonisation to occur (corroborated by the iron-staining and glauconite, which both require time to develop). The nannofossil results indicate that the rock is Pliocene, but it is difficult to prove due to the lack of diagnostic nannolith species. 6.4: Discussion and conclusions Discussion of sedimentary facies The off-mound sediment of the Arc Mound site in the Porcupine Bank appears to be highly condensed. The C14 planktonic foraminiferal dates show the sediments to be ~ 28 k at 25 cmdc and 43-45 ka at 165 cmdc (as this second date is near the background limit it has a high error margin). The radiocarbon date of the brachiopod at 55 cmdc is deemed spurious as that interval is the transition between Facies B and C and appears heavily bioturbated. However, the apparently in situ brachiopods at 140 cmdc also yielded a result > 45 ka. By way of comparison, a 450 cm off-mound core from the Hovland Mound province in the Porcupine Seabight had a basal age of only 27 kyr BP, slightly further back than the Last Glacial Maximum (Dorschel et al., 2005). 156 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) CS06 shows alteration between five distinct sedimentary facies, but all are essentially composed of foraminiferal muddy sands and sandy muds (Table 6.2.1). Syn-sedimentary structures include normal and reverse graded bedding, and erosive contacts and reactivation surfaces are also common. The different facies indicate different processes and/or conditions acting at the time of deposition. Deposits comprised of foraminiferal sand are common across the Porcupine Bank (Toms, 2010; Stow et al., 2002; Øvrebø, 2004). Deep-sea currents are rarely able to move quartz, but can move foraminifera to form dunes (McCave & Robinson, 1995). North-moving flows on the Porcupine Bank have been reported with velocities up to 37 cm/s (~500m; Dickson & McCave, 1986). The foraminiferal sands with erosive bases are interpreted as a result of frequent movement of the sand by currents and resuspension of the fine fraction, which Stow and Holbrook (1984) classify as contourite lag deposits. In addition, these lags are associated with low accumulation rates and lack of stratigraphic resolution (McCave & Hall, 2006). Sandy contourites have been recognised for this part of the eastern Rockall Trough margin (Sacchetti et al., 2012; Øvrebø, 2004; Toms, 2010). Thus periods of higher current velocities are inferred for the muddy sandy deposits of Facies A, B, C and E - or 'sandy contourite' deposits. The sandy units of Facies A, B and C appear similar to the description, textural and compositional character of facies C-1a of Øvrebø (2004) and facies R1 of Toms (2010) (Table 6.4.1) which were recorded in cores from the upper slopes of the Porcupine Bank. The uppermost facies of CS06 (A) may also correlate to facies CM of Toms (2010) which was found at the top of most of the cores. Likewise Øvrebø (2004) and Toms (2010) attributed the deposits to bottom current reworking and deposition. The muddy units in Facies B and C of CS06 are attributed to weaker bottom currents or 'muddy contourites'. The brown sandy muds of Facies B may correlate to the brown sandy mud facies S2-a of Toms (2010); albeit with a lower IRD content of 8-22% in comparison to his 25-42%. These deposits are also similar to the pale yellowish brown sandy mud facies C1-b of Øvrebø (2004), who reported the IRD content as rare to common. The red poorly-sorted bioturbated sandy muds of Facies C appear analogous to the 'red muddy sands' facies S2-b of Toms (2010) and may also correlate to the IRD-rich yellowish brown sandy mud facies IH-1 of Øvrebø (2004). 157 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Thus the alternation between muds and muddy sands is interpreted as representing fluctuating periods of enhanced and reduced bottom current activity. This agrees with Howe’s (1995) contention that sandy contourites are always found together with muddy contourites and can appear as thin intervals (a few centimetres thick). Furthermore, sandy contourites usually overlie muddy contourites, with gradational or sharp, erosive contacts and they often show grading, indicating waning of the current (e.g. Faugéres & Stow, 1993; Howe, 1995). These features are all observed in both Facies B and C. As facies A, B and C appear to broadly represent glaciomarine deposits these mid-latitude contourites may be referred to as 'glacigenic contourites' (Rebesco et al., 2008). The interpreted alternation between muddy and sandy contourites in CS06 may possibly indicate the influence of associated climatic variation. Palaeoceanographic studies describe reduced current activities for intermediate water masses in the North Atlantic during glacial conditions (Manighetti & McCave, 1995). In addition, within the last glacial (MIS 2-4) there were also variations in the position and strength of NADW - it was less vigorous and occurred at a lower latitude during stadials than during interstadials (Øvrebø et al., 2005). Thus the muddier deposits may possibly reflect colder conditions with more sluggish oceanic circulation. This hypothesis is supported by higher IRD counts in the muddy units. Øvrebø et al. (2005) report several intervals of sandy contourites deposited during past interglacials and interstadials on the Porcupine Bank, with prominent erosion surfaces recorded within MIS 3; and muddy contourites, ice-rafting and/or mass-flow deposits during colder periods. In addition, the reconstruction by Sacchetti et al. (2012) of depositional process active along the Porcupine Bank (north of the survey area) suggested ice rafting and downslope remobilisation occurring during glacials, and bottom current action predominating during interstadials - as well as ice rafting. The brown sands and muds of Facies B and C may represent associated advances and retreats of the British Irish Ice Sheet. [BIIS] A major expansion of the BIIS occurred ~ 29 ka (Kroon et al., 2000), which may potentially correlate to the muddy unit of Facies B (at 21-30 cmdc), as the middle of the unit was dated at ~28 ka (25 cmdc). The peak in IRD of 22% (15 cmdc) could possibly represent Heinrich 2 - when maximum extent of the BIIS occurred around 24 ka (Greenwood & Clark 2009). The reverse grading from this level in CS06 may represent a gradual increase in bottom 158 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) current strength during MIS 2 as it approached deglaciation. MIS 3 includes several abrupt climatic warming phases known as Dansgaard-Oeschger [DO] events. These abrupt transitions from cold stadial to warmer interstadial conditions are followed by a return to cold stadial temperatures (Dansgaard et al., 1993). From 25 cmdc in CS06 the alternation of foraminiferal sands and the muds of Facies B and C may possibly reflect these events. Facies D may be correlated to the structureless muddy foraminiferal sand of Toms (2010; C3-b muddy foraminiferal sand), which also contained mud patches interpreted as rip-up clasts, and was inferred as representing hemipelagic deposition and winnowing (contourite). In fact, the upper occurrence of Facies D in CS06 (between 153-182.5 cmdc), which indicated an age equivalent to MIS 3, may correlate to an interstadial winnowing event during MIS 3 observed by Toms (2010), which was linked to the Aghnadarragh interstadial onshore. However, Facies D is also similar to the debrite facies of Øvrebø (2004; D-1) found in intermound areas, which showed lenses of mud and patches of coarse grains. Øvrebø et al. (2005) suggested that the debris flows are a reflection of instability during glacial times. Thus Facies D may either be the result of strong bottom currents ripping up mud clasts or it could represent debris flow activity. On balance, it seems the latter interpretation is more likely due to very similar characteristics to those described by Øvrebø et al. (2005). The scarps of the survey site (Chapter 1) are also an indication that the area was involved in downslope movement. As episodes of downslope movement on the Porcupine Bank are believed to be associated with glacial times (Sacchetti et al., 2012; Øvrebø et al., 2005) and Facies D appears to represent slumping during glacial conditions, it is postulated that the surficial scarps in the area are of glacial origin. Facies E is very similar to two facies described by Øvrebø (2004): 1. The pale orange sand intermound facies C-3 ascribed to bottom current deposition and, 2. The very pale orange sand smooth slope facies P-1 interpreted as a biogenic contourite of interglacial origin. 159 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) The composition (abundant large globigerinids, low IRD content) of Facies E appears to be representative of warmer conditions and it is proposed that they may belong to the Eemian interglacial (MIS 5). Sedimentary facies subdivisions B CS06 (this work) A C muddy units sandy units muddy units sandy units D E Toms (2010) CM or R1 S2-a R1 S2-b R1 C3-b C3-a Øvrebø (2004) C-1a C-1b C-1a IH-1 C-1a D-1 C-3 or P1 Table 6.4. 1: Comparable facies to those documented herein in CS06, with those identified by previous studies on the Porcupine Bank. The core sediments for CS06 (from 0 until 220 cmdc) may correspond to package II of Øvrebø (2005), which spans MIS 2-4 with sand-mud couplets falling within MIS 3. The final sands of Facies E possibly mark the onset of package III which shows interglacial periods characterised by increased bottom-current activity and deposition of biogenic contourites. Mound base reflector Hardgrounds develop when carbonate production and sedimentation rates are low, a condition that would be promoted during glacial periods (Dorschel et al., 2005; Smeulders, 2011; van Weering et al., 2003). Mazzini et al. (2012) identified calcite, dolomite and phosphatic hardgrounds in samples from a scarp framing the eastern part of the Porcupine Bank Canyon region. They suggested that water column stratification, enhanced bottom currents, and upwelling facilitated the deposition of organic matter and that subsequent phosphatisation lead to the formation of phosphate-glauconite deposits. Many occurrences of hardgrounds have been documented on erosive mound flanks (van Weering et al., 2003) and Noé et al. 160 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) (2006) concluded that hardgrounds are an essential element of carbonate mound growth as they provide a firm substrate for mound-building invertebrates to colonise and stabilise the inclined mound flanks. The mechanism for hardground formation in these circumstances is still under investigation, but the two main hypotheses, as summarised by Noé et al. (2006), are: 1. Fine-grained pelagic sediments become trapped (baffled) within the coral framework on the mound flanks and top and become lithified by earlydiagenetic physicochemical processes. 2. Bacteria contribute to a syndepositional mound stabilisation by metabolic products which induce carbonate precipitation at the base and within the mounds. The hardgrounds associated with carbonate mounds in the Porcupine Seabight and the Rockall Bank found by Noé et al. (2006)5 were composed of mid-Pleistocene lithified carbonates, ranging from chalks to micritic limestones, which were exhumed during the Holocene. Current-induced sedimentary structures, a non-luminescing matrix, indicating oxic pore fluids, and a marine isotopic signature lacking a depleted carbon regime indicated to these workers that these hardgrounds clearly differed from bacterially induced authigenic carbonate crusts, typical of hydrocarbon seep settings. Carbonate lithification was ascribed to carbonate ion diffusion from supersaturated seawater into pore fluids, with vigorous bottom currents the ultimate control. It is not known, at present, whether hydrocarbon seepage and associated microbial activity were involved in the lithification of the BOg limestone breccioconglomerate, or if it occurred abiogenically through oxidization by currents and a low sediment input; however, as the BOg calcirudites are similar to the MidPleistocene carbonates described by Noé et al. (2006), their diagenetic sequence of hardground formation may also be broadly applicable (Fig. 6.4.1). 