Money Loan Court Act-2003 (Artha Rin Adalat Ain) is a type of law that has been enacted only to early recovery of bad loans of the financial institution and banks. In 1990, Money loan court act was enacted to sue the defaulters and declared them insolvent. Insolvency Act-1997 was also dispute the bad loan cases The purpose of this act is to help banks and. financial institutions in the recovery of classified loan But Money loan Court Act-1990 & insolvency Act-1997 was found to be unsatisfactory and the government come up with a new law Money Loan Court Act-2003. 6,000 CR 88,734 CR 1,25,258 CR 666.95 Billion Tk 6.2% of outstanding 605.01 Billion Tk 23.04% of outstanding 44.77 Billion Tk 11.80% of outstanding 29.70 Billion Tk 4.77% of outstanding Establishment of the court 1 This section appears that the government, by gadget notification, will set up in each district one or more money loan court 2 In the absence of such courts established by the government, the joint district judge court will be deemed to be money loan courts 3 The government will appoint judges for the money court from among joint district judges by consulting with the supreme court Power and Jurisdiction of the court 1 2 Money loan court will be deemed to All suits relating to the realization of loan of A financial institution can not file a case be a civil court having all the power a financial institution ( Bangladesh Krishi before the court accusing its employees of such courts provided that Bank, RAJSHAHI KRISHI UNNOYON BANK) of misappropriation of money powers are not inconsistent with including mortgage suit for foreclosure and money loan court sale and even public demand up to TK 5,00,000 are triable by the Artha Rin Adalat 3 Filling of Suits and Judicial Procedure 1 Code of civil procedure 1908 in absence of Money Loan Court Act 2003 2 Submission of fee 3 Submission of evidence and affidavit 4 File suits against principal including third party mortgage debtor 1 Summons is required to be returned within 15 days 2 If not, it is to be published in newspaper within next 15 days 1 File a suit with Name, address and workplace of the defendant and plaintiff 1 Defendant will attend on fixed date in the summons 2 All occurrences related to the claims 2 Submission of written reply about the claims 3 Place, date, and time of the originating case 3 Submission of documentary evidence and source of evidence 4 Amount of loan & advances, interests, charges etc. 5 Schedule of property of defendant 1 2 No statement will be accepted after 40 days of the appearance of the defendant On the basis of the precondition of bearing the expense of a minimum 2000 to a maximum 5000 the submission time can be extended 1 Financial institutions are required to file a case only after selling goods secured by a lien, pledge, and property under a mortgage 2 If a case is filed before, they are required to sell with the help of the district magistrate or first class magistrate 3 If the financial institution fails to hand over the possession of the property to buyer, they will seek the help of the court to surrender the property to the buyer 1 The court shall make the issue of the case, if any, after hearing the written reply by the defendant, on a fixed date, and both parties 2 If either or both parties are absent, then the court, ARG, and the written description shall make the issue of the case. 3 At the first date of the hearing of the case or at any stage of the case if it appears to the court that there is no dispute between the parties in the event or the legal matte, then the court will resolve the case immediately. 1 The date of the final hearing of any case of the loan court shall not be adjourned more than once in the context of the application of a party 2 The court, in the absence of the time limit for the disposal of the trial in this section. Payment- not less than TK 1000 up to the 3000 3 According to sub-section (2), the postponement of the deferred expenditure shall be deposited in the prescribed area as public revenue. 1 2 The hearing of oral arguments before the judgment in the case filed under this at will not be required for the judge of the court. 1 After the completion of the testimony of the case, the court shall pass judgment within 10 days The court may order a party to submit additional oral arguments to the written arguments. 2 maximum time limit is 60 days if the court doesn’t allow a long periods. Provision related to the timing Social provision relating to filing suit and hearing Finalization of the order of loan court 1 If the defendant is absent in the court on the date fixed for the hearing of the case then the court will decide the case unilaterally. 