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Asmaa Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book A

abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Level A
Al-Asmaa’ Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book
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abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
This book has been written to accompany the Al-Asmaa’ Ul-Husnaa lessons in Level A of the Ad-Duha
Islamic Studies & Arabic Program. Each coloring page consists of the following features:
1. Introduction of an attribute of Allah (sublime and glorified be He) in Arabic. (Note: Names #1-40 are
covered in this book, for names #41-99 see Level B Asmaa’ Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book).
2. English translation of the basic meaning of the attribute.
3. Arabic letters have been separated with lines to help illustrate how Arabic letters are joined to form
words. This has been done to help reinforce the lessons that are being taught in the Arabic Curriculum.
4. Accompanying each attribute is a brief description that illustrates in elementary language the particular
attribute of Allah, thus reinforcing the lesson focus of the accompanying Asmaa’ Ul-Husnaa lessons.
Important Note: These coloring pages contain the names of Allah. After your child has colored the
pages or if you intend to dispose of the pages, please do so either by burning, shredding, or recycling
the papers so that the names of Allah are given their proper respect and are never placed in the trash
when in their original readable format. Jazak-Allah.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 1:
Allah—The Proper Name of Allah
Allah is God’s proper name that He has chosen and told us to call Him by.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 2:
Ar-Rahmaan—The Most Compassionate
Allah takes care of us by sending us the
things our bodies need (like food and water) and the things
our souls need like (prophets and guidance).
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 3:
Ar-Raheem—The Merciful
Allah shows special kindness to people
who try hard to do good things.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 4:
Al-Malik—The King
Everything belongs to Allah, and Allah is in charge of everything.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 5:
Al-Qooddoos—The Holy
Allah is not like us: He is perfect and pure, He is the only one worthy of praise, and
He does not need anything or anyone to share in His power.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 6:
As-Salaam—The Giver of Peace
Allah sends peace on the people so that they will be
happy and not afraid no matter what happens to them.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 7:
Al-Moo’min—The Guardian of Faith
Allah protects faith and gives it to whomever He pleases.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 8:
Al-Moohaymin—The Protector
Allah protects what is good and just from harm.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 9:
Al-Azeez—The Mighty
Allah can do what He wants and no one is stronger than Him.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 10:
Al-Jabbaar--The Compeller
Allah can do whatever He wants and no one can stop Him.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 11:
Al-Mootakabbir—The Proud
Allah is better than anything else
and when Allah tells us this He is telling the truth.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 12:
Al-Khaaliq—The Creator
Allah made everything
and everyone without any help.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 13:
Al-Baaree’—The Maker
Allah makes everything and
can change the creation as He wills.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 14:
Al-Moosawwir—The Fashioner
Allah makes every creation in the form that is best for it.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 15:
Al-Ghaffaar—The Forgiving
Allah will not punish us for the bad things we do as long as we ask for forgiveness,
believe in Him, do good things, and don’t do the bad thing again.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 16:
Al-Qahhaar—The Supreme
No one can say they will not be judges by Allah. No one can say that they
will not do what Allah has told them to do.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 17:
Al-Wahhaab—The Bestower
Allah gives us everything we need
and the thing we need most it faith.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 18:
Al-Razzaaq—The Provider
Allah gives us everything we need to live.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 19:
Al-Fattah—The Opener
Allah makes things clear to us
and will judge us on the Day of Judgment.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 20:
Al-‘Aleem—The All-Knowing
Allah knows everything even things no one else knows.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 21:
Al-Qaabidh—The Straightener
Allah takes from us to test us and see if
we will still be grateful for what we have.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 22:
Al-Baasit—The Enlarger
Allah gives things to us to test us and
see if we will share with others.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 23:
Al-Khaafidh—The Abaser
Allah makes low in rank those who do bad things or think that they are better than others.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 24:
Ar-Raafee’—The Elevator
Allah raises high in rank those who
do good things and who listen to His message.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 25:
Al-Moo’ezz—The Honorer
Allah honors with the gift of guidance
those who believe and do good deeds.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 26:
Al-Moothil—The Disgracer
Allah disgraces those who do bad things by not guiding them and punishing them.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 27:
As-Samee’—The All-Hearing
Allah hears and listens to everything and everyone.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 28:
Al-Baseer—The All-Seeing
Allah sees and witnesses everyone
and everything everywhere.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 29:
Al-Hakam—The Judge
Allah judges between us and gives commands
that must be followed.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 30:
Al-‘Adl—The Most Just
Allah is the most just because
He is never unfair or forgetful.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 31:
Al-Lateef—The Knower of Subtleties
Allah knows even the
smallest details of the creation.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 32:
Al-Khabeer—The All-Aware
Allah is the only one who knows
and is aware of everything.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 33:
Al-Haleem—The Most Forbearing
Allah is very patient and does not
get tired of caring for the creation.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 34:
Al-‘Adheem—Most Great
There is nothing and no one that
is even close to Allah in glory.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 35:
Al-Ghafoor—The Oft-Forgiving
Allah does not get tired of forgiving
you even though you come back and ask Him many times.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 36:
Ash-Shakoor—The Appreciative
Allah is thankful and rewards those who listen to Him.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 37:
Al-‘Aliyy—The Most High
Allah is above us all and we will have to answer to
Him for everything that we have done.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 38:
Al-Kabeer—The Most Great
Allah is greater than all of creation
because He is the one who created everything.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 39:
Al-Hafeez—The Preserver
Allah protects His message
and gives it to those who listen.
abdullahiadan@gmail.com 22 Oct 2021
Lesson 40:
Al-Mooqeet—The Giver
Allah has all power to give us what we deserve.