GT 68 year old Male Admitted 10/2 HO HTN, DM, TIA, anemia presented with weakness and difficulty walking No allergies. Weight on admission 191, now 173. Symptoms started 10/2 after being discharged from rehab. Initial Labs: H/H 7.7/23, PLT 454, BUN/Cr 44/3.59, Albumin 2.9, ALK Phosphate 348, ALT 105, AST 78BNP 4184! Should be less than 100, Tropinin I 0.03/0.04, Glucose 159 CXR Nonspecific bilateral interstitial infiltrates (pulmonary edema) Problem list #1 Acute anemia, #2 DM, #3ARF, #4 CKD, #5 Metabolic Encephalopathy Last Notes 10/11/21 Acute Renal Failure syndrome Foley Catheter, Hyponatremia sodium to correct 10/10/21 Assessment & Plan Acute or chronic diastolic HF 68 yr old male, HO CHF, HTN, CHB, s/p PPM Medtronic 2/21 admitted with anemia Pt with AKI on CKD with improved creatinine, also uncontrolled HTN. IVF for increased creatinine. Likely from overdiuresis/urinary retention. High creatinine Foley put in 10/9. Recommendation keep it in due to retention Echocard 2D on 10/3/21 Results: Mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Ejection Fraction=50-55% Diastolic dysfunction Grade II. Mild to moderate mitral regurgitation by color flow Doppler. Severe pulmonary hypertension. No pericardial Effusion. Pacemaker lead in right ventricle. Moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Pulmonic Valve: mild to moderate pulmonic valvular stenosis. Radiation History 10/2 CXR showed enlarged heart & left pacemaker in place 2/21 Medtronic 10/4 Ultrasound Abdomen General, Kidney HO Hepatitis, Renal Failure Finding: ‘evaluation mildly ltd by pt condition’ Liver is mildly enlarged. Normal echogenicity. Main portal vein is patent with hepatopedal flow. Gallbladder is thickened. Wall thickness 6 mm, 8mm filling defect in the gallbladder concerning for polyp. Small nonmobile echogenic foci in the neck compatible with calculi. No pericholecytic fluid. No Murphy sign detected. Kidneys are normal. No atrophy or hydronephrosis. Spleen normal. Impression notes: ‘if there is concern for acute cholecytitis consider HIDA scan. Mild hepatomegaly. No bile duct dilation. Normal kidneys 10/4 Hepatobillary for right upper quadrant pain. Impression: normal exam, no scintigraphic evidence for acute cholecystitis. 10/4 NM Choletec Nuclear Medicine Hepatobiliary Scan Impression: Normal no evidence for acute cholecystitis. 10/8 Urinary Bladder Ultrasound History or Urinary Retention Findings: Urinary bladder exhibits diffuse wall thickening and trabeculation consistent with the sequel of chronic bladder outflow tract obstruction. Prostate is not enlarged, but is nodular and indents the base of the bladder indicative of BPH (age related prostate gland enlargement that can cause urination difficulty). 