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earth science 15e chapter 03

SmartFigure 3.1
The Rock Cycle
Earth Science
15th Edition
Chapter 3
Rocks: Materials of the
Solid Earth
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Learning Objectives
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Alternate Paths
3.1 Sketch, label, and explain the rock cycle.
3.2 Describe the two criteria used to classify igneous rocks and
explain how the rate of cooling influences the crystal size of minerals.
3.3 List and describe the different categories of sedimentary rocks and
discuss the processes that change sediment into sedimentary rock.
3.4 Define metamorphism, explain how metamorphic rocks form, and
describe the agents of metamorphism.
• Full cycle does not always take place due to “shortcuts”
or interruptions
– e.g., Sedimentary rock melts
– e.g., Igneous rock is metamorphosed
– e.g., Sedimentary rock is weathered
– e.g., Metamorphic rock is weathered
3.5 Distinguish between metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources
and list at least two examples of each.
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3.1 Earth as a System: The Rock Cycle
3.2 Igneous Rocks: “Formed by Fire”
Sketch, label, and explain the rock cycle.
Describe the two criteria used to classify igneous rocks and explain how the rate of
cooling influences the crystal size of minerals.
• The Basic Cycle
– Magma: Crystallization above or below ground to form igneous
– Weathering: Breakdown of a material at the Earth’s surface
– Sediment: Solid particles produced through weathering
– Lithification: Conversion of sediments through compaction and
crystallization by groundwater to form sedimentary rock
– Metamorphism: Change due to high temperatures and pressures
below ground to form metamorphic rock
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• Form as magma cools and crystallizes
– Rocks formed inside Earth are called plutonic or intrusive rocks
– Rocks formed on the surface
▪ Formed from lava (a material similar to magma, but without
▪ Called volcanic or extrusive rocks
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From Magma to Crystalline Rock
• Composed of ions of silicate minerals
– Ions are arranged into orderly patterns during cooling
– Crystal size is determined by the rate of cooling
▪ Slow rate forms large crystals
▪ Fast rate forms microscopic crystals
▪ Very fast rate forms glass
What Can Igneous Textures Tell Us?
• Texture: size, shape, and arrangement of minerals that
make up rock
– Fine-grained—fast rate of cooling
– Coarse-grained—slow rate of cooling
– Porphyritic (two crystal sizes)—two rates of cooling
– Glassy—very fast rate of cooling
– Vesicular—contains hole left by gas bubbles
– Pyroclastic—fragmented; produced by consolidation of volcanic
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Igneous Compositions
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SmartFigure 3.5
Igneous Rock Textures
• Mainly composed of silicate minerals
– Granitic (Felsic) Compositions
▪ Richer in light silicates
– Basaltic (Mafic) Compositions
▪ Richer in dark silicates
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SmartFigure 3.4
Composition of Common Igneous Rocks
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Common Igneous Rocks
• Granitic Rocks
– Felsic: composed of light-colored silicates—quartz and feldspar
– Common: granite, rhyolite, obsidian
• Andesitic (Intermediate) Rocks
– Mixture of felsic and mafic compositions
– Common: andesite, diorite
• Basaltic Rocks
– Mafic: composed of dark-colored silicates
– Common: basalt, gabbro
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SmartFigure 3.8
Classification of Igneous Rocks, Based on
Their Mineral Composition and Texture
3.3 Sedimentary Rocks: Compacted and
Cemented Sediment
List and describe the different categories of sedimentary rocks and discuss the processes
that change sediment into sedimentary rock.
• Form from sediment (weathered products)
• About 75 percent of all rock outcrops on the continents
• Used to reconstruct much of Earth’s history
– Clues to past environments
– Provide information about sediment transport
– Rocks often contain fossils
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How Igneous Rocks Form
• Explained by Bowen’s reaction series, which shows the
order of mineral crystallization
• Influenced by crystal settling in the magma
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Figure 3.13
Bowen’s Reaction Series
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Types of Sedimentary Rocks
• Detrital
– Solid particles from weathering
– Classified by particle size and shape
– Common: conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, siltstone, shale
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Figure 3.16
Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
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Figure 3.17
Chemical, Biochemical, and Organic
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
• Sedimentary rocks are produced through lithification
– Loose sediments are transformed into solid rock
– Lithification processes
• Compaction
• Cementation by
– Calcite
– Silica
– Iron Oxide
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Types of Sedimentary Rocks
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Sedimentary Rocks
• Features of sedimentary rocks
• Chemical, Biochemical, and Organic
– Derived from ions carried in solution to lakes and seas
– Classified by composition
– Common: limestone, gypsum, chert, coal
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Lithification of Sediment
Figure 3.23 Compaction and Cementation
• Lithification: processes by
which sediments are
transformed into
sedimentary rocks
– Compaction
▪ Overlying sediment
– Cementation
▪ By Calcite, Silica, and
Iron Oxide
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– Strata, or beds (most characteristic)
– Bedding planes separate strata
– Fossils
Traces or remains of prehistoric life
Are the most important inclusions
Help determine past environments
Used as time indicators
Used for matching rocks from different places
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3.4 Metamorphic Rocks: New Rock from
Define metamorphism, explain how metamorphic rocks form, and describe the agents of
• Form from preexisting igneous, sedimentary, or
metamorphic rocks
• Take place due to temperatures and pressures unlike
those in which it formed
• Leads to changes in mineralogy, texture, and chemical
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Metamorphic Rocks: New from Old
• Often progresses incrementally
• Degrees of metamorphism
– Exhibited by rock texture and mineralogy
– Low-grade, slight changes (e.g., shale becomes slate)
– High-grade, obliteration of original features (e.g., shale becomes
What Drives Metamorphism?
• Metamorphic agents
– Heat
– Pressure (stress)
▪ Confining pressure—from burial
▪ Differential stress—occurs during mountain building
– Chemically active fluids
▪ Mainly water and other volatiles
▪ Promote recrystallization by enhancing ion migration
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Figure 3.27
Metamorphic Grade
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SmartFigure 3.28
Confining Pressure and Differential Stress
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Metamorphic Rocks
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Metamorphic Textures
• Metamorphic settings
– Contact, or thermal, metamorphism
• Occurs near a body of magma
• Changes are driven by a rise in temperature
– Regional metamorphism
• Directed pressures and high temperatures during mountain
• Produces the greatest volume of metamorphic rock
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• Foliation
– Flat arrangement of mineral grains or structures
– Minerals are perpendicular to the compressional force
– Common: slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss
• Nonfoliated texture
– Contain equidimensional crystals
– Resembles a coarse-grained igneous rock
– Common: quartzite, marble
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SmartFigure 3.29
Rotation of Platy and Elongated Mineral
Grains to Produce Foliated Texture
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Figure 3.30
Common Metamorphic Rocks
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