Teaching Practice Completion Certificate

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Roll No:BZ641869
Class : 6th
Subject: English
Lesson Plan No. 1
Topic :HazratAsma(R.A)
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
After teaching the of this lesson the students will be able to :
Know about the life of HazratAsma (R.A)
Know how the Muslim women served for cause of islam.
Learn about honesty and truthfulness.
Learn about the valour and generosity of HazratAsma (R.A).
Guess the meanings of difficult words.
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book,writingboard,coloured board markers, pictures , the instrument
of modern technology etc.
Teaching Method :
Demonstration, lecture methods
• In the begning of period , on entering the class-room , the teacher will
say Asslam-o-Alaikum.
• The teacher will check the discipline and seating arrangement of the
• The teacher will make necessary changes bvery politely in case of any
• Than the teacher will explain reference and contents of the lesson in an
interesting way.
• The teacher will Advise the students to start every work in the name of
• It makes our work easy and beneficial.
Task of previous Knowledge:
• Through these questions the teacher will the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson.
• He will ask:
Q1. Who is the last Prophet of Allah?
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
Q2 Who was the first Khaliph of Islam?
Ans: HazratAbuBakar (R.A)
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“HaratASma (R.A)
Then the teacher will write thw topic on the writing board in Block letters.
• Discuss the salient features of the personality of HazratAsma(R.A)
The teacher will task students to write Urdu translation of this paragraph in their
note books.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 8th
Subject: Computer
Topic :computer
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 2
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
After teaching of English theObjectives students will be able to:• Promote peace, tolerance, dignity,
• physical and mental health.
develop positive .attitudes towards learning English.
• Understand the importance and use of English in their routine life.
• Identify strategies to overcome the difficulties in English:
• Express their ideas, feelings and experiences in English
Teaching Aids:
Text book, writing board,coloured chalks, markers, pencils,charts,
duster, pointer, models, pictures, the instruments of modern technology,
Teaching Method :
, lecture methods
• In the beginning of period, onIntroduction
entering the classroom, the teacherwill say Assalam-o-Alaikum.
• The teacher will check the discipline and
seating arrangement of the class.
• The teacher will make necessary,
changes very politely in case of any
• The teacher will adivse the students to
start every work in the name of Allah
It makes our work easy andeficial.
Task of previous Knowledge:
• Through these questions the teacher will the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson.
• He will ask:
Q.1 The modern age is age of ____?
Ans: Science
Q. 2 What has given us inventions?
Ans: Science
Q. 3 What is the latest invention?
Ans: Computer
Announcement of Topic:
On receiving the right answer to these questions the teacher will encourage the
students and will announce,Dear students today we will study about
“The ever Changing Envionment Of Computer”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in block – Letters.
Using different -systems
computers and learning their various functions and programmes have always
been very important to me.
ever-changing world of computers.
. Ask the students to visit acomputer lab and share their knowledge about
The teacher will ask .the studentto write this paragraph with Urdu
translation in their note books at home.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 8th
Subject: English
Topic :Application sick leave
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 3
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
After teaching of English, thestudents will be able to:•
ositon,andgrammer of English.
know the status of English as a
foreign language.
Increase their general knowledge and
vocabulary building.
Explain islamic concepts, issues and
to participate in spreading islam.
Highlight the role of English in the
progress of country.
Teaching Aids:
Text book, writing board,
colored chalks, markers, pencils, charts, duster, pointer, models,
pictures, the instruments of modern technology, etc.
Teaching Method :
, lecture methods
In the beginning of -the 'periodon entering the class-room, 'the
teacher will say Assalam-o-Alaikum.
The teacher will check the discipline
and seating arrangements of the class.
The teacher will make necessary.
Task of previous Knowledge:
towards the topic of the lesson.
Announcement of Topic:
On receiving the right answersof topic of these questions the
teacher willencourage the students and will announce,
Dear Students today we will learn about ,how to write "an
Application for sick leave".
Then the teaher will write the topic on the writing board in
block - letters.
The teacher will read theapplication as model reading
and will explain the parts of application on writing board.
Headmaster/ Principal,
Government High School;
I had a sudden attack of nausea
after eating a burger with coca-cola last
evening. The doctor has diagnosed it as
body -4
a case of food poisoning. I could not
sleep the whole night. There has been a
lot of vomiting and I feel very sick.
Kindly grant me leave for four
days with effect from
2nd to 5th
December 2013.
Thanking you.
Yours obediently,
Adil Imran
Roll No. 212
Class Viii.
The teacher will ask the students'to write the steps of an application
The teacher will ask the studentsto write another application
to theirheadmaster for fee concession in their notebooks, at home.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Roll No: BZ641869
Class : 8th
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan No. 4
Topic :Heart
Objectives (About Information and Skills)
•Identify the human heart and its different parts.
