[Lettertiead of the end-user in the country of end use) End-Use Certificate for Defence-Related Products and Law Enforcement Materials For presentation to the Export Control Authorities !R9fe$nce:nuinber N° 1. ,Exporter/ConSlgne7 ______ _________ L � Country of End Us� _ 2.,COnsigne� __________ _ 3. ,End-Usef;_ 1.Kloodsl___ __________ 2.p_u!lntll)I 4. End-UseI_ 5. ,SpE!Cificatio·o· of the ·end-use lcication of the goods, 6. ,contract or lnl/oice details; ______ _ -I . - ! I (We) certify that the goods described in Section B supplied by the exporter named in Section A 1: 1. will only be used for the purposes described in Section B 4 and that these goods are intended for final use in the country named in Section A 4; 2. will not be used for any purpose connected with goods, the use, development, production, stockpiling, retention, acquisition, supply or transfer of which is prohibited on the basis of: a) the Convention ol 13 January 1993 on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction; b) the Convention of 10 April 1972 on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction; c) the Convention of 18 May 1977 on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques; d) the Convention of 18 September 1997 on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and their Destruction; e) the Convention of 30 May 2008 on Cluster Munitions; or f) the Convention of 10 October 1980 on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects and its prolocols; 3. will not be used for any purpose connected with inert munitions or armoured protection containing depleted uranium or any other industrial uranium; 4. will not be used for any purpose connected with chemical or biological or nuclear weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons nor in any nuclear explosive activity or unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle activity; 5. will not be used for violations of: a) human rights; b) international humanitarian law; c) the prohibition of the use of force as referred to in Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations; and d) the United Nations conventions relating to terrorism and transnational organized crime; 6. will not be used, delivered, transferred or exported in violation of any restrictive measures issued by the United Nations, the European Union or the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe; 7. will not be used, delivered, transferred or exported in violation of restrictions on the end use of the goods or on the export of the goods of which we the end user is notified by the exporter named in Section A 1; 8. will not be delivered to another entity, nor transferred or exported to another country for the purpose of any of the activities listed in point 2 lo 7; 9. will, during the validity term of the transfer or export license, not be exported as such to another country than named in Section A 4 without subsequent notification to the Government of Flanders; 10. will only be delivered to another entity on condition that this entity accepts in writing the commitments of the above declaration as binding for itself and on condition that this entity is known to be trustworthy and reliable in the observance of such commitments. I ry,Je) hereby certify that: I {yve) have the authority to legally bind the end user named in Section A 3 and have the legal capacity to make commitments on behalf of the end user; . all the infonnation contained in this document is true and correct; . the end user wlll comolv with the above-mentioned commitments. Signature: Place, Date Official signature of end-user Comnanv Stamp/ Official Seal Name and title of Signei(s) )n blo9k letters