3 the defendant shall be entitled to an equal amount of 10% of the amount of the claim within 15 days 2 the defendant may apply for the same unanimous decree, within 3 days in case of one-sided formula 4 Money can’t be dismissed because of any suit, plaintiff’s absence, or failure in the loan court. Settlement of Disputes in the alternative methods The provision of alternative dispute resolution is a unique feature of the Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003. After filling the written statement, the proceeding of ADR shall start by adjourning the next procedure of the suit. A settlement conference means a conference presided over Instead of the settlement conference, Adalat may forward the by the judge of the Adalat in which the parties to the suits, suit to the appointed lawyers or the parties to the suits for their appointed lawyers, and their representatives may be resolving the dispute through mediation. The lawyers shall present. The judge may play a cooperative role with a verse mutually appoint a mediator upon consultation of the parties to to settle the dispute on the basis of corporation, sympathy, the suit among the following kind of person and mutual understanding in an informal, non-contesting, non-obligatory and confidential environment. • Any lawyer who is not engaged in the parties • Any retired judge • Any retired officer of a financial institution • Any other competent person other than a person employed in the profitable services in the republic In order to make the provisions of ADR effective, the financial institutions may pass a resolution by its board of directors empowering the central, regional, and local officers/managers to take necessary action in this regard and issue a circular to that effect. The circular shall precisely contain 1. The limitation of delegated power or authority 2. The principle and procedure to enforce that power Any order or decree proclaimed by Artha Rin Adalat Ain shall be executed by the court itself or another court where is sent for the purpose of executing by that court If the court fixes any time for payment or decrial money at a time or in installment the time limit is prescribed in the sction 28(1) shall become into force after expiring of the mentioned limit time • The decree holder shall deposit the requisite process fee in the court along with paint or the purpose of serving summon through the process. If summon are not returned back within 15 days of issuance, the court shall arrange for making service through the publication of an advertisement • Issuance of the notice in the newspaper 1 1 When the decree-holder filed an application as required under subsection (7) of section 33 of the said Ain the court is at liberty to issue certificate when application Section 34 of the Ain, 2003 provides for ordering civil imprisonment up to 6 months against a judgment-debtor for compelling to satisfy the decree has been filed by the decree-holder 2 The law provides for simple civil imprisonment of the judgment 2 debtor to compel them to make the payment for the satisfaction of the decree There is no illegality or infirmity in the order of issuance of the certificate dated 15-9-2008 3 Civil imprisonment will not exempt payment of the decrial amount Appeal and Revision 1 3 The appeal will have to be filed on payment of 50 percent Plaintiff financial institutions don’t have to deposit any of the decretal amount in cash to the decree holder’s money when any appeals under this section. financial institution. 2 4 For the ex-parte decree, the appellant will have to deposit District judge can receive the appeal or shall send it to any 10% of decreed money under section 19(3). In case of filling additional district judge district. appeal, 10% money shall be got minus 50% money Any court shall not accept an application if 1 • Revision against judgment or decree • Doesn’t Deposit equivalent to 75% of the decreed money ordered • During appeal doesn’t deposit 50% money No need to deposit any security money when financial institutions file any revision 2 • Application for revision within the next 60 days • Extended up to a maximum of 30 days 1 2 Appellate Division allows the Debtor-defendant to file against decree passed by the high court Division If the appeal of the plaintiff is fit, the appellate decision shall pass an order, • To deposit to the plaintiff- financial institutions • An order to the plaintiff to deposit the rest of the amount which was undeposited at the time of appeal A Artha Rin Adalat may pass any ad interim order as it thinks necessary with a view to ensuring proper trial and ends of justice. 1 During the continuity of proceeding for appeal or revision, parties can settle the dispute through arbitration At the end of the arbitration procedure: 2 • The court will have to be confirmed and pleased with the arbitration settlement • After the fulfillment of the court, it will pass the final disposal order of the execution suit.