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PMP Exam Lecture Notes: Domains, Processes, and Knowledge Areas

Refer : PMBOK 6&7 for EXAM
Day 1Lecture Notes :
Exam Pattern :
3 Domains – People, Process & Business Environment – 180 questions in the exam out of
180 questions 175 questions were judged 5 are pre-test questions and the time for the
exam 230 minutes. The predictive methodology is 50% and the Agile & Hybrid is 50 % exam.
10 Books required to pass the exam **** but 4 are essential books. There ae 5 types of
questions that could be asked in the 2021 exam. These questions are not mcq but multiple
responses, fill-in blanks, hot spot questions and matching the correct pairs.
The exam doesn’t come from PMBOK 6, 7, Agile practices
4 Books need to be read to pass the exam – PMBOK 6, 7, Agile Practice Guide & Read a
mulke RMC 10th edition.
PMBOK 6 was (980 Pages) Process group practice guide (280 Pages)
Where I will get these books? Is the exam coming from these books – No It comes from the
Exam content outline. ECO was updated by the PMI.
Domain – High-level knowledge areas that you should know how to manage people, How to
run processes
Task- the tasks Underling the responsibility
Enablers- Work that you have to perform in order to fulfil the tasks.
Eg- If I have to develop a schedule if this is a task tell me under which domain it should fall
under the process domain. For Developing the schedule you need to first define the
activities then you have to sequence activities, then you have to estimate the Duration, and
then put everything together to develop a schedule.
Eg: You are managing the conflict – It falls under the people’s domain because it requires
leadership to manage conflict.
1) are to interpret the source and stage of the conflict
2) Analyze the context for conflict
3) Evaluate / Recommend / Reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution
People – 14 tasks
Process – 17 Tasks
35 different Tasks
Business Environment – 4 tasks
Technological Project
Management 50% in the exam
Process Domain
Leadership 42%
People Domain
(Time, conflict mgmt
mgmt., servant
Strategic & Business Management 8%
Tea Project
Why we are
doing this
project? What is
the purpose of
the project
Automate the
process, Save
the resources,
Manual process
and want to
automate the
process, save
Personal Need
First thing plan
for your project
Is the scope of
your project,
Who Gives you
the scope?
Nobody gives
you scope. PM
has to prepare
the scope.
Business Case – It Is the Justification of your project. It documents the Economic feasibility
of the project and establishes the benefits And values. Does it give an idea about whether
we should go with this project or not?
The business case is the input to the Project Charter.
Project Charter – Documents Authorize the existence of the project and it also authorizes
the PM could to use organisational resources. It is the part of the Initiation stage
PM is not responsible project charter, Project Owner/ Initiator / Sponsor is responsible for
the project charter and hand it over to PM
The scope is defined by PM. What the customer gives/ sponsor gives you / what the
stakeholders give you. PM sit the team requirements are discussed within the team analyse
what is the amount of the work have to perform in order to satisfy the requirements. All the
things required and only things required Once you define the scope, later you define the
schedule, Resources, cost, and quality once planning is done then you move to the
execution stage.
Execution and monitoring go simultaneously.
Day 2
10 different Knowledge Areas
Knowledge Integration
Group (5)
Charter 1
Stk holder
Processes Processes
Mgnt plan
Monitor Closing
Processes Process
Process Group- 5
Total Processes- 49
Knowledge Areas- 10
Nobody gives you scope. PM has to develop a scope Mgmt Plan.
Scope Mgnt plan is a document that describes how the project scope will be defined. How it
will be validated? how would you develop that? how would you monitor? that how would
you control? When he himself controls the project scope, he himself defines the scope,
himself describes then why would PM write the scope on the document. the document is
not for the PM, it is for Stakeholders who need clarification if they have confusion or they
want to understand the scope or those who join the project at a later stage. It Is the Project
Collecting the requirement- PM has to collect the req. Does the scope remain frozen? It can
be changed but the PM needs to take approval from the customer. He needs to make a
change request to the customer. The customer asked the PM for Wooden flooring in the
master bedroom it is the specific requirement and PM writes these in the requirement
document. Another requirement is the Spiderman theme in the bedroom. The next
requirement is the anime theme requirement in another room. The next requirement is in
the kitchen with a dining table and a central gas station. Every stakeholder has different
requirements. All these things are to be written in the requirement document.
