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Alinta Energy Sustainability Report Analysis

Alinta energy – sustainability report
Any guideline used, for example, Global Reporting initiative, industryspecific guidelines? Why is it using that or those particular guidelines
The Global Reporting initiative aims to improve the accountability and transparency
of economic, environmental, and social performance and has produced sustainability
reporting guidelines. This gives all businesses and organisations access to a
complete, globally accepted standard for sustainability reporting.
Alinta prepares its sustainability report in accordance with the GRI standards. There
are multiple standards by which the company has to abide, and these are stated in
their sustainability report available on the company’s website
(www.alintaenergy.com.au, 2022).
The use of the GRI standards for Alinta Energy is clearly to be accountable to the
community in which they are a part, but also to be transparent to the public. The GRI
standards that Alinta Energy is susceptible to are all the guidelines from 100 to 400
(refer to the sustainability report of 2021).
Any benchmarks to evaluate progress towards sustainability goals.
Alinta Energy has goals and plans in place to evaluate the company’s progress.
Sustainability is a major part of Alinta’s business plan, “moving towards cleaner
energy” (www.alintaenergy.com.au, 2022) sustainability is a key driving force for the
company. The need to achieve regular goals pushes Alinta Energy forward to
cleaner energy for all and this attracts shareholders. Systems and controls at Alinta
Energy assist and track their adherence to legal requirements. Alinta has created an
Audit and Risk subcommittee. The Governance and Compliance Sub Committee
supports the Board by keeping tabs on the different compliance, assurance, and
remediation programs that the Board has approved and by offering
recommendations (www.alintaenergy.com.au, 2022). For their sustainability goal,
Alinta needs to respect the guidelines set by the GRI and, for that purpose they have
implemented subcommittees to assist and to make sure only the highest of
standards are upheld.
On page 8 of the sustainability report of Alinta Energy, the company has a range of
plans and goals measuring different ways of tracking the company’s progress. As an
example, it has “long-term net zero targets” which is its Net Zero plan project aiming
at reducing gas emissions to zero by 2050. Or their Renewable energy facility that
has recently been built and that has started becoming operational. These help to
evaluate the progress of Alinta from a business point of view but also as a customer
(refer to page 8 in the sustainability report).
What are the entity’s achievements, how measured, has the entity
developed internal and management control processes to achieve its
own performance metrics/ key indicators, and awards received?
The entity’s achievements are giving back to their community by supporting them
throughout the pandemic, growing the company and recruiting 333 new employees
in 2021 and also having an indigenous cultural awareness training program.
The most recent award that Alinta Energy has received was the 2 Canstar Blue Most
satisfied customer award received in 2020. These awards highlight the drive of Alinta
towards great communication and care for its customers. This also marks a major
step in the management control process of Alinta Energy, by hiring 333 new
employees helps to drive the company to other Canstar awards because of less wait
time before receiving help when needed.
Alinta’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance has made
significant improvements, further integrating sustainability concepts into its
operations. As a major indicator to the community that Alinta is taking sustainability
seriously, it announced that ESG will be included in its yearly key performance
indicators starting in FY22 due to its strategic importance and the desire to introduce
more balanced performance measurements (www.alintaenergy.com.au, 2022).
The CEO of Alinta further said that 25% of the bonuses paid to executive directors
and general managers will be contingent on the accomplishment of its sustainabilityrelated work plans.
Do measures include compliance costs, associated liabilities
Associated liabilities or environmental liabilities describe the environmental costs and
obligations that a business can face when starting a new project or buying a new
property. This also relates to changes in regulations and the need to adjust facilities
to meet new requirements (Smith, 2018). Alinta uses third-party companies and a
compliance team to ensure that any further developments will be built within the
guidelines. All of Alinta’s regulatory developments are monitored by their specialist
compliance team and other third-party companies.
Alinta does not incur extra compliance costs because of its thorough preparation
before undertaking new projects or purchasing new PPE.
Smith, C. (2018). Environmental laws - About - Clayton Utz. Claytonutz.com.
www.alintaenergy.com.au. (2022). Smart Energy & Sustainability - Alinta Energy.
Alintaenergy.com.au. https://www.alintaenergy.com.au/vic/about-alintaenergy/sustainability/