5 This work was completed during the RV Meteor cruises M161-1 and M161-3 in 2004. 161 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) Diagenetic sequence: Seafloor stage 1 (i) 2 Subsurface stage Event: Sedimentation (i) Physical compaction (ii) Rim and spar cementation Age: Possibly Pliocene (iii) Neomorphism 3 (ii) Exhumation & subsequent fragmentation of limestones into angular clasts 4 (iii) Hardground formation: cementation between limestone clasts Holocene to Recent Fig. 6.4. 1: Diagenetic sequence of hardground formation as described by Noé et al. (2006). A limestone clast from the mound base reflector sediment contained well-rounded chalk intraclasts (Fig. 6.4.2) implying a prior phase of exhumation and reworking to Step 1 in Fig. 6.4.1. However, as chalk is a relatively soft lithology, the rounding of the clasts is not taken to necessarily imply particularly protracted transport distances. Fig. 6.4. 2: Well-rounded intraclasts (within a larger clast) in the BOg. Left is PPL and right is XPL. The proposed diagenetic sequence in Fig. 6.4.1 could suggest the redeposited BOg relates to Pleistocene scarp features presently found at the seafloor surface. The scarp 162 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) investigated by Klages et al. (2004) at the Porcupine Bank6 was composed of a 10 cm capping-layer of limestone hardground coated with a thin layer of manganese oxide, which was protecting softer carbonate-rich rocks beneath and was littered with IRD on its top surface. The IRD implies that the scarp predates the last glaciation and the formation of the metal precipitate indicates that the rock was exposed at the seabed for a considerable period of time. The non-lithified nature of the underlying sediment suggested to Klages et al. (2004) that it was Pleistocene (‘Quaternary’) in age. However, the nannofossil content suggests the BOg may be Pliocene in age. This would correlate to the RD1 reflector (Van Rooij et al., 2003) discussed in section 4.3.3 which was dated to the late Miocene-Pliocene, and to the Challenger Mound basal firmground which separates underlying Miocene glauconitic siltstones from the (Plio-) Pleistocene mound sequence above (Thierens et al., 2010). This RD1 reflector was separately postulated to correlate to the reflector in the Chirp data which coincides with the mound base sediment depth of recovery (see Section 5.3). Conclusions The sedimentological features of CS06 were not suitable for the examination of high-frequency climatic fluctuations due to its condensed nature, but they were valuable in delineating major, broader long-term changes. CS06 is believed to represent (Weichsel) glacial deposits from MIS 2-5. Therefore perhaps as much as 100,000 years is represented in only 3m of core. The high concentrations of IRD corroborate the enhanced supply of terrigenous material diluting biogenic CaCO3, indicated by the Ca/Fe ratio. The five facies identified in CS06 appear to represent along-slope current reworking of sediment during glacial-interglacial and interstadial-stadial cycles. The sandy muds of Facies B and C are interpreted as muddy contourites deposited by weak currents; the alternating sandier units of these facies, and also of Facies A and E, are interpreted as the result of stronger currents winnowing and removing the fines to produce lags, now preserved as sandy contourite sequences. Facies D may represent localised slumping, possibly associated with downslope movement during glacial 6 , This work was part of Expedition ARKTIS XIX/3 and was conducted on the research vessel POLARSTERN in 2003. 163 CHAPTER 6: OFF-MOUND CORE (CS06) conditions. The basal sediments of Facies E appear to represent the onset of warm conditions in MIS 5. The mound base reflector (Bas Ogive) made up of reworked fragments of (largely pelagic) micritic limestones, some having iron-manganese crusts, creating a breccioconglomeratic carbonate hardground/firmground. To form the mound base sediment, pelagic oozes with admixed benthic skeletal grains were lithified, producing wackestones and packstones, with some containing previously reworked intraclastic mud pebbles. The glauconite and ferromanganese crusts of this hardground are interpreted as having formed at the exposed seabed surface in a long-term nondepositional palaeoenvironment with strong currents. The timing of hardground development may correlate with increases in global oceanic current activity accompanying late Pliocene ice age transitions. The correlation of the BOg penetration depth to the (geophysically visualised) mound base reflector indicates that the lithified carbonates provided a colonisation surface for the coral and stabilised the mound flanks as it developed. 164 Chapter 7: On-mound Core (CS07) A summary log of core CS07 (with the identified lithofacies) is shown in Fig 7.1.1 in order to provide an initial overview of the succession evident. A lithological description of the core (derived from the detailed logs in Appendix A) follows in Sections 7.1. An integrated description of the facies using the results from the various sedimentological investigations is presented in Section 7.2, followed by a discussion of the results in Section 7.3. The individual results are presented in Appendices A to H. Note: The structureless nature of the core material suggests the sediments are intensively bioturbated, but as it cannot be ascertained whether coarser pockets are representative of burrows or associated with coral breakdown they are more often indicated by ‘pockets of rubble’ and not by a burrow symbol. 7.1: Core description 165 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) 166 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) The logging results (Appendix A and Fig. 7.1.1) show the bottom of the core (625.5 cmdc in Section 7) to comprise relatively clean, poorly sorted, white sands with a small amount of dispersed coral material, which grades (normal) to a brown muddy silt at 612.5 cmdc, the contact being distinct and irregular. This lens of silt may have formed through pressure during coring, as it grades immediately into light olive grey very poorly-sorted silty fine to medium sand with coral granule randomly dispersed. The hyperbolic upper contact also appears to be an artefact of coring, but there is a sharp transition to light brownish grey very poorly-sorted silty mud with coral fragments. This mud unit grades (590 cmdc in Section 6) to light grey, muddy, very poorly-sorted, very fine sand. The latter unit contains coral fragments and horizontal burrows which are infilled with coarser sediment. A sharp irregular erosional contact follows, which is capped by a yellowish brown very poorly-sorted coarse horizon (Fig 7.1.2), which contains: Pebbles, Concretions, Large coral branches, Gastropod and barnacle shells 169 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Fig. 7.1. 2: Coarse unit in Section 6 containing partially lithified, possible biogenic rubble (middle left) and mud clasts (bright white in lower right) as well as branch size coral (a well preserved coral branch beside a heavily dissolved branch in upper right), a gastropod, and a bivalve shell (beneath mud clast) and pebbles. This coarse horizon most likely reflects a phase of high-energy flow. It is not clear if this increase in energy was due to higher flow rates, or gravitational collapse. The 170 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) shell material from this higher-energy unit was examined by Patrick Collins (Ryan Institute, NUIG): The gastropod was identified as a Troschelia ?berniciensis. This predatory and scavenging omnivore has a wide range throughout the north-eastern Atlantic from 56°01’N, 32°42’W to north-west Norway and southwards to 25°N at depths of 90-2700 m (Bouchet & Warén, 1985). The creamy pink shell is 10×16 mm and comprises of swollen whorls with a moderately high spire and blunt tip. There are growth lines and spiral ridges. The aperture of the specimen is partially fragmented. The barnacle shell was identified as a plate of Scalpellum ?stroemi. This suspension feeder belongs to a group known as acorn barnacles, which lack a peduncle and have the capitulum cemented directly to the substratum. Despite its chaotic nature, this unit does appear to broadly normally grade with the top 3.5 cm showing a distinctly more muddy texture. Following a sharp, erosional contact at 555 cmdc there are greyish brown very poorly-sorted silty muds with bluish grey mottling. During sampling it was noted that this mottling continues through the core’s interior (Fig 7.1.3). Fig. 7.1. 3: CS07 Section 6 mottling evident at 520 cmdc. 171 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) These mottled muds show better preservation of coral, with discrete dissolved fragments dispersed throughout and also concentrated in thin horizons which are inclined (sloping). These mottled deposits continue until 450 cmdc in Section 5, with a slightly coarser coral-rich unit occurring at 471.5-483.5 cmdc and associated with this unit is an accumulation of large, heavily ribbed bivalve shell fragments (Fig. 7.1.4). Fig. 7.1. 4: Coral-rich unit located at 471.5-483.5 in Section 5 before (left) and after sampling; bivalve is the longitudinal shell fragment in the resultant cavity. Scale in cm. At 450 cmdc an irregular contact occurs at a 5 mm thick coral seam and a transition to light pinkish-brown, very poorly-sorted muds is observed. Coral fragments again occur in inclined bands in this unit (Fig. 7.1.1). These muds darken to brownish grey, with a gradational contact to grey very poorly-sorted muds. Coral fragments become more common in the latter unit and a well preserved coral branch was found at 425 cmdc (Fig. 7.1.1). These muds reverse grade and lighten to yellowish very poorlysorted grey silt, and then to light grey very poorly sorted very fine sand by the top of Section 5 which also have inclined horizons of coral. These light grey fine sands grade to grey very poorly-sorted silty mud at 390 cmdc and from this level coral fragments are noticeably scarcer, with many having been heavily dissolved. 172 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) A transition to bright grey very poorly-sorted silts follows (the contact is reverse graded), with pockets of rubble, which continue to reverse grade to bright grey muddy fine sands at 343 cmdc. At 330 cmdc the sediment becomes browner and at an irregular contact (at 323 cmdc) there is a gradual transition to a 9.5 cm thick conspicuously coarser and very poorly-sorted unit (Fig. 7.1.5). The sediment is an admixture of medium brown silty fine sand with coarse shell hash of and coral debris 1-4 mm granules. The upper contact (which is also erosional and irregular) consists of a 3 cm thick layer of large coral fragments (granule scale branches). Fig. 7.1. 5: Coarser unit located at 313.5-323 cmdc in Section 4, showing erosive upper and lower boundaries; with an upper contact consisting of a 3cm thick layer of large coral fragments (granules- branches) that pinches to the left. Each line represents a cm in scale to right This coarser unit (Fig. 7.1.4) is overlain by bright grey very poorly-sorted muddy fine sands. The contact is sharp and this overlying unit contains dispersed, dissolved granule-grade coral along with pockets of rubble at the top of Section 4 (298 cmdc). 173 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) These bright grey fine muddy sands continue in Section 3, with reverse grading to a partially lithified horizon occurring at 285-282 cmdc (Fig. 7.1.1). This is followed by a sharp colour transition at 278 cmdc to brownish grey very poorly-sorted medium sands and there is a notable increase in coral debris. Pockets of rubble persist in this unit. From 270 cmdc these deposits grade to very poorly-sorted fine sand with coral in discontinuous bands, along with discrete pockets of rubble. There is a slight colour transition from brownish grey to light olive grey at 250 cmdc. This is followed by a transition (contact is graded) to very poorly sorted silts and silty muds at 235 cmdc with a distinct colour transition back to brownish grey. These muds show abundant well-preserved coral fragments occurring in wide horizontal bands (Fig. 7.1. 