Now the stage is to define the scope – Then PM sits down with the team then PM asks the
team if they have built wooden flooring in the bedroom. The team said no didn’t build such
type of req. before then PM asked again Do we have enough resources to build the wooden
floor in the master bedroom? What type of scope is inviting the beds, issuing the windows,
vendors, contractors, quality of work, claiming bills, release the vendor when work
completes? Defining the scope of the requirements is the document is the project scope
statement and writes the acceptance criteria. How do we visualize the project scope? It is
35-40 pages scope statement document.
Examples – Imagine the picture Atlas Greek God carrying the earth/ globe on his shoulders
Can A single PM Manage all the requirements in the scope statement? No, He has to divide
the requirements into smaller portions like a bunch of grapes is as big as a globe. PMs
distribute the work to their team members. Globe is divided into a bunch of grapes. How
many items do we have to perform to satisfy that req.? Proj. scope statement. is a big
document and then PM is divided into smaller works called deliverables.
The list of deliverables is the scope baseline.
WBS gives deliverables
The PM will break down the Globe into smaller components.
Schedule Magmt Plan –
It is the subsidiary plan which describes how PM define the sequence of the activities
duration of the activities how to develop the schedule, how to manage the schedule How it
controls the Schedule, and the tools will going to use.
If Someone gives you a deliverable list would you be able to define the duration of the
activities- The answer is NO. You can’t tell me how much time it will take to deliver those
deliverables because you don’t have activities you have to identify the activities first.
Diff. between Deliverables and Output
Deliverable Is the output of the activity it is the result that you want to achieve. Activity is
the actions that have to perform in order to get the deliverable.
Examples- Wall is the deliverable How do you build the wall and the brickwork, Plaster, and
paint are the activities that you have to perform in order to build the wall.
The sequence of the activities is very important. Even if we know the sequence we can’t
build the schedule because the duration of the activities is unknown.
Efforts, Resources and Risks need to determine the Duration of the activities.
Contingency Reserve-
CostCost Mgmt Plan –
Estimate Cost , Budget ., cost?
35 Tasks / Processes
Total 49 processes
2 processes in initiation
49 processes are divided into the different sections
Planning – 24
Monitoring & control 12
Closing -1
can we attempt the below question If a risk has a 20 percent chance of happening in a given month,
and the project is expected to last five months, what is the probability that the risk event will occur
during the fourth month of the project? Less than 1 percent 20 percent 60 percent 80 percent?
Less than 1 percent 20 percent 60 percent 80 percen
Example – Building a house on land 500 yards
Statement of Work and Scope are different things
Need – 2 bedroom hall & kitchen on the ground floor and 2 bedroom and hall first floor
The first information given to Project Manager is the statement of Work not the scope of
SOW is given in the initiation of the project it’s only the statement given to vendors &
contractors so they can understand what is the project all about, and whether they can
deliver the project or not. it is the input to the business case and benefits management plan.
These SOW, business case and benefits management plan are the inputs to the Project
Charter development.
Another Opportunity – The project manager has got work to build the shed on land 200
yards because she has only limited resources so she needs to take decisions she compared
two SOW and analysed which project will give more potential value to the organisation and
then decided to build land on 500 yards instead of another project of 200 lands.
1. This study aims to find out if there is a difference in quiz scores between students
exposed to direct instruction and flipped classrooms (Webb and Doman, 2016).
2. This study seeks to examine the extent, range, and method of coral reef rehabilitation
projects in five shallow reef areas adjacent to popular tourist destinations in the
Philippines (Yeemin et al., 2006).
3. This study aims to investigate species richness of mammal communities in five
protected areas over the past 20 years (Evans et al., 2006).
4. This study aims to clarify the demographic, epidemiological, clinical, and radiological
features of 2019-nCoV patients with other causes of pneumonia (Zhao et al., 2020).
5. This research aims to assess species extinction risks for sample regions that cover
some 20% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface