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College of Engineering and Computer Technology
2 Semester - SY 2022-2023
DATE: February 09, 2023
DIRECTION. Answer the following items and submit your answers on canvas.
If the answers copy-pasted from the internet, make sure you understand as it
will be discussed in the next meeting. Provide the links of the website at the
end of your document.
1. Read and summarize the history of the first AM broadcast in the Philippines.
The first AM radio broadcast in the Philippines was made by the Philippine
Broadcasting Service (PBS), which was established in 1932 by the Philippine
government. PBS was initially created as a government-owned and -controlled
station for the purpose of disseminating information to the general public and
promoting national unity.
In the early years of its existence, PBS was known for its informative and
educational programs, as well as its musical and cultural offerings. Over time, the
station expanded its reach and became one of the most important sources of news
and entertainment in the Philippines.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the growth of private radio stations and the increasing
popularity of FM radio challenged the dominance of AM radio in the Philippines, but
PBS and other AM stations continued to play a major role in the country's media
Today, PBS and other AM radio stations in the Philippines continue to offer a
diverse range of programming, including news, music, talk shows, and other
entertainment content. They remain an important source of information and
entertainment for many Filipinos, particularly in rural areas where FM radio signals
may not reach.
2. Explain the principle behind the use of the telegraph and cite some examples
of where it is utilized.
The telegraph is a communication system that uses electrical signals to transmit
messages over long distances. The basic principle behind the use of the telegraph
is the conversion of human language into a code of electrical signals, called Morse
code, which can be transmitted along a wire.
At its simplest, a telegraph system consists of a key, an electrical circuit, and a
sounder. The operator taps out a message in Morse code using the key, which
sends electrical pulses through the circuit to the sounder at the receiving end. The
sounder then converts the electrical pulses back into the original message.
One of the main advantages of the telegraph was its ability to transmit messages
almost instantly over long distances, making it a revolutionary technology in its
time. It was widely used for both personal and business communications, and had
a significant impact on the development of commerce, transportation, and
Some examples of where the telegraph was utilized include:
Transportation: The telegraph was used by railroads to coordinate train schedules
and route information, allowing trains to run more efficiently and safely.
News media: The telegraph revolutionized journalism by allowing news to be
transmitted almost instantly from one location to another, making it possible for
newspapers to publish breaking news stories in a timely manner.
Business: The telegraph was widely used by banks and stockbrokers to
communicate financial information and conduct transactions, leading to the
development of modern financial markets.
Military: The telegraph was used by military commanders to communicate with their
troops and coordinate operations, greatly increasing the speed and effectiveness
of military communications.
Overall, the telegraph was a critical technology in the development of modern
communication and information systems, and its legacy can still be seen in the
technologies that have replaced it.
3. What is the frequency range used for AM radio transmission in the Philippines?
The frequency range used for AM radio transmission in the Philippines is 550 kHz
to 1710 kHz. The frequency range for AM radio transmission is set by the National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC), which is the Philippine government
agency responsible for regulating the country's telecommunications industry.
In the Philippines, AM radio stations are required to operate within this frequency
range, and are assigned specific frequencies based on the availability and
allocation of the spectrum. The frequency range used for AM radio transmission is
standardized internationally, with the exact frequencies assigned to different
countries depending on the availability of the spectrum and the regulations in each
4. What is the significance of AM radio in the Philippines, especially in terms of its
reach and accessibility?
AM radio has significant importance in the Philippines, particularly in terms of its
reach and accessibility. Some of the key factors contributing to the significance of
AM radio in the Philippines include:
Wider coverage: AM radio signals have a much wider coverage area compared to
FM radio signals, which are more limited in range. This makes AM radio particularly
important in rural areas where FM radio signals may not reach.
Lower cost: AM radio receivers are generally less expensive than FM radio
receivers, making them more accessible to a wider range of people, including those
with limited financial resources.
Emergency broadcasts: AM radio is often the primary source of information during
emergencies and natural disasters, as it is more resistant to disruptions and can
reach a wider audience.
Community radio: In the Philippines, many AM radio stations are community-based,
serving local populations with news, information, and entertainment. These stations
play a crucial role in promoting community cohesion and addressing local issues.
