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Student Holidays & Italian Meals: Essay & Report

Page 156
In my opinion students should have longer summer holiday because during autumn, winter, and
spring they always go to school, it is a long time and a lot of times on springs students are very
tired e and many of them stop to study.
Therefore, I think that with long holidays students can reduce fatigue
But in my opinion during Holidays students must do some leisure activities organized by school,
because in this way the students don’t lose the constancy in the study.
Also, leisure activities can expand the personal skill of each student, this could help them to find a
job in futures
In my opinion increasing holidays, but at the same time having students do leisure activities, could
improve student performance by reducing stress.
while in according to my idea increasing the duration of the terms could only increase stress and a
reduction of the study
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The aim of this report is to describe what type of meals people eat in my country.
Usually, we have 3 meals in a day.
In the early morning around 7:30 we have breakfast; young people prefer drinking cholate milk
while older people most of time drink only a coffe.
But I would recommend drinking an orange juice which is a healthy drink.
At lunch usually young and older people eat the same food.
The most popular meal at lunchtime is pasta with tomato sauce, a slice of grilled meat with
vegetables, such as zucchini, or eggplant.
I personally recommend “lasagna” a typical food of south Italy, it’s made with tomatoes meat and
In the evening there are different times for dinner according to the different areas of Italy.
Young people most of the time eat meat with vegetables while older people eat vegetable soup.
A typical dinner dish is the meat soup with “tortellini” is very delicious and it’s very light.
In Italy we have a lot of different types of foods, and they are all very tasty, so I recommend to try
as many different dishes as possible.