SOIL INVESTIGATIONS REPORT PROPOSED FUEL TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED-NZEMA IN THE WESTERN REGION OF GHANA Prepared for: GHANA OIL CO. LTD Prepared by: JONAH & MICKSON LIMITED April, 2021 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 General................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.0 GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SITE ........................................................................................ 3 2.1 Description of the Site ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Scope of work...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Geology of the Site.............................................................................................................................. 3 2.4 Seismic Activities of the Project Area ................................................................................................. 4 2.5 Climate of the Project Area................................................................................................................. 5 3.0 THE SITE INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Field Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Test Pits............................................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Laboratory Tests ................................................................................................................................. 6 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOIL.......................................................................................... 7 4.1 Ground Conditions and Soil Characteristics of Project site ................................................................ 7 4.2 Strength Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Overburden bearing capacity.............................................................................................................. 8 5.0 DISCUSSION......................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 Site Utilization ..................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Foundation Type and Depth of Placement ......................................................................................... 9 5.3 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................. 9 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 10 6.1 Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX A TEST PIT LOGS.....................................................................................................................13 APPENDIX B PHOTOS DCP TESTS AND TEST PITS ....................................................................................14 APPENDIX C: DCP AND TEST PIT POINTS................................................................................................. 16 1 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The client, GHANA OIL CO. LIMITED proposes to construct Vertical Fuel Tanks at Adamus Resources Limited site in Nzema, in the Western Region of Ghana. JONAH AND MICKSON LIMITED was contracted to undertake geotechnical investigations for the proposed project. The investigations involved excavation of test pits at two (2) locations at varying depth where the tanks and other structures are proposed to be located and dynamic cone penetrometer tests at six (6) locations at the proposed site. The method employed for the investigations were in accordance with what is specified in BS 5930-(Site investigations for Civil Engineering Projects). This report presents the findings and recommendations of soil investigations carried out at the proposed locations for the construction of the Tanks. The report also outlined the work carried out and discusses the ground conditions revealed by the investigations at the project site and recommendations for the design of the foundations for the tanks. 2 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 2.0 GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SITE 2.1 Description of the Site The site can be found at Adamus Resources Limited Mining Site in Nzema, Western Region of Ghana. The land is flat with an existing Fuel Station on it. The description of the site is based on the consultant’s field reconnaissance and fieldwork. 2.2 Scope of work As a prerequisite for site investigations to arrive at a proper geotechnical characterization of the site, as well as arrive at the economic design of the foundations, the following main activities were undertaken: Desktop study of the geology, seismic, and drainage condition of the area. Determination of the geotechnical properties and strata thickness of the various underlying soils strata likely to be encountered at the site during the soil investigation on which the foundation structure is to be built. Estimate the bearing capacities and settlement characteristics of the underlying soils for adequacy in order to recommend appropriate foundation type Recommend the type and depths to which the foundations of the Tanks could be safely placed. 2.3 Geology of the Site According to the current geological map of Ghana, the project area is underlain by rocks of the Birimian Supergroup, Sedimentary Basins. This series consists of Argillitic/Pelitic Sediment dominant, +/Kerogene (‘graphite’). The soil formation site generally consisted of sandy clay with small sized glasslike pebbles in matrix, reddish yellowish brown followed by silty sand fractured rock in the form of cobbles. Rock outcrops are not visible at the project site. The current investigations coupled with records from previous borings within the vicinity of the project site confirm the presence of sedimentary rocks of the kerogene (graphite) type. 3 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA Figure 1: Geological Map of the Project Area (Red Box showing the Project area) 2.4 Seismic Activities of the Project Area Historical records going back to 1615 show that areas extending from just north of Kumasi to the Coast can be subjected to seismic activity. However it was only in 1939 Accra Earthquake that Junner and Bates at Ghana Geological Survey Dept. made field observations to enable a map of isoseismals to be drawn for the whole country. History of seismic activity in Ghana dates back to 1862. Most of the earthquakes in Ghana occur in the western part of Accra at the junction of the two major fault systems namely, the Coastal boundary fault and Akwapim fault zone. According to seismologist, most of the epicenters are located south of Weija in Accra, suggesting that there is little activity north-eastward along the Akwapim range and westward along the coastal boundary fault. Most earth tremors in Ghana are related to the level of activity of the faults. The site area is seismically active. Also no known fault is located within the project area. However, in 1939 a major earthquake which flattened Accra with its attendant casualties was felt in Eastern Ghana and Togo. The maximum intensity of the shocks was estimated to be 8 on the Richter scale. Many buildings were greatly affected by this event, some cracked and others partly destroyed. No casualties were reported for this event. 4 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA Between 1987 and 1990, over eight events with magnitude ranging from 2.5 to 4 on the Rictcher scale have occurred with epicenters in the Accra- Tema area; ( Kato, 1990). Several minor shocks relevant to foundation designers are picked daily by seismic monitors. Figure 2: Isoseismic Indication Map of Southern Ghana (Mawuli, A. 1999) 2.5 Climate of the Project Area The project area experiences two climatic seasons in a year- the wet and dry seasons. The wet seasons usually extends from middle of April to July and September to November. The main season reaches its peak in May/June. The minor season normally extends from late September to early November. The rainfall values ranges between 1100mm to 2100mm. The degree of saturation of the ground during this period is almost 100%. The Harmattan, a dry desert wind, blows from the northeast from December to March, lowering the humidity and creating hot days and cool nights. In the south the effects of the harmattan are felt in January. In most areas the highest temperatures occur in March and the lowest in August. The period between October and March is relatively dry. A value of 25o and 30o are recorded for the lowest and highest mean temperatures. The relative humidity is 75% in the afternoon and nearly 90% in the evenings and mornings. 5 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 3.0 THE SITE INVESTIGATION 3.1 Field Activities The field activities started and ended on 15th April, 2021. The field works involved excavating test pits at two (2) locations at varying depth where the tanks are proposed to be located and dynamic cone penetrometer tests at six (6) points selected by the consultant and agreed by the client. 3.1.1 Test Pits The test pits were done to varying depths from 3.2m to 3.5m. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests (DCPT) were also carried out. These tests give a measure of the relative density of the formation and enable the variation of the soil strength with depth to be evaluated. The depths at which the test pits were terminated are given below: Test Pit no (BH) Completed Depth (m) TP 1 TP 2 3.2 3.5 The hardness of the ground was the main criteria for the termination of the pits. The soil profile in each hole was carefully logged and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were recovered from suitable depths in the boreholes for onward laboratory testing. The boring logs and the DCPT results are presented at the appendix. Bulk disturbed samples soils were recovered, preserved in airtight containers and labeled as the borehole was advanced. The soil was sent to the laboratory for testing. 3.2 Laboratory Tests The following tests were performed on the disturbed and undisturbed soil samples recovered from the boreholes: - Natural Moisture Content Sieve Analysis Atterberg Limit Specific gravity The tests were carried out in accordance with BS 1377 (1990). Summary of laboratory test results are presented at the appendix. 6 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOIL 4.1 Ground Conditions and Soil Characteristics of Project site Examination of the soils from the pits indicates that the site has a uniform sub-soil profile. The superficial soils are mainly lateritic hardpan followed by silty sand with some clay binder. Beneath this is the silty sandy coarse stones, scattered gravel with flaky rocks. The lines designating the interface between soil strata on the boring logs represent approximate boundaries; transition between materials may be gradual and different over the whole site. These soils have plasticity ranging between 6.0% and 10.0%. Logs of the soil profile are presented in Appendix A. The summary of the properties of the soils as revealed by the laboratory tests has been presented appendix D. 4.2 Strength Characteristics The strength characteristics of the overburden granular soils may be evaluated by converting the unit resistance of the ground into either allowable bearing capacity or standard penetration (N) blow-counts. The dynamic cone penetration r, defined as the number of blows required for advancing the cone by 10cm, has been converted into allowable bearing capacities using the relationship qa=30 r (kN/m2). The probe results indicate the following minimum allowable bearing capacities for the soil at the site. The DCP test results have been shown below: Table 2: Bearing Capacity Estimation BEARING CAPACITY KN/m2 DEPTH DCP 1 DCP 2 DCP 3 DCP 4 DCP 5 DCP 6 0.1 180 390 360 540 540 420 0.2 210 390 540 630 630 420 0.3 180 630 840 630 840 540 0.4 150 540 810 630 1080 660 0.5 270 450 720 720 1290 780 0.6 510 360 750 930 1290 780 0.7 990 420 600 660 1170 750 0.8 1440 390 510 810 1230 720 0.9 1890 330 420 630 1200 750 1 300 420 840 1380 840 1.1 330 570 1020 1170 600 1.2 240 480 810 930 630 1.3 270 480 1110 870 570 1.4 390 600 960 840 720 7 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 1.5 300 540 840 870 750 1.6 300 450 870 1110 870 1.7 240 600 810 1050 840 1.8 270 720 690 1230 990 1.9 300 840 660 1140 960 2 300 1020 1080 1080 960 2.1 390 1230 1140 1440 1050 2.2 390 1170 1140 1410 1110 2.3 330 1230 1080 1530 1170 2.4 360 1380 1500 1650 1170 2.5 390 1590 1830 1830 1170 2.6 390 1890 2100 1770 1140 2.7 330 2.8 390 2.9 690 3 1110 3.1 1350 3.2 1830 Undrained tri-axial test performed on few undisturbed soil samples with 1.5m-3.0m depths shows that the cohesive strength ‘c’ values were very low ranging between 45KN/m2 and 70KN/m2 with the frictional angle between 5.4°-9.7°. Generally the decomposed material has unit weight between 18.50-21.0KN/m3. 4.3 Overburden bearing capacity The allowable bearing capacity for total permissible settlement of 50mm of the overburden soil for the facility using the DCPT-N values were determined using Allowable bearing pressure on soils chart (reproduced from Terzaghi, K. & Peck, R.B. (1996) Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3rd edn). Summary of results is provided in table 2 above. Bearing Capacities of the ground ranged from about 150kN/m2 to 2100kN/m2. It is therefore being recommended that in the loading of the structures an allowable bearing pressure of 300kN/m2 is not exceeded. 8 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 Site Utilization The subsoil investigation did not reveal any adverse condition that may render the site unsuitable for the construction of the facility. The site could therefore be used for the proposed project. 5.2 Foundation Type and Depth of Placement The overburden pressures increases with depth across the entire project site. The bearing pressure to be used for the design of the foundations of structures for the facility can be found at table 2 above, at a maximum settlement of 25mm. However, this consultant recommends that a bearing capacity of 300kN/m2 shall be used. The absence of compressible strata at the subsurface indicates that neither total nor differential settlements are expected to constitute a major foundation design problem. Settlement if any, will largely keep pace with construction and that post construction settlement will be negligible. 