• Describe the flow of blood throw the heart.
•Label the diagram of a human heart.
• In the begning of period , on entering the class-room , the teacher will
say Asslam-o-Alaikum.
• The teacher will check the discipline and seating arrangement of the
• The teacher will make necessary changes bvery politely in case of any
• Than the teacher will explain reference and contents of the lesson in an
interesting way.
• The teacher will Advise the students to start every work in the name of
• It makes our work easy and beneficial.
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book,writingboard,coloured board markers, pictures , the instrument
of modern technology , etc.
Teaching Method :
Lecture method
Task of previous Knowledge:
• Through these questions the teacher will the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson.
• She will ask:
Q.1 What are the parts of heart?
Ans: four
Q.2 where is the heart left or right?
Ans: left side
Q.3 What colour is human heart ?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Identify the structure and function of a human heart.
• Discuss the parts of the heart.
The teacher will task students to draw the diagram in their note books.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Pollination
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 5
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To know about the importance of pollination.
• To teaches provide knowledge by pollination with basic concept and
diagram for students.
• To know about the uses of science in our daily life.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Define the term of “Pollination”
• Describe several different means of pollination
• Distinguish between cross-pollination and self-pollination
Teaching Method :
Lecture method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book,writingboard,coloured board markers, pictures ,
the instrument of modern technology , etc.
Previous Knowledge:
• Through these questions the teacher will the attention of the
students towards the topic of the lesson.
• She will asK:
Q1.Whatscolour of flower?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in
Block letters.
Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther, which is the male part of
the flower, to the stigma, which is on the female part. This process normally
precedes fertilization. It is an important process in the reproduction of plants without
which sexual reproduction will not take place.
Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther
of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism,
including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of
the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds.
There are two types of pollination:
Tyeps of
• Self-Pollination.
Q1. What is pollination?
Q2. What is the type of pollination?
Q3. Define of self-pollination and cross pollination.
The teacher will task students to draw the diagram in their note
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Subject: Math
Lesson Plan No. 6
Topic :Fraction
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
To develop the interest of student in learning mathematics.
To develop the abilities of imagination ,reasoning and observation.
To develop the scientific approach in mathematic in the students.
To develop understanding about the reality and apply them in real life.
To enable them to get knowledge content in the lesson.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• .To enable the student to give knowledge about fraction.
• To enable the student to give understanding about the type of
• To enable the student to give application of solving the problems
related to the fraction.
• To understand that how can they solve fraction problem.
Teaching Method :
Lecture method,Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Writing board,coloured board markers, pictures ,models, the instrument of
modern technology , etc.
Task of previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with terms , numbers etc.
Announcement of Topic:
Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Give two minutes to students to notice when we write the fraction there are two
parts: 1. Numerator and 2. Denominator.
The numerator is how many parts you have. The denominator is how many parts
the whole was divided into.
Fraction are written with the numerator over the denominator and line in
between them.
A fraction is used to represent the part of the whole thing.
Q1.What is fraction?
Q2. Write the fraction of the shaded portion?
Q.3 How many types of fraction are there?
Home work:
Q1. Give some examples of proper fraction?
Q2. Give some examples of improper fraction?
Q3. Give some examples of mixed fraction?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Angels
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 7
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To know about the symbols of angels.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Identify different types of angels.
• Classify an angels as Acute,Abtuse, or Right angels
Teaching Method :
• The Teacher will explain different aspects of the by using Text book and
charts through lecture and demonstrative methods of teaching.
• She will using all teaching aids well in time and adopt the question answer
technique in order to maintain the participation and interest of all the
students in the lesson.
Teaching Aids:
• Writing board,coloured board markers, pictures ,models, the instrument of
modern technology , etc.
Task of previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with terms , numbers etc.
Announcement of Topic:
Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Give two minutes to students to notice when we discuss an angle can be defined
as the figure formed by two rays meeting at the common end point. An angles is
represented by the symbol of
n geometry, an angle can be defined as the figure formed by two rays
meeting at a common end point. ... Here, the angle below is
∠AOB. Angles are measured in degrees, using a protractor.s
Q1.What is an angles?
Q.2 How many types of Angles are there?
Q.3 what is Acute angle?
Q.4 what is Abtuse angle?
Q.5 what is Right angle?
Home work:
Q1. Write some examples of Angles?
Q2. Write some examples of Acute Angle?
Q3. Write some examples of Abtuse angle?
Q.4 How many types of Angles?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Structure of eye
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 8
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
Examine how sensory organs and nervous system work together.
How coordinate responses to stimuli.
To inculcate spiritual injury.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to draw the structure of human eyes.
• Develop more understanding about different parts and layers of human
• Define long sightedness and long sightedness.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and demonstration method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book,writingboard,coloured board markers, pictures ,
the instrument of modern technology , etc.