6) and they gradually become light olive grey at 209 cmdc. Pockets of rubble occur also at this level. Fig. 7.1. 6: Coral bands in CS07 Section 3 at 216-220 cmdc. The fossiliferous light olive grey silty muds continue in Section 2 and they reverse grade to light grey very poorly sorted muddy fine sands at 180 cmdc. The sediment shows black staining from 175-165 cmdc and becomes more consolidated at 170 cmdc. After this stained interval there is also a notable decrease in the abundance of coral fragments and their preservation is poorer from 160 cmdc onwards. Light grey structureless, very poorly-sorted muddy fine sands, with intermittent pockets of rubble and low coral content, continue with reverse grading to muddy medium sands, 174 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) until a gradational contact with a 1 cm thick silt layer at 142 cmdc. This layer has a sharp upper contact to light grey very poorly-sorted fine muddy sand, which again shows scarce coral fragments. There is reverse grading to muddy medium sand at 138 cmdc and many pockets of rubble occur. The muddy medium sands grade to fine muddy sands, and then to light olive grey mud at 102 cmdc. A sharp change back to structureless light grey muddy sands occurs with the core section break and the boundary could not be constrained. There then follows a gradual colour transition to brown very poorly-sorted muddy sands over a colour change interval of 10 cm (8575 cmdc). There are grey blotches in this 10 cm interval, made up of soft (i.e. nonlithified) clay and silt-fine sand compositions (Fig. 7.1. 7). Fig. 7.1. 7: Irregularly shaped non-lithified bright grey blotches; upper blotches with clayey infill and lower with silt-fine sand. A very poorly-sorted brown muddy fine sand unit follows, which contains a large granodiorite gneiss dropstone (Appendix H) and large bright grey irregularly shaped concretions, showing moderate lithification of the silty clay (Fig. 7.1. 8). Sampling of these structures at 55 cmdc and subsequent sieving showed them to be composed of bright grey sub-rounded granule and pebble grade calcite cemented biogenic rubble (Fig. 7.1. 8) with a white streak. Additionally, these >2 mm grains were observed to 175 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) be colonised by coral, indicating that they act as suitable colonisation sites for benthic organisms. These may be lithified representatives of the previously documented grey blotches. Fig. 7.1. 8: Left: Lithified irregularly shaped concretions found in Section 1 in CS07 between 55 and 65 cmdc. Right: sieved fraction >500 µm, interpreted as calcite-cemented biogenic rubble. There is then reverse grading over a 3 cm interval to a coarser unit at 55.5-47.5 cmdc, which shows a high concentration of black granules. These deposits normally grade to brown very poorly sorted sandy silt at 42.5 cmdc which also shows dispersed black granules. There then follows an irregular, indistinct boundary at 35 cmdc with light brownish grey very poorly-sorted muddy fine to medium sands which contain gravel-branch sized coral. 176 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Facies There is yet to be consensus on facies description of coral mounds. For example, Douarin et al. (2013) distinguished three reef facies: Coral-Rich, Sediment-Rich and Shelly-Coral Hash. However, Foubert (2007) utilised the Dunham (1962) modified by Embry and Klovan (1971) limestone textural classification for reefs for the Challenger Mound, and found it to be dominated by unlithified coral-bearing (Lophelia pertusa) floatstone and rudstone. This textural classification scheme is also applied to the Arc Mound facies described herein. The detailed core description in Section 7.1 facilitated the identification of four sedimentary facies in CS07: Facies A Muddy sands displaying floatstone textures. Facies B Brown muddy sands and sandy muds. Facies C Cw: Carbonate –white. Carbonate rich sediment, displaying wackestone, packstone and floatstone Cg: Carbonate-grey. textures. Three sub-facies are apparent: Cgm: Carbonate grey- mottled. Facies D Fissure filling sediments. 7.2: Integrated description of facies Fig. 7.2.1 shows the four facies identified in CS07, alongside the results of the dating, grain-size analysis, IRD content, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray fluorescence. Dates highlighted with an asterisk (*) are flagged due to the following: The U-isotopic composition of the coral sample from 18.5 cmdc was too high for a modern sample and 177 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) The U-isotopic composition of the coral samples from 311 cmdc was significantly low (Appendix G). Therefore, although all the dates are included, some are not regarded as reliable. These additional results (as well as grain composition analysis results; Appendix E) allowed a more integrated description of each of the lithofacies. The characteristics of each facies are described below and are also summarised in Table 7.2.1 below. 178 Muddy sand None Lithology Sedimentary structures Sandy mud and muddy sand Some normal and reverse grading Sandy mud and muddy sand Normal and reverse grading 179 Ice-rafting + hemipelagic settling; very weak bottom currents 8-13 <2 13-25 Hemipelagic settling + baffling by coral: strong bottom currents Ca/Fe % IRD Mag. Susc. (M.S.I) Depositional mechanism * 12 at possible hiatus 3-9 23-54 24-64 Gradational Gradational 5Y 7/1 - 5Y8/1 Light Grey-White 2.5Y 4/2 Dark Greyish Hemipelagic settling + baffling by coral; intermediate to strong bottom currents 23-67 <1 1-4 Sharp to gradational Facies Cw Facies B Contacts Munsell Facies A 2.5Y 6/2 Light Brownish Grey Characteristics Hemipelagic settling + baffling by coral; intermediate to strong bottom currents 12-22 generally <3* 3-10 Sharp to gradational Some normal and reverse grading Facies Cg 5y 7/1 - 2.5Y 5/2 Light GreyGreyish Brown Sandy mud and muddy sand Ice rafting + hemipelagic settling + baffling by coral; weak bottom currents N/A 3-14 5-11 Gradational Mottled Silty mud Facies Cgm 10YR 6/1 - 2.5Y 5/1 Brownish GreyYellowish Grey Mass-wasting; very strong bottom currents N/A 36-62 16-73 Sharp erosive base, sharp top. Normal grading Coarse sand 5Y 8/4 Greyish Yellow Facies D Table 7.2. 1: Characteris -tics of facies of the on-mound core CS07 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) 180 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Facies A: Muddy sand (displaying floatstone texture) Occurrence: 0-25 cmdc Facies A is characterised by loose (i.e. no longer connected to framework) branchsized coral enclosed in an unlithified muddy sand matrix (Fig. 7.2.2), and is classified as an unlithified floatstone, in which coral fragments are the dominant bioclasts. Fig. 7.2. 2: Framework-building coral embedded in unlithified sandy carbonate matrix in Facies A of CS07 Section 1 Unit 1 (5-8 cmdc). Microscopic observations showed other biologic components (sponge spicules, ostracods, echinoid spines, serpulid worms etc.) are also present. IRD content is low (<2%), but the brown colouration, intermediate magnetic susceptibility (13-25 M.S.I) and moderate Ca/Fe ratios (8-13) indicate probable terrigenous input in the mud fraction. Dating of the cold-water corals yielded 230Th/U ages ranging from 8.5 – 11 ka for the upper 25 cm (Fig. 7.2.1), indicating Facies A is Holocene. Peaks in the Sr/Ca ratio in the upper 25 cm (0.65-1.1) correlate to the branch-sized coral, and at the precise cessation of the branch-sized coral 35 cmdc there is a pronounced Sr/Ca decrease (from 0.6 to values 0.36-0.32) (Fig. 7.2.3). 183 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Fig. 7.2. 3: Detail of CS07 (Facies A) showing a pronounced Sr/Ca decrease at the termination of the branch-sized coral and onset of the muddy sediments (Facies B) at 35 cmdc Context: The data presented above suggests that Facies A is Holocene and thus represents sediments deposited during the current interglacial. The sands suggest a strong current regime (at least intermittently), with baffling by the corals to retain muddy sand deposits. If Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions were similar to previous interglacials, it does call into question why Facies A does not reoccur further downcore. It is possible that the sediment of Facies C represents a diagenetically altered form of Facies A. 184 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Facies B: Brown muddy sands and sandy muds Occurrence: 25-75 cmdc; 430-450 cmdc This facies is characterised by brown muds and muddy sands with high IRD counts (23-54%), low Ca/Fe ratios (3-9) and a high magnetic susceptibility values (24-64 M.S.I) (Fig 7.2.1). These sediments have a high calcareous content; however, there is a low contribution from foraminifera, with the bioclasts comprising mainly of shell fragments. Facies B is observed to occur at two discrete levels within the core: 1. Taking in to consideration the 11 ka date at 25 cmdc (Fig. 7.2.1), the upper occurrence of Facies B directly beneath (from 25 down to 75 cmdc) may potentially represent MIS 2, 2. The second (lower) occurrence can only be postulated as >45 ka based on the results of foraminifera dating further up the core (Fig. 7.2.1). The coral dates from these sediments (at 423.5 and 440 cmdc) that are out of range indicate the coral in these deposits are older than 500 ka (Fig. 7.2.1). The concretions in the upper occurrence of Facies B (at 57, 63 and 69 cmdc) are possibly associated with an increase in the Sr/Ca ratio (~0.7-0.9) (Fig 7.2.1), indicating that these may possibly be composed of precipitated aragonite as opposed to calcite. Also in Facies B, two pronounced Sr/Ca decreases (dropping to 0.3 and 0.25) at 48 and 74 cmdc (Fig 7.2.1) suggest increases of detrital carbonate input. Both occurrences of the Facies B are associated with peaks in the magnetic susceptibility values: The 25-75 cmdc band has an average M.S.I of 14.5 (Fig 7.2.1). This broad peak correlates to concentrations of IRD logged for that section. Additional magnetic susceptibility peaks are also evident due to a large black pebble at 34 cmdc, concentration of granules between 42-45 cmdc (64 M.S.I), and the granitic dropstone at 56-72 cmdc (Fig 7.2.1). Between 425-450 cmdc there is an average value of 28 M.S.I, with a peak of 31 M.S.I at 433 cmdc and high IRD counts (43-54 %) (Fig 7.2.1). Context: The high IRD, and magnetic susceptibility and low Ca/Fe values indicate that Facies B probably represents glacial conditions. 