Certified ISO 9001 : 2015 by Sakar Healthcare Limited Corporate Office: 406, Silver Oaks Comm. Complex. Opp. Arun Society, Paldi, 02-02-2023 Ahmedabad-380 007. Gujarat, India. Phone : 079-26584655 fax: 079-26588054 The Manager, Listing Compliance Department, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051 CIN No. : L2423 1GJ2004PLC043861 E-mail Web : info@sakarhealthcare.com : www.sakarhealthcare.com Symbol: SAKAR Subject: Meeting with strategic global team of Ferring Pharmaceutical (pharma giant from Switzerland) for their oncology product development and manufacturing (CDMO) on 3rd/4th Feb-2023 Ref.: Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR) Dear Sir/Madam, It is our pleasure to inform that Ferring global leadership team from Zurich- Switzerland and Mumbai & Hyderabad- India has scheduled to meet Sakar Healthcare team at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India for signing off their contract on 3rd and 4th February 2023. The Ferring global team will include key members of R&D and product Life Cycle Management from International Centre and India. Ferring Pharmaceutical is a Switzerland headquartered, research-driven speciality pharmaceutical group with world-wide presence in key therapeutic categories having differentiated novel drug delivery. Both Ferring and Sakar leadership team have decided to join hands for signing contract for development and supply of oncology products. Ferring core team has evaluated the scope for best in class development of their technologically advanced products and will share their expectations during their tour at the oncology manufacturing site at Sakar, meeting key stake-holders. This is indicative of the fact that the developed hi-tech products can reach across countries of Ferring's operation in near future. It is worth mentioning that Ferring Pharma will be next multinational after Zydus Lifesciences (who has signed an agreement with technology transfer of their range of oncology products early October 2022), collaborating with Sakar to leverage each other's potential to develop and manufacture (CDMO) anti-cancer products at Sakar's research-driven, API-integrated, oncology formulation and lipoid complex molecule manufacturing site. The discussion will be based on publicly available information. No unpublished price-sensitive information will be shared/discussed in the Meeting This is for your information, records and meeting the disclosure requirements under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for SAKAR HEALTHCARE BHARATKUMAR SUKHLAL SONI LIMITED Digitally signed by BHARATKUMAR SUKHLAL SONI DN: c=IN, postalCode=383110, st=GUJARAT, l=SABARKANTHA, o=Personal, serialNumber=1ef7c1b696310b37cb077a5f28af2fae1b1f4845ca91b237cb894d3e54 3896f5, pseudonym=831c580462b24e56afe02b4130943821, 78, email=CS.BHARATSONI@GMAIL.COM, cn=BHARATKUMAR SUKHLAL SONI Date: 2023.02.02 12:47:16 +05'30' BHARATSONI COMPANY SECRETARY COMPLIANCE OFFICER & Regd. Office / Works: Block No. 10-13, Sarkhej-Bavla Road, Village Changodar, Dist. Ahmedabad - 382 213. India. Phone: 02717 250477 Fax: 02717 251621