Previous Knowledge:
How many colors are present in your surrounding?
What are five scenes?
By which scenes we see the things?
Which organ you are using to see me?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“structure of eyes”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in
Block letters.
The eye is made up of three coats, or layers, enclosing various anatomical structures. The
outermost layer, known as the fibrous tunic, is composed of the cornea and sclera, which
provide shape to the eye and support the deeper structures.
Parts of the Eye. Here I will briefly describe various parts of the eye:
Sclera. The sclera is the white of the eye. ...
The Cornea. The cornea is the clear bulging surface in front of the eye. ...
Anterior & Posterior Chambers. The anterior chamber is between the cornea and the
iris. ...
Iris/Pupil. ...
Lens. ...
Vitreous Humor. ...
Your eyesight is one of your most important senses: 80% of what we perceive comes through
our sense of sight. By protecting your eyes, you will reduce the odds of blindness and vision
loss while also staying on top of any developing eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.
Eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide animals with vision, the ability to
receive and process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions
that are independent of vision. Eyes detect light and convert it into electro-chemical
impulses in neurons.
Q1. What have you learnt from this?
Q2. Give some examples of sightedness.
The teacher will task students to draw the “Structure of
eye” in their note books and also label .
Write the functions of eye?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan No. 9
Topic :Vertebrates and invertebrates
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
To develop scientific attitude among the students.
To inculcate spirit of inquiry
To develop interest in animals.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Students are able to distinguish between Vertebrates and invertebrates
• Define the characteristics of five groups of vertebrates.
• Identify the members of major animals phyla.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, colouredboard markers, Animals
pictures ,Charts, Duster, animated videos , etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What are we ---------------Mammals?
What happened if we don’t have skeleton?
Can we able to walk without skeleton?
Name the largest animal on earth?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Vertebrates and invertebrates”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in
Block letters.
Vertebrate animals are those that have an internal backbone such as humans, cats and
dogs. An invertebrate is any animal that doesn't have an internal backbone. These
include animals such as insects, spiders, jellyfish, crabs and even sea anemones.
Q1. What have you learnt from this?
Q2. Give some examples of vertebrates or invertebrates.
The teacher will task students to find the vertebrates and
invertebrates in our environment.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Properties of Soil
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 10
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Acqurie the basic knowledge about soil
• Identifies their nature
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to differentiate between sandy and clay soil
• Able to demonstrate water holding capacity about learn, clay and soil
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster,
animated videos , etc.
• Soil pots
• Sand
• Clay
Previous Knowledge:
What they think from where soil comes from?
What kind of things are present in soil?
1) Stones 2) Plants
3) Animals 4) Air
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Properties of soil ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Oftentimes soil quality is driven by soil physical properties that determine nutrient and
moisture levels in soils. The physical properties of soil include soil texture, bulk density, water
holding capacity, organic matter content, soil structure, soil color, and soil consistence.
Describe different types of soil and their and nature and origin which soil a least
for crops.
Check your house plants and what kind of soil in it collect some characteristics
along with it.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Water cycle
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 11
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To develop scientific attitude.
• Knowledge about environment
• To interpret the impact of environment.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to differentiate different of water.
• Able to define different process involve in water formation
Teaching Method :
Lecture or demonstration with charts
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, colored board markers, Charts, Duster, animated
videos , etc.
• Water cycle charts
• Jug
• Glasses
Previous Knowledge:
How water is obtained ?
Is their any difference between sea water?
Why we use water?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“ water cycle ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The water cycle is the continuous movement of water over, above and beneath the Earth's
surface. ... The actual movement of water from one part of the cycle to another (e.g. from river
to ocean) is the result of processes such as evaporation, precipitation, infiltration and runoff.
I started my lesson through question so that students becomes attentive to the
Q1. Describe the water cycle with help of charts.
Write different forms of water according to their places and write also their
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Human Ear
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 12
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• How various system and sensory system work.
• To develop scientific attitude
• Inquiring by students
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to draw and label the human ears.
• Able to differentiate different portions of human ears.
• Know about hearing diseases.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster,
animated videos , etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What are five senses?
By which sense we hear sound?
What organs you are using to hear me?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“ Human ears ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Human ear consists of three parts—the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. ... The
middle ear contains the three small bones—the ossicles—involved in the transmission of sound,
and is connected to the throat at the nasopharynx, via the pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian
I started my student to make them more attentive I explain each and every part
of ears.
Q1. Structure of human ears was explained by me through model and also I
describe how they help in hearing equilibrium.
Draw and label the structure of human ear on notebook
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Science
Topic :Digestive system
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 13
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To inculcate spirit of inquiring
• To correlate knowledge them self
• To describe scientific attitude
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to explain that the digestive system consist of various parts that
enables food to enter in stomach observed and distributed and be related
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster,
animated videos , etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What kind of food you like?
