HSD TANKER UNLOADING PUMP SIZING CALCULATIONS Contract No- Ranceb-Goil-E&D-01 Status of Revision 1. 2. 3. APPROVE COMMENTS REVIEW & COMMENTS PROJET-MODIFICATION /UP GRADATION IN THE FACILITY AT ADAMUS MINES RANCEB E&C PROJECTS LTD. CLIENT CODE GOIL COMPANY LIMITED DOCUMENT GT-P-I-003 CALCULATIONS 0 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL ABA NS NG 16.06.2021 Rev. Description Made by Checked by Approved by Date HISTORY OF CHANGES REV. DATE SECTION / PARAGRAPH AFFECTED INITIAL DOCUMENT REASON/S FOR CHANGE/MODIFICATION 0 16.06.2021 N/A First issue HSD TANKER UNLOADING PUMP SIZING CALCULATIONS CLIENT:- GOIL COMPANY LIMITED CONTRACTOR:- RANCEB E&C PROJECTS LTD. CONSULTANT:- GLADIUS TECHNOLOGIES MODIFICATION OF EXISTING FUEL DUMP PROJECT:- AT ADAMUS MINES 0 16.06.2021 FOR APPROVAL REV. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION AS NS PREP. BY CHKD. BY NG APP.BY Page 1 of 8 Objectives - To calculate the System Differential Pressure To determine the Net Positive Suction Head Avaliable in the system To determine the required Brake Horsepower To select a suitable Motor Horse Power rating for the Pump Basics - Diesel Transfer Pumps are positive displacement pumps - Specific gravity of Diesel is 0.84 - 0.89; Used value is 0.85 - Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2 Hydraulic Diameter = 0.0508 m (2 in) Suction Pipe length is 1 m. Discharge pipe length is 4.27 m Discharge Vessel Elevation head is 4 m Specific roughness of pipe material is 0.00004572 m References 1. API 676: Positive Displacement Pumps, Rotary 2. CRANE: Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe Page 2 of 8 DEFINITION OF TERMS ∆P - Differential Pressure BHP - Brake Horsepower D - Hydraulic Diameter f - Darcy Friction factor g - Gravitational Acceleration hf - Head losses due to friction hp - Pressure head in vessel HHP - Hydraulic Horse Power hvp - Vapour Pressure Head K - Resistance Coefficients for pipe fittings l - Straight pipe length NPSHa OD - Net Positive Suction Head Available - Outside Diameter of Pipe P - Pressure in Vessel Q - Flow Rate Re - Reynold's Number SG - Specific Gravity V - Velocity Z - Elevation Head ε - Absolute Roughness ѵ - Kinematic Viscosity Page 3 of 8 SUCTION SIDE 0.00278 m3/s Flow Rate (Q) = Specific Gravity = 0.85 Hydraulic Diameter (D) = 0.08 m Suction Head Calculation Suction vessel pressure head (hp) + Elevation head (Z) - Friction Head (hf) Parameters Suction Vessel Pressure (P) 1.0135 bar = Kinematic Viscosity (ν) = Specific Roughness (Є) = Pipe Length (L) = (Atm) 4.09000E-06 m2/s 0.00004572 m 15 m (below pump suction) Suction Vessel Pressure Head (hp) = 12.154 m Elevation Head = 3 m Friction Head Head Loss in Pipe length (m) Average Velocity - V = 0.552621772 m/s2 Reynolds Number, Re = 10809.22782 Darcy Friction Factor,f = 0.031342116 Head loss in pipe length (m) = 0.091 2.382000818 m Head loss in fittings (m) 2 Reducers K = 2 Ball Valves K = 0.062684232 6 Elbows K = 6.143054741 2 Entrance K = 0.062684232 Total K for fittings = 8.650424023 Total Head loss in fittings = 0.004 Friction Head Total Suction Head 1 90Oelbow, 1 45O deg elbow) m = 0.096 m = 15.059 m Page 4 of 8 DISCHARGE SIDE 0.00278 m3/s Flow Rate (Q) = Specific Gravity = 0.85 Hydraulic Diameter (D) = 0.065 m Discharge Head Calculation Discharge vessel pressure head (hp) + Elevation head (Z) + Friction Head (hf) Parameters Discharge Vessel Pressure (P) = Kinematic Viscosity (ν) = Specific Roughness (ε) = Pipe Length (L) = 1.0135 bar (Atm) 4.09000E-06 m2/s 0.00004572 30 m Discharge Vessel Pressure Head = 12.154 m Elevation Head = 7 m = 0.502 m = 19.656 m Friction Head Head Loss in Pipe length (m) Average Velocity - V = 0.837108 m/s2 Reynolds Number = 13303.67 Darcy Friction Factor = 0.030051 = 0.495 Head loss in pipe length (m) m Head loss in fittings (m) 6 Elbows K = 5.889994 2 Exit K = 0.060102 2 Check Valve K = 0.060102 2 Ball Valve K = 0.060102 Total K for fittings = 6.0703 Total Head loss in fittings = 0.007 Friction Head Total Discharge Head m Page 5 of 8 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Total Dynamic Head = Total Discharge Head - Total Suction Head = 4.598 m Pressure Differential = 0.4 bar Hydrualic Horse Power (HHP) = Pump Efficiency = 75 Brake Horse Power = 14.81483 19.86698 hp Rated Horse power = 17.03705 22.84703 hp 11.11112 kW 14.90023 hp % 25 HP Rated Motor Nameplate HP Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHa) Suction vessel pressure head (hp) + Elevation head (Z) - Friction Head (hf)-Vapour Pressure Head(hvp) Vapour pressure of liquid = 0.011 bar Vapour pressure head of liquid = 0.132 m NPSHa = 14.93 m Page 6 of 8 Appendix 1 SUMMARY OF FORMULAE USED Pressure Head (converting from bar to m) Liquid Velocity Reynold's Number h(m) P (bar ) SG 0 .0981 V 4Q D 2 Re VD f 64 Re when Re< 3000 Darcy Friction factor 0 . 25 f 5 . 74 ln 3 . 7 D Re 0 . 9 (Swamee-Jain solution to Darcy friction formular) 2 when Re>3000 Friction losses in straight pipe Friction losses in fittings l V2 hf f D 2g hf f Total Head (Suction/Discharge) Differential Pressure V2 K 2g hp Z h f P 0.0981 TDH SG Hydraulic Horsepower (Watts) HHP Q P Brake Horsepower BHP Rated Horsepower Net Positive Suction Head Available (P in kPa) HHP 1.15 BHP NPSHa h p Z h f hvp Page 7 of 8 Appendix 2 Page 8 of 8