MANAN VIDYA MANRAKHAN MAHTO SCHOOL FINAL TERM SESSION: (2022 - 23) CLASS: - IX MARKS:- 80 SUBJECT: - SCIENCE TIME:- 3HRS General instruction The question paper comprises five sections – A, B, C, D and E. This question paper consists of a total 39 questions. Section A Qns. 1to 20 all questions and parts thereof are of one marks each comprising MCQ and AssertionReason type Questions, case based . Section B Qns.21 to 26 are two marks, short answer type questions. These are to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each. Section C Qns. 27 to 33 are three marks, long answer type questions. These are to be answered in about 50–60 words each. Section D Qns. 34 to 36 are five marks, long answer type questions. These are to be answered in about 80 120 words each Section E Qns. 37 to 39 are four marks, case based type questions. Internal choice is given in some question. Attempt all the sections. All questions are compulsory. Section A 1. Choose the correct option: (a) distance is a scalar, velocity is a vector ,acceleration is a vector. (b) distance is a vector, velocity is a scalar, acceleration is a vector. (c) distance is a vector, velocity is a vector, acceleration is a vector. (d) distance is a scalar, velocity is a vector, acceleration is a scalar. 2. In 12 minutes a car whose speed is 35 km/h travels a distance of (a) 7 km (b) 3.5 km (c) 14 km (d) 28 km 3. A goalkeeper in a game of football pulls his hands backwards after holding the ball shot at the goal. This enables the goalkeeper to: (a) Exert large force on the ball (b) Increases the force exerted by the ball on hands (c) Increase the rate of change of momentum (d) Decrease the rate of change of momentum 4. Two particles are placed at some distance. If the mass of each of the two particles is doubled, keeping the distance between them unchanged, the value of gravitational force between them will be: (a) 1/4 times (b) 4 times (c) 1/2 times (d) Unchanged 5. The earth and the moon are attracted to each other by gravitational force. The earth attracts the moon with a force that is: (a) More than that exerted by the moon (b) Same as that exerted by the moon (c) Less than that exerted by the moon d) Not related to that exerted by the moon 6. Water stored in a dam possesses (a) no energy (b) electrical energy (c) kinetic energy (d) potential energy 7. A body is falling from a height h. After it has fallen a height h2, it will possess (a) only potential energy (b) only kinetic energy (c) half potential and half kinetic energy (d) more kinetic and less potential energy 8. Work done by friction (a) increases kinetic energy of body (b) decreases kinetic energy of body (c) increases potential energy of body (d) decreases potential energy of body. 9. Before playing the orchestra in a musical concert, a sitarist tries to adjust the tension and pluck the string suitably. By doing so, he is adjusting (a) intensity of sound only (b) amplitude of sound only (c) frequency of the sitar string with the frequency of other musical instruments (d) loudness of sound 10. What is the name of the metal which exists in liquid state at room temperature? (a) Sodium (b) Potassium (c) Mercury (d) Bromine 11. The continuous zig-zag movement of colloidal particles in a dispersion medium is called (a) Dispersion (b) Tyndall effect (c) Centrifugation (d) Oscillation 12. Which of the following correctly represents 360g of water? (i) 2 moles of water (ii) 20 moles of water (iii) 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water (iv) 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water (a) (i) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv) 13. Which of the following correctly represents the molecular mass of H2O. (i) 18 g. (ii) 180g (iii) 18u. (iv) 1.8 g 14. The electrons present in the outermost shell are called (a) Valency electrons (b) Octate electrons (c) Duplet electrons (d) Core electron 15. If the cell is placed in hypotonic solution, water will move……. the cell, causing it to…………. a) into, swell b)out of, shrink c) in and out of the cell, stay the same d)none of the above 16. Flexibility in plants is due to……. a)collenchyma b)sclerenchyma c)parenchyma d)chlorenchyma Direction (Q.Nos. 17-20 ) in each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given by the corresponding statement of Reason. Out of the given statement, choose the correct one. a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. c) A is true, but R is false. d) A is false, but R is true 17. Assertion:-Displacement of a body may be zero, when distance travelled by it is not zero. Reason: - The displacement is the longest distance between initial and final positions 18. Assertion: - Sugar and Salt both are easily dissolved in water. Reason: - Sugar and Salt are solid hence it is easily dissolved in water. 19 Assertion:- Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells. Reason: Organelles that are membrane bound do not exist in prokaryotic cells. 20. Assertion: - Pesticides are poisonous for living organisms and cause environmental pollution. Reason: Organic farming on the other hand is environment- friendly and does not rely much on agricultural chemicals. Section B 21. Suppose a ball is thrown vertically upwards from a position P above the ground. It rises to the highest point Q and returns to the same point P. What is the net displacement and distance travelled by the ball? 22.The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X is 16.2 u. What are the percentages of isotopes 8X16 and 8X18 in X Or Calculate the number of molecules of sulphur (S8) present in 16 g of solid sulphur 23. Name the three sub-atomic particles of an atom 24. How are the following related to each other? i)Chromatin network and chromosomes ii) Chloroplast and chlorophyll 25. Name the following i)Tissue that forms the inner lining of the mouth. ii) Tissue that stores fat in our body. iii) Tissue that transports food in plants. iv)Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans. 26. List the constituents of phloem. What will happen if the phloem at the base of a branch is removed? OR Name two types of animal feed and write their functions. Section C 27. The weight of the man on earth is 150 N and on certain planet is 25 N. Take g=10m/s 2 on earth (a)Find the mass of the man on earth and planet (b) Find the acceleration due to gravity on the planet 28. A force of 10 N displaces a body by a distance of 3 m at an angle 60° to its own direction. Find the amount of work done. (cos θ=1/2) OR An electric bulb of 100 W is used for 8 h per day. Calculate the 'units' of energy consumed in one day by the bulb? 29. Explain with examples: (i) Atomic number (ii) Mass number, (iii) Isotopes and 30. Name the technique to separatea) butter from curd (b) salt from sea-water (c) camphor from salt OR Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following? (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride (c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil . 