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Mother Ignacia: Gifts, Mission, and Virtues

Name: Elaine Angelle M. Maranan
Subject: IFP
Year & Section: MLS 1B
Date: 01/26/2023
Main Idea
Mother Ignacia uses her Mother Ignacia devoted her
gifts to serve others.
entire life to serving God
and all of God's creations
across the world. She was
well aware that the gifts she
had may help others.
Mother Ignacia makes use She was blessed with the
of her gifts to determine the gift of grace as well as the
course of her life's mission. gift of nature, and these
were two of the many gifts
received. She was able to
see how kind and giving
God is through her own
generosity, and as a result,
she felt compelled to offer
herself to the Lord as a kind
of gratitude for all the things
she had been given.
However, Mother Ignacia
never intended to serve a
spouse; rather, she wanted
to serve many people,
particularly those who were
being treated terribly by the
Spanish colonial authorities
during her time period. Her
parents urged her to get
married, but she refused to
do so. She is well aware
that she possesses the
abilities and the potential to
be of service to others, and
as a result, she makes use
of these qualities in order to
offer something back in
exchange for what has
been given to her. Since
she was aware that she
had been blessed from
birth, she made it her
mission to assist others
who had not.
Everyone in this world has
a purpose, and in order to
fulfill that purpose well, one
must first understand what
that purpose is. In the
instance of Mother Ignacia,
it was possible for her to
understand what role she is
supposed to play in the
course of her life because
of the gifts she received.
Because of her mother's
demonstrated humility and
a profound relationship with
God despite her young age.
She was raised in a family
that is extremely fortunate,
Holy Mother Ignacia is a At the early stage of the
model of human values and formation of our Christian
Christian virtues.
faith, the Filipinos were
considered still immature to
be able to transcend their
faith to an expression of
loving God to the fullest and
in total commitment.
but she was also raised in a
culture that is rife with
inequality and is plagued by
conflict. She was on a
mission to be of service to
God and to His creation by
the compassion and care
that she showed toward
other people.
Through Mother Ignacia's
courage, discernment and
strong faith in God she has
proved to the ruling race of
Spaniards in the country
that God’s love is for
everybody, that God's call
to love is for all races and
the full expression of faith in
service is for all cultures.
And that God's mercy
knows no categorized
maneuvering, and religious
dominance. Everybody is
called to the Christian life.
Everybody is called to a life
of holiness. We have Holy
Mother Ignacia as an
example to imitate and
emulate. She had shown us
that a Filipino heart is
capable of loving God
above all things. And with
God's power we have the
strength to overcome the
forces from within and
without that weaken us in
our desire to do what
Mother Ignacia did, and to
move on in our life journey
with the Lord and with one
Mother Ignacia was a
throughout her time, and
she served as a role model
for them.
Mother Ignacia was a
uncommon attributes, such
as an uplifting personality
and a healthy helping of
common sense when it
came to interacting with
other people. Women are
inspired to adopt her selfdenying and self-sacrificing
way of life because of her
exemplary behavior.
Her life of goodness and This
loving service had attracted appreciation for her had
people around her.
been returned to the Lord of
goodness and this she
service of others. She
remained free and humble.
As the Foundress of the
community of women, the
Beatas looked up to her as
a leader with all the Godgiven qualities of a good
woman-leader. She paved
the way for Filipino women
in her time to express their
faith and love for God
through a life of prayer and
The qualities that Mother
Ignacia had during the
Spanish Colonial Era was
not something most women
had during the time. All of
the women wanted to live a
life devoid of sacrifices and
only marry a man that can
sustain their way of living.
However, Mother Ignacia
was not similar to those
women. She doesn't want
to get married and she
wants to work hard in order
the women and somewhat
made a call for feminism
and that time.
She opted to use this power
to lead to bring others to
deeper spiritual living,
sincere humanitarian love
for the underprivileged of
her time and to exude the
compassion of Jesus to
every member of her
preferences. Such was her
spiritual influence.