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Grade 10 Research Worksheet: Ethics & Process

• Grade 10
Worksheet 1
Name: Lende I. Trazo____________________________________ Date: Nov. 7, 2021_____________ Grade
and Section: 10 - Arroyo__________________________ Rating: ________________________
Part A. Complete the following sentences with words or group of words to express complete
thought or idea.
1. Research is a systematic process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to form new
knowledge and understanding of the world.
2. Research allows me to not restrict myself to only learning through experience because there
are many things I still don't understand without the supervision of research in the ways I live
because not everyone experiences life in the same way, and we can't create and improve our
lives without the knowledge of research.
3. As a researcher, I must conduct research in order to gather information, learn new things,
acquire answers, and present solutions.
4. Research is important because it influences individuals. Our lives are bound to build,
develop, and improve with the help of research. In addition to that, it’s important because it
aids people in understanding the problem and acquiring solutions in accordance with their
5. As a high school student, I need to do research because it allows me to better understand
the importance of research in our daily lives, from how it impacts the quality of life to creating
foundations for the development of our country. Furthermore, it also prepares me for the
future by giving me experience in conducting research.
Part B. List down the step-by-step procedure, which you will do when you work on your own
1. I’ll select a general problem that is timely.
2. I’ll review the literature or history of the problem.
3. I’ll select a specific problem.
4. I’ll gather data.
5. I’ll analyze and display the data.
6. I’ll interpret the results and state the conclusion regarding the research.
Part C. After what you have learned about research ethics, you are now ready to do the
following tasks. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. As a researcher, how will you observe ethics in your research? List down the things that
you would possibly do when you conduct your research.
What to do If I conduct research
1. I’ll handle gathered data and personal information of respondents with confidentiiality.
2. I’ll ask consent before interviewing and capturing.
3. I’ll not invade privacy of a respondent.
4. I’ll make sure to handle the data with honesty.
5. I’ll make sure that the gathered data are accurate and validated.
2. What would you do in this situation?
You’re traveling in a third-world country. In a village, you’re suddenly surrounded by poorlooking children holding out their hands. They pull your shirt and move their small hands to
their mouth, indicating they’re asking for money to buy food.
The ethical question: Would you give money or presents to child beggars? Why or why not?
Explain your answer.
Based on the situation, if these children are new to me, I will not give them money because I
don't know if it's for them or if there are people behind them who are using them to get
money. Instead, I'll give them food because they're probably hungry from waiting for people to
give them money at that point. Giving them food rather than money is preferable in my
opinion because food fills their stomachs and makes them happier, which makes them grateful
for the small act of kindness. If we give them money, we don't know if they'll use it properly.
Besides that, it is a part of our conscience to give them nothing when we have the means or
capability to help them based on our desires. It's just a matter of our decision.