31. Describe the phenomenon of membrane biogenesis. Give one function of ER. 32. Draw a well- labelled diagram of cardiac muscle found in the human body. Write two differences between striated and smooth muscles. 33. What is honey? What are the advantages of bee-keeping? OR Discuss various methods of weed control. Section D 34. What is ‘ultrasonic’ and ‘infrasonic’ sound wave? A sound produces 13 crests and 15 troughs in 3 seconds. When the second crest is produced the first is 2 cm away from the source? Calculate. (a) the wavelength (b) the frequency (c) the wave speed. 35. If number of electrons in an atom is 8 and number of protons is also 8, then (a) What is the atomic number of the atom? (b) What is the charge on the atom? (c)Write down the formulae of (a) Sodium oxide (b) Aluminium chloride (d) Define atomicity. 36. a) Mention any two modern initiatives undertaken in India to supply water to the fields. b) Which factors are responsible for causing loss of storage grains? State some preventive measures for storage of food grains. Section E 37. In our daily lives, we realize that it takes some effort to move a fixed object or to stop a moving thing. We typically consider this to be a muscular exertion, meaning that we must push, hit, or pull on an object to change its state of motion. The concept of force is founded on this push, impact, or pull. When these two forces of equal magnitude are acted in opposite direction they are termed as balanced forces, which will completely cancel each other. Now consider the following scenario: two opposing forces of varying magnitudes pull on the block. The block would start to move in the direction of the stronger force in this situation. As a result, the two forces are unbalanced, and the unbalanced force operates in the direction of movement of the block. This implies that an object is propelled into motion by an imbalanced force acting on it. Q1. CGS unit of force is _______. a. Joules b. Newton c. Dyne d. Erg Q2. Forces are said to be _____ if the resultant force is zero. a. Balanced b. Unbalanced c. Parallel to each other d. Perpendicular to each other Q3. Choose the correct statement among the following A. To accelerate any object, an unbalanced force is required. B. A balanced force cannot produce acceleration but it may change the shape of an object. C. The forces cannot be balanced if the velocity of the object changes with respect to time. Choose the correct statement among the following. a. Only option C is correct b. Both options A and B are correct c. Both options B and C are correct d. All A, B and C are correct. Q4. Assume a car is accelerating along a straight line, in this case, which of the following statement is correct? a. The unbalance force always acts perpendicular to the direction of its motion. b. The unbalance force always acts in the direction opposite of its motion c. The unbalance force always acts in the direction of its motion. d. None of the above 38. Read the passage and answer any four questions: Atom can be described as in building houses the building blocks of all matter are atoms. A molecule is in general a group of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together that is, tightly held together by attractive forces. A molecule can be defined as the smallest particle of an element or a compound that is capable of independent existence and shows all the properties of that substance. Atoms of the same element or of different elements can join together to form a molecule. The number of atoms constituting a molecule is known as its atomicity. Metals and some other elements, such as carbon, do not have a simple structure but consist of a very large and indefinite number of atoms bonded together. 1. Which of the following has a maximum number of the atom? a) 18 g H2O (b) 18 g of O2 (c) 18 g of CO2 (d) 18 g of CH4 2. Which has the maximum number of molecules? a) 1 g of CO2 (b)1 g of N2 ( c) 1 g of H2 (d) 1 g of CH4. 3. Which of the following correctly represents 360 g of water? I. 2 moles of H2O II. 20 moles of water III. 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water IV. 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water (a) (I) only (b) (I) and (IV) (c) (II) and (III) (d) (II) and (IV) 4. The molecule having atomicity of 4 is: (a) Sulphate molecule (b) Ozone molecule (c) Phosphorus molecule (d) Methane molecule 39. Read the following and answer the questions. Animal protein for our meals can be found at low cost in fish. The finned real fish as well as invertebrates like prawns and molluscs are all produced as fish. Fish can be obtained in two different methods. One comes from catching fish, a type of natural resource. The other method is cultural fishery, or fish farming. The fish's water source can be either fresh or saltwater, like those found in ponds and rivers. Fish can thus be caught or raised in freshwater and marine ecosystems for use in fishing. Fish are occasionally raised in water in paddy fields when a rice crop is also being cultivated there. Composite fish culture techniques enable more intense fish farming. In such systems, fish species which are both domestic and imported are utilised. A. Define Blue Revolution. B. What is aquaculture? C. Mention one merit and one demerit of the fish culture system. D. Name the fish species utilized in the composite fish culture.