Have you feel different tasks on your tongue?
What happens when you ever eat?
Tell me the enzymes present inside our mouth?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“ Digestive system ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The digestive system consists of organs that break down food, absorb its nutrients, and expel
any remaining food waste. Digestion is the process of breaking down food into components
that the body can absorb. It includes mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
The lecture was given by me with the help of digestive system charts and
demonstrate each parts of the diagram:
With the help of charts having picture of digestive system parts and explain
Draw and lable of digestive system in your text book
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math’sLesson
Topic :Difference of two sets
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Plan No. 14
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
• Improve the knowledge of students understand and able to use the
concepts of mathematics
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Simply the difference of two sets questions
• Link difference with union and mathematics
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Firstly I will check the previous knowledge of statements by asking different
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Difference of two sets ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Two sets are said to be equal if both have same elements. For example A = {1, 3, 9, 7} and B =
{3, 1, 7, 9} are equal sets. NOTE: Order of elements of a set doesn't matter. A set A is said to
be subset of another set B if and only if every element of set A is also a part of other set B.04-Ap
If A &B are two sets than their difference consist of all these elements of sets A
Which are not present in set B. & it is denoted by A-B.
The difference of two sets, written A - B is the set of all elements of A that are not elements of
B. The difference operation, along with union and intersection, is an important and
fundamental set theory operation
➢ Ifx={a,e,I,o,u} & y={a,b,c,d,e}
Than find y/X ?
➢ If A = { 1,2,3……..,10} & B = {2,4,6,8,10}
Than find A/B= ?
After all I will give home work to students for keeping than busy at home in
o If A= {a,b,c,d,e,0,7} &
B= {a,e,I,o,u}
Than find
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :Science
Topic : Green house effect
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 15
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To produce complete awareness about professional pollution control .
• Ensuring the welfare for mankind and animals.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Able to describe what is green house effect?
• How it damaged our environmental fields?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Where the smoke comes from?
Cutting of trees is called?
Planting of tree is called?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Green house effect ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The term 'Greenhouse Effect' refers to the way certain gases trap heat in the atmosphere,
much as the glass in a greenhouse prevents rising warm air from escaping. ... About half of
sunlight hitting the outer atmosphere reaches the surface, where it transfers energy to land and
The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is
absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of
this re-radiation is back towards the surface, energy is transferred to the surface and the lower
Students are given with chart paper to draw the resources of pollution.
Write at least five sources of green house effect and how to reduce than in
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :Science
Topic : food web and food chain
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 16
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To acquire awareness of the environment to engage the child to
acquire basic , cognitive observational resuming
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Define food chain and food it self
• Understand how trophic levels apply organism
• Understand major path ways of energy flow in ecosystem
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Name some animals ?
How you ever seen a snake eating a rate?
What is the ulitimate source of energy?
How you get your energy?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Food web and food chain ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Food web is an important ecological concept. Basically, food
web represents feeding relationships within a community (Smith and Smith 2009). ... In a
grazing food chain, energy and nutrients move from plants to the herbivores consuming them,
and to the carnivores or omnivores preying upon the herbivores.
A food chain is a linear sequence of organisms through which nutrients and energy pass as
one organism eats another. ... Food webs consist of many interconnected food chains and are
more realistic representation of consumption relationships in ecosystems.
Write the basic of food web and food chain?
Write the characteristics of food web and food chain?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: ScienceLesson
Topic : The cell and its function
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Plan No. 17
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To acquiring about have a living organism is made?
• What kinds of cells are their to made system.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Learning about that are different types of cells.
• What are than interval structure.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is a cell?
How a tissues is made?
What a function of cell?
Why a cell is the basic unit of life?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“The cell and its functions ”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The cell is the basic functional and structural unit of life. All the living organisms are composed
of cells. All cells are formed by the division of the already existing cells which in terms of
biology means reproduction. Every cell of our body comprises of genetic material which is
passed down during the process.
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions
of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients
into energy, and carry out specialized functions. ... Cells have many parts, each with a
different function.
Cell Membrane
Is made out of phospholipids and proteins
Site of cellular respiration "power house"
Suicide Sacks that contain digestive enzymes
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Contains Ribosomes, transports proteins and other materials
All cells share four common components: (1) a plasma membrane, an outer covering that
separates the cell's interior from its surrounding environment; (2) cytoplasm, consisting of a
jelly-like region within the cell in which other cellular components are found; (3) DNA, the
genetic material of the cell;
After teaching the students where able to differentiate and also composition
Draw and lable the different type of cells and also write and not book.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :Science
Topic : Structure of earth
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 18
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To enable the students to their about geography to provide real
information about natural beauty relate between humans and
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Layers of earth
• Their composition
• Their temperature
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is the shape of the earth?