Historical significance: AM radio has a long history in the Philippines, dating back
to the establishment of the Philippine Broadcasting Service (PBS) in 1932. PBS
and other AM radio stations have played a major role in the country's media
landscape, serving as important sources of news and entertainment for many
generations of Filipinos.
Overall, AM radio continues to play a significant role in the Philippines, particularly
in terms of providing access to information and entertainment for a wide range of
people, including those in rural and remote areas.
5. How has the AM radio market evolved in the Philippines over the years?
The AM radio market in the Philippines has evolved significantly over the years.
Some of the key changes and trends include:
Growth of private radio stations: In the 1970s and 1980s, the growth of private radio
stations challenged the dominance of government-owned AM radio stations, such
as the Philippine Broadcasting Service (PBS). This led to increased competition
and a more diverse range of programming, including the introduction of commercial
radio stations.
Shift to FM radio: The increasing popularity of FM radio in the Philippines led many
listeners to switch from AM radio to FM, as FM radio offered higher quality sound
and a wider range of programming options.
Digitalization: The digitalization of radio broadcasting has had a significant impact
on the AM radio market in the Philippines, as many listeners have switched to digital
radio for its higher quality sound and wider range of programming options.
However, AM radio continues to have a strong following, particularly in rural areas
where digital radio signals may not reach.
Specialization: In response to the changing media landscape, many AM radio
stations in the Philippines have shifted their focus to more specialized
programming, such as religious programming, news and current affairs, or
community-based content.
Overall, the AM radio market in the Philippines has undergone significant changes
over the years, adapting to the changing media landscape and evolving to meet
the needs of listeners. Despite these changes, AM radio remains an important
source of information and entertainment for many Filipinos, particularly in rural and
remote areas.
6. What are the main challenges faced by AM radio stations in the Philippines?
AM radio stations in the Philippines face a range of challenges, including:
Competition from other media: The increasing popularity of other forms of media,
such as television and online streaming services, has led to declining listenership
for AM radio stations in the Philippines. This has made it difficult for AM radio
stations to compete for advertising revenue and maintain their audience.
Technological limitations: AM radio signals have limited audio quality compared to
FM and digital radio signals, which can make it difficult for AM radio stations to
attract and retain listeners who are increasingly looking for high-quality sound.
Financial constraints: Operating an AM radio station can be expensive, particularly
in terms of the costs of equipment and staffing. For many AM radio stations in the
Philippines, limited financial resources can make it difficult to maintain high-quality
programming and keep pace with technological advancements.
telecommunications industry through the National Telecommunications
Commission (NTC), which sets standards for radio broadcasting and assigns
frequencies to radio stations. However, the regulatory environment can be complex
and challenging, with regulatory changes and requirements that can be difficult for
AM radio stations to meet.
Infrastructure limitations: In some rural and remote areas of the Philippines, the
lack of infrastructure and limited access to electricity can make it difficult for AM
radio stations to reach and serve their audiences.
Overall, the challenges faced by AM radio stations in the Philippines are significant,
and the industry must continue to adapt and evolve in order to remain relevant and
competitive in the changing media landscape.
7. How has the Philippine government regulated the AM radio industry?
The Philippine government regulates the AM radio industry through the National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC). The NTC is responsible for setting
standards for radio broadcasting and assigning frequencies to radio stations. The
following are some of the key ways in which the NTC regulates the AM radio
industry in the Philippines:
Frequency allocation: The NTC assigns frequencies to radio stations, ensuring that
there is no interference between stations and that the frequency spectrum is used
efficiently. The NTC also allocates frequencies for emergency and disaster
response communications.
Broadcasting standards: The NTC sets standards for radio broadcasting in the
Philippines, including technical standards for transmission quality, as well as
standards for content, such as obscenity, defamation, and hate speech. The NTC
is responsible for enforcing these standards and can take action against stations
that violate them.
Licensing: Radio stations in the Philippines are required to have a license from the
NTC in order to operate. The NTC assesses applications for licenses and renewals,
and can revoke licenses if necessary, for example if a station is found to be in
violation of broadcasting standards.
