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Latihan Soal Manajemen Inventaris

TOPIC 3 Exercise
1. Nanonisa adalah pengurus pembelian yang bekerja di Syarikat Fotokopi
Changloon. Setiap bulan dia memesan kertas A4 dari pembekal kertas
sebanyak 500 helai sekotak. Syarikat beliau menggunakan 150, 000 helai pada
enam bulan pertama dan 20% lebih pada enam bulan kedua. Kos pembawa
ialah $1.50 untuk enam bulan dan kos pesanan pula bernilai $28 setahun.
Disertakan dibawah jadual harga diakaun yang disediakan oleh pembekal
kertas tersebut. Kirakan:
Nanonisa is a purchasing manager at Changloon Photocopy Company. She
usually orders A4 papers in boxes of 500 sheets from a paper supplier. The
company uses 150, 000 sheets in first six months and 20% more in another six
months. Annual carrying costs are $3 per semi-annual and ordering costs are
$28 per year. The following discount price schedule is provided by the paper
supply company. Calculate:
Kuantiti Pesanan
Order Quantity
100 - 999
Harga setiap kotak
Price per box $
1000 - 2999
3000 - 5999
6000 +
Kuantiti pesanan optimum.
The optimal order quantity.
TOPIC 3 Exercise
b. Berapakah jumlah kos inventori setahun ?
What are the total annual inventory costs?
Berdasarkan jawapan pada (b) apakah keputusan beliau?
Based on answer (b) what will be the decision?
TOPIC 3 Exercise
2. Sebuah syarikat pengilang bertempat di kawasan perindustrian Bukit Kayu Hitam
telah ditawarkan bahagian komponen tertentu yang menggunakan mengikut jadual
harga diskaun berikut disediakan oleh pembekal.
A manufacturing firm located at Bukit Kayu Hitam Industrial Estate has been offered a
particular component part it uses according to the following discount pricing schedule
provided by the supplier.
Kuantiti /Quantity
1 - 99
Kos per unit/Unit
cost $
100 - 499
Pengilang tersebut menggunakan 600 komponen setiap tahun, kos pegangan ialah $ 15
bagi setiap unit, dan kos pesanan ialah $250. Kirakan yang berikut:
The manufacturing uses 600 of the components annually, the annual carrying cost is $15
per unit, and the ordering cost is $250. Compute the following:
a. Kuantiti pesanan optimum.
The optimal order quantity.
TOPIC 3 Exercise
b. Jumlah kos inventori setahun.
The total annual inventory costs.
c. Berdasarkan jawapan pada (ii), apakah keputusan pengilang?
Based on answer (ii), what will be the manufacturer decision?