How much of water covered the earth?
How many continents present on earth?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“structure of earth”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The structure of the Earth is divided into layers. These layers are both physically and
chemically different. The Earth has an outer solid layer called the crust, a highly viscous layer
called the mantle, a liquid layer that is the outer part of the core, called the outer core, and a
solid center called the inner core.
The earth is divided into four main layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. The
core is composed mostly of iron (Fe) and is so hot that the outer core is molten, with about 10%
sulphur (S). The inner core is under such extreme pressure that it remains solid.
They are, in order from the exterior to the interior – the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and
the inner core. Let's take a look at them and see what they have going on. Like all terrestrial
planets, the Earth's interior is differentiated.
Gust: temperature is 200-400 ◦c
Mentally: temp. is 300-4500◦c
Core: temperature is 4400◦c etc
Draw the earth and label its layers and its major characteristics
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :computer
Topic : Computer Network
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 19
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To learn about the Network
• Know about the computer Network
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the computer network.
What is computer network .
And its uses of network.
How connection is made between another computer.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, colored board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is sharing of information from the computer to another?
Define computer?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Computer network”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
A computer network is a group of devices connected with each other through a transmission
medium such as wires, cables etc. The purpose of having computer network is to send and
receive data stored in other devices over the network. ... These devices are often referred as
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such
as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on
a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared
light beams.
A computer network is an interconnection of two or more computers that are able to
exchange information. ...  The computer may be connected via any data communication link,
like copper wires, radio links, etc.  They may be personal computers or large main frames.
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such
as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on
a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared
light beams.
Usese of network computer.
Make a chart show computer network and paste in your computer lab.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :computer
Lesson Plan No. 20
Topic :The components of computer networks
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To know about of components of computer
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Explain components of computer network
• Identify its components
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is the computer network?
How could be the different information shared ?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“The components the computer network”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Computer networks components comprise both physical parts as well as the software
required for installing computer networks, both at organizations and at home. The
hardware components are the server, client, peer, transmission medium, and connecting
devices. The software components are operating system and protocols.
A computer network is a group of devices connected with each other through a transmission
medium such as wires, cables etc. These devices can be computers, printers, scanners, Fax
machines etc. The purpose of having computer network is to send and receive data stored in
other devices over the network.
Switches, routers, and wireless access points are the essential networking basics. Through
them, devices connected to your network can communicate with one another and with
other networks, like the Internet. Switches, routers, and wireless access points perform very
different functions in a network.
To function, any network must contain four components: (1) transmission media (cables or radio
waves) to connect and establish communication between nodes, (2) network adapters that allow
the nodes on the network to communicate, (3) network navigation devices (such as routers and
switches) that move data around.
Name the four components of computer network.
Visit your school computer lab and do practical work that how the network is
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :computer
Topic :Types of computer networks
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 21
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To know about of components of computer
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Explain Types of computer network
• Identify its types
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is the computer network?
How could be the different information shared ?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Type the computer network”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Introduction to Types of Network. The network connects computers for the purpose of a.
... Computers are connected through network devices like Hub, Switch,
Routers, Network Interface Card (NIC) and transmission media like wired connections (coaxial
cables, optical fiber) and wireless (Antenna)
A computer network is mainly of four types:
LAN(Local Area Network)
PAN(Personal Area Network)
MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
WAN(Wide Area Network)
.Next →← Prev
Computer Network Types
A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the
computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data,
and applications.
A computer network can be categorized by their size. A computer network is
mainly of four types:
LAN(Local Area Network)
PAN(Personal Area Network)
MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
WAN(Wide Area Network)
LAN(Local Area Network)
Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each other in a
small area such as building, office.
LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a
communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, etc.
It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as hubs, network
adapters, and ethernet cables.
The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in Local Area Network.
Local Area Network provides higher security.
WAN(Wide Area Network)
A Wide Area Network is a network that extends over a large geographical area
such as states or countries.
A Wide Area Network is quite bigger network than the LAN.
A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large
geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links.
The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business, government, and
MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger geographic area
by interconnecting a different LAN to form a larger network.
Government agencies use MAN to connect to the citizens and private industries.
In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a telephone exchange
The most widely used protocols in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN,
OC-3, ADSL, etc.
It has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).
Report the main point of the lesson in short ways.
Draw your any one computer network and paste it your network
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject :computer
Topic : Communication devices
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 22
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To learn about the communication devices
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Explain communication devices
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, colored board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is the communication?
What devices are used for communication?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“communication devices”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
A communications device is any type of hardware capable of transmitting data, instructions,
and information between a sending device and a receiving device. ... If
a communications channel uses analog signals (such as some telephone lines), however, the
modem first converts between analog and digital signals.
