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chapter 1 502

A town is the civic environment, which is generally the publicly owned space shared by all for p
ublic activities such as walking, biking, driving, riding, parking, getting on and off public transpo
rtation, going in and out of buildings, sitting, dining, picnicking, hanging out, getting together, p
laying, relaxing, having festivals, partying, congregating, parading, marching, demonstrating, an
d so on.
Streets, sidewalks, parks, plazas, and squares in neighborhoods, districts, towns, cities, suburbs
, regions, and natural areas all throughout a town host these activities.
New Towns are cities or towns that are designed from scratch and built in a short period of time.
They are designed by professionals according to a Master Plan on a site where there was no city
before. This distinguishes a N Also, New Towns are mostly the result of a political (top-down) decision.
In addition, the majority of New Towns are the product of a political (top-down) choice.
Building a new city from the ground up is a heroic undertaking that requires the architect or pla
nner to develop the optimal design for the urban program based on cuttingedge planning concepts.
A New Town is always a mirror of a single point in time and the goals that that moment set for i
tself (International New Town Institute, 2021)
The building of a new city ‘from scratch’ is a heroic enterprise that challenges the architect or planner to
find the ideal shape for the urban program according to the state-of-the-art planning ideas. A New Town
is always
New towns offer the opportunity to comprehensively plan all aspects of urban life where people,
live, work, a services including transportation, safety, education, wellness, hospitals, libraries,
entertainment venues, and governance. Incremental development at the scale of new towns can
offer the same advantages, but in most cases, incremental development is focused on residential
or other single uses. It lacks the integration, comprehensiveness, and mixture of people and land
uses that enable cities to capture people’s imaginations and allow their residents to enjoy the full
range of amenities and activities (Penn IUR,2021).
Over the past decade, new town development in developing countries has grown
exponentially. More than never before, government are using the new town as a way to
accommodate the increasing urban population moving from rural areas and resolving the
overcrowded metropolitan cities problems by decentralizing existing cities function and
infrastructures. Development of new towns by municipal authorities also provide a means to
administer and exercise political and economic control within a specific territory as is the case
with the proposed new town.
Thus, this proposed new town consists of Residential uses, commercial uses, private
establishments, recreation uses, institutional and public uses, religious activities, industrial
establishments, well aligned road network and a network of infrastructure designed sustainably to
be environmental human friendly, flexible to change as well as proper location for urban
Design Aim
The design is aimed at providing excellent cultural, educational, recreational, and employment
opportunities; safe neighborhoods for the residents; while at the same time attracts and retains
commercial investment in the town. The town is expected to embrace sustainable development,
ensure dynamics, encourage harmonious and beneficial co-existence while also ensuring
aesthetical and economy development are achieved at the maximum.
Design Objectives
The design focus on some aspect that is essential and of primary necessity for the development of
the new town, which includes:
Land Use
Ensure and encourage conformity among the various land use in the town.
Ensure that the location of uses complements, strengthen and are beneficial to each
Encourage sustainable development of all uses.
The design creates land uses such as residential use, commercial use, recreation
use, institutional and public use, industrial use and circulation.
Create equity accessibility of all uses to road systems through efficient and effective
road network system.
Create parking system to support relevant activities uses as well as curb illegal onstreet parking.
Minimize the impacts of increased traffic.
Create and encourage safe, secure, and efficient pedestrian system.
Commercial Use
To concentrate commercial and public functions at the several locations of the
To ensure a higher scale and form of commercial use.
The commercial use of the new town will include market, shopping complex,
restaurants, hotel, banks, office complex, cinema house etc.
Residential Use
To reduce the distance of commuting from work to home and vice versa.
To provide residence for town dwellers.
To provide a large-scale housing development.
To ensure adequate allocation and location of infrastructural facilities throughout
the town.
To ensure easy accessibility to various infrastructural facilities.
To ensure that provided infrastructures are in conformity with the plan and are of
benefits with less or no harm to users or residents.
Public Use
To include any development that serve as social welfare and community development
such as educational services, fire services, safety, health care, religious developments,
museums and art galleries, swimming pool and social clubs etc
Chapter 3
The proposed design is a new town located at part of Moro town, Ile-Ife North, Osun State. The
town covers a total of 1537 hectares of land. It is aimed at providing excellent cultural, educational,
recreational, and employment opportunities; safe neighborhoods for the residents; while at the
same time attracts and retains commercial investment in the town. The town is expected to embrace
sustainable development, ensure dynamics, encourage harmonious and beneficial co-existence
while also ensuring aesthetical and economy development are achieved at the maximum. This
town comprises of commercial areas, housing, recreation areas, necessary facilities and
infrastructures, public transport, comprehensive open space to compliment a large-scale
The multi nuclei model was adopted in the design process. This model is best suitable for the new
town as a number of nuclei will be created across specific locations to encourage development
across the town.
