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Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Exam 1 Study Guide

The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing of Individuals, Families and Groups - NURS 3381
N3381 Campus Exam 1 Topics to Review
Chapter 1
 Discuss and give examples of the process for integrating evidence-based practice into clinical
 Compare and contrast the practice of psychiatric nursing vs medical-surgical nursing.
 Compare and contrast the Science and Art of Nursing giving examples of each.
 Discuss the techniques of attending, caring and patient advocacy as part of the art of nursing and
give examples of how each of these are used.
Chapter 2
 Define and discuss the concepts of mental health and mental illness on a continuum.
 Discuss and give examples of mentally healthy behaviors as well as those identified in mental illness
that are of the greatest concern.
 Define stigma and giving examples of its impact.
 Define and discuss the concepts of mental health and mental illness on a continuum.
Chapter 3
 Discuss Hildegard Peplau’s theory on interpersonal relations and describe how it serves as a
foundation for our therapeutic encounters with clients.
 Discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, describe and give examples of a problems that fits in each.
 Discuss the purpose of the structure of the therapeutic environment and interpersonal theory as it
relates to the theory of Harry Stack Sullivan.
Chapter 4
 Discuss acetylcholine’s role in learning and memory, identify the nervous system with the highest
concentration of acetylcholine and common symptoms associated with anticholinergic drugs.
 Discuss, define, give examples of dopaminergic effects of 1st gen antipsychotic drugs and identify
important related teaching.
 Discuss the impact of psychotropic medications that cause blockage of a1-receptors.
 Discuss the activity and the therapeutic effects of major neurotransmitters: GABA; Acetylcholine;
Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin. Identify their role in specific disorders, how they work.
 Discuss, define and give examples of muscarinic receptor blockade and common effects that should
be assessed.
Chapter 6
 Discuss and define and give examples of legal ethical issues related to patient’s bill of rights, right to
privacy, documentation, confidentiality, duty to warn, and the concept of least restrictive.
 Define, give examples of the following ethical principles: beneficence, malpractice, battery, tort,
autonomy, justice.
Chapter 7
 Identify the multistep progression of the nursing process, identifying each step and its order in
creating a plan of care.
 Define and give examples of the parameters of the mental status exam and how we might assess
each (appearance, speech, mood, affect, thought process, thought content, insight, judgement, short
and long-term memory, abstract versus concrete).
Chapter 8
 Define and give examples of therapeutic communication techniques including offering self, making
an observation, seeking clarification, restating, broad openings, giving general leads, reflection,
active listening, silence, focusing, summarizing; as well as non-therapeutic communication
techniques such as self-disclosure, giving advice, giving approval, excessive questioning, closedended questions.
 Discuss the elements of the communication model.
The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing of Individuals, Families and Groups - NURS 3381
 Discuss the use of therapeutic communication techniques to refocus the patient who is asking the
nurse excessive and personal questions.
 Discuss the importance and the purpose of the process recording.
 Compare, contrast, define and give examples of verbal versus nonverbal communication and the
importance of validating data.
Chapter 9
 Describe and discuss the impact of a lack of self-awareness on the nurses relationship with the
 Identify and give examples of the phases of the nurse patient relationship; discuss tasks occurring in
each phase and outcomes, patient behaviors/responses and the nurse’s role in each phase
(orientation, working, termination).
 Discuss social versus professional relationships and discuss their impact on professional boundaries.
 Define and give an example of both sympathy and empathy and discuss how they differ.
Chapter 11
 Define, give examples and characteristics of: Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Panic Disorder; Severe
Anxiety and Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Discuss important assessment questions and identify
best 1st line medications for each.
 Discuss the differences between Lorazepam (Ativan) and Buspirone (Buspar), identifying
classification and benefits of each, important teaching, and any noted side/adverse effects for each.
 Identify levels of anxiety and discuss how to determine a patient’s level of anxiety and appropriate
communication and nursing interventions for each.
 Define and give examples of therapies used for anxiety and stress disorders including cognitive
restructuring (reframing), flooding techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, thought stopping,
response blocking, relaxation, and systematic desensitization.
 Compare contrast and give examples of the following defense mechanisms: denial; rationalization;
projection; repression; suppression; regression.
 Discuss treatments for severe anxiety and acute panic identifying best psychotropic medication
treatments for both acute and long-term stress.
Chapter 27
 Define and give examples of severe persistent mental illness.
 Discuss factors that may cause alterations or exacerbate the quality sleep patterns.
 Define and give examples of the stressors involved in the family burden of mental illness.
 Discuss and give examples of paraphilias and identify psychotropic medication and therapies that
have proved to have a positive effect on this behavior.
 Discuss the diagnosis of adult ADHD including etiology, characteristics, assessment, recommended
medication classification to treat this diagnosis.