Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 History events on July 20 MOON LANDING ----- The small step for man, one giant leap for mankind STEP 1 Website :What Happened On July 20th - History for 20 July ( -This is a .com but not .cn, .gov or .ca, so I need verify credibility of the creator. -The author is a editor from EVENTSHISTORY, there is no more information, so I will check for topics and verify elsewhere. -Interesting topic options: -Emperor Decius begins a widespread persecution -Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek becomes History of Poland -Hong Kong Island is occupied by the United Kingdom July 20: Facts & Historical Events On This Day - The Fact Site -This is a .com but not .cn, .gov or .ca, so I need verify credibility of the creator. -It’s a website that everyone could upload article on it, it has low of credibility and i will not use too much information from it. -Interesting topic options -America’s robot spacecraft, the Viking I, successfully landed on Mars. -Apollo 11 landed on the Moon with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. James Bruce, 8th earl of Elgin | British statesman | Britannica\ -This is a .com but not .cn, .gov or .ca, so I need verify credibility of the creator. Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 -The creator is a editor of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, who was been well-educate in the major of history, this website is reliable. -Interesting topic options -James Bruce -governor-general STEP 2 editor , 2018. "1969 Moon Landing.". Source from NASA/NEWSMAKERS/GETTY IMAGES are authority and reliable data sources, therefore this article has high credibility. The article was create in 2018, which is just couple years age. Also, this website is very relevant to my work. It talks about the moon landing in 1969. Furthermore, it’s well written, and very slickly presented, in a multimedia format. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. Who Neil Armstrong, America, APOLLO 13 What Moon landing Where Moon When July 20, 1969 Why Human exploration of the universe How U.S. astronaut Armstrong successfully took the first step of human beings on the moon by boarding Apollo 13 Neil Armstrong and the Moon Landing - Bill of Rights Institute BILLFRIGHTS Editors. 2015. "Neil Armstrong and the Moon Landing.". Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 This website is lack of reliability, there is not enough information and the there is no creator information. I will not use too much information from it. The article was create in 2015, which is too long from today, therefore, this is not a current article. However, this website is very relevant to my work. It talks about the moon landing in 1969. Furthermore, it’s not well written, some wrong detail and grammar mistake could be seen in the article. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. Who Neil Armstrong, America, APOLLO 13 What America's exploration of the universe Where Moon When July 20, 1969 Why America's exploration of the universe How U.S. astronaut Armstrong successfully took the first step of human beings on the moon by boarding Apollo 13 Apollo 11: The Moon Landing | National Air and Space Museum ( Editors. 2010. "Apollo moon landing.". This website is lack of reliability, there is not enough information and the there is no creator information. I will not use too much information from it. The article was create in 2015, which is too long from today, therefore, this is not a current article. However, this website is very relevant to my work. It talks about the moon landing in 1969. Furthermore, it’s not well written, some wrong detail and grammar mistake could be seen in the article. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. This website is lack of reliability, there is not enough information about creator information. I will not use too much information from it. Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 Who Neil Armstrong, America, APOLLP 13 What Moon landing Where Moon When July 20, 1969 Why Human exploration of the universe How U.S. astronaut Armstrong successfully took the first step of human beings on the moon by boarding Apollo 13 July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind | NASA NASA Administrator. 2021. "July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind.". is a professional institution with high credibility all over the world. The creator is the administrator from NASA, which mean the creator had been well-educate in this filed, which means this website is reliable. The article was create in 2021, which is just a year ago. Also, this website is very relevant to my work. It talks about the moon landing in 1969. Furthermore, it’s well written, and very slickly presented, in a multimedia format. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. Who APOLLO 13 What Moon landing Where Moon, AMERICA When July 20, 1969 Why Human exploration of the universe How U.S. astronaut Armstrong successfully took the first step of human beings on the moon by boarding Apollo 13 Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 STEP 3 Did the Moon Landing Have Meaning? | The Institute of World Politics ( Tierney, John. 2019. "Did the Moon Landing Have Meaning? | The Institute of World Politics.". -The article was create in 2019, which is just couple years ago. Also, this website is very relevant to my work, the significance. It talks about the historical influence in America of moon landing in 1969. Furthermore, it’s well written, no obvious mistakes could be seen and very slickly presented, in a multimedia format. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. -Historical significance -one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. A decisive moment in the evolution of“mankind”itself. The success of the moon landing has brought hope to people in war and the courage to climb the peak. Novelty- the moon landing is a historical event that human never done before. Application- the method and technology that NASA used in 1969 also can be used today. Memory- the moon landing is considered as an important event in human’s history. In most people’s memory, they will think about moon landing when see the moon. Effect- The success of the moon landing has brought hope to people in war and the courage to climb the peak. How the moon landing changed the world ( Maguire, Sarah . 2019. "How the moon landing changed the world.". -The article was create in 2019, which is just couple years ago. Also, this website is very relevant to my work, the significance. It talks about the influence on Film and television industry. Furthermore, it’s well written, no obvious mistakes could be seen and very slickly presented, in a multimedia format. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. -Historical significance -The moon landing has offered a visual architecture of the modern spectacle. In the CNN documentary Apollo 11 (2019), unseen footage reveals the visual motifs, cues and tropes that have informed films and stories over the past half-century. The 2019 documentary enlivens the ‘real footage’ by reproducing the Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 actual moon landing in high-resolution digital scans that are fully immersive. Novelty- the moon landing is a historical event that human never done before. Application- the method and technology that NASA used in 1969 also can be used today. Memory- the moon landing is considered as an important event in human’s history. The Apollo 11 was remembered by most. Effect- The moon landing has offered a visual architecture of the modern spectacle. Did the moon landing influence weather forecasting? | The Weather Guys ( WeatherGuys Editor. 2018. "Did the moon landing influence weather forecasting? | The Weather Guys.". -The article was create in 2018, which is just couple years ago. Also, this website is very relevant to my work, the significance. It talks about the influence on the weather forecasting technology. Furthermore, it’s well written, no obvious mistakes could be seen and very slickly presented, in a multimedia format. More over, the article quotes the reporters, it references the articles it is rebutting. The purpose of this article is to check facts, which is good. -Historical significance -The moon landing represented the peak of the Cold War’s space race and, though motivated by martial competition between geopolitical adversaries, the drive to reach the moon produced a large number of technical advances which most of us take for granted today.With specific respect to weather forecasting, the space race was responsible for enormous advances in satellite technology that now provide the backbone of the global observations of the atmosphere required to power the weather prediction enterprise. Novelty- the moon landing is a historical event that human never done before. Application- the method and technology that NASA used in 1969 also can be used today. Memory- the moon landing is considered as an important event in human’s history. And the most advanced tech of human. EffectThe success of the moon landing has brought hope to people in war and the courage to climb the peak. The moon landing represented the peak of the Cold War’s space race and, though motivated by martial competition between geopolitical adversaries, the drive to reach the moon produced a large number of technical advances which most of us take for granted today. Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 Bibliography STEP 1 1.What Happened On July 20th - History for 20 July ( 2. James Bruce, 8th earl of Elgin | British statesman | Britannica\ 3. James Bruce, 8th earl of Elgin | British statesman | Britannica\ STEP 2 4. editor , 2018. "1969 Moon Landing.". 5. BILLFRIGHTS Editors. 2015. "Neil Armstrong and the Moon Landing.". 6. Editors. 2010. "Apollo moon landing.". 7. NASA Administrator. 2021. "July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind.". STEP 3 8. Tierney, John. 2019. "Did the Moon Landing Have Meaning? | The Institute of World Politics.". 9. How the moon landing changed the world ( Maguire, Sarah . 2019. "How the moon landing changed the world.". Martin CHI4U M.Smith September 9, 2022 10. Did the moon landing influence weather forecasting? | The Weather Guys ( WeatherGuys Editor. 2018. "Did the moon landing influence weather forecasting? | The Weather Guys.".