Bubble diagram
The bubble diagram is a graphical representation of how the various land uses connect within the
design. It is a drawing which consist of drawn circles indicating space which a specific land use
cover. In the bubble diagram, different land uses are indicated with different colours; residential
land use with brown, commercial land use with blue, public land use with red, industrial land use
with purple, recreation land use with shade of green and agricultural land use with a different shade
of green.
Commercial use
The commercial center comprises of Market, office complex, mall, shopping complex, retails shop,
banks, hotel, restaurants among others. It is important to note that this use will boost the economy
of the environment. These activities are situated at multiple locations of the town and also at the
residential neighborhood. Commercial land use is provided with a comprehensive network of road
in order to facilitate efficient movement of both goods and passengers in the environment.
The residential neighbourhoods exist in multiple locations of the town in order to meet the housing
needs of low and mid density. The low density being 40m x 36m while the mid density being 40m
x 30m.
Express Road
This road is the first order hierarchy in the design. The road covers a width of 90meter while the
actual drive way is 30m. The road has a carriage way of 9m for both coming and going with a road
divider of 12m. The road has 30m setback on both side for future development. This is through
traffic, non-obstruction road. Along this road is provision of street light for adequate lightning in
the night and also it is well landscape.
Distributor Road
The distributor road takes its circulation from the center area of the city. Its form its origin from
the express way and distribute towards the residential neighborhood. The distributor road is
9meter, with adequate drainage.
Recreational Use
This is a zone that serve as a stress reducer and give dwellers opportunity to laugh and feel happy
and relaxed. This use is strategically sited in the proposed town in order to associate and bring the
city dwellers together to share friendship and experience. Thus, soccer pitch, tennis court,
basketball court, indoor game, outdoor game is provided within the recreation zones and well
connected with good road and services.
Industrial Use
This type of land use represents those industrial that will be concern with catering for the needs of
the population of the town. When implemented, it will deal with maintenance, repair and servicing
Phasing and implementation process
Implementation is the most vital process because it is the stage where the project is being tested
and put into reality. Implementation is actualized based on the development plans, availability of
funds and the agencies that will carry out the project. Therefore, the agencies responsible for the
implementation will be discussed later in this section. The implementation required the
involvement of private and private sectors.
Thus, the main objective of Bouhill town is to ensure that the land acquired for the proposed of
new town is comprehensively planned and developed in such a way as to facilitate the optimum
attainment of the objectives of a new town. Nevertheless, the provisions of the plan must be
respected; otherwise, the resultant physical development will be a liability to the present and future
generations of the proposed new town as well as the investors. To avoid this, the implementation
of the plan should be in a participatory way, where all the stakeholders at each point in time will
collectively assume the responsibility to protect its vision and by implication, the mission of the
Phasing plan
Phasing plan is a schedule for Bouhill town project to be executed. Each of the physical
development phases should be a distinct, good urban functionality, definite, flexible to change that
are congruously and economically appropriate for future expansion.
The design and development of the site will commence as soon as approval is given from the
government. Bouhill New Town will be implemented over a given period of time to achieve
holistic results. Three phases of physical development covering a time period of fifteen years (i.e.
2021-2035) are proposed. In each phase, the investors, business and other residents will be
provided an environment that is conducive to living and trading, and complimentary to the entire
Phase 1
This phase is designed to be achieved within the first 5 years of the plan implementation with the
following activities:
Plan preparation
Feasibility study
Construction of roads and drainages
Provision of electric and water facilities
Allocation of land uses
Construction of building (residential development zone A)
Construction of administrative buildings
Construction of health facilities
Construction of primary schools
Phase 2
Construction of road and drainages continues
Residential development (zone B)
Construction of education facilities
Provision of electricity and water facilities
Construction of administrative buildings continues
Construction of industries
Phase 3
Construction of road and drainages continues
Residential development (zone C)
Construction of more education facilities
Provision of electricity and water facilities
Agency responsible for the implementation
The plan implementation will be executed by the Federal, state, local government, private
companies and individuals. The Site clearance and demarcation of new plots by Ministry of lands
and Survey, construction of buildings by Housing Authority and private individuals, construction
of roads by Ministry of Works, Power and Housing, construction of school by Ministry of
Education, Water works and supply by Water board among others.
Bouhill new town will have positive impacts on the social, physical and economic aspect of the
environment and ensure the orderly development, facilities environment that is conducive for
trading, living, research and recreating. The project will put utmost focus on the physical
implementation of the of the plan because no matter the scope of a plan, without being
implemented, its objectives are futile. Hence, the execution of this proposed new town will
commence as soon as it is approved by the government as its working document followed by
adequate monitoring.
The success of any physical plan depends on the implementation of the plan. No matter how
grandiose a plan is, its physical implementation should be of utmost priority. Thus, the
implementation of this proposed new town will commence as soon as it is approved by the
government as its working document. This will ensure the orderly development, facilities
environment that is conducive for trading, living, research and recreating.