The best example of a communication device is a computer Modem, which is capable of
sending and receiving a signal to allow computers to talk to other computers over the telephone.
Other examples of communication devices include a network interface card (NIC), Wi-Fi
devices, and an access point.
What do mean by communication?
Which communication skills devices used?
Draw shapes of computer communication devices on your note book and also do
practical work in your school computer lab.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Lesson Plan No. 23
Topic : Physical transmission media and its types
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To know about how the physical media is used to transfer the things.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To define the physical transmission media to explain three type of
transmission media.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What do you about communication between computer?
What is network?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Types of physical transmission media”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Networks use different kinds of physical transmission media, including twisted wire, coaxial
cable, fiber optics, and media for wireless transmission. Each has advantages and limitations.
A wide range of speeds is possible for any given medium depending on the software and
hardware configuration.
Types of physical media
Copper wire.
Optical fiber.
Coaxial cables.
Physical media refers to the physical materials that are used to store or transmit information in data
communications. These physical media are generally physical objects made of materials such
as copper or glass. They can be touched and felt, and have physical properties such as weight and
color.[1] For a number of years, copper and glass were the only media used in computer networking.
Copper wire is currently the most commonly used type of physical media due to the abundance of
copper in the world, as well as its ability to conduct electrical power.[1] Copper is also one of the
cheaper metals which makes it more feasible to use
Coaxial cables have two different layers surrounding a copper core. The inner most layer has an
insulator. The next layer has a conducting shield. These are both covered by a plastic jacket.
Coaxial cables are used for microwaves, televisions and computers. This was the second
transmission medium to be introduced (often called coax), around the mid-1920s. In the center of a
coaxial cable is a copper wire that acts as a conductor, where the information travels.
Define transmission media?
Explain the types transmission media?
Which transmission media use in your school?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : Satellite communication
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 24
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To learn about satellite communication.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To define term satellite communication?
• Explain the uses
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is communication?
To satellite a works for communication?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“satellite communication”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The transmission of signal from first earth station to satellite through a channel is called as
uplink. ... The process of satellite communication begins at an earth station. Here, an
installation is designed to transmit and receive signals from a satellite in an orbit around the
Satellite communication is the method of transporting information from one place to
another using a communication satellite in orbit around the Earth. ... Telephone,
radio, television, internet, and military applications use satellite communications.
It is form of evaluate in which satellite are subject?
What is a satellite communication?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : Bluetooth
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 25
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Student would know .
• Concept of Bluetooth?
• Use of Bluetooth
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Define Bluetooth.
• Explain its function?.
• Use of Bluetooth?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Define data.
Define network and communication
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard invented by Ericsson in 1994 for exchanging data
over short distances using short-wavelength UHF radio waves (Range: 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from
fixed and mobile devices.
The Bluetooth is a wireless technology, used for transferring the data from one device to the
other device. The distance between the two devices is very short from the fixed, mobile device
and building personal area network.
How Bluetooth effect resources?
How it can communicate?
Write down the use of Bluetooth.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : Antiviruses
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 26
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Students would know about antiviruses and types.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Define and explain antiviruses?
• Know about the name of antivirsuses?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, colored board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Define software viruses?
Define viruses?
How computer get infected.
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Antivirus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for,
detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware,
and more
Best antivirus software in 2021
Kaspersky Total Security 2021. Near-perfect malware detection score. ...
Norton Antivirus. Subscription options for one device to an unlimited number of
devices. ...
Malwarebytes. Prices starting from under $4 a month, plus free tools. ...
McAfee Total Protection. ...
Bitdefender Total Security.
What do you mean by Antiviruses?
Give examples of Antiviruses?
What Types of antiviruses software are used in your school lab and PC.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : Excel
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 27
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Excel.
• Uses of Excel
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Define Excel.
• Explain the uses of Excel?
• Starting the Excel.
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Define spreadsheet software.
What is calculating?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to record and analyze numerical and statistical data.
Microsoft Excel provides multiple features to perform various operations like calculations, pivot
tables, graph tools, macro programming, etc. It is compatible with multiple OS like Windows,
macOS, Android and iOS.
Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet, developed by Microsoft for Windows,
macOS, Android and iOS. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to record and
analyse numerical data. Think of a spreadsheet as a collection of columns and row that form a
What is Excel?
Uses of Excel?
How is opend?
Write down its method in your notebook
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : The keyboard
Class : 8th
Roll No. BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 28
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is keyboard?
• What is computer?
• What is input devices?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• How a keyboard is used?
• For what purpose keyboard is used with computer?
• How many keys are there on keyboard?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What do you know about computer?
What is main purpose of computer?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Keyboard is a set of keys that enables you to enter data into computer. It is the main input
device of the computer. It has many keys which can be pressed to make characters like
numbers, letters or symbols appear on the screen.