185 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Facies C: Carbonate mudstones, wackestones, and packstones Occurrence: 75-425 cmdc; 450-555 cmdc; 580-625.5 cmdc. Facies C accounts for most of the sedimentological succession evident in CS07 and is characterised by alternating lighter and darker grey deposits. As Facies C is predominantly composed of white and grey ungraded, structureless sands and muds, it was divided into three subfacies based on their different appearances: the white deposits of Cw, the darker grey-brownish grey deposits of Cg and the mottled appearance of Cgm. These subfacies all show very low magnetic susceptibility readings (1-11 M.S.I with an average of 3 M.S.I), low to intermediate IRD content (0-14%), intermediate to high Ca/Fe values (12-67) and varying concentrations of coral fragments, with better preservation of the coral material in the darker interbeds. The predominantly wackestone and floatstone textures developed are made up mainly of planktonic foraminifera and coral, with reduction of coral content in the whiter sediments. More consolidated horizons within Facies C show aggregates of planktonic foraminifera and carbonate concretions which are also associated with lower coral counts (Appendix E). The sedimentological features of Facies C are ascribed to hemipelagic settling. Subfacies Cw: Carbonate-white foraminiferal wackestones and packstones Occurrence: 280 – 390 cmdc; 618-625.5 cmdc Subfacies Cw features homogeneous, pale-grey to white sandy muds and muddy sands and recurs three times downcore. These sediments are characterised by the highest Ca/Fe values (23-67), lowest IRD content (<1%), lowest magnetic susceptibility (1-4 M.S.I) (Fig 7.2.1), and poorer coral preservation (Fig 7.1.1). The step-like increase in the Ca/Fe ratio (32) correlating to the onset of the bright white sediments at 280 cmdc (with a peak of 68 at 296 cmdc) (highlighted by grey box in Fig. 7.2.1) indicates that the alternation of the lighter (Cw) and darker (Cg) deposits is probably due to the lighter coloured sediments having higher carbonate contents and lower siliciclastic input. This subfacies also shows a decrease in the magnetic susceptibility and the minimum magnetic susceptibility readings in the core with a value of 1 M.S.I occurring at 312.5 cmdc. It is interrupted once by a chaotic rudstone made up of shell hash and coral debris at 313.5-323 cmdc 186 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) (Fig. 7.1.1), which may represent a reefal collapse due to gravitational instability. If the coral dates for the 311 cmdc level were reliable, they could indicate that the sediment may possibly belong to MIS 7 or 9. Context: Based on the results (low IRD and magnetic susceptibility, high Ca/Fe) the CW sediments appear to be definitely interglacial. As they are dissimilar to the interglacial sediments of Facies A it is possible that they represent altered sediments with dissolution of coral. Foubert et al. (2007) identified a facies that appeared homogenous but upon inspection of x-ray images showed the ‘ghost’ skeleton of the coral. This facies was interpreted as an altered coral-rich facies where the corals were completely dissolved, leaving carbonate-rich sediments behind. The XRF results and magnetic susceptibility results for subfacies Cw support this possible explanation. This may be another indication of warmer conditions because related increased current activity would enhance dissolution. Subfacies Cg: Carbonate-grey (light grey to greyish brown) wackestones and packstones Occurrence: 75 -278 cmdc; 390 – 425 cmdc; 580- 618 cmdc Subfacies Cg features homogenous light grey to greyish brown sandy muds and muddy sands and it recurs three times down through the core. At the transition from Facies B to subfacies Cg (at 75 cmdc) there is a step-like increase in the Ca/Fe values (28) and decrease in the % IRD (0.1 %) (Fig. 7.2.1). This indicates a higher amount of diamagnetic carbonate minerals and lower terrigenous input than the deposits of Facies B. In comparison to subfacies Cw, the sediments are characterised by their darker colour, better coral preservation, lower Ca/Fe ratios (12-22) and slightly higher IRD content (<1-22%) and magnetic susceptibility (3-10 M.S.I) (Fig. 7.2.1). Two slight colour transitions from light grey to browner grey (Fig. 7.2.1: 233 cmdc and 270-280 cmdc) correlate to slight increases in magnetic susceptibility and reduced Ca/Fe values (~11), confirming that the brown colour reflects increased iron content. The higher IRD content at 170 cmdc (12 %) (Fig. 7.2.1) was made up of many black grains and the black staining of the 187 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) deposits at this depth is attributed to their presence. This thin, more consolidated, interval may represent a hiatus with winnowing and concentration of IRD. Sr/Ca ratios fluctuate between 0.5-0.9 in subfacies Cg of Section 3, and, although resolution and averaging of the signal must be considered, it was noted that these fluctuations directly correlate to coral-rich pockets and bands (Fig. 7.2.4). Fig. 7.2. 4: Correlation of coral bands (identified during logging) with peaks in XRF Sr/Ca ratio element profiles. Context: The low IRD count and magnetic susceptibility values indicate that subfacies Cg are interglacial; however, their darker colour, better coral preservation, lower Ca/Fe ratios and slightly higher IRD content and magnetic susceptibility indicate that the deposits may represent ‘intermediate’ conditions in comparison to subfacies Cw. 188 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Subfacies Cgm: Carbonate grey mottled mudstones and wackestones. Occurrence: 450-555 cmdc Subfacies Cgm is characterised by finer grain sizes (silty muds), light grey mottling, a distinct brownish grey-yellowish grey colour, and overall higher IRD content (3-14 %) and magnetic susceptibility values (5-11 M.S.I) than both subfacies Cw and Cg (Fig. 7.2.1). The peak in % IRD (14 %) for these deposits at 490 cmdc is intermediate of that from the interpreted interglacial deposits of subfacies Cw (<1%) and the glacial sediments of Facies B (>22%). Subfacies Cgm also shows a coral-rich unit with a bivalve accumulation (Fig 7.1.3). The fact that the coral dates at 423.5 and 440 cmdc were out of range indicate that the coral could be older than 500 ka (pers. comm. N. Frank, 2013). A final observation is that ostracods are a conspicuous bioclastic component of Cgm with the number of ostracods sharply increasing and decreasing with the mottled mud deposits (Appendix E). Context: Based on the higher IRD content and magnetic susceptibility values, this subfacies is interpreted as potentially representing colder climatic conditions than those of Cg and Cw. It is not thought to be fully glacial, due to the clear difference with the interpreted glacial deposits of Facies B. Thus the facies is interpreted as representing colder-intermediate deposits. It is not clear what the cause of the mottling is, it could possibly represent bioturbation or coral dissolution. The bivalve accumulation may be an indicator of higher energy and shallower water depths (lower sea level) at this interval, or downslope mobilisation. Facies D: Fissure fill Occurrence: 550-580 cmdc This greyish yellow facies is characterised by poorly sorted-very poorly sorted very coarse (allochthonous) material which occurs in a localised interval, with sharp erosive boundaries (Fig. 7.1.2). This facies is noticeably coarse for its location on the Porcupine Bank (i.e. 300 km offshore at 584 m water depth). Mud content is low, 189 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) with the grain-size results showing it to be comprised of only 7.3% mud at 575 cmdc (Appendix C). Magnetic susceptibility values are high, ranging from 16-73 M.S.I with an average value of 44.5 M.S.I, and a peak of 73 M.S.I at 573.5 cmdc; and the IRD component varies from 36-62%, with a peak of 62 at 575 cmdc (Fig. 7.2.1). The chaotic and coarse nature of Facies D initially suggested it may have been the result of gravitational collapse and fissure fill. However, it was also plausible that it may have resulted from a sudden higher energy contour current winnowing away mud and producing the sharp erosive basal contact. Under this scenario the apparent normal grading (top 3.5 cm is muddier) could be ascribed to slight waning of the current. The concretions may be interpreted as floating mud clasts undergoing localised cementation, or the remobilisation of local carbonate clasts. Finally the pebbles could be interpreted as IRD. Facies D is, however, also associated with the anomalous coral date of 8.2 ± 1.8 ka for the specimen recovered from 556 cmdc (Fig. 7.2.1). There are two possible scenarios to explain this date: 1. The entire core is Holocene in age. 2. Younger material has been reworked from the top of the core, towards the base. This could be either due to bioturbation, gravitational collapse or fissure filling. The foraminiferal and coral dates and the variability in IRD content downcore both strongly suggest that CS07 cannot be made up entirely of Holocene sediments. Burrowing of an organism from the side of the mound into this depth interval is perhaps plausible, but the entire unit appears to be related to an extremely erosive sedimentological event, which would argue against reworking through bioturbation. Thus, if the coral date is reliable, then it appears that the coarse nature of this unit could be interpreted as a cavity infill caused by slumping during very erosive bottom current activity, with wasting of upper younger sediments (see discussion Section 7.3). This does call in to question why there isn’t lithification associated with the upper boundary of the fissure. It must be assumed that the wasting deposits infilled far enough in from the edge of the fissure to be deposited in previously undisturbed deposits. 190 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Context: The anomalous Holocene coral date, as well as the chaotic sedimentological structure, suggests that Facies D represents wasting of the upper mound sediments to fill a fissure or cavity lower down in the mound. However, it is acknowledged further dates must be obtained in order to adequately explain this interval. 7.3: Discussion and conclusions Discussion of sedimentary facies The ARC Mound sediments revealed by CS07 are essentially composed of autochthonous biogenic and allochthonous siliciclastic components. During logging coral debris was observed throughout the entire 625.5 cm of the core (Appendix A). The corals, mainly Lophelia pertusa and less frequently Madrepora oculata, occur as granule-sized fragments or branches in loose uncemented frameworks, and their concentration varies downcore. Maximum coral concentration is observed at the very top of the core and this is coincident with maximum Sr/Ca values (Fig. 7.2.1). The biogenic components are dominated by these CWC fragments, whereas the enclosing matrix is composed of foraminifera (planktonic and benthic), echinoids, ostracods, bivalves, brachiopods, gastropods and sponge spicules, in variable amounts (Appendix E). These elements are similar to bioclastic components reported from other CWC mounds (e.g. Mienis et al., 2009; Douarin et al., 2013). The coral dates have to be treated with caution as there is high potential for reworking and transport of older material from an adjacent colony/graveyard colony. However, if the dates are reflective of the surrounding sediment, and the top sediments are modern, it would mean that Facies A apparently shows 11 ka of deposition in a 25 cm interval (Fig. 7.2.1). This would indicate an overall sedimentation rate of 2.3 cm/ka for the Holocene. However the 8.5 ka date at 6.5 cmdc would indicate a reduced sedimentation rate of ~0.8cm/kyr for the top 6.5 cm and a very high sedimentation rate of ~ 7.4 cm/kyr for the lower 18.5 cm interval, which represents just 2.5 kyrs (11ka - 8.5 ka). The data indicates that cessation of Holocene Facies A, with the abrupt termination of the buried coral branches and sharply decreasing Sr/Ca-ratios, co-occurs with enhanced terrigenous input at 35 cmdc (Fig 7.2.1) and the beginning of the Facies B muddy sediments. Based on its apparent glacial signature and presence directly 191 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) beneath the 11 ka Holocene level, Facies B is interpreted as representing MIS 2. During Pleistocene stadials North Atlantic Deep Water [NADW] formation was less vigorous and this could explain the mud deposits between 35-45 cmdc (Fig.7.1.1). The possible Heinrich events (indicated by significant decreases in the Sr/Ca ratio in Fig. 7.2.1) may be H0-H2 (12-24 ka). Additionally, the concretions in these deposits may be calcite-cemented biogenic 'rubble' due to dissolution of coral debris and recycling of the dissolved carbon with precipitation as interstitial micrite (e.g. Mazzini et al., 2012) as indicated by the possible associated increases in the Sr/Ca ratio (Fig. 7.2.1). The majority of the core comprises Facies C and the growth and development of the coral mound is reflected in a sequence of darker and lighter sediment layers within this facies, suggesting possible cycling in response to palaeoenvironmental fluctuations. This is supported by the lighter horizons displaying a Ca/Fe ratio increase, commensurate with decreases in magnetic susceptibility and IRD content, indicating warmer conditions. Furthermore, the inverse relationship of the Fe and Ca values over both the investigated sections of CS07 (See Appendix F), suggests that this site is predominantly a two-component sedimentary environment, wherein the carbonate concentration is mainly controlled by terrigenous input (Foubert, 2007). The overall predominantly grey and white coloration of Facies C indicated a carbonate-rich depositional environment and the XRF, MSCL and grain composition results also support this interpretation. This facies displays wackestone, packstone and floatstone textures, and is primarily poorly-sorted, foraminiferal muddy sands and muds, with laterally discontinuous horizons and bands of bio-eroded coral. A key process in forming coral debris is bioerosion which, according to Roberts et al. (2009): “may then provide a substratum for renewed coral settlement, be incorporated into the reef sediment to form wacke/packstones or be further bioeroded to produce micritic components of reef sediment.” This could explain the wackestone and packstones textures throughout CS07 as well as the reduced coral in the whiter sediments (Appendix E) which may be explained by an increase of the bioerosion of coral producing coral micrite. 