Spectrum management: The NTC is responsible for managing the frequency
spectrum used for radio broadcasting in the Philippines, ensuring that frequencies
are used efficiently and that there is no interference between stations. The NTC
can also reallocate frequencies to meet changing needs, for example to
accommodate the growth of digital radio.
Overall, the Philippine government regulates the AM radio industry through the
NTC, ensuring that radio broadcasting is conducted in a responsible and efficient
manner. The NTC plays a crucial role in promoting quality radio broadcasting and
protecting the rights of listeners and broadcasters in the Philippines.
8. What are the main differences between AM and FM radio transmission?
AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM (Frequency Modulation) are two different
methods of transmitting radio signals. The main differences between the two are:
Modulation method: In AM radio, the amplitude (or strength) of the radio signal is
modulated, or changed, to carry the audio information. In FM radio, the frequency
of the radio signal is modulated, or changed, to carry the audio information.
Signal quality: FM radio signals generally provide higher quality audio than AM
radio signals. This is because FM radio signals are less susceptible to interference
and provide more stable, consistent sound quality.
Frequency range: AM radio signals are transmitted in the medium frequency (MF)
range, typically between 535 and 1605 kilohertz (kHz), while FM radio signals are
transmitted in the very high frequency (VHF) range, typically between 88 and 108
megahertz (MHz).
Bandwidth: AM radio signals have a much wider bandwidth than FM radio signals,
which means that AM radio signals are less susceptible to interference from other
signals in the same frequency range. However, this also means that AM radio
signals can be more susceptible to interference from other sources, such as
electrical equipment.
Coverage area: FM radio signals typically have a shorter range than AM radio
signals, although FM radio signals provide higher quality sound over the smaller
area that they cover. This means that FM radio stations typically need to be located
closer to their target audience.
Overall, the main differences between AM and FM radio transmission are the
modulation method, signal quality, frequency range, bandwidth, and coverage
area. The choice between AM and FM radio transmission depends on the specific
needs and requirements of the radio station and its audience.
9. Cite some AM radio stations still operating in the Philippines.
There are several AM radio stations that are still operating in the Philippines. Here
are a few examples:
DZBB 594 AM: This is a news and public affairs station that is based in Quezon
City and is one of the largest AM radio stations in the Philippines.
DZRH 666 AM: This is a news and public affairs station that is based in
Mandaluyong City and is one of the oldest radio stations in the Philippines.
DWIZ 882 AM: This is a news and public affairs station that is based in Pasig City
and is one of the leading AM radio stations in the Philippines.
DZRJ 810 AM: This is a news and public affairs station that is based in Pasig City
and is one of the oldest and most respected AM radio stations in the Philippines.
DZME 1530 AM: This is a music and news station that is based in Manila and is
one of the leading AM radio stations in the Philippines.
These are just a few examples of the many AM radio stations that are still operating
in the Philippines. Despite the growth of other forms of media and the challenges
faced by the AM radio industry, these stations continue to play an important role in
providing news, information, and entertainment to audiences throughout the
10. In your own words, what is the significance of AM transmission?
AM (Amplitude Modulation) transmission is a method of transmitting radio
signals in which the amplitude (or strength) of the radio signal is modulated, or
changed, to carry the audio information. AM transmission has been around for
many decades and was one of the first methods used for radio broadcasting.
The significance of AM transmission lies in its accessibility and reach. AM radio
signals are capable of traveling long distances, even across oceans, making it
possible to reach audiences in remote or rural areas. This is why AM
transmission has played an important role in delivering news and information
to people all over the world, especially in areas where other forms of media
were not readily available.
Additionally, AM radio receivers are relatively simple and inexpensive, which
has made it possible for people to access radio programming even in areas
with limited infrastructure. This has made AM radio a valuable tool for delivering
information and entertainment to communities that might otherwise be cut off
from the rest of the world.
Overall, the significance of AM transmission lies in its ability to reach large
audiences and provide access to information and entertainment, even in areas
where other forms of media are not available or accessible. Despite the growth
of other forms of media and the challenges faced by the AM radio industry, AM
transmission continues to play an important role in many parts of the world.