A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and
other symbols (these are called characters in a keyboard) into a computer. ... Using
a keyboard to enter lots of data is called typing. A keyboard contains many mechanical
switches or push-buttons called "keys".
Keyboard is an input devices used its types
Write down all the types of keys on a keyboard on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : The mouse
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 29
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is computer?
• What is mouse?
• Which type of shape a mouse have?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What is the use of a mouse in a computer.
• How a mouse is used in computer?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
How a mouse works?
Why it is used?
What is its function?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“The Mouse”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The mouse was originally known as the X-Y position Indicator for a display system and was
invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 while working at Xerox PARC. However, due to Alto's
lack of success, the first widely used application of the mouse was with the Apple Lisa
The mouse is a hand-held device that transmits your commands to the computer by controlling
the movement of the cursor/pointer on the computer screen. As you move the mouse, the
pointer on the screen moves in the same direction.
The mouse is most important parts of a computer used to do scroll or other such
Write down the different click and their functions on a mouse.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : The system unit
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 30
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is a system unit?
• What is a use of system unit in computer?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What are the components of system unit?
• What is a motherboard?
• What is a processor?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
How a computer work?
What are main components of a computer system unit?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“The System unit”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
System unit is Box-like case that houses the electronic components of the computer used to
process data. System Unit is the core of a computer system, system unit always is
rectangular case that houses the electronic components inside the computer.
A system unit is a box consist of circuit board,processor , power supply ,storage
devices etc
Draw the diagram of a computer system and lable on a notebook
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: computer
Topic : Microsoft paint
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 31
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• Is it a software?
• How to use Microsoft paint?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What is main steps of Microsoft paint steps?
• What types of paints can we do?
Teaching Method :
Lecture and Activity method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What do you know about painting in computer?
How Ms paint is used?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Microsoft Paint”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Microsoft Paint or 'MS Paint' is a basic graphics/painting utility that is included in all
the Microsoft Windows versions. MS Paint can be used to draw, colour and edit pictures,
including imported pictures from a digital camera for example
Ms paint is graphics software
Draw and write steps to open Ms paint on your notebook
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Addition of numbers
Class : 6th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 32
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is a number?
• What is a addition?
• When to we addition?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• How to add different numbers?
• After addition students know about it that it increases the some values.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
Students should have some ideas about number maths and addition of numbers.
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Addition of the numbers”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The addition is taking two or more numbers and adding them together, that is, it is the total
sum of 2 or more numbers. Example: So, we add 7 and 4 to find the total number of apples. ...
The addition symbol is a plus (+) and is inserted between numbers being added.
For addition, Caulleen used the words total, sum, altogether, and increase. But we could also
have used the words combine, plus, more than, or even just the word "and". For subtraction,
Caulleen used the words, fewer than, decrease, take away, and subtract. We also could
have used less than, minus, and difference.
Addition of number upto 7.
8 or 9 is similar to the addition of no. upto 6 digit
Write down the exercise 1.2 on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Subtraction of numbers
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 33
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What are numbers?
• What is subtraction?
• How to subtract?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What procedure to do subtraction is adopt.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What do you know about mathematics
What is the subtraction?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“subtraction of the numbers”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
When you subtract one number from another, the result is called the difference. This term
makes sense when you think about it: When you subtract, you find out the difference between
a higher number and a lower one. In subtraction, the first number is called the minuend, and
the second number is called the subtrahend.
Understand that subtraction can mean taking away or finding a difference. For example, 13 – 8
can mean, “How many are left when you take 8 away from 13?” Or, 13 – 8 can be interpreted
as, “How much more is 13 than 8?” Understand that subtraction is the opposite of addition.
Know the addition facts up to 9 + 9.
Subtraction of number upto 7.
8 or 9 is similar to the addition of no. upto 6 digit
Write down the exercise 1.3 on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Algebraic expression
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 34
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is an Algebraic expression?
• What do you know about the Algebraic equations?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What do you know about Rational Numbers?
• How to express the Algebraic Expression and polynomial.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What do you know about mathematics.
What is the Number?
What is the Algebraic formula?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Algebraic Expression”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
After announcement the topic we discuss firstly what do know about the natural numbers.
Discuss the polynomial in algebraic expression.
I also discuss the Algebraic Expression is created with a combination of variables and numbers
using the arithmetic operations like subtraction, addition, division, multiplication, and
exponentiation. The term can either be a variable, a number or a product of a variable and
number with an exponent.
The purpose of solving an algebraic expression in an equation is to find the unknown
variable. When two expressions are equated, they form an equation and therefore, it becomes
easier to solve for the unknown terms. To solve an equation, place the variables on one side
and the constants on the other side.
Write the formula of Algebraic equations.
Write down the exercise 4.1 on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : HCF
Class : 6th Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 35
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• What is HCF of a number?