192 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Considerable alternation between the sandy and muddy interbeds of Facies C is apparent, which may be explained by varying current activity or by the changing coral reef causing reduced or increased coral baffling and entrainment of very finegrained material. The thick mud deposits between 410-555 cmdc (Fig. 7.1.1), however, may indicate a prolonged period of weaker current supply in the vicinity of the mound. The sediments of Facies C are interrupted by: The muddy IRD-rich deposits of Facies B which are interpreted to be of glacial origin (i.e. the previously mentioned occurrence 25-75 cmdc, and the second occurrence at 430-450 cmdc), and, Two conspicuously coarser units (the rudstone at 313.5-323 cmdc and Facies D at 550-580 cmdc) with may represent reefal collapses (slumping) and/or current winnowing. Slumping may have occurred through dissolution of the (stabilising) coral framework initiating mobilising of sediment packages, or by undercutting of the mound flanks by currents (de Haas et al., 2009). The first explanation seems more appropriate for the coarse rudstone, whereas Facies D (with its cleaner sediment and anomalous coral date) appears to be best explained by a process involving current winnowing (Fig 7.3.1). 193 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Fig. 7.3. 1: Scheme to describe possible fissure-fill sediment. (a) Mound growth during transitional or warm conditions with water currents (indicated by blue arrows). Multibeam bathymetry shows the mound to have multiple peaks and irregular topography (see mound number 17 in Fig 5.1.8). (b) Increased bottom current activity generates a fissure on the mound. (c) Destabilisation of the flanks causes downslope movement of the IRD-rich layer and coral debris from above, infilling the fissure in the process. (d) Further erosion and mass wasting causes downslope transport of the IRD-rich sediment to the base of the mounds; but the sediment within the fissure is preserved, including young coral. (e) Mound growth continues for the remainder of the Holocene. Coring of the mound (cylinder) recovers old mound deposits interrupted by the young fissure-fill. 194 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Riding (2002) defined three main categories of organic reefs: (1) Matrix-supported reefs (2) Skeleton-supported reefs and (3) Cement-supported reefs (Fig. 7.3.2). The Arc Mounds show a predominance of matrix in comparison to either the (coral) skeletal or cement components, and thus should be considered as matrix-supported reefs. Within this broad grouping, subcategories termed 'cluster reefs', 'segment reefs' and 'high relief mud mounds' could further apply to the deposits, and their characteristics are described in Table 7.3.1: Classification Characteristics Cluster reefs Skeletal reefs in which essentially in place skeletons are adjacent, but not in contact, resulting in matrix-support; they are characterized by relatively high matrix/skeleton ratios and low volumes of extra-skeletal early cement; sediment trapping is an important corollary of skeletal growth and cluster reef organisms are tolerant of loose sediment; absence of framework limits the topographic relief that cluster reefs can attain relative to spatial extent, and may permit bedding to develop within the reef. Segment Reefs Matrix-supported reefs in which skeletons are adjacent, and may be in contact, but are mostly disarticulated and mainly parautochthonous. Matrix abundance is high, and early cement relatively low. Moderate relief can develop in response to intense on-reef sediment production. Carbonate mud-dominated deposits with topographic relief High Relief Carbonate and few (or no) .in place skeletons; thick, and internal bedding, slumping, stromatactis cavity systems, and steep marginal Mud Mounds slopes may be common. Table 7.3. 1: Characteristics of the type reefs, within the category of matrix-supported reefs, which may describe the deposits of the on-mound core CS07 (from Riding, 2002). The importance of sediment entrapment in the creation of cluster reefs suggests that most of the deposits evident in CS07 appear to fall into this category. The multibeam results (mound number 17, Fig. 5.1.6 and 5.1.8) shows that the mound has a height/width ratio of 40 m/400 m (0.1), which demonstrates both appreciable relief and the potential for lateral expansion. Also, as it is an elongate structure it has a maximum lateral extent of 700 m giving it an area of some 280000 m2. Additionally, 195 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) some of the deposits appear to be made up of 'mostly disarticulated and mainly parautochthonous' components, arguing for them to be classified as segment reef deposits. Finally, there are parts of the core with 'few or no ...in place skeletons' and slumping features also appear to be part of the mound build-up. Thus it is concluded that there appears to be an alternation of cluster reef sediments with segment reef and high relief carbonate mud mound deposits. Fig. 7.3. 2: Structural classification of Organic Reefs and Carbonate Mud Mounds (from Riding 2002). Red boxes suggest appropriate classification for deposits in core CS07. Although dating of the corals yielded 230 Th/U ages ranging from 8.5 to 387 ka the older dates are not reliable, and as previously mentioned, the coral clasts may have been reworked. However, the ‘out of range’ foraminiferal carbon dates indicate the mound sediments in the middle and base of the core are > 45 ka. Thus the dates suggest that Holocene reefal deposits overlie a largely Pleistocene mound succession, which is typical for mounds of the NE Atlantic (e.g. Kano et al., 2007; Foubert, 2007; Van der Land et al., 2010; Eisele, 2010). Previous studies have demonstrated that mound build-up is not a continuous process (Kenyon et al., 2003; Dorschel et al., 2005; Mienis et al., 2006; Eisele et al., 2008; 196 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) Huvenne et al., 2009; Thierens et al., 2010). For example, in CS07 an age of 11 ka occurs at 25 cmdc, whereas this is reported occurring at 160 cmdc for a Rockall Bank mound (core M2001-28; Van der Land et al., 2010); whilst another core from the Rockall Bank mounds shows a date ~300 ka at 317 cmdc (core M2003-23), which is actually similar to the (albeit ‘unreliable’) date found for the Arc Mound at the same depth (317 ka at 311 cmdc). On-mound cores from the Propeller mound in the Porcupine Seabight were all greater than 200 kyr (Dorschel et al., 2005), with instances of 178 kyr occurring before 1 m depth (core GeoB 6728-1). The sediment of Mound Thérèse in the Porcupine Seabight indicates a purely interglacial growth of deep-water corals over several climate cycles (Douville et al., 2010), but Dorschel et al. (2005) conclude that the Propeller mound sediments (also of the Porcupine Seabight) were deposited under intermediate climate conditions (i.e. a pure interglacial signal was not found on the mound). Thus mounds show varying sedimentation rates and preservation of different time intervals. The relatively low IRD counts for CS07 (Fig. 7.2.1) suggests that the Arc mounds have formed mainly during interglacial periods, and most of the sediments appear to represent 'intermediate' conditions (subfacies Cg and Cgm). Van der Land (2011) postulated that hiatuses spanning up to 200 kyrs are linked to the effect climate change has on ocean circulation patterns. These would influence the local hydrodynamic regime and therefore food supply and sedimentation patterns; all of which would act to reduce coral growth and alter mound development. Dorschel et al. (2005) suggested that hiatuses spanning almost all fully glacial and fully interglacial sediments are caused by strong bottom currents and probably mass wasting, condensing the sediment sequences on the mound. Facies D appears to be evidence for such mass wasting. Although it is recognised that the term coral carbonate mound has become widely accepted in the scientific literature, it cannot (based on the results) be definitively stated that the Arc Mounds are dominated by carbonate sediments. Infact, some of the deposits appear to be the result of appreciable siliciclastic input (Facies B and subfacies Cgm). However, it has been shown that coral carbonate is definitely a diagnostic and a compositionally important component. Therefore the mounds may confidently be categorised as CWC mounds. Mullins et al. (1981) described eight 197 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) criteria (that can be used in combination) for recognition of deep-water coral bioherms from shallow (warm) -water coral structures in the rock record: (1) Presence or absence of algae (2) Diversity of corals [warm-water coral structures show up to several hundred different coral species (Milliman, 1973) in comparison to the relatively few species that make up deep-water build-ups (Mullins et al., 1981)] (3) Abundance of planktonic/pelagic components (4) Coral morphology (5) Microborings (6) Surrounding facies (7) Stable isotopes (8) Trace element geochemistry. From the results presented here, it appears that it would be possible to identify the Arc Mounds as deep-water coral bioherms based on four of these criteria: the absence of algae; low diversity of corals; abundance of planktonic/pelagic components; and surrounding facies (from Chapter 6: the mounds grade laterally and immediately into current winnowed sands and hemipelagic oozes, and vertically onto a hardground). Diagenetic consideration Downcore variability in coral content of CS07 could indicate changing palaeoenvironmental conditions (leading to increased or reduced coral growth) or, as discussed, varying degrees of bioerosion. In addition, dissolution of coral fragments could negatively affect the quantity of coral preserved and introduce a taphonomic artefact into the record (Foubert, 2007). It has been suggested that most CWC mounds are affected by diagenetic processes (e.g. Pirlet et al., 2010; Pirlet et al., 2011; Van der Land et al., 2010) with coupling between microbial mediated organic matter degradation and carbonate mineral diagenesis (e.g. Ferdelman et al., 2006). It appears that post-depositional processes evident in the sediments of CS07 have affected certain sediment intervals in a different way. The coral are better preserved in the darker sediments and more heavily dissolved or