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Ang Huling El Bimbo Musical Analysis & Review

Musical Play
The Hit
Musical Songs
Directed by Jamie Wilson
Newport Performing
Arts Theater
Mercado, Lizbeth D.
PCBET - 01 - 301A
Ang Huling El Bimbo was one of the most popular songs of the most wellknown Filipino band of the 1990s, Eraserheads. Due to its references to
the 1990s, the musical play takes its audience back in time. It causes a
sense of nostalgia in the crowd. The layout of the setting, the university
culture, the baggy clothing, and the plaid fabrics are all present. But
even on a sunny day, a storm was brewing. Happiness comes at a price.
According to the plot summary, Eman, Hector, and Anthony met Joy, the
niece of a campus food stall owner, when they were in college and
became friends. One night while standing beneath a canopy of stars, the
four friends pledge to one another that they will achieve their dreams
However, they have no idea that their friendship will
eventually fall apart. The narrative begins in the
present with the murder of Joy. The police summoned
the three men to investigate her death. The story then
evolves through a sequence of flashbacks.
The storyline of "Ang Huling El Bimbo" is not perfect. It
appears the rape was only a means as a plot device
for the story to move forward. It is likely the cause of
the musical's highly divisive criticism.
Eman, Anthony, and Hector failed to handle the situation well when their
friend got sexually assaulted. They have no interest in getting involved.
The three abandon Joy's existence in their lives. They look forward to the
lives ahead of them while Joy's just ended.
When there are several ways to stimulate character development, it is
distasteful to use rape as a justification. I believe one of the messages
the musical play wants to get through is how oppressive silence can be.
Silence is oppressive because peace and harmony are valued over
someone's trauma. It does show the realities of sexual violence and
silence. Even though I know that Joy was a tragic character, I am not
happy with how her life ended.
The story ending might be Joy overcoming her trauma
with the help of his friends, who were feeling remorse
for abandoning her. Instead of dying in the streets.
Nevertheless, "Ang Huling El Bimbo" is enjoyable in an
unexpected way. With rampant corruption, injustice,
and other issues, the story further mirrored the situation
of Philippine society. It also deals with personal trauma
and guilt, but at times, glimpses of joy and hope still
continue to persist.