5.3 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The project area is seismically active therefore it is necessary to consider a seismic factor in the design of the facility and the foundations. According to seismic zoning chart prepared by Amonoo-Neizer the seismic factor of 0g to 0.16g (where g-acceleration due to gravity) for zone 3 may be considered for the design. Table 3: Isoseismic classification of Southern Ghana 9 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the investigation, The project site could be rated as a competent and suitable for the proposed project. The ground at the site is underlain by the lateritic hardpan followed by silty sand with some clay binder. Beneath this is the silty sandy coarse stones, scattered gravel with flaky rocks. The foundation of the proposed structures will be founded within the dense formation. Isolated pad foundations could be adopted. A bearing capacity of 300kN/m2 shall be used for the design of the isolated pad foundation which shall be placed at a least depth of 1.8m from the ground level. Mat foundations could also be adopted for the vertical tanks, where a bearing capacity of 250kN/m2 shall be used for the design and foundations placed at the least depth of 0.75m, after the excavated foundations have been filled with crushed rocks and lateritic fill material and compacted to 95% maximum dry density MDD. A seismic gravity acceleration factor of 0.16g is proposed for the design of the foundations to cater for seismic shocks. Excavation shall be done without lateral support. This is because collapse of side wall is not expected due to the level of densification of the soil. Based on the moist nature of the soil and the soil chemistry, a likely reaction against concrete and steel may be expected. The use of relatively dense/rich concrete mix for the foundation structures with liberal cover to reinforcement shall be adhered to. 10 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA 6.1 Disclaimer The recommendations given are based on conditions encountered during the field investigations. There may be special conditions prevailing at the site, though unlikely, which may not have been disclosed by the investigations. Such special conditions should they be discovered be brought to the notice of the author of this report without delay. 11 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA References: 1. Nayal, N.V Foundation Design Manual for Practicing Engineers and Civil Engineering Students, 4th Edition. 2. Khan,I.H Text book of Geotechnical Engineering, 2nd Edition. 3. Som, N.N and Das,S.C Theory and Practice of Foundation Design 4. Braja M. Das Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 7th Edition. 12 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA APPENDIX A TEST PIT LOGS 13 TP 1 PROJECT: PROPOSED VERTICAL TANKS INSTALLATION Equipment & Methods DCP CLIENT: Drilling Progress Water return Date Completed: GOIL 15/04/2021 15/04/2021 Ground Level: Rock Quality discontinu ities f Cr r Core run Thick ness (m) Depth (m) Orientation vertical Casing Hole Diameter: 150mm ADAMUS RESOURCES NZEMA Date Begun: LOCATION: description O.D Level (m) Legend 0.0 Firm to hard, moist, reddish brown, yellowish brown, silty gravelly SAND, hardpan noodles preserved 0.7 Firm, moist, dark, brownish, silty SAND with clay binder 2.2 Dense, moist, dark brown, yellowish brown, greyish brown silty sand, fractured rocks in the form of cobbles 3.2 End of Excavation Remarks: LEGEND: Cr - Percentage Core Recovery Ground water found at 3.0m r - Rock Quality Designation f - No of fracture per metre Sheet 1 of 1 Logged by THOMAS Checked by AUGUSTUS TP 2 PROJECT: PROPOSED VERTICAL TANKS INSTALLATION Equipment & Methods DCP CLIENT: Drilling Progress Water return Date Completed: GOIL 15/04/2021 15/04/2021 Ground Level: Rock Quality discontinu ities f Cr r Core run Thick ness (m) Depth (m) Orientation vertical Casing Hole Diameter: 150mm ADAMUS RESOURCES NZEMA Date Begun: LOCATION: description O.D Level (m) Legend 0.0 Hard, moist, dark, brownish, yellowish brown, mottled gravelly clay, cobbles/gravels in soil 0.7 Firm, moist, dark, brownish, mottled silty SAND, coarse stones, scattered gravels with rock flakes 1.7 Dense, moist, brownish, yellowish brown, greyish brown silty sand, fractured rocks in the form of cobbles 3.5 End of Excavation Remarks: LEGEND: Cr - Percentage Core Recovery Ground water found at 3.0m r - Rock Quality Designation f - No of fracture per metre Sheet 1 of 1 Logged by THOMAS Checked by AUGUSTUS PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA APPENDIX B PHOTOS DCP TESTS AND TEST PITS DCP TESTS TEST PITS 14 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA GOIL AND ADAMUS RESOURCES TEAM 15 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA APPENDIX C: DCP AND TEST PIT POINTS 7M TP1 1 3 24M 2 5M 57M 36M 6 35M 7M 5 4 8M TP2 10M 10M ENTRY 16 PROPOSED TANKS INSTALLATION AT ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED IN NZEMA APPENDIX D TEST RESULTS 17 project: PROPOSED VERTICAL TANKS INSTALLATION client: GOIL Location: ADAMUS RESOURCES LIMITED-NZEMA Depth: SUMMARY OF TESTS RESULTS Test Pit No. No.1 No.2 Depth (m) 2.2-3.2 1.7-3.5 Liquid Limit (%) 28 32 Plasticity Index (%) 10 12 Particle Size Distribution(%) NMC 7 6 Clay 14 20 Silt 17 18 Sand 25 29 Specific Gravity Gravel 44 32 2.6 2.65