reduced in content in the lighter layers. Iron reduction, linked to microbial sulfate reduction, may enhance 198 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) coral preservation in the darker sediments with higher IRD content (Ferdelman et al., 2006). A possible process affecting the geophysical and geochemical parameters is dissolution of coral fragments leading to precipitation of CaCO3-rich background sediments. During burial, undersaturation with respect to aragonite may lead to partial dissolution of aragonitic components (Van der Land et al., 2010). This could be caused by the production of CO2 during organic matter degradation which promotes carbonic acid generation and aids driving a system into a carbonate undersaturated state (Golubic & Schneider, 1979), or by reduced sedimentation or erosion shallowing redox fronts (Pirlet et al., 2010). Additionally, the precipitation of cements within sediment may begin almost immediately following deposition. The dissolution of aragonite may lower the Mg/Ca ratio of pore waters and induce precipitation of low-Mg calcite cement (Reuning et al., 2006). This could possibly explain the semi-lithified interval (at 282 cmdc in subfacies Cw) and also sections of subfacies Cw and Cg with reduced coral content showing pockets of biogenic rubble made up of calcium carbonate concretions and aggregates of planktonic foraminifera (Appendix E). There is also an increase in Ca intensity at the lithified interval which was also observed in similar lithified intervals by Foubert (2007), and indeed alternating unlithified coral-dominated intervals with lithified intervals are also reported for cold-water coral mounds in the SW Rockall Trough margin (Mienis et. al, 2009; Van der Land et al., 2010). Rapid growth and breakdown of cold-water corals living in a very favourable environment may also explain the large amount of (presumed carbonate) mud (Kenyon et al., 2003). However, it is considered that these sections may equally represent surface sediments that underwent more extensive bioerosion and current activity, to produce biogenic rubble which was incorporated into the matrix of the coral mound prior to burial - and these explanations cannot be ruled out. Conclusions The grain composition analysis of CS07 showed that the coral framework is infilled by sediment derived from a pelagic source and from fauna living on the mounds. Coral fragments are ubiquitous throughout CS07, ranging from microscopic debris to 199 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) more complete branches. The concentration and preservation of the coral material, however, varies throughout the mound succession examined; there are alternating sections of better preserved corals with strongly corroded corals. These results appear to suggest that dissolution of coral occurs during the warmest interglacial conditions. The mound sediments themselves are unlithified, but some horizons are more consolidated with biogenic rubble and one semi-lithified 3 cm thick horizon at 282 cmdc. The increase in degree of lithification may be due to early diagenetic alterations within the mound (possibly related to coral dissolution) or these sections may represent deposits that underwent more extensive bioerosion and current activity prior to burial. Facies identification was based initially on sedimentological differences, but these lithofacies were corroborated by geochemical and geophysical analyses. The succession is dominated by structureless coral wackestones and packstones, with variable amounts of corals in a matrix of varying composition (from slightly more siliciclastic to more carbonate) and grain size (sands and muds) with gradational to sharp contacts. The majority of lithological contacts within CS07 (Section 7.1) are gradational, suggesting that palaeoenvironmental transitions were not sudden. Following the scheme of Riding (2002) the Arc Mound may be classified as composed of alternating cluster reef, segment reef and high relief carbonate mud mound deposits. The occurrence of coral frameworks with irregular distribution (patches) on coral mounds is believed to cause high lateral facies heterogeneity (Heindel et al., 2010). This, along with climatic fluctuations and diagenetic factors, is probably the reason for the facies variation throughout CS07. The results show that Holocene sediments (approx. 0-25 cmdc) are overlaying apparently glacial sediment, which at 75 cmdc is underlain by apparent interglacial deposits that are > 45 ka. The mound appears to be mainly made up of Pleistocene sediments, with CWC growing throughout glacial and interglacial times, but sediments primarily composed of an 'intermediate' interglacial signal. The mound can be categorised as a CWC mound. More ancient analogues of the Arc Mounds would probably be recognisable as a deep-water bioherms. 200 CHAPTER 7: ON-MOUND CORE (CS07) 201 Chapter 8: Summary 8.1: Discussion ROV video data showed mound structures at the study location in the Porcupine Bank, with dense coral cover and soft sediments trapped by the coral frameworks. The mound structures investigated are interpreted as CWC mounds, based on their biological, sedimentological and surficial seismic characteristics, and they appear to be non-cemented based on the top 6 m of the on-mound core recovered. Multibeam data (Chapter 5) has shown the 110 km2 study area to be characterised by over 42 conical and elongated mounded complexes that are on average ~33 m high, 400 m long, 300 m wide and 10,600 m2 in areal extent. They presently reside in water depths of between 630–850 m. The mounds thus occur in a depth range close to the permanent thermocline, where enhanced seabed dynamics and associated food supply are likely to occur (White and Dorschel, 2010; Thierens et al., 2010). CWC’s need strong bottom currents for nutrient supply and also to lessen the threat of becoming buried by accumulating sediment, thus, as pointed out by Van Rooij et. al. (2003), their occurrence alone may be an indicator of bottom currents. The Porcupine Bank is currently exposed to a northward - directed current system, and bottom currents are believed to have been active throughout its depositional history (Øvrebø, 2005). Investigation of the mound morphologies and spatial distribution invokes a strong interaction of topography with local current dynamics. Many previous studies have shown that the combination of elevated topographic features with a dynamic hydrography (and associated nutrient supply/nepheloid layers) provides a suitable habitat for CWC’s (De Mol et al., 2011; Dorschel et al., 2009; Huvenne et al., 2009; Mienis et al., 2007; Roberts et al., 2006; White, 2007) and this is also believed to be occurring at the Arc Mounds. Coral mound development seems to be related to local topographic features, with mounds located in the eastern part of the study area elongated in a north-south direction, parallel to the seafloor scarp (Fig. 5.1.9). However, the N-S water current direction suggests that coral mound morphology is influenced by the local current regime as well as the surrounding seabed morphology. The relationship for the E-W trending mound 202 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY clusters is more difficult to explain and requires further investigation of the local hydrodynamic variation and the antecedent topography. The CHIRP data (Chapter 5) showed the Arc Mounds to have a different geophysical signature to surrounding drift sediment, indicating a different composition. This was verified by the two sediment cores (described in detail in Chapter 6 and 7), showing the depositional regime to differ greatly between two areas that are located ~966 m apart. The lack of internal reflectors in the CHIRP data indicated a uniform facies for (onmound) core CS07, without any large acoustic impedance differences. Logging and geochemical testing of CS07 showed it to be predominantly composed of varying quantities of coral fragments enclosed in an unlithified, grey matrix of varying composition (from slightly more siliciclastic to more carbonate). This correlates very well to the buried facies predicted by Scoffin & Bowes (1988) (See Section 4.1.2): ‘‘On burial this facies would eventually consolidate to form bioturbated, poorly sorted, foraminiferal sandstones and greensands, with thin, laterally discontinuous horizons of bioeroded coral branches’’. It appears that sediments of an intermediate nature are mainly preserved in the mound (i.e. they do not represent fully glacial or fully interglacial conditions); however, they are quite distinct from their off mound equivalents (as evidenced in core CS06). The reason for this distinction is probably a combination of various mound-specific factors (Dorschel et al., 2005) such as the nature of the coral colonies and mound geometry (which focuses bottom currents and causes slumping due to the creation of seafloor topography) and the related differing local environment producing differing chemical alteration effects. The off-mound core showed a drift-like signal on the CHIRP data and its composition reflects the hemipelagic background sedimentation that is also apparent in the on-mound core. These deposits comprised of foraminifera and varying amounts contributed by siliciclastics; as well as small amounts of invertebrate skeletons (ostracods, echinoids, bivalves etc.). Despite its relatively short length (c.3m), the off-mound revealed a complex sedimentological history which, due to low sedimentation rates, included a record of the last glacial and interglacial stage (MIS 5). The deposits of the off-mound core are largely considered sandy and muddy 203 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY contourites with winnowing by bottom currents. Foraminiferal lags interlayered within glacial mud deposits in CS06 suggest short-term periods of increased bottom current speeds possibly related to interstadial events during glacial periods. Indeed the most significant event of the foraminiferal sands (containing rip-up mud clasts) was constrained by an AMS 14C date to MIS 3. These Late Pleistocene glaciomarine drift sequences show variable conditions have acted in the Arc Mound area, which appear to have been strongly influenced by glacial events. Variability in chemical and magnetic properties, IRD content, and grain-size probably reflect (palaeo)oceanographic conditions fluctuating in response to the northern hemisphere glaciations. The Chirp data showed the Pleistocene to Recent mounds and drifts formed on top of a strong basal reflector. The moderately lithified calcareous conglomeratic hardground recovered from the off-mound core (CS06) was correlated to this reflector, indicating the mounds developed above an erosional surface. It is believed that this provided an initial colonisation surface for the coral and stabilised the mound as it developed. Hydrocarbon seeps may possibly have played a role in the genesis of this firmground if the base cutter sediment ultimately proves to contain authigenic methanic cement, and the relationship between the mounds and the horst and graben structures has to be investigated. CWC’s have been documented thriving under scarps (De Mol et al., 2011) where they are protected from sand-scour. It is postulated that initiation of the mound growth in the east occurred by colonisation of the scarps on this erosion surface, and that this was followed by accumulation of coral debris and sediment to allow vertical development. The erosion surface showed evidence that it may be Pliocene in age (rather than Miocene) possibly correlating to the RD1 regional erosional surface attributed to the major oceanographic changes at the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciations (Thierens et al., 2010). The CHIRP data showed the (off mound) drift deposits to onlap the mounds themselves. This is to be expected, given the mounds build up a topography from the seafloor, which laterally equivalent (off mound) sediments may eventually begin to progressively blanket and cover if the bioherm fails to continue to develop and grow laterally. The basal age of the Arc Mounds remain unknown – failed radioarbon dates from c.6 m depth in CS07 suggest an age in excess of 45 thousand years. If mound formation initiated soon after development of the hardground reflector (BOg), 204 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY it could suggest a timing of Pliocene to Pleistocene – which would be around 2.6 Ma. This would be similar to the mounds from the Porcupine Seabight (Van Rooij et al., 2010). 