Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Course Syllabus Course Title: Technical Report Writing 1 Number of Units: 3 Number of Hours: 54 Class days and Class Time: Monday 5:00-8:00 PM Room: Crim 101 Course Description: This course provides criminology students with the knowledge in technical writing, English grammar including the parts of speech, elements of styles and mechanics, civilian letters, and special techniques of technical writing. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the students are expected to: 1: Enhance their skills in studying and distinguishing the types and purposes of technical reports in criminology, and the use of appropriate terms and phraseologies; 2. Adhere to the basic elements of style and techniques of writing report cases through grammar review and mechanics like spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; 3. Apply the principles of appropriate writing such as brevity, clarity, completeness, accuracy of facts, and its presentation according to the prescribed format and style; and 4. Develop their language competencies for them to be exposed to real-life situations requiring application of their skills in inquiry, analysis, and investigation. Grading System: Examinations ------------------40% Prelim Midterm Pre-final Final Recitation ----------------------10% Quizzes -------------------------20% Projects (Performances) ----20% Attendance ---------------------10% Total -----------------100% Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Weeks Week 1 Topics Course orientation/requirements and grading system and Diagnostic Test Week 2Week 3 Introduction to Technical Writing The Significance of Technical Writing Definition of Technical Writing Basic Principles of Good Technical Writing The Purposes and Subject of Technical Report The Technical Communication The Technical Communicator Characteristics of a Good Technical Communicator Learning Competencies Demonstrate understanding of the course requirements and grading system and show background knowledge of the course Discuss the significance of technical writing; Define technical writing; Identify the basic principles of good technical writing; Know the two important aspects of technical writing; Describe the qualities of a good technical report; Identify the characteristics of a good technical communicator; Explain the concepts of technical communication and technical documentation. Learning Activities Lecture Assessment Spelling/Vocabulary Check Reporting Discussion Oral Recitation Written Test Brainstorming Expression of the Day References Bajado-Nano, M.C. & Pioquinto, P.V. (2014). Technical Report Writing 1 for Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. https://catalog.south.edu/preview_c ourse_nopop.php?catoid=4&coid=3 188#:~:text=Technical%20Writing %20in%20Criminal%20Justice%20i s%20a%20study%20of%20the,tech nical%20and%20business%2Drelat ed%20documents. Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Week 4 Week 5Week 7 Prelim Examination Basic Grammar Review Basic Elements of Grammar Nouns and Pronouns Verbs Adjectives and Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections The Sentence Four Kinds of Sentence According to Structure Four Kinds of Sentence According to Function Run On Sentences, Parallel Structures, Dangling Modifiers The Paragraph Transitional Markers Agreement and Grammar Rules Review the basic elements of grammar; Identify the nine parts of speech; Explain the meaning of nouns and pronouns; Identify the kinds of verbs; Differentiate adjectives from adverbs; Explain how prepositions show relationship in the sentence; Discuss the three kinds of conjunctions and how they connect words in the sentence; Use appropriate interjection in sentences; Identify sentences according to its structure and form; Identify and correct run-on sentences; Game-based activity Spelling/Vocabulary Check Reporting Discussion Oral Recitation Written Test Brainstorming Expression of the Day Online Activity Bajado-Nano, M.C. & Pioquinto, P.V. (2014). Technical Report Writing 1 for Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. https://www.englishclub.com/gram mar/ https://www.englishgrammar101.co m/ Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Week 8 Week 9Week 12 Midterm Examination The Elements of Styles and Mechanics Writing Style and Mechanics in Grammar Punctuations Capitalizations Abbreviation Numbers Spellings Identify and avoid dangling modifiers in sentences; Discuss the paragraph and its part; Identify transitional markers used in paragraphs; and Internalize agreement and grammar rules. Define what mechanics are in relation to grammar; Identify the style conventions of the English language; Discuss thoroughly the uses of punctuation marks as one of the conventions in the written language; Discuss the importance of mechanics in writing, and apply the rules in capitalization, abbreviation, and spelling in writing activities; and Spelling/Vocabulary Check Game-Based Activity Reporting Discussion Oral Recitation Written Test Brainstorming Expression of the Day Bajado-Nano, M.C. & Pioquinto, P.V. (2014). Technical Report Writing 1 for Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. https://ohiostate.pressbooks.pub/fept echcomm/chapter/3-writing-style/ Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Week 13 Week 14-Week 15 Pre-Final Examination Civilian Letters The Basic Parts of a Civilian Letters Special Parts of a Civilian Letter Arrangement Styles of Civilian Letters Rules on Margin and Spacing of Civilian Letters Types of Civilian Letters Identify samples of punctuation marks and its uses in the sentence Explain the importance of civilian letters in relation to police communication; Identify the basic parts of a civilian letter; Identify the special parts of a civilian letter; Determine the arrangement styles of civilian letters in compliance with the Study Committee on Police Correspondence and Issuances; Apply the rules on margin and spacing in writing civilian letters; Distinguish the types of civilian letters; Spelling/Vocabulary Check Game-Based Activity Reporting Discussion Oral Recitation Written Test Brainstorming Expression of the Day Bajado-Nano, M.C. & Pioquinto, P.V. (2014). Technical Report Writing 1 for Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. https://pdfcoffee.com/chapter-5civilian-letter-pdf-free.html Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Weeks16 -17 Special Techniques of Technical Writing Definition Classification Partition Description of a Mechanism Description of a Process Week 18 Final Examination Discuss each type of civilian letters; and Write actual civilian letters addressed to appropriate persons in the community. Explain the importance of special techniques in technical writing; Identify the special techniques of technical writing; Identify the two types of definition; Apply the effective principles of classification technique in writing; Discuss how partition technique is done; Distinguish the technique of description of a mechanism from description of a process; and Write technical reports using each of the special techniques Spelling/Vocabulary Check Game-Based Activity Reporting Discussion Oral Recitation Written Test Brainstorming Expression of the Day Bajado-Nano, M.C. & Pioquinto, P.V. (2014). Technical Report Writing 1 for Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. https://prezi.com/qcohlbit152a/speci al-techniques-of-technical-writing/ https://studymoose.com/4-specialtechniques-of-technical-writingessay Bucas Grande Foundation College Taruc, Socorro, Surigao del Norte College of Criminology Prepared by: Approved: JUMBIE P. PLAZA, MAEd Part-time Instructor MARYBELLE L. BANUAG, RCrim Dean