10/11 scheduled for Nuclear GI Bleed Imaging 10/11 scheduled for TC99M tagged RBC w/ultratag Glucose continues to be high read 185, normal is 70-99 1 Had a blood transfusion on 10/11/21 ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS LETHARGIC/WEAKNESS One of notes 10/7/21 Assessment & Plan state: Chronic kidney disease stage 4 Cr rose slightly likely from Lasix hold dose…already received one already that day. COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL 10/11/21 GLUCOSE 78 (70-99) mg/dL SODIUM 135 (135-145) mEq/L POTASSIUM 4.4 (3.5-5.2) mEq/L CHLORIDE 98 (98-108) mEq/L CO2 25 (22-30) mEq/L ANION GAP 16 (8-16) mEq/L CALCIUM 8.5 (8.4-10.3) mg/dL H (8-26) mg/dL BLOOD UREA NITROGEN 66 Indicates kidneys are not working properly CREATININE H 4.37 eGFR AFRICAN AMERICAN (0.72-1.25) mg/dL L 16 (>60) mL/min/{1.73_m L 14 (>60) eGFR NON-AFRICAN AMERICAN measures kidney function mL/min/{1.73_m Glomular Filtration Rate shows how well the kidneys are filtering. # should be above 60 PROTEIN, TOTAL ALBUMIN L 6.3 (6.1-7.9) 2.6 (3.5-5.0) g/dL 3.7 (2.0-4.0) g/dL 0.7 (1.7-2.2) ALK PHOSPHATASE H 260 ALT 47 (6-55) IU/L 40 (5-34) IU/L GLOBULIN A/G RATIO AST H L BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 0.45 g/dL (40-150) IU/L (0.2-1.2) mg/dL 2 WBC COUNT 8.9 7.6 7.3 8.1 7.8 HEMOGLOBIN L 8.4 L 8.5 L 8.3 L 8.2 L 7.3 HEMATOCRIT L 26 L 26 L 25 L 25 L 22 427 426 445 398 PLATELET COUNT 417 SODIUM 136 L 132 L 131 L 130 L 133 L 133 135 POTASSIUM 4.2 3.9 4.3 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.4 CHLORIDE 101 L 96 L 96 L 95 L 95 L 97 98 CO2 L 21 L 19 L 20 22 24 23 25 BUN H 56 H 59 H 60 H 63 H 66 H 71 H 66 CREATININE H 4.09 H 4.34 H 4.40 H 4.44 H 4.59 H 4.57 H 4.37 GLUCOSE 93 71 74 H 111 H 232 H 181 78 CALCIUM 8.8 8.9 8.7 8.5 8.8 L 8.2 8.5 10MG AMLODIPINE OD 40MG ATORVASTATIN OD6 5MG FINASTERIDE 5000UN OD HEPARIN SODIUM 5000 UNIT/ML Q12 100MG HYDRALAZINE Q8H SScale INSULIN - LISPRO 100 UNIT/ML ACH 25MG QUETIAPINE 1TAB HS RENAL MULTIVITAMIN (b complex-c-folic acid) 100MG SERTRALIN OD 125MG SODIUM FERRIC GLUCONATE 12.5MG/ML OD 0.4MG TAMSULOSIN OD IV Fluids 75mL/HR SODIUM BICARBONATE 1 MEQ/ML 8.4% PRN Medications 650MG ACETAMINOPHEN PRN IV Q4H 3 10/09/21 COMP SPECIMEN COLLECTION 10/09/21 6:50 1 NORTH COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL GLUCOSE 74 (70-99) mg/dL SODIUM L 131 (135-145) mEq/L POTASSIUM 4.3 (3.5-5.2) mEq/L CHLORIDE L 96 (98-108) mEq/L CO2 L 20 (22-30) mEq/L ANION GAP H 19 (8-16) mEq/L CALCIUM 8.7 (8.4-10.3) mg/dL BLOOD UREA NITROGEN H 60 (8-26) mg/dL CREATININE H 4.40 (0.72-1.25) mg/dL eGFR AFRICAN AMERICAN L 16 (>60) mL/min/{1.73_m2} eGFR NON-AFRICAN AMERICANL_13 (>60) mL/min/{1.73_m2} GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 may indicate chronic kidney disease. Estimated GFR reflects the MDRD equation and may not be appropriate for all patients or dose calculations of toxic drugs excreted by the kidneys. A GFR measurement using clearance methods may be indicated. PROTEIN, TOTAL 6.7 (6.1-7.9) g/dL ALBUMIN L 2.7 (3.5-5.0) g/dL GLOBULIN 4.0 (2.0-4.0) g/dL A/G RATIO L 0.7 (1.7-2.2) ALK PHOSPHATASE H 300 (40-150) IU/L ALT H 57 (6-55) IU/L 4 AST 32 (5-34) IU/L BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 0.37 (0.2-1.2) mg/dL 5