8.2: Conclusions This work is the first qualitative and quantitative geological and geophysical description of the Arc mounds. The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study combined aspects of marine sedimentology, utilisation of geochemical and geophysical proxies, geophysical remote sensing, and GIS for a holistic study of the Arc Mound CWC environment and the geological processes governing their development. The advantage of using the multi-method approach was that an observation otherwise deemed as a postulation - using one set of results, was corroborated by other separate results, strengthening the original hypothesis. For example, many workers mention 'darker' sediments and/or those with higher XRF Fe results (e.g. Øvrebø, 2005; Toms, 2010; Foubert, 2007), as representative of colder conditions, and this work found that these two criteria contain higher quantities of IRD. In addition, too often are geological and geophysical interpretations carried out in relative isolation from one another. The interpretation of the Chirp data was greatly facilitated by the results of the coring. Likewise, overall interpretations of the governing controls on mound growth were derived from a combination of the remote sensing results -showing their distribution, with the analysis the core material. The main conclusions and findings of this work are as follows: (i) A cluster of cold-water carbonate mounds lying along the south western margin of the Porcupine Bank offshore west of Ireland has been identified in multibeam data. Up to 42 conical and elongated mound complexes - up to 300 m wide, 84 m high and 10,600 m2 in areal extent- have been described, in water depths of between 630–850 m. (ii) The presence of coral throughout the length of the on-mound core (CS07) supports the hypothesis that corals are intrinsic to the generation of these deep-water bioherms in the NE Atlantic. 205 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY (iii) The geophysical results allowed the spatial variability in mound characteristics to be investigated, allowing an assessment of the geomorphological setting as a contributing factor to the distribution of the mounds. Similar to Mazzini et al. (2012) it is suggested that the mounds initiated as individual build-ups, which developed along a topographic scarp and merged to form elongated complexes, and growth was facilitated by current flow along this geomorphological feature. In addition, although ancient carbonate mud mounds in the geological record differ in composition, they have a size and shape similar to the modern mounds (William et al., 2006). The abundance of modern mounds in deep water suggests that formation in deep water may be more common than previously thought and requires re-investigation of previously interpreted ancient mud mounds. (iv) Conclusions on the palaeoenvironmental history of the study site were derived from combining lithological logging observations with IRD counts and XRF and MSCL results. The IRD counts, magnetic susceptibility and XRF results helped clarify the relative importance of calcareous and siliceous sediment contributions in the different facies identified, providing useful signals of palaeoenvironmental change. (v) The cores have clearly indicated that the mounds have been growing in a highly dynamic environment. The on- and off-mound sediments at the Arc Mound site represent quite different depositional environments; however bottom currents, ice rafting, and slope instability appear to be universally influential. The work has demonstrated that since at least as far back as the Pleistocene, bottom currents have deposited possible contourite drifts on this part of the Porcupine Bank. The mounds are in part Recent in age, and appear to be still actively forming today, but their history extends back to the Pleistocene. Pleistocene to recent sediments have onlapped (and may have already buried) older Pleistocene mound strata. (vi) The mounds and drift sediments appear to rest on a sharp erosional surface made up of lithified carbonates. This Neogene (possibly Pliocene) erosive surface could correlate to the Challenger mound base deposits and the unconformity noted by Rooij et al. (2010) that represents a hiatus of ~ 7 Ma. 206 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY The lithified carbonates are believed to have provided an initial colonisation surface for the coral and stabilised the mound as it developed. 8.3: Recommendations for future work It remains to be proven whether the base of the mound unequivocally correlates to the acoustic reflector that corresponds to the hardground retrieved from core CS06; as the on-mound core (CS07) only penetrates 6.26 m. Ideally the entire mound sequence would be cored. Acquisition of more sub-bottom profiling results would allow a clear stratigraphic interpretation to be made and show the lateral variability of the suggested units. Acquisition of more coral ages would allow estimation of Vertical Mound Growth Rates (VMGRs). 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Mémoires de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 11. 219 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - DETAILED SEDIMENTOLOGICAL LOGS Digitised logs of CS06 Section 1-3. Note: BF-black flecked, SM- stippled mud, LHS and RHS – Left Hand Side and Right Hand Side, v. – very, conc. - concentration, DC-down core. 220 APPENDICES 221 APPENDICES 222 APPENDICES 223 APPENDICES Digitised logs of CS07 Section 1-7. Note: LP- Lophelia pertusa, LHS and RHS – Left Hand Side and Right Hand Side, v. – very, conc. - concentration, DC-down core. 224 APPENDICES 225 APPENDICES 226 APPENDICES 227 APPENDICES 228 APPENDICES 229 APPENDICES 230 APPENDICES 231 APPENDICES APPENDIX B - MSCL MSCL results, photographs and graphic log for core CS06. For key to graphic log see Fig. 6.1.1. 232 APPENDICES MSCL results for core CS07 Section 3 and 4, with relevant core photographs and graphic log. Intervals of interest are shaded in grey. For key to graphic log see APPENDIX A. 233 MSCL results for core CS07 Section 3 and 4, with relevant core photographs and graphic log.Intervals of interest are shaded in grey. For key to graphic log see APPENDIX A. APPENDICES 234 APPENDICES MSCL results for CS07 Section 5-7, with relevant core photographs and graphic log. Intervals of interest are shaded in grey. For key to graphic log see APPENDIX A. 235 APPENDICES APPENDIX C - GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS CS06 Grain size analysis results for core CS06: (from left) photographs and graphic lithology, logged mean grain size, sieve-based grain size analysis results, laser-based grain size analysis results, mean and sorting (derived from the laser-based results). 236 APPENDICES The ternary sand and mud diagram produced from the laser results show the sediment to be mainly made up of varying quantities of mud and fine sand, producing deposits of muddy sand and sandy mud. At 60 and 65 cmdc the laser results measured ‘muddy sand’. This was probably due to large burrow structures present in the very fine mud. The sieving results, by contrast, found these two sections to consist of ‘sandy mud’. Sediment 60-65 cmdc in Core CS06 with burrows of lighter and coarser infill than the surrounding (enclosing) mud. 237 APPENDICES The wt% of material > 250 μm < 2 mm (CS%) ranges from 3.48 to 33.64% with an average of 17.26%, and there is no long-term trend of increase or decrease downcore. The CS% was found not to correlate with the IRD content. The coarse-sand fraction at site CS06 contains a significant component of non-ice-rafted grains. Thus, the conclusion of von Huene et al. (1973) that the wt% of the 250 μm-2 mm fraction serves as a reliable indicator of ice-rafting importance does not appear to be valid for this site. The influence of these other components within the coarse-sand fraction on the weight percent values must be removed in order to obtain an accurate measure of ice-rafting influence. CS06 CS% wt% 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 0 50 CMDC 100 150 200 250 300 238 25.00 30.00 35.00 APPENDICES CS07 Grain size analysis results for core CS07: (from left) the logged mean grain size, the sievebased grain size analysis results, laser-based shows grain size analysis results, mean and sorting (derived from the laser-based results). 239 APPENDICES CS07 laser diffraction grain size analysis results. Ternary gravel sand mud diagram showing the majority of the sediments fall within the sandy mud and muddy sand categories. Only one sample (575 cmdc) is sand. Note: the laser analysis does not measure gravel. The results of the two different grain-size analysis methods employed (laser-based and sieve-based), as well as the logged mean grain size, all appear to correlate very well. The ternary diagram produced from the LGSA results shows that there is generally a high component of mud, producing deposits of gravelly sandy muds and gravelly muddy sands, with only one sample classified as ‘sand’ (575 cmdc), and none classified as pure mud. 240 APPENDICES APPENDIX D - IRD COUNT 50 45 % IRD for core CS06. Markers represent samples analysed 40 35 %IRD 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Depth (cm) % IRD for core CS07. Markers represent samples analysed. 241 APPENDICES APPENDIX E - SEDIMENT GRAIN COMPOSITION In core CS06 the carbonate sand-size material is predominantly composed of planktonic and benthic foraminifera with some invertebrate skeletons (bryozoans, ostracods, spicules, etc.). In core CS07 the carbonate sand-size material is predominantly made up of coral fragments, shells, calcite cement rubble and foraminifera. The pelagic foraminifera are predominantly globigerinids with some samples containing many Orbulina universa and the deeper-water species Globorotalia truncatulinoides is also common. Preliminary investigation shows the benthic compositions are dominated by variations in assemblages of Discanomalina coronata, Cibicides sp., Pyrgo sp., Uvigerina sp., Textularia sp, and Quinqueloculina sp. Other (macro and micro) fossils present in both cores include brachiopod shells, gastropods, echinoid spines, ostracods, sponge spicules and serpulids. The noncarbonate component of the sand in the cores is dominantly quartz with lithic fragments and glauconite. Glauconite present is presumed to be authigenically formed as casts within the chambers of foraminifera tests. The lithics comprise of a mixture of: Sedimentary (red sandstone and dark grey limestone) Metamorphic (schist) and Igneous (granite and diorite) rocks. The lithics in the cores are interpreted to have been derived from west Ireland by icerafting during the Pleistocene. CS07 The nature of the material in CS07 posed problems when analysing the grain composition of the sediment. Many samples contained irregular, but roughly spherical, white grains that appeared to be composed of carbonate clay. Many of these 'spheres' contained skeletal grains such as bryozoan fragments and shell debris as well as planktonic foraminifera, and they were classed as ‘calcium carbonate concretions’. Usually they appeared alongside the other grains but in some of the samples all the grains were obscured by the covering of the bright white cement. In 242 APPENDICES addition, aggregations of, what appeared to be, planktonic foraminifera occurred, loosely cemented together. These were classed as ‘planktonic foraminifera aggregates’. The clumping of planktonic foraminiferans means that calculating in situ versus transported would not be representative for these samples because while the grains themselves are locally produced, their composition is made up of many essentially allochthonous planktonic foraminiferans. It was hoped that quantifying the different categories of sedimentary components mainly skeletal debris – would allow the contribution of the various faunal groups to mound build-up to be assessed. However, most samples contained a large component of biogenic hash and during the counting procedure it became apparent that many of the fragments were unidentifiable due to their broken and abraded nature. For example, it was often not possible to definitively identify coral fragments because they were most often present as highly fragmented coral ‘hash’. The same problem arose with broken bivalve and brachiopod shell fragments. These fragments were classed as UID [unidentifiable biogenic elements]. The obvious uncertainty with assigning elements into categories produced large numbers of UID. Particles classed into categories for samples where they are better preserved entails a loss of the signal of their contribution to the samples containing more broken up admixes, introducing false results into the mound contribution elements. For the reasons described above the grain composition analysis results cannot be reliably used to decipher trends. Nonetheless some of the results are displayed as percentage of fraction in order to compare against each other and describe units. 243 APPENDICES Grain composition analysis results for core CS07, showing the material > 250 µm < 2mm to comprise of coral fragments and associated biogenic debris from fauna living on the mound, as well as derived pelagic material of planktonic foraminifera, fish vertebrae and IRD. PF – planktonic foraminifera, BF-benthic foraminifera, CC –carbonate concretions, Agg – Aggregates of PF, MB-mudball, Bry –bryozoan, Ostra(cod), Serp – serpulid worm, Espine – echinoid spine, Gastro(pod), UID- unidentified biogenic debris including otoliths, bivalves, brachiopods, pteropods, crustacean claws. 244 Percentage grain composition analysis results for core CS07, of the material > 250 µm < 2mm. PF – planktonic foraminifera, BF-benthic foraminifera, CCC –carbonate concretions, Agg – Aggregates of PF, Bry –bryozoan, Ostra(cod), Serp – serpulid worm, Espine – echinoid spine, Gastro(pod), UID- unidentified biogenic debris including otoliths, bivalves, brachiopods, pteropods, crustacean claws. APPENDICES 245 APPENDICES Apart from the sample from the high-energy coarse event at 575 cmdc, the grain composition analysis showed IRD and planktonic foraminifera content to anticorrelate. This provides confidence in the IRD counting method used. It also highlights the unit of 575 cmdc as rather anomalous. The % grains of planktonic foraminifera plotted against the IRD of the CS07 grain composition analysis results showed them to anti-correlate, with an exception at the highenergy coarse event at 575 cmdc. From 105 cmdc the sediment was noted as ‘more lithified’ and from 110 cmdc aggregates of foraminifera [Agg] and calcium carbonate concretions (CCC) become conspicuous. For example, at 110 cmdc 22% of the grains were found to be aggregates of planktonic foraminifera cemented together. The AGG and CCC are probably related to similar processes of digenesis and the difference in their nature appears to be related to the depositional environment. The aggregates occur in sandy deposits (110-190 cmdc) whereas the CCs occur in clay-rich deposits (350-390 and 530 cmdc). It was also noted that the samples with many CCs and/or Aggs occurred 246 APPENDICES where there were also less coral fragments. It is possible that the coral has dissolved to form a micritic cement in these sediments. Samples with many of the grains covered in white cement (Carbonate Concretions -CCC) or made up of aggregates of planktonic foraminifera (Agg) showed an anti-correlation to coral content in core CS07. 247 APPENDICES The % ostracods of the grain composition analysis results of CS07 showed them to peak with the mottled mud facies 450-555 cmdc. 248 APPENDICES APPENDIX F – XRF ANALYSIS CS07 Results of the two XRF- scanned cores (Section 1 and Section 3) are presented in % total count and are shown immediately beneath one another, in order to compare their signals. XRF results for core CS07 Section 1 and Section 3 249 APPENDICES APPENDIX G – DATING CS06 Core, Section Core Depth CS06, S1 25 CS06, S1 55 CS06, S2 100 CS06, S2 140 CS06, S2 165 CS06, S2 165 CS06, S3 210 CS06, S3 290 Type 14C age Error Calendric Age calBC (yr) (yr) Foram 25404 76 Brachiopod >45000 Brachiopod >45000 Brachiopod >45000 Foram 43042 380 Brachiopod >45000 Brachiopod >45000 Foram >45000 Radiocarbon dates for CS06. 250 28275 ± 272 44736 ± 1560 APPENDICES Example of the pedicle valve of the sampled brachiopods sent for dating. 251 APPENDICES Example of the brachial valve of the sampled brachiopods sent for dating. 252 APPENDICES CS07 Core Core Depth (cm) Age (kyr) Comments CS07 S2 140 >45000 CS07 S3 250 na Failed during sample preparation CS07 S3 290 >45000 CS07 S6 595 >45000 14C age determinations from foraminifera for core CS07 Core Core Depth (cm) CS07 Section 1 6.5 CS07 Section 1 CS07 Section 1 CS07 Section 4 18.5 25 311 Age (uncorr. ka) Age corr. (ka) 8.6 8.5 10.4 11.0 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.3 Out of range Comments ±0.2 * U-isotopic composition too high for a modern sample 8.5 ±1.0 11.0 ±0.3 317 * U-isotopic composition too low compared to Theory * U-isotopic composition too low compared to Theory ±40 CS07 Section 4 311 Out of range 387 ±89 CS07 Section 5 423.5 Out of range CS07 Section 5 440 Out of range CS07 Section 6 556 11.6 ±0.3 8.2 ±1.8 U/Th age determinations from coral for core CS07. The U-isotopic composition being too high/low compared to Theory is an indication of some alteration process leading to the gain/loss of 234 shows how the data should evolve through time with 230 U. The first plot (below) Th/238U being 0 once the corals growth and isotopic ratios evolve towards unity (i.e. as corals become old). The black lines correspond to the Uranium isotopic composition of modern seawater that evolves through time (dashed lines are ±0‰ change in seawater U-isotopic composition). Perfect data of various ages would always fall in between the two dashed lines (which is not the case for the data). 253 APPENDICES 200 234U (‰) 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 (230Th/238U) The anomalous coral date from 556 cmdc is not perceived to be due to an error during sampling or labelling because the photographed coral fragment (prior to shipping for dating) can be identifed in the core picture for that interval. Coral fragment highlighted by red box. 254 APPENDICES APPENDIX H - DROPSTONE ANALYSIS CS06- Leucocratic granite Dropstone recovered from core CS06 Section 3, 235 239 cmdc, as pictured insitu in the core. Scale of 1cm interval to the right In hand sample, the dropstone was subrounded and measured 6 cm by 4 cm. It was medium grained with a mottled yellowish pink colouration. The mottles are due to amalgamations of black crystals in the yellow-pink matrix. The crystals have a fabric of crystal alignment. Thin-section analysis revealed over 75% felsic minerals (quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase and also an appreciable amount of microcline) along with small amount of muscovite, biotite and some oxides. There is high quartz content (~30%) with stringers of quartz appearing as streams of anhedral grains and some strained quartz showing undulose extinction. Twinning was noted in plagioclase feldspars but it was not common. The dropstone shows heavy alteration. The dark phenocrysts producing the porphyritic texture are amalgamations of highly altered green pleochroic biotites (some altered to chlorite) with epidote and sericite. Sericite is a common alteration mineral in areas that have been subjected to hydrothermal alteration. 255 APPENDICES General thin section (XPL) view of CS06 dropstone. Microcline with cross-hatching evident, along with anhedral interstitial quartz Smaller anhedral quartz alongside larger quartz grains. 256 APPENDICES Plagioclase feldspar with polysynthetic twinning. 257 APPENDICES Dark phenocrysts producing the porphyritic texture are amalgamations of highly altered green pleochroic biotites with epidote and sericite. In summary, the dropstone is a granite that appears to have undergone hydrothermal alteration. It is felsic rock as it has >75% felsic minerals and leucocratic as <30% minerals are mafic. Therefore its preliminary classification is that of leucocratic granite of indeterminate provenance. CS07 - Granodiorite Gneiss In hand specimen it is a mottled dark grey phaneritic igneous rock which measures 6.5cm by 6cm, with sub-rounded edges. One face has a very smooth surface due to the cutting of this section by the saw and this shows a gneissic fabric. Mediumgrained interlocking crystals are evident (white and beige-yellow feldspars, clear/vitreous dull grey quartz) along with abundant black biotite and hornblende amphiboles to give a dark appearance. 258 APPENDICES Clockwise from left: Granodiorite gneiss as seen in-situ 66-72 cmdc in section 1 of core CS07; side profile of dropstone; aerial view of smooth face showing the gneissic fabric; smooth side facing down showing the sub-rounded nature of the rock. In thin section feldspars (plagioclase and orthoclase) and quartz minerals make up more than 60% of the rock. Over 65% of the feldspar is plagioclase and approximately 40% is polysnthetically twinned. There is greater than 20 % quartz. Approximately 35% of the rock is made up of amphiboles. Other minerals include an appreciable amount of biotite and a very small amount of muscovite. A hypidiomorphic-granular texture is evident. 259 APPENDICES Hypidiomorphic-granular texture in XPL. Euhedral and subhedral crystals of green and yellow amphiboles. Subhedral feldspar crystals with plagioclase displaying albite twinning. Clear and grey anhedral interstitial quartz. Smaller euhedral biotite crystals. Note the high percentage of plagioclase. Quartz with diagnostic undulose extinction forms irregular shapes between the feldspars and provides evidence the rock has been strained. Biotite forms smaller euhedral crystals and is commonly found as composite crystals with the euhedralsubhedral hornblende. The amphiboles are bluish green under PPL, but crosspolarization shows the two cuts have different XPL colours. The euhedral-subhedral amphibole crystals cut along the c-axis, show blueish-green to yellow-green pleochroism and are greenish-grey in XPL. The basal cut amphiboles show blueish- green to straw yellow pleochroism and a strong yellow interference colour under XPL. There is also a small amount of muscovite with bright interference colours. 260 APPENDICES Left: XPL; Right PPL. Anhedral quartz with undulose extinction. Euhedral & subhedral amphiboles (yellow and dark green in XPL; pale green and dark green in PPL). The two cleavage directions intersecting at 120 ° are clearly visible far right. Euhedral to subhedral biotite (yellowish brown – rusty red in XPL; brown in PPL). Large grey area in XPL is void due to thin-sectioning. Complex plagioclase twinning. XPL view. Biotite (brown-light brown) is common in the sample; usually in association with hornblende (green) forming composite crystals. PPL view. 261 APPENDICES Muscovite in between amphiboles; with bright interference colours in XPL (left) and colourless in PPL (right). Amphibole enclosed by interstitial quartz in top left. In summary, the dropstone is mainly made up of feldspar, quartz and amphiboles with appreciable amount of biotite. The dominance of the plagioclase feldspar indicates a granodiorite and the fabric indicates a granodiorite gneiss, with the fabric (banding) a result of deformation. Possible provenances for this lithology include Connemara and Mayo (Belmullet) gneisses. 262