• What is the abbreviation of HCF?
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• What is the highest common factors of a number?
• How it is used for numbers?
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
What is HCF?
What is the purpose of HCF?
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
The H.C.F. defines the greatest factor present in between given two or more numbers,
whereas L.C.M. defines the least number which is exactly divisible by two or more
numbers.The greatest number which divides each of the two or more numbers is called
HCF or Highest Common Factor. It is also called the Greatest Common Measure(GCM) and
Greatest Common Divisor(GCD). ... We can find the HCF of any given numbers by using two
methods: by prime factorization method.
Related Links
Properties Of Hcf And Lcm
Relation Between Hcf And Lcm
The highest common factor is found by multiplying all the factors which appear in both lists:
So the HCF of 60 and 72 is 2 × 2 × 3 which is 12. The lowest common multiple is found by
multiplying all the factors which appear in either list: So the LCM of 60 and 72 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 ×
3 × 5 which is 360.
. HCF of two or more numbers that divides the given numbers.
Write down the exercise 2.3 on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Factorization
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 36
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To develop the interest the of students in learning objectives.
• To identify the factors of natural numbers.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To enable the students about the term factorization.
• Students will able to use different algebraic identity to do factorization.
• Students will able to problems of factorization and simplify them.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with natural numbers, whole
numbers and LCM of common numbers, variables , etc
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Featured snippet from the web
Factoring is a process by which a the factors of a composite number or a composite expression
are determined, and the number or expression is written as a product of these factors.
... Factoring is an important process in algebra which is used to simplify expressions, simplify
fractions, and solve equations.
In math, factorization is when you break a number down into smaller numbers that, multiplied
together, give you that original number. When you split a number into its factors or divisors,
that's factorization. For example, factorization of the number 12 might look like 3 times 4.
Factories the following expression.
1. 7x-42
2. 6p-12q
Write down the exercise 7.3 on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Math
Topic : Profit and loss
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To develop the interest the of students in learning objectives.
• To identify the formulas of profit and loss.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To enable the students to drive the formula of profit/loss percentage .
• To explain the term of profit and loss in respect CP & SP
• They are able to calculate loss in their daily life.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with numbers , familiar with
term cost , price , selling , purchasing etc
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Profit and loss”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
Profit and Loss Formulas
1. The profit or gain is equal to the selling price minus cost price.
2. Loss is equal to cost price minus selling price.
The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues,
costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal quarter or year. ... These
records provide information about a company's ability or inability to generate profit by
increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both.
Write the formula of profit and loss.
Write down the examples of real life for profit and loss on your notebook.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: English
Topic : Noun
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 38
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To enable the students to learn how to speak words & sentences
• To develop the interest of the students in English.
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Student will get the knowledge about the noun.
• Student will get to understand about the noun.
• Student will get to tell about the noun.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
In order to test the previous knowledge of the pupils. The pupils teacher will write
down following questions on white board and than ask..
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. It is one of the basic building
blocks for how we refer to things in the world around us. The other building block is verbs.
noun (noun): a word (except a pronoun) that identifies a person, place or thing, or names one
of them (proper noun) The simple definition is: a person, place or thing. Here are
some examples: person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary. place: home, office, town,
What is Noun?
Give any example of noun.
Define the nouns and its type.
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Class : 8th Roll No: BZ641869
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Computer
Lesson Plan No. 39
Topic : Introduction of Operating System
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To develop the interest of students in learning computer
• To enable the learning of the computer
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• The student will know the concept of operating system and its working.
• To understand about the various function of windows operating system
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with hardware ,software and
computer icons etc.
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
“Operating system”
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
An operating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer
hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user
can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner
An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware.
An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management,
memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling
peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers
An operating system has three main functions: (1) manage the computer's resources, such as
the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface,
and (3) execute and provide services for applications software.
What is hardware?
What is software?
What is an operating system?
Write some functions of operating system?
Write the use of operating system?
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Lesson Planning is a key to success
Name of Teacher : Ahmed yar
Duration of the lesson:30
Subject: Computer
Topic : Internet
Class : 8th
Roll No: BZ641869
Lesson Plan No. 40
General Objectives (About Information and Skills)
• To develop the interest of students in learning computer
• To enable the learning of the computer
Specific Objectives (About Information and Skills)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• To enable the students to understand the concept of internet.
• To enable students about the service of internet.
Teaching Method :
Presentation method
Teaching Aids:
• Text Book, writing board, coloured board markers, Charts, Duster, etc.
Previous Knowledge:
The students must have at least general familiarity with hardware ,software and
computer icons etc.
Announcement of Topic:
• Dear students today we will study about:
Then the teacher will write the topic on the writing board in Block letters.
What is internet?
WWW stands for what?
What is an internet?
Write some advantages of internet?
Best of Luck