Uploaded by Suneel Kumar

IC Design Tasks with TCL Scripting

1) Make a notes of all input files 2) Write a TCl program to find total area of macros and cells belonging to I_RISC_CORE or I_PCI_TOP
3) Create core area a) For different co-ordinates mentioned b) Write core_area to DEF file and observe what is present in DEF file , and read DEF file c) Create core area for L shape for utilization 0.7
b) Obtain co-ordinates for core area with utilization 0.6 and aspect ratio 2 for L shape 4) Theoritacally calculate core height and core witdth for utilization 0.75 and Aspect ratio {2 1} for R shape (TCL progaram) and with practical value 5) a) For any one cells find all these attributes height , width , area , is_hard_macro , is_sequential , bbox b) Find Site row heigth , width and compare in GUI c) Find relation between pitch and tracks 6) For all metal layers form a table for Min_spacing , min_width , pitch 7) Filter as follows a) Filter only cells with attribute is_sequential == true b) Filter only ports with direction == true c) Filter metal layers with pitch more than 0.5 d) filter cells with pin_count more than 5 e) Filter only OAI gate with 2 X 2 inputs with drive strength X1 and HVT flavour 